S05 Rob Grant Telephone Identifier - BT Contemporary
S05 Rob Grant Telephone Identifier - BT Contemporary
S05 Rob Grant Telephone Identifier - BT Contemporary
Section 5
BT Special Range Telephones
This range of telephones was introduced in 1978. It provided customers with a further
choice of instrument types beyond those already listed in section 4 (unless otherwise
stated). The instruments in this range were expected to have a shorter market life than
those previously marketed... ‘generally following fashion, novelty and the latest technically
innovative concepts’ [POEEJ V74 p241]. The range comprised telephone instruments from
many different countries. New instruments were added or removed during the following
Model Numbers
Careful study of the model numbers for instruments in the Special Range can provide in-
formation not only on the actual model type but also the facilities offered. The prefix ‘SR’
stands for Special Range. The suffixes A - D are as follows:-
R = Earth Recall.
RR = Register Recall (Timed Break).
AR = Alternative Recall (Earth or Timed Break).
The Yeoman
This was the new name for the Tele 8746 which was a new PSTN version of the Tele 746.
As well as the old range of colours a Brown model was also available.
This section sees the Special range evolve into the present day range of BT Telephones.
Fig 5-05
Ericofon 700
Fig 5-12
Deltaphone Deluxe Fig 5-16 Rhapsody
Fig 5-10 Eiger
Fig 5-21
Mickey SC
Fig 5-20
Fig 5-22 Genie
Fig 5-34
Fig 5-33 Ambassador SC
Ambassador LD (basic version)
Fig 5-32 Picturephone
BT Special Range Telephones
Issue 3 Section 5 Page 8
The Rob Grant (Vaguely British) Telephone Identifier
Fig 5-50
Fig 5-40 Viscount
Fig 5-60
Fig 5-61 Microtel
Fig 5-71
Fig 5-68 Fig 5-70 Vanguard 10
Renown Vanguard
Fig 5-74
Fig 5-72 Kirk 30
Fig 5-90
Duet 50/100
Fig 5-82
Fig 5-80 Minstrel Plus React 320
Fig 5-100
Relate 1000
(Caller Display)
Fig 5-101
Fig 5-99 Relate 2000 (Videophone)
Relate 400
Fig 5-107
Fig 5-105 Converse 250
Fig 5-106 Converse 300 Converse 400
Fig 5-111
Fig 5-112
Response 120
Response 150