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The text contains prayers, rituals and passages in the Yoruba language related to Ifa/Orisha tradition. It mentions various Orisha, rituals like the 16 Meyis, body parts and their names in Yoruba, and prayers addressed to spirits.

Some of the prayers and rituals mentioned include rezos (prayers) addressed to Orunla, Ekuele, the warriors (Eshu, Oggun, Ochosi, Ozun), the 16 Meyis ritual, and a prayer to spirits/ancestors called Eggun.

Some body parts mentioned include the forehead (ago ory), throat (alkoba tuto), back of the neck (aggo ipaco), right arm (keyelampa otun), left arm (keyelampa osin), heart (akokan), stomach (eketa oboñu), right leg (elesentele), left leg (elesentele kamanfaceta), right foot (inka buruku), left foot (inka buruku lode), right hand (lowo otun), left hand (lowo osin).


MOGUGBA Ori bawa olorun, ori bawa olofin, ori bawa lode, inle kun inchele unfe edun inle oguere aboboniche olodumare modupue olorun. Otun ni oba, osin ni alawo ache, gere gere lery omaya. Omi tuto, ona tuto, tuto inle, tuto owo, tuto larogba, tuto la ferola, tuto lawe ykoko ariku babawa. gba inle afokan, igba inle oguere, igba eyite, igba irawo, igba chupua, igba orumila, igba bogbo orumole gicoyun, igba bogbo irumole gicosin, igba olorun akokoibre. Olorun titiloke eruwa aye ki olofin eruwa aye mofoyugba olorun,omi omi ofi eggun, omi omi ofi inle, omi omi ofi olorun agba!i olodumare,ogunda tetura ifa omi igba unlo ni timoen un ayentonu timbe elese olodumare. Adde chi"a# obara meyi Oluguere ko# oyecun meyi Adalberto abreu# ofun di $o %os& aconcon. Oyecun meyi 'orberto 'oriega( ogunda meyi )ata gaitan( ogunda fun Bernab& menocal# baba eyiogbe Bonifacio *alde+( obe we"e Bernardo ro!as( irete untedy Bernardito ro!as( oche paure Bruno ,e"al-er( ogunda che Atanasio# iroso tolda .ilfredo /0a+( iroso trupon Andr&s bombalier# ogunda biode ,ancho feble( otura nico 1am2n febles( obe tua Miguel febles( odi ka %os& mongo# ika di 3lpidio 4ardenas# otura sa bo morales# otura trupon 56+aro armenteros( irete kutan Asunci2n *illalonga# ogunda masa Miguel 52pe+# irete yero 3milio 7resneda# ogbe ate Bogbo awo tokun, bogbo iya locha tokum, to lawa lawa tokum, bogbo eggun ni ko inle, bogbo eggun ara, bogbo eggun chebo, bogbo eggun ore, bogbo eggun chebo ni# fulano de tal.

A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 A893 BOGBO 3GGU' O5O1U' A:O:O B313 O5O7 ' O//UA BABA '3'3 ;3;3 O5UO 8 GUA;U A/A5B31)O 931131A O)U1A ) ;U 13<O#==.. O;UGBO'A :A' A57O'8O 931131A 1O8O )1U,O' 13<O===. BOGBO A.O BOGBO .O1O BOGBO O1UMA53 G 44O)U' BOGBO 1UMA53 G 4O8 ' ;A13 >MAMA?. 'OMB13 BABA )OB >,A,A? 'OMB13 A4O/A' A43//A' A,3)3B ;A7A )O ABBA' 389U



bba ibba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba bba

elewa ogun ochosi o+un obbatala yemaya oya oshun agayu shango o+ain oluopopo ibeyis olokun obba ideu oddua dada yanya achicuelu

ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba ibba

yan+a bromu brocia ita irole inle oguere eyite chupua irawo olosa olona bogbo osha bogbo orisha ibba orishaoko orum yewa ori ashe to aban eshu

1e+o a orunla Orumila aggo akualelose"a anawede oddudua aporoni emborati, orumalei+ota kagocaticu ofati fa-ayo 3wato awo orumila awo eleripuin abonibaraniregun awedeweyo oyomolekun orumalei+ota

1e+o al ekuele 3kuele eketa sibonu ifachesicoda ibborala ekuele omaye ifa orlo lowo orumila, ekuele oni shango oraniregun.

,artes del cuerpo 7rente# ago ory Garganta# alkoba tuto 'uca# aggo ipaco 9om derecho# keyelampa otun 9om i+Auierdo# keyelampa osin 4ora+2n# akokan Barriga# eketa obo"u 1od derecha# elesentele 1od i+Auierda# elesentele kamanfaceta ,ie derecho# inka buruku ,ie i+Auierdo# inka buruku lode Mano derecha# lowo otun Mano i+Auierda# lowo osin Arriba de ambas# ariku babawa 13<O /3 O893 B 53 ,A1A /A1 4O4O Oshe bile oddun ire adawe adatoto oni babalawo lodafun alakentu, oshe bile oddun ire adawe adatoto oni babalawo lodafun alakenta, oshe bile Odun ire adawe adatoto oni babalawo lodafun


alakensi , Obbi atanu coman!e alakentu, obbi atanu coman!e alakensi, obbi atanu coman!e alakenta, emi ala ebe obi inle moku afeye.

LOS 16 MEYIS Okana C O O O O O O Ofun C O O O O obara C O O O O O O oshe C O O O O ojuany C O O O O iroso C oddy O O otrupon O O O O C O O ika O O O O O O iwory C O O O O C osa O O oyecun O O O O eyiogbe C O O O O ogunda C C

O O O O otura C






RE OS !E LO 16 MEYIS" E#IO#$E MEYI# O1U'M 5A ' O/ 35383 M38A, MO' O/ M383 O' O:O M383 ) 13 :O BA%A. OYE%&' MEYI# BABA O;3:U' M3; A1 :U MA/A.A 3;O OGGU' 8 GU' MO53 ,O1O13;A1U' O$ ,O U' BABA5A.O A/ 7A7U' OGB3 O5U.O AGOGO, I(ORY MEYI# O89 893 :O5O1 M 553:A' O:O' 7 ' GO' 9A'/U A/ 3 A' BABA5A.O. O!!Y MEYI# AGU/3 A/A7A 353GU '3 A 4OB393 U' 1 13 A 4O/ 3 AGU' U' /3 3:U 3;A O.O ABA)31OB . IROSO MEYI# A/ 7A7U' O;U A,O' MA89A89A A/ 7A7U' A1A A/ 7A7U' 3:O A/ 7A7U' O5A1A O:O 1O8O M3; :A73137U' O5O:U' :A73137U' O5O7 '. O)&*'Y MEYI# ABA O1OGU' MAMOU' 55O4O A/ 7A7U' ADU ) ,A A/ 7A7U' A1O' MAMA 7O1O 8 53 A.O 7O1O1O 8 53 ADU ) ,A. O$$*R* MEYI# O' BA1A O5ABA1A 3553BA1A DU 4A)3 A/A7O1O ) '893 5O;A 3;3 A5O'A ,A7 55O 3;3 DU 4A)3 AB3BOA/ 3 M3; 53BO 89 53'O O.O. O+*'* MEYI# O:A'A M3; 389A:UMA.A5A O;O, A: :O A13A531O /A A49UB3 O/A A/U BO 3BO A:U:O 3:U 3;A 3,O A.A/O O.O 5A M3)A. O#&'!* MEYI# OGU'/A 3% 31A )3)3; U'893 3%A OGGU' :A73137U' OBA)A5A A) O1U'M 5A , ) ; GU ' 353BBO. OS* MEYI# BABA BU1U BU1U BABA4O493 49O4O 37A' ABA AB1AGA' OMO AM 'U A1/ 3 OBA,A 4A4A1A O1U' 4O55 MA 8 53 A' BA'A A/ 7A7U' ODU3 ' BA)3 O5O7A1O8O7A 5OGUO O' BA'A. I+* MEYI# :A M3; GUO 55 O4O AGUAGUO 3/3 M3; OB3/3 M3; O:U' DU3 53B13 3BBO 3553 A7U4U 4931313 A/A7U' GUA/AM A/A7U' A5A4O4O O1UBO O,R&-O' MEYI# DU313493)3 O.O 5A/A7U' ' ,A ,O A/ 7A7U' '53 ' ,A,O :313 :313 ' ,A,O :313 :313 ' ,AO : ) 55O A1O. O,&R* MEYI# DU313'49353 AGUA ' ,A,3 5O/A7U' GU313 ' ,A,3 O'/A7U' '5A ' ,A,3, GU313 ' ,A,3 531UB3 GU313 ' ,A,3 DU )3 553U13 5O/A7U' 38U4U' IRE,E MEYI# 3;353M313 A:O53M313 ,O1O;3 OMO ' O89U' O' BA1ABA ' 13GU' O1U'M 5A MO 7A O' A.O A:O53M313. O1U'M 5A 5O1UBO. OS.E MEYI# BABA 355 M3; :U5U :U5U493 :O55O ) BA5O4U493 O,3493 MU5U:U MU5U:U A/ 7A7U' :A:A)AM,O 55AMAGUO O//U' 13 /37U'GUO. O/&' MEYI# BABA O1A7U' 4A O8 53 O' 5A493 BABA OMO 13U' OMO O1UBO 4O55AMO1O A493 DU '493 OM :U.

re+o a los guerreros 3shu# aAuiloye aworo tente ono aparawa acamasese areletuse abamula omu bata, okali fofo okali "o"o tolikanifo Oggun# "a"a"ile cobucobu oggun yamasu finalayu ancuelere andaloro oggun buru buru osibiriki alelua Ochosi# O+un# ibbara odde fi odde mata, eni bebe adecuase adamasile O+un ko madubule burunganga alabosi, ko madubule burunganga alabosi awo.


1e+o a eggun 3ggun oyanrran iran lowo nitori segFn ototo nikete modupue olodumare Oshe bile a eggun# Obi awabilaye, obbi eggun odara, Obbi yekun ma yecun, Obbi eggun la yegbi Obbi eggun buruku, ;agbe bogbo eggun, Obbi eggun odara

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