Imperium 09 (Creativity Movement)
Imperium 09 (Creativity Movement)
Imperium 09 (Creativity Movement)
My article is not meant to change or distort our religion, that Ben Klassen has enlightened the White Race with. I am only trying to advance the spirit of Creativity, by explaining words that Ben Klassen used and probably found it of no concern to further explain, being that they are self-evident. I believe that these words and terms must be revaluated in order to completely understand or express the spirit of Creativity. I would like to talk about law(s) and Order as it pertains to J.O.G, Nature and Creativity the one and only Natural Religion for the White Race. The Word LAW is a term which does not have a universally accepted definition, but one definition is that law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior. Laws can be made by legislatures through legislation, the executive through decrees and regulations, or judges through binding precedents (normally in common law jurisdictions)". (http:// LAW according to this definition, is that of man in a man-made institution displaying dominance over man, by laws. Laws are made by legislatures (man) through legislation (more men). (Based on their affiliations, wither it be religious, ideology, or political.) We have laws that contradict laws, and or are made to violate rights, etc. It is basically organized chaos. I
Man Made Laws Enforced by man: (Order) You have judges whom know the law but can distort it to fit their personal means, via religious, ideology, and political affiliations or practices. Therefore, if any judge based decision is in a direct violation to rights or laws, they can do so. They are the executive whom executes the final decision. You can appeal, but in most cases, the appeal is either shot down or when the final verdict from the appeal, is usually on the side of the original judges decision. After all, judges stick together, like a gang, like the FBI, CIA, even the local Police departments. All of which, these men, in these positions, enforce these unnatural man made laws to fit their own means. We can find many excellent example of men using man made laws in their own best interest, more correctly, the best interest of their affiliations. This Affiliations being the JEWISH OCCUPATIAL GOVERNMENT. The Laws of Nature: are the rules and guidelines of everything that exist in the natural world. Simply, the Laws of Nature, are the Laws of life. Look at Nature's Eternal Religion Chapter 1, The 24 points of the LAWS OF NATURE. These Laws are not man made, they are not made up by a so called spook in the sky. They are the conclusion, we have after studying every living creature in Nature. They are proven over, and over again, since time immemorial. Of which are fixed, and unalterable. We cannot bend or reshape the laws of Nature. We can only fulfill the law of life (Survival of our species). It is our avowed Duty and Holy responsibility to lead our life by the law. The law: Survival of our species by all means at all costs. Order: 1) an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate. 2) a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement: You must try to give order to your life. These are the Two definitions of ORDER we are concerned with in this article. The other two definitions fit the man made laws. Those definitions are: 1) a command of a court or judge. 2) a command or notice issued by a II
military organization or a military commander to troops, sailors, etc. By this definition we the White Race are directed, instructed, and or commanded by the Laws of Nature. In doing so, we are in harmony with Nature herself, toward the survival, expansion, and advancement of our species. We believe in living in accord with our human biological heritage and in harmony with the laws of Nature. (LWB chapter 6 #1 principle of S.L.) Creativity is the one and only true religion for the White Race. It is the only religion that truly is in harmony with Nature and her Laws. Creativity is the full creed and program for the preservation of life, the life of a species: our sacred White Race. Creators understand the Laws of Nature, and are more in tune with their Natural Instincts of which nature herself has ingrained within our very consciousness. This is why, we are Creators, and why our religion is Creativity. We want to lead our life, to the fulfillment of the Law. And why we must keep the Order within the life of our race. In doing so, we must strive to work toward our most Noble Duty, by changing and instilling the highest Law of Nature within the minds of our people. Our noble duty is to straighten out the polluted and scrambled thinking of our precious White Race. To awaken them, to inspire them, and to galvanize them. This is our struggle. The struggle in the fight for survival. We must have the Will to overcome that which challenges us from within our Struggle. We must be the soldiers of the Front, ready to charge unknown territory, to continue to march forward to a whiter and brighter world. There are many road blocks on the battlefield within preserving Natures Order, and the life's blood of our future generations. Without the love and joy that we have for our White Racial family, our noble duty in our struggle, will never be fulfilled. These struggles are the true test of your heart, only the strong, brave and courageous fulfill the law of life. We should never be afraid of our deeds, in reclaiming the eternal soul of our people, Creativity. But be afraid of stagnation, as a lost day, is a lost Deed. We III
want to be worthy of the blood of our fathers, whom struggled before us for the meaning of their life. Love living within the struggle, it is the recognition of our Will to power. (another Law of Nature) This reflects on the honor of our race and our family of which we must uphold, as a matter of life (fulfillment of law) or death (stagnation). Remember, that the divine Law of Nature emerges out of the Nature of the White race within itself. The living Blood of our people commands the fulfillment of the Law and Order. Comrades as a matter of life or death, do your Duty for our Blood, Soil, and Honor for our future generations. By Straightening out the White Mans thinking. This is the most Honorable deed that can ever be accomplished. By awakening our people to Creativity, is the one major, long lasting contribution you can make for your race. To end this article, I hope this concept of Law and Order reaches the deepest depth of your heart and your Creative soul. We have to struggle to advance, and out of each advancement (moving forward) is one step closer to a Whiter and Brighter world, under our Victorious Flag, RAHOWA! We must have the Will to overcome our struggles, in the fulfillment of the law, to regain Order to our people. The living blood demands duty. For Blood, Soil and Honor is the heart of our faith. Its just the beginning of our great struggle. Aut Vincere Aut Mori! Delenda Est Judaica! Brother Jesse Orton
Many Christians believe that the Gospels are evidence enough for the existence of Christ even without historical evidence of any kind. But if his existence is uncertain, how much more uncertain must be the existence of his Apostles, and, as we shall see later, even if they did exist it is highly debatable whether they did in fact write the Gospels as eye-witness accounts or even at all. In addition, relying on the Gospels as evidence for the existence of Christ overlooks the fact that three of the four Gospel writers were definitely Jewish: i.e. Matthew, Mark and John, and the fourth, Luke, a physician from Syria, was probably a Semite too. He was also best friend of the Jew, Saul, later known as St. Paul, after his miraculous conversion on the road to Damascus. And Saul was a Pharisee, a member of the tough and cruel sect of Levites who ruled the Jews at that time. Indeed all, the principal figures and evangelists of Christianity were Jewish. If Christ did exist he was a Jew, and so were all his disciples, with the possible exception of Luke; and according to Klassen, Christs mother, Mary, was Jewish as was Joseph, her husband, and so, of course, was Saint Paul who was also a major propagandist for Christianity. Furthermore, the basic principles of Christianity, as expressed in the Sermon on the Mount, are also Jewish; they must have come from somewhere, and Klassen tells us the source of these ideas, which he considers have done so much damage to White mankind. VI
The bleeding Sacred Hearts Though perhaps originally taken from elsewhere, these nonsensical ideas were the product of the Essenes, a Jewish, religious community situated around the Dead Sea, which existed up to the beginning of the Christian era and then, around 100 A.D., inexplicably vanished. We only know about them because of the discovery in a cave some years ago of the Dead Sea Scrolls on which their views are set out. Why they had been hidden no-one knows. The Essenes were a celibate sect who were extremely pious and high-minded. They practiced simple communism (the sharing of all goods) as they considered private property to be evil. They were apparently a revolutionary new movement, a new form of social order: they were pacifists, condemned and abolished slavery and were opposed even to making weapons of war. They were agriculturalists, practiced handicrafts and were in fact a new co-operative, communitarian, brotherhood; a religious society, and one of the first to introduce for initiation purposes, the religious rite of baptism, as well as Eucharistic meals or communion. Both baptism and communion are main planks in the Christian ritual! What is more, although the Essenes had no Messiah they did have a Teacher of Righteousness! presumably to give them good advice and keep them on the right path, just like Jesus Christ! Klassen believes that the ideas of the Essenes are the main source of the New Testament and have therefore made a major contribution to Christianity, but the Jewish authors of the Bible also took many ideas from the customs and religions of other races amongst whom they VII
had dwelt; notably the Egyptians and Babylonians. They then asserted these ideas were their own. Klassen says the Jews are a sterile race of liars, thieves and parasites incapable of original ideas and without any innate creativity and he asserts that though they are especially proud of having formulated the concepts of monotheism and a universal religion, they did not do so. The idea of a single God was developed earlier in Egypt (1367 B.C.) by Pharaoh Akhenaton, who called it Aton, while the Jews developed their idea only about 500 B.C; and Buddhism 500 B.C. was an earlier universal religion than Christianity. The Jews also obtained from the Egyptians the concepts of the resurrection of the body after death and a belief in the existence and immortality of the soul and possibly, too, the practice of circumcision and the wearing of their famous skull-caps. The idea of the Ten Commandments written on a stone tablet was also very likely an alien idea adapted by the Jews. For example the Babylonian king, Hammurabi, had written his own code of laws on a number of large stone tablets long before; and the Jews had been captives in Babylon. Then again, the story of Moses in the bulrushes is remarkably similar to the story of Sargon the Elder, King of Assyria, who was also found in bulrushes as a baby. And the Jewish or Christian concept of hell bears a strong resemblance to the ancient Greek concept of Hades, the underworld, where dead souls went. Indeed, the Christian hell, the name perhaps taken from the Norse word Hel meaning the underworld, seems to be merely a cruel elaboration of Hades; and if one were to make a thorough analysis, it is probable that many more VIII
alien superstitions could be shown to be the basis of enlightened Christian ideas. This is why Klassen says that Christianity is far from being the beneficial and civilized religion of reason which we have always thought it to be, but is in fact merely a jumbled hotch-potch of alien ideas and superstitions assembled by the Jewish leaders into a cruel system of brain-pollution to divide, confuse and destroy White mankind. This is just like its modern counterpart, Communism, which is produced by the same people and with the same aims. No wonder Christianity and Communism seem so similar! In fact Christianity is a terrible system of beliefs which tells people that they have original sin and will be cast into hell unless they have faith: the completely unreasonable belief that a man called Jesus Christ existed and is their Savior. In this way, says Klassen, people in earlier times were forced to become Christians because the threat of eternal damnation was so terrifying. Their fear of it nearly drove them mad so that they would do anything to gain salvation. Klassen says Christianity used the carrot and stick approach, threatening people with hell and the loss of their souls while at the same time soothing them with the promise of heaven. The fact that Christianity is nonsense is clearly illustrated by Klassens amusing reference to his asking a cleric for clarification on a confusing point of Christianity. Ask a preacher to explain it and hell give you an hours worth of double talk and when you come out of there he will have so browbeaten you, that you think, well he probably has the answer, although you dont understand it. The fact is he doesnt have any answer.
Against tyranny
40AC (2013)
From sea to polluted sea The land of our fathers spoiled Government now master, not our servant The plan of the founders foiled Untrammeled power, naked rite A viper hovers, coiled Poised to strike all not sheep America's promise, soiled The traitors order cuff and key Blanch not white or red So long as their might is within their grasp They care not what their fathers said No morals, conscience within their breast To them such things are dead Only their rule and their bag of gold With these the scoundrels fed
Truncheons entrenched within their clench Boots upon their paws Obey or suffer that is their song Their victims within their claws Killers who would bludgeon the human spirit Oppression is their cause Thieves of our hallowed nights Bedecked in a cloak of laws The innocent man they hate the most The pure of heart and mind He they tar with their lying brush So that none refuge find Justice for them an idea mocked For criminals are their kind There is no law they would not break And the people they design to bind Their force makes right they mean to say Today they wield the power But every season has its end And the buds of change begin to flower We the loyal to the founding Creed Are awaking by the hour The reign of tyrants shall meet its end Before our will shall cower
We have already passed one point of No Return. Whether we can survive the second point remains to be seen. The White Race has already passed two points of No Return. Whether we will 'ARRIVE ALIVE' on the distant shore depends on how fast we get our act together. Creativity is the total and only answer. A few decades ago when propeller driven airplanes were still the mode of commercial nights, the wind factor was a critical consideration, especially on a long flight across water. A prop-driven commercial passenger plane flying say from San Francisco to Honolulu had to take into serious consideration both the speed and direction of the wind, since a strong head wind could seriously strain its fuel supply. Sometimes these winds were inaccurately predicted, or changed for the worse during night. On some rare occasions, this wind factor was so serious that the pilot decided that he could not reach his destination and had better turn back before it was too late. To be sure, this presented an unenviable predicament to be in, to say the least. But what if by the time he realized his danger he was now so far along that in any case, win or lose, it was now less risky to complete the flight than turn back? At a certain point in his route there is reached such a point, and that situation is called "a point of no return". In other words, there is no turning back, but at whatever risks, it is imperative to go ahead, although he may or may not reach that destination. There is in the life of nations, and in the life span of races, also such a point of no return. Since we of The Creativity Movement are solely concerned about the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, let us take a calm, deliberate look at our journey along XII
the road of survival, whether we should turn back, whether we should go ahead, and if we are going to "arrive alive" at our destination. We are going to look at not only one, but two points of no return, the first of which we have already passed. When we take a cold hard look at our situation, we find it alarming indeed. Not only are we buffeted by strong head winds, but strangely enough, our pilot is not aware of it, or doesn't care, and he and the rest of the crew flying the ship are asleep at the switch. All indicators are that we will not reach our destination (survival) but will crash in deep water long before we reach dry land. The White Race has been a biological entity for at least a hundred thousand years, probably longer. It has embarked on the course called civilization no longer than ten thousand years. Two thousand years ago during the era of the ancient Greeks and Romans the White Race was well on its way to a grand and glorious future. But around the second and third century C. E. a strange malaise infected the White Race. A Jewish fungus on the brain intruded upon its thinking. Instead of expanding and advancing, suddenly it began on a long and genocidal road to self-destruction. It embraced such suicidal ideas as "love your enemies", "sell all thou hast and give it to the scum", "judge not", "turn the other cheek", "resist not evil" and other similar insanities. An alien creed dominated their thinking and their daily lives. Jewish Christianity had triumphed and a thousand years of the Dark Ages set in. We now come to the last quarter of the Twentieth Century. In today's XIII
modern age of atomic power, computers and travel in outer space, surely such idiotic ideas have long been relegated to the scrap heap of history?
No, they have not, as far as the White Race is concerned. In fact, the White Race is stupidly more enmeshed and engrossed in the Jewish induced program of loving and subsidizing its enemies than it ever was in all its history. The White Race is stupidly "selling all it hast" and turning It over to the mud races. In fact, the White Race is insanely racing along in a headlong rush to self-destruction following the script of the suicidal "Sermon on the Mount". It is doing so with a fury as never before in its checkered history. It is acting even more insane than in the Dark Ages, as far as its own survival, its own self-interests are concerned. Even as recently as 1920 the White Race was only outnumbered by a ratio of 2 to 1 by all the mud races on this earth. Its position of supremacy was unchallenged by the mud races as such, its only threats to survival (which were considerable) came from its own fratricidal warfare carried on amongst its own members. Today the White Race is outnumbered in a ratio of 12 to 1 and is fleeing and apologizing before an unprecedented population explosion, an expansion in which the White Race Is not participating. On the contrary, the White Race is XIV
rapidly shrinking, meanwhile feeding, subsidizing, aiding and abetting its mud colored enemies as if to say "Pardon me for living"! It is a clear example of the superior fleeing before the inferior, the stronger running before the weaker. Have you ever seen a coyote being chased by a rabbit? No, you have not. No coyote is that dumb. How did this insane situation come about? That is a long story, and how the Jew through Christianity, communism and other forms of mind manipulation has maneuvered the White Race into this ridiculous situation is another story, one which we have chronicled in great detail in both NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION and the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE. I said earlier that we were going to examine two points of no return for the White race. In this dissertation we want to spell out the ominous conclusion that the White Race has already passed the first point of no return in its journey for survival. Like the fate of the prop driven plane, the pilot, (if the White Race has one), is completely unaware of the predicament, and the crew in charge of the ship is asleep at the switch. We, the White Race, have now reached a crucial point in our history. We are now no longer in the position we were in 1920, nor in our glorious period of "empire building" of the 19th century. We are now a retreating, pathetic pack of disoriented misfits, completely unaware of our destiny, our history or the unique, superlative qualities with which Nature originally endowed us. Because of its stupidity, disorientation and Ignorance of racial values, the White Race, unlike it was in the 1920's, is no longer in a XV
position that it can extricate itself FROM the coming upheaval and confrontation of a vastly superior mass of mud races. That is the first "point of no return" we have now passed. There is now no turning back. No matter what we do (if we do anything at all) we cannot now avoid a bloody, vicious war against the superior numbers of the mud races, all of which hate us with a passion. The coming upheaval for survival will be bloody, long and devastating. I repeat -- we cannot avoid it. We have pursued this suicidal policy for too long. Try as we might, we will now have to pay the piper, we will have to pay the price. It is the position of The Creativity Movement that the sooner such confrontation occurs the better, for we are rapidly approaching a second point of no return. That second point is the situation where the White Race will no longer be in a position to win and survive such a confrontation. Such a situation is rapidly approaching. Each day, each week, each month that goes by, the mud peoples of the world are rapidly expanding at an explosive rate. The population of China alone has now passed the billion mark, and is increasing at the rate of 13 million a year. This does not include the Chinese populations in Indonesia, India, South Africa, San Francisco and all other parts of the world. The hybrids of South America are multiplying at a frightening rate, and immediately to the south of us the Mexicans have the highest birth rate of any racial group in the world. Much of that explosion is spilling over into our borders and rapidly changing the racial complexion of the United States itself. More or less this process is going on all over the world, with the mud races exploding, the White Race shrinking.