A-Bar Interveners in WH Questions
A-Bar Interveners in WH Questions
A-Bar Interveners in WH Questions
Hyunjoo Kim*
1 Introduction
This paper develops a theory of intervention effects for WH in-situ lan-
guages that reduces them to clause structure properties which are plausibly
detectable by learners on the basis of overt morphology.
The intervention effect (IE) arises when a quantifier (Q) intervenes be-
tween WH in-situ and a scope position, viz. C
[+WHJ rendering the whole
question ungrammatical or prohibiting the WH from taking (matrix) scope
over the intervening quantifier (See Beck 1996, Beck and Kim 1997, a.o.) .
(1) a. *Amwu-to mwues-ul sa-ci anh -ss -ni?
Anyone (NPI) what-ACC buy-NEG -PST -Q
b. Mwues-ul amwu-to sa-ci anh-ss-nd
'What did no one buy?'
In (la), an in-situ WH, mwues-ul, cannot be licensed in the c-comrnand do-
main of Q, e.g., amwu-to 'anyone (Negative Polarity Item)'. Instead, the WH
must move across the intervening Q to get proper interpretation, as in (lb).
Two related issues surrounding IE can be raised. First, phenomena su-
perficially similar to IE occur across in-situ strategy languages (German,
French, Korean, etc.), but they show a contrast in permitted interpretations
and in permitted well-formed structures of WH questions. Moreover, the
class of interveners varies depending on the language. Second, in relation to
learning issues, intra- and cross-linguistic variation regarding IEs poses a
puzzle: how can learners come to know very diverse and subtle linguistic
facts, without any plausible direct instruction?
This paper attempts to provide answers regarding the abovementioned
issues. Assuming invisible question operator movement out of in-situ WH
I would like to thank Ken Safir, Mark Baker and Viviane Deprez for their guid-
ance, helpful comments and discussions on this paper. Also, I owe my thanks to the
audience at PLC 30.
When the WH moves across the intervening Q, the whole question becomes
improved, whatever movement it may involve (scrambling, focus movement or WH
movement}, but I claim that there exists syntactic WH movement in Korean type in-
situ languages, independently of scrambling or focus fronting. See Kim (2005) for the
elaborated arguments.
U. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 13.1, 2007
(as in Watanabe 1992, for example)
, we propose that IEs can be reduced to
Rizzi's (1990, 1992) Minimality effects, under the enriched clausal architec-
ture provided by the syntax of Quantificational (Q-) particles (Lee 2004). Q-
particles, e.g., -to in amwu-to 'anyone (NPI)', project an autonomous func-
tional phrase like Rizzi's (1992) NegP to host an intervening quantifier in the
spec position, thus blocking antecedent government between a moved invisi-
ble WH operator and the offending non-referential trace. That is, the IE
arises because the filled specifier of a particle projection is regarded as a
potential A-bar intervening governor.
We also suggest a linguistic parameter that determines the class of inter-
veners, X: either X fills the A-bar spec of a quantificational head in clausal
architecture (e.g. , Korean) or X is an A-bar adjunct in clausal structure (e.g.,
French). Perhaps languages can differ as to what quantificational structures
look like and to what extent quantification can be dealt with in overt syntax.
The rest of the discussion is organized as follows: section 2 shows the
data regarding IEs in Korean. This will be followed by a brief review of
Rizzi's (1992) intervention theory in section 3. Section 4 addresses the syn-
tax of Q-particles. We extend the proposed A-bar intervention theory to
cross-linguistic data in section 5.
2 Korean Interveners
The full class of Korean interveners has yet to be clearly defined. Obviously,
-to NPis, for instance, amwu-to/nwukwu-to 'anyone', nwukwu-eykey-to 'to
anyone' and eoty-seo-to 'at anywhere' , give rise to the IE when combined
with the sentence negator, anh 'do not' . The interveners are not limited to
negation alone, but not all SBEs are interveners (Hoji 1985, Kim 1991, etc.).
In spite of their negative force, neither the sentence negative -anh 'not do'
alone nor negative adverbs like kyeolko 'never' and ceonhyeo 'not.. .at all '
are interveners? Unlike amwu-to/nwukwu-to 'anyone', negative adverbs are
event modifiers and hence optional in the syntactic structure.
The universal term motun (Korean), like minna (Japanese) ' all ', does
not trigger IE, since unlike English every, it lacks the 'distributive' property
See Cole and Hermon (1994) for two types of in-situ languages. The first type
(Japanese WH in-situ) respects movement constraints. The WH in-situ of the second
type (Malay, Ancash Quechua) is interpreted in-situ without movement.
Sentential negation alone is not enough to form a boundary to block antecedent
government in Korean and the presumed null negative operator, which is allegedly in
spec of NegP (Rizzi 1992), cannot block either. Adverbs of quantification in general ,
e.g. , cacwu ' often' , hang sang ' always' , do not count as interveners (cf. Beck and
Kim 1997).
and thus is not a genuine universal quantifier (Hoji 1985, Kim 1991).
(2) Moton saram-i I motwu-ka mwues-ul sass -ni?
All people-NOM I all-NOM what-ACC bought -Q
'What did all the people buy?'
Regardless of their semantic properties, such as belonging to the class
of strong or weak quantifiers and monotonicity, particle-attached quantifiers
can only serve as interveners. This is the generalization we have arrived at.
Weak Quantifier Strong Quantifier
motwu/motun 'all' man hi 'many, much, a lot'
cakcha 'each' Numeral(num)-classifier (cl)
taypwupwun 'most' myoet-cl ' several/how many-cl ' i
*amwu-to 'anyone' ceokeoto num-cl 'at least num-cl'
*nwukwu-na 'everyone' kikkethaya num-cl ' at most num-cl' I
twulta ' both' *nwukwu-nka 'someone'
Table 1: Korean Quantifiers(* indicates the interveners)
Together with the negative -to, the distributive universal -na and the indefi-
nite -(n)ka, marked in table 1, the exclusive focus -man phrase (e.g., John-
man 'only John' ) and the additive focus -to phrase (e.g., John-to 'John also')
jointly constitute the intervener class.
(3) a. *John-mani-to mwues-ul sa-ss -ni?
John-only/-also what-ACC bought-Q
b:Vmwues-ul John-mani-to sa-ss -ni?
What-ACC John-only/-also bought-Q
'What did only John buy /what did John buy, too? '
To sum up, what exactly is the class of offending quantifiers that block
the licensing of WH in-situ in Korean? All and only Q-particle bearing ele-
ments can intervene in the link between in-situ WH and a scope position.
3 Rizzi's (1992) A-bar Intervention Theory
Rizzi (1992) suggests a configurational approach to the IE attested in Ger-
man partial WH movement. His account crucially relies on the presence of a
null negative operator in [Spec NegP].
( 4) a. Partial WH Move: move to the embedded [Spec C] :
Was glaubst du (*nicht), mit wem Hans t gesprochen hat?
WHAT do(n't) you believe with whom Hans has spoken?
b. Long WH Move:
Mit wem glaubst du (nicht), dass Hans t gesprochen hat?
With whom do(n't) you believe that Has has spoken?
Partial WH movement is blocked by an intervening negation, while full
movement is not. A hypothetical null operator is posited to be in spec of an
autonomous negative projection, NegP (Pollock 1989, Belletti 1990, and
much subsequent work). Thus, a filled [spec NegP], viz., a potential A-bar
intervening governor, intervenes in the non-referential chain link (was, mit
wem). However, Rizzi's (1992) intervention theory, without any modifica-
tions, cannot be extended to the Korean data, since in Korean, sentence ne-
gation alone, without overt NPis, does not induce the IE.
4 The Proposed Analysis: Null Operator Movement and
Particle Projection
This section presents a syntactic account for the quantificational intervention
effect on the licensing of WH in-situ in Korean. We assume (i) the syntax of
Q-particles (Lee 2004 on focus particles) and (ii) null WH operator move-
ment (Watanabe 1992, etc.).
4.1 The Syntax of Q-particles
Korean Q-particles (affix-like), such as the exclusive -man 'only', the addi-
tive -to 'also', the distributive universal -na 'every', the indefinite existential
-(n)ka and the negative -to ' even (under negation)' , are agreement mor-
phemes on the specifier that indicate the quantificational force of the null
quantifier head. Just as a WH (or a null WH operator alone) stands in a spec-
See Kim (2006) for the problems previous analyses pose with regard to the in-
tervention effect in Korean.
head relation With a C
[+WH[ a Q-particle attached intervener also enters into
a spec-head relation with the associated abstract head (Lee 2004). Particle
heads are merged in clausal structure, not in DP structure (cf. Koopman
2005). The evidence comes from multiple specifiers. As Kuroda (1992) has
pointed out, the Japanese/Korean agreement system permits multiple specifi-
ers of a single head. A straightforward example is based on inalienable pos-
session constructions.
(5) Multiple subject or nominative construction:
a. Mary-ga kami-ga nagai (Japanese)
M-NOM hair-NOM long
b. Mary-ka meori-ka kilta (Korean)
M-NOM hair-NOM long
'Mary has long hair.'
Just as the nominative or accusative case marker indicates the presence of a
T or AgrO head and it is multiply assigned or checked in A-spec positions of
the agreement head, multiple positions are also expected to be available as
A-bar specifiers to host Q-particle attached phrases. This is borne out.
(6) The exclusive focus -man 'only':
John-man sakwa-man mekesse (Lee 2004)
John-MAN apple-MAN ate
'Only John ate only apples.'
(i) John is the only one who ate only apples.
(ii) John is the only one who ate anything, and John ate only apples.
The sentence in (6) is ambiguous. On the second reading in (6), the pair
<John, apple> is the only element that satisfies the eating relation. According
to Lee's (2004) null quantificational head analysis, this reading is available
only when the hypothetical head bears the exclusive meaning. The first read-
ing, in contrast, contains two distinct exclusive meanings, each of which is
due to the occurrence of the particle -man.
(7) The additive focus -to 'also':
John-to sakwa-to mekesse. (Lee 2004)
John-TO apple-TO ate
' (Lit.) John-also ate apples-also. '
(i) Someone who is not John ate apples in addition to something else,
and John also ate apples in addition to something else.
(ii) *Someone who is not John ate something that is not apples.
In addition to this, John ate apples.
The first construal in (7) is due to two distinct presuppositions triggered by
the particle -to. The second reading is not available, which is expected to
arise only when the hypothetical ALSO head is assumed to carry the additive
meaning. In this regard, the particles -to and -man differ. That is, the additive
meaning can be on the particle -to itself, not on the phonetically empty
ALSO head. However, despite the difference in the locus of the quantiflca-
tional meaning, we assume the particles -to and -man share the same syntax.
A similar pattern holds for the negative particle -to. Consider:
(8) The negative -to 'even' under negation:
Amwu-to amwu kes-to meok-ci anh-ass
Anyone-TO anything-TO eat -NEG -PST
'No one ate anything.'
-ta. (Sells 2001)
The iterative negative -to in (8) does not give rise to double negation mean-
ing. Rather, as in negative concord languages like French, two negations
associated with the particle -to do not cancel out each other, but yield single
negation, i.e. , concord meaning. Multiple occurrence of the negative -to in (8)
implies that the syntax of the previous particles can carry over to the nega-
tive -to, whether the corresponding null head carries the meaning or it is just
a pure licensing head.
The application of the null head hypothesis can extend to the syntax of
the distributive universal -na:
(9) The distributive universal-na:
Nwukwu-na eonu kwuaca-na coahan-ta
Who -NA which snack -NA likes -DEC
'Everyone likes every snack.'
(i) For each x, x likes every snack.
(ii) All the possible pairs out of the two sets satisfy the ' like' relation.
The two readings in (9) are indistinguishable: regardless of whether the dis-
tributive meaning is on the null head or on the particle itself, the two mean-
ings of -na collapse into one single distributive meaning.
Lastly, the existential -(n)ka can also occur iteratively by attaching to
two different arguments.
(10) The existential-(n)ka:
Nwukwu-nka-ka mwues-nka-lul mekessta
Who -(n)KA-NOM what -(n)KA-ACC ate
'Someone ate something.'
Provided that quantificational particles are treated as syntactic entities
which are merged in overt syntax, we predict that indefinite -(n)ka and dis-
tributive universal -na marked phrases are eligible to figure in the syntactic
relations that overt syntactic movement establishes.
Now, let us turn to other syntactic and morphological properties Q-
particles share. As already shown above, Q-particles typically attach to lexi-
cal NPs or indefinite expressions such as indefinite WH amwu 'any' , thus
imposing different quantificational forces as well as different syntactic func-
tions onto their combinations.
First, the spec of the particle projection is filled by movement, that is,
word structure is derived in the syntax and the derivation steps to form a Q-
particle phrase should obey the Mirror Principle (Baker 1985).
Hence, a
specific linear order among nominal affixes (Q-particles, case markers and
postpositions) is a natural consequence of the syntactic derivations, each of
which attaches an affix to a host phrase, the former merging into the spec of
the corresponding projection (See Lee 2004).
(ll) Motun-salam-i John-man-ul salanghanta.
All-person-NOM J-MAN-ACC loves
'Everyone loves John and no one else.'
A null ONLY head should be merged lower than the case-related head, e.g.
AgrO, which in turn is merged below AgrS. To derive the surface order in
(11), the particle -man forms a constituent with a host phrase, John, at the
spec of the head ONLY into which the host phrase, John, moves from the
VP internal position to pick up the particle -man. This is illustrated in (12).
The Mirror Principle (Baker 1985): Morphological derivations must directly re-
flect syntactic derivations, and vice versa. For example, in a combination of the form
[Noun- affix A- affix B ... ], the order in which morphemes appear on the base noun
reflects the order in which the morphological processes that add those morphemes
apply. That is, the process that adds affix A precedes the process that adds affix B.
AgrOP AgrS
{ tj, tk}
This raises the questions of when and where the Q-particle heads are
merged. Q-particle projections can spread around case-related heads, AgrS
and AgrO (cf. Koopman's 2005 case heads: Nom or Ace) , i.e., they can be
merged in low or high positions, as long as a Q-head or a Q-particle satisfies
its lexical meaning definition, whether the null head carries the meaning or it
is just a pure licensing head, which is semantically vacuous.
Next, Q-particles follow postpositions, but precede case markers ( -il-ka
for nominative vs. -(l)ul for accusative).
(13) a. John-man-(i) I*John-i-man keoki-ey ka-ss-ta
J-MAN-NOM I J-NOM-MAN there-LOC went
'Only John went there.'
b. Mary-ka ku chayk-man-(ul) l*ku chayk-ul-man ilk-ess-ta
M-NOM that book-MAN-ACCithat book-ACC-MAN read
'Mary read only that book/Mary read that book, too.'
(14) a. Nwukwu-nka-(ka)lnwukwu-na-(ka) ku chayk-ul ilk-ess-ta
Who-NKA-NOM I who-NA-N OM that book-ACC read
' Someone read that book/everyone read that book.'
b. Mary-ka nwukwu-nka-(lul)lnwukwu-na-(lul) manna-ss-ta
M-NOM who-NKA-ACC lwho-NA-ACC met
'Mary met someone/Mary met everyone (or every person).'
In (l3 )-(l4 ), the Q-particle is suffixed first to a base before the case marker
is added, as long as the case is overtly marked. The reverse order is notal-
lowed, e.g., *nwukwu-lul-{man/-na} 'only who/everyone (object)'. Postposi-
tions, unlike case markers, precede Q-particles:
(l5) a. Mary-nun John-*(hako)-man /*John-man-hako nonta
M-TOP John -with -MAN/ John-MAN-with play
'Mary plays only with John.'
b. Mary-ka John-*(eykey)-man /*John-man-eykey sakwahayssta
M-NOM John-to -MAN/ John-MAN-to apologized
'Mary apologized only to John.' (Lee 2004)
(16) Mary-ka amwu-haksayng-*(eykey)-na /*amwu-haksayng-ina-eykey
M-NOM any -student -to -NA/ any -student -NA-to
senmwul-ul cwuessta
present-ACC gave
'Mary gave a gift to every student (regardless of whoever he is).'
The particle orderings in (15)-(16) can also follow from a syntactic tree like
(12), where we assume the postpositional phrase is generated at the VP level.
4.2 The Negative Particle -pakkey 'except'
The negative particle -pakkey 'except, any x other than' (corresponding to
Japanese -sika) has a dual aspect of focus and negation. Due to the negativity
it bears, -pakkey is expected to pattern like -to NPis. This is borne out:
(17) a. John-man ku chayk pakkey/ amwu ckayk-to sa-ci anh-ass-ta
J -MAN that book PAKKEY any book-TO buy-NEG-PST-DEC
b. *ku chayk pakkey/ amwu chayk-to John-man sa-ci anh-ass-ta
thatbook PAKKEY/any book-TOJ-MAN buy-NEG-PST-DEC
' John is the only person who bought only that book/John is the
only person who did not buy any books.'
We assume that -pakkey, unlike -to 'even' in NPis, is an adverbial particle.
Hence, it is not an intervener: it does not project its own phrase, but just
helps us to detect the position of an implicit argument -to NPI whose projec-
tion blocks invisible question operator movement out of WH in-situ. That is,
For the details of the hierarchical ordering among Q-particles, see Kim (2006).
(17b) is ruled out, since according to Kim (2006), the negative -to should be placed in
between high and low focus loci and the caseless -man phrase is assumed to be in the
spec of a high focus MAN projection.
it is not the -pakkey phrase, but the adjacent -to NPI, which is optionally re-
alized, that induces an intervention effect:
(18) *John pakkey (amwu-to) nwukwu-lul chotaeha-ci anh-ass-ni?
J PAKKEY anyone-TO who-ACC invite -NEG -PST-Q
'Whom did no one except John invite (whom did only John invite)?'
In (18), the -pakkey phrase signals the position of the -to NPI, which is the
real argument of the verb.
4.3 The A-bar Property of the Spec of Q-particle Phrases
This section presents another characteristic Q-particle projections share: the
A-bar property of the spec position. This is important for our account since
under Rizzi's (1990) Relativized Minimality, only A-bar elements are poten-
tial interveners in antecedent government of a WH chain. A diagnostic can
be created with respect to Weak Crossover. The sentence initial -na phrase is
base-generated at the spec of the distributive projection. Observe the con-
( 19) a. Chelswu-ekeyk eomeoni]-ka seonmwul-ul cwuessta
Chelswu-to his mother-NOM _ gift-ACC gave
'To Chelswu, his mother gave a gift.' (A-scrambling)
b. *Nwukwu-ekeyk-na eomeoni]-ka seonmwul-ul cwuessta
who -to -NA his mother -NOM _ gift-ACC gave
'(Lit.) To hisk mother gave a gift.' (A-bar scrambling)
The -na phrase in (l9b) can get to the surface position either by base-
generation of -na or by A-bar scrambling of the entire -na phrase, but fails to
bind a pronoun in the subject. Hence, a WCO violation arises, since we are
claiming that the spec of distributive-P is an A-bar position. By contrast, the
PP in (l9a) undergoes clause-internal A-scrambling, thus creating a new
binding possibility.
4.4 Intervention under the Quantificational Head Hypothesis
Assuming both the syntax of Q-particles and invisible question operator
movement, we can explore the intervention effect as follows: the IE arises
whenever a Q-particle attached phrase (A-bar element) c-commands a WH
in-situ and intervenes in a non-referential WH chain, which is created by null
question operator movement to a scope position.
Genuine universal terms like -na phrases count as interveners in Korean,
since unlike their German counterpart jeder (Beck 1996) or Chinese dou
expressions (Cheng 1991), they are regarded as a syntactic entity directly
merged into an A-bar spec in overt syntax.
5 Typology
In this section, we extend the particle projection and A-bar intervention the-
ory proposed in section 4 to other in-situ strategy languages.
5.1 French Interveners
French alternates the in-situ construction with WH extraction in matrix
clauses. However, when an intervener comes between in-situ WH and spec
C, WH extraction is obligatory. The language has a wide range of interven-
ers, only part of which overlaps with Korean interveners: negation, adverbs
of quantification like toujours 'always', souvent 'often', the universal quanti-
fier toutle monde 'everyone' , focus phrases like seulement 'only' -NP, etc.
(20) Negation:
a.*Jean ne mange pas quoi?
Jean NEG eat NOT what
b. Qu' est que Jeanne mange pas ?
What that Jean NEG eat NOT
'What doesn't John eat?
(21) Universal quantifier:
*Tout le monde a vu quoi?
All the world has seen what
'What did everyone see?'
As observed in (21), the French universal quantifier, toutle monde, does not
seem to license in-situ WH in matrix clauses. According to the literature
(Mathieu 1999, among others), French interveners are in adjoined positions
in overt syntax. If the adjunction sites are regarded as valid A-bar positions
that affect A-bar dependencies, the intervention effect in French can also be
reduced to Rizzi's (1990) Minimality effects, with the help of a linguistic
parameter with regard to intervening A-bar positions, as in (22).
See Cheng and Rooryck (2000), among others. They assume LF WH feature
movement by which licensing is supposed to take place.
(22) A linguistic parameter w.r.t. intervening A-bar positions:
futerveners are A-bar specifiers or A-bar adjuncts in clausal structure.
According to (22), French interveners are A-bar adjuncts, rather than A-bar
5.2 Chinese Interveners
In Chinese, ordinary quantifier NPs, frequency adverbials and negation do
not exhibit intervention effects (Huang 1982, Aoun & Li 1993, Kim 2001).
However, focus phrases like zhiyou-NP 'only N' or ye 'also'-phrases includ-
ing NPis induce an intervention effect:
(23) a. ?*Zhiyou Lili kan-le na ben shu?
Only Lili read-ASP which-CL book
b. Na ben shu zhiyou Lili kan-le?
Which-CL book only Lili read-ASP
'Which book did only Lili read?'
(24) WH-ye ' anyone, anything, etc.' NPis:
a. *shei-ye kan bu dong na -ben shu? (shei ye 'anyone' )
Who-also read not understand which-CL book
b. Na-ben shu shei ye kan bu dong?
'Which book could no one understand?'
Unlike Korean, Chinese has fixed word order. However, when an IE occurs,
WH in-situ has to front to the sentence initial position, regardless of what
kind of movement it may undergo.
The Chinese universal quantifier is a combination of WH I mei-NP
'every-NP' and dou. For instance, the sequence [WH-dou] is interpreted as a
universal quantifier, 'every N' . It does not induce an intervention effect:
(25) Universal quantifier:
Meigeren dou mai-le shenme?
Everyone all buy-ASP what
'What did everyone buy?'
Syntactically, Chinese dou 'all/every' is an adverb, base-generated as an
adjunct to an X' (V'). Semantically, like the Korean particle -na, it is a dis-
tributor (Cheng 1991). Therefore, it is concluded that Chinese dou is a dis-
tributive adverb and in Chinese, particle attached phrases (e.g., NPI and fo-
cus phrases), as opposed to universal quantifiers and run-of-the-mill quanti-
tiers, serve as interveners. Furthermore, if languages actually vary according
to the parameter in (22), then the value of Chinese, on a par with Korean,
might be set to A-bar specifier, not to adjunct position.
6 Conclusion
This paper presented a syntactic account for the quantificational intervention
effect on the licensing of WH in-situ. We have shown that A-bar interven-
tion theory, a so-called articulated landing site theory, coupled with null
question operator movement and the syntax of quantificational (Q-) particles,
can reduce intervention effects in in-situ languages like Korean to Rizzi's
(1990, 1992) Minimality effects. The syntax of Q-particles posits a Q-
particle to be licensed in the spec of the associated functional phrase via
spec-head relations. We also showed that the proposed intervention theory
can extend to other in-situ languages, by adding a linguistic parameter that
determines the class of interveners: either an intervener fills the A-bar spec
of a quantificational head (e.g. Korean and Chinese) or it is an A-bar adjunct
(e.g. French) in clausal structure.
In terms of language acquisition, the intervention effects are more easily
predicted under particle projection theory, since we treat them in overt syn-
tax, putting the idiosyncratic morphology into the rigid syntax of Q-particles.
Lastly, NPis are considered universal interveners probably because they in-
variably appear in certain syntactic positions, i.e. either in the spec of NegP
in some languages or in the spec of the negative particle projection in others.
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Rutgers University
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