Two Phase Flow
Two Phase Flow
Two Phase Flow
ion In flu uid mechan nics, two-p phase flow occurs in a system containing c Wikipedia definiti d liquid wit th a meniscus separa ating the tw wo phases. . gas and hase flow is simultaneo ous flow of gas g and liqu uid. Such flo ow is freque ently found in heat Two-ph exchange equipme ent. Two-ph hase flow ca an be terme ed as multip phase flow also. a Water at s both a liqu uid and a va apor. saturation conditions exists as hase flow is usually exp perienced in n plants, wh here boiler produces p va apor / steam m. Two-ph Pressur rized water-filled tubes s while heated through furnace, ste eam are ge enerated. ping system, at certain locations (v viz. long hor rizontal / inc clined run of o pipe with relatively In a pip shorter riser / down n comer), fluid flow can n be such th hat there ex xists combin nation of liquid and gas) flowing g. It can be condensate e and steam m. vapor (g or of two-ph hase fluid flo ow is differe ent from single-phase fluid f flow. Simple S relationships Behavio used fo or analyzing single-phase flow do not n apply fo or analyzing g two-phase e flow. Exam mple: The two-pha ase flow hea ad loss can n be many ti imes greate er than that of single-ph hase flow. Few of them s types of tw wo-phase flo ow regimes s can exist a at different conditions. c m are Various depicted herein for r reference.
Bubble e Flow
Plug Flow
Stratifie ed Flow
Wavy y Flow
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Slug Flow
Annula ar Flow
Spray y Flow
ost common n two-phase e flow regim me is called s slug flow, in n which pipe e cross sec ction is The mo filled alt ternatively with w gas and liquid. Slu ug flow belo ongs to a cla ass of interm mittent flow w that has very dis stinctive fea atures and it t occurs und der special circumstances of two-phase gas-liquid flow. ow is an uns steady phen nomenon with combina ation of stratified flow with w separat ted flow Slug flo (single-phase gas or vapor) i.e e. moving li iquid-bubble e mass is being b pushe ed by gaseo ous mass. When these two st tates act in random-like e manner, unstable u flow w starts occ curring in th he form of o flow rever rsals, inducing pressur re and veloc city fluctuati ions, resulti ing in oscillations and / or rable mecha anical vibrat tion of components in piping syste em. Thus, slug s flow constitutes undesir the mos st serious im mplication in n two-phase e flow. flow, velocity of gas or r vapor portion is appro oximately 2 to 2.25 time es of that of f liquid In slug f portion. . In slug flow w regime, generally liquid rich slug gs occupy the t entire st traight run of o pipe and it travels at a speed that is a substantial s f fraction (half or slightly y less) of the e gas veloc city and it tly. This cau uses large pressure p and liquid flow w rate fluctu uations and it looks occurs intermittent arge flow su urge or a lar rge wave. The T length to o diameter ratio of slug gs varies with flow like a la rates, p pipe diamete er and fluid properties. nalyzing furt ther, recapitulation on Froude Num mber is required. Prior an onless numb ber, defined d as the ratio o of inertia force on a fluid f Froude Number is a dimensio ertial force divided d by the t gravitational force. element to the weight of the fluid element i.e. the ine an be expre essed as: Froude Number ca Fr = v / (g L)1/2 Where, ocity of the fluid element in m/s; v = Velo g = Acc celeration du ue to gravity y = 9.81 m/ /s2; L = Cha aracteristic length / height / depth in m;
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Froude Number has significance in fluid dynamic problems, where fluid weight plays an important role. It is proven that the slug characteristics are strongly influenced by Froude number in the liquid film, ahead of the slug. Fr < 1 signifies a subcritical flow. For Fr > 1, the flow is characterized as supercritical flow. Fr 1 denotes a critical flow. The mixing length of slug is a function of slug velocity. It has been derived that the mixing length increases with increasing slug velocities. Assimilation of the liquid film into the slug occurs in the mixing zone. The length of the mixing zone is determined by the mixing of gas and liquid and not the liquid alone. The mixing length of slug can be expressed as an empirical function of the film Froude number. And, the mixing length has direct dependence on the film Froude number. The dependence is given by: Lm = M * Fr + C Where, Lm = Length of the mixing zone in m; M & C = Linear regression coefficients with units as [L]; Fr = Film Froude Number is a dimensionless number; Through experiment, it is found that M = 0.13 & C = (-) 0.31.
Froude Number, Fr Lm in m Inference 0.5 -0.25 No Slug Flow 0.8 -0.21 No Slug Flow 1 -0.18 No Slug Flow 1.25 -0.15 No Slug Flow 2.5 0.02 Slug Flow Starts 4 0.21 Slug Flow 8 0.73 Slug Flow 10 0.99 Slug Flow
Slug flow ceases to be uniform, as the process of slug formation is random. Therefore, it is difficult to predict slug forces accurately. Characterization of slug flow pattern is mostly carried out by flow visualization method. Further reading of research articles is recommended. In a piping system, slug forces are generated when the slug encounters change in flow direction. And, it generally occurs at elbows and tees. Slug force occurs due to change in momentum. The amplitude of the slug force for a 90 degree elbow is expressed as: Slug force = AV Where, = Density of slug i.e. liquid-bubble mass in kg/m3; A = Internal area of cross-section of pipe in m2; V = Velocity of slug i.e. pushed by gaseous mass in m/s; For an inclined pipe or riser, if gas flow can be cut off for substantial period until the accumulated liquid has been mobilized; dynamic piping load is generated from unsteady lumped mass traveling in the system. Such load has potential to heavily damage pipe supports, pipe bends and pipe tees. [Unit: Newton (N)]
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Slug flow occurs mostly in piping networks transporting wet gas. Condensate collects gradually in horizontal segments of piping to form a plug and then the liquid plug undergoes hydraulic transport to the segments of piping where it is being "shot" with high velocity by overpressure. This is like a slug in a barrel of a gun. The slug then hits opposite bend in piping and it generates heavy blow loads on piping. For piping systems, having tendency of having possible slug flow, all changes of pipe run direction shall require adequate restraints, to arrest sudden pressure thrust and associated dynamic load due to slug flow. Based on historical data, it is seen that standard guides and anchors (or line stops) are found to be inadequate to restrain slug flow. In many cases, special design of pipe supports is required. For slug flow, special design of pipe supports mainly offer adequate resistance to horizontal "shot" loads. This slug load, as calculated is ideally suited for time-history analysis, to study the movement of liquid lumped mass w.r.t. time and its impact on elbows and tees. Todays pipe stress analysis software (viz. CAESAR II, AutoPIPE) has features to carry out such analysis. Thus, it has become easier to predict the slug flow, to calculate slug frequency, to work out dynamic forces acting on piping components over time. In turn, it helps to appraise preventive measures to avoid slug flow or to diminish its effects. In a piping system, slug flow problems can be overcome with slug catchers (which collect the slugs) or by developing a pipe system that has provisions to break the slugs along the piping length. For a steady state gas and liquid flow, the "average" flow rate of liquid can be adequately handled with a small knockout pot. However, in slug flow, due to variation in pressures and flow rates, large slug catcher is required to catch big liquid slugs with relatively short slug arrival time.
References: 1. Perry, R. and D. Green, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984 2. Calculation of Two-Phase Pressure Drop Harburda, S. and S. Chafin, Chemical Processing 2000 Fluid Flow Annual 3. The Study of Dynamic Slug Flow Characteristics Using Digital Image Analysis M Gopal and W P Jepson 4. Ivor R. Ellul, Geir Saether, Mack E. Sheppen, "The Modelling of Multiphase Systems under SteadyState and Transient Conditions - A Tutorial", Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
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