Detailed Syllabus For The Batch Enrolled From July 2005
Detailed Syllabus For The Batch Enrolled From July 2005
Detailed Syllabus For The Batch Enrolled From July 2005
DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD M.C.A. - I CS -106 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING WITH C WEF : July 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teaching scheme (H/W) Exam. Scheme (Marks ) L Tu Pr Th Ss Pr Tw Total 3 1 2 60 40 25 25 150 Course Content Sr.No. Title & Description 1)
No. of lectures
7) 8)
Overview of C 1 Why use C? Uses of C A Brief history of C C for personal computers Structure of a C program 2 Cs character set The form of a C program The layout of C programs Pre-processor directives Uses of functions (available in most used header files) Comments in a C program Data Types I 2 Integer Number variables Decimal Number variables Character variables Assignment statement Arithmetic ordering Variable declaration Input and Output 1 printf function sprintf function The %Format specifiers scanf function Formatting the output Control Loops 2 while do while Conditions, or logical expressions The for loop Conditional Execution 2 Program control if, if..else, if..elseif..else Using break and continue within loops Select paths with Switch Complex structure and Nesting 3 Using above mechanisms, generate programs with complex looping mechanisms that supports nesting Functions and Prototypes 4 Functions Cs building blocks Functions and local variables Getting the value of variables into functions Function Prototype
9) 10)
12) 13)
What is ANSI C? Standard Library functions Data Types II 2 Global variables Constant data types Arrays 4 Advantage of using an array Declaration and use of 1-D array Declaration and use of multi-D array Sorting an array Pointers 6 Point to Point Swap shop Pointers linked to arrays Strings 3 Stringing along Structures 4 Defining a new type Structures and functions Pointers to Structures Memory management functions - malloc, calloc & free Structures and Linked Lists Structures and C++ Header files File Handling 4 Stream files Text file functions Binary file functions File system functions Command-line parameters The C Programming Language ANSI C Version by Brian W. Kerninghan & Dennis Ritchie [Prentice Hall]
Text Book :
Reference Books: 1) ANSI C Made Easy by Herbert Schildt [Osborne McGraw Hill] 2) Let us C by Yashwant Kanetkar
DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD M.C.A. CS102 - LOGICAL ORGANIZATION OF COMPUTER -----------------------------------------------------------------------Teaching scheme (H/W)| Exam. Scheme ( Marks ) L Tu Pr | Th Ss Pr Tw Total 4 0 2 | 60 40 25 25 150 -----------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE CONTENT Topics Lectures 1. Representation of Information (10%) Number systems : binary, octal, hexadecimal Positive and negative numbers Integers and reals Characters and codes ASCII, EBCDIC Redundant coding for error detection and correction 5
Basic Logic Design(20%) 10 Truth tables Boolean algebra Combination circuit design with AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR gates Multiplexer Flipflops Shift registers and counters Simple arithmetic and logic circuits Memory Random Serial Direct Devices(10%) access memory access memory access memory 5
CPU Architecture (20%) 10 Instruction format Addressing modes-direct, indirect, immediate, relative, indexed Addressing formats : Zero, single, double, register etc. Instruction set selection Software hardware tradeoffs Instruction execution Fetch and execution cycles Micro-programming concept Speed mismatch between CPU and memory and methods of alleviating it Computer Networking 5. I/O Architecture (20%) 10 Properties of simple I/O devices and their controllers Transfer of information between I/O devices CPU and memory Programm controlled and interrupt controlled information transfer Alleviating speed mismatch between I/O units and memory DMA control, I/O channels and peripheral processors Books : 1 Digital Logic and Computer Design By : M. Morris Mano, PHI 2 Micrpprocessor Architecture, programming and applications with 8085 By : Ramesh S. Gaonker, Panram Int. Pub. (4th ed) 3 Digital Computer Fundamentals By : Thomas C. Bartee, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD MCA CS103 - DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------Teaching scheme (H/W)| Exam. Scheme ( Marks ) L Tu Pr | Th Ss Pr Tw Total 4 0 2 | 60 40 -- 25 125 ------------------------------------------------------------------------MAJOR TOPICS : SETS AND PROPOSITIONS COMPUTABILITY AND FORMAL LANGUAGES FINITE STATE MACHINES PERMUTATIONS & COMBINATIONS RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS GRAPH THEORY TREES AND CUTSETS RECURRENCE RELATION AND RECURSIVE ALGORITHMS GRAPHS,RINGS AND BOOLEAN ALGEBRAS. Course contents : 1. Sets and propositions : combination, finite, uncountably infinite and infinite sets, mathematical induction, principles of inclusion and exclusion, propositions. Permutations, combinations, discrete probabilities : rules of sums and products, permutations, combinations, generation, discrete probability, conditional probability, information. Relations and functions : relational model of databases, properties of binary relations, equivalence relation, partitions, partial ordering, lattices, chains and antichains, functions and pigeon-hole principle. Graphs : Basic terminology, multi- and weighted graphs, paths, circuits, shortest path, Eulerian path, Travelling Salesman problem, factors of a graph, planar graphs. Trees : trees, rooted trees, path length, prefix codes, binary search trees, spanning trees and cut-sets, minimum spaning trees, transport networks. Finite-state machines : FSM as models of physical systems,equivalent machines,FSM as language recognizer. Computability and Formal languages : Russel's paradox and non-computability, ordered sets, languages, phrasestructured grammars, types of grammars and languages. Recurrence relations : linear recurrence relations with constant coefficient, homogeneous, particular and total solutions, generating functions, sorting algorithms, matrix multiplication. Discrete numerical functions : manipulations of numerical functions, asymptotic behavior, generating functions, combinatorial problems. 4 5 5 5 5 9 5 5 5
11. Group : groups and sub-groups, generators, evaluation of powers, cosets, Lagrange's theorem, permutation group and Burnsides theorem, group codes, isomorphism, automorphism, homomorphism, normal subgroups, rings, integral domains and fields, ring homomorphism, polynomial rings and cyclic codes. 12. Lattices and Boolean algebras : Lattices and algebraic systems, principle of duality,properties of algebraic systems, distributive lattices, boolean algebras, uniqueness, boolean functions and expressions, propositional calculus. Text Book : "Elements of Discrete Mathematics" C.L. Liu, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill "Modern Applied Algebra" Birkoff and Bartee, McGraw-Hill, CBS. "Discrete Mathematics - A Unified Approach" Stephen A. Wiitala. Computer Science Series, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books :
DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD MCA CS104 - BEHAVIOURAL AND INFORMATION CONCEPTS IN ORGANIZATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------Teaching scheme (H/W) | Exam. Scheme ( Marks ) L Tu Pr | Th Ss Pr Tw Total 4 0 2 | 60 40 -- 25 125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE CONTENTS (A) BEHAVIOURAL ORGANIZATION: 1. Management Process. 1.1. Introduction. 1.2. Types of managers , their levels &skills. 1.3. MIS : a tool for management procss. 2. Planning. 2.1. Decision making. 2.1.1 programmable & non-programmable decision. 2.1.2 Certainty , risk & Uncertainty. 2.1.3 Rational model. 2.2. Planning & Strategic management. 2.2.1 The hierarchy of organization plan. 2.2.2 Operational & strategic plan. 2.2.3 Strategic management process. 2.2.4 Levels of strategy. 2.2.5 The content of corporate strategy. (a) BCG matrix. (b) Porter's five force model. 3. Organization : 3.1. Introduction. 3.2. Four building blocks of org. 3.3. Various types of org. structure and division of work span. 3.4. MIS : Organisation. 4. MBO (Management By Objective). 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. Process of MBO. 4.3. Benefits , problems & limitations of MBO. 4.4. MBO in Indian Organisation. 5. Power And Distribution Of Authority. 5.1. Power 5.1.1. Introduction. 5.1.2. Source of power. 5.2. Authority. 5.2.1. Two views of authority. 5.2.2. Line, staff & functional Authority. 5.3. Delegation. 5.3.1. Introduction. - Advantage & Barriers. 5.3.2. Centralization & Decentralization. 5.3.3. Job Design : Job enlargement , Job enrichment & Job rotation. 6. Motivation. (3)
6.1. Introduction. & basic assumption of motivation. 6.2. Theories of motivation; 6.2.1. NEED theory. 6.2.2. MASLOW'S theory. 6.2.3. EXPECTANCY theory. 6.2.4. GOAL SETTING theory. 7. Leadership. (3) 7.1. Introduction. 7.2. Trait approach to leadership & behavior approach to leadership. 8. Communication. 8.1. Introduction. 8.2. Communication process - fundamental. 8.3. Communication based on direction. 8.4. Communication network. 8.5. Types of communication & communication methods. 8.6. Advantages & barriers. 8.7. Guideline for effective communication. (B) INFORMATION CONCEPT IN ORGANIZATION : 9. MIS (Management Information System). (3) 9.1. Introduction. 9.2. Importance of MIS - computer & MIS - Organization Structure & MIS - future of MIS. 9.3. MIS: the factor of success and failure. 10. Information system and organization. (4) 10.1. Introduction. 10.2. Data & Information.- Management & Decision making. 10.3. Information support for functional areas of management. 10.4. Impact of business on information system - organizing information system. 10.5. MIS and information concept. 11. Classification of MIS (Less theory and more on applications)(5) 11.1. DSS. 11.2. TPS. 11.3. OAS. 11.4. ESS. 11.5. ES TOTAL : BOOKS:Text books : 1) " MANAGEMENT " (6TH EDITION) (PHI publication). BY: Stoner , Freeman & Gilbert. 2) " Management Information System " ( PHI publication). BY: S. Sadagopan. Reference books: 1) "MANAGEMENT TODAY " BY : Burton & Thakur. 2) " PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT " BY : L. M. Prasad. 3) " Management Information System" BY : W. S. Jawadekar. (3)
DHARMSINH DESAI UNIVERSITY, NADIAD MCA-1 CS107 - ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT _________________________________________________________________ Teaching scheme : Examination Sch L Tu Pr Th Ss Pr Tw Total 4 0 0 60 40 25 25 150 _________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE To provide an awareness of the underlying financial structures and procedure of organization so that the introduction of financial systems with information systems can be understood by the information systems designer. COURSE CONTENTS 1. Principles of Accounting : (No. of Lectures) --> Passing of entries in books of accounts - Trial Balance Final Accounts - Current Assets - Current Liabilities - Other Liabilities - Owner Equities - Trading Account - Record and Systems - Control Accounts and Subsidiary Ledgers Limitations of Profit & Loss account & Balancesheet. 2. Assets and Working Capital : Fixed Assets and Depreciation - Assets acquisition & Disposal & Replacement - Intangible Assets - Inventory Valuation Methods - Working Capital - Fund Flow - Cash Flow. 3. Interpreting Accounts and Financial Statement : Use of Ratios in interpreting Financial Statements Limitations - Other methods of Evaluation. 4. Standards for Control : Variable cost - Fixed cost - Cost volume profit analysis Break Even Point - Marginal and Full costing - Contribution Standard costing - Analysis of variance - Computer accounting and algorithms. 5. Budgeting / Forecasting : Characteristics of Budget - Definition - Various types of Budgets & their preparation. 6. Project Appriasal : Capital Investment - Discounted Cash Flows - Appraisal Criteria - Internal Rate of Return - Payback - Accounting Rate of Return - Sensitively Analysis - Cost of Capital. Text Book : 1. Financial Accounting & Management by Rana T. J., B.S. Shah Pub. 2. Advanced Accounts by Shukla M.C. & Grawal T.S., Chand Pub. Ref. Book: 1. Cost Accounting by Bhar B.K. Pub. Accademic 2. Financial Management Theory & Practice by Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill 10]