FPA-13 Exam Prep Guide Beta
FPA-13 Exam Prep Guide Beta
FPA-13 Exam Prep Guide Beta
The Examination
The FP&A exam consists of two parts Part I and Part II that require a mastery of the critical skills, knowledge and abilities involved in the corporate nancial planning & analysis function. The parts may be taken together or separately. Each part contains questions in several different areas of expertise know as knowledge domains. These domains can be found on our website: www.FPAcert.org/ TestSpecs. Both parts of the exam will be offered in the Beta testing window February 1 March 31, 2014. Part I Financial Acumen is a 100-150 question computer-based exam. Part II Financial Analysis is a 130-170 question computerbased exam. There are multiple versions of the test. All versions are psychometrically equated to provide fairness to all candidates. The questions will have differing degrees of difficulty. There is no penalty for incorrect answers and both scored and unscored questions will be included on the exam. Unscored questions are included to gather data on their validity. While it is predetermined which questions will not be scored, candidates will not be able to distinguish them from the scored questions. There are two types of exam questions: multiple-choice and spreadsheet based. Multiple-choice items will appear as in most tests with a question and multiple answer choices. The format for the spreadsheet based items will change slightly depending on the contents of the item. Examples of spreadsheet based questions include items that ask the candidate to perform a calculation or give a data table and ask the candidate to perform an analysis. Spreadsheet questions will all have four areas an area for the problem statement, an area for the answer, an area for the stimulus material, data tables, etc. and an open worksheet area. You can use any portion of the worksheet area to calculate your answer(s). You can reference or copy the data in the stimulus area but you cannot change the stimulus material nor can you type in cells in that area. You will enter your answer in the answer box(s) provided. You cannot type in any other cells in the answer area. You will see three buttons on the top of the window: Cut, Copy and Paste in addition to the normal navigation buttons which appear for multiple-choice items (next, previous, help, end exam, navigation, etc.). All items will also have a separate scratch spreadsheet button in lieu of the traditional calculator button. This opens a blank spreadsheet for candidates to make calculations or notes for themselves as they work through an item. Please note that the scratch spreadsheet does not have a memory function, so any information a candidate enters on the scratch spreadsheet will be lost if they close it. All spreadsheet items will contain at least one tab for the problem itself. This tab contains the areas listed above. Items may contain additional tabs for additional instructions or for additional background material. These items may require one or more responses. Responses may be free numeric response (where you will enter a value in the answer box) or selected response (where you will select an answer from a pop up box.) Spreadsheet items are scored as correct or incorrect. To be scored as correct, you must place a correct response in every answer box provided. A tutorial of the spreadsheet will be available on the FP&A website (www.FPAcert.org) and the Pearson VUE website (www.pearsonvue.com/afp) before the beginning of the Beta testing window (February 1 March 31, 2014).
Exam Part I.B 1. Which type of graphic would be most effective for presenting sales that are affected by seasonality? A. Bubble chart B. Line chart C. Bar chart D. Pie chart
Exam Part I.B 3. What does internal rate of return represent? A. The rate at which net present value is negative B. The rate at which net present value is maximized C. The rate at which net present value is zero D. The rate at which net present value is minimized
Exam Part I.A 5. Which benchmark can an FP&A professional calculate based on information normally found on a corporate annual report? A. Return on equity B. Manufacturing cost per unit of production C. Sales per full-time employee D. Human resource expenses to sales
Exam Part I.A 2. An FP&A professional is researching a competitors nancial condition. Which nancial statement is the best source of data for determining the competitors ability to repay its debt? A. The competitors income statement B. The competitors statement of retained earnings C. The competitors statement of cash ow D. The competitors balance sheet
Exam Part I.A 4. The FP&A team at a large company has been tasked with implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to streamline budgeting and forecasting. Who should the FP&A manager collaborate with during the requirements stage of the project? A. FP&A staff, information technology staff, and procurement staff B. Business units, FP&A staff, and information technology staff C. Business units, procurement staff, and auditors D. FP&A staff, information technology staff, and vendors Exam Part II.A 6. An FP&A professional wants to quantify the strength and direction of the relationship between overhead expenses and employee head count in a companys business units. What quantitative measure should be computed in this analysis? A. Correlation coefficient B. Standard deviation C. Weighted average D. Condence interval
Exam Part I.A 8. Problem Statement: The consumer price index (CPI) was 204.1 in Year 1 and 207.4 in Year 2. Calculate the rate of ination between Year 1 and Year 2 (rounded to two decimal places).
About AFP
Headquartered outside Washington, D.C., the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) is the professional society that represents nance executives globally. AFP established and administers the Certied Treasury Professional and Certied Corporate FP&A Professional credentials, which set standards of excellence in nance. The quarterly AFP Corporate Cash Indicators serve as a bellwether of economic growth. The AFP Annual Conference is the largest networking event for corporate nance professionals in the world. 4520 East-West Highway | Suite 750 | Bethesda, MD 20814 T: +1 301.907.2862 | F: +1 301.907.2864 | www.AFPonline.org
AFP, Association for Financial Professionals and the AFP logo are registered trademarks of the Association for Financial Professionals. FP&A, Certified Corporate FP&A Professional and the FP&A logo are trademarks of the Association for Financial Professionals. 9/13.