PON E1-Jorge Finochietto

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Passive Optical Networks

Authors: Fabio Neri Jorge M. Finochietto

Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions


Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

The Broadband Connected Household

Interactive )a#in* ideoCon!erence +%- Mb(s
%/0channels 1 /o$ services

"thernet &'--' Mb(s

$et Top Bo%

O'* .P
&'' Mb(s +%+' Mb(s

Co#puters Telephon e T
Ho#e station

-eal *state services

, ar Al ! #r g un in "a ook b
g! rin er ito * n on , ck

Triple Pla,



D .

Passive Optical Networks

/ccess Network
%echnologies &or access network: Plain Ol# %elephone (ervice (PO%( As!,,etric $igital (ubscriber "oop (A$(" 2able0,o#e,s using 2able0%/ (2A%/ in&rastructures Power "ine 2o,,unication P"2 3ireless access technologies
"ocal Multipoint $istribution (ervice ("M$( 3iFi'3iMa4 2ellular networks

Optical access networks

Passive Optical Networks

%D$0 $olutions
"argel! #eplo!e# nowa#a!s
5se o& e4isting copper lines (,ooth ,igration'upgra#e o& current network

)an#wi#th an# reach are li,ite#6

Data .ate1 Mbps

D$0 9;

7 8, 9 8,

(hannon?s in&or,ation theore,@ (('N0li,ite#A here: crosstalk

/D$0+1 79 >


: 8, ; 8, < 8,

/D$0+ = 8,

0en*th1 2#

$ource3 "ricsson

Passive Optical Networks

/D$03 4ser Devices

separates #ata &ro, voice signals

(#e ,o#u#ulates signals at proper &reBuencies (e.g.A in A$("A &ro, 9< 8CD in upstrea,A an# &ro, 9;E 8CD in #ownstrea,
oice Data

Passive Optical Networks

H5C /ccess Network

2A%/ in&rastructures are also calle# C!bri# Fiber 2oa4 (CF2


Head end


Remote node

amplifiers coax

%he! o&&er a uni#irectional high spee# #ownstrea, channel

Passive Optical Networks

5iber To The 6 75TT%8

$ervice Node

Optical 5iber




0eased 0ine




5ra#e(Cell .ela, Telephone


;; ;-;;

ON4 Twisted Pair ON4



90ater: 9$oon:






5TTH 3 5iber To The Ho#e 5TTB 3 5iber To The Buildin*

5TTC 3 5iber To The Curb 5TTCab 3 5iber To The Cabinet

Passive Optical Networks

Optical /ccess Networks

"ow AttenuationA large #istances "ow power consu,ption "arge )an#wi#thA ,an! broa#ban# users

-eBuires new &iber installation Outsi#e plant costs are i,portant66

Passive Optical Networks

Optical /ccess Networks

Point0to0Point links
(i,pleA stan#ar#iDe# an# ,ature technolog! N &ibers lines 2N transcievers

Passive Optical Networks

Optical /ccess Networks

Active Optical Network
(i,pleA stan#ar#iDe# an# ,ature technolog! 7 &iber line 2urb (witch power in the &iel# 2N+2 transcievers

Passive Optical Networks

Optical /ccess Networks

Passive Optical Network (PON
(i,pleA un#er stan#ar#iDation technolog! 7 &iber line N+1 transcievers passive #evices (splitters

Passive Optical Networks

PON Overview
O0T: Optical "ine %er,inator ON4: Optical Network 5nit ODN: Optical $istribution Network c !i
r # a e T ! a r

ow D

t s n

!!ic a r T # a 4pstre

Passiv e Device s ODN

Passive Optical Networks

Ti#e vs< $pectru# $harin*

$ownstrea, point-to-multipoint network
%he O"% ,anages the whole ban#wi#th

5pstrea, multipoint-to-point network

ON5s trans,it onl! towar#s the O"% ON5s cannot #etect other ON5s trans,issions $ata trans,itte# b! ON5s ,a! colli#e

Nee# o& a channel separation ,echanis, to &airl! share ban#wi#th resources

Time Division Multiple Access

Wavelength Division Multiple Access

Passive Optical Networks

PON "volution
TDM-PONs (tan#ariDe# 5se &ew wavelengths (t!picall! 9 or : "ow cost an# ,ature #evices (splittersA lasersA etc. "i,ite# power bu#get
Ma4i,u, #istances 9Ek,A (plit ratios =;

%ra&&ic #istribution
)roa#cast sche,e in #ownstrea, %$MA techniBues in upstrea,

*4a,ples: APON')PONA *PON F +PON WDM-PONs Propose# in literature an#'or #e,onstrate# .ntro#uce 3$M techniBues an# #evices (A3+ "ong0reach an# ban#wi#th *4a,ples: 2PONA "A-N*%A -.%*N*%A (uccess0$3A@

Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions


Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

PON Ph,sical 0a,er

Passive splitter'co,biner(s %wo separate# channels $ownstrea, (O"% ON5s 5pstrea, (ON5s O"% A :r# channel can be use# &or broa#casting vi#eo

O0T Passive (plitter



Passive Optical Networks

Optical 5iber3 /ttenuation

(ingle Mo#e Fiber ((MF to achieve large #istances IT4 )<=-+ $M5 7$TD8
Gwater peakH attenuation ren#ers the 7:=En,7;>En, spectru, unusable &or #ata trans,ission

.%5 +=<9c'# (MF (I3P

GDero0water peakH
:.E 9.<

5irst Window

$TD $M5
$econd Window

/TT"N4/TION 7dB(k#8

@WP $M5





Third Window












W/ "0"N)TH 7n#8

Passive Optical Networks

Optical 5iber3 Chro#atic Dispersion

2auses signal pulse broa#ening

Passive Optical Networks



"ow loss (E.< #)'k, Iero chro,atic #ispersion

&AB'n# &--'n#

"ow loss (E.: #)'k, 2hro,atic #ispersion (7E07K ps'n,.k, Opticall! a,pli&ie# b! *$FAs (7<<En,

Passive Optical Networks

0asers Diodes 70D8

(i,ple FP

Fabr!0Perot (FP
2heap Nois!

gain ,irror cleave

0 (ensitive to chro,atic #ispersion 1

5se# on 7:7E n,

gain ,irror

$istribute# Fee#back ($F)

More e4pensive Narrow spectral wi#th

A- coating

"ess sensitive to chro,atic #ispersion

5se# on 7<<E n, (or 7:7E n,

Passive Optical Networks

Photodiodes 7PD8
P.N Photo#io#es
+oo# optical sensitivit! (099 #), (ilicon &or shorter ?s (eg ><En, .n+aAs &or longer ?s (eg 7:7E'7<<En,

Avalanche Photo#io#es (AP$s

Cigher sensitivit! (0:E #), Pri,aril! &or e4ten#e# #istances in +b's rates Much higher cost than P.N #io#es

Passive Optical Networks

T,pical PON Con!i*uration

Dual 5iber $in*le 5iber 7:7En,. 5pstrea, on 7:7En, $ownstrea, on 7;JEn,

4pstrea# ON4 O0T FP AP$ Downstrea# P.N $F)

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# Tra!!ic
$ownstrea, tra&&ic is broa#caste# to all ON5s
3eak securit!

ON5s &ilter #ata (&ra,es b! #estintation a##ress


O0T Passive (plitter



Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# Tra!!ic $chedulin*

O"% sche#ules tra&&ic insi#e ti,eslots
%i,e $ivision Multiple4ing (%$M sche,e

%i,e slots can var! &ro, s to ,s


B C B /

O0T Passive (plitter

/ B C B

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# 5ra#e .eception

*ach ON5 receives all the &ra,es with the same constant power
(i,ple receiver (low0cost L ON5s

Fra,es have prea,bles',arkers

K k,

O0T 7 k,

: k,

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Tra!!ic
All ON5s share the sa,e upstrea, channel
ON5s cannot e4change #ata #irectl! 2ollisions ,a! occur at the splitter'co,biner


O0T Passive (plitter



Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Tra!!ic $chedulin* &(A

Me#ia access ,echanis,s
2ontention0base# (si,ilar to 2(MA'2$
ON5s cannot #etect collisions #ue to #irectional properties o& optical splitter'co,biner

+uarantee# (%$MAA O2$MAA etc.


O0T Passive (plitter


Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Tra!!ic $chedulin* +(A

.n generalA PON stan#ar#s propose %i,e $ivision Multiple4ing Access (%$MA sche,es
5pstrea, ti,e slicing an# assign,ent

O0T Passive (plitter


Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Tra!!ic $chedulin* >(A

%!picall!A #ownstrea, tra&&ic carries grants that sche#ule upstrea, tra&&ic +rant #istribution ,ust take into account the #i&&erent propagation ti,es to reach each ON5
& +


7E k,

B /
+ &


O0T Passive (plitter



9 k,

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Tra!!ic $chedulin* A(A

PON stan#ar#s #e&ine ranging ,echanis,s
the ,etho# o& ,easuring the logical #istance between each ON5 an# the O"% an# #eter,ining the trans,ission ti,ing such that upstrea, cells sent &ro, #i&&erent ON5s #o not colli#e

7E k,

O0T Passive (plitter



9 k,

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# 5ra#e .eception

%he O"% receives &ra,es with #i&&erent powers
Much #i&&icult to recover s!nchronis, )urst Mo#e -eceiver (co,ple4 L O"%
(ets E07 threshol# on a burst basis

K k,
B / B

O0T Passive (plitter 7 k,

: k,

Passive Optical Networks

Power Bud*et
Ma4i,u, optical power loss in the O$N
$i&&erence between the %M power an# the sensitivit! o& the -M

2onsi#ers attenuation o& &iberA connectorsA splicesA splittersA etc.

O$N "oss Mo#el Assu,ptions 2onventional 2onnection (plices Fiber (7:7En, Fiber (7;JE'7<<En, E.K< #) E.E>> #) E.< #)'k, E.: #)'k, "ow0loss E.7< #) E.E=K #) E.; #)'k, E.9 #)'k,

Passive Optical Networks

Passive $plitters
749 (plitter 74N (plitter

*ver! ti,e the signal is split two wa!sA the signal is re#uce# b! 10log(0.5)=3dB "oss 3dB log2(#ON s)
2onventional (plitter 749 :.K#) "ow0loss :.;#)

Passive Optical Networks

$plitter(Couplers Con!i*urations

;0stage >4>

:0stage >4>

Passive Optical Networks

Transceiver /ssu#ptions
%M Power ON5 (FP1P.N O"% ($F)1AP$ E #), 7 #), -M (ensitivit! 099 #), 0:E #),

4pstrea# 7C&>&'n#8 Power Bud*et D >' dB Downstrea# 7C&AB'n#8 Power Bud*et D ++ dB

Passive Optical Networks

ideo Distribution over PONs

/i#eo can be #istribute# in several wa!s -F vi#eo signal (overla! vi#eo
5ses the sa,e technolog! e,plo!e# in cable %/ networks -eBuires a #e#icate# wavelength an# high0power (upports both analog an# #igital channels

.P vi#eo signal (integrate# vi#eo

5ses .P protocol to #eliver! vi#eo services 2an use the sa,e wavelength as #ata an# voice /i#eo hea# en# can be share# a,ong ,an! networks'plat&or,s

Passive Optical Networks


ideo $i*nal

A :r# channel (7<<En, can be use# &or vi#eo A high0power signal is reBuire# &or vi#eo
%he vi#eo signal is a,pli&ie# b! an *$FA at the O"%
vide o


vide o

O0T Passive (plitter

vide o

vide o

Passive Optical Networks


ideo Issue3 Brillouin $catterin*

All optical &ibers have a ph!sical li,itation known as stimulated Brillouin scattering (()( ()( occurs when a high power optical signal over relativel! long length (N>k, &iber generates variations in the &iber?s optical properties an# scatters optical signals in the reverse #irection. As power levels increaseA so #oes the e&&ectA resulting in trans,itter signal loss an# noticeable vi#eo signal #egra#ation on a subscriber?s %/ .n generalA this results in a power bud*et o! +& dB 7C&>&'n#8

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# /nal,sis 7Conventional ODN8

2onsi#ers onl! &iber an# splitter attenuation
$plit & + A ? &= >+ =A &+? No#< splittin* loss 7dB8 ' ><E E<A &&<& &A<? &?<++<+ +-<B /vail< !iber loss 7dB8 >' +=<> ++<= &?<B &-<+ &&<E<? A<& No#< Distance 7k#8 ='<' -+<= A-<+ >E<? >'<A +><' &-<= ?<+

*ach split costs E<A k# 7&+<>F8

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# /nal,sis 7Conv< ODN8

2onsi#ers onl! &iber an# splitter attenuation
$plit & + A ? &= >+ =A &+? No#< splittin* loss 7dB8 ' ><E E<A &&<& &A<? &?<++<+ +-<B /vail< !iber loss 7dB8 +> &B<> &-<= &&<B ?<+ A<'<? -+<B No#< Distance 7k#8 E=<E =A<> -+<' >B<E +E<> &-<' +<E '<'

*ach split costs &+<> k# 7&A<EF8

Passive Optical Networks


ideo /nal,sis 7Conventional ODN8

No#< splittin* loss 7dB8 & + A ? &= >+ =A &+? ' ><E E<A &&<& &A<? &?<++<+ +-<B /vail< !iber loss 7dB8 +& &E<> &><= B<B =<+ +<-&<+ -A<B No#< Distance 7k#8 E'<' -E<E A-<> >><' +'<E ?<> '<' '<'

2onsi#ers onl! &iber an# splitter attenuation


*ach split costs &+<> k# 7&=<&F8

Passive Optical Networks

Conventional ODN /nal,sis

Coonventional ODN
Ma%i#u# ON4 Distance Gk#H 7EE.E >E.E =E.E ;E.E 9E.E E.E 7 9 ; > 7= :9 =; 79> Nu#ber o! ON4s 7split8 5pstrea, $ownstrea, -F /i#eo

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# /nal,sis 70ow loss ODN8

2onsi#ers onl! &iber an# splitter attenuation
$plit & + A ? &= >+ =A &+? No#< splittin* loss 7dB8 ' ><A =<? &'<+ &><= &E +'<A +><? /vail< !iber loss 7dB8 >' +=<= +><+ &B<? &=<A &> B<= =<+ No#< Distance 7k#8 E-<' ==<-?<' AB<A&<' >+<+A<' &-<-

*ach split costs ?<- k# 7&&<>F8

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# /nal,sis 70ow loss ODN8

2onsi#ers onl! &iber an# splitter attenuation
$plit & + A ? &= >+ =A &+? No#< splittin* loss 7dB8 ' ><A =<? &'<+ &><= &E +'<A +><? /vail< !iber loss 7dB8 No#< Distance 7k#8

+> &B<= &=<+ &+<? B<A =<' +<= -'<?

&&B? ?&

*ach split costs =A &E k# AE

>' &> '


Passive Optical Networks


ideo /nal,sis 70ow loss ODN8

No#< splittin* loss 7dB8 & + A ? &= >+ =A &+? ' ><A =<? &'<+ &><= &E +'<A +><? /vail< !iber loss 7dB8 +& &E<= &A<+ &'<? E<A A<' '<= -+<? No#< Distance 7k#8 &'?? E& -A >E +' > '

2onsi#ers onl! &iber an# splitter attenuation


*ach split costs &E k# 7&=<+F8

Passive Optical Networks

0ow 0oss ODN /nal,sis

0ow loss ODN

Ma%i#u# ON4 Distance Gk#H 7;E.E 79E.E 7EE.E >E.E =E.E ;E.E 9E.E E.E 7 9 ; > 7= :9 =; 79> Nu#ber o! ON4s 7split8 5pstrea, $ownstrea, -F /i#eo

Passive Optical Networks

.each($plit .atio I#prove#ent

5se o& Forwar# *rror 2orrection (F*2 techniBues .%50% +.KJ<
-e# (alo,on 2o#e "ow &ra,e processing #ela! (79s =O overhea# 5pto <.<#) gain
AP$ electrical gain (li,ite# b! shot noise P.N P electrical gain (li,ite# b! ther,al noise

.ncrease 7::9 splits L 7Ek, Allow 7:7= k, L 9Ek,

Passive Optical Networks

Which one is a better desi*nI

7 k,
Fiber: E.:#)'k, (plitter: :#)'split

4:9 7E k,

7E k,

4:9 7 k,

Passive Optical Networks

Which one is a better desi*nI

7 k,

No di!!erence at all
4:9 7E k,

7E k, 4:9 7 k,

a b

a b E.: #) 1 7< #) 1 : #) Q 7>.: #) : #) 1 7< #) 1 E.: #) Q 7>.: #)

Passive Optical Networks

Which one is a better desi*nI

7 k,
Fiber: E.:#)'k, (plitter: :#)'split

< k, < k,

49 7 k, 47=

7E k,

4:9 7 k,

= k,

Passive Optical Networks

Which one is a better desi*nI

7 k, 49 <E k, 47= < k, 7 k, 7E k,

< k,


<< k,

a b Q 7>.: #) Q 7>.: #)

Q E.:#)1:#)17<#)Q7>.:#) Q :#)17<#)17=.<#)Q:;.<#)

Passive Optical Networks

Other Desi*n Issues<<<

3in#0$riven -ain
KE ,ph <.> in'hr :E ,in Passing: No evi#ence o& water intrusion

Passive Optical Networks

PONs are t!picall! ,a#e o&
cheap co,ponents at ON5s ,ore e4pensive an# per&or,ant ones at the O"%

5pstrea, tra&&ic sche#uling is ,anage# in a centraliDe# &ashion b! the O"% %$M0PONs have li,ite# reach'split per&or,ance
7E09Ek, F 7=0:9 split ratios

(tan#ar#s #e&ine
Ph!sical "a!er $ownstrea, an# 5pstrea, Fra,e For,ats 5pstrea, +rant $istribution Mechanis,
-anging Mechanis,

Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions

PON $tandardiJation

Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

PON $tandards
%or&ing 'roups Full (ervice Access Network (F(AN +roup *thernet in the First Mile (*FM Alliance

(tandard s Bodies

.nternational %eleco,,unication 5nion (.%50%

&BB?(+'' &

!ropose standards

.nstitute o& *lectrical F *lectronics *ngineers (.***

"ati#$ standards

(tandard s

APON')PON (+.J>:

+PON (+.J>;


*PON (>E9.:ah

Passive Optical Networks

5$/N Me#bers3 $ervice Providers

Passive Optical Networks

"5M /lliance3 "Kuip#ent



AllOpticA 2iscoA *lastic NetworksA *ricssonA *4tre,e NetworksA .n&ineonA .ntelA N%%A PassaveA %e4as .nstru,entsA @

Position *thernet in the First Mile as a ke! networking technolog! &or the access network (upport the *thernet in the First Mile stan#ar#s e&&ort con#ucte# in the .*** P>E9.:ah %ask Force

Passive Optical Networks

Technical $tandards Co#parison

$tandard Data Packet Cell $iJe Ma%i#u# $peed .%5 +.J>: <: b!tes 2on&igurable 7.9 +b's #ownstrea,R =99 Mb's upstrea, A%M A%M 7<<E n, overla! (-F 9E0:E #) :9 7E09E k, 9709= 0#) 7= or ,ore 7E09E k,

.***>E9ah 7<7> b!tes (!,,etric 7.9< +b's

.%5 +.J>; <: to 7<7> b!tes 2on&igurable 9.; +bps #ownstrea, 9.; +bps upstrea, A%MA *thernet or %$M A%MA /o.P or %$M

Tra!!ic Modes oice ideo ODN Power Bud*ets Ma% PON $plits .each

*thernet /o.P

*ither over -F or .P 9E0:E #) =; 9E k,

Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions


Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

/TM PONs 7/PONs8

%he &irst PON stan#ar# was base# on A%M cells .t consists o&:
$ownstrea, 2hannel L 7<< Mbps or =99 Mbps 5pstrea, 2hannel L 7<< Mbps

.t supporte# #i&&erent services:

$igital )roa#ban# /i#eo (No Analog /i#eo Multi,e#ia (ervices A%M (ervices

%hose were the A%M #a!s6

Passive Optical Networks

/PON Ph,sical Para#eters

Fiber %!pe Power )u#get Ma4 -each (plit -atio %rans,ission +.=<9 ((%$ (MF 2lass ): 7E09< #) 2lass 2: 7<0:E #) 9E k, 7= or :9 (ingle Fiber $ual Fiber (ingle Fiber 5pstrea, $ownstrea, 7:7E n, 7<<E n, $ual Fiber 7:7E n, 7:7E n,

Passive Optical Networks

/PON /rchitecture 7$in*le 5iber8

7:7E n,

7<<E n,

oice and Data

7EE n,


ideo and Data

7EE n,

/oiceA /i#eo F $ata $ownstrea, 7<<E n, Optical Coupler 5pstrea, 7:7E n,
&%>+ Or Cascade

Optica l $plitt er

/i#eo $ata PO%( (l (AA"< (AA"7A9

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# 5ra#e $tructure

)ase# on (%M07 (7<< Mbps line rate *ach &ra,e (7<E s carries ti,eslots o& <:)
%he &ra,e is long
<= slots (7<< Mbps :.= s ti,eslots 99; slots (=99Mbps E.J s ti,eslots

*ach ti,eslot contains

a #ata cell (A%M or a Ph!sical "a!er Operation F Manage,ent cell (P"OAM *ver! 9> slots a P"OAM cell is inserte#.

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# P0O/M cell

$ownstrea, P"OAM cells are responsible &or

allocating ban#wi#th (via grant &iel#s A &ra,e s!nchroniDationA error controlA rangingA an# ,aintenance.

Downstrea# P0O/M Cell

Pa!loa# o& ;> b!tes 2arries 9K grants *ach grantA sche#ules 7 upstrea, A%M cell

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# /TM cell

ON5s &ilter #ownstrea, A%M cells an# receive onl! those that are a##resse# to the, *ach A%M cell has a 790bit a##ressing &iel# associate# with a virtual circuit
At ,ost ;EJ= A%M circuits are allowe# per PON

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# 5ra#e $tructure

*ach &ra,e (7<E s carries <: slots o& <= b!tes
<: b!tes o& A%M or P"OAM cell : overhead b!tes per A%M cell

%he : overhea# b!tes contain

at least ; bits o& *uard ti#e
to prevent collisions with cells &ro, other ON5s.

a prea#ble &iel# &or bit s!nchroniDation an# a,plitu#e recover!. a deli#iter &iel# is use# to in#icate the start o& an inco,ing cell.

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# P0O/M cell

5pstrea, P"OAM cells carr!
alar,sA alerts ranging ,essages receiver an# trans,itter status

5pstrea, P"OAM rate

$e&ine# b! the O"% &or each ON5 Mini,u, is 7 P"OAM ever! 7EE ,s
4pstrea# P0O/M Cell

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Tra!!ic $chedulin*

2ouple# #ownstrea, an# upstrea, ti,ing
)oth &ra,es have eBual length (7<E s (!nchroniDation is base# on #ownstrea, &ra,es

%he O"%A b! ,eans o& the ranging processA aligns all ON5s upstrea, &ra,es to an uniBue #ownstrea, &ra,e %he #ownstrea, &ra,e carries grants &or ON5s to allow upstrea, trans,ission One grant Q One cell
$ata +rant P"OAM +rant $ivi#eS(lot +rant @

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Minislots
An upstrea, slot can contain a dividedLslot %he #ivi#e#Sslot &its into one upstrea, slot an# contains a nu,ber o& ,inislots co,ing &ro, a set o& ON5s %he O"% assigns one #ivi#e#Sslot grant to this set o& ON5s &or sen#ing their ,inislots Minislots are use# to report status in&or,ation o& the ON5s

Passive Optical Networks

.an*in* Process
%he O"% ,ust co,pute the -%% &or each ON5A an# sen#s an eBualiDation #ela! ti,e to each o& the, P"OAM cells are use# &or this purpose ON5s i,ple,ent the eBualiDation #ela! to e,ulate an eBui#istant network

9E k,

9E k, O0T Passive (plitter 9E k,



Passive Optical Networks

/PON .an*in*
O"% sen#s a "anging 'rant an# waits &or the ON5 response OnceA the O"% has receive# all responsesA it calculates the eBualiDation #ela!s an# co,,unicates this in&or,ation to the ON5sA who a#Tust their trans,ission

Passive Optical Networks

/PON Bandwidth /llocation

$ownstrea, )an#wi#th
ban#wi#th can be #!na,icall! allocate# b! the O"% base# on the ON5?s services

5pstrea, )an#wi#th
ban#wi#th is allocate# staticall! through grants minislots ,echanis, &or reporting ON5s? BueuesA but no #!na,ic ban#wi#th allocation she,e #e&ine# No #!na,ic ban#wi#th allocation6


Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

Broadband PONs 7BPONs8

)PONs are si,ilar to APONsA but a## e4tra &unctionalities .nclu#e APONs (+.J>:.7 $e&ine# in the .%50% +.J>:.: (9EE7 (upport higher rates
$ownstrea, (7<<A =99 F 79;; Mbps 5pstrea, (7<< F =99 Mbps

alternative wavelength plan inclu#ing a##itional wavelength ban#
&or #ownstrea, vi#eo broa#castA

#!na,ic upstrea, ban#wi#th allocation (+.J>:.; protection ,echanis,s

Passive Optical Networks

BPON Ph,sical Para#eters

Fiber %!pe

+.=<9 ((%$ (MF 2lass A: < 0 9E #) 2lass ): 7E09< #) 2lass 2: 7<0:E #) 9E k, 7= or :9 (ingle Fiber

Power )u#get

Ma4 -each (plit -atio %rans,ission

Passive Optical Networks

BPON Wavelen*th /llocation



Water Peak

Passive Optical Networks

BPON /rchitecture
7:7E n, 7;JE n,


7<<E n,

oice and Data

7EE n,

oice and Data

9E n, ;9 MCD

7E n, <<E MCD >=E MCD

/nalo* T "D5/ /i#eo 7<<E n,

Di*ital T




/oice F $ata $ownstrea, 7;JE n,

Optical Coupler 5pstrea, 7:7E n,

&%>+ Or Cascade

Optica l $plitt er

/i#eo $ata PO%( (l (AA"< (AA"7A9

Passive Optical Networks


Passive Optical Networks

D,na#ic Bandwidth /llocation 7DB/8

$)A is the process b! which ON5s #!na,icall! reBuest upstrea, ban#wi#thA an# the ,etho# the O"% reassign ban#wi#th accor#ingl!
ON4-/ ON4-B ON4-C ON4-D
D,na#ic allocation o! bandwidth


$hared bandwidth

Dedicated bandwidth

)PONs #e&ines two $)A sche,es bu&&er status reporting (( i#le cell ,onitoringA or no status reporting (N(-

Passive Optical Networks

Trans#ission Containers 7T-CONTs8

*ntit! use# &or upstrea, ban#wi#th allocation -esponsible &or reBuesting an# receiving grants Associate# to a bu&&er an# report its status A single %02ON% can carr! A%M tra&&ic with various service classes an# virtual circuits A #ata grant'reBuest is associate# with one %02ON% %02ON%s are essentiall! GpipesH that carr! A%M circuits

Passive Optical Networks

No $tatus .eportin* 7N$.8

O"% inspects each inco,ing cell &ro, a speci&ic %02ON% in a pre#e&ine# ti,e &ra,e
-e,e,bers the A%M connections that are associate# with a speci&ic %02ON%

For e4a,pleA the O"% calculates the utiliDation rate o& the currentl! assigne# ban#wi#th b! ,onitoring the nu,ber o& e&&ective receive# cells &ro, speci&ic %02ON%sA an# uses this value as the ban#wi#th reBuest in&or,ation %he ban#wi#th allocation reserve# &or a %02ON% is .N2-*A(*$ i& the current allocation is largel! utiliDe# an# $*2-*A(*$ otherwise

Passive Optical Networks

$tatus .eportin* 7$.8 &(>

(-0ON5s e4plicitl! report to its O"% PON inter&ace (ince a nu,ber o& ON5s an# their %02ON%s ,a! report Bueue lengths o& %02ON% bu&&ersA it is i,perative to balance the a,ount o& in&or,ation with the upstrea, ban#wi#th consu,ption o& these reports +enerall! the O"% will generate #ivi#e#Sslot grants to reBuest a Bueue length &or the speci&ie# ON5 accor#ing to the service reBuire,ents

Passive Optical Networks

$tatus .eportin* 7$.8 +(>

3hen an ON5 recogniDes a #ivi#e#Sslot grantA the ON5 can trans&er in&or,ation in a ,inislot in the #ivi#e#Sslot %his ,inislot contains the Bueue length &or ever! %02ON% using non0linear co#ing an# 2-20>

Passive Optical Networks

$tatus .eportin* 7$.8 >(>

(-0ON5s shall report the Bueue length o& their %0 2ON%s when reBueste# b! their O"% %he Bueue length is the su, o& the total nu,ber o& cells in all the class bu&&ers that are connecte# to a %02ON%

Passive Optical Networks

5ault Tolerance
)PON #e&ines #i&&erent protection sche,es
)ase# on Auto,atic Protection (witching (AP( $uplication o& transceivers (%- A splitters an# optical &iber sections

(i,ilar to ,etro'core networks

$rop (ection Fee#er (ection

Passive (plitter

Passive Optical Networks

Protection Mechanis#s
%%%%%ON507 ON509 ON50n






B t,pe &M& protection o! O0T

C t,pe &M& protection o! PON

2ost0e&&ective -e#un#ant &ee#er -e#un#ant O"% transceivers

Most secure an# e4pensive -e#un#ant &ee#er an# #rops -e#un#ant transceivers

Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions


Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

I""" ?'+<><ah
*PON starte# to be stan#ar#iDe# b! .*** >E9.:ah *FM since 9EE7A it was rati&ie# in 9EE;
.***>E9.9 .***>E9.7 .***>E9.: .***>E9.; *thernet %oken bus MA2 la!er MA2 la!er Ph!sical la!er Ph!sical la!er logical link control bri#ging .***>E9.77 wireless MA2 la!er Ph!sical la!er

.***>E9.< .***>E9.= %oken ring MAN MA2 la!er MA2 la!er Ph!sical la!er Ph!sical la!er

"a!er 9: #ata link la!er "a!er 7: ph!sical la!er





?'+<>a h "5M

Passive Optical Networks

"thernet PONs 7"PONs8

All packets carrie# in *PON are encapsulate# in *thernet &ra,es
(upport &or variable siDe packets

(i,ilar wavelength plan to )PON Ma4i,u, bit rate is 7+bps (7.9< +bps >)'7E) Mini,u, nu,ber o& splits is 7= Ma4i,u, reach is
7E k, (FP0"$ L ON5sA li,ite# b! #ispersion 9E k, ($F)0"$ L ON5s

$i&&erent con&igurations are allowe#

Passive Optical Networks

"PON Con!i*urations






7&8 Tree Topolo*,


7+8 .in* Topolo*,





7>8 Tree with .edundant Trunk

7A8 Bus Topolo*,

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# Tra!!ic
(i,ilar to a share# ,e#iu, network Packets are broa#caste# b! the O"% an# selecte# b! their #estination ON5

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Tra!!ic
ON5s s!nchroniDe# to a co,,on ti,e re&erence 2entraliDe# arbitration sche,e O"% grants access to ON5 &or a ti,eslot
(everal *thernet packets

Passive Optical Networks

I""" ?'+ Co#pliance

.*** >E9 assu,es all stations to be connecte# to a s)ared-medium (single access #o,ain (ingle0station #o,ains connecte# b! point-topoint links &or, a switche# "AN Proble,: .*** >E9 co,pliance
ON5s cannot co,,unicate with one another #ue to #irectivit! o& passive #evices

7st (olution: *,ulate a point0to0point topolog!

"oss o& use&ul #ownstrea, broa#cast nature

9n# (olution: *,ulate a point0to0point topolog! but with a special broa#cast &eature

Passive Optical Networks

0o*ical Topolo*, "#ulation 70T"8

PON #evices i,ple,ent a logical topolog$ emulation ("%* &unction
%o preserve the e4isting *thernet MA2 operationA "%* ,ust resi#e below the MA2 subla!er

*,ulation relies on tagging *thernet &ra,es

"ogical "ink .#enti&ication ("".$ -eplaces 9 b!tes o& > o& the *thernet prea,ble

Passive Optical Networks

"PON "thernet Ta**in*

5nicast "".$
*stablishe# between the O"% an# each ON5 Point0to0point links ON5s &ilter &ra,es b! their assigne# "".$

5niversal "".$
5se# to #e&ine a broa#cast service -eceive# b! all ON5s *4ploits #ownstrea, broa#cast nature o& PONs6

Passive Optical Networks

The Muti-Point Control Protocol 7MPCP8

Original *thernet MA2 protocol cannot operate properl! in the upstrea, channel (no collision #etection MP2P (Multi0Point 2ontrol Protocol
.n0ban# signalling Messages (=; b!tes
+A%* -*+.(%*-*+.(%*-S-*U5*(% -*+.(%*-SA28 -*PO-%

Passive Optical Networks

MPCP Modes o! Operation

Auto $iscover! Mo#e
$etects newl! connecte# ON5s an# learns the roun#0trip #ela! an# MA2 a##ress o& that ON5 Messages: +A%*A -*+.(%*-A -*+.(%*-S-*U5*(%A -*+.(%*-SA28

)an#wi#th Assign,ent Mo#e

Assigns trans,ission opportunities to registere# ON5s Messages: +A%*A -*PO-%

Passive Optical Networks

/uto Discover, Mode 7&(=8

O"% allocates an initialiDation slotA an interval o& ti,e when no previousl! initialiDe# ON5s are allowe# to trans,it O"% sen#s an initialiDation G#iscover!H +A%* ,essage a#vertising the start ti,e o& the initialiDation slot an# its length

Passive Optical Networks

/uto Discover, Mode 7+(=8

Onl! un0initialiDe# ON5s will respon# to the ,essage 3hen the local clock locate# in the ON5 reaches the start ti,e o& the initialiDation slotA the ON5 will trans,it -*+.(%*-S-*U ,essage 3hen the O"% receives the -*+.(%*-S-*U &ro, an un0 initialiDe# ON5A it learns its MA2 a##ress an# roun#0trip ti,e

Passive Optical Networks

Auto $iscover! Mo#e (:'=

Passive Optical Networks

/uto Discover, Mode 7A(=8

%he O"% sen#s a -*+.(%*- ,essage containing the unicast "ogical "ink .$ ("".$

Passive Optical Networks

/uto Discover, Mode 7-(=8

%he O"% sen#s a +A%* ,essage containing a grant &or the the unicast "".$

Passive Optical Networks

/uto Discover, Mode 7=(=8

%he ON5 acknowle#ges the registration b! sen#ing a -*+.(%*-SA28 ,essage

Passive Optical Networks

/uto Discover, $u##ar,

Passive Optical Networks

Bandwidth /ssi*n#ent Mode

%he O"% sen#s a +A%* ,essage (grant an# sche#ules upstrea, trans,ission &or a speci&ic ti,e interval ON5s sen# -*PO-% ,essages with their Bueue status clai,ing grants

Passive Optical Networks

9Nust-in-Ti#e: $chedulin*
%he +A%* ,essage is sent so that when the ON5 receives the ,essage it starts trans,itting
Onl! ti,e length o& access interval is nee#e#

CoweverA *thernet &ra,es cannot be pree,pte# so collision ,a! occur

Passive Optical Networks

9$tart Ti#e: $chedulin*

%he +A%* ,essage carries
a (tart %i,eA an# its length

-eBuires a co,,on ti,e re&erence (7=ns granularit!

Passive Optical Networks

MPCP Clock $,nchroniJation

)oth the O"% an# the ON5 have :90bit counters that incre,ent ever! 7= ns
%hese counters provi#e a local ti,esta,p

MP2P ,essages contain a ti,esta,p &iel# 3hen the ON5 receives a MP2P ,essageA it sets its counter accor#ing to the value in the ti,esta,p o& the receive# ,essage
"ocal clock is then Gs!nchroniDe#H with the O"% one

Passive Optical Networks

3hen either #evice trans,its a MP2P ,essageA it ,aps its counter to the ti,esta,p &iel#
5se&ul &or the ranging process

RTT = T2 T1

Passive Optical Networks

."PO.T Messa*e
-*PO-%s are generate# at the ON5 A -*PO-% ,essage ,a! contain Bueue reports ($)A -*PO-% ,essages can be use# with ti,esta,ps onl! (-anging %he O"% ,ust process -*PO-% ,essages consi#er the -*PO-% when allocating ban#wi#th

-*PO-%s ,ust be issue# perio#icall!

Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions


Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

5ro# BPON to )i*abit PON 7)PON8

)PON .ssues
(hortage o& ban#wi#th in connecting +igabit *thernet .ne&&icient allocation o& packets #ue to AA"< Cigh cost o& inter&ace car#s #ue to low penetration o& A%M -elativel! insigni&icant role pla!e# b! A%M in the core network

Passive Optical Networks

)PON $tandardiJation
IT4-T Outline /doption


)-PON service reKuire#ents 7)eneral characteristics8

Mar< +''>


)-PON Ph,sical 0a,er spec< 7Ph,sical Media Dependent 7PMD8 la,er speci!ication8

Mar< +''>


)-PON TC la,er spec< 7Trans#ission conver*ence la,er speci!ication8

5eb< +''A

Passive Optical Networks

)<B?A<& $ervice .eKuire#ents

Ite# Tar*et

Bit rates Ph,sical reach 0o*ical reach Branches

&<+-)bit(s s,##etric or hi*her 7+<A )bit(s8< /s,##etric with &--(=++Mb(s upstrea# Ma%< +' k# or #a%< &' k# Ma%< =' k# Ma%< =A in ph,sical la,er Downstrea#3 &A?' O &-''n# 4pstrea#3 &+=' O &>='n# Class /1 B and C 7/s B-PON1 )<B?+ is applied8 Downstrea# video wavelen*th 7&--' O &-='n#8 #a, be overlaid

Wavelen*th allocation

ODN classes

Passive Optical Networks

)<B?A<+ Ph,sical .eKuiere#ents

Ite# $pec<

Bit rates

&<+AA)bit(s and +<A??)bit(s s,##etrical /s,##etrical with &--<-+(=++<'A Mbit(s upstrea#

4p to &'k#3 use o! 5P without 5"C Correction o! errors due to dispersion 4p to +'k#3 use o! 5P with 5"C 75"C is not needed when usin* D5B8 0D M PIN 7/PD #a, also be used8 AB,tes 7&--<-+Mbit(s81 ?B,tes 7=++<'?Mbit(s8 &+B,tes 7&<+AA)bit(s81 +AB,tes 7+<A??)bit(s8

Optical devices Overhead in upstrea# si*nal

Passive Optical Networks

)<B?A<> Trans#ission Conver*ene 7TC8

A%M A%M services are carrie# b! A%M &ra,es Other services are in principle carrie# b! 'eneric #rames A ,i4 o& the two t!pes o& &ra,e can be con&igure# /TM service
0a,er or hi*her /TM

Other services
T&("& TDM POT$ oIP Data ideo

0a,er A 0a,er > //0 0a,er +

TCPM4DP etc< IP "thernet

/TM !ra#e
)<B?> base

)eneric !ra#e
)<E'E base

)PON TC 7)TC8 !ra#e

0a,er &


Passive Optical Networks

Multiple%in* Mechanis#s
%02ON% entit! (as )PON : associate# to ports an#'or /P'/2

Passive Optical Networks

)PON "ncapsulation Mode 7)"M8

+*M provi#es a 'eneric *rame where to carr! both %$M an# packet tra&&ic over &i4e# #ata0rate channels
(i,ilar +eneric Fra,ing Proce#ure (+FP use# in ($C'(ON*%

A 'eneric *rame consists o&:

a core hea#er a pa!loa# hea#er an optional e4tension hea#er a pa!loa# an optional &ra,e check seBuence (F2( .

Passive Optical Networks

Mappin* Modes
Opti,iDe# &or ban#wi#th e&&icienc! at the e4pense o& latenc! .t encapsulates co,plete *thernet (or other t!pes o& &ra,es with a +*M hea#er

5se# &or low latenc! transport o& block0co#e# client signals such as +b*A Fibre 2hannelA *(2ONA Fi2ONA an# $igital /i#eo )roa#cast ($/) (,all groups o& >)'7E) s!,bols are trans,itte# rather than waiting &or a co,plete &ra,e o& #ata

Passive Optical Networks

)PON-TC 7)TC8 5ra#es

Fi4e# &ra,e #uration (79<us %ransports both A%M cells an# +*M Fra,es 5se# in both #ownstrea, ($( F upstrea, (5(
5se o& Pointers to allocate upstrea, ban#wi#th

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# $chedulin*
$ownstrea, &ra,es in#icate per,itte# locations &or upstrea, tra&&ic 5se o& pointers (b!te units
Mini,u, ban#iw#th allocation =;8bps (7 b!te L 79<us

5pstrea, &ra,es s!nchroniDe# with #ownstrea, ones

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# 5ra#e $tructure &(>

.t consists o&
a Ph!sical 2ontrol )lock $ownstrea, (P2)$ the A%M partition (NV<: b!tes the +*M partition

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# 5ra#e $tructure +(>

%he P)2$ carries basicall!
(!nchroniDation &iel#s (use# b! ON5s 5pstrea, )an#wi#th grants (upstrea, access

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# 5ra#e $tructure >(>

*ach Access grants is co,pose# o&
an Alloc.# associate# with the %02ON% a (tart %i,e an# (top %i,e e4presse# in b!tes that in#icate when to access the usptrea, channel an# when to release it

As in )PONsA upstrea, access is e&&ectivel! #one #ela!ing access &or a speci&ic eBualiDation #ela!

Passive Optical Networks

Downstrea# 5ra#e $tructure

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# 5ra#e $tructure &(>

*ach &ra,e contains trans,issions &ro, one or ,ore ON5s

Four t!pes o& overhea#ers are present

Ph!sical "a!er P"OAM Power "eveling $!na,ic )an#wi#th -eport

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# 5ra#e $tructure +(>

A prea,ble an# a #eli,iter are attache# to each burst in or#er to recover the &ra,e at the O"% %heir values are absolute in ti,e an# variables in bits

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# Burst 0ock-In Ti#e

)PON: stringent lock0in : b!tes per cell ti,ing +PON: ,ore rela4e# ti,ing
=99 Mbps upstrea,: > b!tes 7.9 +bps upstrea,: 79 b!tes 9.; +bps upstrea,: 9; b!tes

)PON Q stringent ti,ing Q ,ore e4pensive co,ponents +PON Q ,ore rela4e# ti,ing Q cheaper co,ponents +PON Q lowest cost path &or higher ban#wi#th

Passive Optical Networks

4pstrea# 5ra#e $tructure >(>

%he usptrea, &ra,e pa!loa# can be use# to carr!
A%M cellsA +*M &ra,es or $)A reports

Passive Optical Networks

DB/ .eports

TDM-PON $u##ar,

Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

Technical $u##ar,
T,pe o! PON $tandardiJation Trans#ission !ra#e Trans#ission speed 7bit(s8 Wavelen*th 7 #8 Wavelen*th #ultiple%in* o! video 4pstrea# bandwidth control $ervices provided Pear o! introduction BPON Broadband-PON 5$/N ( IT4-T +.J>: series /TM &-=M1 =++M1 &<+) 7downstrea#8 )PON )i*abit-PON 5$/N(IT4-T +.J>; series )"M 7partl, /TM8 &<+)1 +<A)1 &-=M 7upstrea#81 =++M 7upstrea#8 &<>(&<Possible TDM/ coupled to Downstrea# /TM 5ull services 7phone1 IP1 TDM8 +''> Decoupled TDM/ IP-based services "PON )i*abit "ther-PON "5M(I"""

"thernet &<+-) 7&) a!ter decodin*8



Passive Optical Networks

$i&&erence between sen#ing an# receiving levels +() PON 2lass A: <09E#) 2lass ): 7E09<#) 2lass 2: 7<0:E#) *PON 2lass PM7E: <09E#) 2lass PM9E: 7E09;#) Assu,ptions &or calculation Optical splitter insertion loss :90wa! split: 7K#) 7=0wa! split: 7;#) >0wa! split: 77#) ;0wa! split: >#) Fi4e# loss (conn.A etc. : ;#) "ine loss:E.<#)'k, +' >'

Nu#ber o! splits

+() PON 2lass 2 +() PON 2lass ) +'


*PON 2lass PM9E

+() PON 2lass A *PON 2lass PM7E (note


&' /pplicable distance 7k#8

Passive Optical Networks

Trans#ission "!!icienc,
7;EE 79EE 7EEE >EE =EE ;EE 9EE E *PON +PON )PON sche#uling OC : &ra,e #elineation sche#uling OC : PCW burst OC sche#uling OC : control ,essages pa!loa# encapulation OC line co#ing pa!loa#


Passive Optical Networks

HeaderQs Co#parison
9; bits ,in. t!p. ; bits 79 bits t!p. > bits


)uard Prea#ble Deli#iter

,in. K=.> ns ,in. t!p. t!p. 9<.= ns :<.9 ns 7=.Ens

*PON costs about X7EO the cost o& )PON'+PON



)uard Prea#ble Deli#iter

,a4. ;EE ns

,a4. ;EE ns
/)C1 CD. settin* ti#e Data Data

,a4. ;EEns
0aser turn o!! ti#e


0aser turn on ti#e

A+2: Auto,atic +ain 2ontrolR 2$-: 2lock an# $ata -ecover! "aser turn on ti,e overlaps the laser turn o&& ti,e o& the previous burst

Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions


Passive Optical Networks

Passive Optical Networks

(ingle Mo#e Fiber ((MF to achieve large #istances .%5 +.=<9 (MF ((%$
Gwater peakH attenuation ren#ers the 7:=En,7;>En, spectru, unusable &or #ata trans,ission.

IT4 )=-+c(d $M5 7@WP8

GDero0water peakH
:.E 9.<

5irst Window

$TD $M5
$econd Window

/TT"N4/TION 7dB(k#8

@WP $M5





Third Window












W/ "0"N)TH 7n#8

Passive Optical Networks

Coarse WDM 7CWDM8

5pto 7> channels (79K707=77n,A 9E n, spacing 2heap trans,itters (no strict tuningA thusA no ther,al control nee#e# -each li,ite# b! the lowest wavelength

Passive Optical Networks

/rra,ed Wave*uide )ratin*s 7/W)8

A3+ has alrea#! been use# in ,an! long0haul 3$M s!ste,s
,ulitple4er'#e,ultiple4ers a##'#rop ,ultiple4er

A3+s route each speci&ic ingress wavelength to a uniBue output port A3+ insertion loss is ;0<#) regar#less o& the nu,ber o& channels
%husA larger #istances can be reache#

Passive Optical Networks

WDM TechniKues in PONs

3PON: )roa#cast an# select PONs 3-PON: wavelength route# PONs
.nclu#e A3+s

Passive Optical Networks

*4ten#s reach (7EEk, an# split ratio (9EEE
5ses repeaters with optical ampli#iers 5ses several wavelengths ($3$M

Passive Optical Networks

$i#ple WDM-PON
Nu,ber o& ON5s li,ite# b! wavelengths Point0to0point topolog! "ong0reach (al,ost point0to0point reach

Passive Optical Networks

Co#posite-PON 7CPON8
$ownstrea, uses A3+ (i,proves reach 5pstrea, uses co,biner

Passive Optical Networks

$ownstrea, A3+ routes wavelengths (reach 5pstrea, A3+ separates wavelengths (low cost 7:7En, "$ an# i,proves ban#wi#th

3i#eban# upstrea, signals are Gslice#H b! the A3+

Passive Optical Networks

5pstrea, trans,itters in ON5s ,o#ulate a #ownstrea,0broa#catse# un,o#ulate# carrier (no nee# o& light sources at ON5s

Passive Optical Networks

A3+ siDe is li,ite# b! &abrication technolog! li,its ,ultiple stages o& A3+s

3avelengths are route# in groups at the 7st stage an# in#ivi#uall! at the 9n#

Passive Optical Networks

$4CC"$$-DW/ PON
O&&ers d$namic +a,elengt) allocation ($3A b! a##ing tunable lasers at the O"% O0 T O N4s


Passive Optical Networks

Motivation Optical Access Networks Passive Optical Networks (PON

Ph!sical "a!er an# $evices %ra&&ic $istribution'(che#uling Power )u#get (tan#ar#s

Propose# solutions

Passive Optical Networks

.e!erences &(+
.%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>:.7A .)roa#ban# optical access s!ste,s base# on Passive Optical Networks (PON .A Oct 7JJ>. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>:.:A .A broa#ban# optical access s!ste, with increase# service capabilit! b! wavelength allocation.A March 9EE7. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>:.;A .A broa#ban# optical access s!ste, with increase# service capabilit! using #!na,ic ban#wi#th assign,ent.A Nov. 9EE7. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>:.<A .A broa#ban# optical access s!ste,with enhance# survivabilit!.A Jan 9EE9. .*** (tan#ar# >E9.:ACA .2(MA'2$ access ,etho# an# ph!sical la!er speci&ications A,en#,ent: Me#ia Access 2ontrol Para,etersA Ph!sical "a!ers an# Manage,ent Para,eters &or (ubscriber Access Networks.A June 9EE;. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.JK<A .Forwar# error correction &or sub,arine s!ste,s.A Oct. 9EEE. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>;.7A .+igabit0capable Passive Optical Networks (+0PON : +eneral characteristics.A March 9EE:. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>;.9A .+igabit0capable Passive Optical Networks (+0PON : Ph!sical Me#ia $epen#ent (PM$ la!er speci&ication.A March 9EE:. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>;.:A .+igabit0capable Passive Optical Networks (+0PON : %rans,ission convergence la!er speci&icationA. Feb. 9EE;. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.J>;.;A .+igabit0capable Passive Optical Networks (+0PON : ON% ,anage,ent an# control inter&ace speci&ication.A June 9EE;. .%50% -eco,,en#ation +.KE;7'W.7:E:A .+eneric Fra,ing Proce#ure (+FP .A $ec. 9EE7.

Passive Optical Networks

.e!erences +(+
8ra,erA +len. *thernet Passive Optical NetworksA Mc+raw0CillA MarchA 9EE< "allukkaA (a,i F -aatikainenA Pertti. Passive Optical Networks. *spoo 9EE=. /%% Publications <JK. *&&enberger F. J.A .chibangase C. F Wa,ashita C. A#vances in )roa#ban# Passive Optical Networking %echnologies.. .*** 2o,,unications MagaDineA $ec. 9EE7A pp. 77>.79;. )onen&antA P. F -o#riBueD0MoralA A. .+eneric Fra,ing Proce#ure (+FP : %he 2atal!st &or *&&icient $ata over %ransportA. .*** 2o,,unications MagaDineA Ma! 9EE9A pp. K9.KJ. A. )anerTeeA W. ParkA F. 2larkeA C. (ongA (. WangA +. 8ra,erA 8. 8i,A an# ). MukherTeeA Y3avelength0#ivision0,ultiple4e# passive optical network (3$M0PON technologies &or broa#ban# access: a review Z.nvite#[AY J. Opt. Netw. AA K:K0K<> (9EE< -. $. Fel#,anA *. *. Carstea#A (. JiangA %. C. 3oo#A an# M. IirngiblA GAn evaluation o& architectures incorporating wavelength #ivision ,ultiple4ing broa#0ban# &iber accessAH J. "ightwave %echnol. 7=A 7<;=7<<> (7JJ> . M. IirngiblA 2. C. Jo!nerA ".3. (tulDA 2. $ragoneA C. M. Presb!A an# .. P. 8a,inowA G"A-N*%A a local access router networkAH .*** Photon. %echnol. "ett. KA 97<97K (7JJ< . N. J. FrigoA P. $. MagillA %. *. $arcieA P. P. .annoneA M. M. $ownsA ). N. $esaiA 5. 8orenA %. ". 8ochA 2. $ragoneA an# C. M. Presb!A G-.%*Net: a passive optical network architecture base# on the re,ote interrogation o& ter,inal eBuip,entAH +. Ma!erA M. MartinelliA A. PattavinaA an# *. (alva#oriA G$esign an# cost per&or,ance o& the ,ultistage 3$M PON access networksAH J. "ightwave %echnol. 7>A 7977;9 (9EEE . /an #e /oor#eA ..A MartinA 2.A /an#evegeA J. F UiuA M. .%he (uperPON $e,onstrator: An *4ploration o& Possible *volution Paths &or Optical Access Networks.A .*** 2o,,. MagaDineA Feb. 9EEEA pp. K;.>9. W. CsuehA M. -oggeA3. (hawA (. Wa,a,otoA an# ". 8aDovsk!A GUualit! o& service

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