Service Blueprint
Service Blueprint
Service Blueprint
Service Blueprint
Service blueprint is a picture or map that accurately portrays the service system so that different people involved in providing it can understand and deal with it objectively regardless of their individual point of view . Particularly useful at design and redesign stages of service development. It provides a way to break the service into logical components and to depict the steps or tasks in the processes, the means by which they are executed and evidence of the service as consumer experiences it.
Blueprint components
Customer actions: it includes steps, choices, activities and interactions that customer performs in the process of purchasing, consuming and evaluating the service
Onstage employee actions: steps and activities that the contact employees performs that are visible to the customer.
Backstage employee actions: steps and activities that occur behind the scene to support onstage activities.
Blueprint components
Support processes: covers the internal services, steps and interactions that take place to support the contact employees in delivering the service.
Line of interaction: direct interactions b/w the customer and organization. Line of visibility: this line separates all service activities that are visible to the customers from those that are not visible. Line of internal interaction: separates contact employees activities from those of other service support activities and people. Physical evidence
All service processes could be divided into three main activities for Medical Clinic. Appointing Waiting Examining
1. 2. 3.
1. Appointing
Customers Interaction
Critical Failure points
2. Waiting
Patient waits for his/her turn to come, at that time patients personal and medical information is entered into support system.
To take privative measures, patient talks to nurse and information fed into privative system. Lights and waiting rooms atmosphere is managed.
Customers Interaction
Critical Failure points
3. Examine patient
Patient enters into doctors cabin and talks to doctor about his/her problem. After that doctor examine the patient. Doctor use support system and preventive system to make prescription. Customers Interaction
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