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MysteryShopper Training (General)

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INTRODUCTION Introduction to Mystery Shopper Online Our Commitment To Quality In Training, Performance And Data SECTION 1 MRSA Code of Professional eha!iour " Summary #SOMAR $uideline% Conducting Mar&eting and Opinion Research 'sing The Internet " #ndorsed (y the MRSA ICC)#SOMAR International Code of Mar&eting and Social Research Practice *including standard definitions+ #SOMAR $uideline% Mystery Shopping SECTION 2 The Qualities ,e -oo& .or In a $ood Mystery Shopper SECTION 3 $eneral $uidelines for Conducting MSO- Assignments SECTION 4 Other .re/uently As&ed Questions MSO- Contact Details



Than& you for 0oining up as a mystery shopper 1ith Mystery Shopper Online *MSO-+2 MSO- 1as (orn out of the (elief that there had to (e a (etter 1ay to pro!ide Mystery Shopping ser!ices2 ,e ha!e employed Internet technology and ne1 methodologies to ensure our client3s recei!e the most accurate and timely feed(ac& possi(le2 MSO- is committed to pro!iding the highest /uality mystery shopping and data collection ser!ice any1here2 Mystery Shoppers are those 1ho anonymously o(ser!e and document the /uality of ser!ice at a store or (usiness on a gi!en day2 This allo1s clients to e!aluate a sample of ser!ice deli!ery, product &no1ledge and)or facility maintenance from a completely independent and relia(le source2 Mystery Shopper Online 4assignments4 are used to% " Impro!e ser!ice to customers, " Re1ard store managers and other staff, and " To ensure that outlets are complying 1ith esta(lished guidelines2 This training manual is designed to pro!ide MSO-3s shoppers 1ith the necessary s&ills re/uired to collect /uality data2 It 1ill also ensure shoppers ha!e the most up"to"date &no1ledge, from around the glo(e, regarding the collection of mar&et research data and mystery shopping practices2 5o1 that you ha!e 0oined"up to (ecome a mystery shopper, 1e as& that you please read this manual and complete the ne1 training section in the Mem(ers area of the 1e(site2 This ne1 training system has (een designed to meet the strict standards of Inter!ie1er Quality Control Australia *IQCA+ and, !ery importantly, protects your rights to pri!acy and confidentiality as mystery shoppers2 All ans1ers for the online tests can (e found in this manual, e6cept for some industry"specific commonsense /uestions2 The 1hole process, including reading this manual, 1ill ta&e you appro6imately 7 hours2 8ou are not re/uired to purchase or pay for anything during the training process and as it is completely 1e("(ased, you do not re/uire any e/uipment (eyond your computer, 1e( (ro1ser and a connection to the Internet2

After the initial training /uestionnaire, you 1ill (e as&ed to indicate your a!aila(ility in your area that you 1ant to shop and 1hether you 1ant to complete some pro0ect"specific training2 Additional training modules cater for different types of (usinesses that 1e do 1or& for, for e6ample% hospitality !ersus other retail2 8ou 1ill need to ha!e completed the corresponding training modules to (e a(le to conduct assignments in that industry2 ,hen you3!e read this manual, please &eep it for your future reference2 ,e realise there is a lot to ta&e in initially, (ut if you follo1 these guidelines and conduct mystery shopping assignments in the spirit of this manual then 1e 1ill (e happy to offer you future mystery shopping assignments on (ehalf of our clients2 IQCA /uality auditors 1ill ma&e annual inspections of MSO-3s company records to !erify compliance 1ith IQCA standards */ualifying companies are issued 1ith Accreditation Certificates+2 MSO- 1ill underta&e these regular 9audits:, or tests, and your commitment to this training process 1ill determine 1hether 1e meet the accreditation criteria2 The IQCA Standards for Audits and O(ser!ations include the follo1ing /uality control practices; *<+ TRAI5I5$% a minimum of 7 hours of reading and simulated audit acti!ity training for all auditors *or mystery shoppers+, training co!ers the MRSA Code of Professional eha!iour, training of super!isors *especially in relation to the !erification of audits)mystery shops+, *7+ ID#5TIT8 CARDS% auditors)shoppers are issued 1ith identity cards for use during in each audit)assignment, *=+ S'R>#8 ADMI5ISTRATIO5% auditors and super!isors are (riefed on e!ery 0o( they are assigned, a super!isor monitors entire inter!ie1ing process through to !erification, each assignment includes a declaration (y the auditor attesting to the fact that the data 1as collected according to the MRSA Code of Professional eha!iour and *?+ >#RI.ICATIO5% processes ensure all auditors)shoppers are included in the !erification process and a representati!e sample of each auditor3s 1or& is !erified and audit !erification is completed 1ithin t1o 1ee&s of the original audit))assignment (eing completed2 Please (e a1are that MSO-3s super!isors may sometimes need to phone or email you to clarify your ans1ers2 Please don3t feel this is 9chec&ing"up on you:, it3s 0ust the only 1ay 1e can ensure the integrity of the data 1e collect2 It is also a great opportunity for us to gain feed(ac& from the 1hole net1or& of shoppers2 Please al1ays feel free to discuss any pro(lems or suggestions 1ith any of the MSO- staff and again, than&"you for 0oining up 1ith 1112mysteryshopper2com2au2

Our Comm !m"#! To $u%& !' I#

Tr% # #() P"r*orm%#+" A#, D%!%

MSO-3s shoppers are re/uired to (e full"trained and, through us, a(ide (y the guidelines set (y the MRSA *Mar&et Research Society of Australia+ and the ICC)#SOMAR international Code of Conduct2 ,e specifically adhere to the ICC)#SOMAR guideline 9Conducting Mar&eting and Opinion Research 'sing The Internet:2 Please see this guideline *endorsed (y the ICC " International Cham(er of Commerce+ and others, in Section < of this manual2 In order to guarantee our customers that 1e are meeting, if not e6ceeding, industry (est practice, 1e are 1or&ing through a !oluntary accreditation process 1ith IQCA *Inter!ie1er Quality Control Australia+2 This process is under1ay and ongoing2 @o1e!er please (e assured that 1e stri!e, at all times, to maintain industry (est practice in the collection, editing and !erification of all of our data2 elo1 is information and contact details for those (odies 1e align oursel!es 1ith, in order to pro!ide the most relia(le, consistent and independent mystery" shopping ser!ice a!aila(le THE MAR-ET RESEARCH SOCIETY O. AUSTRALIA LIMITED /MRSA+ is a (ody of o!er <,ABB mar&et research professionals 1ho are dedicated to increasing the standard and understanding of mar&et research in Australia2 The Society assists mem(ers to de!elop their careers (y heightening professional standards and ethics in the fields of mar&eting and social and mar&et research2 .or further information regarding the MRSA or to confirm the mem(ership of Mystery Shopper Online, please contact% MRSA N%! o#%& O** +" %#, ACT) NS0 1 $&, S"+r"!%r %! -e!el 7, =?C Pacific @igh1ay, Cro1s 5est, 5S, 7BAC Tel% B7 DDCC ?E=B .a6% B7 DDCC CF?A #mail% mrsaGmrsa2com2au ,e(site% 1112mrsa2com2au

ESOMAR is the ,orld Association of Opinion and Mar&eting Research Professionals, founded in <D?E2 #SOMAR3s mission is to promote the use of Opinion and Mar&eting Research, for impro!ing decision ma&ing in (usiness and society, 1orld1ide2 #SOMAR is a pioneer in protecting respondents3 pri!acy2 Its Codes of Conduct are constantly re!ie1ed to ensure that researchers guarantee respondents3 pri!acy irrespecti!e of the techni/ues or the technologies used to carry out research2 ESOMAR >ondelstraat <F7 <BC? $> AMST#RDAM The 5etherlands Tel% H=<"7B"AA? 7< ?< .a6% H=<"7B"AA? 7D 77 ,e(site% 1112esomar2nl

INTERVIE0ER $UALITY CONTROL AUSTRALIA /I$CA2 is the /uality assurance scheme esta(lished (y the mar&et research industry in Australia to ensure that the data collection procedures used (y research companies 1ill pro!ide relia(le, high /uality results2 Research companies that meet these standards may apply for IQCA accreditation2 Annual audit re!ie1s of accredited research companies are carried out to ensure the standards are maintained and to foster a /uality assurance culture 1ithin the organisation2 To confirm our mem(ership of the IQCA Accreditation scheme, please !isit% 333.mr4%.+om.%u


MRSA Co," o* Pro*"55 o#%& B"6%7 our 8 Summ%r'

-"' 9r #+ 9&"5 Mar&et researchers depend upon the 1illing co"operation of the pu(lic and the (usiness community2 This co"operation is (ased on pu(lic and (usiness confidence that mar&et research is carried out honestly, o(0ecti!ely and 1ithout un1elcome intrusion or disad!antage to respondents2 The purpose of mar&et research is to collect and analyse information and not to directly sell or promote goods or ser!ices, influence respondentsI opinions or engage in other non"research acti!ities2 It is in this spirit that the Code of Professional eha!iour has (een de!ised2 The general pu(lic, (usiness community and other interested parties are entitled to complete assurance that e!ery mar&et research pro0ect is carried out strictly in accordance 1ith this Code and that their rights of pri!acy are respected2 The &ey principles of professional mar&et research ha!e (een ta&en from the full te6t of the Code of Professional eha!iour of the MRSA and are (inding on its mem(ership2 This summary of &ey principles cannot (e ta&en as a su(stitute for the full Code2 R"59o#5 : & ! "5 !o r"59o#,"#!5; RespondentsI identities must not (e re!ealed 1ithout their consent to anyone not directly in!ol!ed in the mar&et research pro0ect or used for any non"research purpose2 5o(ody shall (e ad!ersely affected or harmed as a direct result of participating in a mar&et research study2 Respondents must (e a(le to chec& 1ithout difficulty the identity and (ona fides of researchers2 RespondentsI co"operation in a mar&et research pro0ect is entirely !oluntary at all stages; they must not (e misled 1hen (eing as&ed for their co"operation2 5o child under <? years shall (e inter!ie1ed 1ithout their parentsI)guardiansI)responsi(le adultsI consent2

R"5"%r+6"r5; 9ro*"55 o#%& r"59o#5 : & ! "5 Researchers must not, 1hether &no1ingly or negligently, act in any 1ay, 1hich could (ring discredit on the mar&et research profession or lead to loss of pu(lic confidence2 Researchers must al1ays stri!e to design research 1hich is cost" efficient and of ade/uate /uality, and then to carry this out2 Researchers must not underta&e any non"research acti!ities *e2g2 telemar&eting and push polling+2 R"5"%r+6"r5; %#, +& "#!5; mu!u%& r (6!5 %#, r"59o#5 : & ! "5 Mar&et research must al1ays (e conducted according to the principles of fair (usiness practice2 Researchers must ensure that clients are a1are of the e6istence of the Code and of the need to comply 1ith its re/uirements2 ClientsI identities, information a(out their (usinesses, and their commissioned mar&et research data and findings remain confidential to the clients unless (oth clients and researchers agree the details of any pu(lications2 Researchers must pro!ide clients 1ith all appropriate technical details of any research pro0ect carried out for those clients2 The research findings must al1ays (e reported accurately and ne!er used to mislead anyone in any 1ay2

BASIC PRINCIPLES All mar&eting and opinion research carried out on the Internet must conform to the rules and spirit of the main ICC)#SOMAR International Code of Mar&eting and Social Research Practice and also to Data Protection and other rele!ant legislation *(oth International and national+2 Such research must al1ays respect the rights of respondents and other Internet users2 It must (e carried out in 1ays, 1hich are accepta(le to them, to the general pu(lic and in accordance 1ith national and international self"regulation2 Researchers must a!oid any actions, 1hich might (ring Internet research into disrepute or reduce confidence in its findings2 INTRODUCTION The rapid gro1th of the Internet has opened dramatic ne1 opportunities for collecting and disseminating research information 1orld1ide2 At the same time it raises a num(er of ethical and technical issues, 1hich must (e addressed if the medium is to (e used effecti!ely and responsi(ly for mar&eting and opinion research purposes2 The fact that the Internet is ine6pensi!e to use and difficult to regulate means that it can (e open to misuse (y less e6perienced or less scrupulous organisations, often (ased outside the research industry2 Any Internet sur!eys 1hich fall seriously (elo1 the high standards promoted (y #SOMAR and other leading professional (odies 1ill ma&e it more difficult to use the medium for genuine research and could seriously damage the credi(ility of such research, as 1ell as (eing an a(use of the good1ill of Internet users generally2 #SOMAR has issued this $uideline to protect the interests (oth of Internet respondents and of the users of Internet research findings2 ecause information technology and the Internet are e!ol!ing and changing so rapidly it is not practica(le to discuss in detail all the technical features of Internet research in such a $uideline2 This therefore concentrates on the main principles, 1hich must (e follo1ed in carrying out research on *or a(out+ the Internet and in reporting the findings of such research2 RE$UIREMENTS Co<o9"r%! o# 5 7o&u#!%r'

Researchers must a!oid intruding unnecessarily on the pri!acy of Internet respondents2 As 1ith all forms of mar&eting and opinion research, respondentsI co"operation must at all times (e !oluntary2 5o personal information should (e sought from, or a(out, respondents 1ithout their prior &no1ledge and agreement2 In o(taining the necessary agreement from respondents the researcher must not in any 1ay mislead them a(out the nature of the research or the uses, 1hich 1ill (e made of the findings2 They should also (e alerted to any costs that, they may incur *eg of on"line time+ if they co"operate in the sur!ey2 Respondents are entitled at any stage of the inter!ie1, or su(se/uently, to as& that part or all of the record of their inter!ie1 (e destroyed or deleted and the researcher must conform to any such re/uest 1here reasona(le2 T6" r"5"%r+6"r;5 ,"#! !' mu5! :" , 5+&o5",. Respondents must (e told the identity of the researcher carrying out the pro0ect and the address at 1hich they can 1ithout difficulty re"contact the latter should they 1ish to do so2 R"59o#,"#!5; r (6!5 !o %#o#'m !' mu5! :" 5%*"(u%r,", The anonymity of respondents must al1ays (e preser!ed unless they ha!e gi!en their informed consent to the contrary2 If respondents ha!e gi!en permission for data to (e passed on in a form, 1hich allo1s them to (e personally identified, the researcher must ensure that the information 1ill (e used for research purposes only2 5o such information may (e used for su(se/uent non"research purposes such as direct mar&eting, list"(uilding, credit rating, fund raising or other mar&eting acti!ities2 D%!% 5"+ur !' Researchers should (e prepared to offer respondents ade/uate security in transmission of sensiti!e data2 Researchers must also reasona(ly ensure that any confidential information pro!ided to them (y clients or others is protected *eg (y fire1all+ against unauthorised access2

R"& %: & !' %#, 7%& , !' 'sers of research and the general pu(lic must not (e in any 1ay misled a(out the relia(ility and !alidity of Internet research findings2 It is therefore essential that the researcher% a2 .ollo1s scientifically sound sampling methods 1ithin the constraints of the medium (2 Pu(lishes a clear statement of the sample uni!erse definition used in a gi!en sur!ey, the research approach adopted, the response rate achie!ed and the method of calculating this 1here possi(le c2 Pu(lishes any appropriate reser!ations a(out the possi(le lac& of pro0ecta(ility or other limitations of the research findings resulting from non"response and other factors2 It is e/ually important that any research a(out the Internet *e2g2 to measure penetration, usership, etc+, 1hich employs other data collection methods, such as telephone or mail, also clearly refers to any sampling, or other, limitations on the data collected2 I#!"r7 "3 #( m #or5 It is incum(ent on the researcher to o(ser!e all rele!ant la1s specifically relating to minors2 #SOMAR re/uirements a(out the precautions to (e ta&en are set out in the #SOMAR $uideline on Inter!ie1ing Minors2 According to the #SOMAR $uideline, permission of a responsi(le adult must (e o(tained (efore inter!ie1ing a minor aged under <? and as&ing /uestions on topics generally regarded as sensiti!e should (e a!oided 1here!er possi(le and in any case handled 1ith e6treme care2 Researchers must use their (est endea!ours to ensure that they conform to the re/uirements of the $uideline referred to, for e6ample (y introducing special contacting procedures to secure the permission of a parent (efore carrying out an inter!ie1 1ith a child2 ,here necessary researchers should consult #SOMAR or their national society for ad!ice2 U#5o& + !", E<m% & Researchers 1ill &eep unsolicited #"mail to a minimum, and reduce any incon!enience or irritation such #"mail might cause to the recipient (y clearly stating its purpose in the first sentence and &eeping the total message as (rief as possi(le2 An option to e6clude the respondent from further mailings relating to this research pro0ect, or to any follo1 up research resulting directly from it, should also (e pro!ided 1here!er practica(le2

ICC=ESOMAR I#!"r#%! o#%& Co," o* M%r>"! #( %#, So+ %& R"5"%r+6 Pr%+! +"
I#!ro,u+! o# #ffecti!e communication (et1een the suppliers and the consumers of goods and ser!ices of all &inds is !ital to any modern society2 $ro1ing international lin&s ma&e this e!en more essential2 .or a supplier to pro!ide in the most efficient 1ay 1hat consumers re/uire he must understand their differing needs; ho1 (est to meet these needs; and ho1 he can most effecti!ely communicate the nature of the goods or ser!ices he is offering2 This is the o(0ecti!e of mar&eting research2 It applies in (oth pri!ate and pu(lic sectors of the economy2 Similar approaches are also used in other fields of study% for e6ample in measuring the pu(licIs (eha!iour and attitudes 1ith respect to social, political and other issues (y $o!ernment and pu(lic (odies, the media, academic institutions, etc2 Mar&eting and social research ha!e many interests, methods and pro(lems in common although the su(0ects of study tend to (e different2 Such research depends upon pu(lic confidence% confidence that it is carried out honestly, o(0ecti!ely, 1ithout un1elcome intrusion or disad!antage to respondents, and that it is (ased upon their 1illing cooperation2 This confidence must (e supported (y an appropriate professional Code of Practice, 1hich go!erns the 1ay in 1hich mar&eting research pro0ects are conducted2 The first such Code 1as pu(lished (y the #uropean Society for Opinion and Mar&eting Research *#SOMAR+ in <D?E2 This 1as follo1ed (y a num(er of Codes prepared (y national mar&eting research societies and (y other (odies such as the International Cham(er of Commerce *ICC+, 1hich represents the international mar&eting community2 In <DFA #SOMAR and the ICC decided that it 1ould (e prefera(le to ha!e a single International Code instead of t1o differing ones, and a 0oint ICC)#SOMAR Code 1as therefore pu(lished in the follo1ing year *1ith re!isions in <DEA+2 Su(se/uent changes in the mar&eting and social en!ironment, ne1 de!elopments in mar&eting research methods and a great increase in international acti!ities of all &inds including legislation, led #SOMAR to prepare a ne1 !ersion of the International Code in <DD?2 This ne1 !ersion sets out as concisely as possi(le the (asic ethical and (usiness principles, 1hich go!ern the practice of mar&eting and social research2 It specifies the rules, 1hich are to (e follo1ed in dealing 1ith the general pu(lic and 1ith the (usiness community,

including clients and other mem(ers of the profession2 #SOMAR 1ill (e glad to gi!e ad!ice on the implementation of this Code; and also offers an ar(itration and e6pert assessment ser!ice to help resol!e technical and other disputes relating to mar&eting research pro0ects2 Other aspects of mar&eting " in particular Direct Mar&eting and Ad!ertising" are co!ered (y separate International Codes of Practice pu(lished (y the ICC2 Copies of these may (e o(tained from the ICC Secretariat in Paris2 D"* # ! o#5 *a+ M%r>"! #( r"5"%r+6 is a &ey element 1ithin the total field of mar&eting information2 It lin&s the consumer, customer and pu(lic to the mar&eter through information 1hich is used to identify and define mar&eting opportunities and pro(lems; generate, refine and e!aluate mar&eting actions; impro!e understanding of mar&eting as a process and of the 1ays in 1hich specific mar&eting acti!ities can (e made more effecti!e2 Mar&eting research specifies the information re/uired to address these issues; designs the method for collecting information; manages and implements the data collection process; analyses the results; and communicates the findings and their implications2 Mar&eting research includes such acti!ities as /uantitati!e sur!eys; /ualitati!e research; media and ad!ertising research; (usiness"to"(usiness and industrial research; research among minority and special groups; pu(lic opinion sur!eys; and des& research2 In the conte6t of this Code the term mar&eting research also co!ers social research 1here this uses similar approaches and techni/ues to study issues not concerned 1ith the mar&eting of goods and ser!ices2 The applied social sciences e/ually depend upon such methods of empirical research to de!elop and test their underlying hypotheses; and to understand, predict and pro!ide guidance on de!elopments 1ithin society for go!ernmental, academic and other purposes2 Mar&eting research differs from other forms of information gathering in that the identity of the pro!ider of information is not disclosed2 Data(ase mar&eting and any other acti!ity 1here the names and addresses of the people contacted are to (e used for indi!idual selling, promotional, fund"raising or other non"research purposes can under no circumstances (e regarded as mar&eting research since the latter is (ased on preser!ing the complete anonymity of the respondent2 *(+ R"5"%r+6"r is defined as any indi!idual, research agency, organisation, department or di!ision, 1hich carries out or acts as a consultant on a mar&eting research pro0ect or offers their ser!ices so to do2

The term includes any department etc2 that (elongs to the same organisation as that of the client2 A researcher lin&ed to the client in this 1ay has the same responsi(ilities under this Code !is"J"!is other sections of the client organisation, as does one 1ho is completely independent of the latter2 The term also co!ers responsi(ility for the procedures follo1ed (y any su(contractor from 1hom the researcher commissions any 1or& *data collection or analysis, printing, professional consultancy, etc2+, 1hich forms any part of the research pro0ect2 In such cases the researcher must ensure that any such su(contractor fully conforms to the pro!isions of this Code2 *c+ C& "#! is defined as any indi!idual, organisation, department or di!ision *including one 1hich (elongs to the same organisation as the researcher+ 1hich re/uests, commissions or su(scri(es to all or any part of a mar&eting research pro0ect2 *d+ R"59o#,"#! is defined as any indi!idual or organisation from 1hom any information is sought (y the researcher for the purposes of a mar&eting research pro0ect2 The term co!ers cases 1here information is to (e o(tained (y !er(al inter!ie1ing techni/ues, postal and other self"completion /uestionnaires, mechanical or electronic e/uipment, o(ser!ation and any other method 1here the identity of the pro!ider of the information may (e recorded or other1ise tracea(le2 *e+ I#!"r7 "3 is defined as any form of direct or indirect contact, using any of the methods referred to a(o!e, 1ith respondents 1here the o(0ecti!e is to ac/uire data or information, 1hich could (e used in 1hole or in part for the purposes of a mar&eting research pro0ect2 *f+ R"+or, is defined as any (rief, proposal, /uestionnaire, respondent identification, chec& list, record sheet, audio or audio"!isual recording or film, ta(ulation or computer print"out, #DP disc or other storage medium, formula, diagram, report, etc2 in respect of any mar&eting research pro0ect, 1hether in 1hole or in part2 It co!ers records produced (y the client as 1ell as (y the researcher2

Ru&"5 A. G"#"r%& <2 Mar&eting research must al1ays (e carried out o(0ecti!ely and in accordance 1ith esta(lished scientific principles2 72 Mar&eting research must al1ays conform to the national and international legislation 1hich applies in those countries in!ol!ed in a gi!en research pro0ect2 B. T6" R (6!5 o* R"59o#,"#!5 =2 RespondentsI cooperation in a mar&eting research pro0ect is entirely !oluntary at all stages2 They must not (e misled 1hen (eing as&ed for their cooperation2 ?2 RespondentsI anonymity must (e strictly preser!ed2 If the Respondent on re/uest from the Researcher has gi!en permission for data to (e passed on in a form 1hich allo1s that Respondent to (e personally identified% *a+ The Respondent must first ha!e (een told to 1hom the information 1ould (e supplied and the purposes for 1hich it 1ill (e used, and also *(+ The Researcher must ensure that the information 1ill not (e used for any non"research purpose and that the recipient of the information has agreed to conform to the re/uirements of this Code2 C2 The Researcher must ta&e all reasona(le precautions to ensure that Respondents are in no 1ay directly harmed or ad!ersely affected as a result of their participation in a mar&eting research pro0ect2 A2 The Researcher must ta&e special care 1hen inter!ie1ing children and young people2 The informed consent of the parent or responsi(le adult must first (e o(tained for inter!ie1s 1ith children2 F2 Respondents must (e told *normally at the (eginning of the inter!ie1+ if o(ser!ation techni/ues or recording e/uipment are (eing used, e6cept 1here these are used in a pu(lic place2 If a Respondent so 1ishes, the record or rele!ant section of it must (e destroyed or deleted2 RespondentsI anonymity must not (e infringed (y the use of such methods2 E2 Respondents must (e ena(led to chec& 1ithout difficulty the identity and (ona fides of the Researcher2

C. T6" Pro*"55 o#%& R"59o#5 : & ! "5 o* R"5"%r+6"r5 D2 Researchers must not, 1hether &no1ingly or negligently, act in any 1ay, 1hich could (ring discredit on the mar&eting research profession or lead to a loss of pu(lic confidence in it2 <B2 Researchers must not ma&e false claims a(out their s&ills and e6perience or a(out those of their organisation2 <<2 Researchers must not un0ustifia(ly criticise or disparage other Researchers2 <72 Researchers must al1ays stri!e to design research 1hich is cost"efficient and of ade/uate /uality, and then to carry this out to the specifications agreed 1ith the Client2 <=2 Researchers must ensure the security of all research records in their possession2 <?2 Researchers must not &no1ingly allo1 the dissemination of conclusions from a mar&eting research pro0ect, 1hich are not ade/uately supported (y the data2 They must al1ays (e prepared to ma&e a!aila(le the technical information necessary to assess the !alidity of any pu(lished findings2 <C2 ,hen acting in their capacity as Researchers the latter must not underta&e any non"research acti!ities, for e6ample data(ase mar&eting in!ol!ing data a(out indi!iduals 1hich 1ill (e used for direct mar&eting and promotional acti!ities2 Any such non"research acti!ities must al1ays, in the 1ay they are organised and carried out, (e clearly differentiated from mar&eting research acti!ities2 D. T6" Mu!u%& R (6!5 %#, R"59o#5 : & ! "5 o* R"5"%r+6"r5 %#, C& "#!5 <A2 These rights and responsi(ilities 1ill normally (e go!erned (y a 1ritten Contract (et1een the Researcher and the Client2 The parties may amend the pro!isions of Rules <D"7= (elo1 if they ha!e agreed to this in 1riting (eforehand; (ut the other re/uirements of this Code may not (e altered in this 1ay2 Mar&eting research must also al1ays (e conducted according to the principles of fair competition, as generally understood and accepted2 <F2 The Researcher must inform the Client if the 1or& to (e carried out for that Client is to (e com(ined or syndicated in the same pro0ect 1ith 1or& for other Clients (ut must not disclose the identity of such Clients2 <E2 The Researcher must inform the Client as soon as possi(le in ad!ance 1hen any part of the 1or& for that Client is to (e su(contracted outside the ResearcherIs o1n organisation *including the use of any outside consultants+2 On re/uest the Client must (e told the identity of any such su(contractor2

<D2 The Client does not ha!e the right, 1ithout prior agreement (et1een the parties in!ol!ed, to e6clusi!e use of the ResearcherIs ser!ices or those of his organisation, 1hether in 1hole or in part2 In carrying out 1or& for different Clients, ho1e!er, the Researcher must endea!our to a!oid possi(le clashes of interest (et1een the ser!ices pro!ided to those Clients2 7B2 The follo1ing Records remain the property of the Client and must not (e disclosed (y the Researcher to any third party 1ithout the ClientIs permission% *a+ Mar&eting research (riefs, specifications and other information pro!ided (y the Client *(+ The research data and findings from a mar&eting research pro0ect *e6cept in the case of syndicated or multi"client pro0ects or ser!ices 1here the same data are a!aila(le to more than one Client+2 The Client has ho1e!er no right to &no1 the names or addresses of Respondents unless the latterIs e6plicit permission for this has first (een o(tained (y the Researcher *this particular re/uirement cannot (e altered under Rule <A+2 7<2 'nless it is specifically agreed to the contrary, the follo1ing Records remain the property of the Researcher% *a+ Mar&eting research proposals and cost /uotations *unless these ha!e (een paid for (y the Client+2 They must not (e disclosed (y the Client to any third party, other than to a consultant 1or&ing for the Client on that pro0ect *1ith the e6ception of any consultant 1or&ing also for a competitor of the Researcher+2 In particular, they must not (e used (y the Client to influence research proposals or cost /uotations from other Researchers2 *(+ The contents of a report in the case of syndicated and)or multi"client pro0ects or ser!ices 1here the same data are a!aila(le to more than one Client and 1here it is clearly understood that the resulting reports are a!aila(le for general purchase or su(scription2 The Client may not disclose the findings of such research to any third party *other than to his o1n consultants and ad!isors for use in connection 1ith his (usiness+ 1ithout the permission of the Researcher2 *c+ All other research Records prepared (y the Researcher *1ith the e6ception in the case of non"syndicated pro0ects of the report to the Client, and also the research design and /uestionnaire 1here the costs of de!eloping these are co!ered (y the charges paid (y the Client+2 772 The Researcher must conform to currently agreed professional practice relating to the &eeping of such Records for an appropriate period of time after the end of the pro0ect2 On re/uest the Researcher must supply the Client 1ith duplicate copies of such Records pro!ided that such duplicates do not (reach anonymity and confidentiality re/uirements *Rule ?+; that the re/uest is made 1ithin the agreed time limit for &eeping the Records; and that the Client pays the reasona(le costs of pro!iding the duplicates2

7=2 The Researcher must not disclose the identity of the Client *pro!ided there is no legal o(ligation to do so+, or any confidential information a(out the latterIs (usiness, to any third party 1ithout the ClientIs permission2 7?2 The Researcher must on re/uest allo1 the Client to arrange for chec&s on the /uality of field1or& and data preparation pro!ided that the Client pays any additional costs in!ol!ed in this2 Any such chec&s must conform to the re/uirements of Rule ?2 7C2 The Researcher must pro!ide the Client 1ith all appropriate technical details of any research pro0ect carried out for that Client2 7A2 ,hen reporting on the results of a mar&eting research pro0ect the Researcher must ma&e a clear distinction (et1een the findings as such, the ResearcherIs interpretation of these and any recommendations (ased on them2 7F2 ,here any of the findings of a research pro0ect are pu(lished (y the Client the latter has a responsi(ility to ensure that these are not misleading2 The Researcher must (e consulted and agree in ad!ance the form and content of pu(lication, and must ta&e action to correct any misleading statements a(out the research and its findings2 7E2 Researchers must not allo1 their names to (e used in connection 1ith any research pro0ect as an assurance that the latter has (een carried out in conformity 1ith this Code unless they are confident that the pro0ect has in all respects met the CodeIs re/uirements2 7D2 Researchers must ensure that Clients are a1are of the e6istence of this Code and of the need to comply 1ith its re/uirements2

E. Im9&"m"#!%! o# o* !6" Co," Queries a(out the interpretation of this Code, and a(out its application to specific pro(lems, should (e addressed to the international Secretariats of the ICC or #SOMAR2 Any apparent infringement, if it applies solely to acti!ities 1ithin a single country, should in the first place (e reported immediately to the appropriate national (ody *or (odies+ in that country2 A list of such (odies 1hich ha!e adopted this Code 1ill (e found in the Appendi62 That national (ody 1ill then in!estigate and ta&e any appropriate action, notifying the ICC)#SOMAR of the outcome in the case of pro!en infringement2 Apparent infringements should (e reported directly to the Secretariats of the ICC or #SOMAR in cases 1here% *a+ There is no appropriate national (ody, *(+ The national (ody is una(le to ta&e action or prefers the issue to (e dealt 1ith (y the international (ody, *c+ More than one country is in!ol!ed, as 1ith international pro0ects2

ESOMAR Gu ,"& #": M'5!"r' S6o99 #(

I#!ro,u+! o# 4Mystery Shopping4K is a long"esta(lished research techni/ue used (y a 1ide !ariety of commercial, go!ernmental and other organisations2 Its purpose is to help such (odies to assess and impro!e the standards of ser!ice they pro!ide to their customers, (y comparing their achie!ed performance against their o1n organisationIs targets and against the standards pro!ided (y competitors and other organisations2 The approach in!ol!es the use of e!aluators 1ho are specially trained to o(ser!e and measure the nature and /uality of the ser!ices (eing offered to customers2 They collect the re/uired information (y calling upon or contacting the organisationIs outlets or other points of contact 1ith the pu(lic, acting as if they are actual or potential customers for such ser!ices and carrying out a series of pre"determined tests in!ol!ing o(ser!ation and)or inter!ie1ing2 Similar calls may (e made on competitorsI and other compara(le outlets in order to pro!ide yardstic&s against 1hich to assess the clientIs o1n /uality of ser!ice2 Although some assessment of ser!ice /uality can sometimes (e o(tained (y directly inter!ie1ing customers themsel!es there are !ery many situations 1here the rele!ant information can only (e o(tained (y using Mystery Shopping techni/ues2 ,ith the gro1ing importance of ser!ices of all &inds in modern society such research is therefore also (ecoming increasingly important for (oth economic and social reasons2 Pro!ided that it is carried out professionally and 1ith appropriate safeguards Mystery Shopping is a !alid and legitimate form of research2 It does ha!e certain uni/ue characteristics, ho1e!er, 1hich distinguish it from other types of research2 In particular the IrespondentI is not in this case normally a1are at the time that they are the su(0ect of research " (y definition this could in!alidate the findings of the study2 This means that it is essential that 1hen researchers underta&e 1or& of this &ind they conform scrupulously to the principles and spirit of the ICC)#SOMAR International Code of Mar&eting and Social Research Practice and to current Data Protection legislation2 Researchers should ta&e e!ery care to ensure that as far as possi(le indi!idual pri!acy is respected and that indi!idual respondents 1ill not (e harmed as a result of such research2 The Re/uirements 1hich follo1 deal 1ith the main points to (e considered in this connection2 In some countries stricter regulations may apply2 In all such cases these national legislati!e re/uirements 1ill ta&e precedence2 Sur!eys, 1hich are (ased u9o# o:5"r7%! o# %&o#", 1hile not themsel!es strictly

Mystery Shopping, must conform to similar principles *in particular to Code Rules ? and C+2 K 5ote% this is the most commonly used title (ut the approach also goes (y other names such as 4Mystery Customer Research4 or 4Situation Research42 Researchers must #o! underta&e Mystery Shopping studies, 1hich 1ould (e used for #o#<r"5"%r+6 purposes, such as chec&ing the performance of specific identified indi!iduals for possi(le disciplinary action or as a method of (oosting product distri(ution or sales (y creating an apparent consumer demand for a product or ser!ice2 Such acti!ities are (anned under Rule <C of the Code2 R"4u r"m"#!5 #SOMAR e6pects researchers to conform to the follo1ing Re/uirements 1hen carrying out Mystery Shopping research% <2 Mystery Shopping studies must (e designed and carried out in 1ays, 1hich a!oid unreasona(ly 1asting the time and money or a(using the good1ill of the organisations and indi!iduals (eing researched2 Researchers must ta&e great care to minimise the ris& of any disruption to the normal 1or&ing of the organisation (eing researched2 72 Indi!idual mem(ers of staff must not (e identifia(le in the report on a Mystery Shopping study *this issue is normally unli&ely to arise in the case of Icompetiti!eI Mystery Shopping+2 Similarly reporting should not (e at indi!idual outlet)(ranch le!el since in many cases this 1ould implicitly identify specific indi!iduals *e2g2 (ecause there is only one rele!ant staff mem(er at a gi!en location+% data should (e reported on only at a higher, aggregated le!el2 =2 The inter!ie1s must not (e electronically recorded unless respondents ha!e agreed to this in ad!ance2 #lectronical recording of inter!ie1s is not permitted if this could endanger the anonymity of respondents2 ?2 If for any research purposes *eg2 for field1or& /uality chec&ing or further follo1"up research+ indi!iduals or indi!idual outlets)(ranches are to (e identified respondents must ha!e agreed to this in ad!ance2 Any such agreement must (e restricted to the use of indi!idual information for research purposes only; any other use is not permissi(le2 The identity of respondents must not (e re!ealed to the client (ut to other researchers only2 C2 Mystery Shopping calls on the client's own organisation 2 The client should (e made a1are of any time and other operational costs to the organisation of the calls in!ol!ed and agree to these in ad!ance2 In addition, in order to minimise any staff concerns a(out such research%


It is good practice *and in some countries, a legislati!e re/uirement+ to inform staff " and also any rele!ant staff association, 1or&s council etc2 " if the organisation proposes to carry out Mystery Shopping studies *(ut not necessarily the timing or precise details of these+2 Staff should (e told the o(0ecti!es and general nature of such research; and gi!en reassurances that indi!iduals and indi!idual outlets)(ranches 1ill not (e identified in the reports *(ut see ?( (elo1+ and that no disciplinary or similar action 1ill (e ta&en !is"J"!is indi!iduals as a result of the research2 ,here staff remuneration to any e6tent depends on commission or (onuses, consideration may need to (e gi!en to ma&ing good any losses of salary as a result of time spent in dealing 1ith Mystery Shopping calls2


A2 Mystery Shopping calls on non"client organisations2 Occasionally there 1ill (e agreement *not necessarily a formal one+ 1ithin a gi!en industry to accept Icompetiti!eI Mystery Shopping calls in the interests of general /uality impro!ement2 ,here no such agreement e6ists, it is e!en more important that the time and other demands created (y such calls are &ept to a minimum *and generally"accepta(le+ le!el2 ,hat this le!el is li&ely to (e 1ill !ary 1ith the nature of the calls *e2g2 the proportion of o(ser!ation to inter!ie1ing time+, (y industry and possi(ly (y country% *a+ Simple o(ser!ational chec&s of shopper)staff (eha!iour are unli&ely to create pro(lems of this &ind pro!ided that there is no interference 1ith the normal 1or&ing of the organisation *although it may (e necessary to deal 1ith possi(le management o(0ections+2 Similarly 1ith calls 1here the inter!ie1ing of staff mem(ers lasts only 7"= minutes in total, or calls 1here a purchase is made the !alue of 1hich is commensurate 1ith the time ta&en up (y the call2 In other cases the accepta(le length of time spent 1ith mem(ers of staff may (e determined (y local codes of practice2 ,here these do not e6ist it is recommended that, unless there is some strong technical reason to the contrary, such time should normally not e6ceed% " <B minutes in manufacturing and retail (usinesses *other than automoti!e+ " <C"7B minutes in other ser!ice industries and (usinesses If the pro0ect is one 1here part of the e!aluation in!ol!es some follo1"up paper1or& (y the organisation called on *e2g2 pro!ision of a (rochure etc2+ this must also (e &ept to a minimum2 If Mystery Shopping calls are made on self"employed or professional people, etc2, 1here time spent on an inter!ie1 may literally cost them *lost+ money, consideration should (e gi!en to reim(ursing the indi!iduals





in!ol!ed at an appropriate professional rate2 F2 ,here there 1ould (e difficulty in conforming to the preceding recommendations the acti!ity should not (e regarded as a form of mar&et research and should not (e carried out (y, or under the name of, a mar&et research organisation2



1 A#o#'m !': A good mystery shopper is al1ays anonymous2 A mystery shopper should (e a(le to !isit the same location a num(er of times 1ithout (eing detected (y the staff2 Mystery shoppers do not ta&e forms on the premises 1ith them and do not ta&e notes 1hen they are !isi(le during their shopping time2 2 R"& %: & !':

A mystery shopper 1ho does not relia(ly complete assignments is of no !alue to our company and 1ill /uic&ly (e eliminated from our shopper pool2 Of course, 1e realiLe that occasionally a situation arises that pre!ents a shopper from completing an assignment they ha!e agreed to ta&e2 Relia(le shoppers contact us immediately to inform us of the situation2 Relia(le shoppers su(mit their reports 1ithin the 7?"hour deadline after completing the shop2 3 A++ur%+':

.orms must (e completed in detail2 Areas cannot (e left (lan&2 Questions cannot (e o!erloo&ed2 8our 1ritten o(ser!ations must agree 1ith the 1ay you scored /uestions2 If 1e ha!e to contact you to as& for missing information or clarify 1hat you ha!e su(mitted, your payment may (e reduced and your status as a shopper could (e 0eopardiLed2 4 R"7 "3:

After you su(mit your shopping /uestionnaire online it is re!ie1ed (y a super!isor, 1ho chec&s it for completeness, detail, accuracy and to (e certain that it meets the high standards of Mystery Shopper Online2 8ou must (e accessi(le to a super!isor during daytime hours and a!aila(le to discuss your report, if necessary2

? " " "

O!6"r Co#5 ,"r%! o#5: 8ou must (e at least <E to complete an assignment2 8ou cannot shop a store or company 1here you or any mem(er of your household is employed2 5ames are !ery important% 8our report loses most of its !alue if it does not correctly identify the people in!ol!ed2 If you are una(le to get a name, an accurate description is the only accepta(le alternati!e2 *,hen descri(ing people, use factual items, such as gender, height, hair colour and length, appro6imate age, glasses, etc2 Please a!oid descriptions that could (e offensi!e to employees, such as 9hea!y set:, 9chu((y:, 4foreign4, etc+2 .ollo1 the specific instructions and complete all sections of the /uestionnaire% If you fail to purchase the correct item, fail to !isit a department or don3t fill in a section M your /uestionnaire can3t (e sent to the client and you ris& not getting reim(ursed for the shop and losing future assignments2 Some assignments call for you to 1rite (rief paragraphs a(out your e6perience% These are !ery important to the client2 ,hen ma&ing 1ritten comments, the comments must agree 1ith your scoring2 ,hen you score something as 9no:, (e sure to comment on 1hy you scored it that 1ay2 Report your detailed factual o(ser!ations and personal reactions, not 1hat you feel others might thin&2 .rame your comments as 9I feltN: or 9I o(ser!edN: rather than 9They shouldN: or 9customers li&eN: If an assignment is assigned at a particular time and date it is so 1e can measure all of a client3s stores at the same time to get a really clear comparison2 If you find you can3t do an assignment and you3!e already (oo&ed it online M please let us &no1 at least 7? hours (efore so 1e can re"allocate the assignment2 Please &eep your details page updated2 5one of your details 1ill (e made a!aila(le to anyone outside of Mystery Shopper Online2 ,e 1ill ho1e!er gi!e our client3s a snapshot of our data(ase, for e6ample 1e may tell them ho1 many =B years olds 1e ha!e or ho1 many shoppers 1ear glasses, so they can then target these groups for specific research purposes2 Please read A-- emails and assignment details carefully, as they 1ill al1ays pro!ide important information regarding the shop and the client2







G"#"r%& Gu ,"& #"5 .or Co#,u+! #( MSOL A55 (#m"#!5

(1) Review the questionnaire and assignment details prior to accepting the assignment and again before undertaking the assignment % " Pay careful attention to your re/uirements i2e2 1hat to purchase, 1hen the assignment is to (e conducted and due; as 1ell as attention to detail on ser!ice, product and facilities2 Please print the assignment details and the /uestionnaire2 (2) Visit the correct location% " If unsure of location, call the location or email Mystery Shopper online to get directions or to clarify its location if needed2 Chec& the address on your assignment to ma&e sure you go to the correct location2 (3) Shop onl on the assigned da and conduct the assignment at the e!act time noted on the assignment details% " Contact Mystery Shopper Online if there is any issue 1ith conducting the assignment after acceptance online2 ,e re/uire a minimum ?E hours notice to arrange alternati!e shoppers2 (") #urchase the goods$services as per the assignment requirements% - The assignment details 1ill specify 1hat you are to purchase as part of the assignment2 If other people are 0oining you this 1ill not (e reim(ursed or to (e included in the assignment2 8ou are to order for them separately2 The client re/uires specific feed(ac& on the items listed in the re/uirements2 (&) 'ote the temperature of the food% " If re/uired for a food retailer, the temperature of the food should (e done immediately after recei!ing the food2 This applies to dine in, or dri!e thru2 #!aluate all aspects of the food rele!ant to the assignment i2e2 temperature, taste, appearance and pac&aging2 Temperature of hot food drops significantly 1ithin minutes of pac&ing if ta&ea1ay2 (() 'ote times% ) #nsure that you are discreet at all times, particularly 1hen assessing times2 O(ser!e and note the e6act time in minutes and seconds 1hen entering the restaurant, 0oining a /ueue, are greeted, recei!ing your purchase and departure and ensure this is translated accurately into the assignment2 Do not use appro6imates M record the ACT'A- TIM# if re/uired to do so2 (*) 'ote facilities for cleanliness and maintenance% ) #!aluate the restroom upon entering the location2 O(ser!e dining room ta(les, floors, ceiling etc 1hilst

inside the premises2 #!aluate thoroughly the e6terior cleanliness and maintenance, including 1indo1s, car par&, gar(age rooms, signage etc2 .or Dri!e Thru chec&s, please par& the car O use the restrooms to chec& the dining room and rest room cleanliness and maintenance2 (+) #a attention to the emplo ees% ) 8our assignment 1ill (e specific to the employee*s+ that ser!e you for 9Ser!ice:, ho1e!er, some /uestions are general to all employees in regards to dress standards, (eha!iour etc2 Chec& for nametags, (ut do not as& for names2 If the ser!ice mem(er does not ha!e a nametag, please pro!ide a full description2 (,) -omments% " Please &eep comments of a personal or collo/uial nature out of the assignment *positi!e or negati!e+ and O5-8 comment as to specific issues relating to this e6perience2 (1.) -onfidentialit % " As per the terms of (ecoming a mystery shopper, confidentiality is critical2 'nder 5O circumstance are you to re!eal your identity; also under 5o circumstance are you to fill in the assignment on the premises *including car par&+ or to ha!e it in !ie1 of employees2 If there is an issue 1ith your meal or ser!ice etc, then correct it immediately 1ith the ser!ice person or manager 1ithout re!ealing your identity2 (11) -omplete the assignment% " Mystery Shopper online re/uires assignments to (e entered O5-I5# ,IT@I5 7?@RS2 ,e recommend that you enter all details in immediately after conducting the assignment2 Alternati!ely, 1rite all responses on the /uestionnaire you ha!e printed and then enter the information as soon as possi(le 1ithin the 7? hours time period2


O!6"r .r"4u"#!&' A5>", $u"5! o#5

06%! ,o"5 % M'5!"r' S6o99"r ,o@ Mystery Shoppers !isit specific stores and (usinesses anonymously for the purpose of o(ser!ing and reporting on the /uality of customer ser!ice deli!ered2 The ans1ers su(mitted (y our mystery shoppers ena(le clients to ma&e employment decisions, re1ard staff for e6cellent performance, redirect staff 1ho perform poorly and e!aluate adherence to company ser!ice standards2 The Mystery Shopper process (egins 1ith on"line training2 After completing initial education our shoppers are a(le to select assignments, complete 0o(s (y !isiting a site or performing a telephone e!aluation and finally entering 0o( data into the online data(ase2 06' 56ou&, I :"+om" % M'5!"r' S6o99"r@ eing a Mystery Shopper is 1ell suited to anyone 1ho 1ould (enefit from% " Recei!ing free products and)or ser!ices *on certain assignments+2 " @ighly fle6i(le hours2 " Contri(uting to a higher le!el of customer ser!ice2 " @a!ing a di!erse num(er of shopping e6periences2 " 8ouIll (e a(le to participate in educational sessions !ia online training2 Ho3 mu+6 ,o"5 % M'5!"r' S6o99"r ("! 9% ,@ Mystery Shoppers are independent contractors 1ho recei!e re1ards in the form of gift !ouchers, or (an& deposits2 In addition, on many assignments, free goods and)or ser!ices are also a!aila(le2 The amount you 1ill get paid !aries (y the type of assignment you complete2 Payments generally range (et1een P<C to PEB per assignment2

Do I #"", 9r"7 ou5 "A9"r "#+" %5 % M'5!"r' S6o99"r@ 5o, pre!ious e6perience is not necessary2 Shoppers are recruited (ased on the information pro!ided in their online application form, their aptitude and a(ility to meet assignment re/uirements2 Mystery Shopping Online offers e6tensi!e online training, 1hich 1ill (roaden your understanding of the Mystery Shopper industry, and assist you in (ecoming a highly effecti!e Mystery Shopper2 06%! 5 !6" %99& +%! o# 9ro+"55@ The process of applying to start 1or& 1ith Mystery Shopping Online as a Mystery Shopper is as follo1s% " $o to the online application2 " .ill out the application thoroughly and professionally2 *The application is the main method of decision"ma&ing regarding shopper selection; therefore it is in your (est interest that the information pro!ided (e presented proficiently2+ " 8our application 1ill (e re!ie1ed and &ept in our data(ase for a period of <7 months2 " ,hen there is 1or& in your area you 1ill (e sent an email message2 If you successfully accept the assignment (efore other shoppers, you are then a(le to enter the rest of our 1e( site and get your assignment2 I 5u:m !!", %# %99& +%! o# 5om" ! m" %(o %#, 6%7" #o! 6"%r, *rom %#'o#". 06"# +%# I "A9"+! !o :" +o#!%+!",@ Shoppers are used (ased on the a!aila(ility of 1or& in their area of residence2 After you ha!e su(mitted your application, 1e may not contact you immediately so do not 1orry if you do not hear from us2 ,e 1ill get in touch 1ith you as soon as there is Mystery Shopping a!aila(le in your area2 All applications are &ept in the data(ase for a period of <7 months2 06o 3 && 5u9"r7 5" m' 3or>@ Mystery Shopper Online Coordinators super!ise all aspects of shopper 1or&2 There is al1ays someone a!aila(le (y email or telephone if a Mystery Shopper has a pro(lem or /uestion *please see MSO- Contact Details+2 Ho3 3 && I r"+" 7" %#, 5u:m ! m' %55 (#m"#!5@ QT@IS S#CTIO5 MA8 5##D TO # R#.I5#D AS#D O5 A58 5#, PROC#SS#S 5OT CO>#R#D @#R#R

All assignments are posted online2 8ou are al1ays told ahead of time 1hat the assignment details are, including% " An appro!ed e6pense amount *if applica(le+2 " The e6act location of the assignment2 " Appro!ed hours for the assignment2 " Assignment deadline*s+2 " Details and nature of the procedure2 As a Mystery Shopper you 1ill (e a(le to su(mit your completed assignments using the online forms pro!ided2 In!itations to accept a mystery shopping assignment to (e conducted in your su(ur( 1ill (e emailed to all shoppers 1ho chose that su(ur(2 .or us to send you assignment notices, you must ha!e registered the su(ur(s 1here you are a!aila(le for shopping assignments in the 4Tell us 1here you 1ant to shop4 area in the mem(ers section of the Mystery Shopper site2 8ou 1ill &no1 1hen you ha!e successfully accepted an assignment online, as an email 1ill (e sent congratulating you *or one ad!ising you ha!e (een unsuccessful+2 As 1ell, the (oo&ed status in the 4Collect your Assignment4 area 1ill change from 4no4 to 4yes42 ,hen you ha!e successfully accepted an assignment you 1ill then (e a(le to access the re/uired /uestionnaire for that assignment in the 4.ill in 8our Assignment Questionnaire4 area, familiariLing yourself 1ith the /uestionnaire *and printing it out if re/uired+ (efore you carry out the assignment2 This area is also 1here you complete your /uestionnaire2 ,hen completing a /uestionnaire the site may time you out *depending on the total time you ha!e spent online+ and not accept your su(mitted ans1ers2 Please &eep this in mind2 8ou 1ill &no1 you ha!e successfully su(mitted your /uestionnaire 1hen you recei!e a message screen saying, 4Than& you for su(mitting the /uestionnaire, 1e 1ill (e in touch shortly42 0 && I #+ur %#' "A9"#5"5 3or> #( %5 % M'5!"r' S6o99"r@ 5o2 Assignments that re/uire shoppers to purchase a meal, retail item, etc2 ha!e a stipulated e6pense amount that is reim(ursed once the assignment has (een completed2 #ach assignment !aries in length and re/uirement ranging from <B minutes up1ards and a!eraging 7C minutes *this includes getting the information a(out the 0o( from the 1e("site, doing the 0o( and typing in the results on our 1e("site after1ards+2 The re1ards are specified (y the client and MSO-, and 1ill (e reflecti!e of the re/uired spend, time and difficulty of the assignment2 0 && I #"", !o !r%7"& !o +om9&"!" %55 (#m"#!5 *or M'5!"r' S6o99"r O#& #"@ #6tra tra!el costs are not co!ered2 Since Mystery Shopper Online does not co!er tra!el costs, most Mystery Shoppers do not tra!el to complete assignments2 8ou should only accept assignments that you 1ill (e a(le to complete in your area2 If

you decide to 1or& outside your immediate area, you are responsi(le for any associated costs2 C%# I r"*u5" +"r!% # %55 (#m"#!5@ 8es2 8ou select only the assignments you are interested in and 1illing to complete gi!en the 0o( parameters2 A*!"r %++"9! #( %# %55 (#m"#!) 6o3 &o#( 3 && I 6%7" !o +om9&"!" !6" 56o9 %#, 5u:m ! m' r"9or!@ 5e1 0o(s are posted on an ongoing (asis and all assignments include details such as% " Appro!ed e6pense amount *if applica(le+2 " The e6act location of the assignment2 " Appro!ed hours for the assignment2 " Assignment deadlines2 It is !ery important that you select only the assignments that you 1ill (e a(le to complete (y the indicated deadline2 Seep in mind that all assignments need to be submitted within 2" hours of completing the /ob 2 C%# I !"&& m' *r "#,5 !o %99&'@ 8esT Tell all your online friends to !isit us at 1112mysteryshopper2com2au2 ,e 1ould lo!e to sho1 them around2

Com9u!"r E4u 9m"#! 06%! 5o*!3%r" ,o I r"4u r" !o 3or> 3 !6 M'5!"r' S6o99"r O#& #"@ Mystery Shopper Online recommends that our shoppers maintain an up"to"date (ro1ser and email program on their system2 At this time, the (ro1sers 1e suggest you use are% 5etscape Communicator ? *e6cluding ?2BC and ?2BE+ or Microsoft #6plorer ?2BH2 If you need to upgrade, please use the follo1ing lin&s to access the latest !ersions of (ro1sers from 5etscape and Microsoft2 06%! !'9" o* +om9u!"r 3 && I r"4u r" !o 3or> 3 !6 M'5!"r' S6o99"r O#& #"@ 52 2 If you are a(le to complete the online application 1ithout anomalies, you ha!e the necessary (asic hard1are2 If not, you can upgrade your soft1are2 Any computer capa(le of running recent !ersions of 5etscape or MS Internet #6plorer should (e sufficient2 ,e do strongly recommend a minimum of 7E,EBB (aud rate modem2 Ho3 mu+6 >#o3&",(" o* !6" I#!"r#"! ,o I #"",@ 8ou should (e familiar 1ith all the (asic functions of your (ro1ser2 Mystery Shopper Online does not pro!ide specific Internet training or technical support2 8ou are e6pected to pro!ide this2 Do I 6%7" !o 9%' *or m' o3# I#!"r#"! +o##"+! o#@ 8es2 All shoppers 1ith Mystery Shopper Online are considered independent contractors and are therefore responsi(le for their o1n operating e6penses *i2e2 computer, Internet access, maintenance etc2+ Do I r"4u r" m' o3# +om9u!"r@ Although ha!ing your o1n computer is an ad!antage, it is not necessary2 8ou re/uire an email address 1here you can (e reached, as 1ell as regular access to the Internet in order to select and su(mit assignments2

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