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Effective Depth For Compaction

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Effective Eff ti Depth D th of f Soil S il Compaction C ti in i Relation to Applied Compactive Energy

Kyu-Sun Kim, Dante Fratta, and Haifang Wen

WHRP Project P j t 0092-08-11 0092 08 11 December 4, 2009

Project Objectives
To relate degree of soil compaction at various depths as a function of energy applied to the surface surface, compactor weight, and footprint. Development of a monitoring system to evaluate received energy and degree of compaction at various depths Determination of the influence of soil parameters (e (e.g., g soil texture, plasticity, and moisture content) on compaction achieved. Draft recommendations to optimize lift thickness as function of Wisconsin construction experience and typical compaction equipment and delivered energy.

Compaction of Soils
Several factors influence the compaction (i.e., maximum density y or unit weight g and optimum p water content) of soils:
compaction method (i.e., pounding, kneading, pressure vibration) pressure, molding moisture content (soil water content when compacted) compactive effort (applied energy and compactor size) soil type (determines optimum moisture content and max unit weight) max, relative layer stiffness (stiff layer over soft layer)

Lift-thickness Specifications
Specification Max. 0.15 m (6 in) lift before compaction Max. 0.15 m (6 in) lift after compaction Max. 0.2 m (8 in) lift before compaction Max. 0.3 m (12 in) lift before compaction State DOTs Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma Connecticut, Kentucky y Alabama, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin Louisiana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Texas, Wyoming

Note: New York DOT specifies lift thickness as function of soil and compaction equipment (State of New York 2008).

(after Hoppe 1999; Lenke 2006)

Research Question
Compaction equipment (Vibration roller)


Lift 4 Lift 3 Lift 2 Lift 1

Volume of influence

Given typical compaction equipment, what is the maximum lift thickness that can provide uniform compaction and proper engineering performance f in i road d embankments?

Schematic stiffness and density profile versus depth after each lift compaction

Field Compaction

Compaction roller

Displacement direction

Strains greater than the threshold threshold strain strain - Compaction volume

Failure surface

Field Compaction
Energy propagation

This is our problem

(Anderegg and Kaufmann 2004 )

Field Compaction
Energy propagation

(Yoo and Selig 1979 )

Field Site
Testing site: Junction City (15 mi NW of Stevens Points) Contractor: Hoffman Construction (Black River Falls, WI)
Testing Site
To Junction City

Stevens Point

Source: Google Maps

Soil Properties
Basic properties
Soil type Silty soil (finer granular soil) Brown sand (coarser granular soil) Specific Gravity (Gs) 2.83 2.66 Coefficient of Coefficient of uniformity (Cu) curvature (Cc) 2.37 31.95 1.00 1.72 USCS SM SP

Finer granular soil Coarse granular soil

Soil Properties
Compaction properties
Soil type Silty soil (finer granular soil) Brown sand (coarser granular soil) maximum dry unit weight (kN/m3) 18.2 17.1 optimum water content (%) 16.7 9.5

Finer granular soil Coarse granular soil

Field Measurements
Soil property and response measurements:
Internal soil deformation: MEMS inclinometers Internal p pressure: p pressure g gauges g Density profile: nuclear density gauge and sand cone Surface stiffness: GeoGauge Internal stiffness: P-wave velocity MEMS accelerometers Volumetric water content: time domain reflectometry (TDR)

Field Measurements
Originally proposed field testing matrix
1 - 6 passes Fine-grained Soil Sheepsfoot Roller
Dry: 8, 12, 16, and 20 lifts Wet (4-5%>wop): 8, 12, 16, and 20 lifts

Coarse-grained Soil Smooth-drum Vibratory Roller

Dry (4-5%<wop): 8, 12, 16, and 20 lifts

Rubber-tired Roller
Dry (4-5%<wop): 8, 12, 16, and 20 lifts

Rubber-tired Roller
Dry (4-5%<wop): 8, 12, 16, and 20 lifts Wet (4-5%>wop): 8, 12, 16, and 20 lifts

Wet (4-5%>wop): 8, Wet (4-5%>wop): 12, 16, and 20 8, 12, 16, and 20 lifts lifts

Field Measurements
Compaction equipment:
Caterpillar CS-563E Smooth-drum vibratory roller Caterpillar 824C Rubber-tired roller (dozer) Caterpillar 825C Padfoot roller Caterpillar 631G Scraper

Two soil types: finer and coarser granular soils

Field Compactors
CS-563E 824C



Caterpillar compaction and earthmoving equipment

Specifications of Compactors
Operating weight of compactor is related to the transferred compactive energy
50000 Op perating W Weight (kg) 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Vibratory y Tire dozer
Padfoot roller Sheep p foot

Scraper p

Types of Soil Compactors

Source: Caterpillar - http://www.cat.com

Field Measurements
Actual conducted field testing matrix
Soil type Finer granular soil compactor Vibratory roller Rubber-tired roller Scraper Padfoot roller 12, 17, and 24 lifts 8~11, and 20 lifts 24 lift 10~16, and 20 10~16 20 lifts Nat. moisture coarser granular soil 8, 13, and 24 lifts 8, 13, and 20 lifts 13, and 23 lifts Wet coarser granular soil 8, 13, and 23 lifts 13, and 23 lifts -

Field Measurements
Field deployment p y / test section
TDR Impact source

Lift thicknesses (pre-compaction): 8 ~ 24

Nuclear density MEMS Earth gauge and pressure (inclination, gauge accelerometer) sand cone




Field Testing: Soil Properties


Nuclear density


Field Testing: Energy Compaction

Measurements of changes in internal stresses and accelerations (pressure cell plate and accelerometers)
Installation of Sensors Extraction of Sensors

MEMS accelerometers

pressure plate

Effect of Compactor on Dry Unit Weight and Water Content

Nuclear Density Gauge Finer granular soil
unit weight (kN/m 3) 10
0 5 depth (cm m) 10 15 20 25 30 35 Vibratory (3 pass) Scraper (3 pass) Padfoot (3 pass) Sheep foot (3 pass) Vibratory (6 pass) depth (cm m)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

moisture content (%) 5 10 15


Vibratory (3 pass) Scraper (3 pass) Padfoot (3 pass) Sheep foot (3 pass) Vibratory (6 pass)

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Dynamic y cone p penetrometer ( (DCP): ) p provides indication of the shear strength uniformity of soil layers. DCP index: is a measure of soil shear strength as function of dry density and effective stress stress. That is, the DCP index profiles give indication of the quality of compaction both in depth and across the compaction path.

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Finer granular soil
Smooth-drum vibratory roller Rubber-tired roller

Abrupt decrease in strength

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Finer granular soil
Padfoot roller Scraper

Decrease in strength Decrease in strength

Padfoot roller


Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Natural moist coarser granular soil
Smooth-drum Smooth drum vibratory roller Roller tire roller

Smooth-drum vibratory roller

Roller tire roller

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Natural coarser granular soil

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Moist coarser granular soil
Smooth-drum Smooth drum vibratory roller Roller tire roller

DCP Observations
DCP index and compaction effectiveness
DCP index Disturbed state at surface DCP index

No improvement? Not compaction effect but overburden effect Finer granular soil Coarser granular soil

Soil Stiffness Gauge

SSG measures the impedance at the surface of soil Soil stiffness can be calculated by the i impedance d

Velocity sensor Velocity sensor

1.77 R E K= 1 2 P
Where, R: the outer radius of ring foot E: Youngs modulus


Soil Stiffness Gauge

The use of different compactors is reflected on modulus. Passes also affects stiffness measurements Sheep foot compactor does not show improvements (depth limitation of SSG and surface disturbances)
90 80 70 SSG Modulus (MP S Pa) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Before Vib. Roller-3 Vib. Roller-6 compaction passes passes Tire-6 passes

Finer granular soil

Pad-3 Sheep-3 passes

Sheep-6 Pad-6 passes

Scraper-3 passes

Soil Stiffness Gauge

Tire roller and scraper on sand created lots of soil displacement. displacement

Natural coarser granular soil

80 70 SSG Modulus (M S MPa) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Before compaction Vib. Roller-3 passes Vib. Roller-6 passes Tire-6 passes Scraper-3 passes

Soil Stiffness Gauge

Wet sand stiffness is higher than that of natural moisture sand
90 80 70 SSG Modulu us (MPa) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 B f Before compaction ti Vib R Vib. Roller-6 ll 6 passes Ti 6 passes Tire-6

Wet coarser granular soil

Soil Stiffness Gauge & P-wave velocity

Soil Stiffness Gauge & P-wave velocity

Soil Stiffness Gauge & P-wave velocity

Under-compaction in the finer granular soil

Pressure Cell Plate

Maximum pressure response was captured for each compactors passing
Soil Type Fine g grained Soil Compactor type Vibratory y Tire-dozer Scraper Padfoot Natural moisture sand Vibratory Tire-dozer Scraper Wet sand Vibratory Tire-dozer Tire dozer Maximum Pressure Response (kPa) 12 101.9 11 52.2 8 17.2 8 161.1 8 122.2 17 53.0 16 202.9 16 202 9 13 75.7 13 316.5 13 417.1 13 61.9 13 69.5 13 24 64.8 20 56.9 24 304.3 24 126.7 24 126 7 24 52.0 20 302.4 23 330.9 24 42.3 23 124.1 23

Pressure Cell Plate

Weight of compaction equipment and lift thickness affect the transferred p pressure.
Finer granular soil
500 Vibratory m ea as ured pres s ure (k Pa) m ea as ured pres s ure (k Pa) 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 lift thickness (in) Tire-dozer Scraper Sheep foot Padfoot 400 300 200 100 0 300 m ea as ured pres s ure (k Pa) 400 300 200 100 0 300

Nat. moisture coarser granular soil


Wet coarser granular soil






lift thickness (in)

lift thickness (in)

MEMS Measurements
Direct measurements:
Internal soil deformation: MEMS inclinometers Analog Devices ADLX203 iMEMS accelerometers
Low-power consumption; Low-cost High sensitivity (750 mV/g) Dual axis Static Static Acceleration
Gravity: Rotation measurements

Source: http://www.dimensionengineering.com

MEMS Measurements
Field setup

MEMS Measurements
Finer granular soil, tire roller, 10-inch lift thickness, Y-axis acc.

MEMS Measurements
Finer granular soil, vibratory roller, 24-inch lift thickness, Y-axis acc.

MEMS Measurements
Conceptual interpretation

MEMS Measurements Finer granular g soils

smooth-drum th d vibratory roller rubber tire roller

Padfoot roller


MEMS Measurements Coarser granular soils

smooth-drum th d vibratory roller

rubber tire roller

Padfoot roller


MEMS Measurements

Peak particle acceleration and velocity by axis in finer granular soils.

Peak particle acceleration and velocity by axis in coarser granular soils.

Relative compaction
Dry unit weight [kN/m3] 16.4 18.2 20.0 23.7 25.5 Dry unit weight [kN/m3] 16.4 18.2 20.0 23.7 25.5

Relative compaction results for finer granular soils using nuclear density gauge: (a) smooth-drum vibratory roller; (b) scraper and padfoot rollers

Numerical Simulation
FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua) is a 2D continuum ti code d f for modeling d li geomaterials t i l and d structural behavior. The explicit finite difference formulation of the code makes FLAC suited for modeling geomechanical problems including static and dynamic

Stress Rotation
Stress rotation is simulated i l t db by FLAC FLAC. The combination of vertical stress and horizontal stress may affect the i d induced d shear h stress -> related to shear distortion which directly affect the compaction.

Contact Areas

Contact areas and contact pressure distributions: (a) strip footing drum-type roller and (b) circular footing - tire-based compactor

Contact Areas

Contact Areas
120 max x. displacem ment (mm 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 contact width (m) 0.8 1 fine-grained coarse-grained

Maximum displacement of drum-based compactor.

Contact Areas
600 ma ax. displacem ment (mm 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 contact width (m) 0.8 1 fine-grained coarse-grained

Maximum displacement of tire-based compactor.

Effect of Soil Stiffness

Zone of influence with reduced contact area

Volumetric Strain

Failure Zone Distribution

Conclusions and Recommendations

Tire-based roller and earthmoving g equipment q p ( (e.g., g, scraper) provided higher contact pressures. These high pressures propagate deep into the soil mass and allow the compaction of thick layers layers. However However, this type of roller may produce uneven compaction regions (i.e., zones that were under-compacted). The interpretation of the SSG modulus at the near surface and P-wave-based modulus at the bottom of thick lift layers provided evidence of under-compaction under compaction regions at the bottom of lifts. This data justify setting maximum limits on lift thickness.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Dynamic y cone p penetration index ( (DPI) )p profiles in finegrained soils detected the areas of low shear strength at the bottom of thick lifts (i.e., greater than 0.30 m - 12 in). Shear-induced Sh i d d rotation t ti measurements t provide id a good d indication of soil particle movements. Rotation movements in coarse-grained soils are much larger than those of fined-grained soils. These observations imply that the current conservative lift thickness specification in coarse-grained coarse grained soils may be increased by well controlled water contents of soils.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The compaction p p process is a function of compactors p weight, soil type, and contact width of the wheel loading. Using various contact widths, the research team simulated the effect of the wheel load moving during compaction processes. A hardening soil model was implemented to simulate the compaction process using volumetric hardening (cap hardening) and deviatoric hardening (shear hardening). Volumetric strain and failure zones in numerical simulations can be indicators of depths of the compaction effectiveness.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The evaluation of the relative compaction p using g volumetric strain analyses indicate that the compaction effectiveness (RC>95%) is observed at least 0.30-m (12in) lift thickness of the tested soils and soil compactor types used in these studies. However, the tire-based roller may leave areas that are under-compacted regions due to highly localized and high pressure footprints. f Numerical models seem to support field observations.

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