Lci CT Project Plan

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Project Acronym: LC-ICT Version: Draft version 0.01 Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.

#% Date: &'(0)(&01*

JISC Project Plan 1 +verview of Project............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 ,ac%-ro#nd.................................................................................................................................. 1 1.& Aims and + jectives..................................................................................................................... 1 1.) +vera!! A..roach.......................................................................................................................... & 1.* Project +#t.#ts............................................................................................................................. & 1./ Project +#tcomes......................................................................................................................... & 1.0 1ta%eho!der Ana!ysis.................................................................................................................... ) 1.' 2is% Ana!ysis................................................................................................................................ ) 1.3 1tandards..................................................................................................................................... ) 1.4 Technica! Deve!o.ment................................................................................................................ * 1.10 Inte!!ect#a! Pro.erty 2i-hts......................................................................................................... * & Project 2eso#rces............................................................................................................................... / &.1 Project Partners............................................................................................................................ / &.& Project 5ana-ement................................................................................................................... / &.) Pro-ramme 1#..ort..................................................................................................................... / ) Detai!ed Project P!annin-.................................................................................................................... / ).1 ,#d-et.......................................................................................................................................... / ).& 6or% .ac%a-es and tas%s............................................................................................................ / ).) 7va!#ation P!an............................................................................................................................ / ).* 8#a!ity P!an.................................................................................................................................. 0 )./ Dissemination P!an....................................................................................................................... 0 ).0 7$it and 1#staina i!ity P!ans........................................................................................................ 0 * A..endices......................................................................................................................................... ' *.1 A..endi$ A: Project ,#d-et.......................................................................................................... ' *.& A..endi$ ,. 6or% .ac%a-es........................................................................................................ 4 1 Overview of Project

1.1 Background The University of Oxford has established an Environment Panel that advises the University on the environmental implications of policies and activities; and enco ra!es the proper consideration of environmental factors in the University"s decision#ma$in! processes% &mon!st other matters the Panel advises on the red ction of ener!y cons mption 'ithin the University% The University has also recently approved the ICT Strate!ic Plan% The plan states that the ne' ICT !overnance str ct re m st operate in conj nction 'ith other strate!ic plannin! processes 'ithin the University( incl din! those relatin! to environmental impact analysis and ener!y conservation% 1.2 Aims and Objectives The p rpose of this project is to provide a practical exemplar of ho' an or!anisation can implement both the policies and the technolo!ies to conserve ener!y sed by the ICT infrastr ct re 'ith the minim m of disr ption to sers and system administrators ali$e% The objectives of the project are to) *oll o t a instit tion#'ide 'a$e#on#+&, -.o+/ service 0onitor and eval ate the environmental benefits of this .o+ service and the University of Oxford"s virt alisation service 1ost t'o open conferences on the topic of ICT and the environment 2evelop and implement an effective comm nications strate!y 2evelop and provide trainin! materials Pa-e 1 of 1& &'(0)(&01*

9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT

Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* 1.3 Overall Approach This project 'ill address this area of instit tional concern thro !h implementin!( monitorin! and promotin! the se of net'or$ mana!ement facilities that allo' a ran!e of sers to minimise the environmental effects of des$top and server machines% Specifically the project 'ill develop tools to enable) End# sers to s'itch off their des$top machines 'henever they are not in se -e%!% at the end of the 'or$in! day and 'ee$ends( 'hen 'or$in! on other sites e%!% in laboratories and at conferences( and 'hen on holiday/ b t still are able to s'itch their machines bac$ on remotely 'hen re3 ired System administrators to be able to s'itch cl sters of machines on and off dependin! on the policy in place for ener!y savin! in their department and re3 irements to pdate system soft'are on des$top machines System administrators to minimise their need to p rchase ne' server machines *esearch teams that need to nderta$e comp tationally intensive research to minimise their se of des$top and server machines

The project 'ill implement site#'ide .a$e on +&, -.o+/4 mana!ement facilities to allo' individ al and cl sters of des$top machines to be s'itched on and off remotely% These facilities 'ill allo' the University to red ce the amo nt of ener!y cons med by des$top machines 'hen they are not in se% It 'ill also red ce the ener!y cons med by projects operatin! comp tationally intensive research beca se these projects 'ill) 5e able to ma$e more se of des$top machines 'hich 'ill red ce the n mber of dedicated machines these projects proc re( so red cin! the environmental effects associated 'ith man fact rin! and transport of these machines *ed ce the se of dedicated server machines that need to be ho sed in air conditioned machine rooms that cons me very lar!e amo nts of ener!y

The project team 'ill also monitor the University"s virt ali6ation service 7( 8( 'hich enables system administrators to consolidate their existin! servers onto centrally mana!ed machines% The project 'ill eval ate the effectiveness of this approach to ICT infrastr ct re in red cin! the environmental impact of the overall ICT provision% The service 'ill be monitored thro !h doc mentin! a n mber of case st dies% It is important to ta$e a holistic approach to develop an environmentally s stainable ICT strate!y beca se savin!s in one area can have a ne!ative effect in another% 9or example poorly desi!ned ener!y savin! meas res co ld compromise sec rity thro !h interr ptin! essential soft'are pdates% It is also important that the core strate!ic !oals of the University are not nd ly impacted( namely to cond ct research and teachin!% 1.4 Project Outputs T'o open and free conferences on the topic of red cin! the environmental impact of ICTs Open so rce code and s pportin! doc mentation to provide instit tion#'ide .o+ services 2etailed comm nications strate!y doc ment 0onitorin! plan and eval ation reports detailin! the environmental performance of the .o+ and virt alisation service Teacher and learner reso rces for ta !ht sessions that s pport system administrators and operations mana!ers in nderstandin! ho' ICT can be provided in a more s stainable manner

1.5 Project Outcomes The .roject wi!! red#ce the im.act on the environment d#e to ICT .rovision at the <niversity of +$ford. The .roject wi!! comm#nicate the .ro-ress of its wor% to %ey sta%eho!ders within the ed#cationa! comm#nity so that other or-anisations can im.rove decision-ma%in- in this im.ortant area of instit#tiona! concern.

4 7

Introd ction to .a$e on +&,) http)::en%'i$ipedia%or!:'i$i:.a$e#on#+&, Introd ction to virt alisation) http)::'''%vm'are%com:virt ali6ation: 8 ;irt alisation and s stainability) http)::'''%vm'are%com:sol tions:consolidation:!reen: 9oward :o !e Pa-e & of 1& ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT


Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* 1. !takeholder Anal"sis Stakeholder Oxford Environmental 0ana!ement Team -meet strate!ic objectives/ OUCE department -meet strate!ic objectives/ ICT Team -deployin! des$tops to lar!est ser base/ OUCS -service provider/ 1ard'are and soft'are vendors JISC -representin! 1E9CE strate!ic !oals/ 1eads of departments and colle!es -red ce costs/ Users of des$top machines -mana!ement of machines/ 5roader JISC comm nity -1EIs/ *esearch comm nity -increasin! facilities/ U> ?overnment -to meet national carbon emission tar!ets/ 1.# $isk Anal"sis Risk Pro a ilit! (1-5) +ac$ of s pport 8 from server administrators for virt alisation

Interest / stake (1-5) < < = < = = 8 8 8 8 4

Importance (1-5) < < = = 8 = < = = 8 4

Severit! (1-5) =

Score (P " S) 47

#ction to prevent/ mana$e risk The project intends to monitor the act al savin!s !ained thro !h ta$e# p of the virt alisation service% This is dependent on a si!nificant n mber of server administrators 'illin! to adopt virt alisation% The ris$ 'ill be miti!ated thro !h raisin! a'areness abo t the benefits of virt alisation and the dissemination of relevant case st dies etc% The pta$e of virt alisation 'ill depend on b ildin! on the s$ills of IT officers% This 'ill only be possible if appropriate trainin! is made available% Oxford has a complex or!anisational str ct re 'here centralised chan!e can be challen!in!% 1o'ever( the project is s pported by the heads of the participatin! departments and 'ill benefit from the ne' ICT !overnance str ct re at Oxford -in place for 7AAB:AC/% There is a si!nificant amo nt of inte!ration 'or$ to develop the 'a$e#on#+&, service available thro !ho t the University% The project 'ill need to plan all collaboration 'ell in advance and maintain clear comm nication 'ith all inte!ration partners so that technical iss es can be dealt 'ith as early as possible% To be s ccessf l the project re3 ires pta$e by a critical mass of end# sers( especially those 'ho have administrative control over their des$top machines% The project 'ill ens re a clear comm nications strate!y that incl des enco ra!in! sers to ma$e the lin$ bet'een this project and the climate chan!e a!enda% 0 ch of this ris$ is also li$ely to be miti!ated by a clear explanation of the technolo!ical capabilities%

S$ills re3 irement on IT officers too !reat +ac$ of en!a!ement by instit tional senior mana!ement Unforeseen diffic lties 'ith technical inte!ration tas$s% 2iffic lties in en!a!in! end# ser ta$e# p of 'a$e#on#+&, service

8 8

= 8

47 @

1.% !tandards ,ame of standard or specification .a$e#On#+&, SO&P

;ersion ## ;4%7

,otes .a$e#On#+&, technolo!y is the basic standard o r project is based on% The hard'are s pport is b ilt in motherboard of most modern comp ters% SO&P is a standard for exchan!in! E0+#based messa!es over a net'or$( normally sin! 1TTP% SO&P forms the fo ndation layer for F.eb ServicesF providin! a basic messa!in! frame'or$ that more abstract layers can b ild on% &ll the comm nications bet'een o r central control Pa-e ) of 1& &'(0)(&01*

9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT

Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* U22I .S2+ 1TTP:1TTPS E%<A@ SG+ ;8 ;4%4 ;4%4 ;8 ;7AA8 server and departmental nodes 'ill be SO&P based messa!es% U22I is a platform#independent( E0+#based re!istry for b sinesses 'orld'ide to list their services% U22I 'ill enable s to expose o r .O+ 'eb services% .S2+ -.eb Services 2escription +an! a!e/ is an E0+ format for describin! .eb services% It 'ill be sed in this project to describe o r .O+ services set% The 'eb#based comm tations bet'een different components and sers 'ill be tho !h 1TTP transport#protocol% P>I based sec rity infrastr ct re 'ill be adopted in o r system% &ll the server and departmental nodes 'ill be verified based on their E%<A@ certificates% &ll the main databases deployed in the project 'ill be SG+ based relational databases% The TS0 central bac$ p system deployed in the niversity also provides standard SG+ interface to interact 'ith external services% .eb& th is a 'eb#based Sin!le Si!n#On system 'hich enables camp s a thentication frame'or$ in Oxford University% O r services 'ill be 'ell inte!rated 'ith .eb& th system existin! in the University%

.eb& th


1.& 'echnical (evelopment 9or each component 'e 'ill se a cyclic soft'are en!ineerin! methodolo!y # this 'ill 'or$ from the desi!n doc ment thro !h( implementation and then testin!% Individ ally each component 'ill !o thro !h the follo'in! proced res) &rchitect re 2esi!n Implementation Phase Testin! Creation of an Implementation Plan to sho' individ al s b#components needin! development Test Plan to sho' ho' each part of f nctionality 'ill be tested .rite the code Critical Error *emoval *e!ression testin! of individ al f nctionality re3 ired% Unit testin! of the entire component%

To s pport hi!h 3 ality development the project 'ill se the follo'in! tools) .e 'ill se a p blic code repository -S;,/ hosted by the Comp tin! Services for code mana!ement% The Post!res database soft'are 'ill be sed thro !ho t &ll doc mentation 'ill be 'ritten into a p blicly available 'i$i% The project 'ill se the Jira soft'are for project b ! trac$in! 5asecamp for 'or$ pac$a!e mana!ement and online comm nication 1.1) *ntellectual Propert" $ights

Under the t'o niversities" policies on intellect al property -IP/( all ri!hts in IP created by their employees in the co rse of their employment 'ill !enerally belon! a tomatically to the niversity( except that the niversities do not normally assert any claim to the o'nership of copyri!ht in scholarly materials% *es lts from this project 'ill therefore be o'ned in the first instance by the niversities as the employin! instit tions% The niversities see$ to maximise the commercial potential of its IP thro !h their 'holly#o'ned technolo!y transfer companies% The project 'ill p t in place a partnership a!reement 'hich ma$es explicit 'here IP is to be held solely or jointly% In accordance 'ith the desires of the A4:AB Capital Pro!ramme it is proposed to release project deliverables nder either a Creative Commons licence or( in the case of soft'are( nder an OSI#approved open so rce soft'are license to maximise the benefit for the 'ider comm nity%

9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT

Pa-e * of 1&


Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* % 2.1 Project Reso&rces Project Partners

,one H all members of the project team at the University of Oxford% 2.2 Project +anagement 1o'ard ,oble is the principal investi!ator for the project and 'ill ta$e overall responsibility for the project% 2avid .allom is the project mana!er and is primarily responsible for implementin! the instit tion# 'ide .o+ service% 2aniel C rtis is responsible for the monitorin! and eval ation activities% ?ra6yna Cooper is responsible for the delivery of the trainin! commitments >an! Tan! is the lead developer of the .o+ service% >ate &ydin is responsible for comm nications% Jon +oc$ley 'ill s pport the project for one month to help research machine room desi!n

The project 'ill have a technical advisory board composed of the follo'in! staff from the Comp tin! Services department) 2avid *ischmiller H member of senior mana!ement at the Comp tin! Services department Ian &t$in H member of ICT team Oliver ?or'it6 H net'or$ mana!ement team lead 5eth Cr tch H re!istration team lead Peter Jones H member of data bac$ p service Stephen Io n! H ?*I2 expertise The project steerin! !ro p 'ill p ll to!ether people 'ith an interest in the project objectives% The !ro p 'ill s pport the project 'ith advocacy( formin! lin$s 'ith other related projects and advice in improvin! the 3 ality of the project deliverables% The project 'ill loo$ to involve the follo'in! individ als and or!anisations) Prof% 5renda 5oardman -senior researcher at the Oxford Centre for the Environment/ Prof% &nne Trefethen -2irector of Oxford e#research instit te/ Prof% E'an 0c>endric$( pro vice chancellor at the University of Oxford 0ember of 1E9CE involved in developin! a strate!y for s stainable development = Prof Pa l Jeffreys -2irector ICT at University of Oxford and +o' Carbon ICT project sponsor/ Prof% Tony 1ey -1ead of external research collaboration at 0icrosoft/

2.3 Programme !upport .e 'o ld li$e pro!ramme s pport in advertisin! the events that 'ill be hosted at Oxford as 'ell as the project o tcomes% ' (etailed Project Plannin$

3.1 Budget Please see appendix &% 3.2 ,ork packages and tasks Please see appendix 5% 3.3 -valuation Plan )imin$ *actor to +val&ate 9eb 7AA@ S ccess of .o+ service

,&estions to #ddress Is the service sef l to members of the

-ethod(s) 0eas re pta$e of

-eas&re of S&ccess Service is bein! sed and PCs are bein! t rned off

http)::'''%hefce%ac% $:s sdevreso rces:strat: 9oward :o !e Pa-e / of 1& ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT


Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* 9eb 7AA@ ;irt alisation service is improvin! environmental performance across the University UniversityJ Is pta$e of the service red cin! the impact of the University ICT strate!y on the environmentJ service 0onitor and eval ate the roll o t of virt alisation services 'hen not in se ;irt alisation is red cin! the overall impact on the environment of server machines across the University

3.4 .ualit" Plan O&tp&t )imin$ ,&alit! criteria Oct .o+ 7AAB# development Oct7AAC 0ar 7AA@ 3.5 0onitorin! and analysis

,# method(s) Peer revie'

Peer revie'

+vidence of compliance .or$in! service and s ccessf l si!n off of desi!n doc ment by technical advisory !ro p Peer revie' leads to p blication

,&alit! responsi ilities 2avid .allom

,&alit! tools (if applica le) S;,( Jira( .i$i(

2aniel C rtis

Peer revie' process

(issemination Plan (issemination #ctivit! Open#invite and free conference held at Oxford University #&dience University technical officers and operations mana!ers P&rpose 1i!hli!ht the role technical innovation can play in red cin! environmental impact of ed cational or!anisations Explain technical details behind virt alisation and .o+ technolo!ies .e! -essa$e Innovation 'ill red ce the environmental impact of or!anisations ;irt alisation and .o+ can be sed to red ce monetary and environmental costs( and improve 3 ality of service mana!ement%

)imin$ 0arch 7AAC and 0arch 7AA@

Oct 7AAC

Technical doc mentation and trainin!

Technical officers


-/it and !ustainabilit" Plans #ction for )ake-&p / +m eddin$ 1osted openly on the internet 1osted openly on the internet O'nership of process by role 'ithin University -role T5C/ 1osted openly on the internet 1osted openly on instit tional S;, instance #ction for +"it Place doc mentation on 'eb site Place doc mentation on 'eb site 2efine o'nership of process by role% Place doc mentation on 'eb site Place all code and doc mentation on instit tional S;, K 'i$i

Project O&tp&ts Technical doc mentation Eval ation reports 0onitorin! process Case st dies So rce code

<List any project outputs that may have potential to live on after the project ends, why, how they might be taken forward, and any issues involved in making them sustainable in the long term.> Project O&tp&ts 2oc mentation 0h! S&staina le Co ld inform f t re strate!ic direction of JISC and other ed cational or!anisations This open so rce code Scenarios for )akin$ *orward S bmit papers for p blication Iss&es to #ddress

.o+ mana!ement

Provide clear doc mentation &'(0)(&01*

9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT

Pa-e 0 of 1&

Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* service can be sed by other or!anisations for other or!anisations to adopt similar strate!y

1 4.1

#ppendices Appendi/ A0 Project Budget Oct 234 -ar 25 L4B(CDC L<(DCC L4(8=7 L=(7C= 8%6915% Oct 234 -ar 25 L<4< LD4C L<(4<A L<4< LA 8:9365 8'59652 Oct 234 -ar 25 LC(7<= L4A(7<4 8159525 L8<(@8B 8'596'3 86291%% 8:'9%6: 8%391%: #pr 254 -ar 26 L8B(77C L44(C<C L4<(=CB 8:1953' #pr 254 -ar 26 L4(AD4 LA LA LB@D LC(=CB 8129'11 8319613 #pr 254 -ar 26 L4D(@8C L77(=<4 8'69'56 LBC(BA< 8359325 816'9211 81'39:5: 8559'55 )O)#7 8 L<<(A@D L4B(<=D L4D(C7@ L=(7C= 86'9355 )O)#7 8 L4(<BD LD4C L<(4<A L4(844 LC(=CB 813911% 81129563 )O)#7 8 L7<(4@7 L87(BA7 8539561 L44=(D=7 81119:1% 8%5'91'' 8%22965% 85%9151

(irectl! Inc&rred Staff Technical 2eveloper ->an! Tan!( 4 9TE( ?rade B( 4C months/ Eval ation lead -C rtis( A%8 9TE( ?rade B( 4C months/ Systems Inte!rator -T5&( A%= 9TE( ?rade B( 47 months/ *esearcher -+oc$ley( 4 9TE( ?rade C( 4 month/

;on-Staff Travel and expenses Soft'are 1ard'are Conferences M 2issemination Event Or!anisation )otal (irectl! Inc&rred ;on-Staff (<) (irectl! Inc&rred )otal (#=<>?) (?) (irectl! #llocated Staff -,oble -A%4 9TE/( .allom -A%7 9TE/ Estates (irectl! #llocated )otal (() Indirect Costs -E/ )otal Indirect costs )otal Project ?ost (?=(=+) #mo&nt Re@&ested from AIS? Instit&tional ?ontri &tions

Percenta$e ?ontri &tions over the life of the AIS? 32B Partners )otal project '2B 122B ,otes on b d!et) Travel and expenses) the project 'ill endeavo r to $eep travel to a minim m to fit 'ith the !oals of the project b t staff 'ill need to attend conferences( 'or$shops and meetin!s Soft'are) the project 'ill need to b y some soft'are to s pport the development of the open so rce soft'are% This 'ill incl de one license for 0icrosoft 2evelopment St dio 1ard'are) the project 'ill need to s pport some nits 'ith hard'are p rchases -or rental/ to roll o t the necessary server components for the .o+ service% .e 'ill of co rse $eep these costs to a minim m% 9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT Pa-e ' of 1& &'(0)(&01*

Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* Conferences and dissemination) The project team 'ill attend conferences to disseminate the 'or$ and learn from other !ro ps% This may incl de commercial conferences% Event or!anisation) The project 'ill or!anise and host t'o -free to participants/ one#day conferences for the JISC comm nity%

9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT

Pa-e 3 of 1&


Project Acronym: LC-ICT Version: Draft version 0.01 Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* 4.2 Appendix B. Work packages

Project start date) 4st October 7AAB Project completion date) 84st 0arch 7AA@ 2 ration) 4C months -onthC 1 % ' x x x x x x x x x x x x

I 1 % ' 1

0OR.P#?.#D+S 0ake-on-7#; &ild9 implementation and roll o&t -onitorin$ and eval&ation desi$n and implementation ?omm&nications strate$! desi$n and implementationC #nal!sis of c&rrent stat&s of ener$! savin$ development within I?)

R+SPO;SI <I7I)E 2avid .allom( >an! Tan! 2aniel C rtis >ate &ydin 2aniel C rtis

1 x x x x

5 x x x x

: x x x x

3 x x x x

5 x x x x

6 x x x x

12 x x x x

11 x x x x

1% x x x x

1' x x x x

11 x x x x

15 x x x x

1: x x x x

13 x x x x

15 x x x x

7ar!iest start date .O*>P&C>&?E 4) O jectiveC $oll out an institution12ide 2ake1on13A4 service. 4% 7% 8% =% <% D% B% 2efine components interface definitions Technical desi!n revie' 2evelop 2epartmental .O+ ?ate$eeper Server 2evelop +in x Sleep:.a$e On +&, client .or$ 'ith early adopters to eval ate .o+ service 2evelop .indo's Sleep:.a$e On +&, client 2evelop Condor .O+ ?ate$eeper &pplication Pa-e 4 of 1& 4:44:7AAB 4:44:7AAB 4:4:7AAC 4:8:7AAC 4:<:7AAC 4:<:7AAC 4:C:7AAC

Latest end date



Responsi ilit!

47:7AAB 4:4:7AAC 4:8:7AAC 4:<:7AAC 4:C:7AAC 4:C:7AAC 4:@:7AAC

Interface definition 2oc ment Si!n#off from technical desi!n advisory !ro p Server application +in x Client &pplication 9eedbac$ from early adopters on .o+ service .indo's Client &pplication Condor daemon M 2oc mentation &'(0)(&01*


2avid .allom 2avid .allom 2avid .allom 2avid .allom 2avid .allom 2avid .allom 2avid .allom

9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT

Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* C% @% 2evelop TS0 .O+ ?ate$eeper Interface 2evelop Client application tool$it for .O+ !ate$eeper 4:@:7AAC 4:44:7AAC 4:44:7AAC 4:4:7AA@ TS0 .O+ Interface client M doc mentation Client Tool$it and 2oc mentation E E 2avid .allom 2avid .allom

6+2=PAC=A>7 &: Objective0 -onitor and eval&ate the environmental enefit $ained thro&$h &sin$ the 0o7 and virt&alisation servicesF 10. Build database of University and College buildings which are equipped with half-hourly electrical metering. 11. Build database of departmental/college %& departments 1 . 'it database of departmental/college %& departments to database of metered buildings. 1(. )cquire ongoing metered data for buildings and determine trends of *especially base load+ electrical consumption for different departments/colleges. 1.. Using the above/ monitor the reduction in energy consumption for individual departments/colleges as the low carbon %C& pac0age is rolled out. 11. 2iaise with Computing "ervices department to build virtualisation case studies 14. 5rovide final report on total energy savings resulting from pro6ect. 6+2=PAC=A>7 ): O jectiveC (evelop and implement comm&nications strate$!9 incl&din$ en$a$in$ with stakeholders and r&nnin$ two open conferencesF 1!. $evelop 2C%C& communications strategy 9oward :o !e Pa-e 10 of 1& ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT 1/10/ 00! 1/10/ 00! 1/1 / 00! 1/10/ 00! 1/1 / 00! 1/1 / 00! 1/ / 00! 1/(/ 00, "preadsheet with data sourced from #state "ervices "preadsheet with data sourced from #state "ervices "preadsheet of metered buildings matched with the departments/colleges housed within them -istorical and ongoing consumption trend database for buildings and departments identified above #nergy consumption analyses rolled out in line with software roll out. #stablish energy savings from virtualisation 5resentation of analyses of overall reductions in the University $aniel Curtis $aniel Curtis $aniel Curtis $aniel Curtis

1/10/ 00! 1/11/ 00! 1/ / 00,

1/(/ 00, 1/(/ 003 1/(/ 00,

$aniel Curtis $aniel Curtis $aniel Curtis

7ct 0!

$ec 0!

8echanism for publicising 2C%C& pro6ect &'(0)(&01*

9ate )ydin

Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* 13. %dentify 2C%C& e:ternal ; internal sta0eholders 1,. $evelop concept for webpage to promote 2C%C& *')=/ registration form/ conference programme/ tool bo:/ technical info/ mission statement+ 0. 2aunch publicity campaign in liaison with 7U 5ress 7ffice 7ct 0! <ov 0! >an 03 <ov 0! $ec 0! 'eb 03 is in place "ta0eholders have been identified and are briefed on the pro6ect Concept for online resources is developed and handed over to web designer 5ress releases have been issued/ in liaison with 7U 5ress 7ffice/ to sta0eholders/ national ; international media/ computer 6ournals/ and -# websites 1st conference has been successfully run ?eport had been written and disseminated to all relevant bodies nd conference has been successfully run 'inal reports on are disseminated to all relevant bodies 8echanism for publicising 2C%C& pro6ect is in place 9ate )ydin 9ate )ydin 9ate )ydin 7U 5ress 7ffice

1. Coordinate 2C%C& 1st conference . 5ublish interim report on success of pro6ect to date (. Coordinate 2C%C& nd conference .. 'inal reports and summary of 2C%C& 5ro6ect 1. $evelop 2C%C& communications strategy 6+2=PAC=A>7 *: O jectiveC Research technical and ener$! savin$ developments within the I?) fieldF 4. &echnology for remote power control using both hardware and software !. $ata centre design covering aspects of layout/ power supply/ cooling systems/ and uninterrupted power supply *U5"+. 3. 7ptimising %C& use through inter-organisational sharing of resources/ technologies that facilitate this sharing and factors for development of a mar0et in this domain ,. %mpact of web-apps and networ0 power 9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT Pa-e 11 of 1&

8arch 03 )ug 03 $ec 03 "ept 0, 7ct 0!

8arch 03 )ug 03 $ec 03 7ct 0, $ec 0!

9ate )ydin 9ate )ydin -oward <oble 9ate )ydin 9ate )ydin -oward <oble 9ate )ydin

<ov0! 'eb 03 >une 03

>an 03 )pril 03 "ep 03

?eport and short-list of people to invite to 8arch conference ?eport ?eport


$aniel Curtis and $avid @allom $aniel Curtis and $avid @allom $aniel Curtis and $avid @allom $aniel Curtis

<ov 03

>an 0,

?eport &'(0)(&01*

Project Acronym: LC-ICT Contact: !e"o#cs.o$.ac.#% Date: &'(0)(&01* utilisation/ and the implications of broadband usage and $avid @allom

9oward :o !e ;I1C Project P!an: Low Car on ICT

Pa-e 1& of 1&


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