Hitesh Mittal: Brief Overview
Hitesh Mittal: Brief Overview
Hitesh Mittal: Brief Overview
Have a goo fundamental computer knowledge a! al"o #ave good knowledge of market ng re!earc" $%o&i'ie!'( a) gra!p ng new tec"n cal concept! #u ckl$ * +)ili"i!g i) i! a ,%o +')ive -a!!e%. A! effect %e commun cator .i)# ")%o!g a!al()i'al/ i!)e%,e%"o!al a! pro&lem !ol% ng organ !at onal a& l t e!.
'ompleted M*B*A n +,-. w t" !pec al /at on n HR &%o- 0a!a%"i a" C#a! i.ala I!")i)+)e O& $%o&e""io!al S)+ ie"/ G+%+ Gobi! Si!g# I! %a,%a")#a 1!ive%"i)(/ 2e. 3el#i/ "e'+%e 745 'ompleted BBA n +,-- w t" !pec al /at on n 0E)ERAL &%o- 0LS I!")i)+)e o& Te'#!olog( -a!age-e!)/ G+%+ Gobi! Si!g# I! %a,%a")#a 1!ive%"i)(/ 2e. 3el#i/ "e'+%e 665 H g"er Secondar$ 'ert f cate &%o- G(a! Ma! i% $+bli' S'#ool/ !a%ai!a vi#a%/ 2e. 3el#i/ C.0.S.E. ,2008 Sen or Secondar$ 'ert f cate &%o- Tago%e $+bli' S'#ool/ 2e. 3el#i/ C.0.S.E.7006 IT Sk ll!1 M cro!oft word2 e3cel and powerpo nt and "a%e al!o done . mont"! computer cour!e n tall$ and know to operate nternet ea! l$ and #u ckl$
Career Objective : To associate with an organization which gives me a chance to update my knowledge so that in future I can prove to be an asset for the company
To be perfect in my work so that if a company faces any problem I can apply my mind in order to solve that particular problem To work in a challenging environment so that I can know how to do the work in a difficult environment.
5art c pated and 'ompleted Mawana Sugar! Ind an Open Marat"on +,-+ "alf marat"on a) !e. el#i/7017 :o%9e &o% 8 mont"! for )0O called BH4MI to teac" poor c" ldren .#o #ave lo") )#ei% ,a%e!)" $a%)i'i,a)e i! AIMA )at onal Student Management 9u / +%i!g 0.0.A level a) G%ea)e% 2oi a $a%)i'i,a)e i! ",o%)" a) 'ollege level a! 'a-e !econd n &adm nton a) 'ollege level. A')ivel( ,a%)i'i,a)e i! management game! +%i!g 'ollege/ "'#ool level. $a%)i'i,a)e i! pre!entat on compet t on +%i!g "'#ool level Ca-e .rd i! !tock trad ng compet t on Ca-e .rd i! #u / and c"e!! compet t on a) 'ollege level
(ate of B rt" Re! dent al Addre!! Fat"er>! )ame Fat"er>! Occupat on Mot"er>! )ame 1 1 1 1 -.t" :anuar$ -;;, 1 E<+.;2 )ara na V "ar2 )ew (el" <--,,+= V ?a$ @umar M ttal Bu! ne!!man Ag ft tem !"opB Alka M ttal