Implementation Plan Wastewater - Eng
Implementation Plan Wastewater - Eng
Implementation Plan Wastewater - Eng
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN for Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment, as amended by Directive 98/15/EC
October 2004
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
2.1. Transposition 2.2. Implementation 2.2.1. Competent Authorities 2.2.2. Water management authorisation 2.2.3. Sludge management 2.3. Technical Compliance 2.3.1. Water utilities 2.3.2. Management of waste water from agro-food industry 2.3.3. Urban waste water monitoring system
3.1. Approach and objectives 3.2. Transition period
4.1. Administrative costs 4.2. Technical compliance costs 4.3. Financial sources 4.4. Summary and conclusions
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
BOD5 COD GD ICIM- Bucharest LPA MAI MeB MEWM MPF MTCT ANSRC NARW p.e. UWWT WD WWTP Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand Governmental Decision National Institute of Research and Development for Environmental Protection Local Public Administration Ministry of Administration and Interior Mechanical Biological Treatment Ministry of Environment and Water Management Ministry of Public Finance Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism National Authority for Public Services of Communal Management National Administration Romanian Waters Population equivalent Urban Waste Water Treatment Water Directorate Waste Water Treatment Plant
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
This document presents the steps Romania is planning to take for the implementation of Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment, the time schedule and costs. The objective of the Directive is to protect the environment from the adverse effects of discharges of urban waste water and of waste water from certain industrial sectors (mainly processing and food industry). The Directive sets out a number of requirements concerning collection systems, treatment and discharge of waste water from urban agglomerations, as well as of the biodegradable waste water from certain industrial sectors. Member States must ensure that urban waste water from agglomerations of more than 2.000 p.e. is collected and treated prior to discharge according to the specific standards and deadlines. As regards the treatment objectives, secondary (i.e. biological) treatment is the general rule for the agglomerations of less than 10,000 p.e., with additional nutrient removal in sensitive areas (tertiary treatment) and for agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e. For certain marine areas primary treatment might be sufficient. The deadlines for the implementation of the Directive vary depending on the size of the agglomeration and the characteristics of the receiving waters.
1.1.2. Regulation Provide prior regulation and/or specific authorisation by the competent authority of the appropriate body for all discharges of urban waste water (Article 12, Annex IB) and industrial waste water from certain sectors mentioned in the Directive (Article 13, Annex III), as well as for all discharges of industrial waste water into urban waste water systems, which should meet specific requirements identified in the Annex I C of the Directive (Article 11). These regulations and/or authorizations should be reviewed and, if necessary, adapted at regular intervals. Ensure that collecting systems for urban waste water are provided for all agglomerations of more than 2000 p.e. (Article - 3 and Annex IA). Ensure that waste water treatment is provided for all these agglomerations, at the level of treatment specified and within the set deadline: - Secondary treatment, as basic rule for the level of treatment, i.e. biological treatment (Article-4 and Annex IB, table 1);
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Table 1. Requirements for discharge from urban waste water treatment plant Parameters BOD5 at 20 C without nitrification2 Concentration 25 mg/l O2 Minimum percentage of reduction1 70 90 Reference methods of measurement Homogenized, unfiltered, undecanted sample. Determination of dissolved oxygen after five days incubation at 20 1 in complete darkness. Addition of nitrification inhibitor. Homogenized, unfiltered, undecanted Potassium dichromate sample. Filtering of a representative sample through a 0,45 m filter membrane. Drying at 105 C and weighing. Centrifuging of a representative sample (for at least five minutes with mean acceleration of 2800 to 3200 g), drying at 105 C and weighing.
125 mg/l O2 35 mg/l 35 under Article 4(2) (more than 10000 p.e.) 60 under Article 4(2) (2000-10000 p.e.) -
75 903 90 under Article 4(2) (more than 10000 p.e.) 70 under Article 4(2) (2000-10000 p.e.)
More stringent treatment, i.e. tertiary for discharges in sensitive areas: in these cases, in addition to the secondary treatment, elimination of nitrogen and/or phosphorus and/ or of any other pollutant affecting the quality or specific use of the water has to be provided (Article 5 and Annex IB, table 2);
1 2
Reduction in relation to the load of the influent. The parameter can be replaced by another parameter: TOC (Total Organic Carbon) or TOD (Total Oxygen Demand) if a liaison can be estimated between BOD5 and the substitute parameter 3 This requirement is optional Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Table 2 - Requirements for discharges from urban waste water treatment plants in sensitive areas which are subject to eutrophication One or both indicators may be applied depending on local conditions. The values for concentration or the percentage of reduction shall be applied Quality indicators/ parameters Total phosphorus Concentration1 2 mg/l P (10.000-100.000 p.e) 1 mg/l P (more than 100.000 p.e.) 15 mg/l N (10.000-100.000 p.e.) 10 mg/l N (more than 100.000 p.e.) Minimum percentage Reference method of of reduction2 measurement 80% molecular absorption spectrophotometry
Total nitrogen3
70% - 80%
-less stringent treatment for certain discharges to coastal waters 1) Sensitive areas to be designated according to one or more criteria: water bodies which are found to be eutrophic or which, in the near future, may become eutrophic, if protecting measures are not taken; surface freshwaters intended for the abstraction of drinking waters, containing more than 50 mg/l of nitrates if measures are not taken; areas where advanced treatment is necessary to fulfil the provisions of the other Council Directives. The list of sensitive and less sensitive areas must be reviewed every four years. 2) Ensure that biodegradable industrial water from plants belonging to specific industrial sectors (listed in the Annex III of the Directive) shall observe, before the discharge, the conditions set up for all discharges from industrial units representing 4,000 population equivalent or more; 3) Ensure that discharges from urban waste water treatment plants satisfy the following requirements: waste water treatment plants are designed or modified, so that representative samples of the incoming waste water and of treated effluent can be obtained before discharge into the receiving waters;
1 2
Reduction in relation to the load of the influent total nitrogen means: the sum of total Kjeldahl-nitrogen (organic N + NH3), nitrate (NO3)-nitrogen and nitrite (NO2)-nitrogen 3 Alternatively, the daily average must not exceed 20 mg/l N. This requirement refers to a water temperature of 12 C or more during the operation of the biological reactor of the waste water treatment plant. As a substitute for the condition concerning the temperature, it is possible to apply a limited time of operation, which takes into account the regional climatic conditions Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
discharges from urban waste water treatment plants meet the requirements laid down in table 1 (Annex I of the Directive) 1.1.3. Monitoring Ensure appropriate monitoring capacity for: - monitoring of discharges from urban waste water treatment plants, and - monitoring of the receiving waters for discharges of waste water covered by the Directive( Article-15 and Annex ID)
1.1.4. Informing and Reporting Ensure that relevant authorities publish reports to the public, every two years, on the disposal of urban waste water and sludge in their areas (Article 16); Report to the European Commission regarding: - the transposition of the Directive into the national legislation; - the implementation programmes (Article 17) and the Commission Decision 93/481/EEC; - the situation reports on the disposal of urban waste water and sludge (Article 16); - certain requests of the European Commission (Article 15).
The following phases were preliminarily identified as priorities for the implementation of Council Directive no 91/271/EEC in Romania: 1. identification of the agglomeration of more than 2,000 p.e. and of agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e., which need extension of the waste water collecting systems. Also, the agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. and those of more than 10,000 p.e. needing waste water treatment improvement will be identified; identification of the sensitive areas (in the preliminary stage of the elaboration of this Implementation Plan); identification of the infrastructure (sewerage networks and urban waste water treatment plants) and assessment of the improvement needs; assessment of the existing monitoring and inspection systems. setting up of the programs for building up the sewerage systems and waste water treatment plants according to the Action Plan for collection, treatment and discharge of urban waste water, in which deadlines for each implementation activity are established; preparation of the investment plans; ensuring a cost recovery system. to continue the building up of new urban waste water treatment plants in agglomerations; modernization of the urban waste water treatment plants; modernization of the waste
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
water treatment plants for agro-food industry; rehabilitation of the existing sewage systems; building up and/or extension of the urban sewage systems. Romania carried out a series of actions provided for the implementation of Council Directive 91/271/EEC: Identification of natural waters (lakes or rivers sectors) affected by high nitrogen concentrations; Methodology for identification of sensitive areas; Identification of the sensitive areas; Present situation of collecting and waste water treatment within localities of Romania; Assessment of necessary activities for the implementation of Directive.
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
The Directives connected to the provisions of Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment have also been transposed: o Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against the pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources was transposed through GD no 964/2000 regarding the approval of the Action Plan for the water protection against the nitrates pollution from agricultural sources; o Directive 76/464/EEC on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community was transposed through GD no 118/2002 regarding the approval of the Action Program for reducing the pollution of aquatic environment and groundwater, caused by the discharge of some dangerous substances. o Directive 78/659/EEC on the quality of freshwaters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life was transposed through GD no 202/2002 on the approval of the Technical Norms regarding quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life. o Directive 76/160/EEC concerning the quality of bathing water was transposed through GD no. 459/2002 on the approval of the Norms concerning the quality of water from bathing areas. o Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption was transposed through Law no 458/2002 on drinking water quality, amended by Law 311/2004. o Directive 75/440/EEC concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water has been transposed through GD no. 100/2002 for the approval of the Norms on the measurement methods, sampling and analysis frequency of the surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water and, also, through the Order of the minister of water and environmental protection no. 377/2001 approving the reference objectives for the quality of surface waters. o Directive 99/31/EC on landfill of waste was transposed through GD no 162/2002 on landfill of waste. Law no. 310/2004 amending Water Law no.107/1996 was adopted and fully transposes the provisions of Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. The Ministerial Order no.49/2004 on the approval of Technical Norms concerning the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture transposes the provisions of Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture.
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
From the administrative point of view, Romania is divided in 41 counties and Bucharest municipality. The area of the Romanian territory is 238,391 km2, with 265 cities and towns, 2686 communes and 13,092 villages. According to the March 2002 census, the total population of Romania is 21,698,181 inhabitants, out of which 11,436,736 inhabitants in urban areas (52.7 %) and 10,261,445 inhabitants in rural areas (47.3 %). According to the same census, 7,392,131 households, constituted of 21,384.1 thousand individuals and 3,521 institutional households constituted of 314.1 thousand persons have been registered. The medium size of a household in 2002 is 2.89 individuals. Out of the total 7,392,131 households, 3,995,239 are situated in cities and towns and 3,396,892 are situated in communes. Infrastructure for waste water collecting and treatment in Romania The present situation reveals that 644 localities (265 cities and towns and 378 rural localities) have public collecting systems. The total length of waste water collecting network is 16,812 km, out of which 15,738 km are in urban area. In urban area, the length of the streets with waste water collecting network represents 51.8% from total length of the streets. A comparison between the streets with water supply systems and those with waste water collecting networks shows that only 73% of the first category also has waste water collecting systems. Dwelling water supply is ensured for 4,313,803 dwellings (representing 53.2 %) and the sewage networks in public or private system are ensured for 4,146,814 dwellings (representing 51.1 %). Water supply is ensured for 87.6 % of the dwellings within urban areas and for 15.1 % of the dwellings within rural areas, while the sewage is ensured for 85.6 % within the urban areas and for 12.9 % within the rural areas. In the existing waste water treatment plants, only 77% of the total discharged waste water flow is treated in the urban collecting networks; in 47 urban localities, with more than 150,000 inhabitants, the waste water is discharged without a preliminary treatment. In 2003, the total volume of waste water discharged into receiving waters represented 4,494.47 million m3/year.
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
The availability of the waste water collecting and treatment services In Romania, approx. 11.5 million inhabitants out of the total population of 21.7 millions have access to waste water collecting and treatment services. The population benefiting from public sewage services is more numerous in urban area - 10.3 million inhabitants (90% of the total population) than in rural area - 1.15 million inhabitants (10% of the total population). The development of this index using as base the 1976 situation is presented in Figure 1. Figure 1
Population served by the public sewage service
48 52 2 1 0 20
Population not connected to the public sewage service Population connected to the public sewage service
69 40 60
31 100 120
Legend: 1 in 1976 2 in 2002 The quality of freshwater is influenced by the waste water discharged. The waste water is either not preliminary treated or insufficiently treated before the discharge into receiving waters. The biggest volume of untreated water comes from the sewage systems of localities (over 89%) and the industrial sectors (chemical and petrochemical industry - 3%, energy sector-8%). The large urban agglomerations of more than 150,000 p.e. are responsible for significant pollution with organic substances. Other major polluters of freshwater are the industrial activities (chemical and petrochemical industry, mining activities, metallurgical industry, food industry and livestock). Depending on the accessibility of public services (water supply systems and waste water treatment plants) to population, the population is divided in the following categories (Figure 2):
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Figure 2
52% 32%
Legend: 52% - Population served by water supply systems and waste water treatment plants 16% - Population served only by drinking water supply systems 32% - Population served by no public service Competent authorities As regards the regulatory bodies in the field of environmental protection, the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPAs) were established at county level and 8 Regional Environmental Protection Agencies (REPAs) were established at regional level, being subordinated to the Ministry of Environment and Water Management. At the same time, the local structures of the County Commissariats of the National Environmental Guard have as responsibilities the inspection and control of compliance to environmental regulations, in collaboration with EPAs. The Water Directorates, subordinated to the National Administration Romanian Waters function on each hydrographical basin. Their responsibilities are described in detail in the action plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment.
2.1. Transposition
Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning the urban waste water treatment was fully transposed into the Romanian legislation through Governmental Decision no 188/2002 for the approval of certain norms concerning the conditions of discharging the waste water into the aquatic environment. G D no. 188/2002 includes: Annex no. 1- NTPA 011/2002 Technical Norms concerning the collection, treatment and discharge of urban waste water which transposes the requirement of the directive; Annex to Technical Norms NTPA 011/2002 Action Plan concerning the collection, treatment and discharge of urban waste water including a setting up of an overview of actions, deadlines and responsibilities for the implementation activities;
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Annex no. 2 NTPA 002/2002 Normative concerning the conditions for waste water discharge into urban collecting systems or directly into waste water treatment plants ; Annex no.3 - NTPA 001/2002 Normative establishing the pollutants limits for urban and industrial waste water when discharged into natural receivers
The action plan concerning the urban waste water collection, treatment and discharge, presented in the Annex to the technical norms NTPA 011/2002 establishes deadlines for each implementation activity. The objectives of the action plan are: a) to ensure the protection and functioning of the localities sewage network and urban waste water treatment plants. b) to protect the population and the environment against the negative effects of the urban and industrial waste water discharges. GD no. 188/2002 on the approval of the norms regarding the wastewater discharge conditions in the aquatic environment will be amended, by including the provision regarding the decision to declare the whole territory of Romania as sensitive area and the compliance deadlines resulted from negotiations. The revision of GD no.188/2002 and of other relevant legislation will be accomplished until March 2005.
2.2. Implementation
2.2.1. Competent Authorities Ministry of Environment and Water Management (MEWM) is responsible for: Establishing the water quality standards and objectives Regulating the waste water discharges from human agglomerations and agro-food industries, in accordance with NTPA 001/2002 and NTPA 002/2002 Norms Monitoring the quality of surface water and of natural receivers in which urban or industrial waste water is discharged Controlling the compliance with the legislation in force Elaboration of an Action Plan for the rehabilitation, modernization and construction of urban waste water collection and treatment system Ministry of Administration and Interior (MAI) is responsible for the elaboration of an Action Plan for rehabilitation, modernization and construction of urban waste water collection and treatment system within agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism (MTCT) is responsible for the promotion of standards and technical regulations concerning the construction and operation of the collection systems and urban wastewater treatment plants. National Regulatory Authority for Public Services of Communal Management (ANSRC) is responsible for regulating and licensing the public service operators
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Local Public Administration (LPA) is responsible for carrying out the sewage systems and urban wastewater treatment. National Environmental Guard (NEG) is responsible for inspection and enforcement of the environmental legislation.
Stakeholders and their responsibilities related to the implementation of Directive 91/271/EEC are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Stakeholder MEWM (Ministry of Environment and Water Management) Responsibilities Establishment of standards and water quality objectives Elaboration of norms for discharging conditions Establishment of monitoring system of the waste water discharges MAI (Ministry of Administration Elaboration of the Action Plan for rehabilitation, and Interior) modernization and construction of collection systems within agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. Ministry of Transport, Constructions Promotion of the standards and technical regulations and Tourism concerning construction and exploitation of the collection systems and urban waste water treatment plants National Environmental Guard Inspection and control of waste water discharges (NEG) National Administration Licensing/permitting of waste water discharge Romanian Waters (NARW) and from agglomerations or assimilated agro-food River Basin Water Directorates industry, in accordance with normatives NTPA (RBWD) 001/2002 and NTPA 002/2002 Monitoring the quality of surface water and natural receiving waters, in which urban and industrial waste water are discharged. National Authority for Public Licensing the operators for waste water treatment Services of Communal Management public services (ANSRC) Local Public Administration Development of the sewage systems and urban waste water treatment Local Water and Sewage Operation and maintenance of collecting systems Companies (under municipal and urban waste water treatment plants authority or state ownership) Self-monitoring and reporting to the RBWD Compliance with discharging conditions Sludge management and sludge disposal
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
2.2.2. Water management authorisation In accordance with the provisions of Water Law no. 107/1996 (amended by Law no. 310/2004), the Ministry of Environment and Water Management is authorized to elaborate the national strategy and policy in the field of water management, to establish the regime of the water resources use, regardless the owner, to organize and develop, on hydrographical basins, the unitary, rational and complex activity for water resources management and to ensure the coordination and enforcement of the legal regulations in this field. The present legislation does not refer to sensitive areas, but the water authority may impose stricter limits, if the quality of the receiving waters justifies it. For the rational management of water resources and for water resources protection against exhaustion and pollution, in connection with the water management and sustainable development principles, Water Law no. 107/1996 (amended by Law no. 310/2004) introduces the obligation of water user to request and obtain a water management permit, starting with the designing stage. The permit regulates the regime of the works carried out on water or related to water and the social-economical activities, with potential negative effects on the environment. The putting into operation or the operation of these works is made only on the basis of a water management licence. The legal framework for authorisation in water management and water protection is represented by the Water Law no.107/1996 (amended by Law no. 310/2004) and the Ministerial Order no.1141/2002. According to these norms, the National Administration Romanian Waters (NARW) and the River Basin Water Directorates (RBWD) are the competent authorities for issuing water management permits and licenses. The water management permits and licenses are granted by NARW through its specialized departments organized for this purpose both at central and local level, on each River Basin Water Directorate (RBWD). The NARW has well trained personnel for this activity. For waste water discharges from agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. and for industrial waste water discharges from industrial sectors into natural receivers (as stipulated within table 4, Annex 1 - Technical Normative NTPA 011/2002) of the GD no 188/2002,) permits/licenses should contain compliance conditions with the requirement of the Annex 1 and Annex 3 of the GD no 188/2002, namely Technical Normative NTPA-011 and NTPA-001/2002. Waste water discharges from industrial sources are authorised in Romania since 1974. Governmental Decision no.188/2002 - Annex to Technical Norms, Article 9 Authorization transposes the provisions of Article 11 of the Directive regarding the discharge of industrial wastewater into collecting systems and urban wastewater treatment plants which are subject to water permit/license. In accordance with the regulations in-force, wastewater discharge into the aquatic ecosystems should not lead to the deterioration of the natural receivers. Before being discharged into natural receivers, the urban waste water shall be subject to appropriate treatment - by any process and/or disposal system, which allows the receiving waters to meet the conditions provided by GD no. 188/2002 and by water management permits and licenses in force.
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
2.3. Sludge management The water management permits and licences also refer to sludge landfilling or use that should reduce to minimum the negative impact to environment. In addition, sludge discharging into surface waters is banned, as stipulated by Water Law no. 107/1996, amended by Law no. 310/2004. Currently, in Romania, the sludge from wastewater treatment plant is landfilled in urban waste landfills. Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture was transposed in Romanian legislation by Ministerial Order no. 49/2004 for the approval of Technical Norms for the protection of environment and, especially, of soils when sewage sludge is used in agriculture. The sludge quantity produced in 2001 was 171,086 tones. The present situation regarding the sludge from treatment plants is presented in Table 4: Table 4 SYNOPTIC TABLE ON THE QUANTITY OF SLUDGE DISCHARGED BY THE MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS FROM ROMANIA - Distribution on hydrographical basins No. Hydrographical basin Arges Vedea Bega Cerna Timis Crisuri Dunare Ialomita -Buzau Jiu Litoral Mures Olt Prut Siret Somes-Tisa TOTAL(kg d.s./day) TOTAL (t/year) Number of WWTP 31 14 25 12 43 14 13 45 41 26 46 30 340 Quantity of sludge discharged (kg d.s.1/day)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13,979.86 9,407.44 5,741.53 21,088.69 7,397.31 3,560.12 21,608.43 26,397.24 19,580.48 22,191.12 21,909.46 186,056.22
13,194.53 15,717.63 2,897.64 25,604.82 6,282.57 27,175.29 42,308.67 34,396.08 38,484.81 37,990.17 283,945.44
19,462.65 32,657.18 25,125.07 8,639.17 45,432.49 9,842.69 48,783.72 68,705.91 53,976.56 60,675.93 59,899.63 468,731.64 171,086
dried substance
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Public services operators (for urban waste water collecting and treatment) monitor the discharged effluents (self-monitoring) and report the pollutants concentrations (load), the discharged waste water quantities and treatment technologies to the Local Water Companies and River Basin Water Directorates (RBWD).
Total length of the sewage network (km) 15,199 15,291 607 616 Number of localities Source: National Institute for Statistics
The water treatment efficiency is negatively influenced by the equipment inefficiency and the sewage network losses. The wastewater treatment plants flow rate in 2001 was 5,151.7 thousand m3/day, (out of which 5,067.78 thousand m3/day within municipalities and towns) with 73.9 thousand m3/day more than in 2000. In Romania, there are 2,609 agglomerations of more than 2,000 population equivalent, as presented in Table 6. Table 6 Agglomeration 2,000-10,000 p.e. 10,000-150,000 p.e. > 150,000 p.e. Total 2,346 241 22 2,609 Total population equivalent 10,192, 131 7,012,655 9,562,512 26,767,398 % from total population equivalent 39 27 34 100
Out of the 2,609 agglomerations, identified according to Annex 5 of the Directive, 320 agglomerations have sewage systems and 340 agglomerations have wastewater treatment plants. The distribution of the agglomerations on each type of sewage systems and each type of wastewater treatment plant, are presented in tables 7 and 8. Out of these 660, 2 sewage systems
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
are complying with the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC and 11 wastewater treatment plants are in compliance only at secondary treatment level. Table 7 Divided sewage system 211 Table 8 Mechanical waste Mechanical water treatment biological waste plants water treatment plants 112 212 Mechanical biological chemical waste water treatment plants 10 Mechanical Total waste water chemical waste treatment plants water treatment (in plants agglomerations) 6 340 Unitary sewage system 11 Mixed sewage system 88 Combined sewage system 10 Total agglomeration with sewage systems 320
2.3.2. Wastewater management from agro-food industry 31 agro-food units that discharge directly into surface water had been identified with an equivalent organic loading of more than 4,000 population equivalent. Out of these, 5 units do not have wastewater treatment plants and discharge directly into surface water and 26 agro-food units have mechanical or mechanical biological treatment plants. Out of the total 31 agro-food units, identified according to Article 13 of the Directive, only 3 units comply with the provisions of Directive 91/271/EEC. The agro-food industry units, which directly discharge into the receiving water and currently do not comply with the provisions of the Directive are authorized from the water management point of view. The water management license, which is a technical document, legally binding, contains a compliance programme referring to the endowment, extension and upgrading works, which also includes the deadlines by which the units must be in compliance. These compliance deadlines do not surpass the date of accession. In case of non-compliance, the water management authority applies penalties and if the problem persist, the water management license of these units will be withdrawn by the date of accession and their activity will be ceased or these units will be shut down.
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
2.3.3. Monitoring system for urban wastewater In Romania, the Water Integrated Monitoring System has an informational structure and a hierarchical type. The local water management authorities (Water Management Systems) are responsible for obtaining, collecting and transmitting the information to the water basin river authority (Water Directorates) and further up to the national water management authority (National Administration Romanian Waters) and to the central water management authority (Ministry of Environment and Water Management). The NARW is in charge with the monitoring of pollution sources, which directly discharge wastewater into natural receivers. 100 automatic stations are available for sampling and analysis. These data are sent to the basin centre to be processed together with other data. The local water management authorities monitor the urban wastewater and industrial water discharged into urban sewage systems. The local water management authorities have to annually report the data (regarding the waste water collection and treatment) to the NARW (according to GD no. 188/2002, Annex to the Technical Norms, Article 12). Information is validated and stored into a database and written reports. In Romania, the National Administration Romanian Waters is the responsible authority of the Water Integrated Monitoring System and of the specific database. Presently, the informational system of NARW collects, processes, send, stock and disseminates data. The national network for data transmission, in electronic format, in the field of water management is divided on 4 levels (local, county, basin and national level). The data transmission is carried out mainly by radio transmission and also by Internet Intranet system between the data provider and the upper decisional level. For the improvement of the network system capacity, starting October 2004, a project will be developed for 12 months within the PHARE 2002 Programme RO 586.04.12.04 Establishing an informational system and a database in the field of water management, in accordance with the requirements of Water Framework Directive. The objectives of this project are: the improvement of the data collection quality and efficiency at different information levels, establishing the necessary works for infrastructure modernization on upper, lower and horizontal level, between the organisational structures of NARW. After completing this project, the conditions for EU reporting, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Directive, will be ensured. After accession, the central water management authority shall report the data to the European Commission. In order to achieve this, the NARW will update its national monitoring system in 2005. A methodology for collecting, evaluation and reporting of the monitored data will be drawn up starting with 2005, within the PHARE project RO 2001/IB/ST-0107.04 Compliance of Romanian statistics with European statistical system.
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
1. To designate the whole territory of Romania as sensitive area (Article 5 para 8). 2. To ensure that all agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. are provided with collecting systems of urban waste water (Article 3). 3. To ensure that urban waste water entering the collecting systems of agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. are before discharge subject to secondary treatment or an equivalent treatment (Article 4). 4. To ensure that urban waste water entering in collecting systems from agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e. and situated in sensitive areas are before discharge subject to more stringent treatment and the discharges satisfy the relevant emission standards for nitrogen and phosphorus (Annex I, Table 2, Article 5 para 2,3,4). 5. To ensure that urban waste water entering in the collecting systems of agglomerations of less than 2,000 p.e. for discharges into fresh waters and of less than 10,000 p.e. for discharges to coastal water are before discharge subject to appropriate treatment (Article 7). 6. To ensure that, where waters within the area of jurisdiction of a Member State are affected by discharges of urban waste water from another Member State, the affected Member State notifies to the other Member State and the Commission the relevant facts. (Article 9). 7. To ensure that urban waste water treatment plants are designed, constructed, operated and maintained to ensure sufficient performance under all normal local climatic conditions (Article 10). 8. To ensure that the discharges of industrial waste water into collecting systems and urban waste water treatment plants (Article 11), the discharges from urban waste water treatment plants (Article 12) and the disposal of sludge from urban waste water treatment plants are subject to prior regulations and/or specific authorisations by the competent authority. 9. To ensure that biodegradable industrial waste water from plant, which does not enter urban waste water treatment plants, complies with conditions established in prior regulations and/or specific authorisation by the competent authority (Article 13).
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
10. To ensure the monitoring of discharged waste water, the monitoring of relevant receiving waters and the monitoring of sludge disposal procedures concerning sludge arising from urban waste water treatment (Articles 14 and 15). 11. Horizontal requirements 11.1. Determination of responsibilities; 11.2 Reporting Article 16 To ensure that every two years the relevant authorities publish reports on the disposal of urban waste water and sludge in their area. 11.3. Compliance Article 17 To establish a programme for the implementation of this Directive 11.4. Representation of Romania in the Committee Article 18 11.5. Romania shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary for the compliance with the Directive. B. Plan for implementation of the requirements
1) Decision to designate the whole territory of Romania as a sensitive area a) Summary of objectives In accordance with Article 5(8), a Member State does not have to identify the sensitive areas if more severe requirements regarding treatment are applied (laid down in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 of Article 5) on its whole territory. The decision to declare the whole territory of Romania as sensitive area, as well as the results of the negotiations will be introduced in a GD, which will amend the GD no.188/2002. This amendment will be made by March 2005. Urban waste water from the sewage networks must be subject to a more stringent treatment, if they are discharged into sensitive areas and if they come from agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e., in accordance with Article 5 (2). Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants described in paragraph 2 must satisfy the relevant requirements of Annex I B of the Directive. Article 5 (4) lays down that more stringent treatment requirements are not necessary in sensitive areas, if a minimum percent for the reduction of total pollutant load of 75% for total nitrogen and total phosphor, for each of the two parameters, could be reached. Responsibility: Deadline: MEWM until 03/2005
b) Identification of the implementation steps Identification of relevant necessary data (agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e., status of endowing of these agglomerations with collecting systems, conditions for collecting systems and waste water treatment plants to achieve tertiary treatment) The agglomerations were identified and classified depending on the population equivalent .
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
263 agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e. needing tertiary treatment were identified. Responsibility: Deadline: MEWM 12/2004 - accomplished
2) To ensure that all agglomerations will be endowed with collecting systems of urban waste water, namely the agglomerations with a population equivalent of more than 10,000 by 31 December 2000 at the latest, and for the agglomerations with a population equivalent of between 2,000 and 10,000 by 31 December 2005 at the latest. a) Summary of objectives Article 3 requires Member States to ensure that all agglomerations will be provided with collecting systems of urban waste water, namely the agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e., by 31 December 2000 at the latest and the agglomerations of between 2,000 and 10,000 p.e., by 31 December 2005 at the latest. For urban waste water discharging into receiving waters which are identified as sensitive areas, Article 3 further requires to ensure that agglomerations with a population equivalent of more than 10,000 will be provided with collecting systems by 31 December 1998, at the latest. The Directive makes possible the use of individual systems or other appropriate systems that achieve the same level of environmental protection, where the establishment of a collecting system is not justified either because would produce no environmental benefit or would involve excessive costs. Collecting systems shall satisfy the requirements of Annex I (A). b) Identification of the implementation steps Identification of the relevant necessary data (agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e., status of endowing of these agglomerations with collecting systems, condition of collecting systems) Identification and classification of the agglomerations depending on the population equivalent.
Out of the total of 2609 agglomerations identified according to the Directive, 320 agglomerations have sewage systems (out of which 211 with divided system, 114 with unitary system, 88 with mixed system, and 10 having a combination of these systems), and 340 agglomerations have waste water treatment plants (out of which 112 mechanical, 212 mechanical biological, 10 mechanic biological chemical, 6 mechanical chemical). Out of these, 2 sewage systems comply with the Directive requirements and 11 waste water treatment plants comply only at secondary treatment level. A list of agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e on each county, containing data about the level of endowment with urban waste water treatment facilities and sewage networks, indicating costs and deadlines for compliance with the provisions of the Directive is provided in the Annex 3 to the Implementation Plan. This situation was finalized on the basis of the information provided by the county public administration authorities. For the assessment of the current situation and
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
for planning the necessary investments in the field of urban wastewater collection and treatment, the local authorities, together with the water management authorities, drew up local action plans. The necessary investments for the sewage systems and treatment plants were selected on the basis of cost/benefit criteria and referred to the agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e., in accordance with the provisions of the Directive. In this respect, an agglomeration to be endowed with a common treatment system was constituted by connecting either large and medium towns with communes in their proximity or several communes. The geographical and administrative conditions, as well as the population dispersion in some communes, also lead to the establishment of the agglomeration only by conjunction of several villages, fact that justifies the number of agglomerations: more than 2,000. Responsibility: Deadline: MEWM, MAI 06/2002 - accomplished
Responsibility: Deadline:
Development of the Action programme for the rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of collecting systems in agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e., and of the financial strategy for its achievement MEWM, MAI, MPF 06/2004 accomplished
Responsibility: Deadline:
Implementation of the programme for the rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of collecting systems in agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. local authorities until 31 December 2018
Responsibility: Deadline:
Periodical reviews of implementation and updating of financing strategy for collecting systems in agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. MEWM, MAI, MPF yearly, starting with 2005
Responsibility: Deadline:
3) To ensure that urban waste water entering collecting systems of agglomerations is, before discharging, subject to tertiary treatment or an equivalent treatment, namely for the agglomerations with a population equivalent of more than 10,000 by 31 December 2000 at the latest and the agglomerations with a population equivalent between 2,000 and 10,000 by 31 December 2005 at the latest a) Summary of objectives
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
Article 4 requires Member States to ensure that urban waste water entering collecting systems of agglomerations is before discharge subject to the secondary treatment or an equivalent treatment, namely the agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e. by 31 December 2000 at the latest and the agglomerations of between 2,000 and 10,000 p.e. by 31 December 2005 at the latest. Discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants must meet the requirements provided in Table 1 of Annex I of the Directive. Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants into sensitive areas subject to eutrophication as identified in Annex IIA a) must in addition meet the requirements provided in Table 2 of this Annex. More stringent requirements than those shown in Table 1 and/or Table 2 shall be applied where required, in order to ensure that the receiving waters satisfy any other relevant Directives. b) Identification of implementation steps Identification of relevant necessary data (agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e., status of endowing of these agglomerations with urban waste water treatment plants, conditions of existing urban waste water treatment plants and treatment performances) MEWM, MAI 06/2002 accomplished
Responsibility: Deadline:
Responsibility: Deadline:
Development of the Action programme for rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of wastewater treatment plants in agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e and of the financial strategy for their achievement. MEWM, MAI, MPF 06/2004 accomplished
Responsibility: Deadline:
Implementation of the programme of rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of wastewater treatment plants in the agglomerations of more than 2,000 p.e. local authorities until 31 December 2018
Responsibility: Deadline:
Periodical reviews of the implementation and updating of financing strategy for wastewater MEWM, MAI, MPF yearly, starting with 2005
Responsibility: Deadline:
4) To ensure that urban waste water entering collecting systems of agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e. and situated in sensitive areas are, before discharge into sensitive areas, subject to more stringent treatment and the discharges satisfy the relevant emission standards for nitrogen and phosphorus
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
a) Summary of objectives Member States shall ensure that all agglomeration of more than 10,000 p.e. are provided with collecting systems for urban waste water discharged into receiving waters regarded as sensitive areas by 31 December 1998 at the latest (Article 3). This urban wastewater shall be, before discharge into sensitive areas, subject to more stringent treatment than described in Article 4. Discharged urban wastewater shall satisfy the relevant requirements of Annex IB and Table 2 as regards total nitrogen and phosphorus parameters. Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants of the agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e. which are situated in the relevant catchment areas of sensitive areas and which contribute to the pollution of these areas shall also meet the above-mentioned requirements. Member States shall ensure that the identification of sensitive areas is reviewed at intervals of no more than four years. Member States shall ensure that areas identified as sensitive in the later stage following initial identification shall meet the above - mentioned requirements for seven years. b) Identification of implementation steps Identification and collection of necessary data (agglomerations of more than 10,000 p.e., status of urban waste water treatment plants in these agglomerations, treatment performances) MEWM 05/2003 completed
Responsibility: Deadline:
Periodical reviews and adjustments of water management permits and licences for discharges of urban waste water into sensitive areas MEWM starting with 12/2003
Responsibility: Deadline:
Drawing up of an action programme for the rehabilitation, upgrading and construction for urban waste water treatment plants in the relevant agglomerations and of the financial strategy for the implementation strategy for the implementation of the programme. MEWM, MAI, MPF 06/ 2004 - accomplished
Responsibility: Deadline:
Implementation of the programme for the rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of urban waste water treatment plants in relevant agglomerations local authorities until 31 December 2018
Responsibility: Deadline:
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
5) To ensure that those urban waste water entering collecting systems of agglomerations of less than 2,000 p.e. are before discharge subject to appropriate treatment, namely by 31 December 2005 at the latest a) Summary of objectives Article 7 requires Member States to ensure that urban waste water entering collecting systems of agglomerations of less than 2,000 are before discharge subject to appropriate treatment by 31 December 2005 at the latest. Appropriate treatment means treatment of urban waste water by any process and/or disposal system that after discharge allows the receiving waters to meet the relevant quality objectives and the relevant provisions of the Directive and other Community Directives. b) Identification of implementation steps Identification and collection of the necessary data (agglomerations of less than 2,000 p.e., collection and waste water treatment situation) MEWM 05/2003 - accomplished
Responsibility: Deadline:
Drawing up an action programme for waste water treatment in the agglomerations of less than 2,000 p.e. MEWM, MAI 06/2006
Responsibility: Deadline:
Identification of the instruments for the programme implementation support MEWM, MAI, MPF 06/2006
Responsibility: Deadline:
Implementation of the action programme for waste water treatment in the agglomerations of less than 2,000 p.e. local authorities until 31 December 2018
Responsibility: Deadline:
Periodical reviews of the implementation and amendment of the programme MEWM, MAI yearly, starting with 2005
Responsibility: Deadline:
6) To ensure that where waters within the area of jurisdiction of a Member State are affected by discharges of urban waste water from another Member State, the affected Member State notifies to the other Member State and the Commission the relevant facts.
Implementation Plan for Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment
a) Summary of objectives Article 9 requires Member States to ensure that, where waters within the area of jurisdiction of a Member State are affected by discharges of urban waste water from another Member State, the affected Member State notifies to the other Member State and the Commission the relevant facts. The Member State concerned shall make, where appropriate, with the Commission, concerted effort necessary to identify the discharges in question and the measures to be taken at source to protect the waters that are affected. b) Identification of the implementation steps