SAP System Health Check Document

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Daily Activities Monitoring Application servers in SM51 From SM51,we can Check whether all SAP servers are running or not When application server is not available, we cant in! the host name or the server" we can also get the in ormation about number o users logge! to the instances We can estimate the current activities an! the resulting loa! on the instance An! also we can monitor list o all app servers, sever in o, #ueue in o an! S$C status in SM51 We can also view the status o all active%inactive instances using &'() Monitoring Work processes in SM50 & SM66* We can Check or +ong time running work processes Check the state o work process We can cancel a process b, selecting the work process an! click the -process. menu, in this menu we have -Cancel. option When we cancel work process ,all transactions are terminate! an! !ispatcher starts new work process We can also view the work processes o the instance at /S level b, using 0PM/$ p 1when onl, one instance2 0PM/$ P 3instance pro ile4 3S504 1When multiple instances2 Active users over view in SM0 an! A"0# 0ispla, active users an! their activities Checking or the users who have lost their connections We can also view the number o &FC users, number o interact users, terminal, active instances" $%eck &or log on loa! 'alance using SM"()log on groups* We can check or loa! !istribution an! average response time an! 6ualit, ratio 777 1in SM+8*** press F5 or loa! !istribution 9now we can see log on groups, instance ,status, response time, number o users per instance ,6ualit, o loa! balancing an! !ialog steps o each instance 5 an, application server is goes !own or an, reason, user can still connect the group which will assign the best application server 1SPAC: 9!e ault log on group2 $%ecking &or A+A, Du-ps in S.22 When user have a program error , the !ump is imme!iatel, !ispla,e! ;his !umps inclu!e in ormation like -what happene!.,. what can we !o.,. what tables were being use! at that time. an! -an, other program were a ecte!." We can see how man, short !umps have been generate! in the current !a, an! previous !a,*****in S;<<, select the !a, an! click on the !ispla, list icon" A=AP run time errors like S,nta> errors, wrong logic, e>ception%short te>t 5nvali! re6uest ma!e to 0= inter ace when accessing table10=5F?&S#+?5$@A+50?&:#A:S;2 Application program error1M:SSA8:?;BP:?C2 :rror occurre! !ue to !atabase inconsistenc, 1start?call?sick2 10=5F?$;A=?;A=+:?$/;?F/A$0 ,A$CAA8D;?:CC:P;55/$2 All these !umps are store! in S/A, table, We nee! to !elete the ol! !umps, wh, because some ol! !umps ma, cause some more new !umps 5 there are more than <( !umps ,we shoul! sen! a mail to the client $%eck &or "ock entries in SM12 Check or +ock entries ol!er than one !a, shoul! be anal,Ee! an! correcte! 1lock entr, menuF!elete2" $ormall,, the locks are automaticall, release! when transactions are committe! or when users are inishe! working on the !ata" =ut we nee! to aware about locks which are hel! unrelease! or several hours***in this situation ,problem might be long running backgroun! Gobs which up!ate the !ata base , abnormal termination o the SAP8A5 an! also problems in up!ate processing" ;o solve this problem ,we can !elete the lock entries or logo the user rom SM(H ;o test whether the en6ueue work process is working correctl, or not l1 go to SM1< * :>tras menu* !iagnosis All lock entries are store! in ."0$1 table" $auses o& -al&unctions in lock -anage-ent 1. the en6ueue server is not available 2. the message server is not available 3. ault, computer links

. 5. 2.

incorrect s,stem installation incorrect setting o s,stem parameters







$%eck &or any ter-inate! up!ates in SM13 We can check or an, hange! up!ates, or up!ates pen!ing or long or up!ates in P&5@ mo!e We can check the s,stem up!ate recor!s with error status or which have not ,et been processe!" =ase! on the t,pe o error ,re6uest the user repeat the !ata entr, which per orms the up!ate All up!ate re6uests are store! in 3+"0( table we can monitor the cancelle! up!ate re6uests an! all up!ate re6uests in SM1 $%eck w%et%er ,ro!uction $lient is open or close 4n S$$ Pro!uction Client shoul! be Alwa,s in close! status unless until approve! close*$o changes allowe!, $o change repositor, obGects an! no changes with out automatic recor!ing an! no changes to repositor, obGects an! also we can set the protection level <1no over writing, no e>ternal availabilit,2 /pen*changes to repositor, obGects, automatic recor!ing changes an! no restrictions Monitoring Data'ase in D+02 Check or Space o ;able space use! more than I(J i table space siEe reache! I(J we nee! to increasing table space b, a!!ing !ata ile using SAP0=A tool Check or Missing in!e>es in!e>es in =0(<, b, selecting -missing in!e>es - tab we can in! missing in!e>es like primar, in!e>es an! secon!ar, in!e>es, 5 we in! an, missing in!e>es we can report to A=APers the, will assign those in!e>es to proper ;ables Check or Space critical obGects 1huge table%report occup, the ma>imum space in bu er, in this situation s,stem ma, hang2 5 we in! an, space critical obGects ,we shoul! a!! the !ata ile to the table space $%eck &or t%e ter-inate! 'ack groun! 6o's an! log ti-e running 6o's in SM32 We can check the status o the Gob, i it is in active state or long time, we nee! to cancel that Gob1Gob*cancel2 5 it is still in active state we nee! to check the status in Kob menu Still it is in same state we shoul! kill that particular work process rom SAP level1SM512 or /S level 10PM/$2 5 one particular Gob is cancelle! more than <( times ,a mail shoul! be sent to the user $%eck &or Spool re7uests S,01 +ook or spool Gobs that have been -in process. or an hour" Checking or problems with spool an! output re6uest Check logs an! possible causes o printing problems Check the output re6uest attributes, the log iles, an! the siEe o the print Gob Check whether the !evice t,pe an! what the access metho! is or the !evice" 0eleting ol! spool re6uests or sche!uling the backgroun! Gob which automaticall, !eletes them, 5 there are more than 5( spool errors, then the, have to be !elete!" Monitor t%e 'ack8up logs in D+12 Check whether last back up is success ul or not 4& it is not success&ul Problem might be sapbackup !isk was ull" We can check the re!o logs which are not ,et back up An! check or the back up status Checking archive log !irector, status1oracle%S50%oraarch2 @eri , the log o the last backup an! ree space in log !irector, Monitoring 0S logs an! $,9 utili:ation in S.06 or 0S06* We can monitor the entire operating s,stem in /S(L or S;(L We can monitor OS logs and CPU utilization -detailed analysis-OS logs and CPU utilization We can monitor the CPA, memor,, swaps, !isks, ile s,stems, an! network 1/S(L*!ataile! anal,sis 2 From the !etaile! anal,sis menu we can see operating s,stem in ormation rom an, o the previous <H hours Alert Monitoring in S.0 We can monitor the s,stem alerts rom &'<(*!oubleclick on the correspon!ing monitor*in that screen click on the /pen alert" We can set the threshol!s %alerts an! our own monitors in &'<(*e>tras menu*click on activate maintenance unction*in that we can create threshol! with colors We can also monitor !atabase alert log in S;(H*0etaile! anal,sis*error log, in /S level */racle%S50%sap trace%back groun! !irector, We can in! the all !ata base errors an! warnings in 0=1L Syste- log in SM21

we can monitor the s,stem log in SM<1 S,stem +og stores all messages inclu!ing problems warnings M in ormation" 5n this s,stem log we mainl, look or errors relate! to 0atabase liste! as /&A*NNNN :rror an! up!ate terminate errors. We can also monitor the local s,stem an! all remote s,stems logs 9SM<1*s,stem log menu*select Choose option* in that we have local s,stem, remote s,stem options "

,;<=0<MA/$; .9/4/(> +arge Wait ;ime +arge &oll 9wait ;ime +arge +oa! ;ime Problem with work process siEing Can Problem with net work an! &FC connections Program 1PCA2 an! Screen 1CAA2 bu ers are too small

+arge 0= re6uest ;ime Can problem with :>pensive S#+ statements , missing in!e>es ,CPA%Memor, bottle necks an! 0= server +arge CPA time +arge processing ;ime Can be problem with processing large tables an! re6uentl, accessing &%) bu ers CPA bottle necks, $et work problem an! common problems

&esponse ;ime Wait ;ime &oll 9wait ;ime +oa! ;ime 0= re6uest ;ime CPA time processing ;ime &esponse ;ime Wait ;ime &oll *5n &oll */ut &oll 9wait ;ime +oa! ;ime 0= re6uest ;ime CPA time processing ;ime

;ime taken b, the user re6uest rom !ispatcher to 8A5 1(J o Average &esponse ;ime <(( ms 1(J o Average &esponse ;ime H(J o Average &esponse ;ime 9 Wait ;ime H(J o Average &esponse ;ime 9 Wait ;ime $ot much larger than CPA ;ime ;ime taken b, the user re6uest rom !ispatcher to 8A5 Work processes re6uest is waiting in !ispatcher #ueue Aser conte>t !ata moves rom the roll area to work process process o user conte>t !ata rom the work process to &oll area ;ime b%w roll in an! roll out ;ime o +oa!ing the report rom the !atabase to bu er ;ime o retrieving%insert the report rom%to the !ata base ;ime o e>ecuting report logic in CPA &eport e>ecuting time 3

5 single user or single transaction getting this 1large response time2 per ormance problem, we nee! to tune the program which is causing large response time From S.03, ;he average response time or !ialog*step shoul! not be more than 1((( ms We can Check or the top programs which are causing high !ata base re6uest time an! programs with high CPA time, mainl, we concentrate on customiEe! programs 4& t%e average D+ re7uest ti-e is -ore t%an 500 -s 5t can problem with missing in!e>es on tables an! e>pensive S#+ statements We can check or missing in!e>es in D+02 1!etail anal,sis*missing in!e>es2, i we in! an, missing in!e>es "", we can raise the ticket to A=APers to re*create the in!e>es or proper iel!s" An! also Check the e>pensive S#+ statements in St0 ,which are taking Digh !isk rea!s14 5J o total ph,sical rea!s2, Digh bu er gets%misses14 5J o total rea!s2 monitoring 1!etaile! anal,sis menu*S#+ re6uest tab2,i we got an, e>pensive S#+ statement ,we nee! to optimiEe that S#l statement b, A=APers 4& t%e $,9 ti-e is greater t%an 00 -s 5t can problem with wrong logic o the A=AP program We can anal,Ee the time consuming transaction using S.A. an! raise the ticket to A=APers to make correction o wrong logic or reprogram ********************************************************************************************************* 5 all transactions are getting the 1large response time2 per ormance problem we nee! to anal,Ee the programs which are causing large Wait ;ime, large roll* wait time, an! large loa! time, large 0= re6uest time, large CPA time an! large processing time" 4& t%e average Wait ti-e is -ore t%an 50 -s 5t can problem with long running Gobs" We can i!enti , the long running Gobs b, using SM5( or SMLL an! tune that long running Gob or terminate them" Work processes are blocke! b, long running reports, this problem occurring re6uentl, we nee! to increase the work processes" ;he average number o ree work processes available in the s,stem shoul! be su icientl, to ensure that users 6ueries are processe! with out !ela, %%*****1i user start programs such as reports with ver, long response times, the a ecte! work processes ma, be occupie! or several minutes" ;his ma, mean that number o remaining work processes is not su icient to process the 6ueries o other users, which coul! cause wait times"2** 4& t%e average D+ re7uest ti-e is -ore t%an 500 -s 5t can problem with missing in!e>es on tables an! e>pensive S#+ statements We can check or missing in!e>es in D+02, i we in! an, missing in!e>es "", raise the ticket to A=APers to create the in!e>es or proper iel!s" An! also Check the e>pensive S#+ statements in St0 ,which are taking Digh !isk rea!s, Digh bu er gets%misses monitoring 1!etaile! anal,sis menu*S#+ re6uest tab2,i we got an, e>pensive S#+ statement ,we nee! to optimiEe that S#+ statement b, A=APers Check an! up!ate C=/ statistics 10=<12 4& t%e $,9 ti-e is greater t%an 00 -s 5t can problem with wrong logic o the A=AP program We can anal,Ee the time consuming transaction using S.A." ;han raise the ticket to A=APers to make correction o wrong logic or reprogram 4& t%e "oa! ti-e is greater t%an 10 -s 5t can problem with Program 1PCA2 an! Screen 1CAA2 bu ers are too small From S;(<, We can check or the =u er 6ualit, ,it shoul! be more than I(J,5 it is less than I(J We can check or Swaps on bu er, swaps shoul! be in re! color an! not more than 5((( swaps !a,, i we getting more swaps on bu ers We nee! to increase program an! screen bu er siEes ??88888 1Program 1PCA2 bu erO ;his bu er stores the compile! e>ecutable version o the A=AP programs, also known as program loa!s" abap/buffersize

Screen 1CAA2 bu er> ;his bu er stores menu !ata, buttons an! relate! SAP8ui unctionalit,* rsdb/cua/buffersize) ---// 4& t%e <oll wait ti-e is greater t%an 200 -s Can problem with &FC connections or network communication From S;() *We can check the average &FC P CP5C time this time in!icates the time or establishing an &FC connection" ;his average &FC time shoul! be less than 1( ms"

4& t%e ,rocessing ti-e is greater t%an $,9 ti-e Can problem with CPA bottle necks an! network problems From S;(L, we can check the CPA i!le J, i high CPA loa!s 1the CPA 5!le average per hour is less than H(J, i it is more than H(J can be problem with logic o the current e>ecuting program" ;hen we can anal,Ee the program which is causing top CPA ;5M: b, using S.A. An! also we can anal,Ee the ;op CPA processes1 S;(L2 5 work processes causing high CPA loa!, We can anal,Ee the time consuming transaction using S.A. "5 e>ternal processes causing high CPA loa!, we nee! to terminate the e>ternal processes We can check the +A$ communication rom S;(L1!etail anal,sis menu 9check b, ping tab2

Me-ory -anage-ent 5 an, work process is entere! ,<43 mo!e than the s,stem per ormance will be ver, poor, in this situation, We nee! to restrict the memor, usage b, increasing user conte>t !ata, in or!er to restrict we have some parameters or 0ialog an! $on*!ialog step" ;he main areas or user conte>t !ata is roll area, e>ten!e! memor, an! heap area <oll areaFStores the initial part o user conte>ts like work process in ormation, AuthoriEation in ormation, user conte>t !ata initial siEe is 15( to <(( M=" ;@ten!e! -e-oryFAncomplete! transaction in ormation an! Stores the main part o user conte>t Aeap?"ocal -e-oryBStores the variable part o user conte>t !ata Dialog work process user context data memory allocation (ST0 ) 1" Ctta?rollD&irst OSiEe o the 1st allocate! memor, area rom the roll area <" Ctta?rollDe@tension > amount o memor, that a work process can re6uest in e>ten!e! memor, in b,tes,<8=1$;2,one b, )r! o e>ten!e! memor, or other s,stems )" ;-?initialDsi:eDM+ > 5nitial siEe o e>ten!e! memor, in M= H" Ctta?rollDarea> Si:e o roll area in b,tes L"5 M= or A$5C s,stems, <M= or $;" 5" A'ap?%eapDareaD!ia>SiEe o Deap memor, in b,tes that !ialog work process can re6uest, <8= 1!e ault2 L" A'ap?%eapDareaDtotal > ma>imum heap memor, or all work process in b,tes Q" A'ap?%eapDli-it>5 a work process re6uests more memor, than the value o this parameter allows, the work process is automaticall, restarte! 1<(( M=2 !on-Dialog work process user context data memory allocation Step E Step 5E Step 6E Step 3E Step 2)i& %eap li-it is -entione!* ) as above2

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