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Dental Aid

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Dental Aid Dentistry became a medical profession a little over a hundred years ago.

In the previous century dental ABSCESS still sometimes led to DEATH. Now dental disease and practice of dentistry a not usually ASSOCIATED with MORTALITY. As doctors dentist must recognize their OBLIGATION to preserve the health and lives of their patients. Responsibility doesnt end with the teeth or any dentist - he must remember that for mouth he is the doctor. For most people it is the pain and inconvenience of dental disease and the associated SEPSIS, disfunction and disfigurement witch cause it to be a TROUBLESOME health problem. In our country it is the generative and CHRONIC diseases of long standing, of witch caries and periodontal disease are examples that are recovering increasing attention. It is important to stress that both can be prevented or contained by removing their cause. As EXPECTATION rise and value of healthy, natural dentition is APPRECIATED, people are becoming more interested in the possibility of avoiding dental disease retaining their teeth for life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What was the situation in dentistry a hundred years ago? Are dental diseases associated with mortally now? What must dentist recognize as doctor? Is any dentist is responsible only for teeth? What is the main health problem connected with when speaking about dental disease? What diseases are receiving increasing attention? How can caries or periodontal diseases be prevented? What are people becoming most intersected in?

Dental service in your country All kind of dental aids in your country are rendered mainly at state-owned medical institution dental clinics, dental departments at district polyclinics, at schools. Private practice also exist. One can speak about a basic preventive outlook. In the preventive field careful studies are being done by our dentists. They regard good hygiene, rational feeling and healthy diet, the prevention of infections and chronic diseases as the most important general preventive measures against dental infection. We have various experiments in fluoridation of water supplies going in Russia. It is necessary to know more regarding control of individual dosages and effects in various age groups. The general dental services cover the ordinary routine reparative and restorative requirements. The work of dentists in good in oral surgery, especially in the reconstructive surgery of the face. The country has set up state dental service for children. In the towns the paediatric surgery is the basic unit. There the number of dentists is proportional to the number of children under care and is laid down by law. The variety and range of research work is also impressive in our country. 1. 2. 3. 4. Where are all kind of dental aids rendered? What can you say about private practice in your country What are the most important general preventive measures against dental infection? What experiments are going in our country?

5. The general dental service cover the ordinary routine reparative and restorative requirements, dont they? 6. How can you characterize the work in oral surgery? 7. Where is the paedodontic surgery the basic unit? 8. What is the number of dentists there? 9. Is the variety and range of research work impressive in our county? Preventive dentistry in the system of dental services Preventive dentistry is a large component of dental public health service. The objectives of preventive dentistry are to prevent: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Factors which predispose to disease The disease itself Factors which evoke more severe manifestation of acute disease. Factors which tend to maintain diseases in a chronic stage. The complications of diseases Factors which interfere with rehabilitation

The correct use of dental services tend aid in the control and treatment of the diseases and the health of the mouth can be improved by taking these correct steps. Various steps of prevention should include: 1. Measures to promote positive oral and general health, such as improved nutrition and mouth hygiene. 2. The application of specific preventive measures such, as fluoridation. 3. Early diagnosis and treatment. 4. Measure to interrupt the progress of disease, such as restorative procedures. 5. Measure which will contribute to rehabilitation, such as prosthetic services. Health education is of great importance in preventive dentistry. When educating people dental health is message should include at least four simple process advice: 1. 2. 3. 4. Insist on fluoridation. Restrict food and drink containing sugar to mealtimes. Clean the teeth and gums thoroughly every day. Use a fluoride toothpaste.

Dental health education should always be considered as part of general health education. Only their it will be more effective and scientifically correct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Is preventive dentistry a large component of dental health service? What objectives of preventive dentistry do you know? What can the correct use of dental service aid in? What steps should preventive dentistry include? Why is health education important? When will it be effective? What should dental health message include?

As the stomatological polyclinics Dental aid is usually rendered at stomatological polyclinics. As a rule a stomotalogical polyclinic is wellplanned and comfortable. It has all modern conveniences. There are many dental surgery, laboratory and X-ray room, an electropathic room and other rooms here. Many specialists work here. They perform all kind dental work: the treatment of diseases of dental pulp, extractions and the performances of laboratory tests, correcting the bite, the treatment of gum diseases, the design and fit of bridgework and dentures to replace missing teeth, all kinds of restorative work. Before the treatment of a disease it is necessary to make a diagnosis, determine its aetiology, pathogenesis as well as the symptoms by witch it can be revealed. A number of different procedures are used to establish a diagnosis: historical taking, physical examination witch include usually examination, palpation, laboratory studies, instrumental studies, for example, X-ray examination and others. Dental treatment it at times a very painful procedures. If a cavity is discovered at an early stage, the tooth can be set right without any pain. Only when it is neglected the patient has some unpleasant sensations. Dentistry try to do something about this. The envolve new methods of dental treatment and new anodynes. Soon people will forget all about their fears. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Where is dental aid usually rendered? What does any dental clinic have? What kind of dental work do dentists perform? When is it necessary to make a diagnosis? What procedures are used to establish diagnosis? Is dental treatment always painful? When does a patients have unpleasant sensations? Do dentists do anything about it? Why do they use new anodynes? What will people soon about?

As dental surgery The dentists treat patients at dental surgeries. A modern dental surgery is a large and light hall. One can see some universal equipment here to fulfil the needs of the needs of the dentist. First of all there are units including engines with arm-chairs for the patients. These are quite modern easy-to-use dental unit systems. The patients can set or lie in the arm-chair. There are also small chairs for the dentist, there are movable and comfortable. There is an instrument table or an instrument holder near every arm-chair. It can be easily moved to be at the dentists disposal. You can see some instruments on it. Usually there is a tray with a set of instrument such as: an explorer, a mixing pad, a pincett, a dental mirror, a probe and some others. There also instrument cupboards with many instruments in them. We can see temporary filling materials, composites, cements, glass-ionomeres, bonding systems for restoration work, reamers, files, paper and guttapercha points, seals for endodontics , splints, trays, matrixes, impression materials for orthopaedic work, dental cotton rules, rubber dams, prophy pastes, a saliva ejector for hygienic purpouses. Hygiene is very important in the work of dentist, thats why all the instruments are carefully cleaned or disinfected.

The organization of dental services in UK They are currently over 20.000 dentists registered in the UK. The majority work within National Health Service. Some 18 % of dentists work as independent contractors in the general service, around 10% work the salaried community services and only 7% are employed in hospitals. The number of dentists per head of population in Britain is around one to 3500. Dentists in general practice work on a fee for item of service basis and paid for courses of treatment completed. The service is oriented to curative and rehabilitation treatment rather than prevention. In contrast to the general medical services, there are not restrictions on where dentists may practice and their lists are not closed. Patients do not register with a particular practitioner but may seek a course of dental treatment wherever they can obtain it. While the NHS guarantees everyone a doctor, no one is guaranteed a dentists. Adult patients are obligated to pay a contribution towards the cost of routine dental treatment witch higher charges for dentures and some of the more costly items of restorative treatment. Some items such as examinations and report, arrest of bleeding are free under the NHS. General practitioners contracts are held by Family Practitioner Committees of Area Health Authorities. Dental working in the community services are remunerated by salary. The service is organized on an area basis in clinics and health centre and is devoted to dental care of defined priority groups. Priority groups patients can obtain dental treatment free of change. These groups include children of all ages, expectant and nursing mothers and handicapped adults. Because community dental officers are not subjected to the same demanding economic pressures as their colleagues in general practice, they have more time to devote to children and to balance the curative treatment they provide with appropriate prevention. The hospital dental services provides specialists consultant advice and treatment in oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and restorative dentistry. In addition it has responsibility for routine dental care for long stay hospital patient and emergency treatment of short stay patients. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. How many dentists are registered currently in the UK? Where do the majority work? How many dentists employed in hospitals? What is the number of dentists per head of population? Is it high or low from your point of view? How are dentists in general practice paid? What is the service oriented to? Are there any restriction on where dentists may practice? Do patients register with a particular practitioner or they may seek any dental treatment? Does the NHS guarantee everyone a dentist? What contribution are adult patients obligated to pay? What items are free? What organ are general practitioners contracts held by? What do you know about community service dentists pay? Where do they usually work? What patient do priority groups include? Why can these dentists balance the curative treatment which appropriate preventive?

17. What service does hospital specialist provide?

Causes of the Caries Tooth decay or caries is known to be probably the commonest disease of civilization. It is due to acid formation on the tooth surface, dissolving away the enamel and dentine to produce a cavity. Acid is produced by the action of certain bacteria on food remaining on the teeth after meals. These bacteria appear to be normal residents of the mouth and are otherwise quite harmless. All types of food are classified into three distinct groups-protein, fat and carbohydrate. Of these,only refined carbohydrate is reported to cause caries as it is the only food which can be turned into acid by the bacteria concerned. Refined carbohydrates are sugar white flour, so anything containing these can give rise to caries. Such foods are cake, biscuits, bread, jam and sweets. The longer the carbohydrate stays on the teeth, the longer the duration of acid production. Thus sweet fluids, such as tea with sugar, which are washed off the teeth immediately by saliva are not a significant cause of caries. Sticky carbohydrate is the major cause. Because of its adherent nature it clings to the teeth for a very long time,during which it is being transformed into the acid responsible for dissolving enamel and dentine. Coffee and other sweets, cakes, biscuits, white bread and jam are foremost amongst these sticky carbohydrates which are the cause of caries. Our modern diet is known to be of such a nature that refined carbohydrate is consumed nearly every time something is eaten, and the teeth are attacked by acid on each of these occasions. If snacks containing sticky carbohydrates are frequently taken between meals there will be a corresponding increase in the number of acid attacks on the teeth. Thus it is evident that excessive consumption of snacks or sweets between meals is one of the most important causes of caries. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What disease is known to be the commonest disease of the civilization? What is it due? By what is acid produced? How can all types of food be classified? Why does refined carbohydrate cause caries? What food contains refined carbohydrate? What does the duration of aid production depend on? Are sweet fluids a significant cause of caries? How can you characterize our modern diet? When will there be a corresponding increase in the number of acid attacks on the teeth? Pulpitis Pulpitis occurs when caries extends through the dentine to reach the pulp. The pulp is then said to be exposed and the sequence of events described under inflammation follows. There is an increased blood flow through the apical foramen into the pulp. Swelling cannot occur, however, as the pulp is confined within the rigid walls of the root canal and pulp chamber. Pressure builds up instead and causes intense pain. A much more important result of this pressure, however, is compression of the blood vessels passing through the tiny apical foramen. This cuts the blood supply causes death of the pulp. When the pulp dies, its nerves die too, and the severe toothache stops abruptly. But the respite is short as pulp death leads to another very painful condition called alveolar abscess. Pulpitis may be acute or chronic. It has many causes, apart from caries, but always ends in pulp death.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

When does pulpitis occur? What sequence of events takes place? Is there an increased blood flow? Why cannot swelling occur? What causes intense pain? What is another result of the pressure? What causes death of the pulp? Why does the severe toothache stop abruptly? What does pulp death lead to? Is pulpitis acute or chronic? Does it always end in pulp death?

Synonyms: AcidAdherent- sticking, holding fast, or attached BacteriaCarbohydrate- composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Cavity- hollow space Consume- To expend, To purchase, to waste DentureExcessive- exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, inordinate, FluidFatHarmProteinRefinedResidentStagnationSugarSnackWhite flour-

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