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DECEMBER 1997 ^ NUMBER 356 $3

<L Happy I\N&u) Y&ar.

Commentary by Dwight Connelly
Thanks to outgoing editor Dennis Stacy and MUFON Director Walt
MUFON Andrus for making the editorial transition smooth.
In the twenty years since I last edited the Journal (SKYLOOK), a few
UFO Journal things in the field of ufology have changed.
Abductions, for example, now seem to be accepted as a routine element
for legitimate study. Twenty years ago, this topic was considered question-
(USPS 002-970) able for inclusion in MUFON's official publication.
(ISSN 0270-6822) Perhaps other ideas are in a similar period of transition. I must confess,
for example, that I had to read the article on the holographic universe (page
1030ldtowneRd. 3) more than once before I began to even partially grasp the material. The
Seguin, TX 78155-4099 topic seems to deserve a hearing, but perhaps the next article across my
Tel: (830) 379-9216 desk will shoot all sorts of holes in the concept. Keep tuned.
In order to use more of the material which we receive, I intend to
FAX (830) 372-9439 compact the contents a bit. If I overdo the compacting, let me know.

Editor: MUFON's Mission is the systematic collection and

Dwight Connelly analysis of UFO data with the ultimate goal of
14026 Ridgelawn Road learning the origin and nature of the UFO phenomena.
Martinsville, IL 62442
Tel: (217) 382-4502 TABLE OF CONTENTS
FAX (217) 382-4502 The Holographic Universe by Joe Lewels 3
Scientists STudy UFO Evidence by Peter Sturrock 5
Editor in Chief: Interview with William J. Birnes by Dennis Stacy 6
Walter H. Andrus, Jr. The UFO Press, The OZ Files by Malcolm Smith 8
Physiological Effects (Part 2) by John Schuessler 8
Columnists: Astronaut Gordon Cooper by Peter Geremia 10
Walter N. Webb, Current Cases byT. David Spencer 11
John S. Carpenter, Santilli Alien Autopsy Film by Philip Mantle 14
T. David Spencer, Canadian UFO Survey by Chris Rutkowski 16
John F. Schuessler Letter to the Editor 20
Reader's Classifieds 21
Art Director: January Night Sky by Walter N. Webb 22
Vince Johnson Calendar 22
Sun Shili by Kathy Chen 23
MUFON UFO Hotline: Director's Message by Walter Andrus 24
Copyright 1997 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the
The Internet: written permission of the Copyright Owners. Permission is hereby granted to
mufon.com quote up to 200 words of any one article, provided the author is credited, and
the statement, "Copyright 1997 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne
Road, Seguin, Texas 78155 is included.
MUFON on Compuserv: The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editors,
and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Mutual UFO
"Go MUFON" to access the Network. Opinions expressed are solely those of the individual authors.
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The Holographic Universe Joe Lewels has a Ph. D. in communications and

journalism. He lives in El Paso, Texas, and is the
and the UFO Phenomenon MUFON assistant state director for West Texas and
By Joe Lewels, Ph.D. South New Mexico.

Michael Talbot, in his fascinating book, The Holographic mysterious properties of sub-atomic particles were provid-
Universe, suggests that the entire universe and everything ing him a glimpse at an entirely new reality-one with
we perceive in our world may only be the reflection of holographic properties. He, and other physicists, discovered
ghostly images, holographic projections, from a reality so a world in which time and space ceased to exist and in
beyond our own that time and space do not exist there. which paranormal behavior was the norm.
The implications of this concept, he believes, are so They found that quanta appear to communicate with each
astounding that they provide a basis for resolving many of other instantaneously, faster than the speed of light, in
the mysteries of science, including those previously consid- violation of Einstein's law of relativity. What they observed
ered to be paranormal or mystical. looked a lot like Extra Sensory Perception (ESP).
Such statements would surely be met with ridicule were it When grouped together, quanta reach a critical mass and,
not for the fact that they accurately represent the conclu- like a colony of ants, begin to act as if they have a group
sions of some of the world's most respected scientists from consciousness. They cease behaving as individuals and start
fields as diverse as physics, neurophysiology, medicine and behaving like an intelligent whole.
psychiatry. Not only that, but it also appears that all sub-atomic
In fact, the holographic model is gaining acceptance in particles in the universe are interconnected, creating one,
nearly every area of scientific inquiry and it may eventually indivisible system, like a giant universal consciousness. The
lead the scientific community to embrace ufology as a obvious parallel to God did not go unnoticed.
legitimate science. The interconnectedness became even more obvious when
To understand and accept the holographic model, one first it was discovered that quanta can shift their shapes. They
needs to understand the holographic image and what that can appear as either a solid object or wave-like. But the
amazing discovery implies. The first, totally three-dimen- only time they appear as solid objects is when they are being
sional image ever created popped out into thin air, like a observed by the scientists! So. physicists are now wrestling
spectre, before the startled eyes of Hungarian-born engineer with the conclusion that they themselves are somehow
Dennis Gabor, who first stumbled upon the phenomenon. interconnected with the very particles they are studying.
By splitting a laser beam and directing half of it toward an Dr. Bohm and other physicists are reaching the conclusion
object to be photographed and the other half toward a series that at the quantum level of reality, location ceases to exist
of mirrors and diffusing lenses, he produced the first altogether. All points in space and time are the same.
holographic image. But the image on the film only looked Nothing is separate from anything else; the entire universe
like wave patterns and concentric circles. He found that seems to be non-local in nature.
only by directing a laser at the film, would a three-dimen- The same conclusions have been reached by scientists in
sional image of the object mysteriously appear, ghostlike, on other fields. Dr. Karl Pribram, a neurophysiologist at
the other side. Gabor was awarded the Nobel Prize for his Stanford University, found that the human brain was
discovery in 1971. holographic when he attempted to find out where memories
But if that weren't bizarre enough, he found that when the were located in the brain. He found that memories are not
film was cut into small pieces, every piece had the same stored in any particular part of the brain, but rather every-
capability to reproduce the entire object. Although not where in the brain at the same time.
understood at the time, that principle came to be known as Numerous attempts have been made to discover where
"Non-Locality." That is, the information needed to produce human consciousness is located in the body. It is commonly
the image was not located in any particular part of the film. assumed that our awareness exists in the brain, but no one
It was in every part of the photographic plate at the same has been able to say exactly where. Now growing numbers
time. Ever since, scientists began finding non-locality of physicians, led by Dr. Raymond Moody, author of the
everywhere. book. Life After Life, are reaching the conclusion that human
First, in quantum physics, it was discovered as a property consciousness also is non-local. In their study of near death
of sub-atomic particles, known as quanta. These protons, experiences, they have amassed thousands of well docu-
neutrons, and electrons that comprise the basic building mented cases which seem to show that human consciousness
blocks of all matter in the universe were found to disobey is not attached to the body at all and that it continues to exist
the known laws of physics as laid down by Newton and in another reality after death.
Einstein. Dr. Brian Weiss, formerly chief of psychiatric medicine at
Dr. David Bohm, a world renowned physicist, and one of Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami. Florida, has discovered
Einstein's proteges, was one of the first to recognize the something similar in his treatment of psychiatric patients.
connection to the holographic image. From his laboratories Through the use of hypnosis, he discovered that patients
at the University of London, he began to realize that the could remember past lives and achieve amazing cures for a

December 1997 Number 356 Page 3


wide variety of mental and physical disorders. thousands of years ahead of us, discovered the holographic
He believes that human consciousness is not limited by nature of the universe a long time ago, it would be logical to
time and space. He writes about his findings in his books, assume that their concepts of time and space would be far
Many Lives, Many Masters and Through Time into Healing. different from our own.
These findings are totally consistent with physicist David Distances to them would be a foreign concept. We can
Bohm's understanding of quantum physics. As he sees it, if imagine that their technology might permit them to travel
every particle of matter interconnects with every other through quantum reality and go anywhere in time and space
particle, the brain itself must be viewed as infinitely instantaneously.
interconnected with the rest of the universe.
Non-local consciousness?
Mainstream scientists They would have discovered long ago that consciousness
The list of mainstream scientists who are using the is non-local. So when abductees report that they have been
holographic model to understand previously unexplainable told by the aliens that there is more to the human state than
phenomena goes on and on, but what can ufologists gain "mere flesh and blood," as Dr. Mack and others report,
from this intriguing theory? perhaps they know what they're talking about. As a result,
First, it should be fairly obvious to those knowledgeable they may view physical bodies as merely temporary
about the characteristics of UFOs and alien entities that they, containers, easily discarded and replaced.
too, seem to exist in some other reality, at least some of the They certainly would have become masters of the holo-
time. graphic image, creating totally realistic, three-dimensional,
UFOs and aliens are shapeshifters. UFOs have been interactive motion pictures that we mere humans would find
reported to appear and disappear, merge together, split apart impossible to distinguish from reality. This technology may
and change shape. Aliens have been seen to materialize and play a very important part in alien contact and has been
dematerialize and pass through solid objects. UFOs appear speculated upon by a number of ufologists.
to be able to traverse great distances in the blink of an eye, if In her book, Taken, Dr. Karla Turner makes the case for
not instantaneously, and they are thought by many to be able holographic imagery in abduction cases she has researched,
to travel between star systems and perhaps galaxies. They and gives examples of incidents that seem to be holographic
seem to exist, at least part of the time in a reality where projections, rather than real, physical contact.
commonsense concepts of time and space do not apply. There is no doubt that a highly developed technology
based on quantum reality and the principle of non-locality
The paranormal problem would appear to be magic or paranormal to our eyes, just as
In addition, in recent years, ufologists have had to struggle that first holographic image seemed spectral to its discov-
with increasing reports of a paranormal nature: poltergeist erer. But the more we learn about the holographic model,
phenomena associated with abductions, out of body the better we can understand the technology of the future
experiences by abductees, and even reports of abductees and possibly of the alien culture.
recalling past lives as aliens and having increased psychic How then should ufologists proceed in utilizing the
abilities. Reports such as these have become so common concept of non-locality and the findings of quantum physics
that abduction researchers recognize them as part of the in their search for the answers to the UFO mystery?
symptomology of the abduction phenomenon. The first step is in acknowledging and accepting the
However, some ufologists try to distance themselves from holographic model of the universe. This includes accepting
this aspect of the phenomenon, because it doesn't seem the implications for the reality of phenomena heretofore
"scientific" enough. They argue, with good cause, that thought to be supernatural or mystical. The dilemma that
ufology has worked hard to become a respectable science ufologists face is that by embracing scientific principles that
and that dealing with paranormal phenomena can only cause may finally provide a basis for understanding UFOs, they
them to lose what precious credibility they have achieved. must also embrace that which they have for so long dis-
But that may be about to change. It may be that dained-the mystical and the paranormal. If they are able to
ufologists, just as scientists from all fields, may be free to do so, they can at least be comforted by the thought that they
pursue the paranormal as a legitimate course of study as are in good company, for all of science may soon face the
more and more of our greatest minds acknowledge the same dilemma.
holographic concept. In fact, this may quickly become the Does this mean that when all paranormal events can be
hottest race among scientists in the years ahead-the race to understood as based in scientific principles that we can
build a bridge between science and the paranormal, a long- finally conclude that the aliens are merely flesh and blood
overdue effort to merge the scientific and the spiritual like ourselves, just more advanced? Does this put an end to
worlds. speculation by some that these beings are supernatural,
If that becomes the case, then the findings of Dr. John angelic, demonic and godlike? Or will it merely give us
Mack of Harvard University, as reported in his book, another way to talk about and label something that by some
Abduction, that connect the UFO abduction phenomenon standards maintains supernatural characteristics? After all,
with spirituality and reincarnation, may not seem so what do you call beings who exist in a reality where time and
ludicrous and abhorrent to many "nuts and bolts" ufologists. space do not exist and who travel, perhaps in disembodied
Assuming that highly advanced civilizations, perhaps form, through time, space and solid objects at will, and who
December 1997 Number 356 Page 4

apparently can exercise total mind control over humans?

Aliens, gods, angels, demons, spirits-there seems to be no
one term that adequately describes such entities.
And perhaps that is why they will remain an enigma for a
long time to come.

New York Meeting

Scientists Study UFO Evidence

Some UFO evidence may be worthy of scientific
This is the tentative conclusion of a panel of scientists
convened by the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) to F. Joe Lewels
examine this matter.
The panel of nine scientists met at a conference center
near New York City from Sept. 29 to Oct. 31. Japan's leading UFO researcher
The panel reviewed evidence presented by eight UFO
investigators, and will issue a report within a few months
that summarizes the workshop activities and makes recom-
Jun-Ichi Takanashi dies
mendations for further research. It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing
The panelists were drawn from France, Germany and the of Jun-lchi Takanashi, Japan's leading UFO researcher and
United States. The investigators came from France, Ger- publisher, on Oct. 18, 1997.
many, Norway and the United States. Three members of the He was born in Osaka City in April, 1923, and has been
UFO Research Coalition participated, representing CUFOS interested in flying saucers since Kenneth Arnold's sighting
and MUFON. on June 24,1947. Mr. Takanashi organized the Modern Space
The strong representation from France is due to the fact Flight Association (MSFA) in 1956 that was changed to Japan
that France is the only country that has an unclassified on- UFO Science Society in 1983. He was recognized by his col-
going official investigation into UFO reports. This program, leagues in Japan as the finest UFO investigator in their coun-
at CNES, the French Space Agency in Toulouse, is headed try.
by Jean-Jacques Velasco, who was a participant in the Jun-lchi Takanashi joined MUFON on Feb. 18, 1974, as
workshop. our foreign representative for Japan and was later made the
Evidence presented and critically reviewed at the national director for Japan. It will be difficult to find a re-
workshop included ground traces, photos, video records, placement of his caliber. We are indebted to both Tsuyoki
spectroscopic data, radar records, reports of malfunctions of Isobe and Takao Ikeda (a sectional director) for advising
automobile and aircraft equipment, material specimens, and MUFON of Mr. Takanashi's demise.
radiation-type injuries to witnesses.
Von Eshleman of Stanford University and Thomas Holzer
of the High Altitude Observatory served as co-chairs of the
Review Panel.
The "UFO problem" was defined by Peter Sturrock of
Stanford University, director of the workshop, as the
problem of understanding the cause or causes of UFO
Other members of the panel were Randy Jokipii of the
University of Arizona, Francois Louange from France, Jay
Melosh of the University of Arizona, James Papike of the
University of New Mexico, Guenther Reitz from Germany,
Charles Tolbert from the University of Virginia, and Bernard
Veyret from France.
For further information, contact Peter Sturrock, Stanford
University, 650-723-1438.
SSE web site: http://www.jse.com/index.html

Jun-lchi Takanashi 1923-1997

December 1997 Number 356 Page 5

An Omni Online Interview Dennis Stacy is a former MUFON UFO Journal editor. He
with William J. Birnes is currently the co-editor and publisher, with Patrick Huyghe,
of The Anomalist, and co-editor with Hilary Evans of UFOs
By Dennis Stacy 1947-1997: Fifty Years of Flying Saucers. He can be reached at
P.O. Box 12434, San Antonio, TX 78212, or by e-mail at
Introduction [email protected].
As a contributing editor to the Antimatter section of
Omni Online, one of the things I do is conduct an online
interview with various UFO personalities on Tuesday World War II and the German scientific advances in flight
evenings from 10-11 pm EST. I alternate Tuesdays with my and weaponry.
colleague, Patrick Huyghe. Gradually our discussions focused on Roswell and the
The following interview with William J. Birnes took role of Army R&D [research and development]. Finally,
place on Sept. 2, 1997, and is reproduced here with the kind Col. Corso dropped the bombshell, preceded by his
permission of Omni Online (copyright General Media). The sending me articles from the Army about the technological
transcript has been edited for continuity and corrected for development of lasers, irradiated food, directed particle
clarity and spelling; otherwise, all direct quotes are repro- beam weapons, and the like. He said, "You know, don't
duced here as originally transmitted. you, that a famous German scientist, Hermann Oberth, said
To listen to future chats, go to http://www.omnimag.com. that 'we were helped,' and he meant helped by extraterres-
Under Prime Time, go to the High Strangeness chat room. trials?" I was astonished.
In preparation for the interview, I asked Mr. Birnes to Then he began to explain, making a long story very
send me a brief biography that I could use as an introduction short, what the role of Army R&D had [been] and how the
to the interview. In return, I received a lengthy document, Foreign Technology [Division] worked. That's it. From
only the first paragraph of which is reproduced here. there we decided to begin a book on Roswell
"William Birnes is a writer, New York literary agent, Stacy: Whose idea was the book? Did Corso hesitate at
book publisher and producer, and editor in trade, business, that time because Gen.Trudeau was still alive?
professional reference, and mass market books. He has Birnes: Corso began writing his memoirs in 1993,
written or coauthored Selling at the Top (Harper & Row, shortly after Gen. Trudeau died. He began writing as a
1987), When You Are the Headline (Dow Jones-Irwin, 1987), way of keeping the records straight, but partly at the
Test Your Health and Fitness I.Q. (Berkley, 1988), The suggestion of the now deceased General Trudeau who had
ACOA's Guide to Raising Healthy Children (Macmillan, encouraged Corso to keep a running record and to publish
1989), Strong Enough for Two: Overcoming Codependency it after Trudeau died. So that's when Corso began. He
(Macmillan, 1990), Theo, the autobiography of actor, folk worked on it for two years until 1995, and then we began
singer, and political and labor activist Theodore Bikel assembling his memoirs into five separate manuscripts, one
(Harper-Collins, 1995), and Riverman: TedBundy and I of which was the Roswell book.
Hunt for the Green River Killer (Pocket Books, 1995). His Stacy: You're aware of the ensuing controversy over the
most current titles are collaborations with retired U.S. Army Foreword by Sen. Strom Thurmond, who later retracted
Lt. Col. Philip Corso on the New York Times bestseller The same when he learned the book was about UFOs. What's
Day After Roswell, a government insider's story surrounding your side of the story?
the aftermath of the mysterious crash of an unidentified Birnes: Here's my side of the story. Col. Corso worked
flying object in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, published in for the senator after he left the Army, and the two had
the US and the UK as a lead hard cover by Pocket Books in become friends... To make a very long story short, the
June, 1997, and Signature Killers with Detective Robert colonel and the senator had worked together during the
Keppel (Pocket Books, 1997). He is currently writing The Warren Commission and thereafter. Thus in 1993 the
Day After Dallas: Inside the Warren Commission, with colonel asked Sen. Thurmond to write the forword for a
Philip Corso, for publication in 1998, and Dead Mackerel in book entitled / Walked With Giants, and Thurmond agreed.
the Moonlight and Missing Children with Robert Keppel." However, very early this year, Pocket Books, seeing
Thurmond's previous foreword for a different book, asked
Stacy: Our guest tonight is William J. Birnes, co-author Corso if he could impose upon the Senator to write a new
with retired Col. Philip Corso of The Day After Roswell. foreword. Corso agreed to ask, and flew to DC to meet
The latter is now in its 6th printing and I understand was with Thurmond. At that meeting, the senator agreed
briefly on the NY Times bestseller list. Could you tell us wholeheartedly to write the new foreword. And Col. Corso
how you got involved with this project? Did Corso ap- promised to send him back the original foreword. Senator
proach you, or vice versa? Thurmond added one element that Col. Corso didn't ask
Birnes: I was originally retained by a motion picture for. The senator said that Col. Corso could use the
company to interview Col. Corso about the missing foreword for any book he wanted. Not just a book on
prisoners of war issue in Korea and Vietnam. Through the Roswell. You see, the colonel had explained to the senator
course of our discussions, Col. Corso and I began talking that The Day After Roswell was about alien technology. So
about military history, especially as it regards the end of when Thurmond agreed to write the foreword, it was for
December 1997 Number 356 Page 6

story, but they tracked the history of the technological

development of lasers, for example, to show how the Army
helped spur the research and development. Nothing, of
course, mentioned UFOs. [But] yes, Col. Corso's reports
exist, as do Trudeau's memoirs. The reports are exactly as
they are set forth in the book. They were never meant for
attribution or distribution beyond Gen. Trudeau.
Stacy: As you're no doubt aware, Corso's version of
Roswell differs from what has been previously published.
For example, he has Jesse Marcel at a crash site where
bodies were recovered, something Marcel never mentioned,
despite the numerous times he was interviewed.
Birnes: The book's version of Roswell is simply a
compilation of Roswell stories as a background to what
happened later. In fact, it was added at the very end because
the publisher believed that not enough readers were familiar
with the basic story. So I imagine there are hundreds of
disagreements between the story in the first chapter and
other versions of the story. But [it] is meant to be only the
most general of introductions.
Stacy: Virtually everyone else has testified that any
material was flown to Wright Field in Dayton, which makes
sense. Corso has it coming through Fort Riley, Kansas, via
truck. And professor Charles Moore has recently pointed
out that Fort Riley was 200 miles off the beaten path back
Birnes: I asked Col. Corso about this and he said that
some of the material was indeed flown-other eyewitnesses
have told me the same thing-and some of it was trucked.
Back then, according to Col.Corso, Fort Riley would have
been the natural stopping off point for Army truckers to
spend the night. Again, Col. Corso makes sense when he
says that the way the Army does business is to rely on
this book. redundancy. So they trucked some of the material, flew
So the senator told Phil to use the foreword any way he some of the material.
wanted, and he signed the publisher's release. However, I don't know who or where, but there was another source
apparently, the senator never told his staff, who, when they that I encountered who seemed amazed that I had learned
saw the press release, hit the ceiling. As a result, they from the colonel that some of the crash debris was loaded on
denied the senator knew what he was writing or what he was trucks and driven to Ohio.
writing for. But the publisher hung tough, refused to pull Stacy: Final question: Corso's military record has
the book, and the senator agreed to settle for the foreword's recently been posted on the Internet. His final Pentagon
being removed from editions after the first. That's it. assignment apparently lasted only 90 days, instead of the
Stacy: How did the writing process between the two of two years implied by the book. That's a pretty brief amount
you work? Did you interview him on audio or videotape? of time in which Corso claims to have changed the course of
Did he ever supply any original documents that would modern history, not only saving us from alien invasion, but
confirm his rather remarkable story? leading directly to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the
Birnes: Videotape! Prior to beginning the manuscript, end of the Cold War
we interviewed Col. Corso on video, fourteen hours of Birnes: I recently saw the record as well and have
which exist at the movie studio. Thereafter, I worked from forwarded a copy to Col. Corso. Whatever the record that
Col. Corso's copious notes, documents that he provided, turned up on the Internet says, it says. I can only respond
and material that he requested from Army sources. If I had that I've seen Col. Corso's secret Senate testimony tran-
specific questions, I'd ask them. Then, the colonel and I met scripts about the CIA's penetration by the KGB, and the
and went over the manuscript in draft form. He made transcripts in 1962 identify Col. Corso as the deputy
changes, corrections, revisions, etc. director of Army R & D. So unless there's some code in the
Stacy: Several instances in the book seem to be direct record as it appears on the Internet that I don't understand,
quotes from the report Corso reportedly wrote for Gen. the Col. was in R & D for two years, from 1961 through
Trudeau, also direct quotes from Trudeau's own unpublished early 1963, when he went to the Senate Internal Government
autobiography. Do either of these documents exist?. Security Investigations Subcommittee.
Birnes: There were some documents to confirm the
December 1997 Number 356 Page 7



The Oz Files the "bigger inside than outside" phenomenon.

There is a smattering of typographical errors. The
By Bill Chalker (Duffy & Snellgrove, 1996) index could have been expanded,, and the map is of limited
value, as it only positions the most dramatic cases. However,
Review by Malcolm Smith there is a useful set of appendices, giving the history of
Australian UFO groups, the contact addresses of all current
The Oz Factor is the atmosphere of unreality which groups, a bibliography, and references for each individual
often surrounds UFO sightings, and Oz is the whimsical case. The book is compact and well bound.
abbreviation Australians often apply to their own country. Australian ufology is handicapped by lack of investiga-
And who better to write about Australian UFOs than Bill tors, large distances, and the intolerance shown to witnesses.
Chalker, for more than a quarter of a century one of the But if you want a good, up-to-date guide to the subject, this
leading investigators down under? is it. The book is published by Duffy & Snellgrove, and
After an introduction detailing his own experiences distributed by Tower Books, P.O. Box 213, Brookvale, NSW
and philosophy, the author starts with the Kelly Cahill 2100, Australia. There does not appear to be a distributor
abduction case which, due to the testimony of independent outside Australia.
witnesses, he considers the most convincing of all. Then he
moves onto the aboriginal experience and the pre-1945 Longer lasting multiple effects
cases which I, for one, do not find overly impressive.
The title of Chapter 4, "Evaluating the evidence--
errors, hoaxes, and science," speaks for itself. Moreover, UFO reports: Human
Chalker has an advantage over the rest of us in that he was
allowed to examine the Royal Air Force's UFO files.
"Today there is no doubt in my mind," he concludes,
physiological effects
"that the Royal Australian Air Force considers its involve- By John Schuessler
ment in UFO investigation to be a waste of time, albeit a
duty it has to perform-or at least be seen to perform." Editor's Note: Last month Part One of this study was
While such a conclusion might not sit well with printed. Part Three will be presented in the January
conspiracy-minded Americans, to an Australian it sounds issue. Schuessler is the MUFON Deputy Director for
perfectly plausible. Readers might also be interested to Administration, and chair of MUFON's Medical
know that Australia has its "crashed saucer" rumors, too, but Committee.
the author correctly ascribes to them a very low level of
credibility. The next category of cases involves physiological
The bulk of the book is taken up with case histories in effects lasting from days to weeks.
chronological order, with a couple from New Zealand and
Papua, New Guinea, for good measure. Since it is physi- Arizona driver
cally impossible to include all cases, he has opted for the
best. On March 30, 1955, a man was driving near Tucson,
Followers of the Australian scene will find all their old Arizona, when he sighted a disk-shaped object nearly 100
friends here: the lost Drury film, the bent headlights affair, feet in diameter. The object was making a humming sound.
Father Gill's sightings, the Kaikoura UFOs, the Tully UFO At the same time his car lost power and slowed to 10-15
"nests," the pseudo-abduction of Maureen Puddy, the miles per hour, the radio failed, and the lights dimmed.
disappearance of Frederick Valentich, the close encounter on The object shot a beam of white light at the car. burning the
the Nullarbor-and many others. The latest was in March man's elbow and bubbling the paint on his car. He felt both
1996, which suggests that the author was actively updating heat and a tingling sensation.
the book as it went to press.
About abductions the author is ambivalent. He cannot Night watchman
ignore them, nor bring himself to accept them. But he does
make the valid point that the evidence for mainstream UFO On October 2,1956, a night watchman saw a cigar-
encounters is more compelling, and that abductions should shaped object come down out of the sky. It was 60 to 100
not be allowed to abduct ufology. feet long and 15 feet wide. As it swooped past, it made a
Nevertheless, the case histories listed demonstrate that hissing sound and emitted a terrible odor. He vomited, lost
abductions in Australia are every bit as weird as in the rest his sense of taste and smell, and became temporarily deaf
of the world. One even involved a case of space dilation— in the left ear. He had burns on his face that kept him from
shaving for two weeks.
December 1997 Number 356 Page 8

New Mexico man produced strong electrical shocks, heat and unbearable
itching all over his body. Later his doctor said the burns on
On June 2, 1964, a man in Hobbs, New Mexico, was his arms were caused by ultraviolet radiation. The dog died
burned by a black ball of fire emitted by an object hovering three days later from an internal hemorrhage along the
overhead. His hair was singed, and a sooty deposit was left entire length of the vertebral column. The dog's organs
imbedded in the skin on his face and on his ears, neck and were discolored.
shirt. His ears looked like raw meat. His face became so
swollen that his nose was not discernible. He was afraid he Texas driver
was going to die. His grandmother witnessed the event.
On January 24, 1979, a young man stopped his car to
Canadian mechanic relieve himself by the side of the road near Lindale, Texas.
While outside the car he saw a flash of light in the sky. The
On May 20, 1967, a 51-year-old mechanic was prospect- light hit him at the same time he was rocked by a blast of
ing in the Whiteshell area of Manitoba, Canada, when he wind. He said his hair stood on end. Then he saw two
saw two glowing objects in the sky. One of them landed large craft closing on his location.
about 160 feet from his location. He could feel waves of The next thing he remembered, he was sitting in front of
heat and hear the sound of a high-speed electric motor his car on the ground. He was scared, shaky, cold and his
coming from the object. stomach was in knots. He had a memory loss and the clock
He approached and peered into the object where he in his car was found to be off by 5 1/2 hours. He had a 5-
could see a maze of bright lights flashing in a random inch wide diamond-shaped burn on his chest, holes through
pattern. When the craft tilted to take off, he felt scorching his trousers into his shins, and holes in his socks. His hair
pain around his chest. His shirt and undershirt were on fire. was slightly burned.
As the craft flew away, he found he was badly burned.
Almost immediately he became nauseated and his muscles New South Wales driver
began to ache.
As waves of nausea engulfed him, he broke out in a On January 17, 1981, a man was driving on a mountain
sweat. Soon he began to vomit green bile. In the days that road near Nowra, New South Wales, when he noticed a
followed, he continued to be ill and lose weight rapidly. bright light following him. It quickly caught up and flew
Food and drink made him vomit. As long as five months directly over his car. He was immediately engulfed with a
after the event he had severe reactions that made his body bright white light, felt intense heat and a ringing in his ears.
swell and red blotches to reappear on his chest where the When it was over he had a severe burn on his left leg,
burns had been. ringing in his ears, double-vision, nose bleeds, irritated
sinus cavity, chills, and his urine had changed color. The
Missouri trucker portable tape recorder on the seat next to him was melted.
On October 3, 1973, a large tractor-trailer rig approach- Farm worker in Brazil
ing Cape Girardeau, Missouri, was followed by a bright
glowing object. As the craft caught up with the truck, the On May 15,1986, a 70-year-old farm worker watched a
driver could see it was a large metallic, turnip-shaped craft hover about fifty paces from his house in Belo
object. He woke his wife and told her what was going on Horizonte, Brazil, for about thirty minutes. He saw it
as he opened the window on the driver's side of the cab. flashing a beam of light all around the hills. Once in awhile
By that time the object was over the rear of the truck, the light would hit him. He tried unsuccessfully to shield
bathing it in a bright light. He stuck his head out of the his face with his arm, but one eye was exposed to the light.
window and looked back at the large craft, just as a flash He lost 80 % of the eyesight in that eye, and his arm was
came from it, striking him in the face. He said it felt like he burned, like sunburn.
was hit by a ball of fire. He was blinded and it was nearly
six months before he regained most of his eyesight. His Brazilian motorcyclists
eyeglasses were melted and deformed following the event.
On March 9, 1991, a two-story tall UFO with a transpar-
Uruguay dairy farmer ent dome on top suddenly appeared just above a Brazilian
couple on their motorcycle. They were bathed in a bright
On February 18, 1977, a dairy farmer near Salto, light and the motorcycle sputtered to a stop. A ball of fire
Uruguay, saw a large brilliant object near the grain storage dropped just in front of them and exploded in a brilliant, but
bin, just as the generator failed and the barnyard lights went noiseless, display. The next day small blisters erupted in
out. The animals went wild. His dog ran under the disk- the burns on the woman's face.
shaped object, sat on a mound of dirt and howled pitifully. Next month: Extensive and long-lasting injuries.
Nearby trees began to burn. The sparks that hit the farmer
December 1997 Number 356 Page 9

New Hampshire MUFON Presents...

Astronaut Gordon Cooper
By Peter R. Geremia
New Hampshire MUFON State Director

United States Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, better known

as "Coop," was special guest speaker at the 1997 New
Hampshire MUFON conference.
Sunday, September 14,1997, was a typical sunny day in
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, with one exception. At the
Yoken's Convention Center former astronaut, and now
president and CEO of his own aircraft design company,
Gordon Cooper was preparing to address more than four
hundred people.
They came from all over New England and far beyond to
attend the 7th annual NH MUFON UFO conference. If
anyone would have suggested a world renowned United
States astronaut, one of the original seven, would even think Col. Gordon Cooper
about addressing a UFO research group, I would have
laughed and said, "Not in my lifetime." But here he was
sitting at the speaker's table taking notes and signing an was asked about the response from the United Nations when
occasional autograph. he questioned them about UFOs. He said initially it was
I had been in contact with Col. Cooper for more than two very positive. It was felt the data collected world wide
years trying to work out a time frame when he would be should be gathered in one place and standardized for
able to make it to New Hampshire and spend a weekend research.
with us. This proved to be an almost impossible task with He, along with others, met with the United Nations
his unbelievable work schedule. I was stunned when he executive committee, but the project died on the vine. Col.
said he was able to move other commitments to be with us. Cooper also remarked that he still believes the United
Col. Cooper is now a very successful business entrepre- Nations is the best organization to do such a study.
neur and private citizen, but he is as passionate about the I shall never forget my conversations with Gordon
need for UFO research to continue now as he was when he Cooper, not only because he was so forthcoming with
tried to get the United Nations to do il years ago. Given his firsthand knowledge of his UFO-related events, but also,
personal sighting and his involvement in a film of a UFO and more importantly, he renewed my faith in the knowl-
taken by his film crew at Edward's Air Force Base, it is no edge that very credible people in influential positions are
wonder why he has the attitude of, "I know what I saw so willing to come forward concerning the existence of
lets check it out." Unidentified Flying Objects.
When Walter Friesendorf, our assistant state director,
introduced our famous guest, a thunderous applause and
instant standing ovation greeted our speaker and continued
for what seemed like several minutes. At this point I knew
everyone shared my deep appreciation for the historic event
taking place. We were about to hear all about the Right
Stuff from the most credible source possible.
Col. Cooper described his first personal encounter with
UFOs while flying in Europe for the Air Force in 1951.
There he saw a large group of UFO's flying very high. Six
years later his film crew at Edwards AFB filmed a UFO
landing. An Air Force general instructed him on the
procedure he was to follow and where to send the film. He
was later disappointed when this event was not reported in
the now infamous Blue Book report.
Astronaut Cooper received a round of applause when he
stated, " Unofficially, in my opinion I think Blue Book was
a whitewash." When asked where the films might now be,
he indicated that they were probably lost in some storage
During the question and answer session, Col. Cooper Peter R. Geremia
December 1997 Number 356 Page 10

By T. David Spencer each end, suggesting they were on the outside of a circular
object "at least 90 feet" in diameter, according to the
MUFON Deputy Director, Investigations witness, but no object surface was seen.
At about 09:00 hours on February 17. 1997, an area Keying on the estimated size of the object, the investiga-
near LaGrange, Georgia, experienced a small earth tremor tor first suspected a blimp and called the LaGrange -
having a magnitude of 2.0 on the Kichter scale, which was Calloway airport, but they were not aware of anything that
apparently accompanied by a "loud sonic boom." accord- could produce such a sighting. Additionally, neither the
ing to one witness. Later that day. and the next, three owners of a nearby store nor a neighbor to the witness had
sightings of anomalous objects occurred, which makes one seen anything unusual that evening; they had not the
wonder if the sightings and the tremor were somehow opportunity.
related. The airport police and Atlanta FAA all indicated
they had not received any calls regarding unusual aircraft Also on February 17. about 300 miles ftom LaGrange,
that evening. Georgia, a sighting was made in Mississippi. This sighting
occurred about six hours after the tremor and six hours
LOG # 970610E, FB-1,02/17/97, LaGrange, GA, at before any of the sightings in Georgia.
21:00 hours, for 1 minute
Investigator: John Thompson LOG # 970514bC, FB-1, 02/17/97, Biloxi, MS, at 14:30
In the wooded and hilly suburbs of LaGrange, the hours, for 7 minutes
witness was outside saying farewell to her son-in-law when Investigators: J.R. Gillis and Don Hirth
she noticed a glowing object to the south, approaching. The witness used the MUFON Hot Line 800 number to
When it was closer, three soft-white lights about the size of call MUFON headquarters, which resulted in his being put
a golf ball at arm's length and in a triangular formation in direct contact with one of the investigators.
were seen "floating" in the sky and moving in unison. Two A middle-aged USAF dentist was cleaning his carport
of the lights led the third, passing by at less than 1,000 feet when he heard jet aircraft and looked up to watch them
altitude, and silently going out of sight. cross overhead. At the same time, he glimpsed something
shiny to the northwest and turned to see a bright object at a
LOG # 970217E, CE-1,02/17/97, Franklin, GA, at 21:10 distance. Realizing this was not a typical aircraft, he rushed
hours, for 2 minutes into the house to get his binoculars. When he came back
Investigator: John Thompson out to look, the single object was now four bright lights.
In the country near Franklin, two middle-aged and one He focused his 7x35 binoculars on one of the objects
young lady were outside when they saw a glowing, multi- and studied it closely, finding it to be shaped like a disc.
colored object approach at a low altitude and at a rapid but Six lights were on the bottom, one in the center and the
not incredible speed ("faster than a prop, but slower than a others around the bottom edge. Bright white, the object
jet"). The red, blue, white, and yellow lights were in a switched to red, then back to white before it was out of
group like a triangle, but no triangular object's surface was sight.
seen. The assembly of lights passed on by them, then out The investigators talked to the local police and Keesler
of sight, without a sound. AFB trying to find corroborating information, but without
LOG # 970218E, FB-1,02/18/97, Glenn, GA, at 06:45
hours, for 2 minutes LOG # 970418E, FB-1,04/18/97, LaGrange, GA. at
Investigator: John Thompson 00:45 hours EOT, 04:45GMT, for 0.5 minutes. Index
Watching television and sipping a cup of coffee in her 16% Investigator: John C. Thompson
country abode outside of Glenn, Georgia, a middle-aged Sitting on the front porch after midnight, two men-one a
insurance agent looked out her window to see a group of Vietnam veteran very familiar with aircraft—saw what they
about 15 white lights in a row, in the southwest and moving thought was a flock of birds in the northeast, which was
slowly eastward. The anomaly was at a low (treetop) flying toward them in a "V" formation at a constant speed
altitude, and the assemblage was about the size of a which appeared to be slower than the speed of a propeller
baseball at arm's length. Each light appeared to be square, airplane. They soon realized that it was a group of possibly
like a window, possibly "six feet square." They were each 100 lights, not birds, at an altitude that was over 7,500 feet,
bright, but the collection did not illuminate ground surfaces. maybe even 17,000-20,000 feet, flying silently
The string of lights appeared to curve to the rear at
December 1997 Number 356 Page 11

in their direction. home from work, a man saw a large grouping of lights
Having an apparent size three times that of a full moon, through the leafless tree tops, approaching from the west.
the mostly white and red (remainder offwhite) lights Awestruck, he stopped, called to his 19-year-old son, and
spanned a distance of from 100 feet to as many as 200 yards watched the lights come directly toward him. Just as his son
at the high altitude. Some lights may have been pulsing, but reached the porch, the object moved over the treeline and
most of them were unwavering. No fuselage could be seen. passed directly overhead at an altitude of about 800 feet,
In about 30 seconds, the grouping of lights was out of view moving between 300 and 400 miles-per-hour. To the man,
in the southwest. who had previously been a Marine, the more than 300 feet
long craft resembled a cruise ship.
LOG # 961219E, MA-1,12/19/96, Rural Hall, NC, at The surface was dark, but a multitude of lights of four
06:40 hours EST, 11:40GMT, for 10 minutes. Index = different sizes on the bottom illuminated a complex struc-
14% Investigator: George D. Fawcett ture. Long poles, or booms, projected forward, and the
The primary witness was driving with his employer, a beams from large white, lights on the front seemed to contain
painting subcontractor, going southeast on highway 66 north a swirling, which may have been a dome at the forward end
of Rural Hall on his way to a job in Winston-Salem, when of the booms.
he noticed an unusual light high in the sky. The sun was As it passed by, soon to be out of sight, the man and his
still below the horizon, so the light was distinct. son saw multiple "decks" with lights on the side, much like
His military past and association with both military and an ocean liner.
civilian aircraft did not help him identify the anomaly as a
man made vehicle. He saw a huge oval shaped [metalic] LOG # 970115NE, MA-1,11/15/96, Franconia, NH, at
craft, either hovering or moving extremely slow, about one 22:30 hours EST, 03:30 GMT, for 1 minute. Index=
mile away at 2,500 feet altitude. It looked like two inverted 11% Investigator: Sandra Black
plates, silver on the top. The center of the object had a wide Since the witness has a mutual friend who has attended
band [about one-fourth the object's height] across its width, MUFON lectures, she called the investigator directly.
with five unusually bright lights evenly spaced on it.' Because of the bad winter weather, interviewing was
"Compared to a small plane that flew close to it as we performed by telephone and mail
watched, [its size had to be] that of a 747 jet or larger." Gazing out her sliding glass doors and admiring a
Driving almost directly beneath the object, he saw that its beautiful night sky blanketed by stars, the witness noticed
bottom "was triangular and had one bright white light in red and yellow lights in the southwest, moving in a triangu-
each corner. I lost sight of the object shortly afterward. It lar pattern accross the front of a mountain.
appeared to simply vanish from sight." She initially interpreted the lights to be on an airplane,
but they suddenly "made a rapid movement in a pattern like
LOG # 970124NE, FB-1,12/09/96, Pittsburgh, NH, at a Mobius strip, several times." Then they began moving
21:30 hours EST, 02:30 GMT, for 79 minutes. Index =
erratically up, down, and sideways over a small area.
18% Investigator: Sandra Black
The witness became fearful and turned off her radio,
naively reasoning that the radio waves may attract the lights.
The primary witness is an acquaintance of the investiga- She continued to watch the slowly progressing anomaly
tor. until it was out of sight in the northeast.
A man and his wife closed their Stewartstown store, and,
because it was a clear night-uncommon in northern New LOG # 971007SE, MA-1,10/05/96, Lunenburg, VT, at
Hampshire-they decided to drive toward Pittsburgh on 20:45 hours EST, 01:45 GMT, for 10 minutes. In-
Route 3 and study the night sky. Having driven the fifteen dex=15% Investigator: Sandra Black
miles to Pittsburgh, they turned back, retracing their path to The witness, a truck driver who is an acquaintance, of
Stewartstown. the investigator, called her directly. The investigator met
Three miles later, they saw about five pulsating white with him and his wife two times.
lights on a dark, oblong object that was larger than a house While driving eastward on Route 2 a few miles west of
and hovering in the distance less than halfway up from the Lunenburg, a woman noticed pulsating, white lights ahead
southern horizon. They continued to watch the stationary of them and alerted her husband. The object seemed to be
anomaly as they drove westward the rest of the way home hovering about a mile away at an altitude of about 1,000
and entered their garage. When they walked out of the feet, 75 degrees above the horizon.
garage, the object was gone. Four white lights the size of fifty cent pieces at arm's
length (collectively eight inches wide) appeared to be part of
LOG # 970308E, FB-1,12/xx/96, Sanbornton, NH, at a single object. At the estimated distance and apparent size,
20:30 hours EST, 01:30 GMT, for 3 minutes. Index = the real size of the collection would have had to be more
18% Investigator: Robert Heslop than 1,500 feet in diameter!
A friend of the investigator arranged an interview with Each light emitted what looked like electrical discharges.
the witness.
The two continued to watch as they drove on, and about ten
minutes later, the lights vanished.
While returning to his van to unload it after getting

December 1997 Number 356 Page 12


LOG # 970102E, MA-1,09/02/96, LaGrange, GA, at downward toward the ground. The beam repeatedly pulsed
21:30 hours EDT, 01:30 GMT, for 30 minutes. Index = off for about five seconds, then back on for another five.
8% Investigator: John Thompson They pulled to the side of the road to study the phenom-
Looking northeast from his front porch on a cloudy night, ena, and another yellow-orange shape appeared below and
a man noticed more than ten blue-green lights spinning in a to the side of the first one. It, too, projected a beam of
counter-clockwise circle, forming a shape like a donut. The pulsing blue light—but skyward.
oddity was at an altitude of 1,000 feet or more, three miles or Studying both images, they determined that the first was
more away. At one-inch apparent size at arm's length, the triangular and the second was like a boomerang. Each was
anomaly had to be 700 feet or more in diameter. He went about the size of a compact car. At first, a constant white
inside to fetch his cousin. Upon returning, the lights were light was at each corner, and a red light was seen in the
gone. center.
The boomerang had a white light near each end and a red
LOG # 970113E, MA-1,08/13/96, LaGrange, GA, at light in the center. They also saw the beams sweep back-
14:30 hours EDT, 18:30 GMT, for 0.3 minutes. In- and-forth across areas on the ground and in the sky, as if
dex=19% Investigator: JohnThompson scanning for something.
While fishing in his boat on foggy West Point Lake, a In about five minutes, the objects turned off their beams
mechanic and his friend saw a large, white, spherical object and began heading toward them. They responded by
suddenly appear about one-half mile away at an altitude of moving their truck further down the highway to stop at a gas
about 1,500 feet. station, but the objects continued to follow. The trio were
It looked very much like the moon, but they knew the overflown by the two craft, which then raced away and out
moon was not full. The two watched for about 20 seconds, of sight.
then looked away momentarily. In that brief time, the light
disappeared. An independent witness said a similar object LOG # 961109bC, FB-1,07/05/96, Mounds View, MN, at
was seen moving very fast across the sky on the same day 15:10 hours CDT, 20:10 GMT, for 2 minutes. Index =
and in the same area. 5% Investigator: Craig Lang
The witness, who is also a member of MUFON, told
another MUFON member of this sighting. The investigator
LOG # 961109eC, FB-1,08/08/96, Lino Lakes, MN, at
23:13 hours CDT, 04:13 GMT, for 2 minutes. Index = learned of the event through the mutual friend.
6% Investigator: Craig Lang It was such a nice day that a woman decided to bird
The investigator received e-mail from the Minnesota watch for a few minutes during a work break. Her eyes
MUFON Webmaster which included a detailed report from caught on a metallic sphere the size of a nickel at arm's
the witness. The detail was drafted onto Form 1, and the length that was halfway up from the east-southeast horizon
witness was interviewed by telephone. and, she thought, moving too fast to be a balloon.
Lying on his back to watch the stars on a perfectly clear It traveled toward the northwest and was lost to view in
night, the witness noticed a triad of lights moving very high two minutes, when it was about midway to the horizon. The
in the sky from the northwest to the southeast. He initially ground-level wind was from the opposite direction.
thought they were from a satellite, but then questioned why If only 1,000 feet away, the object would have had to be
he would be seeing three lights unless there were three about 30 feet in diameter. At 25,000 feet-a reasonably low
separate satellites close together, which did not seem altitude for a weather balloon-it would have had to be over
reasonable. 600 feet in diameter to be the size of a nickel at arm's length.
The lights were in a right triangle formation which was
held throughout his viewing time, and this indicated they
were physically or intellectually associated. He could not
see any blinking lights, so he concluded that they must not
be of a conventional aircraft [not a good basis for his
conclusion]. In two minutes, they had faded from view.
The witness called the UFO Reporting Center and was told
that there had been a corroborating sighting in Illinois.
LOG # 970727E, MA-1,07/27/96, Wedowee, AL, at 21:08
hours EDT, 01:08 GMT, for 5.5 minutes. Index = 21%
Investigator: John Thompson
A man was driving with his son and another boy west-
ward toward Wedowee, Alabama, on Highway 48 during a
partly cloudy night in July. A large orange ball of light
suddenly appeared halfway up in the sky to their west,
seemingly out of nowhere, shining through the fog from an T. David Spencer
altitude of 1,200 - 1,500 feet. As they continued their
journey, the front of the object began emitting a blue beam
December 1997 Number 356 Page 13

According to information released about the cameraman

Beyond Roswell via Ray Santilli, he suffered from polio as a child. Polio
victims usually had affected limbs. It could not have been
The Santilli Alien Autopsy Film his arms as he would not have been able to operate a
camera, so perhaps his legs or a leg. The movement of the
By Philip Mantle cameraman seen when viewing the autopsy film could
MUFON Representative for England indicate a bad leg.
Bob Shell made enquiries among senior US military
The alleged UFO crash at Roswell in July 1947 is well cameramen and asked if they remembered a colleague from
known among UFO researchers and members of the public the 1940's with a bad leg. They knew one, his name was
alike, but in 1995 the Roswell story took a dramatic and given and he now lives in Florida and was the exact age
controversial turn. claimed for the cameraman by Ray Santilli (86). The
In March 1995, London video and music distributor Ray cameraman's name is not Jack Barnett, a name used
Santilli showed for the first time to an invited audience his originally by Santilli to protect the identity of the true
alleged alien autopsy film. Media representatives and UFO cameraman. Jack Barnett worked for Universal News,
researchers alike gathered in the museum of London to view filmed Elvis Presley at a high school concert and is now
what has proven to be one of the most controversial events deceased.
in the history of UFOs. Santilli's cameraman did not work for Universal News but
A debate had already raged before this event, with angry did film another Elvis concert when the Universal camera-
UFO researchers challenging Santilli to "shut up" or work men were on strike. Ray Santilli has an interview on video
with them, and others claimed from the very beginning, with his cameraman, a video which has been viewed by both
even before seeing the film, that it was a hoax, just because Michael Hesemann and Bob Shell. In December of 1996,
it didn't fit into their concept of what took place in New segments of this interview were shown on TV in Japan, and
Mexico in the summer of 1947. it is hoped, that other TV companies in different parts of the
Santilli's marketing policy, his commercial exploitation of world will also screen it during 1997.
the film, and his ignorance of the UFO field didn't make In April, 1996, Bob Shell was contacted by Captain James
him many friends among UFO researchers. It was not long McAndrew of the United States Air Force. Captain
before many such researchers screamed "hoax" without McAndrew informed Shell that they had located footage
being able to prove anything. from the same stock in their archive and verified that at least
One researcher concluded that "there is no (16mm) film
and no cameraman." This same researcher cried hoax simply part of the Santilli film was authentic and does not show a
because the creature on the Santilli film looked "too special effects dummy.
humanoid to be an extraterrestrial," yet ignoring the fact that The USAF knew the cameraman's name, but were
this is exactly how many UFO witnesses describe such unfortunately unable to locate his current address due to a
creatures. fire which destroyed records at the military records building
Unfortunately, few researchers have been willing to check in St Louis, Mo. Captain McAndrew informed Shell that if
the information available before reaching premature this was made public he would deny everything. He did
conclusions. Such researchers, apart from myself, have exactly that during a taped telephone conversation with
been Bob Shell (USA), Michael Hesemann (Germany), myself later in 1996.
Maurizio Baiata and Roberto Pinotti (Italy), Colonel Although some have criticised the cameraman's technique
Colman VonKeviczky, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Joe Stefula, Lt. in the autopsy film, other military cameramen think it is
Col. W.C. Stevens, Ted Loman, Robert Morning Sky, exactly how they would have filmed it too. "The camera-
Llewllyan Wykel, Theresa Carlson, Steve Kaeser and man keeps moving to get out of the way of the surgeon and
Dennis Murphy (USA). The following is a summary of the keeps trying to get the best perspective. The job of an army
results of the investigation into the Santilli alien autopsy cameraman is to record a procedure on film, not to deliver
film, aided by those above and others: beautiful pictures," said Dr. Roderick Ryan, US Navy
cameraman during the I940's and 1950's, who himself
The Cameraman filmed many secret government projects, including the
atomic tests on the Bikini Atoll.
Yes, there is a cameraman. A number of people besides "Among these circumstances no one could have made a
Ray Santilli have spoken to him on the phone. These better job ... he was not only a well educated and experi-
include Gary Shoefield (Polygram), myself, John Purdie enced movie man, but additionally in full knowledge in
(TV producer in the UK), and David Roehring (TV re-
searcher in the USA). He is an elderly man with an Ameri- editing and production of documentaries. Evidence: filming
can accent. When Gary Shoefield went to see him on behalf the autopsy activities from various view angles," said
of the Polygram company he was ill in a hospital. When I Colonel Colman VonKeviczky, who studied at the UFA Film
spoke to him on the phone he sounded unwell and coughed Academy in Berlin, was head of the audio-visual, division of
quite a bit. the Royal Hungarian General Staff, cameraman and director

December 1997 Number 356 Page 14


of the 3rd US Army at Heidelberg, and member of the Professor Christopher Milroy, pathologist, University of
Audio-visual Department of the United Nations in New Sheffield, England: "Although a close-up of the brain was
York. shown, it was again out of focus. However, the appearance
The Film was not that of a human brain."
Professor Mihatsch, University of Basle, Switzerland: "As
Careful study of stills made from the original film and for the organs removed, they could be tallied with any human
high quality BETACAM copies confirmed the film indeed organs."
was shot on 16mm material. The camera handling seen on Professor Cyril Wecht, former president of the American
the autopsy film indicates the use of a small, light-weight Academy of Forensic Sciences: "I can't place these structures
camera with fixed lenses (therefore the out-of-focus close- in an abdominal context.... I find it difficult to bring in any
ups), like the 16mm Bell & Howell Filmo Camera used by connection with the human body as I know it. The structure
the US military cameramen in the 1940's, the camera the that must be the brain, if it were a human being, does not look
cameraman and Ray Santilli claim was used. Leaders of the like a brain...it does not seem to be a human being."
16mm film shown to Kodak turned out to bear the symbols Dr. Carsten Nygren, Oslo, Norway: "This is not a human
(a square and a triangle) used by Kodak in either 1927,1947 brain. It is much too dark."
or 1967. Professor Pierluigi Baima Bollone, University of Turin, Italy:
Two segments of film, each with three frames, were given "When we look at the inner organs of the body we find no
to Bob Shell, editor of Shutterbug magazine and single organ that in any way resembles any human organ. The
phototechnical consultant of the FBI. After a careful main organ, which could be the liver, has neither the shape nor
physical, examination, Shell confirmed that the film samples the location of a human liver. The face of the alleged extrater-
were pre-1956 16 mm. In 1956 Kodak changed its film base restrial shows surprising anatomical features: very big ocular
from acetate-propionate to triacetate, and the samples were orbits, a very flat nasal pyramid, a mouth somehow wide open
clearly on acetate-propionate film. Shell is of the opinion ... nevertheless the face is flat; there is no evidence of facial
that the film is representative of the story as described by musculature as is present in human beings, which is respon-
Ray Santilli and his cameraman, but that further film testing sible for the large variety of facial expressions of the
would have to be conducted to be 100 % accurate. human species... my overall impression is that we are dealing
with a creature that seems to belong to our species, but is so
Objects clearly different from us that it seemed absurd to speculate
about the similarity."
Everything seen in the autopsy film dates from or before As you can see there are indeed a large body of professional
the time period in question (1947). The telephone is an AT physicians who agree that the creature on the autopsy slab is
&T model from 1946; spiral cords have been optional since indeed flesh and blood and not an FX dummy, and that it is
1938. The microphone is a 1946 Shure Bros, microphone. apparently not a member of the human race.
The medical instruments used were standard equipment for
pathologists in 1947. This was confirmed by Professor The Autopsy Pathologists
Cyril Wecht, former president of the American Academy of
Forensic Sciences. According to Ray Santilli's cameraman, the autopsy itself
was conducted by a "Dr. Bronk" and a "Dr. Williams." Dr.
The Body Detlev Bronk was no surprise to the researchers, since his
name had already appeared in the controversial. MJ-12
The corpse on the table itself has been subject to many documents. He was chairman of the National Research
disputes, trying to answer the question of whether or not it is a Council, America's leading biophysicist, and member of the
special effects dummy, a human girl with a genetic disorder, or Advisory Committee of the Army Air Force and the Atomic
indeed a non-human being. Virtually all special effects (FX) Energy Commission, and certainly the person whom one
experts have concluded that it is indeed possible to fake such would have entrusted the supervision of such an autopsy.
footage of a realistic looking autopsy. After his death all of Bronk's papers and documents were
"Snuff movies" caused many concerns regarding the origin of housed at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research,
the corpses used, and South America was named as an origin
which he was the president of at one time. Bronk was a very
of such material. However, no one has been able to provide
methodical person, and kept detailed diaries and all of his
evidence of a film maker who faked this film either using an
correspondence, notes and dates. But when Bob Shell
FX dummy or some poor unfortunate person from South
America. wanted to look at Bronk's papers and diaries for 1947, he
On the other hand a variety of physicians from many learned that this was the only year that such material was
different parts of the world who have viewed the film are missing. None of the librarians at the institute could tell
convinced that we are looking at flesh and blood and not a Shell what had happened to them or why they are missing.
dummy-a corpse that is either human or even humanoid. Dr. Williams might have been Dr. Parvin Williams (1891 -
Some comments from these physicians strongly suggest that 1967) who was special assistant to the Surgeon General of
we could well be looking at something that is not human. the army at Fort Monroe. He was Lt. Col in 1947 and was

December 1997 Number 356 Page 15


promoted to Brig. General in 1949. Alone the naming of

Williams, who was the right man at the right place for the
task, indicates the cameraman had some inside knowledge.
Were those depicted in the autopsy film indeed pathologists,
surgeons, or just actors ? Let us ask the physicians who viewed
the footage:
Professor Milroy: "Whilst the examination had features of a
medically conducted examination, aspects suggest it was not
conducted by an experienced pathologist, but rather a surgeon."
Professor Mihatsch: "I do not question the capability of
the pathologist or surgeon who is working on the corpse."
Professor Wecht: "They are either pathologists or sur-
geons, who have performed a number of autopsies before."
Professor Bollone: "Definitely surgeons, not pathologists
... well experienced."
Professor Pierre: "The persons who performed the autopsy
were certainly of the medical profession, if not experienced
Dr. Nygren: " They were surgeons doing the work, not
1997 Canadian poll
Indeed neither Bronk nor Williams were pathologists, but
suggests ten percent
Bronk was a biophysicist and Williams a surgeon.
have seen UFO's
By Chris Rutkowski, UFOROM
None of the above quoted physicians concluded they were
actors or made any mistakes. One point of criticism was the Abstract
type of autopsy that was performed. Obviously it served the
purpose to determine the cause of death rather than learn A survey of Canadians regarding beliefs and attitudes
more about the apparent non-human. towards the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
On the other hand, this is explainable by the circumstances was conducted by an independent research network. The
under which the autopsy was performed. According to the results suggest that almost ten percent of all Canadians
cameraman, there were originally four living creatures believe they have seen a UFO and that belief in the existence
discovered at the crash site. One did not survive the recovery of extraterrestrial life is very high among the general
operation, the second and third died about four weeks later, population, confirming results from other surveys conducted
and the fourth survived until May 1949. by national and international professional polling organiza-
We do not know anything about the autopsy of the first tions.
creature, and it might very well be that this was a large
scientific autopsy. The cameraman filmed the second and Method
third autopsies (only one of which has been released to the
public) on July 1st and July 3rd, 1947, when the main concern During August, 1997, Ufology Research of Manitoba
might have been to discover the cause of their death in order (UFOROM) requested the assistance of independent,
to keep the fourth creature alive. civilian UFO groups for a project surveying Canadians on
According to the cameraman the fourth creature was their beliefs and attitudes concerning unidentified flying
autopsied scientifically in a medical theatre in Washington objects (UFOs). Participating groups were solicited on the
DC, in the presence of leading scientists from the USA, basis of their record of investigation and active contribution
England and France. to Canadian ufology. Participating groups were UFO*BC
(Vancouver), Seekers (Brandon). UFOROM (Winnipeg),
The above is an extract from the book BEYOND MUFON Ontario (Toronto) and SOS OVNI Quebec
ROSWELL by Michael Hesemann and Philip Mantle, (Montreal).
During a period of one week, Canadians were surveyed
published by Michael O'Mara Books Ltd in May, 1997 in five cities across the country. Surveys were conducted
(UK), and by Marlowe & Co. in March, 1997 (USA). The randomly either in person in public locations or by tele-
authors request that anyone having knowledge of the phone. Each pollster used an identical set of questions. (A
Santilli film contact them via: Philip Mantle, 1 Woodhall literal translation of the survey from English into French
Drive, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 7SW, England. was used in Quebec.)
They guarantee confidentiality. Survey results were collected and forwarded to UFOROM
where each respondent's answers were coded and entered
December 1997 Number 356 Page 16

into a computer database. Data was entered in MicroSoft This result is comparable to a 1996 Angus Reid poll which
Access, then translated into Excel and later into a file found that 70% of the Canadian population believed in the
readable by SPSS for Windows so that analyses could be existence of extraterrestrial life. A 1985 Roper poll found
performed. only 41 % of the American population believed likewise.
In response to the question: "Do you believe that some
Results UFOs are alien spacecraft?" people answered:
A total of 167 respondents provided data for the survey. Yes 52.1% Not sure 22.2% No 25.7%
Age breakdown was a good cross-section of the populace, as
follows: The qualifier 'some' obviously created a problem for some
Age Number Percent respondents. Other polls have asked "Are UFOs real?"
without qualifying "real" to respondents. In those studies,
Under 20 19 11.4 Roper (1985) found that 25% responded positively, whereas
20-29 52 31.1 Gallup (1990) found 27% responded positively. It is thought
30-39 35 21.0 that the qualifier affected the results. Yes, this survey
40-49 23 13.8 suggests that more than half of the population believes
50+ 38 22.8 aliens are presently visiting Earth.
The big question of interest to ufologists was the query:
The number of respondents varied from city to city, as "Have you ever seen a UFO?" In the present survey, the
follows: results were:
City Number Percent
Yes 9.6% Not sure 6.C No 84.4%
Vancouver 20 12.0
Brandon 62 37.1 Nearly one in ten Canadians believe they have seen
Winnipeg 50 29.9 UFOs. In terms of population, this translates into a
Toronto 10 6.0 staggering 3 million Canadians who are UFO witnesses.
Montreal 25 15.0 While this seems high, it should be noted that according to
studies of UFO data, only a small percentage of UFO
The educational background of the respondents varied as reports remain unexplainable after investigation. In other
follows: words, the fact that a large number of people claim to have
seen UFOs does not translate into a large number of actual
Highest Level of Education Number Percent "real" unknown objects seen. (And, it should be noted, an
unexplained UFO does not automatically mean that a
Less than grade 12 32 19.3 spaceship was seen by a witness.)
Grade 12 83 50.0 This result compares very well with other polls. A
First Degree/Diploma/Certificate 38 22.9 1978 Gallup poll found that 9% of the American population
(e.g. Bachelor's Degree) had seen UFOs, a 1985 Roper poll found 7% and a 1996
Second Degree 12 7.2 Newsweek poll found 12% had seen UFOs.
(e.g. Master's Degree) But this question is even more useful with the accompany-
PhD 1 0.6 ing question, asked of UFO witnesses: "Did you report the
UFO to any civilian or government organization?" The
Gender distribution was very nearly equal: responses to this confirm what has been suspected by
ufologists for some time, namely, that most UFOs go
Sex Number Percent unreported:
Female 80 47.9 Yes 12.5% Not sure 6.3% No 81.3%
Male 87 52.1
Only slightly over 12 per cent of UFO sightings are
reported. This means that out of the 3 million which were
Survey Questions Related to UFOs seen by Canadians, only about 375,000 were officially
reported. This is still a large number, but is easier to
In response to the question: "Do you believe in the reconcile with the numbers of reports on file with various
existence of life elsewhere in the universe?" people an- agencies.
swered: For example, other studies of Canadian UFO data have
found that an average of about 250 UFO reports are made
Yes 78% Not sure 9.0% No 12.6% each year. Knowing that only one in ten are reported, this
means that 2500 sightings actually take place. Further,
This overwhelming positive response suggests that most studies show that UFO sightings are most often witnessed
Canadians believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. by more than one person at a time.
December 1997 Number 356 Page 17

This means that at least 5,000 people see UFOs each year. official report (81.3%). We can note that the actual witness-
If we calculate that the living population of Canadians who ing of a UFO would cause most people to hesitate before
have seen UFOs in their lifetimes is uniform each year (and reporting their sighting.
assuming people only see UFOs once in their lifetimes), we Only 14.4% would actually report their sighting to a
can multiply the number of UFO witnesses each year by at UFO group or organization. Obviously, this would depend
least 50 years to give the number of living Canadians who on the witness knowing how to contact a group in his or her
have seen UFOs. area.
This figure is 250,000, only a factor of 12 smaller than the When we correlate the results of this question with the age
number calculated based on the percentage discerned of respondents we find a strong relationship (p<.05). Older
through the poll. This is close enough to the reported values people tended toward reporting sightings to authorities such
that we can suggest that the results of the poll reflect actual as police and government, whereas younger people would
reporting characteristics in the country. tend only to tell friends and family. This might suggest that
Another approach to UFO reporting was to ask people: "If there is still some distrust of authority among younger
you ever saw a UFO, to whom would you report it?" This adults.
question was asked specifically of people who said they had Belief in a military or government cover-up also produced
not seen a UFO, in order to understand how the issue of interesting results. "Do you believe there is a military or
reporting would be approached should the opportunity arise. government cover-up regarding the existence of UFOs?"
The answers are interesting in their trends and dispersion:
Yes 57.5% Not sure 9.0% No 33.5%
No one 14.4 %
Friends 4.3% More than half the population feel that information about
Family 4.3% UFOs is being withheld from the general public. This
UFO group 14.4% compares well with the Newsweek poll (1996) which found
Planetarium 2.9% 49% of the American population believed there was a cover-
University 2.9% up.
Not sure 14.4% Finally, respondents were asked if anyone else in their
Police 13.7% families had seen UFOs.
RCMP 4.3%
Military/Airforce 3.6% Yes 13.3% Not sure 14.5% No 72.3%
Government 16.5%
Media/Many people 4.3% The small percentage of positive responses suggests that
UFO witnesses probably do not come from a family with a
The results are arranged in order from a scale whereby history of experiencing anomalous phenomena. This is a
witnesses are not comfortable with telling others about their complex issue that could be explored by researchers in other
sightings to an extreme where they tell anyone and every- studies.
The five most common responses are interesting, with Correlative studies
nearly identical percentages: No one, a UFO group, Not
sure, Police and Government. (Curiously, very few people A number of significant correlations were found between
said they would report UFOs to the military, implying, factors within the data. The capitalized titles are abbrevia-
perhaps, that there is some distrust or uncertainty about that tions used in coding and correlating the data.
specific kind of authority.) AGE was negatively correlated with COVER-UP (p=.007).
In Canada, "police" and "RCMP" are highly analo- This means that older people tended not to believe in a
gous, so we may be justified in combining the two catego- cover-up, but younger adults did. This is perhaps related to
ries to produce the largest group at 18%. This could be a a generational difference in trust in government.
concern, because there is no concerted effort or mandate for COVER-UP was also negatively correlated with EDUCA-
police or RCMP to investigate UFOs at this time. What TION (p=.032). People with greater education tended not to
would be done with the reports? believe in a cover-up.
Even worse is the number of people who would report AGE was very strongly negatively correlated with belief in
UFOs to the government (16.5%). With a bit of thought, this extraterrestrial life, THE (p=.000). Older people are very
avenue is quite unacceptable. The National Research likely not to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life,
Council of Canada ceased accepting UFO reports in 1995. but younger adults almost certainly hold such a belief
At the present time, there is no official government body What is interesting is that a strong belief in THE is
which is in any way interested in public UFO reports. This correlated strongly with belief in a COVER-UP (p=.000). It
might pose a problem to those respondents if they were to perhaps makes sense that if a person believes that there is
ever actually see a UFO. life elsewhere in the universe, he or she might think the
The percentage of people who would not tell anyone government or military would have this same knowledge
about their UFO experience (14.4%) is at odds with that of and were withholding it because there is no open acceptance
people who have seen UFOs and admit they did not make an of this fact.
December 1997 Number 356 Page 18

nate Canadian UFO-related organizations in a national

UFO ALIEN was negatively correlated with AGE research project. Although UFO groups tend to function
(p=.000). Older Canadians were unwilling to accept that independently, a pooling of resources has always been
some UFOs were alien spacecraft. considered as a possibility for research projects. In the past,
However, UFOALIEN was strongly correlated with however, sharing of information and coordinated efforts
COVER-UP (p=.000). People who believe UFOs are alien have not been entirely successful.
spacecraft definitely think that there is a suppression of this The results of the present study may pave the way for
knowledge. future cooperative ventures in scientific ufology.
The survey had a number of limitations which likely
YES REPORT was correlated with COVER-UP (p=.018). affected its results. First and foremost, the small sample
This implies that people who have seen a UFO are more size and uneven representation across the country may have
likely to believe there is a cover-up. This is probably caused biases to enter into the data.
because to their own satisfaction, UFOs exist, against Future surveys and polls will have to address this problem.
denials of that fact by government and military organiza- A second issue was raised because of the independent nature
tions. of ufology itself. Each of the participating groups may have
Only a weak correlation was found between EDUCA- used slightly different methods in selecting respondents, and
TION and UFO ALIEN (p=.094). It has long been thought randomness may have been compromised as a result.
that there was a relationship between the amount of educa- Another factor is that polling generally took place in
tion and a belief in UFOs as alien spacecraft, but this was metropolitan centers and may not reflect geographic and
only slightly indicated. demographic differences from coast to coast. Maritime
Curiously, there was a significant correlation found Canada was not represented, and neither were the provinces
between gender and the question of others in a witness' of Alberta and Saskatchewan and the North.
family who have seen a UFO. For unknown reasons, more Although polling may have covered most of the primary
women than men reported that others in their families had population centers in Canada, it is possible that there would
seen UFOs (p=.006). At present, we have no way of be major differences in respondents if all provinces and
interpreting this with confidence, other than by noting that territories were included. However, the logistical problems
women may tend to know more than men about matters in acquiring data from remote regions and provinces without
within their families. organized UFO groups for human resources are not insig-
nificant. Yet we must note that the quality of information
Highlights of the Survey obtained in this pilot study may indicate that such a major
effort is warranted and should be explored.
Based on survey data:
78 % of Canadians believe in the existence of life else-
where in the universe. Without the active participation of independent UFO
52.1 % of Canadians believe that some UFOs are alien groups, this study would have been impossible. Apprecia-
spacecraft. tion is given to the groups: UFO*BC (Vancouver), Seekers
9.6% of Canadians believe they have seen UFOs. (Brandon), UFOROM (Winnipeg), MUFON Ontario
Only 12.5% of these reported their sightings to a civilian (Toronto) and SOS OVNI Quebec (Montreal). Individual
or government organization. thanks go to Dave Pengilly, Gavin McLeod, Graham
More than one-third (18% + 16.5 %) of Canadians said Conway, Bill Oliver, Brian Fidler, Dave Creighton, Steve
that they would report any UFO to the police, RCMP or the Hladkyj, Errol Bruce-Knapp, Sue Kovios, Tom Theofanous,
government. Victor Viggaini, Drew Williamson, Victor Lorenco, Jacques
Only 14.4% would report it to a UFO organization Poulet and Riccardo Melfi.
devoted to the investigation of such phenomena.
57.5% of Canadians believe there is a military or govern-
ment cover-up of information regarding UFOs. References
Older people are more likely than young adults not to
believe in a cover-up, and tend not to believe in the exist- Angus Reid/Southam News Poll (1996). Canadians on
ence of extraterrestrial life or that some UFOs are alien the possible existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.
spacecraft. Released Sept. 10,1996.
People who think UFOs are alien spacecraft tend to think
that there is a cover-up. Durant, Robert (1997). Public opinion polls and UFOs.
People with higher education tend not to believe in a UFO In: UFO 1947-1997. Fifty years of flying saucers. London:
cover-up. Fortean Times.
Limitations ReutersNariety News Poll (1996). Nearly half of all
Americans think the government is hiding proof of UFOs
This was a preliminary study which attempted to coordi- from the public. Released July 1, 1996.
December 1997 Number 356 Page 19

Letters to Mufon UFO Journal Dear Editor,
I feel that the following is a problem for many MUFON
State Directors and Section Directors. How many of you
Editor, MUFON Journal: have called an investigator or trainee for an assignment only
I share Robert Woods' concerns about Lt. Col. Philip to be told, "I would like to help with the case, but don't have
Corso's lack of documentation, sources, and other support- the time," or "I have a job that comes first"?
ing evidence for his incredible claims ("Philip Corso: An I have heard all of the reasons for not being available. My
Alternative Take," Journal, August 1997). This even question is, why do these people join MUFON as investiga-
extends to the minuscule material he does offer, e.g., his tors or as an investigator trainee?
book's photo section, which I did not have the benefit of If anyone is considering becoming an investigator, please
seeing when reviewing the book for the Journal (July, keep in mind some important items. One, if you do not have
1997) because I read it in galleys. the time to go on field investigations, do not request to be an
The last three pages offer four alleged UFO photos, all investigator or investigator trainee. Two, the majority of state
sourced to the National Archives and which are captioned directors, section directors and investigators do have full time
thus with no further identification: "Lt. Col. Corso was jobs. But we still find time for MUFON. Three, if you are a
never able to confirm the veracity of the following pur- MUFON investigator trainee, it is a prerequisite to obtain a
ported UFO surveillance photos, which were in Army copy of the MUFON Field Investigator's Manual before you
Intelligence files as support material for the R&D project to attend any training classes or go on field investigations.
harvest the Roswell alien technology for military pur- So the next time your membership is up for renewal, please
poses." change your status from Investigator or Trainee to Journal
One photo is the long-since-discredited 1935 Ford hubcap Subscriber if you do not have the time or desire to partici-
out-of-hand-joke photo taken near Riverside, Calif., in pate.
1953. The other three are from, of all things, the Condon Remember, in order to solve the UFO puzzle we must ask
Committee report (plates 34 and 26, respectively): one of ourselves, What can I do for MUFON and not what can
the September 1957 Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, "flying ring" MUFON do for me?
snapshots (positively ID'd almost 30 years ago as being of J.R. Gillis, State Section Director,
a smoke ring generated by a simulated atom bomb demon- Mississippi Gulf Coast
stration on the base) and both May 1950 McMinnville (in
my opinion all but certainly genuine) saucer photos, one of Dear Dwight,
them marked up for analysis by committee investigator I want to take time to write a note of thanks to Dennis
William Hartmann. Stacy, who served as the Editor of the MUFON Journal for
Woods' prediction that Corso's book "will wind its way the past almost 13 years and for the professionalism and
into the list of very important books on UFOs" likely will improvement he brought to the information and format of the
prove correct. Let us hope this will be because it finds its journal during this period of time.
place on the shelf where it belongs, between Leslie and Also it gives me an opportunity to wish you and your
Adamski's The Flying Saucers Have Landed and Scully's wife Carolyn continued success and excellence in future
Behind the Flying Saucers. issues of our journal and your other responsibilities as well.
Karl T. Pflock And thanks for your work with SKYLOOK years ago.
Dear Mr. Connelly: George D. Fawcett
Congratulations on your return to the editorship of
MUFON's UFO magazine. Dear Friends,
Thanks to the MUFON UFO Journal for printing the As a new subscriber to UFO JOURNAL, I was taken
first installment of John Schuessler's article "Human aback and confused by the November 1997 cover headline
Physiological Effects From Unidentified Flying Object "Mexico City UFO?" I would think that after hundreds of
Reports" (Nov. 1997). These accounts fill the gap between thousands of sightings and film records, visitations to the
conventional sightings and the more subjective abduction craft, abductions, physical evidence on the ground and on
phenomenon. radar, etc. we would be long past the mind-set of calling
The 1980 Cash/Landrum close encounter, which Mr. them unidentified flying objects. To the U.S. Government,
Schuessler investigated at length, was remarkable not only the objects have been identified since July 1947 (and
for extreme physiological effects on the witnesses, but also probably earlier). They are called alien flying objects (AFO).
for the possible involvement of the military. Given current As to the identity of the AFO on your cover, I would say it is
suspicions about clandestine government involvement with Pleiadian.
UFOs (Lammer, Helmut. "More Findings of Project While I am on the subject, we should change the name of
MILAB." MUFON UFO Journal Nov. 1997), a review and MUFON to MAFON, and only use the terms UFO and
update of the Cash/Landrum affair by Mr. Schuessler would AUFO when we are uncertain about the planet/star origin of
be appreciated. the AFO.
King R. Giloth-David
James Kelley
December 1997 Number 356 Page 20


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agendas of alien confederations on Earth & intelligence agencies #2 Caney Valley Drive
network created to deal with them. Send $ 16.95 + $2 s/h to Excelta Plumerville, Arkansas 72127-8725
Publishing, PO Box 4530, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33338.
December 1997 Number 356 Page 21
Moon Phases:
Walter N.Webb
First quarter—January 5
Full moon—January 12
Last quarter—January 20
o <J
New moon—January 28
January 1998
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): The Stars:
From lower right to upper left, Venus (magnitude -4.5 to During the midevening hours the Winter Circle of bright stars
-4.2), Mars (1.2), and Jupiter (-2.0) are beautifully arrayed in stands out prominently in the southern sky. The stars are
the SW at dusk during the 1st half of the month. Thereafter, Sirius, Procyon, Pollux and Castor, Capella, Aldebaran, and
Venus disappears from the evening sky. If one can find Venus Rigel. The latter bluish-white star marks the left leg of the
just after sunset (when the sky-planet contrast is less), the most outstanding constellation in the sky, Orion the Hunter.
brilliant planet's large (one minute of arc diameter) crescent
phase is resolved in binoculars. It is because our planet neigh- Don't be fooled by Sirius when it is near the horizon. Due to
bor now is near its closest approach to Earth. atmospheric refraction effects, the Dog Star has accounted for
its share of false UFO reports. In January the star rises S of E
The lunar crescent joins the planet parade on January I and 2, about the time twilight ends—around 6 PM.
with the Moon being very near Jupiter on the 1st. The cres-
cent Moon returns to the vicinity of Mars and Jupiter on the
29th and 30th. the crescent being very near Mars on the ear-
lier date.
Mars and Jupiter, both in Capricornus. gradually close the gap -,///-\l

between them to a mere 0.25° on January 20. Thereafter, the

pair separates, reversing positions (Mars now above Jupiter).
Saturn (0.7). in Pisces, lies in the S at dusk, moves westward, December 4 -7 — Second World UFO Congress Acapuico 1997 in
and sets in the W soon after 1 I PM in midmonth. The quarter Acapulco, Mexico. For information contact Pasquale Lopresti. Fax
Moon is near the planet on January 4 and 5. 011 (525) 589-33-43.
December 7-14 — First World UFO Forum, Brasilia. D.F. Brazil at
Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
Pariarnundi Convention Center Sponsor is Legiao da Boa Vontade
Venus appears in the ESE at dawn after midmonth, rising ear- (LBV) and Coalition of Leading Brazilian UFO researchers. For
lier each morning. Look for a thin crescent Moon to the right information write to Caixa Postal 2182, 79008-970 Campo Grande
of the planet on January 26. (MS) Brazil.
February 1-7, 1998 — The 7th Annual International UFO Congress
Probe Update: Convention and Film Festival. To be held at the Gold River Resort
Mars Pathfinder and the little Sojourner rover ended their in Laughlin, Nevada. For information contact the UFO Congress,
highly successful mission on Mars last fall when the lander's 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy. #K2-274. Westminster, CO 80020.
batteries died. Mars Global Surveyor entered orbit around the Phone/Fax (303) 543-9443.
same red planet September I 1. MGS is gradually lowering its
March 20-22,1998 — 6th Annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference,
path for its photomapping mission which includes targeting
Beachside Resort Hotel, Pensacola Beach, FL. For information call:
the controversial "Face on Mars." Cassini was launched
850-432-8888, fax to: 850-438-1801 or write: Project Awareness,
October I 5 and is en route to Saturn. The I st of 4 gravity
P.O. Box 730. Gulf Breeze, FL 32562.
boosts from 3 planets (including Earth) occurs in April when
the probe flies by Venus. Galileo's primary 2-year mission or- June 26, 27 & 28,1998 — MUFON 1998 International UFO
biting Jupiter ended in December. An extended Galileo mis- Symposium, Renaissance Denver Hotel. Denver, Colorado.
sion continues for another 2 years. On tap are more flybys of Reservation information will be published m a future issue of the
the Jovian satellites Europa, Callisto, and lo. Lunar MUFON UFO Journal.
Prospector's launch was rescheduled for January. Its goal is to July 3-5 — Rosweil Days, Rosweli. New Mexico. For information
survey our Moon's geology from low polar orbit. Also this contact International UFO Museum & Research Center, P.O. Box
month Voyager I passes Pioneer 10 to become the most dis- 2221, Rosweli, NM 88202 or call (505) 625-9495.
tant human-made object in space.


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Cut out or reproduce this order form and mail to MUFON, I03 Oldlownc Rd., Seguin, TX 78I?5. A gift card announcing your gift will he mailed to the
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December 1997 Number 356 Page 22



terested, please send a resume covering your qualifica-
In China, UFOs Make for Serious Science
tions and why you feel that you would like to fill this po- by Kathy Chen
sition to Walt Andrus in Seguin, TX. Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal


In order to publish more current UFO sighting reports
in the Journal, the Board of Directors recognizes that
there are too many people handling and approving re-
ports, creating delays before they reach T. David
Spencer, the Deputy Director, Investigation. David is the
gentleman responsible for entering the reports into our
database. It is imperative that the reports have been
properly investigated at the source by the Field
Investigator and the pertinent information secured from
the witness.
Since the State Director is closer to the Field
Investigator than the Regional Directors, we want all
State Directors to send their screened and approved Sun Shili and 'alien'
sighting reports directly to T. David Spencer, 6700
BEIJING - In ever-changing China, which in places
Woodcrest, Austin, TX 78759. This revision is an ex-
has rocketed from agrarian poverty to urban modernity
periment to speedup our approval system of reports. If
in less than a decade, nothing seems impossible these
we find that it is successful, the Field Investigator's days.
Manual will be revised accordingly. Not even UFOs.
That may explain why 60-year-old Sun Shili, pro-
MUFON MERCHANDISE fessor of international trade at Beijing's University of
MUFON has been selling speciality merchandise at International Business and Economics, is holding court
our UFO INFORMATION CENTER in Seguin, TX at China's hallowed Academy of Science along with a
each depicting the MUFON logo. These same items South Korean delegation from something called the
are listed on our Web site. Now we want to make them Embassy of Extraterrestrials.
available to everyone via the Reader's Classified in the In the West, unidentified flying objects and alien ab-
Journal. The list is confined to T-shirts from S through ductions are the stuff of Hollywood pulp and super-
XL, coffee mugs, ball caps (2 colors), battery operated market tabloids. But in China, UFOs are a matter of
wall docks, and alien jewelry. The T-shirts are white cot- great national importance. Prof. Sun's group, the
ton with the MUFON logo printed in royal blue. Our as- Chinese UFO Research Association, receives govern-
sociate members have asked to have them made avail- ment grants, and its members include some of the na-
able to all members, since they were so appealing to our tion's most respected scientists and academics — even
teenagers. Please see the Reader's Classifieds for or- Communist Party officials.
dering details. These enthusiasts aren't merely trying to prove the
existence of UFOs: They are attempting to figure out
what makes them fly and then harness that power for
everyday use in China.
The one-inch long oval-shaped lapel pin has the MU-
"UFOs are faster than any airplane or car," Prof. Sun
FON logo in blue on a white background outlined in explains. "We hope to use the UFO phenomenon to re-
gold with a pin clasp on the back suitable for fastening solve China's energy and efficiency problems." The
to clothing. You may order yours from MUFON in professor, who once worked as a tranalator for Mao
Seguin, TX for $5 plus $1 for S&H. This is an opportu- Tse-tung, adds that while "the focus of foreign UFO
nity to let people know that you are a MUFON member studies on sightings is a little passive," in China "we've
by proudly wearing our new lapel pins . The lapel pins always linked our research with sceince."
are being mailed in a special bubble pack envelope to Of course, classifying the study of UFOs as "sci-
protect them from damage. (Due to the popularity of the ence" protects Prof. Sun and his group from Communist
lapel pins, another order has been placed and future or- Party prohibitions against engaging in superstition.
ders will be back ordered.)

December 1997 Number 356 Page 23


Walter Andrus o •o

NEWS FROM AROUND THE NETWORK Director for Charlevoix. Cheboygan, Emmet, Otsego.
and Presque Isle counties. Kenneth M. Guillotte
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS (Franklin, LA) has been appointed State Section Director
The MUFON Board of Directors and the Journal for St. Mary, St. Martin and Iberia Parishes. Dino
Staff take this opportunity to extend our best wishes to Brancato (Leesville, LA) is the new State Section
all of our members world wide, during the holiday sea- Director for Vernon, Beauregard and Allen Parishes.
son, in our t w e n t y - e i g h t h year. In lieu of m a i l i n g
Christmas cards to everyone, we have elected to pass our NEW CONSULTANTS
greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year The following Consultants volunteered their profes-
in the form of our traditional Christmas Journal cover. sional expertise this past month: Douglas R. Hogan, Ph.
Wes Crum, staff artist, has again shared his artistic talent D. (Nonhport, NY) in Psychology; Alfonso M. Taboas,
with his fellow members. Ph.D. (Rio Piedras, PR) in Clinical Psychology: and
Wherever you may be on this beautiful blue planet, Dennis E. Wasitis, J.D. (Arlington, VA) in Law.
we want to greet you in a familiar language: Joyeux
Noel et Bonnie Annee — Prettige Kerstdagen en MUFON LEADERSHIP
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar — Frohe Weihnachten und ein The strength and accomplishments of MUFON can
Gutes Neues Jahr — Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo be directly attributed to the"grass roots" level of our
— Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo — Merry leadership. In States where we have an active state di-
Christmas and a Happy New Year. rector, the activities and UFO sighting reports flourish.
It is very obvious to both the local members and head-
NEW JOURNAL EDITOR quarters alike, when state section directors conduct reg-
Dwight Connelly, former editor of SKYLOOK. has ular meetings and in some cases field investigator train-
taken over the editorship of the MUFON UFO JOUR- ing classes. State Directors are very appreciative of the
NAL with this issue. His address is 14026 Ridgelawn, help that they receive from the Regional Directors and
Martinsville, Illinois 62442. Submitted articles for pub- the MUFON home office. State and regional UFO con-
lication may be sent directly to Mr. Connelly or to MU- ferences create a new and exciting area of interest for
FON in Seguin, TX. Reader's Classifieds should be members, such as Peter Geremia's annual N H - M U -
mailed to Walt Andrus, attaching a check made payable FON Conference. New Hampshire still has the highest
to MUFON. Since our ad page is a service to our read- ratio of MUFON membership to population, which is a
ers, only MUFON members may purchase ads. prime example of outstanding leadership. State newslet-
Based upon the hundreds of Journal Survey forms re- ters are important in this regard to improve communi-
ceived from our readers, suggesting improvements, be cations, but are not necessarily essential.
prepared for subtle evolutionary revisions now. We thank If the trend in decreased membership is to be ar-
everyone for taking the time and interest to respond so as rested, every officer in MUFON must extend them-
to make your Journal something that you can be proud selves by getting more involved at the state and local lev-
to share with your friends and relatives. els. This is what makes MUFON unique in the field of
ufology. We should all ask ourselves — what can 1 per-
NEW OFFICERS sonally do to promote the work of MUFON to meet
Ronald H. Penrod (Helena) has again accepted the our goals and objectives in resolving the UFO phenom-
position of State Director for Montana. William J. enon?
Murphy, M.A. (Rochester Hills) and his wife, Linda,
Co-Directors for Michigan, have resigned due to pres- MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR
sure in their professional lives. Both played a large part At the a n n u a l Board of Director's m e e t i n g in
in the success of the recent MUFON International Greensboro, NC in 1996, one of our goals was to select
Symposium in Grand Rapids. On November 2, an elec- a Membership Director to develop positive programs to
t i o n w a s held b y M i c h i g a n M U F O N i n w h i c h increase MUFON membership, while recognizing the
Assistant State Director, Richard M. McVannel, competition that existed in the field. We are still seeking
(Boyne City) was elected Michigan State Director. His an energetic, selfstarting, and congenial person to fill this
wife, Brenda C. McVannel, is the State Section important post on the Board of Directors. If you are in-

December 1997 Number 356 Page 24 Continued on Page 23

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