24.03.14 Newsletter

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Wednesday 26
!unlor School Mums Lo
?ear 4 roducLlon 1uesday and Wednesday
6pm aL Lhe !unlor School
lrlday 28
daffodlls for sale afLer school
(its Mothers Day on Sunday!)
lrlday 28Lh March, 2 unLll 3pm !unlor
School 1A meeLlng

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1D<>A free chocolaLe for all Lhe
children (maybe)
1hursday 3
!unlor School Cpen
lrlday 4
Aprll lasL day of Lerm. Pappy
lrlday 4Lh Aprll, afLer school 3:13 unLll 4:43
!unlor School LasLer ulsco!

We Lry Lo make good use of our school grounds LhroughouL Lhe
year, buL now LhaL sprlng has flnally arrlved we can geL ouLslde
more ofLen Lo Lake our learnlng beyond Lhe classroom. Weve had
a look around Lhls mornlng Lo see whaL we can dlscover do you
flnd ouL whaL Lhe names of Lhe planLs ln Lhese phoLos, and can
you spoL Lhem as you walk around Lhe schools?

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School Counclllors from ?ear 2, 3 4 3 and 6 meL LogeLher lasL week wlLh Mr SouLer, Mrs kenney, Mr Sulllvan and Mrs Mackay. 1he
sub[ecL of conversaLlon was Sampllng uay, Lhls ls generally Lhe flrsL 1hursday ln !uly (Lhls year 1hursday 3
) and ls Lhe day when
chlldren across Lhe clLy all move up Lo Lhelr new yeargroup and spend Lhe day wlLh Lhelr new Leacher.
We wanted to hear the childrens memories of their last Sampling Day and what suggesLlons Lhey have abouL maklng lL even beLLer.
SLaff across Lhe lederaLlon wlll be revlewlng Lhe formaL of sampllng day so look ouL from some fresh changes.
Pere are ls whaL some of Lhe school counclllors Lold us:
1he day ls always fun buL lL would be good Lo do some work Loo, so LhaL day ls more llke a proper day.
I would like more time to look in the books of the children in the class, to see the kinds of things I am golng Lo be doing
The class could watch a film ?'+1/ ' ,4=.@A No, not a movle buL a fllm abouL a usual day ln LhaL yeargroup, Lhe old class
could make it and then the new class could watch it and find out more.
Maybe spread sampling day over more than one day?
I need time to get to know my new teacher, because it is like making a new friend.
1hank you Lo our School Counclllors for maklng such LhoughLful suggesLlons on behalf of Lhelr yeargroups.

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1he PeadLeachers and Chalr of
Covernors of Lhe school have conducLed a proper rlsk assessmenL and
Lhe declslon Lo close Lhe lnfanL School ls based on wheLher Lhe healLh,
safeLy and saLlsfacLory educaLlon of puplls can be guaranLeed ln Lhe
absence of Leachers Laklng sLrlke acLlon.
Wednesday 26
March nursery Cpen lnfanL School
Closed !unlor School Cpen

Arrlvlng aL school
Some of our !unlor School chlldren seem Lo be havlng a compeLlLlon Lo see who can arrlve aL school Lhe earllesL, whlch ls
causlng us a blL of a supervlslon problem. 1he doors Lo Lhe school open aL 8:30am, and Lhere ls no need for Lhe chlldren Lo be
arrlvlng much before Lhls Llme, parLlcularly lf Lhey are belng lefL on Lhelr own. lf you have Lo drop your chlld off early Lo geL Lo
work you wlll need Lo book a place aL 8reakfasL Club or make your own arrangemenLs Lo have Lhem looked afLer.

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lnfanL and nursery School !unlor School lollow us on 1wlLLer
01392 238894 01392 667830 SLokefed

1he recorder lessons have proven Lo be very popular and are golng well! lf your chlld would llke Lo slgn up for
lessons, please conLacL Carol ?eo aL Lhe !unlor school as Lhe 8ecorder Leacher can sLlll accommodaLe a few more!
arenL 1eacher lnLervlews
lL was good Lo see so many of you aL our arenL 1eacher lnLervlews lasL week. 1hese meeLlngs are a really lmporLanL opporLunlLy
for you and your childs teacher to share what is going well and to discuss the things that need to be worked on for the rest of Lhe
year. We saw Lhe parenLs of more Lhan 90 of Lhe chlldren, buL lf you had Lo cancel for any reason, or mlssed Lhe deLalls of Lhe
evening, please talk to your childs teacher about making an alternative appointment.

3D?<+ F#A>#G- LnergeLlc chlldren were seen everywhere on lrlday! 1he weaLher was klnd and our flrsL vlslL Lo Lhe Lop
fleld was a flLLlng celebraLlon and a remlnder Loo of Lhe many opporLunlLles our chlldren have Lo llve healLhy llves
and Lo be flL.
Lets hope that the amazing Sport Relief total raised so far enables children around the world to have such fitness fun.

A warm SLoke Plll welcome Lo Mr Chrls SLockLon our new 1eachlng AsslsLanL who wlll be coverlng Mrs 1wlLchens
maLernlLy leave whlch wlll commence shorLly!

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