DBE Tables
DBE Tables
DBE Tables
1. 2. #. *. ". 3. Please provide these tables as pdf files and in MSWord. Place the MSWord format of all the tables in Module 2.7 and the pdf files in the appropriate eCTD/CTD locations. Mar ins for the paper should be 1! for the top and bottom and 1.2"! for the left and ri ht sides. $ll te%t should be Times &e' (oman 1). Please use the Default Table St+le 'hen creatin the tables 'hen the+ are created in Microsoft, Word. -Select Menu Table.Table $uto /ormat.Table &ormal0 Table 11 Table *1 Table 71 Table 21 and Tables 1).13 should be in P4(T($5T orientation. Table 21 Table #1 Table "1 Table 31 Table 6 should be in 7$&DSC$P8 orientation.
This information is needed for a complete ;ioe<uivalence revie' and1 althou h re<uired for the archival cop+ submitted to the $ enc+1 it is fre<uentl+ not readil+ available in the ;ioe<uivalence Submission. The Division of ;ioe<uivalence prefers that this information be submitted as a electronic /orm #"39. 5f this is not possible1 then please complete Table 1.
Study Design
Stud+ =
Median M M -(an e0 M -BCC0 M -BCC0 -BCC0 -BCC0 Col.= p.= M M Median M -BCC0 M -BCC0 -BCC0 -BCC0 -(an e0
Stud+ =
M M Median M -BCC0 M -BCC0 -BCC0 -BCC0 -(an e0 M M Median M -BCC0 M -BCC0 -BCC0. -BCC0 -(an e0
Col.= p.=
;4< "&+&
;4< "&+&
FirmDs Pro!osed S!ecifications Dissolution Testing Site (Name) ddress) Study %ef No& Stud+ (eport =J Stud+ (eport =J Testing Date Product +D E Batch No& (Test 1 -anufacture Date) (%eference F G#!iration Date) Test Product Dosage Strength H Form m Tablet Capsule m Tablet Capsule No& of Dosage 3nits 12 "ollection Times (minutes or hours) Study %e!ort 2ocation
(eference Product
Provide dissolution data for all stren ths -test and reference0.
$ e -+ears0 $ e Lroups
Se% (ace
Mean K SD (an e M 12 12 N *) *) N 3* 3" N 7" O 7" Male /emale $sian ;lacI Caucasian 9ispanic 4ther Mean K SD (an e
& -B0
& -B0
PharmacoIinetic1 (eason $ -e. . belo' 74E0 (eason ; (eason C 8tc. Total 1 . 5f no repeats 'ere performed for pharmacoIinetic reasons1 insert P).).! Please provide a separate table for each anal+te measured for each in.vivo stud+.
&/$ &/$
Please provide separate table for each ;ioe<uivalence Stud+ Q Please provide time1 treatment -test or reference01 and cause of dropout1 if reason of dropout is other than Ppersonal reasons!.
Table 1= Summary of Standard "urve and ?" Data for Bioequivalence Sam!le nalyses
Bioequivalence Study No& nalyte Name Standard "urve Sam!les
Parameter Concentration -n 1 mc /m70 5nter da+ Precision -BCC0 5nter da+ $ccurac+ -B$ctual0 7inearit+ 7inearit+ (an e -n 1 mc /m70 Sensitivit+/74E -n 1 mc /m70
-(an e of (2 values0
Parameter Concentration -n 1 mc /m70 5nter da+ Precision -BCC0 5nter da+ $ccurac+ -B$ctual0
5f applicable1 please provide separate tables for the parent dru and metabolite-s0
5f the standard meal referenced in the CD8( Luidance for 5ndustr+ /ood.8ffect ;ioavailabilit+ and /ed ;ioe<uivalence Studies is used1 then it is not necessar+ to complete the table. 5n that case1 please add a statement in the fed bioe<uivalence stud+ report indicated that the P/D$ standard meal! 'as used. 5f an alternative meal is used1 then please complete the above summar+ table.