Lesson Plan & Activity

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LESSON PLAN Class Level No of students Duration f !ime !

opic : : : : : Year 3 Iman High-proficiency 30 3" minutes #nit 3 $ %y Cousins& %y Neigh'our

(ylla'us (pecifications ")*)3 +'le to use ver's correctly and appropriately ,aregular ver's ,'simple present tense

3).). +'le to /rite /ith guidance ,a0uestions 3)*)* +'le to /rite in neat legi'le print /ith correct spelling ,aphrases ,'simple sentences Learning utcomes

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: a) use accurate ver's ') use appropriate ad1ectives in /riting a description of a person c) /rite a short description of a person 2ocus (3ill !hin3ing (3ill : : 4riting 5elating and generating ideas (tudents have 'een taught on the and ad1ectives in the previous lesson *) 4e should get to 3no/ our neigh'ours and relatives .) 4e must appreciate our neigh'ours and relatives *) Handouts .) 4or3sheet 3) !e9t'oo3 :) %ah1ong paper

6revious 7no/ledge: %oral 8alue :

!eaching %aterial

Steps / Time


Teaching-Learning Activities

Assessment/ Remarks

Set induction ,; " min-

<rainstorming session

*) !eacher starts the session 'y as3ing 0uestions: a- Do you have any cousins= '- 4hat do you do /ith them /hen they come to visit= .) (tudents ans/er the 0uestions 'y saying their ans/ers aloud) 3) !eacher /rites the ver's on the 'oard as the students say it out) :) !eacher as3s students to tell the class /hat their cousin loo3s li3e) ") (tudents say out the ad1ectives to descri'e their cousins) >) !eacher lists do/n the /ords on the 'oard as they say it out) Ability to recognize adjectives Ability to recognize verbs

Development (tep * Introduction ,;> min?9planation @ Aiving Instruction

*) !eacher e9plains on /hat the students have come out from the 'rainstorming session) !hings that they do $ is called verbs 4hat their cousins look like $ is called adjectives .) !eacher gives instruction on the ne9t thing that they need to do) 3) !eacher as3s the students to /rite a'out a cousinBfriendB classmate using the ad1ectives

and ver's mentioned in the previous discussion) (tep . ,; *: minIndividual /or3 *) !eacher provides a set of 0uestions on mah1ong paper /hich is pasted on the 'oard to guide students to /rite a description on a person) !"estions on adjectives : Who are you talking about? What is his her name? !o" old is he she? Describe his her face and ho" he she looks like in t"o sentences# !"estions on verbs# What is his her hobby? What do you do "hen he she comes to your house? o Describe t"o things 4riting tas3 What is his her ambition? Ability to produce the .) (tudents /rite a short description of a cousinBfriendBclassmate 'ased on the 0uestions given) 3) (tudents are advised to refer to the te9t'oo3 ,page ..- to have more ideas) targeted "rite up "ith appropriate verbs and adjectives

(tep 3 ,;" min-

*) (tudents are to highlight ad1ectives and ver's using different coloured pens) .) !eacher goes round the class to chec3 on studentsC /or3 and simultaneously provide instant feed'ac3 on their /riting)

Ability to recognize verbs and adjectives

$losure ,;" min-

?nrichment e9ercise

*) !eacher sums up the lessons 'y commenting on common mista3es noticed in studentsC /or3) (tudents then hand in their /or3 for further chec3ing) .) !eacher provides and e9plains a'out an enrichment e9ercise on ver's and ad1ectives as home/or3)

$%ST&'&CAT&ON O' (ATER&AL SELECT&ON a) Set &nd"ction !he students that /e have in the classroom are assumed to have a high level of proficiency) !herefore the lesson planned must suit to their level) 2or the set induction session& the teacher starts /ith 'rainstorming the ideas a'out the people around them /hom they are familiar /ith& /hich in this case& their cousins) !his might provide a higher chance for the students to 'e a'le to ans/er the 0uestions prompted 'y the teacher) 4e can say that the learning theory learnt here is constructivism)

!he most important aspect during a learning process is that students need to relate their old e9perience /ith ne/ information) Here& /e assume that the students already 3no/ a'out their cousins and have e9periences regarding their visits hence this may ena'le them to respond to the teacherCs 0uestions appropriately) +s /hat 8ygots3y said a'out D6D ,Done of 6ro9imal Development-& the session emphasiEes on the important role of the environment /here studentsC performance ,/ith the help of adults or cooperation from their peers- /ill 'e 'etter than using their o/n a'ility alone) <esides 3no/ing the language& through this 'rainstorming activity& students /ill encounter ne/ voca'ulary such as thin& short& fat and chu''y& fair ,any relevant /ords- /hich might 'e mentioned 'y their peers) !he main reason for preparing students to do this activity is to provide them /ith support so that they can carry out the activities in the development session successfully)

+part from that& at this point students /ill indirectly list do/n the voca'ulary that come across their minds as to descri'e their cousins 'esides providing as much ver's as possi'le /hen they need to tell /hat they al/ays do during their cousinsC visit) !hey do not naturally pay attention to the form ,/ordsof the language) Ho/ever& a/areness of underlying language system and the natural pattern in language can help them to achieve higher levels of language a'ility eventually) b) %i& *eve+opment Step ': (ntroduction In this session& the teacher dra/s studentsC attention to specific grammar forms& /hich are ad1ectives and ver's& to introduce the structure to the students) !his is in line /ith one of the 3ey concepts in ?L! introduced 'y Long ,*FF*& as

mentioned in (heen& .00.- /hich is Gfocus on formC) In this lesson& the teacherCs main focus is on meaning rather than on grammatical features) !he teacher simply points out to the students after they have come up /ith various /ords to descri'e /hat their cousins do and /hat they loo3 li3e are called ver's and ad1ectives respectively) !hrough natural interaction& the focus still retains on communication 'ut there is an e9posure to comprehensi'le input on the targeted linguistic elements ,(heen& .00.-) %ii& Step ) In this segment& the teacher presents the students /ith a set of 0uestions on mah1ong paper and pastes it on the 'oard in order to provide the necessary scaffolding and support that may 'e needed 'y standard 3 students) +ccording to %c7enEie ,*FFF& as mentioned in 8an Der (tuyf& .00.-& scaffolding may help students to feel less confused and more clear on /hat is e9pected of them regarding the given activity) <y providing a specific structure& in this case the set of 0uestions& the chances of students 'eing on tas3 is higher as they /ould understand the tas3 'etter and conse0uently ma3ing the activity more achieva'le for the students) !hus& /ith the said scaffolding& /hen the students produce the actual /riting activity& they may further construct their o/n understanding on ho/ to use ad1ectives and ver's to descri'e /hat is targeted in the /riting tas3 in a more successful manner) 2urthermore& 'y referring to the te9t'oo3& /hich is the original source of the /hole lesson& students /ould 'e a'le to have a 'etter idea on ho/ to /rite the short description) %iii& Step * In this part of the lesson& students are as3ed to highlight the /ritten ad1ectives and ver's in their /rite up) !his is to reinforce their understanding of the targeted linguistic elements and conse0uently increase the potential of fossiliEing the ac0uired 3no/ledge)

2urthermore& during this time teacher goes around the class to chec3 studentsC /or3 and also provide instant feed'ac3 for those /ho need it) !his feed'ac3 may pro'a'ly 'e on their sentence structure and their grammar) +ccording to %orris ,n)d)-& this type of feed'ac3 can 'e considered as a formative comment in /hich the main intention is to assist students to revise and improve their /or3) !eacher may as3 0uestions such as Hare you sure a'out this part=I or Hho/ can you ma3e this sentence 'etter=I in order to allo/ students to rethin3 the G/ea3er elementsC of their paper and together /ith suita'le comments to increase their motivation and engagement in doing their /or3) c) C+os"re <efore the class ends& the teacher provides students /ith home/or3 /hich acts as an enrichment on /hat they have learnt in class regarding ad1ectives and ver's) Johnson and %cCom' ,.00K- advocate the idea of providing home/or3 'y stating that home/or3 may facilitate students to retain the ac0uired schemata in class and further develop it into concept formation)!he given enrichment activities are suita'le for the students as they ma3e the learning process more fun /hile still 'eing on topic) %oreover& Johnson and %cCom' stated that 'y giving home/or3& teachers are helping students to understand that learning may also happen 'eyond school environment)

RE'ERENCES Johnson& !) () @ %cCom'& ?) %) ,.00K-) Home/or3 help in afterschool programs) 5etrieved %ay .*& .0*3 from http:BB///)sedl)orgBafterschoolB tool3itsBhome/or3BpdfBh/LlitLrev)pdf %orris& A) ,n)d)-) +iving feedback on student "riting# 5etrieved %ay .3& .0*3 from http:BB///)lsa)umich)eduB#%ICHBs/eetlandBHomeB2orM.0(tudentsB 4ritingM.05eferencesM.0and M.05esourcesBAiving4riting2eed'ac3+pril.0*.)pdf (heen& 5) ,.00.-) 7ey concepts in ?L!: G2ocus on formC and Gfocus on formsC) ,-. /ournal, 01,3-& 303-30") 8an Der (tuyf& 5) 5) ,.00.-) (caffolding as a teaching strategy: +dolescent learning and development) 5etrieved %ay .3& .0*3 from http:BBcondor)admin)ccny)cuny)eduBNgroup:B8an Der (tuyfB8an Der (tuyf 6aper)doc

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