SYNOPSIS Minnor Project

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Name of the Student Programme AUUP Enrollment No. %lass &oll No. %onta(t No.: )*$ !$')* : : : : Ayush dwivedi MBA-M&S A ! ""!# $# %' E-Mail:ayush.dwivedi'$+gmail.(om

Duration - $ ,ee-s Title of Project

A study on E-marketers in India. {With online special Reference to, Jabon .com, !,"
Objective of project

.o study the distin(tive features of (ertain /rominent ,Jabon .com, !,

.o study the /romotion strategy offered 0y the 2 sites. 1,

Jabon .com, !,

.o study the /romotion strategy offered 0y all 2 sites. 1,

Jabon .com, !,

Area of the Project

Concept of E-Marketing E-Mar-eting is the use of information te(hnology in the /ro(esses of (reating3 (ommuni(ating and delivering value to (ustomers managing (ustomer relations EMar-eting is the fusion of 4. with traditional is no dou0t a0out it 5 the 4nternet has (hanged the world we live in. Never 0efore has it 0een so easy to a((ess information3 (ommuni(ate with /eo/le all over the glo0e and share arti(les3 videos3 /hotos and all manner of media. .he 4nternet has led to an in(reasingly (onne(ted environment3 and the growth of 4nternet usage has resulted in de(lining distri0ution of traditional media television3 radio3 news/a/ers and maga6ines. Mar-eting in this

(onne(ted environment and using that (onne(tivity to mar-et is e-Mar-eting. EMar-eting em0ra(es a wide range of strategies3 0ut what under/ins su((essful eMar-eting is a user-(entri( and (ohesive a//roa(h to these strategies. ,hile the 4nternet and the ,orld ,ide ,e0 have ena0led what we (all New Media3 the theories that lead to the develo/ment of the 4nternet were 0eing develo/ed from!)* s.

.his study hel/s to understand the a0out the (on(e/t of e-Mar-eting. .he study will hel/ the management of E- mar-eters informing the future /oli(ies regarding sales /romotion strategy. .his is li-e des(ri/tive method of understanding a0out how to /romote your /rodu(ts or servi(es while using internet. 4t will also des(ri0e what are the methods and strategies of e-Mar-eting with advantages and disadvantages also.

Are online social n$% site the &e% Marketin Essentials' Challenges brands face online !earch En ine (ptimi)ation .he mar-eting over internet whi(h is 0e(oming most effe(tive way of /romoting any 0usiness with minimum (ost and ma7imum rea(h to target (ustomer. So in this re/ort you will see dis(ussion a0out how a(tually eMar-eting should 0e done and with more strategies of e-mar-eting. Also all forms of e-Mar-eting is des(ri0ed whi(h will hel/ to understand the to/i( in detail. .his /ro8e(t is all a0out the E-Branding strategy ado/ted 0y (om/any in today9s fast moving world & how they e7/and their mar-et3 how they rea(h to their (ustomer & give them an easy way to do 0usiness & thus esta0lish 0etter relationshi/ 0y /roviding then time saving & fast online 0usiness o//ortunity. .o study the im/a(t of mar-eting a(tivity over 4nternet .o study the 0uild and retain 0rand loyalty. .o study to introdu(e new /rodu(t. .o study to attra(t new (ustomer. .o raise awareness of the (om/any3 /rodu(t3 or servi(e within a (learly identified target mar-et .o (ommuni(ate the 0enefits of the /rodu(t or servi(e. * +s of E-Marketin

Methodology .his is a Mar-eting Pro8e(t and the :ata %olle(tion for the /ro8e(t would 0e fa(ilitated 0y e7/loratory resear(h done for the data availa0le on the internet.

.he Mar-eting and Strategi( (on(e/ts a//lied in the /ro8e(t would 0e 0ased on the -nowledge that 4 have gathered during my (ourse as a Mar-eting ma8or student.

.ools li-e Multidimensional s(aling would 0e used for the /rodu(t /ositioning and /rimary data will 0e (olle(ted for the same. %ontent analysis through Plagiarism %he(-er 4 will 0e /erforming e-mail mar-eting3 0logging3 sear(h engine o/timi6ation3 media release and using so(ial networ-ing we0sites

Signature of the (andidate

Name and signature of fa(ulty guide

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