Oracle Apps Technical Consultant

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Zaheer Nazir has over 7 years of experience working with Oracle Applications. He has skills in various Oracle modules including Financials, HRMS, Payroll, SCM, and eAM. He also has experience in forms and reports customization, database development, and data loading.

Zaheer Nazir has skills in Oracle Applications implementation, customization, production support, and more. He is experienced in various Oracle modules and has qualifications including an Oracle Certified Professional diploma.

At Al Qahtani Pipe Coating Industries, Zaheer Nazir's roles included functional support, Rice component development, forms personalization, database development, data loading, and dashboard development.


Cell +966-505593572 E-mail: [email protected] Status: arrie! ".#.$. 2% th &ul'( )9%5

#*er 7 + years o+ e,tensi*e e,-erience as Oracle Application Technical De eloper in im-lementation( ugra!ation an! customization o+ Oracle e!"#siness S#ite Release $R%&' in a consultanc' an! in!ustr' ( .his inclu!es s'stem stu!'( !esign( !e*elo-ment( im-lementation( -ost im-lementation maintenance an! su--ort o+ Oracle E"S . E,tensi*e e,-erience o+ *arious mo!ules in #racle 0--lications in 1inancials( 23 S( /a'roll( SC ( 4or5 in /rocess( $ill o+ aterial( 6ualit' an! e0 . "e,terous in 37CE Com-onents 8ithin se*eral mo!ules in #racle 0--lications. E,-erience in )roc#re to )ay 9/2/:( Or*er to cash 9#2C: li+e c'cles an! Su--l' Chain ;usiness +lo8s. Strong <no8le!ge o+ 0--lication 7m-lementation etho!olog' 9 AIM :( 0--lication o;=ect >i;rar' 9 AOL : igration( Customization( /ro!uction

im-lementation stan!ar!s( .ra!ing Communit' 0rchitecture 9 T+A : an! so+t8are "e*elo-ment >i+e C'cle 9 SDL+ :. E,-ertise on !esigning an! im-lementing Oracle Alerts an! Loo,#ps . 4ell *erse! 8ith client ser*er en*ironment an! tools li5e S-L.)l#s/ )L0S-L/ S-L.Loa*er/ Toa*/ Oracle.1or2s/ Oracle.Reports/ 3or,4lo5/ Disco erer/ S-L De eloper( E,-ert in "e*elo-ing an! Customizing the 1orms an! 3e-orts using ? > -u;lisher an! "e*elo-er )0g as -er client s-eci+ication. E,-erience in im-orting !ata +rom legac' s'stems to #racle 0--lications using Oracle Inter4acin6/ S-L LOADER/ UTL71ILE/ Oracle pac,a6e* A)Is( E,-ertise in re@uirement anal'sis( s'stem !esign( Data 1lo5 Desi6ns ( su--ort( !e*elo-ment( testing( !ocumentation an! !esign re*ie8s. E,-ert in !e*elo-ing .echnical !esign !ocuments 9 MD898 :( .echnical .est !ocuments 9 TE8&8 :( Con*ersion 9 +:8;8 : ( $SRs' E,cel in team colla;oration( @uic5 a!a-tation an! -ro;lem sol*ing 8ith goo! communication s5ills. igration !ocuments 9 MD8%&8 : an! inclu!ing creationA+ollo8-u- o+ Oracle ser ice re<#ests

"achelor in +o2p#ter Science $ 1o#r Year ' 0griculture Bni*ersit' o+ 1aisala;a!( /a5istan I+S <ech Crammar School .ur;at( /a5istan Diplo2a in Oracle +erti4ie* )ro4essional 7n+ormatics College o+ Science an! .echnolog' 1aisala;a! 9htt-:AA888.icst.e!u.-5A: Diplo2a In >raphic Desi6nin6 Co*ernment College Bni*ersit' o+ 1aisala;a!( /a5istan Oracle A* ance* )L0S-L De eloper +erti4ie* )ro4essional Sau!ia 0ra;ia &88= &88& &88; &88?


)M) Trainin6 Sau!ia 0ra;ia


Al -ahtani )ipe +oatin6 In*#stries $KSA'
#racle 0--s .echno 1unctional Consultant

8;0&8%8 )resent 8A0&8%% )resent


>ro#p 1i e )ipe Sa#*i Lt*( $Sister +o2pany' $KSA'

#racle 0--s .echno 1unctional Consultant LMK Reso#rces )a,istan )ri ate Li2ite* $)AK' ERP Consultant A(1( 1er6#son B +O $2e2Cer 4ir2 o4 )rice 3aterho#se +oopers(' $)AK' Technical Consultant


Sitara Te@tile In*#stries $)AK' Oracle Developer


Al -ahtani )ipe +oatin6 In*#stries$A-)+I'
Oracle Apps Techno 1#nctional +ons#ltant
As an Apps Techno 1#nctional +ons#ltant I ha e Ceen per4or2in6 4ollo5in6 4#nctions in Al!-ahtani )ipe +oatin6 In*#striesE

8;0&8%8 )resent

Ci*ing the +unctional su--ort o+ Discrete Man#4act#rin6 ( 6ualit' an! SC . "e,terous in !e*elo-ment o+ 3ice Com-onents in the +ollo8ing mo!ulesE ). 2. 3. D. 5. 6. 7. %. 4or5 7n -rocess $ill o+ 6ualit' SC 23 S /a'roll 1inancials e0 aterial

1orms /ersonalization( "ata;ase #;=ects "e*elo-ment( 7nclu!ing Store! 1unctions( Store! /roce!ures( "ata;ase .riggers( /ac5ages( "ata u-loa!ing an! "ata Con*ersion. "ata B-loa!ing +rom legac' s'stems to #racle 0--lications using #racle 7nter+acing( S6> >#0"E3( B.>F17>E( #racle -ac5age! 0/7s. "e*elo-ing Stan!ar! an! Customize! "ash;oar!s +or #racle "ail' $usiness 7ntelligence in 1inancial( anu+acturing( 7n*entor'( #r!er anagement an! /urchasing. E,tensi*e "e*elo-ment o+ Collection /lans ;ase! on !i++erent re@uirements +or !i++erent /ro=ects raise! ;' Com-an'Gs Customers. "e*elo-ing .echnical !esign !ocuments 9 "070:( .echnical .est !ocuments 9.E020:( Con*ersion 9CH050:( igration !ocuments 9 "0)20: an! inclu!ing creationA+ollo8-u- o+ #racle ser*ice re@uests Creation an! anagement o+ "11s( <11s an! 0--lication 0lerts.

>ro#p 1i e )ipe Sa#*i Lt*( $ Sister co2pany o4 A-)+I '

Oracle Apps Techno 1#nctional +ons#ltant
As an Apps Techno 1#nctional +ons#ltant o4 I2ple2entation tea2 I ha e Ceen per4or2in6 4ollo5in6 4#nctions in >ro#p 1i e )ipe Sa#*i Lt*(E

8A0&8%% )resent

/ro+icient in !e*elo-ment o+ 3ice Com-onents in the +ollo8ing mo!ulesE ). 2. 3. D. 23 S /a'roll SC 1inancials

1orms /ersonalization( "ata;ase #;=ects "e*elo-ment( 7nclu!ing Store! 1unctions( Store! /roce!ures( "ata;ase .riggers( /ac5ages etc. "e*elo-ing an! Customization o+ 3e-orts an! 1orms. "ata u-loa!ing Scri-ts "e*elo-ment +or 0/7Gs +or >egac' "ata B-loa!ing acti*ities.

LMK Reso#rces ER) +ons#ltant

)a,istan )ri ate Li2ite*/ Isla2aCa* +lient S#i Northern >as )ipelines Lt* $SN>)L'
$Apps ersion %&(8(=/ OS AIF ;(?'


Oracle +ore HR/ )ayroll an* S+M $R%&'

As ER) +ons#ltant o4 i2ple2entation tea2/ I ha e per4or2e* 4ollo5in6 4#nctions in LMKR )a,istan *#rin6 2y ten#reE

/ro+icient in !e*elo-ment o+ 3ice Com-onents in the +ollo8ing mo!ulesE ). 2. 3. D. 23 S /a'roll /urchasing 7n*entor'

1orms an! 3e-orts CustomizationA"e*elo-ment using "e*elo-er )0g. .esting an! "e*elo-ment o+ the "ata;ase #;=ects 7nclu!ing Store! 1unctions( Store! /roce!ures( "ata;ase .riggers( an! /ac5ages etc. "ata u-loa!ing Scri-ts "e*elo-ment +or 0/7Gs +or >egac' "ata B-loa!ing acti*ities. Creation an! anagement o+ "11s( <11s.

A(1( 1er6#son B +O $ mem;er +irm o+ )rice 3aterho#se +oopers('

Technical +ons#ltant( +lient/ D(> Khan +e2ent +o2pany )ri ate Lt*( Oracle +ore 1inancials an* S+M $R%&' Oracle Applications D"AH $Apps ersion %&(8(=/ Lin#@ G(;'


As Technical +ons#ltant in i2ple2entation/ I ha e per4or2e* 4ollo5in6 4#nctions in D(>( Khan +e2ent +o2pany )ri ate Lt*(

2an!s-on e,-erience in 37CE Com-onents in these +ollo8ing mo!ules. ). 2. 3. D. 1inancials /urchasing 7n*entor' #r!er anagement

eeting 0!hoc 3e-orting 3e@uirements using #racle "isco*erer an! 3e-ort $uil!er.

"e*elo-ing customizing 1orms an! 3e-orts( 1orms /ersonalization( .esting an! "e*elo-ment o+ the "ata;ase #;=ects 7nclu!ing Store! 1unctions( Store! /roce!ures( "ata;ase .riggers an! /ac5ages etc. "ata u-loa!ing Scri-ts "e*elo-ment +or 0/7Gs +or >egac' "ata B-loa!ing acti*ities. 3econciliation o+ .ransactional !ata ;et8een >egac' an! #racle 1inancials S'stems. aintaining "11s( <11s an! a--lications alerts.

Sitara Te@tile In*#stry

$+#sto2iIe* So4t5are/ 3in*o5s &888' Oracle De eloper As Oracle De eloper/ I ha e per4or2e* 4ollo5in6 *#ties *#rin6 2y ten#re at Sitara Te@tilesE


aintenance an! "e;ugging +ollo8ing custom !e*elo-e! 0--lications using #racle 1orms 96i: ). 2. 3. D. 5. 6. 7. %. 7n*entor' Cost anagement

/urchasing /ro!uction 4ea*ing Stitching $atching 1inishing.

Customize! 3e-orts "e*elo-ment using re-orts 6i in +ollo8ing custom mo!ulesE ). 2. 3. D. 5. 6. Cost anagement

/ro!uction 4ea*ing Stitching $atching 1inishing.

"e*elo-ment an! .esting o+ "ata;ase .riggers( Store! /roce!ures( 1unctions( 3e-orts 6ueries. "ocumentation o+ Stan!ar! #-erating /roce!ures9.echnical( Ion-.echnical:

3e+erence 8ill -ro*i!e as an! 8hen re@uire!.

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