" A Study of Critical Factors Affecting Various Sectors": A Project Report ON
" A Study of Critical Factors Affecting Various Sectors": A Project Report ON
" A Study of Critical Factors Affecting Various Sectors": A Project Report ON
Submitted in the partial Fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of
&hi' i' to certif( that re'earch pro)ect A STUDY OF CRITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING VARIOUS SECTORS ha' been completed b( Mr1 ANIL 2UMAR* the 'tudent of "#A final (ear under m( 'uper+i'ion. ,e ha' 'hown tremendou' -eal* enthu'ia'm and inno+ation' and ha' wor.ed pain'ta.ingl( for the 'ucce''ful completion of thi' pro)ect / recommend it for 'ubmi''ion to the 0ni+er'it( for 1+aluation. / wi'h him all the be't in hi' future endea+or'.
Dr1 Art Gaur Le3t1 I! De&tt 1 Of Bus !ess A"# ! strat o! C4au"4ar) De' La5 U! 'ers t)6 S rsa .
/* ANIL 2UMAR* 'tudent of ".#.A. $F/NAL%* Department of #u'ine'' Admini'tration* C01 DEVI LAL UNIVERSITY* S/RSA hereb( affirm and declare that / ha+e completed 2ro)ect Report entitled A STUDY OF CRITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING VARIOUS SECTORS a+ailing the 'uper+i'ion of m( guide Dr1 Art Gaur $Le3turer%6
Department of #u'ine'' Admini'tration* 3h De+i Lal 0ni+er'it(* Sir'a. / al'o declare that thi' report i' purel( an original and authentic wor. done b( me and the 'ame ha' not been 'ubmitted to an( uni+er'it( or /n'titution for the ward of an( other degree and diploma.
The person who influences me, the most is not he, who does great deeds but he, who makes me feel that I can do great deeds. /t ha' been correctl( 'tated that we build our'el+e' on the 'houlder' of other'. / con'ider it m( dut( to ac.nowledge certain per'on' without whom a''i'tance and guidance thi' wor. could not be underta.en. Fir't of all* / e4pre'' m( 'incere than.' to Dr1 Art Gaur $Lecturer% Department 5f #u'ine'' Admini'tration* 3h. De+i Lal 0ni+er'it(* Sir'a* for her guidance and co-operation for m( pro)ect 6A STUDY OF CRITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING VARIOUS SECTORS. /t tran'cend' all barrier' of written word' to e4pre'' m( deep Sen'e of gratitude and indebtedne'' to m( 2arent* brother' and friend'* who helped me a lot and without their 'agaciou' guidance and 'cholarl( 'ugge'tion' m( pro)ect could not ha+e been 'ucce''ful.
&heoretical .nowledge without the practical e4po'ure i' of little +alue. &heoretical 'tudie' in cla''room are not 'ufficient to under'tand the functioning and nature of re'earch. &herefore it become' nece''ar( to undergo re'earch pro)ect wor.. 2ractical pro)ect 'upplement' the theoretical 'tudie' i.e. it co+er' what i' left unco+ered in the cla''room. /t e4po'e' a 'tudent to in+aluable plea'ure of e4perience'. "( re'earch pro)ect on the topic A STUDY OF CRITICAL FACTORS
Certificate Declaration Acknowledgement Preface
I!tro"u3t o! of t4e Stu")
Pa9e No1
C4a&ter +,
Re' e: of L terature
Resear34 Met4o"o5o9)
A!a5)s s a!" I!ter&retat o! o Anal('i' of &rend' and 2attern' of FD/ o Anal('i' of factor' affecting FD/ in /ndia
o An Anal('i' of determinant' of FD/ in /ndia
F !" !9s Su99est o!s > Re3o##e!"at o!s 3o!35us o!
B (5 o9ra&4)
I!tro"u3t o!
&hi' 'tud( i' ba'ed on the factor' which are affecting Foreign Direct /n+e'tment in /ndia $a' a de+eloping countr(%.&hi' 'tud( i' gi+ing +iew' about FD/ inflow in /ndia a' for FD/ 'o man( factor' are re'pon'ible. Foreign in+e'tment i' a term that ha' been bandied about loo'el( in +irtuall( e+er( di'cu''ion on international bu'ine''. /t mean' different thing' to differentl( intere't group'. &o 'ociali't' it mean' the 'ell out of an econom( to we'tern capitali't'. &o nationali't' it ha' become '(non(mou' with cultural decadence. Liberali-ation and globali-ation ha+e 'timulated the de+elopment of clo'er financial and trade relation between de+eloped countrie' and de+eloping countrie'. &echnical progre'' in tran'port and communication ha' cau'ed economic 'pace to 'hrin.. 3ountrie' now face more the competition than e+er before. &hi' lead' to a 'ignificant re'tructuring of their comparati+e ad+antage and acti+itie'. &he nature of competition i' it'elf d(namic. &he cu'tomer interaction ha' become more important than traditional form' of competition ba'ed on lower co't. &hi' require' countrie' to be more open to international flow' of internal mar.et'* pri+ati-ation and liberali-ation of technolog( and in+e'tment flow at international le+el. Foreign in+e'tment in+ol+e' the tran'fer of financial re'ource' 'uch a'* technolog( and other '.ill' from one countr( to another. &hi' 'tud( i' 'o intere'ting foreign in+e'tment ha' long been a 'ub)ect of intere't. &hi' intere't ha' been renewed in recent (ear' due to a number of rea'on'. 5ne of them i' rapid growth in the global foreign in+e'tment flow' in 788 ' and another important rea'on i' the po''ibilit( offered b( the foreign in+e'tment for the channeling re'ource' to de+eloping countrie' li.e /ndia. After the opening up of the border' for capital mo+ement the'e in+e'tment' ha+e grown in leap' and bound'. #ut after doing thi'
'tud( it i' found that it had +aried factor' acro'' the countrie' and it can affect the factor producti+it( of the recipient countr( and al'o affect the balance of pa(ment'. Stud( 'how' that in de+eloping countrie'* there wa' a great need of foreign capital* not onl( to increa'e their producti+it( of labor but help' to build' the foreign e4change re'er+e to meet the trade deficit. Foreign in+e'tment pro+ide' a channel through which the'e countrie' can ha+e acce'' to foreign capital. /n the globali-ation era the de+eloped are in+e'ting in the de+eloping and under de+eloped countrie'. &he main moti+e to in+e't in the de+eloping and under de+eloped countrie' i' that the mar.et of de+eloped countrie' i' on 'aturation 'tage and there are a lot of opportunitie' in de+eloping countrie' and under de+eloped countrie'. #ecau'e the mar.et of de+eloping and under de+eloped countrie' i' in de+eloping 'tage. &he population of de+eloping and under de+eloping countrie' i' growing at +er( fa't rate thi' al'o of cau'e of increa'ing demand of the product' in de+eloping countrie'. So it i' good to in+e't at international le+el. Direct in+e'tment compri'e' not onl( the initial tran'action e'tabli'hing the FD/ relation'hip between the direct in+e'tor and direct in+e'tment enterpri'e but all 'ub'equent capital tran'action between them and among affiliated enterpri'e' re'ident in different economie'. Stati'tic' that mea'ure the operation' the foreign affiliate' of multinational enterpri'e' 'uch a' emplo(ment* 'ale' and a''et'- do not form part of the traditional balance of pa(ment and international in+e'tment po'ition 'tati'tic'* which capture onl( the net in+e'tment of the direct in+e'tor in foreign. Globali-ation i' an ine+itable and irre+er'ible proce''* and dealing with imperati+e' of globali-ation capitali-ing on it' po'iti+e a'pect' and mitigating the negati+e one' .Globali-ation ha' enhance the opportunit( for 'ucce''* but it ha' al'o po'ed new ri'.' to de+eloping countrie'. A' a re'ult of a re+olution on telecommunication' and information technologie'* the la't 79 (ear' ha+e witne''ed dramatic increa'e' in the trade lin.age and cro'' border capital flow'* a' well a' change' in form* location and
'tructure. /n /ndia there i' 'o man( 'ector' where FD/ i' not permitted in indu'trial 'ector' li.e: Atomic 1nerg( Railwa(' tran'port 3oal and lignite Arm' and ammunition "ining of iron* mangane'e* g(p'um. Sulphar* gold* diamond'* copper* -inc. FD/ ha' been one the core feature' of globali-ation and world o+er the pa't two decade'. &here wa' an interruption during the rece''ion of the earl( 788 '."ore firm' in more indu'trie' form more countrie' are e4pending abroad through direct in+e'tment than e+er before* and +irtuall( all economie' now complete to attract "ultinational 3orporation. &he'e de+elopment' ha+e rai'ed demand' for new 'tati'tical wor. in indu'trial and de+eloping countrie' and in international organi-ation'. /t i' recorded that world inflow' of FD/* which i' increa'ed b( 7! percent a (ear during 788 -8;and 9 percent a (ear during 788<-= in = 7. .&otal world FD/ inflow'* reached 0S >7.9 trillion
&he Go+ernment of /ndia in 7887 embar.ed on liberali-ation and economic reform' with a +iew to bringing about rapid and 'ub'tantial economic growth and mo+e toward' globali-ation of the econom(. A' a part of the reform' proce''* the go+ernment under it' New /ndu'trial 2olic( re+amped it' foreign in+e'tment polic( recogni-ing the growing importance of foreign direct in+e'tment a' an in'trument of technolog( tran'fer* augmentation of foreign e4change re'er+e' and globali-ation of the /ndian econom(. Simultaneou'l(* the go+ernment* for the fir't time* permitted portfolio in+e'tment' from abroad b( foreign in'titutional in+e'tor' in the /ndian capital mar.et. Foreign in+e'tment pro+ide' a channel through which the'e countrie' can ha+e acce'' to foreign capital. /t can be in two form': I1 Fore 9! D re3t I!'est#e!t
T4e fore 9! D re3t I!'est#e!t $FDI% can broadl( be defined a' a long term
capital inflow in to countr( other than aid* portfolio in+e'tment or a repa(able debt. /n other word'* it i' u'uall( long term in+e'tment in equit( b( an entit( that i' out'ide the ho't countr(. &hi' in+e'tment i' deplo(ed to earn a return o+er a long period of time b( wa( of di+idend. An additional ob)ecti+e of the in+e'tment i' often to obtain a 'ignificant or controlling intere't in the management of the firm or compan( in which 'uch in+e'tment i' made. /t in+ol+e' in the direct production acti+it( and al'o of medium to long term nature. &hi' i' the t(pe of in+e'tment made foreign companie' in order to e'tabli'h wholl( owned companie' in another countr( for the purpo'e of managing 'uch companie'.
&he FD/ ma( ta.e in the form of: 7% Green field in+e'tment =% "erger' ? Acqui'ition' /n recent (ear'* merger' ? acqui'ition' ha+e been the ma)or dri+e' of FD/.
'tate to another a' condition' change. 2ortfolio theor( i' a branch of financial economie' which anal('e' the mo't efficient amount' of different a''et' an in+e'tor 'hould hold. &here are mainl( two form' of portfolio in+e'tment in /ndia: #( Foreign /n'titutional /n+e'tor' li.e mutual fund' #( i''uing Global Depo'itor( Receipt' $GDR'%* American Depo'itor( Receipt' $ADR'% and Foreign currenc( 3on+ertible #ond' $F33#'% ADR' and GDR' are Depo'itor( Receipt' ba'icall( a negotiable certificate that repre'ent' a foreign compan( publicl( traded local currenc( $/ndian 3urrenc(%. Global Depo'itor( Receipt' mean' an( in'trument in the form of a Depo'itor( receipt or certificate created b( the o+er'ea' depo'itor( #an. out'ide /ndia and i''ued to non-re'ident in+e'tor' again't the i''ue of ordinar( 'hare' or Foreign 3urrenc( 3on+ertible #ond' of i''uing compan(. 5n the other hand* Foreign /n'titutional /n+e'tor' are tho'e which there mone( in the 'toc. mar.et for a 'mall duration of time to earn the profit.
FD/ bring' growth in net dome'tic 'a+ing? in+e'tment b( 'etting up of new enterpri'e in the ho't countr(. Dome'tic 0nit can al'o be 'et up for proce''ing of 'emi-fini'hed product' produced b( foreign corporation.
/t impro+e' acce'' to international mar.et through competiti+e efficienc( of dome'tic e4port'. "N3@' often de+elop en+ironmental friendl( technolog( at lower co't ? induce local form' to adopt good en+ironmental practice'
'trengthen dome'tic capital mar.et' and impro+e their functioning. &hi' will lead to a better dome'tic capital mar.et' and re'ource' in the dome'tic econom(* and thu' a healthier econom(. 5pen capital mar.et' al'o contribute to worldwide economic de+elopment b( impro+ing the worldwide allocation of 'a+ing' and re'ource'.
Re' e: of L terature
Re' e: Of L terature
&here are well-e'tabli'hed theorie' e4plaining wh( foreign direct in+e'tment ta.e' place and what the potential determining factor' are* including the mar.et imperfection h(pothe'i' $,(mer* 78;F%* internali-ation theor( $Rugman 78<F%* and eclectic approach $Dunning* 78<<%. &here can be +ertical and hori-ontal FD/ inflow'. Certical FD/ ta.e place when factor price' are not equali-ed acro'' the countrie' $,an'on* = 7D ,elpman and Krugman* 78<9%. ,igher trade co't' and 'tronger firm le+el 'cale economie' encourage FD/ relati+e to e4port' $#arinard* 788;%.&hu'* hori-ontal FD/ ta.e' place becau'e of trade co't' $"ar.u'en* 78<GD "ar.u'en and Cenable'* 788<%.
78<G%.FD/ inflow in an( period i' a function of mar.et 'i-e$Hang and Swain*7889%. ,owe+er* 'tudie' b( 1dward' $788 % and A'idu$= and Hei $= condition'. !% 'how that there i' no 'ignificant impact of growth or mar.et 'i-e on FD/ inflow'.Further* Lorre and Gui'inger $7889% % find that mar.et 'i-e and growth impact differ under different
Go'er!#e!t f !a!3e*
Go+ernment finance i' an important i''ue that affect' capital flow'. A high fi'cal deficit lead' to more go+ernment liabilitie' and therefore more ta4e' and the default' on international debt. &herefore* fi'cal 'tabilit( i' generall( con'idered to be one of the indicator' of macroeconomic 'tabilit(. He con'ider the fi'cal deficit for go+ernment finance.,ou'mann and Fernande- $= % and A'idu $= 7%
I!terest rate*
/ntere't rate' affect the co't of capital in a ho't countr(D the( directl( affect one of the determinant' of the in+e'tment deci'ion. &he effect' of intere't rate' on FD/ are 'maller than on the dome'tic in+e'tment becau'e "N3@' normall( ha+ing greater choice' of 'ource of financial.
TaA Rates*
Fi'cal policie' determine general ta4 le+el'* including corporate and per'onal ta4 rate' and thereb( influence inward FD/. 5ther thing' being equal* a countr( with lower ta4 rate' 'hould 'tand a greater chance of attracting FD/ pro)ect than a countr( with higher rate'.
Po5 3) Measures*
&he pre+iou' literature 'how' the impact of go+ernment policie' including in+e'tment incenti+e' on FD/ inflow' into a ho't countr( $Dunning* = = !* #lom'rom and Ko..o* .%&hough !* Schneider and Fre(* 78<9* Grubert and "utti* 7887D &a(lor* =
in+e'tment incenti+e' are con'idered another determinant for FD/* the recentl( paper wa' gi+en b( #lom'trom and Ko..o$= !% 'uge't that in+e'tment incenti+e alone generall( not an efficient wa( to increa'e national welfare
Resear34 Met4o"o5o9)
Resear34 Met4o"o5o9)
Re'earch i' common parlance refer' to 'earch for .nowledge. / t i' a 'cientific and '('tematic 'earch for patent information on 'pecific topic. Re'earch methodolog( i' a wa( to '('tematicall( 'ol+e the re'earch problem.
Nature of Resear34
&he 'tud( i' "es3r &t 'e a' well a' e#& r 3a5 in nature* where the re'earcher ha' u'e the fact' and information alread( a+ailable to anal(-e the problem.
A!a5)s s Patter!
&he pre'ent 'tud( i' emplo(ed +ariou' table' technique to anal(-e data 'o that 'tud( become ea'ier to under'tand to +ariou' reader'..
&o 'tud( the conceptual and theoretical framewor. of Foreign Direct /n+e'tment. &o anal(-e the factor' affecting the Foreign Direct /n+e'tment in /ndia &o e4amine the e4i'ting trend of Foreign Direct /n+e'tment in /ndia. &o 'ugge't the polic( mea'ure' to enhance the FD/ inflow' in /ndia.
A!a5)s s a!" I!ter&retat o!
'ame. 'o it 'how' that open FD/ policie' are a nece''ar( but not a 'ufficient* ,o't countr( determinant of in+e'tment. /n 'ome indu'trie' liberali-ation ma( produce rapid and 'ignificant re'pon'e' b( foreign in+e'tor'* in other' it ma( not. &he negati+e effect' of re'tricti+e policie' are much 'tronger than the po'iti+e effect of liberal policie'. 5ne of the con'equence' of the world wide trend toward' the liberali-ation of FD/ policie' ha' been the reali-ation b( countrie' that a' their FD/ policie' proper become 'imilar* the +alue of the'e policie' tool to influence location become le'' pronounced what the in+e'tor con'ider' i' a good in+e'tment climate* effecti+ene'' of FD/ related police'* and the new polic( area' that cut acro'' traditional policie' and the long term impro+ement of the economic determinant' of in+e'tment. &heoretical literature 'ugge't that liberal trade regime of a ho't countr( ma( ha+e two dimen'ion' influence' on the FD/ inflow'. a% 5pen trade polic( that facilitate intrafirm trade allow greater freedom to "N3' and are e4port friendl( ma( ma.e ho't countr( ha+e a better place to do bu'ine'' for foreign enterpri'e'* and the FD/ inflow ma( increa'e. b% Re'tricted trade regime with high tariff'* offer a locational ad+antage for tariff )umping import-'ub'tituting FD/ b( "N3'. Stronger patent regime impro+e' the in+e'tment climate in the ho't countr( and encourage' the inflow of foreign direct in+e'tment. According to #rewer* 'tronger protection ma( reduce the tran'action co't of tran'fer of .nowledge b( "N3' to foreign countrie'. &he i''ue of intellectual propert( protection lin.' more directl( with R? D and "N3' ma( be apprehen'i+e of locating their .e( R? D in countrie' ma( be a factor in determining the o+er'ea' R? D acti+it( in "N3'. /n other hand* R ? D directed to local adaption and pro+iding other 'upport to the local production of the "N3'* and not directed to new product de+elopment* the patent regime ma( not be of much con'equence to it.
E3o!o# 3 sta( 5 t) of the countr( i' al'o main factor* which affect' FD/ in /ndia.
"onetar( and fi'cal policie'* which determine the parameter' of economic 'tabilit( 'uch a' the intere't rate'* ta4 rate' and the 'tate of e4ternal and budgetar( balance'*
influence all t(pe of in+e'tment* dome'tic or foreign. ,ow the'e +ariable' can e4ert influence on the inflow of foreign direct i' de'cribed a' follow':
I!terest Rates*
/ntere't rate' affect the co't of capital in a ho't countr(D the( directl( affect one of the determinant' of the in+e'tment deci'ion. &he effect of the intere't rate' on the FD/ are 'imilar that on dome'tic in+e'tment becau'e "N3' normall( ha+e a greater choice of 'ource' of financing. For thi' rea'on the intere't rate ha' not been con'idered a' on e4planator( +ariable in the empirical anal('i'.
TaA Rates*
Fi'cal policie' determine general ta4 le+el'* including corporate and per'onal ta4 rate' inward FD/. 5ther thing' being equal* a countr( with lower ta4 rate' 'hould 'tand a greater chance of attracting an FD/ pro)ect than higher ta4 rate'.
integration depend on the 'cope and depth of the integration en+i'aged b( R/FS."ar..et 'i-e and growth rate are the FD/ economic determinant that are mo't affected b( the implementation of a R/F
A#ou!t 7FG9! 88GG! ;=G F F!9;F G!F! !9<8; !!<== !=FF! =!F87 ==8<;
Top 10 World FDI Destinations
C of :or5" !f5o:s 7;.F8J 7 .<9J ;.8 J F.8GJ G.;FJ !.8=J !.F8J !.9FJ =.98J =.97J D<1DEC
"!0000 " 0000 "40000 "20000 "00000 !0000 0000 40000 20000 0
nc e N et he rla nd s H on g K on g A an y da K U S hi n C an a G er m Fr a el gi S pa in a um U
I!ter&retat o!: - &hi' table 'how' that among all the countrie' attracting FD/ in the world* top 7 countrie' attract around F9J of FD/.0K i' ran.ed 7 in the world which attract' ma4imum FD/ in = 9.
A#ou!t ;=G F !9<8; = <! 7= 8F<7 ;78< F98< 9=F GF=< !8F; <
C Of FDI I!f5o:s ! As a
# $2! "%$&& "0$0 $0" 4$!* #$ " #$#" 2$ 4 2$#2
.G! 8/1<
Si ng a
on g
+n d
'ost Countries
I!ter&retat o!: -
&hi' table 'how' that in A'ia* 3hina i' the highe't FD/ attracting countr(* which i' ;=G F million dollar' in the (ear = 9.FD/ in 3hina* i' ;.8 J of the total FD/ inflow' in the world. /ndia i' ran.ed ;th in the FD/ inflow' in A'ian countrie' with F98< million dollar' and .;=J of total FD/ inflow in the world.
Sa ud i
I!ter&retat o!*-
Abo+e table 'how' the amount of annual FD/ inflow' in /ndia from = been 'hown that FD/ inflow in =
up to R'. 7=<9G7 crore'. /t 'how' the ri'ing trend in annual FD/ inflow' in /ndia.
! to No+. =
< i' R'. ;.=8;= crore $5nl( equit( capital to No+. ;6==6E-- crore .
Se3tors FDI I!f5o: C of Tota5 FDI I!f5o:
Ser2ice Sector Computer Hard1are4 So0t1are (elecommunication Construction Acti2ities Housing 4 5eal 'state Automo,ile +ndustry 6o1er -etallurgical industries 6etroleum4 Natural Gas Chemicals %" " #!!#% 2*&%# 20!%* "&*"* "#2*% "20&% "0% & &"&# !"#2 22$003 "2$003 !$003 $003 $003 4$003 4$003 #$003 #$003 2$003
I!ter&retat o!*
/t 'how' from the abo+e table that out of all the a+ailable 'ector'* 'er+ice i' the highe't FD/ attracting 'ector in /ndia which i' further leaded b( 3omputer ,ardware ? 'oftware. FD/ in 'er+ice 'ector i' R'. ;7F7F crore' which i' ==J of the total FD/ inflow' in all 'ector' .
State Co'ere" "ahara'htra* Dadar ? Nagar ,a+eli* Daman ? Diu Delhi*2art of 02 ? ,ar(ana Gu)rat Karnata.a &amilnadu ? 2ondicherr( Andhar 2rade'h He't #engal* Si..im* Andaman ? Nicobar /'land' 2un)ab* ,ar(ana? ,imachal 2rade'h Goa
Kerela 4 7a)shad1eep
FDI I!f5o: 777=F;.!! 9G9!;.=9 ==< G.!G ==98F.F 7<9=G.F= 7GF !.!7 9= 8.F 7;9G.;= 7 9 .=!
!# $"
C 7 t4 Tota5 FDI I!f5o:s !!.9GJ 7F.GGJ F.<;J F.<7J 9.9<J G.G7J 7.9;J .9!J .!=J
F/+ +n0lo1
Ne 1
Ah m
e-ional Offi,es
I!ter&retat o!* +
/t ha' been incorporated from the abo+e table that FD/ inflow' in +ariou' regional office'* which co+ered the +ariou' 'tate' under +ariou' region'. "umbai i' the highe't FD/ attracting regional office co+ered the 'tate li.e "ahara'htra* Dadra ? nagar ,a+eli and Daman ? Dui with !!.9GJ of total FD/ inflow'.
FDI I!f5o:s
"4**4* 2 #!
N I ( e r T U O ) A o C + ) s
20000 0
I!ter&retat o!* +
A' we .now that FD/ in /ndia i' coming from man( countrie'. 5ut of which FD/ from "auritiu' i' highe't from = !- <."a4imum Jage of FD/ in /ndia i' coming from "auritiu'* which i' further leaded* b( 0SA* 0K ? 'o on. 5ut of the total FD/ inflow in /ndia GGJ i' from "auritiu'.
A!a5)s s of fa3tors affe3t !9 FDI ! I!" a FDI ! E5e3tr 3a5 EFu &#e!ts
= = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ;
I!ter&retat o!*
A' the trend 'how' that the FD/ in ectronical 1quipment' i' increa'ing (ear b( (ear that i' a good 'ign for indu'trie' growth. /n = crore. !- G the FD/ inflow in the thi' indu'trie' wa' R'. =GG8 crore but in 9 (ear' it increa'e around F time' that i' R'. 79<9G
I!ter&retat o!* A' the trend 'how' that the FD/ in 'er+ice 'ector i' increa'ing
(ear-b(-(ear that i' a good 'ign for indu'trie' growth. /n = !- G the FD/ inflow' in the'e indu'trie' wa' R'. 7=!9 crore but in 9 (ear' it increa'e around 7; time' that i' R'.=F9<8 crore. &hi' increa'e in FD/ due to mainl( out'ourcing of 'er+ice indu'trie' b( the de+eloped countrie'.
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
I!ter&retat o!* A' the trend 'how' that the FD/ in telecommunication 'ector i' increa'ing (ear-b(-(ear that i' a good 'ign for indu'trie' growth. /n = inflow in thi' indu'tr( wa' R'.9!= crore but in = crore. !- G the FD/ ;- < it increa'e' up to R'. 97 !
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
I!ter&retat o!*
A' the trend 'how' that the FD/ in tran'portation indu'trie' i' decrea'ing from = !- G to = G- 9 but it 'tart increa'ing from = 9- F.and 'till increa'ing* it i' a good 'ign for indu'tr( growth. &he infra'tructure impro+ement pro)ect' are 'tarted b( the Go+t. thi' i' the main rea'on of increa'ing the FD/.
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
I!ter&retat o!* A' the trend 'how' that the FD/ in Fuel and 2ower indu'trie' i' decrea'ing from = G- 9 to = 9- F but it 'tart increa'ed in = F- ;. New pro)ect' 'tart b( Go+t. i' the main rea'on of FD/ increa'ing
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
I!ter&retat o!* A' the trend 'how' that the FD/ in the chemical 'ector i' not 'table. &he Go+t. change' the rule' and regulation' regarding the chemical indu'tr(* 'o it i' the main rea'on of up and down in FD/.
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
I!ter&retat o!* A' the trend 'how' that the FD/ in Drug' ? 2harmaceutical i' increa'ing from = but felled in = !- Gto = G- 9 but it decrea'ed in = 9- F and again increa'ed ;- <.So Drug' ? 2harmaceutical indu'tr( i' 'howing up and down
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
I!ter&retat o!* &he FD/ trend in the Food-2roce''ing i' not 'table in la't fi+e (ear'. &he FD/ i' going up and down. /t i' due +ariation in demand in thi' indu'tr(.
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
I!ter&retat o!* &he FD/ trend in the ,ou'ing ? Real 1'tate wa' -ero in = after that it i' continuou'l( increa'ing till = growing +er( fa'tl( in /nd G- 9 but ;- <. So it i' one of 'ector* which i'
= = = = = !- G G- 9 9- F F- ; ;- <
/nterpretation: &he FD/ trend in the con'truction Acti+itie' 'how' that the FD/ i' not 'table in la't 'i4 (ear'. &he FD/ i' growing in thi' 'ector a' man( road' pro)ect' are going to con'truct. FD/ i' increa'ed 'harpl( in = F- ; and = ;- <.
crore. &hi' 'how' the importance of FD/ in the o+erall foreign in+e'tment programmed. A' /ndia i' in the proce'' of liberali-ation the capital account* it would ha+e 'ignificant impact on the foreign in+e'tment and particularl( on the FD/ * a' thi' would affect 'hort term 'tabilit( in the financial mar.et'. ,ence there i' need to pu'h and pull factor' behind an( change in the FD/* 'o that we can frame our policie' to influence the +ariable' which dri+e-in foreign in+e'tment. &he pre'ent 'tud( would e4amine the determinant' of FD/ in /ndian conte4t. &he'e are +ariou' factor' which are gi+en b( man( re'earcher' in the e4i'ting re+iew of literature li.e "ar.et 'i-e* 'toc. of foreign e4change re'er+e* import' e4port'* labor co't* '.illed labor* openne''* GD2 etc. #ut for the pre'ent 'tud( after anal(-ing all the +ariou' factor' the following factor' are ta.en into con'ideration: 2olitical in'tabilit(* openne''* infra'tructure* GD2 and financial 'oundne''. &he'e determinant' ta.en into con'ideration after re+iewing literature and there relation'hip with the FD/ i' gi+en a' Follow':
5penne'' ha' found to be an important con'ideration for the flow of foreign direct in+e'tment in /ndia a' it i' 'how' that how much the countr( i' liberal in in+iting foreign capital from out'ide the nation.
/t i' being con'idered a' an important determinant of foreign direct in+e'tment a' with the increa'e in the number of telephone per million of population.
/t reflect' the pro'pect' of economic growth or economic de+elopment of the countr(. /t al'o ha' 'ome impact on the foreign direct in+e'tment in the count(.
F !a!3 a5 Sou!"!ess*
&he o+erall financial 'oundne'' of the nation can be mea'ured with help of import* e4port' and e4ternal debt'.
De&e!"e!t FDI I!"e&e!"e!t POLINS OPEN Repre'ent' the political in'tabilit( $14port'K /mport'%BGD2 No. of telephone' per million of population GD2 $14port' K /mport'%B 14ternal debt ,a' a negati+e impact 5n FD/ inflow' 14tent of 1conomic 5penne'' Show' the de+elopment in /nfra'tructure Repre'ent' the mar.et 'i-e Show' the financial Soundne'' Negati+e 2o'iti+e Fore 9! D re3t I!'est#e!t
/n thi' table* FD/* which i' a dependent +ariable* repre'ent' the Foreign Direct /n+e'tment and all other +ariable' are independent which include' Po5 !st6 :4 34 repre'ent' the political in'tabilit( of the Go+t.* which impo'e' a negati+e effect on the attracti+ene'' of foreign direct in+e'tment. OPEN repre'ent the openne'' in the econom(* which 'how' the attracti+ene'' of the econom(. INFR repre'ent' the infra'tructure in a countr( which can be mea'ured with the number of telephone' per million of population 1GDP repre'ent' the gro'' dome'tic product of the countr( which i' u'ed to mea'ure the mar.et 'i-e. FINSND repre'ent' the financial 'oundne'' of the nation* which can be mea'ured* with the help of import'* e4port' and e4ternal debt. /t ha' been ob'er+ed that GDP > POLINST are the two negati+el( correlated +ariable' with foreign direct in+e'tment and all other ha+e po'iti+e relation.
FD/ i' increa'ing in tran'portation indu'tr( becau'e Go+t. allow' the pri+ate 'ector in the air and railwa(' tran'portation. Li.ewi'e* 3hina ran.ed 7't in all A'ian countrie' with !F.8<J of total FD/ in A'ian countrie' and ;.8 J in the whole world and /ndia ran.ed ; th in A'ia attracting FD/ with !.!7J in A'ian countrie' and .;=J in the world.
/n /ndia al'o* Ser+ice 'ector attract' the highe't FD/ equit( inflow from the (ear = - <.
5ut of all the nation' in+e't their capital in /ndia* "auritiu' ran.ed 7 't with appro4* G9J of FD/ inflow. Li.ewi'e* "umbai i' highe't FD/ attracting regional office with !!.9GJof the total FD/ coming to /ndia co+ered the 'tate' li.e "ahara'htra* Dadar ? Nagar ,a+eli and Daman ? Dui. FD/ i' increa'ing in infra'tructure due to highwa( pro)ect'. &he total FD/ from Aug.7887 to No+. = No+. !*99*< crore or 0S > <=*=88. G- < and reached from < i' R'. G*7F*G=; crore or 0S > 88* 9 to
$ onl( equit( capital component onl(% and cumulati+e FD/ from April =
FD/ for real e'tate 'how' the growing trend from = -ero to R'. <;G8 crore.
FD/ i' increa'ing in telecommunication 'ector due to the mar.et potential in /ndia. FD/ in Drug' ? 2harmaceutical i' increa'ed from = decrea'ed in = 9- F and again increa'ed in = <.&he trend 'how' FD/ in thi' indu'tr( i' fluctuating. FD/ in 1lectrical 1quipment i' continuou'l( increa'ing. /t increa'ed 9 time' with in = ! to = <. !- !to = G- 9and ;-
FD/ in 'er+ice 'ector i' increa'ed around 7; time' with in F (ear'. &he main rea'on of increa'ing FD/ i' out'ourcing of 'er+ice 'ector )ob' in /ndia b( the de+eloped countrie'. FD/ i' not 'table in the chemical indu'tr( due to reform change' b( Go+t. &he potential determinant' of FD/ in /ndia a' re+iewing from the e4i'ting literature are mar.et 'i-e* growth pro'pect' and po'iti+e countr( condition'* labor co't and a+ailabilit( of '.illed labor* infra'tructure facilitie'* openne'' and e4port promotion* go+ernment finance* rate of return on in+e'tment* human capital* polic( mea'ure'* intere't rate'* ta4 rate' debt 'er+ice ratio* foreign e4change re'er+e* e4change rate regime etc. A' per the literature there are +ariou' factor' which determine or affect the flow of foreign direct in+e'tment in /ndia 'uch a' GD2* inflation* infra'tructure* political* in'tabilit( etc. 5ut of which 9 factor' are ta.en into con'ideration.
Co!35us o!
/ndia 'ub'tantiall( increa'ed foreign direct in+e'tment 'ince = !- !.Such flow'
are e4pected to ri'e further* gi+en the continuing liberali-ation and globali-ation of the financial mar.et and continuing 'uperior growth performance in emerging mar.et'. /t i' important to note that the le+el of openne'' in the countr( and financial 'oundne'' are +er( 'ignificant in conte4t of FD/ inflow in /ndia. #oth the'e factor' are found to ha+e a po'iti+e correlation. &hi' 'how' that while framing policie'* the polic( ma.er 'hould ta.e into con'ideration all the'e factor'. Le+el of openne'' in the econom( 'hould be increa'ed a' it i' ha+ing a po'iti+e relation with FD/. For thi' there 'hould be more liberali-e polic( in each and e+er( 'ector and the re'triction' 'hould be remo+ed for the inflow and out flow of fund' and e4port and import in the countr(. &he 'econd important factor need' to be con'idered i' financial 'oundne'' a' thi' reflect' the economic de+elopment of the countr( and the 'tep' 'hould be ta.en to increa'e the financial 'oundne''.
Su99est o!s
&he FD/ i' increa'ing too much in 'er+ice 'ector 'o it ma( be dangerou' for our 'er+ice 'ector. So go+t. 'hould ta.e action to control on it' inflow.
&he FD/ i' not 'table in the Drug' and 2harmaceutical and it i' nece''ar( for the go+t. to maintain thi' growth. &he FD/ in chemical al'o not 'table* it i' nece''ar( to maintain the 'tabilit( in FD/ trend 'o go+t. 'hould determine a certain le+el of FD/. &he FD/ i' increa'ing Food L2roce''ing indu'tr( 'o Go+t. 'hould maintain the control on the flow of FD/ in thi' indu'tr( a' it directl( affect' the health of the national'. &he FD/ i' increa'ing continuou'l( in telecommunication 'o it 'hould reduce a' all econom( depend' on it and all bu'ine'' tran'action i' ba'ed on it. FD/ i' increa'ing in 1lectrical equipment' indu'tr(D and new technolog( i' coming in /ndia 'o go+t. 'hould maintain thi' growth.
/nfra'tructure' are con'idered an important factor of foreign direct in+e'tment 'o go+t. 'hould impro+e infra'tructure of the econom( 'o that more and more FD/ can be attract. 5penne'' ha' found to be an important con'ideration for flow of the FD/ in /ndia and po'iti+e relation with FD/* 'o go+t. 'hould be more liberal in in+ite foreign capital from out'ide countr(.
B (5 o9ra&4)
Boo?s a!" Jour!a5s
A'iedu* 1. $= p.7 ;-778. 3hrunilam* Franci' $= !%* #u'ine'' 1n+ironment* 7=th 1dition. !%* 6&he Determinant' of Foreign Direct /n+e'tment to de+eloping countrie': /' Africa DifferentME Horld De+elopment* ! $7%*
Dunning* A.,. $788!%* "ultinational 1nterpri'e' and the Global 1conom(* New Nor.: Addi'on-He'le(. Kothari* 3.R. $= F%* Re'earch "ethodolog(* =nd 1dition* New Age /nternational 2ubli'her* New Delhi. "adhu.ar* Ci.a' ? "ittal Anil $= ;%* 6/mpact of FD/ 5N 1conomic
growth of /ndian-an empirical 'tud(E* Business Analyst* +ol.=*no.7 Seth* A. K.* 6/nternational Financial "anagementE* Galgotia 2ubli'hing 3ompan( New Delhi* = F.
&homa'* L.#rewer$788!%* 6Go+t. 2olicie'* "ar.et /mperfection'* and Foreign Direct /n+e'tmentE
7e(s tes*+