Formulas For The Skin Effect

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circuits of the second amplifier stage the condenser C2 where, can be made to introduce a voltage El across the Rp = plate

resistance of the input amplifier tube cathode resistor of this stage that exactly balances out the voltage E2 applied to the grid of the same tube because of the presence of voltage across the common For perfect neutralization, the voltages E, and E2 should be equal in magnitude and in phase, which gives plate impedance Z,. Let Eo=voltage across the common plate impedR C3 R, / 3 ance _-=-( 1 +-(3) C2 R2 Rp E,=voltage introduced across the cathode of second amplifier stage due to the presence C, R3 / R, \ of Eo t1+ R ). C2 R2-R ~~~~(4) E2= voltage existing on the grid of second ampliplifier stage due to the presence of Eo Equations (3) and (4) are independent and both must X = 2wr X frequency. be satisfied. It will be noted that the conditions for Then, balance are independent of frequency. 1 Ef1E, =Et0 Eo (1''*) ' This neutralizing circuit reduces power-supply hum C3 to the same extent as it does regeneration. This is beC2 frC2R3 cause such hum is caused by a voltage fed back from the power supply to the input stages, just as regeneraZ E2 Eo (2) - tion is caused by a voltage fed back in the same way. The only difference in the two cases is that the voltage 1+-R 1?, R, Rp_ across the output of the power supply arises from dif1+ + + ferent causes. R2 RP jcoC,R2



the Skin Effect*


Summary-At radio frequencies, the penetration of currents and magnetic fields into the surface of conductors is governed by the skin effect. Many formulas are simplified if expressed in terms of the "depth of penetration," which has merely the dimension of length but involves the frequency and the conductivity and permeability of the conductive material. Another useful parameter is the "surface resistivity" determined by the skin effect, which has simply the dimension of resistance. These parameters are given for representative metals by a convenient chart covering a wide range of frequency. The 'incrementalinductance rule" is given for determining not only the effective resistance of a circuit but also the added resistance caused by conductors in the neighborhood of the circuit. Simple formulas are given for the resistance of wires, transmtssion lines, and coils; for the shielding effect of sheet metal; for the resistance caused by a plane or cylindrical shield near a coil; and for the properties of a transformer with a laminated iron core.

Meeting, November 10, 1941. t Hazeltine Service Corporation, Little Neck, N. Y.

ceived by the Institute, May 13, 1942. Presented, Rochester Fall

"surface resistivity" is the resistance of a conducting surface of equal length and width, and has simply the dimension of resistance. In the case of a straight wire, the width is the circumference of the wire. Maxwell' discovered that the voltage required to force a varying current through a wire increases more than could be explained by inductive reactance. He explained this as caused by a departure from uniform current density. This discovery was followed up by Heaviside, Rayleigh, and Kelvin. It came to be called the "skin effect," because the current is concentrated T HE "skin effect" is the tendency for high- in the outer surface of the conductor. The ratio of frequency alternating currents and magnetic high-frequency resistance to direct-current resistance flux to penetrate into the surface of a conductor for a straight wire was computed in terms of Bessel only to a limited depth. The "depth of penetration" functions and was reduced to tables.2-7 is a useful dimention, depending on the frequency I J. C. Maxwell, "Electricity and Magnetism," on page 385. and also on the properties of the conductive material, 1873/1937, vol. 2, section 690, p. 322. 2 Lord Rayleigh, Phil. Mag., vol. 21, p. 381; 1886. its conductivity or resistivity and its permeability. If 3 C. P. Steinmetz, 'Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscilthe thickness of a conductor is much greater than the lations," pp. 361-393, 1909/1920. depth of penetration, its behavior toward high-fre4 S. G. Starling, "Electricity and Magnetism," 1912/1914, pp. quency alternating currents becomes a surface phe- 364-369. ' E. B. Rosa and F. W. "Formulas and tables for the nomenon rather than a volume phenomenon. Its calculation of mutual and Grover, self-inductance (revised)," Bureau of S-169, pp. 172-182, 1916. *Decimal classification R144XR282.1. Original manuscript re- Standards, 6 "Radio Instruments and Measurements," Bureau of Standards,
C-74, pp. 299-311, 1918/1924. 7 J. H. Morecroft, "Principles of Radio Communication," 1921, pp. 114-136.


Proceedings of the I.R.E.

Sebtember, 1942

Wheeler: Formulas for the Skin Effect


Eng., vol. 53, pp. 1592-1593; December, 1934. (A brief description of the physical behavior.) "1 E. I. Green, F. A. Leibe, and H. E. Curtis, "The proportioning of shielding circuits for minimum high-frequency attenuation," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., vol. 15, pp. 248-283; April, 1936. 12 August Hund, "Phenomena in High-Frequency Systems," 1936, pp. 333-338. 13 S. A. Schelkunoff, "The impedance concept and its application to problems of reflection, refraction, shielding and power absorption, " Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., vol. 17, pp. 17-48; January, 1938. 14 G. P. Harnwell, "Principles of Electricity and Electromagnetism," pp. 313-317, 1938. 5 W. R. Smythe, "Static and Dynamic Electricity," 1939, pp. 388-417. 16 J. A. Stratton, "Electromagnetic Theory," pp. 273-278, 500511, and 520-554, 1941. (mks units.)

r=radius (meters) A= area (square meters) I= current (amperes) i = current density at a depth z (amperes per square meter) io=current density at the surface (z=0) H= magnetic field intensity at a depth z (amperes per meter) H0 = magnetic field intensity at the surface (z =0) E =electromotive force (volts) P = power (watts) P1 = power dissipation per unit area (watts per square meter) Z=R+jX=impedance (ohms) X = reactance (ohms) R = resistance (ohms) G = conductance (mhos) L =inductance (henries) Lo= inductance in space outside of conductive medium m =number of laminations n=number of turns r = ratio of resistivity x=ratio of radii Q=ratio of reactance to resistance Fig. 1 is a chart'7 giving the surface resistivity R, and the depth of penetration d for various metals, over a wide range of frequency f. The depth is plotted in parts of an inch, since this aids in practical application and introduces no confusion with the mks electrical units. Each sloping line represents one metal, depending on its resistivity p or conductivity o- and its pere=2.72 =base of logarithms meability ,u at room temperature (20 degrees centiexp x= ex = exponential function Z=depth from the surface into the conductive grade or 293 degrees absolute). The heavy lines are for copper, which is the logical standard of comparison. medium (meters) Additional lines can be drawn to meet special rew = width (meters) quirements, shifting them from the copper line in I= length (meters) accordance with the properties of the metal. 8 E. J. Sterba and C. B. Feldman, "Transmission lines for shortFig. 2 shows a slab of conductive material to be used wave radio systems," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 20, PP. 1163-1202; July, 1932; Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., vol. 11, pp. 411-450; July, 1932. (Con- in describing the skin effect. The current I is concen venient formulas.) I S. A. Schelkunoff, "The electromagnetic theory of coaxial trated in the upper surface. From Harnwell, the altransmission lines and cylindrical shields," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., ternating-current density i in the surface of a vol. 8, pp. 532-579; October, 1934. (The most complete theoretical conductor decreases with depth z according to the treatment.) 10 S. A. Schelkunoff, "Coaxial communication transmission formula lines," Elec.

Steinmetz defined the "depth of penetration" without restriction as to the shape of the conductor. He applied this concept to laminated iron cores, as well as to conductors Unfortunately, he gave two definitions which differ slightly, one for iron cores and another for conductors. The latter definition has been generally adopted, as in the Steinmetz tables on page 385. More recent writers have reduced the treatment of the skin effect to simple terms and have generalized its application.8-'6 Schelkunoff and Stratton have given the most comprehensive treatment of the subject, including the depth of penetration in all kinds of problems involving conductors. They have introduced the concept of surface impedance, from which the surface resistivity is a by-product. In spite of this active history of the skin effect, there is still a need for a simple and direct summary which will facilitate its appreciation and its application to simple problems. That is the purpose of this presentation. Following Harnwell and Stratton, the mks rationalized system of units is employed for all relations, except where inches are specified. The properties of materials are taken for rocm temperature (20 degrees centigrade or 293 degrees absolute). The following list gives the principal symbols used herein. d =depth of penetration (meters) Ri=surface resistivity (ohms) -= conductivity (mhos per meter) p= 1/o-= resistivity (ohm-meters) ,=permeability (henrys per meter) yo = 47r 10-7 = permeability of space f=frequency (cycles per second) co = 27rf = radian frequency (radians per second)

a= thickness or radius (meters) b =distance, length or width (meters) c = distance (meters)



= exp -(1 +j)zV 2

= exp--exp - j d d


17 This chart has been reprinted in the report of the Rochester FallTMeeting in Electronics, December, 1941. More recently, a similar chart has appeared in the following reference, together with other valuable formulas and curves: J. R. Whinnery, "Skin effect formulas," Electronics, vol. 15, pp. 44-48; February, 1942,

10o- I
, l




1 rllnIinch



E co


C 0 a

4._ 0

U. oo




ml ) 0c,


0 L.. va




0. -0





f- frequency (cycles)
Fig. 1-Surface Resistivity and Depth of Penetration.

for small

(2) aluminum (3) bross (4) monganin

(5) soft iron (6)tronsformer iron (7) permalloy 78




Wheeler: Formulas for the Skin Effect



This decay of current density is shown by the shaded area plotted on the side of the slab. The depth of penetration is defined by the last formula, as the depth at which the current density (or magnetic flux) is attenuated by 1 napier (in the ratio 1/e= 1/2.72, or -8.7 decibels). At the same depth, its phase lags by 1 radian, so d is 1/27r wavelength or 1 radian length in terms of the wave propagation in the conductor. The depth of penetration, by this definition, is

E pi = (1 +j) I wd

(1 + j)-1 w

1 =\/_P w

ohms. (5)

Its real and imaginary components are the resistance



2r XCwy

in spLice,u0


meters. (2)

It is noted that the v/2 factor arises when the /Vj is in conductor resolved into its real and imaginary components in the anda exponent in (1). The total current is the integral of the current density in the conductive medium. This integral from the I I__._I __ _.._. _. _ surface into the medium is a decaying spiral in the of symnietrical conductor, or opposite surface L(center complex plane, which rapidly approaches its limit if of shieldiing partition.) the thickness is much greater than the depth of pene- Fig. 3-The internal impedance of a conductor, in terms of distributed circuit parameters (a) and equivalent lumped parametration. The total current is therefore given by the ters (b). integral for infinite depth, over the width w: and the internal reactance, which are equal. fx



I=W -dz =iowJ exp- (l+j) ~~~d


Z = R + jX, I R= X=- 7rf/p


ohms. (6)

The surface resistivity R1, given in the chart, is defined as the resistance of a surface of equal length and width. The voltage E on the surface along the length of R1= = ;f= /Tp the conductor is obtained from the current density and d
amperes. (3)

iowd 1 +j

For example, R1 is the resistance of the unit square surface in Fig. 2.18 The internal inductance is the part of the total inductance which is caused by the magnetic flux in the conductive medium. It is computed from the internal reactance. X lI d\ L =-= -IA-henries. (8) co w\2/ This is the inductance of a layer of the conductive material having a thickness of d/2, one half the depth Fig. 2-The skin effect on the surface of a conductor. of penetration. This merely means that the mean depth of the current is one-half the thickness of the the volume resistivity. conducting layer. E = iolp volts. (4) Fig. 3 illustrates the concept of internal impedance in terms of electric circuit elements. In the diagram If this voltage were to be measured, the return circuit would have to be adjacent to the surface so as not to (a), the inductance Lo is that caused by the magnetic include any of the magnetic flux in the near-by space. flux in the space adjacent to the conductor. Each part The "internal impedance" or "surface impedance" 18 Schelkunoff (footnote 9, p. 550) calls R1 the "intrinsic reis computed from this voltage E and the current I. sistance" of the material.


R= X


ohms. (7)


Proceedings of the I.R.E.


mon cases, the current tends to follow the path of least inductance. In a ring, for example, the current density is greater on the inner surface. In a coaxial line, the current flows one way on the outer surface of the inner conductor and returns on the inner surface of the outer conductor. In determining whether the thickness is much greater than the depth of penetration, the effective thickness corresponds to the length of the hypothetical line in Fig. 3(a). In a symmetrical conductor with penetration from both sides, as in a strip or a wire, the effective thickness is the depth to the center of the conductor. In a shielding partition with penetration into the surface on one side and with open space on the other side, the effective thickness is the actual thickness. If the effective thickness exceeds twice the depth of penetration, the accuracy of the above impedance formulas is sufficient for most purposes, within two per cent for a plane surface. w The shielding effect of a conductive partition depends not only on the material and thickness of the Since the current path has an area wAz and a length 1, partition, but also on its location. For example, two layers of metal have more shielding effect if they are uwAz wAz = AG = mhos. (10) separated by a layer of free space than if they are close I p1 together. If a shielding partition carries current on one The impedance of a long line with these properties is surface (z = 0) and is exposed to free space at the other surface (z =a) the current density has a definite ratio . Z= NjAL/AG = -jp ohms. (11) between one surface and the the other. For the thickw ness a, much greater than the depth of penetration, as in Fig. 2, this ratio is This is an independent complete derivation of (5), without recourse to electromagnetic-wave equations. ta a - = 2 exp -(a >> d) The components of internal impedance are shown in d jo Fig. 3(b) as R and L. The resistance R is that of a layer a whose thickness is equal to the depth of penetration d. = 0.69 napiers The internal inductance is that of a layer whose thickd ness is d/2, one half the depth of penetration. a Some inductance formulas carry the assumption = 6- 8.7 decibels. (13) d that the current travels in a thin sheet on the surface of the conductor, as if the resistivity were zero. Such The factor 2 is caused by reflection at the far surface. assumptions are usual for transmission lines, wave The space on either side of a shield usually adds to the guides, cavity resonators, and piston attenuators. Such attenuation indicated by this formula. formulas can be corrected for the depth of penetration The shielding ability of a given metal at a given by assuming that the current sheet is at a depth d/2 frequency is best expressed as the attenuation for a from the surface. This is the same as assuming that the convenient unit of thickness, disregarding the reflection surface of the conductor recedes by the amount factor. The unit of thickness may be 1 millimeter (10-3 meter) or 1 mil (2.54- 10-5 meter). In copper at d (12) 1 megacycle, for example, it is 132 decibels per milli2 yo meter or 3.3 decibels per mil. In iron, it is much greater The second factor has an effect only if the conductive and depends also on the magnetic flux density, since material has a permeability ,t differing from that of that affects the permeability. The power dissipation in the surface of a shield is despace pto. The same correction is applicable to shielding partitions, regarding their effect on the inductance of termined by the magnetic field intensity at its surface. near-by circuits. The same is true of current conductors or iron cores There is sometimes a question which surface of a but in those cases there are more direct methods of conductor will carry the current. The rule is, that the computation in terms of current and effective resistcurrent follows the path of least impedance. Since the ance. Since the magnetic flux path has a length equal to

of the current meets additional inductance in proportion to its depth from the surface of the conductor. This inductance is AL per element of depth. The conductance of the material is AG for the same element of depth. The conductive slab behaves as a transmission line with paths of shunt conductance in layers parallel to the surface, and series inductance between layers. This hypothetical line presents the internal impedance Z in series with the external inductance Lo. If the thickness of the conductor is much greater than the depth of penetration, the impedance is unaffected by conditions at the far end of the line, or beyond the other surface of the conductor. The internal impedance of the hypothetical transmission line in Fig. 3(a) is computed from its distributed inductance and conductance, by circuit theory. Since the magnetic flux path has an area lAz and a length w ,ulA\z AL = henries. (9)

impedance is mainly inductive reactance, in the com-



Wheeler: Formulas for the Skin Effect


the width w of the conductor, and since the magnetomotive force is equal to the current I, the magnetic intensity at the surface is

amperes per meter.




dissipation is
P =




(c) Note that the increment of inductance caused by penetration into each surface is d aLo , L henries. (17) yo 2 (9 (d) Compute the effective resistance contributed by each surface,





in which the



unit area

(15) of surface

Ho oaz


ohms. (18)



watts per square meter.


For most purposes, the power dissipation is more readily computed by the following method, in terms of effective resistance in a circuit. The "incremental-inductance rule" is a formula which gives the effective resistance caused by the skin effect, but is based entirely on inductance computations. Its great value lies in its general validity for all metal objects in which the current and magnetic intensity are governed by the skin effect. In other words, the thickness and the radius of curvature of exposed metal surfaces must be much greater than the depth of penetration, say at least twice as great. It is equally applicable to current conductors, shields, and iron

For a surface carrying the current of the circuit, this is identical with (7). For the effect of near-by metal objects, such as shields, this formula is easily applied in many practical cases. It is most useful in cases of nonuniform current distribution, which otherwise would require special integrations. A straight wire has its current concentrated in a tubular surface layer as shown in Fig. 4(a). The depth


(a) High-frequency current tube.

This rule is a generalization of (7) which states that the surface resistance R is equal to the internal reactance X as governed by the skin effect. The internal reactance is the reactance of the internal inductance L in (8). This inductance is the increment of the total inductance which is caused by the penetration of magnetic flux under the conductive surface. This change of inductance is the same as would be caused by the surface receding to the depth given in (12). Starting with a knowledge of this depth, the reverse process of computation gives the increment of inductance caused by the penetration, and from that the effective resistance as governed by the skin effect. The incremental-inductance rule is stated, that the effective resistance in a circuit is equal to the change of reactance caused by the penetration of magnetic flux into metal objects. It is valid for all exposed metal surfaces which have thickness and radius of curvature much greater than the depth of penetration, say at least twice as great. The application of the incremental-inductance rule involves the following steps: (a) Select the circuit in which the effective resistance is to be evaluated, and identify the exposed metal surfaces in which the skin effect is prevalent. (b) Compute the rate of change of inductance of this circuit with recession of each of the metal surfaces, o-Lo/az, assuming zero depth of penetration.'9
1Y A second-order approximation is secured if bLo/8z is computed




(b) High-frequency




r exp-.u

(c) Low-frequency mean diameter.

Fig. 4-The current distribution in

straight wire.

of this layer is d. The radius of the wire is r but the mean radius of the current tube is r-d/2. The resistance ratio of the wire is the ratio of the alternatingcurrent resistance R of the direct-current resistance Ro. It is the inverse ratio of the effective cross-sectional


7rr2 r(2r d)d r 1 2d 4


(r > 2d). (19)

assuming that the surface is below the actual surface by the amount given in (12).


Proceedings of the I.R.E.


The inductance of a straight wire is determined by For a given value of the greater radius r2, minimum atthe mean diameter of the current path. Fig. 4(b) shows tenuation in this line requires minimum R/Lo, and this the equivalent current sheet for the case in which the is obtained with r2/rl=3.59, approximately.30"3, With radius is very much greater than the depth of penetration. A perfect conductor, to have the same inductance with zero depth of penetration, has a radius which is less by the amount given in (12). This rule is reliable only if the equivalent radius is greater than 7/8 the actual radius.

exceeds 5/4.20-26

Since the assumptions are an approximation at best, only the first two terms of this series deserve attention. They give a close approximation if the radius exceeds twice the depth of penetration, or if the resistance ratio

The inductance in the space between the conductors is29 henries. (23) Lo = log27r ri

Eule~ ~ r

Fig. 6-Coaxial conductors.

Fig. 5-Straight wire.

r2 ri The low-frequency inductance of a straight wire, with uniform current distribution, is its maximum in- the ratio of reactance to resistance for this shape is, for ductance. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the equivalent cur- a nonmagnetic conductor,32 rent sheet has the radius r2 2r, Q d= 1.= (A = go). (25) d 1.8 d r exp-(20) 4go This is the ratio of the diameter of the inner conductor in which the factor exp-1/4 is the "geometric-mean to the depth of penetration. In general, distance" of a circular area." Lor2 The straight wire of Fig. 5, assuming a depth of pene2r, .5r (26) tration very much less than the radius, has its resistd ri ance expressed by the simple formula 1 +-

this shape, the resistance of inner and outer conductors is divided as 78 per cent and 22 per cent of the total. Since the optimum ratio satisfies the equation r1 log-r2 lg= I + ) (24)

263-266. Series expansions. 23 Schelkunoff, footnote 9, pp. 551-553, formulas and curves for resistance and reactance ratio. 24 August Hund, "Phenomena in High Frequency Systems," 1936. p. 338. Series expansions. 25 J. H. Miller, "R -F resistance of copper wire," Electronics, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 338; February, 1936. Curves and formula. 26 Stratton, footnote 16, p. 537, series expansions. 27 Rosa and Grover, footnote 5, p. 167. 28 Alexander Russell, "The effective resistance and inductance of a concentric main," Phil. Mag., sixth series, vol. 17, pp. 524-552; April, 1909.

ohms. (21) This value is reduced slightly by end effects. R= If a coaxial line is used as the inductance of a resonant circuit, maximum impedance at parallel resonance of This neglects the second term in the series (19). It may be desired. This is obtained with maximum Lo2/R, is on this simple basis that the following cases are which determines the condition described.28'8,1' The coaxial line of Fig. 6 has its current flowing one - log - = 1 + -. (27) way on the lesser radius ri and returning on the greater 2 rj r2 radius r2. The total resistance is The required shape is r2/rl = 9.2, approximately.33 If the 1\l /1 of the line is much less than one-quarter wavelength R = (-+-)-R , ohms. (22) length, so its shunt capacitance is negligible, this optir2 2ir ri mum shape has the following resistance at parallel 20 Morecroft, (footnote 7, p. 116), curves of resistance ratio. resonance: (, =yo). 21 E. Jahnke and F. Emde, "Tables of Functions," B. G. Teubner, Berlin, Germany, 1933, chapter 18, p. 314, Fig. 165, curve rb0/2b,. R' = Q2R = 0.307 dr RI ohms. (28) 12 August Hund, "High-Frequency Measurements," 1933. pp.

I -RI 27rr


For given frequency and material, this resistance is proportional to the area of the conducting surfaces.
29 Harnwell, footnote 14, p. 304. 30 Sterba and Feldman, footnote 8, p. 419. 11 Green, Leibe, and Curtis, footnote 11, p. 253. 32 In all cases, Q is expressed on the assumption of a nonmagnetic conductor. 33 F. E. Terman, "Resonant lines in radio circuits," Elec. Eng., vol. 53, pp. 1046-1053; July, 1934.


Wheeler: Formulas for the Skin Effect


A pair of straight parallel wires is shown in cross On the same assumption, rl<<r2, the inductance is" section in Fig. 7. The same current flows in opposite / ) 8r2 directions in the two wires, and is concentrated on the Lo-=,yor2 log- - 2) surface. If the wire diameter 2a is much less than the ri center-to-center separation 2b, the resistance of each = p0r2 log 8r2 henries. (33) wire is given by (21) for Fig. 5. As the diameter e2r1 in Fig. 7 approaches equality with the separation, the proximity of wires causes greater current density on For a given ring diameter 2r2, the maximum ratio of the inner sides.34 35 This effect is easily evaluated by reactance to resistance is obtained with approximately the incremental-inductance rule. The approximate and e3 r2 -_--= 2.5 (34)



in which case the inductance and the ratio of reactance to resistance are
L- uor2

Fig. 7-Parallel wires.


exact formulas for the external inductance of this pair of wires, of length 1, are IAl 2b Lo= - log - (a << b)

Q=d d



b 4uo anticosh .


This ratio is the same for the ring as for the coaxial line. Only the simple approximate formulas are given for the ring because no exact formula is known. In the absence of an exact inductance formula, it is also impossible to find easily the effect of current concentra-



This first formula neglects the proximity of the inner sides of the wires. The third formula shows in the parenthetical factor, by the amount the factor departs from 2, the reduction of inductance by the extra concentration of current on the inner sides. Since the da, the effect of surface penetration az corresponds to recession

Fig. 8-Circular ring.

aLo cl z

gol aLo = aaa



(alb) 2


in which the last factor is the proximity factor. From this formula and (18), the resistance is


(a/b)2- R1

ohms. (31)

The proximity factor appears as a reduction of the effective circumference of the wire, because the current is concentrated toward one side of each wire. Otherwise, this formula is the same as for a single wire of length 21. A ring of wire is shown in Fig. 8, with r2 as the radius of the ring and ri as the much smaller radius of the wire, both being much greater than the depth of penetration d. The resistance is
27rr, 34 J. R. Carson, "Wave propagation

tion on the inner side of the ring conductor. The added resistance of the ring caused by radiation and near-by objects is neglected. A shielding wall near the ring of Fig. 8 is shown in Fig. 9, the wall being a metal sheet parallel to the ring at a distance c. The added resistance caused by this shield is computed by the incremental-inductance rule. Assuming first that the shield is a perfect conductor, the effective inductance of the coil is reduced by an amount equal to the mutual inductance with its image (shown in dotted lines) at a distance 2c. Therefore, the change of inductance is37


= -

7rgor24 16c3

henries. (36)

To obtain the effect of penetration in the shild, ac responds to dz, so

aLo' oz



R,=- RI r1


ohms. (32)



over parallel wires: The proximity effect," Phil. Mag., vol. 41, p. 627; April, 1921. 35 Green, Leibe, and Curtis, footnote 11, pp. 267-268.

3 Harnwell, footnote 14, p. 305. 37 Harnwell, footnote 14, pp. 304-305.


Proceedings of the I.R.E.

very much less than the coil radius (d<r1).


From this formula and (18), the added resistance is

1 6c4 in which R1' is the surface resistivity of the shield. This is equal to the change of reactance which would be caused if the shield were moved further back by the displacement (d/2) (/u/uo) as shown in Fig. 9. Comparing the added resistance with the resistance R of the ring alone, formula (32), the relative change of resistance is



R1' ohms


R== R= 2rr2/n




ohms (40)



henries (41)



16c4RI This ratio is independent of the frequency, so long as the depth of penetration is the controlling factor. As an example, a copper ring with the optimum shape

These values are realized in a "one-turn" air-core toroid of a continuous metal sheet. They are closely approximated in a coil of round wire wound with a pitch only slightly greater than the wire diameter.

Fig. 10-Toroidal coil.

The preferable shapes of the air-core toroid of Fig. 10 involve a coil radius comparable with the ring radius, a departure from the above assumptions. This is of interest only in the "one-turn" case (n = 1) since a layer of wire cannot be wound with optimum pitch over the entire surface of the coil. The exact formula for the Fig. 9-A ring near a shielding wall. is38 (r2 = 2.5ri) at a distance of 1 diameter from a soft-iron inductance Lo yo(r2 - -/r22) shield (R1'=40R1) would suffer about 59 per cent inthe In shield. caused this resistance locaof by crease henries. (43) 2l 2 tion, a slightly smaller wire diameter would be optir2 + V/r2 -r, mum, because the inductance of the ring would increase in a greater ratio than the total resistance. The reduc- Since the penetration Oz corresponds with arl, tion of inductance (36) by the shield varies with the aLo =L0aLo -(44) Vri luor, dLo = pOr1 inverse cube of the distance, whereas the added re2 2-'r az ar, -\/r2 the with inverse varies fourth power. sistance (38) A ring perpendicular to the shield, instead of parallel From this formula and (18), the resistance is as in Fig. 9, and with its center at the same distance, (45) 2 R, R= P would suffer only one half as much change of induct2 -ri V\r2 ance and resistance. This follows from the fact that the mutual inductance with its image would be one half and the ratio of reactance to resistance is as great. This is a striking example of the utility of the r1 2Vr2 incremental-inductance rule, since the departure from (46) 2-r QTd r2v\/r2 + axial symmetry would make this problem very difficult of solution by field-integration methods. There is an optimum design for this case, with the coil A coil of n turns near a shield has its inductance and diameter slightly less than the ring diameter, but the resistance changed by n2 times as much as the ring, practical optimum is affected by so many factors that a that is, by n2Lo' and n2R', formulas (36) and (38). theoretical optimum is of little value. If the ring The air-core toroidal coil of Fig. 10 has n turns on a diameter 2r2 is given, the optimum shape happen's to coil radius of ri and a ring radius of r2. The following be ri= 0.78r2, in which case simple formulas are based on the asumptions that the coil radius is much less than the ring radius (rl<<r2) 0.7 7-* (47) Q = 0.60-= d d and that the current is concentrated on the inner 38 Harnwell, footnote 14, p, 302. surface with uniform distribution in a layer' of depth


Wheeler: Formulas for the Skin Effect


There is another optimum design for a given outside diameter, 2 (r, + r2):
0.41; r2 r1ri- + r2=



r1 +




inner and outer surfaces of the coil. The theoretical relations are based on the ideal long coil and shield, closely wound of rectangular wire, but the conclusions are approximately correct for practical coils. The magnetic intensity H1 inside the coil and H2 between coil

= 0.70
r ri+ r2 = 0.83 d d

Q = 0.343

The solenoidal coil of Fig. 11 has n turns wound on a radius a in an axial length b. If such a coil has a length much greater than its radius and is wound closely with rectangular wire of thickness much greater than the

Fig. 12-Solenoidal coil in a coaxial tubular shield.

n turns____

and shield are in the inverse ratio of the cross-sectional areas because all the flux inside the coil has to return in the space between coil and shield.
H2 H1

Fig. 11-Solenoidal coil.

a,2 a22 -a,2



depth of penetration, the current flows in a sheet on The power dissipation is divided among the inner and the inner surface of the wire, and the resistance is outer surfaces of the coil and the inner surface of the 2ira By (15), the total is shield. R= ohms. (49)


In a practical coil of many turns of round wire, there is an optimum diameter of wire slightly less than the pitch of winding. This formula is a rough approximation for practical coils with optimum wire diameter. It corresponds to a coil resistance slightly less than -r times as great as the resistance of a straight wire of the same length and diameter. (The effect of distributed capacitance and dielectric resistance is omitted.) The inductance is approximately,39 for b > 0.8a = oara2n2 henries. (50) Lo = b + 0.9 a


27ra,bH12Rl + 27ra,bH22R, + 27ra2bH22R2

2 2,7raibHl R,l 1 + -+1


a2H 2R

\ H2

watts (53)

in which R1 and R2 are the respective values of surface resistivity for the metals of coil and shield. By (14), the total current on both surfaces of the coil is
I = (H1 + H2)b/n

amperes. (54)

Therefore, the effective resistance of the coil is


The corresponding ratio of reactance to resistance is approximately

12 2a R (+H22 2 7raln'Ri H12




a I d 1 + 0.9 a/b



These simple formulas are applicable to coils in which the length is greater than the radius, the optimum wire diameter exceeds 4d, and the number of turns exceeds about 4. In comparison with some recent measurements, these formulas check fairly well the component of resistance caused by the skin effect as distinguished from capacitance effects.40 A solenoidal coil in a coaxial tubular shield is shown in Fig. 12. The radius of coil and shield a, and a2 determines the relative distribution of current on the
39H. A. Wheeler, "Simple inductance formulas for radio coils," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 16, pp. 1398-1400; October, 1928. 40 F. E. Terman, "Radio Engineering," 1932/1937, pp. 37-42.

The last factor gives the effect of the shield. It may actually reduce the resistance, by redistribution of surface currents, but not as much as it reduces the

inductance. The effective inductance of the coil in the shield is


r(a22 -a12) ira12 =Iral xI(a2-




henries (56)


Proceedings of the I.R.E.


in which the last factor gives the reduction of inductance by the shield. With these substitutions, a1 R (57) r=x= , a2 R, and the ratio of reactance to resistance is x(j - x2) a2 . (58) Q = _. ( d 1-(2--r)x2+2x4 This is expressed in terms of the shield radius a2 since that determines the space in which the coil is located. The maximum Q is obtained if x satisfies the equation (59) 0 = 1-(1 + r)x2-(4 + r)x4 +x6. This is most easily solved by trial. The solutions for the optimum design in several cases are as follows:
r=0 1 2

is not accompanied by a proportionate reduction of Q. Therefore, the shield reduces the effective resistance in these cases. In practice, the shield always decreases the The transformer of Fig. 13 has a laminated iron core of cross-sectional area A. The flux path in the iron has a length 1i while that in the air gap has a length 1,. For simplicity of analysis, the two coils have the same number of turns n. If the actual number of turns is ni and n2, the respective self-impedances and mutual impedance are obtained by letting (62) n2 = n12, n22, nln2. Fig. 14 shows the impedance network which is the equivalent of this transformer. The upper part represents the coil resistance and the part of the inductance caused by magnetic flux in the space outside the core, as if the core space had zero permeability. The lower
_ _









inair,outside of core


0.41 0.64 0.72

= 1.14d d

0.30 0.55 0.44 d



a, d

0.23 0.48 0.33

1 1


a1 = 0.70d d

_- = 0.50 d r \/r 2\/r d An approximate formula for the optimum ratio of radii is given by the relation, 1 X2 2.3 + r (61)


part represents the impedance caused by the core, V2.3 + R2/R1 a2 including the air gap. The inductance which would This formula is exact for r= 1, 2, oo. In the first two be caused by the flux in the iron core of permeability u, rows of the table (60), the coefficient in the last column with no air gap, is 1un2A indicates that the reduction of inductance by the shield henries. (63) Li = An2t


Fig. 14-The distributed-impedance network equivalent to the iron-core transformer.

The inductance which would be caused by the flux in the air gap, if the iron core had infinite permeability, is gOn2A henries. (64) )07
n turnl n turne


T rn~a

Fig. 13-Transformer with laminated iron

The inductance effective at low frequencies is that of Li and L. in parallel, LILt,, yo2A henries. (65) Lo= Li + Lg, ig + li-to/,4 The eddy currents and skin effect depend on the division of the core area into laminations, A = mab square meters (66) in which m is the number of laminations of thickness a and width b. The current paths in the laminations


Wheeler: Formulas for the Skin Effect


cause an apparent distributed conductance, associated with the iron inductance Li, which has the value

Gi =


mhos (67)

ance to resistance in the impedance of an iron-core inductor. This question involves the series resistance Rc of each coil, while the inductance in the space outside the coil is usually negligible. Increasing the air gap

This is nearly independent of the number of turns. Its value is expressed in terms of three properties of the coil; Pc is the resistivity of the copper wire, l4 is the average length of wire per turn, and A, is the total cross-sectional area of the turns of wire on the winding d2 R >> a). (70) in question. In a self-inductor of one coil, A, is some(d Q = wL =6a2 what less than the area of each window. The following At frequencies so high that the depth of penetration formulas are simplified on the assumption that R>>R, is less than 1/4 the thickness of laminations, the skin so the optimum air gap gives Q>> 1. At the higher freeffect governs the impedance caused by the iron core. quencies, where the skin effect predominates, the The effective impedance of R and L in parallel is the optimum air gap gives impedance of the line with distributed series Li and AAcp (a > 4d). (76) shunt Gi:

in which o- is the conductivity of the iron. The effect of this distributed conductance is least at low frequencies and merges into the skin effect at high frequencies. Fig. 15 shows a simplified equivalent network in which the shunt resistance R and inductance L have values depending on the frequency. These parallel components are used rather than series components, because the effective shunt resistance varies less with frequency than the effective series resistance. At low frequencies, the apparent shunt conductance approaches the constant value mhos. (68) G = iGi The corresponding value of shunt resistance is 12n2mbd ohms. (69) R= R ali in which R, is the surface resistivity of the iron. The inductance L has its low-frequency value Li. This is based on the assumption that the alternating flux within the lamination suffers only a small phase lag and no appreciable reduction in magnitude, which is true if the depth of penetration is greater than the thickness of laminations.4' The corresponding ratio of shunt susceptance to conductance, is

Fig. 15-The lumped-impedance network equivalent to the iron-core transformer.

decreases Lq,, thereby causing more dissipation in the coils (R,) and less in the core (R). The optimum length of air gap is approximately that which divides the dissipation equally between coil and core. The optimum condition is 1 1 /1 + R,/R '/ =, (74) WL wL, RR, For this condition, the maximum ratio is42

Q 2= 2 V V1 + R,I/R




1/R + 1/jwL 4n2mb R =(1 - j)li



ohms. (71)

At the lower frequencies, where eddy currents are induced by nearly uniform flux in the laminations, the optimum air gap gives _3
V 3AA p

a This is the inductance based on twice the depth of penetration as the effective thickness of each lamination. The air gap sometimes increases the ratio of react41

(a < d). (77) The shunt components of this impedance have the a2liJcpc value These maximum values cannot be realized if the opti4n2mb = R coL R ohms. (72) mum length of air gap is negative. This is true at very Ii low frequencies where the eddy currents are negligible, in which case the air gap is reduced to zero, giving The apparent shunt inductance is wL~ 2d << (wLi Q= LVRR,) L = -L henries. (73)


2AAc( d21iZ1yo in which d and d, are the depths of penetration in iron

42 L. A. Arguimbau, "Losses in audio-frequency coils," General Radio Experimenter, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1-4, November, 1936. 43 P. K. McElroy and R. F. Field, "How good is an iron-cored coil?" General Radio Experimenter, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 1-12, March, 1942.

2AA,p d21i1Cp,

the telephone system," Bell. Sys. Tech. Jour., vol. 18, pp. 438-464, July 1939. (In Fig. 7, 0 is the ratio of thickness to depth of penetration.)

V. E. Legg, "Survey of magnetic materials and applications in


Proceedings of the I.R.E.


and copper, the materials of the core and the coil. In these formulas, the depth of penetration includes the frequency dimension, enabling the expression entirely in terms of ratios. The value of (78) is actually independent of the p of the iron and the iuo of the copper, those being involved also in the depth of penetration. Since copper is the usual material for conductors, it is useful to remember the depth of penetration in copper at a certain frequency and room temperature (20 degrees centigrade): At f 106 cycles=1 Mc, = 66 10-6 meter = 0.066 mm = 66 microns = 2.6 10-3 inch = 2.6 mils. (79) The values for copper and other materials (at a temperature of 0 degrees centigrade) are found in the Steinmetz3 table, p. 385. The essential properties of copper are (at 20 degrees centigrade): Pe = Io = 47r 10-7 henry per meter = 1.257 microhenrys per meter c = 5.80 107 mhos per meter = 58 megamhos per meter (80) Pc = 1.724. 10-8 ohm-meter = 1/58 microhm-meter Aooc = 72.8 seconds per square meter i-oPc = 2.17 10-14 ohm2-second in which uo is the permeability of space. The other important value for copper is the surface resistivity, still at 1 megacycle: R1,1 = 2.60 10-4 ohm = 0.260 milohm. (81)

d and the surface resistivity R1 plotted against frequency. Each pair of crossed lines is for one material. Some of the materials shown are chosen for their extreme properties (at least, among the common materials). Copper has the least resistivity. The permalloy shown (78 per cent nickel) is used for loading submarine telegraph cables and for shielding against alternating magnetic fields; it has the least depth of penetration, by virtue of its high permeability and small resistivity: Pt = 9000 ,0 (at small flux density) p = 9.3 pc = 0.16 microhm-meter At 1 Mc (83) d' = 2.1 10-6 meter = 0.084 mil Ri' = 75 milohms Manganin is the material usually used in resistance standards; it has about the highest resistivity compatible with minimum permeability, and therefore the greatest depth of penetration:

/0o = p 25.5 Pc = 0.44 microhm-meter


At 1 Mc d' = 0.33 mm = 13 mils R = 1.3 milohms.


Most of the ordinary materials fall within the limits of these three cases. On the chart, the intersection of each pair of lines moves upward with increasing resistivity and toward the left with increasing permeability. (It is purely coincidental that the intersection is at 1 megacycle for nonmagnetic materials.) In this collection of formulas, the properties of the In order to convert d, and Ri, for other materials, it is conductive materials are usually expressed in terms of necessary to know only their permeability and resistiv- depth of penetration d and surface resistivity R1, both ity relative to copper: of which involve also the frequency. The former appears in ratios with other "length" dimensions. The / 1 Mc IA0 p d = dc,4 latter appears in impedance formulas, where it brings u Pc f in the "resistance" dimension. Other quantities usually appear in ratios so they do not complicate the dimen. - -h R, =RIcA/ (82) sions. The two parameters d and R1 are most useful V 1 Mc Ao Pc because they have not only dimensional simplicity The chart of Fig. 1 gives the depth of penetration but also obvious physical significance.

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