Smoke Signals Full
Smoke Signals Full
Smoke Signals Full
I am pleased to see that the All American Oakland Chapter of POCI has found new life and is once again moving in a very positive direction. During the last week of October I received volume one number one of what looks to be a wonderful newsletter. Fred Lewis, (newsletter editor), has done a remarkable job capturing the history of Oakland, while including segments from this years convention. The newsletter also includes a classified section with autos and parts for sale. At the Oakland breakfast this year there was an amazing 67 people in attendance. They were able to sign up 13 new members while on their 50 mile tour. Their journey to the Kendrick House, in Carthage, Missouri for breakfast was led by Garth and Irene Millet in their 1910 Oakland followed by two more Oaklands and a caravan of Pontiacs. The president of the AAOC, John Armstrong, who also won Best of Show with his 1926 Oakland, is fired up and looking to build on this event next year. At the Chapter awards banquet on Friday evening, the Oakland group was honored as the Chapter with the largest percentage of members participating in the convention. If you have an Oakland or might consider an investment in one of these timeless treasures, it would be in your best interest to become a part of this group. Their Executive Board combined has more knowledge and hours of hands-on mechanical experience with Oakland than any group that Pontiac could possibly assemble. They also have the resources at their command to restore these antiques from the ground up. If you would like to become a part of this group you can do so by requesting a membership application from John Armstrong, 3520 Hatter Road, Lancaster, Ohio 43130, or by e-mail at [email protected]. Green Mountain Monogram, who is the provider for our Club Store, has decided to discontinue that service at the end of this year. We have enjoyed several years of continued success with Green Mountain and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. POCI is now accepting business resumes and proposals from distributors who would be interested in taking on the role as Club Store for POCI. This would be a three-year proposal. I would like all proposals sent to me (see address below) no later than December 15, 2004 so that we may have the new store in place by January 1st 2005. This change in club vendor should have little or no impact on our membership. There is an abundance of inventory that should carry us through the first quarter of next year if necessary. I look at this change as an opportunity to expand our product line and introduce new and exciting ideas.
Cover Car ................................... 16 ARTICLES POCI Renewal Instructions ....... 6 Woodward Dream Cruise .......... 7 2005 Convention Review .......... 8 POCI Western Regional ............. 11 Potpourri .................................... 14 Fulper Wins at Indy ................... 19 Winter Projects .......................... 22 Omaha All-Pontiac Show .......... 23 Aloha from Kahunaville ............ 27 Canadian Corner ........................ 28 Pontiacs and Rockabilly ............ 32 DEPARTMENTS Presidents Report ...................... 1 Calendar & Announcements ...... 2 Legislative Affairs ..................... 4 Chapter News ............................ 29 Want Ads .................................... 33 Visit the POCI Web Site at:
E-Mail Us at:
[email protected]
The SMOKE SIGNALS Magazine is published by the Pontiac-Oakland Club International (POCI). Articles, letters, and editorial comments represent the views and opinions of the individual authors and contributors and are not necessarily those of POCI. SMOKE SIGNALS DECEMBER 2004 1
The following list of upcoming events are POCI-related events ONLY. No events will be listed which are not POCI National or POCI Chapter sponsored. Send detailed information on your upcoming events to SMOKE Central Calendar of Events at: P.O. Box 14057, Bradenton, FL 34280-4057; FAX (941) 792-8023; or e-mail: [email protected]. (Remember to get your Chapter insurance before any event. For insurance reasons, we cannot list or promote non-POCI events.)
Looking for the best source to document your Pontiac? Check Pontiac Historical Services. PHS, while not affiliated with PMD, has been authorized to provide Pontiac owners with copies of factory build sheets and production information. Document your cars authenticity, find out what options it came from the factory with, and what dealer took delivery of your car when it was new. Send your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) along with a check or money order for $35.00 to PHS at: Pontiac Historical Services P.O. Box 884 Sterling Heights, MI 48311-0884 Check website:
Allow 68 weeks for delivery.
November 25-28, 2004, POCI Pontiac Pow-Wow-WOW at Turkey Run, Daytona, FL. Sponsored by the Hurricane, Everglades, Dixie and Florida Chapters of POCI. Located within the 31st Annual Turkey Run (5,500 plus cars!) at Daytona International Speedway. For Turkey Run registration form and hotel information, go to For information about participating in the great POCI Pontiac Pow-Wow-WOW call Monica at the Hurricane Chapter at 305-648-0623 for the $2 parking sticker. Register early. 150 Pontiac parking spots this year, but they always go fast!
The POCI library is a massive collection of Pontiac and Oakland literature, unlike any other anywhere else. It contains valuable technical data (manuals, engineering reports, etc.) and marketing and sales information (brochures, posters, photos, material samples, etc.). All this is available to our members. Obviously, materials cannot be sent all over the country/world, so photocopies are available at a very modest cost. A Processing/Handling Fee of $10.00 must be sent in with your request. A fee of $30.00 per hour (chargeable in units of 10 minutes at $5.00 per unit) is then charged to locate requested information, make the copies, and send them off to you. If you are looking for something like an entire manual or specific color brochures, it would be best to advertise for them in the SMOKE SIGNAL Want Ads. To request information, go to our web site ( and download the forms to send in regular mail, or e-mail them directly to the library. You must have made application to the Members Only section first. If you wish, you can use the forms we printed on previous SMOKE SIGNALS protective covers, or contact the Club Office and a copy will be sent or faxed to you. Remember to keep a master copy so you will always have one for future requests. When the library personnel receive your request, they will research the information, let you know what is available, and then mail you a note about the cost. You can then send a check or money order, or credit card info, and they will make the requested copies and send you your information. You are also welcome to visit the library in person. The POCI library is housed in and administered by the: AACA Library & Research Center 501 West Governor Road P.O. Box 417 Hershey, PA 17033 717-534-2082 Fax: 717-534-9101
People continue to write and ask how to get their car(s) on the cover of the SMOKE SIGNALS. There are two very simple answers: 1) write a good story of you, your car, and how it all came to be, and 2) shoot good quality photos digital are the best at the largest size you can make. Send all to the address in the front of the magazine or e-mail to the address shown. Which car is chosen? The one that best meets the above requirements. We will try to mix it up a bit too from issue to issue. So, get writing!
From: Larry Crider Sapulpa, Oklahoma Safe and sound were the feelings felt by all the friends and family members of SPCE-4 Kenneth Crider, as he returned home in mid-August from his adventure in Afghanistan. Kenneth was part of Task Force Phoenix which was stationed near the capitol of Afghanistan, to help the people of Afghanistan build their own national army. Returning home with a State Trooper escort and a heros welcome home, six bus loads of weary, proud men made their way into a glorious reunion with loved ones. Welcoming Kenneth home was his dad, Larry Crider of the Indian Nations Chapter of Oklahoma, his mother, Sandra Rousey of Mannford, his wife Debbie and their 2 children,
and many other family and friends. From the entire Crider family we wish to thank everyone who kept Kenneth in their prayers for his safe return and to remember those who are still over in foreign countrys protecting our freedom. (ED: All of us in POCI are proud of Kenneth and all the other brave men and women of the armed forces who are working so hard to spread the freedoms we all tend to take for granted. Congratulations, Kenneth, of your successful mission and we wish you the best on whatever you do now that you are back home. Any POCI member who has a loved one in the military is invited to send their photo and a small write-up so we may honor then here, and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.)
There are a limited number of these souvenir MO-KAN Drag Race T-shirts still available. If you attended this first-ever POCI sponsored drag race, or if you didnt but would like to have a super graphic Pontiac Power shirt, order yours today. Available in sizes: Large, XLarge, XX-Large, and XXXLarge. Send $20.00 plus $5.00 shipping and handling for each shirt. Checks or money orders are fine. Make out to: Greater Ozarks Chapter, POCI. Send to: Art Barrett, 211 West Alice, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712. If you have any questions, contact Art at: [email protected] Act quickly, these wont last long!
we are on the verge of having it enacted into law. Another way of phrasing the issue is that legislative life is cyclical and it is important to appreciate the hard work, dedication and victories that come along during the process. Sometimes you dont know when you scored the ultimate victory or just hit a successful milestone in an ongoing battle. Regardless, there are times to applaud the SAN, the support of enthusiasts like yourself and SEMA staff for a job well-done. Mission accomplished for this year. We appreciate your sharing your thoughts with us.
The articles appearing below are care of the Illinois Chapter of POCI, and SEMAs Driving Force magazine. Youll notice that what appears below, is what one might call one success story after another, but as the writer from SEMA commented, legislation is a cyclical thing. This years success can just as easily become next years defeat, if you folks dont keep tabs on whats going on in your States Legislature. tion in the June Driving Force about the Illinois inoperable-vehicle bill, HB 4910. Its not defeated and its not dead! I had the chance to hear State Representative Dan Brady speak. He was the sponsor of this bill. Representative Brady reported that no further action would be undertaken this term, meaning it can resurface in January 2005. He already is working on an amendment to make it more palatable, but he is still behind it. To his credit, he is listening and taking input from constituents that include car clubs. My point is that we cannot pat ourselves on the back just yet. This bill probably will come back. Michael Balogh Dear Mr. Balogh: We can confirm that this bill, HB 4910, is dead for the two-year session of the Illinois legislature that adjourned on May 31, 2004. Nevertheless, you raise another issue the fact that legislation is frequently reintroduced and the battle is reengaged in a future legislative session. One battle may be all that is needed to defeat a measure. Then again, the fight may extend over several sessions. We see this occur frequently with other initiatives, for example, scrappage and emissions-testing bills, in state legislatures and in the U.S. Congress. Each side uses the multi-year strategy to build support or finally give up. For example, we came close to enacting the street rod/custom vehicle legislation in Missouri last year but were stung by the Governors veto (on an unrelated issue). We didnt give up. We made sure it was reintroduced this year and today
California Emissions Exemption: The California Senate Transportation Committee approved legislation that would extend the states current rolling-emissions-test exemption for vehicles 30 years old and older to similarly aged vehicles that are brought into California from out of state. SEMA is supporting this legislation while at the same time seeking to defeat a California Assembly bill that would repeal entirely the 30-year rolling emissions exemption and replace it with a provision requiring the permanent testing of all 1976 and newer model vehicles. California Exhaust-Noise Testing Program Shows Continued Success: The California Bureau of Automotive Repair reports that approximately 90% of the over 1,700 vehicles that have undergone the states exhaust noise test through April have been certified as compliant with California law. The Bureau began operation of the exhaustnoise testing program last August. Test stations are issuing certificates of compliance for vehicles when tests of their exhaust systems show that they emit 95 decibels or less under a fair and predictable test procedure devised by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). The testing program was the product of a SEMA and SAN-supported law. Missouri Street Rod/Custom Vehicle Bill and Old-Car Emissions Exemption: The Missouri Legislature combined SEMAs model legislation to create titling and registration classifications for street rods and custom vehicles with a
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SAN-supported bill to exempt all vehicles 26 years old and older from emissions inspections and passed both provisions. The combined measure, known as S.B. 1233, now awaits Governor Bob Holdens approval before becoming law. The SEMA-model legislation provides for special license plates and exempts rods and customs from periodic inspections and emissions tests. It also provides for the use of non-original materials and requires an initial safety inspection based on criteria established in part by the local hobbyist community. Under the legislation, a replica vehicle is assigned the same model-year designation as the production vehicle it most closely resembles. If signed into law, the 26-year rolling emissions-test exemption will replace current law, which exempts only vehicles manufactured prior to the 1971 model year. We urge Missouri SAN members to ask Governor Holden to sign the legislation into law. New Hampshire Legislature Passes Exhaust-Noise Bill; Sent to Governor: The New Hampshire House and Senate passed and sent to Governor Craig Benson an amended version of a SEMA-sponsored bill to remove vague and subjective provisions from the states exhaust-noise law. Currently, New Hampshire deems illegal all modifications that increase noise levels above those emitted by the vehicles original muffler. The original SEMAdrafted legislation required law enforcement authorities to prove that an exhaust system modification results in a noise level in excess of 95 decibels as measured by SAE test standard J1169 before issuing a citation. Deeming the 95-decibel limit too restrictive, the Legislature simply deleted provisions in the current law that referenced the noise levels of the original muffler. Rhode Island Exhaust Systems: Absent of a last-minute push by the bills sponsor, it appears that SEMA has defeated Rhode Island legislation that would have labeled as defective an exhaust system found to be in violation of the states noise-limit restrictions. The measure also prescribed fines and replacement of the exhaust system. Given that statutory roadside exhaust noise tests rarely, if ever, are employed, SEMA was concerned that this bills effect would have been to ban the sale of aftermarket exhaust systems of any kind.
Rhode Island Street Rods/Custom Vehicles: The Rhode Island House of Representatives approved SEMA-model legislation to create vehicle registration classifications for street rods, custom vehicles, kit cars and replicas. The bill also provides for special license plates for these vehicles. The Rhode Island Senate now will consider the legislation. Of note, the bill also provides that a replica vehicle will be assigned the same modelyear designation as the production vehicle it most closely resembles, allows the use of non-original materials and exempts these vehicles from periodic safety and emissions inspections.
Virginia Inoperable Vehicles: Virginia enacted into law SEMA-supported legislation to limit significantly the ability of local jurisdictions to implement restrictive ordinances preventing automobile collectors from pursuing their hobby. Under the new law, at least two inoperable vehicles (or more, if a locality permits) being actively repaired or restored on private property would be exempted from any local ordinance if shielded or screened from public view. The measure defines shielded or screened from view as not visible by someone standing at ground level from outside the property on which the inoperable vehicles are located.
IN POCI RENEWAL PROCESS and a little web site info while were at it!
We wish to thank all those POCI members who faithfully renew their membership dues year-after-year. We will continue to strive to give you more with each and every renewal. Many of you have found the protective SMOKE SIGNALS wrapper a very handy way to check the renewal status of your membership each month. And, about 5060% of you renew using your cover. This assures that you will not miss anything as it is about a two month warning of your dues expiration. This Crash Course is not for you. This is for those who continually write a note on their 2nd Notice renewal post card: I never received a First Notice. It is also for those who continually send nasty notes to Stop telling me my dues are due, I paid already. And, lastly, it is for those who keep sending in $31.00 month-after-month. While we are happy to receive the money, eventually you will not be able to afford to drive your Pontiac if you spend all your extra money on your magazine. So, here is a quick explaination of the Renewal Notice on the wrapper of your magazine: 1) Your dues may be due, and that is what we want you to check. 2) See the information below to determine the status of your renewal. 3) Every month we change the date the one shown in a different color each month and ask you to check it against the information next to your mailing label (henCe below). The date we print in color is always two months in advance of the magazine issue date. 4) If your date printed after DUES EXP to the left of your mailing label falls between the dates printed above in color (see item #3), then this is a TWO MONTH advance notice that your membership dues are coming due soon. Now, isnt that easy?! It has worked well for many, but we are happy to explain it to those who havent figured it out yet. Of course, you are welcome to wait for your 2nd Notice post card which will be mailed approximately one month before your renewal, but there is always a chance it might
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get misplaced or that you might actually miss an issue of your SMOKE SIGNALS. If you miss an issue due to late renewal, it will cost $2.00 to get a copy, so please do not delay with your renewal. Now, as long as we are in such a good learning mode, lets talk web site. Especially the MEMBERS ONLY section. Before ANYONE can access the Members Only section they must fill out and submit the Access Application form. This is the first item listed in the red band on the left of the POCI home
page under Members Only. Why must this be done? So we can check to see if you are actually an active POCI member. We will then input your access codes in the server control panel and e-mail them back to you. This process usually takes one to two days. If you loose your codes, heres a hint: your User Name is YOUR NAME! all lower case letters and NO space inbetween; your Password is your POCI membership number (all six digits, including the zero at the beginning). Cant find your POCI number? Check right next to your address label on your magazine where it says MEM #. Couldnt be simpler!
Mighigan Widetrackers Do
gallery, the Zentrum is also a time machine where the past, present and future of BMW come together in a one-of-akind building. In addition to the production vehicles, there are exhibits featuring unique prototypes, design concepts, and kinetic art cars. There is no charge to tour the Zentrum, and for a small fee you can also visit the actual BMW assembly line and watch Z3s and X5s being put together. The Zentrum displays BMWs part in automotive history, including models from the early 1920s until now, as well as BMWs role in the development of motorcycle, aircraft, and automotive engines. The displays are arranged chronologically, beginning with the distant beginnings of the Barvarian Motor Works to todays BMWs. The engine display chronicles BMW engines of the past, present, and future. Each engine is displayed with its intended purpose, as well as the designers history and the evolutionary
progress of the engine. The visit includes a 15- minute virtual factory tour of the production assembly line of the Z3 roadster and X5 SAV. Upon exiting the three-screen movie theater you walk directly to fully assembled vehicles, including the original Z3 (chassis 001) that Pierce Brosnan drove in the James Bond movie Golden Eye, complete with license plate 007. For more information about the Zentrum and BMW, go to Beacon Drive-In There will be a Pontiac/ Oakland/ GMC cruisein to the world famous Beacon Drive-In in Spartanburg, SC, a regional landmark and a Carolina tradition. You can also visit the Beacon on your own for breakfast, lunch, or din-
ner. It is about 25 to 30 minutes from the Expo Center. The Beacon features barbecue to die for, plus sandwiches, burgers, onion rings, plate lunches, seafood, desserts, breakfast biscuits, and much more. The Beacon preserves a 50s atmosphere, including curb service for that authentic feeling of deja vu. The Beacon was opened on Thanksgiving Day, 1946, and founder John White personally manned the cash register with his sons for more than 50 years. The Beacon continues to be owned and operated by a local family. In 1999, the Beacon created The Beacon Dairy Bar with more than 20 flavors of ice cream, as well as shakes, malts, and other ice cream specialties. The Beacon is the second largest drive-in restaurant in the United States, serving one million customers yearly. In one week, the Beacon uses three tons of onions, three tons of potatoes, and four tons of beef, chicken, and seafood. The Beacon is the largest single seller of iced tea in the United States, sweetening it with 3,000 pounds of sugar every week. The Beacon dining rooms seat 350 people and can accommodate groups up to 100 in one room. For more information, go to the Beacon website, Gaffney Prime Outlets We are planning a trip to the Prime Outlets Store in Gaffney, SC. Prime Outlets is a group of low price outlet stores including some of the most famous retailers in America, offering a diverse shopping experience. Major
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(Check / Money Order / Cash Only Non-Refundable. Sorry, no credit card payments accepted.)
Make Registration Check/Money Order Payable to : 2005 POCI Convention Mail Check/Money Order with this form to: Suzanne Cook, P.O. Box 24, Norris, SC, 29667 Do NOT Include Hotel Payment with Registration Fee. Name: _______________ ___ ______________________ POCI Member #: __________ POCI Chapter: ________________
First MI Last (Must Be Current)
Street: ______________________________________ City: _______________________ State: __________ Zip: ___________ Phone: _______-_______-______________ (Day) _______-_______-______________ (Evening) E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________ Please Reserve: Number of Swap Spaces: _________ Trailer Space for Show Car: ________ 7/ /2005 Hotel Information: Check-In Date: ____________ 7/ /2005 Check-Out Date: ____________ Number of RV Spaces Needed: _________ Attending First Convention: Room Type: King Yes No
(Swap and Trailer Space Cost Information will be Included with Activity Package.)
Hotel Choice: Please rank your hotel preferences by placing a choice number (1=First Choice, 2= Second Choice, 8=Last Choice, etc.) in the boxes to the left of each hotel listed below. See the convention site map for hotel locations in relation to the Palmetto Center. NOTE: These are daily rates and all rooms are subject to 10% State and Local Tax.
D OUT Comfort S Inn LD O(Includes Full Buffet Breakfast OUT .......... $63.00
Sleep Inn: $55.00 OLD SSingle................. T Double ............... $65.00 OU
Marriott Courtyard .............. $69.00 Hilton Greenville ................ $82.00 Westin Pointsett (Plus Parking @ $6.00/day) ......... $85.00
Must Provide Credit Card Number to Guarantee Hotel Rooms: Card Type
VISA MasterCard Discover American Express
Card Number:
Name on Credit Card: ____________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ For NON-LODGING Registration and Convention Questions Contact: Bob Kesler: (864)683-5296 Day/Evenings Richey Cook: (864)984-5800 E-Mail: [email protected] For HOTEL and OTHER LODGING Questions Contact: Greenville Convention & Visitors Bureau 1-800-351-7180
brands represented include Brooks Brothers, Sony, Ralph Lauren, Pottery Barn, Tommy Hilfinger, Bose, KB Toys, Pfaltzgraff, The Gap, Nike, and 80 more over 400 brand names in all. Every store is inside a climate controlled mall-like setting. Prime Outlets also has a food court, featuring national and regional restau-
rants, and a play area for the kids. Strollers and wheelchairs are available, and, of course, ATMs. The Prime Outlets Store is roughly 45 minutes north of Greenville on I-85. If you need more information about Prime Outlets, go to their website, And Dont Forget the Main Reason
for Coming to Greenville! Remember that the 2005 car show will be held indoors at the Expo Center, which has room for 600 cars. All Chapter meetings and seminars will be held at the attached Woodside Conference Center. You wont have to leave the Expo Center grounds to move be(continued on next page....) SMOKE SIGNALS DECEMBER 2004 9
Remember that the Fire Marshalls Office of the City of Greenville has the following requirements for cars placed in the Expo Center: Fuel tanks must contain less than 1/4 tank of fuel.
The gas cap must be taped closed. We will have low adhesion tape available. The battery must be disconnected. Removing the negative cable is recommended.
tween meetings, seminars, exhibits, and the swap meet. The area hotels are terrific and close by. If you are debating which hotel to use, see the map below for the location of the listed hotels in relation to the Expo Center and the Greenville area. A Couple of Reminders: You can bring your vehicle into the
Palmetto Expo Center any time starting Tuesday. You do not have to bring your car into the show until Saturday morning. We cannot let cars come in and out of the halls, so if you will be driving your car during the week, do not place it in the hall until Friday night or Saturday morning. We will have shuttle service to listed hotels if you leave your car on Friday night.
South Carolina
From the Mountains to the Sea
time the Grand Am departed from the Pontiac lineup in 1976, it was too late. The GTO was already done after it was downsized from the LeMans to the Ventura for 1974 and then dropped. With that the LeMans had virtually no image to speak of. In 1976 Jim Wangers took a LeMans sport coupe with a 400 cid V8 and Turbo Hydra-Matic, painted it Carousel Red and added Honeycomb wheels, a Trans Am spoiler and 69 Judge striping, and presented it to Pontiac management as a possible revival of the GTO Judge. He sensed that a GTO revival might aid in improving LeMans sales. But Pontiacs management wouldnt budge on the idea of reviving the 76 GTO, but it did review the concept and brought the car into production as the 77 Can Am.
Luxury LeMans and later, Grand LeMans, didnt much help. Many intermediate buyers preferred the styling of the Olds Cutlass Supreme or Buick Century Regal coupes to any of Pontiacs offerings aside from the GP. Also, LeMans was accorded little promotional emphasis from Pontiac during these years as PMD chose to promote the Grand Am, Grand Prix (selling like hotcakes) and the Firebird (also a red-hot seller). By the
Reno, Nevada September 1719, 2004
To many it was just a windy and chilly Saturday, but to the members of the Silver State Pontiacs it was the culmination of two years of dedicated hard work. The donuts and coffee were ready; the class markers were in place; the club members were present en masse; the raffles and swap meet were set up; registration was standing by and it was time for a car show and banquet to rival any the Western Region of POCI had ever seen. It all began, though, on Friday with early registration at noon and then the Poker Run with $300.00 on the line in prize money. There were five themed stops from a Hawaiian Luau to the Mad Hatters with the last stop at Hobeys Casino for a mini show-n-shine, live radio remote, two-for-one dinners and dash plaques. The night culminated with two trophies being awarded by the casino owners. The party was officially underway and Fridays activities were truly only the tip of the iceberg. Show day began at 4:30 A.M. as members of the Silver State Pontiacs arrived at the Atlantis Hotel and Casino to
set up canopies, booths, registration and class parking. Twentynine dozen donuts and coffee were ready when participants started to arrive and the live band, Papa Clutch and the Shifters, was ready to rock-n-roll by 11:00 as the last few participants pulled in and were parked in their class locations. Next to the show-n-shine the Silver State Pontiacs set up a small swap meet; an extraordinary raffle with very classy prizes; a 50/50 raffle; a
In the convention hospitality room were Chapter displays, model car entries, and car photos all to be judged and awards presented to the winners. Also set up was former Pontiac Motor Division ad illustrator, Art Fitzpatrick, with samples of his work. Later that night Art did a fascinating presentation of his artwork and years at PMD. He shared humorous stories and showed many examples of his distinctively styled ads.
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silent auction; a show merchandise booth with sweatshirts, T-shirts, hats, pilsner beer glasses and glass coffee mugs all with the Western Regional logo printed on them. There were also craft booths and several merchants. Les Schwab Tire Centers were represented as well as Winkle Pontiac/ GMC, the local dealership, who displayed a new G6 and a GTO.
The 300+ attendees at the banquet acknowledged their appreciation for Arts presentation on the wide track years with a standing ovation. At the show-n-shine the 40+ Silver State Pontiac cars were parked in a display only area and the participants cars were placed in one of 48 different class sections. There were participants from Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Wisconsin, but the farthest traveled was Robert Desrochers, POCI President, and his wife Donna who came all the way from Rhode Island! Participants voted for class winners and nominated eight cars for the Elite Eight. These eight cars became the candidates for Best of Show. The Silver State Pontiac members had the honor to vote for their favorite car out of the Elite Eight to determine the conventions Best of Show winner. The Elite Eight included a very wide variety of Pontiacs and Oaklands including two 1926 Oaklands (one American and one Canadian) owned by Lee Orr, a 1957 Bonneville convertible owned by Mike and Madeline Johnson, a 1961 Ventura owned by Bob Knudsen Jr., a 1955 Chieftain owned by Terry Lattemore, a 1969 Trans Am owned by Mike McGee, a 2002 Grand Prix owned by Adam Peralta, and a 1939 Pontiac convertible street rod owned by Richard Stagno. The winner was determined through a ballot count and the Best of Show trophy was awarded to Mike and Madeline Johnson for their 1957 Bonneville. All Elite Eight car owners received a ribbon and a Walking Liberty silver dollar. As the days activities wound down, the cocktail hour began and started the evenings events. The buffet dinner of BBQ ribs, prime rib, chicken, and seafood salad as entrees and many fabulous desserts was enjoyed by all. Following
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dinner a Les Schwab Tires representative presented their donation of a set of wheels won through the raffle. A door prize was awarded to a lucky winner it was the passenger-side door from a 1992 Pontiac Grand Am! A two-dollar bill liars poker game was played and a lucky participant went home with a $1000.00 prize. Also won was a $250.00 BBQ donated by Western Nevada Supply. The night culminated with the much-anticipated awards. Over 80 awards were presented to 1st and 2nd place class winners. All winners also received an Eisenhower silver dollar as a symbol of appreciation from the Silver State Pontiacs. The awards presented were unique. Instead of standard trophies, the Silver State Pontiacs awarded plaques designed to look like Nevada license plates with First, Second, and Honorable Mention printed on them. It was 10:30 P.M. when the exhausted members of the Silver State Pontiacs called it a day and an extremely successful 2004 POCI Western Regional Convention came to an end. Special recognition must go to Diane Horning for her outstanding efforts in putting this show together. Without her drive and leadership, this grrreat show would not have happened. The Silver State Pontiac Chapter is fortunate to have such a dynamic Events Director. Check the Silver State Pontiacs website at Its soon to be completely redesigned and many photographs of the 2004 Convention will be posted.
From:Bill Richards, Fresno, California Shown is Grandson Nick Anselmo in Grandpa Bills 69 Pontiac Lemans reday to go! Just 14-1/2 years left.
A collection of Pontiac news and information from far and wide most likely that you will not find anywhere else.
From: Dave Harrison Stockton-on-Tees, England This is my daughter Catherine aged 14 in one of her favourite places, the drivers seat of her Dads 2-tone blue 59 Catalina 2-door hardtop taken on the Saturday cruise during Steel City Cruisers annual weekend car show at Sheffield England, September 04. The car was originally all white but now baby blue over dark blue metallic which looks great with the original blue interior. Catherine has been around Pontiacs all of her life, getting oily helping with the maintenance and accompanying me to shows and cruises since a very early age, first in my 1980 Firebird and the last 5 years the Catalina. She is looking forward to being of driving age when we she can pilot one of the Pontiacs herself and we can take both cars to events. Thanks for a great magazine which just keeps getting better!
From: Keith ODonnell Southington, CT Hey Pontiac fans. Now that the SMOKE SIGNALS is all color, I figured this would be a good time to send you a couple of pictures of my nephew Trever who just turned 2 in October, and show you how much fun hes having pretending to service and drive Uncle Keiths 70 GP (see January 2000 cover). I know some day he will do this for real, but in the mean time, this 4th generation Pontiac fan is having his fun by pretending.
Send in your Youngest Pontiac Lover of the Month today! (It can be the young at heart Pontiac Lover too.)
Share your rare, humurous, warm (or bizarre) Pontiac (and Oakland) finds and experiences with the rest of us. They are everywhere you look!
From: Jim Thomson San Diego Chapter, POCI Take a look at the two pictures to the right. The white 70 Judge belongs to a fellow in our Chapter, Bill Dunne. The 69 belongs to Burt Kratzer from the Cactus GTO Club of Tempe, Arizona, a Chapter of GTOAA. The two cars were at the GTOAA Western Regional in San Pedro in September. The personalized license plates were so close, we had to get them together for a photo shoot. Neither of these guys had ever met before. I guess great minds think alike.
Bet I Scared You!
From: Rick Hottenstine Hortonville, WI Seasons may come and seasons may go, but it is always Pontiac season around here! Excellent job on the SMOKE SIGNALS, keep up the good work. (ED: Thanks for the good word. Everyone loves the new color and paper.)
weaker than new. This allows the shocks to become the body handler. Im glad to see that this old Pontiac at least is getting some favorable interest.
From: Gerry Hulsey Kettering, Ohio This cream with red pin stripping 65 Catalina is owned by an engineering high school student. It is real clean, has a 389, 4-barrel, and a black rolled and pleated interior. It caught my eye because the wheels are 21 inches! Those are the largest I has seen on a 60s car and still be sitting normal. There will be sidewalls grooved, though Im sure. The 35 tires fit by height, but really make the sidewalls hard at that profile. He also has disc brakes on all four, so it can be done. The shocks are gas charged and very firm. To work good, the springs need to be almost worn out, or at least much
By: Frank & Rhonda Stirling Abbotsford, British Columbia Canada My wife, Rhonda, and I, having done a frame up restoration of a 1951 Pontiac Chieftain in 1993 decided that we wanted to get a Nickel-era Pontiac. By nickel-era cars I am referring to those that were built after the brass era, ending in the teens, but before the classic era when chrome plating became fashionable for trim items. Nickel brightwork has a fashionable golden glow, whereas the chrome has a cold, bluish tint. Nickel-era cars have a lot to commend them; they cant cruise on highway speeds but that is not everything. Nickel-era cars are easy to work on and require few sophisticated tools, except for perhaps the slide hammer to remove the rear axle bearings. They run on regular unleaded gasoline and love
After a few near purchases, we fimodern lubricants. With my introducnally found a 1928 Pontiac Landau setion to the mechanical brakes of this dan, through Hemmings, located in 1928, albeit 4 wheels, I have adopted Mabel, Minnesota. This model was the the Boy Scout motto be prepared third model year for Pontiac which was when it comes to stopping! I am fortua lower priced entry vehicle offered by nate that this 1928 Pontiac has the 4the Oakland Motor Car Company, a diwheel mechanical brake setup; the first vision of General Motors. We struck a year for this in Pontiac. There is also, on (continued on next page....) the rear wheels, an external band emergency hand brake, as well. The 1928 had some new inBEFORE novations besides the 4-wheel brake system for it also had, for the first time, the cross flow radiator, the headlight dimmer switch located on the floor beside the driver, and a fuel pump mounted on the engine without the need for a vacuum tank to assist in the fuel delivery to the carburetor. The 1928 models also had a brake light, which the previous years did not have.
deal with the retiring farmer and bought the car. We arranged shipping to the West Coast and picked it up in Bellingham in July 2000 where we proceeded to trailer it back across the border into Canada to Vancouver, British Columbia. Upon closer examination when we got it home, we found that it was as original as it could be having the original manufacture date stamped carburetor, fuel pump, generator, and starting motor, engine, and transmission. The rear end housing even bore the serial number of the car! All these items were working (borderline), but I knew they would not pass the mechanical inspection required before licensing in B.C. The 1928 main wiring harness, for example, was in tatters and very unsafe. Upon trying to adjust the doors I realized that I had some problems; the door frames were in poor shape as was all the lower wood that supported the body. In fact all the wood from the roof to the metal frame needed replacing as well as the running board wood and the interior floorboards. I soon noticed that the body panels at the front cowl area and the rear over the gas tank were beginning to crack from the metal of the body supporting the car without a sound wood substructure. I knew then that I had a total restoration to consider. My wifes inclination was to forget it....push it off a cliff somewhere.... I decided to try and save it! Little did I realize what I had taken on! The original oak 12-spoke wheels were in amazing shape and very tight ,which was encouraging. Now I was into a 33month project with lots of research to be done. I first decided to do the replacement of all the bearings and seals. The rear axle needed a puller to be fabricated and the use of a slide hammer to remove the original rear axle and
bearings. I replaced the bearings with a sealed type and new seals to prevent the seepage of the rear axle lubricant on to the rear brake shoes. The front wheel seals and bearings needed replacing as well. All the brake shoes were relined locally using the original type of woven material and riveted to the old metal backing and reinstalled. The body was also taken apart. The main body was lifted off the frame and
all the lower perimeter wood was replaced, with the help of a local cabinetmaker, with either birch or maple. One of our earliest discoveries was the right front cowl/doorpost wood had to be fashioned to replace the crude 2X2 that had been fitted in there after the car had something fall on it some 20-plus years ago. The door post between the front and rear doors, on the passenger side, was so badly rotted that it did not make contact either with the roof above or the
wooden rocker below, but was only held in place with the exterior metal that originally encased the wood. After some 16 hours of millwork a new one was fashioned and fit inside the metal to make a solid doorpost. While replacing the original deteriorated wood with a new piece of wood we often found that the adjoining piece showed that it too needed replacement; would it ever end? However, it was finally all done and the doors now shut like an old Bentley! The starter, generator, fuel pump, and carburetor were all disassembled and rebuilt, as new. All the plate glass had to be removed for safety reasons and new safety glass for the windshield and tempered glass for the body was made. This glass was reinstalled after the car had been stripped of its original paint and repainted one of the other optional colors that was offered for this car in 1928. I also had to fabricate the front metal windshield visor and fabricate new supports, with the help of POCIs Rich Rose in Denver, CO; then I made the front windshield regulator board to attach the windshield regulator that was missing from the car due to whatever had fallen on the old Pontiac some 20 years previously. The front windshield now lifts up some three inches into the roof area for front ventilation at the lower part of the windshield! The painting preparation was a bit of a problem, which necessitated changing body shops. The first choice just was not working out for a lot of reasons. A new body shop was sourced and it all worked out. After painting, I was very pleased to have the assistance of a former restorer of a 1927 Oldsmobile who assisted with the reassembly of the newly painted body panels including the four fenders, cowl, running boards,
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28 at Memory Lane
ers who will do as I have and bring another one of these back on the road. So next time you are driving around in the countryside, keep an eye out for an exciting piece of Pontiac automotive history and consider the acquisition of possibly a Nickel-era car or early 30s Pontiac. Or, in a few years, the newer POCI members may be wishing they had a Nickelera car or a pre-WWII Pontiac and they will all be gone! We are members of POCIs Early headlights and headlight bar, the four doors, as well as the hood and radiator support, in almost a scratch-free operation. After this I installed a new wiring harness from Rhode Island Wiring. This vehicle was all completed and on the road in early April 2003 and made its debut on the local Easter Parade. The first outing the 1928 Pontiac performed without incident. An original 6-cylinder 186 C.I. engine that puts out an amazing 40 HP powers it. Even its original Carter updraft carburetor, having being rebuilt, works like a dream. It cruises at up to 40 to 45 MPH with little effort. We have enjoyed summer shows with this car last year and it has amazed me how many times it has won the coveted Best of Show awards. At its first Concourse dEllegance show it won the Best of Class award, which was quite satisfying. In May 2004 it won another Best of Show award at the Boulevard Park show in Bellingham, Washington. It is really quite a favorite of the local car shows and people enjoy seeing a 1928 vehicle that is not a Model A Ford! I only wish that there more of these old early twenties cars around, other than model As. Maybe there will be oth-
Times Chapter, and also own a 1951 Pontiac Chieftain sedan, that was featured very prominently in the made for TV movie Door to Door, starring William Macy. This movie, which was nominated for the Golden Globe, is available to rent at most video rentals locations. I also own a 54 Pontiac Star Chief Custom Catalina coupe (model 2837SD) that was rescued from Butte, Montana, in 1978. It needs re-wiring, interior, and paint to be on the road again. We have a great liking of those old Pontiac flathead L-type engines and how they just keep on going and going like the Duracell Battery ad says.
Pontiac Trivia
Some interesting trivia about how Pontiac got its name. It was built by Oakland Motor Company, founded in 1907 in a buggy shop on Oakland Avenue, in the city of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan. In 1926 Oaklands General Manager, Alfred R. Clancy, was credited with the name when taking over Oakland. Mr. Clancy said When I got to the plant I found designs for it hanging on the wall and over them someone had written Pontiac. Yet, when he got ready to christen the first Pontiac in 1926, with a bottle of Champagne, he claimed the new car was named after Chief Pontiac, who led the Ottawa, Chippewa, Pottawatomi, and Miami in a powerful Indian federation in the mid-eighteenth
century. Mr. Clancy stated, If this was Chief Pontiac doing this (new vehicle announcement), he wouldnt be breaking the only bottle of Champagne in Oakland County, he would be drinking it! Remember that this was during prohibition. So, take your pick! Was it after the city of Pontiac, or the name Mr. Clancy found on the wall, or Chief Pontiac? I am not sure which, myself ! In 1926 a total of 76,742 vehicles were built; 127,883 in 1927 and 210,883 for 1928. This 1928 production number was not surpassed untill 1937, when 236,189 vehicles were built. Pontiac was in 5th place in USA vehicle production in 1928! From this point their ranking only improved. The 500,000 Pontiac was built in June 1929.
...quickest elapsed time for a traditional powered Pontiac NHRA Super Stock car in history...
A dream come true. Crazy luck like a set a record, NHRA tears down your enpoker game? No. Old fashion work and gine to ensure your claimed cubic inch, putting yourself into place to have a compression ratio, valve diameter and chance to win one of the biggest drag many other parameters are in spec. races in NHRA history, the Fiftieth AnniNHRA Class racing is very different than versary Mac Tools U.S. Nationals at what most people know as bracket racIndy. Thats what this story is about. ing. The rules one must follow are For those of you that dont know strictly enforced. And its that very reaabout my recent Super Stock perforson why I campaign an NHRA car. mance success, earlier this year at the There is no other current advertising Winternationals I ran the quickest Pontiac engine builder trying to run an elapsed time for a traditional powered NHRA Class car. Its not easy. Although Pontiac NHRA Super Stock car in hisit is easy to brag about a no rules tory. A 9.67 at 136.09 mph. Quite an acbracket cars performance especially complishment and I must say Im proud when theres no unbiased proof of cubic to be on top of the mountain. As a teeninch, or weight of the car, or how much ager at the drags, I would watch the fastturbo/blower boost is being used just beest cars in amazement. To be one of them fore they blow it to smithereens, all in now is thrilling. Knowing my Firebird order to get one elapsed time slip to brag could stand a chance against the best in about. I dont get it. In my book thats no the nation, it was almost unbelieveable. way to lay claim of your power making It provided me with the extra confidence know-how. NHRA provides a level playto attend The Big Go. Indy. Just saying ing field for everyone. I encourage anythe name, Indy, sparks a memory for one to try Stock or Super Stock class racmost of us. Whether youve watched it ing. (No nitrous allowed.) on TV or knew someone who had raced NHRA Stock and Super Stock there, Indy was and still is a special Classes are performance based categoplace. First, a little background on why I ries. Which means if you want to win run an NHRA Class car. Class specifiClass, its HEADS-UP racing. Rememcally meaning Stock or Super Stock ber that? The way drag racing began? Class. You have to be the fastest. More impor(continued on next page....) NHRA mandates a minimum vehicle tantly you must be able to repeat that weight and my Firebird must weigh 3210 lbs. or more. No less. To be safe I usually cross the scales between 3220 to 3225 lbs. NHRA weighs you after every run. If you fall below their minimum weight spec, your run is disqualified. When you win a Class race, or Previous National event winners Mark Faul and Mike Beachy both lost to P.C. Richards.
winning performance possibly many times in one day. Winning a bracket race is no indication of a cars power potential. Dont get me wrong. It can be fun for some, but it just means the car is consistent and the driver is good or lucky. I rant about this subject as there are so many misleading paths a new gear head can travel. A guy trying to learn what it takes to make the power he desires can easily be sold a bill of goods. I see too much of it and it ticks me off. I want my Pontiac friends to have fun with their goals. Anyone that wants to go fast with a traditional Pontiac engine, I consider them a friend. My Super Stock Class win at Indy clearly defines the difference between what I do with Pontiac engines and the no-rules thrills seekin salesmen. At Indy this year, six cars showed up for my Super Stock Class. GT/DA. All but mine are Chevy powered. Including the car that has held the record for the last five years. I wanted to be able to beat that car. But, you know, what kind of a dream does a poor boy get to realize anyhow. NHRA allows Chevy motors in Pontiac bodies, as long as that year body came with the corporate, (Chevy) engine. Im up against millions of dollars of Chevy R&D, literally, since 1955. You think maybe a billion has been spent on the small block research since 1955? I doubt if thats an exaggeration. On the
other hand Im the only 428 Pontiac engine in history that is running NHRA Super Stock. I had no one to compare notes with. Ive done all of my own R&D. With five years to get ready for this 50th anniversary race at Indy, I knew I had my work cut out for me. The D class is pretty high up the performance ladder and the record was 9.63 at that time. Trust me, as neat as it would be to posture myself like some big time professional with lots of money, if you know me, you know thats not me. (I can hear the knowing crowd cackling, No kidding) So what. The people Ive seen posture themselves as something theyre not havent impressed me. I love what I do with these traditional Pontiac engines. It doesnt pay a bunch. I get by, especially living in California and having a California mortgage. The lack of big funds means my research takes longer, and making the correct changes for improvement is also time consuming. I recently paid off a SuperFlow engine dyno and its now set up in my shop. Like any other tool, it takes skill to operate. Ive dyno tested over 150 of my customers engines at another facility, so I have plenty of dyno experience. All dynos are not created equal but the drag strip is. Most of my R&D with the Super Stocker has been done at the track. Lots of runs. Lots of mistakes. My good fortune? Im a fast learner. Would that help me at Indy? I found out after my first run; I was lost. A dyno wouldnt help me now. Not back east. The Pressure: Going to Indy with a car that had only ran on the west coast presented an unforseen problem. I knew the air is different out west. We have little or no humidity. The mid-west is humid, so the added water meant Id be down on power. Having done my homework I knew Id have to make some changes, but, you only get four chances to qualify at the big race. I was ready for the tuning changes the engine would need. However, I wasnt ready to rethink the chassis setup. At NHRA national events, in Stock and Super Stock, only the top 128 cars that run farthest under their index get to run in their respective bracket eliminator. Theres actually two races in one event. Class racing, where you run everyone in your class for top honors. Little money, but major bragging rights. Then theres the overall bracket eliminator where all of the Stock or Super Stock classes race each other in a dial your own ET style bracket race. Im in it for the heads-up class races. There were al20 SMOKE SIGNALS DECEMBER 2004
most 200 Super Stockers trying to get in tion. at Indy. Thats 72 almost fast enoughs Another thing you need to know that embarrassingly went home early. about Indy. All Class winners, no matter (Including a well known old time how far under their index they run, are Pontiacer.) My first qualifying pass was automatically in the main bracket show. terrible. If youve seen my web site or So that means the cars that are barely the Comp Cams ad with my car, youve qualified after three time trials might seen the picture of the giant wheelstand. find themselves knocked out. RememMy new combination while running at ber, only 128 cars get in. Class winners Vegas last fall was making so much bump the lower qualifiers out. I didnt power I stood the car straight up and aclike being 109. No sir. Hey, There are 83 tually almost flipped it over. If it wasnt Super Stock classes. If theres a car in for the wheelie bars, I dont know what each class, (not always) potentially would have happened. With the back youd need to qualify at the 45th position east power robbing humidity I didnt or higher in order to have a good nights think Id have that problem. Well, I sleep before eliminations. Fortunately didnt. But not for the lack of power. not all classes were represented this year, My first time trial at Indy the car left but I knew my car could run quicker and flat footed, (thats my way of saying it I wanted to qualify better than 109. left with the front wheels on the ground,) After talking to the M/T tire rep, he it spun horribly. Like I was in water. A asked me something I should have nifty thing that NHRA does, they record thought of anyway. Was the front end your elapsed time in five locations down tight? Meaning, was the shock set so it the track. They are, the sixty foot mark, wouldnt extend as quickly when the car the 330 mark, half track, or 660 foot lifted. This makes it harder for the car to mark, the 1000 foot mark, and of course lift. When its tight the car sees the at the finish line, 1320 feet. Racers use weight of the wheels and tires sooner. those times to see how their cars are acYes, I replied. It was as tight as poscelerating (or not) in different areas of sible to keep it from wheel standing on the track. The sixty foot mark is a great the west coast. Eureka! Something as indicator of how well your car hooked simple as that, but hey, it was my first up. On the first time trial I recorded a time at Indy. I hadnt realized that being 1.66 sixty foot time. My average sixty down on power meant I had to loosen foot is 1.28. I didnt qualify on that pass. the front end for the car to have proper Was it the track? Probably not. After the weight transfer. Now then. Adjust it how run I realized I had gotten to talking with much? Ive never had to chase a shock a guy in the staging lanes and forgot to setting in the middle of its travel before. check my tire pressures. Dingbat. Its Its either been as loose as possible or only the biggest event of my life and I visa/versa. What a lousy time to be forgot to check my tire pressure. guessing, but thats the way the cookie So, for the second time trial I set the crumbles. I turned it all of the way loose rear tire pressure properly. This launch and back one full turn. was not quite as bad but it still spun It was my third time trial. Right lane, more than usual. Luckily my new Thursday late afternoon it jumped right Mickey Thompson drag radials recover up in the air again, too high, unloaded from spinning sooner than biased tires, and spun the right tire which made the and my 9.85 elapsed time put me in the left tire drive me towards the wall. I had show at the 109th position. Yet, the car to abort the run. Back in the pits, fruswasnt launching normally. I had the trated, I turned the shock setting further tires set correctly, but it was spinning back. Would it be enough? I spent the (continued on next page....) much more than it should. Theres a problem. Rats. What to do. I thought I only had one more time trial before class eliminations. I found out tho that NHRA allows your first Class elimination run to count as a final qualifying run. It is, your final qualifying attempt. Im thinking, thank God. I had two more chances to qualify and maybe get in lower than the precarious 109th posi- Wheelstands are great for pictures, not good for ETs.
night wondering about it. I was so concerned that I knew Id be miserable with my friends so I slept in my truck. The next morning would be the first round of class, and my last qualifying pass. My inconsistent car was now a sitting duck against the more experienced racers. Um...More Pressure: Friday morning. This is it. I got paired up with Merle Eschmans Grand Am. Paired up only because Merle had pulled up behind me. After we met and talked a while, we figured to heck with the coin toss that pairs up the racers, we were the first two cars in the lanes, so we decided to run each other. Merle and I flipped my lucky silver dollar for lane choice and he won. He picked the right lane. We had qualified close, both running 9.85s, so I just figured, heck with it, as long as the second shock setting was the one, even if I lost I ought to move up the qualifying sheet.
Merele was a swell guy and a class act. I did. The car left perfectly. Not too high. No spin. Just right. I went 9.83. Which moved me to the 90th spot. I was real lucky, and guess what? Somehow I also beat Merle! He went 9.85 in a race closer than Id like. That meant I got another chance to practice reation times. To recap a little there were six cars in my Class, so no one was going to get a bye run. Five of the six were qualified from 9.80 flat to 9.90 flat. Jim Borbokas car, now owned by P.C. Richards, which was the car I had set my sights on five years ago, was the fastest at 9.74. A whole tenth quicker that the rest of the field. Blah! Hey, all one can do is think, One round at a time. I thought, If I win just one class run off, cool. And I had. So at least I was going to get another run. My second Class race was with Bret Voges. My lucky silver dollar lost me that toss too and Bret picked the left lane. Again, knowing we had previously qualified very close, we both knew it was probably going to be won or lost on our reaction time at the tree. Of course you never know when someone is sandbagging, saving their best performance for Class eliminations. Bret wasnt sandbagging. He took a shot at the tree and redlit! My car left once again perfectly.
I was going to the Class final against too. I gave that stinkin coin to the first the car, but not the man, that I had person that walked by. I got a surprised dreamed about racing for five years. look. I said, Dont ask. Truely a David and Goliath kinda story. This was nuts. I was here. Indy. And Now I need to back up here a minute the biggest Indy ever. The 50th anniverand give a stadium size thanks to racer sary Indy. Im in the final against the car Mike Carr, who took over my car like it I had dreamed about beating. All of these was his. He baby sat the ice, (keeping the thoughts. Blah! Got to clear my head. intake manifold cold. Denser air, more Its time to do what I set my mind to. Ok. oxygen, goes faster!) He kept looking Here we go. The staging lane director over the car, making sure I was checking tells us to suit up and move out. Burnthe tire pressure. He watched over the out its good. Phil gives me the nod and starting line, put me in good spots and I pull up. Mike points; this spot is best stayed with me throughout all of the for traction. I pull in straight. Thumbs eliminations. Mike, you sure didnt need up, Mike walks away. I light the top preto do any of that but THANK YOU! stage bulb and wait for Mr. Richardson Also, previous car owner Phil Montieth, to pull in. Light the second stage bulb, was very helpful too watching my and Big Daddy, this is it. Were on. I cut burnouts and sending me out of the wait as close as I dared. A red light and ter. Those new radial slicks are tricky youre on the trailer. It wasnt the best animals and Phil made sure I didnt over- light, a .540 up. heat them. When Phil owned my car he Cant see a thing when the car is at that and his driver, Peter Biondo, won their altitude. I come down, and I should see first National super Stock chamionship him out of my right window, right? I with it. Since then theyve gone on to didnt see him. What. What happened? win two more National championships Where was P.C. Richardson? A .500 is a with their new car. perfect reaction time. A .499 R/T is a red light. A .570 is what P.C. had. My startPressure? What Pressure? Aaaaaugh! ing line advantage was three hundreths An hour or so later we were called back of a second. Three hundreths against a to the staging lanes. It was time to meet Mr Richardson. None of us knew how well he was really running. Remember, this was the record holding car that had gone low 9.60s, in these back east conditions. Was he sandbagging? Was he going to pull out all of his tricks? All we knew was that he was running well enough to beat Mark Faul and Mike Beachey. That This is what a .03 hundreths holeshot looks like. didnt mean he wasnt car that was a tenth of a second quicker saving something for the final. A lot of does not add up in your favor where tricky racers do that. We met each other was he? briefly, exchanging hellos and, well, I was in high gear and past half track here we are kind of things. Of course before I gathered enough moxy to look its customary and a gentlemans thing to over my right shoulder. I mean, I have a coin toss to see who gets lane couldnt see him in my mirrors and he choice. My lucky dollar lost me that toss wasnt sitting at the starting line. Where was he? I turned myself as far around in the seat as I could, and there he was, in my blind spot, out my back window, about a full car length back. Oh, man, Im thinking. And Im startin to yell. Im swingin my right arm like Who let the dogs Bret Voges had the only Camaro in our class. (File Photo)
out. Im yellin Cmon baaaby! Cmon! He wasnt gaining on me. Im yelling some more, Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I kept howling right across the finish line til I saw my win light come on. Yeek! Holy Mackerel. Yowza! This low bet Pontiac had just won Class at Indy! Even the photographers had set up in Garys lane. Ive yet to find a picture from my side of the track. I had just outrun the quickest car in the class. He had run 136 mph to my 133 mph. But, it was my day. I went 9.82. Everyone said he spun on the starting line. Hmmm, chassis set up? Too much power? He spun enough that it killed his ET to 10.01. But his mph showed he was loaded for bear. Well, the
bear won. Nothing could be sweeter. I did it. No one built my engine but me. No one put my car together but me. And now, to top it off, I got the chance to pass tear down and prove to everyone just what I can do. How sweet it is. You see, I have this trophy. A trophy One of my pals, Race Controller Carl Zimmerthat was earned. man, has been to all fifty NHRA U.S. Nationals. Three Class wins in three years. Tho, I have to say, tality. Brian Swain and his buddy Rob, beating that car on a holeshot and and everyone else who yelled in my bewinning Class at Indy is the best. half. And by the way, I have another My Pontiac friends, you too are the goal. A goal that will be another Pontiac best. Thanks for your support. Ive got to first and make you all proud. Proud to thank Mark Gemmel for fronting half the own what some of us call, a R-E-A-L money for a new tranmission, and Carol Pontiac engine. and Patrick Ray for their terrific hospi-
POCI member Roger Simmins of Lawrenceville, New Jersey sent in the August 2004 issue of Scale Auto shown at the right. You guessed it its all about Pontiac GTOs! Well, much of it. The feature, cover story, is all about the detailing of a 1/25 scale Revell-Monogram 1966 GTO. It gives step-by-step instructions with very good photos of everything, including engine, exhaust system, interior, body, and trim detailing. It is quite involved, but the results are fantastic. It looks like the real thing! But it doesnt stop there. Immediately following the 66 detailing article is an article entitled 40 Years of Greatness a kit history for GTO builders and collectors. This article takes you through the GTO years in models from beginning to present. If you have ever wondered what GTO model kits were produced, by whom, and when, this is a must read. This will help you locate whatever you are looking for, and even gives information on kits that have been reissued. And, theres even more. Elsewhere in this issue you will find a neat build of a 67 Firebird and as an extra bonus, on the last page in a section
Except for the last two model years (1973 and 1974), every year of Pontiac GTO has been replicated in 1/24 or 1/25 scale by at least one American kit manufacturer.
called Sketchpad there are two very customized GTO illustrations a 1966 and a 1971. If you are looking to customize your GTO (or any Pontiac for that matter), dont forget to check out the modeling magazines for ideas. You may find some ideas that have never been put to medal before. There you go. And you didnt think you had anything to do during the coming long winter months! If you wish to get this particular magazine or even subscribe, contact Kalmbach Publishing, 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187-1612. 800-533-6644. Check their web site also at:
Midwests Largest
Local artist Scott Shaner had some interesting automotive art on display A BBQ followed for all entrants and their families followed by an ice cream cruise. Following the cruise to Cheri Os participants returned to the show site for a parking lot party which featured games, music, and R/C car races. The next morning registration and teching started promptly at 8:00 am ending at 12:00 noon. Early in the afternoon participants were also given the opportunity to hear Jim Hands presentation and learn about his new book How To Build Max Performance Pontiac V-8s. A quick look over the show field saw the usual high quality cars with many notable standouts including a 1939 Pontiac owned by Bob Chalek from Council Bluffs, Iowa; a 1969 GTO owned by Karl and Mary Kumbel of Remsen, Iowa; and Dave Puhls 57 Chieftain from Omaha. Other worthy contenders included Ray and Sharon Goschs 1959 Bonneville and a 1992 GMC Typoon owned by Mark and Sheri Pieloch. If you enjoy something a little more on the wild side, then a Fiero Scorpion kit car might suit your fancy, plus a 1948 GMC extended cab 3-door custom. The awards were held at 4:00 with presentations made by host club presidents Tom Rappl and Shawn Kniesley and Best in Class awards announced (see listing) by club member Harry Allen. Peoples Choice award recipients included Larry Reimer from Omaha, NE for his 77 Trans Am in the intermediate category; Jesse Renteria of Papillion, NE with his 1955 1/2-ton pickup in the GMC category; and Glenn Bappe of Kingsley, IA with his magnificent 57 fuel-injected Bonneville convertible in the full-size category. Fred Mittans 55 Chieftain took the Nebraska Crossings Choice Award and Jesse Renteria also won the Century 21 Choice Award. Winners Circle awards were presented to last years Peoples Choice recipients which included Jerry Burrow, Tim and Marie Everts, and Gus and Mary Frics, owners of the displayed 84
A standout 69 GTO, owned by Karl and Mary Kumbel of Remsen, Iowa Fiero pace car, 1950 GMC pickup, and a 1958 Bonneville, respectively. The Club Participation Award went to the Redline Warriors Club from Des Moines, Iowa and special Appreciation awards were also presented to show sponsors and special guests. This years show had 238 entries covering forty-nine classes with entries representing nine states. Participants traveled as far as Wyoming, Colorado and Ohio, a testament to the on-going hard work and dedication of these two clubs. I asked Mr. Dyrda why the show continues to be a success year after year. The bottom line value he replied. Where else can you get so
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much, for so little? The $20 entry fee gets you a quality show-shirt; a guaranteed award plaque (based on your cars level of workmanship); a chance at a $100 cash giveaway; and a door prize. If you attend Saturday nights activities you also receive a free meal (you and your family); the Ice Cream Cruise; and more giveaways. Next years show is planned for August 2728 at Nebraska Crossing. Inquires can be directed to Joe Dyrda, event coordinator, at (402) 289-3620;email at [email protected]. Make plans now to attend the 2005 show which should be Bigger and Better. Well see ya there!
This tricked out Northstar powered Scorpion sits atop a Fiero chassis
Cerone, 1977 Can Am; Omaha, NE Q) Firebird/TA (6769): Jeff Gaule, 1968 Firebird;Omaha, NE R-1) Trans Am (7076): Jim Rotella, 1972 T/A;Omaha, NE R-2) Trans Am (7781): Jim Hovendick, 1979 T/A;Blair, NE R-3) Trans Am (8292): Jack & Pat Scott, 1988 T/A;Lincoln, NE R-4) Trans Am (9302): Jason Stewart, 2002 Firehawk;Gretna, NE S-1) Firebird/Formula (7081): Larry Herr, 1973 Firebird; Papillion, NE S-2) Firebird/Formula (8292): Andy Burroughs, 1989 Firebird; Plattsmouth, NE S-3) Firebird/Formula (9302): Chris Olson, 1994 Firehawk;Omaha, NE T-1) Commercial: Roger Novacek, 1968 Hearse; Dwight, NE T-2) Non-Commercial: Greg Hawley, 1964 Tempest Wagon; Muscatine, IA U) Limited Change (67 & Older): Dan Potnam, 1965 GTO; Sugar Creek, MO) V) Limited Change (68 & Newer): Darrell Anderson, 2002 Firehawk; Shawnee, KS W) Street Modified: Bill & Kathy Parker, 1968 Firebird; Davenport, IA X) Race (Street Legal): Jon Bischof, 1986 Grand Prix 2+2; Omaha, NE Y) Race (Not Street Legal): Bill Lorenzen, 1967 GTO; Lincoln, NE AA) GMC Stock (72 & Older): Larry Kopiasz, 1972 GMC Pickup; Bellevue, NE BB) GMC Stock (7287): Glen Versaw, 1984 GMC Pickup; Lincoln, NE CC) GMC Stock (83Present): Larry Hurley, 1997 GMC Pickup; Bellevue, NE DD) GMC Stock (Jimmy, S-1 5, etc.): Joel & Deb Plettner, 2004 Canyon; Omaha, NE EE) GMC Limited Change: Jesse Renteria, 1955 1/2 Pickup;Papillion, NE FF) GMC Modified: Kevin Hovendick, 1978 Pickup; Blair, NE
Peoples Choice Full Size went to Glen Bappes 1957 fuelie Bonneville Peoples Choice Intermediate category went to Larry Reimers 1977 T/A Peoples Choice GMC was awarded to Jesse Renteria for his 1955 pickup GMC: Jesse Renteria, 1955 1/2 Pickup; Papillion, NE Nebraska Crossings Choice: Fred Mittan, 1955 Chieftain Sherri Dawns Choice: Jesse Renteria, 1955 1/2 GMC Pickup Club Participation: Redline Warriors (IA)
Special Awards:
Peoples Choice: Full Size: Glenn Bappe, 1957 Bonneville; Kingsley, IA Intermediate: Larry Reimer, 1977 Trans Am; Omaha, NE
Ben Deutschman Metuchen, New Jersey Now before anyone gets the idea that maybe Id taken a trip to Hawaii, let me state for the record here, that no such thing happened. Instead of Hawaii, I, and three fellow Trans Am owners, took a trip from the central New Jersey area, down to a place called Kahunaville, which is located in what was once a river front industrial district, in the town of Wilmington, Delaware. The former industrial site has been cleaned up, and now sports several outlet stores, and a family restaurant/bar/family entertainment center, called Kahunaville. The group consisted of my 1976 Trans Am, a 1978 Special Edition Trans Am owned by my friends wife, Jenn, a 1976 Trans Am owned by another friend of mine, Dave Faust, and a 1979 Trans Am owned by Anthony, whom we had met earlier in the year at a local Cruise Night. Our trip began along the New Jersey Turnpike, by exit 10, where I, and my 3 friends met up. Though we were supposed to have left at 6:00 a.m., for a planned 8:00 a.m. arrival at Kahunaville, foul weather delayed our departure until 8:00 a.m., when at least the rain had ceased, and all we had to deal with were overcast skies. Other than a required pit stop for the young-ins, Staging Lines our ride down to Kahunaville went without incident, and we arrived at the staging area for the Cruise Around Kahunaville at 10:00 a.m. Due to a somewhat reduced turnout, as a result of the threatening skies, and despite our late arrival, we were still allowed to stage up for the cruise which was set to step off at 10:45 a.m. While we waited in the staging lanes, yours truly observed the My Classic Car film crew filming the hood of my Trans Am, and seized the moment to give the camera crew a short history lesson on my car. What I did, was to pull out a 16 x 20 photo display, which shows my T/A looking quite good prior to its restoration, followed by some photos showing just how deteriorated my car actually was under all that apparent beauty. The camera crew was quite obliging, much to my surprise, and pleasure, and proceeded to re-shoot the sequence with my T/A in it, adding of course the photo display to the segment. Now all I have to do I guess, is hope the segment makes it to the final cut. After the film crew departed, I spotted Dennis Gage, and asked him if hed pose for a photo of myself and him. Mr. Gage said no problem, and my son Martin took care of taking the picture for his present at the show, however, even with an estimated 500+ cars present, I could only find two other 70s vintage Trans Ams at this event, both 79 models.
My friend Dave had missed out on getting Dennis to pose by his car while we were staged up for the Cruise, but thanks to some eagle eyed spotting on my part, and some sprinting on Daves part, he was able to get Mr. Gage to pose by his car later in the day, and not to be outdone, my son Martin also shanghaied Mr. Gage for a quick photo op by his Dads T/A. Now I must say
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Dennis Gage and Ben. Dad. A short time later, we departed for our rather annotated Cruise, which took us out of the staging area, down the street opposite Kahunaville, after which we made a couple of lefts, rode under Rt 95 for a short distance, back into the far end of the Outlet Mall parking lot, and then finally arriving back at Kahunaville, at which point we were then directed to our respective parking areas for the car show. There were quite a number of cars
that Mr. Gages patience, and not to mention willingness to pose for a second time, next to the same car hed already posed by, just to make a little boy happy, certainly made a favorable impression upon that little boys Dad. At 3:30 p.m. we packed up our belongings, took a few more photos of our group of cars, and headed home. As we left, a couple of us engaged in the sanctioned Burnout Contest, whose prize I suppose, was the thrill of seeing how much tread one could remove from the tires of ones car, in the shortest amount of time. I believe I may have come in first among my friends. The trip back
1959 Pontiac Laurentian Station Wagon
home was fortunately as uneventful as our ride down to Kahunaville, in that we encountered no rain, no traffic tie-ups, and we sort of played a tamed down version of Pole-Position on the way home, so that my friends wife, Jenn, could take a few photos of each of our cars as we motored on up the Jersey Turnpike.
Ben doing the Full Tilt Boogie on the New Jersey Turnpike. And so, theres the story of my trip to Kahunaville. Maybe some day, when I get a real job, Ill go to Hawaii, not just a place with a Hawaiian sounding name.
Although the Canadian-type Pontiacs continued with the all-Pontiac styling policy begun with the 1955 models, they still used the Chevrolet chassis. It was the 1959 Pontiac which started the Wide-Track track, and gave it wide publicity. The United Statres was Wide-Track country, but not Canada. Canadian Pontiacs had the same stance as Chevrolet. The tread was 60.3 inches at the front and 59.3 at the rear. An ironic twist to this narrow-gauge Canadian Pontiac situation was that American sales catalogs devoted a full page to the wide track concept, but neglected to state what the new tread was. The Canadian Pontiac sales catalog makes no mention of the Wide-Track, of course, but on the specifications page, gives the front and rear tread, along with other exterior dimensions. For anyone still in the dark, the 1959 American Wide-Track Pontiac had a tread of 63.7 inches in front and 64 inches in the rear. Some Americans claim they can spot the narrow Canadian Pontiacs and think they look funny. To make such an identification seems incredible. The 1.7 inch difference on each side is scarcely detectable, especially when the wheels are the same distance to the cars maximum width as the 1959 Chevrolet. (The above text is from Canadian Cars 1946- 1984 by R. Perry Zavitz.)
Southern California Chapter
Congratulations to SCC for receiving the Club Participation Award at the 2004 Pontiac Western Regional in Reno, Nevada hosted by the Silver State Chapter. Members in attendance were: Dick and Shirley Hoyt, Dan and Kate Santoro, Don and Barb Finn, Ron and Joyce Hirakawa, Roy and Eveline Paullin, Chuck Abbott, Walt and Gail Woodworth, Lee and Carole Orr and their son Lee, and Alicia and Denise Miller. SCCers that placed in their respective classes and received the unique Nevada license plate plaque were: 1st Place: Lee Orr, 1926 Oakland 1st Place: Dan and Kate Santoro, 1959 Bonneville 2nd Place: Don and Barb Finn, 1959 Catalina convertible 1st Place: Chuck Abbott, 1965 Grand Prix Elite Eight (Top 8 votes): Lee Orr: 1926 Oakland Don and Barb Finn received the Cream of the Crop award with their 59 Catalina convertible after the Poker Run to Hobeys Casino downtown. Ron Hirakawa won the Participation Award consisting of a Pontiac display of 6 silver dollars ranging from 1888 2004 handmade by Silver State Chapter member Nick Horning. Dan and Kate Santoros 59 Bonneville was chosen by the Red Hat Societys Crimson Capellos to be their choice on the show field. Mark your calendars! Our Chapter Holiday Party is set for Saturday, December 4th, at the home of Chuck and Laurie Abbott in Lauguna Niguel 949362-1477. Volunteers are still needed for our 7th Annual All Pontiac Show N Shine just a few short months away in February. Details are in your Chieftain Chatter newsletter. For Chapter information, comments or suggestions, please contact Chuck Abbott, 24071 Lapwing Lane, Naguna Niguel, CA 92644; phone 949-3621477, or email [email protected]. Monthly Club Nights are held the second Wednesday of every month at Dennys Restaurant in Brea off the 57 Freeway at the N/B Imperial Highway offramp 7-9 PM.
SMOKE Central
P.O. Box 14057 Bradenton, FL 34280-4057 FAX: 941-792-8023 E-mail: [email protected]
The POCI CHAPTER NEWS is published for our Local and Speciality Chapters to help keep all of our members informed of the many exciting, entertaining and helpful activities going on in their locations. Be sure to check the monthly Calendar of Events in the SMOKE SIGNALS Magazine and the POCI web site for more information. Little Indians Chapter (6163 Tempest and Lemans)
Several Chapter members attended the annual Pumpkinfest celebration in Port Elgin, Ontario the first weekend in October. Not only did we get to inspect the new world record pumpkin weighing in at 1,446 pounds but we also got to see lots of neat classic cars at the big car show. Member George Albright, along with his wife, Jane, took the Chapter long distance award by driving their 62 Tempest convertible over 1,100 miles on the international roundtrip. Unlike years past, we were rewarded with unusually warm weather. Temperatures pushing 60 with sunny skies prevailed both days of the weekend. We held the first ever Ray Mills memorial cruise during the weekend. Ray is the one who got most of us going to Pumpkinfest every year and this was our first one without him. He was certainly missed but definitely not forgotten. Plans are being made for next years Chapter activities. Watch for more information on our annual Pow Wow to be held the weekend of June 4th and 5th in Gananoque, Ontario Canada. We will also have our annual Tempest Tantrums Weekend in conjunction with the Tri-Power Pontiac Nationals
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Please take the time to make our Membership Roster current. Take a few moments to check your address, car info, e-mail address, etc. Also, please check your car listings. Many of our new members have never provided an accurate description of their car(s), therefore we: somtimes guess at what they might
be, or dont even list them at all. Use the Style Designation Guide found in the front of your Roster to specify the body style. If you wish to view the POCI Roster on-line, you can find it in the Members Only section of our web site at: For our overseas members, please remember that the Roster book is only available as a seperate purchase item due to the extremely high cost of mailing. We apologize for that. If you wish a current Roster, just send $10.00 U.S. to: POCI, P.O. Box 14057, Bradenton, FL 34280-4057
in Norwalk, Ohio the weekend of August 6th and 7th. For more information on the Little Indians Chapter of POCI, contact Greg Walters, 1706 Winding Ridge Trail, Knoxville, TN 37922, or e-mail: [email protected]
though our area is small, relatively speaking, our commitment hasnt waned over the years. Many of the original members are still members of the Chapter and we always hope to increase our Pontiac numbers each year. So, as the car show season draws to a close here in southeastern NC for the winter, our hats are off to those guys and gals who started our Chapter a decade ago. And from those of us who werent there at the start, a hearty thanks, yall for creating something we can all enjoy in the years ahead. For more information on the Cape Fear Chapter of POCI, contact Norm Miller, 6902 Daybreak Lane, Wilmington, NC 28411; (910)313-1191.
In the Members Only section of the POCI web site there is a special section called Chapter News. This section was specifically designed to allow all Chapters to add/update news about their Chapter and events. If you do not wish to continually update this information, PLEASE at least write-up a general description of your Chapter; list contact person(s), phone numbers, and if you can, where and when meetings are held. This will help POCI members who are not yet members of a Local or Speciality Chapter learn about you and hopefully join your group.
If you enjoyed that classic Pontiac brochure art that we featured on the back cover of your May 2003 SMOKE SIGNALS Magazine, now you can have one perfect for framing and displaying with pride. We have printed an extra 250 quantity (with nothing on the back side), just for you. If you want one of these limited items, sent $10.00 in check or money order, made out to POCI. Mail to: POCI, P.O. Box 14057, Bradenton, FL 34280-4057. Perfect for a gift to that Pontiac lover in your house!
a festive gathering of Chapter members. It seems that at this time of year, the focus becomes less on the cars, and more on the people, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. Our Chapter has some great members and it is always fun to learn more about people aside from what they drive. Friendships are created and strengthened with these events and thats truly what the Chapter is all about. We are individuals connected by our Pontiacs, but we are friends connected by our hearts. For more informatuion about the San Diego Chapter of POCI, contact Dave Keeth, 154 El Camino Pequena, El Cajon, CA 92019.
with his 41 Silver Streak at the Nutmeg Chapters fall show at Barberino Pontiac. On October 10th, six couples cruised to Sakonnet Vineyards for a day of tasting and picnicking. This has become one of our most popular events. As usual, the vineyard went out of its way to make us feel at home. On October 16th, Little Rhody hosted its annual Foliage and Poker run. This year, we took in some of New Englands finest scenery as we toured western RI and northeast CT. The views were often spectacular as we cruised a designated national scenic highway. Paul and Joanne Zito won the $25 prize for having the best poker hand. The day ended at a surprise 30th anniversary party for Dennis and Dianne Ducharme. The following events will close out 2004: Our annual Christmas tree run is schedule for the day after Thanksgiving. As has our been the custom in the past, we will drive to Franconia, NH and stay at Parkers Motel. Our annual Christmas party is scheduled for December 5th at the Village Haven. There will be a guest appearance of a guy in a red suit who drives a 66 GTO. Our last cruise of the year will be on December 7th as we cruise to Stockbridge, MA to partake in a celebration of Norman Rockwells Christmas on Main Street. Nominations were accepted for our open Board and Executive Committee positions at our October meeting. The incumbents will be running unopposed and will be voted in by the Secretary at the December chapter meeting. Want to join us? Contact Rick DiGiacomo, 54 Pinecrest Drive, No. Scituate, RI 02857, or call 401-9340663; e-mail: [email protected].
money for the hurricane relief effort in Florida. Ballots have been mailed out for the election of officers for the 20052006 years. Results will be announced at our Christmas Party on December 4th. For more information about the Arch Chapter of POCI, contact Richard Locavich, 808 Carmen Woods Drive, Manchester, MO 63011.
Should your travel plans find you in South Florida, home of the year-round cruise-in and perfect nights for topdown Pontiac fun, please dont be bashful! Give one of us a call and well show you how much fun it is to be in the Hurricane Chapter! Contact us anytime on how to become part of our Hurricane family at 305-648-0623 or via e-mail at [email protected]
and all Pontiacs. And a special thank you to Paul Barberino for being such a great sponsor for 21 years. On October 17th the Chapter held its Annual Fall Foliage Frolic. Members enjoyed a beautiful day with the caravan led by Ron and Eva Bastura around western New Haven and eastern Fairfield County. The Newest Nutmeggers are: Frank and Donna Gauthier from Rowayton; they have a 1964 Bonneville Safari. Ralph and Helen Perillo from Waterbury; they have a 1963 Bonneville. James and Gerda Bartholomew from Litchfield. Edward Coakley from Southold; he has a 1987 Fiero GT. John Crotty from Naugatuck; he has a 1966 Catalina HO and a 1973 Grand
Prix. Brian and Suzi Edwards from Enfield; they have a 1972 LeMans convertible. Jim and Joan Howard from Prospect; they have a 1940 4-door street rod. Ed and Barbara Makuck. Lawrence and Dara Montgomery from Yalesville; hey have a 1965 LeMans. David Paturzo and his daughter Caitlin from North Haven; they have a 1968 GTO and a 1977 Firebird Formula. Robert Porto from Meriden; he owns a 1980 Firebird. David and Mary Jean White from Plainville; they own a modified 1956 Custom Safari. For more information on the Nutmeg Chapter of POCI, contact Starr Evans, 10 Church Hill Road, Washington Depot, CT 06794
The next time you see a typo, before complaining, consider the following sent in by Lisa Kline of Baldwin Harbor, NY. Cause Im sure you could figure out what I ment to say! I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid . Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are ; the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt
Check out the beautiful 59 Star Chief 4-Door Vista of Marcel Brun from Switzerland. It is newly restored and colored in Concord Blue metallic with an Ivory White top. Also check out his fun web site, Marcel is really into American Country, Hillbilly, and Rockabilly misic. Country is obviously alive and well in Switzerland!
Attention: All 70-73 455 convertible and hardtop GTO owners, register your 455 powered car. 7088 of these were built. Anyone also with information on these great cars is welcome. It would be great to share info. Contact Paul Bourbeau (413)267-5834; e-mail: [email protected] (MA) <04p> Does Anyone Know the First Owner of my 67 GTO?: purchased at Taber Pontiac in Atlanta, his name is C.L. Hawkins, lived on Sylvon Road, SW Atlanta. Thanks for helping. Bill Skillington, 5749 Basin View Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97603; (541)884-5444 (OR) <01> 56 Pontiac: Z85 HP, two four barrels, I need info on these rare cars. Personal histories, photos, parts, anything will be helpful. Research project. Jack Lander, 2405 Calle Andalacia, Santa Barbara, CA 93109. (805)962-5766 (CA) <0202p> 57 Pontiac Owners: would like to exchange ideas on disassembly, chrome, upholstery, paint, parts sources, etc. Monty Henkel (303)450-2311 days; e-mail: [email protected] (CO) <12> 65 Bonneville 8-Lugs: I have a 65 Bonneville with 8-lug wheels and would like to know if anyone knows of a way to convert the front to discs. David Edwards (612)806-5203; fax (617)806-1950 (MN) <12> 77 Grand Prix Convertible: Seeking information on the history of the 1977 Grand Prix Convertible conversion. what company made them, were they Pontiac approved, any information would be welcomed - any other owners out there? Call or write: Joe Genera, 345 New England Road, Guilford, CT 06437. (203)458-2204 Email [email protected] <0603P> 421/428/455 Station Wagon Registry: Register your wagon and help us establish a current list to exchange information and see how many of these special vehicles are left. To get a Registry form, email: [email protected] or send a SASE to Erik Fleischner, 228 Santa Barbara Circle, Palm Desert, CA 92260. (760)776-6657 (CA) <0602p>
26 thru 29: Will cast non-mechanical cast parts others wont even consider. Ten years experience of one off or production parts in bronze or aluminum. We specialize in personal service. Now
available 34 side mount thumb screws, 33-34 crank hole covers, many 32 parts. Rose Reproductions, Rich or Kathy (303)287-2309. (CO) <0402p> 26 - 35: Will cast common or odd parts others wont, consider thirteen years experience of one off or production parts in bronze or aluminum. We specialize in personal service. Our radiator caps will win your car Best of Show. Call Rich or Kathy of Rose Reproductions (303)287-2309. (CO) <1202p> 28-up Cowl Tags Help is available for corroded, heater holed, acid dipped, etc. tags. Send model information and problem for details. A.G. Backeast, Box 581, Plainville, CT 06062. (860)7472942; (CT)<0402p> 33-34 Pontiac Registry I have set up a website to register 33-34s. I hope to help people with information, contacts, etc., Im also the tech advisor for 33s. [email protected]. If you dont have access, send it. Barry Monberger, 6 Woodland Lane, Boyertown, PA 19512. (PA) <0602p> 42-48 Pontiac Owners Registry: Join my registry on the internet. Have lots of info on these great cars. Check it out at: or e-mail to: [email protected] or write to Don Hinsberger, 7169 Benares St, Downey, CA. (562)928-5114 (CA) <0602p> 49-58 Pontiac Owners eGroup: Join our eGroup on the internet. Get technical advice, share projects and hard to find parts and services. have fun talking with POCI members and Pontiac Owners from all over the world. Send your email requests to: [email protected] <0702p> 1977 to 1981 Snowflake and Turbo Rim Refinishing: Have your Rims refinished to showroom quality. If you want to turn some heads with some astounding looking rims then visit partssale <> for more information. Or contact Brett Campbell at [email protected]. Prices starting at $90 per Rim. (OH) <0204p> 78-87 Pontiac G-Body User Group: Has formed for the interest of 78-87 Grand Prixs, Grand Ams, Lemans, and Bonneville G models. Come visit, join, participate. Steve Robbins http:// 78_87_g_body_pontiacs. <p0903> A great web site! The largest Pontiac buy-sell-info bulletin board system in the world! brought to you FREE by Performance Years, (215)712-7400 (PA) <0202p> Attention 38-58 U.S. and Canadian Built Pontiac Sedan Delivery Owners and Enthusiasts:
Edmore, MI. 48829 or Call (989)427-0238. <0903p> Brake Booster Restoration: Delco-Moraine 19631980 GM cars. Your booster rebuilt and replated with correct, show quality gold iridite plating, including master cylinder cover and metering valve bracket $145 postpaid; mint cores available.Satisfaction guaranteed. Quick service, great warranty, free advice. Other detail plating available. Quantity discounts. Visa, Master Card, American Express & Discover Card. Steve Gregori, 2496 Zediker Avenue, Sanger, CA 93657. (559)8750290 or (559)876-7716 Fax. Web-site: <0502p> Brake Booster Re-build: 64-90, $95. 59-63, $115. Rebuild yours or exchange. Plating available. Power brake booster exchange. 4533 SE Division Portland, OR 97206. Call Booster Dewey (503)2388882. (OR) <0602p> Carbs Rebuilt: PMD carb lab experience 30 years, Carter, Rochester, 2-bbl $75.00, 4-bbl $125.00. Best quality kits, new floats, pump, filter, gaskets, new look. Robert Campbell (248)685-7345 (MI) <0604p> Carburetors Cleaned/Rebuilt: to your application, over 25 years experience in high performance and standard Pontiac Quadra Jets, 750 cfm and 800 cfm; article in High Performance Pontiac magazine December 1988 Q-Jet I.Q. Roy Haught (563)5562730; e-mail: [email protected] (IA) <01> Castings: specializing in wax, plaster molded and dry sand quality castings. Complete tooling support, castings and custom manufacturing. Motor blocks, T.L.F.-heads, single, twin and triple OHV and flat heads, V-4V-16s, water pipe, exhaust manifolds, single, double and triple chamber, water pumps, transmission casings, differentials, hub cals/logos, brake drums, tail light brackets, grills, gearboxes, steering wheels, speciality castings, tuned intake manifolds, superchargers. Alloys: cast iron, ductile iron, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass/bronze and zinc. MFT/USA, 13451 Monotana Avenue, El Paso, TX 79938-9616 USA. Atn: Director of International Sales. Phone: (915)921-5400; FAX: (915)921-5412. E-mail: [email protected]; Web Site: <0404p) Chromed Plated Amerex Fire Extinguishers: Only source in US for single unit purchase of the very best designed and most impressive chromed plated 2.5 lb. & 5 lb. class ABC fire extinguishers available anywhere. A must for auto and home safety. Units are fully recharg able, 6 year minimum warranty with vehicle/marine steel support bracket. $119 for 2.5 lb. chromed ext, or $148 for 5.0 lb. chromed ext. Send check or money order to: Peter A. Holmes Specialty Products, Inc, 291 Weller Blvd, Virginia Beach, 23462 (VA) <0202p> Classic Antique Repair Service Offers Complete mechanical restoration services, engine rebuilding, standard and automatic transmission rebuilding, differential building, Services for your Pontiac.NEW LOCATION 20604 Krick Road Walton Hills, Ohio 44146 Call (440)232-9289 Fax (440)232-9265 <0202p> Complete or partial restoration for your Pontiac Product: Our sixteen can handle your needs from concours to weekend driver. For more information contact Jack Wenger, WW Motor Cars and Parts Inc., P.O. Box 667, 132 North Main Street, Broadway, VA 22815 (540)896-8243 (VA) <0404p> Custom Carburetor Rebuilding & Restoration including recoloring for Pontiac carburetors 20s to 70s. Carburetor rebuilding kits available for most Pontiac carburetors. Charley Steffins, Waretown Auto & Marine, Box 506, Waretown, NJ 08756. (609)693-7934 (NJ) <0602p>
Custom Flocking on Any Part: mostly glove boxes and console boxes. Correct gray pictured is box from 6568 big car. Pete (503)665-4644 (OR) <1104p> Distributers By Larry Rowe: 26 years of experience. Get your Pontiac points, HEI, MSD, or Pertonix recurved by Larry. I also have Pontiac HEIs in stock for $150.00. Call eves 7-9 pm est (301)7398320. Larry Rowe 10305 Mar Rock Drive Hagerstown Md. 21740. <p0803>
Engines Custom Built, Street or Strip 326 - 470 ci: Rotation assembly is harmonic resonance balanced below NASCAR specs. Engine dialed in and run for 1 hour. 326 to 421 ci $6,025.00 outright! 428 to 470 ci $6,225.00 outright! or send your motor and Ill knock off $1,000.00. Call Pontiac Greg @ (303)776-0877 web site http:// (CO) <1004p> GTOs! Judge Convertibles & RAVs!!! Goat finder GTO CLASSIFIED features: (500+) ads/mo! (28) Judge convertibles & RA Vs plus almost (500) Goats, birds and other wild animals since 90! $24/ yr or $42/2 yrs (4th class); $56/yr or $99/2yrs *(1st class); $36 yr or $66/2yrs (Canada); $99/yr or $175/ 2 yr (foreign). US funds. ***VISA/MC/AMEX/ DISCOVER*** Toll free FAX ORDER LINE ONLY: (888) GTO-MUSL. E-mail: [email protected]. Latest issue; $4. Send to: Goatfinder, GTO Classifieds, P.O. Box 644, Biloxi Beach, MS 39533-0644. The most comprehensive GTO listings youll find on the planet! GR-RRR! (MS) <0904p> Headlight Actuators: Firebird and Fiero 82 to 03, rebuikt better than original, one year warrant $75..00,.Exchange shipped ups collect. Hatch pull downs from $150.00. Exchange, Call Don Marks 1670 North Hercules Ave Unit H Clearwater, Fl 33765 (727)461-0088. Leave Message, Thanks. <0603p> Hood Hinge Restoration: Restore your hood hinges to original condition by rebuilding your sloppy worn out hinges. Rebore rivet holes round and assemble with new OEM type rivets. Finish to your specs. Rowland Hall, 1901 Jackson Street, Burbank, CA 91504. (818)845-3574. Fax: (818)845-2012 (CA) <0904p> Hot starting problems? 64-up A body V8 + 65up big car. Your problems are over. Megatorque starter works every time. $139.95 plus core charge, includes shipping plus core charge. Ask about 6164 full size. Steve Peluso (617)327-2122 days, (617)327-2269 fax. Nights until 9 EST (781)3299462.(AZ) <0502p> Keys Original NOS keys and gold plated keys for all Pontiac models from 26 to date. Many of those hard to find keys and lock cylinders. Keys stamped and cut by code, please inquire with year and model. JESSERs CLASSIC Keys, 26 West St, Dept. POC, Akron, OH 443032344. Phone (330)376-8181; 24 hr fax (330)3849129. Visa-M/C-amex,disc. (OH) <0202p> Let us restore you classic Pontiac: Birds Nest
Restorations performs all types of auto refurbishing. Custom (mild to wild) or O.E.M., paint work to total rebuild. We do it all. Show winning results. (618)763-4660. (IL) <0503p> Metal Instrument Face and Dial Restorations; We will provide free cost estimate. Also can include before and after photos of previous restorations that will illustrate quality of our work. Show car quality for over 20 years. Scott Young, 332 Devon Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903. (415)472-5126 (CA) <0603p> Mouldings Repaired & Polished by Amish Craftsman using unique process to keep from thinning metal & causing waves. Ken Torgerud, Rt.2 Box 116-C, Rushford, MN 55971 (MN) <0202p> National Firebird and T/A Club For all year Firebirds and TransAms including the Formula, GTA and Firehawk. Offers color magazines, technical advice, emagazine,free classifieds, parts exchange and member contact. Established 1984. $35 Annually, $45 outside USA. NFTAC, Box 11238, Chicago, IL 60611 [email protected] (773)769-6262 (IL) <0303p> National Parts Locator Service: can help you locate anything automotive for automobiles, trucks and motorcycles from 1895 to the present. Cant find what you are looking for? Challenge us to locate it for you! For more information, call Keri Roberts toll free (877)672-7875 anytime. Website: (UT) <0703p>
NEWNEWNEW: precut real walnut and burl vinyl kits for 4-speed and automatic available in different configuration for do-it-yourself to custom show finish. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644, 9am to 9pm PST (OR) <01> OHC Pontiac Registry For 66-69 OHC6, Tempest, LeMans, and Firebird. Register your car and help us establish a current owners list for the exchange of information. Copies will be sent to each registrant. Send SASE for registry form to: James Black, 307 Summerset Dr, Papillion, NE. 68133. (402)597-8625. (NE) <0202p> Performance and Racing engines head porting and flowing Wenzler and Edelbrock heads computerized engine design. Not the most expensive, only what you need period! If you want quality at a fair price, please call. PPE Racing, Inc. (414)889-4708 (WI) <0302p> Parts Roster: Preparing a roster of parts, services and helpful information sources for the pre-49 Pontiac owner. Send in your information and Ill compile to share with others. Dan Mauger, 69 Woodcrest Ave, Effort, PA 18330. (PA) <0202p> Pontiac Performance and Restoration: Engines, transmissions, rearends, carburators, suspensions, wiring, and purchase appraisal service. Tom Glasgo, Glasgo and Company, 2098 South Main Street, Akron, OH 44301. (330)773-4004 [email protected] (OH) <0703p> Pontiac Restoration: Be it Bonneville, Grand Prix, GTO or Firebirds. Complete body off restorations along with show quality painting. We also do mechanical and electrical repairs. Complete repaints along with misc. body repairs. Reasonable rates. Pickup and delivery available. 20 years at the same
location. Call for a free brochure. Bob Baker, 1206 Badger St, Yorkville, IL 60560. (630)553-0414; Fax (630)553-1053, or Email at [email protected]. (IL) <0504p> Professional Rebuilding for your Pontiac, GM manual trans and/ or rear axle assembly. Gear changes & other upgrades available. Plus complete drive train conversions. Expedient work, over 30 years individual experience. Huge parts inventory, POCI member discount. (Get rolling for the new millennium!) Visa, MC, Disc. Call Richie c/o StreetWise Performance, Box 105 Creek Rd, Tranquility, NJ 07879. (973)786-7500 or E-mail: [email protected] (NJ) <0202p> R.C. Paint And Custom Fabrication: Restoration or custom? Complete frame off restoration, body repairs with quality show finish or customize with a chopped, channeled, sectioned creation. Satisfacton Guaranteed. Reasonable rates. 25 years experience. Robert Connell/operator 4835 Rosetown Road, Pembroke, Ky. 42266 (270)4757222; [email protected]. <p0803> Radio Restoration: return life to your car radio. Expert repairs on U.S. made radios 32 thru 65. Speaker re-coning; radios bought and sold; rapid turn-around time. Send radio for free estimate of repairs. Barry Dalton, The Antique Radio Doctor, 196 Kilborn Dr, Grants Pass, OR 97526. E-mail: [email protected] (541)474-2524 (OR) <0602p> Radio Restorations! Renewal of your 30s thru 60s Pontiac radio by the Old Radio Guy with 50+ years of electronic experience. Also specializing in GM Wonder Bar and Sportable & Transportable radios. Aftermarket radios accepted. Call, write or E-mail: Harold L. Rushing, 202 Kenrick Drive, Columbia, IL 62236-2670 (618)281-8377, [email protected], call before 9:00PM (CST). <0304p>
warranty. White Post Restorations, One Old Car Drive, White Post, VA 22663. (540)837-1140 (VA) <1003p> Restoring of Pontiacs: Who Cares? I care in restoring of Pontiacs for over 25 years. From one Pontiac Lover to another, complete suspension and brake overhauls, engine rebuilding to complete body restoration and painting, ASE certified. Call Chris Winston, 6683 Ridgefield CT, mason, OH 45040 (513)398-9670 (OH) <0104p> Stainless steel and Aluminum Trim Restoration. Also, specializing in Custom Chrome Plating. Diecast restoration specialists. Dents and smashes pick and filed straight. All pieces completely resurfaced followed by a four step polishing procedure to insure top show quality results. (SG) (800)403-4545, The Finishing Touch, Inc., (IL) <0602p> Steering Wheel Restoration Recasting, all colors, clear, transparents, woodgrains, marbles, and now speckled marbles, knobs to match. Don Eash, D&D Automobilia, 813 Ragers Hill Rd. South Fork, PA 15956. (814)539-5653. (PH) <0602p> Web Site!!: The largest Pontiac Web Site. Buy Sell- Tech, bulletin board on the planet! Brought to you by Performance Years (215)712-7400 (PA) <0304p> Wet Paint: premimun grade polishing glaze, simply spray a light mist of Wet Paint on youe vehicle and buff with a terry cloth. The result will be a shine so vibrant itll look like you drove straight from the paint booth. Combo-pak includes 32 oz. refill and airosol sprayer. $20.98 plus shipping. Doug Baker (218)864-5993 (MN) <11/04p> Wood graining Service dash board- window mldgs, tec. Original or custom, top quality craftsmanship. Andy Leatherwood, (503)631-8067 or (503)816-6007 (OR) <0202p>
89 Enthusiasts Handbook 12 pages, $15; 90 FullLine Catalog, 84 pages, $6; 92 Full-Line Catalog, 98 pages, $6. Prices include shipping. Richard Stanley, 316 North Drive, Connersville, IN 47331 (765)825-3257 (IN) <0602p>
Reel-Out Trunk And Underhood Lights: For most years. I will restore yours and fix it if it is no longer working. Call with your needs. Pete at Ventures unlimited (503)665-4644. Oregon 9am-9pm PST. <0602p>
76 Dealer Album: features all models, colors, interiors, and interior trims, in good condition $325.00 included shipping; 8996 Pontiac brochures $10.00 each included shipping. Joe Eck (320)5873711 after 5pm (MN) <12> 79 Trans Am 10th Anniversary: one Pontiac color ad #79-132, very rare, very well done $25.00 OBO. Ken Kreger (440)951-8262; e-mail: [email protected] (OH) <01> 80-91 Owners Manuals by Pontiac: $18.95; Alex Voss, 4850 37th Ave So. Seattle, 98118. (206)721-3077. (WA) <0404p> 81-98 Sales Brochures full range by Pontiac: $7.95 ea. Alex Voss, 4850 37th Ave So. Seattle 98118. (206)721-3077 (WA) <0404p> 82 Firebird: parts and illustration catalog, OEM $35.00. Steve Robbins (830)336-2778; e-mail: [email protected] (TX) <12> Assortment of Pontiac GMC Literature: 7982, 8792 savers $5.50; 7981, 8995 deluxe $7.50; some paint charts $2.50; some post cards $1.50; Firebird post cards $5.50; 7576 owners manual $4.75; Firebird stuff $12.00$15.00; Syclone Typhon Firehawk GMC Indy $10.00 $25.00. Steve Williams (616)365-8948 (MI) <1004p> Giant Selection Pontiac Oakland sales brochures, manuals. Johnson Auto Literature, 92 Blandin Ave. Framingham 01702. (800)334-0688; fax: (508)6260991; Other makes car, truck available - ask for Bob Johnson. (MA) <0102p> GPM 1:18 Die Cast GTOs: mint in box 70 black Judge, 71 Tropical Lime, 70 bnlue Judge, 72 red, 72 gold $89.00 each; 70 blue convertible $109.00; all plus shipping. Will trade for 70 Orbit Orange or 71 white Judge. Harry Smelcer (636)230-6120; e-mail: [email protected] (MO) <12>
Rear Seat Console (Reproduction): Here they are the hard to find rear seat console. They are made of a one-piece ABS plastic. The same type of plastic ground effects are made of so you can set on this one and not break it. They have the correct grain pattern, they do not have the ash tray, once you install your ash tray they are virtually identical. Installed you are hard pressed to pick it off as a repro. These are very good quality product. $199 plus $20 shipping. Colors to date are Black, Red, Camel, Dark Blue, others available soon. bill (770)8879619 (GA) <0403p> Restorations: call now for complete frame up restoration. BRAKES sleeved and rebuilt, masters, wheels, clutch, slave, calipers, proportioning valves, boosters, and shoes relined. Better than new! Quick Service! Satisfaction guaranteed. Lifetime written
Limited Edition 64 GTO Print: (not a poster). Beautiful 16 x 24 print on acid free paper. comes with a certificate of authenticity. Each print is signed and numbered by the artist $35 + 7.50 shipping and insurance. Pete (503)665-4644 (OR) <0303p> Manuals: 61 Tempest shop manual $20.00; 49 Pontiac shop manual $35.00; 51 Pontiac supplement shop manual $20.00; 67 Pontiac full line $25.00; 70 Pontiac and Vauxhall dealer parts and accessories schedule $45.00; 67 Pontiac and Vauxhall dealer parts and accessories price schedule $45.00; 66, 69 service manuals $25.00 each. Nick Steele (419)495-2305 (OH) <12>
Official Licensed GM Pontiac Parts and Illustration Catalog on CD: 1967 to 1976 Pontiac Firebird and 1976 to 1981 all Pontiac Models Including Firebird, Trans Am, LeMans, Grand Prix, and more. $14.99 Each. Please see cdsale <> for more information. Brett Campbell, L.L.C. Perfect for any Restoration Project. (OH) <0204p> Official Licensed GM Pontiac Service Manuals on CD: 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, and 1981 Pontiac Service Manuals Factory Pressed and Produced. These Manuals were published for its servicemen and covers all Pontiac series and models. $19.99 and up. Please see <http://> for more information. Brett Campbell, L.L.C. (OH) <0804p> Original Pontiac and Oakland literature - all years. Owners manuals, sales brochures, dealer books and more. Reasonable prices. Great selection. Send your request to Ron Magnuson, P.O. Box 448, North Plains, OR 97133 <0102p> Pontiac Books: autographed copies, signed by the author. All at the regular price. Three different titles: 75 Years of Pontiac: The Official History $29.95; The Standard Catalog of Firebird 19672002 $24.95;The Standard Catalog of GTO (Including Tempest) 19642004 $24.95. Or all three as a package for $75.00. While supplies last. Shipping $3.00 one book or $5.00 for all three books. Let me know what personnal message or inscription youd like me to sign inside the book for you. Send cash, check, or money order to: John Gunnell, P.O. Box 87, Iola, WI 54945; phone (715)445-2214 or (715)445-4246 nights; e-mail: [email protected] (WI) <0704p> Pontiac/Catalina/Tempest/Grand Prix/Firebird/ GTO original sales brochures showing all models, interiors, features. 35-48, $35; 49-57, $20; 5864, $15; 65-70, $12; 71-present, $9. Firebird only: 67-70, $20; Grand Prix only: 65-70, $18; GTO only: 68-71, $30. Paint color chips: 37-42, $15; 46-present, $5. All prices per year. Add $3.50 shipping. VISA/MC. Specify year, model. Have literature all cars/trucks/motorcycles, worldwide. Walter Miller, 6710 Brooklawn, Syracuse, NY. 13211. (315)432-8282. Fax: (315)432-8256. (NY) <0303p> Pontiac All Years: Shop and owners manuals, literature and research material. On-line huge database at: Factory Automanuals, Box 7655, Flint, MI 48507. Toll free (877)505-7842. Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. Serving you since 1973. (MI) <0303p> Pontiac, Catalina, Tempest, Grand Prix: Firebird. GTO Original sales brouchures showing all models, interiors, features. 35-48 $35.00, 49-57 $20.00, 58-64 $15.00, 65-70 $12.00, 71-present $9.00. Firebird only $67-70 $20.00, Grand Prix only 65-70 $18.00, GTO only 66, 68-71 $30.00. Paint color chips 37-42 $15.00, 46- present $5.00 All prices per year. Add $3.85 shipping. Visa/MC. Specify year, model. Have literature on all cars trucks motorcyles worldwide. Walter Miller 6710 Brooklawn Syracuse NY 13211. (315)432-8282. Fax (315)432-8256. NY. <p1003>
ornaments, radiator caps, trademarks, grills. Fourteen mascot patent drawings. Information on prices, fabrication, casting markings, authenticity. $50.00 includes shipping. Walt Harris, 3454 Oakway Drive, Toledo, OH 43614 (419)382-6249 [email protected] (OH) <0204p> Pontiac Parts List: June 30, 50, $15; Pontiac Chassis & body manual Tempest 61, $25; Pontiac Service Manual 65, $25; Pontiac Service Manual Phoenix 80, $25; ads of most years Pontiacs from $2.50 to $5. Mechanic Magazine with Pontiac tests, $5. Thomas Lamance, PO Box 219, Prewitt, 87045. (NM). <0402p> Pontiac Shop Manuals: 36-99 $30 to $80. Also have other makes. Fisher Body manuals. 34-88 $12-$30. Owners manuals, all makes $10-$40. Ron Smith, Box 202, Hayden, ID, 33835 Phone or fax (208)772-3163, email [email protected]. (ID) <0602p> Pontiac Shop Manuals: Owners manuals, sales literature, 1940s to 1990s. Call, email or send SASE with needs. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Special sale 1969 Pontiac chassis service manual (all models) $33.00 PPD in USA. Richard Schunck 5025 S. Egofske Rd. New Berlin, WI 53146, phone/fax (262)679-4461, [email protected]. WI. <1103p> Smoke Signals Magazines and Rosters: 84 to present, about 6 or so missing (if I find them, Ill send them later); also includes several years of ETC newsletters. Make a reasonable offer and pay shipping. Jim Ploof (320)352-2666 (MN) <12> Smoke Signals: 85 to present, 250 issues $150.00 including shipping. Mike Zimmerman (610)9648455; e-mail: [email protected] (PA) <01> Smoke Signals: from 90 through 03, 164 issues plus Membership Rosters 91 through 03, will not seperate $200.00 firm plus shipping. William McCullough (770)642-1264 (GA) <01> Tune-Up and Lubrication Charts: all originals 1930s1970s. Only $7.50 each ppd in US and Canada. Please state year, model, engine, and what type of chart you are ordering. David Ross, 3904 N. Druid Hills #180, Decatur, GA 30033 (404)4020949 (GA) <1203p> 10,000 Manuals On-Line: a lot of which is Pontiac. Call toll-free here in Flint (877)505-7842 or on the web at: Best prices! Check it out. Open MF, 95 EST. Since 1973! Factory Auto Manuals, Box 7655, Flint, MI 48507. Dan Bower. (MI) <p04/04>
day gifts. Jist $18.00. Write check out to Cactus GTOs, c/o Bill McCoy, 625 W. Crofton, Chandler, AZ 85224 (AZ) <12> Bronze Sculpture: this fine bronze sculpture, reminiscent of vintage Ponmtiac hood ornaments, is sure to please any Pontiac lover. Christmas is coming! Sculpted in clay, cast in bronze, and finished with silver nitrate patina, this superb collectible is a wise investment. Available in your choice of 11-inch elliptical walnut or 10-inch rectangular black marble base. Total height 5.5 inches. Limited edition of 75. $495.00 each. Free shipping to the USA. Ken Curtis (808)332-5393; e-mail: [email protected] (HI) <11> Car Movies! Hundreds of classic 50s Hotrod, SciFi, Juvenile Delinquen, Rock and Roll, Beach Party, Drag Racing, Roundy Round and Biker Movies. VHS/DVD $19.95. Ron Martinez, Hotrod Memories, P.O. box 280040, Northridge, CA 91328. (818)886-7637 Fax (818)349-4301 (0502p) Classic Pontiac Mouse Pads: Made from your pictures $12.95 each plus $2.50 Shipping and Handling. NE residents add .65 sales tax. Pads are 73/ 4 x 9. Photos returned. Send to: Spectrum Quick Copy Center, 607 South Jeffers, North Platte, NE 69101. Attention James or (308)534-2665. [email protected]. (NE) <1202p> Coffee Cups and Mouse Pad Pictures: Your favorite pictures on two different size coffee cups, 11oz or 15oz and two different size mouse pads, approx. 7 x 8 and 8 x 9, both are 1/4 thick. Smaller cup and mousepad, $11.95 each, larger cup and mousepad, $13.95 each. Plus shipping. Up to three pictures on each for this price. Makes great presents., 4928 Northcrest Street, Claremont, NC 28610. Rex at (828)241-4947. (NC) <1202p>
Car Distribution Bullentins and Sales Information Bullentins: copies or originals of 75 - 76 but will take any year. Rocky Rotella (402)556-2080 email [email protected]. <0303p>
56 Pontiac Promotional film on VHS, titled see yourself with Pontiac. 14 minutes, b&w from 16mm film. Describes performance, handling, comfort, accessories, etc. Good for 55 owners too. $19 includes shipping. Dennis Ludcke, 950 Seascape Cir. Rodeo, 94572 or on the [email protected]. (CA) <0102p> Attention Authentic Models Paints & Resin Kits! many hand cast Pontiac models from the 50s and 60s. Also, factory original colors for thousands of models. Send $2.00 & large self addressed stamped envelope for catalog. Visit web site at MCW Automotive Finishes, PO Box 0518, Burlington, NC 27216. (336)228-0240 (NC) <0202p> Beautiful GTOs: want to look at beautiful GTOs all year round? Get the Cactus GTO Club 2005 calendar. Pictures of the finest GTOs in the Southwest in a beautiful, color wall calendar. Great holi-
Cut Out Indian Heads: Red Indian heads, Plasma cut, 11 guage steel, powder coated, weather proof, fade resistant, for indoor or outdoor display. Solid Sillhouette, 16 1/4 x 12 $35. Cutout Silhouette, 19 1/2 x 12 $40. shipping $7.00. Hoosier Pontiac/ Oakland Club, Bill Belk, 616 College Avenue, Culver, IN 46511 (574)842-3468. (IN) <0703p) Computer Mouse Pads: Made from your photographs $14.95 each. Plus $3.50 S&H. IL residents add $1.23 sales tax. Pads are 7 1/4 x 9. Photos returned. Send to: Classic Images, PO Box 8005, Rolling Meadows, 60008. or Rich at (847)255-3102. (IL) <0202p>
Fender Covers: Dark blue border and Pontiac name. Indian head logos in red, length-34 1/2, total width-24 1/2, tool tray-5 1/8 wide. Logo panel13 1/2 wide, including borders, $18.00, ppd. Bill Harris, 7836 N. Gray Rd, Mooresville 46158. (317)839-1656 (IN) <0302p> From the GM Archives: dealer promotional films on VHS video. Pontiac for 54 and Americas New Choice the 1955 Pontiac, each in color. $18.00 each. Price includes shipping. Reply to: Metro-Video, P.O. Box 1292, Kearny, NJ 07032. (NJ) <1202p>
Pontiac Hood Ornmaent Book: 75 pages, hard cover, 8x11, gloss finish, over 200 photos of hood
Indian Head 16x24 Solid Wood, all hand carved. 3 different types of wood made by POCI member. Beautifully detailed. Picture doesnt do justice. Great gift for the Pontiac enthusiast. $95 + s/h. Call Cathy, (360)452-4083, or e-mail: [email protected]. As each plaque is individually made. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. (WA) <1002p>
Ocean Gate NJ, 08740; (732)269-1206. <1004p> Wanted: 66 GTO & 66 Bonneville slot cars by MPC all colors, new kits, parts, 67 GTO slot cars. Jim Micetic (773)735-4079 (IL) <0203p> Wanted: 89 Indy 500 Official Pace Car license plate. Steve Gilman, 524 S. Western Street, Stuart, IA 50250; (515)523-1132 (IA) <12> Wanted Porcelain Sign: Approx 18 diameter Factory Engineered Parts with Indian logo. Greg Boom, 103 Woodland Springs Road, Denver, IA 50622 (319)984-6165 (IA) <0702p> 1989 Indy 500 Official Pace Car License Plate #113, excellant condition. Pace Car #113 used this license plate at the Indy 500 Race in 1989, $125. Larry Koeppen, 1905 Arlington Drive, Oshkosh, WI 54904. email: [email protected]. (920)235-5280 (WI) <0702p>
39 Pontiac Coupe: 350/350, headers, Mustang II, 9 rear, PS, PB, A/C, heat, tilt, AM-FM-Cassette, front discs, rear drums, rack and pinion, tinted glass, blue cloth interior, blue-gray exterior, graphics, Francis, SW gauges, Walker aluminum exhaust, new chrome, aluminum polished mags. $18,000.00 Tim Nichols (315)245-1982 (NY) <12>
1/25th Scale Models Built: Would you like a replica of your show, race, or driver Pontiac, Nascar or NHRA racer? Can be box stock or highly scratch built. Cost depends on availability and detail. URL HTTP:/ newadbase.jpg e-mail: [email protected] Paul Michulsky, (920)336-0464 (WI) <1202p>
56 GMC 100: 2002 restoration, forrest green, 350 V8, 3-speed automatic transmission, only 3,000 miles on engine, wood slat bed, shinny chrome, new American wheel rims and tires, $16,000 OBO. Randy Kerdoon (818)225-1116; e-mail: [email protected] (CA) <12>
51 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan: complete body, no motor or transmission, every panel straight, tinted glass, deluxe gauges, AM radio, clock, hood light, fender skirts, and lots of near perfect chrome, was 8-cylinder/automatic, blue exterior, many extra parts $1,600.00. Alfred Flores, Jr. (210)823-2674; e-mail: [email protected] (TX) <01>
Nostalgic Neon Clocks: American Made, 20 Metal Band, Glass face, electric, featuring: GTO, Pontiac Service, Trans Am, The Judge $230 shipped. (724)628-2905 email [email protected] (PA) <0304P> NOS Johnny Lighting GTOs and Monkey Mobiles $7 - $14 each. Frank Carafa (610)4464229 (PA) <0702p> Original Pontiac Advertising - Send year and model and stamp for list. Ric Kruse, 3199 Caudill Road, Batavia, OH 45103 (OH) <0702p>
80s GMC NOS Hubcaps: perfect, $150.00/set. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> GMC Starter Armature: NOS, in original container, fits 53 thru 55 big six, 302, 360, 228 and 248; also 270 Delco Remy part #820158, 6-volt $50.00, post paid. Dave Kasny (845)735-7463 any evening after 7:30 EST (NY) <12>
52 Chieftain Deluxe 2-Door Sedan: 46,000 actual miles, runs and drives well, has almost all accessories available, many pictures available, can email to you. $11,500.00 Gaylord Rachels, 20856 Iverson Lake Road, Fergus Falls, MN 56537; (218) 736-2622; e-mail: [email protected] (MN) <12> 55 870 Station Wagon: 4-door, V-8, automatic, PS, PB, complete but needs total restoration, have lots of photos, $2,000.00 OBO, car from MI, now in GA. David Ross, 3904 N. Druid Hills #182, Decatur, GA 30033; (404)402-0949; e-mail: [email protected] (GA) <12> 55 Catalina 2-Door Hardtop: blue/white, extra parts. Asking $8,000.00 or trade for 60 Pontiac. Regional trophy winner, seen around Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana. Can be seen in Hamilton, OH. Albert Pendergraff (386)329-1977 (FL) <12>
T-Shirts: 63 421 Super Duty engine illustration, black print on white shirt, sizes MXL, please inquire for other sizes. $15.00 each plus $5.00 shipping for up to 2 shirts. Discounts for 3 or more. Larry Fleeman, 10066 Boyce Road, Chelsea, MI 48118 (734)433-0424. (MI) <1003p> Videos or DVD-R: 66, 67 & 68 Pontiac factory promos, all the models and their features are shown, 70 to 85 minutes each, priced at $28.00 eash postpaid or all three for $75.00 postpaid. Send check or money to Harold Doebel Box 321,
55 Chief 2-Door Post: restored 3 years ago, 389, 3 on-the-tree, runs and drives very good, no rust, chrome and paint excelent, interior very nice. $15,000.00 OBO. Bill Neider (330)448-6709 (OH) <12>
55 Chieftain 4-Door: 40,000 original miles, all original parts except for front seat cover, 287 cu. in. V-8 Strato Streak engine, 3-speed manual transmission, always stored inside, very good condition with no rust. $6,000.00 Larry Van DeMark (417)649-6430; e-mail: [email protected] (MO) <12>
58 Bonneville 2-Door Hardtop: 39,125 miles, includes FI, shown annually, original powertrain, interior, even spare, Redwood Copper and Pinta Ivory, chrome and stainless are very good, always stored indoors. $19,000.00. Neil Simmons (734)981-5605; e-mail: [email protected] (MI) <12>
57 Chieftain 2-Door Sedan: original 347 with tripower, mechanical linkage, alternator, electronic ignition, fuel pump, automatic, 3.23 gears, american 200S Daisy, new black custom interior with embossed Indian heads, LaCarra steering wheel, Autometer gauges, real nice cruiser, 16 trophies in 2 years. $26,000.00 OBO. Anthony Stella (818)3422298/(818)226-2276 (day) (CA) <12>
58 Chieftain 2-Door Hardtop: 370, 4-bbl., 4speed automatic, PS, PB, silver with white top and spear, good original gray interior, new carpets, floormats, exhaust, tires, engine compartment detailed, chrome and stainless is very good for a driver, paint is new but not perfect, very solid car, only rust was at bottom of front fenders (repaired). $11,500.00 Dale Grunewaldt (605)928-3515; email: [email protected] <01>
57 Starchief: frame on restoration with approximately 3,500 miles on rebuilt original motor and transmission. Black with lavender spear, dash and window moldings, white interior, 15 chrome reverse wheels, ps, pb, ac, shaved door handles, rear air shocks, tinted and etched windows with lavander orchids. A pretty, mild custom. Call Lorrie (201)240-6702 or (201)858-8278 $18,000.00 <02>
57 Starchief: parts car, complete, a lot of good parts, all original, frame and floors rusted out, sell as complete car. $1,200.00. Mike Marsh (248)2070580 or (248)676-1094 (MI) <12>
59 Bonneville: parts car or difficult restoration, 4bnbl., 389 ci, automatic, runs, rough, rusty roof, rear end, pans, etc., impacted door, nice fenders, hood come with. Orlando area. $1,500 Mike Merritt (407)349-1293; e-mail: [email protected] (FL) <01> 59 Bonneville: 4-Door Hardtop: Vista, style number 2839, automatic, PS, PB, restored Arizona car, excelent condition, white with Sunset Glow color interior, Wonderbar radio, WW radials, correct spinner wheel covers and fender skirts. $17,000.00 Don Weston (602)332-0194; e-mail: [email protected] (AZ) <01> 59 Bonneville Safari: California black plate,original California car all her life, 389, automatic, PS, PB, skirts, new brakes all around including master and booster, new water pump, rebuilt carb, runs and drives but needs restoration $4,850.00 Karl Eisbrenner (760)949-9252 (CA) <12>
59 Starchief 4-Door Sedan: Sunset Glow/Cameo Ivory exterior with excellent matching interior, 389, automatic, PS, PB, NOS door edge guards, rain shades, spinner wheel covers, Coker wide whites, original chrome and stainless excellent, runs and drives well, many extra parts, 49,000 mile original that has been detailed for show purpose, numerous awards, SMOKE SIGNAL cover car August 97. $20,000.00 OBO. Rich Quercia (203)453-4564; email: [email protected] (CT) <01>
58 Bonneville: parts car or difficult restoration, 4bbl., 370 ci, automatic, runs, rusty bottoms of quarters near molding clips, floor pans, trunk, two drivers doors included, Oralando area. $2,000.00 Mike Merritt (407)349-1293; e-mail:
59 Catalina 2-Door Hardtop: PS, PB, radio, original 389, wide white wall radials, spinners, skirts, original paperwork, completely restored, Gulfstream Blue, white top, turquoise/white interior, runs and drives great. $14,500.00 Bob Kesler (864)683-5296 (SC) <01>
60 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop: modified, rebuilt 389, rebuilt transmission, new front suspension, new chrome and shinny metal, straight rust free body, gray tweed interior, electric red exterior, new power booster, wheel cylinders, wiper motor, looks and sounds great $19,000.00 invested, will sell for
62 Superior Limo: runs $2,750.00. All projects, not runnable: 64 GTO body $3,650.00; 63 Lemans 2-doors $1,950.00 and $2,650.00; 59 Starchief 2door post $2,750.00; 66 2+2, 421 $2,650.00; 57 Starchief 4-door hardtop $2,650.00; 63 Grand Prix, red, 4-speed $3,250.00; 59 Catalina 2-door hardtop, trips, automatic $3,250.00. John Eichinger (605)225-7093 (SD) <12>
$14,000.00 Tim Nichols (315)245-1982 (NY) <12> 60 Ventura 2-Door Hardtop: California black plate, good body, rough interior, 389, 2-bbl., automatic, great project, runs $3,500.00; 60 Catalina 2-door hardtop, 389, 2-bbl., automatic, runs, project car $2,500.00. Dennis Sherman (989)288-3377 (MI) <01> 61 Ventura 2-Door: project, PHS documented tripower, stick, Coronado Red, red tri-tone interior, running parts car included, rebuilt correct 4-speed, correct dated block with original heads, intake, years of NOS/rare parts collected including correct 8-lugs, everything to complete car except interior kit. $12,000 OBO. Kevin DeWitte (480_816-1996 (AZ) <01>
63 Bonneville 4-Door: 389, automatic, power windows, seats, brakes, all original 92,000 miles, new tires. $2,500.00. Mike Paulson (605)335-8720 or (605)335-6143 (SD) <12>
62 Grand Prix: complete frame-off completed 2002, have all photos of restoration, well built 65 421 HO, 400 transmission, 3.90 posi, complete new interior, 15 8-ligs, also have stock engine and transmission and 14 wheels, visit web site: www.sportsimportsand $29,995.00. Jim Schladetsch (770)619-9300 85pm MF (GA) <12>
62 Bonneville Coupe: Bamboo Cream, white top, black Morrokide interior, all excellent, PHS certified, new headliner, brakes, tires, muffler, engine overhaul, PS, PB, 8-lugs, factory working A/C, excellent condition, very nice car, 78,000 miles. $16,500.00 Dave Inman, 424 Geneseo Street, Strom Lake, IA 50588; (712)732-3372 (IA) <12> 62 Grand Prix: white/maroon, white interior, 389, 4-bbl., automatic, center console, tach, remote fender mirrors, PB, owned from 64, paint good, have some books, 8-lug wheels to go with car. $10,500.00. Call, ask for Marion Henry (402)4262938. Can send photos by e-mail. (NE) <12> 62 Grand Prix: body-off restoration on rust free Colorado car, black/saddle interior, 8-lugs, PS, PB, power antenna, all new or rebuilt, correct engine, automatic transmission, straight and beautiful car, have receipts and photos of restoration. $29,500.00 Larry Groskopf (815)462-4002 (IL) <01>
62 Grand Prix: 455 engine, turbo 400, dual exhaust with headers, Ralley wheels, good restorable car, some interior needs finished or repalced, needs brake work, runs good. $5,400 Brian Humble (330)335-7119 (OH) <01>
62 Lemans Convertible: TRADE! solid body and mechanicals, needs top end cosmetics, receint rebuilt motor. Wish to trade for 63 Lemans convertible with three speed stick shift or 64 Tempest convertible with automatic or stick shift. James Daugherty (916)394-0568 (CA) <01>
63 Catalina 2-Door Hardtop: Ventura trim, PS, PB, automatic, beautiful restored interior, 2nd owner, complete new brakes including booster, no rust, good paint, new tires, alternator, wiper motor, drive anywhere. $6,600.00 Tom Bailey (501)6039330 (AR) <01> 63 Catalina Safari: original 389 4-bbl., straight drive, 3.42 posi, never wrecked, gold with gold interior, runs great, can e-mail pictures. $3,500.00 Rocky Boyles (800)338-4168; e-mail: [email protected] (NC) <12>
65 Catalina 2+2: 421 HO tri-power, 4-speed, Mayfair Maize, new seat covers (SMS), wood wheel, gauges, AM-FM radio, new 8.25 bias ply tires on 8-lug wheels and a posi rear end. Your choice of 3.23, 3.42, or 3.73 gear ratio, factory tachometer. This car is in great shape and has won many awards including Best of Class 2003 TriPower Sunday at Norwalk, OH, Senior Gold winner in stock class at the 2004 POCI Nationals in Joplin, MO in the points judged catagory. It has been featured in many magazines. This is an outstanding car. Pictures upom request. $25,400 Ardyn Dempsy (269)968-4209 (MI) <01>
63 Tempest Wagon: originally 326 V-8, no motor, rusty floors, complete except for hood, would make great pro-street car $750.00 Ken Kist (440)209-0015 (OH) <12> 64 Grand Prix: 389, 4-bbl., 303hp, all original, automatic, console, power windows, good glass, new windshield, good interior, motor runs good, needs to be restored or would be good parts car. $1,695.00. Will consider trades. Ron Chappel (989)344-6093 (MI) <12>
64 GTO Convertible: non-documented conversion painstakingly restored, 97% finished, 70 400 and 400 automatic, profesionally rebuilt Edlebrock intake with 650 cfm 4-bbl., rebuilt 3.23 posi rear end, new 4-core radiator, frame-off restoration with every nut and bolt removed, painted or replaced, complete new disc brake conversion, stainless steel fuel, a.t. and brake lines, American Racing bullit style wheels/Bridgestons, raised white letters, gas shocks, European black cloth top, original radio plus AM/FM/six CD hideaway stereo, remote rear antanna, Singapore Gold with black interior, all new wiring, interior, foam, springs, vinyl, new trunk floor, driver side floor and both rear quarters professionally replaced, new totally rust free and straight. The lisy goes on and on. Looks, smells, and drives like a goat; was my dream, but moving on to different toys, owned since 84, restoration finished 03. Needs dash insert, windshield washer pump and upgrade to exhaust system to be totally complete. Over $30,000.00 invested, $25,000.00 firm, serious inquiries only. Pics available through internet: [email protected]. Jeff Bennett (914)388-0510 (NY) <12> 64 Safari Wagon: factory air, 3-speed stick, power bucket, power windows, AM-FM, remote mirror, speed alert, rebuilt motor, drives great, no rust, new paint, excellent chrome, new duals, tires, brakes, sharp wagon! $13,900.00 or trade. Can deliver. Paul
65 Catalinas: pair, #1 has a 421 engine, automatic, PS, PB, power antenna, posi rear end, body is very rusty. #2 is a Catalina Ventura with PS, PB, power windows, air, rust free body. Asking $6,000.00 for the apir. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 65 Grand Prix: 3rd owner, all original except paint, tires, brakes, PS, PB, A/C, 421 engine, 3.08 posi, vacuum door locks, rare 421 factory installed engine, 57,000 miles, midnight blue, blue interior. $8,500.00 OBO. Larry Beam (937)477-7712; email: [email protected] (OH) <01> 66 Catalina 2-Door Hardtop: with transmission and engine, running three years ago, parts car but could be restored, has hood and trunk sanded and primed, located cerntral Virginia. $675.00 Walter McKay (434)392-6862; e-mail: [email protected] (VA) <01> 66 Grand Prix: rust free Arizona car, was 421 now 455, automatic, A/C, tilt, electric windows, clean, straight, drive anywhere, front disc conversion, 72 455 runs on regular, Iris Mist with white vinyl top $6,500.00. Vic Alto (361)758-9401 (TX) <12> 66 GTO: 428, 4-speed, posi, disc brakes, Flow Master exhaust system, everything rebuilt or new, needs body work, interior and general finishing, new Weld wheels and BFGs, plus much more. $4,900.00 OBO. Paul Maletsky (973)575-8737 (NJ) <12>
disc, GTO hood, car is very good mechanical, drive any where, paint and top are old, interior mixed $6,500.00. Vic Alto (361)758-9401 (TX) <12>
67 Bonneville Convertible: automatic, loaded, 8lugs, tilt, 98% complete, not running, body and trunk floor rust, solid frame, complete restoration or parts car. $1,500.00 Curtis Judd (813)662-5097 (FL) <01> 67 Ventura: 428 HO, 4-sped, 4:11, red with black, good mechanics, major body work done, need minor body work and paint, many rare options, have al parts to complete, have build sheet, buckets, console, gauges, AM/FM. $8,000.00 Joe Szynlo (708)442-7097 (RI) <12>
66 GTO Convertible: California car with correct smog system, 389, tri-power, 4-speed, console, gauges, sport wheel, redline tires with Rally I wheels, rare red fender liners, PS, PB, PT, complete nut and bolt restoration on a rust free car, many awards, 2001 Best of Show at Ames Performance Nationals in Norwalk, OH, triple black, PHS documentation. $49,999.00 firm. Fred Jennejec (330)656-1475 before 9pm EST (OH) <12> 66 Lemans Convertible: rust free Arizona car, straight, clean, 350/350, grey with black top, front
68 Firebird Convertible: restored same as when rolled off assembly line, has won AACA First Junior and Senior, rebuilt 350 HO engine, 400 turbo automatic transmission, PB, PS, A/C, Verdoro Green, black interior and top, 3.23 posi, sharp. $27,800.00 Ray Miller (540)343-6517 (VA) <01> 68 Grand Prix: PS, PB, A/C, buckets, runs great, needs paint. $3,750.00 OBO Bob Kesler (864)6835296 (SC) <01>
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68 GTO Hardtop: 85,000 original miles, Nordic Blue exterior, teal interior, 3-speed manual, PS, factory A/C (not working), Rally II wheels,partially restored, 3rd owner, same since 88, original Tucson car, runs great, injury forces sale. $8,900.00. Pix available. Jeff Tannler (520)318-4468 (AZ) <12> 69 Catalina Ventura 4-Door Sedan: 400, 2-bbl., 400 automatic, PS, PDB, A/C (not working), Rally gauges, gold bottom, brown top, gold interior, daily driver, one owner, starts and runs great, manuals and many extra parts. $2,500.00. Ralph Walsh, 12309 Backus Drive, Bowie, MD 20720; (301)4649596 (MD) <12>
tion July 02, over $30,000.00 invested, appraised at $38,500.00, will sell for $35,000.00. This is a beautiful car, would consider partial trade for 57 Pontiac 2-door hardtop or convertible. David Hayes (716)735-9035 or (716)523-7941 (NY) <12> 71 GTO Convertible: only 661 made, original drivetrain, needs $15,000.00 or less restoration, extra 4 fenders with car. October Hemmings 70 GTO convertible story says its worth $35,000.00 restored, and they made 3784 convertibles. super rare one of 661 convertibles should go how high restored? $9,450.00. Bob Cowherd (315)655-3864 (NY) <12> 73 Trans Am: L-75, automatic, A/C, white, deluxe red interior, AM/FM/8-track, power windows, electric rear defroster, includes NOS tail panel, used back glass, used unit. dist., tilt steering column, WS6 steering gear, 4KR code, 72 Ralleys, will not seperate $7,500.00 OBO, Pete Wooodruff (419)6683982 (OH) <01>
74 Lemans GT Sport Coupe: extremely nice, always garaged, bucket seat console car, PHS certified, 1500 miles on fresh 4-speed transmission, clutch, atlernator, battery, starter, water pump, Qjet carb, complete Flowmaster exhaust system, has non-original 326 V-8, 130k miles. $9,500.00 OBO. Don Davis (206)463-2290 or (206)406-0468 (WA) <12>
74 Firebird Formula 400: 4-speed, factory Ram Air, PHS documented, wrong motor, needs complete restoration, has outer body rust, very rare car. $2,650.00 Curtis Judd (813)662-5097 (FL) <01> 69 GTO Convertible: 400, 4-speed, 44,259 miles, PHS documented, Mayfair Yellow, black top and interior, just finished complete frame-off restora-
75 Trans Am: 400, 4-speed, headers, new tires, new shocks, too many new parts to list. This T/A was restored 7/04 and is in excellent condition, came from the west coast. $16,500.00 OBO. Peter Peterson (651)762-4788 after 7pm or cell (651)7559681 <12>
Stop Your Car with
76 Trans Am: Firethorne Red, red interior, automatic, tilt, 8-track, 67,000 actual miles, pampered, garaged, rust free, very, very good all around condition, must see, pictures available. $14,000.00 Todd Becker (701)258-9774; e-mail: [email protected] (ND) <12>
196472 GM Mid-Size
Rotors Spindles Calipers & Pads Caliper Brackets 9 Boosters & Dual Master Cylinders Combination Valve Kit Brake Hoses Bearings Seals Dust Caps Hardware Splash Shields ALL NEW PARTS!
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DB 1741P ....... 64-72 Power Disc ...................... $849.95 DB1742PHP ... 64-72 Power Disc w/Slotted and Drilled Rotors ............................ $974.00 DB1742PD ...... 64-72 Power Disc w/2 Drop Spindles .......................... $1095.00 DB1743PD ...... 64-72 Power Disc w/2 Drop Spindles & Slotted and Drilled Rotors ...... $1220.00
Rebuilding Services
76 Trans Am: 455 HO, 4-speed, 29,000 miles, 2nd owner, PS, PB, tilt, AM-FM, 8-track, front console, Firethorn Red with red interior, original paint and interior, no rust or damage, excellent condition, PHS documented, must sell, need room. $14,995 Roy Aho (817)485-8917 (TX) <01> 77 Catalina: two owner since 83, 400, 4bbl., 4door, good condition, 120,000 miles, garage kept, original paint, red/black interior, new vinyl roof, A/C, PS,. PB, father-in-laws car, must see to appreciate. $2,500.00 OBO. Chris Povirk (724)8874382 (PA) <01>
Boosters: Delco, Bendix (1953 & up) Wheel Cylinders (1935 & up) Master Cylinders (1935 & up) Stainless Steel Resleeving Four Piston Calipers (GTO, Firebird & Full-Size) ALL WORK GUARANTEED
79 Trans Am: 34 miles (thirty-four show field miles), 400, 4-speed, midnight blue, tan interior, loaded, judged Pontiac Senior Gold Survivor 392 points, SMOKE SIGNALS May 97. $39,900.00. Steve Brown (401)647-2737 (RI) <12>
77 Grand Prix LJ: 400, 4-bbl, automatic, bench seats, A/C, AM-FM, new shocks, springs, windshield, some paint work done, red interior like new, snow flake wheels, 44,650 miles as of 9/04, tires, brakes, exhaust all very good, rides as nice as some new cars. $8,000.00 Bill Ruch (610)433-5906 after 6 pm EST (PA) <01>
81 Lemans Wagon: Pontiac 400, turbo-400, Edelbrock heads, intake, balanced/blue printed, Moser Ford 9 with Strange, custom headers, exhaust, beautiful interior, has 8 passes best 12.70 with
wheels up, more with tunning, intake, conv., could be high 11s, too much to list, great street-strip, over $30,000.00 invested, asking $15,000.000 OBO. Brad Jarzabek (847)696-3763 (IL) <12> 85 Fiero GT: V-6, 4-speed, black leather seats, sun roof, have title; 84 Fiero 2M4, 4-speed, no title, red $950.00 for both. Joe Stewart (704)664-9234 or (704)664-7134 (NC) <01> 85 Grand Prix: cinnamon color, half vinyl roof, 305 V-8, locking spoke hubs, alarm system, 60/40 bench seat, column automatic, A/C, beautiful condition, 100,000 miles. $5,000.00 Phillip Riccio (203)288-8810 (CT) <12> 86 Grand Prix 2+2: one owner, show winner, 27,000 miles, always garaged and never saw snow, all options, and stainless steel exhaust system including catalitic converters. $12,500.00. Dick Anderson (434)969-4253 (VA) <12>
86 Grand Prix 2+2 Aero: 1118 built, original car driven daily, 134K miles, this car has been repainted by previous owner, not professional quality but presentable, headliner needs replacement, top of back seat has dry rot but the rest of the interior is excellent. $5,000.00 Mike Moak (518)793-9205 (NY) <01> 87 Trans Am: 5.0, 5-speed, T-tops, mint condition, all power, A/C, original, garaged, 59,000 miles, black with gold, facxtory premimum radio, overhead console, grey interior, cruise, fogs, tilt, tach, engine comartment show quality. $7,200.00. Mike Hertz (516)536-3034 (NY) <12>
Wanted 59 Bonneville 2-Door Hardtop: with solid trunk and floors. Jerry Burnett (610)277-5293 (PA) <01> Wanted 62 Catalina: 2-door sport coupe (hardtop) model 2347. Must be good #2 or #3 without rust. Must have factory air. Bob Barkhouse (530)674-3645 (CA) <12> Wanted 60 Bonneville or Catalina Convertible: automatic, full power, #2 or #3 condition, no rust. Hugh Champine (248)652-4672 or (248)505-5419 (MI) <01> Wanted 60 Catalina or Ventura 2-Door Hardtop: 3 or 4-speed stick, good original or modified.
David Sisson (301)913-5727; e-mail: [email protected] (MD) <01> Wanted 61 Venture 2-Door Hardtop: 389 or 421 cu. in., tri-power, automatic transmission, posi-traction, bucket seats, zero rust, well maintained, good original or good restoration, No.2 class as described in Old Cars Price Guide. John Simmons, P.O. Box 2368, Chelan, WA 98816; (509)682-2646 (WA) <12> Wanted 6163 Catalina/Ventura: 2-door post or 2-door hardtop, prefer a 4-speed. I am looking for a good car, class #1 or #2, serious buyer. Skip Collier, toll free 1-866-222-9722 (Nova Scotia) <01> Wanted 65 2+2 Hardtop: in restorable condition.
rebuilt, clean. Dual $80, single $60. Chuck, Waretown Auto and Marine, Box 506 #195, RT 532, Waretown, NJ 08758 (609)693-7934. (NJ) <1102p> 3070: lenses, lamp assemblies, lamp bezels and housings. Also have door handles and window cranks. Gigantic inventory for vehicles from 30 70s. All Schioppi, P.O. Box 3179, Camarillo, CA 93011 (805)482-9792. email [email protected]. (CA) <0104p>
Kirby Johnson (402)246-2702; e-mail: [email protected] (NE) <01> Wanted 65 GTO Convertible: 4-speed preferred, 3x2, No. 1 car, Nightwatch Blue or Silver Blue. Rick Barry (315)380-6410 (NY) <12>
3050 Fuel Pumps: Most AC-Delco. NOS and Wanted 66 GTO Convertible: prefer solid, complete, running, well optioned driver. Would also consider all other GTO convertibles in the Pacific Northwest area. And still looking for 59 Bonneville parst and car. And, 5960 Pontiac 14 steel rims. Walter Braun (604)941-4182; e-mail: [email protected] (British Columbia) <01> Wanted 69 Firebird Convertible: Carousel Red, white top and interior, prefer solid, unmolested original with matching numbers and clean history, A/C preferred but the integrity of the car is more important, reasonable price. Tom Schaefer (561)716-6649; e-mail: [email protected] (FL) <02> Wanted 71 GTO Convertible: no rusty cars. Ask for Ed, Bill, or Ralph. Bill Sampson (510)232-0197 (CA) <12>
3548 Firestone WWW Tires: 16x6, brand new, $250/3. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)8847684 (CA) <12> 36 Pontiac 8-Cylinder: engine side pans $30.00; sedan apare tire clamp $10.00. Bob Shafto (207)878-8933 (ME <12> 37 Pontiac Straight-8 Engine Parts: starter, fuel pump, generator, carb and linkage, $20.00 each OBO. Joe VanTreeck (262)241-3018 (WI) <12> 3859: used and some NOS parts. have 150 parts cars to pick from. Call for your needs. Gaylord Rachels 20856 Inverson Lake Road, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 (218)736-2622. Email [email protected]. (MN) <1202p> 40 Fenders: LF $450.00, RR $350.00. Steve Brown (401)647-2737 (RI) <12> 40 Pontiac Parts: radio $150.00, heat and defrost control panel with cables $75.00, misc. small sheet metal pieces, oil filter cannister $25.00, complete rear end assembly, blasted, painted, new brakes, wheel cylinders, drum-to-drum $50.00, you haul. Gary McDonagh (520)721-4362 (AZ) <12> 4064 Rocker panels NORS: 2-door and 4-door priced from $30 - $130 each plus UPS. Also have many quarter and fender sections, dog legs and door skins for 41 - 61. Gary Bauer (262)549-9583; FAX: (262)549-9643; email [email protected] (WI) <11p> 48 Pontiac Big 4-Door: inside window frames, wood grain needs refinishing $75.00 plus shipping. Tom Pierett (281)252-3788; e-mail:
and two 56 front fender eyebrows, chrome is very nice, call for description. $25.00 each plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12>
56 Pontiac: power antenna with cable $350.00. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 5556 Pontiac: clock $60.00. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 56 Pontiac: one pair, quarter panel chrome strips, fit a 2-door hardtop/convertible side trim. $35.00 each or $65.00 for the pair plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 57 Carb: 4-bbl. Rochester, fresh rebuild $180.00 plus shipping and your core. Don Monroe (253)5668488 (WA) <12> 5556 Pontiac: 4-barrel carburetor and manifold $325.00 plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)7419449 (CA) <12> 5559 Pontiac Oil Filter Adapters to replace your messy and leaky old canister with modern efficient spin-on filters! Also fits 1953-58 Buick and 1949 59 Oldsmobile V-8s. $55. For details, inquire with SASE: David Homstad, 7220 Upper 164th Street, Rosemount, MN 55068 web site http:// (MN) <0502p>
57 Guide Backup Lens Dealer Install Kit: NOS Reduced , $149.00/everything. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
55 and 56 Pontiac: one each accessory gas door guard door trim $25.00 each plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> [email protected] (TX) <12> 4952 Pontiac Parts: starters, fuel pumps, master brake cylinders, water pumps, window and body trim, rear glass for Catalina, voltage regulators, differential and axles, radios, below dash heater, and more. Ron Moschioni (269)429-3838 (MI) <12> 50 Pontiac: push button radio $60.00; 50 front bumper guards and cross bar $75.00; aluminum trans HM, 350 valve covers, excellent condition $100.00. Jon Erickson (503)728-3562 (OR) <12> 5079 NOS Pontiac Upholstery: Original cloth, vinyl and carpet yardage. $20-$65 per running yard. Send sample for match-up. Molded carpets, $120/set, 64-80 models. SASE please. Tom Ames, 7869 Trumble Rd, Columbus, MI 48063. (810)7272486 <0302p> 52 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop: parting out complete car, very good body and tri, interior components also. Call with needs. Charles Bolton (602)375-0866 or Gary Sundberg (623)979-4114 (AZ) <12> 53 Pontiac: Rear Bumpers $25.00 each, good shape, other assorted parts, side spears $30.00 each. James Vitale (315)253-4357; e-mail: [email protected] (NY) <12> 53 Spoke Hub Cap: one with NOS insert, absoluty like new $300.00. Joe Sanchez (913)8972614 (KS) <12>
57 Hubcaps: decent matching set, $75.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
5557 Starchief: 2-door hardtop inside window trim, excellent shape with screws $225.00. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 5563: Intakes, 55 NOS 2bbl, $100; 58 tripower w/ water neck alum offenhauser, $100; 59 tri-power, $100; 60 tri-power w/ water neck, $125; 63 tri-power, $100; 55 NOS cylinder head, $100; fender skirts, 55-56 painted, $100; 63 NOS Tempest Foxcraft, $100. Dave Reinhold, 618/ 284-3465; E-mail: [email protected]. (IL). <0502p>
56 Pontiac: steering wheel, $300.00 OBO. Ask for description. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12>
56 Pontiac: radio and virb $250.00 plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12>
6-Cyl. Sales Folder Get Some Fun Out of Life 1936 8-Cyl. Ownerts Manual 1939 Flat Rate Manual 1940 Lube Chart 1940 Preferred Order Book 1940 Color Chart 1940 Shop Manual 1940 Points of Comparison 1940 Four Little Helpers 1940 Dual Carburator Reprint 1940 Air Chief Radio and Vacuum Antenna 1946 Shop Manual Supplement 1941-42 1948 Hydramatic Shop Manual 1950 Color Chart 1950 Hydramatic Supplement 1949-50 Shop Manual 1951 Supplement to 49-50 Shop Manual 1949-54 Shop Manual 1955 Shop Manual 1960 Chassis Shop Manual 1970 Owners Manual & Warranty 1972 Owners, Color, Warranty 1994 Sales Brochure
57 Pontiac: hood emblem $50; 2-57 Pont. Chieftain fender emblems 57 Safari tailgate letters and bars. New product excellent letters $13 each or $85/ set; bars are coming soon including center bar and handle inquire, credit cards accepted. CPR, 1 Stop Shop, (909)884-6980; fax (909)884-7872 (CA) <0501p> 57 Pontiac: rebuilt 347 cu. in. (.030 over), no intake, carbs, flywheel, 11,000 miles #C857H1143 $900.00 OBO. Bob Heath (315)636-8241 (NY) <12>
up or pay for shipping. Nelson Smead, 17686 Corallina Drive, Mallacha Isles, FL 33991; (239)283-2715 (FL) <12> 59 Pontiac Lurex Carpet Set: new, lime green, for Bonneville coupe, may fit other coupes, dont know, enough for door panel bottoms also. 40% off new price $230.00 plus UPS. Dave Inman, 424 Geneseo Street, Storm Lake, IA 50588; (712)7323372 (IA) <12> 5965 Pontiac: V-8 fuel pumps, single action #4512, factory rebuilds $35.00 plus shipping. B. Kendziorski (989)892-2652 (MI) <12>
57 Pontiac Spiner Hub Caps: set of 4 in nice condition, some small imperfections on outside edges, chrome is very good, they have been in dry storage for 40 years. $150.00. Ron Mullen (585)394-0671 (NY) <12>
5965 Engine Paint: $29.00/qt. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 5965 Pontiac Spinner Hubcaps: set of 4 each. Ranging from $200 - $225 per set. Also have many other Pontiac Hubcaps. Frank (760)741-9449 (CA) <0404p>
1970 1500-3500 Sales All Prices Include Postage and Insurance.
Don Barlup 228 Oak Rd, New Bloomfield, PA 17068 Call: 717-582-3209
58 Hubcaps: VGC, $95.00/set. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 58 Pontiac: all new horn ring $400.00, GM speedometer $400.00, GM bumper ends $400.00 each, right headlight bezel $450.00, back-up units $200.00 each, outside mirror $165.00, ashtray $150.00, clock $350.00, left hand bar (#529051) $150.00, right lower window sash bracket $100.00, AC fuel pump $150.00, parking light lenses $60.00/ pair. Gus Frics (402)330-5075 (NE) <12> 58 Rochester Fuel Injection Unit-complete withdistributor, spacers, housing, fasteners, brackets; only missing air cleaner top plate. Best offer over $6000. Bob Stryker (203)746-6363. (CT) <0501p> 5860 Carpet: fits Pontiac, Buick, or Olds, molded out pile, maroon, brand new, make offer. Paul Johnson (724)547-3935 after 12:30 pm EST (PA) <01>
60 Bonne/StarChief GrabBar: VGC, rip-free, $79.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)8847684 (CA) <12> 60 Spinner Hubcap: very good shape $50.00 plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 6065 Bonneville, Ventura, 2+2, Grand Prix seat upholstery and door panels. SASE please. Harry Samuel, 65 Wisner St. Pontiac, MI 48342-1066. 248/ 335-1900. e-mail: Samuel Interiors (MI) <0802p> 60-79 NOS Pontiac Parts: Wehave an inventory of more than 7000 parts. Send you specific want list (include SASE) to Greg Fennell PO Box 145 Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 or email [email protected]. <p0903> 61 Bonneville/Catalina: 2-door hardtop or called bubbletop, all steel, no rust whatsoever, selling just roof of the car. $200.00 plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 61 Bonneville Parts: deck lid $100.00, inner fenders $100.00/set, good front, rear core bumpers $50.00 each, core support $120.00, grilles, headlight bezels, T-3s, hood molding, all $210.00, hinges $80.00/set, misc Bonneville gold letters $15.00 each, shipping extra. Gary Seymour (775)355-1185 (NV) <12> 61 Bonneville Tail Panel Letters: New Product
60 Pontiac Hood Trim: one is $65.00 and one is $95.00 plus shipping, one has a dent and the other is very nice. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 60 Pontiac Parts: front bumper, very goo dused condition $250.00, spinner hubcaps (3), average condition driver $75.00. NOS back up lightrs, complete, fits station wagon $425.00 or trade for NOS non-wagon units, Bonneville dash $175.00; 68 Firebird 160 mph speedo cluster $100.00, AM radio $50.00, black 68 Firebird interior $450.00. Ken Chapin (740)393-0787 (OH) <12>
59 Hubcap: NOS, Reduced, $59.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 59 Pontiac: Hurricane Special! automatic transmission, also some chrome and a few other small parts, lost my storage shed in the storm. You pick
60 Ventura: (3) fender script (wording), chrome very nice. $25.00 each. Frank Thomas (760)7419449 (CA) <12>
$15 per letter or $140 set of 10. Your One Stop Shop - CPR, credit cards accepted. Fax (909)8847872. Phone (909)884-6980 (CA) <0502p> 61 Catalina or Ventura Taillights: new $30.00/ pair; 62 Grand Prix rear seat $100.00; 62 Catalina or Grand Prix quarter panel stainless moldings $100.0/pair; 62 Grand Prix left side door shell $100.00; 62 Catalina or Grand Prix window and roof stainless. John Freeman (708)563-2151 (IL) <01> 61 Catalina Rebuilt Engine: was rebuilt several years ago and has been in storage. $1,800.00 plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12>
8632 evenings; e-mail: [email protected] (TX) <12> 61 and 62 All Models: two Super Duty aluminum dual four intakes, #54299 $600.00,. #9770319 $650.00; set of Super Duty heads, #540306, excellent condition $2,000.00; never used Super Duty
exhaust header manifolds, cast numbers R-540297 and L-540298 $1,800.00/set; 16 and 62 aqua marine, near perfect, steering wheel $400.00; set of Super Duty or police package finned aluminum front brake drums, excellent condition, very rare $550.00. Michael Gloden (330)484-3378 (OH) <01>
61 Full-Size NOS Skirts: perfect metal/rubber/ brackets, reduced 20%+, $185.00/pr. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
61 Full-size Spinners: Pair NOS, outstanding, $350/set. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <01> 61 Ventura Stainless Side Trim: all 14 pieces, excellent condition, straight, no bends or kinks, no deep scratches, will not seperate $450.00 plus shipping. E-mail for pictures. Dan Mixon (281)955SMOKE SIGNALS DECEMBER 2004 53
421 HO engine, complete wit 2x4 set up, needs rebuilt $3,000.00; 63 421 HO engine, excellent with SD 2x4 set up and complete 62 Grand Prix 4-speed set up with Muncie 4-speed transmission and 4-speed console, mint condition $5,000.00. Tony Faulk (724)837-8600 day or (724)468-5691 evenings (PA) <12>
62 Pontiac: one pair grills in excellent condition, they have very few pits if any. $160.00 plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12>
62 Tach: shown is restored tach with mounting bezel. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> 62 Tempest: convertible top with metal frame mechanism and pumps. $400.00 James Daugherty (916)394-0568 (CA) <01> 62 Tri-Power Engine: was rebuilt 8 years ago and has been sitting, has steel rods, carbs ned to be rebuilt, came out of an early 62 GP. $2500.00. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12>
6164 Full-Size Convertible Latches: ($75 & up) and replacement hinge-tabs ($29-new). Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)-884-7684 (CA) <01>
6164 Full-Size Convertible Top Frame: Drystored since 1978, rare nice paint! Reduced, $475.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
6164 Full-Size LCAs & Hard-to-Find Spindles: pair, straight, sacrifice, $125/all. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 6170 TRW Ball Joints: all except Tempest and Firebird. #10199 right upper, #10200 left lower$15
each, new voltage regulator 67 - 70 Firebird, 68 - 70 Pontiac $15 each, transmount #23371 76, 88 - 86 Pontiac $15, 1000s of fuel and water pumps - Try me! Robert Wolf (828)682-2663 <0304p> 62 Doors: from Catalina 4-door $25.00 each, other parts from this car; set of 62 Grand Prix headlight bezels $375.00, right side tail bezel $175.00, all rechromed, Lakewood bellhousing and engine plate $100.00, 4X heads $50.00, tail panel letters $45.00, back-up light blanks $150.00. Larry Groskopf (815)462-4002 (IL) <01> 62 Grand Prix: tail panel $150.00, power window set up $200.00; 66 power window set up $200.00; 66 2-door Bonneville doors $250.00 each, 2 for $400.00; 66 GTO automatic console with shifter $225.00; 69 GTO hood and Endura bumper $750.00. John Freeman (708)563-2151 (IL) <12> 62 Parts: headlight bezels, both $100.00, full-size grille $200.00, 62 full-size NOS taillight lenses $50.00/pair, taillight bezels both $50.00, need to be rechromed, all other good to excellent condition. Dennis Piacentini (248)391-3967 (MI) <01> 62 Pontiac - Now Manufacturing - Fiberglass Body Panels: Tough, lightweight entire front ends and decklids, both bumper/supports. Highest quality made from perfect originals. Hood/deck use hinges/latches, no pins required. Deck/inner fenders for 1961. 16 lightweight, never rust parts, priced package/seperate. P.J. Heck (740)446-1822 evenings or early mornings. (OH) <0802p> 62 Pontiac: front fenders and inner fenders, mint $1,200.00/pair, doors (2-door hardtop or convertible), complete, mint $600.00/pair, trunk lid, mint $250.00; 67 short block 400 XH code $350.00; 72 455 heads, complete #7n5 $200.00/pair; 65
6263 Tempest 15 Hubcaps: 2 near mint, 2 VGC, Reduced $149.00/set. Steve Gates, (619)4422800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
63 Deluxe Hubcap: NOS quality, $49.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
6272 Convertibe Courtesy Light Lenses: Both A and B bodies , GM issue, last of my supply. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
63 Pontiac Bonneville: rear fender wheel trim $40.00 each plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12>
6264 Full-Size 2-Door Hardtop: window chrome/tracks and ventwings (Pictured), (Non) and tinted glass, windshields trim; 6364 4-door sedan, all glass. Cheap, inquire. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
63 Pontiac Wagon: taillight assembly, left side, chrome is very good to excellent, white lens is good, red plastic is broben, otherwise complete. $45.00. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 63 Star Chief 4-Door Sedan: Parting Out Highlights 389-2V driving engine, blow-by, $225.00; doors, $60.0085.00 including glass; rear quarters, $250.00/up; hood/trunk, $119.00 ea; perfect taillight bezels, $119.00/side. Steve Gates, (619)4422800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
6364 Bonneville/Catalina/Grand Prix: NOS hood latch (release), part #9774077 $40.00. W.D. Foster, 788 Windemere Way, Keller, TX 76248; (817)431-3159; e-mail: [email protected] (TX) <12>
tested AM radios, antennas and speakers. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
6364 Full-Size Antennas: Clean, VGC power, $185.00; manual, $95.00 Steve Gates, (619)4422800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
6364 Tachometer: prices start at $200.00 and go up depending on condition and/or restoration. Pictured is a completely restored tach with dash mount bezel. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)6654644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> 6364 Tach: surprise him with this restored 6364 tachometer for Christmas. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
6364 Full-Size Front/Rear Bumper Brackets: flawless, $125/everything. Steve Gates, (619)4422800 or (619)-884-7684 (CA) <01> 6366 Wire Spinner Hubcaps: $79/ea & up (VGC). Restoring for show (call). Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)-884-7684 (CA) <01> 64 Bonneville and Catalina Parts: 3-speed manual transmission $200.00, 64 standard shift column $100.00, 64 truck lid (4-door) $100.00, power window motors and power seat motors and set-ups various prices (inquire), 2-64 rear ends (non-posi) $125.00 each, 2-64 dashboards A/C and W/O. Assorted misc. other hard to find parts for 6364
6364 Reverb Set-Up: tested reverb, $149.00; cover, $15.00; perfect wiring harness/bezel, $125.00 (63), $135.00 (64). Packages avail. w/
64 GP Console: complete, show-able chrome (main section only pictured), $295/3pcs. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)-884-7684 (CA) <01> 64 GTO: 3.23 posi rear end, just rebuilt by ABC Drivetrain in Lancaster, OH $750.00; 73 Pontiac 400 short block code YN dated A0653 $350.00; 66 Lemans right fender, small rust hole heel, goo dbrace, needs tab $150.00; Pontiac Mallory dual point distributor, factory rebuilt, never used $125.00; parting out 67 Lemans 2-door hardtop and 75 Grandville 2-door hardtop, both cars are rusyty. Call with needs. Steve Schaeffer (740)6871297 work; (740)654-8959 home (OH) <12> 64 GTO: 4-bbl. intake $200.00, M/T valve covers $100.00, Moon valve covers $200.00, new 389, 400 flywheel $100.00, Edelbrock 4-bbl. intake, 6164 $200.00, 3 428 blocks $300.00 to $500.00; 74 455 motor $700.00, new Eagle 455 crank $300.00; 64 Lemans hood $100.00; 66 GTO console with shifter $300.00. Thomas Stack (714)539-7851 (CA) <12> 64 GTO: pair of grilles, good condition $150.00. Bill Griffin, 1902 Apricot Avenue, Greenley, CO 80631; (970)356-3506 (CO) <12> 64 GTO: black dash, fair $50.00, 4 spinner hub caps, fair $125.00; both plus shipping. Lofton Cox (910)653-4819 (NC) <01> 64 GTO Parts: NOS right exhaust splitter $100.00, right hood scoop $60.00, 4 deluxe hub caps, perfect $125.00, NOS exterior door handles $50.00, misc. GTO emblems $70.00, Ronny and Datonas GTO LP $20.00, 2 M22 4-speeds $750.00. Bruce Casagrande (732)297-4570 (NJ) <12>
64 65 GTO: NOS speaker box and battery holddown, both $30.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
6466 Clocks: 64 and 65 full-size, $49.00/ $59.00; 66 GTO, $119.00 Steve Gates, (619)4422800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
6467 GTO Restorer's Deal: 4 hood hinges and 3 springs, $165.00/all! Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 6472 GTOs, LeMans, Firebirds, Full Size and Wagons: parting hardtops and convertibles. Many hard to find options. parts from bumper to bumper and everything in between. Some NOS availability. No parts to small. Satisfaction guarenteed. Frank Carafa (610)446-4229 (PA) <0702p>
64 Bonneville/Starchief Trunklid: Incredible, $119.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)8847684 (CA) <12>
64 Full-Size: L/grille, VGC, $119.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 64 Full-Size: upper radiator hoses, 4 and 4-bbl. carbs, tired of the flex hose, give John Misny a call. $28.00 each with correct part number and markings as originals. (216)261-7218 (OH) <01>
64 GTO Spinners: excellent, polished, $175.00 ea. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
64 Pontiac: grills with very few pits if any, call for description $165.00. Frank Thomas (760)7419449 (CA) <12> 64 Grand Prix: R/Backup, decent, $85.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
64 Grand Prix: grille assembly/lamps/valences, VGC, Reduced, $295.00 Steve Gates, (619)44256 SMOKE SIGNALS DECEMBER 2004
64 Pontiac Trunk Chrome Trim: no pits, in excellent condition $250.00 plus shipping. Frank Thomas (760)741-9449 (CA) <12> 64 Tempest/Tempest Custom: car and wagon set of taillights, one NOS Globrith and one excellent used Guide, also fits 65 wagon, lenses only $40.00 plus postage, in yellow boxes. Dave Kasny (845)735-7463 after 7pm EST (NY) <12>
6566 Tachs: from $375.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> 6570 Full-Size: I have produced extra heavy duty brackets for stick shift cars, connects Z-bar (countershaft) to bellhousing, replaces cracked or bent part #9784966, only $80.00 each plus shipping. Robert Stephens (262)790-2505 (WI) <12> 65 Grand Prix: front hood. $200.00. Jerry Klevenow (847)823-1236 (IL) <12>
6566 Full-Size 2-Door hardtop/Convertible: NOS L/vent regulator, perfect, reduced, $149.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
Non-air, $149.00. Why pay 3-4x for NOS? Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 6566 Full-Size Axles/Bearings: VGC, $135.00/ pr. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 6566 Full-Size Hoods: very straight, dry-stored, $99each. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)-8847684 (CA) <01> 65 GTO Spinners: beautiful 3-bars, equally nice stainless, $99.00ea or $350.00/set. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 65 Lemans Parting Out: In person sales only. Thanks. Richard Powell (831)458-1486. CA. <0603p>
65 389/325hp #076? Cylinder Heads: VGC, #9778776, matched rust-free set (2/19/65), $150.00/pair, perfectly boxed-up. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 65 Catalina: convertible top frame $100.00, door $50.00, hood $50.00, frame with rear end and front suspension $200.00, power brake booster with master $50.00. Andre Spanjol (440)647-6686; e-mail: [email protected] (OH) <12> 65 Grand Prix Parts: front and back seats, black $200.00, grilles $50.00, doors $100.00, hood $50.00, taillights $50.00, front bumper $100.00; 65 GTO 2-speed automatic tansmission $100.00; 326 engines $100.00; dash assemblies $40.00; heater and fan assemblies $40.00. Larry Beam (937)477-7712; e-mail: [email protected] (OH) <01> 65 GTO vinyl top mouldings $350.00, convertible pinchweld door and quarter mouldings $575.00, AM radio $150.00, gas pedal $35.00, hazard flasher $175.00, Rally clock $90.00, radiator top mounting bracket $50.00, oil pan $100.00, windshield moulding set $125.00, rear speaker switch $100.00, remote control mirror $125.00, dash trim, 3-piece set $125.00, lots more stuff available. Greg Spreitzer (440)254-4642 (OH) <01>
6568 Tilt Columns: Big cars only, both column and floor shift. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)6654644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> 6570 Full-Size with Stick Shift: I have made a bracket to replace wimpy part number 9784966; this is th ebracket that the Z-bar pivot ball mounts to and mounts to the bellhousing. Not many brackets left! Only &5.00 plus shipping. Robert Stephens (262)790-25056 (WI) <01>
65 ? TH400 Transmission Cover: Powder coated. $50.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 66 2+2 Trim Bars: used, $75.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
65 Ventura 2-Door Hardtop L/Door Panel: Presentable, $30.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 65 GTO Rust-free Core Supports: A/C, $189.00;
66 B-O-N-N-E-V-I-L-L-E: plastic dash nameplate,very nice, $25.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
6869 GTO Parts: want to sell as a package, but will sell parts seperately. Buy it all and get a good price for everything. Call for info. Rick DiGiacomo (401)934-0663; e-mail: [email protected] (RI) <01>
67 Antenna Bezel: replace that chipped one or have a spare, $20.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> 66 Bonneville 8-Lugs: complete set , aluminum whels,original condition, 5 like new radial tires, mounted, all caps, trim rings, drums, etc., will fit other years also. $1,200.00, plus shipping. Dave Inman, 424 Genesco Street, Storm Lake, IA 50588; (712)732-3372 (IA) <12> 66 Full-Size: A/C fiberglass cover, excellent condition, can e-mail pictures. $350.00 Rocky Boyles (800)338-4168; e-mail: [email protected] (NC) <12> 67 GTO Spinners: polished lucite/stainless, $99/ ea. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)-884-7684 (CA) <01> 6768 Firebird: 400 grilles $100.00/pair, taillights $50.00/pair, heater controls w/AC $85.00, power top switch w/harness $85.00, hood hinges $35.00/pair, top latches $75.00/pair, 6769 dash harness $100.00. Mike Swerbinsky (440)585-1590 (OH) <12> 68 Bonneville: left NOS 1/4 panel $800.00, prefer pick up. Andre Spanjol (440)647-6686; e-mail: [email protected] (OH) <12> 68 Catalina 2-Door Hardtop: rust free doorts $150.00 each, rust free deck lid $100.00, have other misc. parts. Andre Spanjol (440)647-6686; e-mail: [email protected] (OH) <12> 68 Catalina Parts: two setss of taillight bezels, complete, chrome OK, no cracks in the lenses $25.00 per set or $15.00 each, CATALINA fender letters and PONTIAC trunk letters $15.00 per set. Rick DiGiacomo (401)934-0663; e-mail: [email protected] (RI) <01> 68 Firebird: left front fender and hood $75.00 each OBO; 67 Tempest hood and trunk lid $50.00 OBO; 29 Pontiac front clip with cowl and dash, make offer. Wayne Wendell, 9035 West 55th Avenue, Arvada, CO 80002; (303)232-6355; e-mail: [email protected] (CO) <12> 68 Firebird: bucket seats, rear seat, seat belts, 160 mph speedometer and gas gauge, misc. trim oieces, black $300.00; 64 Catalina horn ring and cap $90.00, headlight bezel $50.00, 2 taillight bezels and light bulb housings $100.00. power brake booser and master cylinder $50.00; 66 Bonneville 2-door black door panels and arm rest with ash trays $200.00. John Freeman (708)563-2151 (IL) <12> 68 GTO: taillight housings and lenses $350.00, Rally gauges and tach $300.00, headlight bezels $125.00/pair, dash bezels $100.00 and $40.00, clock $35.00, std. gauges $40.00. Mike Swerbinsky (440)585-1590 (OH) <12> 6869 Firebird: 3.55 Safe-T-Track rear with HD 4-pinion posi, excellent, rust free housing, primed, ready to paint and install $950.00 with axles or $900 without; 68 4-bbl intake #9790140 $50.00; 69 timing cover $40.00, full length windage tray $50.00; 6769 Firebird radiator (automatic transmission) $40.00. Jim Mino (724)872-6296 (PA) <12>
66 Bonneville/Catalina/2+2/Executive/Star Chief: NOS die-cast grille bar, part #9782268 $85.00. W.D. Foster, 788 Windemere Way, Keller, TX 76248; (817)431-3159; e-mail: [email protected] (TX) <12> 66 Catalina: fenders $50.00 each, deck lid $50.00, front nose clip $50.00, hood $75.00, instrument cluster $50.00; 62 front bumper $100.00, instrument cluster $50.00, hub caps $20.00 each. Don Farfalla (609)585-1532 (NJ) <01>
6869 LeMans: front bumper reinforcement/ hardware, Reduced , $75.00/all. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 6870 Big Car: station wagon and post sedans door weather strip $55/pr, plus much more weather stripping all models and years, credit cards accepted. CPR 1 Stop Shop, (909)884-6980; fx (909)8847872 (CA) <0503p> 69 Firebird Parts: front valance $125.00, cowl panel $35.00, rear side markers $35.00, rear window chrome $30.00, black seat covers with headrest, new foam padding backs only $60.00, PMD automatic shifter with cable and bezel $60.00, 2bbl. air cleaner $25.00, fender emblem Firebird $0.00/pair, Nick Steele (419)495-2305 (OH) <12> 69 GTO Engine: 400, all stock with turbo $1,250.00; 64 Lemans 2-door post, original paint, V-8, not running $2,000.00; 41 Pontiac 6-cylinder, 2-door sedan, sell or part out $1,250.00; 72 wagon with GTO style front, 400/400, part out. Ask for Ed, Bill, or Ralph. Bill Sampson (510)232-0197 (CA) <12> 6972 Grand Prix: bumpers $10.00$100.00, 7172 header panel $30.00, other stuff; 77 GP accessories; 70 Bonneville parts. Parts in my ebay store Grateful Parts; 15x7 Rallys $80.00, $125.00 sets/4; T-400 shorttail $150.00, long $100.00; 71 350 shorttail $25.00; 77 GP T-tops $50.00, yoke $45.00. Trades. Eric Binotti (708)6366949 (IL) <12>
66 Catalina 2+2 Taillights: lustrous chrome/ crack-free lenses, $125.00/pr. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12>
66 Full-Size Black Rear Seat: fits 6568 nonconvertible, mid-armrest, $190.00, w/side armrests and ash tray rings, $250.00, rip-free and excellent. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 66 GTO: Jack usage and stowage decal for GTO, LeMans and Tempest car and station wagon. Two versions were used by factory. This is the version which includes views of both car and station wagon. Send $5.00 per decal to: Disque Reproductions, 23 Sherwood Drive, Belchertown, MA 01007. (MA). <0203p> 6669: OHC 6 pistons, light weight, silicone alloy, 40 grams, lighter than available pistons, 4.000, 4.020, 4.030, 4.060 factory valve notches, 4.000 gives 2671 cubes 15 years of testing. $270 set. runs 275 HP @ 6,000 rpm. 27 - 30 MPG at 70 - 75 mpg. OHC 6 R-us. Richard McDonough (810)562-2981 (UT) <0304P> 6670 Full-Size: some NOS and used parts. Ted Pisarek, Jr., 100 Emerson Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13204; (315)472-0956 (NY) <p0504>
6973 Firebird/Trans Am: NOS parking light bezels, GM part #6960557. Very nice original part. $75.00 includes shipping to lower 48 states. Ron Mullen (585)394-0671 (NY) <12> 70 Crankshaft: 455, nodular iron, standard $395.00 plus shipping OBO; 69 400, nodular iron crankshaft, standard $295.00 plus shipping OBO. Roy Haught, 13557 Swiss Valley Road, Peosta, IA 52068; (563)556-2730; e-mail: [email protected] (IA) <01>
6869 GTO Console: beautiful, Reduced , $125.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)8847684 (CA) <12>
7071 Full-Size (&72GP): 15inch pristine hubcaps, $39ea. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <01> 7081 Firebird/Trans Am Parts: 75, 76, 78 front grills, 8000 rpm tach, gauges, A/C parts, new
and used T/A steering wheels; 7173 Rally II center caps, PW switches, rear 1/4 interior panels, sail panels; 7478 rear tail lights, seast tracks, trunk lids; 7478 rear spoiler set, shifters, more. Mark Kornbluth, e-mail: [email protected] (FL) <12> 7071 Trans Am/Formula Parts - Arizona sheet metal. Fenders, bumpers, doors, grills, valence, parking lights, hoods, shakers, windows, honeycombs. 455s, M-22, M-21, posi, dash pads, consoles, seats, belts, sail/back/door panels, guages, radios, T/A steering wheels, gold wheel insert. Some NOS parts. Reasonable prices. Always buying/trading. rick Bowman, East Lansing, MI (517)351-3737 <0602p> 7075 Formula Ram Air, repo air cleaners simular to original but no thermacs or dampers, powder-coated semi gloss & ready to go! $350 US (exchange base required). Brian Drabik, (604)525-0703 (Canada) E-mail: [email protected] <0102p> 7081 Firebird/Trans Am Parts: 8000 rpm tach, front grilles, new T/A steering wheels, PW switches, PDL switches, hoods, 7478 rear spoilers, rear taillights, dash plates, WS6 wheels, seat tracks, trunk lids, front clips; 7173 Rally II center caps, sail panels, rear arm rest panels, gauges, wheel flares. Mark Kornbluth (954)659-9647; e-mail: transam80@ juno,com (FL) <01> 7081 Trans Am/Firebird: Quality used parts. Dashes, door panels, options, factory wheels, W5G parts and turbo stuff. Call with your needs. Second Generation (604)525-0703 email [email protected] (Canada) <0802p> 7081 Firebird/Trans Am Parts Inventory: specializing in 7073. Rust free sheet matal, fenders, dpprs, quarters, hoods, noses. Honeycombs and snow flakes. 455s, 400s, Muncies, Super T-10s. Dash pads, door panels, everything for interiors. Rick Bowman (517)351-3737 (MI) <1203p> 71 Grand Prix: front bumper, new car take-off from dealership when car was new, scratch on bumper $185.00 plus shipping. B. Kendziorski (989)892-2652 (MI) <12> 7172 Grand Prix: AM-FM radio $225.00, set black seat belts front/rear $120.00, power seat track $150.00, cornering lights $80.00, Grand Prix roof emblems $40.00 both, black stering wheel $50.00, rear window $75.00, rear window moldings $60.00, passenger side quarter panel with wheel well $550.00 shipping extra. Gary Seymour (775)3551185 (NV) <01> 7172 GTO, Lemans: coupe, convertible sport mirrors, left remote, right non-remote, matching yellow paint, excellent $150.00/pair; 67 GTO, Lemans HL doors, left, right, #752, #753, nice used $95.00/ pair; also other misc. 6872 GTO, Lemans parts, inquire. Gary Klann (951)285-4272 days (CA) <12> 72 Full-Size Parts: header with grilles $125.00; 63 and 64 grille surround $50.00, 8-lug wheels (just the wheels) $40.00 each; 76 Trans Am header (needs repair) $35.00; 58 taillights and headlight bezels $15.00 each; 6364 full-size many small items; 67 rolling chassis $650.00. James Crater (330)264-8618 (OH) <12>
7375 Grand Am: New fiberglass noses $569 $589. Dash wood kits $89, weatherstrip sets $169, repro air dams $129.00. Call In Design at (310)798-5314, or visit: (CA) <1003p> 7377 Grand Prix: trailer hitch, bnolt on Class
III $100.00, HD rear coil springs $50.00, AM-FM stereo 8-track radio, needs work $50.00, AM-FM radio face plate $20.00, in-dash tach $100.00. Ron Beach (618)443-4633; e-mail: [email protected] (IL) <01> 7377 Pontiac Lemans: 73 GTO, 77 Cam Am, 73-75 Grand Am parts. Have numerous parts available. call with wish list. home (262)662-1807 or call Cell (262)470-0085. email me at [email protected] ask for Marco when calling. <p0803> 7492 Trans Am/Firebird NOS Parts: including Turbo TA, GTA, and Notchback. No parts to small. Mikes F-Body (602)276-1522. (AZ) <1203p> 7781 Trans Am/Firebird: 15x8 Snowflakes, Turbos, refinished, better than O.E.M. Quality prices start at $150. Call for quote. machine cut face, gold, argent or the color of your choice. Second Generation, (604)525-0703 (Canada) <0802p>
7879 GP Hubcaps: quantities, VGC, $17.00ea. Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)884-7684 (CA) <12> 79 Trans Am 10th Anniversary: one NOS turbo wheel with center cap $750.00 OBO, one pair NOS arm rests $350.00 OBO, one NOS silver owners manual cover with manual $500.00 OBO; one 79 Trans Am taillight assembly, very good condition $120.00 OBO. Ken Kreger (440)951-8262; e-mail: [email protected] (OH) <01> 84 Indy Fiero: NOS decals, approx. 3 sets, but not complete, total of 27 new GM decals which were discontinued. $325.00. Dave Gershon (916)782SMOKE SIGNALS DECEMBER 2004 59
1258; e-mail: superdutydave@hotmail,com (CA) <12> 84 Fiero Indy Pace Car: new fender and nose emblems, just licensed and very limited run. Dave Clee. Available securely on <p0904> 89 Turbo Trans Am: fender and other emblems NOS and repro. Dave Clee. Available securely on <p0904> 9703 ASCD Ram Air Hood and Cold Air Box: still in the boxes, payed $1,000.00 plus shipping, asking $900.00. Leave message. Becky Caldwell (614)570-6541 (OH) <01> Alterntors: 6769 V-8 external regulator 37A #1100704 $50.00; mid-70s V-8 internal regulator #1102480 $25.00; 81 Grand Lemans clock, gauges $40.00; 67(?) metal horn button #9787529, has teo noticeable pits otherwise good condition $40.00. Frank Balbor (905)984-6003 (Canada) <12> Antenna Assemblies: NOS 6768 in factory unopened boxes, part number 984749 for Bonneville, Catalina, etc. $140.00 each. NOS 6768 Firebird front antenna $115.00. New 4952 antenna bezel, cap, nut, and gasket $25.00. Dennie Turner, 5145 SE 106th lane, Belleview, FL 34420 (352)2458346 or email [email protected] (FL) <1002p> Antique Pontiac Parts: 34 year collection, large inventory, complete variety, NOS, including engines, mechanical, brake , suspension, body, original glass, electrical, chrome, accessories, moldings, hood ornaments, lamps, lens, skirts, mats, emblems, literature. Send needs, year, body style#, SASE. Joe Curtis, P.O. Box 9371, Asheville, NC 28815; phone (828)298-8304/fax (828)298-3750 (NC) <1203p> Carburetor: four barrel for 389 GM engine $200.00 or offer. Paul Johnson (724)547-3935 after 12:30 pm EST (PA) <01>
Clocks: if your 6364 clock looks like this, replace with repod new at $20.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
Dress Up that Interior: polished brake, parking brake and accelerator pedal trim , complete set $60.00 . Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-46449 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> Dual Quad Set-Up: 65 and newer Pontiac 326 455, Offenhauser intake with twin 600 cfm Edelbrock carbs, all pieces are in like new condition, no fuel lines or throttle linkage included $500.00 plus shipping. Wally Abela (734)654-8769 <01> Emblems, Louvers, Bezels, Etc.: over 650 different products for Pontiacs, Buicks, Chevys. Check out our web site at: (0204p) Engine Parts: ARMA steel 389 crank $175.00; 71 and 77 400 blocks $200.00; 72 and 73 350 blocks $100.00; 6X heads with small chamber $150.00; 4X $100.00; 69 #47 $100.00; 71 #94 $100.00; 75 HEI from 455 $80.00; timing covers various years $45.0075.00; oil pans $50.00; connecting rods $5.00 each; flex plates $20.00; intake and exhaust valves $50.00/set; 73 400 engine, complete $350.00; water pump dividers $5.00; brand new full manual valve body for THM-400 $50.00; 15X7 Rally IIss $25.00 each; 14X7 Rally IIs $25.00 each. Jeff Sawruk (248)705-4027 <01> Engines and Parts: 65 389 YE $350.00; 72 400YX, 6X heads, flywheel, carb, runs $400.00; heads 6X, 143, 5C, 66, 6/76, 17, 714, $200.00/pair; TH400 $50.00; 400 blocks $100.00; full length windage trays $40.00; flywheel $90.00; bellhousing $90.00; 70 Tempest door panels, black $70.00; Hooker headers 6872 A-body $75.00. Reid Prinkey (937)355-8302; e-mail: [email protected] (OH) <01> Evan Scotts Pontiac Parts: NOS Pontiac parts or [email protected] (973)5435035. NJ. <1103p> Franks Pontiac Parts: Since 1987. Many used and some new items for 1967 - 81 Firebirds and Trans Am, 1964 - 72 GTO, Lemans, some Full Size and Grand Prix parts. We have many manuals and new and used sheet metal. Large web site. Ramona, CA (760)789-0669. Vistors by appointment only. (CA) <p02/04>
GTA Emblems: full GM licensed, perfect reproductions. Go to from anywhere in the world. <p4/04> GTO Front Valance: NOS $225.00, 64-65 convertible stainless $100.00, 69 grilles $30.00, long windage tray $35.00, 4 barrel intake L+14 64, 7172 timing chain louver $35.00, 64 altenator 1100693 $50.00, hidden headlight brackets $60.00, tri-power carb bowel $50.00, 68-72 4 speed console metal bucket $30.00. Gary (815)777-2453. IL. <p0903>
Headrests: these come from a 69 Grand Prix, h ave two sets, $60.00/set. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> Hot Starting Problems?: 64 - up A body V8 + 65 - up big car. Your problems are over. Megatorque starter works every time. $139.95 plus core charge, including shipping plus core charge. Ask about 61 - 64 full size. Steve Peluso (617)3272122 days, (617)327-2269 fax. Nights until 9 EST (781)329-9462. (AZ) <0903p> Judges Chambers: 69 - 71: Judge parts, spoilers, stripe kits, decals, glovebox emblems, Ram Air kits and seals, exhaust tips, hood tachometers, license plates, memorabilia. GTO sunglasses and cologne, aftershave, records, oldies car videos. Royal Pontiac and Woodward Ave. memorabilia. Two Lane Blacktop video. GTO Judges bought and sold. Professional appraisals. Robert McKenzie, 114 Prince George Dr. Hampton, VA 23669. (757)838-2059 <0502p> Keys: Original NOS Keys and Classic Key Sets for all Pontiac models. Complete locksmith services. Many hard to find keys and lock cylinders. Keys stamped and cut by code. We stock POR-15 restoration products. Jessers Classic Keys, 26 West Street, Dept POC, Akron, OH 44303-2344 (330)376-8181. 24 hour fax # (330)384-9129. (OH) <0204p> Lenses, Lamp Assemblies, Lamp Bezels and Housings: Huge inventory for 40s to 70s vehcles. Al Schioppi, PO Box 3179. Camarillo, CA 93011. Fax/ Phone: (805)482-9792. e-mail: [email protected]. (CA) <0502p>
Console Trim: shown is our walnut trim auto transmission with restored vacuum gauge. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> FREE: Order our dash replacement wood trim for 1965-66Bonneville and Grand Prix and horn bar trim is included . Separate purchase is $20.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> Lens Reproductions: many available, along with large selection of taillight lenses. Picture is replacement lens for underhood reel-out lights, $25.00/ each. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> New Hard to Find Early Pontiac Parts: 3.64 ring and pinion bearings, seals, gaskets, posi parts, clutch gears, dohs shims, saf-t-trac tags, axels, bearings, too much to list. Brand new alumin generators, starters, bumper brackets, hardware, core support, mounts, 4-bolt alumin water pumps, steering boxes, brand new early stickshift parts, links, pins, clutch pedals, felts, bushings, etc. complete rearend rebuid service available, posi rebuilds, axle service. Everything air-
Cornering Lenses 67: for Grand Prix and Firebird, NOS, $75.00/pair , Repos $50.00/pair. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> Dashes: Padded dash for 67-68 , also 1967 2+2 , no cracks . Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)6654644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
Grab Bars: pictured 1964 big car, but I have 65, 66 and 67 as well, all $35.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
craft quality with showcar apperance. Call Brad for more information and prices. (800)208-8242. (TX) <0104p> NOS Pontiac Parts Large inventory, complete variety, including engines, glass, sheet metal, mechanical, chrome, accessories literature. No lists of parts available for your car. Send want list year, body, style # (on firewall trimplate) SASE to Joe Curtis, PO Box 9371, Asheville, NC 28815. (828)298-8304. Fax: (828)298-3750 or e-mail: [email protected] (NC) <0602p> Now Available, a Fuel Additive which contains real tetraethyl lead! Ad one ounce per gallon to 93 octane. Will give you 99.5 leaded premium. Only adds 19 cents a gallon to price of gas. You can achieve up to 103 octane leaded with this product. Supply is limited! Jack Podell (574)232-6430. (IN) <0102p> OHC-6 Engine Parts - new and used for 66 - 69 Firebirds, Tempest, and LeMans: Hood tachs (6500 red line) $197, Oil pump gears $44.50, motor mounts $128+, followers $11.50, water pumps, etc. The OHC Source Jerry Woodland, 830 E. 450 S., Smithfield, UT (435)563-8081 (UT) <0602p> Parting Out 10 GTOs: 64-67 Lots of good parts. Call Ed (772)461-0349 from 8am-10pm. <0603p> Parting Out 4180 A, B, G body: No Firebirds. +20 years of dependable, courteous service. Pontiac only. Hobby business. E-Mail: [email protected]. Ron Riser, 1723 Stave Mill Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966. (618)687-2235. (IL) <0802p> Parting Out 58 Pontiacs: 5 cars. Many rare and difficult parts to find, memory seat, air suspension, tri-power sert ups, many restorable and NOS parts, lots of good sheet metal. Call for needs and leave your name, area code and phone number if you miss me. Dan Barton (678)662-3356 (GA) <12> Parting Out Pontiacs: 63 Bonneville convertible; 66 Bonneville Brougham 4-door, call with needs. Misc: 66 389, 2-bbl. with TH400 $300.00; complete 75 350, 4-bbl. with TH350 $300.00; 68 fullsize front bumper with griles, straight, shiny chrome, some scratches $90.00. Misc. 66 full-size parts; 67 Firebird passenger side door $80.00. Joe Sherman (989)725-6029 (MI) <01> Pontiac Engine Enamels: Hi temp, hi gloss, will not burn off, 193077. Convertible Tops for all Pontiacs from 1936 up. Available in American stayfast canvas and original heavy weight pinpoint vinyl. Both with pads. Gasoline Preservative and Stabilizer will keep your gas fresh for three years. Gas Tank Sealer alcohol resistant. Exhaust and Manifold Paints black, bright aluminum, or cast iron, 1800 degree. Miracle Paint in silver, black or clear. Seals rust permanently. Super Gloss SemiGloss Chassis and Undercarriage Paint, nothing like it on the market. Car Covers Tyvek plus lined. Optima Batteries, the worlds finest battery, totally dry, uses no water. 6 and 12 volt available. Bill Hirsch Auto (800)828-2061 <1203p> Pontiac Parts For Sale: 70 455, 73 455, two 69 428s, 77 400, 72 400, 72 350, 70 350, 67 326, $150.00 and up; heads rebuilt: #96, #77, need to be rebuilt: #62, #16, 093, 7M5, #46, #99, #76, 141, 140, $150.00 and up; 675, 71, 72 GTO parts; 73 Ventura parts. Fred Young (269)663-6619 (MI) <0804p Pontiac Parts For Sale: 56 factory 2x4 manifold with water neck, jet coated $300.00; 60 Catalina Ventura taillight housings with lenses $75.00 each; 60 headlight doors, chromed $400.00 each; 60 vent window glass, new $50.00/pair; 61 Tempest back up lenses $40.00/pair. Bob DiNardo (203)8530011 days; (203)838-4996 nights (CT) <12> Pontiac Parts For Sale: 66 GTO NOS rocker panel moldings with clips, GM part #1-9785130/19785131 $500.00; 67 GTO NOS GM taillight panel $450.00; NOS chrome trim rings for 15x7 Rally II wheels, part # 359763 $200.00/al four; 66 GTO trunk lid with GTO emblem and excellent trunk moulding, no rust, dents, or bondo $425.00; 66 auto shifter with wire harness and shift cable $100.00; 66 auto console $75.00, header panel $60.00; 66
GTO rear bumper $125.00; 66 GTO heads, 093 $250.00; 68 Lemans trunk lid $275.00; 64 GTO front bumper $75.00; 67 cpmplete power steering change over, pump, brackets, steering box, hoses, pulleys, and hardware $250.00; 67 Rally gauges $125.00; 66 red fender liners, rear $60.00; 67 GTO wire mesh grill $40.00 each; 64 GTO taillight lense $30.00 each; 67 GTO complete taillight assembly, excellent condition $275.00; exhaust manifolds, most years $75.00/pair. George Cantu (713)5920947 (TX) <01> Poverty Caps: for mid to late sixties GTO, or fullsize, no dings but need the paint touched up, three are embossed with PONTIAC, the fourth has PND $160.00 OBO. Rick DiGicomo (401)934-0663 (RI) <01> Radiators: New Copper/Brass construction for 62 - 77 GTO/LeMans/Tempest, 67 - 81 Firebirds, 61 - 77 Grand Prix/Bonneville/Catalina/Grandville. 3, 4, 5 or 6 row capacities, original equiptment, warranty, custom mfg. Available A/C condenser, heaters recored, used evaporators. Phone/Fax Chris at R K Industries (708)824-9816 or email [email protected] (IL) <0802p> Radios: AM-FM Delcos 7377 Grand Prix, Tempest, mono $80.00, stereo $115.00; 72 Firebird mono $75.00; 73 B-body mono $80.00, all working. Al Svirmickas, 7852 Sycamore Drive, Orland Park, IL 60462; (708)633-0545; e-mail: [email protected] (IL) <01>
Spot Lamp: very nice and I have an NOS bracket for it. Fits at least 6568 big cars but probably many others, $350.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> Stainless Trim for 40-60 Pontiacs. New trunk mats 58-63,$35 ea. Dave Stromberg, 9301 NE 95th St, Vancouver, WA, 98662 (360)260-0434 <0202p> Transmissions: strictly sticks, all Pontiac, GM Performance 3,4 $5 speeds, units totally rebuilt, guaranteed, best prices, crated and shipped. Plus Hurst factory shifters, master rebuild kits, gears, conversion parts, also huge POSI rear inventory, units built to order, additional rebuilding. Services supplied for your parts. Visa/MC. Richie Mulligan, (973)7867500 or e-mail: [email protected] (NJ) <0202p> Transmission: turbo-hydrtamatic, 3200 stall converter, deep oil pan, street or strip, all newly fresh rebuilt with new converter, long tail shaft, guaranteed $750.00 OBO. Walter Abela (734)654-8769 (MI) <01> Transmissions: 300, 350, 400, and overdrive 2004R, 700R4 with shift kits and heavy duty/high performance parts. Custom transmissions made to order $500.00 to $625.00. John Kozak (859)623-1883 (KY) <p404) Turbo Trans Am Emblems: full GM licensed, perfect reproductions. Go to from anywhere in the world. <p4/04>
Rallye II 15x7 Beauty Ring: polished, VGC, $49.00 Steve Gates, (619)442-2800 or (619)8847684 (CA) <12> Walnut Trim Kit: shown here our walnut trim kit for a 65-66 console. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> Weatherstrip sets, Metro dealer closeout; Include trunk, molded doors and roof rails. 66-72 midsize hdtps. 70-81 Firebird, $125 each postpaid. Todd Crews, Box 131, Forsyth, IL. 62535. (217)872-8033 Phone or fax. (IL) <0302p> Wood Dash Trim: real walnut for 65-66 full size Bonneville and Grand Prix, various configurations available starting at $75.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
Restored Underhood Lamp: do yours or buy one with or without switches wiring. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01>
Safeguard Speedos: shown is 67 with fuel warning gas gauge, $175.00. Pete, Ventures Unlimited (503)665-4644- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (OR) <01> Snowflake Aluminum Wheels: 15X8 gold inserts from 78 Trans Am, storedf 25 years, excellent condition $600.00, also 4.88 ring and pinion for Pontiac 10-bolt differential (not corporate), ran 56 times in a 67 Firebird $100.00. Steve Walker (301)9287408 (WV) <01>
Wanted for 48 Pontiac: transmission dust cover for automatic. Tom Pierett (281)252-3788; e-mail: [email protected] (TX) <12> Wanted for 50 Chieftain Wagon: 3rd seat. Scott Ziegert (805)750-2983 (CA) <12> Wanted for 50 Pontiac: Pontiac hood emblem with plastic Indian, must be replateable. Jon Erickson (503)728-3562 (OR) <12> Wanted for 50 Pontiac: deluxe horn button, NOS or mint, need the clear bubble, maybe 49 would fit, dont know. Calvin High, 1909 Old Phila. Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602; (717)394-8381 (PA) <12> Wanted for 54 Pontiac Covertible: model 2867, right stone shield 12116 part #4628293, like new, show quality. James Culligan (716)633-4000 (NY) <12> Wanted for 54 Star Chief 2-Door Hardtop: trunk kit. Dennis Gendron. 1415 Cap Eternite, Laval, Quebec, Canada H7E 3J9; (450)661-7155 (Quebec) <01> Wanted for 5556 Pontiac: face plates for Wonderbar radio. Mike Rice (651)224-3685 or (651)730-7017 (MN) <02> Wanted for 60 Bonneville: trunk floor pan for convertible. Leonard Halpin (805)384-0173 <01> Wanted for 60 Ventura Hardtop: right rear chrome taillight housing, 4-bbl. carb, antenna mast and nut, al inside handles, inside rear view mirror and bracket, chrome knob seat adjust. All items must be like new. Frank Beelen (763)560-9665; e-mail: [email protected] (MN) <12> Wanted for 61 Canadian Pontiac: 2-door hardtop Parisienne, left front fender stainless molding,its the same molding as on the US built Bonneville except it does not have the Bonneville letters. Bill Skillington, 5749 Basin View Drive, Kalmath Falls, OR 97603; (541)884-5444 (OR) <01> Wanted for 61 Full-Size Pontiac: front bumper and brackets, good straight, rechromeable. Bob Rainey (479)451-8096 (AR) <12> Wanted for 6166 Pontiac 421 engine: set of 8 standard 421 pistons, forged or cast, prefer new, wil consider used depending on condition. Dan Mixon (281)955-8632 evenings;e-mail: [email protected] (TX) <12> Wanted for 62 Catalina: vinyl material to repair my front bench seat, color code is 242, tri-color aqua marine, maybe you have good back seat cover as I could use good panels; also need 4-speed bellhousing. Larry Groskopf (815)462-4002 (IL) <12> Wanted for 62 Full-Size Pontiac: radio and heater delete plates for dash, steering column for stick shift car; can use steering column cover without gear select from broken column (manual). William Dunmore (414)438-6569 (WI) <12> Wanted for 62 Grand Prix: shifter console for automatic transmission, must be complete and in excellent condition, do not need shifter. Tony Faulk
(724)837-8600 day or (724)468-5691 evening (PA) <01> Wanted for 62 Grand Prix: or full-size with bucket seats and console need 4-speed shifter or shift lever. Rick Weygand, 215 Boxwood Lane, Bridgewater, MA 02324; (508)697-8726 (MA) <01> Wanted for 63 Bonneville: my 63 Bonny saw those sport-style wire wheel covers with simulated knock offs on the 63 Parisienne featured in the September SMOKE SIGNALS page 25,and being the dad who cant say no to her, I seek your help. She needs 14.Buz Hyatt (402)336-4631 8am to noon CST (NE) <12> Wanted for 63 Bonneville: speedometer, front and rear bumpers. Anyone with blue interior for this 2door Bonneville? Tim VanMeter (918)369-0227 before 10pm CST (OK) <12> Wanted for 63 Tempest 2-Door Coupe: complete set of factory tinted glass, must be in goo dcondition, wil pay top dollar for nice set. Ken Kist (440)2090015 (OH) <12> Wanted for 65 GTO: WT 389 block, G-2-5 date. John Freeman (708)563-2151 (IL) <01> Wanted for 66 Grand Prix: 2 rear 8-lug drums for 6568 models, must have very good or at least turnable linging. Jerry Triller (219)937-9684; email: [email protected] <12> Wanted for 66 Tri-Power: center carb linkage bracket; this is the bracket that the progressive slide bar attaches to. This bracket also connects the throttle cable to the center carb; it bolts to the linkage that is connected to the throttle shaft. Mike Crotty (603)537-1201; e-mail: [email protected] (NH) <01> Wanted for 67 Bonneville Convertible: blue drivers door armrest, set of floor mats, and 8-lug wheels. James Zimmerman (419)394-1561 (home); (419)733-0805 (cell); (800)816-1645 (work) (OH) <12> Wanted for 67 Grand Prix: power top motor and cylinders, also need front bucket seats, white preferred. Preston Skinner, 1208 Dona Way, Nokomis, FL 34275; (941)484-2223 (FL) <12> Wanted for 68 Firebird: space saver spare tire and wood steering wheel. Phil Hoey (918)534-2651 (OK) <12> Wanted for 68 Leman or GTO: front val;ance, left taillight,water pump pulley part #9786819, all very good condition. Merril Suttee (417)742-3752 (MO) <12> Wanted for 69 Grand Prix: radio. Hal Hardin (877)369-3377 (TN) <12> Wanted for 69 Judge: red hardtop, Tony Landry 2 of 7, 797 3327 ram air engine, hood intake housing, wire pull knob from drivers side for air intake, history book on 69 Judge, rear end drive axle unit to replace El Camino rear end now in car, also drive shaft. Anthony Landry (207)797-3327 (ME) <12> Wanted for 70 Catalina Convertible: set of
rocker panel moldings to finish car; could accept a good set of used, but prefer NOS or reproduction, also need the clips. Gerald Loh, 7106 West Highway #61, Tofte, MN 55615; (218)663-7222; e-mail: [email protected] (MN) <01> Wanted for 7072 Lemans: stereo cassette 8track tape player, code 412 UPC U57 dark saddle. Charles Bates (973)764-3781 (NJ) <12> Wanted for 7074 F-Body: temperature control cable, non-air, prefer NOS GM part #482895. Mike Kemp (303)708-9715; e-mail: [email protected] (CO) <12> Wanted for 71 GTO: 7172 GTO or Lemans Sport front and rear fenders; 6872 GTO or Lemans convertible frame and transmission support cross member. Bob Cowherd (315)655-3864 (NY) <12> Wanted for 76 Lemans Sport Coupe: plastic interior window moldings, front, rear, and doors, white. Myron Hassett (630)837-4718 (IL) <01> Wanted for 77 Grand Prix SJ: arrow crest (with good color) for front end, upright hood ornament, emblem for key slot on trunk lid, black vinyl molding for sides of body. Eugene Callaway (706)2743392 (GA) <01> Wanted for 78 Trans Am: NOS left rear wheel spoiler Part #526829, automatic transmission console part #10009290. Jerry Pawelek (773)763-0854 (IL) <12> Wanted for 78 Y88 Trans Am: gold arrow for front nose with correst gold inner star and border, new ones are all chrome, part #499724. Roger Butterfield (248)435-3937 (MI) <12> Wanted for 84-85 Fiero: Fleece/Suede seats or covers only for 84-85 Fiero. e-mail: [email protected]. Dave Kauzlarich (504)8823000. (LA) <0802p> Wanted for 86 Grand Prix 2+2: front nose and related parts, will buy whole car at right price. Roger Cline (910)608-5058 days; (910)738-5923 or (910)738-3162 nights (NC) <02> Wanted for 301 V-8: flywheel cover, good condition with bolts. Steve Robbins (830)336-2778 (TX) <12>
Exotic Wood Dash Kits for late model, domestic and foreign cars and trucks/10 different wood grains and carbon fiber (in colors) to choose from. 3m backing with lifetime warranty. Also have kits for 66 GTO and 67 Firebird. Use your own template for custommade pieces. Ed Kozinski, (732)463-1284 <0202p> Shelter-King: 1-car instant garage, used one season, 12x20, house-style. $350.00 firm. Bob Heath (315)636-8241 (NY) <12>
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