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Non-Local Continuum Mechanics and Fractional Calculus: K.A. Lazopoulos

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Mechanics Research Communications 33 (2006) 753757 www.elsevier.com/locate/mechrescom

Non-local continuum mechanics and fractional calculus

K.A. Lazopoulos
Mechanics Division, School of Applied Sciences (SEMFE), National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, Athens 157 73, Greece Available online 30 May 2006

Abstract The present work introduces fractional calculus into the continuum mechanics area describing non-local constitutive relations. Considering a one-dimensional body and assuming total stored energy depending not only upon the local strain but also upon a fractional derivative of the stain, an elastic model with non-local stressstrain behavior is introduced. Fractional calculus provides a natural framework for describing non-local constitutive relations and requires no assumptions for the interval of non-local inuence. Furthermore, the proposed method works in nite intervals contrary to the existing theories requiring innite domains. 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Elasticity; Fractional calculus; Non-local strain energy density; Coexistence of phases

1. Introduction Non-local continuum mechanics has recently been considered as a eld of major interest, since it is able to describe the microstructural behavior of materials. Kunin (1982, 1983) has presented a two-volume text describing procedures for non-local constitutive relations of materials based upon harmonic analysis. Further studies on non-local interactions and hysteresis in phase transitions and Ferromagnetism have already been presented (Brandon et al., 1995; Rogers, 1996). Fosdick and Mason have introduced models with non-local dependence of the strain energy density (Fosdick and Mason, 1996, 1998, 1997). In fact, they proved these models may dene the phases in the coexistence of phases states described by Ericksens bar (Ericksen, 1975). Therefore, these models are better than the gradient strain models adopted for describing the microstructure behavior of the materials (Kroener, 1968). Fractional calculus (Oldham and Spanier, 1974; Poldubny, 1999) introduce fractional derivatives with non-local inuence. This mathematical approach has been introduced by Leibnitz who suggested the possibility of calculating dny/dxn when n = 1/2. This mathematical approach has been introduced in rheological models, especially in describing viscoelastic behavior of materials, see (Atanackovic and Stankovic, 2004; Stankovic and Atanackovic, 2002; Atanackovic and Spasic, 2004; Atanackovic and Stankovic, 2002; Atanackovic, 2002).

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0093-6413/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2006.05.001


K.A. Lazopoulos / Mechanics Research Communications 33 (2006) 753757

In the present study, the fractional derivatives will be invoked to describe non-local stressstrain relations of a one-dimensional bar under axial extension. The strain energy density depends not only on the local strain but also on a fractional derivative of the strain. The fraction, dening the fractional derivative is a material parameter. The problem concerns a bar of nite length. No specic mathematical problems arise at the boundaries contrary to the problems presented in Brandon et al. (1995), Rogers (1996), Fosdick and Mason (1996, 1998, 1997). It is evident that the strain of the bar under axial load is not constant. 2. Basics of fractional derivatives The question is about the notion of dny/dxn when n is a fraction. Starting from the Cauchy formula for the n-fold primitive of function f(t), see (Oldham and Spanier, 1974; Poldubny, 1999) Z t 1 n1 n t s f s ds; t > 0; n 2 N 1 J f t n 1! 0 assuming that f(t) = 0, for t < 0 we get, Z t 1 a1 a t s f s ds; J f t Ca 0

t > 0; a 2 R

where C(n) = (n 1)! is the Euler gamma function. The RiemannLiouville fractional derivative of the order a is dened by, " # 8 Z t > dm 1 f s > > ds ; m 1 < a < m < m dt Cm a 0 t sa1m a 3 D f t > m > >d : f t am dtm Using (2) and (3) it is found that, Cc 1 ca t Cc 1 a C c 1 c a t ; Da tc C c 1 a J a tc Cta ; C1 a

4 a > 0; c > 1; t > 0

It is pointed out that the ath derivative of a constant function C = cons tan t is equal to Da C a P 0; t > 0 5

which is dierent from zero. Of course if a is an integer then DaC = 0. Furthermore, D a f t 0; if f t 1 t1a 6

Therefore, the function ta1 yields zero. afractional derivative. Assuming that f(t) is an absolutely continuous function in the interval te[a, b] and suppose that 0 < a < 1, Z t 1 d f t f t Da a ds a C1 a dt a t s 7 Z b 1 d f t Da f t d s a b C1 a dt t t s It may be shown that faa t exists for certain class of functions and is equal to RiemannLiouville fractional derivative and reads, Z t f t a f t f s a ds 8 fa t f a t a C1 at a C1 a a t s1a

K.A. Lazopoulos / Mechanics Research Communications 33 (2006) 753757


An important property known as integration by parts formula states: Z b Z b ztDc y t d t y t D c b zt dt a

a a

when, z(a) = z(b) = 0. 3. The equilibrium problem Suppose the strain energy functional for a bar of initial length L is of the form, Z L a U W ex nex Da dx a ex Db ex


where, e(x) is the strain and 0 < a < 1. Applying the stress tension r at the ends of the bar, the total stored energy functional is dened by: Z L a W ex nex Da 11 V U ruL u0 a ex Db ex rex dx

Performing calculus of variations on V, it is considered that, ~ ux ux egx; u0 uL 0, and jej  1. Then, Z L 0 0 a 0 0 DV W u0 x eg0 x nu0 x eg0 x Da a u x eg x Db u x eg x 0 0 a 0 W u0 x nu0 x Da erg0 x dx 12 a u x Db u x Expanding the integrand by Taylors theorem, we obtain,  Z L  a 0 oW 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 e g0 x 0 nu0 x Da g x D g x ng x D u x D u x rg x dx DV a b a b ou x 0 Recalling the integration by parts formula, Eq. (9), it appears:   Z L a 0 oW 0 a 0 2n Da u x Db u x r dx eg x DV ou0 x 0 Since g 0 (x) may be any smooth function, Eq. (14) yields, oW 0 a 0 2n Da a u x Db u x r 0 ou0 x




Eq. (14) is the equilibrium equation of a bar under the axial tension stress r with strain energy density given by Eq. (9). Considering the fraction a with x y a y xa and recalling Eq. (7), the equilibrium Eq. (15) becomes, Z b oW 2n d e s a ds r 0 oex C1 a dx a x s In the case with W Ee2 x the equilibrium equation becomes Z b es ex k ds r x s a a where k = n/E and 0 < a < 1. 18 16




K.A. Lazopoulos / Mechanics Research Communications 33 (2006) 753757

Eq. (19) is an integral Fredholm equation of the rst kind with weak singularity, since 0 < a < 1. Therefore, following the theory of integral equations, the solution of Eq. (19) may be found at least in the approximate sense. 4. Globally stable equilibrium states Ericksen (1975) introduced the coexistence of phases phenomena in solids, allowing deformations with continuous displacements elds but discontinuous strains. Considering non-convex strain energy density functions and globally stable equilibrium placements, coexistence of phases phenomena take place in the deformation of a uniform bar under tension if the stress reaches the value rM of Maxwells stress, see Fig. 1, where the rM line cuts o two regions A and B of equal areas. Further, there are places (phase boundaries) where the strains u and u+ (see Fig. 1) coexists. Ericksens model has been adopted for explaining various non-smooth deformation phenomena, such as phase transformations in solids, twinning in crystals and change of phases in liquid crystals. Although Ericksens bar model may dene the phases, the distribution of the phases may not be dened. Fosdick and Mason (1998, 1997) managed to describe the distribution of the phases in Ericksens bar adopting strain energy density depending not only upon the local strain but also in some respects from the strain eld of the whole bar. Also Truskivovsky and Zanzotto (1996) presented a modied bar version trying to describe the distribution of the phases. In a mathematical frame, continuous displacement elds u(x) with discontinuous strains (derivatives of u(x)) are possible in standard non-linear elasticity , when ErdmannWeierstrass conditions, Gelfand and Fomin (1963) are valid. Indeed, if W(u 0 (x)) is the non-convex strain energy density of the bar per unit length, the corner ErdmannWeierstrass conditions are oW u0 x oW u0 x rM 20 ou0 x xx0 ou0 x xx0 and W u0 x0 W u0 x0 rM u0 x0 u0 x0 21 In the present case of strain energy with fractional derivatives, Eq. (10), and total potential energy, Eq. (11), the equilibrium equation is expressed by Eq. (15) and the corner conditions are expressed by, oW u0 x oW u0 x 22 ou0 x ou0 x
xx0 xx0


) 0 o W u x 0 a 0 Da : W u0 x0 W u0 x0 u0 x0 u0 x0 a u x0 Db u x0 ou0 x xx0


Fig. 1. Stressstrain diagram with Maxwells stress.

K.A. Lazopoulos / Mechanics Research Communications 33 (2006) 753757


Therefore, Eqs. (15), (22) and (23), dene the globally stable states which might not be unique. Numerical solutions of Eqs. (15), (22) and (23) might help in discussing the problem further. 5. Conclusion Deformations with one-dimensional non-local strain energy density theory have been introduced using fractional derivatives. The fraction of the fractional derivative is a material characteristic. The equilibrium equation of a tensioned bar has been derived which is an Integral Fredholm equation of the rst kind. Conditions for the coexistence of phases in the bar have been derived. Numerical solutions may help in exploring those conditions further. Also the problem of the distribution of the phases is still open. However, there is a strong feeling that the proposed procedure might describe the distribution of the phases. References
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