Mufon UFO Journal
Mufon UFO Journal
Mufon UFO Journal
That's Entrainment ductee with an implant, just inside her their lives. You see, they work on
ear canal. research grants, and if you follow the
Aficionados of the electronic buzz, There's more than one way to entrain research being done, you find that as
i.e., the fans of consciousness-altering a brain. Michael Hutchison's excellent soon as these scientists publish
"mind machines," have long known of book, Mega Brain, details the author's something about this, their research
a device called the "hemi-synch." This personal experiences with many such funds are cut off. There are areas in
headphone-like invention produces devices: The Alphastim, TENS, the bioelectric research where very simple
slightly different frequencies in each Synchro-energizer, Tranquilite, etc. He techniques and devices can have mind-
ear; the brain calculates the difference recounts dazzling, Dali-esque hallu- boggling effects. Conceivably, if you
between these frequencies, resulting in cinations as a result of using this mind- have a crazed person with a bit of a
a rhythm known as the "binaural beat." expanding technology. technical background, he can do a lot
The brain "entrains" itself to this beat, Hutchison avoids an important ques- of damage." 42
that is, the subject's EEG slows down tion: What about the possibility of an
or speeds up to keep pace with its elec- outside operator literally "changing our "Wavie" Files
tronic running partner.38 minds" by altering our brainwaves
The brain has a "beat" of its own. without our knowledge or permission? Every Senator and Congressional
This rhythm was first discovered in If these machines can induce a hypnotic representative has a "wavie" file. So do
1924 by the German psychiatrist Hans state, what's to stop a skilled hypnotist many state representatives. Wavies even
Berger, who recorded cerebral voltages from making use of this state? have pled their case to private institu-
as part of a telepathy study.39 He noted Granted, most of these devices re- tions such as The Christian Institute.43
two distinct frequencies: alpha (8-13 quire some physical interaction with the And who are the wavies?
cycles per second), associated with a subject. But a tool called the Bio-Pacer They claim to be the victims of
relaxed, alert state, and beta (14-30 can, according to its manufacturer, pro- clandestine bombardment with non-
cycles per second), produced during duce a number of mood altering fre- ionizing radiation, or microwaves. They
states of agitation and intense mental quencies without attachment to the sub- report sudden changes in psychological
concentration. Later, other rhythms ject. Indeed, the Bio-Pacer III (a high- states," alteration of sleep patterns, in-
were noted, which are particularly im- powered version) can affect an entire tracerebral voices and other sounds,
portant for our present purposes: theta room. This device costs $275, accord- and physiological effects. Most people
(4-7 cycles per second), a hypnogogic ing to the most recent price sheet never realize how many wavies there
state, and delta (.5 to 3.5 cycles per se- available.41 What sort of machine might are in this country.
cond), generally found in sleeping sub- $27,500 buy? Or $275,000? What ef- Are these troubled individuals seek-
jects.40 fects, what ranges might a million- ing an exterior rationale for their men-
The hemi-synch, and related mind dollar machine be capable of? tal problems? Maybe. Indeed, I'm sure
machines, can produce alpha or theta that such is the case in many instances.
waves, on demand, according to the he military certainly has that But the fact is that the literature on
operator's wishes. A suitably-entrained sort of money, and they're cer- the behavioral effects of microwaves,
brain is much more responsive to sug- tainly interested in this sort of extra-low-frequencies (ELF) and ultra-
gestion, and is even likely to experience technology, according to Michael Hut- sonics is such that we cannot blithely
vivid hallucinations. chison. His interview with an informant dismiss all such claims. And, despite
I have spoken to several UFO ab- named Joseph Light elicited some par- the censor's heavy hand, we know from
ductees who describe a "stereophonic ticularly provocative revelations. Ac- the available documents that the CIA
sound" effect, exactly similar to that cording to Light: has involved itself with this research
produced by the hemi-synch, preceding "There are important elements in the since the days of ARTICHOKE. The
many "encounters." Of course, one scientific community, powerful people, Defense Advance Research Projects
usually administers the hemi-synch who are very much interested in these Agency (DARPA) has continued this
via headphones, but I see no reason areas ... but they have to keep most of work.
why the effect cannot be transmitted their work secret. Because as soon as What can low-level microwaves do to
via the above-described stimoceiver. they start to publish some of these sen- the mind?
Again, I remind the reader of the ab- sitive things, they have problems in According to a DIA report released
the extraterrestrials will be like. What t may have been that Menzel just
prompted Menzel to initially write upon wanted to directly refute Simpson, Our UFO Newsclipping Service
this subject I can only guess, but my "authority-to-authority," for some issues are 20-page monthly reports,
guess is this: reason. Perhaps the two disliked one reproduced by photo-offset, con-
another, who can say? But a confron- taining the latest United States and
Best Guess tation without facts, and playing in the Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
other scientist's authoritarian ball park our foreign section carrying the
In 1964, MenzeFs colleague, paleon- seems a poor strategy, when a com- latest British, Australian, New Zea-
tologist George Gaylord Simpson, promise (intelligent non-humanoid life- land and other foreign press reports.
authored a scathing critique of the idea essentially Carl Sagan's position) would Also included is a 3-5 page section
of extraterrestrial intelligence in an of "Fortean" clippings (i.e., Bigfoot
seem sufficient. Why did Menzel feel
and other "monster" reports). Let us
essay, "The Non-prevalence of the urge to state his speculations on keep you informed of the latest hap-
Humanoids." Simpson was apparently "humanoid ET form"? Maybe it was penings in the UFO and Fortean
miffed, if not horrified, at the excessive just some irrational vision of the nature fields.
amount of research funding going into of things that he had ... maybe he'd ac- For subscription information and
extraterrestrial exploration. He wrote tually seen a more concrete vision of sample pages from our service, write
to say that such funding was an the nature of things some years before. today to:
especially colossal waste as no in- But why write about it? Again, who UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
telligent extraterrestrials existed out knows? In one view, what was the risk? Route 1 - Box 220
there to find. (Simpson viewed the Any secret project was successfully Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
romantic pull of exobiology as the "dark"; Menzel was apparently a total
Laser physicist Maccabee is Director of the Maryland-based Fund for UFO Research,
Box 277, Mt. Rainer, MD, 20712.
In his initial testimony regarding hovering several hundred feet ahead row, NY, 1990). This is a must-read for
the "Road Shot" (photo 19), Ed Wal- over the road. Ed said he had his anyone who wants to understand the
ters reported that he had been driving Polaroid camera with him in the truck. historical context of photo 19, the stereo
along highway 191-B at about 6:00 p.m. He grabbed the camera and took the photos of May 1 (which will be refer-
on January 12, 1988 when a brilliant picture (photo 19). But then he realized red to later) and all of the Gulf Breeze
white light suddenly entered the cab the object was moving and he had the Sightings. Technical analysis is pro-
of his truck. This caused him to lose impression that it was going to come vided in "A History of the Gulf Breeze
some sensation of feeling in his hands back and hit him with the white beam Sightings," (updated version available
and forearms. He said that he momen- again. He immediately crawled under from the Fund for UFO Research). For
tarily lost control of the truck and the truck where he would be completely the purposes of this discussion the
swerved to the left hand side of the shielded. Unfortunately, his legs were description given above of how photo
road and then onto the left side still protruding as the UFO did, indeed, 19 happened to be taken is sufficient.
shoulder. shine the white beam down on him
As this was happening he observed again. Initial Analysis
a UFO moving above and ahead of him The complete story of the Road Shot
and, as he managed to stop the truck (and Ed's other sightings) is told in his During the initial analysis of photo
on the left shoulder, the UFO was book, The Gulf Breeze Sightings (Mor- 19, in the spring of 1988, it was assumed
would likely decrease by a small interesting. ages of the distant lights allowed the
amount the calculated length of the il- It is important to realize that a cameras to be calibrated for parallax.
luminated area.) previous assumption can be arbitrari- After the calibration had been done it
Although the illuminated area is ly rejected. Previously, I and others had was found that the UFO was about 475
highly elongated, there is no physical assumed that the UFO was actually feet away (over water!) and nearly 15
reason why such an area could not be over the illuminated spot on the road. feet in diameter across the bottom.
produced by a UFO (or by a conven- With this assumption it was possible to Thus its width was nearly twice the
tional light source). Thus this analysis calculate the size of the UFO based on value which I had originally estimated
shows that the Reflection Image is not the image size and on the measured for the Road Shot UFO (about 7.5 feet).
a "virtual physical impossibility" and distance to the reflection (assumed to Assume, now, that the size of the
it cannot be used as proof that photo be rather compact and centered about Road Shot UFO was the same as the
19 is hoaxed. However, the analysis 185 feet away). Thus the assumption size of the large May 1 UFO. Since the
does raise the question of how the was necessary for the previous analysis. image size corresponds to a bottom
highly elongated illuminated area might However, it was not justifiable since diameter of 7.5 feet at 185 foot distance,
have been produced. the distance to an object cannot then it also corresponds to a diameter
One way would be for the UFO to be (generally) be estimated from a single of 15 feet at about 370 feet.
over the far end of the reflection, for photograph. If the UFO were actually 370 feet
example, and emanating a very ellip- The distance to an object can be from the camera (but still over the road;
tical (in cross-section) beam in the calculated from a stereo pair of photo- the sighting line crossed the far side of
direction of Ed's truck, but pointed graphs, however, and Ed obtained just the road at 490 feet), then the UFO
downward so that it hit the road. Alter- such a pair on May 1, 1988. The details would have been 65 feet from the far-
natively, the UFO might be over the of this sighting are in Ed's book. The thest point of the reflection (at 305 feet
center of the illuminated area, directing information which is important here is from the camera). Hence the only way
light downwards and both toward and that, using a stereo camera with a two the light could get from the UFO to the
away from the truck. Yet a third foot baseline, Ed photographed two illuminated spot on the road would be
possibility is that the UFO is farther UFOs, the larger of which looks like if the UFO projected a beam of light
away from the truck than the illum- the UFO in the Road Shot (see Ed's 65 feet toward the truck, but downward
inated area and is directing a beam book for further details). These stereo at a slight angle so that the beam hit
downwards and toward the truck. It is photos also have images of lights which the road. The color of the Reflection
this last possibility which I find most were at a known large distance. The im- Image suggests that this beam of light
his new reconstruction can ex- beam was hitting the road just ahead of
By Donald M. Ware
plain the brightness of the him after he took photo 19? Perhaps the
Reflection Image quite easily white spot on the road, made by the This 7700 word report will be
without resort to extremely intense light beam, started moving slowly toward the mailed complimentary to the first 300
sources within the UFO. It is well truck just after Ed took the picture. people who submit a stamped self-
known that virtually any surface, even Under these circumstances, he might addressed envelope with 45 cents
a rough black surface like a road, can well have concluded that the object was postage attached to:
give a strong reflection in the forward going to try to hit him again with the
Donald M. Ware
direction when illuminated by light at beam.
662 Fairway Avenue
a grazing angle. This is the Although there is no direct
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548-1752
phenomenon of forward gloss (a rough, photographic evidence that the Reflec-
diffuse reflector becomes nearly a tion Image was made by a white beam (This applies to the U.S.A. only.
specular reflector at grazing incidence). on the road, the preceding discussion Foreign subscribers should write to Mr.
This particular case, with the beam shows that the existence of such a beam Ware to make other arrangements.)
from the UFO hitting the road at a flat would be consistent with Ed's story and
angle (several degrees) and the camera with the brightness of the Reflection
viewing the illuminated area at a flat Image. The existence of a beam also
angle (about a degree), is virtually "op- allows the UFO to be further from the
timized" for the forward gloss effect. truck than the reflection, and this, in MUFON
Experiments with a spotlight have con- turn, means that the UFO in the Road Amateur Radio Net
firmed this effect at the site of the Road Shot could have been the same size as
80 meters — 3.990 MHz
Shot. Hence it is reasonable to conclude was the "large size Type 1 UFO" in the
Saturday, 10 p.m.
that the Reflection Image is a result of May 1 stereo photos.
a moderately intense beam of light, like 40 meters — 7.237 MHz
that from a powerful flashlight, pro- Conclusion Saturday, 8 am.
jected downward at a slight angle from
the UFO, incident at nearly a grazing The preceding analysis shows that the 10 meters — 28.460 MHz
angle on the road and reflected in the shape of the Reflection Image is not a Thursday, 8 p.m.
direction of the truck. "physical impossibility" and hence
10 meters — 28.470 MHz
Although the photograph itself pro- does nor prove the Road Shot is a hoax
Sunday, 3 p.m.
vides no information which would as claimed by Rex and Carol Salisberry.
allow us to choose which is the actual A reconstruction of the Road Shot All times Eastern Standard
situation (e.g., UFO over the center of scene based on this reanalysis supports or Daylight
the reflection, UFO at the far end of Ed's story by demonstrating that the
As a State Section Director in the Antelope Valley, California area for the past three years, Hamilton
has been investigating reports of anomalous aerial objects. He is now a MUFON Field Investigator
in Glendale.
The Antelope Valley of California is substantial evidence that another family I had heard the low-pitched droning
the site of the fastest growing communi- of craft exists that relies on exotic pro- of one of the objects as it had passed
ty of the Golden State. The reason for pulsion and aerodynamic schemes not along my rear property line. My atten-
the burgeoning of the population is only fully understood at this time." tion was distracted by a pick-up truck
partly due to the expansion of the I phoned the writer of the article, Bill that was pacing the objects and shin-
Aerospace industry in the windy town Scott, to discuss the sightings he re- ing a spotlight in their direction. The
of Palmdale. Lower home prices and ported and to compare them with ones objects rose in altitude to clear the
cleaner air have also attracted many I have investigated and recorded in my Tehachapi Mountains to the north, fly-
homebuyers who are willing to put up files. Bill is senior engineering editor ing directly over a secret Northrop
with the longer commute. for Aviation Week, has a background underground installation that is housed
Antelope Valley is also home of Air as a flight test engineer and is a in the saddle of the mountains. I had
Force Plant 42, Northrop, Lockheed, graduate of the U.S. Air Force Test been up to the guard gate of the installa-
McDonnel-Douglas and Rockwell Pilot School. tion earlier that year, investigating
plants, as well as occupying a position Scott admitted that the "exotic" pro- mysterious lights seen around that area.
south of Edwards Air Force Base near pulsion he made reference to in the ar- We have now recorded the presence
the little town of Rosamond and north ticle may be an anti-gravity propulsion of strange glowing orbs that seem to
of Palmdale and Lancaster. unit. He had heard of these crafts' emanate from that facility. These orbs
Strange aircraft are no strangers to strange ability to move at extremely low seem to cast a brilliant gold lumines-
this part of the desert. Overflights of speeds (15-25 mph) and then accelerate cence without the light reflecting off the
the SR-71 Blackbird (no longer flying), rapidly to supersonic velocities. He had surrounding mountain terrain! The orbs
the Bl-B bomber, the Stealth B2, and also visited Rachel, Nevada, in the also make the same gravity-defying
the Stealth fighter F-117A have been hopes of viewing the glowing disks seen manuevers as other UFOs.
observed by residents of the valley. But by several witnesses over the Groom In June of 1989, a security guard on
residents have been disturbed by other, Mountains, adjacent to the sprawling post at Air Force Plant 42 observed a
more bizarre aeroforms that demon- Nevada Test Site. silvery object in the vicinity of a Bl-B
strate performance characteristics not doing touch-and-goes on the landing
common to advanced military aircraft. Boomerang strip. He had seen the object move in-
I have been investigating sightings in to a stationary position over the landing
the Antelope Valley for three years now, On October 26, 1988 while living in field. He also reported seeing three
but sightings in the area have only been the Antelope Valley, my neighbors Ken metallic spheres flying over the
brought to national attention recently and Katy saw a large boomerang- Palmdale control tower. Control tower
by an article in Aviation Week and shaped craft between 8:35 p.m. and personnel acknowledged his report.
Space Technology (1). The article men- 8:45 p.m. that was estimated to be These spheres are reported to be the
tions several sightings of triangular- 600+ feet in span, and was apparent- same as the glowing orbs seen at night.
shaped aeroforms. These wing-shaped ly traveling only about 20-30 mph. A On November 18, 1989 a witness
aircraft are of unknown origin. A dif- second and identical large object joined observed a large boomerang-shaped
ferent aircraft which produces a behind the first one. The trailing boom- object described as a black mass mov-
thunderous roar has also been spotted. erang was followed by approximate- ing silently over Ave. J-4 and Sierra
The Air Force would not confirm or ly 15-20 disk-shaped objects in forma- Highway in downtown Lancaster, at ap-
deny that the aircraft were new concept tion. The last one in formation had a proximately 7:42 p.m. Its size was
warplanes. light that alternately flashed yellow and estimated to be 600-900 feet in span.
The article also alludes to "tech- red. Two additional witnesses saw the The black mass had lights of low in-
nologies that outstrip those now boomerangs pass over the valley from tensity, about the brilliance of stars,
employed by engineers charged with a side-view to the east. These boom- outlining its airframe. Off the left tip
developing more traditional, current- erangs were also sighted in the town of of the giant object was a silvery metallic
generation aircraft," adding "there is Fresno later that same evening. disk about 30-40 feet in diameter which
Artificial Gravity
Continued on page 21
BACK, Continued
want to turn people off by talking about
them. I think both the United States and
Canada collect this information, and I
do believe they investigate the more
serious ones." Told that the United
States government claims it no longer
investigates UFOs, Major Oliver said:
"I find that very strange, because in ac-
cordance with the normal procedures
I classified the UFO report going to
Colorado Springs as secret. A little
while later U.S. Air Force Gen. Daniel
James, commanding general of
NORAD, came back through channels
and asked me to declassify the report.
Apparently General James wanted to
provide the information to people who
were interested in it." MUFON Director of Legal Affairs
On January 20, 1979, a spokesman "I welcome this opportunity to serve the Board and the MUFON member-
for the National Research Council said ship as Director of Legal Affairs to assist in our common pursuit of answers
that the UFOs sighted over Ontario on to this most fascinating enigma. While free time is all too scarce for each
the llth were layers of crystallized ice of us, I can think of few other avocational pursuits that are as thought-provoking
in the atmosphere. as the study and investigation of the UFO phenomenon.
Most of us are well aware of the intriguing and currently active events oc-
• 1980 About 6:50 p.m. on the third, curring in both Western Europe and North America; among other media, Time
a small aircraft had just taken off from magazine and the Wall Street Journal have reported on these ongoing mysteries.
Ozona, Texas, and was about 1,000 feet Therefore, your continued interest and volunteer efforts in support of
off the ground when the pilot spotted MUFON come at a time when irrefutable confirmation of other-world interac-
tion may soon be revealed, whether that information comes by way of even-
a glowing object coming from the di-
tual government disclosures or, by the revelatory actions of intelligences that
rection of Sonora at a very high rate of are external to and supersede the controls and preferences of terrestrial
speed. It was long in shape and pointed governments.
on both ends. About six miles out of We therefore share a profound and enduring trans-national interest with our
Ozona, the object separated into two MUFON colleagues worldwide, and since mankind may be on the brink of
parts and the back section moved into a new perception of himself and his part in Creation, I hope you will share
a position directly under the front sec- my view that this is a most exciting time to be alive, curious and open-minded."
tion and the two objects passed the
plane. They were both the same intensi-
ty of light. As the pilot watched the ob-
jects move over Ozona their glow disap- came on. Both objects then dropped to was observed in the middle of U.S.
peared. Instantly, the airplane engine a lower altitude and moved away toward Highway 87, SE of Sterling, Texas, and
stalled and all of its lights went out. the Mexican border. Five additional about 75 miles north of Ozona. The ob-
A few seconds later the glow around witnesses on the ground also observed ject was sitting on the highway and
the objects reappeared. The plane's the objects. Later that same evening that lunged upward to avoid being hit by a
engine started by itself and its lights could have been the same object car occupied by two women.