Mufon UFO Journal

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Mufon UFO Journal

Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967

Number 271
November 1990


By Bruce Maccabee, Ph. D.
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822) THE CONTROLLERS: PART II Martin Cannon 3
103 Oldtowne Rd.
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PARTH By Martin Cannon

That's Entrainment ductee with an implant, just inside her their lives. You see, they work on
ear canal. research grants, and if you follow the
Aficionados of the electronic buzz, There's more than one way to entrain research being done, you find that as
i.e., the fans of consciousness-altering a brain. Michael Hutchison's excellent soon as these scientists publish
"mind machines," have long known of book, Mega Brain, details the author's something about this, their research
a device called the "hemi-synch." This personal experiences with many such funds are cut off. There are areas in
headphone-like invention produces devices: The Alphastim, TENS, the bioelectric research where very simple
slightly different frequencies in each Synchro-energizer, Tranquilite, etc. He techniques and devices can have mind-
ear; the brain calculates the difference recounts dazzling, Dali-esque hallu- boggling effects. Conceivably, if you
between these frequencies, resulting in cinations as a result of using this mind- have a crazed person with a bit of a
a rhythm known as the "binaural beat." expanding technology. technical background, he can do a lot
The brain "entrains" itself to this beat, Hutchison avoids an important ques- of damage." 42
that is, the subject's EEG slows down tion: What about the possibility of an
or speeds up to keep pace with its elec- outside operator literally "changing our "Wavie" Files
tronic running partner.38 minds" by altering our brainwaves
The brain has a "beat" of its own. without our knowledge or permission? Every Senator and Congressional
This rhythm was first discovered in If these machines can induce a hypnotic representative has a "wavie" file. So do
1924 by the German psychiatrist Hans state, what's to stop a skilled hypnotist many state representatives. Wavies even
Berger, who recorded cerebral voltages from making use of this state? have pled their case to private institu-
as part of a telepathy study.39 He noted Granted, most of these devices re- tions such as The Christian Institute.43
two distinct frequencies: alpha (8-13 quire some physical interaction with the And who are the wavies?
cycles per second), associated with a subject. But a tool called the Bio-Pacer They claim to be the victims of
relaxed, alert state, and beta (14-30 can, according to its manufacturer, pro- clandestine bombardment with non-
cycles per second), produced during duce a number of mood altering fre- ionizing radiation, or microwaves. They
states of agitation and intense mental quencies without attachment to the sub- report sudden changes in psychological
concentration. Later, other rhythms ject. Indeed, the Bio-Pacer III (a high- states," alteration of sleep patterns, in-
were noted, which are particularly im- powered version) can affect an entire tracerebral voices and other sounds,
portant for our present purposes: theta room. This device costs $275, accord- and physiological effects. Most people
(4-7 cycles per second), a hypnogogic ing to the most recent price sheet never realize how many wavies there
state, and delta (.5 to 3.5 cycles per se- available.41 What sort of machine might are in this country.
cond), generally found in sleeping sub- $27,500 buy? Or $275,000? What ef- Are these troubled individuals seek-
jects.40 fects, what ranges might a million- ing an exterior rationale for their men-
The hemi-synch, and related mind dollar machine be capable of? tal problems? Maybe. Indeed, I'm sure
machines, can produce alpha or theta that such is the case in many instances.

waves, on demand, according to the he military certainly has that But the fact is that the literature on
operator's wishes. A suitably-entrained sort of money, and they're cer- the behavioral effects of microwaves,
brain is much more responsive to sug- tainly interested in this sort of extra-low-frequencies (ELF) and ultra-
gestion, and is even likely to experience technology, according to Michael Hut- sonics is such that we cannot blithely
vivid hallucinations. chison. His interview with an informant dismiss all such claims. And, despite
I have spoken to several UFO ab- named Joseph Light elicited some par- the censor's heavy hand, we know from
ductees who describe a "stereophonic ticularly provocative revelations. Ac- the available documents that the CIA
sound" effect, exactly similar to that cording to Light: has involved itself with this research
produced by the hemi-synch, preceding "There are important elements in the since the days of ARTICHOKE. The
many "encounters." Of course, one scientific community, powerful people, Defense Advance Research Projects
usually administers the hemi-synch who are very much interested in these Agency (DARPA) has continued this
via headphones, but I see no reason areas ... but they have to keep most of work.
why the effect cannot be transmitted their work secret. Because as soon as What can low-level microwaves do to
via the above-described stimoceiver. they start to publish some of these sen- the mind?
Again, I remind the reader of the ab- sitive things, they have problems in According to a DIA report released

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

under the Freedom of Information
Act,44 microwaves can induce metabolic According to a. DIA report released under the
changes, alter brain functions and Freedom of Information Act, microwaves can induce
disrupt behavior patterns. PANDORA
discovered that pulsed microwaves can
metabolic changes, alter brain functions and disrupt
create leaks in the blood/brain barrier, behavior patterns.
induce heart seizures, and create
behavioral disorganization.45 In 1970, a described, that is, they can entrain the has recently conducted experiments in
RAND corporation scientist reported brain to theta rhythms.521 need not em- which he exposed monkeys to elec-
that microwaves could be used to pro- phasize the implications of remotely tromagnetic fields, eliciting a wide
mote insomnia, fatigue, irritability, synchronizing the brain to resonate at range of behavioral effects. Fascin-
memory loss and hallucinations.46 a frequency conducive to sleep, or to atingly, when monkeys with brain im-
Perhaps the most significant work in hypnosis. plants felt "the wave," the effects were
this area has been produced by Dr. W. Trance may be remotely induced, but greatly intensified. Apparently, these
Ross Adey at the University of Southern can it be directed? tiny electrodes can act as an amplifier
California. He determined that behavior Yes. Recall the intracerebral voices of the electromagnetic effect.55
and emotional states can be altered mentioned earlier in our discussion of
without electrodes, simply by placing
the subject in an electromagnetic field.
By directing a carrier frequency to
stimulate the brain and using amplitude
Delgado. The same effect can be pro-
duced by "the wave." Frey
demonstrated in the early 1960s that
microwaves could produce booming,
T his last point is important to
our "alien abduction" thesis.
Critics might counter that any
burst of microwave energy powerful
modulation to "shape" the wave into hissing, buzzing, and other in- enough to have truly remote effects
mimicry of a desired EEC frequency, tracerebral static (this phenomenon is would probably also create a thermal
he was able to impose a 4.5 Cycles Per now called "the Frey effect"); in 1973, reaction. That is, if a clandestine
Second theta rhythm on his subjects, a Dr. Joseph Sharp, of the Walter Reed operator propagated a "wave" from out-
frequency which he previously Army Institute of Research, expanded side an abductee's bedroom, say, from
measured in the hippocampus during on Prey's work in an experiment where a low-flying helicopter, or from a truck
avoidance learning. Thus, he could ex- the subject, in this case, Sharp himself, travelling alongside the subject's car, the
ternally condition the mind towards an "heard" and understood spoken words power necessary to do the job might be
adversive reaction.47 (Adey has also delivered via a pulsed-microwave such that the microwave would cook the
done extensive work on the use of elec- analog of the speaker's sound vibra- target before it got a chance to launder
trodes in animals.48) According to tions.53 his thoughts.
another prominent microwave scientist, Dr. Robert Becker comments that Delgado's work may give us our solu-
Allen Frey, other frequencies could — "Such a device has obvious applications tion. Once an abductee has been im-
in animal studies — induce docility.49 in covert operations designed to drive planted, the chip-in-the-brain would act
Adey and compatriots have compil- a target crazy with 'voices' or deliver as an intensifier of the signal. Such an
ed an entire library of frequencies and undetectable instructions to a pro- individual could have any number of
pulsation rates which can affect the grammed assassin."54 In other words, "UFO" experiences while his or her
mind and nervous system. Some of we now have, at the push of a button, bed partner dozes comfortably.
these effects can be extremely bizarre. the technology either to inflict an elec-
For example, engineer Tom Jarski, in tronic Gaslight, or to create a true Man- Helicopters and Discs
an attempt to replicate the seminal work churian Candidate.
of F. Cazzamalli, found that a particular Indeed, the former capability could Is it possible, then, that the "mystery
frequency caused a ringing sensation in effectively disguise the latter. Who will helicopters" which plague abductees
the ears of his subjects, who then felt listen to the victims, when the are actually part of a sophisticated elec-
strangely compelled to bite the ex- electronically-induced hallucinations tromagnetic warfare system?
perimenters!50 On the other hand, the they recount exactly parallel the Consider the common wisdom on the
diet-conscious may be intrigued by the classical signals of paranoid subject. Most ufologists assume that the
finding that rats exposed to ELF (extra- schizophrenia and/or temporal lobe black, unmarked helicopters reported
low-frequency) waves failed to gain epilepsy? Conversely, if the victims (and even photographed) by Betty
weight normally.51 have been directed to view their pro- Andreasson-Luca and others serve
For our present purposes, the most gramming sessions in ufological terms, some sort of surveillance purpose. But
significant electromagnetic research only the saucer aficionados would take this explanation simply won't hold
findings concern microwave signals the claims seriously. water, as anyone who has studied the
modulated by hypnoidal EEC frequen- Abductee implants would focus this history of domestic espionage can
cies. Microwaves can act much like the electromagnetic energy. The father of plainly see.
"hemi-synch" device previously the stimoceiver, Dr. J.M.R. Delgado, I invite the reader to read up on the

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

Angeles Times article on Niles is par- is a reality, why would its victims speak
Is it possible that "my- ticularly compelling: of aliens?
stery helicopters" are ac- "He [Niles] has produced testimony I suggest that a hypno-programmed
from his sister, a Simi Valley woman "UFO" cover story effectively solves
tually part of a sophis- who swears that helicopters have the most nagging drawback of the ear-
ticated electromagnetic repeatedly circled her home. An ly brainwashing research. I refer to the
warfare system? engineer measured 250 watts of "disposal problem," i.e., the question
microwaves in the atmosphere outside of what to do with the victims. During
known surveillance programs con- Niles' house and found a radioactive the 1950s, the Company resorted to
ducted by our engines of national disc underneath the dash of his car. distressing, but characteristic, tactics:
security during the past few decades. "A former high school friend, Lyn They disposed of their human guinea
We now possess a growing literature Silverman, claimed that her home com- pigs by incarcerating them in insane
on illegal programs such as COIN- puter went haywire when Niles stepped asylums, by performing icepick
TELPRO, CHAOS and GARDEN close to it." lobotomies, and by ordering "executive
PLOT, in which the FBI, the CIA and No aliens in this story, yet how actions."10 A more sophisticated solu-
the military violated both their charters similar it is to tales of alien abduction! tion had to be found.
and our constitutional liberties as they Here we have the low-flying The scientists researched an elegant
spied on dissident movements. The sins helicopters, in a case where elec- answer: Make the victim forget what
against the citizenry were, and, no tromagnetic interference is the clear im- had happened.
doubt, still are, many and depressing. plication.57 The haywire electronics "Amnesia was a big goal," confirms
We read of mail interference. Bugging. equipment is also frequently en- Victor Marchetti, who points out its
Telephone taps. Undercover operatives. countered in putative abduction cases: usefulness in dealing with contract
Agents provocateurs. I have spoken (independently) to three agents: "After you've done it, the agent
But — where are the helicopters? women who claimed to have been able doesn't even know what he's done ...
As a moment's thought will tell you, to disturb or shut off televisions and you send him in, he does the job. When
helicopters would prove cumbersome stereos simply by walking past the he comes out, you clean his head
and inefficient in a domestic sur- devices; one woman even claimed she out."59
veillance operation. They draw atten- had switched on her TV simply by The big problem: Despite
tion. They're highly expensive. Other pointing at it! hypnotically-induced amnesia, there
espionage methods could retrieve much But the radioactive disc is especial- would be memory leaks, snippets of the
more data with far fewer problems. ly intriguing. As former FBI agent Ted repressed material would arise spon-
So why do UFO abductees, and not Gunderson recently explained to my taneously, in dreams, as flashbacks, etc.
other alleged victims of home-grown associate, Alexander Constantine, A proposed solution: give the subject
spookery, report continual helicopter magnetic radioactive discs have long a "screen memory," a false story; thus,
harassment? If the choppers aren't there been used by the clandestine services even if he starts to recall the material,
to survey the scene, men they must as cancer-inducing "silent killers," i.e., he will recall it incorrectly.
serve some other purpose. as tools of assassination. Even the conservative hypnosis
What better way to bring an EMR Not only that. The disc calls to mind specialist Martin Orne notes that:
device to the proposed EMR victim? one little-remembered detail of the Hill "A S [subject] who is able to develop
case: the dozen-or-so circular "shiny good posthypnotic amnesia will also
Rex Niles Case spots," each the size of a silver dollar, respond to suggestions to remember
found on the trunk of her car directly events which did not actually occur. On
In this regard, the bizarre story of after the abduction. A compass needle awakening, he will fail to recall the real
Rex Niles and his sister (not named in reacted wildly when placed near these events of the trance and will instead
news accounts) may shed interesting spots. Could they have marked the loca- recall the suggested events. If anything,
light on a variety of abductee cases, tion where an electromagnetic or this phenomenon is easier to produce
particularly that of Betty and Barney radioactive device, similar to that found than total amnesia, perhaps because it
Hill.56 Niles, the high-rolling owner of by Niles, was placed on the car? (Such eliminates the subjective feeling of an
a Woodland Hills defense subcon- a device might have been held to the empty space in memory."60
tracting firm (Rex Rep) was fingered spot magnetically, hence the circular Not only would the screen memories
by authorities investigating defense impressions.) If so, then the disorient- fill in the uncomfortable blanks in the
industry kickbacks. He became an ex- ing EMR could have helped induce the subjects' recollection, they would pro-
traordinarily cooperative witness in Hill's "UFO sighting." tect against revelation. One fear of the
the investigation, until he was targeted MKULTRA scientists was that a hypno-
by his enemies, who allegedly used Screen Memories programmed individual used as, say a
psychoelectronics as harassment. courier, could be un-programmed by
The following excerpt from the Los The question arises: If mind control another hypnotist, perhaps working for

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

the enemy. Thus, the MKULTRA
scientists decided to instill multiple per- We cannot assume the accuracy of abduction descrip-
sonalities — multiple cover stories, if tions given during subsequent hypnotic regression.
you will — to confuse any "unauthor-
ized" hypnotist.61
Moreover, we cannot even assume the accuracy of
One case using this technique spontaneously-arising recollections.
centered on an assassin named Luis
Castillo, who, after his capture in the argued that hypnotic regression may hypnotic abilities.
Philippines, was extensively de-briefed prove inadvertently harmful, in that it The most significant aspect of this in-
and studied by experts in the employ may lock in place a false remembrance. cident concerns the "pose" Nielsen
of the National Bureau of Investigation, (Note, however, that other psychiatric adopted to work his malicious designs.
that country's equivalent to our FBI. professionals consider hypnotic re- During the hypnosis sessions, Nielsen
Castillo was discovered to have had at gression the best technique, however hypnotically suggested that he was
least four separate personalities hyp- flawed, in unlocking amnesia.64 For my Hardrup's "guardian angel," repre-
notically instilled; each personality part, I maintain an ambivalent and sented by the letter X. Hardrup testified
could be triggered by a specific cue. cautious attitude toward the use of hyp- that "There is another room next door
The main hypnotist involved with this nosis in abductee work.) where Nielsen and I go and talk on our
case labelled these hypnotic alter-egos Granted, it is all too easy for the own. It is there that my guardian spirit
"Zombie states." The report on the case debunkers to cry "confabulation" to usually comes and talks to me. Nielsen
stated that "The Zombie phenomenon dismiss hypnotic testimony which does says that X has a task for me."
referred to here is a somnambulistic not conform to our preconceptions of One of these tasks was arranging for
behavior displayed by the subject in a the possible; I do not intend to make Hardrup's girlfriend to have sex with
conditioned response to a series of this same error. Whenever skeptics of- the hypnotist. The other tasks, as men-
words, phrases, and statements, ap- fer the phenomenon of pseudomemory tioned, included robbery and murder.
parently unknown to the subject dur- to rationalize abduction claims, they Nielsen convinced his victim that "X"
ing his normal waking state." cite experimental situations in which wanted the robbery funds to be used for
pseudomemory was originally created worthwhile political goals. The end,
pon Castillo's repatriation to by a hypnotist.65 These experiments can Hardrup was told, justified the means.

U the United States, the FBI

claimed that he had fabricated
the story. In his book, Operation Mind
not be cited as proof that an individual
abductee spontaneously conjured up a
fantasy (which just happens to cor-
Thus, we have one possible means of
overcoming the proposition that hyp-
nosis cannot induce anti-social
Control, Walter Bowart makes a con- respond to the details of hundreds of behavior. If a hypnotist lacks scruples,
vincing case against the FBI's claims. similar "fantasies".) Rather, labora- and has access to a particularly suscep-
Certainly, many aspects of the Castillo tory studies of pseudomemory creation tible subject, he can induce a
affair argue for his sincerity, including prove my point: Pseudomemory can be misperceived reality. Actions which we
his hypnotically-induced insensitivity to induced by previous hypnosis.66 would abhor in an everyday context
pain,62 his maintenance of the story (or In other words, an abductee may talk become acceptable in specialized cir-
stories) even when severely inebriated, of aliens, when the reality was cumstances: A citizen who could never
and his apparently programmed suicide something else entirely. commit murder on a suburban street
attempts. The otherworldly "screen memory" might, if drafted into an army, kill on
If Castillo told the truth, as I believe could also prove extremely useful the field of battle. In hypnosis, the mind
he did, then he manifested both should the "controller" wish to induce becomes that battlefield. In the words
hypnotically-induced multiple per- anti-social behavior. We commonly of Dr. John Watkins:
sonality and pseudomemory. The assume that such behavior cannot be "We behave on the basis of our
former remains controversial; the lat- hypnotically incurred. But exceptions perceptions. If our perceptions of a
ter has been repeatedly replicated in ex- to this rule have occasionally found situation can be altered so as to cause
perimental situations.63 their way into the courtroom; one such us to misconstrue it, or to develop a
This point is vitally important for case, which led to the incarceration of false belief, then our behavior in rela-
students of the abduction phenomenon. the hypnotist, was the Palle Hardrup tion to it will be drastically altered. It
We cannot assume the accuracy of ab- affair. is precisely in the area of changing
duction descriptions given during This incident occurred in Denmark perceptions that the hypnotic modality
subsequent hypnotic regression. in 1951.67 Palle Hardrup robbed a bank, demonstrates its most powerful effects.
Moreover, we cannot even assume the killing a guard in the process, and later Hallucinations, both under hypnosis
accuracy of spontaneously-arising claimed that he had been instructed to and posthypnotic, can easily by induced
recollections (i.e., abduction memories do so by the hypnotist Bjorn Nielsen. in the suggestible subject. He can be
not elicited through hypnotic regres- Nielsen eventually confessed to having made to ignore painful stimuli, be ap-
sion). Indeed, responsible skeptics have engineered the crime as a test of his parently unable to hear loud sounds,

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

and "see" individuals who are not pre- lative. Nor have I addressed the obvious "Auditory Beats in the Brain," Scientific
sent [my italics]. Moreover, attitudes questions of the landing traces and American, September 1973.
and beliefs can be initiated in him third-party UFO sightings which attend 39. Marilyn Ferguson, The Brain Revolution
(New York: Taplinger, 1973) 90.
which are quite abnormal and often some abduction cases (though I shall 40. Ibid, 91-92. The presence of delta in a
contrary to those which he previously offer some comment on these subjects waking subject can indicate pathology.
held."68 in future efforts). 41. Bio-Pacer promotional and price sheet,
Compare the Hardrup scenario to Nevertheless, the MKULTRA available from Lindemann Laboratories, 3463
that encountered in the typcial contactee hypothesis does cover an impressive State Street, #264, Santa Barbara, CA 93105.
42. Hutchison, Mega Brain, 117-118. Compare
case, in which alien "guardians" con- amount of territory. Light's observations about "the grant game" to
vince their victims/subjects that the en- As we have seen, our "controllers" Sid Gottlieb's protestations that nearly all "mind
counter will eventually serve some scenario explains the reports of ab- control" research was openly published.
unspecified "higher purpose." Indeed, ductee intracerebral implants (par- 43. Interview, Sandy Monroe of the Los
in my interviews with abductees who ticularly reports involving nosebleeds), Angeles office of the Christie Institute.
44. Ronald I. Adams and R.A. Williams,
have established a "long-term" relation- unusual scars, "telepathic" com- Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
ship with their visitors, I have found munication (i.e., externally induced in- (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Com-
that some of them originally believed tracerebral voices) concurrent with or munist Countries, (Defense Intelligence Agen-
themselves in contact with Hardrup-like following the abduction encounter, cy, March 1976.) Brodeur notes that much of the
angelic guardians. Only in recent years allegations that some abductees hear work ascribed to the Soviets in this report was
actually first accomplished by scientists in the
was the "angel" pose discarded and the unusual sound effects (similar to those United States. Keeler argues that this report con-
true "alien" form revealed. created by the hemi-synch and cognate stitutes an example of "mirror imaging," i.e.,
devices), haywire electronic devices in parading domestic advances as a foreign threat,
Final Thoughts abductee homes, personality shifts, the better to pry funding from a suitably-fearful
manipulation of religious imagery, and Congress.
45. Keeler, "Remote Mind Control Tech-
Press and public now regard ab- missing time. Needless to say, the thesis nology."
ductees as tony curiosities; yet science, of clandestine government experimen- 46. R.J. MacGregor, "A Brief Survey of
for the most part, still banishes their tation readily accounts for abductee Literature Relating to Influence of Low Inten-
tales to the domain of the damned, as claims of human beings "working" sity Microwaves on Nervous Function" (Santa
Charles Fort defined damnation. So too with the aliens, and for the government Monica: RAND Corporation, 1970).
47. Keeler, "Remote Mind Control Tech-
with claimed victims of mind control. harassment that plays so prominent a nology."
The Voice of Authority tells us that role in certain abductee reports. 48. Larry Collins, "Mind Control," Playboy,
MKULTRA belongs to history; like By no means do I claim to have January 1990.
Hasdrubal and Hitler, it threatened "solved" the abduction riddle. Indeed, 49. Allan H. Frey, "Behavioral Effects of
once, but no more. Anyone insisting whenever I have spoken before au- Electromagnetic Energy," Symposium on
Biological Effects and Measurements of Radio
otherwise must be silenced by glib ra- diences I have always insisted that my Frequencies/Microwaves, DeWitt G. Hazzard,
tionalization or selective inattention. listeners examine the entire range of ab- editor (U.S. Department of Health, Education
Yet these two topics — UFO abduc- duction speculation, from Klass to and Welfare, 1977).
tions and mind control — have more in Hopkins. 50. L. George Lawrence, "Electronics and
common than their mutual ostraciza- I therefore eagerly await criticism Brain Control," Popular Electronics, July 1973.
51. Susan Schiefelbein, "The Invisible
tion. The data overlap. If we could chart from those rankled by this theory, and Threat," Saturday Review, 9/15/79.
these phenomena on a Venn diagram, here express gratitude for the helpful 52. E. Preston, "Studies On the Nervous
we would see a surprisingly large in- attacks I have already received. I ask System, Cardiovascular Function and Ther-
tersection between the two circles of in- only that my critics refrain from in- moregulation," in The Biological Effects of
tellectual laziness. Mere difference in Radio-Frequency and Microwave Radiation,
formation. It is the overlap I seek to
edited by H.M. Assenheim (Ottawa, Canada:
address. world-view does not constitute a valid National Research Council of Canada, 1979)
Once other abduction researchers argument: God is found in the details. 138-141.
have been educated in the ways of Needless to say, I seek no converts, 53. Robert O. Becker, The Body Electric
MKULTRA (and this article is intended for I am not myself completely (New York: William Morrow, 1985) 318-319.
as an introductory text) they may note convinced. 54. Ibid.
55. Kathleen McAuliffe, "The Mind Fields,"
this pattern as well. If so, we may then But — should any ufologists doubt Omni Magazine, February 1985.
proceed to write a revisionist history of that clandestine operators can induce a 56. Los Angeles Times, March 28, 1988.
the phenomenon. series of highly-disorienting "alien en- 57. Raymond Fowler, The Andreasson Affair,
Until then, we must, of course, ad- counters," I ask these skeptics to con- Phase Two (Reward, 1982). This book includes
mit that the mind control hypothesis sider one key name: Paul Bennewitz. rare photographs of the unmarked helicopters
which have plagued this abduction victim and
cannot (yet) explain all. For example, her family.
any thoughts I might have on the per- Notes 58. Martin A. Lee and Bruce Schlain, Acid
sistent reports of alien genetic ex- 38. Michael Hutchison, Mega Brain (New Dreams (Grove, 1985) 8-9.
perimentation would be highly spec- York: Ballantine, 1986) 199-201; Gerald Oster, 59. Johns Marks interview with Victor Mar-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

chetti, December 19, 1977 (Marks' files). 63. Herbert Spiegel, "Hypnosis and stance; he simply believes that cueing might
60. Martin T. Ome, "On the Mechanisms of evidence: Help or hindrance," Ann. N.Y. Acad. have occurred. Had Klass been more willing to
Posthypnotic Amnesia," The International Jour- Sci.; 1980, 347, 73-85. deal with abductees directly, he might have
nal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 64. See, for example, William Kroger, Hyp- found evidence of cause and effect; as it stands,
1966, vol. 14, 121-134. Orne's work with post- nosis and Behavior Modification (New York: his argument really amounts to no more than
hypnotic amnesia was funded by NIMH, the Air Lippincott, 1976) 21-22. a suggestion. For all that, I find his ideas regard-
Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Of- 65. See especially Philip Klass, UFO Abduc- ing the running of "clean" hypnotic regression
fice of Naval Research. I should like to hear tions: A Dangerous Game (Buffalo: Prometheus sessions potentially valuable.
what innocent explanation, if any, the Air Force Books, 1988) 60-61. Orne, interviewed here, 67. The story has been told many times. See
has to offer to explain their interest in post- makes reference to the work summarized in his Turner and Christian's The Killing of Robert F.
hypnotic amnesia. Orne, the reader will recall, article "The use and misuse of hypnosis in Kennedy, 207-208; also Peter J. Reiter, Anti-
was a primary source for Philip Klass' UFO Ab- court" (International Journal of Clinical Hyp- social and Criminal Acts and Hypnosis
ductions: A Dangerous Game. nosis, 1979, vol. 27, 311-341.) (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas,
61. Bowart, Operation Mind Control, 66. Klass argues that ufologists, in conduct- 1958).
242-243. ing hypnotic regression sessions, inadvertently 68. John G. Watkins, "Antisocial behavior
62. Always the best indicator of whether or cue their subjects. A close reading of his text under hypnosis: Possible or impossible?" Inter-
not hypnosis is genuine; I can't understand why reveals that he never proves or claims that such national Journal For Clinical and Experimen-
Orne didn't use this test in the Bianchi case. "cues" have taken place in any individual in- tal Hypnosis, 1972, vol. 20, 95-100.


By Michael D. Swords, Ph.D., Consultant
robably everyone in the UFO "Like most astronomers, I am always few items seem (conveniently?) left out

P community, except raw ama-

teurs like myself, realizes that
the famed "original" UFO
scientific-debunker had his own UFO
experience, which he dutifully reported
hopeful of finding a nova-a star that has
exploded and thus become exceptional-
ly bright. I rapidly opened the window
of the car for a better look. To my sur-
prise I could bring neither of these ob-
or downplayed. Menzel estimated that
the objects were at least 180 miles away
and nine miles from each other. So one
wonders at the power of the auto in
which he was riding, sufficient to
to the Air Force. It was on the 12th of jects into clear focus, although nearby disturb this distant "layer of haze" as
May 1949, and it happened while Dr. Antares was quite sharp. he suggests in his text write-off. The
Menzel was being chauffeured between "Both hazy disks shone with a slight- hazy disks do not "fade away" in the
Holloman Air Force Base and ly bluish light. They were, in a sense, official report like good cloud reflec-
Alamogordo, New Mexico, where he 'flying' simply because they were tions should, but rather "suddenly
often engaged in solar observations... elevated. Suddenly alive to the fact that disappear" and "vanish in a moment."
although since he frequented a Col- I was seeing something unusual, I asked Menzel knew that he wasn't dealing
orado observatory to "also" do this the driver to stop. We climbed out of with "Moon-dogs" or similar optical
selfsame work, one must, at least, the car just in time to see the saucers phenomena, as the objects were below
wonder what his real duties there were. literally fade away as mysteriously as and to the North of the Moon, both on
In his early debunking book, entitled they had appeared. I reported the oc- the same side, and not in line. The fur-
simply Flying Saucers (1953), Menzel currence in detail to the Air Force" ther one was marginally brighter than
freely discussed his sighting. He says: (pages 3-4). the closer. He says "there is a bare
"I was in the back seat of an Later, Menzel went on to say that "a probability that the patches were
automobile, being driven toward layer of haze, perhaps disturbed and clouds, but the behavior was unusual
Alamogordo and admiring the full tilted by the moving car (!), probably to say the least. The whole phenomen-
moon as it rose over Sacramento Peak caused the trick reflections of the on is puzzling." (my emphasis). Menzel
toward the east. A few degrees north moon" (page 38). The explanation to himself observed the event, considered
of the mo'on, I noticed what seemed to this naive reader seems a bit contrived, clouds, hazes and optics, and almost
be a bright star, and then a second star but let us look further. What did entirely rejected them. As an aside, the
appeared not far from the first. Casual- Menzel actually report to the Air Force text reports the color-tinge as bluish ...
ly, I assumed that they were Castor and at Holloman vis-a-vis the text descrip- the Holloman report as "greenish";
Pollux in the constellation Gemini. tion above? perhaps to add no fuel to the then-still-
Then, very suddenly, I realized that Much of Menzel's book description puzzling "green fireball" mystery?
Gemini was a winter object; the two accurately follows the UFO report, or Well, this is hardly enough to ac-
stars had to be something else. at least does little violence to it. A cuse Menzel of anything but data-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

manipulation and intellectual dishones- trump card of those pushing space disbeliever in UFOs; what connections
ty, but those are two pretty good exploration). could be made? What was there to be
character references for a government Menzel's 1965 "reply" appears con- gained? A little ego-trip, a secret bit of
disinformer. ceptually intact (with additions) in the one-ups-manship, a remarkable "pre-
I find another feature of this early Menzel-Taves book. What I find cur- diction" if they ever did openly reveal
book intriguing. Menzel bashes and ious about it is this: Donald Menzel was themselves? All of this is mere "mid-
mocks, mocks and bashes, but all with a very bright man. He knew that all an night speculation',' at least until the
a level of high-culture intellectualism exobiologist needed to be enthused Roswell investigation and its "analytical
which leaves you grudgingly admiring about was "life," and if possible, "in- secret project" come to light. But it is
the man. His qualities of breadth of telligent life," but as to what form it not heroically difficult to see Donald
knowledge and style make one almost came in, who cared? Nevertheless, on Menzel as an intelligent, highly-placed
wish that he had better imitators today. no (then) good scientific grounds, and and militarily-loyal man who knew
At least one could learn something opposed by two giants of biology more than he was willing to say in print,
about history, culture and science (Simpson and Theodosius Dobzhan- and manipulated what he did know to
reading Donald Menzel. But the point sky), this is what Menzel said: debunk the extraterrestrial reality of
of intrigue in the book is this: after all "What will these superbeings be like? UFOs while supporting the concept of
the bashing and mocking, what does he We speculate that they will probably high-tech humanoid extraterrestrials.
tell you to do? Fill out an elaborate live on land or perhaps be amphibious. Returning to the question which is the
report when you see a UFO and send They will probably have limbs for title for this small speculative piece:
it to him or Air Technical Intelligence locomotion. They will possess a mouth Did Donald Menzel behave like he was
Center at Wright-Pat. "They will be and digestive tract resembling those of hiding something? Well ... yes.
glad to get such information." some terrestrial organisms. Their eyes
Really? And you know, if Roswell and ears will occur in pairs near the
happened, I wouldn't doubt it a bit. mouth, where they served their primi-
One last thing, just for fun, about tive ancestors in the detection and cap-
Donald Menzel and his texts. In his last ture of food. They will probably stand UFO
book, The UFO Enigma, written with upright, though they may be quite dif- NEWSCLIPPINGS
Dr. Ernest Taves (1977), the two doc- ferent from terrestrial primates. We
tors continue their UFO bashing in the speculate that their brains will be, SERVICE
style Menzel made famous. In the book relative to ours, large. The UFO Newsclipping Service will
appears a section near and dear to my "We do not believe that the fund- keep you informed of all the latest
own heart, "The Question of Extrater- amental molecules, A, T, G, and C will United States and World-Wide UFO
restrial Life." In this chapter Menzel differ much from those we have on reports (i.e., little known photographic
rehashes his thinking published earlier Earth, no matter where they are found cases, close encounters and landing
in the Graduate Journal of the Univer- in the universe" (page 205). reports, occupant cases) and all other
sity of Texas in 1965. It describes what UFO reports, many of which are car-
ried only in small town and foreign

the extraterrestrials will be like. What t may have been that Menzel just
prompted Menzel to initially write upon wanted to directly refute Simpson, Our UFO Newsclipping Service
this subject I can only guess, but my "authority-to-authority," for some issues are 20-page monthly reports,
guess is this: reason. Perhaps the two disliked one reproduced by photo-offset, con-
another, who can say? But a confron- taining the latest United States and
Best Guess tation without facts, and playing in the Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
other scientist's authoritarian ball park our foreign section carrying the
In 1964, MenzeFs colleague, paleon- seems a poor strategy, when a com- latest British, Australian, New Zea-
tologist George Gaylord Simpson, promise (intelligent non-humanoid life- land and other foreign press reports.
authored a scathing critique of the idea essentially Carl Sagan's position) would Also included is a 3-5 page section
of extraterrestrial intelligence in an of "Fortean" clippings (i.e., Bigfoot
seem sufficient. Why did Menzel feel
and other "monster" reports). Let us
essay, "The Non-prevalence of the urge to state his speculations on keep you informed of the latest hap-
Humanoids." Simpson was apparently "humanoid ET form"? Maybe it was penings in the UFO and Fortean
miffed, if not horrified, at the excessive just some irrational vision of the nature fields.
amount of research funding going into of things that he had ... maybe he'd ac- For subscription information and
extraterrestrial exploration. He wrote tually seen a more concrete vision of sample pages from our service, write
to say that such funding was an the nature of things some years before. today to:
especially colossal waste as no in- But why write about it? Again, who UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
telligent extraterrestrials existed out knows? In one view, what was the risk? Route 1 - Box 220
there to find. (Simpson viewed the Any secret project was successfully Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
romantic pull of exobiology as the "dark"; Menzel was apparently a total

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

By Erich A. Aggen, Jr.
n September of 1959, Donald H. of equipment, personnel and funding. Quantitative studies have shown that

I Robey, design specialist for

General Dynamics Corporation,
presented a theory to account for
the phenomenon of slow moving green
fireballs. Said fireballs were objects of
No fireballs were ever photographed or
tracked and the project was terminated
in the early 1950s.
One of the more spectacular fireball
sightings occurred on July 19, 1956, in
a solid sphere of frozen ice water enter-
ing the atmosphere at a speed of 6.9
miles per second can survive and
decelerate to terminal speeds without
being completely destroyed. Comet-
various sizes which decelerated to Arkansas City, Kansas. The Kansas oids, however, are not composed of
speeds of a few hundred miles per hour State Highway Patrol said a ball of fire pure ice water. The ice matrix of com-
or less at altitudes of a few miles. They traveling east at a high speed had been etoids is composed of many different
exhibited several unusual character- picked up by radar at the U.S. Naval elements. Some materials in the matrix
istics, including erratic flight patterns, Air Station in Hutchinson, Kansas. will volatilize before others. This pro-
metallic appearance at high altitudes, Brian Coyne, the City Editor of the cess causes cavities to form. At the
fuzziness at low altitudes, spherical Arkansas City Daily Traveler reported same time the ice will melt and refreeze
shapes, short periods of visibility and that a brilliant tear-shaped object with to form a hard, glassy outer shell.5
primarily green luminosity.1 "prongs," or streams of light, spraying
During the great Leonid Meteor
Shower of November 12, 1833 (the most
remarkable shower on record), peculiar
objects moving too slowly to be regular
downward was sighted shortly after
midnight. A second object was sighted
about 1 a.m. The prongs of bright light
were observed first as directed towards
C ometoids entering the Earth's
atmosphere at a slight angle to
the local horizontal, and with a
relatively low speed (9 to 10 miles per
meteors were sighted. In the same year, the earth and then extending from the second), could possibly produce UFO-
luminous stationary UFOs were seen sides of the object. The head of the ob- like phenomena. The cometoids would
emitting radiant streams of light over ject was described as being green or be subjected to intense ablation from
Niagara Falls. In February of 1913, bluish-green in color. Several other atmospheric friction. Depending on
several hundred fireballs were sighted such objects were also observed.4 their original configurations, the com-
crossing the sky over New York; in According to Donald H. Robey, some etoids could end up as spheres, discs,
January of 1949, a pilot observed a slow fireballs could be "cometoids," cylinders or other shapes. During the
green fireball entering the atmosphere objects in a physical state between period of atmospheric ablation, com-
over New Mexico; on the 2nd of meteoroids and comets. They are etoids may have super-cold ice struc-
February 1952, a yellow-green fireball believed to be chunks of matter and/or tures which fill with hot gases due to
was seen in the sky over Trenton, "ices" which have been frozen at ex- the volatilization of various materials.
Texas; on September 18, 1954, an enor- tremely low temperatures in the depths These gases would tend to shoot out
mous green fireball passed slowly over of space. They are assumed to be pieces through holes in the frozen shell. This
Colorado and New Mexico; in March or parts of comets. These frozen chunks could cause the cometoid to wobble or
of 1958, a green-tailed fireball was of matter are thought to contain sources otherwise behave in an erratic manner.
observed over Oakland, California; and of thermal and luminous energy and are Depending on their composition, these
in 1972, on August 10th, a huge considered to be unstable. hot gases would also cause the com-
multicolored fireball was seen by many Cometoids may originate when com- etoid to glow in one or more colors.
persons in the western states.2'3 ets captured by Jupiter's extremely Nitrogen, for example, would produce
Green fireballs were sighted so fre- powerful gravitational field pass too a brilliant green glow.
quently over New Mexico between the close to Jupiter. The comets would Being so close to Jupiter, Mars is
year 1948 and 1949 that the U.S. Air disintegrate into thousands of tiny thought to have attracted many com-
Force became concerned. In February fragments under the tremendous etoids. The Moon may also have sus-
of 1949, a conference was called at Los gravitational stresses. The resultant tained many cometoid impacts. Robey
Alamos to study the phenomenon. As cometoids would then be thrown nearer has suggested that the object which
a result of that study, the USAF's Cam- the Sun, where Earth would be in a struck the Earth on June 30, 1908, in
bridge Research Laboratory initiated position to attract many of them. Most the Tunguska River Basin in Siberia,
Project Twinkle in September of 1949, of the smaller cometoids would was a cometoid. However, this theory
in an attempt to identify the fireballs. sublimate from solar radiation in a is not supported by other evidence
Only one of three proposed cinethe- decade or less. Larger cometoids would which indicates that the Tunguska Ob-
odolite (tracking camera) stations was survive longer, perhaps a century or ject was a huge metallic cylinder which
subsequently set up, owing to a lack more. changed course twice before crashing

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

to Earth. Interestingly, the "acorn- huge clouds of debris, meteor particles que astronomical and atmospheric
shaped" Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO and possible cometoids which then phenomena.
of December 9, 1965, was also deter- literally "rained" on the Moon and
mined to have altered its flight path Earth after being flung free of Mars. References
at least twice before falling to Earth. This theory would explain why the 1. Robey, Donald H. "An Hypothesis on the
The Kecksburg object was described Moon is more cratered on one side than Slow Moving Green Fireballs." Journal of
British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 17,
as a fireball by ground observers in the other. The great Arizona Meteor 1959-60.
six states and Canada. Obviously, not crater may also have been formed at this 2. White, C.J. & Blackburn P.B. The Elements
all fireballs can be explained as com- time. of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy.
etoids, meteors or other natural Jupiter possibly collected some small New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1920.
phenomena!6'7 satellites, along with Saturn. Every 3. Persinger, Michael A. & Lafreniere, Gy-
slaine F. Space-Time Transients and Unusual
Another intriguing theory that may planet would have assumed more ellip- Events. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, Inc., 1977.
account for cometoids and cometoid- tical orbits than they had before. Mars, 4. San Diego Evening Tribune, July 19, 1956.
like objects is the hypothesis that where Pluto and Mercury, having once been 5. Robey, Donald H. Astronautica Acta. 1959,
the asteroid belt is now, there once may satellites, would then have followed 5, 224.
have been a double planet system. Ac- even more elliptical orbits than the 6. Story, Ronald D. The Encyclopedia ofUFOs.
New York: Doubleday Company, Inc., 1980.
cording to this theory, one of the planets others. Originally, their orbits had been 7. Gordon, Stan. "The Kecksburg UFO
was destroyed and the other flew free almost circular, the result of their for- Crash." MUFON UFO Journal, September
of the destroyed planet's gravitational mation by a swirling cloud of gas that 1989.
attraction, becoming the fourth planet condensed. This theory is highly con- 8. Sachs, Margaret. The UFO Encyclopedia.
from the sun - Mars. The Martian sur- jectural, but it provides some interesting New York: Perigee Books G.P. Putnam's
Sons, 1980.
face was cratered and pitted by the answers to questions about the forma- 9. Spickler, Ted. "Close Encounters of a
tremendous explosion. It pulled two tion of the solar system. Fireball Kind." MUFON UFO Journal, May
small chunks of the destroyed planet Cometoids, in the end, may ultimate- 1990.
with it, which subsequently became ly explain a small number of UFO
Deimos and Phobos. reports. They certainly provide the
The flight of Mars from an old orbit UFO researcher with additional in- Aggen, of Kansas City, Missouri,
into a new one brought in its wake formation to utilize in analyzing uni- is a MUFON State Section Director.


By Bruce Maccabee

Laser physicist Maccabee is Director of the Maryland-based Fund for UFO Research,
Box 277, Mt. Rainer, MD, 20712.

In his initial testimony regarding hovering several hundred feet ahead row, NY, 1990). This is a must-read for
the "Road Shot" (photo 19), Ed Wal- over the road. Ed said he had his anyone who wants to understand the
ters reported that he had been driving Polaroid camera with him in the truck. historical context of photo 19, the stereo
along highway 191-B at about 6:00 p.m. He grabbed the camera and took the photos of May 1 (which will be refer-
on January 12, 1988 when a brilliant picture (photo 19). But then he realized red to later) and all of the Gulf Breeze
white light suddenly entered the cab the object was moving and he had the Sightings. Technical analysis is pro-
of his truck. This caused him to lose impression that it was going to come vided in "A History of the Gulf Breeze
some sensation of feeling in his hands back and hit him with the white beam Sightings," (updated version available
and forearms. He said that he momen- again. He immediately crawled under from the Fund for UFO Research). For
tarily lost control of the truck and the truck where he would be completely the purposes of this discussion the
swerved to the left hand side of the shielded. Unfortunately, his legs were description given above of how photo
road and then onto the left side still protruding as the UFO did, indeed, 19 happened to be taken is sufficient.
shoulder. shine the white beam down on him
As this was happening he observed again. Initial Analysis
a UFO moving above and ahead of him The complete story of the Road Shot
and, as he managed to stop the truck (and Ed's other sightings) is told in his During the initial analysis of photo
on the left shoulder, the UFO was book, The Gulf Breeze Sightings (Mor- 19, in the spring of 1988, it was assumed

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

simple math) from their assumption
Although the illuminated area is highly elongated, that light from the UFO could only
there is no physical reason why such an area could travel downwards (roughly) parallel to
the axis. If they had allowed for the
not be produced by a UFO (or by a conventional possibility that light could travel out-
light source). ward from the bottom of the UFO at
very fiat angles, then they would have
that the bright irregular image within in a non-circular pattern at very flat seen that the spot on the road could be
the image of the road was the reflec- angles (i.e., nearly horizontal). This much larger than the bottom of the
tion of light from a non-uniformly seemed odd, but it certainly didn't UFO. This is the result I obtained in
radiating source within the glowing bot- violate physics. the summer of 1988.
tom of the UFO, and that the UFO was Recently, Rex and Carol Salisberry,
actually over the reflection. This seem- in re-evaluating the Walters' sightings, Reanalysis
ingly reasonable assumption allowed carried out an independent analysis of
the size of the UFO to be estimated in the Reflection Image in photo 19. Be- My reanalysis of photo 19 is based
the following way: ing unaware of my 1988 calculation of on the assumption that the Reflection
First, the location of the reflection the elliptical spot on the road, they pro- Image really was caused by light
was determined by projecting a sighting ceeded from another assumption. They reflected from the road. Starting from
line across the road in the direction of assumed, for unstated reasons, that light this assumption, I have estimated the
a "tree bump" in the skyline that ap- could only come downward from the nearest and farthest points of the re-
pears above the image of the UFO. As UFO in a direction roughly parallel to flection. The distances from the camera
a person walked along the sighting line the (nearly) vertical axis of the UFO. to these points were estimated by com-
from the camera position toward the Combining this assumption with my bining on-site measurements on the
tree bump he crossed the road and ac- estimate of the bottom diameter (7.5 photographs.
tually walked through the location of feet) they concluded that, if the UFO By measurement, it was found that
the reflection. Since the reflection im- were real, then it would illuminate a the sighting line from the camera
age partially obscured the yellow line spot on the road that would be only toward the tree bump crosses the near
in the road, it was assumed that where slightly larger than the bottom of the edge of the road at a distance of about
the sighting line crossed the yellow line UFO itself. That is, they claimed that 90 feet from the camera, and the far
was the approximate location of the the illuminated spot on the road would edge of the road about 490 feet from
reflection, and hence the approximate have been nearly circular and only the camera. The illuminated spot on the
location of the UFO. Measurements about 7.5 to eight feet in diameter. road lies between these two distances.
made on the site yielded a distance of They then used simple photogram- Using photogrammetric techniques in-
about 185 feet from the camera to metric and trigonometric calculations volving angles that are determined by
where the sighting line crossed the to predict what the size of the Reflec- measurements on the photographs, I
yellow line. When this distance was tion Image should be under their estimated that the closest point of the
combined with the size of the UFO im- assumptions. They predicted that the illuminated area to the camera (the
age on the film the size of the actual Reflection Image should appear as a lowest point of the Reflection Image)
UFO could be calculated. It was found very thin line in photo 19. Since it is, was about 180 feet away, and the far-
to be about 7.5 feet across the bottom in fact, a very "fat" line (measured ver- thest point was about 305 feet away.
bright area, about nine feet high and tically), it disagrees with their predic- (These distances could easily be off by
about 12 feet across the mid-section. tion. Hence, they claimed that the 10 feet either way because of the low
The calculation of the UFO size is Reflection Image could not have been precision in measuring the actual boun-
the extent of the analysis that has been caused by an actual reflection in the dary positions of the images.) Similar-
published to this date. However, in an road, since to do so would be a "vir- ly, the width of the illuminated area was
unpublished calculation done during the tual physical impossibility" (Salisberry, about eight feet.
summer of 1988,1 used the Reflection "Interim Report on the Reopening of Thus the spot on the road was ap-
Image to estimate the size of the il- the Walters' UFO Case," September 23, proximately a thin ellipse with the long
luminated area on the road. 1990). The discovery of this "physical axis running along the sighting line to
A simplified calculation showed that impossibility" led them to further con- the UFO. (These calculations did not
it had to be quite long in the dimension clude that the Reflection Image must take into account the slight downward
along the line of sight. In fact, I have been faked (by double exposure), slope to the road from the centerline
estimated it to be about 80 feet long, with the logical consequence that the toward the edge. To take this into ac-
if its center were 185 feet from the whole photo, the story, etc. were all count would require a much more com-
camera. Although this was a surprise faked. plicated analysis and a very accurate
to me, I simply attributed this to light It is of great importance to note that survey of the road. If the downward
coming out from the bottom of the UFO their result follows directly (after some slop were to be taken into account it

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990




90 180 305 490

would likely decrease by a small interesting. ages of the distant lights allowed the
amount the calculated length of the il- It is important to realize that a cameras to be calibrated for parallax.
luminated area.) previous assumption can be arbitrari- After the calibration had been done it
Although the illuminated area is ly rejected. Previously, I and others had was found that the UFO was about 475
highly elongated, there is no physical assumed that the UFO was actually feet away (over water!) and nearly 15
reason why such an area could not be over the illuminated spot on the road. feet in diameter across the bottom.
produced by a UFO (or by a conven- With this assumption it was possible to Thus its width was nearly twice the
tional light source). Thus this analysis calculate the size of the UFO based on value which I had originally estimated
shows that the Reflection Image is not the image size and on the measured for the Road Shot UFO (about 7.5 feet).
a "virtual physical impossibility" and distance to the reflection (assumed to Assume, now, that the size of the
it cannot be used as proof that photo be rather compact and centered about Road Shot UFO was the same as the
19 is hoaxed. However, the analysis 185 feet away). Thus the assumption size of the large May 1 UFO. Since the
does raise the question of how the was necessary for the previous analysis. image size corresponds to a bottom
highly elongated illuminated area might However, it was not justifiable since diameter of 7.5 feet at 185 foot distance,
have been produced. the distance to an object cannot then it also corresponds to a diameter
One way would be for the UFO to be (generally) be estimated from a single of 15 feet at about 370 feet.
over the far end of the reflection, for photograph. If the UFO were actually 370 feet
example, and emanating a very ellip- The distance to an object can be from the camera (but still over the road;
tical (in cross-section) beam in the calculated from a stereo pair of photo- the sighting line crossed the far side of
direction of Ed's truck, but pointed graphs, however, and Ed obtained just the road at 490 feet), then the UFO
downward so that it hit the road. Alter- such a pair on May 1, 1988. The details would have been 65 feet from the far-
natively, the UFO might be over the of this sighting are in Ed's book. The thest point of the reflection (at 305 feet
center of the illuminated area, directing information which is important here is from the camera). Hence the only way
light downwards and both toward and that, using a stereo camera with a two the light could get from the UFO to the
away from the truck. Yet a third foot baseline, Ed photographed two illuminated spot on the road would be
possibility is that the UFO is farther UFOs, the larger of which looks like if the UFO projected a beam of light
away from the truck than the illum- the UFO in the Road Shot (see Ed's 65 feet toward the truck, but downward
inated area and is directing a beam book for further details). These stereo at a slight angle so that the beam hit
downwards and toward the truck. It is photos also have images of lights which the road. The color of the Reflection
this last possibility which I find most were at a known large distance. The im- Image suggests that this beam of light

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

was white or pale yellow.
This new reconstruction can explain the brightness
Light Source of the Reflection Image quite easily without resort
A reconstruction of the Road Shot to extremely intense light sources within the UFO.
scene, with the illuminated spot be-
tween the camera and the UFO, is the reflection, UFO beyond the reflec- Reflection Image may actually have
presented in Figure 1. This reconstruc- tion, etc.), the context of the situation been caused by the white light, which
tion can explain a puzzling fact about does provide enough supplementary in- Ed described, in the form of a beam
the Reflection Image: its high level of formation to suggest a choice. projected from the UFO toward the
brightness. Under the previous assump- Ed described being hit by a white truck.
tion that the UFO was directly over the light before he ran off the road. He said Note: Photo 14 also has an Reflec-
reflection, I carried out tests with a that after he took the Road Shot he tion Image underneath the image of the
powerful, 100,000 candlepower climbed under the truck because he UFO. The Reflection Image is quite
spotlight shining directly down onto the thought the UFO was going to zap him non-circular and can be explained in a
road. This reflection of the beam on the again with the white light. (He says that manner similar to the explanation of the
road made film images that were much, the UFO did just that while he was Reflection Image in photo 19.
much less bright than the Reflection crawling under the truck.) What might
Image. Hence I had to assume that there have caused him to think that the UFO
was an extremely intense (much, much was going to direct the white light at
more than 100,000 candlepower) source him again? Could it be that the white
of light within the UFO. light was contained within a beam from The Gulf Breeze, FL
the UFO and that Ed realized that the UFO Encounters

his new reconstruction can ex- beam was hitting the road just ahead of
By Donald M. Ware
plain the brightness of the him after he took photo 19? Perhaps the
Reflection Image quite easily white spot on the road, made by the This 7700 word report will be
without resort to extremely intense light beam, started moving slowly toward the mailed complimentary to the first 300
sources within the UFO. It is well truck just after Ed took the picture. people who submit a stamped self-
known that virtually any surface, even Under these circumstances, he might addressed envelope with 45 cents
a rough black surface like a road, can well have concluded that the object was postage attached to:
give a strong reflection in the forward going to try to hit him again with the
Donald M. Ware
direction when illuminated by light at beam.
662 Fairway Avenue
a grazing angle. This is the Although there is no direct
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548-1752
phenomenon of forward gloss (a rough, photographic evidence that the Reflec-
diffuse reflector becomes nearly a tion Image was made by a white beam (This applies to the U.S.A. only.
specular reflector at grazing incidence). on the road, the preceding discussion Foreign subscribers should write to Mr.
This particular case, with the beam shows that the existence of such a beam Ware to make other arrangements.)
from the UFO hitting the road at a flat would be consistent with Ed's story and
angle (several degrees) and the camera with the brightness of the Reflection
viewing the illuminated area at a flat Image. The existence of a beam also
angle (about a degree), is virtually "op- allows the UFO to be further from the
timized" for the forward gloss effect. truck than the reflection, and this, in MUFON
Experiments with a spotlight have con- turn, means that the UFO in the Road Amateur Radio Net
firmed this effect at the site of the Road Shot could have been the same size as
80 meters — 3.990 MHz
Shot. Hence it is reasonable to conclude was the "large size Type 1 UFO" in the
Saturday, 10 p.m.
that the Reflection Image is a result of May 1 stereo photos.
a moderately intense beam of light, like 40 meters — 7.237 MHz
that from a powerful flashlight, pro- Conclusion Saturday, 8 am.
jected downward at a slight angle from
the UFO, incident at nearly a grazing The preceding analysis shows that the 10 meters — 28.460 MHz
angle on the road and reflected in the shape of the Reflection Image is not a Thursday, 8 p.m.
direction of the truck. "physical impossibility" and hence
10 meters — 28.470 MHz
Although the photograph itself pro- does nor prove the Road Shot is a hoax
Sunday, 3 p.m.
vides no information which would as claimed by Rex and Carol Salisberry.
allow us to choose which is the actual A reconstruction of the Road Shot All times Eastern Standard
situation (e.g., UFO over the center of scene based on this reanalysis supports or Daylight
the reflection, UFO at the far end of Ed's story by demonstrating that the

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

By William F. Hamilton IE

As a State Section Director in the Antelope Valley, California area for the past three years, Hamilton
has been investigating reports of anomalous aerial objects. He is now a MUFON Field Investigator
in Glendale.
The Antelope Valley of California is substantial evidence that another family I had heard the low-pitched droning
the site of the fastest growing communi- of craft exists that relies on exotic pro- of one of the objects as it had passed
ty of the Golden State. The reason for pulsion and aerodynamic schemes not along my rear property line. My atten-
the burgeoning of the population is only fully understood at this time." tion was distracted by a pick-up truck
partly due to the expansion of the I phoned the writer of the article, Bill that was pacing the objects and shin-
Aerospace industry in the windy town Scott, to discuss the sightings he re- ing a spotlight in their direction. The
of Palmdale. Lower home prices and ported and to compare them with ones objects rose in altitude to clear the
cleaner air have also attracted many I have investigated and recorded in my Tehachapi Mountains to the north, fly-
homebuyers who are willing to put up files. Bill is senior engineering editor ing directly over a secret Northrop
with the longer commute. for Aviation Week, has a background underground installation that is housed
Antelope Valley is also home of Air as a flight test engineer and is a in the saddle of the mountains. I had
Force Plant 42, Northrop, Lockheed, graduate of the U.S. Air Force Test been up to the guard gate of the installa-
McDonnel-Douglas and Rockwell Pilot School. tion earlier that year, investigating
plants, as well as occupying a position Scott admitted that the "exotic" pro- mysterious lights seen around that area.
south of Edwards Air Force Base near pulsion he made reference to in the ar- We have now recorded the presence
the little town of Rosamond and north ticle may be an anti-gravity propulsion of strange glowing orbs that seem to
of Palmdale and Lancaster. unit. He had heard of these crafts' emanate from that facility. These orbs
Strange aircraft are no strangers to strange ability to move at extremely low seem to cast a brilliant gold lumines-
this part of the desert. Overflights of speeds (15-25 mph) and then accelerate cence without the light reflecting off the
the SR-71 Blackbird (no longer flying), rapidly to supersonic velocities. He had surrounding mountain terrain! The orbs
the Bl-B bomber, the Stealth B2, and also visited Rachel, Nevada, in the also make the same gravity-defying
the Stealth fighter F-117A have been hopes of viewing the glowing disks seen manuevers as other UFOs.
observed by residents of the valley. But by several witnesses over the Groom In June of 1989, a security guard on
residents have been disturbed by other, Mountains, adjacent to the sprawling post at Air Force Plant 42 observed a
more bizarre aeroforms that demon- Nevada Test Site. silvery object in the vicinity of a Bl-B
strate performance characteristics not doing touch-and-goes on the landing
common to advanced military aircraft. Boomerang strip. He had seen the object move in-
I have been investigating sightings in to a stationary position over the landing
the Antelope Valley for three years now, On October 26, 1988 while living in field. He also reported seeing three
but sightings in the area have only been the Antelope Valley, my neighbors Ken metallic spheres flying over the
brought to national attention recently and Katy saw a large boomerang- Palmdale control tower. Control tower
by an article in Aviation Week and shaped craft between 8:35 p.m. and personnel acknowledged his report.
Space Technology (1). The article men- 8:45 p.m. that was estimated to be These spheres are reported to be the
tions several sightings of triangular- 600+ feet in span, and was apparent- same as the glowing orbs seen at night.
shaped aeroforms. These wing-shaped ly traveling only about 20-30 mph. A On November 18, 1989 a witness
aircraft are of unknown origin. A dif- second and identical large object joined observed a large boomerang-shaped
ferent aircraft which produces a behind the first one. The trailing boom- object described as a black mass mov-
thunderous roar has also been spotted. erang was followed by approximate- ing silently over Ave. J-4 and Sierra
The Air Force would not confirm or ly 15-20 disk-shaped objects in forma- Highway in downtown Lancaster, at ap-
deny that the aircraft were new concept tion. The last one in formation had a proximately 7:42 p.m. Its size was
warplanes. light that alternately flashed yellow and estimated to be 600-900 feet in span.
The article also alludes to "tech- red. Two additional witnesses saw the The black mass had lights of low in-
nologies that outstrip those now boomerangs pass over the valley from tensity, about the brilliance of stars,
employed by engineers charged with a side-view to the east. These boom- outlining its airframe. Off the left tip
developing more traditional, current- erangs were also sighted in the town of of the giant object was a silvery metallic
generation aircraft," adding "there is Fresno later that same evening. disk about 30-40 feet in diameter which

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

shone by reflected ground light.
The same witness saw another disk
on the night of May 21, 1990, traveling
in a SW-NE trajectory, have a near-
collision with a KC-135 from Palmdale
Airport as the plane circled over Ave. Whether spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin or
J-4 in Lancaster. The plane was ob- advanced military prototypes, of this there is no
served to rock its wings as if the pilot doubt: strange aircraft continue to fly over the "3
were trying to avoid collision or was
just startled by such a near pass of the California deserts.
fast-moving disk. V
Another Lancaster resident reported
seeing three triangles with red lights
around their perimeters passing on a
westward course between Edwards
AFB and the Tehachapis around the
night of October 3, 1990. This witness
was watching the "Hard Copy" televi-
sion report on the Belgium sightings on
the night of October 25th, when she
glanced out the window to see another
triangle moving around north of Lan-
caster for about ten minutes. This one
had bright white lights at the corners
of the triangle and manuevered slowly. SMALL FLYING TRIANGLE

Artificial Gravity

According to the hypothesis of

artificial-gravity field (AGF) propul-
sion, the mass of the craft is rendered
virtually inertialess with respect to
planetary gravity fields. An AGF im-
parts uniform and simultaneous ac-
celeration to all particles of mass com-
posing the craft and crew. The AGF is
also said to create an envelope from the
planetary atmosphere which is bound BIG BOOMERANG
to the craft and moves with the craft.
This has the effect of reducing shock
waves and eliminating sonic booms
within the earth's atmosphere. Accord-
ing to "black world" engineers I have
talked to in confidence concerning these
aeroforms, we have been developing the
technology of field propulsion. Such
technology is being researched and
developed in classified subterranean ARV SAUCER
facilities. Is the existence of this
technology being gradually leaked to
aviation editors and UFO investigators?
One strange story I have heard is that
Northrop and General Electric have OVER ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA
constructed an Alien Replicated Vehi-

Continued on page 21

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

News Vi 'Views ... POII, Fuller out
Astronaut Poll
In January 1990, MUFON courage- To those who responded, MUFON NASA has the right to set out new
ously polled all present and former U.S. thanks and respects their right to their criteria to become an Astronaut. It is
Astronauts asking whether they would opinions. However, this writer does not repulsive to the law to make new
endorse a call for a Congressional in- respect comments disparaging of Dr. criteria operate retroactively. Only
vestigation into official handling of the O'Leary and his credentials. Astronaut totalitarian nations, not subject to the
UFO phenomenon. On October 6, Stuart A. Roosa, for example, said balancing mechanisms of the law, are
1989, Dr. Brian O'Leary, former "O'Leary was not an astronaut because free to revise history to meet changing
Astronaut (selected by NASA July 26, he didn't fly 50 miles above Earth." circumstances. Dr. Brian O'Leary was
1967) issued a press release calling for Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan said an Astronaut, has the right to say so,
such an investigation. "O'Leary takes advantage of a short- and is due an apology from those
No present Astronaut responded to lived association." Astronaut Walter M. named above.
the poll, whereas 11 former Astronauts Schirra said "O'Leary is a phony, hav- NASA says there are now 91 current
did. The 11 respondents all said no. One ing resigned from a training group." and 56 former Astronauts.
of the respondents didn't have the Astronaut Deke Slayton said "his — Robert H. Bletchman
courage to sign his name, though it credentials are zero." Director of Public Relations
would not have been made public if he When O'Leary was designated an MUFON
so desired. It seems present Astronauts Astronaut by NASA it was not then
must be under some restraints to pre- necessary to have flown any missions,
vent them from responding. 50 miles above Earth or otherwise.


John Fuller, 76, Writer on the Unexplained, Dies

By EDWIN McDOWELL writer, director or producer of such From the Sky" (1978), about the after-
John Fuller, a playwright, documen- shows as "20th Century," "Du Pont effects of a chemical plant explosion in
tary film producer and author of many Show of the Week," "The Garry Moore 1976 near the Italian town of Seveso.
books about the unexplained, died Show," "Candid Camera" and "The Mr. Fuller was sometimes criticized
Wednesday at the Norwalk (Conn.) Great American Dream Machine." by reviewers for not using footnotes in
Hospital. He was 76 years old and lived Mr. Fuller wrote two Broadway nis books and for what they judged was
in Weston, Conn. plays: "The Pink Elephant" (1953), a the implausibility of his topics. But as
His wife, Elizabeth, said he died of two-act comedy with Steve Allen in the Jeff Greenfield wrote in The New York
lung cancer. role of a rebellious ghost writer for a Times Book Review in reviewing "The
For all his versatility, Mr. Fuller was politician, and "Love Me Little" (1958), Poison That Fell From the Sky," Mr.
best known for books about unidenti- a comedy adapted by Mr. Fuller from a Fuller "keeps raising the most unset-
fied flying objects, the occult and near- novel by Amanda Vail, the pen name of tling of questions." Moreover, even be-
disasters. "The Ghost of Flight 401," Warren Miller. fore passage of the Freedom of Infor-
published in 1976, was made into a Mr. Fuller wrote a column for The mation Act, he had a facility for some-
television movie starring Ernest Borg- Saturday Review of Literature from how obtaining Government documents,
nine. "The Interrrupted Journey" 1957 to 1967, during which time he which he incorporated in some of his
(1966), about a couple in Portsmouth, wrote several books, including "Inci- books.
N.H., who under hypnosis relate details dent At Exeter" (1966), an account of
of having been taken aboard a space stories told by people in Exeter, N.H., In addition to his wife, Mr. Fuller is
ship and interviewed by its humanoid about flying saucers. survived by their son, Christopher, also
occupants, became a television movie That experience started Mr. Fuller of Weston; three sons from a previous
starring James Earl Jones and Estelle on a long line of books on similar or marriage, John G., of Toronto; Geof-
Parsons. related subjects: "Arigo: The Surgeon frey, of New Haven, and Judd, of New
Mr. Fuller's last book, "The Pack" With the Rusty Knife" (1974), "The York, and a sister, Carol Chambers.
(1989), about rats taking over after a Airman Who Would Not Die" (1979) A memorial service will be held at 4
nuclear meltdown, is his only novel. (1968), "We Almost Lost Detroit" P.M. Monday at the Unitarian Church
John Grant Fuller was born in Phila- (1975) and "The Poison That Fell n Westport, Conn.
delphia on Nov. 30,1913, and graduated
from Lafayette College in 1936. For the
next 25 years he worked in radio and
television and was at various times a

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

Looking Back
Sob Gribble
November 1950 • The and UFO inverted and resting on the edges of the Gorgonio, disappearing from sight."
movement in the U.S. was joined by one lower one. An intense white light shone The airport manager said that his
of the country's most influential com- from eight, large rectangular windows sighting took place four days before
mentators, Drew Pearson, who wrote visible on the perimeter of the craft, Desert Hot Spring residents reported
in his "Washington Merry-Go-Round" casting a beam of light downward at that a mystery object blazed across the
column on the 25th, that the UFO about a 45-degree angle from each win- sky on the 18th and burned on the
disease had reached epidemic propor- dow. The light rays were so bright that slopes of Mount San Gorgonio. "I don't
tions and because of that fact he could we could see the air dust in them," know whether there is any connection,"
no longer ignore the phenomenon, in- Hoffman said. said Miller, "but it's certainly weird."
forming his readers that the military had The body of the vehicle appeared to
assured him there was no such thing as be metallic, and was a pearly or gray • 1960 Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Coff-
a flying disc-type craft, especially space aluminum color. Since the apparent man were driving to a lake on their
ships stuffed with midgets from the diameter of the craft was wider than the farm near Henderson, Kentucky, about
planet Venus. According to the story, roadway, Hoffman estimated the actual 1:30 p.m. on the 17th, when they spot-
Pearson had been granted access to Air size must have been 100 feet wide, ted a mysterious object soaring high in
Force UFO files which showed that the distance about a half mile away and the sky over the Baskett Valley area. Its
military had checked each case with the about 500 feet above the highway. After behavior called for closer inspection,
utmost care. hovering for about ten minutes, the disc so Mrs. Coffman used the binoculars
moved westward and disappeared. she was carrying to bring it closer. The
• Dozens of excited residents at Pasco, Neither of the witnesses heard any strange object was flying noiselessly,
Washington, reported that they watched sound from the craft. was orange with a brown and black
a shiny "cigar-shaped" object in the base. There were no markings. As the
vicinity of the Hanford atomic plant • A UFO in the form of a globe of Coffmans watched, the strange object
near sundown on the 21st. Atomic and white light returned recognition signals periodically gave off a strange
military authorities maintained they had with a Piper airplane over Desert Hot substance that would blossom with the
"no reports" of anything irregular. Springs, California, about 6 p.m. on the wind and spread over a wide area. As
Perry Torbergson, managing editor of 14th. Gene Miller, pilot of the plane and the substance settled to the ground they
the Columbia Basin News, and Jack manager of the Banning Municipal air- found it to be similar to a spider web
Anderson, his city editor, were among port, and his passenger, Dr. Leslie that would disintegrate rapidly. The
those who said they watched the craft Ward of Redlands, sighted the object Coffmans watched the object for several
for eight minutes. "It was shaped like while returning from a chartered flight minutes, then it moved away at a high
a cigar and glistened brightly," Tor- to Phoenix, Arizona. Miller said he rate of speed.
bergson said. "Anderson, myself and first thought the object was an airliner
everybody on Pasco's downtown streets and blinked his lights twice as a • 1965 On the ninth, the night of
watched it for a full eight minutes recognition signal. The fiery globe flip- the great NE blackout, numerous UFOs
before it disappeared in its southwest- ped its light out twice in answer. "When were sighted over New \brk state. After
erly course." Anderson added: "Nearly the globe blinked out, there was total landing his single engine plane at Han-
everyone I talked to seemed to agree darkness," Miller said. "There were no cock Airport at Syracuse, New York,
that it stopped and hung in the air." position lights or red and green lights during the blackout, Deputy City Avia-
to indicate an aircraft." tion Commissioner Robert Walsh said
• 1955 About 6 p.m. on the fifth, Miller said the strange object con- that "a strange thing happened. I was
Reverend Kenneth R. Hoffman and tinued traveling toward his plane. About sitting on the ground near the runway
his wife were driving toward Cleve- a mile away from the object, Miller with others when we saw a sudden ball
land, Ohio Airport when they sighted switched his landing lights three times of fire south of us. It appeared to be
bright lights in the sky. As the minister and received a similar return signal. "At about 100 feet in the air and 50 feet in
stopped the car, he saw that the cluster that moment the object really surprised diameter." About ten minutes later,
of lights was attached to a large object. us," Miller said. "It suddenly backed Walsh said, the group saw another ball
"It was like two saucers," Reverend up in mid-air, clear over the hills and of fire answering the same description.
Hoffman said. "The upper-most was went toward the top of Mount San Weldon Ross, a part-time flight in-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

structor with the Syracuse Flying sound. As the young men watched, a "We get quite a few UFO reports, but
School and his student, James Brook- long bar-like object emerged through to my knowledge this is about the only
ings, reported seeing a "ball of orange- the largest porthole, re-entered the vehi- one we've actually seen on radar, and
reddish fire which flared up bigger than cle, then emerged a second time. Then the only time we've gone to the point
a house fire." Ross said he and Brook- "something like smoke" came from the of scrambling interceptors. The jets
ings were moving toward Hancock Air- large craft "and sparks flew upward." were scrambled because the indications
port and were over Three Rivers "when The snow in the area was blown around were there was something very evident
the lights went out. We were over the and some of the bushes were flattened to a large number of people, and
high line (high voltage electric power as the object ascended out of sight. because we did manage to get some sort
line) when we saw the fire flash. It of radar sighting."
looked like a barn fire, a barn full of • Seaman Ian Kinsey, of Her Majes- Del Kindschi, a spokesman for
hay, and lasted for perhaps 10 seconds." ty's Coastal Service, was on his 2 a.m. NORAD headquarters in Colorado
Ross pinpointed the spot as three or to 4 a.m. watch on the 30th at the Corn- Springs, Colorado said that the jets
four miles east of Cicero, about where wallis station, located about 125 miles were scrambled from Selfridge Air
the "high line crosses the South Bay SW of Springhill, Nova Scotia. About Force Base near Detroit, Michigan,
Road." It gradually dwindled. 3 a.m., he spotted a yellow, oval-shaped at 10:45 a.m. He said the UFO was
A Camillus housewife and three of object sitting on the nearby beach. The tracked intermittently on radar for six
her children reported they saw a "huge, craft was "lit up" but not glaring. After hours. Asked if it is normal procedure
dome-shaped" fireball in the sky just watching the vehicle for about five to scramble jets after UFOs, Col.
before the lights went out. Mrs. Dewey minutes, a sliding door opened on the Wooding replied: "Only if we have
Boshers said a mushroom-type ball of side of the craft, emitting a white light. something that indicates a chance of
light appeared in the southeastern sky. Then a small, cigarette-shaped object making a possible interception." Capt.
The light ascended, then began to move entered the larger vehicle through the Hilchie said that the UFO tracked
forward. As it did so, the city lights door. The large craft ascended, "slowly on radar was first spotted 25 to 30
dimmed. Then the fireball moved cruised over the mountains and was miles south of the radar site. He said
backward and disappeared in a flash, gone." Kinsey said that as the vehicle it zoomed upward from 26,000 feet to
simultaneous with the loss of electric took off, it pushed "rocks, logs and 45,000 feet, "stopped awhile, and then
light. Another Camillus woman, Mrs. other material" away from the center moved up very quickly to 72,000 feet."
Everett B. Jones, said she saw a huge of the beach. First reports of the eerie-looking
ball of fire hovering over Camillus lights in the sky came at 3 a.m. from
Plaza shortly after the lights went out. • 1975 The North American Air residents of Sudbury, Ontario, 15 miles
Actor Stuart Whitman vowed that Defense Command (NORAD) admit- SW of the Falconbridge radar station.
during the blackout two UFOs pulled ted it tracked a UFO on radar on the Excited callers reported to police that
up outside his hotel window in New llth and then scrambled two American the brilliant lights, hovering low in the
York city and the occupants com- F-106 fighter jets to intercept the sky, suddenly shot straight upward at
municated with him and admitted they mysterious object. Although the jet tremendous speed. Regional Police In-
were responsible for the blackout. fighters failed to make contact with it, spector Frank Singer said two of his of-
Whitman was a serious-minded actor, several other mysterious objects were ficers sighted four objects, three sta-
who swore he was dead sober just spotted from the ground the same mor- tionary and one moving in a jerky, cir-
before dawn when the occupants com- ning hovering in the skies over Ontario, cular motion. At Falconbridge, the
municated with him. "... They gave off Canada. But, only one UFO was pick- commanding officer, Maj. Robert
a strange luminescent light. So I ed up on radar. Among the witnesses Oliver, said that he and five others at
couldn't see if there were portholes or were seven police officers, military per- the base saw three mysterious objects
who was in them. Then I heard them sonnel from the NORAD radar base at in the sky. "I got a call from my opera-
speaking to me as if they were on a loud Falconbridge, Ontario, and civilian tions officer about 6 a.m. and we went
speaker. They spoke to me in English. residents in the area. up the hill, and lo and behold, there
I don't know why they picked me as a Capt. Gordon Hilchie, director of were three bright yellow objects. We
contact. But I'll swear on a Bible that public affairs for the 22nd NORAD viewed these objects through binoculars
I saw them out there and that they talked Region Control Center at North Bay, and weren't able to make any identifica-
to me." Ontario, Canadian NORAD head- tion at all."
quarters, said: "This is the first time Maj. Oliver declined to discuss the
• Late in the evening of the 29th, that NORAD has been on the record reports of sightings he had received
young Kevin Davis and Gary Jardine as saying, 'Yes, we saw this so-called from local people and citizens of the
observed a UFO with a blinking red UFO at the same time people outside area. "I feel it is important that we
dome near Springhill, Nova Scotia, were saying they saw it, too'. " Lt. Col. receive reports on UFOs, and I don't
Canada. The craft had portholes and Brian Wooding, director of the 22nd
emitted an exhaust and humming NORAD Region Control Center said: Continued on page 22

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

LETTERS ... Gulf Breeze Six; Circles
Dear Editor: group. They also claim to know nothing ical event as Dr. Meaden would have
Regarding "Gulf Breeze Capture" in of the identity or location of any Anti- us believe. As far as the vast majority
MUFON UFO Journal Number 267, christ or anything about a scheduled of Circles' researchers are concerned,
July 1990: Carol and Rex Salisberry "Rapture." They credit a mis- his Plasma Vortex theory is complete-
met with four of the six former Army interpretation by the sister of one of the ly dead and buried.
members in Gulf Breeze on Saturday, group as the source of these errors in It is all very well for Fuller to can-
August 11, 1990 for almost two hours. reporting by the media. vas 32 meteorologists' opinions regard-
The four iterated what they had said They hope to jointly issue a public ing the Circles when most of these peo-
publicly to the media at the time of their statement soon to clarify why they left ple are unaware of the facts and have
return to Gulf Breeze a few days earlier. Germany and other matters. In summa- never visited a crop circle. I have met
They apparently have chosen Gulf tion, the media and others may have ex- many serious people who hold equal-
Breeze as a convenient central location aggerated a simple AWOL case out of ly untenable ideas about the Circles
at which to regroup while planning for proportion with the facts, which is not with equal conviction; their common
their future. uncommon, particularly in Ufology. denominator has almost always been
The six had been studying the Bible, that none had ever visited or inspected
particularly Revelations, as a loose knit — Rex C. Salisberry a Circle formation for themselves. Even
group and had become quite religious. Navarre Beach, FL without such first hand experience, I
They claim to have not been members have little doubt that those learned
of any religious group or cult. Because meteorological gentlemen would soon
Dear Editor:
of what were possibly para-normal revise their views were they just to look
events, they all suddenly got the urge There are still doubtless people who at the photographs of the 1990 pic-
at the same time to get out of Germany, believe that the earth is flat, but one tograms, which can be seen in two new
which they did. They relate that similar would not expect to find the MUFON books on the Circles, The Crop Circle
events have continued to occur in Ger- UFO Journal lending its correspond- Enigma (Gateway Books), and The
many since their departure. ence columns to such pleas. Similarly, UFO Report 1991 (Sidgwick and
They came to the Gulf Breeze area I am surprised to find Paul Fuller's let- Jackson).
to visit friends and to sort out what they ter (August 1990) advocating Dr. Readers may remember that Paul
were going to do, i.e., turn themselves Meaden's now totally discredited Fuller and Jenny Randies recently (June
in to the Army, hide out in the hills, etc. Plasma Vortex theory as the agency 1990) made the extraordinary claim that
It is interesting that they were arrested behind the Crop Circle phenomenon. "UFO research in its own right is now
by the local police for a faulty tail light The summer of 1990 saw a complete- dead and has become part of
on which they had just spent $30 to ly new phase in the developing com- meteorology." The most appropriate re-
have fixed. Reports in the local media plexity of the Crop Circles with the ad- joinder to such a crass pronouncement
have indicated that they may have come vent of highly articulate "pictograms" is perhaps the German saying: "Gegen
to Gulf Breeze to meet with Ed Walters, in the English grainfields. Enclosed is die dummheit Hampfen die Goffer
which they firmly deny. They claim to a photograph of one such formation vergebens," which means roughly that
have had slight knowledge of Walters found near Alton Barnes on July 12. even the Gods struggle in vain against
until they heard his comments con- Meaden's theory fails entirely to explain stupidity.
cerning them on local TV. They claim the precise geometry, the increasing
— George Wingfield
to have read one of Bill Cooper's complexity, the rapidly increasing Somerset, UK
reports and found in it some bearing on numbers, the extraordinary variety of
what they had been studying in the Bi- new and definite shapes (of an ap-
ble. Because of this, they had hoped to parently symbolic nature), and a whole
meet with Cooper at some point to host of other aspects of the Circles Have a Viewpoint
discuss this with him. phenomenon. To Express?
They relate that the experience which My discovery in June that a giant
triggered their compulsion to leave Ger- triple-ringed Circle near Devizes had The Journal welcomes
many had nothing to do with their jobs "grown" an additional fourth outer ring clips and comments.
or the U.S. Army. They claim to have of 1000 ft. in circumference, one week Send to:
had good attitudes toward their work in after the original formation appeared,
the Army and repeated several times seems to indicate that the Circles are MUFON
that they had to leave Germany and not produced by energy fields which re- 103 Oldtowne Rd.
the Army. They claim to know nothing main in situ, and can be reactivated, Seguin, TX 78155-4099
of a so-called "End of the World" rather than by any singular meteorolog-

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

The Night Sky
Walter N. Webb
December 1990 shape. Binoculars and telescopes reveal
scores more in this popular little cluster.
Bright Planets (Evening Sky): Finally, the Double Cluster of
Brilliant Mars is well up in the east at dusk and is moving westward in Taurus Perseus, located between the "J" of
below the Pleiades. It still rivals Jupiter in brightness early in the month but Perseus and the "M" of Cassiopeia, can
then begins to dim somewhat as the Earth pulls away from our neighbor. Still be viewed with the naked eye at its best
shining at -1.6 magnitude in mid-December, the red world makes a nice now high in the north. With a telescope,
telescopic target. Look for Mars 3° below the full moon on the 1st and 2° below the twin patches are resolved into hun-
the gibbous Moon on the 28th. dreds of stars each. The Double Cluster
Jupiter (-2.4), in Cancer, rises in the ENE about 8 PM in midmonth. The is much farther away from us (7,000 and
giant is brightening toward an opposition next month. 8,000 light years) and much younger
Saturn (0.6), in Sagittarius, lies very low in the SW at dusk, setting about 6:30 (several million years old) than either
in mid-December. the Hyades or Pleiades.
Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
Mars sets in the NW as twilight begins. Jupiter is high in the WSW at dawn. FLYING WINGS, Continued
Meteor Shower: cle (ARV) and privately displayed it to
The morning of the 14th sees the Geminid meteors at their climax, radiating a limited audience at Norton AFB on
from near Gemini's star Castor at a rate of about one meteor per minute. The November 12, 1988. If we have made
Geminids are relatively slow, bright, white streaks with short paths. There a continuous study in secret of alien
is no Moon to interfere this year. craft since 1947, then it is likely that
Moon Phases: we have developed a replica at this
stage. The Norton ARV was depicted
Full moon — December 2
as a typical flanged saucer, but other
Last quarter — December 8 3 "manta ray" shapes are conceivable.
The Aviation Week article surmises
New moon — December 16
that the triangular aircraft are possible
First quarter — December 24 prototypes of the Navy A-12 aircraft,
Full moon — December 31 o
Two full moons in one month and two perigees (Moon closest Earth) in a single
but I wonder how many prototypes are
needed when at least three were seen
flying soundlessly in formation over the
month. Last time this occurred was May 1988; next time August 1993. Antelope Valley? Also the 11 sightings
December 2 full moon perigee is nearest Moon of 1990 and closest in many reported in the Aviation Week article
years. include the boomerang sightings of
The Stars: 1988. These big boomerangs should
In midevening, while the star patterns of summer and autumn advance past belong in a separate category. Witnesses
the meridian into the western sky, the bright luminaries of the winter season are very impressed by their size and
ascend higher in the east. slow movement.
Look for the Winter Circle in the SE — Sirius, Procyon, the Twin Stars Pollux Whether spacecraft of extraterrestrial
and Castor, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel. origin or advanced military prototypes,
of this there is no doubt: strange air-
Jupiter and Mars are the two bright interlopers on either side of the circle craft continue to fly over the Califor-
— the former not far from the Twin Stars, the latter near Aldebaran, the right nia deserts, giving mute testimony to
eye of Taurus the Bull. The V-shaped Hyades cluster marks the face of the the very real existence of UFOs.
animal, while another star cluster, the Pleiades, indicates a spear-wound in
the bull's shoulder. The Hyades stars are moving together through space, headed Reference
toward a point east of Orion the Hunter; Aldebaran is not a member of the
cluster. 1. Aviation Week and Space Technology,
October 1, 1990. "Multiple Sightings of
See how many of the Pleiades you can glimpse with the unaided eye. In a Secret Aircraft Hint at New Propulsion, Air-
dark sky, you should see at least six of the stars arranged in a small dipper frame Designs."

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

MESSAGE, Continued
directly associated with HUFON,
Houston UFO Network, Inc. MUFON
received a complimentary set as a sam-
ple for our library. Each page of the
newspaper is reproduced in a 8'/2 by 11
inch format, which makes the type size
quite small, but readable. (A magnify-
ing glass would be an asset for ease of

BACK, Continued
want to turn people off by talking about
them. I think both the United States and
Canada collect this information, and I
do believe they investigate the more
serious ones." Told that the United
States government claims it no longer
investigates UFOs, Major Oliver said:
"I find that very strange, because in ac-
cordance with the normal procedures
I classified the UFO report going to
Colorado Springs as secret. A little
while later U.S. Air Force Gen. Daniel
James, commanding general of
NORAD, came back through channels
and asked me to declassify the report.
Apparently General James wanted to
provide the information to people who
were interested in it." MUFON Director of Legal Affairs
On January 20, 1979, a spokesman "I welcome this opportunity to serve the Board and the MUFON member-
for the National Research Council said ship as Director of Legal Affairs to assist in our common pursuit of answers
that the UFOs sighted over Ontario on to this most fascinating enigma. While free time is all too scarce for each
the llth were layers of crystallized ice of us, I can think of few other avocational pursuits that are as thought-provoking
in the atmosphere. as the study and investigation of the UFO phenomenon.
Most of us are well aware of the intriguing and currently active events oc-
• 1980 About 6:50 p.m. on the third, curring in both Western Europe and North America; among other media, Time
a small aircraft had just taken off from magazine and the Wall Street Journal have reported on these ongoing mysteries.
Ozona, Texas, and was about 1,000 feet Therefore, your continued interest and volunteer efforts in support of
off the ground when the pilot spotted MUFON come at a time when irrefutable confirmation of other-world interac-
tion may soon be revealed, whether that information comes by way of even-
a glowing object coming from the di-
tual government disclosures or, by the revelatory actions of intelligences that
rection of Sonora at a very high rate of are external to and supersede the controls and preferences of terrestrial
speed. It was long in shape and pointed governments.
on both ends. About six miles out of We therefore share a profound and enduring trans-national interest with our
Ozona, the object separated into two MUFON colleagues worldwide, and since mankind may be on the brink of
parts and the back section moved into a new perception of himself and his part in Creation, I hope you will share
a position directly under the front sec- my view that this is a most exciting time to be alive, curious and open-minded."
tion and the two objects passed the
plane. They were both the same intensi-
ty of light. As the pilot watched the ob-
jects move over Ozona their glow disap- came on. Both objects then dropped to was observed in the middle of U.S.
peared. Instantly, the airplane engine a lower altitude and moved away toward Highway 87, SE of Sterling, Texas, and
stalled and all of its lights went out. the Mexican border. Five additional about 75 miles north of Ozona. The ob-
A few seconds later the glow around witnesses on the ground also observed ject was sitting on the highway and
the objects reappeared. The plane's the objects. Later that same evening that lunged upward to avoid being hit by a
engine started by itself and its lights could have been the same object car occupied by two women.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

MESSAGE, Continued dova, So. Car.) for Orangeburg, may obtain same from MUFON head-
Bamberg and Barnwell Counties; quarters in Seguin.
recently made two appointments to her William E. Jones, J.D. (Columbus,
New Mexico team. Eugene L. Nieri Ohio) for Franklin and Fairfield Coun- UFO Report
is the new Assistant State Director and ties; Robert M. Hendrickson, Jr.,
Richard Rowlette became the State Ph.D. (Livingston, Montana) for Park, Ed Walters and Dr. Sterling Kerr
Section Director for Bernallilo Coun- Sweet Grass and Gallatin Counties; will be joining the UFO publication
ty, both living in Albuquerque. Evelyn Schurman (Edgeworth, Perm.) field with the introduction, hopefully
Jean Waller reorganized her Okla- for Allegheny County; Dan P. Sharver in December 1990, of the UFO Report,
homa state investigative team by mak- (Modesto, Calif.) for Stanislaus, Mer- an eight-page monthly newsletter on the
ing the following new appointments or ced and San Joaquim Counties; John latest UFO information for the layman.
reassignments of responsibilities: C. Kasher, Ph.D. (Omaha, Neb.) for The TV advertising campaign has
Richard D. Seifried, former Ohio State Douglas and Sarpy Counties. W.E. already started in 100 cities across the
Director, to Oklahoma State Director Jones, J.D. is also a new Consultant in U.S.A. and will be extended as finances
of Investigations; Gary L. Sherard Law and a longtime UFO researcher. are made available. The price of the
(Miami) to cover Ottawa, Delaware, James Y. Lin, Ph.D. (Palm Harbor, newsletter is $29.95 and may be ordered
Craig, Rogers, Mayes and Nowata Fla.) became a new Consultant in from Ed Walters, P.O. Box 715, Gulf
Counties; Charles R. Veith (Tahle- Psychology (Hypnotherapist). Eight Breeze, FL 32562-0715. The subscrip-
quah) for Cherokee, Adair, Muskogee, new Research Specialists joined tion price will include the 90-second
Sequoia and Wagner Counties; Charles MUFON this past month. They are segment of the video tape made by Ed
L. Pine (Oklahoma City), former Cassandra M. McDonough, M.S. Walters in the schoolyard behind his
Michigan State Section Director, to (College Station, Texas) in Food former home. (VHS)
Caddo, Canadian, Grady and McClain Science and Technology; Michael M.
Counties; Virginia "Ginna" A. Chorost, M.A. (Durham, N.C.) in Old Newspaper UFO Articles
Meyer (Norman) for Cleveland, Lin- English and Crop Circles; Linda C.
coln, Oklahoma and Pottawatomi Keith, M.A. (Pittsburg, Calif.) for For collectors of old and rare
Counties; Mamie B. Russell (Snyder) Psychology; Jorge F. Rey, M.S.W. newspapers articles on UFO history, a
to Comanche, Cotton, Greer, Harmon, (Jackson Heights, NY) in Psychology new source has now been made
Jackson, Kiowa and Tillman Counties; (also a Psychotherapist); Mark G. Ben- available. The articles included in this
and Stanley Ed Manske, J.D. (Boise ton, Sr., M.S. (Lakewood Calif.) in file are from two Texas newspapers, the
City) State Section Director for Beaver, Aerospace Engineering; Joseph B. Waco News-Tribune and the Waco
Cimarron and Texas Counties. Mr. Burch, M.S. (Charlottesville, Virginia) Times-Herald. Both papers combined
Manske is also a Consultant in Law for in Electrical Engineering; David L. forces each Sunday to print the Waco
MUFON. Jean Byrne, R.N. (Norman) Kettles, M.A. (Coraopolis, Penn.) in Sunday Tribune-Herald.
is Oklahoma's State Hypnotherapist Public Administration (also an airline The reproductions are of the entire
Consultant and is actively involved in pilot); and John Steven Dyer, M.S. page and are one quarter of their
abduction cases. (Columbia, Maryland) in Applied original size. In order to preserve the
Francis L. Ridge, Indiana State Behavioral Science. original newspapers, half-size sub-
Director, promoted two field in- masters were made of each page con-
vestigator trainees to State Section Field Investigator Exams sisting of three parts which, when
Directors after they passed their field assembled, produced the copies of this
investigator examinations. They are Shirley A. Coyne, Michigan State collection.
David P. Cook (Whitestown) for Boone Director, has advised that 27 members These articles are being offered as a
County and Samuel R. Stoneking passed the Field Investigator's Ex- set. The dates range from July 1, 1947
(Holton) for Ripley County. Thomas amination during the past month, which to October 26, 1955. There are 11 two-
P. Deuley, Texas State Director, ap- is the largest monthly performance. page articles and 14 one-page articles,
proved the following two State Section Any Field Investigator Trainees who though you may find that some dates
Directors: Robert X. Gonzalez feel they have prepared themselves to have multiple articles on the topic. Of
(Kingsville) for Kleberg, Kenedy and take the exam should contact their State particular interest are numbers 5, 8, 12
Jim Wells Counties; and Charles J. Director or write to MUFON in and 26. For additional copies please
Dewey (Denton) for Denton and Cook Seguin, Texas for the 100 question test contact: R.W.M., 10904 Scarsdale
Counties. and blank answer sheet. After com- M210, Houston, Texas 77089. To cover
Other new State Section Directors ap- pleting the "open book" exam, the the cost of reproduction and labor in-
pointed during the past month are Tom answer sheet must be mailed to Shirley volved please remit $1.00 per article
Sullivan II (Marshall, Mich.) for Coyne at the address included with the ($25.00) per set. This is a project in-
Calhoun, Branch and Kalamazoo instructions. State Directors that need
Counties; David W. Sugarek (Cor- a supply of Field Investigator's Exams Continued on page 22

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

IXnector's OVfesscuje
Walt Andrus
1991 UFO Symposium 1971 Midwest UFO Conference Pro- ticing attorney living in Costa Mesa,
ceedings to commemorate a recent CA, has accepted the position of Direc-
The theme for the MUFON 1991 In- UFO conference in St. Louis with the tor of Legal Affairs on the MUFON
ternational UFO Symposium to be held permission of the Mutual UFO Net- Board of Directors. He will coordinate
July 5, 6 and 7 at the Hyatt Regency work. This was the first published pro- the large staff of MUFON Consultants
O'Hare at O'Hare International Airport ceedings, since the 1970 UFO Con- in Law and provide legal direction and
near Chicago is "UFOs: The Big Pic- ference in Peoria, Illinois was only consultation to the Mutual UFO Net-
ture," hosted by Tom Stults and Illinois audio taped. Moderated by John F. work, Inc. Board of Directors. He is a
MUFON. Confirmed speakers will be Schuessler, the theme for the 1971 con- member of a large law firm with offices
Ralph Noyles (England), crop circles; ference was "UFOs - Defiance to in Santa Ana, Los Angeles, Pamona
David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., abductions; Science" and was held at the Holiday and Santa Barbara, Calif.
Gene Phillips, ancient astronauts; Lin- Inn-North near the airport in St. Louis Noel Herbiet of Port Elizabeth,
da M. Howe and John Altshuler, Missouri on June 12, 1971. South Africa has officially been ap-
M.D.. cattle mutilations, and John Published speeches by the following pointed Representative for South
Carpenter, M.S.W., clinical hyp- people are included in this "collector's Africa, working in conjunction with
notherapy. More will be announced as item": John F. Schuessler, "Introduc- Cynthia R. Hind, Continental Coor-
they are confirmed. A contract has been tion" Walter H. Andrus, Jr., "The dinator for Africa. Hugh B. Horning,
signed with American Airlines to be the Midwest UFO Network (MUFON)"; a retired DuPont Co. employee residing
official carrier for the symposium, Hayden C. Hewes and Hal Crawford, in Wilmington, DE, was promoted
which also includes American Eagle "The Alien Intruders"; Sherman J. from State Section Director to State
flights to Chicago from the contiguous Larsen, "Documentation: Evidence of Director for Delaware when Robert M.
48 states. Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Government Concern"; Ted Phillips, Hendrickson, Ph.D. moved to Mon-
Virgin Islands. The host committee is "Landing Traces: Physical Evidence tana. Mr. Homing's photograph and
composed of Judy Stults, General for the UFO"; William H. Hunkins, announcement of his appointment ap-
Chairperson; Paul Fisher, Treasurer; "Geomagnetism and UFO Induced peared on the front page of The News
Dave Knapp, computerization; and Disturbances - An Aid to Detection"; Journal in Wilmington (A Gannett
Ron Wolf, Technical Advisor. Stanton T. Friedman, "UFOs - Myth Newspaper) in an article by Phil
and Mystery"; and Leonard H. Milford, Staff reporter on September
1992 UFO Symposium Stringfield, "The Anatomy of UFO 24, 1990. As a result of this article and
in Albuquerque Evidence." the fine work of Hugh Horning, 12 new
Fifty copies of the 115-page book Field Investigator Trainees have already
The MUFON 1992 International were purchased by MUFON from the joined MUFON. Mr. Homing's
UFO Symposium will be held in Albu- UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis photograph was published in the Oc-
querque, New Mexico, hosted by for resale to people desiring the first tober 1990 issue of the MUFON UFO
Teresa Brito-Asenap and New Mex- published MUFON proceedings for Journal.
ico MUFON. Preliminary plans are their library. The suggested price was Michael A. Lewis, former Wyoming
underway to select a downtown hotel $10, however MUFON is selling them State Director, volunteered to be the
site and to confirm the dates for 1992. for $8 plus $1.50 for postage and handl- State Director for Alaska after moving
Even though New Mexico is in the ing as long as the supply lasts. Orders to Chugiak, AK, replacing Birch
Western Region, Albuquerque will be received after the 50 copies have been Pavelsky in Fairbanks, who was the
convenient to all of North America depleted will be credited as an exten- temporary State Director. Donald A.
since it is on the eastern edge of the sion of the individual's annual MUFON Johnson, Ph.D. appointed Susan Van
region. membership unless other arrangements Slooten to be the Assistant State Direc-
are specified. tor for the northern New Jersey coun-
1971 Midwest UFO ties and George Filer will continue to
Conference Proceedings New Officers administer to the southern New Jersey
counties in order to facilitate meetings
The UFO Study Group of Greater St. It is an extreme pleasure to announce and training sessions. Teresa Brito-
Louis reprinted a limited edition of the that Kenneth A. Wong, J. D.. a prac- Asenap, New Mexico State Director,

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 271 November 1990

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