Mufon Ufo Journal
Mufon Ufo Journal
Mufon Ufo Journal
In my original article ("The Kecksburg down to the wooded area below and saw how the military trucks came down his
UFO Crash," MUFON UFO Journal, a group of about 10 people standing road and into his field. The military cut
September 1989) I covered the basic around and pointing to something. their fence line so they could drive down
history of this little known, apparent crash Curious, he walked down the steep bank close to the edge of the woods, not far
of an unidentified aerial object on to see what was so interesting. When he from the crash location. After the military
December 9, 1965 in a wooded area in arrived at the spot, he noticed a series of pulled out of the area late the next day,
Southwestern Pennsylvania as reported trees had been knocked down, and about some of the family members went down
in 1985. Since the original investigation 20 feet away from him and the group was into the woods to look around. They
of that report, our continuing efforts to a strange object semi-buried in the found deep drag marks in the ground
find more facts of the case have reveal- ground. leading up from the impact spot to the
ed important new details. Besides myself, It was nearly dark and Jack used his edge of the woods, indicating that the
two other individuals have been most high beam flashlight to explore the military had winched the object and load-
helpful in tracking down government device. His basic description is quite ed it on a truck.
documents related to this event. They are similar to Pete's. But Jack claims that at
Robert G. Todd, a well known researcher the time he saw it, bright blue sparks "like Not Russian
into FOIA UFO documents and John a welder's torch" were coming from it.
Micklow. Micklow is PASU's Field In- This sparking kept up for some time, but I wrote that the Air Force report on the
vestigations Director, a retired police of- seemed to be almost stopped just before Kecksburg UFO indicated that no space
ficer and former military intelligence of- he and the others left the site. The object debris was expected on the date and time
ficer. This is a 1989 update on this signifi- made no sound, but the observers were of the incident. I quote from the report:
cant case. hesitant to approach it any closer. The "Major Quintanilla called SPADATS, and
people talked among themselves as to they knew of no space junk entering the
Crash Witness what the strange object was. There were atmosphere today." Yet over the years we
no homes in the area, and apparently had information that a Russian Satellite,
From information we received over the none of these people (we don't know designated COSMOS 96, may have re-
years from various sources, we always felt their identities) ever officially called this entered the Earth's atmosphere on that
that there were other witnesses who had report in to the police. Jack's report of the date, and could possibly be a source for
seen the crashed object imbedded in the blue sparks now brings up the possibility the; report.
ground at the impact site, prior to the ar- that some of the reports of a blue light For many years we tried to obtain a
rival of the military. Our belief is that in the woods during the early evening status report from our government on
several civilians as well as law enforce- hours may not all be dismissed as the COSMOS 96. FOIA requests were sent
ment authorities had the opportunity to prank we had discussed before. to the Air Force, NASA, the Department
look at the object. Except for telling their It also has to be pointed out that ap- of State, and NORAD, none of which
stories to a few close friends, they have parently Jack and the others got to the would take time to provide this informa-
kept the secret of what they saw to site before either Pete, the other members tion. Even NASA's Satellite Situation
themselves. of the search team or the military. Jack Report seemed to show conflicting infor-
In September of 1988, we received came in from the opposite side from mation. Finally, a January 5, 1989
another lead to a possible witness of the where the state police had initially response from the U.S. Space Command
crashed object. This tip paid off. We soon entered. Pete also came into the area to John Micklow provided the informa-
began to conduct interviews with a local from a different point. Jack mentioned tion we had been looking for.
resident who has given us supporting that as they were moving out of the area, According to the report "COSMOS 96
evidence to the object described by Pete. they saw distant lights in the woods. re-entered December 9, 1965 at 0818
Jack, a pseudonym for the actual Some of the people commented that GMT in the vicinity of 51.8 degrees North
witness, lived about a mile from the crash whoever came out of the object was latitud'e; 274.8 degrees East longitude."
site at the time of the occurrence. Jack walking away, but it was likely that they This data appears to rule out COSMOS
had been listening to the radio, and had were seeing the search parties beginning 96 as the source of the Kecksburg UFO
just heard the report that something had to arrive at the location. since it. re-entered'in the area of North
crashed in the area. He drove up the road Jack now makes the third person to in- Central Canada at 3:18 a.m. local time.
to the highest lookout point. This road is dependently take us down to the wood- The fireball related to the Kecksburg
now called Meteor Road, since it was this ed area, and direct us to the exact spot event occurred at 4:44 p.m.
track that was jammed with cars from the where we believe the object was imbedd-
public during the night of the search in ed. One witness, whose home was taken Project Moondust
1965. over as a command post by the military
When Jack got to the top he looked during the night of the crash, recounted It was of interest to note, in the letter
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989 3
primarily as evidence of the organization,
policies, functions, decision or procedures
of the Air Force."
FTD in the past has claimed no
knowledge of Project Moon Dust,, while
documents obtained from the Defense
Intelligence Agency clearly show that
FTD was on the distribution list for reports
under this project. Todd's records show
that both Project Moon Dust and Project
Bluebook (UFO investigations) were FTD
projects. In recent years there has been
much speculation that Moon Dust was
still active in UFO retrieval operations, but
no evidence of this came forth until Todd
pressured the Air Force for an answer as
to the status of Moon Dust.
A July 1, 1987 response to Todd, from
Colonel Phillip E. Thompson, Deputy
Assistant Chief of Staff of Air Force In-
telligence states, "The nickname 'Project
Moondust' no longer exists officially. It
has been replaced by another name
which is not releasable. FTD's duties are
listed in a classified passage in a classified
regulation that is being withheld because
it is currently and properly classified, and
the authority for withholding is 5 U.S.C.
552 b(l) and AFR 12-30, para lOa."
Todd, as well as myself, is quite con-
vinced that the Kecksburg UFO retrieval
Kecksburg Crash Site was carried out under a Moon Dust
operation. My impression is that certain
elements of the 662nd Radar Squadron
from the U.S. Space Command, this jects, or known Soviet/East Bloc were trained and prepared to respond
comment: "It is unusual for an object to aerospace vehicles, weapons systems, very quickly to incidents of this nature,
survive re-entry. If in fact it does, and it and/or residual components of such and did so at Kecksburg.
is recovered, it is referred to the Foreign equipment." (Emphasis added.) In May of 1989, we located a former
Technologies Division at Wright Patterson In the past, myself and other col- radar operator who was assigned to the
AFB, Ohio." Robert G. Todd's research in- leagues had filed FOIA requests with FTD 662nd Radar Squadron in 1965, but who
to Project Moondust indicated that the at Wright Patterson AFB for information unfortunately was transferred to another
Foreign Technologies Division of the Air on Project Moondust and the Kecksburg unit several months before the Kecksburg
Force, NASA and the U.S. State Depart- affair. No useful information was ever affair. In subsequent interviews with this
ment, were all involved in one aspect or received. After receiving the January party, we learned a good deal about the
another with this project. As I reviewed 1989 letter from Space Command, unit and its involvement with UFO cases.
in our first report on the Kecksburg Crash, Micklow approached FTD concerning the This officer had a secret clearance, and,
Todd had obtained an Air Force in- object taken from the site, and he re- certain information he was unable to
telligence document under FOIA which ceived a most interesting response from reveal to us. As we discuss this informa-
states the following: "Peacetime employ- FTD, unlike the typical turn down letters tion, keep in mind that NORAD, the
ment of AFCIN intelligence team common to FOIA requests in recent North American Aerospace Defense
capability is provided for in UFO in- years. The January 27, 1989 response Command, states that they have never
vestigation (AFR 200-2) and in support states, "We are unable to act upon your investigated UFO cases, yet documents
of Air Force systems command (AFSC) request because the information you seek obtained under FOIA clearly show that
Foreign Technology Division (FTD) Pro- is not included within the definition of an this is not the case. From documents ob-
jects 'Moon Dust and Blue Fly. These 'agency record' which is defined as the tained, we learned that the main function
three peacetime projects all involve a product(s) of data compilation, regardless of the 662nd Radar Squadron was to
potential for employment of qualified of physical form or characteristics, made provide search, SIF, and height-finding
field intelligence personnel on a quick or received by the Air Force in connec- radar data and data link, and voice
reaction basis to recover or perform field tion with the transaction of public air/ground radio communications to the
exploitation of Unidentified Flying Ob- business and preserved by the Air Force direction center, Detroit Air Defense Sec-
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989
tor, during Mode 1 and Mode II opera- had high security clearances. This officer
tions, and to operate as a NORAD had a secret clearance, and other officers
Surveillance Site in Mode HI operation. had higher security clearances. It was not
The former officer revealed the follow- unusual when a UFO was observed,
ing information on the 662nd Radar tracked and procedures followed, that the
Squadron. The primary objective of this radar operator originally spotting it on
squadron was to provide input radar data radar did not know what conclusion had
for the Northeast quadrant of the coun- been reached as the Control Center
try to the NORAD network. They had would take control, and any information
direct input radar coverage of the area. was on a "need to know basis only." But
They also had direct links with NORAD one thing was certain: all UFO data from
via telephone, and other communications the squadron had direct input to NORAD.
links and their control center. They often
Site Selection?
participated in drills with NORAD. The
unit quite often received UFO sighting One interesting aspect of the crash in
reports from the public, and would follow the Kecksburg area is the apparent slow
the basic procedure of (a) contacting the speed and controlled trajectory of the ob-
local civilian authorities, such as flight ject as it made its descent toward the im-
centers and airports, to determine if at all pact site. When looking over the terrain
possible if the object could be an aircraft, of that general area, it looks as though
and (b) if this could not be confirmed, or the object knew where it wanted to go,
if the size, speed and direction of the ob- selecting the deepest section of a wood-
ject in question did not conform to an air- ed area, over miles of surrounding open
craft, they would follow procedures set up fields. The hundreds of onlookers to the
by NORAD to turn control of the radar military operation that night in December
information directly over to their Control of 1965, could only see lights from the
Center (which is out of state). This was searchers in the distant woods. The ac-
accomplished by utilizing certain buttons tual impact site was basically in a hollow
on their console, which would then of the woods surrounded by hills and
directly link their radar to Control Center. fields. Unless you were at the spot where
Once this was accomplished, the local the retrieval operation was taking place,
operator had no control on his console. you would have no idea as to what was
Once control was turned over, the really occurring.
Oakdale radar unit had no participation The Air Force report on the Kecksburg
in determining the status of the UFO, or UFO incident indicated that various
in knowing what action was taken, such government agencies wanted to know
as scrambling interceptor aircraft. more about the object in Pennsylvania.
If fighters were scrambled, they were Among these inquiries was one from Mr.
usually dispatched from bases in Ohio or J.L. Bourassa, Chief Special Facilities
New York. When a UFO would be Division, OEP, Code Blue Grass. Further
recorded by radar and observed, a writ- research has revealed that Mr. Bourassa
ten report was made by the radar was the chairman of the Federal Agency
operator and watch commander. These Representatives Meeting of the Special
reports would then be forwarded to their Facilities Branch of the Office of
control center and NORAD. These in- Emergency Planning (OEP) and Chief of
cidents at times seemed to become the Special Facilities Branch from 1964
almost a daily occurrence, and the to 1968. Todd has furnished this infor-
operators became so used to them that mation relative to OEP. The Office of
they would treat them as routine Emergency Preparedness was set up in
sightings. Reporting procedures were still the Executive Office of the President by
followed. The officer said that "some of an act of October 21, 1968 (82 Stat.
them, the UFOs, would be unlike 1194), as the successor to the Office of
anything that was flying at the time. The Emergency Planning, which in turn had
speed of some of them was incredible, been set up by an act of September 22,
and simply would just sometimes vanish 1961 (75 Stat. 630) as the successor to
from the screen in a second. No airplanes a series of agencies on emergency
were capable of doing this." managment dating back to the Korean
The squadron was a 24-hour, seven War period. The Office of Emergency
days a week operation. The radar station Preparedness (OEP) had the function of
was always manned, and personnel there Continued on page 9
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989
A New Model of Investigation: Part II
By John L. Spencer
Dr. Brandenburg, a plasma language. Such borrowings are in- invisible. We recognize the planet
physicist, addressed the MUFON tended as an act of homage and at- Earth as our Planet of Genesis, our
symposium on the subject of the tribution rather than plagiarism. home, and our everlasting treasure.
Mars "face." This is his first article We pledge to keep and preserve the
for the Journal. God Exists Earth for all humanity for all genera-
tions. We call upon all humanity to
The Rainbow Declaration is a The first portion of the document treat one another with kindness,
declaration of principles to govern the is addressed to humanity, the people justice and peace. We call upon all
relations between peoples of different of Earth. The second portion is ad- humanity to work together to ease the
worlds. dressed to all the peoples of the effects of hunger, disease and over-
The declaration was written in Cosmos. 'The Rainbow Declaration population. Let there be no more kill-
response to the MJ-12, Aquarius and evokes God as Creator and Judge of ing of the whales, great and small,
Lear documents. The situation implied all peoples of all worlds of origin. It and let humanity seek to preserve the
by these documents, should they be is by this recognition of God that a whole family of living things on the
true and accurate, is not good. How- common ground and bond is Earth. This declaration takes its name
ever, rather than rail against the situa- established between all peoples, and from the Rainbow, which symbolizes
tion portrayed by the documents, the moral forces behind all principles the promises of God to humanity, the
whose basic facts remain unconfirmed, of justice is derived. The declaration unity within diversity that is human-
it seems far more constructive, at this is thus a perscription for relations ity and the beauty of the Earth which
time, to describe the situation one among three intelligences, the natives, is humanity's.
would desire to exist. The key to solv- the aliens, and their common Creator, In true Unity there is strength and
ing a problem is to first define it, and before whom they are equally beloved general benefit; therefore, on all mat-
by defining a desirable situation we can children. ters concerning extraterrestrial peoples
measure our own circumstances. Despite the lofty and peaceful tone we shall be as One. We recognize the
In a desirable situation, the relations of the declaration, it is a statement of office of the Secretary General of the
between the people of a technologically rights that are basically non- United Nations, acting with the advice
unadvanced and politically disunified negotiable. It asserts what is proper and consent of the Security Council,
world and a more advanced, spacefar- and just, and asserts the right of op- as the sole representative of humani-
ing people of a different world, would pressed people to rectify that which ty in all dealings with extraterrestrials.
be according to principles and is not proper and just. It is thus both All relations and agreements will be
guidelines set down within a communi- an appeal for peace and a call to open and public, and all agreements
ty of spacefaring peoples. arms, a statement of what is true, and must be ratified by the Security Coun-
If such a community existed, and an appeal for what ought to be true. cil to be in force.
the principles were justly framed, ad- Let us hope that in the future, when To our fellow peoples in the com-
vanced peoples would be forbidden humanity journeys between stars, that munity of the Cosmos, we extend
from pressing their technological ad- we will observe these principles, or greetings; we recognize you as fellow
vantage "over less advanced natives, others similar to them, with all peoples children of the Creator of the Cosmos.
nor would spacefaring aliens be al- we shall encounter. Perhaps if,we Please give careful consideration to our
lowed to pursue divide-and-conquer resolve to do this in the future, this declaration, that it might serve as a
strategies against politically disunited resolve will help us to solve problems basis for our good relations.
natives, or interfere with the natives' that exist in the present. We hold these truths to be self-
technological and political "gestation" The text of the Rainbow Declara- evident, that all peoples are created
period that would precede their tion is as follows: equal and are endowed by the
becoming a unified, spacefaring peo- Creator with certain inalienable rights:
ple themselves. Rainbow Declaration The right of Possession of their
The Rainbow Declaration, then, is homeworld, their Planet of Genesis.
an attempt to articulate such a set of We, the people of Earth, do make No one shall take any portion of their
principles that could be observed by this solemn Rainbow Declaration.. We world from them.
spacefaring peoples. It draws freely acknowledge our common childhood The right of Sanctity of Planet of
upon historic documents and classic before our Creator, God, and Judge Genesis from alien intrusion or in-
science-fiction for its concepts and of all the Cosmos, both visible and terference. No alien visitation shall
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989 15
occur until the people shall realize bases may be established permanent- strong and advanced to help preserve
their Unity and achieve space travel ly on bodies or stations orbiting a the rights of the weak and less
of their own; this is the Prime Direc- Planet or Star of Genesis, but must advanced.
tive for all spacefaring peoples. No be evacuated (upon landing by the We pledge to uphold these rights
alien spacecraft shall make close ap- people of thisrlanet or Star, except and principles in all relations with all
proach, or assume close orbit, or there shall be negotiated a treaty peoples we shall encounter, whether
make any landing, except openly and granting temporary lease. we be aliens or they in these en-
by consent of global authority. The right of Freedom of Peaceful counters. We declare that all peoples
The right of Possession of Genetic Navigation of Space shall be enjoyed should seek to treat all other peoples
Code. No alien shall take a people's by all peoples except where it conflicts as they themselves would desire to be
Genetic Code for any use, except with the Sanctity of Planet of Genesis. treated, and that all peoples of the
under reciprocal scientific exchange, The right of peoples to Assert and Cosmos should seek peaceful and
negotiated openly by global authority. Defend the aforementioned rights mutually beneficial relations with each
The right to permanent occupation and the right to give and receive aid other. We delcare that it is our deepest
of all bodies orbiting their Planet of consistent with these rights, when desire that humanity might take its
Genesis or the sun of their Planet, these rights shall be endangered. In place as an honored and valuable
which is their Star of Genesis, and cases of dispute, the burden of proof- member of the community of peoples
permanent authority over the space of-innocence shall fall on those who of the Cosmos.
containing these bodies. No alien are alien, for it is the burden of the
Circular Arguments
By Ralph Noyes
If only Condon had been followed up a circle though usually departing slightly
... If only that damning conclusion had towards the oval or elliptical. There is a Three Books
not been reached that "nothing of scien- sharp cut-off between the flattened crop
tific value would come of further studies." and the rest of the field. Sometimes rings These are the puzzles which all resear-
If only that academic iron curtain had not are found rather than circles. chers have had to face. We now have
been slammed down in 1969 ... In many cases the rings and circles three books (published in the UK in Ju-
These vigorous complaints are made form distinctive patterns: for example, a ly) in which three very different ap-
in a remarkable new book [1] not, as you circle with a ring around it; a circle with proaches are made to the problem. The
might think, by an aging ufologist with two rings; geometrical groups of circles; first is Meaden's book, mentioned above
four decades of bafflement behind him, and sometimes still more complex forma- [1], and I will return to it below. The se-
but by a British atmospheric physicist of tions. Well over a dozen basic patterns cond, Circular Evidence [2], is by a team
international repute, Dr. G. Terence have now been reported. Since the first of dedicated field researchers, based in
Meaden, editor of the Journal of (singleton) circles were reported in 1980 Hampshire, who have poured money
Meteorology and a senior member of the each year has brought reports of new pat- and effort into studying the subject since
Tornado and Storm Research Organiza- terns and of an increasing number of the early 1980s (and are now rightly
tion. And he makes these sharp com- events. Reports have been heavily con- reaping the reward of making the best
ments not as a student of UFOs, but as centrated in Hampshire and Wiltshire, seller lists in the UK). The third, Con-
an assiduous researcher for nearly ten with marked clustering near Westbury troversy of the Circles [3], is by Jenny
years past into that remarkable puzzle of (since 1980), Winchester (since 1981 - Randies and Paul Fuller of BUFORA (the
the decade, the British cropfield circles. though with an indication of some earlier British UFO Research Association).
I gave readers of the MUFON UFO events) and the Avebury area (since Circular Evidence is superbly il-
Journal a brief review of this 1987). lustrated, and it contains the most de-
phenomenon last October [4]; and the There is now evidence for occurrences tailed account of the remarkable "swirl-
Journal has carried other reports of it. But outside these "haunted" areas and from ing" and "texturing" of the crop which the
it may be as well to summarize what we're earlier periods; but many of these "ex- circles exhibit - an indispensable field-
talking about. Wessex" and pre-1980 events are rather guide for dedicated circle-watchers in this
Usually in fields of grain, though poorly documented. If credit is given to country (and in the U.S., also, if ever the
sometimes in other crops, swirled and them all, however, there still remains a phenomenon decides to make a decisive
flattened areas are discovered during the strong appearance of an overwhelming transatlantic jump into the grain fields of
growing season. The crop is bent over at concentration of events in Wessex and of the Mid-West). The book speculates
about ground level, but goes on growing a phenomenon which has developed ex- widely, and it contains what may turn out
and ripening. The disturbed area is plosively in the 1980s. to be valuable hints by reporting (brave-
geometrically precise, approximating to ly, I feel!) some weirdities which have af-
16 MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989
[Not to the same scale]
flicted its authors: audible and luminous press before they had had much time to Depending on conditions, this transient
phenomena at circle sites; peculiar digest Meaden's remarkable new views, energy-form can manifest as a globe of
behaviour by equipment; poltergeistish and we must given them credit for light, often with associated sounds. It may
intrusions - the kind of stuff which con- recognizing the importance of the latter, be able to interfere with the ignition
tinues to trouble excellent (and eminent- even if it has left. them somewhat system of automobiles and perhaps to
ly respectable) bodies like the Society for floundering. affect close witnesses. Descending to
Psychical Research. But Circular The crucial book is Meaden's [1]. He earth, it can make a cropfield circle. Ac-
Evidence must be recommended for its alone makes a direct, sustained and ting more vigorously it may well cause
graphic account and its excellent illustra- scientifically-based assault on the com- more violent circular damage at ground
tions rather than its scientific rigour. It plex of problems which the circles pre- level.
sagely concludes that "final answers are sent. He has, from the start, looked for
a long way off" (which I assume means an explanation in terms of atmospheric Redefining UFOs
that we can expect to see the publication physics, as he is singularly well qualified
of Son of Circular Evidence before we're to do. After what seem to me to have In short, a good meteorlogist whose
much older). been several false starts in earlier years, sole concern has been to investigate crop-
The BUFORA authors [3] pour a good Meaden now postulates a wholly new field circles has ended by describing much
deal of sceptical comment on the subject. and hitherto unrecognized atmospheric of the UFO phenomenon. I cannot help
They believe that much of the apparent phenomenon which he calls "the plasma- enjoying the irony that Randies and Fuller
clustering of the circles in "Wessex" (the vortex" and which he sees as sometimes - stalwart defenders of BUFORA against
name by which we call the old Anglo- capable of generating a large "plasma Little Green Men - have spent much pas-
Saxon kingdom of southern England, in- ball." The details are hard going for non- sion in scorning the hints of a link be-
itially centered on Winchester) reflects the physicists (though the book is written with tween UFOs and cropfield circles while
presence in Hampshire and Wiltshire of elegance and clarity). But the implications Terence Meaden is now keenly searching
enthusiastic field-researchers, assisted by are remarkable. for one! But I will not push this schaden-
media hype. And they have been much .If Meaden is right, our atmosphere is freude too far: BUFORA have been right-
concerned in recent years to trash any sometimes able to produce a short-lived, ly concerned to keep the silly season
suggested connection between the crop- but vigorously swirling, disturbance with Press at bay in the attempts of the latter
field circles and UFO sightings, despite strong electrical properties. (A layman to saddle the Association with a simplistic
some sporadic evidence of a possible link grasps after the analogy of something bet- link between circles and ETs; and I believe
between the two. Their booklet went to ween ball-lightning and a mini-tornado.) Fuller and Randies now recognize that
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989 17
•' ' .' ' !•' '. '•' .' " 'i.
Jenny Randies, director of investiga- cases that have been collated, at least one
tions for the British UFO Research surprising variation surfaces: American
Association (BUFORA), has probably abductees, in general, report the 'tradi-
written more UFO books than most of us tional' little gray beings, whereas the
have read. The one under discussion this British percipients describe, again in
month was originally published in hard- general, entities more normally human in
back as Abduction by Robert Hale of height (six feet or so), with equally odd
England last year. In its latest manifesta- eyes, but commonly porcelain-white and
tion, it goes by the title, Alien Abductions: blondish hair.
The Mystery Solved, and is available I expected Randies to make more of
($12.95, plus $1 p&h) as a quality this discrepancy than she does, though
240-page paperback from Inner Light she certainly makes something of it,
Publications, Box 753, New Brunswick, because it seems to me to be the one
NJ, 08903. The brains behind Inner Light single, most potentially glaring clue in the
seems to be one of the longtime enfant whole business. If we're going to hold fast
tenibles of UFO literature, Timothy Green to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, then we
Beckley, who, in this case, has to be con- are obligated to explain why Americans
gratulated for making a book available are abducted by little aliens and the
that we might not otherwise have had British by tall ones. Either some cultural,
here without great expense. i.e., psychological, consideration has to be
Given the economics of UFO postulated to account for the difference,
publishing in this country, and the fact or some characteristic inherent to the ab-
that Randies hardly boasts the cachet and ductors themselves has to be hypothesiz-
local clout of a Strieber, Hopkins or ed. Have two alien races divided the
Vallee, let alone a Steiger or Berlitz, the nearly always contain a few original in- world into spheres of separate influence,
production quality is probably about as sights, suggestions and theories found in the same way that Hitler and Stalin
good as we have any right to expect. My nowhere else, even while firmly found- divided up Poland and the Latvian lands?
review copy even had an additional ed in what amounts to an encyclopedic You abduct these and we'll abduct those?
bonus: Pages 193-208 were bound in background of UFO research, data and There must be some reason for the dif-
twice. literature. For the American reader, ferences, after all.
Of all contemporary UFO authors, Randies also brings to her writing what Part of the problem is that
Randies reminds me most of the late might be called the continental or Euro- psychoanalyzing alien behavior is
Donald Keyhoe, and I certainly don't pean UFO sensibility, an emphasis on the presently out of fashion, for objections I
mean that derogatorily. Her books are perceptual psychology of a case, say, neither fully fathom or agree with. We
conversational in tone, anecdotal in ap- rather than the nuts 'n' bolts aspects that psychoanalyze everything else, however
proach and drawn from what are pro- might be present like raisins in bread pud- rudely and crudely, so why are alien
bably among the most extensive in- ding. In addition, of course, since she motivations off limits? The argument
dividual UFO files in existence. Certain- does write from a largely British perspec- usually invoked is that such exercises are
ly, she is not as single-tracked or minded tive, we're treated to anecdotal cases we futile simply because they do involve a
as Keyhoe, who had an altogether dif- wouldn't normally encounter. theoretical alien psychology, a rationale
ferent agenda, which was to convince the In the case of abductions, this has that is ultimately as tautological or circular
American public that a) alien extrater- some consequences for thought. In the as the religious prohibition against inquir-
restrials were invading our air space, and same way that flying saucers first emerg- ing into the mysterious ways and man-
b) the government and military were ac- ed, abductions continue to manifest as a ners of the Creator. Are we to accept ab-
tively engaged in a cover-up of that mostly American phenomenon (more ductions on evidence or faith?
knowledge. than 50% of all cases catalogued by If the aliens are physical, biological be-
Well, we've come a long way, haven't Bullard originated in the U.S.), followed ings, then such prohibitions, under the
we, and nowhere further than in the area by South America and Britain third. The rubric of advanced age, science or
of UFO abductions, a facet of the reason for this is as yet murky; it could alieness itself, are de facto absurd. In fact,
phenomenon which Keyhoe only rarely be an artifact of the phenomenon itself, they are probably impossible, witness the
and begrudgingly acknowledged, if at all. the way reports are gathered and in- genetic experimentation and/or
Keyhoe was a publicist. Randies is more vestigated, even the number of in- hybridization hypothesis that seems to be
of a populist, and for that matter, more vestigators, population densities, or some the logical outgrowth of the Hopkins-
of a thinker than Keyhoe. Her books other unidentified factor. But of those Jacobs' research. It may not be possible
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989 19
to have our cake and eat it, too, but it's cians, who can at least be presumed to know anything about the mysterious
certainly human nature to want to, know something about our physical "number stations"? Have any of
especially when confronted with a piece make-up? For that matter, should we ad- MUFON's amateur radio net listened in
of cake as choice and moist as abductions vise our sons and daughters against on these things? We'd be happy to have
would seem to be! growing up to be gynecologists, thereby any opinions, or better yet, information
More importantly, if 1 read my Vallee decreasing their odds of abduction? on the subject. Ten Four.
right, there is a fruitful way to investigate Despite the fact that we inhabit one,
or examine "alien" motives, which is by most of us know about as much about Running in Circles
examining their effect on percipients, the inner workings of our bodies as we
which is to say their intentions. We need do our minds, which is to say almost Elsewhere this issue, or last or next, we
not necessarily confuse ourselves by zilch. The same probably goes for cake. should have had Ralph Noyes' review of
assuming that they are so sophisticated three recent English books on the so-
as to be beyond our limited, "primitive," Who's Counting? called "corn-circle" phenomenon. Of
comprehension. They could just as con- course I'm always a little leery of any peo-
ceivably be as crude and transparent as Ordinarily, I don't like to give credence, ple that can't tell the difference between
any of our own. They could, in fact, be without supporting evidence, to con- corn and wheat and regularly drive on
a mere by-product of some other uniden- spiracy theories, of whatever stripe. But the wrong side of the road. But be that
tified phenomenon which in itself has something recently came to my attention, as it may, it's worth knowing that the
nothing to do with extraterrestrial visitors of which I had been completely unaware, phenomenon has now gained legitimacy
and kidnappers. But regardless, the ad- and which I find intriguing. Whether it in this country, by virtue of a front-page
vantage of such an approach is that we has anything to do with UFOs, of course, appearance in the august leaves of The
need not jump to conclusions about the is altogether another matter. Wall Street Journal for August 28, 1989
nature of the phenomenon itself; if we do The source is a column called "The (clipping courtesy of James Crocker).
our homework well enough, that will fall Straight Dope," by "Cecil Adams," a The article is headed "Mysterious Cir
inevitably into place. Admittedly, the ma- •pseudonym, which is syndicated by cles in British Fields Spook the Populace,"
jor drawback is also ingrained. Who various publications across the country. and sub-headed "Locals Blame UFOs,
wants to study the sun by observing the In this case it appeared in Current, San Yanks and Mad Hedgehogs: the Queen
shadows it casts? The latter approach is Antonio's "alternative" news and enter- is on the Case." We welcome Her Majesty
obviously less exciting and more time- tainment biweekly for September 7-20, to our own court, and hope she soon
consuming; the overlooked benefit, of 1989, page 5. A reader wrote in to in- comes up with a solution to satisfy
course, is that you don't go blind. quire about what are known as "number everyone, from farmers and ufologists to
But I digress. Randies; Alien Abduc- stations." These are shortwave radio equally befuddled meteorologists. In the
tions is a worthwhile read and survey of broadcasts whose transmissions consist meantime, I propose that who or
much of what we presently know and solely of a voice, usually, but not always, whatever is responsible (or irresponsible)
suspect about abductions. Oddly, Spanish, monotonously reciting three, for the flattened circles of wheat, which
Randies comes to a conclusion (I hesitate four or five digit numbers. continue growing horizontally, be dub-
to call it a solution, as the publisher does) Adams answers that "there are dozens bed "thatchers."
which combines both the psychological of 'number stations,' some of which have
and physical approach. I say oddly not been in business for decades, yet no
to suggest that the phenomenon doesn't government or private agency has ever
warrant such an appellation, but that in acknowledged them. The stations broad-
trying , to resolve the two seemingly cast in a variety of formats ... in languages
distinct natures of abductions, Randies ranging from English and Spanish to
ultimately opts for an explanation that Czech, Korean and Serbo-Croatian."
raises more questions than it answers. Adams says the voice is often female and
She concludes that alien extraterrestrial may be computer-generated like many
beings are indeed behind abductions, but telephone recordings.
in a purely psychic or psychological "Explanations" range from
fashion. In other words, they are inter- sophisticated drug-runners encoding
acting with spatially remote humans via messages to espionage agents keeping in
a dimensionless field of consciousness. touch with the home office. The connec-
I don't discount such a notion on the tion may be completely non-existent, but
face of it. But it makes one wonder why, it stirs up memories here of the Spanish
with all of consciousness itself to roam, UMMO Affair, an elaborately com-
the conversation is so limited and one- plicated series of supposedly UFO con-
way? Is she suggesting that the distant tacts involving all sorts of cryptic ex- Velcro makes sheep rustling a breeze.
denizens of another planet are having us changes of information, which are
examine our own bodies at their behest rumored to be ongoing.
and report back the results? In which
case, why not limit their contacts to physi-
Again, not to needlessly monger
mystery, but does anyone else out there
20 MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989
Abduction Research: The Challenge Ahead
By Ron Westrum, Ph.D.
Dr. Westrum is a MUFON consul- scale and would involve physiologists, be others. But what the government (or
tant in sociology and associate direc- psychologists, physicists, experts in ar- some part of it) knows is likely to remain
tor of the Center for Scientific tificial intelligence, ecology, etc. ... obscure for some time. Obviously certain
Anomalies Research at Eastern Something about the size and funding of individuals and organizations are going
Michigan University. the National Science Foundation is the to considerable trouble to confuse us. I
appropriate answer, if the reports of ab- suggest we ignore them. We can't trust
Over the years I have watched UFO ductees are real. the information they give us, and until
research develop toward an increasingly I will not argue the case for the reality they start providing tangible proof —
sophisticated activity. The development of abduction reports here. Budd has done documents, photographs, alien carcasses
of MUFON has been an important ele- this very persuasively, and Dave Jacobs' or spaceship fragments — they are likely
ment in this research, since MUFON has forthcoming book will do it in a more to prove a waste of our energies.
consistently served as a meeting place for systematic way. The key point is that no While the government is throwing up
top investigators. The Center for UFO hypothesis other than alien visitation is a smokescreen, however, social effects
Studies has also, to a lesser extent, been supported by the research so far. The are beginning and will continue to in-
an important focus for UFO research. "fantasy prone personality" idea, so crease in breadth and depth. While ab-
And there are a variety of smaller regional beloved of skeptics, is a poor fit to the ob- duction support groups seem a relative-
and topical groups. All this is very good. vious hypervigilance of ostensible ab- ly benign development, we should not
But it is not anywhere near good enough ductees. Ditto for "mass hysteria," soon discount the possible development of
for the problem that we face. to be introduced by academic sociologists other kinds of groups, whose attitude
That problem has grown larger and as their explanation for what is going on. may be frankly religious. A potential alien
larger as abduction research has detail- The mixture of social patterning, "invasion" is also exactly the sort of thing
ed a problem of truly monumental pro- medical effects, the evident post- likely to breed politically extremist groups,
portions. We once felt that abduction was traumatic stress syndrome, and the and I don't think the first appearances of
a questionable, or at least a rare, event. remarkable consistency of abduction such groups are very far away.
It is becoming painfully clear, however, reports all argue for a very complex Finally, real mass hysteria is a serious
that whatever the nature of UFO abduc- phenomenon which cannot simply be possibility. We have been very lucky so
tions turns out to be, that it is a problem reduced to perceptual contagion or in- far that most of the abductees on televi-
involving large numbers of people. How dividual psychopathology. Abductees are sion have been relatively ordinary,
large are those numbers? A conservative not insane, they do not seem to be par- somewhat drab people. Wait until a film
estimate would put abductees at hun- ticularly prone to fantasy, and they ap- star starts vividly describing these events,
dreds of thousands. Millions however pear to be people to whom something however, and then abductee support
may be closer to the mark. I say this as very bad has happened, and is still hap- groups will be overwhelmed with poten-
a sociologist who has studied a large pening. Until we catch the aliens in the tial recruits.
number of socially "hidden events."1 Ac- act, of course, all this is necessarily And unlike the subject of many mass
cording to polls of students in his history hypothetical. Certainty, however, is like- hysterical outbreaks, there is really
classes, history professor David Jacobs ly to come too late for my taste. Let's get something behind this one. You can be
suspects that one in ten may be ab- on with this! abducted. Your house cannot protect,
ductees. In any case, we need more ac- nor can friends, guns, or in fact anything
curate and comparative research Alien Species that you can do save staying in Times
immediately. Square 24 hours a day. If you live a nor-
Yet if even a fraction of these numbers Remember that this is a species ques- mal life, you are at risk. This is a
are involved, we have a huge and nearly tion. These aliens are not foreign people, nightmare for us. It returns us to the scary
overwhelming problem. As support they are a different species. They ob- days of childhood, when there were bears
groups for abductees sprout in all the ma- viously regard us as an inferior one. behind the dresser and bogeymen in the
jor cities, where is the scientific research Whether we are breeding stock, ex- closet. One sympathizes with the little girl
of what is going on in the abduction perimental animals, or part of some ex- in Aliens II who asks "why do parents tell
phenomenon? Largely, it does not exist. istential game they are playing, we don't children that there aren't monsters, when
This is not to denigrate the excellent work matter to them. They are not trying to there are?"
of Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs and establish communication, they are using And along with the mass movements,
others; Where would we be without it? us. We deserve better. there is the constant subliminal propagan-
But in magnitude and in resources, it is Who knows what the government da broadcast by intellectuals and artists
a tiny candle when we need a searchlight. knows or doesn't know? It is hard to deny who are abductees, witting or unwitting.
The kind of research that should be go- the reality of the Roswell crash, and if I wonder, for instance, about the late
ing on would be on a much more massive there is one, there are certainly likely to Robert Heinlein, whose book The Pup-
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989 21
pet Masters and whose story "The at large, to stimulate inquiry, to get scien-
Strange Profession of Johnathan Hoag" tists interested in this problem.
contain obvious abduction themes, as do
others of his stories as well. Did he simp-
ly have a good imagination, or did he
And also government. Our political
representatives need to know that there
is public interest in this thing, that peo-
In Others
have personal knowledge? How many
other Whitely Streibers are out there,
churning out materials influenced by un-
ple are worried about it and that they are
not satisfied with the answers they have
been getting from the bureaucracies, in-
discussable (and perhaps unremem- cluding the Air Force and N.A.S.A. The By Lucius Parish
bered) personal experiences? more attention that is focused on this, the
If David Jacobs' figures are correct, the sooner there is going to be widespread
implication is that we are bathed in a sea scientific research. Political contacts need Space aliens in ancient Japan are the
of abduction-infected thoughts, emo- to be cultivated, they need to be briefed, subject of an article in the July 25 issue
tions, messages. This is powerful stuff. As and they need to know that you care. of NATIONAL ENQUIRER. Amphibious
movies such as E.T. or Close Encounters Find some of their constituents who are beings called "Kappas" figure in Japanese
of the Third Kind try to persuade, the abductees. Point out that this may well religious texts, while the clay figures of
aliens are ugly, but friendly. There is a become issue #1 for the 1990's. Send "Dogus" have many points of similarity
great deal of similar material with a dif- them an article, or send them a Budd with the suits worn by modern astronauts.
ferent message. All this is being fought Hopkins book and suggest they read it. The "Anti-Matter/UFO Update" col-
out, at a level largely unconscious, both Suggest they ask more questions about umn in the August issue of OMNI has a
for writer and reader, artist and viewer, why government isn't looking into this summary of the UFO activity which has
singer and listener. thing. taken place in/around Elmwood,
This has moved beyond the stage Wisconsin, as well as the plans for a
Social Emissaries where we can practice ufology as a part- "UFO Landing Site" in this area. The
time activity. We need the skills and column in the September issue of the
And that is why we need consciously, resources of big science. We need an in- magazine details John Lear's controver-
as a society, to address this problem, not ternational effort, but the U.S. is a good sial theories concerning UFOs, govern-
to hide from it, not to pray that it will go place to start. This is not going to go ment/alien "interactions," etc.
away, but to face it squarely and learn away. I kept hoping it would, but it hasn't. Abductions researcher Budd Hopkins
more about what it is doing to us. And This has all the earmarks of something has recently been instrumental in form-
this means research - research of all real — and very dangerous. I am not an ing the Intruders Foundation, which will
kinds, using our best minds to pry this abductee, but it sure troubles me. Let's get focus on the task of properly investigating
thing open, get to its core, and find out on with it. the ever-increasing number of UFO ab-
what we are up against. I sometimes have 1. Ron Westrum, "Social Intelligence About Hid- duction claims. A quarterly IF BULLETIN
a tendency to think, "Well, gee, if this is den Events: Implications for Scientific Research and will be published, containing articles by
so powerful, I'm not going to be able to Social Policy," Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion,
Utilization, Vol. 3 #3 (1982); Ron Westrum, "The
various UFO investigators, as well as con-
do anything about it, so I'll just put it Blind Eye of Science," in The Fringes of Reason: tributions by abductees, scientists,
aside." But we can't do that. Each of us A Whole Earth Catalogue, Ed. by Ted Schultz, (New psychologists and others. Membership in
needs to become an emissary to society York: Harmony House, 1989) IF is $25.00 per year. The address is: P.O.
Box 30233 - New York, NY 10011.
A new paperback title of possible in-
Calendar of UFO Conferences for 1989 terest is Kevin D. Randle's THE UFO
October? & 8 — UFOs: Past, Present and Future, New Modesto Centre Plaza, Modesto, CASEBOOK (Warner Books; $4.95).
California. Randle examines a good many "classic"
cases, as well as others which he has per-
October 21 — The Show-Me UFO Conference, Harley Hotel, Earth City, Missouri (near sonally investigated. Some of his conclu-
St. Louis)
sions are questionable, at best, but
October 26, 27, 28 & 29 — International UFO Conference, Frankfurt's Airport Conven- overall, this is a worthwhile summary of
tion Center, Frankfurt, West Germany UFO events since 1947.
November 11 & 12 — The UFO Experience, Ramada Inn, North Haven, Connecticut US, recently reprinted in paperback by
Berkley Books, contains a chapter on
UFO occupants.
Publication of Ed Walters' UFOs -
Calendar of UFO Conferences for 1990 PROOF POSITIVE! is now set for late
March 1990, from William Morrow & Co.
April 6, 7 & 8 — Ozark UFO Conference, Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
This, of course, is subject to change, as
July 6,7 & 8 — MUFON 1990 International UFO Symposium, Pensacola Hilton, Pensacola, are all things which have to do with
Florida publishing!
bulent layers of air and haze near the horizon may cause celestial objects to ap-
pear to move and change color, brightness and shape. The horizon objects to
look out for this month are Capella (NE), Aldebaran (ENE), Fomalhaut (SSE),
Saturn (SW) and Arcturus (WNW).
MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989
Fifth London International MESSAGE, Continued
Conference Calendar And speaking of new books, The Gulf Bastrop, Caldwell and Fayette Counties;
Breeze Sightings — The Most Astoun- and Anthony A. Neugebauer, a retired
The monthly listing or calendar of UFO ding Multiple Sightings of UFOs in U.S. minister living in Cibolo, now supervises
Conferences is published in the Journal History by Edward and Frances Guadalupe and Wilson Counties in
as a service to our readers and advance Walters, with foreword by Budd Texas.
information to others planning future Hopkins and photo analysis by Dr. George D. Fawcett, State Director for
UFO conferences, so as to avoid conflic- Bruce S. Maccabee, will be released in North Carolina, has made some new
ting dates that could be embarrassing. hardback by William Morrow Co. early in assignments and appointments of State
The listing of a UFO conference does not 1990. The spectacular photographs will Section Directors. George E. Lund III,
in any way constitute an endorsement of be published in full color. and Angclo Pete Politis, both residents
the event by the Mutual UFO Network. During the month of September, Jen- of Charlotte, NC, have been appointed
An article detailing a conference will be ny Randies toured the U.S.A. promoting Co-State Section Directors for Mecklen-
published in the ;: -jrnal as a recommen- her new book Alien Abductions - The burg and Cabarrus Counties. P. Wayne
dation and one tnat MUFON supports. Mystery Solved, published by Inner Light Laporte, residing in Indian Trail and a
Private UFO meetings, that is, by invita- Publications, Box 753, New Brunswick, State Section Director since 1976, is now
tion only, will not appear in the calendar. NJ 08903. Ms. Randies has compiled an in charge of Gaston, Union and Lincoln
Examples noted are the MUFON-CES amazing dossier of over 200 documented Counties.
Conference to be held in Stuttgart, West UFO abductions. You may obtain a copy Gary Levine, Ph.D., State Director for
Germany on October 20-22, 1989, by mailing $13 plus $1 for postage and New York, has appointed William E.
hosted by Illobrand von Ludwiger and handling to the above address. Knell of Flushing, NY to be his Assistant
TREAT II (Second Conference of Treat- State Director. Bill Knell is the editor of
ment and Research on Experienced New Officers a newsletter titled The. New York UFO
Anomalous Trauma) in Blacksburg, Report. It is conceivable that the New
Virginia, planned by Rima E. Laibow, Due to his employment as a National York MUFON State Newsletter could be
M.D. Park Ranger in the western states that ex- incorporated into Mr. Knell's publication,
Three upcoming UFO Conferences tends from Spring to Fall, Richard D. now in it's fourth monthly edition. John
were featured in the September 1989 Seifried has resigned as Co-State Direc- "Vic" Brown, former State Director for
issue of the Journal: (1) The Central tor for Ohio. Fred W. Hays, Co-State New Mexico, has volunteered to serve in
California UFO Conference in Modesto, Director living in Kettering, OH, has been the unique position of Scientific Advisor
California on October 7 and 8; (2) The appointed State Director for Ohio. Our to the New Mexico - MUFON organiza-
Show-me UFO Conference in Earth best wishes are extended to both Dick tion, headed by Teresa Brito-Asenap,
City Missouri (near St. Louis) on October and Fred in their new endeavors. Daniel State Director. John Komar, Tennessee
21; and (3) the UFO Experience on R. Berker, M.S. of Carson City, NV, State Director, appointed David G.
November 11 and 12 in North Haven, formerly a State Section Director, has Tackett of Memphis as State Section
Connecticut. been promoted to State Director of Director for Shelby, Fayette and Tipton
The October issue introduces the 1990 Nevada, replacing John Lear who re- Counties in Western Tennessee.
calendar. The theme for the MUFON signed. Thomas E. Russ, a professional H. Harper Kerr, M.D., a retired
1990 International UFO Symposium in journalist for 16 years, residing in surgeon in Shalimar, FL, has volunteered
Pensacola, Florida is "UFOs: The Impact Newport News, VA, has volunteered to his expertise as a consultant in Thoracic
of E.T. Contact Upon Society." Speakers serve as State Section Director for York, and Cardiovascular surgery. New
already scheduled are John L. Spencer James City, Isle of Wight, Surry Coun- Research Specialists appointed this past
of Harpenden, England, Edward ties and the adjacent major cities. month are James "Gus" Shelton, M.S.
Walters, residing in Gulf Breeze, Florida Thomas P. Deuley, State Director of (Sacramento, CA) for counseling; Mon-
and the Reverend Barry H. Downing, Texas has approved the following revi- ty E. Cantsin, M.S. (North Merrick, NY)
Ph.D., author of the book The Bible and sions in county assignments for the State in Psychology, who is also a
Flying Saucers. Dr. Downing's popular Section Directors: Ellen R. Partridge, a psychotherapist, and Joseph G.
book was updated and rereleased in legal secretary in Austin, was selected to DiGregorio, M.A. (Oswego, NY) in
paperback by Berkley in January 1989. be the new State Section Director for Philosophy.
Additional speakers will be announced in Travis and Williamson Counties; Floyd
future issues of the Journal as they are N. Petri, Jr., residing in Red Rock, has
confirmed. been reassigned the responsibilities for Continued on page 27
28 MUFON UFO Journal 258, October 1989