Mufon Ufo Journal

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The document discusses the contents and staff of the July 1986 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal, which includes reports on UFO sightings and reviews of literature related to UFO studies.

The document is the July 1986 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal, which is the official publication of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) that reports on UFO sightings and investigations.

Positions or roles mentioned include the editor, various contributing editors and writers, the director, and state directors and assistants.


NUMBER 219 JULY 1986

Founded 1967 $2.50



AUGUST 10-17,1986
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
We're a wee bit late this month because of circumstances
103 Oldtowne Rd. beyond our control, but hope you'll bear with us. As promised, we've
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. got a reivew of the Churchill-UFO papers recently released by the
British Government and another Cash-Landrum article by John
Editor Schuessler lamenting the lack of potential radar corroboration of
that particular case. A Bentwaters update by Mildred Biesele has
International Director and had to be pushed back to the next issue. This time around you'll find
Associate Editor her review of Carl Sagan's first novel, along with another review of a
THOMAS P. DEULEY French book by Dr. Willy Smith of UNICAT. The usual departments
Art Director are here,, too.
MILDRED BIESELE Next issue we'll have more coverage of the Brazilian UFO
Contributing Editor reports, and deadlines permitting, story and pictures of the East
ANN DRUFFEL Lansing Symposium, which drew mention by at least one of the
Contributing Editor national TV networks. By all accounts it was a weekend not to be
missed. If you were unable to attend, however, a copy of the
PAUL CERNY appropriate Journal and the annual Proceedings should bring you
Promotion/Publicity up to date.
Public Relations
Religion and UFOs In this issue
Books/Periodicals/History IS THIS ADAMSKI'S 'SAUCER? by Charles F. Eckhardt 4
ROSETTA HOLMES THE CHURCHILL PAPERS by Philip Mantle and M.I. Birdsall 6
Promotion/Publicity CASH-LANDRUM CASE HAMPERED by John Schuessler 10
GREG LONG BOOK REVIEW by Mildred Biesele 15
Staff Writer NEWS'NVIEWS 16
Staff Artists
Landing Trace Cases
Medical Cases
UFO Crash/Retrieval
DENNIS HAUCK The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
RICHARD H. HALL Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly
ROBERT V. PRATT supported organization of the type described in Section 509(a)(2). Donors
Editor/Publishers Emeritus may deduct contributions from their Federal income tax. In addition,
(Formerly SKYLOOK) bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for Federal
estate and gift tax purposes if. they meet the applicable provisions of
Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code.
published by the Mutual UFO
The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and do
Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas. not necessarily represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of contributors
Membership/Subscription rates: are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON.
$25.00 per year in the U.S.A.; $30.00 Articles may be forwarded directly to MUFON. Responses to published articles may
foreign in U.S. funds. Copyright 1986 be in a Letter to the Editor (up to about 400 words) or in a short article (up to about
by the Mutual UFO Network. Second 2,000 words). Thereafter, the "50% rule" is applied: the article author may reply but
class postage paid at Seguin, Texas. will be allowed half the wordage used in the response; the responder may answer the
POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to author but will be allowed half the wordage used in the author's reply, etc. All
advise change of address to The submissions are subject to editing for style, clarity, and conciseness.
MUFON UFO JOURNAL, 103 Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue provided not more than 200
Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155- words are quoted from any one article, the author of the article is given credit, and the
'4099. statement "Copyright 1986 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
Texas 78155" is included.
By Dr. Willy Smith (UNICAT)

La Grande Peur Martienne, and critical judgment apparent in the France), and they produce a short list of
Gerard Barthel and Jacques Brucker, selection of the cases that were such cases. .
Nouvelles Editions Rationnalistes, included in his catalog. By actual count, But alas! Those are hardly the
Paris, 1979,229pp. more than 40 cases of the Vallee catalog most important cases, which are
have been shown to be poor, notoriously absent. Not a word is said,
It is regrettable that the lack of a erroneous, and I will add, without for instance, about Cussac (670829) or
suitable translation condemns some scientific value. the case of Dr. X (681102). Two other
books to remain unknown to the Not that Vallee does not deserve cases are noted: Quarouble (540911),
English-speaking public, because some this ruthless critique. In fact, during our dismissed by waving hands and
foreign works are significant and should own consideration of Magonia we have ignoring the evidence; and Valensole
be read by all interested in the UFO found many cases that surprised us, as (650701), for which, since other cases
phenomenon. they are worthless and based either on have shown that physical traces and
One such book is La Grande Peur newspaper accounts, m a r k e d humanoids are without foundation, the
Martienne. When it first appeared, it "personal" (which rules out the sincerity of the witness is dubious, and
was not well received by European p o s s i b i l i t y of an i n d e p e n d e n t one must look for a psychological
ufologists, who perceived it as a verification), or attributed to Guy .explanation.
demolishing attack on Ufology Quincy, whose original listings do not To give the authors credit where
intended to promote the so-called have suitable references. Not credit is due, their criticism of the
socio-psychological explanations of the unexpectedly, many of the cases methodology in the selection of cases is
phenomenon. demolished by Barthel and Brucker accurate, and there is at least one
Perhaps in the end that is what the coincide with the ones I had already classical case (Premanon, 540927) that
work of Barthel and Brucker has done; eliminated. they have unmasked. And they have
but after a thoughtful reading, I do not also pointed out in the Vallee Catalog
believe that such .was their original EXPLANATIONS some of the cases without. scientific
intent. value, information which is really not
The book addresses exclusively But after all this good work, the new to us.
the French wave of 1954, more authors seem to run out of steam, and In spite of their unsupported
precisely, the cases reported between rush to their world-shaking conclusion: extrapolation, their leaning toward
August 1 and November 30, of which UFOs do not exist (sounds familiar, socio-psychological solutions, and their
the authors claim to have doesn't it?). Nobody has touched one, ignoring the evidence when it is not in
reinvestigated 562, by d i r e c t l y no craft has ever landed, no marks on the direction of their bias, the work has
interviewing the original witnesses and the ground can- be attributed to those merits. It points out the fallacies of using
reviewing the newspapers of the time. nonexisting UFOs. As Michel newspapers as sources of information
In doing so, they discovered a large Monnerie said, "there are no UFOs". and the resultant inexactitudes in date
n u m b e r of cases w i t h t r i v i a l All we have is a complex mixture of and time, of which we have become so
explanations, as well as a good number various circumstances, magnified by acutely .aware in working with
of hoaxes and frauds, including the media eager for sensationalism and UNICAT, and indirectly supports our
deliberate media manipulations. by ufologists w a n t i n g only to methodology of not even considering a
The original reports are presented perpetuate a myth. There is really case unless there exists a good written
in the text together with the new nothing behind those hundreds or report based on an "in situ"
elements discovered by the authors, thousands of reports, and all have a investigation.
thus eliminating those cases from the trivial and mundane explanation.
catalogs of UFO events. Perhaps Barthel and Brucker
A|l of this sounds .serious and realized at this point that they had gone
legitimate, and in a way is similar to the
methodology used by UNICAT, but the
too far, that the extrapolation from a
few cases from the 1954 wave to all the
reader soon, discovers that the cases in France, and by extension to all 103 OLDTOWNE RD.
selection of the cases presented is far the cases in the world, was unsound.
from unbiased. The brunt of their Thus as an afterthought, they tell us SEGUIN, TX 78155
attack seems to be directed at Jacques that they have "also studied the
Vallee, and emphasizes the lack of care majority of the important cases" (for
By Charles F. Eckhardt

Charles Eckhardt is a freelance won't recognize what, you see. streams of white light and make spots
writer living in Seguin, Texas. The time is the early 1950's, the all around the room. Inside each fixture
place, a hot-reputablfe establishment there are four bulbs. — they can take
Most rational people agree, I.think, called .Sam's BBQ Hot Sausage Tap 100 watt 'bulbs, but ;the ones in Sam's
that the widely-celebrated George , Beer. That's apparently the name of it, fixtures are more like to be 60 watt or
Adamski saw about as many UFOs as a because all of that is painted on a single even 40 watt.
self-proclaimed bandit named Al l";x 12" plank about eight feet long that The .inside of the fixtures is
Jennings.robbed banks. For the record, is nailed to the eaves of the long, low enameled a brilliant white, somewhat
in ' spite: of his long-winded and building. yellowed now by . years of smoke
.completely fictional "autobiography," Sam's is.not airconditioned. A half deposit from Lucky 'Strikes and Roi-
Al Jennings never robbed a single bank. dozen ceiling ifaris — very similar, to Tan cigars, and the 160 to 400 watts in
Adamski and his flying saucer ^- and I those just now coming back into each fixture sheds a, brilliant, almost
think we can safely call it a 'flying fashion, but larger, sturdier, and with shadowless light: straight down on the
saucer,' for it certainly cannot quaHfy as .just two blades-together — hang from green, felt and clicking balls of the pool
an Unidentified Flying Object —remind' the low ceiling. . . ' tables —i but only there, for the design
me of the old joke about the Russian Along the back wall of the place of the reflective underside is almost
who is asked by the Commissar of there is a bar covered with linoleum, directional,.- and the hot white light
Agriculture about the size of the potato and back of it there are numerous signs, makes circles over the pool tables that
crop. • . . some lit, some not, advertising brands don't seem to penetrate the murky
"Comrade Commissar," says the of beer. You see one for Grand Prize, interior of the rest of Sam's.
Russian, "The potato crop is so large one for Southern Select, one for Jax, From the 1920's until well after
that if the potatoes were all put. in a perhaps one for Regal, and certainly the World War II, . especially in smaller
single pile they would reach to the very ubiquitous — in Texas, at least — Lone towns and the places owned by people
feet of God!"' . ' . . Star, Pearl, and Budweiser. There is who weren't doing all that well, these
"Comrade Marx has rightly told also a sign : reading TAP ,BEER 25<F light fixtures were widespread. They
us," says the Commissar, "that religion BOTTLE BEER 50<F PREMIUM BEER hung over bookkeeper's stands, over
is the opiate of the people. There is no 35C NO CREDIT WE DO NOT SERVE workdesks, over pooltables —
God!"' ; •'• ' ' . . - : ; MINORS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT anywhere bright, almost shadowless
'"There aren't any potatoes, TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE. light was needed. The fixture itself was
either," says the Russian. To-your right, along the wall, you sheet metal, probably steel. The top
Likewise, George Adamski never notice a series of pinball machines, was domed, about 12" in diameter, and
photographed an unidentified flying probably a mechanical-bear target in the center a green, twisted electrical
object. He photographed a fairly game, and certainly a slicktopped table cord penetrated the metal.
common, well-known object in for playing tenpin bowling with a metal Below the dome was a vertical
unfamiliar circumstances and a lot of object very much like a hockey puck. section about 3l/2" to 4" high, pierced
people, many of. whem should have On this last there is a sign saying by numerous holes perhaps 2" in
recognized .the thing for what it was, DON'T PUT DRINKS ON BOWL diameter. From the bottom of the skirt
were fooled. • . - - . • • GAME THIS MEANS YOU! — which served as a ventilator for the
I don't recall when I first saw To your left, along the opposite heat generated by the four
Adamski's photographs, but when I did wall, there are three or four billiard incandescent bulbs inside — hung a
a vague sense of familiarity stirred. I'd tables — three regular pool, one more wide, semiconical reflector that was
seen one of those things before — but likely for bumper pool.Got the-picture? rimmed by a turned edge. The fixture
where?. It took a long time for my Now-close your eyes and picture the was coated with' baked-on enamel —
memory to jell. light fixtures hanging above these tables. dark green on the outside, white inside.
Now — let's go back in time, and I No, not fluorescents — this is These light fixtures received a
warn you, unless you lived in a small before the invasion of fluorescent lights. mortal • blow with the coming of
town or a poorer section of a large one These are round, dark green fixtures of inexpensive fluorescent lights after
in your youth, unless you did a number metal, vaguely resembling a fedora World War II, and were probably dealt a
of things your mamma would not have with the brim turned down all around, final stroke by the energy crisis of the
approved of, and unless you were born with vents in the top — around the
before World War II, it is likely that you crown of the hat — that give off brilliant (continued on page 12)
By Philip Mantle & M.I. Birdsall

Philip Mantle is the overseas as any other abnormal objects in the journal, Quest, so we could include the
liaison officer for the Yorkshire sky, are investigated as they come in, just-released documents. In this way
UFO Society (YUFOS), England. but there has been no formal inquiry:- UFO researchers would be able to
M.I. Birdsall is the Society's About 90 per cent of the reports have assess -the content and perhaps
director of research. been found to relate to meteors, question the real meaning of the papers
balloons, flares, and many other as soon as possible. We have prepared
INTRODUCTION objects. The fact that the other 10 this report especially for the MUFON
per cent are unexplained need be Journal, so that its readers, too, can
Under the British Freedom of attributed to nothing more sinister than share in our discovery.
Information Act, all official documents lack of data.'
relating to H.M. Government are "Naturally we are interested in CHURCHILL INQUIRES
released by the Public Records Office reports of unidentified flying objects
(PRO) at Richmond, in Surrey, after because of our defence responsibilities Document Number 3 was titled
thirty years and we investigate these reports. "Prime Minister's Personal Minute" and
The official "holding" of UFO whenever there is sufficient information was dated 28 July 1952. It is a short note
documents by the Ministry of Defence to do so. It is still true to say that the from then PM Churchill to his
began in 1962, and all previously held great majority fall into the categories Secretary of State for Air, Lord
reports (i.e., dated before 1962) were mentioned in the reply to your Cherwell, and read: "What does all this
purportedly destroyed. However, the q u e s t i o n . The r e m a i n d e r are stuff about flying saucers amount .to?
Public Records Office does have a u n e x p l a i n e d because t h e r e is What can it mean? What is the truth?
number of pre-1962 reports pertaining insufficient information for a complete Let me have a report at your
to the subject. investigation. convenience." (W.S.C.)
It was widely believed by many top "We certainly do not have any Up until the release of this
British UFO researchers that H. M. evidence of the existence of flying document, no person involved with
Government did carry out a saucers which we are withholding from British civilian UFO research had any
comprehensive s t u d y of the the. public/' (Julian Ridsdale) idea that Churchill was interested in the
phenomenon probably arourid 1955. subject. He was obviously concerned
Certain early press releases during the PAPER RELEASE over the increasing number of UFO
50's carried a number of quotes overflights over not only America, but
concerning this. Yet our Ministry of Rumors started to circulate in the U.K. as well.
Defence has always denied the early January, 1986, that certain Apparently Churchill was
existence of such a paper (see documents were to be released after personally fascinated by the subject,
Document Number 1 .and 1A). the required 30 year waiting period, and but he may also have thought there
Document Number 1 is here that some of these concerned flying were implications from a defence
reproduced in its entirety. Number lA, saucers. At that time, UFO groups in viewpoint. At any rate, there is a great
dated 3 August, 1962, is from then the U.K. did not comprehend their full deal of evidence to suggest he was not
Under Secretary of State at the Air . potential. ' . told the whole truth.
Ministry, Julian Ridsdale, to Mr. (now By late January, the British
Sir) Patrick Wall MP, and reads as television, radio and newspaper media AIR MINISTRY REPLIES
follows: began to relate information concerning
"Thank you for your letter of 20th the late Winston Churchill and his Document Number 4 originated
July about flying saucers. previously unknown interest in the from within the Air Ministry and was
"You will, of course, remember the UFO phenomenon (See sample forwarded by Lord Cherwell to
question you asked on 4th May, 1955, newsclip from the. "Sheffield Star," Churchill. It contains a number of
about publishing the results of an Air dated 23 January 1986). interesting points, but the conclusions
Ministry inquiry into the existence of In early February we made a reached by British UFO researchers
flying saucers. George Ward, in his formal request to the Public Records are that little has changed over the last
reply, said that there had, in fact, been Office for all papers concerning 30 years or so. The current Ministry of
no formal inquiry. The full text of his Winston Churchill and UFOs. At the Defence still uses many of the same
reply was: —. third attempt we were successful and
"'Reports of'flying saucers', as well YUFOS withheld the printing of our (continued on page 9)
Document Ho 1.

.from: A Mathewson Defence Secretariat 8 Room 7260

Main Building Whitehall London SW1A2HB
Telephone 01-218 (Direct Dialling)
01-2189000 (Switchboard)

Your reference
M I Birdsall Esq
67 Lovell Park Towers Out reference
Leeds l£?DS 8/10/209
November 1981

In your letter of 30 October you asked about a number of studies into 'UFOs1, which
you thought had been carried out under Lieutenant General Massey, AM Sir Victor
Goddard and AM Lord Dowding. I am afraid that I have .been, unable to find any
record of these studies. As you may be aware it was only in 1967 that the MOD
decided to retain its files on this subject; before that they had all been destroyed
after 5 years, so our records only go back to 1962. There is, however, no evidence
in what does remain that these studies were ever undertaken. A letter from the
then Under Secretay of State at the Air Ministry, Julian Ridsdale, to Mr (now
; Sir) Patrick Wall MP in 1962 in fact clearly states that no formal enquiry was
ever undertaken.

I attach a copy of that letter. If, though, you have any more information about
these studies, we will be happy to look again.

Finally, we are not prepared to release to be public or UFO groups the reports
of flying objects which the observer could not identify which are sent to us
They have no security classification, but they are official documents and as such
will be treated in accordance with the relevant Public Records legislation. They
also contain personal information, such as names and addresses*which we regard
as 'in confidence'. Our policy remains that we are prepared to make available,
in response to serious enquiries, the details of specific reports if the information
requested is readily to hand and easily identifiable.

I do not think that there is anything more I can tell you about the Government's
policy towards reported sightings of 'unidentified flying objects' and suggest
that there is little point in continuing this correspondence.
Doc ia«n t No. i^
pocanan BUMBER »
Copy to: S.6

Ilef. .33163 }Y|. ^August, 1962. PRIME MINISTER'S

Think you for your lottui' of P.Oth July about PERSONAL MINUTE
r caucaro.
\You will, or coiirrfl, rasoaier ttsa cucstlon you SERIAL
*»6l;o5 on it!: toy, 10o5. '-toat, j/ubllehi»:2 t»ia results OF STm PCS J.IH
or en iMr klnleliv lncult>- tnto Uie oxl£t?nco of.
flylnc F'.'-ucore. uocrpe \-cro., in his reply, Kild tfcst I/HE C
thoro litd, In Tnct, D-JM ta txiraJ. l;icairy. Tho full
tact of hip raply WJB:-
r of 'flylris K.uccrs1, os coll F.S
a:y ouiar^r..:fl c-'ijjctf in tftu sy, crc
Invectlf/ttud rr- thej csr.a In, Urt. tlwro has
bcei! ro ror,!<il iiij.:»ri'. ..bout 50 p;r cent of Stoat COBS all tbls stuff ubout Hying
tno ra^artn n«vo n.isn <V-u!iil tp; ro'ttVi to
totapra, b.llccn.*:. I'lsirs, 1n:-- tw» other saucers anount to? suat oao it aeaat *tfc
objjcto. '"lu .'orf. t.h-.t. tr.i otlwr ic per cent
nru iuu::i.liilii{!d iucu o: r.-l.tritutci to ncthinc Is U» truth Let tw have a report »t' yoar
r.or.: cirii:rt.jr ttar. 1"C : nf &it.-i."
of ooovonlenco.
unlaar.Wfijd fij'ln" ctjuct.y bic.i'Jtv: of our rto.
t-:ir. cnribilitl'jr. m ' - .v Irv^tir-fj !.h':.-* rjjsrts
»tenivor th-jr:- lr :-:.fric!-v.t ir:r^r.-.vit\t«n to do ro. W.&C.
It is rtlll twi to c.'j; iJrt. th.? W.L 5-".Jcrlti'
into U)j a-.tii^rl-.'S r.::.tii;-;j2 if: l-ho rsply to your
»iu.;stiwi. • Th: ro..:il!-Ji:' ;-.•»? rti^x^i; LJCT.UGO
U;or> Is IrR'jf/lclont. iriron.wtit.ri for- a cosjloto
va cirUilnl;' -c'-o rot wvo v)ki'err>i or tho
oxit-luncu oi fl;. ir,c r>a:.s;rr. r-. v.c- rrj nlt,nholdli)g
ft-as: Mi. pytllc.
28 July 19£2


u .

PfflHH UinibTiiH

The various roports about, unidentified flying

objects, described by the Press as "flying saucers",
were tno subject or u mil Intelligence study in 1951. Prime Minister
The conclusions reached (based upon V/illium of Occam's
Razor) wera tliat all the Incidents reported
explained by one or other ol' the rollowing causes:- I have seen the Secretary of State's
(a) Knut.Ti astionomlcul or uietooroloyical ptienouiena
(b) Uistuken identiricution ol' conventional aircraft, minute to you on flying saucers and agree
balloons, birds, etc.
(c) Optical illusions and psychological delusions. entirely with his conclusions.
(d) Dulibeitite hoaxes.

2. The Americans, wlio carried out a similar investiga-

tion in 19-W9, reached a similar conclusion.
3. Nothing has happened since 1951 to make the Air X" 14th August. 1952
Stuff cliunge their opinion, and, to Judge from recent
Press statements, the same is true in America.
4. I uu sending a copy of this to Lord Chsrwell.

. 1952.

Uurca 14. 1965.

22nd March, 1955.

your lulling about Thank you for your letter

saucers '.tficn viii xrore ^t Chequers of March lUth. '. . . •

seas tine ujso. I unclose an article I am Indeed much Interested

in the article from the "Air
froa Uw "Mr :.ilnistry :'ecmt IntolllGance Ministry Secret Intelligence
Summary" about flying saucers,
aaicn .^ay ao. of Interest to you and am most grateful to you
for,thinking of sending it
vdiotUir tliore 0.3 anything
In it which you do not asn already.

Anthony Montague Browne, Eeq.,

The 2tent Hon. Duncan Sandys, U.P. D. P.O.,
Document Number 6 ' ' Document Number 7 ••

Cherwell wrote, "and agree entirely located. However, a colleague, the

CHURCHILL, CONTINUED .with his conclusions." • independent U.K. researcher .Timothy
After the exchange • between Good, made a personal visit to the
mundane claims which are first evident C h u r c h i l l a n d C h e r w e l l , other Office to try to locate the secret
here. Basically, it's a nonsensical paper members of Parliament showed more summary. He was informed it had not
full of cleverly worded jargon to diffuse than^a casual interest in the subject of been released by the office as it was part
the Prime Minister's • alarm at the UFOs. For the first time we now have a of a greater number of documents of
increasing' public, interest in, and definite confirmation of a secret Air which the release date was unknown.
perhaps fear of, the UFO. Force Intelligence study into UFOs by Further inquiries are still underway in
Perhaps the conclusions reached the Royal Air Force. • hopes of securing a copy of this study.
were mundane because the mentioned . . Document Number 6, classified Judging from the contents of
Air Intelligence study used a random "Restricted," dated 14 March, 1955, Document Number 7, dated 22 March,
sample of reports? Whatever, the use of was sent by the then Minister . of 1955, MP Duncan Sandys' reply to
the phrase, "based upon William of Housing and Local Government, Browne, the original must have been
Occam's Razor," seems decidely •Anthony Montague Browne, D.F.C., to available through sources at Whitehall,
peculiar in this context. • . , the Right Honourable Duncan Sandys, though thus far we civilians have been
It is interesting to note that the MP., or Member of Parliament. unable to trace it.
Americans are also mentioned. The Air Browne wrote, "I remember your
Minister's reply mentions a similar talking about flying saucers when we CONCLUSIONS
investigation carried out by U.S. Air were at Chequers .some time ago. I
Force officials. There is little doubt he is 'enclose an article from the "Air Ministry Our Ministry of Defence has
referring to the conclusions reached by Secret Intelligence Summary" which always stated that no formal inquiry of
Project Grudge which, of course, may be of interest to you though I doubt UFOs was ever conducted. The newly
negated the possibility of a real UFO whether: there is anything in it which released C h u r c h i l l a n d o t h e r
phenomenon. you do not know already." documents clearly brand this as an
Document Number 5 was sent by Quite clearly the AI study was official lie. The reasons behind the
Lord Cherwell to Churchill. Dated 14 real, then. Moreover, Browne referred continuous concealment of such
August 1952, it was a simple to it by handwriting in the margin as documentation are still not clear.
confirmation of the findings of the Air "Volume 10 No. 3." Requests for this YUFOS, however, has long been at the
Force Intelligence study of UFOs. "I summary have drawn a blank. We were forefront of :.• British . UFO groups
have seen the Secretary of State's originally informed by the Public
minute to you on flying saucers," Records Office that it could not be (continued on page 13)
By John Schuessler

John Schuessler is MUFON's location by a woman and her daughter inconclusive in proving whether or not
Deputy Director. near Crosby. A petrochemical radar records exist, or if they show
businessman verified the Crosby evidence of the Cash-Landrum
BACKGROUND sightings, as well. Figure 1 defines .the . encounter.
locations cited above.
Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and With all this aerial activity, why SPECULATION i
Colby Landrum encountered a large were there no radar reports of the i3
diamond-shaped object —*a mass of incident? Investigation into the activities of
brightness — along Highway FM 1485 airborne drug smugglers along the Gulf
near Huffman, Texas on December 29, THE INVESTIGATION coast and United States/Mexican
1980. For simplicity, the object has border provides some clues that may
been classified an Unidentified Flying The UFO and the helicopters may be useful in analyzing the Cash-
Object (UFO), because no one has have been spotted and tracked by Landrum case.
identified its source of origin, owners, radar. The problem comes in proving In the early 1980 timeframe the
or purpose. that assertion. It was approximately United States Air Defense Network
The UFO was seen by several two months after the incident before was focused on the areas to the North
witnesses to the east of the Cash- the investigators made the first of the United States. The only worry to
Landrum encounter location, moving in requests for radar data. An Air Traffic the south was for high altitude devices.
a generally westerly direction. Mrs. C o n t r o l spokesman told the Ground radar of the North American
Cash was driving the automobile along investigators that all radar tapes are Air Defense System (NORAD) cannot
the north-south stretch of FM 1485 pulled and destroyed after 30 days... detect low-flying vehicles of any kind on
when the trio spotted the bright light Therefore, .the tapes were no longer the southern approaches; not drug
above the pine trees to the east of the available for analysis. The spokesman planes, helicopters, or Unidentified
highway. After a few minutes the UFO also said he did not recollect anyone Flying Objects.
positioned itself directly above the road mentioning the high level of activity on Texas has no fixed-radar coverage
just ahead of the car, as if trying to hide December 29, 1980. in the 500 miles between Laredo and El
below the treeline. . It is likely, however, that the tapes Paso, or at key points along the western
A few minutes later some would have shown nothing, because Gulf Coast. There are extensive gaps in
helicopters stayed with the UFO as it the radar is blind below 2,200 feet low-altitude radar coverage along the
flew away to the west side of the road, altitude in' the area .of. the . Cash- border, ranging from 2,500 feet to
curving in a southerly direction. When Landrum encounter. The UFO and the 5,000 feet; and for several hundred
the trio proceeded on down the road, helicopters operated well below that miles this gap extends upward to 14,500
they were forced to make several turns, altitude throughout the incident. Low feet. Pointing to the holes in the radar
eventually placing them along the altitude helicopter operations are coverage, Tom Bailey, chief of the U.S.
flightpath of the UFQ and helicopters common around Houston. For Customs Service's air support branch
once more. They stopped the car again example, the 136th Transportation in San Antonio said: "We frankly don't
and watched as more helicopters Unit operating CH-47 helicopters out of know how many illegal flights there are
entered the area. Ellington Field flies across the Houston across the border. I've heard estimates
area on a regular basis for operations at of 10 flights daily and I've heard 150."
CORROBQRATION the Addicks Reservoir without going Texas Governor Mark White said: "I
through Houston Air Traffic Control or can't help wonder why our military is so
Helicopters were spotted just to being spotted by radar. worried about stopping a future
the north of the encounter location by a Requests to official agencies for invasion of Russian bombers along our
man and his son outside their house information were futile. No agency or northern border when it is doing
trying out a Christmas toy. Others were organization accepted responsibility for nothing to stop DC-3s loaded with
spotted by a hunter near the second the helicopters or the UFO; therefore, drugs from entering this country from
location reported by Cash and they refused to dig deeper for data that Mexico."
Landrum. A policeman and his wife also could be helpful. Official radar records Jim Adams, director of the Texas
reported helicopters in the same are not available for general scrutiny in Department of Public Safety told
location. Helicopters were also any case.
reported to the south of the encounter Therefore, the investigation was (continued on page 12)













Congress: "You'd have to try real hard down from above and' can spot low turned westward and moved slowly to
to get caught." He said they probably flyers. Their success rate for catching the point where it hovered over the
catch less than one-tenth of the traffic drug traffickers is pretty poor. Texas road in front of Cash and Landrum.
funneling through the gaps. Governor Mark White said that in 1984 From that point it curved to the
Kay Cormier, spokeswoman for the.AWACs used for drug surveillance southwest and finally to the south to
NORAD Headquarters in Colorado along the Gulf Coast failed to lead to a follow the river and fly over the sparsely
Springs, Colorado said: "We realize our single arrest after 500 hours of flying settled areas to eventually cross the
air defense system is archaic, time. coastline again, this time near Baytown,
outmoded and outdated. It was fine 20 Many more examples of the holes Texas. The flight path for this scenario
years ago .when we feared a high- in the southern radar net could be cited; is shown in Figure 3.
altitude bomber threat more than a .but it is not necessary for this Using the same information
cruise missile threat." investigation. Figure 2 graphically about . the radar coverage, other
.Improvements are in the works displays the magnitude of the problem. scenarios can be formulated as possible
Holes in the southern radar fence will With reports of UFO sighting near explanations for the Cash-Landrum
be plugged by Over the Horizon- Liberty, Dayton, Huffman, and Crosby, incident. However, the coastline
Backscatter radar, a system that Texas on December 29, 1980, though, crossing scenario is supported by the
bounces a radar signal off the one can generate scenarios about the data shown in this and the other
ionosphere back toward Earth. This activity that night. Investigator's Notes.
system will be operational in the 1970s. Since the purpose of this
A PAVE PAWS phase-array radar Investigator's Note is to define the SUMMARY
system will go into operation near San magnitude of the "lack of radar
Angelo in 1987. None of these coverage" problem, scenarios about The lack of radar data has
capabilities were available, in 1980. land-.bases or ship-based military hampered the investigation of the
The first line of defense along the operations, or the actual origin of the Cash-Landrum case. In particular,
Texas Gulf Coast is the 147th Fighter- UFO will be disregarded. They have good radar coverage could have shown
Interceptor Group of the Texas Air been described elsewhere. beyond a shadow of a doubt where the
National Guard, stationed at Ellington UFO came from, where it went, and the
Field near Houston. They react to UFO APPROACH extent of the helicopter activity.
instructions from Tyndall Air Force Knowing that the Texas Gulf
Base in Florida. When Tyndall says The lack of low-altitude radar Coast is almost totally lacking in radar
there is .something in the Gulf, this coverage suggests a scenario having coverage does explain how the UFO
group investigates and intercepts. Low the UFO enter the United States by could operate almost without official
level flyers won't be noticed. flying over the Gulf of Mexico at low detection. This situation holds true
One possibility for low altitude altitude, crossing the coastline between regardless of the origin of the UFO -
. coverage along the Gulf Coast is the Air Morgan City and Lake Charles, from the United States, from foreign
Force Airborne Warning and Control Louisiana or between Lake Charles and powers, or from outer space.
(AWACs) aircraft. These planes look Beaumont, Texas. Once inland it ® 1986 John Schuessler

CHURCHILL, Continued they are in contrast to our own position. Still, it's likely some of them survived —
Your Freedom of Information Act gives and survive to this day — as heaters for
seeking enlightenment in this area and c i v i l i'ans access t o n u m e r o u s homemade chick brooders.
we plan to continue our efforts. government files. Here in Britain we As I recall, tremendous heat came
Timothy Good, perhaps ' t h e have to wait at least 30 years for UFO from them, both upwards and
leading figure in U.K. research, has tidbits like these, which are then downwards and I can remember my
already individually substantiated some parceled out like bread crumbs. great-uncle, who was a bookkeeper for
suspicions. It is clear, for example, that What we want, of course, is the a lumber company in Austin, Texas, in
the government department which whole loaf, the Air Intelligence study, the 1930's and 1940's, sitting at his
holds UFO reports, .Air Staff 2, is and other papers that may have been bookkeeper's desk on an ordinarily
nothing more than a public relations involved in its preparation, documents warm spring day, his shirt unbuttoned
department. Carefull investigation and that may still influence current Ministry almost to his waist, his sleeves rolled
examination of the few documents that of Defence UFO policy. Unfortunately, up, a green celluloid eyeshade on his
have been released here over the past we may have to wait another 30 years to bald head, and sweat pouring from his.
few years indicate that the U.K. cover- see them. face from the heat of his light. Even the
up is at least as extensive, and perhaps ancient electric fan blowing on him gave
even more secure, than its American ADAMSKI, Continued him no relief.
counterpoint. Yes, I recognized George
UFO researchers in the United early 70's, when the cost of electricity
States simply do not realize how lucky shot up by 500% or more in some areas. (continued on page 13)
By Dale Goudie

Dale Goudie directs the Puget the collision. After the pilots had leveled to describe it accurately and the plane
Sound Aerial Phenomena Research off, two objects turned around and that departed was never found. Two
bureau in Seattle, Washington. started to follow their plane. The:pilot days after the incident, a helicopter that
Saturday evening March 1,1986 at tried to use his'radio and said-it was was leased by photographers for
approximately 8:30 PM the UFO inoperative due to heavy static. The National Geographic was found
Information Service in Seattle, pilot said that one object was on one crashed. The photographers, were
Washington- and the National UFO side of the wing and one on the other. found dead in the helicopter near
Reporting Center started receiving The objects . then accelerated at Mount Saint Helens. The wreckage was
calls of a UFO sighting in the direction phenomenal speeds heading due west found on flat ground with no reasonable,
• of Payne Field. Witnesses said that they in the direction of Seattle at which time explanation according to FAA.
had spotted these objects while driving the pilot's radio became operative CUFON contacted FAA
on Interstate 5 near the north side of again. The next day after the sighting, investigations to find out if they had any
Mountlake Terrace. C U F O N , the c o m p u t e r UFO detail on both accidents. The FAA
The. witnesses described the network, called Payne Fieldarid. talked investigator told CUFON that the
objects as large in size, although they with Sargent Tinsley-Army Operations. helicopter may have had a "whiteoiit."
could only see lights. When questioned She checked flight records for that When asked about, the mid-air collision
further, they said the objects were the evening and said that there were no with the two single engine aircraft, the
size of a quarter at arms length. The military maneuvers going on at Payne FAA investigator said he didn't believe
witnesses said that there were nine Field the date and time of the there was another plane involved. This
objects total. sighting. She also stated that most of meant that he was disregarding .the
.They also said that small white and the time they do not have maneuvers testimony of the witnesses. As to this
blue objects were dropping out of some going on after 9:00 PM because of the date, there has been no wreckage
of the larger objects but did not hit the noise levels. This is-a highly residential found of the second aircraft.
ground, instead they headed north at area also. • . • . . .
fast 'rates of speed. When asked how /.CUFON also contacted 1 KING ADAMSKI, Continued
many witnesses altogether there were, radio to get the name of the'pilots for
the witness said he counted fifteen cars further investigation. The name of the Adamski's 'flying saucer' for what it was
pulled off to the side of the freeway pilot who had the sighting was Shawn — but it took me a long time to make
observing the UFO's. Kiaer a student pilot who was the connection, for I haven't seen one of
The total duration of the sighting accompanied by his instructor'pilot. those fixtures in thirty years or perhaps
was about 30 minutes. .The larger The pilot's story was verified. 'CUFON more. In fact, I've searched long and
objects were then seen heading north then called the FAA which stated that hard for one I could photograph for my
also in formation. At exactly 11:00 PM the sightings over Payne Field were friend Walt Andrus, and as yet I haven't
all three news networks in Seattle, probably Army Operations having been able to locate an example.
Washington gave their 'account of the maneuvers. ' Still,.perhaps somebody out there
sighting. All three had a different story. knows where one still hangs, unused
One explanation given was that COLLISION and forgotten, in the back of an old
the FAA said that Payne Field was store, and can photograph it to be
having aerial maneuvers. Another By coincidence there was a head- placed alongside the well-publicized
station said they called Payne Field and on collision with two small single engine Adamski photos of the 'flying saucer' so
they stated that . it was. possibly aircraft two weeks prior to this sighting. all doubt can be removed once and for
balloons. Later on, that night a radio Two witnesses observed two planes all." •
station gave a description of another colliding overhead in the Black
sighting which took place at 8:30 PM Diamond, Washington area. The
over Snoqualamie's pass by two pilots. witnesses described one plane MUFON
The pilots said while they were'flying exploding in the air on impact, then
over Snoqualamie Pass they noticed falling towards the ground. They said AMATEUR
two amber spheres coming their way. the other plane then went on its own RADIO
The pilots said that they were on a way.
collision course with these two objects Although the witnesses said there NET
and went into evasive action to avoid were two planes, none of them was able
By Lucius Parish

Did Prince Charles see a UFO' well-known. However, there once was a copy and have not received anything, I
while flying from the.U.S.Jp London on s:f magazine which took, a different would appreciate hearing about it.
February 23, 1986? According to the tack; FANTASTIC UNIVERSE, .edited
March 18 "issue of NATIONAL , by the late Hans Stefan. Santesson,
ENQUIRER, he did, but British UFO published a number of excellent articles
researchers have cast doubt on the by UFO researchers such as Morris K.
report, saying the object was probably a • Jessup, Ivan .T. Sanderson, Isabel SUPPORT
satellite re-entry or meteor and that .Davis, Olayo. Fontes and others. In
Charles was probably asleep during the
brief time it was seen. Film star Dennis
addition, several of the .1957-58 issues of
this magazine contained a column,
Weaver and his son Rusty have a strong
interest in UFOs and have .set up a
"Shapes in the Sky," contributed by the
members of., the New York-based RESEARCH
telephone hotline in Los,Angeles which Civilian Saucer Intelligence, whose
• gives callers a different three-minute,, leading members included Isabel Davis,
taped UFO'hews report each day. If - Ted Bloecher and Alex Mebane. ' ; , .
you're interested, the number is (213) Publisher' Armand Laprade has
976-UFOS. The UFO hotline was given now compiled all the CSI columns into a
national publicity in the ENQUIRER'S ' a 64-page, 8>/2 X ll:booklet,:SHAPES IN UFO NEWSCLIPPING
April 22 issue'.', . •-. 'THE SKY: This is a very interesting SERVICE
JOURNAL editor Dennis Stacy look back at the UFO subject was The UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
contributes an article on: COMP- viewed in the late • 1950.'s, as CSI will keep you informed of all the latest
UFON, the computer bulletin board for attempted to provide a detailed United States and World-Wide UFO
UFO researchers, in the "Anti-Matter/ overview of the various aspects of the activity, as it happens! Our service was
UFO Update" section of April OMNI; subject (sizes, shapes, smells, sounds, started in .1969, at which time we
contracted with a reputable,
Those i n t e r e s t e d i n r e a c h i n g sky falls, radar sightings, E-M effects,
i n t e r n a t i o n a l new spa per-clipping
COMPUFON by modem . may call ate.). The booklet is nicely done and •bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
(206) 788-5901. The May issue of OMNI .yell worth the $6.50 price. Copies inay find UFO reports (i.e., little known
has a lengthy article on Canadian be ordered from Armand Laprade - photographic cases, close encounter
researcher Douglas, Curran and his Route 4, Box 156 - Marshall, Arkansas and landing reports, occupant cases)
recent book, IN ADVANCE OF THE 72650. You might also want to inquire and all other UFO reports, many of
LANDING.. about Laprade's magazine, WOULD which are carried only in small town or
YOU BELIEVE?, which carries a lot of .foreign newspapers.
Part III of Jerome Clark's article on
"Our UFO Newsclipping Service
contactees appears in the May issue of material, new and old, on all types of issues are 20-page monthly reports,
FATE. Dealing primarily with the claims unexplained phenomena. reproduced by photo-offset,
of a contactee with-the pseudonymn of •'.. In the May 1983 issue of the containing the latest United States and
Ken Macmillan, it is an intriguing look at JOURNAL, Jhis column contained a Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
how "channelings" and supposed review of a paper by Richard Hoagland our foreign section carrying the latest
mental communications with "space which dealt with his research into British, Australian, New Zealand and
features on the surface.of Mars which other foreign press reports. Also
beings'.' can change one's life. The June
included is a 3-5 page section of
issue of FATE features Peter-Hough's might be interpreted as artificial "Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfoot and
story of an apparent UFO abduction constructions..While I found the paper other "monster" reports). Let us keep
in England and its aftermath,'including extremely interesting, it seems that you informed of the latest happenings
events very similar to' the : . "Men in several persons who took my advice in the UFO and Fortean fields."
Black" reports which have been a part have received nothing at all from For subscription information and
of UFO lore for many, years. Hoagland when they sent payment for sample pages from our service, write
. It is somewhat curious to note that copies of the paper. For this reason, I today to:
science-fiction writers, publications and feel that a warning is in order. If you
fans have often been some of the most were thinking of ordering Hoagland's Route 1 — Box 220
vociferous opponents of the UFO publication from the address given in Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
subject. Anti-UFO statements by such that review, I would recommend that
s-f writers as Asimov and 'Clarke are you not. do so. If you have ordered a
By Mildred Biesele

CONTACT, by Carl Sagan, publications," and even "some The most intellectually titillating
Simon & Schuster, 1985, hb, 432 academic . scientists" had seen a part of the book is Sagan's concept of
pp., $18.95. possible connection between UFOs how travel through space might be
Here is the scenario: and life on other worlds. But the Air achieved. The physics is beyond my
By the end of this century, Project Force closed its Blue Book rudimentary understanding, but his
Argus, the long and patient search for investigation for lack of progress, and acknowledgments at the end of the
intelligent life in the universe, seems to NASA turned down President Carter's book, no less t h a n his own
have succeeded. A radio signal request for a comprehensive study qualifications, are impressive. For
originating in the vicinity of Vega is because the scientific community was instance, he thanks "Professor
beaming to Earth a constant stream of convinced that nothing could come of Thome" (not otherwise identified) who
consecutive prime numbers, startling it. ' " "took the trouble to consider the
evidence that an advanced race is "All right...Is there anybody galactic t r a n s p o r t a t i o n system
seeking to communicate with us. The around this table who thinks UFOs and described herein, generating fifty lines
President has been informed and has this signal from Vega have anything to of e q u a t i o n s in the r e l e v a n t
called an emergency meeting at the do with each other?" the President gravitational physics."
White House. With her are the National asks. Negative. "Just the same," she I'll take the professors' word for it
Security Council, a Special concludes, "there's going to be an awful and assume that given the money, the
Contingency Task Force of science lot of I-told-you-so's from the UFO yo- determination, the time, and the
advisors, two representatives of Project yo's." technology, this theoretical "relevant
Argus, and the Director of Central So there you are, yo-yo's. If you gravitational physics" might be worth
Intelligence. were thinking you might read Carl trying.
As the meeting begins, the Sagan's book, Contact, his first venture Dr. J. Allen Hynek once wrote that
President turns to the CIA man and into science fiction, to see whether he you would expect to find planets
asks, "First does this have anything to said anything about UFOs, you can around a star like you would expect to
do with flying saucers?" stop right there on page 106. According find kittens around a cat, and if only one
The Director explains to the to Sagan, by the end of the century the star out of ten in the universe were
President t h a t UFOs were of CIA will know that UFOs, a thing of the circled by a planetary system on which
intermittent interest in the Air Force past, were just lights in the sky tht could life could evolve, then the number of
and the CIA, particularly in the '50s and all be explained. Photographs and life-supporting stars might be a one
'60s, because of the fear that reports physical evidence cases, apparently, followed by nineteen zeros.
might be a threat to security by were all hoaxes, and close encounters In such a fecund universe, where
overloading communications or were products of sick minds. surely a few million inhabited planets
spreading confusion in the event of a But take a long walk, .a 'Cold are far older than Earth, perhaps at
national emergency. Some reports, he shower, or a stiff drink — whatever some time in the past, on some other
says, turned out to be overflights by lowers your hackles — and go on with worlds, some beings like Professor
advanced Russian or Cuban aircraft, the book. Sagan writes well, as Thorne only in their familiarity with the
but the great majority were found to be evidenced before in his non-fiction best universal language of mathematics also
m i s i d e n t i f i c a t i o n s of a i r c r a f t , sellers. He is adequate to the challenges generated fifty lines of relevant
headlights, balloons, luminescent of f i c t i o n , in p l o t , c h a r a c t e r gravitational physics.
insects, or the moon, stars or planets development, pace, and so on, but not And maybe their worlds, more
seen under unusual atmospheric dazzling. He takes excursions along the advanced and more adventurous .than
conditions. A significant number were way into the fields of philosophy and our own, have put the theory to the
discovered to be hoaxes or psychiatric religion, and throws in a modicum of test. Perhaps we yo-yo's; if not Dr.
delusions. In fact, from the time that the politics and sex. He projects ultimate Sagan, are seeing in the sky the elegant
term "flying saucer" was first, used in questions on a celestial screen. proof of their hypotheses.
the late '40s, more than a million UFO There are disappointments. For Read the book and think about it.
sightings had been reported worldwide, example, I can say without giving away -Mildred Biesele
but with no evidence to connect them the plot that at one point he had the Contributing Editor
with extraterrestrial visitation. opportunity to be brilliantly original, but
However, he continues, the instead he served up a thinned-out and
reports generated "fringe groups and warmed-over Martian Chroncles soup.

The M U F O N 1986 UFO phenomenon. . , and a toll-free telephone .number to

Symposium Proceedings are .a . Since this article is a tribute to report UFQ,sightings on November 2,
. memorial tribute to the Dean of Ufology Josef Allen Hynek, it will not conform to 1973.' . ". " ' ..,";. , .'„
and a pioneer in the quest for solutions , the format of an obituary. (Please refer Dr. Hynek has been .a featured
to the UFO enigma. No pther.person in to Marquis Who's Who in America, speaker, at 9 of'the. first 16 MUFON
this controversial field has received 42nd edition 1982-1983,' for details on Annual UFO Symposiums,as one of his
such worldwide recognition as Dr. J. .his illustrious accomplishments.) The • major public education contributions.
Allen Hynek. He has been recognized emphasis will be ..restricted to his He addressed the following MUFON
as the top authority jn the world by the personal association with the Mutual symposiums for which proceedings are
general public and the news media for .UFO Network (MUFON)- after, he still available: 1976 —"Swamp Gas Plus
his courageous approach to the UFO became actively involved in positive Ten — And Counting" at Weber's Inn,
phenomenon .and for placing , his promotion of Ufology: . Ann Arbor,.Michigan; 1978 — "UFOs
professional s t a t u r e as an The first personal meeting that As a Space-Time Singularity" at the
astrophysicist "on-,the line." some of, the,. founding members of Dayton Convention Center, Dayton,
When the Army Air Force, Air MUFON had with Dr. Hynek occurred Ohio;' 1979 — "The,Legion of i the
Technical Intelligence Center at Wright .on November 24, 1967,. when we Bewildered.Silent and Related Topics;"
AFB in Dayton, Ohio was assigned the attended his lecture: "The UFO as a Airport Marina; Hotel, Burlingame,
responsibility for the investigation of Scientific Problem" at, Washington Calif.; 1981 ; -^'.."Ufology As. a
flying saucers, Dr. Hynek was a University in St. Louis, Missouri. On Profession," Massachusetts Institute of
professor in the .Astronomy January 22, 1970, we again, had the Technology (M.I.T.), Cambridge,
Department at Ohio State University privilege of viewing his slide illustrated '.Mass.; 1982 — "Preparing for the Next
and Director of the McMillin lecture at the McDonnell Planetarium UFO Flap," Loew's, Westbury. Hotel,
.Observatory. Due to his proximity and . in St. Louis. , ... -,, . Toronto, Ontario; 1983 — "The .Case
expertise, he was contracted to serve Dr. Hynek selected • the ititle Against , E.T.," Huntington-Sheraton ;
as a scientific consultant to the Air "UFO's 70s — A Positive Program" Hotel, Pasadena, Calif.; and 1984 —
Force, a position he held until Project when he was-the featured speaker at "Properties of the UFO Phenomenon,"
Blue Book was closed in December MUFON's first UFO, Conference held Holiday Inn —-San Antonio Airport,
1969. As ah astronomer, he was hired at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois San Antonio, Texas. . .. . .;',',,
for the .purpose of explaining UFO on June 13,1970. "The Embarrassment During.the Fall of 1984;, Dr. Hynek
sightings as astronomical anomalies. of Riches" was his subject on June .16, appeared .in a segment of the video
.By 1949, Dr. Hynek had "reached 1973. when he addressed the MUFON taped program "The'' UFO Enigma,"
the conclusion the "there were a 1973 UFO Symposium at the Plaza Inn, Massachusetts MUFON
number of truly puzzling reports Kansas City, Missouri. for the.Mutual UFO Network. His final
for which the data were hot sufficient to On November 1, 1973, Dr. Hynek public appearance ., at a MUFON
base positive, conclusions." In 1953, he telephoned Walt Andrus, advising, that meeting occurred on August 7, 1985 at
stated to the Robertson pane] that "the the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) the Massachusetts MUFON UFO
subject (of UFOs) is worthy of..further was : being created and would be Forum in Beverly, Mass.
scientific invetigations." announced on "The Dick. Cavett Josef Allen Hynek was born May 1,
After the Michigan "swamp gas" Show" the following evening. Allen 19.10, the year Halley's Comet made its
incident in 1965, Dr. Hynek wrote an called to seek the. support of the major prior visit around the Sun and past pur
article for the Saturday Evening Post UFO organizations in the U.S.A. for his planet.. Earth. .Mark Twain. .(Samuel
(1966), in'which he clearly.delineated new organization. Only MUFON Clemens) was. also born on a year of a
his personal position concerning the pledged , their support.. and has Halley's Comet visit and died in 1910.
phenomenon known as unidentified m a i n t a i n e d a very cooperative Dr. Hynek, as an astronomer, had
flying objects. From this point in time, relationship throughout the intervening expressed a strong desire to see the
he dedicated his life to solving this years: The ABC TV Network's "The comet during his lifetime and duplicate
perplexing mystery. It is now the Dick .Cavett Show" was devoted Mark Twain's, feat. He was granted his
responsibility of each and everyone of entirely to UFOs with introductory wish .and prayer before dying in
us to accept the challenge that Dr. slides provided and credited to,the Scottsda|e, .Arizona just 4 days before
Hynek was unable to fulfill in his lifetime Mutual UFO. Network. Dr. Hynek
— the resolution .of the UFO announced the formation.of CUFOS (continued next page) •
businessman, who is c u r r e n t l y
President and Chief Executive Officer.
The purpose of the Center is the
collection, analysis and dissemination
of information relating to the UFO
phenomenon. CUFOS offices are
currently located in Glenview, Illinois. A
library and case files are open to serious
UFO researchers. Inquiries and reports
of sightings should be sent to: J. Allen
Hynek Center for UFO Studies, 1955
John's Drive, Glenview, IL 60025; (312)
The Center publishes a bimonthly
magazine, the International UFO
Reporter (IUR), and maintains a
national,network of professional UFO
investigators. and consultants. In
memory of Dr. Hynek, the May/June
Dr. J. Allen and Mimi Hynek 1986 issue of IUR will be entirely
devoted to his life and accomplish-
reaching his seventy-sixth birthday. CENTER RENAMED Hynek's books on UFOs were well
Ufology lost not only a founding received by both skeptics and
father but a friend when Dr. Hynek The Center for UFO Studies proponents. He is the author of The
passed away. Everyone who knew him (CUFOS) has been renamed the J. UFQ Experience: A- Scientific Inquiry
found him to be patient and Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in (1972); coauthor, with Jacques Vallee,
considerate, willing to give of his time memory of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the of The Edge of Realty (1975); and
and energy when the demands put on Center's Scientific Director since 1973. author of The Hynek UFO Report
either would have strained any man half Dr. Hynek, 75, died of cancer in (1977).
his age and less gifted with enthusiasm Scottsdale, Arizona, on Sunday, April In 'accordance with Hynek's
for his life's work. He was indefatigable, 27. Just like his favorite author Mark wishes, the CUFOS Board of Directors
but alas, not indestructible. The May Twain, Hynek was born in the year of confirmed Mark Rodeghier, currently
1986 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal Halley's comet (1910) and died in the in the Sociology Department at the
was respectfully dedicated to the late year of its return (1986) — two months University of Illinois at Chicago, as the
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, now outward after getting a dim glimpse of the comet new Scientific Director. Other CUFOS
bound on the Closest Encounter of in the Arizona desert. directors are:
them all, that of a man with his Maker. Hynek served as Astronomical Mark Chesney, Aerospace & Data
May he rest in peace. Consultant to the United States Air Processing Consultant; Jerome Clark,
The Mutual UFO Network had Force on unidentified flying objects Vice president, IUR Editor; Nancy
planned to present Dr. Hynek with an (UFOs) from 1948 to 1968. He was the Conrad, Treasurer, IUR Associate
engraved plaque at the MUFON 1986 first speaker to present testimony at the Editor, Data Processing Consultant;
UFO Symposium in East Lansing, 1968 hearings on UFOs held by the George Eberhart, Librarian &
Michigan for his o u t s t a n d i n g House Committee on Science and Bibliographic Consultant; Fred Merritt,
contributions to UFO research. Under Astronautics. In the early 1970s Hynek Secretary; Don Schmitt, Design
the present circumstances, it will be coined the phrase "Close Encounters Consultant; and John P. Timmerman,
presented to Mrs. Mimi Hynek, his of the Third Kind" used by Steven Vice president, Public Relations.
widow, in his .memory. The inscription Spielberg as a title for his 1977 motion A memorial service for Dr. Hynek
on the plaque depicts the following picture. Hynek was technical advisor was held on May 28,1986, at 4:00 PM in
sentiments: and had a cameo appearance in that the chapel at Northwestern University,
film. In 1978, he was a speaker at the Evanston, Illinois. Friends of Dr. Hynek
DR. J. ALLEN HYNEK United Nations meeting on the who wish to show sympathy may send
GIVEN IN RECOGITION FOR proposed establishment of an donations to the J. Allen Hynek Center
YOUR LIFELONG DEDICATION international agency to coordinate for UFO Studies, 1955 John's Drive,
AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO UFO research on UFOs and related Glenview, IL 60025.
EDUCATION. Hynek cofounded the Center for
MUTUAL UFO NETWORK UFO Studies in 1973 with Sherman J.
1986 Larsen, a retired Glenview
responsibilities. Tom is also the State By Walter N. Webb
Section Director for Sonoma, Napa MUFON Astronomy Consultant
and Marin Counties, joining MUFON in
1976. Mr. Page was featured in the
video film "The UFO Experience,"
produced for KPIX-TV by Ron Lakis.
He is the prime investigator for the
article "The Petaluma UFO Case" JULY 1986
to be published in the Journal.
* * * Bright Planets (Evening Sky):
Through personal contacts by J.
Antonio Huneeus of New York City, Venus shines brilliantly in the western twilight, setting about 10:30 PM daylight
Mr. Jorge Anfrums has been time in mid^July. Its magnitude in midmonth is -4.1 and still brightening. On the
appointed the Representative for Chile. 10th the crescent moon is only 3° above our nearest planet which, in turn, lies
Residing in Santiago, Mr. Anfrums has but 1° above the first-magnitude star Regulus.
formed a MUFON group in Chile and
broadcast MUFON activities and Mars, retrograding in Sagittarius, reaches a point opposite the sun on July 10
events for the past three months on and therefore rises in the ESE as the sun sets. Six days later the red planet is at
"Radio Portales," which has the highest its nearest to earth in the last 15 years-37,500,000 miles. At that time its tiny
nighttime radio coverage in Chile. By disc appears almost as large as it ever gets, and it shines at -2.6 magnitude or as
living in Santiago, the nation's capital bright as Jupiter. Except for the fact that Mars lies quite low in the sky for
and centrally located, Jorge is in the Northern Hemisphere observers, this is a fine opportunity for telescopic
ideal position to organize the UFO observers to study the planet's dark features, shrinking south polar cap, and
investigators in his country in spite of occasional clouds. The dark patterns are now known to be desert regions like
the serious geographical problems. the rest of the planet and not areas of vegetation as once believed by some
Chile is a very long and narrow country astronomers.
that is bordered by the Andes
Mountains on the east and the Pacific Jupiter, in Aquarius, rises about 11 PM in midmonth in the east. The largest
Ocean on the west extending from 17.5 planet has brightened to magnitude -2.6 and begins retrograde or westward
degrees to 57 degrees South Latitude. motion on the 13th.
This is comparable to the distance from Saturn, retrograding in Scorpius, stands low in the south at dusk. The ringed
the eastcoast to the westcoast in the world is above and to the right of the red star Antares.
Dick Rudloff, M.B.A. has Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
volunteered his talent and expertise in
Computer Science to the MUFON Mars sets in the WSW about sunrise. The moon is near the planet on the
Staff position formerly held by Michael morning of the 20th.
D. Hart. Employed by Astro Services
in Alameda, Calif., Dick has been Jupiter is in the south at dawn. On the 25th the moon lies only 1.5° from the
evaluating the functions within giant world. .
MUFON where computer applications
are most applicable, the equipment Saturn sets in the WSW about 2 AM.
required, software needed,
recommended hardware by Meteor Shower:
manufacture and prices. Mr. Rudloff
will also coordinate any future MUFON The Delta Aquarids attain their maximum on the mornings of July 28 and 29.
computer network facilities with other The rate is about 20 meteors per hour before dawn. However, the last-quarter
networks throughout the U.S.A. that moon will interfere.
appear to be advantageous links.
Gary Kinder, J.D., an author who Moon Phases:
is presently researching material for a
book on ufology, has become a new New Moon-July 7
Research Specialist. Your Director met
Mr. Kinder at the recent NUFOC in
Phoenix, Arizona and found him to be
First quarter-July 14 €
(continued on page 19)
Full moon-July 21
Last quarter-July 28
MESSAGE, Continued meetings in the Greensburg area, they s h o u l d not be m i s t a k e n for
have re-organized their 24-hour quick- COMPUFON operated by Michael D.
a very congenial gentleman in search of response investigative team made up of Hart, which is still operational as far as
the truth behind the UFO specialists including medical and we know.
phenomenon. Donald M. Ware, State science personnel. This unit is identified PARANET is a small but growing
Director for Florida has approved the by the letters PASU PRT, for network of computerized Bulletin
appointment of James W. Moseley as phenomena response team. They have Board Systems, which attempt to make
the new State Section Director for accumulated a considerable amount of available the latest and most reliable
Monroe County, which encompasses scientific data gathering equipment information on the paranormal and
Key West. Currently, Jim is best known while some of the members are "fringe" sciences. For more information
for his privately published newsletter designing other useful equipment for on this new service call the National
titled "Saucer Smear" and as the team. Stan is preparing an article for Fringe Science Information Service in
permanent chairman of the National a future issue of the Journal, relating to Fountain Hills, Arizona at (602) 837-
UFO Conference. Gary L. Hamilton, recently investigated cases in 9383 or Para Net Alpha: "The Other
a resident of Franklin, Indiana, is the Pennsylvania. Side," at (602) 837-0062, 300/1200 24
new State Section Director for Johnson * * * hours. Information concerning the
County. A Senior Customer Service As the computer becomes a more network may also be obtained by
Agent for an airline in Indianapolis, Mr. important segment of UFO research, writing to Jim Speiser, P.O. Box
Hamilton has cultivated some good sighting reports, information, and as a 17675, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268.
contacts. communication instrument via the * * *
* * * telephone lines, the following update is The Computer UFO Newsletter is
Mr. Milton W. Hourcade, being provided. Dale D. Goudie, 4109 a relatively new publication, published
MUFON Representative for Uruguay, Lake Washington Blvd., South Seattle, in conjunction with the Italian Center
r e c e n t l y a n n o u n c e d the 28th WA 98118 and telephone (206) 721- for UFO Studies by Maurzio Vcrga,
anniversary of Centre de Investigacion 5035 has advised that his new network Editor. It is without a doubt the most
de Objetos Voladores Inidentificados called CUFON, which stands for comprehensive newsletter in the world
(CIOVI) as a UFO investigative and Computer UFO Network, is now devoted exclusively to the applications
research organization, with receiving from 40 to 50 calls per day. of the computer to ufology. As of June
headquarters in Montevideo. Mr. The primary functions of CUFON are 1986, five issues of 20 pages each (bi-
Hourcade represents both MUFON to provide fast and reliable information monthly) have been typed using a word
and CUFOS in Uruguay. We send our for organizations and researchers processor (English) and a Commodore
best wishes for their continued success nationally, which can be verified from 128 micro-processor. To subscribe to
and cooperation with their the UFO Information Service or the "The Computer UFO Newsletter" send
counterparts in the U.S.A. National UFO Reporting Center in an International Postal Money Order
Stan Gordon, State Director for Seattle, Washington, operated by (no checks will be accepted) of 18,000
Pennsylvania, has provided a brief Robert Gribble. The computer/ Italian lire (surface mail) to: Maurizio
report on PASU (Pennsylvania modem number is (206) 722-5738. Verga, via Matteotti 85, 22072
Association for the Study of the Please contact Mr. Goudie for details if Cermenate (Como), ITALY.
Unexplained) as an idea or incentive for you are interested in participating in The Mutual UFO Network does
other investigative teams. In addition to this network. not accept any responsibility for the
their monthly investigator training The above network, CUFON, operations of these computer
networks, since they are all privately
owned. MUFON is simply sharing this
The Stars: information with our readers, knowing
that many have a sincere interest in
The Summer Triangle has ascended high in the SE late in the evening, while utilizing their personal computers for
below it already appear the vanguard of the autumn constellations--the Great UFO information or communications.
Square of Pegasus, Aquarius, and Capricornus. Low in the southern sky Both Dale Goudie and Jim Speiser are
Sagittarius the Archer aims his arrow at the heart of Scorpius, Antares. As MUFON members who attended the
occurred in May, the moon once again occults Antares on the night of July 17- recent NUFOC in Phoenix, Ariz. An
18. (At Los Angeles the red star disappears behind our satellite from only 8:45 exchange of publications between The
to 8:56 PM local time; the time at Chicago is 11:05 to 12:11; and at Boston Computer UFO Newsletter and the
Antares is hidden at 12:28, but the moon sets before the star reappears.) MUFON UFO Journal was initiated
with the June 1986 issue.
The July sky offers some superb telescopic treats for backyard astronomers-
the Globular Star Cluster of Hercules, Ring Nebula of Lyra, dumbbell Nebula in
Vulpecula, and a host of nebulae and clusters in the Milky Way region of
Sagittarius, including the Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae.

Walt Andrus

National UFO Information Week, Former State Section Director for

sponsored by the Mutual UFO Maricopa County, Hal Starr has
Network in cooperation with the accepted the responsibility of State
Center for UFO Studies and the Fund Director for Arizona replacing William
for UFO Research, will be held from H. Spaulding. Since Mr. Spaulding's
August 10 to 17, 1986 nationwide as a current idealogies are not compatible
public education program. Due to the with the goals and objectives of
tremendous success of the 1985 MUFON, he feels that this is a wise
endeavor when 43 state organizations decision. Bill has been the State
participated, this could become an Director for Arizona and a Consultant
annual UFO information vehicle under in Photo Analysis, utilizing computer
the guidance and leadership of Marge enhancement techniques, for 15 years.
Christensen, Public Relations He was the host chairman for the
Director. MUFON 1977 UFO Symposium and
A packet of informational material published papers in both 1976 and 1977.
was mailed the week of June 9th to all He will be discontinuing his
State Directors, some Asst. State complimentary UFO photo analysis to
Directors, and members of the P.I.P.E. MUFON. I personally want to thank Bill
Committee, including Issue Number 35 for his professional services throughout
of the MUFON National Newsletter. the years. He will be sadly missed in this
The resources that each state regard. On the positive side, the
organization will need to implement DAN WRIGHT enthusiasm, personality and leadership
their program in conjunction with local conducting such an enlightening and talent of Mr. Starr engenders growth
displays, consisted of the following educational conference. The for ufology in Arizona. Hal has the
items: a News Release announcing the outstanding accommodations provided enviable accomplishment of having
up-coming event composed by Dan a congenial atmosphere for this annual produced the longest continuous-
Wright; three sample radio spot event. running daily syndicated UFO radio
announcements by Marge Christen- For those who were unable to series in the world (since 1947),
sen; an 8l/2 x 11 inch black-and-white attend to hear the speakers, the broadcasted in 7 English-speaking
announcement poster designed by MUFON 1986 UFO Symposium countries.
Donald Schmitt; and samples of Proceedings (186 pages), depicting the * * *
handouts for meetings, exhibits, theme "UFOs: Beyond theMainsiream Paul C. Cerny, Western Regional
displays and public speeches, including of Science," are available by mail for Director, has designated Marvin E.
a Recommended Reading List by Barry $10.00 plus $1.50 for postage and Taylor, Jr. of Sonora, Calif, as the new
Greenwood, a MUFON information handling in U.S. funds via fourth class State Director for Northern California.
sheet and a MUFON UFO JOURNAL book rate postage. (Foreign orders will Mr. Taylor has been involved in the
application. Additional copies for be accepted by international postal study of UFOs for 39 years and has one
distribution should be printed locally money order, a check redeemable from of the most complete newspaper
based upon your anticipated needs. If a U.S. bank, or cash.) clipping scrapbooks, starting in 1947,
you have not started making detailed * * * that your Director has had the privilege
plans for public events within your state For the Mutual UFO Network to of viewing. Marvin operates a public
or immediate area, it is not too late to be an effective organization, the "grass museum of UFO memorabilia in
start immediately. roots" structure requires competent Sonora in conjunction with his real
* * + leadership at the State levels. Edward estate and tax consulting business. He
The M U F O N 1986 UFO F. Mazur has been promoted from a has been a dedicated member of
Symposium at Michigan State State Section Director to the position of MUFON since 1974.
University had the finest group of State Director for Arkansas, filling the Thomas D. Page was selected to
academic speakers of any prior vacancy created when Bill Pitts become the Assistant State Director
symposium in MUFON's seventeen recently resigned. Ed is an electrical for Northern California to fill the
year history. Congratulations and engineer and amateur radio operator vacancy created by Mr. Taylor's new
accolades to Dan Wright and his N5BRE, residing with his wife Elaine in
superb symposium committee for Mena, Ark. (continued on page 18)

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