Altium Designer
Altium Designer
Altium Designer
Article AR0115 (v1.5) April 15, 2008
This article outlines the process you go through to transfer a Protel 99 SE design into the Altium Designer environment.
Protel 99 SE uses the design database, or DDB, to store design files. Altium Designer stores files on the hard drive and now include the concept of the Project. The 99SE Import Wizard gives control and visibility over the process of importing a 99SE design database into Altium Designer.
Apart from script projects, a fundamental requirement is that each project targets a DDB to the equivalent Altium Designer objects single implementation for example a PCB project includes all the sources required to define a single PCB, and an FPGA project is implemented in a single FPGA. The project file itself is an ASCII file that stores project information, such as links to the documents that are in the project, output settings, compilation settings, error checking settings, and so on. Above the project level, Altium Designer uses the Design Workspace. A Design Workspace (*.DsnWrk) is used to cluster related projects together, so you could use a Design Workspace for all projects for one client, all boards in one product, and so on. When you open a Design Workspace, all projects that are in that Workspace will appear in the Projects panel. Figure 1 shows the default mapping from a 99 SE design database to the equivalent objects in Altium Designer; a Workspace is created for the DDB, a PCB project for each folder that includes a PCB file, and a Library Package for each folder that only includes libraries. During import, you have the opportunity to change all of the mappings, except the DDB to Workspace. While Altium Designer allows direct editing of any individual schematic, PCB, HDL, or any other design file, to perform any project-type operations, such as updating the board from the schematic or printing all the schematics in the project, you must open the project. Protel 99 SE Windows File System designs can also be imported. Use the 99 SE Import Wizard in the same way as you would with an Access Database DDB. If you are interested in walking through the entire PCB design process in Altium Designer using a simple example, see the Getting Started with PCB Design tutorial.
The Wizard can be used to import a single DDB or all DDBs in a folder. This article is focused on a single DDB import. The wizard performs the following steps: 1. Extract the files from the database into the nominated folder on your hard drive. Any folder structure within the database will be recreated on the hard drive. All files in the database will be extracted, regardless of whether they are part of the project structure or not. 2. Convert schematic documents to the current file format (if this option is enabled). 3. Add a recognized file extension to all schematic and PCB files. Altium Designer uses the file extension to recognize which documents it can edit. For schematics, this extension must be Sch, SchDoc, or the original DOS schematic S01, S02, etc naming convention. If there are schematics inside the DDB that do not have an extension, *.SchDoc will be appended to the filename. Note that this will not break the hierarchy, the Altium Designer compiler will automatically detect this situation and maintain the design hierarchy and connectivity. Note that non-Altium files without a standard file extension will not be automatically renamed. 4. Create a project file for each nominated project, of the type PrjPcb (PCB project) or LibPkg (library package), and add the relevant project files. 5. Create a Design Workspace (*.DsnWrk), and add all created projects to it. 6. Open the design workspace. When the created Design Workspace opens, it will display all the Altium Designer projects that were built. Figure 2 shows the result of importing the Z80 Microprocessor design that is included in the Protel 99 SE\Examples folder.
Figure 2. Imported example DDB. Note the name of the Design Workspace at the top. This will be the same as the original DDB.
Select which ever is most appropriate for how you use DDBs. There will be an opportunity to tune Review Project Creation page later in the wizard. On the Review Project Creation page, you will Figure 3: Use the Review Project Creation options to control exactly how each file is see the assumptions that the Wizard has made mapped to an Altium Designer project. about how it should build projects based on the contents of the DDB, as shown in Figure 3. Take time to configure these options to ensure you achieve the best result at the completion of the import process.
Figure 4. The Z80 example DDB immediately after importing. Note that the original DDB had two PCB designs stored in it and each becomes an Altium Designer project.
Components have been greatly enhanced in the DXP versions. They now support unlimited component parameters and have an improved model definition and linking system, such as the ability to visually browse for a PCB footprint. Double-click to edit a component and you will find that all the 99 SE text fields and part fields have been converted to parameters. While 99 SE supported up to eight text fields and 16 part fields per component, Altium Designer has no limit on the number of parameters that can be added. Parameters can be used for any purpose in an Altium Designer design. They can also be linked to your company database using a DbLink document. Parameters can be included in a report generated from the project. Add an OutJob document to the project and configure the reporting engine to generate a report in the required output format. Parameters can also be used to link to datasheets, or a web URL. For details on creating components and adding models, refer to the tutorial Creating Library Components. For more information on linking from the components to a database, refer to the Linking from a Company Database to Components in Your Design. For more information on generating reports, such as a Bill of Materials, from your design, refer to the Generating a Custom Bill of Materials. For an overview of linking from parameters to a datasheet, refer to the Component, Model and Library Concepts.
Altium Designer has a more comprehensive solution for the handling of libraries. As well as supporting the traditional independent schematic symbol and PCB footprint libraries, Altium Designer also supports the new integrated libraries, which package the symbol and all the models into a single compiled file. Rather than limiting available components to the libraries that you have installed, in Altium Designer, any libraries that are part of the project are automatically available and search paths to models are also supported. Installed Libraries are also searched in the order they appear in the Available Libraries dialog. The Available Libraries dialog also shows what project libraries are available and what project search paths have been defined. Note that searching for components/models across the three different locations follows the order of the tabs in this dialog.
Figure 5. The Available Libraries dialog shows all libraries and model files available to the active project. The search order is from left to right, top to bottom
For background information on components and libraries, refer to the Component, Model and Library Concepts article. For a better understanding of integrated libraries, refer to the Building an Integrated Library tutorial.
Moving to Altium Designer from Protel 99 SE However, you will find that all links between schematic and PCB components are removed when you import a 99 SE design. Re-establishing the UID linking is easy, but it must be done based on the designators. First, reset all Unique ID values on the schematic side, by selecting Tools Convert Reset Component Unique IDs from the schematic editor menus. Then on the PCB side, pair components with footprints in the Component Links dialog (Project Component Links in the PCB editor menus). A fully synchronized 99 SE database should make this a two-click process. First, add pairs by matching designators (the default correlation), then perform the update. An underlying difference between Altium Designer and 99 SE is that establishing links is not a prerequisite to synchronization. If, for example, you skip the sequence described above and simply try running update/import commands on a PCB design you brought into Altium Designer from 99 SE, you will be informed that, although synchronization by Unique IDs has failed, you may still proceed to match by designators. Doing so will not have any effect upon the Unique ID fields in your design, meaning that if you repeat the process, the same status will be reported. Assigning the same Unique ID values to schematic components and PCB footprints is the only way to create persistent links between them.
Board Shape
All PCB designs in Altium Designer require a board shape. Since this did not exist in earlier versions of Protel, it must be added to boards you bring in from previous versions. The Import Wizard gives you two options: a rectangular shape encompassing all of your design objects, or a more precise board outline based upon shapes detected within your design. If you choose the latter option, your Keep-Out and Mechanical layers will be analyzed for shapes which might yield a shape for your PCB. Whatever option you choose, a preview pane will show the proposed Board Shape. If none of these appear correct, then choose the rectangular option and the use the Design Board Shape menu options to configure the board shape in Altium Designer. The board shape defines the physical extents of the board, and as such, provides the outline for pullback tracks on internal planes. Because planes are negative images, pullback tracks create a thin no-copper (blowout) zone between the board edge and the plane, preventing shorts along the edge of the manufactured board. These tracks are not accessible for direct editing on the plane layers, but the board shape may be redefined at any time within Altium Designer, and the pullback tracks will be rearranged accordingly. The Layer Stackup Manager will allow you to change the initial pullback distance you set in the Import Wizard.
Split Planes
Altium Designer has changed the way split planes are defined. Previously, each split plane area was placed as a closed region (essentially an empty polygon) on an internal plane layer. In contrast, splitting a plane into separate regions in Altium Designer is a process of defining blowouts (copper free areas) by placing lines, arcs and fills on the plane layer. Each time you terminate a placement process on a plane layer, the plane is analyzed and all isolated regions are detected. Double-click on a region to assign it to a net. These blowout sections do not belong to one split region or another; Altium Designer designs no longer require overlapping or exactly aligned tracks alongside adjacent split planes. Altium Designer also supports defining nested split regions.
Moving to Altium Designer from Protel 99 SE There is one exception to this behavior the Import Wizard allows you to operate in legacy split plane mode. It is recommended that you only choose this mode if you encounter problems with the import of planes in your design, or if your PCB includes split planes that will require further editing in an earlier version. Later, you may convert your design to Altium Designer plane mode; in the meantime, new split planes must be placed as closed boundaries on internal planes, rather than inferred from blowouts. When you do convert your designs to the new method, you will be able to simplify your split plane definitions. You dont have to, as your legacy split planes will still work in Altium Designer, but they may include redundant lines that make your board more complex and calculation-intensive than it ought to be. The easiest way to update 99 SE split plane definitions in Altium Designer is to add a new plane layer, then trace the existing regions onto the new plane. Once this is done, select all objects on the old plane layer and delete them. After the net assigned to that layer has been disconnected, the layer can be deleted from the layer stack. Finally, check that the net assignment for each split region is correctly assigned, either by double-clicking on each region, or using the Split Plane Editor in the PCB panel.
From Tos
From-Tos that have been defined between specific pads in 99 SE will have to be redefined in Altium Designer, so switch the Altium Designer PCB panel to From-To Editor mode to do this.
Multi-Channel Designs
Perhaps those PCB projects that will require the most attention are your multi-channel designs. In 99 SE, multi-channel design was really a matter of making copies of the child sheet, which were then re-annotated and referenced by separate sheet symbols. Now that Altium Designer lets you truly reference the same child sheet repeatedly, you will first need to modify your schematics. First, remove all but one of the copied child sheets from your project. Then, update the corresponding sheet symbols with distinct names but all referencing the one remaining child sheet. A wiser strategy, however, would be to delete all but one sheet symbol for each channel, and replace its Name field with an appropriate Repeat command. This way the number of channels may be changed at any future time by changing this one field. Repeat commands can also be applied to nets; refer to the Multi-Channel Mixer.PrjPcb to see an example. There are numerous features related to multi-channel design, including the ability to transfer channel information to PCB layout, place and route one channel, and then have the software repeat the placement and routing for all other channels. For more information on working with a multi-channel design, see the Creating a Multi-channel Design tutorial.
Design outputs
The 99 SE CAM Manager (*.cam) and Power Print Configuration (*.ppc) files are not recognized by Altium Designer, so outputs will need to be reconfigured for imported designs. In Altium Designer, there are two approaches to configuring outputs: settings defined through the Schematic and PCB Editor menus are stored in the Project file, or you can add an output job file (*.OutJob) to the project (right-click the Project file and select Add New to Project from the pop-up menu). You can add any number of Output job files to the project, and configure printing and CAM settings in them. When you add a new OutJob to the project, it will include a number of default job settings. These can all be removed by selecting them (CTRL + A), and pressing DELETE.
Revision History
Date 9-Dec-2003 9-Dec-2004 14-Apr-2005 29-Nov-2005 11-Mar-2008 15-April-2008 Version No. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Revision New product release Updated for DXP 2004 SP release Updated for Altium Designer Updated for Altium Designer. Images / Filename / Title changes. Converted to A4. Updated document for formatting, text and figure changes.
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