SEE 20YearLetter

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Dear friends and supporters, SEE has now been in ministry for twenty years! Here is a glimpse of what the Lord has done.

1978 Prayer Card

Contact Information SEE" SBI " ABC" Email:" [email protected]

Sam Spatola was born in Italy in 1953, and raised in Los Angeles, California. In 1973, at the age of 20, Sam accepted Christ. He studied at Spokane Bible College in Washington in order to earn a Bachelors of Divinity degree in preparation for the mission field. Chris, his wife, was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and accepted Christ in 1975. In 1978 the Spatolas went to Italy to be churchplanting missionaries.

1978-1994 Church Planting in Italy

During these 16 years they were involved in planting churches in the cities of Catania, Siracusa, Palermo, Bari, and Reggio Calabria. Matt. 28:18-20!!And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.!

1994 Saints Equipped to Evangelize (SEE) is Founded

Acts 2:17 And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; In 1992 Sam and Chris returned to the States in order to start SEE, and in 1994 it became an official non-profit organization. At the beginning there was no money, office help or co-workers, but little by little God began to bless and add workers to the ministry.

Spatola Family Prayer Card from 1994 (The First SEE Prayer Card)

SEE Short-Term Teams

2 Timothy 4:5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. At this time SEE started equipping and sending short-term evangelism teams throughout Italy. We also sent teams to Croatia and Albania. Up till now we've had over 3,000 people that have come and been a part of these teams. As a result of these teams and being exposed to evangelistic missions people began to get involved with SEE as short-term and long-term missionaries.
Evangelism Teams doing Kids ministry

Evangelism Teams doing Drama Ministry

Evangelism Teams doing Kids Ministry

Evangelism Team doing a Concert

We also found workers to work in the SEE office in Bradenton, FL.

1998 Bought the South Italy Center

Just outside of the city of Campobasso we bought an old farmhouse and turned it into a center for the teams to use for training and as a headquarters. This center was used also for conferences for Italian and Filipino believers.
Original Center in Campobasso Souther Italy Center

1998 ABC Language School to Teach English was Started

The first place we taught was in Campobasso where we were doing our first SEE church plant. In the past 20 years we also taught English in Turin, Monfredonia, Siracusa, Trieste, Croatia, Udine, and Pordenone.

2001 Northern Center and Saints Bible Institute (SBI)

SEE Northern Center

This is SEE's current center which was purchased and restored. Its located one hour northeast of Venice, and it's used for the evangelism teams and our Bible school. In 2002 we started our first semester abroad classes made up of American college students that come to study in Italy for a semester. Until now we've had 350 students from various colleges throughout the US: Moody Bible Institute, Bryan College, Liberty University, Wheaton College, Northwestern University, Lancaster Bible College, and several others. We're now able to offer accredited transcripts through Bryan College. Teachers have come to teach from Bryan College, Moody Bible Institute, Liberty University and from the SEE staff. The unique thing about SBI is that the students get exposed to missions, evangelism, and church planting while studying.

SEE Northern Center

Church Planting
At this point SEE has done church planting in the cities of Campobasso, Trieste, Udine and Pordenone. Currently we are almost two years into a church plant in the city of Pordenone. We've seen several conversions and the Lord is forming His church here in Pordenone. If all goes well we hope to train native elders and commend them and the church into the Lord's hands by 2017. At that point we'll send a team of church planters to another major city about 45 minutes away, Treviso, and labor to start another church.

Saints Bible Institute main classroom at Northern Center

Filipino Ministry
In 1992 while the Spatola's were starting an Italian church in Reggio Calabria

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SEE staff in Italy

Church Plant - ABC Assemblea Biblica Cristiana

One of the 10 LJPF Filipino churches in Italy

they met and started a Bible study with some Filipinos. Soon after a Filipino church was formed. Today there are now ten of these churches throughout Italy. They have sent their own missionaries back to the Philippines where there are now five churches started plus Saints Bible Institute of Church Planting in the Philippines. The churches have become a small denomination called Lord Jesus Philippine Fellowship.
Lord Jesus Philippine Fellowship Bible Institute

SEE Staff
From 1994-2014 there have been 80 people that have worked either short or long-term with SEE. All of them became SEE missionaries as a result of coming on evangelism teams or studying at Saints Bible Institute. We currently have 28 people on SEE staff. 17 are in Italy and 11 are in the USA.

The Future of SEE!

SEE is continuing to recruit, train and send teams, while also planting churches. SBI is continuing to expose American students to missions in Italy.
Sam teaching at SBI Philippines Revelations 5: 9-14

We are continuing to labor to start the new church in Pordenone. We are in our second year. We plan to start a new church plant in Treviso in 2017, Lord willing. Passalo (Pass it on) is another ministry within SEE to train and equip future church planters through apprenticeship. SEE will continue to work alongside the Filipino ministry both in Italy and the Philippines.

!nd "ey sang a new song, saying, Wor"y are you # take "e scro$ and # open its %eals, for you were slain, and by your blood &ou ransomed people for God 'om every (ibe and language and people and na)on, 10and you have made "em a kingdom and *riests # our God, and "ey sha$ reign on +e ear". 11,en I looked, and I heard around "e "rone and "e living creatures and "e elders "e voice of many angels, -umbering myriads of myriads and +ousands of "ousands, 12saying wi" a loud voice, Wor"y is "e Lamb who was %lain, # receive power and weal" and .isdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! 13And I heard every creature in heaven and on ear" and under "e ear" and in "e sea, and a$ "at is in "em, %aying, To him who sits on "e "rone and # "e Lamb be blessing and honor and /lory and might forever and ever! 14And +e four living creatures said, Amen! and +e elders fe$ down and worshiped.

After 20 Years
SEE's vision has not changed. We still do evangelism teams, church planting and leadership training. We also expose American college students to missions through our Bible Institute in Italy. We want to praise God and thank those of you who have prayed, given and collaborated with this ministry for so many years. To God be the glory, great things he has done.

Sam & Chris, and all of SEE

Sam & Chris in 2014 # # Page 3

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