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Study of MakeMyTrip website Name- Sonam Batch- PGDM-II Date of submission- 21st Se tembe! 2"12 This is the stu#$ of Ma%eM$T!i &ebsite an# an assi'nment on effecti(e communication) Int!o#uction Ma%eM$T!i is an In#ian on*ine t!a(e* a'enc$) One out of e(e!$ t&e*(e #omestic f*i'hts f!om In#ia is boo%e# th!ou'h it) The t!a(e* se!(ices an# !o#ucts offe!e# b$ Ma%eM+T!i )com a!e inte!nationa* an# #omestic ai!*ine tic%ets, In#ian -ai*&a$s tic%ets, #omestic bus tic%ets, inte!nationa* an# #omestic hote* !ese!(ations, ca! !enta*s, inte!nationa* an# #omestic ho*i#a$ ac%a'es, MICE .Meetin's, Incenti(es, Confe!encin', E/hibitions0, (isa se!(ices, B2B se!(ices, etc) It !o(i#es the use!s &ith a *ot of info!mation !e*ate# &ith t!a(e**in' &a$s an# accommo#ation) Pa'e 1a$out The &ebsite2s main theme co*o! is b*ue) The co*o! of the te/t cont!asts &ith the bac%'!oun#) Bo*# te/ts hi'h*i'ht the main hea#in's an# a** the im o!tant tabs a!e (isib*e !o e!*$) Co*o! is an im o!tant e*ement fo! an$ &eb a'e) A oo! choice of co*o! ma$ !uin the &ho*e 3eb a'e4s #esi'n) As this site is an info!mation !o(i#in' site so it has use# sim *e co*o!s on a *i'ht bac%'!oun# an# it a*most #oes 5ustice to the site) The #iffe!ent *in%s !o(i#es us &ith the info!mation &hich &e &ish to %no&) 3hen &e *ace the mouse cu!so! o(e! the main hea#in's a #!o #o&n menu comes &hich fu!the! !o(i#es us &ith #iffe!ent *in%s &hich 'i(e us the #etai*e# info!mation) Since Ma%eM$T!i is most*$ usua**$ use# fo! boo%in' f*i'ht tic%ets so fo! the con(enience of the use!s an# fo! sa(in' thei! time a se a!ate section of the home a'e is #e#icate# to f*i'ht boo%in' o tion at the to *eft co!ne! of the a'e) Be*o& that it !o(i#es the (a!ious *in%s fo! custome! se!(ices *i%e !int e-tic%et, mana'e boo%in's, chec% f*i'ht status, etc) 6o! ma%in' it easie! fo! the custome!s to sea!ch an$thin' on the &ebsite the!e is a sea!ch bo/ on the to !i'ht co!ne! of the a'e) The cente! of the a'e consists of (a!ious a#s an# #iscount offe!s) B$ c*ic%in' on them a se a!ate &eb a'e &in#o& o ens u &hich sho&s #etai*e# info!mation about (a!ious #iscount #ea*s) At the bottom of the a'e it !o(i#es &ith a** the info!mation about the!e o*icies, info!mation about the &ebsite an# !o#ucts offe!e# b$ them) It a*so 'i(es info!mation about its (a!ious a!tne!s, f!anchise an# b!anch offices) Un#e! the mo!e *in%s o tion it !o(i#es some e/c*usi(e o tions *i%e hone$moon ac%a'es, #u!onto an# !a5#hani t!ains, s ecia* fo!ei'n tou!s, etc) The &eb a'e ha!#*$ contains an$ animation ob5ects) 3hen sea!chin' fo! f*i'hts it !o(i#es &ith the #iffe!ent o tions *i%e !ice !an'e, time !an'e, &hich f*i'hts to se*ect etc &hich ma%e it (e!$ suitab*e fo! custome!2s nee# as he is ab*e to choose acco!#in' to his !efe!ences) Each an# e(e!$ *in% !o(i#es accu!ate n a t info!mation)

P!ob*ems An# -ecommen#ations One of the ne'ati(e as ects of the &ebsite is that it a ea!s too c!o&#e#) 6o! the eo *e usin' this site fo! the fi!st time it cou*# be of a *itt*e !ob*em) A*so the!e a!e too man$ unnecessa!$ o u s o in' out f!om time to time an# that ham e!s &ith the functionin' of the site as some of them a!e tota**$ i!!e*e(ant f!om the custome!s oint of (ie& an# it &astes time) Some of the o u s a*so contain ha!mfu* (i!uses that can ha!m the use!2s com ute!) Anothe! ne'ati(e as ect of the &ebsite is that &hen the!e is hea($ t!affic on the site it s*o&s #o&n too much an# often the!e a!e time out sessions) This c!eates !ob*ems #u!in' the t!ansactions time as the t!ansaction ma$ sto in the mi##*e an# mone$ is t!ansfe!!e# but the tic%ets a!e not boo%e#) The &ebsite shou*# t!ansfe! its t!affic *oa# to mo!e than one se!(e! so that &hen the site is use# b$ a *a!'e numbe! of use!s the t!ansactions a!e fast an# it #oesn2t ham e! &ith the t!ansaction !ocess) A*so the &ebsite shou*# ta%e u some anti o u s measu!e to !e#uce the unnecessa!$ !ob*ems face# b$ the use!s) The site shou*# be a bit mo!e sim *ifie# in the sense that the #iffe!ent a#(e!tisements shou*# not be !esent at the cente! of the a'e) A*thou'h this &ebsite is !unnin' successfu**$ an# is (isite# b$ a *a!'e numbe! of eo *e but b$ im *ementin' some of these measu!es it can im !o(es its &ebsite mo!e an# cou*# become e(en mo!e successfu*)

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