Object Oriented Programming in Javascript: ©hans de Rooij
Object Oriented Programming in Javascript: ©hans de Rooij
Object Oriented Programming in Javascript: ©hans de Rooij
In JavaScript an object is an (unordered) collection of name-value pairs Please note that in JavaScript values can be functions!
Built-in objects
Object! "unction! #rra$! %ate! &eg'(p ) 'rror *lobal object! +ath ) JSO,
rapper objects
Objects ithout constructors can be used immediatel$- "or instance. x = Math.PI/ 0rapper objects are created automaticall$ hen needed
2 regular JavaScript function that returns an object reference 2 constructor function invo3ed in the conte(t of a ne e(pression
Please note/
# constructor is a regular JavaScript function! In case no protot$pe functionalit$ is used all properties and methods ill be created on the object instance
4sing both the constructor function and protot$pe it5s possible to define
object state at the instance level and object behavior at the level of the shared protot$pe
0hen reading JavaScript properties the entire protot$pe chain is searched in case a propert$ cannot be located on an object instance Individual object instances can override inherited behavior
1onstructor protot$pe
JavaScript inheritance
1ombination inheritance
Protot$pe chaining for the implementation of (shared) base class behavior 1onstructor stealing for the initiali6ation of base class properties on derived object instances
Protot$pal inheritance
In protot$pal inheritance
a ne object instance inherits directl$ from another object instance there is no need to implement constructor functions
JavaScript has strong capabilities in the area of Object Oriented Programming 7he implementation of OOP features differs greatl$ from class based languages In JavaScript it5s common for there to be several OOP implementation alternatives I had to invest a significant amount of time ) effort to come to grips ith all the intricacies of JavaScript OOP but! in the end! it proved to be a great learning e(perience for me
Hans de Rooij