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Kuthumi - The Light Side of Darkness

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Ascended Master Kuthumi The Light Side of Darkness


All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders Channelled in ohannes!urg" South Africa on #$ %ovem!er &$$'

To find out more about Michelle and her work !lea"e #i"it www$!alaceof!eace$net
I am %uthumi and I come forth u!on the ray" of lo#e and wi"dom and brin& to you ble""in&" of ali&nment inte&ration tru"t and harmony$ 'reetin&" belo#ed one"$ And it i" with &reat (oy and !lea"ure within our heart" that we &ather with you u!on thi" day a" we hold you firmly within the heart of Chri"t and "ecurely u!on the hand" of 'od$ )ecome con"ciou" of the !re"ence of your healin& an&el and "urrender any ten"ion an*iety worry "hock or concern" you may be e*!eriencin& to your healin& an&el in e*chan&e for re(u#enation healin& and reali&nment with your core e""ence$ A" we &ather with you at thi" time in the !re"ence of Chri"t Con"ciou"ne"" we brin& forth a "!ecific teachin& one that we tru"t will "u!!ort you and all who come to read the"e word" in e*!andin& their awarene"" beyond the current le#el of fear ba"ed con"ciou"ne""$ The li&ht "ide of darkne"" i" a contro#er"ial "ub(ect for many !eo!le "o we "hall co#er a" many a"!ect" of thi" "ub(ect a" !o""ible in the time we ha#e a#ailable today$ (irst of all light is a manifestation of love) And love is a manifestation of light $ +here#er li&ht e*i"t" "o doe" lo#e$ +e are not "!eakin& in the "en"e of dayli&ht$ +e "!eak of lo#e, li&ht in the e""ence and "en"e of truth knowled&e inte&rity wi"dom !o"iti#ity under"tandin& and "o on and "o forth$ Darkne"" i" the manife"tation of fear and fear manife"t" darkne""$ -ear come" about a" a re"ult of ne&ati#ity and ne&ati#ity manife"t" a" a re"ult of fear$ I&norance !ain lack limitation illu"ion doubt an&er and &uilt are (u"t "ome e*am!le" of dark ener&y, darkne""$ .erha!" you ha#e heard the "ayin& / a !er"on ha" been ke!t in the dark0 re&ardin& "omethin&, the !er"on i" unaware or uninformed therefore in the dark$ To be&in with we "hall "!eak about the li&ht "ide of your dark "ide$ Thi" i" often referred to a" "hadow wi"dom$ *t is important to understand ho+ essential it is to seek the light in +hatever perceived darkness one is e,periencing $ E#ery dark a"!ect offer" an o!!ortunity to heal &row and &ain wi"dom$ Thi" i" one of the rea"on" why I ha#e tau&ht there i" no "uch thin& a" a mi"take a" "uch there i" only the o!!ortunity to learn and &ain wi"dom$ +hen a !er"on li#e" their life e*!ectin& to make mi"take" or belie#e" in mi"take" then one li#e" with re&ret which feed" ne&ati#e emotion"$ * repeat" there is no such thing as a mistake- there is only the opportunity to learn and gain +isdom) So if you do "omethin& normally !ercei#ed a" a mi"take which &enerally lead" to you re&rettin& your action it create" a downward "!iral re"ultin& in you bein& "ucked into &uilt and a number of other ne&ati#e emotion"$ Howe#er if you do "omethin& normally
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called a mi"take and rather "ee thi" a" an o!!ortunity to learn "omethin& new and relea"e "omethin& old then in"tead of feelin& re&ret or remor"e and &uilt you &ain wi"dom and feel &rateful for the o!!ortunity to ha#e learnt from the e*!erience and are able to make any nece""ary ad(u"tment" to chan&e the cour"e of direction or your action" if re1uired$ Thi" kind of attitude further "u!!ort" one to be fully !re"ent in the !re"ent moment$ 2ou "ee, re&ret and remor"e kee! you tra!!ed in the !a"t$ The &uilt draw" you back to the e*!erience re!eatedly$ If not &uilt it mi&ht be an&er which may be inhibitin& your ability to for&i#e kee!in& you in a !"ychic battle with other"$ The !"ychic battle not only drain" that !er"on3" ener&y on another le#el but al"o drain" your own and inhibit" your !ro&re"" a" much a" their"$ Thu" by "eein& the li&ht in a dark "ituation one embrace" the li&ht "ide of that darkne""$ Acknowled&in& that what you ha#e done "aid or e#en thou&ht a" bein& unacce!table i" already a "te! in relea"in& your"elf from that darkne""$ )y takin& action to en"ure that your awarene"" i" held in a con"tant "tate of "elf4awarene"" "o a" not to re!eat the "ame action" word" or thou&ht i" what draw" more li&ht into your con"ciou"ne""$ Mo#in& out of a "tate of denial can be #ery challen&in& howe#er the more o!en and hone"t you are with your"elf the more li&ht you attract the more li&ht you inte&rate and the more "elf4knowled&e you &ain$ The more you know about your"elf the more em!owered you become$ The more you learn about your"elf the more you learn about 'od the more you learn about life the ea"ier it become" to !ractice unconditional lo#e non4(ud&ement and di"cernment$ 2ou "ee there i" a &reat difference between di"cernment and (ud&ement$ )y ob"er#in& beha#iour and choo"in& not to be affected by another !er"on3" beha#iour i" di"cernment choo"in& to remo#e one"elf from the com!any of !eo!le or an e*!erience cau"in& you !ain and5or di"comfort i" a !ractice of di"cernment which i" when you al"o draw u!on li&ht in order to "hift out of darkne""$ Many !eo!le are afraid to &o within in order to learn more about them"el#e"$ )ecau"e of thi" they are often faced with "ituation" where their dark "ide i" reflected back to them$ Thi" often re"ult" in (ud&ement becau"e a !er"on (ud&e" in another what they di"like about5within them"el#e" con"ciou"ly and uncon"ciou"ly$ Thi" i" why we "ay "elf4knowled&e em!ower" you$ 2ou will "ee the more you know about your"elf the le"" often you will attract ne&ati#e e*!erience" and if it ha!!en" it will be far ea"ier to reco&ni"e the li&ht in the "hadow and be in a !o"ition to chan&e or tran"mute it$ .eo!le3" !ath of !er"onal de#elo!ment i" e*!andin& and acceleratin& at a !henomenal rate therefore it i" im!erati#e that each indi#idual take full re"!on"ibility for their beha#iour and choice"$ Thi" em!ower" the collecti#e con"ciou"ne"" of humanity and "hift" that con"ciou"ne"" to be o!en to recei#e hi&her 1uotient" of li&ht$ Darkne"" can only e*i"t where li&ht doe" not$ Therefore the moment the li&ht "ide of any dark e*!erience i" acknowled&ed it immediately di""i!ate"$ It become" non4e*i"tent$ The darkne"" i" ab"orbed into the li&ht and tran"formed$ The tran"formed dark a"!ect become" a !owerful li&ht a"!ect of the indi#idual, either their !er"onality "oul e""ence or any other a"!ect of them"el#e"$ 2ou ha#e already witne""ed an immen"e amount of chan&e in your world in the form of more and more darkne"" bein& e*!o"ed becau"e of the amount of li&ht enterin& your !lanet and the collecti#e con"ciou"ne"" of humanity$ Therefore continue with your effort" to enli&hten
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your"elf and other"$ Li&htworker" ha#e been challen&ed by the darkne"" to &reat e*tent" o#er the !a"t year"$ Many Li&htworker" ha#e found that dark time" ha#e been too much to co!e with and that the dark time" outwei&h the li&ht time"$ All that i" ha!!enin& i" that Li&htworker" ha#e been taken throu&h inten"e initiation" of accelerated &rowth "o a" to e*!o"e the a"!ect" of "elf harbourin& darkne"" in order to &ain more li&ht$ The !roblem ari"e" when indi#idual" &et cau&ht u! in the darkne"" and the illu"ion become" !ercei#ed a" a con"tant reality or truth re"ultin& in li&ht bein& lo"t and ener&y wa"ted in kee!in& the illu"ion ali#e$ The challen&e i" to remain li&ht when there i" den"ity$ The challen&e i" to o!en your heart and acce!t li&ht in time" when all your heart want" to do i" "hut down and clo"e it"elf off to e#erythin& and e#eryone$ Li&htworker" do not &i#e u! ho!e for you will recei#e your (u"t reward for your !er"e#erance and many le#el" of li&ht fre1uencie" will be made a#ailable to humanity enablin& you to e*!and beyond what ha" become !ercei#ed a" a #ery limited world$ Dance with your "hadow &et to know thi" a"!ect of your"elf becau"e when you know your dark "ide, your hidden "elf your li&ht become" "tron&er enablin& your li&ht "ide to draw your dark "elf further into the li&ht$ The a"!ect" of "elf often referred to a" the dark "ide or the "hadow "ide i" often inter!reted by other" a" the ne&ati#ely a""erti#e or wilful "elf howe#er your a""erti#e wilful "elf embodie" li&ht becau"e in !racti"in& di"cernment one i" able to a""ert one"3 will "et boundarie" and in"i"t that whate#er darkne"" i" bein& e*!erienced be tran"muted into li&ht$ Another rea"on why more and more !eo!le are bein& challen&ed to embrace their "hadow "elf and allow their li&ht a"!ect to become their li&ht "elf i" to heal the wound" and awaken the "lee!in& a"!ect" of them"el#e" "o a" to brin& knowled&e wi"dom and become em!owered Mother Earth that ha" reached the !oint in her own e#olutionary cycle where "he too ha" acti#ely cho"en to inte&rate her dark a"!ect" and tran"mute them into li&ht yet another rea"on why humanity i" bein& challen&ed to wake u! and become the li&ht to become informed and come out of the dark in order for e#erythin& to &row$ The dark a&e" are o#er$ 2ou are mo#in& in to the &olden a&e$ 2ou ha#e con"ciou"ly made the choice to fully "te! into your &olden "elf embrace your &olden con"ciou"ne"" and fully inte&rate the "hadow "elf$ +hen you look at your"elf a" a &old bein& it im!lie" richne"" wealth o!ulence !ower "tatu" but not in the lu"tful way that many ha#e come to know tho"e title" to mean$ +e "!eak of it in the "en"e of "!iritual wealth "!iritual o!ulence em!owered by the li&ht of 'od$ Thi" i" what brin&" a community of billion" of !eo!le into a new world of e*!eriencin& the li&ht of 'od$ It i" im!ortant that you al"o addre"" your dark thinkin& i$e$ critici"m belief in lack lo"" #ictim con"ciou"ne"" conditional lo#e con"ciou"ne"" and "ee that tho"e e*!erience" ha#e in fact "er#ed a !ur!o"e$ 2ou ha#e e*!erienced what it feel" like to &o without$ 2ou ha#e e*!erienced what it feel" like to be in emotional and !hy"ical !ain in mental an&ui"h, you ha#e e*!erienced the feelin& of fear re&ret remor"e "hame humiliation and an&er$ 2ou ha#e done it6 2ou ha#e re!eatedly li#ed the dark "ide, lifetime after lifetime you ha#e e*!erienced darkne""$ 2ou ha#e e*!erienced the fru"tration of i&norance the humiliation of lack of under"tandin&$ 2ou need to &ra"! the fact that you ha#e been there and done it$ Now you ha#e the o!!ortunity to e*!erience the li&ht "ide of the darkne"" you ha#e been
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e*!o"ed to$ )ecau"e you ha#e li#ed and felt !ain and limitation it i" your di#ine birthri&ht to e*!erience it" com!lete o!!o"ite$ Thi" i" where the mind i" challen&ed becau"e humanity3" conditionin& i" "o dee!ly in&rained in belie#in& in lack it i" difficult to di&e"t the conce!t of e*!eriencin& more li&ht than darkne""$ +here you ha#e e*!erienced betrayal, it i" now your di#ine ri&ht to e*!erience commitment and loyalty$ +here you ha#e e*!erienced lack, it i" now your di#ine ri&ht to e*!erience abundance$ That i" the li&ht "ide of the darkne"" you ha#e e*!erienced$ +here you ha#e e*!erienced death, your di#ine ri&ht i" to e*!erience life a&ain "o you were re4born$ Cycle come" to an end and a new one automatically follow"$ +hen ni&ht come" to an end you are alway" &i#en daytime$ Dawn i" on your door"te! which i" the con"ciou"ne"" we are tryin& to &et humanity to &ra"! and o!en their con"ciou"ne"" to$ .art of your role i" to o!en your"elf com!letely to the li&ht "ide of whate#er darkne"" you e*!erience$ It i" al"o your role to hel! other" under"tand thi" conce!t and break out of #ictim con"ciou"ne"" becau"e a #ictim belie#e" they are unde"er#in& of li&ht$ 7n the 89"t of December in the year 8:98 the li&ht a&e will become fully acti#ate$ Therefore whate#er i" in any form of darkne"" at that !articular !oint will ha#e to be tran"muted in !re!aration for what will follow$ +hat follow" i" the challen&e to take full re"!on"ibly for your life and ma"ter the material world by attainin& com!lete "elf4awarene""$ Thi" i" one of many rea"on" why "o many "oul" are lea#in& the !lanet$ Some are makin& their tran"ition to the other world" in order to recei#e healin& and the o!!ortunity to !artici!ate in the hi&her "chool" of learnin&$ -or "ome it i" an o!!ortunity to take a !eriod of re"t and re4 incarnate either (u"t before or (u"t after the &olden a&e i" fully &rounded$ Many "oul" ha#e al"o decided the challen&e i" too &reat to deal with and need a !eriod of re"t after which they will reincarnate into another "y"tem or e*!erience "o a" to continue their (ourney of learnin& and "oul de#elo!ment$ Tho"e of you who ha#e cho"en to wake u! and lead the re"t of humanity into the &olden a&e need to "urrender your con"ciou"ne"" and allow it to e*!and beyond that which you ha#e become accu"tomed to$ +e call thi" the !roce"" of the lower e&o relin1ui"hin& control to the Hi&her Self$ )y bein& fle*ible and o!en minded you o!en your"elf to the o!!ortunity to &ain immen"e wi"dom and a #a"t amount of knowled&e$ The more you allow thi" the more your reality will chan&e and what you lon& for become" your new reality$ 2our dream" and #i"ion" take on a new !oint of focu" ho!e" and wi"he" become more within your &ra"! and a chan&e will manife"t and by interactin& with S!irit a new (ourney come"$ So to each one of you we "ay 4 o!en your mind o!en your heart relea"e the #ictim and relea"e the a"!ect of your"elf which indul&e" in !o#erty con"ciou"ne""$ Acknowled&e your di#ine ri&ht to e*!erience li&ht$ 2ou ha#e com!leted your dark cycle now it i" time to li#e the li&ht cycle, the li&ht "ide of darkne""$ Initially it i" challen&in&, we certainly don;t deny thi" fact$ Remember the "ubcon"ciou" i" !ro&rammed with beha#iour !attern" which determine your reaction" in "ituation"$ -ear" cree! in in a fla"h and before you know it you find your"elf worryin& about all "ort" of thin&" that may or may not nece""arily ha!!en$ 7ne of the way" that you can kee! your"elf more focu"ed on your li&ht "ide i" by maintainin& an attitude of &ratitude$ )y re&ularly &i#in& thank" for what you ha#e materially "!iritually
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emotionally or intellectually the more you affirm to your"elf how ble""ed you truly are$ Children automatically e*!ect lo#e to alway" be there$ They are o!en to learnin&$ A fi#e year old can a"k /why<0 a hundred time" a day much to their !arent" di"tre"" or amu"ement They are curiou" and automatically want to know and e*!erience more$ They te"t their boundarie" a" well a" that of other"$ They are &enerally not afraid to e*ert their will de!endin& on circum"tance" of cour"e$ Adult" ha#e a lot to learn from children in &eneral$ Adult" ha#e been in earth e*i"tence lon&er than children howe#er children ha#e a fre"her e*!erience with the li&ht "ide of S!irit they remember more of the other world" therefore they can remind you of much more than you can e#en e*!ect to remember$ Thi" i" why Ma"ter =e"u" "aid /)ecome like children to enter the kin&dom of Hea#en0$ Reali&n your"el#e" with (oy with the li&ht knowled&e and the "elf4im!ortance of a child and you will e*!erience the /%in&dom of Hea#en 0 re&ardle"" of where you are$ A" you know both hea#en and hell are a "tate of mind$ It i" not "omethin& out"ide of you u! in the "ky or in the core of the earth$ It i" in"ide you within your heart and mind$ Make a commitment to your"elf for thi" i" for your own benefit$ The commitment is to give life to all the .oyous child aspects of yourself) Commit to the li&ht "ide of your dark "elf >e&o5fearful "elf? and acknowled&e daily that your dark a&e ha" ended and you are ad(u"tin& to a new a&e$ Remind your"elf that dawn i" breakin& and you ha#e a tremendou" ad#anta&e o#er many other" and that thi" !ri#ile&e come" with re"!on"ibility which i" to u"e the knowled&e tool" and !ower you are bein& !re"ented with to "how other" the li&ht "ide of darkne""$ In other word" lead by e*am!le$ Embracin& your li&ht "ide doe" not mean you mu"t di"re&ard your dark "ide 4 your "hadow "ide$ Rather acknowled&e your "hadow "elf a" a teacher a brin&er of wi"dom and e#ery time you acknowled&e the wi"dom thi" teacher ha" brou&ht you are ble""ed with more li&ht$ )e con"ciou" of your thou&ht" your word" and action" "o that you are aware of what darkne"" you entertain$ 2our "elf4awarene"" allow" you to acknowled&e what you need to$ 2our acknowled&ement allow" you to tran"form and your tran"formation" &rant you the (oy of new life$ Remember your re"!on"ibility to "er#e in the li&ht by "howin& other" how to embrace their li&ht which a" I "aid you do throu&h leadin& by e*am!le$ @nder"tand that "ome day" may be ea"ier than other" initially howe#er when one day i" darker than another embrace it a" the o!!ortunity to learn "o more about your"elf) And remem!er- !y maintaining an attitude of gratitude" fear and dou!t have no leverage) +e embrace you in the !ower of your authentic "elf$ +e acknowled&e the li&ht of your e""ence and honour the coura&e and "tren&th you di"!lay in !er"e#erin& in takin& your (ourney to com!letion$ Tru"t in the many in#i"ible arm" that hold you in all way"$ May all that your "oul de"ire" and re1uire" manife"t in &race and !erfect and miraculou" way" throu&h the abundance of "ource throu&h which 'od !ro#ide" and may all alway" be well in your world$ May you ha#e a deli&ht4full day$ I am %uthumi Lord of Lo#e and +i"dom and I &reet and ble"" you in lo#e$ AD7NAI Activities/0uestions1 Take your (ournal and make a li"t of e#erythin& your !ercei#e a" bein& your dark "ide$ Look at each !oint and write down ne*t to it how you were lead to belie#e thi" about
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your"elf$ Con"ider and write down how the"e dark a"!ect" of your"elf can be tran"formed into li&ht a"!ect" in other word" how can you tran"form them into "tren&th" or what "tren&th" can you tran"form them into< If "ome of what you ha#e li"ted a" ne&ati#e" are in fact that what i" the fir"t "mall action you can take on your !art today to be&in tran"formin& it into it" o!!o"ite !o"ti#e a"!ect< +hat "o called /mi"take"0 ha#e you made in your !a"t that ha#e left you with a feelin& of re&ret &uilt "hame fear etc< +hat wi"dom can you e*tract from the e#ent" and own a" &ift" rather than remainin& attached to the ne&ati#e emotion< +hat /mi"take"0 do you find your"elf re!eatin&< +hat do you feel you need to do differently that you ha#e not done before in "uch in"tance" in order to chan&e thi" !attern< +hat do you (ud&e and critici"e in other" that you can now acce!t a" a"!ect" of your"elf you re(ect or di"like< +hat "mall "te! can you take on your !art today to be&in acce!tin& and lo#in& the !art" of your"elf you di"like (ud&e and critici"e "o a" to tran"form them< Make the effort each day to acknowled&e or write down in your (ournal what in your life you are &rateful for$


Michelle Manders All Rights Reserved

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