Webquest SP14
Webquest SP14
Webquest SP14
need! It also has links directly to your blog for the extension activity. Create a new GOOGLE DOC, title it LASTNAME.CANTERBURYTALESWEBQUEST and share with [email protected]
Answer on a GOOGLE DOC, MLA format, Complete sentences
1. Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales? List five facts about this authors early life (biographical information). 2. What time period is The Canterbury Tales depicting? 3. What conclusions can you make about Chaucer based upon the many job titles he held during his lifetime? 4. What is a pilgrimage? 5. The Canterbury Tales begins with a prologue and then follows a format where each character tells stories as they travel on a pilgrimage how many stories does each character tell? 6. The Canterbury Tales is a story about a journey. Where does the journey start? Where is it supposed to end? 7. What is so special about Canterbury? (is there a religious/historical site there?) 8. What is 1 example of why religion may have been so important in the Middle Ages? Explain. 9. Who is St. Thomas Becket? Why is he famous? 10. What language was The Canterbury Tales first written in? List 1 reason of why Chaucer may have chosen to write this piece in that language.
1. Use the NEWSPAPER CLIP GENERATOR (on the webmix) to make a newspaper article about one element of your findings. How do I do this? (read on) 2. Choose something you learned about on your webquest, now you are going to report on it! a. Create a unique title! b. Choose a date, any date, get creative! (or use todays) c. Your article should be 200+ words and describe your element. d. For example: Chaucer Writes #1 Best Seller! then talk about what you learned about Chaucer and writing the Canterbury Tales. 3. Once you finish typing. a. Click GENERATE b. Click download your image c. GOOGLE CHROME: it will appear at the bottom of the page in a toolbar. d. Open the file e. Click FILE > SAVE A COPY f. Save to MY DOCUMENTS as LASTNAME_CANTERBURYNEWSPAPER i. ex. Cafarelli_CanterburyNewspaper.docx g. Log in to your BLOG (use webmix, find your class in the bottom, right corner) h. Create a new post i. TITLE: Canterbury Tales Newspaper j. TAG: Canterbury Tales 4. Insert newspaper into the body by clicking the media icon and opening your image. You will have to hit insert into post once it uploads. 5. Hit publish