World Conference On Education For All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs
World Conference On Education For All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs
World Conference On Education For All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs
Sponsors United Nations Developrnent Programme (UNDP) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) The World Bank Co-Sponsors Asian Development Bank Denmark Finland Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Japan Norway Sweden United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Associate Sponsors Australia Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Italy Switzerland Bernard van Leer Foundation World Health Organization (WHO) Joint Organizer of Regional Activities in Latin America and the Caribbean Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
This Final Report of the World Conference on Education for All was prepared by W. Haddad, N. Colletta, N. Fisher, M. Lakin, R. Rinaldi Executive Secretariat WCEFA Inter-Agency Commission.
Published by the Inter-Agency Commission (UNDO, UNESCO, UNICEF, WORLD BANK) for the World Conference on Education for All UNICEF House Three United Nations Plaza New York N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. First Printing: May 1990 This publication may be freely reproduced and quoted in all or in part, provided that due credit is given. The geographical names, titles, classif cations and denominations used in this document do not imply an.y opinion or judgement on the legal or other status of any territory, nor any endorsement or acceptance of any boundary.
This Final Report of the World Conference on Education for All Meeting Basic Learning Needs was prepared by the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-Agency Commission established by UNDP, UNICEF and the WORLD BANK. In addition to concise summaries of the main proceedings of the Conference, the report contains the integral texts of the two documents adopted by the Conference: the World Declaration on Education for All and the Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs. These same texts are available together in a booklet in four language editions: Arabic, English, French and Spanish. They are also available in Chinese and Russian. The official background document, entitled Meeting Basic Learning Needs: a Vision for the 1990s, was revised after the Conference and is available also in these four languages. Both documents, as well as an 18 minute video, "Education for All", may be obtained from any of the four WCEFA Liaison Units indicated on the back cover. Annex D gives more details. Few international conferences have mobilized so many people in such a short time. This achievement would not have been possible without the cooperation and dedicated efforts of hundreds of people in countries and organisations around the world. I wish to express my sincere appreciation and acknowledge their contribution to the Education for All initiative, without which the World Conference could not have taken place in such favorable circumstances. Of course the Government of Thailand deserves very special thanks and recognition for accepting to host this major event, for offering various courtesies to the delegations assembled in Jomtien, and for providing the necessary support, services and facilities, including the lovely conference site. We who had the privilege to meet in Jomtien to deliberate together now have a heavy responsibility to work to implement the principles and to achieve the goals agreed at the conference. Others who subscribe to these principles and goals are encouraged to join us. The Conference demonstrated that providing basic education for all is an attainable goal and that each of us can make a contribution to this worldwide effort. On behalf of the Inter-Agency Commission, I wish to invite you, the reader, to join us in accepting this important challenge in the spirit of international co-operation and solidarity. Let us work together, building on the momentum of the World Conference, to achieve education for all children, youth and adults, in all countries of our world.
Wadi D. Haddad Executive Secretary Inter-Agency Commission World Conference on Education for All
Table of Contents
Preface 1. Education for All: An Overview The EFA Initiative The Conference Programme Structure and Index Boxes: 1.1 Calendar of Consultations 1.2 WCEFA Participation at a Glance 2. Education for All: The Context Summary of the Opening Session A Unique Opportunity External Debt, Optimization of Resources Basic Education: Broadening the Concept Vision, Will, Partnerships A Focus on Human Development 3. Education for All: The Consensus-Building Summary of Interventions in the Plenary Commission Convictions Concerns Making a Difference Education for All: Realities Education in Context Basic educationa Foundation Focus on Effective Learning Balancing Priorities: Basic and Higher Education New Models of Cooperation and Partnership Outreach and Equity Educational Channels Resources Commitments National Action, International Support Commitments of the Sponsors Enlarging the Global Resource Pool iii 1 1 2 3 2 4 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 22
4. Education for All: The Components Summary of Roundtables The Purpose An Expanded Vision Increasing Access and Equity A Focus on Learning Broadening the Scope of Basic Education Enhancing the Learning Environment Strengthening Partnerships The Requirements Building National Technical Capacity Developing a Supportive Policy Environment Mobilizing Financial Resources Strengthening International Solidarity 5. Education for All: Call to Action Summaty of the Closing Plenary Session Committed Partnerships Calls to Action Guidelines for the Future A Beginning, Not an End We Are on our Way
24 24 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 33 34 34 35 36 37 37
Acronyms Used in the Main Text ADB EEC EFA ESCAP IAC ILY ITFL OECD NGO UNDP UNESCO UNICEF WCEFA WCOTP Asian Development Bank European Economic Community Education for All Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Inter-Agency Commission International Literacy Year International Task Force for Literacy Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Non-Governmental Organization United Nations Development Programme United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations Children's Fund World Conference on Education for All World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession
Appendices 1. World Declaration on Education for All Preamble Education for All: The Purpose Education for All: An Expanded Vision and A Renewed Commitment Education for All: The Requirements Framework for Action Introduction Goals and Targets Principles of Action 1. Priority Action at National Level 1.1 Assessing Needs and Planning Action 1.2 Developing a Supportive Policy Environment 1.3 Designing Policies to Improve Basic Education 1.4 Improving Managerial, Analytical and Technological Capacities 1.5 Mobilizing Information and Communication Channels 1.6 Building Partnerships and Mobilizing Resources 2. Priority Action at Regional Level 2.1 Exchanging Information, Experience and Expertise 2.2 Undertaking Joint Activities 3. Priority Action at World Level 3.1 Cooperation within the International Context 3.2 Enhancing National Capacities 3.3 Providing Sustained Long-term Support for National and Regional Actions 3.4 Consultations on Policy Issues Indicative Phasing of Implementation for the 1990s Statement on the Follow-Up to the World Conference on Education for All Statement of Principles on the Involvement of NGOs in WCEFA FollowUp Activities with Non-NGO Bodies 39 41 43 44 47 51 52 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 57 57 59 59 59 60 60 60 61 62 63 65 66
3. 4. Annexes A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
Conference Schedule Roundtables Thematic Roundtables Illustrative Roundtables Exhibits Documents Conference Management and Services Composition of the Inter-Agency Commission Participant List
68 72 72 76 80 82 83 85 90
comments and suggestions for their revision, and the Executive Secretariat met with the rapporteurs to obtain their advice on the perspectives and major concerns of all the regions that needed to be reflected in Draft C, which was then submitted to the World Conference for final examination and adoption. (See Appendices 1 and 2 for the texts of these two complementary documents as adopted by the Conference.) Furthermore, many countries established national committees or task forces during 1989, often with the active participation of NGOs, to design or update a national strategy to develop basic education and to prepare for the ILY and WCEFA. A large number of international and regional NGOs were also active in the consultation process, commented on the working documents and helped the IAC to raise awareness of the issues involved in the Education for All initiative. This partnership of governmental authorities, intergovernmental agencies, and nongovernmental organizations is a very significant characteristic of the Education for All initiative. Although this initiative was initially focussed on the World Conference, there was unanimous agreement in Jomtien that the initiative must continue far beyond the Conference, until the basic learning needs of all children, youth and adults are effectively met in all countries of the world.
THE CONFERENCE The World Conference on Education for All had three principal objectives: 1. to highlight the importance and impact of basic education, and renew commitment to make it available to all 2. to forge a global consensus on a framework for action to meet the basic learning needs of children, youth and adults; 3. to provide a forum for sharing experiences and research results to invigourate ongoing and planned programmes . The structure of the Conference (see Programme, page 3) was designed to meet these objectives through: an Inaugural Session, followed by an Opening Plenary Session; a Plenary Commission for general discussion regarding the content of the two working documents ( World Declaration on Education for All and Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs); a Drafting Committee which examined proposed amendments to the two working documents and reported its conclusions to the Plenary Commission at its final session; two series of autonomous roundtables on major issues concerning education
for all: (i) 24 thematic roundtables dealing with issues which concern many countries, and (ii) 24 illustrative round tables presenting the experiences and plans of particular countries and organizations; (see the list of roundtables in Annex B); some 70 exhibits on subjects relevant to the theme of the Conference; (see the list of exhibits in Annex C); a host country day, in which participants had the opportunity to visit educational and cultural institutions around Jomtien; and a Closing Plenary Session, at which the final text of the World Declaration and the Framework for Action, as approved by the Plenary Commission, were formally adopted by the Conference; (see the approved texts in Appendices 1 and 2). Simultaneous interpretation into the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) was provided for the plenary sessions, the Plenary Commission, and the meetings of the Bureau and Drafting Committee. The working documents of the Conference were also available in these languages. The working languages of the roundtables were English and French, with provisions for interpretation from one or more of the other four languages into English and French. Participation in the Conference was by invitation issued by the Inter-Agency Commission. Member States of the United Nations, UNESCO and the World Bank were invited to send a ministerial-level delegation of three to four persons. A number of intergovernmental bodies and nongovernmental and media organizations and institutes were invited to send one delegate each. In addition to the 900 delegates, the Conference Secretariat registered about 200 observers and accredited some 190 press correspondents; altogether, with Conference staff and programme personnel, over 1500 people from all parts of the world met in Jomtien. (See Box 1.2) The King of Thailand was represented at the Inaugural Session on Monday morning, 5 March 1990, by H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, who officially opened the Conference, after a formal statement by the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, H.E. Gen-
eral Tienchai Sirisumpan. The Executive Secretary of the Conference, Mr. Wadi D. Haddad, then presented the Education for All initiative and the theme film by that title. At the Opening Plenary Session held immediately afterwards, a message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations was read by his representative, Mr. S.A.M.S. Kibria, Executive Secretary of ESCAP; and the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr. Federico Mayor, addressed the Conference on behalf of the four core Sponsors of the WCEFA. Three invited heads of state, each from a different region of the world, addressed the Conference: the President of Bangladesh, H.E. Mr. Hussain Muhammad Ershad; the President of Ecuadoro H.E. Mr. Rodrigo Borja Cevallos; and the President of Kenya, H.E. Mr. Daniel arap Moi. Chapter 2 provides a summary of the interventions during this plenary session. The delegates then elected a President, eleven Vice-Presidents, and two CoRapporteurs-General; these officers, together with the executive heads of the four core Sponsors and the Executive Secretary of the Conference, constituted the Bureau of the Conference (see list in Annex E) to guide its work to a successful conclusion. The composition of the Bureau reflected the geographical representation of the delegates and included one Vice-President nominated by the nongovernmental organizations present. The 48 roundtables, scheduled four at a time during twelve 90-minute sessions,
provided opportunities for participants to discuss issues and exchange experiences around a large number of technical topics and specific cases presented by panels of specialists using various audio-visual supports. A summary of the roundtable discussions is given in Chapter 4. The exhibits, many of which also offered audio-visual presentations, provided supplementary information on these and other related topics. The Plenary Commission sought to build consensus on the central issues involved in the Education for All initiative. It met for six sessions during the Conference, providing a forum for the heads of delegations to speak on these general issues and more specifically about the draft texts of the World Declaration and the Frumezwrk for Action. The Commission also heard major policy statements by the President of the World Bank, Mr. Barber Conable; the Executive Director of UNICEF, Mr. James Grant; and the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, Mr. William Draper III. In addition, the President of the Maldives addressed the Commission on 7March. A synthesis of the interventions made in the Plenary Commission is presented in Chapter 3. At its first session, the Plenary Commission elected a Remember Drafting Committee, its membership reflecting the various geographical and organizational constituencies represented at the Conference and including several rapporteurs of the regional consultations (see Annex E). The Co-RapporteursGeneral, the Executive Secretary of the Conference, and a representative of each of the four core Sponsors joined the Drafting Committee as ex-officio members. Under the rotating chairmanship of the Co-RapporteursGeneral, the Drafting Committee received and examined 67 proposed amendments to the
texts of the World Declaration and the Frame work for Action. The Drafting Committee reported back to the Commission at its final session, and the Commission approved the texts with the amendments recommended by the Drafting Committee. These texts subsequently were adopted unanimously by the Conference at the Closing Plenary Session on 9 March 1990. At the invitation of the Acting President of the Conference, H.E. Mr. Josef Hromadka, Deputy Prime Minister of Czechslovakia, the participants affirmed their commitment to the principles and goals of the World Declaration and the Framework for Action by reading aloud the final paragraphs of the World Declaration. They also endorsed by acclamation a short statement on "Follow-up to the World Conference on Education for All" (Appendix 3) which had resulted from extensive discussions during the Conference, involving all groups of participants. Calls for action based on the consensus reached at the Conference, were made by three speakers: Dr. Anil Bordia (India), speaking on behalf of the Asia and Pacific countries; H.E. Mr. Alaziamina Nzege (Zaire) speaking on behalf of the African countries; and Ms. Evelyn Kurihara Philbrook, speaking on behalf of the NGOs present. Closing statements were then given by: the Minister of Education of Thailand, H.E. General Mana Ratanakoses; the Director-General of UNESCO; the Executive Director of UNICEF; the Executive Secretary of the Conference; and the Acting President of the Conference. Following the Vote of Thanks, proposed by the Minister of Education of Jamaican H.E. Senator Hon. Carlyle Dunkley, and a brief musical performance by a Thai dance group based on the WCEFA theme song, the Acting President formally closed the Conference.
I believe that it is time for change. I believe that it is time for us to start working for peace and not for war, for life and not for death, for social development and not for stagnation, for education and not for warlike barbarity.
President Borja Ecuador
The warming of relations between East and West, the withdrawal of occupying forces in various parts of the world and the reduction of the manufacture of arms, are all developments that should release huge amounts of resources for development. We shall surely not be asking for too much when we say some of the resources thus saved should be put to better use of providing education for all.
President Moi Ken,ya
The cost of a nuclear submarine would finance the annual educational budget
of 23 developing countries and meet the needs of 160 million school-a g e children. EXTERNAL DEBT, OPTIMIZATION OF RESOURCES
Two themes which became of major importance in the World Conference debate were
Optimization of national resources demands flexibility in the provision of education through diverse approaches "Our National Plan of Action", stated President Ershad, "proposes realistic strategies that mix innovative and unconventional approaches with conventional and traditional ones . . . communication channels, both traditional and modern, will be utilized to the maximum . . . Stress is placed on making optimum use of the resources available".
Education for all needs the contribution to education from all . . . If we combine vision with pragmatism political will with economic resourcefulness, international solidarity with national commitment, the expertise of educators with the fresh contributions of the media, science and technology, the business community, voluntary organizations and many others - then, and probably only then, the struggle to bring education to all can be won.
F. Mayor Director-General, UNESCO
highlighted by the opening speakers: the urgency of reducing the burden of external debt, without which developing countries cannot realistically foresee increasing investment in basic education, and the importance of optimizing scarce resources. As stated by the UNESCO Director-General, the "reaffirmation of political will" will have to be measured in re-structuring of international co-operation, as well as of education systems and national budgets. President Borja, for example, speaking on behalf of Latin America, largely ascribed poor educational conditions to the enormous burden of external debt. The impossibility of repaying debt and at the same time meeting the internal needs for progress, he stated, demand Equitable and fair responses from creditor countries to the problem of . . . external debt".
BASIC EDUCATION: BROADENING THE CONCEPT The concept of basic education itself needs to be broadened beyond literacy and numeracy to include a wide range of skills and knowledge for living. HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn highlighted: . . . the need to meet basic learning needs . . . by emphasising such topics as occupational development, knowledge of health care, food preparation, child care, . . . nature and the environment. President Moi expanded upon the theme: We must increasingly look towards education to help solve such problems
as unemployment, population growth, declining agricultural production, and the damage being caused to our environment. VISION, WILL, PARTNERSHIPS Mr. Federico Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO, speaking on behalf of the four sponsoring agencies, placed the Education for All initiative in the context of the human cost of recent declines in the field of basic education,
fore, allow cultural factors, financial constraints, and other factors that militate against the education of women to hinder our efforts to provide quality education to this important segment of the world population.
President Moi Kenya
People are not mere numbers. When adequately trained and empowered, they are transformed into mighty
The theme "Education for All - Meeting Basic Learning Needs" is above all about people, the most valuable resource on our planet.
W. Haddad Executive Secretary, WCEFA
and emphasised the need for the conference both to renew commitment to, and provide action guidelines for, achieving basic education for all within a foreseeable time-frame. But while the challenge of Education for All may appear daunting, a mix of vision, political will and new partnerships could well produce the "revolution" required. Whether we can eliminate illiteracy within the next ten years will depend on co-operation at every level from the governmental and private sectors, as well as from independent agencies, which must all coordinate their efforts around the world.
HRH Princess Maha Chalcri Sirindhorn
forces for positive change and progress. Literacy and basic education are the indispensable tools and steps for such empowerment. We in Bangladesh are trying our best to achieve this empowerment.
President Ershad Bangladesh
SELF-RELIANCE Speakers further emphasized the necessary corollary to co-operation: self-reliance, whether of individuals suffering from inequity, of people at large, or of nation-states: When you educate a woman, you educate a nation. We should not, there-
The root of all dependencies originates in technological dependence . . . thus we in developing countries have to create our own capacity to generate technologies adequate for our conditions of life, to select technologies and to adapt them to our economic and social infrastructures, all this forming part of our own culture, our own idiosyncracies and our own way of being.
President Borja Ecuador
A FOCUS ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT The United Nations Secretary-General's message, presented by the Executive Secretary of ESCAP, emphasized the potential of the Con-
ference for shaping future approaches to basic education and for "devising strategies for bridging the wide gap between proclaimed rights and sombre realities". This statement introduced a theme to be much stressed during the week: the renewal of a world-wide focus on human development. The issues of literacy and basic education for all must constitute key
elements of . . . a comprehensive approach to address the human dimension of development. This Conference is thus expected to have a substantial impact in shaping the international development strategy that will carry us into the twenty-first century.
J. Perez de Cuellar U.N. Secretary General
Education does not work in a vacuum or in isolation from other factors that have a bearing on society.
Message of Crown Prince Hassan Jordan
Education for All: The Consensus-Building
Summary of Interventions in the Plenary Commission
The sessions of the Plenary Commission, lasting from the afternoon of 5 March until the morning of 9 March, provided an opportunity for delegations to voice their convictions, concerns and commitments with regard to the Education for All debate leading up to the finalization of the Conference working documents - the World Declaration on Education for All and the Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs. This chapter, through the ideas and words of the delegates themselves, examines the issues raised in this, the final week of a year-long, world-wide process of consultation aimed at creating a renewed commitment to Education for All. CONVICTIONS Any plan or strategy for action has at its base a conceptual framework, itself usually based on certain intrinsic principles or convictions. During the course of the Conference, as delegates stated the rationale for their views on, and commitment to, Education for All, a set of convictions emerged, forming a common thread linking speakers from around the world. The belief in a people-centred development process, in which human development is at the core of economic and social development, was one such expression. Delegates frequently cited the fundamental human right to education, and the importance of equity and quality in basic education. As 10 women and men exercise their right to education, they come to be aware of, and are able to exercise, their other rights; education is the crucible for democracy and liberty, and is as indispensable to national development as it is to individual development. Education for All must be oriented towards individual liberation from every form of domination and oppression, but it must also socialize the individual to be dynamically involved with others, to assume responsibility. Education for All must be oriented to equality of all, and to participation of all in national development. Education can and should be made to implant human values that should manifest themselves in the endeavours of groups and individuals, and in the struggle to improve the quality of life.
Message of Crown Prince Hassan Jordan
Equality considerations are important in any strategy which aims to lead to Education for All. The process of lifelong learning is one of the most important means by which democratic norms, values and structures can take shape and re-shape society. Delegates stressed the empowering role of education for people and countries, but a note of caution was introduced by one delegate when participants were reminded that, too often:
the school system itself serves as a selection mechanism which helps to reproduce disparities and inequalities in society. From this perspective, Article 3 of the World Declaration "Universalizing access and promoting equity" is at the heart of Education for All. Affirmative action to enable women and girls to meet their basic learning needs is a top priority; literacy and further education are powerful tools for the advancement of women. Education for All also means ensuring particular attention to the underserved the poor, the marg i n a l i z e d , the handicapped.
tion of authority and responsibility for the administration of basic education to the community, can often be more productive than a centralized approach. From whatever perspective, the value of investment in quality basic education was unquestioned. In economists' terms, investment in education produces high rates of return.
B. Conable President, World Bank
Delegates reiterated the need for political commitment to Education for All. Without political will, there can be no achievement.
Ministers of Finance, as well as those working in develop ment Banks, should be pleased to note that education pro duces substantial value for money. This is reflected both in national accounts and in individual earnings. As people are educated, earnings grow, so do savings, so does investment, and, in turn, so does the well-being of society overall.
B. Conable President, World Bank
Many delegates viewed basic education as a necessary condition for tackling development problems, a decisive factor for improving societies, the essential foundation for human resource development. However, delegates were cautioned against viewing education as a panacea for all ills; education is rooted in, and inseparable from, its social, cultural and economic context. Education for All cannot be addressed in isolation, but as part of a wider effort to achieve equitable development. An essential element of that equitable process is the recognition of diversity of approaches to basic education, in particular, the adaptation to local requirements. This is to acknowledge that decentralisation, devolu-
Success depends on political solutions for complex education and resource problems. A co-operative spirit is essential to this process. Each country must make a national commitment to Education for All, and each may take a different route. But within each country, goals will only be attained through co-operative endeavour between many partners in and outside government. Beyond national boundaries, the Education for All initiative will need to build on interstate collaboration, emerging networks and models of cooperation within regions, and, above all, on an invigourated spirit of international solidarity. One delegate spoke for many:
Firm national commitment and international solidarity. These are the concepts that synthesize the efforts that we propose to undertake. Finally, the call to literacy also has a scriptural basis: The first revealed word in the Holy Qu'ran is "Read".
Prof: A. Boutaleb Director-General ISESCO
ment process make a new thrust in basic education a realistic goal. The creation of new knowledge and information, and the exponential growth in the capacity and reach of communications technology, provide a basis for making universal access to quality learning a possibility. But the step from possibility to reality depends on will, innovation, and above all, resources. But at present, in the words of one delegate: For societies grappling with economic stagnation, intractable unemployment, environmental degradation, fiscal imbalances and massive external debt, the outlook is very bleak indeed. Rapid population growth has dire effects on coverage of the same basic education that can help to contain such growth: In spite of the directive given in 1950 by the framers of our Constitution to provide free and compulsory education for all children by 1960, we are nowhere near providing primary education of satisfactory quality to all of our children. While the continuing growth of our population has been a factor in this, it must be recognized that it is education, and principally of girls, and measures that lead to the economic independence of women, that are the primary elements in controlling population growth.
CONCERNS MAKING A DIFFERENCE Delegates were concerned that the World Conference make a difference. While the goal of Education for All may not be new, the hope was expressed that henceforth, the determination to achieve the goal will be better shared by all. The Conference should focus on finding viable solutions and new alternatives which would make possible education for all. It should focus also on resource mobilisation for education, rather than on situation-specific technical aspects. Business as usual" is unacceptable; a new conceptual framework is outlined, one which, according to one delegate: . . . entails the formation of a grand alliance in which all sectors participate, with equal responsibility, in the educative task. A new model is requi red which is innovative, adaptable, close to the realities of community life, and decentralized. EDUCATION FOR ALL: REALITIES The Conference was considered timely by delegates, but several emphasized that without radically new approaches, recent positive changes in the international political environment would not be sufficient to prevent the critical problems facing many countries from deteriorating even further. On the one hand, unprecedented changes in the world make it possible to foresee new forms of co-operation and new partnerships. Revived concerns about the centrality of human development in the overall develop-
Additional problems include reliance on outdated agricultural technology, narrow industrial bases, and the deteriorating terms of trade which many countries, in Africa in particular, have to face. In the field of basic education in many countries, the impact of financial and economic constraints and of the demographic explosion can be seen in declining expenditures on education, in falling enrolment rates, increasing numbers of illiterates, and a decline in the quality of teaching and training. Rapid expansion seems a distant dream in such circumstances. As one delegate put it:
We are thus faced with a formidable task of even maintaining the level of education reached both in terms of access and quality. In such a mixed world situation, stated other delegates, a World Conference on Education for All will only succeed if the World Declaration will be useful to people around the world for several decades, and if commitment is translated into action backed
seeks to define basic learning needs. While advocates of the concept emphasized that to meet basic learning needs is to provide all with the foundation of knowledge on which further learning, growth and development should be built, some delegates considered it important to re-emphasize the point that: the objective should not be to impart a minimum of knowledge but to acquire a maximum of solid bases for the tran-
Basic education should be pursued not merely as a sectoral target, but as an integral part of a human development plan.
W.H.Draper III Administrator, UNDP by the necessary partnerships and resources to ensure that results can be produced. EDUCATION IN CONTEXT Concerns were expressed that education for all not be pursued in a narrow sectoral way. Such determination should be built on the recognition that educational strategies can only be usefully developed, and goals attained, when education planning is centred firmly within its broader social, cultural, political and economic context. This leads naturally to a discussion of the nature and content of basic education. Delegates generally agreed on the need to broaden the definition of basic education beyond simple literacy and numeracy to a wider range of skills and knowledge for living essential for everyone, but several delegates cautioned against the danger of defining functionality only in terms of economic productivity: in the view of one delegate, it is most important to emphasize the humanist, cultural and international dimensions of basic education. BASIC EDUCATION A FOUNDATION There were also differences of interpretation of the term Basic", where the Declaration sition to other education levels, for life-long education, for active shaping of one's own life and society. Others were of the view that the final Decla ration would have to be strengthened to underscore the importance of developing the spiritual, ethical and moral aspects of the human being. The Declaration was amended accordingly. (See Article 1.) FOCUS ON EFFECTIVE LEARNING Delegates agreed that education data on enrolment rates or numbers of years in schools are not useful and that: Emphasis ought to be on the access to and achievement of learning that is relevant to the needs of the individual and his or her community. The focus on achievement, and the issue of measuring achievement levels is a significant factor in the Education for All initiative: One key issue on which we must focus if we are seriously to pursue the goal of universal primary education or, indeed, any of the EFA targets is the minimum common level of learning
that must be achieved by . . . learners. A difficult aspect...will be testing the learning level or performance of individual learners . . . The ultimate that children are educated: that they are literate and numerate, and that they have life skills. How do we devise a measure of the outputs with a criterion-based, objective measure of learning gains?
J P. Grant Executive Director, UNICEF
between basic and other levels of education. This proposition raised a concern among some delegates lest their countries be permanently confined to the lower rungs on the educational ladder: The priority to basic education, although legitimate, since it is founded on equity and social justice, does not signify exclusivity: other levels and types of education, notably technical education and professional training, as well as higher education, must still receive our attention, since we still need middle-level and higher level cadres.
Message of President Diouf Senegal
While the emphasis on learning acquisition was welcomed, some interventions cautioned against too utilitarian an approach to defining "an acceptable level of learning". The development of the creative potential of the individ-
The external agencies should examine current assistace practices in order to find ways of effectively assisting basic education programmes which do not require capital- and technology-intensive assistance but often need longer-term budgetary support.
Framework for Action #45(c):
ual, of imagination, of spiritual and aesthetic values, of community spirit, are justifiable in their own right, and not easily measurable in the short term. The point about learning is that it is a process of growth, and not a product to be acquired: learning is a journey, not a destination.
Statement of Commonwealth Secretariat
Reassurances were given that such exclusivity was not being advocated: A scientifically literate population is essential for economic development in this decade. To compete internationally, developing countries must be able to select and adapt modern technology. Systems of higher education must be strengthened to train scientists, engineers, managers and other professionals who will lead the national development effort into the next century.
B. Conabk Presidknt, World Band
BALANCING PRIORITIES: BASIC AND HIGHER EDUCATION Comment was also provoked on the issue of restructuring priorities within the education sector to ensure allocation of available resources to the most cost- effective inputs, to give more emphasis to basic education, or to ensure a more equitable balance of resources
One delegate agreed strongly with this perspective, but stated the concern of Latin America that such ideas were not taken into account in the documents:
Either the transfer of high-level technology and scientific research will burst upon the Third World with great force, or we will continue to be condemned to elementary forms of organization, to unacceptably low living standards and to levels of economic development which even in the best of circumstances would barely exceed subsistence. The World Declaration was amended to incorporate such a perspective. (See Preamble and Article 2.2.)
support is required where the learners are where imported equipment or foreign exchange, imported personnel or learning materials are of limited use, or where a critical issue may be one of how to support increased community control of the content of education. High recurrent expenditures, particularly for teachers' salaries, are also a fact of life. Thus pragmatic approaches to assistance are needed, in the context of varying local needs, and targetted on local problems. Strengthening of mutual support and cooperation among developing countries at regional and sub-regional levels is also a neces-
NGOs shall be part of all formal structures for the implem entation of EFA at all levels: local, national, regional and international from the outset, particularly in the develop ment and implementation of national plans, which NGOs feel is of paramount importance.
Statement of Principles NGO Jomtien Committee
NEW MODELS OF COOPERATION AND PAR TNERSHIP The joint action of the sponsoring agencies in the Education for All initiative was generally welcomed as emblematic of a necessary new approach to international co-operation. Donor agencies were called upon to redefine their role and working procedures in order to participate in a process with many actors and new partnerships. Simplification of procedures, combined with flexibility of approach, is necessary. Developing country delegates stressed that co-operation should increasingly concentrate on institution and capacitybuilding; less resources should be expended on costly foreign technical assistance. Moreover, such assistance is usually concentrated on centralised functions and infrastructure, planning, management or curriculum development. Important as these are, critical
sary focus for international cooperation, as collaborative networks of educators, researchers and policy-makers begin to emerge and expand. As expressed by one delegate, there is no alternative to partnership if Education for All is to be achieved: No one state, no one agency and no one NGO has found an ideal method, a perfect path, for attaining universal literacy. All states and agencies and NGOs can and must learn from each other, sharing their ideas and resources. Several speakers welcomed the mix of delegates to the World Conference as again symbolic of partnerships needed participants from finance and planning, information and communications, labour and economic development, health and social welfare; from gov-
ernment, NGOs, the private sector, the media; national, regional and international organizations. NGOs signalled their intention to be full and active partners, and their unique role and contribution was acknowledged. The role of teachers as actors and partners in the education process received frequent emphasis, as did the need to ensure better working conditions for teachers, more funding for improved teacher education, and enhanced respect for the position of teachers. According to the Secretary-General of the Canadian Teachers' Federation and the President of the WCOTP, respectively: It is primarily teachers who make any programme work, and they will respond more productively to participation in, rather than to imposition of, proposed education reforms. There is urgent need to rehabilitate the teaching profession and reinstate educators and teaching professionals at all levels in the school system: by restoring the social prestige and recognition attached to the profession; by offering individuals attracted to the profession a level of training allowing them to work in an independent manner, assess their own performance by self-evaluation, attend to their further training and reappraisal of their own development; by recognising the right of teachers and their associations to be consulted and to participate in the framing of educational policies, particularly as regards the preparation, implementation and evaluation of innovations. OUTREACH AND EQUITY Let us all begin now to give basic education to all disadvantaged groups and give it equitably, regardless of gender or economic status, geographical location, or physical or intellectual disability.
President Gayoom The Maldives
One of the strongest and most consistent messages from delegates throughout the World Conference was that basic education is concerned with equity, with reducing disparities in educational opportunity between population groups. It should begin with, and respond to, the needs of the neediest. Whether urban, rural or nomadic, whether displaced or handicapped, all people have a fundamental right to education.
Some of the most forceful statements pinpointed the great disparity in access to quality education between girls and boys, men and women: The largest number of the world's illiterates is women and this is a culpable negligence that we must all acknowledge and strive hardest to rectify. We have to keep reiterating this point and putting the institutions of our societies at the forefront in rectifying the appalling situation that exists. There can be no question that an Islamic outlook urges equal opportunity and equality of provision of literacy and education for men and women. The debate by delegates about equitable access also revolved around the issue of language of instruction: We draw attention to research which indicates the most effective early
reading instruction is in the mother tongue . . . If we must achieve education for all in the year 2000 it has to be in the mother tongue. According to one delegate, initial literacy in a language that the individual speaks facilitates better acquisition of literacy, numeracy, general cognitive development and learning. It should be clear, therefore, that in a multi-lingual society, no uniform method can be presented for the solution of the language problem. However, the economic and political realities in instituting language policy were appreciated by one speaker who recognized the difficult decision facing a government in a multi-lingual situation, as to the feasibility of development and production of several different curricula. EDUCATIONAL CHANNELS Delegates were generally agreed that while government has primary responsability for education, essentially through the formal school system, Education for All cannot be achieved without adopting a broadly-b a s e d approach to learning, involving a range of channels and partners, in order to reach learners of all ages. In the words of one delegate, It is a fundamental role of government to ensure that all children have access to good schools, but the government is not alone in this task. The emphasis ... on new partnerships involving families, teachers, NGOs and the private sector should not be seen as undermining the role and responsibility of the government in this respect. The cornerstone for the acquisition of the skills and knowledge associated with basic education is the school. However, as many delegates pointed out, traditional primary school education is insufficient as a sole strategy to ensure education for all:
This gives too narrow a definition of what learning means and how knowledge, skills and attitudes are formed and transmitted from one generation to the other. Stimulating learning experiences, nutrition and health programmes for pre-school children, nonformal education including literacy and post-literacy programmes for adults and youths are important in their own right, but also part of a broader strategy to achieve basic education for all. We have chosen to implement compulsory education both through in-school and out-of-school educational programmes (using complementary educational packages). However, it was argued forcefully by J.P. Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF, that: in dealing with a complex, multifacetted development phenomenon, it may be necessary to forge a cutting edge . . . to find the most crucial of that which is doable and do it well achieve success that builds credibility and confidence for further success on a broader front. Within the framework of a broad vision of basic education and while pressing forward to meet basic learning needs of all segments of the population, . . . success in primary education can be the cutting edge for Opening the way for success in a broader and more complex educational effort including other elements of basic education. It was acknowledged that all channels of communication both traditional and modern, the mass media and other means of mass communication, must be harnessed to ensure the extension of an educational process reaching all segments of society. The capacity to communicate, and the amount of information to communicate, have increased exponentially in recent years.
One delegate listed some of the many complementary communications channels available for education, including "Media radio, television, newspapers; oral tradition: storytelling, folklore, folk theatre; churches, mosques, temples; clubs, organisations, associations ...." Yet while accepting the possibilities and value of alternative channels of communication, another delegate raised the potential drawbacks: While the media can and should play an increasingly important role in Education for All, we must not underestimate their present negative influences in many areas, particularly in advertising, cultural bias and lack of any discernable spiritual and moral basis. RESOURCES There was consensus that it is essential to address macro-economic factors if sustainable changes in the pattern of financing education are to be achieved. One delegation, welcoming the emphasis in the documents on the need to reduce the indebtedness of developing countries, suggested that a link be forged between debt reduction, savings from arms expenditures, and education expansion and improvement. Some delegates saw a direct causal relationship between insistence on debt repayment and the under-education of children in poor countries. They asserted that S u b-Saharan Africa's long term debt has equalled its GNP, making it the most heavilyindebted continent in the world, and that in Latin America in 1987, the total of all countries' debt servicing was equivalent to 90 percent of their total overall trade balance. With this economic picture, aggravated by population growth pressures, some delegates saw limited utility in making education plans and strategies, as there are neither resources nor promising perspectives for bringing them to reality. There exists no possibility of education transformation in Latin America without a dramatic change in the economic picture.
While developing countries should be constantly monitoring their performance, they would not totally be able to bear the heavy costs of ensuring education for all, even without the additional debt burden. As one European delegate put it: New ways of developing education . . . have to be found which partially draw on appropriate formulae for reconversion of debt. There was strong consensus that all structural adjustment programmes should include mechanisms to protect against the lowering of expenditure on social sectors within such programmes. In the words of two European delegates: Structural adjustment programmes aimed at more effective utilization of scarce resources should more thoroughly address fundamental financing problems in the social sectors. Adjustment policies can only bear fruit if accompanied by measures to sustain and improve quality education services. The uniqueness of this historic moment also compelled several delegations to suggest that the time is appropriate to shift resources from defence expenditure to more sociallyproductive uses, specifically to investments in education. Governments must be willing to shift resources to education from socially less productive usessuch as defence and subsidies for public enterprises.
B. Conable President, World Bank
Speaking on behalf of Latin America, the delegate from Argentina stated: We are convinced that the utilization for education of resources presently allocated to arms, can constitute one of the pillars of the desired transformation .
Country delegates reiterated that national authorities have ultimate responsibility for allocating necessary human, material and financial resources to basic education. One delegate even argued that the real need may be less for external assistance than for giving greater priority to education in designing national budgets. But the majority of interventions on the subject posited the need for both internal restructuring and external aid.
Only through national resources and societal involvement, particularly of all . . . of us who had this privilege of education. But at the same time, we cannot fail to recognize the great role which can be played by the transfer of resources from those who have the capacity to contribute to those who are in dire need.
When all the talk is finished, there are two vital questions to be answered: What is this . . . going to cost and who is going to pay?
Delegate Guyana
COMMITMENTS Delegates to the World Conference endorsed a renewed commitment to Education for All, as exemplified in the World Declaration and the Framework for Action. Although this was not a pledging conference per se, the four sponsoring agencies did pledge specific commitments. Other agency and country delegations made commitments to pursue policy changes or increased allocations in the field of basic education. Others emphasized the need for new cooperative modalities to ensure the achievement of Education for All. NATIONAL ACTION, INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT Commitment and action at the national level is the base on which all else depends: We cannot overstate the importance of national commitment, and the fact that in the ultimate analysis, educational opportunities can be widened
No real breakthrough will be possible without a mobilization or re-affirmation of political will, coupled with a serious questioning of resource priorities, on the part of countries and their leaders. Success will depend much less on external supportwhich . . . must increase greatlythan on the attitudes of Heads of Government, Finance Ministers and parliamentarians as representatives of the people. It is they who ultimately matter most; it is they who will translate their convictions into practical action by setting priorities, negotiating loans and voting education budgets.
F.Mayor Director-General, UNESCO
We acknowledge that many countries have rationalized their budgets and expenditure and yet still need external financial assistance to achieve Education for All. We believe nevertheless that it is necessary for each country to
pledge and maintain its own contribution towards the realization of this goal.
Number 1 formulation of national human development strategies, with education as their integral component;
The World Conference on Education for All is, above all, a summons for action. Our common objective is to mobilize societies as a whole for the cause of education, to reaffirm flagging comitments, to join complementary forces and demonstrate international solidarity, to co-operate and learn from each other, and before this century ends, to make the right to education a daily reality for all.
F. Mayor Director-General, UNESCO
If countries take the necessary first step of critically examining their basic education strategies, and make the commitment to achieving Education for All, the international community should support them. Speaking of the goal of achieving universal primary education by the year 2000, the Executive Director of UNICEF promised: We (UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank) will take the lead in seeking to assure that any least developed or low income countries effectively committed to this goal . . . will not lack for essential external inputs of paper, textbooks and other basic learning and teaching materials. The Administrator of UNDP, after stating that "most (national) budgets can accomodate additional spending on human development by reordering their priorities", suggested an agenda of action to ensure EFA by 2000, whereby countries would undertake the necessary national actions to which the world community should respond: These then are the four essential components of the action agenda I am suggesting:
Number 2 preparation of financial plans by developing countries to achieve basic education for all over the next decade; Number 3 internal restructuring of priorities in the developing countries to release more resources for the education sector; Number 4 a global compact to ensure more external resources to implement this target. Such a process should generate commitment, and to start, "UNDP, with offices in 112 countries, is ready to assist". The Delegate of A rgentina cited the readiness of Latin America to take on the commitment arising out of the World Conference, and urged other regions to do likewise, to make the commitment meaningful in global terms . Non-Governmental Organizations accepted the commitment also: The NGOs represented at this Conference fully expect that NGOs will be integral partners in whatever structures are created to implement the action of making Education for All a reality. We stand ready to play our
part in a global process that will equip mankind to step over the threshold of the twenty-first century ready and able to forge a world of peace, unity and prosperity by meeting the basic learning neeeds of all.
NGO Delegate
The Delegate of Ireland, speaking on behalf of member states of the European Community, stressed Europe's commitment to fighting functional illiteracy within the EEC, and also to support its partners in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific: The Fourth Lome Convention signed in December 1989 recognizes the importance of basic education and programmes to combat illiteracy and provides for the availability of financial assistance from the European Community for these areas. Another delegate noted the commitment of Europe to development with a human face, and emphasized that despite the progress to reconciliation and unity, Europe will not turn in on itself, and will not relinquish its responsibility to its partners in the South. Other delegates indicated the willingness of their countries to exchange information and expertise, and to join in the expansion of international education information and research networks. Others, notably Australia, Italy and Sweden, pointed to the increasing trend in their own external assistance programmes towards support for basic education. The delegate of Japan announced some of Japan's follow-up activities, including the consideration of "making a substantial contribution to the expansion and strengthening of the Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL)". International agencies made similar statements, for example: The ADB will expand its assistance to education, improve the quality and widen the scope by adding basic education and non-formal education to its portfolio.
K Tarumizu President, Asian Development Bank
The Special Islamic Programme for Literacy and Basic Education for All in Islamic Countries and Communities" . . . just adopted by ISESCO's Extraordinary General Conference, which was held on 3 March in these very premises . . . is submitted to your assembly as ISESCO's contribution . . . whose initial capital amounts to three million US dollars.
A.Boutaleb Director-General, ISESCO
There were several calls to the world community at large to commit the resources necessary to ensure education for all. One delegate urged that "world funding agencies . . pledge yearly, biennially, t r i e n n i a l l y, or whatever period considered appropriate, funds to enable steps to be taken by them or by the countries to achieve the goals of education for all by the end of the decade". Delegates from African countries and the Organization of African Unity called for Africa to be made a special priority, with . . . support to be handled in a way that would promote self-reliant development in Education. A specific fund for Africa and a focal centre for mobilization of resources, their allocation and the monitoring of progress towards EFA should be considered. The Conference was also reminded of the recommendation of the Latin American Regional Consultation in Quito for the creation of an international fund to channel new resources towards meeting basic learning needs in the less-developed world. The Commonwealth Secretariat emphasized the importance of supporting appropriate, locally-specific basic education which tends to require longer-term budgetary support rather than capital- and technology-intensive assistance. The agency stands ready to devote resources to: . . . examining this key issue and cooperating with other agencies in the search for new ways of using external resources to assist basic education.
COMMITMENTS OF THE SPONSORS The executive heads of UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank stated the commitment of the respective agencies to increase support to education for all in line with the World Declaration and the Framework for Action (see page 23). ENLARGING THE GLOBAL RESOURCE POOL Sweden, speaking on behalf of the Nordic countries, urged donor countries to reflect seriously on the issue of aid volume: So far only the Netherlands and the Nordic countries have achieved the 0.7% of GNP target set up by the UN. We keep reminding the international community of this basis for international solidarity. Otherwise conferences like this run the risk of producing merely words. Resource needs are considerable. A j o i n t U N E S C O-U N I C E F-World Bank study presented at the Conference estimated that in the 72 low-income and middle-i n c o m e countries, it will take, on average, an additional US$5 billion per year in local and
international resources over the next decade for these countries to ensure the opportunity for all children to have access to primary education. Taken on its own, this is a large sum. But let us put it in perspective: It is only two days' expenditure on arms by the industrialized nations and only one week of military spending in the developing countries. It constitutes only 2 per cent of what developing countries are obliged to pay in debt servicing every year. Is it too much to expect that we be prepared to make adjustments in many other expenditures in order to bring an educated generation into the 21st century?
W. H. Draper III Administrator, UNDP
Education for All is within human reach. We must choose to use our resources appropriately in its pursuit. When so much can be done for so many, the time to begin is now.
F. Mayor Director-General, UNESCO
In the past three decades of development, we have learned ... that education is the root of all development . . . that spending on education is a highly productive investment . . . (and that) female literacy also has multiplier effects. Let reluctant finance ministers, unwilling to commit adequate national budgets to education, ponder over these facts of life.
William Draper III Administrator, UNDP
Our priorities in the UNDP are determined by governments of the developing countries. I am confident that with their support, they will ask us to double or triple our technical assistance to meet basic learning needs, and we will welcome it.
W.H. Draper III Administrator, UNDP
Our Organization has made literacy and basic education the absolute priority of its new Medium-Term Plan and is substantially increasing its programme support for basic education. International Literacy Year 1990 is the starting point for UNESCO's Ten-year Programme to Eliminate Illiteracy.
UNICEF on its part is proposing doubling of its support to basic education by the mid-199Os, to 15 per cent of total programme support, with a further increase to 20 per cent by 2000. Since the total UNICEF programme is expected to continue to grow in real terms over the 1990s, the proposed increase amounts to a growth from less than US$ 50 million currently to more than US$100 million per year by the mid-199Os and a quadrupling to some US$200 million by 2000.
The World Bank is the largest single donor of financial support for educational development, having loaned a total of more than $10 billion for education since 1963. We account for 15 percent of international support for education. The Bank will double its educational lending over the next three years to an annual level of $1.5 billion, and we will improve our performance and effectiveness. Our goal will be to help countries put in place the educational policy framework and investment programs necessary to move towards education for all. Support for basic primary edu cation will be the dominant priority.
Education for All: The Components
Summary of Roundtables
The major issues concerning Education for All were researched, synthesized, documented and presented in a series of exhibits and roundtables. The purposes of this part of the programme were to: (i) develop the EFA knowledge base by analysing key crossnational issues; and (ii) promote an exchange of lessons learned within and across countries and regions of the world. Drawing upon, and in an effort to enrich, the discussion of the central ideas of the World Declaration a n d Framework for A c t i o n , the exhibits and roundtables utilized multi-media presentations and accelerated learning techniques to stimulate an exchange of ideas and experiences . The programme of exhibits included 66 exhibits from around the world. These exhibits illustrated state- of-the-art EFA policies, programmes, and practices from countries, donors, NGOs and the private sector (see Annex 3 for a complete list). They highlighted, inter alia, innovative education technologies, strategies for reaching the disadvantaged, programmes ranging from child survival and development to primary school reform efforts. Most exhibits were multi-media, and the exhibit hall included a video library for continuous, individualised viewing of videos produced especially for the conference. 24 The p rogramme of ro u n d t a b l e s c o m p r ised 48 roundtable forums. There were 24 thematic roundtables analyzing major crossnational issues, ranging from education of girls and women to mobilizing support for Education for All (EFA), as well as a double session on financing EFA. There were also 24 illustrative roundtables emanating from the nine regional EFA consultations, based on actual country and regional experiences and plans for achieving EFA. (See Annex B). The key ideas and issues emerging from the roundtables are summarised in the logical sequence of the major sections of the World Declaration: (a) the Purpose; (b) the Expanded Vision; and (c) the Requirements of Education for all. THE PURPOSE In examining the utility of basic education to the individual and society, basic learning needs can be seen to extend well beyond imparting literacy, numeracy and related cognitive skills to such areas as environmental education, health and population, and, further, to the affective-moral domain of spiritual, cultural and national values. The first set of roundtables dealt with such life-sustaining and enhancing topics as: the impact of technological change on the require-
ments, content and process of basic education; the relationship of basic education to productivity; the importance of good health and nutrition to learning readiness and achievement, and conversely, the effects of learning on good health, nutrition and prolonged life; the relationship between edu-
education can help ensure a safer, healthier, more prosperous and environmentally sound world, while simultaneously contributing to social, economic, and cultural progress, tolerance, and international cooperation.
World Declaration cation and fertility behaviour and, in turn, understanding the repercussions of unchecked population growth on the environment, the quality of life and the ultimate sustainability of the planet; and finally, the intricate connection between early education, language and culture, and one's sense of identity, national and global consciousness, and world peace, understanding and harmony. Ideas abounded across these themes. With the rapidity of technological and social change worldwide, past notions of relatively fixed basic knowledge, skills, and duration of education succumbed to the need to focus on problem-solving skills, the need to "learn how to learn," and the life-long, continuous nature of learning itself. Terms like 'scientific literacy' and 'technological literacy' stretched the boundaries of traditional notions of literacy, that is, simply learning to read and write. It was noted that as the workplace is transformed through technological change and production, tasks become more complex: quality basic education enhances 'adaptability' and 'trainability.' Basic education becomes critical to efficient and competitive production, both in terms of cognitive skills and in terms of attitudes. The non-cognitive dimension of basic education, including values acquired, the
ability to learn from experience, and patterns of motivation, are a hidden, but essential ingredient of basic education. The illustrative roundtables on workplace literacy in North America; functional literacy in Europe and the USSR; the historical role of fundamental education during Japan's Meiji period of economic and social transformation; the present day programme of scientific literacy and the 'thinking abilities' project of the newly industrialising country of Korea; and Thailand's quest for a 'life-long' education system, gave a country-level grounding to the thematic treatment of the role and significance of basic and continuing education for all under conditions of rapid technological change and socioeconomic development.
Basic education is more than an end in itself. It is the foundation for lifelong learning and human development in which countries may build, systematically, further levels and types of education and training.
World Declaration Thematic roundtables on environmental and population education gave voice to the need for convergent educational efforts at building awareness and practical knowledge in changing learner behaviour toward the goals of 'sustainable development.' Arguments swayed between the need to educate adults, particularly decision-makers, how to stem the tide of environmental devastation, and the need to educate children as future preservationists on a shrinking planet. Also, differences were expressed as to whether these were subjects to be integrated into existing school curricula, as in Malaysia, or deserving of special attention in their own right, as in the Thai NGO 'Magic Eyes' community programme. Population education" was considered to cover the connections between demography, environment, and broader poverty-equity concerns, raising more fundamental questions of
cause and effect. The illustrative roundtable "Education of the Girl-Child in South A s i a , " highlighted the empirical connections between female education, infant mortality, and maternal mortality. Finally, roundtable discussions on nutrition, health and education, brought to bear the evidence linking
AN EXPANDED VISION With the purposes and boundaries of basic education more expansively but clearly demarcated, the roundtables shifted to discuss the elements of an Expanded Vision and Renewed Commitment to basic education for all. These elements included: increasing access and equity; a focus on learning; broadening the scope, and methods of basic education; enhancing the learning environment; and building partnerships and alliances to work toward meeting basic learning needs of all. INCREASING ACCESS AND EQUITY The education of females, minorities, the disadvantaged, displaced, and disabled, dominated the discussions on priority populations. The thematic roundtable on women's education and the illustrative roundtable on the education of the girl-child in the South Asian context brought out the manifold effects of not only providing educational opportunity to females, but also ensuring equitable quality.
Another and no less fundamental aim of educationnam development is the transmission and enrichment of common cultural and moral values. It is in these values that the individual and society find their identity and worth.
World Declaration good health and nutrition to school participation and effective learning, with elaborations on various means, such as school feeding programmes, child to child efforts, inter alia, dominating the discussions. The thematic roundtables on language and culture brought home the importance of these variables, not simply as elements in identity formation and nation-building, but also as forces affecting the very motivational basis of learning and teaching processes. In addition, the importance of values and the moral dimensions of education was raised in the context of these roundtable themes, reinforcing the role of basic education in the non-c o g n i t i v e domain. The emphasis on indigenous knowledge, learning processes, and traditional values as worthy in their own right and necessary for the self-confidence and tolerance of differences required for a progressive and harmonious world of sovereign nations, found its way from these discussions into a strength ened World Declaration. Here, illustrative roundtables such as that of Ecuador, presented a strong case for providing instruction in the mother tongue in basic education as an integral part of a National Education for All Plan.
The most urgent priority is to ensure access to, and improve the quality of, education for girls and women, and to remove every obstacle that hampers their active participation. All gender stereotyping in education should be eliminated.
World Declaration
The inter-generational effects of a mother's education on that of her children, on infant mortality and overall family size and wellbeing, and on her economic productivity, were added to the strong view that gender equality as a moral imperative must be a central goal of education for all. Economic and cultural factors were raised as primary barriers to female education, with deeply-rooted systems of patriarchy espoused as the underlying culprit in
many corners of the world. Strategies to overcome gender bias were categorized into three fundamental types: (a) welfare-oriented; (b) enablement-oriented; and (c) empowermentoriented. Several concrete actions were suggested, such as increasing the number of female teachers, providing incentives to female teachers to work in rural areas, modifying curriculum and the school calendar, establishing single-sex classrooms, inter alia. An additional key point was raised noting that gender discrimination should not focus on women only as "clients" of education but also on their role as "agents" of education. The thematic roundtables on language and culture discussed the need to promote the educational opportunity of minority peoples, refugees, and the disadvantaged. Those who plan literacy programmes often overlook the fact that written language is the necessary medium of literacy. However, of the 4000 languages spoken in the world, only about 300 are in regular use in written form. This condition alone leaves many minority cultural groups on the margins of basic education systems. Refugees and displaced persons suffer similar problems of access and equity as they move between language groups. The illustrative roundtable on rural education in Nepal and Afghanistan particularly captured the special needs of nomadic, displaced, and isolated populations. Finally, the case for giving particular attention to the educational needs of disabled learners was effectively made in several roundtables and was reflected in the final text of the World Declaration. A FOCUS ON LEARNING The thematic roundtable on improving primary education in developing countries shifted the debate from promoting access and equity, to boosting quality, further arguing that quality improvements were central to assuring demand and increasing the efficiency and holding power of schools. Boosting quality means moving the focus from simply providing inputs and counting participation and completion rates to enriching the learning process and measuring learning acquisition and performance. Bettering conditions for learning in the classroom; improving the preparation and motivation of teachers; strengthening the institutional capacity of the
education system; increasing equitable access; and mobilizing financial support, were identified and discussed as major areas in need of critical attention in order to realize a meaningful education for all. Most participants subscribed to the need to focus on learning and supported the kinds of educational systems and school-level reforms presented. However, concerns were raised about the practicality of implementing such reform programmes given varied country-level conditions. More specifically, concern was expressed about the need to locate such educational interventions within the larger economic and political structural constraints of debt, terms of trade, political oppression and corruption undermining the social sector development of those poor countries who most needed such reforms. The Ecuador and Kenya roundtables picked up on the plenary speeches of their respective presidents, calling
Whether or not expanded educational opportunities will translate into meaningful development - for an individual or for society - depends ultimately on whther people actually learn as a result of those opportunities, i.e., whether they incorporate useful knowledge, reasoning ability, skills and values.
World Declaration
for a need to attend to the "social debt" spreading among the poor in the face of growing "financial debt," and that governments alone would not be able to keep pace with the demand for quality education for all. Colombia and Zimbabwe, countries relatively free of financial burdens, presented illustrative country cases demonstrating how school and community-level reforms improved curriculum relevance, increased teacher quality through in-service teacher training,
provided communities a greater role in school management, and strengthened overall educational management capacitythus, improving access and quality of education. However, participants from heavily indebted African and Latin American countries felt that such reforms could not be implemented in the face of the huge debt burden and relative unrest that continues to fuel high military expenditure in their regions. BROADENING THE SCOPE OF BASIC EDUCATION. Schooling alone cannot hope to meet the burgeoning needs of education for all by the turn of the century. The fact that learning begins at birth and sets the stage for further learning was addressed in two roundtables, one examining early childhood care and education, and the other, the role of the family and the community in child development. The presentations stressed that the young child's mental and physical development were most rapid in the early years and that informal education within the family constellation was a powerful prerequisite for success in formal education. Research presented increasing evidence that early interventions can have strong influence on readiness, enrolment, progress, and learning in primary schools, especially for the undeserved and disadvantaged, in moderating gender differences, and promoting parent and community involvement and responsiloility for their children's later learning. When communities develop even the most basic child care programmes, the barriers between school and community are broken, the transition into primary school is eased and children do better when they get there. The discussions centred on the costs of taking such efforts to scale, the need to consider the training of more paraprofessionals from the community in this field, and the concern that early childhood education and development not be a euphemism for pre-school education. Rather, it was suggested that such interventions be seen as early human development, including nutritional, health, social and emotional development as well as cognitive and language development. While primary schooling was considered the main delivery system for basic education, supplementary, alternative programmes of equivalent standard and support should be encour-
aged to meet basic learning needs, especially for those children who have no access to a primary school. The thematic roundtable on distance education, particularly interactive radio, affirmed dramatic improvements in learning achievement, teacher quality, schoolcommunity relations, and reaching isolated and marginalized groups with quality, affordable, and sustainable education. The illustrative roundtable of ALER (Latin American Association of Radio Education) provided a further example of the power of alternative educational delivery systems in broadening the scope and method of education 'horizontally' and giving a voice to many potential learners outside the formal school system.
The diversity, complexity, and changing nature of basic learning needs of children, youth and adults necessitates broadening and constantly redefining the scope of basic education.
World Declaration
Illustrative roundtables on nonformal education and training programmes for outof-school youth and adult illiterates in the Caribbean, Mali, Zimbabwe, Iraq and China provided many practical insights and examples into meeting the basic learning needs of outof-school populations in such areas as skill training, health, nutrition, family planning, environmental protection, family life and other knowledge, skill and attitudinal domains. The discussion on alternative delivery systems stressed the need for providing credible, quality standards for such efforts and increasing government financial support to such programmes. There was a general concern for not developing dead-end, second class educational activities, nor leaving such programmes as a residue for under-resourced NGOs to carry. It was noted that while governments should increase their financial and quality control functions, given the heterogeneous and contextual nature of learner needs, they
ought to further facilitate greater local initiative, participation, and control over such programmes .
A synergistic effect occurs when important information is coupled with a second modern advance - the new capacity to communicate among the people of the world
Framework for Action Finally, the thematic roundtables on "Information, Learning and Grassroots Participation," and "Mobilizing for Education for All", highlighted the need to include electronic and traditional mass media in a broadened range of mechanisms for promoting learner participation, active learning, and delivering basic education to all. Illustrations of modern and traditional technologies from India and Bali were utilized to show the power of mass media to convey basic knowledge and change behaviour. Libraries, too, can play an important role in meeting basic learning needs. Indigenous knowledge and information systems were also discussed as potentially valuable and credible elements of basic learning systems. The importance of the 'soft' technologies of organisation and process, especially emphasizing popular participation and local control, was noted as an essential complement to the 'hard' technologies being promoted in education programmes worldwide. Educational activities that have the potential to 'empower' as well as to 'inform' should be more highly valued and utilized. ENHANCING THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT The thematic roundtables on health, nutrition, and early child care also made clear that learning does not take place in isolation. Societies must ensure that all learners receive the nutrition, health care, and physical and emotional support required to participate actively
in, and benefit from, education. The illustrative roundtables presenting the country plans of Ecuador, Jordan and the Philippines were noteworthy for their comprehensive emphasis on health, nutrition and early child care programmes and targets, as part of a comprehensive basic education system including schooling and nonformal education. T h e s e multi-sectoral country plans all dealt with basic education in the new broader sense.
Learning does not take place in isolation. Societies, therefore, must ensure that all learners receive the nutrition, health care, and general physical and emotional support they need in order to participate actively in and benefit from their education.
World Declaration
STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIPS Education is too diverse, complex, and demanding to expect governments alone to be able to meet the vast array of learner needs. The call for a multi-sectoral approach and building new alliances between government, private sector and non-governmental forces was central to the thematic roundtables on "NGOs and Literacy" and "Mobilizing for Education for All." While NGOs expressed their desire to work with governments, donors and private sector entities, they were quick to caution against some misperceptions which view NGOs as a cheap source of labour, additional delivery systems for governmentdirected objectives, or organisations devoid of
their own development agendas and constituents. Partnerships have to be 'genuine,' on an equal footing of mutual respect, beginning from the design end of the development process through the implementation and ex-post evaluation stages. The roundtables on the teacher's role, early child care and grassroots participation brought out a recognition of the vital role of teachers and families in these new partnerships. THE REQUIREMENTS The requirements for education for all as defined in the World Declaration fall into four categories: (a) building national technical capacity, (b) providing a supportive policy environment; (c) mobilizing resources; and (d) strengthening international solidarity. BUILDING NATIONAL TECHNICAL CAPACITY Thematic roundtables on instructional materials, teachers, educational managers, assessment, and research covered a host of technical requirements for ensuring a quality education for all. The instructional materials roundtable grappled with the question of providing the most learners with the best materials at the least cost. Issues of quality control, private versus public sector roles, and the mechanics of providing educational materials from conception through development, manufacturing and distribution, were discussed. Local circumstances, more often, than not, determine whether government or local publishers are utilized in various stages of textbook design and production or local versus imported paper, among other choices. The roundtable on teachers concentrated on the terms of service and general remuneration of teachers linking conditions of insufficient remuneration to poor performance (high absenteeism) and quality of instruction. How to enhance the pedagogical process was discussed in the thematic roundtable on improving primary education and in several illustrative roundtables, notably the ones on Colombia Jordan, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. Assessment was discussed in two roundtables. First, it was covered in a thematic roundtable looking at the role of assessment at the micro level in teaching and learning proc-
esses, drawing on several experiences from the industrialized and developing world, e.g., Kenya, Korea, Ireland, where examinations were being directly utilized to improve teacher training, curriculum and instruction. It was argued that improvement of assessment meth-
The primary purpose of bilateral and multilateral co-operation should appear in a true spirit of partnership - to help develop the endogenous capacities of national authorities and their in-country partners to meet basic learning needs effectively. Action and resources should be used to strengthen essential features of basic education services, focussing on managerial and analytical capacities, which can stimulate further developments.
Framework for Action
ods in schools leads to greater internal eff iciency by reducing grade repetition and early drop-out. In a second country roundtable (the United States) reviewing the impact of educational assessment on lar g e r systemic reforms, the point was made that only by national comparison based on open, comparable performance assessments could "accountability" be increased and a willingness to consider innovation and reform to improve one's performance and relative public standing be nurtured. The capacity to use examination systems in general for the improvement of thinking ability and learning, rather than selection and certification, was strongly advocated in both roundtable sessions. Thematic roundtables on empowering education managers and strengthening educational research capacity turned the discussion
of providing a quality basic education to the role of information in improving educational decision-making and the production of useful, relevant knowledge through research and evaluation geared to informing planners, decision-makers, and practitioners. While strides were evident in the production of new knowledge through the development of national, regional and international educational research networks, answers to questions regarding the demonstrated utilization remained. Suggestions were offered to make decision-makers more intimately involved in research design and implementation with researchers and to make research findings more 'user-friendly'. DEVELOPING A SUPPORTIVE POLICY ENVIRONMENT Suitable economic, trade, labour, employment and health policies are called for along with educational reform in the World Declaration. While educational reform was dealt with in several thematic roundtables and in the illustrative country plans of Morocco, Nigeria, China, the Philippines and Jordan, broader
den. However, as a result of the debate, the final text of the World Declaration calls greater attention to the undue burden of structural adjustment policies on overall financial requirements for achieving Education for All. MOBILIZING FINANCIAL RESOURCES In view of the importance of this topic, a special double-session thematic roundtable on the financial challenge of schooling for all for the 1990s was presented. The first session called for four categories of reforms to reduce costs, namely: (a) policies to reduce unit costs, e.g., increasing pupil-teacher ratios and double shifting; (b) restructuring school systems, e.g., reducing the length of the school cycle, modifying teacher use, using self-i n s t l uction, and distance education techniques; (c) redistributing expenditures among sectors, e.g., military to education, and within the education sector, e.g., allocating budget increments to support basic education; higher to lower levels; and (d) raising additional resources, e.g., user fees balanced by equit y-oriented loan schemes, taxation and other fiscal instruments. The second session presented several country case studies, e.g., Senegal, the Philippines, Ghana, Sri Lanka, and Colombia illustrating the application of similar reform packages under conditions of economic constraints. The roundtable culminated in an effort to project the costs of reaching primary schooling for all by the year 2000, coming up with an estimate of $58 billion without the reform package suggested and about $42 billion with an attainable package of cost-saving, revenue enhancement and quality improvement measures. It was further estimated that about one-third of these costs would need to be incurred in SubSaharan Africa. The tenor of the debate was summarized by one participant in that a "tragic consequence of recession, debt and adjustment has been that many countries are now further away from the goal of providing a primary school place for each eligible child than they were a decade or more ago." Let us also accept as a hypothethesis that increased needs for Education for All are of the order of $5 billion a year. Developing countries themselves would provide $3.5 to $4 billion of this through restructuring measures, and
Supportive policies in the social, cultural, and economic sectors are required in order to realize the full provision and utilization of basic education for individual and societal improvement.
World Declaration
social and economic policies and their attendant relationship to education policies were not as vigorously discussed at the roundtables. Although the roundtables on improving primary education and financing education for all discussed the need to protect the social sectors from economic adjustment programmes, there was little consensus reached on specific measures to relieve the debt bur-
multilateral donors will provide a part of the $1 to $1.5 billion of the balance. But bilateral assistance programmes would have to give education a higher priority as well. Yet the amounts are clearly manageable if the priority is there.
J. Wheeler Chairman, Development Assistance Committee OECD
The finance sessions stimulated a broadranging discussion. It was pointed out that the analysis did not really treat the financing of literacy or other non-formal modalities of basic education but was limited to 'schooling for all.' Others argued that many of the proposed reforms had been tried, yet because of the intensification of adverse socioeconomic conditions outside schools, literacy rates among school leavers and others had in fact declined in recent years. Some questioned the relevance of specific reforms which were recommended, such as double-shifting, in countries where overcrowding schools is not a problem. Others queried how cost-c u t t i n g reforms such as increasing class size could be consistent with improving educational quality. The importance of teacher time was stressed by several participants, noting that improving instructional quality typically meant increasing teacher incentives and enhancing training which had additional, not less, costs. It was added that one could not realistically discuss cost and financial reforms in isolation from a discussion of management and administrative capability to implement such measures, as well as the overriding political feasibility. When the discussion turned to the mobilization of resources, many participants felt that parents and communities were already overburdened by hard times and there was little use contemplating further user fees or family and community contributions. Debt reduction was again raised, setting forth the applicability of the idea of a 'maximum tolerable burden' of debt internationally, as a kind of parallel to what is applied in domestic bankruptcy courts in Northern countries. Debt swaps were mentioned as particularly attractive mechanisms worth pursuing. Concern was expressed over whether Education for All funding requirements would starve other social sectors such as health.
Equally strong concern was expressed that aid shifts to Eastern Europe would reduce levels of aid required in more needy corners of the world, such as Africa. The 'peace dividend' hoped for from decreasing military expenditures was supported by most as a warranted inter-sectoral shift. However, caution was quickly injected, given the continued hostilities in many areas of the world, such as Southern Africa, causing surrounding countries to maintain their present military expenditure levels.
If the basic learning needs of all are to be met through a much broader scope of action than in the past, it will be essential to mobilize existing and new financial and human resources, public, private and voluntary.
World Declaration
It was generally agreed that many donors should now raise the portion of their aid for basic education, particularly where it is a relatively small percentage of their current overall aid portfolio. While overall aid to basic education might increase, the areas in most need could very well remain neglected. This brought a call for a comprehensive study of the modalities of assistance to basic education. The correspondence between the kinds of aid given, e.g., technical experts, and the kinds of aid actually needed, e.g., salary support to teachers, was also cited. Finally, the point was made that primary education, indeed, benefitted from indirect assistance to other sectors, e.g., a paper factory contributed to local textbook production capacity, and that this should not be overlooked in the final calculus of support to basic education. The case material presented in the session, as well as the separate country Education for All action plans from Nigeria, Morocco, China, and Kenya, provided several interesting examples of the reforms and the financial points made in the finance roundtable presentation .
STRENGTHENING INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY The thematic roundtables on Adult Literacy and Mobilization strongly articulated the need for political will, commitment and advocacy to achieve Education for All. The illustrative roundtable presented by the Sahelian countries was an excellent example of a region sharing common problems and conditions launching a programme of shared resources and solutions to achieve Education for All. It was acknowledged that a 'Grand Alliance' for
Education for All would be a necessary prerequisite to meeting basic learning needs. This alliance would require increased regional and international collaboration among governments, NGOs and donors. As shown in the alliance between NGOs in the context of the UNESCO-sponsored International Task Force for Literacy, such alliances are often a necessity for broad-based mass educational programmers, such as literacy efforts. Building international solidarity should be both a means as well as a goal of Education for All.
Meeting basic learning needs constitutes a common and universal human responsability. It requires international solidarity and equitable and fair economic relations in order to redress existing economic disparities.
World Declaration
Whatever follow-up mechanisms are established at the international level, they should serve national follow-up action and support it effectively. Action at the international level should seek to continue the spirit of cooperation which has been the hallmark of the World Conference.
and development within the framework of this development scenario, a shift in favour of human development, and more particularly in favour of basic education . . . and also for creation of an environment in which women have time and space in their lives to come together to learn, to organize and to assert.
We, the participants in the World Conference on Education for All, reaffirm the right of all people to education. This is the foundation of our determination, singly and together, to ensure education for all. We commit ourselves to act cooperatively through our own spheres of responsibility, taking all necessary steps to acheive the goals of education for all. Together, we call on governments, concerned organizations and individuals to join in this urgent task. We adopt, therefore, this World Declaration on Education for All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs and agree on the Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs , to achieve the goals set forth in this Declaration.
Excerpt from the World Declaration read in unison by all participants on the adoption of the Declaration and Framework
The four sponsoring agencies would continue to coordinate their activities in the educational field. UNESCO offered to provide appropriate services to facilitate follow-up action. CALLS TO ACTION Three speakers followed with calls to action to the international community. Dr. Anil Bordia of India, representing the countries of Asia and the Pacific, stated: Unless something substantial is done by everyone, we may not be able to sustain the momentum generated here. What we are talking about is genuine reordering of priorities, in policies and budgetary allocations. We are asking for a decisive shift in favour of change
The countries of the region have committedthemselves to take a fresh look at the way in which the limited resources of our countries are reallocated, to see that basic education receives the priority it deserves. Ms. Evelyn Kurihara Philbrook spoke on behalf of the non-governmental organisations present at the Conference at this "turning point in the history of international cooperation". The conviction of NGOs that change comes from the local, the grassroots, the people themselves, was reiterated, as was the NGO desire for genuine partnership and participation in Education for All: To ensure that we build on the process that brought us here, and to capitalise on the dynamic and collaborative efforts made, we will need to discard
our old notions of status and responsibility . . . NGOs . . . fully intend to labour both as independent, autonomous groups and as equal partners with other bodies. We will strengthen our . . . ties within the alliances associated with Education for All. In introducing the Statement of Principles on the Involvement of NGOs in WCEFA Activities with Non-NGO Bodies (see Appendix III), the spokesperson stated: Our desire for partnership is inspired by a new vision for education, one which sees culture, employment and development fully taken into account, and part of debt repayments being used for education.
Africa, the follow-up to this conference must lead to immediate action on a large scale.... African countries would like to insist that a follow-up mechanism based on structures at the regional and national levels should be immediately established. Africa, at this moment, is launching an appeal for action . . . In the hope that this appeal will have the desired effect, African countries await with confidence the post-Jomtien period. GUIDELINES FOR THE FUTURE The Executive Director of UNICEF, in a statement on goals and challenges for the future, considered the Conference a milestone
This is not the final hour of a conference, but rather the first hour of a global movement towards Education for All. The success of this Conference will not be measured by our resolutions here, but by our actions and achievements in the months and years ahead.
J. P. Grant Executive Director, UNICEF
H.E. M. Alaziamina Nzege of Zaire called for action on behalf of African states. He highlighted the constraints facing Africa in meeting EFA objectives, due to a reduction in the availability of resources, caused by the fall in prices for African commodities, the burden of debt, and the stringency of past structural adjustment measures. He repeated Africa's concern that a considerable part of external debt be converted into special funds for basic education. Given the scope and complexity of the problems which Africa has to face with regard to Education for All, this continent deserves special treatment. For
in strongly affirming four important principles to guide the pursuit of EFA: First, the six concrete goals from the Framework for Action speak for themselves as beacons to guide and encourage countries in setting their own goals towards Education for All. Second, we can also carry with us the commitment in the Declaration to eradicating the educational inequalities which discriminate against girls and women. Third . . . we must emphasize our new yardstick of success namely that of
learning achievement, not merely enrolment and access. Finally, the contribution of NGOs to the success of this Conference is truly unique . . . we need your partnership. Pointing to the $50 billion ($5 billion annually) required to achieve universal primary education in the 1990s, he stated: "This is clearly a substantial but not impossible sum: A three percent increase in education budgets annually would be required over the decade. Only half of one percent of official development aid, less than $300 million annually, is now devoted to supporting basic education; a shift in aid priority is clearly required. Action to ease the crippling burden of debt, as recognized in the World Declaration and called for in particular by delegates from Latin America and Africa, is urgently needed. The support of Ministries of Finance and Planning was also called for to work out financing of the priorities of EFA. A BEGINNING, NOT AN END Stating an oft-cited theme, the DirectorGeneral of UNESCO, speaking on behalf of the core sponsors, emphasized the need to look beyond the World Conference: Our attention must now be turned to the immediate and active follow-up to the Conference...our debates have illustrated how great and complex are the obstacles facing us. Assuring representatives of developing countries, and of Africa in particular, that their needs, interests and problems had been heard and understood, the Director-General urged delegates to: Seek responses which are marked neither by an excessively Utopian optimism nor by the automatic reproduction of elitist systems which are incompatible with the aspirations
towards respect for human rights and democracy that are making themselves heard with greater force and passion every day. Like others before him, he urged that external co-operation and financing be adapted to the conditions of each country, and that support provided to national action should directly benefit schools, children, adults and teachers: The allocation of additional resources must go hand in hand with a strong determination to identify new and innovative channels...we must make effective use of modern communications media which are giving a new form to the channelling of knowledge. New pedagogical, epistemological, psychological and technological insights will make it possible for us to break the old moulds and get away from the routine, from outdated content and antiquated structures. Discovering how to learn and how to extend one's knowledge will ultimately become more important than the mere transmission of knowledge. Finally, in reaffirming the commitment of the four sponsoring agencies to facilitate the goals of Education for All, the DirectorGeneral confirmed once more that UNESCO would do everything possible to facilitate effective and coordinated international action, by providing the services requested by the conference in its adoption of the statement on Follow-up to WCEFA earlier presented by the Executive Secretary. WE ARE ON OUR WAY As the Conference was closed, the vision of a cooperative future was maintained: We have seen before our very eyes a broad-based alliance in favour of people, in favour of the cause of education.
Senator Hon. Carlisle Dunkley of Jamaica in his vote of thanks on behalf of all Conference participants
How much we have learned in mutual listening and understanding here, we will see in the future.
H.E Mr. Josef Hromadka Acting President of the Conference
Jomtien: the name in English can be translated as the "summit of the candle", which is appropriate for a conference with hopes to shine the light of knowledge around the world.
General Mana Ratanakoses Minister of Education, Thailand.
The World Conference is a milestone from which we will measure our prop ress for the decades to come.
W. Haddad Executive Secretary, WCEFA
Education is the right of all For you and for me It's action time and the time is now Let's all heed the call Join us, come with us, We are on our way To Education for All By the Year 2000
EFA theme song composed in Nigeria
Appendix 1
World Declaration on Education for All
(Adopted by the Conference on 9 March 1990)
Appendix 2
Framework for Action
(Endorsed by the Conference on 9 March 1990)
Introduction Goals and Targets Principles of Action 1. Priority Action at National Level Assessing Needs and Planning Action Developing a Supportive Policy Environment Designing Policies to Improve Basic Education Improving Managerial, Analytical and Technological Capacities 1.5 Mobilizing Information and Communication Channels 1.6 Building Partnerships and Mobilizing Resources 2. Priority Action at Regional Level 2.1 Exchanging Information, Experience and Expertise 2.2 Undertaking Joint Activities 3. Prority Action at World Level 3.1 Cooperation within the International Context 3.2 Enhancing National Capacities 3.3 Providing Sustained Long-term Support for National and Regional Actions 3.4 Consultations on Policy Issues Indicative Phasing of Implementation for the 1990s 51 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
52 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 57 57 59 59 59 60 60 60 61 62 63
INTRODUCTION 1. This Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs derives from the World Declaration on Education for A l l , adopted by the World Conference on Education for All, wich brought together representatives of government, international and bilateral development agencies, and nongovernmental organization. Based on the best collective knowledge and the commitment of thesepartners, the Framework is intended as a reference and guide for national governments, international organizations, bilateral aid agencies, non-governmental org a n i z a t i o n s (NGOs), and all those committed to the goal of Education for All, in formulating their own plans of action for implementing the World Delaration. It describes three broad levels of concerted action: (i) direct action within individual countries, (ii) co-operation among groups of countries sharing certain characteristics and concerns, and (iii) multilateral and bilateral co-operation in the world community. 2. Individual countries and groups of countries, as well as international, regional and national organisations, may use the Framework to develop their own specific plans of action and programmes in line with their particular objectives, mandates and constituencies. This indeed has been the case in the ten-year experience of the UNESCO Major Project on Education for Latin America and the Caribbean. Further examples of such related initiatives are the UNESCO Plan of Action for the Eradication of Illiteracy by the Year 2000, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference at its 25th session (1989); the ISESCO Special Programme (1990-2000); the current review by the World Bank of its policy for primary education; and USAID's programme for Advancing Basic Education and Literacy. Insofar as such plans of action, policies and programmes are consistent with this Framework, efforts throughout the world to meet basic learning needs will converge and facilitate co-operation. 3. While countries have many common concerns in meeting the basic learning needs of their populations, these concerns do, of
course, vary in nature and intensity from country to country depending on the actual status of basic education, as well as the cultural and socioeconomic context. Globally, by the year 2000, if enrolment rates remain at current levels, there will be more than 160million children without access to primary schooling simply because of population growth. In much of sub-Saharan Africa and in many low income countries elsewhere, the provision of universal primary education for rapidly growing numbers of children remains a long-term challenge. Despite progress in promoting adult literacy, most of these same countries still have high illiteracy rates, while the numbers of functionally illiterate adults continue to grow and constitute a major social problem in much of Asia and the Arab States, as well as in Europe and North A m e r i c a . Many people are denied equal access on grounds of race, gender, language, disability, ethnic origin, or political convictions. In addition, high drop-out rates and poor learning achievement are commonly recognized problems throughout the world. These very general characterisations illustrate the need for decisive action on a large scale, with clear goals and targ e t s . GOALS AND TARGETS 4. The ultimate goal affirmed by the World Declaration on Education for All is to meet the basic learning needs of all children, youth, and adults. The longterm effort to attain that goal can be maintained more effectively if intermediate goals are established and progress toward these goals is measured. Appropriate authorities at the national and subnational levels may establish such intermediate goals, taking into account the objectives of the Declaration as well as overall national development goals and priorities. 5. Intermediate goals can usefully be formulated as specific targets within national and subnational plans for educational development. Such targets usually (i) specify expected attainments and outcomes in reference to terminal performance specifications within an appropriate time-frame, (ii) specify priority categories (e.g., the poor, the disabled), and (iii) are formulated in terms such that progress
toward them can be observed and measured. These targets represent a "floor" (but not a "ceiling") for the continued development of education programmes and services. 6. Time-bound targets convey a sense of urgency and serve as a reference against which indices of implementation and accomplish ment can be compared. As societal conditions change, plans and targets can be reviewed andupdated. Where basic education efforts must be focussed to meet the needs of specific social groups or population categories, linking targets to such priority categories of learners can help to maintain the attention of planners, practitioners and evaluators on meeting the needs of these learners. Observable and measurable targets assist in the objective evaluation of progress. 7. Targets need not be based solely on current trends and resources. Initial targets can reflect a realistic appraisal of the possibilities presented by the Declaration to mobilize additional human, organisational, and financial capacities within a cooperative commitment to human development. Countries with low literacy and school enrolment rates, and very limited national resources, will need to make hard choices in establishing national targets within a realistic timeframe. 8. Countries may wish to set their own targets for the 1990s in terms of the following proposed dimensions: 1. Expansion of early childhood care and developmental activities? including family and community interventions, especially for poor, disadvantaged and disabled children; 2. Universal access to, and completion of, primary education (or whatever higher level of education is considered as "basic") by the year 2000; 3. Improvement in learning achievement such that an agreed percentage of an appropriate age cohort (e.g., 80 percent of 14 year-olds) attains or surpasses a defined level of necessary learning achievement;
4. Reduction of the adult illiteracy rate (the appropriate age group to be determined in each country) to, say, one-half its 1990 level by the year 2000, with sufficient emphasis on female literacy to significantly reduce the current disparity between male and female illiteracy rates; 5 . Expansion of provisions of basic education and training in other essential skills required by youth and adults, with programme effectiveness assessed in terms of behavioural changes and impacts on health, employment and productivity; 6. Increased acquisition by individuals and families of the knowledge, skills and values required for better living and sound and sustainable development, made available through all education channels including the mass media, other forms of modern and traditional communication, and social action, with effectiveness assessed in terms of behavioural change. 9. Levels of performance in the above should be established, when possible. These should be consistent with the focus of basic education both on universalization of access and on learning acquisition, as joint and inseparable concerns. In all cases, the performance targets should include equity by gender. However, setting levels of performance and of the proportions of participants who are expected to reach these levels in specific basic education programmes must be an autonomous task of individual countries.
10. The first step consists in identifying, preferably through an active participatory process involving groups and the community, the traditional learning systems which exist in the society, and the actual demand for basic education services, whether expressed in terms of formal schooling or non-formal education programmes. Addressing the basic learning needs of all means: early childhood care and development opportunities; relevant, quality
primary schooling or equivalent out-of-school education for children;- and literacy, basic knowledge and life skills training for youth and adults. It also means capitalizing on the use of traditional and modern information media and technologies to educate the public on matters of social concern and to support basic education activities. These complementary components of basic education need to be designed to ensure equitable access, sustained participation, and effective learning achievement. Meeting basic learning needs also involves action to enhance the family and community environments for learning and to correlate basic education and the larger socioeconomic context. The complementarily and synergistic effects of related human resources investments in population, health and nutrition should be recognized. 11. Because basic learning needs are complex and diverse, meeting them requires multisectoral strategies and action which are integral to overall development efforts. Many partners must join with the education authorities, teachers, and other educational personnel in developing basic education if it is to be seen, once again, as the responsibility of the entire society. This implies the active involvement of a wide range of partners families, teachers, communities, private enterprises (including those involved in information and communication), government and non-g o v e r n m e n t a l organisations, institutions, planning, managing and evaluating the many forms of basic education. 12. Current practices and institutional arrangements for delivering basic education, and the existing mechanisms for co-operation in this regard, should be carefully evaluated before new institutions or mechanisms are created. Rehabilitating dilapidated schools and improving the training and working conditions of teachers and literacy workers, building on existing learning schemes, are likely to bring greater and more immediate returns on investment than attempts to start afresh. 13. Great potential lies in possible joint actions with non-governmental organisations on all levels. These autonomous bodies, while advocating independent and critical public
views, might play roles in monitoring, research, training and material production for the sake of non-formal and life-long educational processes. 14. The primary purpose of bilateral and multilateral co-operation should appear in a true spirit of partnershipit should not be to transplant familiar models, but to help develop the endogenous capacities of national authorities and their in-country partners to meet basic learning needs eff e c t i v e l y. Action and resources should be used to strengthen essential features of basic education services, focussing on managerial and analytical capacities, which can stimulate further developments. International co-operation and funding can be particularly valuable in supporting major reforms or sectoral adjustments, and in helping to develop and test innovative approaches to teaching and management, where new approaches need to be tried and/or extraordinary levels of expenditure are involved and where knowledge of relevant experiences elsewhere can often be useful. 15. International co-operation should give priority to the countries currently least able to meet the basic learning needs of their populations. It should also help countries redress their internal disparities in educational opportunity. Because two-thirds of illiterate adults and out-of-school children are female, wherever such inequities exist, a most urgent priority is to improve access to education for girls and women, and to remove every obstacle that hampers their active participation. 1. PRIORITYACTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL
16. Progress in meeting the basic learning needs of all will depend ultimately on the actions taken within individual countries. While regional and international co-operation and financial assistance can support and facilitate such actions, government authorities, communities and their several in-country partners are the key agents for improvement, and national governments have the main responsibility for coordinating the effective use of internal and external resources. Given the diversity of countries' situations, capacities
and development plans and goals, this Frame work can only suggest certain areas that merit priority attention. Each country will determine for itself what specific actions beyond current efforts may be necessary in each of the following areas. 1.1 ASSESSING NEEDS AND PLANNING ACTION
targets and specific objectives; the required capital and recurrent resources, duly costed, as well as possible measures for cost eff e c t i v eness; indicators and procedures to be used to monitor progress in reaching the targets; priorities for using resources and for developing services and programmes over time; the priority groups that require special measures; the kinds of expertise required to implement the plan; institutional and administrative arrangements needed; modalities for ensuring information sharing among formal and other basic education programmes; and an implementation strategy and timetable. DEVELOPING A SUPPORTIVE POLICY ENVIRONMENT
17. To achieve the targets set for itself, each country is encouraged to develop or update comprehensive and long-term plans of action (from local to national levels) to meet the learning needs it has defined as Hbasic". Within the context of existing education-sector and general development plans and strategies, a plan of action for basic education for all will necessarily be multisectoral, to guide activities in the sectors involved (e.g., education, information, communications/media, labour, agriculture, health). Models of strategic planning, by definition, vary. However, most of them involve constant adjustments among objectives, resources, actions, and constraints. At the national level, objectives are normally couched in broad terms and central government resources are also determined, while actions are taken at the local level. Thus, local plans in the same national setting will naturally differ not only in scope but in content. National and subnational frameworks and local plans should allow for varying conditions and circumstances. These might, therefore, specify: studies for the evaluation of existing systems (analysis of problems, failures and successes): the basic learning needs to be met, including cognitive skills, values, attitudes, as well as subject knowledge; the languages to be used in education means to promote the demand for, and broadscale participation in, basic education; modalities to mobilize family and local community support;
18. A multisectoral plan of action implies adjustments to sectoral policies so that sectors interact in a mutually supportive and beneficial manner in line with the country's overall development goals. Action to meet basic learning needs should be an integral part of a country's national and subnational development strategies, which should reflect the priority given to human development. Legislative and other measures may be needed to promote and facilitate co-operation among the various partners involved. Advocacy and public information about basic education are important in creating a supportive policy environment at national, subnational and local levels. 19. Four specific steps that merit attention are: (i) initiation of national and subnational level activities to create a broad, public
recommitment to the goal of education for all; (ii) reduction of inefficiency in the public sector and exploitative practices in the private sector; (iii) provision of improved training for public administrators and of incentives to retain qualified women and men in public service; and (iv) provision of measures to encourage wider participation in the design and implementation of basic education p r ogrammes. 1.3 DESIGNING POLICIES TO IMPROVE BASIC EDUCATION
20. The preconditions for educational quality, equity and efficiency, are set in the early childhood years, making attention to early childhood care and development essential to the achievement of basic education goals. Basic education must correspond to actual needs, interests, and problems of the participants in the learning process. The relevance of curricula could be enhanced by linking literacy and numeracy skills and scientific concepts with learners' concerns and earlier experiences, for example, nutrition, health, and work. While many needs vary considerably within and among countries, and therefore much of a curriculum should be sensitive to local conditions, there are also many universal needs and shared concerns which should be addressed in education curricula and in educational messages. Issues such as protecting the environment, achieving a balance between population and resources, slowing the spread of AIDS, and preventing drug abuse are everyone's issues. 21. Specific strategies addressed to improve the conditions of schooling may focus on: learners and the learning process, personnel (teachers, administrators, others), curriculum and learning assessment, materials and physical facilities. Such strategies should be conducted in an integrated manner; their design, management, and evaluation should take into account the acquisition of knowledge and problem-solving skills as well as the social, cultural, and ethical dimensions of human development. Depending on the outcomes desired, teachers have to be trained accordingly, whilst benefiting from in-service programmes as well as other incentives of opportunity which put a premium on the
achievement of these outcomes; curriculum and assessment must reflect a variety of criteria while materials and conceivably buildings and facilities as wellmust be adapted along the same lines. In some countries, the strategy may include ways to improve conditions for teaching and learning such that absenteeism is reduced and learning time increased. In order to meet the educational needs of groups not covered by formal schooling, appropriate strategies are needed for non-formal education. These include, but go far beyond, the aspects described above, and may also give special attention to the need for coordination with other forms of education, to the support of all interested partners, to sustained financial resources and to full community participation. An example for such an approach applied to literacy can be found in UNESCO's Plan of Action for the Eradication of Illiteracy by the Year 2000. Other strategies still may rely on the media to meet the broader education needs of the entire community. Such strategies need to be linked to formal education, non-formal education or a combination of both. The use of the communications media holds a tremendous potential to educate the public and to share important information among those who need to know. 22. Expanding access to basic education of satisfactory quality is an effective way to improve equity. Ensuring that girls and women stay involved in basic education activities until they have attained at least the agreed necessary level of learning, can be encouraged through special measures designed, wherever possible, in consultation with them. Similar approaches are necessary to expand learning opportunities for various disadvantaged groups . 23. Efficiency in basic education does not mean providing education at the lowest cost, but rather the most effective use of all resources (human, organisational, and financial) to produce the desired levels of access and of necessary learning achievement. The foregoing considerations of relevance, quality, and equity are not alternatives to efficiency but represent the specific conditions within which efficiency should be attained. For some programmes, efficiency will require more, not
f e w e r, resources. However, if existing resources can be used by more learners or if the same learning targets can be reached at a lower cost per learner, then the capacity of basic education to meet the targets of access and achievement for presently underserved groups can be increased. 1.4 IMPROVING MANAGERIAL, ANALYTICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CAPACITIES
24. Many kinds of expertise and skills will be needed to carry out these initiatives. Managerial and supervisory personnel, as well as planners, school architects, teacher educators, curriculum developers, researchers, analysts, etc., are important for any strategy to improve basic education, but many countries do not provide specialised training to prepare them for their responsibilities; this is especially true in literacy and other out-of-school basic education activities. A broadening of outlook toward basic education will be a crucial prerequisite to the effective co-ordination of efforts among these many participants, and strengthening and developing capacities for planning and management at regional and local levels with a greater sharing of responsibilities will be necessary in many countries. Pre- and in-service training programmes for key personnel should be initiated, or strengthened where they do exist. Such training can be particularly useful in introducing administrative reforms and innovative management and supervisory techniques. 25. The technical services and mechanisms to collect, process and analyze data pertaining to basic education can be improved in all countries. This is an urgent task in many countries that have little reliable information and/or research on the basic learning needs of their people and on existing basic education activities. A country's information and knowledge base is vital in preparing and implementing a plan of action. One major implication of the focus on learning acquisition is that systems have to be developed and improved to assess the performance of individual learners and delivery mechanisms. Process and outcome assessment data should serve as the core of a management information system for basic education.
2 6 . The quality and delivery of basic education can be enhanced through the judicious use of instructional technologies. Where such technologies are not now widely used, their introduction will require the selection and/or development of suitable technologies, acquisition of the necessary equipment and operating systems, and the recruitment or training of teachers and other educational personnel to work with them. The definition of a suitable technology varies by societal characteristics and will change rapidly over time as new technologies (educational radio and television, computers, and various audio-v i s u a l instructional devices) become less expensive and more adaptable to a range of environments. The use of modern technology can also improve the management of basic education. Each country may reexamine periodically its present and potential technological capacity in relation to its basic educational needs and resources . 1.5 MOBILIZING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION CHANNELS
27. New possibilities are emerging which already show a powerful impact on meeting basic learning needs, and it is clear that the educational potential of these new possibilities has barely been tapped. These new possibilities exist largely as a result of two converging forces, both recent by-products of the general development process. First, the quantity of information available in the worldmuch of it relevant to survival and basic well-being is exponentially greater than that available only a few years ago, and the rate of its growth is accelerating. A synergistic effect occurs when important information is coupled with a second modern advancethe new capacity to communicate among the people of the world. The opportunity exists to harness this force and use it positively, consciously, and with design, in order to contribute to meeting defined learning needs. 1.6 BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS AND MOBILIZING RESOURCE'S
28. In designing the plan of action and creating a supportive policy environment for promoting basic education, maximum use of opportunities should be considered to expand
existing collaborations and to bring together new partners: e.g., family and community o rganizations, non-governmental and other voluntary associations, teachers' unions, other professional groups, employers, the media, political parties, co-operatives, universities, research institutions, religious bodies, as well as education authorities and other government departments and services (labour, agriculture, health, information, commerce, industry, defence, etc.). The human and organisational resources these domestic partners represent need to be effectively mobilized to play their parts in implementing the plan of action. Partnerships at the community level and at the intermediate and national levels should be encouraged; they can help harmonize activities, utilize resources more effectively, and mobilize additional financial and human resources where necessary. 29. Governments and their partners can analyze the current allocation and use of financial and other resources for education and training in different sectors to determine if additional support for basic education can be obtained by (i) improving efficiency, (ii) mobilizing additional sources of funding within and outside the government budget, and (iii) allocating funds within existing education and training budgets, taking into account efficiency and equity concerns. Countries where the total fiscal support for education is low need to explore the possibility of reallocating some public funds used for other purposes to basic education. 30. Assessing the resources actually or potentially available for basic education and comparing them to the budget estimates underlying the plan of action, can help identify possible inadequacies of resources that may affect the scheduling of planned activities over time or may require choices to be made. Countries that require external assistance to meet the basic learning needs of their people can use the resource assessment and plan of action as a basis for discussions with their international partners and for coordinating external funding. 31. The individual learners themselves constitute a vital human resource that needs to be mobilized. The demand for, and participation in, learning opportunities cannot simply be assumed, but must be actively encouraged.
Potential learners need to see that the benefits of basic education activities exceed the costs the participants must bear, such as earnings foregone and reduced time available for community and household activities and for leisure. Women and girls, especially, may be deterred from taking full advantage of basic education opportunities because of reasons specific to individual cultures. Such barriers to participation may be overcome through the use of incentives and by programmes adapted to the local context and seen by the learners, their families and communities to be "productive activities". A l s o , learners tend to benefit more from education when they are partners in the instructional process, rather than treated simply as "inputs" or Xbeneficiaries". Attention to the issues of demand and participation will help assure that the learners' personal capacities are mobilized for education. 3 2 . Family resources, including time and mutual support, are vital for the success of basic education activities. Families can be o ffered incentives and assistance to ensure that their resources are invested to enable all family members to benefit as fully and equitably as possible from basic education opportunities. 3 3 . The preeminent role of teachers as well as of other educational personnel in providing quality basic education needs to be recognized and developed to optimize their contribution. This must entail measures to respect teachers' trade union rights and professional freedoms, and to improve their working conditions and status, notably in respect to their recruitment, initial and in-service training, remuneration and career development possibilities, as well as to allow teachers to fulfill their aspirations, social obligations, and ethical responsibilities. 34. In partnerships with school and community workers, libraries need to become a vital link in providing educational resources for all learners pre-school through adulthoodin school and non-school settings. There is therefore a need to recognize libraries as invaluable information resources. 35. Community associations, co-operatives, religious bodies, and other non-governmental o rganisations also play important roles in
supporting and in providing basic education. Their experience, expertise, energy and direct relationships with various constituencies are valuable resources for identifying and meeting basic learning needs. Their active involvement in partnerships for basic education should be promoted through policies and mechanisms that strengthen their capacities and recognize their autonomy. 2. PRIORITYACTION AT REGIONAL LEVEL
national efforts to achieve universal primary education and eliminate adult illiteracy:
Major Project in the Field of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean;
Regional Programme for the Eradication of Illiteracy in Africa;
Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL); Regional Programme for the Universalization and Renewal of Primary Education and the Eradication of Illiteracy in the Arab States by the Year 2000 (ARABUPEAL).
36. Basic learning needs must be met through collaborative action within each country, but there are many forms of co-operation between countries with similar conditions and concerns that could, and do, assist in this endea vour. Regions have already developed plans, such as the Jakarta Plan of Action on Human Resources, adopted by ESCAP i n 1988. By exchanging information and experience, pooling expertise, sharing facilities, and undertaking joint activities, several countries, working together, can increase their resource base and lower costs to their mutual benefit. Such arrangements are often set up among neighboring countries (sub-regional) , among all countries in a major geo- cultura l region, or among countries sharing a common language or having cultural and commercial relations. Regional and international organisations often play an important role in facilitating such co-operation between countries. In the following discussion, all such arrangements are included in the term "regional". In general, existing regional partnerships will need to be strengthened and provided with the resources necessary for their effective functioning in helping countries meet the basic learning needs of their populations. 2.1 EXCHANGING INFORMATION, EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE
38. In addition to the technical and policy consultations organized in connection with these programmes, other existing mechanisms can be used for consulting on policy issues in basic education. The conferences of ministers of education organized by UNESCO and by several regional organisations, the regular sessions of the regional commissions of the United Nations, and certain trans-regional conferences organized by the Commonwealth Secretariat, CONFEMEN (standing conference of ministers of education of francophone countries), the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), could be used for this purpose as needs arise. In addition, numerous conferences and meetings organized by nongovernmental bodies provide opportunities for professionals to share information and views on technical and policy issues. The conveners of these various conferences and meetings may consider ways of extending participation, where appropriate, to include representatives of other constituencies engaged in meeting basic learning needs. 39. Full advantage should be taken of opportunities to share media messages or programmes that can be exchanged among countries or collaboratively developed, especially where language and cultural similarities extend beyond political boundaries. 2.2 UNDERTAKING JOINTACTIVITIES 40. There are many possible joint activities among countries in support of national efforts
37. Various regional mechanisms, both intergovernmental and nongovernmental, promote co-operation in education and training, health, agricultural development, research and information, communications, and in other fields relevant to meeting basic learning needs. Such mechanisms can be further developed in response to the evolving needs of their constituents. Among several possible examples are the four regional programmes established through UNESCO in the 1980s to support
to implement action plans for basic education. Joint activities should be designed to exploit economies of scale and the comparative advantages of participating countries. Six areas where this form of regional collaboration seems particularly appropriate are: (i) training of key personnel, such as planners, managers, teacher educators, researchers, etc.; (ii) efforts to improve information collection and analysis; (iii) research; (iv) production of educational materials; (v) use of communication media to meet basic learning needs; and (vi) management and use of distance education services. Here, too, there are several existing mechanisms that could be utilized to foster such activities, including UNESCO's International Institute of Educational Planning and its networks of trainees and research as well as IBE's information network and the Unesco Institute for Education; the five networks for educational innovation operating under UNESCO's auspices; the research and review advisory groups (RRAGs) associated with the International Development Research Centre; the Commonwealth of Learning; the Asian Cultural Center for UNESCO; the participatory network established by the International Council for Adult Education; and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, which links major national research institutions in some 35 countries. Certain multilateral and bilateral development agencies that have accumulated valuable experience in one or more of these areas might be interested in participating in joint activities. The five United Nations regional commissions could provide further support to such regional collaboration, especially by mobilizing policymakers to take appropriate action. 3. PRIORITYACTION AT WORLD LEVEL
shared by industrialised and developing countries alike, international co-operation can provide valuable support for national efforts and regional actions to implement the expanded vision of basic Education for All. Time, ene rg y, and funding directed to basic education are perhaps the most profound investment in people and in the future of a country which can be made; there is a clear need and strong moral and economic argument for international solidarity to provide technical co-operation and financial assistance to countries that lack the resources to meet the basic learning needs of their populations. 3.1 COOPERATION WITHIN THE INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT
4 1 . The world community has a wellestablished record of co-operation in education and development. However, international funding for education stagnated during the early 1980s; at the same time, many countries have been handicapped by growing debt burdens and economic relationships that channel their financial and human resources to wealthier countries. Because concern about the issues in basic education is
4 2 . Meeting basic learning needs constitutes a common and universal human responsibili t y. The prospects for meeting basic learning needs around the world are determined in part by the dynamics of international relations and trade. With the current relaxation of tensions and the decreasing number of armed conflicts, there are now real possibilities to reduce the tremendous waste of military spending and shift those resources into socially useful areas, including basic education. The urgent task of meeting basic learning needs may require such a reallocation between sectors, and the world community and individual governments need to plan this conversion of resources for peaceful uses with courage and vision, and in a thoughtful and careful manner. Similarly, international measures to reduce or eliminate current imbalances in trade relations and to reduce debt burdens must be taken to enable many l o w-income countries to rebuild their own economies, releasing and retaining human and financial resources needed for development and for providing basic education to their populations. Structural adjustment policies should protect appropriate funding levels for education. 3.2 ENHANCING NATIONAL CAPACITIES
43. International support should be provided, on request, to countries seeking to develop the national capacities needed for planning and managing basic education pro-
grammes and services (see section 1.4). Ultimate responsibility rests within each nation to design and manage its own programmes to meet the learning needs of all its population. International support could include training and institutional development in data collection, analysis and research, technological innovation, and educational methodologies. Management information systems and other modern management methods could also be introduced, with an emphasis on low and middle level managers. These capabilities will be even more in demand to support quality improvements in primary education and to introduce innovative out- o f-school programmes. In addition to direct support to countries and institutions, international assistance can also be usefully channelled to support the activities of international, regional and other intercountry structures that organize joint research, training and information exchanges. The latter should be based on, and supported by, existing institutions and programmes, if need be improved and strengthened, rather than on the establishment of new structures. Support will be especially valuable for technical cooperation among developing countries, among whom both circumstances and resources available to respond to circumstances are often similar. 3.3 PROVIDING SUSTAINED LONGTERM SUPPORT FOR NATIONAL AND REGlONAL ACTIONS
the priority areas for international action presented below and to making appropriate arrangements for meeting the objectives of Education for All, each acting within its mandate, special responsibilities, and decisions of its governing bodies. Given that UNESCO is the UN agency with a particular responsibility for education, it will give priority to implementing the Framework for Action and to facilitating provision of services needed for reinforced international co-ordination and co-operation. 4 5 . Increased international funding is needed to help the less developed countries implement their own autonomous plans of action in line with the expanded vision of basic Education for All. Genuine partnerships characterized by co-operation and joint long-t e r m commitments will accomplish more and provide the basis for a substantial increase in overall funding for this important sub-s e c t o r of education. Upon governments' request, multilateral and bilateral agencies should focus on supporting priority actions, particularly at the country level (see section 1), in areas such as the following: a. The design or updating of national and subnational multisectoral plans of action (see section 1.1), which will need to be elaborated very early in the 1990s. Both financial and technical assistance are needed by many developing countries, particularly in collecting and analyzing data, as well as in organizing domestic consultations. b. National efforts and related inter-country co-operation to attain a satisfactory level of quality and relevance in primary education (cf. sections 1.3 and 2 above). Experiences involving the participation of families, local communities, and non-governmental organisations in increasing the relevance and improving the quality of education could profitably be shared among countries. c. The provision of universal primary education in the economically poorer countries. International funding agencies should consider negotiating arrangements to provide long-term support, on a case-
44. Meeting the basic learning needs of all people in all countries is obviously a long-term undertaking. This Framework provides guidelines for preparing national and subnational plans of action for the development of basic education through a long-term commitment of governments and their national partners to work together to reach the targets and achieve the objectives they set for themselves. International agencies and institutions, many of which are sponsors, co-sponsors, and associate sponsors of the World Conference on Education for All, should actively seek to plan together and sustain their long-term support for the kinds of national and regional actions outlined in the preceding sections. In particular, the core sponsors of the Education for All initiative (UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank) affirm their commitments to supporting
by-case basis, to help countries move toward universal primary education according to their timetable. The external agencies should examine current assistance practices in order to find ways of effectively assisting basic education programmes which do not require capital- and technology-intensive assistance, but often need longer-term budgetary support. In this context, greater attention should be given to criteria for development co-operation in education to include more than mere economic considerations. d. Programmes designed to meet the basic learning needs of disadvantaged groups, out-of-school youth, and adults with little or no access to basic learning opportuni ties. All partners can share their experience and expertise in designing and implementing innovative measures and activities, and focus their funding for basic education on specific categories and groups (e.g., women, the rural poor, the disabled) to improve significantly the learning opportunities and conditions available for them. e. Education programmes for women and g i r l s . These programmes should be designed to eliminate the social and cultural barriers which have discouraged or even excluded women and girls from benefits of regular education programmes, as well as to promote equal opportunities in all aspects of their lives. f. Education programmes for refugees. The programmes run by such organisations as the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) need more substantial and reliable l o n g-term financial support for this recognized international responsibility. Where countries of refuge need international financial and technical assistance to cope with the basic needs of refugees, including their learning needs, the international community can help to
share this burden through increased cooperation. The world community will also endeavour to ensure that people under occupation or displaced by war and other calamities continue to have access to basic education programmes that preserve their cultural identity. g. Basic education programmes of all kinds in countries with high rates of illiteracy (as in sub-Saharan Africa) and with large illiterate populations (as in South Asia). Substantial assistance will be needed to reduce significantly the world's large number of illiterate adults. h. Capacity building for re s e a rch and planning and the experimentation of small-scale innovations. The success of Education for All actions will ultimately be determined by the capacity of each country to design and implement programs that reflect national conditions. A strengthened knowledge base nourished by research findings and the lessons of experiments and innovations as well as the availablity of competent educational planners will be essential in this respect. 46. The coordination of external funding for education is an area of shared responsibility at country level, in which host governments need to take the lead to ensure the efficient use of resources in accordance with their priorities. Development funding agencies should explore innovative and more flexible modalities of cooperation in consultation with the governments and institutions with which they work and co-operate in regional initiatives, such as the Task Force of Donors to African Education. Other forums need to be developed in which funding agencies and developing countries can collaborate in the design of inter-country projects and discuss general issues relating to financial assistance. 3.4 CONSULTATIONS ON POLICY ISSUES
47. Existing channels of communication and forums for consultation among the many partners involved in meeting basic learning needs should be fully utilized in the 1990s to main-
tain and extend the international consensus underlying this Framework for Action. Some channels and forums, such as the biannual International Conference on Education, operate globally, while others focus on particular regions or groups of countries or categories of partners. Insofar as possible, organizers should seek to coordinate these consultations and share results. 48. M o r e o v e r, in order to maintain and expand the Education for All initiative, the international community will need to make appropriate arrangements, which will ensure co-operation among the interested agencies using the existing mechanisms insofar as possible- (i)to continue advocacy of basic Education for All, building on the momentum generated by the World Conference; (ii) to facilitate sharing information on the progress made in achieving basic education targets set by countries for themselves and on the resources and organizational requirements for successful initiatives; (iii) to encourage new partners to join this global endeavor; and (iv)to ensure that all partners are fully aware of the importance of maintaining strong support for basic education. INDICATIVE PHASING OF IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE 1990S 49. Each country, in determining its own intermediate goals and targets and in designing its plan of action for achieving them, will, in the process, establish a timetable to harmonize and schedule specific activities. Similarly, regional and international action will need to be scheduled to help countries meet their targets on time. The following general schedule suggests an indicative phasing during the 1990s; of course, certain phases may need to overlap and the dates indicated will need to be adapted to individual country and organizational contexts. 1. Governments and organizations set specific targets and complete or update their plans of action to meet basic learning needs (c section 1.1); take measures to create a supportive policy environment (1.2); devise policies to improve the relevance, quality, equity
and efficiency of basic education services and programmes (1.3); design the means to adapt information and communication media to meet basic learning needs (1.4) and mobilize resources and establish operational partnerships (1.6). International partners assist countries, through direct support and through regional co-operation, to complete this preparatory stage. (19901991) 2. Development agencies establish policies and plans for the 1990s, in line with their commitments to sustained, l o n g-term support for national and regional actions and increase their financial and technical assistance to basic education accordingly (3.3). All partners strengthen and use relevant existing mechanisms for consultation and co-operation and establish procedures for monitoring progress at regional and international levels. (19901993) 3. First stage of implementation of plans of action: national coordinating bodies monitor implementation and propose appropriate adjustments to plans. Regional and international supporting actions are carried out. (1990-1995) 4. Governments and organizations undertake mid-term evaluation of the implementation of their respective plans and adjust them as needed. Governments, organizations and development agencies undertake comprehensive policy reviews at regional and global levels. (1995-1996) 5. Second stage of implementation of plans of action and of supporting action at regional and international levels. Development agencies adjust their plans as necessary and increase their assistance to basic education accordingly. (1996-2000) 6. Governments, organisations and development agencies evaluate achievements and undertake comprehensive
50. There will never be a better time to renew commitment to the inevitable and long-term effort to meet the basic learning needs of all
children, youth and adults. This effort will require a much greater and wiser investment of resources in basic education and training than ever before, but benefits will begin accruing immediately and will extend well into the futurewhere the global challenges of today will be met, in good measure, by the world community's commitment and perseverance in attaining its goal of education for all.
Appendix 3
Statement on the Follow-Up to the World Conference on Education for All
(Endorsed by the Conference on 9 March 1990)
The Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs can be seen providing a consensus view of the main tasks which need to be undertaken after the World Conference. These follow-up tasks concern countries, NGOs and the international community. The principal follow-up will be at the country level. One of the first follow-up steps may, therefore, be for countries to conduct a "needs assessment" to ascertain what resources are required to reach their goals. With regard to external resources, multilateral, bilateral agencies and NGOs for their part should endeavour to co-ordinate their actions at country-level more effectively. Opportunities should be provided within the existing structures for a process of consultation among countries in regional or subregional settings to share mutual concerns and to discuss how multilateral and bilateral agencies and NGOs can best assist them. Whatever follow-up mechanism may, at the same time, be established at international level, it should serve national follow-up action
and support it effectively. Follow-up action at the international level would seek to maintain the spirit of co-operation amongst countries, multilateral and bilateral agencies, as well as NGOs, which has been the hallmark of the World Conference. UNDP, Unesco, IJNICEF and the World Bank have agreed to increase support to basic education within each of their own planning frameworks, structures and resources allocation mechanisms. To this end they have decided to meet annually to co-ordinate their own activities in the educational field. As a consequence of the momentum generated by the World Conference, it is expected that national representatives, multilateral and bilateral agencies and NGOs would wish to be part of a consultative forum which will aim at promoting the EFA goals. International follow-up action will rely on existing mechanisms. Unesco has offered to provide appropriate services to facilitate the follow-up .
Appendix 4
Statement of Principles on the Involvement of NGOs in WCEFA Follow-Up Activities with Non-NGO Bodies
NGO Jomtien Committee 9 March 1990
1. NGOs shall be part of all formal structures for the implementation of EFA at all levels: local, national, regional, and international, from the outset, particularly in the development and implementation of national plans, which NGOs feel is of paramount importance. In all cases the autonomy of NGOs shall be respected. 2. NGO members of such structures shall be in the same proportion as other sectoral representatives. 3. Explicit policies designed to provide political space for NGS\s and concrete actions should be adopted by both governments and agencies . 4. NGOs shall choose their own representatives through a consultative and democratic process as appropriate. 5. NGOs will follow the guidelines listed below when selecting their representitives. a. NGO representatives shall be chosen on the basis of involvement in and commitment to education for all. b. Due consideration will be given to ethnic, geographic and sectoral representivity. c. Consideration will be given to established UN mechanisms relative to NGO relations, but NGO selection will not be limited by any specialized agency's procedures nor any procedure established by non-NGO bodies. d. Special preference shall be given to the involvement of indigenous NGOs from countries and regions where the challenges of basic education are most serious . 6. As a much needed example, the NGOs will make every effort to ensure balanced gender representation among NGO representatives at all levels, most especially at the international level. 7. Subsequent major international meetings and conferences relative to the education for all movement shall include NGOs as full delegates. The World Conference on Education for All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs established a welcome precedent by granting delegate status to NGO representatives.
Annexes A B C D E F G Conference Schedule Roundtables Thematic Roundtables Illustrative Roundtables Exhibits Documents Conference Management and Services Composition of the Inter-Agency Commission Participant List 68 72 72 76 80 82 83 85 90
Monday, 5 March 1990 9:00 10:00 - 11:00 Registration of delegates Inaugural Session Statement by H.E. General Tienchai Sirisumpan, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Inaugural address by H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn on behalf of His Majesty the King of Thailand Presentation of the Education for All initiative and the Conference theme film by Mr. Wadi D. Haddad, Executive Secretary of the Conference Opening Plenary Session Message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations read by Mr. S.A.M.S. Kibria, Executive Secretary of ESCAP Address on behalf of the four core Sponsors by Mr. Federico Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO Addresses of invited Heads of State: H.E. Mr. Husain Muhammad Ershad, President of Bangladesh H.E. Mr. Rodrigo Borja Cevallos, President of Ecuador H.E. Mr. Daniel Arap Moi, President of Kenya (short intermission) Election of Conference officers Overview of the Conference, by the Executive Secretary Roundtables Session 1 T.1 The Impact of Technological Change on Basic Knowledge and Skills Requirements T.2 The Effects of Education and Training on Economic and Social Development I.1 North America: Adult Literacy in Canada and the United States I.2 Education in Thailand: A Road to Lifelong Learning Plenary Commission Session I Election of Drafting Committee Presentation of the working documents Interventions by regions Roundtables Session 2 T.3 Environmental Education: A Component of Sustainable Development T. 4 Population Education I.3 Education of the Girl-Child in South Asia I.4 The Iraqi Experience: Integration between Primary Education, Literacy and Post Literacy Opening of the Exhibits Dinner Reception
11:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 16:00
15:00 - 18:00
16:30 - 18:00
Tuesday, 6 March 1990 9:00- 10:30 Roundtables - Session 3 T.5 Health in Education for All: Enabling School-Age Children and Adults for Healthy Living T.6 Understanding Culture: A Precondition for Effective Learning I.5 The Fight Against Illiteracy: A Challenge for Europe I.6 Korea: Policy Strategy for Fundamental Literacy and the Thinking Ability Development Project Bureau - First Meeting Plenary Commission - Session II Address by Mr. Barber Conable, President of the World Bank Interventions by regions Interventions by organizations Roundtables - Session 4 T.7 Challenge of Early Childhood Care and Education: An Agenda for Action T.8 Language Policy in Preschool, Primary School and Adult Literacy Programs I.7 Mali: Education for AllA Utopia? I.8 Plan of Action for the Sahel Drafting Committee - First Meeting Roundtables - Session 5 T.9 School Performance, Nutrition and Health T.10 Girls' Education: Problems and Solutions I.9 The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in Basic Education through Radio in Latin America I.10 The Ecuadorian National Plan of Education Plenary Commission - Session III Interventions by regions Interventions by organisations Roundtables - Session 6 T. 11 Improving Primary Education in Developing Countries: A Review of Policy Options T.12 Greater Access to Better Quality: Distance Education for Primary School Improvement I.11 USSR: From Elimination of Illiteracy Towards a New Conception of Literacy on the Threshold of the 21st Century I.12 Basic Education in Caribbean Schools
10:30- 13:00
15:00- 18:00
16:30- 18:00
Wednesday, 7 March 1990 9:00- 10:30 Roundtables - Session 7 T. 13 Information, Learning, and Grassroots Participation: The Necessary Conditions for Development T. 14 From Research to Action in Basic Education: The Potential of Networking and North-South Networking I.13 Participatory Learning in the National Literacy Campaign in Nepal and Education for Rural Areas in Afghanistan I.14 Mobilization of Resources for Education for All: Kenya Bureau - Second Meeting Plenary Commission - Session IV Address by Mr. James Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF Address by H.E. Mr. M.A. Gayoom, President of Maldives Interventions by regions Interventions by organisations Roundtables - Session 8 T. 15 Economic and Pedagogical Decisions in the Production of Educational Materials. How to Assure the Highest Quality to the Greatest Number, at an Affordable Cost T.16 Participatory Community-Based Innovations in Early Childhood Care and Primary Education I. 15 Out-of-School Education in the Caribbean I.16 Development and Reform of Basic Education in China Deadline for submission of proposals concerning the World Declaration and the Framework for Action Roundtables - Session 9 T.17 The Teacher: Decisive Actor in Providing Education for All T. 18 Using Assessment to Improve Learning I. 17 The Colombian New School Programme: An Active and Flexible Approach to Basic Education in the Rural Areas I. 18 Zimbabwe: Political Mobilization in Enhancing Basic Education in a Newly Independent Nation Plenary Commission - Session V Address by Mr. William Draper III, Administrator of UNDP Interventions by regions Interventions by organisations Drafting Committee - Second Meeting Roundtables - Session 10 T.l9 Mobilizing for Empowerment Through Education: A New Battle Plan T.20 The Role of NGOs in Literacy I.l9 USA: Program Assessment and Indicators for Education Policy I.20 The Development of Japan's Modern Education with Particular Reference to Primary Education
10:30 - 13:00
15:00 - 18:00
Thusday, 8 March 1990 8:00 - 17:00 9:00 - 15:00 Host Country Day: Visits to schools and villages in the area around Jomtiem Drafting Committee - Third Meeting
Friday, 9 March 1990 9:00 - 10:00 Plenary Commission - Session V continued Interventions by region Interventions by organization Roundtables - Session 11 T.21 Creating Capacity for Educational Progress: Empowering the Education Manager T.22 Educating All the Children: The Financial Challenge for the 1990s I.21 The Educational System of Morocco: Restructuring and Reform I.22 Education for All: The Philippine Plan of Action 1990-2000 Bureau - Third Meeting Plenary Commission - Session Vl Oral Report of the Drafting Committee by H.E. Ambassador Francois Nordman, Co-Rapporteur-General Approval of the final text of the World Declaration and the Framework for Action Roundtables - Session 12 T.23 The Struggle for Adult Literacy: A Review of Experiences T.24 Continuation of T22 I.23 Coping with the Crisis in Education in Nigeria I.24 Plan of Action for Education Reform in Jordan Closing Plenary Session Oral report of the Rapporteurs-General on the work of the Conference, by Mrs. Esi Sutherland-Addy, Co-Rapporteur-General Adoption of the World Declaration and Framework for Action Calls to action by: Mr. Anil Bordia, for Asia and the Pacific Ms. Evelyn Kurithara Philbrook, for the NGOs present H.E. Mr. Alaziamina Nzege, for Africa Statement on goals and challenges for the future, by Mr. James Grant, Executive Director of UNICEF Statement on behalf of the four Sponsors, by Mr. Federico Mayor, DirectorGeneral of UNESCO Statement on behalf of the Host Country, by H.E. General Mana Ratanakoses, Minister of Education of Thailand Statement by the Executive Secretary of the Conference, Mr. Wadi D. Haddad Closing remarks by the Acting President, H.E. Mr. Josef Hromadka Vote of thanks, by H.E. Senator Hon. Carlyle Dunkley Conference theme song prepared by Nigerian Delegation and presented by Thai dance group Formal closing of the Conference.
9:00 - 10:30
11:00 - 12:30
15:00 - 17:00
Annex B Roundtables
Thematic Roundtables
T-1 The Impact of Technological Change on Basic Knowledge and Skills Requirements CHAIR: Haja Aicha Bah Diallo, State Secretary, Primary and Basic Education, Guinea PRESENTERS: John Lawrence (Moderator), Principal Technical Advisor, Bureau for Programme Policy and Evaluation, United Nations Development Programme A.K. Jalauddin, Director, National Council for Educational Research and Training, India Claudio de Maura Castro, Chief, Training Policies Branch, International Labour Organization Jane Boyer, Consultant to the Education Sector, UNESCO T-2 The Effects of Education and Training on Economic and Social Development CHAIR: George Kanawaty, Director of Training, International Labour Organization PRESENTERS: Martin Carnoy (Moderator), Stanford University,USA Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Minister of State for Education, Pakistan Sippandonda Katunda, President, National Petrochemical Corporation, Thailand. T-4 Population Education CHAIR: Joseph van Arendonk, Assistant Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) PRESENTERS: OJ. Sikes (Moderator), Chief, Education, Communication and Youth Branch, UNFPA Jairo Palacio , UNESCO Regional Advisor on Population Education, Latin America and the Caribbean, Venezuela Ansar Ali Khan, UNESCO Regional Advisor on Population Education, T hailand Jaqueline Ki-Zerbof Regional Advisor for UNIFEM in West and Central Africa, UNFPA
T-5 Health in Education for All: Enabling School-Age Children and Adults for Healthy Living CHAIR: Ali Fakhro, Minister of Education, Bahrain PRESENTERS: Dennis Tolsma (Moderator), President, International Union for Health Education, USA Ivy McGhie , Health Education Programme, University of the West Indies, Jamaica Paz Ramos, Retired Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of the Philippines, Philippines Komlan Siamevi , Director-General, Ministry of Health, Togo Olikoye Ransome-Kuti, Minister of Health, Nigeria S.W. Perera, Director, Health Education~ Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka T-6 Understanding Culture: A Precondition for Effective Learning CHAIR: Ghulam Mustafa Shah Said , Minister of Education, Pakistan PRESENTERS: Victor Ordonez (Moderator), Under-Secretary of Education, Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Philippines S.T. Bajah, University of Ibadan, Nigeria H.S. Bhola, Indiana University, USA Angela Little , Institute of Education, London University, United Kingdom
T-3 Environmental Education: A Component of Sustainable Development CHAIR: William H. Draper, III, Administrator, UNDP PRESENTERS: Colin Power (Moderator), Assistant DirectorGeneral, UNESCO Harold Hungerford, Professor and Coordinator, Science Education Center, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Southern Illinois University, USA Thilla Chelliah, Associate Professor, Education, University of Malaysia, Malaysia Chodchoy Sophonpanich, President, Thai Environment and Community Development Association
T-7 Challenge of Early Childhood Care and Education: An Agenda for Action CHAIR: Rien van Gendt, Executive Director, Bernard van Leer Foundation PRESENTERS: A.W. Wood (Moderator), Deputy Executive Secretary, Bernard van Leer Foundation Gerard Pantin, Executive Director, Service Volunteered for All (SERVOL), Trinidad & Tobago Khoo Kiln Choo, Rector of the Regional Training and Resource Centre for Early Childhood Care and Education Based at the National Trades Union Congress Child Care Services, Singapore Lea Kipkorir, Director, Kenya Institute of Education, Kenya T-8 Language Policy in Preschool, Primary School and Adult Literacy Programs CHAIR: Mbemba Jatta , Minister of Economic Planning and Industrial Development, Gambia PRESENTERS: Ayo Bamgbose (Moderator), Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages, University of Ibadan, Nigeria Lynellen Long, U.S. State Department and Johns Hopkins University, USA Kamal Sridhar , Department of Linguistics, University of New York at Stony Brook, USA Marita Irby, Stanford University T-9 School Performance, Nutrition and Health CHAIR: Peter Oloo Aringo, Minister of Education, Kenya PRESENTERS: Susan van der Vynckt (Moderator), Programme Specialist, Nutrition and Health, Division of Primary Education and Literacy, UNESCO Cecila Florencio, Department of Nutrition, University of the Philippines, Philippines John Nkinyangi , Graduate School of Education and African Studies Center, Division of Social Sciences and Comparative Education, University of California, USA Judith Katona-Apte, Senior Programme Advisor (Human Resources), Evaluation and Policy Division, World Food Programme
T- 10
CHAIR: Torild Skard, Director General, Multilateral Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway PRESENTERS: Elizabeth King (Moderator), Economist, Population and Human Resources Depat tment, The World Bank Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Minister of State for Education, Pakistan Haja Aicha Bah Diallo, State Secretary, Primary and Basic Education, Guinea Carmen Garcia Guadilla, Regional Advisor, UNESCO Regional Center for Higher Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (CRESALC), Venezuela Fay Chung, Minister of Education, Zimbabwe T-ll Improving Primary Education in Developing Countries: A Review of Policy Options CHAIR: Barber B. Conable, President, The World Bank PRESENTERS: Marlaine Lockheed (Moderator), Senior Education Sociologist, Population and Human Resources Department, The World Bank Vicky Colbert, UNICEF Bogota, Columbia (for Escuela Nueva) Anil Bordia, Secretary of Education, India Iba Der Thiam, Former Minister of Education, Senegal
T-12 Greater Access to Better Quality: Distance Education for Prirnary School Improvement CHAIR: James Maraj, President, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada PRESENTERS: H. Dean Nielson (Moderator), Principal Research Scientist, Institute for International Research Peter Kinyanjui, Senior Programme Officer, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada Napa Bhongbhibhat, Director General, Nonformal Education Department, Ministry of Education, Thailand Clifford Block, Office of Education, Bureau for Science and Technology, United States Agency for International Development Carleton Correles, General Manager, Association for Socio-Economic Advancement and Development (AVANCE), Honduras
T-13 Information, Learning and Grassroots Participation: The Necessary Conditions for Development CHAIR: Graa Machel, Former Minister of Education, Mozambique PRESENTERS: Sheldon Shaeffer (Moderator), Associate Director, Social Sciences Division, International Development Research Centre, Canada Sheldon Annis, Overseas Development Council, USA Anne Bernard , AB Associates, Canada Pilar Riao, Centro de Investigacion y Educaci6n Popular, Colombia
T-16 Participatory, Community-Based Innovations in Early Childhood Care and Primary Education CHAIR: Fay Chung, Minister of Education, Zimbabwe PRESENTERS: Zainal Ghani (Moderator), Coordinator, Unit for Research in Basic Education, University Sains, Malaysia Katherine Namuddu , Principal Researcher, MINDSACROSS Project, Uganda Robert G. Myers, Coordinator, The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development, USA Nittaya Kotchabhakdi, Director, The Child Development Unit, Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand T-17 The Teacher: The Decisive Actor in Providing Education for All CHAIR: Carlyle Dunkley, Minister of Education, Jamaica PRESENTERS: Daniel Monteux , Permanent Representative to UNESCO, World Federation of Teachers' Unions (WFTU) Abani Kumar Boral, Vice President, World Federation of Teachers' Unions Fred Van Leuwen, Secretary General, International Federation of Free Teachers Unions (IFFTU) Louis Van Beneden, President, World Confederation of Teachers (WCT)
T-14 From Research to Action in Basic Education: The Potential of Networking and NorthSouth Networking CHAIR: Pierre Beemans , Director General, Social and Human Resources Division, Canadian International Development Agency PRESENTERS: Kenneth King (Moderator), NORRAG Coordinator, Scotland Arfah Aziz, SEARRAG Coordinator, Malaysia Donatus Komba, ERNESA Coordinator, Kenya Patricio Cariola, REDUC Coordinator, Chile Luis Braham, Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo de la Educacin, Chile T-15 Economic and Pedagogical Decisions in the Production of Educational Materials. How to Assure the Highest Quality to the Greatest Number at an Affordable Cost. CHAIR: Erkki Aho, General Director, National Board of Education, Finland PRESENTERS: Stephen Heyneman (Moderator), Chief, Human Resources Division, Economic Development Institute, The World Bank Victor Nwankwo, President, Nigerian Publishers Association, Nigeria Alfonso de Guzman II , Textbook Specialist, Honduras Eero Syrjanen, Textbook Specialist, Finland
T- 18 Using Assessment to Improve Learning CHAIR: Aklilu Habte, Special Advisor, Human Resources, Africa Region, The World Bank PRESENTERS: Paud Murphy (Moderator), General Secretary, Higher Education for Development Corporation (HEDCO), Ireland Thomas Kellaghan , Education Research Center, St.Patrick's College, Ireland Se-ho Shin, Korean Education Development Institute (KEDI), Korea Ahamed Yussufu, Kenya National Examinations Council, Kenya
CHAIR: Joseph Wheeler, Chairperson, Development Assistance Committee, OECD PRESENTERS: Meechai Virayaidya (Moderator), Secretary General of the Population and Community Development Association, Thailand James Grant, Executive Director, UNICEF Faisal Abed, Director, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, Bangladesh Sonia Perez , Executive Director, Panama and Venezuela, Inter-American Development Bank Graa Machel, Former Minister of Education, Mozambique
T-22/T-24 (DOUBLE SE'SSION) Educating All the Children: The Financial Challenge for the 1990s CHAIR: Mahbub ul Haq, Special Adviser to the Administrator, UNDP PRESENTERS: Part A Christopher Colclough (Moderator), Project Leader, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Olu Falae , Federal Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Nigeria Part B Keith Lewin (Moderator), Institute of Developmental Studies, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Romeo Reyes, Deputy Director, National Economic Development Agency, Philippines Joseph Wheeler, Chairperson, Development Assistance Committee, OECD T-23 The Struggle for Adult Literacy: A Review of Experiences CHAIR: Federico Mayor, Director-General, Unesco PRESENTERS: Ingemar Gustafsson (Moderator), Head, Education Division, Swedish International Development Agency Anita Dighe , Adult Continuing Education and Extension Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Rosa Maria Torres del Castillo , Former Director of the National Literacy Campaign of Ecuador Kasama Varavarn, Department of Nonformal Education, Ministry of Education, Thailand
T-20 The Role of NGOs in Literacy CHAIR: Elisabetta Bianca Melandri, President, Center for Development Information and Education (CIES), Italy PRESENTERS: Lalita Ramdas , Coordinator, International Task Force on Literacy for South Asia, India Paul Wangoola, Secretary-General, African Association for Literacy and Adult Education (AALAE) Jeanine de la Fontaine, Co-President, Collective Consultation on Literacy for UNESCO Alfonso Lizarzaburu, Consultant, International Council on Adult Education Giacomo Ivancich Biaggini, Ambassador of Italy to Thailand T-21 Creating Capacity for Educational Progress: Empowering the Education Manager CHAIR: Brad Langmaid, Senior Assistant Administrator A.I., Bureau for Science and Technology, USAID PRESENTERS: Kurt Moses (Moderator), Director, Computer and Systems Services, Academy for Educational Development, USA Robert Morgan, Director, Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University, USA Carleton Corrales, General Manager, Association for Socio-Economic Advancement and Development (AVANCE), Honduras Chinnaput Bhumirat, Education Specialist, Office of the Prime Minister, Thailand
Illustrative Roundtables
CHAIR: Joan Linzey, National Director, Special Projects, Literacy Secretariat, Department of State, Canada PRESENTERS: Jean Unda, Basic Education for Skills Training, Ontario Federation of Labour, Canada Anthony Sarmiento, Assistant Director of Eclucation, American Federation of Labor, USA John Comings, Vice President, World Education, USA
I-4 The Iraqi Experience: Integration Between Primary Education Literacy and Post Literacy CHAIR: Abdul Kader Iz Al-Deen, Minister of Education, Iraq PRESENTERS: Khalil Hamash, Director General of Cultural Relations Badie Mahmoud Mubarak, Educational Researcher, Ministry of Education Jasem El Safi, Director, Educational Television, Ministry of Education I-5 The Fight Against Illiteracy: A Challenge for Europe CHAIR: Veronique Esperandieu , Executive Secretary, Standing Group Against Illiteracy (GPLI), France PRESENTERS: Marie-France Hau-Rouchard, Chargee de Mission, Standing Group Against Illiteracy (GPLI), France Pierre Freynet, University for Continuing Education, France Isabelle Deble, President, French National Commission for UNESCO, France
CHAIR: Mana Ratanakoses, Minister of Education, Thailand PRESENTERS: Ruang Chareonchai, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Education, Ministry of Education Kasama Varavarn, Director of Planning Division, Nonformal Education Department, Ministry of Education Panom Pongpaibol, Ministry of Education Chantavit Sujatanjond, Chief, International Relations Section, Educational Information Division, Office of the National Education Commission I-3 Education of the Girl-Child in South Asia
CHAIR: Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Minister of State for Education, Pakistan PRESENTERS: Faisal Abed , Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, Bangladesh Kiran Dhingra , Director of Primary Education, Ministry of Education, India Neelam Pasnet, Chief, Women's Education Project, Ministry of Education and Culture, Nepal
I-6 Korea: Policy Strategies for Fundamental Literacy and The Thinking Ability Development Project CHAIR: Won-shik Chung, Minister of Education, Korea PRESENTERS: Se-ho Shin, President, Korean Educational Development Institute Un-shil Choi, Associate Fellow, Chief of Lifelong Education Research Unit, Korean Education Development Institute Kyung-Chul Huh, Korean Educational Development Institute
CHAIR: Gakou Fatou Niang, Vice-President, Economic and Social Council PRESENTERS: Toure Mariam Barakou, Counsellor, Ministry of Education Hamadoun Sidibe, Director, Education Projects Brehima Doumbia, Director, Literacy and Applied Linguistics
I-11 USSR From Elimination of Illiteracy Towards a New Conception of Literacy On the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century CHAIR: Gennady Yagodin, Chairman, USSR State Committee for Public Education PRESENTERS: Nikolay Karlov, Member of Parliament, USSR Pierre Luisoni, Delegate for International Relations, Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Education I-12 Basic Education in Caribbean Schools CHAIR: Louis George, Minister of Education, St. Lucia PRESENTERS: Cyril Walker, Minister of Education, Barbados Errol Miller, University of the West Indies, Jamaica Stanley Lamp, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Education, Netherlands Antilles
CHAIR: Skou Ly, Minister of Education, Mali PRESENTER: Mamadou Fadiga, Director of Educational Planning, Senegal Manuel Barcelos Rambout, Minister of Education, Guinea Bissau Andr Corsino Tolentino, Minister of Education, Cape Verde The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Basic Education Through Radio in Latin America CHAIR: Luis Lobo , Advisor to the Director General, Central Rede Globo, Brazil PRESENTERS: Eloy Arribas , President of the National Coordinator of Peruvian Radio, Member of the Executive Board of Asociacin Latinoamericana de Educaci6n Radiofnica (ALER) I-9
I- 13 Participatory Learning in the National Literacy Campaign in Nepal and Education for Rural Areas in Afghanistan CHAIR: Khodaidad Basher Mal, Minister of Education, Afghanistan PRESENTERS: C.K. Shrestha , Nepal Representative, World Education L.N. Belbase , Member, National Planning Commission, Nepal I-14 Mobilization of Resources for Education for All: Kenya CHAIR: Peter Oloo-Aringo, Minister of Education, Kenya PRESENTERS: G. Eshiwani, Principal, College of Agriculture and Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University Gabriel Muita , Coordinator, Media Services, Kenya Institute of Education C.J. Chacha-Ogwe, Secretary General, Kenya National Commission for UNESCO Benjamin Kipkulei, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education
I-10 The Ecuadorian National Plan of Education CHAIR: Alfredo Vera, Minister of Education and Culture, Ecuador PRESENTERS: Augusto Abendazo, National Director of Planning Raul Vallejo, Executive Director, National Campaign on Literacy
I- 15 Out-of-School Education in the Caribbean CHAIR: Winston Dookeran, Minister of Planning and Mobilization, Trinidad and Tobago PRESENTERS: Herre Jean-Charles, Coordinator, National Commission for Education, Member of Institute for Literacy and Community Participation Clive Pantin, Minister of Education, Trinidad and Tobago Leila Thomas, Director, JAMAL Foundation, Jamaica
I-18 Zimbabwe: Political Mobilization in Enhancing Basic Education in a Newly Independent Nation CHAIR: I.M. Sibanda, Permanent Secretary for Eduction and Culture, Zimbabwe PRESENTERS: Q.M. Bhila , Deputy Secretary, Nonformal Education Division C. Bon-Stewart, Government Consultant on Community Publishing Program J.J. Mhlanga , Secretary General, Zimbabwe National Commission for UNESCO Fay Chung, Minister of Education T. Masaya, Deputy Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development I-19 USA: Programme Assessment and Indicators for Education Policy CHAIR: Thomas Kean, President, Drew University PRESENTERS: Gordon Ambach, Executive Director, C,ouncil of Chief State School Officers Christopher Cross, Assistant Secretary, Education, Research and Improvement, United States Department of Education
I-16 Development and Reform of Basic Education in China CHAIR: Teng Teng, Vice Chairman of State Education Commission, National Commission for UNESCO PRESENTERS: Cai Keong , Deputy Director, Education Development Studies Center Lin Shang-Zen, Director, International Department of All-China Women's Federation Wu Rong-Li, Deputy Director of Education Department, Ministry of Finance I-17 The Colombian New School Programme: An Active and Flexible Approach to Basic Education in the Rural Areas CHAIR: Manuel Francisco Becerra, Minister of Education, Colombia PRESENTERS: Vicky Colbert, Regional Education Advisor for UNICEF, Colombia Jairo Arboleda, Director for Colombia's Save the Children Foundation Jorge Enrique Vargas, Subdirector of the Department for National Planning
I-20 The Development of Japan's Modern Education with Particular Reference to Primary Education CHAIR: Isao Amagi , Chairman, Japanese National Commission for UNESCO and Special Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan PRESENTERS: Shigeo Miyamoto, Director, Research Planning and Coordination Division, National Institute for Educational Research Tadashi Inumaru, Director-General, Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO Taichi Sasaoka, Executive Director, Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO
I-23 Coping with the Crisis in Education in Nigeria CHAIR: A.B. Fafunwa, Minister of Education, Nigeria PRESENTERS: Segun Adesina , Executive Secretary, Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) Peter Odor, Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) H. Marinho, Secretary-General, Nigerian National Commission for UNESCO Teresa Chukuma, Director of Primary and Secondary Education 1-24 Plan of Action for Education Reform in Jordan CHAIR: Mohammad Hamdan, Minister of Education and Higher Education, Jordan PRESENTERS: Victor Billeh, President, National Center for Education Research and Development Izzat Jaradat, Director General, Planning and Research, Ministry of Education
CHAIR: Mohammed Baroudi, Inspector General in Charge of International Cooperation PRESENTERS: Smyej Abderrahmane, Chief Adviser, Director of Private Education Mohammed Boulasri, Director, Social Affairs El-Mostafa Hddigui , Chief, Division of Studies and Objectives
I-22 Education for All: The Philippine Plan of Action 1990-2000 CHAIR: L.R. Quisumbing , Secretary General, National Commission for UNESCO PRESENTER: Victor Ordonez, Under Secretary of Education, Department of Education, Culture and Sports
Annex C Exhibits
Exhibit A.1 The Challenge of Early Childhood Care and Education A.2 Education for All in Nepal and Sri Lanka A .3 The Colombian Welfare Homes Programme A.4 Training for Children with Learning and Reading Difficulties A.5 The Literacy Movement and its Implementation Methods in Iran, Pakistan and the Maldives A.6 Girls' Education: Problems and Solutions A.7 Combatting Illiteracy: The Needs of Women and Girls A.8 The Action-Oriented School Health (AOSH) Concept in the Arab Region A.9 Education: A Way Towards Healthier Living A.10 Population Education: A Curriculum For Today A.11 Child-to-Child: A New Approach to Health Education, Another Path to Learning A.12 All for Education: Successful Strategies and Promising Practices for Improving Basic Education A.13 Restructuring Schools for Educational Efficiency B.1 Child Development Through The Library B.2 Education for Children Affected by War and Violence in Mozambique B.3 The Philippine Textbook Project B.4 Bilingual Education Program in Puno B.5 Popular Education Movement in Latin America B.6 Basic Education in Trinidad and Tobago B.7 Preparing for Life: Education and Work B.8 Language Policy in Preschool, Primary School, and Adult Literacy Programs B.9 Learning: Gateway to Development B.10 Education for All B.11 A Challenge: Education for All Refugees B.12 Crystallization of Asian/Pacific Regional Cooperation B.13 Promotional Campaigns and Literacy for Nomads B.14 The Importance of Instructional Materials in Primary Education B.15 Learning Workshops: A Real Chance B.16 BRAC: Nonformal Primary Education B.17 Acute Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Education: Learning for Life
Manager Andrew Chetley (Bernard van Leer Foundation) Dil Bahadur (Nepal) Vicky Colbert (Colombia) Petter Korseth (Norway) Mehr Mohammadi (Iran) Barbara Reese (WCEFA Secretariat) Mohammed Saced Fara (Yemen, PDR) Omar Suleiman Harrikrisna Anenden (WHO) Hilde Glattbach (UNFPA) Grazyna Bonati (Child-to-Child) Stephen Moseley (Academy Development USA) for Educational
Stephen Anzalone (Institute for International ResearchUSA) Saneya Saleh (Egypt) Aniceto Dos Muchangos (Mozambique) Caridad Miranda (Philippines) Luis Enrique Lopez (Peru) Antonio Bachs (International Federation Faith and Joy) Ruth Montichard (Trinidad and Tobago) Hermes Caballero Carrera (Cuba) Merita Irby (WCEFA Secretariat) Ellen Tillier (World Bank) Hyacinth Morgan (UNDP) Krisdapora Singhasemi (UN High Commission for Refugees) Taichi Sasaoka (Asian C:ultural Centre for UNESCO) Abdullahi Mohamed Mire (Somalia) Wolfgang Kueper (GTZ) Liliana Vaccaro (Chile) Mahboob Hassan (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) Mary Ower (Uganda)
B.18 Basic Education and Community Development C.1 Child Hope: Television Supporting Child Survival and Development C.2 Children in Difficult Circumstances in Mexico and Brazil C.3 Education Radio: A Broad Partnership for Rural Development in Chad C.4 Basic Education in Minority Populations: The Pygmies of Central African Republic C.5 Literacy and Skill Training in Jamaica C.6 Art and Poetry: Street Libraries and the TAPORI Children's Movemen C.7 Illiteracy: A Universal Plague C.8 Activities of the SEAMEO C.9 Education for All: Involvement of All C.10 Education for All Learning Center C.11 Human Resources Development in Asia and the Pacific C.12 International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) C.13 Research on Education for All C.14 Research Review and Advisory Groups (RRAGs) C.15 Environment and Education C.16 Nongovernmental Organizations' (NGOs) Role in Basic Education in Africa C.17 Food Aid Works for Education C.18 United States Agency for International Development (USAID): A Partner in Improving Basic Learning Opportunities D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 Australia in International Education Education for All in Vietnam Education for All Achievements in Ethiopia The Learning Centre: A Case Study Frontiers of Literacy: A Canadian Tradition Nicaragua: A New Society Through Education CODEEnabling People to Learn
Amporn Wathanavongs (Christian Children's Fund) Luiz Lobo (Rede Globo de Televisao) Luis Benavides (Mexico) Ahmadou Batoure (Radio Rurale) Abal Koulanginga (Central African Republic) Norma Kelly (Jamaica) Catherine Theurillat (International Movement ATD Fourth World) Abdelhadi Boutaleb (ISESCO) Tiraporn Tangkoskul (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) Jack Glattbach (UNICEF) John Beynon (UNESCO) Peter Cummins (ESCAP) John Hall (IIEP) Sheldon Shaeffer (IDRC) Lee Ean Kee (South East Asian Research Review and Advisory Group) Susan Becker (UNDP) Grace Buluma (African Association for Literacy and Adult Education - AALAE) Mercedes Sayagues (WFP) Amalia Cuervo (USAID)
D .8 Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL) D.9 International Task Force on Literacy (ITFL) D.10 Working Solutions on Education for All: Integrative Learning in Education, Industry and Government D.ll Education for All in Afghanistan D.12 Technologies for Teaching and Learning D.13 Educational Technology That Works E.1 Education for All Video Bank E.2 Basic Education for All: Mission Possible Thailand E.3 Development/Global Education: Creating Social and Global Awareness E.4 BIBLIONEF E.5 Global Education
E. Gough Whitlam (Australia) H.E. Ngvyen Khanh (Vietnam) Mammo Kebede Shenkut (Ethiopia) Joyce White (The Learning Centre - Canada) Jack C. Pierpoint (Frontier College) Juan Arrien (Nicaragua) Rosamaria Durand (Canadian Organization for Development through Education CODE) T.M. Sakya (UNESCO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific) Moytoyo Kamiya (International Task Force on LiteracyITFL) Jerry Perez de Tagle (Integrative Learning Systems USA) S.M. Joyan (Afghanistan) Thomas Tilson (Education Development Center) Frank B. Withrow (US Department of Education) WCEFA Secretariat Kla Somtrakool (Thailand) Ruth Henderson (InterAction) Maximilien Vegelin (BIBLIONEF) Margot Brown (Centre for Global Education)
Annex D Documents
A. DOCUMENTS ISSUED FOR THE CONFERENCE BY THE INTER-AGENCY COMMISSION Working Documents (Draft C)in one cover(E,F,Ar,Ch,R,S) World Declaration on Education for All Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs Background Document (Draft B) (E,F,Ar,Ch,R,S) Meeting Basic Learning Needsa New Vision for the 1990s Information Documents WCEFA/INF.1 rev WCEFA/INF.2 WCEFA/INF.3 WCEFA/INF.4 WCEFA/INF.5 General Information Note (E,F,S) Conference Programme (E/F) Programme of Roundtables (E/F) Programme of Exhibits (E/F) List of Participants (E,F)
B. OTHER DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED AT THE CONFERENCE Printed material in the form of hand-outs, together with relevant background documents, were distributed by the organisers of the roundtables under their own responsibility. Additional documentation was available to participants at many exhibits. The Inter-Agency Commission was not responsible for the content nor the distribution of any of these documents. C. DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE INTER-AGENCY COMMISSION AFTER THE CONFERENCE World Declaration on Education for An and Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs in one cover (final, adopted texts)(E,F,S,Ar) (these texts are also available from UNESCO in Chinese and Russian) Meeting Basic Learning Needs: a Vision for the 1990s (revised background document) (E,F,S,Ar) Final Report of the World Conference on Education for All (E,F) Education for All (theme film of the Conference), (VHS videocassette, 18 min., PAL/NTSC/SECAM) To obtain the documents listed under (a above, please contact any one of the four WCEFA Liaison Units indicated on the back cover of this report. The documents listed under A and C above and a collection of those mentioned under B above, together with the documentation on basic education collected by the InterAgency Commission, are available for consultation at the IBE in Geneva: International Bureau of Education 15, Route des Morillons CH 1218 Grand Sacconex Switzerland Postal address: Case postale 199 CH 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Many of these documents will soon be accessible through the ERIC data base.
BUREAU OF THE CONFERENCE PRESIDENT OF THE CONFERENCE H.E. General Thienchai Sirisamphan VlCE-PRESIDENTS H.E. Mr. Derek Bernard H.E. Mr. Rodrigo Borja (Honorary Vice-President) Mr. Antonio Gayoso H.E. Dr Mohammed Hamdan H.E. Mr. Josef Hromadka (Senior Vice-President) H.E. Mr. Shikh Shahid Islam Mr. Li Tieying Mr. Noel Lindsay H.E. General Sekou Ly H.E. Mrs. Joyce R. Mpanga Mr. Daniel Wegener RAPPORTEURS-GENERAL H.E. Ambassador Francaois Nordman Mrs. Esi Sutherland-Addy DRAFTING COMMITTEE Ms. Anita Ghulam Ali Dr. Ali Al-Kasimi Mr. Isao Amagi Mr. Yves Brunsvick Fr. Patricio Cariola Ms. Angela Cropper Dr. Errol Furlonge Ms. Eddah W. Gachukia Mr. B. Gunaratne Dr. Tayseer Abdel Jaber S.E. M. Balla Keita Mr. Kenneth King Mr. Poul Lassen Mr. Makaminan Makagiansar Dr. M. Ezzat Abdel Mawgood Mr. Frank Method Mr. Sergiusz Najar Mr. Nicholay Netchaev Mr. Sheldon Shaeffer Dr. Youssef Abdul-Moati Sharak Pakistan ISESCO, Rabat Japan IBE, Geneva REDUC, Santiago CARICOM Trinidad & Tobago WCEFA Steering Group Sri Lanka ESCWA, Amman Cte d'Ivoire WCEFA Steering Group Denmark, Nordic countries WCEFA Steering Group Egypt USAID, Washington IUS, Prague USSR IDRC, Toronto Kuwait Ambassador to UNESCO, Switzerland Deputy Minister of Education, Ghana Minister of Education, Guyana President of Ecuador Director, Humal Resources, Bureau for Science and Technology, USAID Minister of Education and Higher Education, Jordan Deputy Prime Minister, Czechoslovakia Minister of Education, Bangladesh State Counsellor, China Secretary-General, Department of Education, Ireland Minister of Education, Mali Minister of State for Primary Education, Uganda Representative to the U.N., Baha'i International Community Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
Mr. Gurnan Singh Prof. N.DJ. Smart H.E. Mr. Alfredo Vera Ms. Janet Whitla Mr. A.W. Wood CONFERENCE SECRETARRIAT EXECUTIVE OFFICE Mr. Wadi D. Haddad Ms. Workie Ketema Ms. Rosemary Rinaldi
IFFTU, Amsterdam Sierra Leone Ecuador EDC, Boston Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague
PLENARY SESSIONS, PLENARY COMMISSION, DRAFTING COMMITTEE Mr. Michael Lakin Ms. Myra Hassine Mr. Athanase Gatanazi Mr. Douglas Windham Ms. Margaret Sutton Ms. Carmen Zuba ROUNDTABLES AND EXHIBITS Mr. Nat J. Colletta Ms. Cecil Villa Mr. Charles Currin Ms. Chantavit, Sujatanond Mr. Rodrigo, Vera Godoy Mr. Zainal, Ghani Ms. Carridad Miranda, Mr. John Kurrian Mr. Samir Jarrar Ms. Stacie Schrader Mr. Changkai Deputy Executive Secretary Staff assistant Coordinator, thematic roundtables Assistant coordinator Assistant coordinator Coordinator, illustrative roundtables Assistant coordinator Assistant co-ordinator Coordinator, exhibits Assistant coordinator Assistant coordinator Deputy Executive Secretary Staff assistant; credentials Assistant secretary to the Plenary Commission Assistant to the Rapporteur-General Secretary to the Drafting Committee Reception of documents
INFORMATION AND MEDIA RELATIONS Mr. Nigel Fisher Ms. Martha Percival Ms. Hilda Paqui Mr. Jack Glattbach Mr. Mahfuz Anam Mr. Howard Coats Ms. Saichai Sinsiriphan TECHNICAL SERVICES Mr. A. Larrauri Ms. Jacqueline Morvan Mr. Pierre Amour Ms. Sibyl Renaud Mr. Bruno Dori Mr. S. Salomon Mr. Jesus Getan-Bornn HOST COUNTRY COORDINATION Dr. Ruang Chareonchai Host-Country Co-ordinator Technical Co-ordinator Reception of delegates Rooms management Hotel accommodations Documents control Head, translation team Head, interpretation team Deputy Executive Secretary Staff assistant Accreditation and information officer Information co-ordinator Deputy information co-ordinator Managing editor, press release service Secretarial co-ordinator
HEADS OF THE FOUR SPONSOR AGENCIES Mr. William H. Draper, III Mr. Federico Mayor Mr. James P. Grant Mr. Barber B. Conable EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS UNDP Mr. Michael Gucovsky Altemate Mr. John Lawrence UNESCO Mr. Colin Power Alternates Mr. Dieter Berstecher Mr. Andri Isaksson UNICEF Mr. Nyi Nyi Alternate Mr. Manzoor Ahmed THE WORLD BANK Mr. Visvanathan Rajagopalan Alternate Mr. Adriaan Verspoor EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Mr. Wadi D. Haddad Mr. Nat J. Colletta Mr. Nigel Fisher Mr. Michael Lakin Ms. Hilda Paqui Ms. Rosemary Rinaldi Ms. Mary Louise Gabriele Ms. Myra Hassine Ms. Workie Ketema Ms. Estela Kinyon Ms. Janiffa Khan Ms. Adeeba Moosa Ms. Martha Percival Ms. Margaret Sutton Ms. Cecil Villa Ms. Carmen Zuba Executive Secretary Deputy Executive Secretary Deputy Executive Secretary Deputy Executive Secretary Information Officer Assistant to the Executive Secretary Secretary Staff Assistant Budget Assistant Budget Assistant Secretary Administrative Consultant Staff Assistant Researcher Staff Assistant Staff Assistant Deputy Assistant Administralor, Bureau for Programmes, Policy and Evaluation; Director, Technical Advisory Division Principal Technical Advisor, Bureau for Programmes, Policy and Evaluation Assistant Director General, Education Chief, Unit for Cooperation with WFP and UNICEF Director, UNESCO Liaison Office with the United Nations Director, Programme Division UNICEF Representative in the People's Republic of China Vice President, Sector Policy and Research Chief, Education and Employment Division Administrator, UNDP Director-General, UNESCO Executive Director, UNICEF President, The World Bank
WCEFA INTERNATIONAL STEERING GROUP SPONSORS UNDP Mr. Ryokichi Hirono UNESCO Mr. Sylvain Lourie UNICEF Mr. Richard Jolly WORLD BANK Mr. Aklilu Habte CO-SPONSORS Asian Development Bank Mr. Charles Currin Denmark Mr. Poul Lassen Finland Mrs. Anna-Liisa Korhonen ISESCO Professor Iba Der Thiam Japan Mr. Toshiyuki Iwado Norway Mrs. Sissel Volan Sweden Mr. Ingemar Gustafsson UNFPA Mr. OJ. Sikes USAID Mr. Antonio Gayoso Mr. Frank Method ASSOCIATE SPONSORS CIDA Mr. Pierre Beemans Director General, Social & Human Resources Development Division Former Assistant Administrator Deputy Director-General Deputy Executive Director Special Adviser, Human Resource Development, Africa Region
Education Specialist Educational Adviser, Directorate for Primary and Lower Secondary Education, Ministry of Education Deputy Director General, FINNIDA Former Minister of Education, Senegal Assistant Director, Technical Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head, Education Division, NORAD Head, Education Division, SIDA Chief, Education, Communication and Youth Branch, Technical and Evaluation Division Director, Human Resources, Bureau for Science and Technology Senior Policy Adviser, Social Sectors, Bureau for Programme Policy and Coordination
ESCAP Mr. Shigenobu Nagai IDRC Mr. Sheldon Shaeffer Italy Ms. Lavinia Gasperini Switzerland Ambassador Fritz Rudolf Staehelin Bernard van Leer Foundation Mr. A.W. Wood World Health Organization Mr. H.S. Dhillon HOST COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE Mr. Ruang Chareonchai
Deputy Executive Secretary Associate Director, Social Sciences Division Expert, Education and Training Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director, Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Deputy Executive Director, Programmes Director, Division of Health Education and Health Promotion
Deputy Permanent Secretary for Education, Ministry of Education, Thailand Host Country Co-ordinator, WCEFA
NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS, INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Mr. Roger Denis Mr. Mohamed Fadel Dia Mrs. Anna Dourtcheva Mr. Budd Hall Mr. Kenneth King Mrs. Vandra Masemann Mr. Peter Williams REGIONAL PARTICIPANTS Africa Professor Jibril Aminu Ms. Fay Chung Mr. Albert Eku Mrs. Eddah Gachukia Former Minister of Education Nigeria Minister of Education Zimbabwe Director, Education Bureau, Organization of African Unity Ethiopia National Adviser on Population Information, Education and Communication Kenya (Rapporteur, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Consultation) University of Dakar Senegal (Rapporteur, West and Central Africa Regional Consultation Secretary General, World Confederation of Teachers General Secretary, Conference des Ministres de l'Education des Pays Ayant en Commun l'Usage du Francais Former member of Secretariat, Women's International Federation President, International Council on Adult Education Coordinator, International Research Review and Advisory Groups (Co-Rapporteur, Europe Regional Consultation) President, World Council of Comparative Education Societies Director, Education Programme, Human Resource Development Group, Commonwealth Secretariat
Former Minister of Education Mozambique Executive Secretary, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Iraq (Rapporteur, Arab States Regional Consultation) Secretary General, National Council for Childhood and Motherhood Egypt Director, Arab Literacy and Adult Education Organization Tunisia Secretary, Ministry of Education Bangladesh (Rapporteur, South Asia Regional Consultation) Special Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Japan Secretary, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development India Permanent Delegate to UNESCO from Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Special Adviser to the Minister of Scientific Research and Technology Indonesia (Rapporteur, East Asia and the Pacific Regional Consultation) Vice-Chairman, State Education Commission China
Mrs. Hoda Badran Mr. Abu Zeid El Safi Asia Mr. Hedayat Ahmed Mr. Isao Amagi Mr. Anil Bordia Mr. Ananda Guruge Mr. Makaminan Makagiansar Professor Teng Teng
Europe Mr. Yves Brunsvick Mr. Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner Mrs. R. Otunbaeva Latin America and the Caribbean Fr. Patricio Cariola Ms. Angela Cropper Mr. Jorge Sabato Mr. Carlos Tunnerman Director, Centro de Investigacin y Desarollo de la Educacin Chile (Rapporteur, Latin America Regional Consultation) Director, Functional Cooperation, CARICOM Secretariat Guyana (Rapporteur, Caribbean Regional Consultation) Former Minister of Education and Justice Argentina Former Minister of Education Nicaragua Secretary General, French National Commission for UNESCO France (Co-Rapporteur, Europe Regional Consultation) Executive Vice President, Santillana Foundation Spain Commission of the USSR for UNESCO USSR
North America Mr. Stephen Lewis Mr. Ronald Mitchell (deceased) Ms. Janet Whitla Former Ambassador of Canada to the United Nations Canada Executive Director, International Reading Association USA President, Education Development Center USA (Rapporteur, North America Regional Consultation)
AFGHANISTAN H.E. Dr. Khodaedad Basharmal Mr. Khail Mohammad Katawazi Mr. Khan Mohammad Guara Minister for Education Advisor to the Minister of Foreign President, (Head of Delegation) Affairs International Relations Council of Ministers ALCERIA/ALCERIE H.E. Mr. Mohamed El-Mili Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Yahia Bourouina Director, Career and Examination ANGOLA H.E. Mr. Augusto Lopes Teixcira H.E. Mr. Domingos Van Dunem Minister of Education Ambassador to Unesco Angolan National Commission Ministry of Education for Unesco (Head of Delegation) Obscruers Mrs. Maria Bessa Chaves National Director General Education Ministry of Education Mr. Justino Pinto de Andrade Mr. Guilherme Tuluca Director Ministry of Planning Chief Public Relations Ministry of Education Mr. Pedro Nsingui Barros Director, National Institute of Pedagogical Research Mr. Pedro Melo Lopes Permanent Secretary Mr. Hassan Rouabhi Officer, Ministry of Education Mr. Abdelhak Haif Officer, Ministry of Education Mr. Mohamed Lamine Bourokba Deputy Permanent Delegate of Algeria to Unesco Mr. Mohamed Teher Dridi Chief of Cabinet Ministry of Education Mr. Mohamed Bourouba Secretary General Department for International Cooperation Mr. Sultan Mohammad President, International Relations Ministry of Education Mr. Arezki Salhi Secretary General Algerian Commission for Unesco Joyan
ANTICUAAND BARBUDA/ANTlCUAet-BARBUDA H.E. Mr. Reuben H. Harris Minister of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports (Head of Delegation) ARGFNTINA/ARGENTINE Mr. Bulit Goi Secretary, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Coordination Ministry of Education and Jusdce (Head of Delegation) Mr. Alejandro C. Granillo Ocampo Secretary of State for Planning Mr. Luis Adolfo Prol Secretary, Economy Administration Ministry of Economy Mr. Whitfield M. Harris Chief Education Officer Mr. Alister M. Francis Principal, Antigua State College
AUSTRALIA/AUSTRALIE (Associate Sponsor): 6 delegates Mr. E. Gough Whitlam, A.C., Q.C. (Head of Delegation) Mr. Roger Peacock Assistant Secretary International Division, Department of Education, Employment and Training Ms. Sharon Burrow Executive Member Australian Teachers Union Mrs. Margaret Whitlam, A.O. Chair, Australian National Consultative Council for International Literacy Year Mr. Geoff Spring Secretary, Northern Territory Department of Education
Ms. Lindsay Connors Chair, Schools Council National Board on Employment, Education and Training
Observers Mr. John Bailey Director, Sectoral Studies Australian International Development Assistance Bureau Ms. Catherine Milne International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE H.E. Dr. Hilde Hawlicek Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Sports (Head of Delegation) Observer Mr. Josef Kirchberger BAHRAIN/BAHREIN H.E. Dr. Ali M. Fakhro, M.D. Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) BANGLADESH H.E. Sheikh Chahidul Islam Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Tozammel Haq Permanent Representative to Unesco BARBADOS/BARBADE H.E. Mr. Cyril Walker Minister of Education and Culture (Head of Delegation) BELGIUM/BELGIQUE Mr. Paul Lelievre-Damit Director General Administration for Development Cooperation (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Pierre Ryckmans Head, Development Cooperation Division BELIZE H.E. Mr. Juan Vildo Marin Minister of State for Education (Head of Delegation) BENIN S.E. M. Germain Kadja Ministre de l'Enseignement de Base (Chef de la dlgation) Mme. Prudencia Aimee Zinsou Directeur Etudes et Planification M. Marc Agonsanou Secrtaire Commission Nationale des Ressources Humaines M. Ayouba Babio Secrtaire gnral Commission Nationale pour l'Unesco Mr. Eldred Roy Cayetano Principal Education Officer Mr. Dirk Heuts Assistant to Head Development Cooperation Division H. E. Mr. Jean-Pierre G rafe Regional Minister of Education Ms. Mariette Hellemans University Professor Mr. Jules Dupagne Advisor, Cabinet of the Minister of Education Mr. Ernest Besley Maycock Mr. Ralph Boyce Permanent Secretary Chief Education Officer` Ministry of Education and Culture Dr. Judith Springer Director Child Care Board Mr. Azizul Haq Adult Literacy Activist Mrs. Taberunnessa Abdullah Women Education Activist Mr. Kazi Fazlur Rahman Member, Planning Commission Mr. Nuruddin M. Kamal Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Anwarul Karim Chowdhu Joint Secretary Ministry of Education Mr. Ali Bubsheit Assistant UnderSecretary, Curriculum and Training, Ministry of Education Mr. Hassan Al Mehri Assistant UnderSecretary, General and Technical Education Mr. Mohamed Abbas Director, Adult Education Dr. Anton Dobart Director of Division Ministry of Education, Arts and Sports Dr. Harald Gardos Secretary General, Austrian National Commission for Unesco Dr. Lucia Binder Director, International Institute for Children's Literature and Reading Research Mr. Kenneth Chan Secretary, Australian National Commission for UNESCO Mr. Jack Heath Embassy of Australia in Thailand Schools and Curriculum Division Mr. John Hunter Schools and Curriculum Division Department of Eenployment Education and Training
BHUTAN/BHOUTAN H.E. Dr. Tashi Tobgyel Minister for Social Services (Head of Delegation) Observer Ms. Kinley Yanazam National Women's Association BOLI VIA/BOLI VIE H.E. Dr. Mariano Baptista Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observers Ms. Anna Lucia D'Emilio Advisor Ministry of Education and Planning BOTSWANA Hon. Mr. Michael Tshipinare Assistant Minister of Local Government and Lands (Head of Delegation) Observers Mrs. Segakweng Seisa Botswana National Commission for Unesco BRAZIL/BRESIL S.E. M. J. Amazonas MacDowell Ambassadeur du Brsil en Thalande (Chef de la dlgation) Observers M. Jos E. Romao Prsident, Commission Anne Internationale de l'Alphabtisation Mme Ledja Austrilino Silva Conseiller en Education M. Luiz Lobo Conseiller en Education Dr. Dourimar Nes de Moura Secrtaire charg des Affaires internationales Mme Leda Lucia Camargo Chef, Division de la Coopration intellectuelle Ministre de l'Education M. Eurides Brito da Silva Professeur Universit de Brasilia Ministre des Relations extrieures Mrs. Rose Mandevu Principal Community Health Officer Mr. Peter O. Molosi Permanent Secretary Mr. Leonard L. Mukokomani Deputy Permanent Secretary Primary Education Mr. Peter V. Sephuma Chief Education Officer Mr. Alfonso Bilbao Director, Internal Affairs Ministry of Health Mr. Vicente Mendoza-Bilbao Advisor to the Minister of Education H.E. Dr. Mario Paz-Zamora Minister of Health Lic. Amalia Anaya UnderSecretary, Social Policies Ministry of Planning Lic. Helga Salinas Vice-Minister of Finance Mr. Thinley Gyamtsho Director Department of Education Mr. Namgye Lhendup Planning Officer Planning Commission Ms. Bumika Basnet Bhutanese National Commission for Unesco
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM/BRUNEI DARUSSALAM H.E. Pehin Dato Haji Abdul Aziz Umar Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observer Mr. Haji Antin Ahad Assistant Director Ministry of Education BULGARIA/BULGARIE H.E. Mr. Edward Safirov Ambassador of Bulgaria to Thailand BURKINA FASO M. Leonard Pafadnam Directeur, Education en matire de population (Chef de la dlgation) M. Robert Korahire Conseiller technique du
Ministre de l'Enseignement secondaire, suprieur et de la Recherche scientifique
Mr. Dato Haji Abdul Razak Haji Mohamad Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education
BURUNDI S.E. M. Gamaliel Ndaruzaniye Ministre de l'Enseignement primaire et secondaire (Chef de la dlgation) M. Luc Rukingama Directeur de Cabinet du Premier Ministre et Ministre du Plan Mme Felicit Sabimana Secretaire nationale charge des questions socio-culturelles Membre du Conseil national de l'enfance et de la jeunesse M. Jean-Baptiste Ndikumana Administrateur Programme Education
BYELORUSSIA, SSR/BIELORUSSIE, RSS Mrs. Ludmila Sukhnat Deputy Minister for Education (Head of Delegation) CAMBODIA/CAMBODGE Mr. Truong Mealy Head Department of Education and Culture (Head of Delegation) CAMEROON/CAMEROUN S.E. M. Joseph Mboui Ministre de l'Education nationale (Chef de la dlgation) Observer M. Albert Avebe Essouma Directeur Ministre de la Jeunesse et de Sports CANADA/CANADA(Associate Sponsor): 6 delegates CANADIAN INTERNATIONALDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIDA Dr. Francis Whyte H.E. Mr. Lawrence Smith Ambassador of Canada to Thailand Director-General Council of Ministers of Education (Head of Delegation)
Mr. Kazim Bacchus Head International Education Dept. University of Alberta Mr. Savath Lak Chin Director Secondary Education
Mr. Paul McGinnis Senior Specialist Education and Training Directorate, CIDA
Ms. Mariette Hogue Mr. Pierre Beemans International Programmes Director Director-General Canadian Commission for Unesco Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Observers Mr. Roger Haberl Director, External Relations Ministry of Education Province of Quebec CAP VERT
S.E. M. Andr Corsino Tolentino Ministre de l'Education (Chef de la dlgation)
Ms. Yvette Souque Executive Assistant to the Minister of State for Multiculturalism and Citizenship
CENTRALAFRICAN REPUBLIC/REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE H.E. Mr. Jean-Louis Psimhis Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) CHAD/TCHAD S.E. Al Hadj Assileck Halata Ministre de l'Education nationale (Chef de la dlgation) M. Michel Doromon Directeur gnral adjoint Ministre de l'Education nationale M. Ali Mahamat Saleh Directeur, Enseignement de l'Arabe Mr. Jean-Claude Kazagui Presidential Adviser on Education Mr. Abel Koulaninga Director General Ministry of Education Mrs. Dede Representative, National Union of Central African Women
CHILE/CHILI Mr. Fernando Urrutia Delegate of Chile to Unesco (Head of Delegation) CHINA/CHINE Mr. Li Tieying State Councillor and Chairman of State Education Commission (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Wang Xuexian Deputy Director, Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Zhao Lijun Secretary to State Councillor COLOMBIA/COLOMBIE H.E. Mr. Manuel F. Becerra Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) COMOROS/COMORES M. Sultan Chouzour Directeur, Ecole Nationale de l'Enseignement Suprieur (Chef de la dlgation) CONGO S.E. M. P. Boussoukou-Boumba Ministre de l'Enseignement et de l'Alphabtisation Fondamentale (Chef de la dlgation) M. Honor Mobonda Conseiller Socio-Culturel du Premier Ministre M. Louis Soussa Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre de l'Enseignement Suprieur et Secondaire Charg de la Recherche Scientifique M. Itoua Yoyo Ambianzi Directeur de l'Alphabtisation et de l'Education Permanente M. Mohamed Hassane Conseiller la Prsidence de la Rpublique M. Halifa Mohamed Directeur,del'Enseignement Primaire et de l'Education de Base M. Said Ahamada Directeur des Programmes l'Institute National de I'Education H.E. Mr. Eduardo Daz Uribe Minister of Health Mr. Jorge Enrique Vargas Vice-Minister of Planning Mr. Tian Jia Staff State Education Commission Mr. Xia Kuisun Director, Education Division and National Commission Affairs of Chinese National Commission for Unesco Mr. Li Shouxin Director, Division of Social Development Department, State Planning Commission Mr. Teng Teng Vice-Chairman of State Education Commission Chairman, Chinese National Commission for Unesco Mr. Wu Rongli Deputy Director Education Department Ministry of Finance Mrs. Lin Shangzhen Director International Dapartment All-China Women's Federation Mr. Jorge Ossa Charg d'Affaires Embassy of Chile in Thailand Fr. Patricio Cariola, SJ. Director, Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo de la Educacin Mr. Luis A. Brahm M.Permanent Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo de la Educacin
COOK ISLANDS/ILES COOK H.E. Hon. Ngereteina Puna Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) COSTA RICA H.E. Mr. Francisco A. Pacheco Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) COTE D'IVOIRE S.E. Dr. Balla Keita Ministre Dlgu la Prsidence de la Rpublique (Chef de la dlgation) M. Pannan Coulibaly Dr. Abdoulaye Kone M. Ren-Pierre Anouma Directeur de la Planification Conseiller technique Secrtaire gnral et de la Programmation Commission nationale pour l'Unesco Correspondant national de la "CONFEMEN" Ministre de l'Education Nationale Mr. Leonardo Garnier Vice-Minister of Planning Mr. Victor Bujn Education Ministry Advisor Mr. Vernon Muoz Ministerial Assistant Hon. Tiriamate Ngatokorua Assistant Minister of Education
CUBA H.E. Mr. Jose Fernandez Alvarez Vice President, Council of Ministers, and Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observer Mr. Reinaldo Rubio Cuesta CYPRUS/CHYPRE Mr. Antonis Papadopoulos Director, Primary Education Ministry of Education CZECHOSLOVAKIA/TCHECOSLOVAQUIE H.E. Mr. Josef Hromadka Deputy Prime Minister (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Jan Kabelle Advisor Prime Minister's Office Mr. Svatopluk Janealek Head Division of Education H.E. Dr. Milan Hejny Deputy Minister of Education H.E. Dr. Vaclav Vrana Deputy Minister of Education Mr. Pavel Barta Private Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Hermes Caballero Carrera Advisor to Minister of Education Mr. Jose Raudilio Jardines Mndez Mr. Miguel Varela Hernndez Vice-Minister of Public Health Director of Planning
DENMARK/DANEMARK (Co-Sponsor): 8 delegates Mr. Holger Knudsen Director, Directorate for Primary and Lower Secondary Education Ministry of Education (Head of Dekgadon) Mr. Poul Lassen Chief Adviser, Directorate for Primary and Lower Secondary Education, Ministry of Education DJIBOUTI S.E. M. Gourad Hamadou Barkat Premier Ministre (Chef de la dlgation) Observers M. Mohamed Dileita Chef du Protocole
S.E. M. Farah Souleiman F. Lodon Ministre de l'Education National Mrs. Hanne Sondergaard Principal Vice-Chairman Danish National Commission for Unesco
Mr. Knud Mortensen Educational Adviser Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
Ms. Lea Kroghly School Principal Member, Danish National Commission for Unesco
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE H.E. Dr. Jos Nicols Almanzar Secretario de Estado de Educacin, Bellas Artes y Cultura (Jefe de la Delegacin) ECUADOR/EQUATEUR H.E. Dr. Alfredo Vera Ministro de Educacin y Cultura (Jefe de la Delegacin) Observers Dr. Augusto Abendao Director de Planeamiento
Dr. Hugo Santibaez Professor
EGYPT/EGYPTE H.E. Dr. Ahmad Fathy Sorour Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observers
Mr. Mohamed El Fattah Hindy Under-Secretary Ministry of Education H.E. Mr. Magdy Sabry Ambassador of Egypt in Thailand Dr. M. Ezzat Abdel Mawgood Director General, National Center for Educational Research and Development
Dr. Abdel Fattah Galal Dean, Institute of Educational Studies Cairo University
H.E. Dr. Rene Hernandez Valiente Ministro de Educacin (Head of Delegation) Mr. Ernesto Girn Director de Proyectos
EQUATORIAL GUINEA/GUINEE EQUATORIALE H.E. Mr. I. E. Mosuy Andeme Minister of Education, Youth and Sports (Head of Delegation) ETHIOPIA/ETHIOPIE H.E. Mr. Yayehyirad Kitaw Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Cabeyehu Kumsa Head, Planning and External Relations Services Ministry of Education Mr. Mamo Kebede Head Adult Education Department Ministry of Education Mr. Beletu Mengistu Head Environmental Education Department Ministry of Education
Mr. Santiago Bivini Mangue Director General Educational Planning
Ms. Anna-Liisa Korhonen Deputy Director-General FINNIDA Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Mrs. Marjatta Oksanen Counsellor for Cultural Affairs Secretary General, Finnish National Commission for Unesco
S.E. M. Paul-Marc Henry Ambassadeur de France Reprsentant de Prsident de la Rpublique (Chef de la dlgation)
M. Henry Cuny Sous-D irecteu r, Questions Politiques Ministre des Affaires Etrangres
Observers M. Michel Deverg Conseiller Culturel Ambassade de France en Thalande Mlle Evelyne Liouville Chef, Bureau des Relations multilatrales, Ministre de l'Education nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
M. Michel Tournadre Charg de mission Ministre de la Coopration
M. Norbert Mbadinga Directeur gnral Formation Professionnelle Ministre de la Formation Professionnelle
GA MBIA/GAMBIE H.E. Hon. MbembaJatta Minister of Economic Planning and Industrial Development (Head of Delegation) Observers
Mr. Galandou Gorre-Ndiaye Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education Mr. Saim Kinteh Director, Non-Formal Education Ministry of Education Mr. Gibou N'Jie Director, Educational Planning Ministry of Education Mr. Musa Fatty Chief Education Officer Ministry of Education
GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC/REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE ALLEMANDE Professor Axel Gzik President of the Pedagogical University (Head of Delegation)
Mr. Wolfgang Reuther Head of Section National Commission for Unesco Dr. Werner Koehler Director Ministry of Education
GERMANY, FEDERALREPUBLIC OF/ALLEMAGNE, REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE D' H.E. Dr. Johannes Lohse Ambassador and Permanent Representative to Unesco (Head of Delegation) Observers Dr. G. von Malsen-Tilborch Counsellor Federal Foreign Office GHANA Ms. Esi Sutherland-Addy Deputy Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) GREECE/GRECE M. Michel Sakkas Secretaire gnral Education des Adultes (Chef de la dlgation) GRENADA/GRENADE Mr. Roy Rathan Chief Education Officer Ministry of Education GUATEMALA H.E. Mr. C. Escobar Montenegro Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) GUINEA/GUINEE Mrs. Aicha Diallo Bah State Secretary Primary and Basic Education Ministry of Education (Head of Delegation) Mrs. Marlyatou Diallo Chief Human Resources Division Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Mr. Abdourahamane Conde Director National Service for Adult Literacy Mr. Atigou Bah Ministry of Information Mr. Bienvenido Argueta Director, Curricular Reform Mr. Elian Dario Acuna Escobedo Mrs. Gloria Ciorgina Escobar Consultant M. George Voutsinos Conseiller Special auprs du Ministre de l'Education nationale M. Cerassimos Tsiokos Directeur de Programmes Secretariat general, Education des Adultes Mr. A.C. Aziiba Information Officer Prof. Basil Lokko Director-General of Education Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Dr. Daniel Berkoh Chief Economics Officer Dr. Wolfgang Kueper Dr. Irmela Neu-Altenheimer Deutsche Gesellschaft fr German National Commission for Unesco Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Dr. Eberhard Jobst Counsellor Federal Ministry of Education and Science Mr. Hermann Kern Government Officer Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation Mrs. Jutta van Hasselt Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Culture
Observers Mr. Lamine Kamara Secretary General National Commission for Unesco GUINEABISSAU/GUINEE-BISSAU H.E. Manuel Barcelos Rambout Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) GUYANA H.E. Mr. Deryck Bernard Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) HAITI S.E. M. Serge Petit-Frre Ministre de l' Education nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports (Chef de la dlgation) Observers M. Herv Jean-Charles Conseiller Ministre de l'Education HONDURAS
H.E. Mr. Jaime Martinez Minister of Education M. Roger Petit-Frre Educateur S.E. Mme Marie-Denise Jean Ministre de l'Information, de la Culture et de la Coordination Ministre de la Planification Dr. Una Paul Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education Mr. Rui Cunha General Director Pedagogic Institute Mr. Mamadou Samoura ISESCO National Correspondent
HUNGARY/HONGRIE Ambassador of Hungary to Thailand INDIA/INDE H.E. Prod M.G.K. Menon Minister of State for Education (Head of Delegation) Observers H.E. Mr. Vinay Verma Ambassador of India to Thailand INDONESIA/INDONESIE H.E. Prof. Fuad Hassan Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Washington P. Napitupulu Director-General Non-Formal Education, Youth and Sports Mr. Alex Leo Zulkarnain Director-General Radio, Television and Film Ministry of Information Prof. Dr. H.A.R. Tilar Assistant Minister for Human Resources Development National Development Planning Office (BAPPENAS) Ms. Savitri Kunadi Permanent Delegate of India to Unesco Mr. MJ. Joseph Private Secretary to Minister of State for Education Mr. R.R. Dash First Secretary Indian Embassy in Thailand Mr. Anil Bordia Secretary of Education Mr. M.R. Kolhatkar Adviser (Education) Planning Commission Ms. Kiran Dhingra Director Department of Education
H.E. Mr. Peter Trunk
Observers Dr. Soedarto Deputy Head, Personnel Development Programme, National Family Planning Co ordination Board (BKKBN) Mr. Harun Alrasid Indonesian Embassy in Thailand Mr. Harjono Secretary of Minister Mr. Moegiadi Secretary Ministry of Education and Culture H.E. Mr. Catot Suwardi Ambassador to Thailand
Minister of Education (Head of Delegation)
H.E. Mr. Abdul Kader Iz Al-Deen Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Hammash Director General, Cultural Relations Ministry of Education Dr. Badee' Mahmoud Mubarak Educational Expert, General Directorate for Educational Planning Ministry of Education Mr. Naji Sabri Al-Hadithi Director General Dar Al-Maa'Moon for Translation Representative, Ministry of Culture and Information
Mr. Talib Ibrahim Abdul Hassann Chief Manpower Planning Commission Ministry of Planning Mr. Ahmed B. Hussain Scientific Researcher General Directorate, Cultural Relations Ministry of Education
Mr. Hazem Al-Saeed Acting Director General Budget Department Ministry of Finance
Mr. Noel Lindsay Secretary General Department of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Sean Harkin Head International Section Department of Education
Mr. Benyamin Amir Deputy Director General Pedagogical Administration Ministry of Education and Culture (Head of Delegation) Dr.Avraham Tsivion Head Adult Education Division Ministry of Education and Culture H.E. Mr. Menashe Zipori Ambassador of Israel to Myanmar Mr. Amos Nadai Counsellor Embassy of Israel to Thailand
Ms. Lavinia Gasperini Expert, Education and Training Cooperation Ministry for Foreign Affairs
H.E. Senator Hon. C. Dunkley Minister of Education (Head of Delegation)
Dr. Rae Davis Special Adviser to the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Mrs. Marlene Hamilton Dean, Faculty of Education University of the West Indies
Mr. Shigeo Miyamoto Director, Department of Overall Planning and Coordination National Institute for Educational Research Mr. Kenji Shimizu First Secretary Embassy of Japan in 'I'hailand
Mr. Masayuki Inoue Planning Director Science and International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Observers Mr. Hirofumi Takemoto First Secretary Embassy of Japan in Thailand Ms. Nobuko Kayashima Project Planner JICA and Culture
Mr. Toshiyuki Iwado Assistant Director Technical Cooperation Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Yasuo Minemura Official Social Cooperation Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ms. Yuko Taniguchi Special Assistant Embassy of Japan in Thailand Mr. Norihiro Kuroda Official Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Mr. Ryuzo Nishimaki Director, Training Division JICA Mr. Ito Kimiaki Official Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Mr. Akira Hara Development of Specialist HRD Mr. Tatsuo Kishi Of ficial Ministry of Education, Science
H.E. Dr. Mohammad Hamdan Minister of Education and Higher Education (Head of Delegation) Dr. Safwan Touqan Secretary-Ceneral Ministry of Planning Dr. Victor Billeh President National Centre for Educational Research and Development Dr. Izzat Jaradat Director-General National Centre for Educational Research and Development
H.E. Hon. Mr. Peter Oloo Aringo Minister for Education (Head of Delegation) Observer Mr. Charles Ngwono Ondta Civil Servant Mr. Benjamin K. Kipkulei Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education and Applied Technology Mr. Peter Oloo Okaka Director Ministry of Technical Training Mr. David Kirui Director Adult Education Department
H.E. Hon. Mr. Ataraod Bwebwenibure Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Mikaio Rorobuaka Chief Education Officer Department of Educational Development and Training Ministry of Education Mrs. Tebitannatu Bwebwenibure Department of Education Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
KUWAIT/KOWEI T H.E. Mr. Anwar Al-Nouri Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observer Mr. Mustafa Abu Libdeh LAO, PDR/LAO, RDP H.E. Mr. Samane Vignaketh Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) LEBANON/LIBAN Mr. Moustapha Soufi
Secretary General, NCSR Prime Minister's Cabinet (Head of Delegation) Mr. Abdul Muhsin AlSaid Assistant UnderSecretary for Information and Students Affairs Dr.Youssef Abdul-Moad Sharak National Commission for Unesco Dr. Issa Jasem Director Educational Research Centre
LESOTHO H.E. Hon. Dr. L.B.BJ. Machobane H.E. Hon. Mr. M. Tiheli Minister of Employment, Social Minister of Education Welfare and Pensions (Head of Delegation) National University of Lesotho Observers Mr. Charles M. Bohloko Principal Secretary for Education Ministry of Education LIBERIA H.E. Mr. E. Othello Gongar
Minister of Education (Head of Delegation)
Dr. Albert Coleman Assistant Minister for Teacher Education Ministry of Education Dr. Youssef Elshin Permanent Delegate of Libya to Unesco
Mrs. Janice Vani Assistant Minister for Primary Education Ministry of Education Mr. Bashir Shkuka Diplomat
LUXEMBOURG/LUXEMBOURG M. Jean-Pierre Kraemer President Luxembourg National Commission for Unesco MADAGASCAR
S.E. M. Arisdde Velompanahy Ministre de l'Enseignement Secondaire et de l'Education de Base (Chef de la dlgation)
MALA Wl H.E. Mr. Michael Mlambala, M.P. Mr. Brenner Chawani Minister of Education Chief Inspector of Schools and Culture (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Peter Mkolesya Chairman, Council for Social Welfare Services MALAYSIA/MALAISIE H.E. Hon. Mr. Anwar Ibrahim Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Tandri Vira Abdul Rahman Arshad Director General of Education Ministry of Education Mr. Mohamed Bin Omar UnderSecretary for External Affairs Ministry of Education Mr. M.D. Said Othman Director General, Community Development Ministry of National and Rural Development Ms. Felicity Malewezi Coordinator, WCEFA Mr. Joseph Chiteyeye Senior Assistant Secretary for Development Ministry of Finance Mr. Donald Moses Manda Controller of Commtmity Services
MALDIVES H.E. Mr. Abdul Rasheed Hussain Minister of State for Presidential Affairs (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Abdul Gafoor Mohamed Assistant Director Political Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs MALI H.E. General Skou Ly Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Brehima Doumbia Director Literacy and Applied Linguistics MAURITANIA/MAURITANIE M. Rachid Ould Salah Secrtaire d'Etat l'Enseignement (Chef de la dlgation) MAURITIUS/MAURICE H.E. Mr. Armougum Parsuraman Minister of Education, Arts and Culture (Head of Delegation) Observer Mr. Rajayswar Bhowon Chief Education Officer MEXICO/MEXIQUE H.E. Lic. Manuel Bartlett Diaz Secretary of Education (Head of Delegation) Prod J. de Dios Rodriguez Canton Subsecretary of Elementary Education Lic. Fernando Perez Correa General Director National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) Arq. Miguel Messmacher General Director International Relations, General Secretary, Mexican National Commission for Unesco Mr. Ramesh Dutt Ramdoyal Director Mauritius Institute of Education Mr. Percy Selwyn Adviser Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture Mr. Uttama Bissoondoyal Director Mahatma Gandhi Institute Cheikh Abdallah Ould Houeibib Chef, Ressources Humaines Ministere du Plan M. Nagi Ould Mohamed El Imam M. Sidi Ould Ghoulam Secrtaire general Directeur Commission E.S.C. Enseignement Fondamental Mr. Mahamadou Habib Diallo Counsellor Ministry of Education Ms. Toure Mariam Barakou Counsellor Ministry of Education Ms. Gakou Fatou Niang Vice-President Economic and Social Council Mr. Hamadoun Sidibe Director Education Projects Mr. Ismail Naseem Senior Educational Administrator H.E. Mr. Mohammad Zahir Hussain Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Minister of Education Deputy Director Non-formal Education Mr. Abdul Satar Hassan Director Ministry of Education
H.E. Mr. Byambyn Davaasuren of Public Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Badamtseden Tsend-Ayush First Deputy Chairman State Committee on Planning and Economy M. Abderrahmane Smyej Chef de Cabinet Directeur de l'Enseignement Priv Mr. Sunduin Makhval Chief of Department Ministry of Finance Mr. Purevjavyn GansukhMinister Secretary Mongolian National Commission for Unesco M. El-Mostafa Hddigui Chef Division Etudes et Objectifs
MOROCCO/MAROC M. Abdelkrim Halim Directeur de Cabinet Ministere de l'Education nationale (Chef de la dlgation) Observers
M. Mohamed Boulasri Directeur Affaires sociales
H.E. Hon. Mr. Aniceto Dos Muchangos Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Hon. Mr. Bonaventula Cossa Deputy Minister of Finance Ms. Fatima Carrilho Director of Planning Ministry of Education Ms. Eusebia Mata Project Official
H.E. Dr. Pe Thein Minister for Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Tin Pe Director General Department of Basic Education
Ms. Khin Thaung Chit Director General Central Statisdcal Organization Ministry of Planning and Finance
Mr. Bauke de Haan Secretary General Department of Education (Head of Delegation) Observer Ms. Maria Andela-Baur Dutch National Commission for Unesco Mr. Willem van Oosterom Head Department for Vocational and Adult Education Ms. Dinie Goezinne Head Task Group on Non-Formal Adult Education Mr. Ronald van Roeden Civil Servant Ministry of Foreign Affairs
NICARAGUA M. Juan Baudsta Arrien Garcia Conseiller auprs du Ministre de l'Education (Chef de la dlgation) NIGER M. Mahamane Adda Secrtaire gnral adjoint Ministre de l'Education nationale (Chef de la Dlgation) NIGERIA/NIGERIA
H.E. Prof. A.B. Fafunwa Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. F.C. Mordi Assistant to the Minister of Education Prof. Segun Adesina Executive Secretary Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council Mr. Tunde King Assistant Director of Information Ministry of Information H.E. Hon. Mr. Olu Falae Minister of Finance and Economic Development Dr. Peter Odor Civil Servant H.E. Mr. Tony Momoh Minister of Information Mr. U.G. Ekaete Director General Ministry of Budget and Planning H . E. Mr. Olikoye Ranso me-Ku ti Minister of Health Mme Salifou Eugenie Directrice de l'Enseignement du ler Degr M. Hamidou Soumana Diallo Specialiste Education en matiere de population Professeur Andr Salifou Universite de Niamey
Ms. Ingeborg Breines Secretary General Norwegian National Commission for Unesco
Ms. Ingrid Eide Member, Unesco Executive Board Special Advisor to Ministry of Church and Cultural Affairs
H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Alsubhi Secretary General, Higher Commission for Conferences (Head of Delegation) Mr. Ali Saleh Al-Mejaini Secretary General National Commission for Unesco Mr. Dawood Albulushi Director Department of Conferences
H.E. Hon. Ghulam Mustafa Shah Said Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Abdullah Khadim Hussain Joint Education Adviser Ms. Anisa Ghulam Ali Managing Director Teacher's Foundation Mr. Najmuddin Mangrio Deputy Education Adviser
H.E. Hon. Mrs. Shehnaz Wazir Ali Minister of State for Education
H.E. Ms. Ada Luz de Gordon Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Dimas Castillo Educational Planner
S.E. Prof. Dr. D. Gonzalez Torres Ministro de Educacin y Culto (Jefe de la delegation) Doctor Arquimides Lopez Especialista En Educacin Poblacional de la Secretaria Tcnica de Planificacin Lic. Luis Adolfo Ortiz Acosta Tcnico en Presupuesto Educacional del Ministerio de Hacienda Dr. Rafael Reyes Parga Jefe del Departamento de Planificacion Social de La Secretaria Tcnica de Planificacion
Ms. Norma Anahos de Vidal Vice-Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Rodolfo Sanchez Garrafa General Director, Adult Education
Hon. Senator SantaninaTillah Rasul Senator (Head of Delegation)
H.E. Ambassador Lourdes R. Ouisumbing Secretary General National Commission for Unesco Fr. Jos Ante President, Catholic Education Association of the Philippines
Mr. Romeo Reyes Assistant Director General National Economic and Development Authority
H.E. Mr. Roberto Carneiro Minister of Education (Head of Delegation)
H.E. Mr. Abdul-Aziz Torki Minister of Education (Head of Delegation)
S.E. M. Daniel Mbangura Ministre de l'Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire (Chef de la dlgation)
H.E. Mr. Louis George Minister of Education and Culture
S.E. M. Sakhir Thiam Ministre de l'Education Superieure (Chef de la delegation)
H.E. Ms. Simone Testa Minister of Education (Head of Delegation)
H.E. Hon. Dr. M. B. Dumbuya Minister of Education, Cultural Affairs and Sports (Head of Delegation)
Ms. Louise Noellie Alexander Director-General, Manpower Ministry of Administration and Manpower
H.E. Hon. Mr. T . Taylor-Morgan Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Dr. Stanella Beckley Deputy Director UniversityResearch Research and Development University and Development Service Bureau
H.E. Mr. Abdullahi Mohamed Mire Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Abdullahi Mohamed Yahie Mr. Yusuf Sh. MohamedJama Education Projects Coordinator Director Human Resource Department Ministry of Education Ministry of Planning Mr. Mohamed Awdahir Abdi Project Director Ministry of Education
Ms. Elena Angulo Cabinet Director of the Secretary of State for Education (Head of Delegation) Observer Mr. Juan Antonio Menendez-Pidal Education Adviser Permanent Delegation of Spain to Unesco Mr. Miguel A. Carriedo Mompin Permanent Delegate of Spain to Unesco Mr. Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner Executive Vice-President Santillana Foundation Mr. Isidoro Alonzo Hinoial Secretary Permanent Delegation of Spain to Unesco
Mrs. T. Kariyawasam Director-General National Institute of Education (Head of Delegation)
Mr. M.A. Ariyadasa Coordinating Secretary, WCEFA Chief Education Officer Ministry of Education
H.E. Mr. Mahgoub Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) El-Badawi Mr. Yousif ElMagrabi Under-Secretary Educational Planning Mr. Mohamed Kheir El-Zobier Under-Secretary Economic Planning Dr Osman Nouri Assistant Director General Broadcasting Service
Mr. Gamareldin Garanbad Director, Extra-Mural Studies University of Khartoum Mr. Mohamed Khaical Zubair
H.E. Mr. Runaldo Venedaan Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Harold Rusland Permanent Secretary of Education Mr. Adielkhan Kallan Assistant Permanent Secretary of Education
H.E. Hon. Chief Sipho Shongwe Mr. Musa J. Nsibande Principal Secretary Minister for Education Ministry of Education (Head of Delegation) Ms. Sindi Maduza Senior Officer Economic Planning
Mr. Jean-Francois Paroz Sciendfic Collaborator Directorate of International Organizations Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Mrs. B. Fasselbach
Dr. Suleiman Al-Khatib Deputy Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Dr. Omar Carmo Deputy Minister of Higher Education Ms. Ghada Jaby Director, Adult Literacy Ministry of Culture
H.E. Mr. Amrami Mayagille Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Ms. Sebtuu N. Mohammed Director of Administration and Planning Ministry of Education Mr. John Zayumba Director Social Services Division Planning Commission Mrs. Helena Fliakos National General Secretary YWCAof Tanzania
H.E. General Mana Ratanakoses Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Banjong Choosakulchart Permanent Secretary for Education Mr. Somchai Wudhipreecha Secretary-General Office of the National Primary Education Commission M. Kossi Agbodjavou Conseiller Technique METFP Dr. Panom Pongpaibool Secretary-General Office of the National Education Commission M. Akossou Amsouzou Secretaire Permanent Conseil Superieur Education
S.E. M. Tchaaa-Kozah Tchalim Ministre de l'Education nationale et de la Recherche scientifique (Chef de la delegation) Observer M. Kilim Bini Secretaire permanent, Conseil Regional pour l'Alphabetisation et l'Education en Afrique (CREEA) M. Yandja Yentchabre Attache de Cabinet Ministere du Plan et des Mines
H.E. Dr. Huakavameiliku Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mrs. Paula Bloomfield Director of Educatiqn Mr. Paulo Lavulo Director, Central Planning Mrs. Tuna Fielakepa Senior Education Office Ministry of Education
H.E. Premchand Dass High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago to India
S.E. M. Ahmed Khaled Secretaire d'Etat Charge de l'Education (Chef de la delegation) M. Abdelhakim Bouraoui Charge de mission aupres du Premier Ministre Mme Lilia Ben Salem Professeur, Universite de Tunis Chef du Departement de Sociologie M. Mohamed Zitouni Chef de service Ministere des Affaires sociales
H.E. Mr.Avni Akyol Minister of Nadonal Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Hamdi Binay Deputy UnderSecretary Ministry of National Education Mr. A. Remzi Sezyin Director General, Higher Educadon, Education Abroad Ministry of National Education Mr. Ali Engin Oba Head of Department Multicultural Relations and External Relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Erdogan Oner General Director Budget and Finance Ministry of Finance
H.E. Hon. Mrs. Joyce R. Mpanga Minister of State for Primary Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Servy Sam B. Onek Assistant Chief Officer Primary Education Ministry of Education Mrs. Harriet Mugerwa Principal Economist Ministry of Planning and Economic Development Mr. Enock Mulira Chairman Ugandan National Literacy and Adult Education Association
Mr. Emmanuel Mulira Enoch Chairman National Adult Education Association Mr. Servy Bossa Onek Assistant Chief Education Offcer Primary Education Ms. Mary Owor Programme Coordinator ACEO
UKRAINIAN SSR/RSS d'UKRAlNE Mr. Vladimir E. Taranenko First Deputy Minister of National Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Vasili N. Madzigon Deputy Director Science and Research Institute of Pedagogies Mr. Viacheslav A. Sotnikov Counsellor National Commission for Unesco
Mr. Igor Kitaev Education Section USSR National Commission for Unesco UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/EM7RATS ARABES UNIS H.E. Mr. Ahmed Humaid Al Tayer Minister of State for Financial Affairs and Industry, Acting Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Observers Mr. Hamad Ahmed Al Shibany Director Dubai Educational Directorate UNITED KlNGDOM/ROY AUME-UNI Dr. Roger Iredale Chief Education Adviser Overseas Development Administration (Head of Delegation) Mr. Clive Saville Under Secretary International Relations Department of Education and Science Dr. Beverley Young Director Asia and Latin America British Council Mr. Chris Stocks Director Action Aid Mr. Mohammad Rashid Saced director Bureau of the Minister Mr. Khalifa Bakheet Mr. Mohamed Abdallah Fares Deputy Minister for Educational Affairs Director, Curriculum Depar tment Mr. Khalifa Mohammad Bakhit Mr. Mohammad Abdul Rahirn Assistant Deputy Minister Abdul Karim Ministry of Education Director, Adult Education Ministry of Education
UNITED STATES OF AMX,RICA/ETATS-UNIS d'AMERlQUE: 8 delegates United States Agency for International Development Hon. Mr. Thomas Kean President Drew University Member, President's Education Policy Committee (Head of Delegation) Mr. Bradshaw Langmaid Assistant Administrator USAID Hon. Mr. Cohn R. Bolton Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs US Department of State Ms. Julianne Cook Mr. James Duffy Head of Mrs. Bush's Projects Staff National Spokesperson Office of the President Project Literacy US US Department of Education
Mr. Antonio Gayoso Director, Human Resources, Bureau of Science and Technology USAID
Mr. Frank Method Senior Policy Adviser. Social Sectors, Bureau for Programme and Policy Coordination USAID
Observers Mr. Christopher Cross Assistant Secretary of Education for Education Research and Improvement URUGUAY Dr. Alvaro Moerzinger Charge d'Affaires Embassy of Uruguay in Thailand VANUATU H.E. Mr. S. Regenvanu Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Philip W. Matthews Acting Director General of Education Mr. Robert Duncan Economic Counselor Embassy of the United States in Thailand
VENEZ UELA H.E. Mrs. Marisela Padron Minister of Family (Head of Delegation) VlET NAM H.E. Mr. Nguyen Khanh Vice-President Council of Ministers (Head of Delegadon)
Mgr. Emilio Blaslov Director Asociacion Promocion de la Educacion Popular Mrs. Phan Thi Phuc Secretary General National Commission for Unesco
Mr. Nguyen Quang Kinh Director, Mr. To Ba Trong Department for Education Acting Director Department for Foreign Relations, Ministry of Education YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC/REPUBLIQUE ARABE DU YEMEN Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Al-Anisi Minister of Education (Head of Delegation) YEMEN, PDR/YEMEN, RDP H.E. Mr. Salem A. Basilm Minister of Education (Head of Delegation)
Mr. Abdulfatah Jamal Mohammed Abdulkarim Algendari Assistant Deputy Minister Director, Office of the Ministry of Education Minister of Education
Mr. Mohamed S. Fara Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for Literacy and Adult Education
Mr. Abbass H. Idarous General Director Education Research Center YUGOSLAVIA/YOUGOSLAVIE Mr. Nikola Gasoski Member of the Federal Executive Council (Head of Delegation) ZAIRE S.E. M. Alaziambina Ministre de l'Educadon (Chef de la Delegation)
M. Ikete Ebale Belotsi Secretaire general Adjoint Commission Nationale de l'Unesco Mr. Kinkela Nlanom Mabula Directeur Projet FNUAP
M. Kabaseur Kayembe Milolo M. Nzinga Kovungbo Directeur d'Alphabetisation Chef de Division au SEIPE ZAMBIA/ZAMBIE H.E. Hon. Dr. Eli Mwanang'Onze Minister of General Education, Youth and Sport (Head of Delegation) Zambian NGO Coordinating Committee Mr. J. Y. Mlewa Permanent Secretary Ministry of General Education, Youth and Sport
Mr. Franklin K. Chelu Chief Inspector of Schools Ministry of General Education, Youth and Sport
Observers Dr. Geoffrey Lungwangwa Head, Educational Administration and Policy Studies University of Zambia ZIMBABWE H.E. Hon. Ms. F.K. Chung Minister of Education and Culture (Head of Delegation)
Hon. Mr. T. Masaya Deputy Minister for Finance, Economic Planning and Development
Mr. Josiah Mhlanga Mr. I.M. Sibanda Secretary General Permanent Secretary Zimbabwe National Commission Ministry of Education for Unesco and Culture
Mr. Q.M. Bhila Deputy Secretary, Nonformal Education, Ministry of Education and Culture
Observer Delegations
ARUBA Mr. Ralph R. van Breet Chief Educational Planner Department of Education HOLY SEE/SAINT-SIEGE H.E. Archbishop Alberto Tricario Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Thailand (Head of Delegation) NAMIBIA Mr. Amin Rianon Representadve of the United Nations Council for Namibia (Head of Delegation) Mr. Mohiuddin Ahmad Advisor Office of the Commissioner for Namibia at the United Nations Rev. Brother Pratheep Martin Komolmas Rector, Assumption University Bangkok, Thailand
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES/ANTILLES NEERLANDAISES H.E. Mr. Stanley Lamp Department Secretary Ministry of Education (Head of Delegation) PALESTINE Mr. Abdul Razzak Alyahya Head, Department of General and Secondary Education (Head of Delegation) Mr. Jihad Karshouli Director General Mr. Osama Sayeh Educational Advisor Ms. Hiyam Abu Ghazaleh Director, Adult Literacy Unit Birzeit University
Intergovernmental Organizations/ Organisations Intergouvernementales
Mr. Shigenobu Nagai Deputy Mr. Richard Jolly Executive Secretary Deputy Executive Director Observers Mr. Edward Van Roy Chief Social Development Division Mr. Nyi Nyi Director Programme Division
Mr. Manzoor Ahmed Representative Mrs. Meherunnissa Rehmani People's Republic of China Programme Expert Social Development Division Mr. Stanislas Adotevi Regional Director Economic and Social Commission West and Central Africa for Western Asia (ESCWA) Ms. Teresa Albanez Mr. Tayseer Abdel Jaber Executive Regional Director Secretary The Americas and Caribbean Food and Agricultural Organiza - Mr. Daniel Brooks tion of the United Nations (FAD) Regional Director East Asia and Pakistan Mr. H. Tsuchiya Deputy Regional Mr. Karl-Eric Knutsson Representative FAO Regional Regional Director Office for Asia and the Pacific South Central Asia Observers Ms. Mary Racelis Regional Director Eastern and Southern Africa
United Nations Development Pro - Mr. Federico Mayor gramme (UNDP) (Sponsor): 8 Director-General delegates (Head of Delegation) Mr. William H. Draper, III Administrator (Head of Delegation) Mr. Mahbub Ul Haq Special Adviser to the Administrator Mr. Pierre-Claver Damiba Assistant Administrator and Regional Director Regional Bureau for Africa Mr. Michael Gucovsky Deputy Assitant Admiinistrator Director, Technical Advisory Division Bureau for Programmes, Policy and Evaluation Mr. Sylvain Lourie Deputy Director-General for Planning, Budgeting and Evahlation Mr. Colin Power Assistant Director-General Education Mr. Thomas Keller Assistant Director General Programme Support Mr. Mohamed Kazeln Director Regional Office for Education in the Arab States Mr. Baba Haidara Director Regional Office for Education in Africa Mr. Juan Carlos Tedesco Director Regional Office for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean Mr. Hedayat Ahmed Director Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Mr. B.N. de Los Reyes Regional Farm Management Economist Mr. Richard Reid Agricultural Education and Exten- Regional Director sion Middle East and North Africa
International Institute for Educa- Observers Observers tional Planning (IIEP) Ms. Mary Cahill Ms. Sally Timpson Mr. Jacques Hallak Executive Assistant to the Execu- Director, NGO Division Director tive Director Bureau for Programmes, Policy and Evaluation International Bureau of Education Ms. Vicky Colbert Regional Education AdvisorThe Mr. John Lawrence Mr. Georges Tohme Americas and Caribbean Principal Technical Adviser Director Bureau for Programmes, Policy Mr. Djibril Diallo and Evaluation Senior Information Officer Division of Information and Pub Mr. J. Russell Boner lic Affairs Director Division of Information
Observers Mr. Akihiro Chiba Director Bureau for Coordination of Operational Activities Mr. John Kabore Director Cooperation with Africa Mr. Andri Isaksson Director Unesco Liaison Office with the United Nations Mr. John Beynon Principal Architect Principal Regional Office for East Asia and the Pacific Ms. Sheila Haggis Principal Executive Assistant to Assistant Director General for Education Mr. Dieter Berstecher Chief Unit for Cooperation with WFP and UNICEF Mr. John Ryan Coordinator International Literacy Year Mrs. Susan van der Vynckt Programme Specialist, Education Sector Mr. Gabriel Carron Programme Specialist IIEP Mr. Galo Ponce Executive Assistant to the Director-General Ms Carmen Garcia Gaudilla Regional Advisor, UNESCO Center for Higher Education for Latin America and the Caribbean United Notions Environment Programme (UNEP) Mr. Michael Atchia Chief, Environmental Education and Training Unit Unesco Institute for Education ( UIE) Mr. Paul Belanger Director United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) (Co-sponsor): 4 delegates Mr. Joseph van Arendonk Assistant Executive Director (Head of Delegation)
Mr. Roushdi El Heneidi Chief, Mr. George Psacharopoulos Division for Arab States and Chief, Human Resources Division Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Technical Department Mr. OJ. Sikes Chief, Education, Communicadon Mr. Ralph Harbison and Youth Branch Chief, Population and Human Technical and Evaluadon Division Resources Division Europe, Middle East and Ms. Mari Simonen N. Africa Region, Technical Special Assistant to the Executive Department Director Mr. Alexander ter Weele Observers Chief, Population and Human Resources Division Mr. James Chui Asia Region, Technical i Technical Officer, Technical and Department Evaluadon Division Observers Ms. Kazuko Kano Country Director for Thailand Ms. Marlaine Lockheed Senior Education Sociologist, Mr. Ansar Ali Khan Education and Employment Divi Regional Adviser on Population sion Education, Unesco Population and Human Resources Department Ms. Jacqueline Ki-Zerbo UNIFEM Field Coordinator, West Ms. Elizabeth King Africa Economist, Education and Employment Division Mr. Jairo Palacio Population and Human Regional Adviser on Population Resources Department Education, Unesco Mr. Stephen Heyneman United Nations University (UNU) Chief, Human Resources Division Economic Development Institute Professor Heitor Curgulino de Souza Ms. Ellen Tillier Rector Public Affairs Specialist Sector Policy and Research World Bank (Sponsor): 8 delegates Ms. Lourdes Hamilton Technical Assistance Coordinator Mr. Barber B. Conable Sector Policy and Research President (Head of Delegation) Ms. Linda McLaughlin Executive Assistant to Mr. W. David Hopper President Senior Vice-President Policy, Research and External Mr. James Socknat Affairs Chief, Education Division Africa Region, Technical Mr. V. Rajagopalan Department (IAC) Vice-President Mr. Birger Fredriksen Sector Policy and Research Principal Education Planner Africa Region, Sahelian Mr. Adriaan Verspoor Department (IAC) Chief, Education Division Mr. Anupam Khanna Population and Human Special Assistant to the President Resources Mr. Akintola Fatoyinbo Mr. Aklilu Habte Senior External Affairs (IAC) Counsellor, European Office Special Adviser, Human Resources Mr. Alain Colliou Africa Regional Office Chief, Population and Human Resources Operations Mr. Bradley Babson South Central and Indian Ocean Chief, Population and Human Department Resources Operations Unit Asia Region, Country Depart ment 11
Mr. Philippe E. Annez Chief of Mission World Bank Resident Mission in Thailand World Health Organization (WlHO) (Associate Sponsor): 2 delegates Mr. H.S. Dhillon Director, Division of Health Education (Head of Delegation) Dr. D. Stern WHO Representative, Thailand Observers Mr. Omer Suleiman WHO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran Dr. Saroj Jha Regional Adviser, Health Education WHO Southeast Asia Regional Of fice Dr. Lois Philip Division of Health Education Ms. Nancy Watkin Division of Health Education Ms. Astrid Richardson Health Promotion, Global Programme on Aids Mr. Harry Anenden Division of Health Education World Food Programme (WFP) Ms. Judith Katonaapte the Senior Programme Adviser (Human Resources) Evaluation and Policy Division Observer Ms. Mercedes Sayagues Senior Public Affairs Officer External Relations Division
Assistant Mr. Ali Mounir Alaoui Head, Cabinet of the Director General Asian Development Bank (ADB) Conference des Ministres ayant en (Co-ponsor): 4 delegates common l'usage do franais Islamic Development Bank (IDB) (CONFEMEN) Mr. Kimimasa Tarumizu Dr. Mukhtar A. Hamour President Mr. Mohamed Fadel Dia Secretary Senior Economist General Economic and Policy Planning Mr. G.H.P. van der Linden Department Manager, Education Division Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Organisation for Economic Mr. Charles Currin Cooperatzon and Development Education Specialist, Education Ms. Sonia Perez (OECD) Division Executive Director IDB, Venezuela Mr. Joseph Wheeler Mr. A. Asakawa Personal Assistant Chairman, Development Assisto the President tance Committee
Mr. Mohammed Mohsin Assistant Secretary General South-East Asian Ministers of Education Secretariat (SEAMES) Prof. Jakub Isman Director Observers Mr. Augusto V. Information Officer Carballo
African Association for Literacy Arab Federation for Technical Asociacon Latinoamericana de Association of Arab Universities and Adult Education (AALAE) Education Educacin Radiofnica (ALER) (AA U) Mr. John Kananda Representative African Association for Literacy and Adult Education Kenya Mr. Ghanem Saadalah Hassawy Secretary General Arab Federation for Technical Education Iraq Mr. Abraham Apolinario Secretario Ejecutivo Asociaci6n Latinoamericana de Educacion Radiofonica Ecuador Mr. Muhammad F. Doghaim Secretary General Association of Arab Universities Jordan Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) Mr. Ninnat Olanvoravuth Secretary-General Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning Thailand ASTHA Mr. Om Sbrivastava ASTHA India Baha'i International Community Mr. Daniel Wegener Representative to the United Nations Baha'i International Community USA Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Mr. Faisal H. Abed Executive Director Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee Bangladesh Britvsh Council Mr. Bevel ley Young Director, Education Department The British Council United Kingdom Canadian Education Association Mr. Robert E. Blair Executive Director Canadian Education Association Canada Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) Mr. Stirling McDowell Secretary General Canadian Teachers' Federation Canada
African Medical and Research Arab Student Aid International Foundation (AMREF) (ASAI) Asociacion Nacional de Centros (ANC) Ms. Stephanie Nduba Mr. Ishaq AlQutub Representative Head, Distance Teaching Unit, Arab Student Aid International Mr. Carmen Vildoso Training Department, African USA Vice-P? esident Medical Asociaci6n Nacional de Centros and Research Foundation Arab Teachers' Federation Peru Kenya Mr. Fawzi F. Aklou Asociacion de Instituciones de African Network for Protection/ Representative Arab Teachers' Promocion y Educacion (AIPE) Prevention of Child Abuse/Negleet Federation Iraq (ANPPCAN) Mr. Alfonso Camacho Arab Thought Forum Representative Mr. Mengiste Desta Project Asociacion de Instituciones de Director Mr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim Promocion y Educacion African Network for Protecdon/ Secretary General Bolivia Prevention of Child Abuse/Neglect Arab Thought Forum Kenya Jordan Association Africaine d'Education pour le Developpement (ASAFED) African Social Studies Programme Arab Women's Federation (ASSP) M. is Prod Koffi Atdgnon Ms. Muna Younis Bahri Secretaire permanent Mr. Peter Muyanda-Mutebi Representative Association Africaine d'Edllcation Executive Director Arab Women's Federa-tion pour le Developpement African Social Studies Programme Iraq Togo Kenya Asian Cultural Centre for Uneseo Association for Non-Traditional African Women Development and (ACCU) Education in the Philippines Communication Network (FEM (ANTEP) NET) Mr. Tadashi Inumaru Director-General Rev. Miguel Ma. Varela, SJ., Ph.D. Ms. Njoki Wainaina Asian Cultural Centre for President Co-Ordinator Unesco Association for Non-Tradkional African Women Development and Japan Education in the Philippines Communicadon Network Philippines Kenya Asian NGO Consortium (ANGOC) Association of African Uni:uersi Aga Khan Foundation Mr. David Ingles ties (AAU) Deputy Executive Secretary Mr. Asif Fancy Asian NGO Consortium Mr. Richard Banibensu Chairman, Education Services Philippines Lecturer, University of Ghana Aga Khan Foundation Ghana India Asian-South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education (ASPBAE) Association of African Women in Arab Council for Childhood and Research and Development Development Mr. W.M.K. Wijetunga (AAWORD/AFARD) Secretary-General Mr. Samir S. Miladi Asian-South Pacific Bureau of Ms. Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri Director, Division of Projects and Adult Education President Training Sri Lanka Association of African Women in Arab Council for Childhood and Research and Development Development Senegal Egypt
Caribbean Associatuon of Centre International des Principals of Secondary Schools Civilisations Bantu (CICIBA) (CAPPS) M. Mutanda Ntumba Ms. Barbara Smith Vice President Coordonnateur et charge de la Caribbean Associadon of Cooperation Principals Internationale Centre International of Secondary Schools Jamaica des Civilisations Bantu Gabon Caribbean Child Development Centro Regional de Educacin de Centre (CCDC) Adultos y Alfabetizacion Funcional (CREFAL) Ms. Janet Brown Coordinator Caribbean Child Development Mr. Luis Benavides I. Centre Director General University of the West Indies Centro Regional de Educacin de Jamaica Adultos y Alfabetizaci6n Funcional Caribbean Educational Research Mexico Association (CARIERA) Christian Children's Fund (CCF) Mr. E.P. Brandon Organizer Caribbean Educational Research Mr. David Herrell Association Program Director The University of West Indies Christian Children's Fund Department of Educational Studies USA Jamaica College of Micronesia Caribbean Regional Council for Ad ult Ed ucation Mr. Singeru Singeo Chancellor Ms. Rosaline Corbin Programme College of Micronesia Coordinator Caribbean Regional Micronesia Council for Adult Educadon Barbados Comite Permanent des ONG de l 'Unesco Caritas Internationalis Mme Odile Moreau Ms. Therese W.H. Shak Co ordina- President tor Caritas Adult and Higher Comite Permanent des ONG de Education l'Unesco Service Hong Kong France Centre for Development Information and Ed ucation (CIES) Ms. Elisabetta Bianca Melandri President Centre for Development Information and Education Italy Centre for Learning Resources (CLR) Mr. John Kurrien Director Cenrre for Learning Resources India Centre for the Study of Education in Developing Countries (CESO) Prof. Leo F. B. Dubbeldam Director Centre for the Study of Education in Developing Countries The Netherlands
Council of Chief State School German Foundation for Officers (CCSSO) International Development (DSE) Mr. Gordon M. Ambach Executive Director Council of Chief State School Officers USA Mr. Josef Mueller Head of Nonformal Basic Education Section German Foundation for International Developxnent Federal Republic of Germany
Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) Gujarat Vidyapith Mr. Zacheus Goliath Training Coordinator, ELU Council of Churches in Namibia Namibia EDUCA -Accion Educacion Basica Mr. Gustavo Tavares President EDUCA Dominican Republic Ed ucation Develo,pment Center (EDC) Ms. Janet Whitla President Education Development Center USA Para
la Human Employment and Resource Training (H.E.A.R.T.) Ms. Rae Davis Chairman, Board of Directors H.E.A.R.T. Trust Jamaica Institirte of Cultural International (ICA) Ms. Evelyn Philbrook Development Training Institute of Cultural Malaysia Affairs
Officer Affairs
Environnement et Developpement du 'I'iers Monde (ENDA) Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices (IAC) Mr. Jacques Bignancourt Secretaire executif Ms. Berhane Ras-Work Environement et Developpement President du Tiers Monde Inter-African Committee on Senegal Traditional Practices Switzerland Fe y Alegria Commission de Liaison des Inter-American Foundation Organisations Non Father Antonio Bachs Couvernementales (ONG) Representative Ms. Deborah Szekely Fe y Alegria President Mme Jeannine Thomas-Fontaine Bolivia Inter-American Foundation Presidente USA Commission de Liaison des ONG Forum of African Voluntary Develdu Conseil de l'Europe opment Organizatiolss (FA VDO) Observer France M. Mazide Ndiaye Mr. Charles Reilly Corsejo de Educacion de Adultos President Vice-President for Learning and de America Latina (CEAAL) 9 Forum of African Voluntary Dissemination Development Organizations Inter-American Foundation Sr. Francisco Vio Crossi Senegal Secretario General InterAction Consejo de Educacion de Foster Parents Plan International Adultos de America Latina Ms. L. Ruth Henderson Chile Mr. David Goldenberg Representative Research Coordinator InterAction Consejo Episcopal Latinoameri Foster Parents Plan International, USA cnno Inc. USA International Association for the Msr. Javier Lozano Barragan Evaluation of Educational Obispo de Zacatecas Fundacion Soc.ial Achievement (IEA) Consejo Episcopal Latinoameri cnno Mr. Bernardo Toro Mr. Shin Se-ho Colombia Director, Social Communication Representative Program International Association for Fundacion Social the Evaluation of Educational Colombia Achievement Korea
International Board on Books for International Council for Young People (IBBY) Education of the Visually Handicapped (ICEVH) Ms. Somboon Singkamanan Thai Section of IBBY Mr. William G. Brohier Children's Reading Development President Association (CREDA) International Council for Thailand Education of the Visually Handicapped International Catholic Association Malaysia for Radio and Television ( UNDA) International Development Mr. Chainarong Research Centre (IDRC) Monthienvichienchai (Associate Sponsor): 2 delegates President International Catholic Association for Radio and Mr. Sheldon Shaeffer Television Associate Director Thailand Social Sciences Division International Development International Coalition for Research Centre Development Action (ICDA) Canad a Mr. David Bull General Secretary World University Service United Kingdom Mr. Boonyawiroj Somsak Programme Officer International Development Research Centre Singapore
International Institute of Reconstruction (IIRR) Mr. Conrado S. Navarro Assistant to the Presid ent Director of Field Operational Research International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Philippines International Movement ATD Fourth World Ms. Marie Claire Droz Regional Director ATD Fourth World Thailand International Organization of Consumers Unions (IOCU) Mr. Selvarajah (Joe) Selvaretnam Deputy Secretary-General Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA) Malaysia Observers Mr. Zaim Saidi Executive Secretary Indonesian Consumer Institution Mal aysia Mr. Jostle Vargas Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean International Organization of Consumers Unions Uruguay International Planned parennt Free hood Federation (IPPP') Dato' Mr. Johan Thambu Regional Chairman International Planned Parent hood Federation Malaysia
International Union for Health Education (IUHE) Mr. Dennis D. Tolslna Assistant Director, Public Health Practice Centers for Disease Coneol USA International Union of Students (IUS) Mr. Sergiusz Najar Vice-President International Union of Students Czechoslovakia Observer Mr. Mohamadou Fall Vice-President International Union of Students Czechoslovakia Jamaifcan Movement for the Advancernent of l.iteracy (JAMAL) Ms. Leila Thomas Executive Director Jamaican Movement for the Advancement of Literacy Jamaica Joycee's International Mr. Sukhathep Chansrichawla President Junior Chamber of Thailand Thailand Korean Association Education of Adult
International Community Education Association (ICEA) International Federation for Family Life Promotion (IFFLP) Mr. Ramlal Parikh Chairman, Asian Committee Mr. Ramon Ruiz International Community Former Board Member Education Association International Federation for Ind ia Family Life Promotion Hong Kong International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFI'U) International Federation of Business and Professional Women Nr. Raanan Sharir Project and Education Officer Ms. Sudathip Gin Indara International Confederation of General Se cretary Free Trade Unions, Asian and International Federation of Pacific Business and Professional Women Regional Organization Thailand Singa pore International Federation of International Council for Adult Teachers Unions (IFFTU) Education (ICAE) Mr. Gurnam Singh Mr. Francisco Vio Grossi Regional Assistant for Asia and the Regional Director Pacific Consejo de Educacion de International Federation of Free Adultos de America Latina Teachers Unions Chile Malaysia Observer Rev. Fernando Abalos Main Representative United Nations Movimiento per un Migliore Italy International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) Mr. Reidar Roll General Secretary International Council for Distance Education Norway International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Ms. Lucille Thomas Re presentative American Library Association USA International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) Mr. Anthony TanVice-President for Asia and the Pacific International Federation of Social Workers Malaysia International Federation University Women (IFUW) of
Mr. Synghan H. Khn President Korean Association of Adult Education Korea La Leche League International
Ms. Nancy Sherwood Area International Reading Association Co ordinator of Leaders for Asia (IRA) and Japan Taiwan Mr. Carl Braun President International Reading Lembaga Studi Pembangua Association USA Mr. Hadimulyo Lembaga Studi Pembangua International Save the Children Indonesia Alliance (ISCA) Laubach Literacy International Ms. Phyllis Dobyns Senior Vice Presid ent Mr. Peter Waite Save the Children/USA Representative Laubach Literacy International International Tash Force on USA Literacy (ITFL) National Educaion Association Mr. V.BJ. Rao Chelikani (NEA) President, Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Ms. Sue Hqvey Service Representative France National Education Association USA
Soroptimist International
Mr. Gordon Klopf Ms. Priscilla Turnbull Chair of the Working Group on International Liaison RepresenEducation NGO tative Committee on UNICEF Soroptimist International USA Scotland OPAM International (OPAM) Union de Radiodiffusion des Etats arabes
Fr. John Bertello, IMC National Director OPAM Mr. Nawaf Adwan America Director Union de Radiodiffusion USA des Etats arabes Tunisia Pan Parific Women 's Association International Van Leer Foundation (Associate Sponsor): 2 delegates Ms. Sumalee Chardkavajij President Mr. M.G.E. van Gendt Pan Parific Women 's Association Executive Director International Thailand Mr. A.W. Wood Deputy Executive Director, Rede Globo Programmes Mr. Luiz Lobo Observers Educational Adviser for Educational Campaigns Rede Mr. A. Chetley Globo Editorial Associate Brazil Ms. Lea Kipkorir Reseau Europeen pour la Recher- Director che, I'Action et la Formation Kenya Institute of Education M. Pierre Freynet Coordonnateur Reseau Europeen pour Recherche, I'Action et Formation France Rissho Kosei-Kai (RKK) Mr. Khoo Kim Choo Director, Regional Training and la Resource Centre for Asia la Singapore
World Confederation of Mr. Mrinmoy Bhattacharyya Organizations of the Teaching General Secretary Profession ( WCOTP) All India Federation of University and College Teachers OrganizaMr. Joseph Itotoh tions President World Federation of Teachers' World Confederation of Unions Organizations of the Teaching India Profession Switzerland World Federation of' Unesco Clubs, Centres and A.ssociations Mr. Marc Berberat Deputy Secretary General Ms. Sumiko Ishigami World Confederation of Representative National Organizadons of the Teaching Federation of Unesco Profession Associations in Japan Switzerland Japan Mr. Aloysius Mathews Asian Regional Representative World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession Switzerland World Confederation of Teachers ( WCT) Mr. Louis Van Beneden President World Confederation of Teachers Belgium Mr. Roger Denis Secretary General World Confederation of Teachers Belgium World Muslim Congress Mr. Yudhana Vamch-Angkul Representative World Muslim Congress Thailand World Orgunization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) Ms. Eva Balke World President World Organization for Early Childhood Education Norway World Organisation of the Scout Movement (SCOUT) Mr. Robert Thomson Assistant Director, Programme World Organization of the Scout Movement Switzerland World University Service (WUS) Mr. Nigel Hartley General Secretary World University Set vice Switzerland World Vision lnternational Mr. Bryan Truman Director, Development Education World Vision International USA Young Women's Association (YWCA) Christian
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) World Council of Churches Mr. Brian Rockliffe Assistant Director Voluntary Service Overseas United Kingdom Mr. Philippe Fanchette Director, Adult Education World Council of Churches Switzerland Observer Ms. Martha A. Lane Adult Literacy Consultant National Council of Churches USA World Education (WE) Mr. John P. Comings Vice-President World Education USA
Mr. Shoko Mizutani Secretary Rissho Kosei-Kai Fund for Peace Japan Workers' Education Association Rockefeller Foundation Ms. Joyce Moock Associate Vice Rockefeller Foundation USA Rotary International Mr. Juma Sebuliba Secretary General Workers' Education Association President Uganda World Assembly of Youth (WAY)
Mr. Jyoti Man Sherchan Representative to the United Mr. Nelson Alexander Nations Past District Governor Rotary World Assembly of Youth International Denmark Thailand Saruodaya Sangamay World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Mr. Daya Ananda Perera General Secretary Sarvodaya Sangamaya Ms. Doris Riehm Sri United Nations Representative Lanka World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Service Volunteered for All USA (SERVOL) World Blind Union Mr. Gerard Pantin Mr. Lal Advani Executive Director President Service Volunteered for All Asian Union of the Blind Trinidad and Tobago India
Ms. Patcharin Avyiphan World Federation of Teachers' Un- Executive Co ordinator ions ( WFTU) Community and Noln-Formal Education Institute Mr. Daniel Monteux YMCAof Chiangmai Representant aupres de l'Unesco Thailand World Federation of Teachers' Unions 119 France Mr. Abani Boral Vice-President World Federation of Teachers' Unions India
Other Participants not Members of Delegations Roundtable Chairpersons and Presenters Exhibit Managers
Roundtable Chairpersons and Presenters Exhibit Managers Conference Secretariat WCEFA International Steering Group