Oral Rubric For Communication

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Oral Presentation

Name Course/ Course Code Topic/Title Mark Distribution on

Comments/ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

: : : 1. Knowledge:

Matric No. Programme

: :

2. Communication Skill:

PERFORMANCE ELEMENT Organization & Structure (1)

Poor (1) Not possible to understand presentation due to absence of structure.

Fair (2) Difficult to follow presentation due to erratic topical shifts and jumps.

Good (3)

Exceptional (4)


Most information is All information is presented in logical order presented in a logical, which is easy to follow. interesting and novel sequence, which is easily followed. Sufficient information present related to the topic but in an unorganized manner. Sufficient information, clearly related to the topic, points are clear and evidence supported with varied use of materials. Text and presentation are reinforced by the use of visual aids.

Content (2)

No grasp of information. Content is not clear. Information included does not support the topic in any way. No visual aids.

Great deal of information, but not clearly connected to the topic.

Visual Aids (1)

Occasional use of Visual aids are related visual aids, however they to text and presentation. barely support text or presentation. Clean and attractive attire but not suitable for the occasion. Acceptable attire for the occasion.

Attire (1)

Poorly attired, messy hair, untidy clothes

Appropriately dressed for the occasion. Proper shoes, neat shirt with tie.

Eye Contact (1)

No eye contact and only reads from notes/slides.

Occasionally uses eye contact but mostly reads from the notes/slides. Occasional mispronunciation of terms with monotonous intonations.

Maintain eye contact with audience most of the time, occasionally returns to the notes/slides. Voice is clear and at a proper level. Most words pronounced correctly.

Maintain eye contact with audience all the time.

Delivery Techniques (2)

Significant mumbling and mispronunciation of terms. Voice level too low or too high.

Clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.

Oral Presentation

PERFORMANCE ELEMENT Gestures & Body Language (2)

Poor (1)

Fair (2)

Good (3) Moderate gestures that enhances articulation.

Exceptional (4) Significant gestures that enhances articulation and description of subject matter. Demonstrates strong positive confidence throughout presentation. Demonstrates full knowledge by answering all questions with explanations and elaboration.


No descriptive Occasional gestures or improper and mispronunciation of too many movements. terms with monotonous intonations. Stammer/long pause throughout presentation. Occasional stammer, at times appears awkward. Uncertain with the information and able to answer fundamental questions only.

Confidence (1)

Demonstrates confidence most of the time. At ease to answer questions without elaboration.

No grasp of Subject information. Unable to Knowledge (Q&A) answer any given questions. (2)

Manners (1)

Speak and answer question in rude manner or offended audience in a way or another.

Occasionally rude or offended audience.

Speaks and answer questions in courteous manner most of the time

Demonstrates full courteous manner at all time.

Presentation Time (1)

Too lengthy or too short. Subject matters discussed are not appropriately distributed. +/- 10 minutes of the allocated time.

Subject matters are discussed with not a proper distribution of subject matter. +/ 6 minutes

Time is appropriately utilized . Slightly over or under allocated time. +/ 3 minutes

Presentation completed within the allocated time.







1 15

16 - 30

31 - 45

46 - 60

Examiner Signature Date

: : :

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