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Upgrade Process From Window XP/vista To Windows 8.1: Review System Requirements

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Upgrade Process from Window XP/vista to Windows 8.

Windows 8.1 brings you the Windows Store, Start screen, and Microsoft account, but also enhancements in personalization, search, Store apps, and cloud connectivityand the security and reliability features you e pect from Windows.

1. Before you begin

!o upgrade to Windows 8.1 from Windows "ista or Windows #$, you%ll need to install it from a Windows 8.1 &"& and perform a clean installation. !his means you won%t be able to 'eep any files, settings, or programs when you upgrade. Windows 8.1 isn%t designed for installation on $(s running Windows "ista or Windows #$, so we strongly recommend you do the following before buying the Windows 8.1 &"&.

Review system requirements

We recommend that you download and run the Windows 8 )pgrade *ssistant to chec' if your $( meets the system re+uirements for Windows 8. !he Windows 8.1 system re+uirements are nearly the same as the Windows 8 system re+uirementsso if your $( can run Windows 8, in most cases, you can get the free update to Windows 8.1. )pgrade *ssistant will also chec' program and device compatibility, and provide a free compatibility report. Still be sure to review the system re+uirements for Windows 8.1 before buying the Windows 8.1 &"&. We also recommend that you visit your $( manufacturer%s website for info about updated drivers and hardware compatibility. ,ere is a summary of the system re+uirements

$rocessor- 1 gigahertz ./,z0 or faster 1*M- 1 gigabyte ./20 .345bit0 or 4 /2 .675bit0 8ree hard drive space- 16 /2 .345bit0 or 49 /2 .675bit0 /raphics card- Microsoft &irect# : graphics device with W&&M driver

;f you%re unable to install Windows 8.1 on your current $(, you might consider shopping for one of the new generation of $(s that are available today. 8or more info,


;f you don%t have enough room on your hard drive, you might be able to free up some space. 8or more info, see !ips to free up drive space on your $(. <ou need touch input hardware to e perience the touch capabilities in Windows 8.1. 8or more info, see Multitouch hardware re+uirements.

!"ec# compatibi$ity of programs and devices

!he Windows 8 )pgrade *ssistant will chec' if your programs and devices are compatible with Windows 8, but you can chec' Windows 8.1 compatibility info for a specific program or device .including info from community forums0 in the Windows (ompatibility (enter, or contact the program or device manufacturer. Most programs created for earlier versions of Windows will wor' in Windows 8.1, but some older programs might run poorly or not at all. !here are several things you can try to fi compatibility problems. 8or more info, see /et your apps and devices wor'ing in Windows 8.1. &rivers for basic device functionality are available =in5bo = .meaning, as part of the Windows image0. !his includes drivers for storage, networ'ing, input, and display. !hese drivers allow you to complete the Windows installation and connect to the ;nternet. <ou can get more drivers from Windows )pdate or from the device manufacturer once you%re online. 8or more info, see &ownload and install drivers.

Bac# up your data

Since you won%t be able to 'eep any files, settings, or programs when you upgrade from Windows "ista or Windows #$, we recommend you bac' up all files and locate any program installation discs .or purchase confirmation emails0 prior to updating. <ou can transfer files before you upgrade by copying them to an e ternal hard drive, )S2 flash drive, or (&, and then moving them to the location you want on your new $(. 2e sure that the drive or disc has enough space to hold everything you want to move. ;f don%t want to use an e ternal hard drive, )S2 drive, or (&, you can move your files to S'y&rive to have all your files in one place and have the latest version on your $(s. 8or more info, see /etting started with S'y&rive. *fter you upgrade to Windows 8.1, you%ll need your original program installation discs, or purchase confirmation emails if you purchased programs online, to reinstall your programs. ;nsert the program (& or &"& into your $( or follow the directions in the confirmation email. ;f you%ve been using >utloo' ? press, Windows @ive Mail, or the version of Windows Mail that came with Windows "ista, your email messages and contacts can be imported into >utloo'.com using the Mail Migration add5on. 8or more info, see ;mport email from a des'top app.


<ou can still restore your personal files after you upgrade to Windows 8.1. <our files are saved to the Windows.old folder, where you can retrieve them after the upgrade. 8or more info, see 1etrieve files from the Windows.old folder.

%. Buy Windows 8.1

<ou can buy Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.1 $ro on a &"& from a participating retailer .&"&s of the upgrade aren%t available in all countries and regions0. <ou can see current pricing on the (ompare and decide webpage.

&etermine if your P! can run a '()bit or *%)bit version of Windows

*fter you open the Windows 8.1 pac'aging, you%ll see two installation discs- a 675bit version of Windows and a 345bit version of Windows. !he terms 345bit and 675bit refer to the way a $(%s processor .also called a ($)0, handles info. !he 675bit version of Windows handles large amounts of random access memory .1*M0 more effectively than a 345bit version. !o install a 675bit version of Windows, you need a ($) that%s capable of running a 675bit version. +o find out if your P! running Windows ,ista is '()bit capab$e !o see whether a $( running Windows "ista is capable of running a 675bit version of Windows, do the following1. >pen $erformance ;nformation and !ools by clic'ing the Start button , and then clic'ing (ontrol $anel. ;n the search bo , type $erformance ;nformation and !ools, and then, in the list of results, clic' $erformance ;nformation and !ools. 4. (lic' "iew and print details. 3. ;n the System section, you can see what type of operating system you%re currently running under System type, and whether or not you can run a 675bit version of Windows under 675bit capable. .;f your computer is already running a 675bit version of Windows, you won%t see the 675bit capable listing.0 +o find out if your P! running Windows XP is '()bit capab$e !o see whether a $( running Windows #$ is capable of running a 675bit version of Windows, do the following1. (lic' Start. 4. 1ight5clic' My (omputer, and then clic' $roperties.

;f = 67 ?dition= is listed under System, your processor is capable of running a 675 bit version of Windows.


;f you start your $( using a 675bit Windows 8.1 installation disc, but your $( isn%t capable of running a 675bit version of Windows, you%ll see a Windows 2oot Manager error. <ou%ll need to use a 345bit Windows 8.1 installation disc instead. Most programs designed for a 345bit version of Windows will wor' on the 675bit version of Windows. Aotable e ceptions are many antivirus programs. $rograms designed for a 675bit version of Windows won%t wor' in a 345bit version. &evice drivers designed for the 345bit version of Windows won%t wor' on $(s running a 675bit version of Windows. ;f you%re trying to install a printer or other device that only has 345bit drivers available, it won%t wor' correctly on a 675bit version of Windows. !o learn how to chec' for drivers, see &ownload and install drivers, or go to the device manufacturer%s website.

-ind your product #ey

<our product 'ey should be on the bo that the Windows 8.1 &"& came in. ;t loo's li'e this$1>&)(! B?<- #####5#####5#####5#####5#####. <ou%ll need to input your product 'ey during installation. ;t%s a 4C5character code used to activate Windows, which helps verify that Windows hasn%t been used on more $(s than the Microsoft Software @icense !erms allow. ;t%s a good idea to save a copy of your product 'ey for your records in case you ever need to reinstall Windows.

*. .nsert t"e Windows 8.1 &,&

!urn on your $( so that Windows starts normally, insert the &"&, shut down, and then restart your $(. <ou might have to press any 'ey to boot from the &"&. ;f you restart your $( and your current version of Windows starts, you might have to open a boot menu or change the boot order in your $(%s 2;>S or )?8; settings so that your $( boots from the media. !o open a boot menu or change the boot order, you%ll typically need to press a combination of 'eys .such as 84, 814, &elete, ?sc, etc.0 immediately after you turn on your $(. 8or instructions on changing the boot order for your $(, chec' the documentation that came with your $( or go to the manufacturer%s website. ;f your current version of Windows still starts, try again by waiting until Windows as's you to sign in, shut down completely, and then restart your $( again.

!"oose country or region settings

Windows Setup screen to choose language, time and currency, and 'eyboard or input method <ou need to choose a language to install, a time and currency format, and a 'eyboard or input method before installing Windows 8.1. <ou can always change these settings later. 8or info about how to add a language, see *dd a language or 'eyboard. 8or info about how to add a different 'eyboard layout or an input method editor .;M?0 for entering te t, see *dd a 'eyboard layout.

(. .nsta$$ Windows 8.1

Windows Setup screen where to choose a custom installation 2e sure to plug in your laptop or tablet if that%s what you%re using. !he installation could ta'e anywhere from 39 minutes to 3 hours with a high5speed ;nternet connection .1.C MbpsD19 Mbps0. !he time depends on your ;nternet connection, $(, and other factors and might e ceed these estimates.

Perform a c$ean insta$$ation

Windows Setup screen where to format a partition


When you format a partition during installation it erases any data on the partition. 2e sure to bac' up the data you want to 'eep before you begin.

+o c$ean insta$$ Windows

1. (lic' ;nstall Windows. 4. >n the ?nter the product 'ey to activate Windows page, enter your product 'ey. !he product 'ey should be on the bo that the Windows 8.1 &"& came in. ;t loo's li'e this- $1>&)(! B?<- #####5#####5#####5#####5#####. 3. >n the $lease read the license terms page, if you accept the license terms, clic' ; accept the license terms, and then clic' Ae t. 7. >n the Which type of installation do you wantE page, clic' (ustom- ;nstall Windows only .advanced0. C. >n the Where do you want to install WindowsE page, clic' &rive options .advanced0, clic' the partition that you want to change, clic' the formatting option you want to perform, and then follow the instructions. 6. When you%ve finished formatting, clic' Ae t. F. 8ollow the instructions to finish installing Windows.


<ou can only choose (ustom- ;nstall Windows only .advanced0 when updating from Windows "ista or Windows #$. !he option to upgrade isn%t supported.

Windows Setup screen showing installation of Windows *fter Windows 8.1 installs, you%ll first be as'ed to choose settings.

/. !"oose your settings

*fter Windows 8.1 installs, you%ll first be as'ed to choose settings for your $(.


$ersonalize screen during setup (hoose a color you li'eyou can always change this later from the Start screen. !o do so, on the Start screen, point to the lower5left corner of the screen, move your mouse all the way into the corner, clic' Settings, and then clic' $ersonalize.

Use e1press settings

Settings screen during setup

<ou%ll see a list of recommended settings, called e press settings. !o accept these settings and continue, clic' )se e press settings. <ou can change any of these settings later, after you finish setting up. ;f you%d li'e to change some of these settings now, clic' (ustomize. 8or more info, clic' @earn more about e press settings. !o learn about how these settings affect your privacy, clic' $rivacy statement.

2ign in

Microsoft account sign in screen during setup Ae t, you%ll be as'ed to sign in. ;f you see a local account sign in page, you%ll need to sign in with your local account first, and then we%ll as' you to set up a Microsoft account. .f you a$ready "ave a 3icrosoft account 1. ?nter your Microsoft account email address and password. ;f you have more than one Microsoft account, you%ll need to choose one. 8or more info, see Which email address should ; use for my Microsoft accountE 4. We%ll send a security code to the alternate email address or phone number you%ve set up for this account, and you%ll need to enter that code to verify that you%re the account owner. !his helps us protect your account and devices when you access sensitive info. ;f you don%t have alternate contact info set up for the account yet, you%ll be as'ed to provide it now. ;f you signed in to your $( using a Microsoft account before you installed Windows 8.1, then you might not see this step.

.f you want to create a 3icrosoft account 1. (lic' (reate a new account. 4. Ae t, you%ll be as'ed to choose an email address you%d li'e to use as a Microsoft account. !his can be any email address you use, and isn%t limited to Gust addresses that come from Microsoft. ?nter the email address that you use the most. We%ll use it to set up the Mail and $eople apps for you with email and contacts that you already use every day. 3. ?nter the password you%d li'e to use, and fill in the rest of the info, including your first name, last name, and your country or region. 7. Ae t, you%ll be as'ed to provide an alternate email address or phone number where we can reach you by email, phone, or te t message .SMS0. !his helps us protect your account and devices whenever you access sensitive info using this account. *fter you enter this info, we%ll send a message to you containing a security code, and you%ll need to enter that code to verify that you%re the account owner.

.f you want to #eep using a $oca$ account Windows 8.1 is designed to be used with a Microsoft account, so we recommend that you give it a try. Simply put, a Microsoft account is the glue that holds together so many useful features of the new Windows. Without one, you won%t be able to, for e ample, get new apps from the Windows Store, automatically sync your settings and documents between $(s, bac' up your photos to the cloud so you can get to them from anywhere, or see all your contacts from multiple email and social networ'ing accounts together in the $eople and Mail apps. 2ut if you%re sure you want to use a local account instead, clic' (reate a new account, and then on the new account page, clic' (ontinue using my e isting account.

2#y&rive c$oud storage

S'y&rive screen during setup ;f this is your first time setting up a $( with Windows 8.1, you%ll see the new S'y&rive options. ;f you clic' Ae t on this screen, your $( will use these default S'y&rive settings

$hotos you ta'e with this $( are saved to your camera roll folder on this $(, and a smaller copy of each photo is automatically bac'ed up to your S'y&rive. When you create a new document, the default save location is S'y&rive. 2ut you can always choose to save individual documents locally or on another drive. Windows will save a bac'up copy of your $( settings to S'y&rive. ;f something ever happens to your $( and you need to replace it, your settings are saved in the cloud and you can transfer them to a new $( instantly.

<ou can change any of these settings later in $( settings. ;f you%d prefer to turn off all of these settings now, clic' !urn off these S'y&rive settings .not recommended0.

.nsta$$ updates
2ecause Windows is always being updated, itHs possible that critical updates have become available since Windows 8.1 was released. Windows chec's for these critical updates when you finish setting up Windows 8.1 for the first time, and if it finds any, it will download them automatically. &ownloading and installing these updates might ta'e anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or so, depending on the updates needed. <our $( might also need to restart one or more times to complete the updates.

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