Africa CV

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CURRICULUM VITAE JONATHAN ZILBERG, Ph.D. Education: Ph.D.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Anthropology (1996) B.A.

The University of Texas at Austin. Departments of Molecular Biology and: Biochemistry (1983) Relevant Research Interests: Museums and Knowledge Sector Enhancement in Developing Nations, Religion and Gender, Popular Culture, Art Science Convergences Regional Specializations: Africa (DRC, Nigeria and Zimbabwe), South East Asia (Indonesia), Central and South America (Costa Rica, Amazonia) Select Publications: Africa Response to a radical African feminist interpretation of patriarchy. The Power of Gender, the Gender of Power: Womens Labor Rights and Responsibility in Africa. Eds. Toyin Falola and Bridget Teboh. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press. 2013, pp. 461-500. Wood Sculpture and Masks, Art, Cults, Popular Culture, and Religion, Traditional Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia . Vol. 2, Africa. Ed. Edward Ramsey, pp. 215-17, 236-39, 256-57, 348-51, 361-363. London: SAGE.2012 Revisiting Country Music in Zimbabwe to Reflect Upon the History of the Study of African Popular Culture. Music, Performance and African Identities. Eds. Toyin Falola and Tyler Flemming, pp. 249-79. London: Routledge Press. 2012. A New Theory and Method for the Study of Tourist Art: The Case of the Flow or Happy Family Genre in Zimbabwean Shona Stone Sculpture. Saarburcken: Lambert Academic Publishing. 2011. Painted Drawings by Rhodesian School Children in the Smithsonian. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. 2010. Combating Rape as Weapon of War in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and the Campaign to End Fistula. In Narrating War and Peace in Africa. Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora. Eds., Toyin Falola and Hetty Ter Haar. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. 2010, pp. 113-140.

Shona Sculpture in the British Museum. In Depth Studies. Harare: The National Gallery of Zimbabwe, on-line. 2006 "Shona Sculpture and Documenta. Reflections on Exclusions." In Matatu: African Cultures, Visual Arts and the Museum. Ed. Tobias Doering. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Pp. 101-123. 2002. "The Radical within the Museum: Frank McEwen and the Genesis of Shona Sculpture as a Cultural Struggle at the Rhodes National Gallery" In Kunst aus Zimbabwe - Kunst in Zimbabwe. Eds. Forster, Till and Marina von Assel. Iwalewa Forum. Bayreuth: Universitat Bayreuth. Pp. 131-47, 2001. "The Africa Project" Kate Kuper, Jonathan Zilberg and Sandra Bales. Art Education. Special Issue: How History Can Come Together as Art 3(2):18-24. 2000 "Water Spirits, Shona Culture and Shona Sculpture." Leonardo. Journal of Arts and Sciences Afrique Virtuelle. 2000. "Using the African Collection at Illinois State University as a Resource for Teaching and Research." The Africa Collection. Eds. Steve Meckstroth, Linda Giles, Scott Larson and Allan Richards. CD-ROM. Normal, Illinois. Instructional Technology Services. 1998. "The Case of Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture: The Western Reception of a Modern African Art Form." In Zimbabwe: Past and Present Vol. II. Pp. 29-39. Ed. Geert Bourgois. Royal Museum for Central Africa. Tervuren, Belgium (with French and Dutch editions). 1997. "Yes, It's True: Zimbabweans Love Dolly Parton." First published in Journal of Popular Culture. Special Issue: Anthropology and Popular Culture 29(1):111125. Reprinted in Readings from the Disciplines: Research Models for Writers, 1e. Ed. Christine Hult. New York: Allyn and Bacon. 1995/97. "Shona Sculptures Struggle for Authenticity and Value." Museum Anthropology 19(1):3-24. 1995. Inscriptions and Fantasies in the Invention of Shona Sculpture. Passages: A Chronicle of the Humanities 7:13, 16. 1994. Male Face Mask (mbuya). In Discoveries: African Art from the Smiley Collection. Anita J. Glaze ad Alfred L. Scheinberg, eds. Champaign-Urbana: Krannert Art Museum. Pp. 71. 1989 Ethnic Diversity in Shona SculptureThe Influence of the Nyau Cult on Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture . Collected Papers of the African Studies Association Meetings. 1988 . Abbreviated List of Presentations

Africa, since 1993 On the Value of Collaborative Archival Research: The Case of Frank McEwen. From Mbari Mbayo to Iwalewahaus, Iwalewa Haus, Bayreuth, October 20, 2013. The Priest Who Made Frank McEwens Workshop School Project Possible. Iwalewahaus, Bayreuth, June 4, 2013. On the Value of Archives to Anthropology - On Secrets Stranger Than Fiction in Modern Zimbabwean Art History. Making History . The Terence Ranger Conference, Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 16, 2010. Dambatsoko. An ethnographic film from the Frank McEwen Collection in the British Museum. Making History, The Terence Ranger Conference, Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 15, 2010. Teachers Workshop: The Invention of African Traditions. With Terence Ranger. Center for African Studies and Center for Historical Interpretation, Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 9, 2010. Rape as a Weapon of War in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Center for African Studies. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. October 6, 2010. Radical African Feminist Reactions to Patriarchy. Women, Gender and Sexualities in Africa. University of Texas at Austin. March 26, 2010. Rape as a Weapon of War and Asia Africa Relations with Special Reference to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe and China. 55 Bandung 55. University of Indonesia. Department of Psychology. Jakarta, April 30, 2009. Africa-Asia Relations: The Case of Indonesian Textile Design Transformation in Africa with Special Reference to Ghana and Zimbabwe The Asia-Africa Textile Conference and Exhibition. Nurani Budaya, Culture for Peace and Welfare. Jakarta Convention Center. June 30, 2009. The Cyrene Project. British Zimbabwe Society Executive Committee Meeting. Oxford. April 12, 2008. The Case of Shona Sculpture from Zimbabwe: Spirits for Sale and the Benhura War. Packaging the Past: The Commodification of Heritage. The Cambridge Heritage Seminar. The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Center, Cambridge. April 19, 2008. Golden Germs: Balinese Batuan Painting in Africa and Global Expressionisms. International Seminar:Visual Art and Design For [The] Society. Bandung Institute of Technology. Bandung. December 8, 2007.

Revisiting Country Music in Zimbabwe to Reflect Upon The History of the Study of African Popular Culture. Popular Culture in Africa. University of Texas at Austin. March 29, 2007. Variation and Innovation in Zimbabwean Flow Sculptures. Presented at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, July 22, 2006. The Frank McEwen Collection of Shona Sculpture in the British Museum Presented at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, July 20th, 2006. Kingsley Sambo and Vincent Van Gogh: Afro-German Expressionism at the Rhodes National Gallery, 1957-1977 Paper presented at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, July 13, 2006. A New Theory and Method for the Study of Tourist Art: Variation and Innovation in Zimbabwean Flow Sculpture. In The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalizing World. XVI World Congress of Sociology. Durban. July 24-29, 2006. "Shona Sculpture and Transnational Art Markets." In Transnational Culture Industries and Local Sites of Artistic Production. Ford Foundation Seminar. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, Illinois. 2000. October 4. "The Line, The Moment and The Word: Art, Anthropology and Experience." Institutions of the Visual. Illinois Program of Research in the Humanities. Second Annual Conference. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, Illinois. 2000. March 7. "Bobo Masquerades: A Presentation for Children by Professor Mahir Saul: Bringing Anthropology into K-6 Classrooms through Museums. In "From Theory to Practice: One Museum's Story." National Art Education Association Meetings. Washington, D.C. 1999. March 17. "Formulating and Creating More Effective Means for Communicating High Quality Information about African art." In "Art Education and the African Child" at The Children of Africa: Resources for Learning, Health and Society. Institute for the African Child. Inaugural Conference. Athens, Ohio. 1999. June 17. "Grapes Upon the Vine: John Ruskin's Philosophy of Arts Education in Africa." Paper presented in "Arts and Crafts Movements and the Tourist/Ethnic Arts: Reflections on the Creation of Lives with Industry and Industry with Art," at the 98th. Annual American Anthropological Association Meetings. Chicago, Illinois. 1999. November 17. Return to Origins: On the Relevance of the Manchester School to Social Anthropology South of the Zambezi. Visions and Voices: The 50th Anniversary of Manchester Anthropology 1949-1999. International Center for Cross-Cultural

Research. Post-colonial Subjectivities in Africa. Manchester, England. 1999. October 28. White Rhodesian Colonial Jewry and Contemporary African Art, 1947-1996. Metropolitan Non-Dominant Groups as (Part of) Local Elites in Colonial and Post-Colonial Societies. Department of Social Anthropology. University of Manchester. Manchester. 1999. May 17. "Formulating and Creating More Effective Means for Communicating High Quality Information about African art." In "Art Education and the African Child" at The Children of Africa: Resources for Learning, Health and Society. Institute for the African Child Inaugural Conference. Athens, Ohio. 1999. June 16-19. "Battles in the Marketplace: Shona Sculpture versus Airport Art." In "African Artists in the Marketplace." 37th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association. Toronto. 1994. November 6. The Authentication of Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture, or The Invention of Shona Sculpture." 115th.Annual Meeting of the American Ethnological Society. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 1993. April 15-18 "Shona Sculpture and Dolly Parton: Inscriptions in the Material World." The Institute for the Advanced Study and Research in the African Humanities. Northwestern University, Evanston, Il. 1993. October 13. Inscriptions and Fantasies in the Invention of Shona Sculpture." In "Texts in Objects Workshop" at The Institute for the Advanced Study and Research in the African Humanities. Northwestern University, Evanston, Il. 1993. November 5. "Why Zimbabweans Love Dolly Parton and Do Not Buy Shona Sculpture." 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Washington D.C. 1993. November 15. African Book Publishing Record Reviews Music in Mission: Mission Through Music: A South African Case Study by Claudio Steinart. African Book Publishing Record. 2009. Manning the Nation: Father figures in Zimbabwean literature and society. Kizito Z. Muchemwa and Robert Muponde, eds. Weaver Press. 2007. African Book Publishing Record. 2009. Stealing Empire: P2P, intellectual property and hip-hop subversion. Adam Haupt. HSRC (Human Sciences Research Council) Press. 2008. African Book Publishing Record. 2009. Women, Religion and HIV/AIDS in Africa: Responding to Ethical and Theological Challenges. Teresia. M. Hinga, Anne Nkirote Kubai, Philomena Mwaura and Hazel Ayanga, eds. Cluster Publications. 2008. African Book Publishing Record. 2009.

Power, Politics and Identity in South African Media: Selected Seminar Papers. Adrian Hadland, Eric Louw, Simphiwe Sesanti and Herman Wasserman, eds. HSRC Press. 2008. African Book Publishing Record. 2009. Anthropological Reviews Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism and Popular Music in Zimbabwe by Thomas Turino. Journal of Cultural Studies (Lagos) 3(2):514-522. 2002. Embodying Colonial Memories: Spirit Possession, Power, and the Hauka in West Africa by Paul Stoller. Anthropological Quarterly 71(1):45-47. 1998. Weaving the Threads of Life: The Khita Gyn-Eco-Logical Healing Cult among the Yaka by Renee Devisch, in American Ethnologist 22(4):1089-1090. 1995. A Zimbabwean Past: Shona Dynastic Histories and Oral Traditions by David Beach, in The International Journal of African Historical Studies 28(3):684-688. 1995. African Art in Transit by Christopher Steiner, in The International Journal of African Historical Studies 28(2):464-466. 1995. Teaching Experience on Africa Excluding Teaching Assistantships. Instructor. Shona Language and Culture. Department of Linguistics. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2000-2. Assistant Instructor. African Film. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. With Dr. Mahir Saul. 1998. Visiting Lecturer. African Art and Culture, an undergraduate seminar working on the African collection. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Illinois State University. Normal, Illinois. 1995. Academic-Public Development Projects Power and Beauty: A Learning Module on African Art and Culture. A ten year traveling exhibit with active learning teaching units supplemented with high quality materials designed to stimulate creative active learning. Circulated through Champaign-Urbana middle and high schools and the Department of Curricular Development at Illinois State University, Bloomington-Normal. Krannert Art Museum at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in conjunction with Milner Library and the Department of Anthropology at Illinois State University. 1996-2006. African Arts and Cultures: Of Lions, Rabbits and Mbiras, Bobo Masquerades, Parallel Worlds and In the Shadow of the Sacred Grove. (1998). Four educational videos produced as a collaboration between the Program for Art Education and the Educational Assistance Technologies Group with faculty in the Departments of Anthropology, Ethnomusicology and English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Bobo Masquerades was given an award by the Society for Visual Anthropology at the 98th Annual American Anthropological Association Meetings in Chicago, Illinois in 1999.

Training undergraduates to conduct research with The Africa Collection at Illinois State University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology in 1995. Discussion on teaching about authenticity including the curriculum and examples of student work included in "Using the African Collection at Illinois State University as a Resource for Teaching and Research." The Africa Collection. CD-ROM. Eds. Steve Meckstroth, Linda Giles, Scott Larson and Allan Richards. (1998). Normal, Illinois. Instructional Technology Services. 1995/1998. Select Non-Africa Related Work at Leonardo Reviews Coming to You Wherever You Are: MuchMusic, MTV and Youth Identities. Kip Pegley. Wesleyan University Press. 2008. Leonardo. February, 2009. Philosophy of New Music. Theodor Adorno. Translated, Edited and with an Introduction by Robert Hullot-Kentor. University of Minnesota Press. 2006. Leonardo. January, 2009. Combined documentary film review. Six Films on Human Rights and a Rite: The Order of Myths, In Search of Ghandi, Baghdad Twist, Taxi to the Dark Side, Strawberry Fields, Jesus Politics and Killers Paradise. Leonardo. January, 2009. Native Moderns: American Indian Painting, 1940-1960. Bill Anthes. Leonardo 41(3):293-94. 2008. Sweet Anticipation. . David Huron. Leonardo 41(1):88-89. 2008. All Creatures: Naturalists, Collectors, and Biodiversity, 1850-1950. Robert Kohler. Leonardo 41(2):195 96. 2008. Among the Jasmine Trees: Music and Modernity in Syria. Leonardo 40(3):30203. 2007. On-Line and Print Book and Film Reviews at Leonardo See: Also see, 201.01.pdf (Un)common Ground Creative Encounters across Sectors and Discipline by Cathy Brickwood et. al. Weimar on the Pacific : German Exile Culture in Los Angeles and the Crisis of Modernism. Ehrhard Bahr. Museum Frictions: Public Cultures/Global Transformations eds. Ivan Karp, Corrine Kratz, Lyn Szwaja and Tomas Ybarra-Frausto. Native Moderns: American Indian Painting, 1940-196. Bill Anthes. Pin-Up Grrrls: Feminism, Sexuality, Popular Culture. Maria Elena Buszek. After the Revolution: Antoine-Jean Gros, Painting and Propaganda Under Napoleon. David OBrien. Curating Immateriality: The Work of Art in the Age of Network Systems, ed. Joasia Krysa. With Amusement For All: A History of American Popular Culture Since 1830 by LeRoy Ashby. Among the Jasmine Trees: Music and Modernity in Contemporary Syria. Jonathan Holt Shannon.

Film Reviews in Print at Leonardo, MIT Press Hats of Jerusalem. (2005). Nati Adler. New York: First Run/Icarus Films. Leonardo vol. 40, no. 5. 2007. Dreamers of Arnhem Land. Chris Walker. New York: First Run/Icarus Films. Leonardo vol. 40, no. 4. 2007. "Tengenenge." Film Review. Mango Productions (1995). African Arts XXXIV(3):79-80, 96. 2001. "Nicholas Mukomberanwa" and "Talking Stones." Combined film review. Mango Productions. (1998 and 2000). African Arts XXXIV(3):80-81, 96. 2001. Film Reviews on-line at Leonardo: The On-Line Arts and Sciences Journal The Future of Mud by Susan Vogel. New York: Prince Street Pictures. 2008. Democratic Revolutionary Handbook. First Run/Icarus Films. 2007. Bullshit. Pea Holmquist and Suzanne Khardalian. A Cinema Guild Release. 2007. Out of Place: Memories of Edward Said. Makoto Sato. First Run/Icarus Films. 2006. The Dreamers of Arnhem Land. Chris Walker. First Run/Icarus Films. 2006. Hats of Jerusalem. Nati Adler. First Run/Icarus Films. 2006. They Chose China. Shuibo Wang. First Run/Icarus Films. 2006. Edward Said. Makato Sato. First Run/Icarus Films. 2005 Academic Affiliations: Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia. Visiting Research Scholar. 2014. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA, Center for African Studies, Associate Research Scholar. 2010-present. Universitas Negeri Islam Syarif Hidayatulla, Graduate School, Jakarta (UIN), Indonesia. Visiting Research Associate and Lecturer. 2011-2013. University of Plymouth (UP), Department for Transtechnoogy, UK, Visiting Research Associate, 2010-2013. University of Indonesia, Faculty of Economics. Visiting Lecturer. 2006. Honors, Fellowships and Grants: Conference Travel Grant, University of Bayreuth, 2013. Fulbright Grant Approved at IIE, Washington D.C in affiliation with the National Gallery of Zimbabwe and Midlands State University, 2010-2011. Conference Travel Grant. Oxford University. Department of English. May 2009 Visiting Research Fellowship. National Museum of African Art. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C. April 1 June 30, 2008. Visiting Research Fellow. Royal Anthropological Institute, London. April 1 April 30, 2008

Zora Neale Hurston Fellow. Rockefeller doctoral advancement grant. Institute for the Advanced Study and Research in the African Humanities. Program for African Studies. Northwestern University. 1993-94. Social Science Research Council. International Doctoral Research Fellowship. 1990. Fulbright Award. USIS/IIE. Doctoral research grant. 1990. Graduate College Foreign Language Area Study Fellowships, Pre-dissertation Research and Travel Awards. Center for African Studies and School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1985-86, 88-90. References Available Upon Request Depending on Region and Topic

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