Netcat Manual
Netcat Manual
Netcat Manual
Netcat is a network utillity for reading and writing network connection that support TCP and UDP protocol.Netcat is a Trojan that uses to open TCP or UDP ports on a target system,and hacker use it with telnet to gain shell access to the target system. What you will Learn... You can use netcat for scan P address You can use Netcat for simple !anner gra!!ing You can use netcat for an "C messanger What you should know You must knowing a!out TCP# P and UDP protocol netcat $riginally released in %&&',and often referred to as a ()wiss *rmy knife( utility, and for good reason.Netcat can !e port scanning, transferring files, gra!!ing !anners, port listening and redirection, and a !ackdoor.netcat is a +erion of cat program,,ust as cat reads and writes information to files, Netcat reads and writes information across network connections.Netcat $riginally coded for UN -,!ut can !e run in many operation system.for download netcat go to or http.##nc%%/ .some of Netcat features are .
Outbound or inbound connections, TCP or UDP, to or from any ports Full DNS forward/reverse c ec!in", wit appropriate warnin"s #bility to use any local source port #bility to use any locally$confi"ured networ! source address %uilt$in port$scannin" capabilities, wit randomi&er %uilt$in loose source$routin" capability Can read command line ar"uments from standard input Slow$send mode, one line every N seconds 'e( dump of transmitted and received data Optional ability to let anot er pro"ram service establis ed connections Optional telnet$options responder
n the 0//', 1Nmap hacker2 detect netcat as the second )trongest network utillity and in 0//3 and 0//' it 4ained fourth place. *fter downloading Netcat,to confirm that Netcat installed correctly, type nc h or netcat h to display the help screen.
5igure %.Netcat help in 6indows 7etween 4NU#8inu9 +ersion and 6indows +ersion some difference is e9ist,for e9ample :8 in windows +ersion,show a persistent listening mode and in 8inu9 this parameter use for tunneling mode.*lso, the 8inu9 +ersion includes ;< that displays +ersion information !ut in 6indows this parametre not e9ist.
5igure 0.Netcat help in 8inu9 n this article we e9plore more useful command that Do you need it most.these option for 4NU=8inu9 +ersion and 6indows +ersion are the same. 5or put netcat into ser+er or listening mode,use nc l command and nc *lone run Netcat in client mode. 5or close at end of file 1>$52 from standard input 1stdin2 use :c option and this option only a+aila!le in the run netcat at the !ackground use :d option. $ne of the most powerful commands is ;e prog.This option, a+aila!le only in ser+er mode and help you to run the specific program when a client connects to it.Please see flowing commands .
nc l p 12345 e c d.e!e "Windows# nc l p 12345 e $%in$%ash "Linu!# 7oth commands are similar,!ut on different systems. The first command e9ecutes Netcat in ser+er mode on port %03?@ and e9ecute cmd.e9e,the second command like first command !ut e9ecutes a !ash shell in 8inu9.To test this option, start Netcat in ser+er mode .
5igure 3.Netcat in ser+er mode then open second window and run netcat in client mode .
5igure ?.netcat in client mode now hit enter,you see Aicrosoft !anner information and a new command prompt !ut it may!e seem a !it o!scure !ut donBt worry,youCre running a command prompt through Netcat.ok,type >9it and you will see that the Netcat ser+er closes in the first window. To start Netcat in ser+er mode on a 8inu9 !o9 type nc l p 12345 e $%in$%ash. Now open a command prompt in 6indows and start Netcat in client mode.
5igure @."esult of e9ecute Netcat To configure netcat for use source routing,use :g or :4 option,7ut note most routers !lock
source:routed packets,so this options )lightly o!solete. *s we said earlier ,for display help use :h switch.use the i option to set a delay,this option my !e useful for scanning ports with rate limiting. To place Netcat in listening mode or ser+er mode use the l option.!y defult netcat is a single: use program and when connection is closed,netcat closed.:l option reopens Netcat with the same command line after the original connection is closed.
nc l p 12345 e c d.e!e &L
use the n option To allow numeric:only P addresses,6ithout n, Netcat will display forward and re+erse name and address lookup for the specified host.
To specify a special port use :p port,8ike !elow . nc l p 12345 at the top e9ample Netcat is run in ser+er mode and listening a connections on port %03?@. to specify more than one port for Netcat you can use comma for seperate or e+en use range of port and common port names. Netcat can also scan ports in client mode that the ;p option is not necessary. f you specify a range of ports Netcat starts at the top and go to the !ottom.for e9ample if you ask netcat for scan ports %/;3/,it will start at 3/ and !ackwards to %/. to scan randomiDe port use the ;r option.for spoofing the location you can use ;s option to change the source address of a packet. You can use netcat as a telnet ser+er,To configure Netcat to answer Telnet,use the ser+er:specific ;t command. 7y defult netcat use TCP,for UDP configured use the ;u switch.)ince UDP is a connectionless protocol, it is recommended that you use timeouts with this option. Using netcat as )imple Chat nterface *s we said earlier Netcat is a networking program designed to read and write data across connections.easiest way to understand how Netcat work is set up a ser+er and client. n one terminal window, start the ser+er. nc l p 12345 n a second window, connect to the ser+er with the client.
nc localhost 12345 when you enter a te9t n one of the window and hit enter,your te9t send to another window.see !elow figure.
5igure E.Netcat as messenger 'ort (cannin) with Netcat for port scanning with netcat use flowing synta9 . nc *options+ hostna e *ports+ *s we said,you scan use range,commas and name of port for !elow we show you some e9ample . nc , 1-2.1./.1.4 210 /10 443 nc , 1-2.1./.1.4 1&211 nc , 1-2.1./.1.4 http 2rans3errin) 4iles with netcat pulling file $ne application of netcat is transferring files.netcat can pull and push files.see !low e9ample for understand . nc l p 12345 5 te!t3ile n the a!o+e e9ample,Netcat is started in ser+er mode on local port %03?@, and is offering te9tfile.* client who connects to this ser+er is pulling the file from the ser+er, and will recei+e te9tfile . nc 1-2.1./.1.4 12345 6 te!t3ile pushing file netcat can also !e used to push files.please see !elow e9ample . start Netcat in ser+er mode.
nc l p 12345 6 te!t3ile push the file !y starting Netcat in client mode. nc 1-2.1./.1.4 12345 5 te!t3ile 7anner 8ra%%in) finally,$ne of the main netcat features is !anner gra!!ing.7anner gra!!ing is a techniFue to determine the !rand, +ersion, operating system and ser+ice or application.use !elow synta9 . nc &, 9' port when you hit enter,*fter a few seconds you see some information a!out your P address and port num!er,then write GET / 'TTP/)*) and hit enter and see some information a!out your +ictim.
5igure &.7anner gra!!ing Send an email with netcat please make a te9t file and write your message like this . 8isting %.Aessage )ynta9
'+,O ost*e(ample*com -#., F/O-01test2 ost*e(ample*com3 /CPT TO01bob2e(ample*com3 D#T# From0 4#lice5 1alice2"ee!*com3 To0 1bob2e(ample*com3 Date0 -on, )6 #pr 67)7 )806)069 $7877 Sub:ect0 Test -essa"e 'i t ere; T is is supposed to be a real email*** 'ave a "ood day; #lice * <U.T
Now feed this te9t file to the netcat program as follows. 8isting 0.5eed message to Netcat nc 0@ G #tmp#message
667 6=7 6=7 6=7 >=8 6=7 66) @ myrelay*domain*com +S-TP myrelay*domain*com sender 1alice2 ac!er*com3 o! recipient 1bob2secure*net3 o! "o a ead o!0 -essa"e 666667?76 accepted myrelay*domain*com
;onnect to an 9<; ser,er with netcat you can use Netcat for connect to "C is +ery easy and you only need to create a !atch file.create a !atch file and write flowing command in it. Hecho off echo Connecting you to "C irc.0'//.net nc :+ 0/E.%%%[email protected]@ '''I U)>" Nc Nick YourNickJere re3erence = Netcat Power Tools Jackers 7eware : Defending Your Network 5rom The 6iley Jacker NetCat Jacker Aanual * Jandy Pocket 4uide for Your Cat http.##nc%%/