Unbrick MTK
Unbrick MTK
Unbrick MTK
"stall MTK driver # $orrect S% Flash Tool Do You Have Your MTK Device Factory R M ? No Google it Does Your MTK Device have Meta-Mode ? No !de"ti&y Test%oi"t Short Test%oi"t # Do'"load Factory R M Activate Meta-Mode # Do'"load Factory R M Yes Yes
What is brick MTK device brick symptom : Cannot power on, no charging icon when charging, cannot boot to recovery or bootloader, no PreLoader !" #C$M detection at %evice Manager PreLoader !" #C$M & Witho't battery then pl'gin yo'r MTK device !" to the PC will activate it( $nly d'ring these )ew seconds, *actory +$M, )irmware is permitted to be downloaded( *actory +$M & -o'r MTK device )irmware( Can be downloaded )rom yo'r man')act'rer web site i) yo' bo'ght branded devices s'ch as Lenovo, .T/, .opo 0 etc( Can also be back'p with MTK %roid Tools( 1) yo' didn2t do a back'p or yo' can2t )ind yo'r device man')act'rer web site then 'se google 0 search )or yo'r MTK device )or'm, be it in Chinese or +'ssian, 'se google translate 0 ask the 'sers there to back'p the *actory +$M )or yo' to 'nbrick yo'rs( MTK Meta3Mode & Combination o) hardware key to activate MediaTek !" #C$M )or downloading *actory +$M when PreLoader is missing or not responding to normal download( Typical Meta3Mode combinations key 4( Witho't battery, hold #ol'me3 p, don2t let go then pl'gin !" cable to PC 5( Witho't battery, hold #ol'me3%own, don2t let go then pl'gin !" cable to PC 6( Witho't battery, hold both #ol'me3 p 0 %own, don2t let go then pl'gin !" cable to PC TestPoint MTK TestPoint & !hort TestPoint typical label as KC$L7 at PC" to any metal part which is typically G8% will activate Meta3Mode )or downloading *actory +$M, )irmware( !ome MTK device has the Testpoint 'nder the PC" so yo' will have to dismantle whole PC" to be able to access it( 9 re)erence dismantling video here( !P*T & MTK !mart Phone *lash Tool )or downloading *actory +$M, )irmware( The latest version doesn2t necessary will work so again, google it, some older MTK devices re:'ire older version )or s'ccess)'ll downloading )or 'nbricking(
nbricking Tips
$riginal +'ssian thread here 'se google translate 0 ;da 'nbrick thread here 0 make s're yo' read every page, many good 'sers response 0 tips( +ead it again 0 again, even i with electronics backgro'nd don2t learn it in a day or two < 9 re)erence nbrick video by )ellow ;da )riend rnovino 0 take note partic'larly at 47:7= )or the !" Connect so'nd when the correct TestPoint has been identi)y as not all is labeled as KC$L7 at the PC"( 9s per advice by r'a4, it is advisable to 'se 100 to 1000 ohms resistor as yo' wo'ldn2t want to short the !" = #olt directly to G8% while identi)ying the TestPoint < Typical proced're )or 'nbricking as below : Meta3Mode Click at !P*T 3> *irmware3> pgrade 3> ?old ?ardware key combination@Meta3ModeA, don2t let go 3> Pl'gin yo'r MTK device to the PC TestPoint With yo'r MTK device already pl'gin to the PC witho't battery, at !P*T 3> click at *irmware3> pgrade then short TestPoint to any metal part on yo'r MTK device( 1) yo'r device is boot loop, hal)3brick then the proced're is di))erent( !ome MTK devices re:'ire battery while some doesn2t 0 i) downloading )ail then try vice3versa( Typically yo' only need to download only the system(img( With battery -o'r MTK device with the battery already pl'gin to the PC, at !P*T 3> click at %ownload then take o't battery then p't it back( Witho't battery -o'r MTK device witho't battery 0 !" not connected to PC, at !P*T 3> click at %ownload 3> now only pl'gin !" to PC( 1) it doesn2t work then try other combination b't make s're yo' have already install the MTK driver(