Best Internet Technology and Provider
Best Internet Technology and Provider
Best Internet Technology and Provider
Group members names !adi "#mal Bin Idris Muhamad Mua**am Bin Ngadinas Muhammad +au,i Bin +iron Mohd Na-ib Bin .thman Muhammad !ai#al Bin amal Baharin
+ubmitted to: Pn2 Nurdayana I*yan binti "hmad "hsan 3ecturer 4epartment o, 3anguages Centre ,or 3anguages and !uman 4evelopment 5niversiti Te#ni#al Malaysia Mela#a
We are given a task by lecturer to create a renewal in one company. Assume we are hired by Domingo Company. As a multinational company with a strong background in the business of telecommunication, electrical, manufacturing and mechanical engineering. Our group have proposed to setup new internet connection at the new building block. We also have chart of organization that include team member in certain position. t is easier to give member a task to research. !esides that, in our discussion we talk about the technology and medium that want to applied. "urthermore, our company used the old technology internet that not support current employed that increase by time. #astly, our discussion have been made to achieved the ob$ective that cover the use of internet among the employed.
%o implement the new package that will cover server enviroment. %o implement the high speed connection at the new building block. %o cover the increasing that use internet by increasing the capacity.
Problem +tatement
%he company use the old package which not support and cover for a server environment &erver at the new building block re'uire high speed connection. ncreasing the use of internet among the employed.
+cope We are focus to research the technologies that want to use such as fiber optic, ((oe, and wireless connection. !esides that, we also highlight the service provider)s package between ma*is and %elekom +alaysia. !ased on the budget, we are creating a structure financial to achieve efficient pro$ect
Method Investigation %he method that we use to collect information such as,
Phone Call %his method involve information about featured package that provide. +oreover, that include the capacity and others such thing.
1esearch and survey %his investigation include the member that specialist in field of work base on e*perience. !eside that, we also collect information from others company that already use latest technology.
4I+C5++I.N n discussion our group need to choose the best solution for new internet installation in a new building of our company, in our discussion during meeting we have three suggestions for technology and also two suggestion for best provider internet to our company. %echnology discussions are as followed, -. "iber Optic .. ((oe /. Wireless
3sing "iber Optic 3sing cooper cable 3sing radio signal cable flat (C %elephone from satellite Cable +a*imum 4igabyte5sec
UniFi connects to the internet using a faster fiber technology broadband
+a*imum +egabyte5sec
Streamyx connects to the internet using an older, called xDSL slower (Digital broadband technology Subscriber Line).
-. "iber Optic A technology that uses glass 1or plastic2 threads 1fibers2 to transmit data. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which was capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light waves. "iber optics had several advantages over traditional metal communications lines there was fiber optic cables have a much greater bandwidth than metal cables. %his means that they can carry more data and fiber optic cables were less susceptible than metal cables to interference. %he cables are much thinner and lighter than metal wires. Data can be transmitted digitally 1the natural form for computer data2 rather than analogically. %herefore 3nifi 3ser "iber8Optic cable 1faster2 3sing "iber Optic cable +a*imum 4igabytes 3ni"i connects to the internet using a faster fiber broadband technology
.. (((oe Acronym for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. (((o7 relies on two widely accepted standards, ((( and 7thernet. (((o7 is a specification for connecting the users on an 7thernet to the nternet through a common broadband medium, such as a single D&# line, wireless device or cable modem. All the users over the 7thernet share a common connection, so the 7thernet principles supporting multiple users in a #A9 combine with the principles of (((, which apply to serial connections. %he uses of (((oe , &treamy* 3ses D&# !roadband %echnology 1&lower2 3sing cooper cable flat (C %elephone Cable +a*imum -6 +egabyte5sec &treamy* connects to the internet using an older, slower broadband technology called *D&# 1Digital &ubscriber #ine2. /. Wireless
%he word wireless was dictionary defined as : having no wires:. n networking terminology, wireless was the term used to described any computer network where there was no physical wired connection between sender and receiver, but rather the network was connected by radio waves and5or microwaves to maintain communications. Wireless networking utilizes specific e'uipment such as 9 Cs, A(s and routers for connectivity. %he 3se of wireless , A wireless nternet service provider 1W &(2 3sing radio signal from satellite -6 megabyte5sec 7asy to installation and also save money to company
(rovider as followed, -. %elekom +alaysia 0 .. +a*is All . fibre broadband providers were using the same ;igh &peed !roadband 1;&!!2 fibre optics network. %he coverage area was essentially the same, no single provider having any advantage over the other. A comparion of how much you will be paying for -+bps of download speed per month for each package. 3nlimited download 'uota pending further announcement in the future. %he standard installation fee of <+.66 was waived during the promotion period. Additional works that considered as non8standard will be charge accordingly
16C.MM6N4"TI.N We suggest that the technology used for the installation of the internet is to use fiber optic as this is the latest technology and the best so far for data delivery and faster using this medium. "iber optic use light to transmit data and ensures that data delivery and can be done 'uickly. %he speed of fiber optic is faster than technology used in the present company. "or service providers, we also suggest that use service provider from +a*is because +a*is offer packages for business better from %elekom +alaysia. (ackages that +a*is offer is /6+bps for internet speed and %elekom +alaysia only offer .6+bps for internet speed. %his is the main different for this both service provider and we can see +a*is offer a better package for business. n conclusion we choose fiber optic for the installation of internet and +a*is as service providers.