HOME SCIENCE (Code No. 064) : Objectives
HOME SCIENCE (Code No. 064) : Objectives
HOME SCIENCE (Code No. 064) : Objectives
Unit I: Concept of Home Science and its Scope (Periods 2)
Home Science and its scope.
Unit II: Know myself : Issues related to adolescents (Periods 33)
Adolescence definition
(i) Physical development - growth spurt, sexual development.
(ii) Social and Emotional development : family and socialisation pattern of priority, parentel
control techniques, role of siblips and grandparents, development of peer relatioship &
freindship patterns.
Interest in opposite sex, development of gender role, stero type, role of school and teacher,
identity crises, storm and stress, anger managment.
(iii) Cognitive development.
Individual differences:
Difference between two sex and same sex, early and late maturers, role of heredity and
environment (family, peers, school, neighbourhood, community and world)
Special Needs of adolescents :
(i) Nutritional problems of adolescents - Iodine deficiency disease (IDD) Anaemia.
(ii) Casues of obesity in adolescents - eating out, nutrition transition and lack of excercise.
(iii) Eating disorders of adolescents - anorexia nervosa, bulemia.
Some problems of adolescence:
Depression; alcohol, drugs and smoking; delinquency; summary; problems related to sex;
HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases;
Population Education:
(i) Causes and effects of overpopulation.
(ii) Neglect of girl child - causes, government incentives to improve status of girl child and
women empowerment.
First Aid
(i) First aid in cuts, burns, fractures, bites (snake and dog), poisoning and fainting.
Unit III : Nutrition for Self and Family (Periods 45)
(i) Definition of food, nutrition, (WHO) health and Nutritional status.
Functions of food:
Physiological (body building, energy giving, protective, regulatory), psychological and social
Selection of foods for optimum nutrition and good health:
(i) Nutrients : sources, functions and deficiency and its prevention, Proteins, Carbohydrates,
Fats, Vitamins- Fat soluble (A, D, E, K) and water soluble (B
, B
, Niacin, Folic acid, B
and and Vitamin C), Minerals (Calcium, Iron, Zinc and Iodine).
(ii) Basic Food Groups (ICMR) and their contribution ; Concept of Balanced diet, food and
nutritional requirements for family (ICMR tables).
(iii) Factors influencing selection of food : culture, family food practices, media, peer group
and availability of foods
Maximum nutritive value from food by proper selection, preparation, cooking and storage:
(i) Selection and Storage of Foods : Perishable, semi-perishable, non-perishable,
convenience foods and their storage. Selection of fruits, vegetables, egg, fish, poultry,
milk and milk products.
(ii) Preservation of food :
(a) Reasons of spoilage of food
(b) Brief description of household methods of preservations -
- Refrigeration, dehydration
- Use of chemicals and household preservatives (salt, sugar, oil).
(iii) Preparation of food : loss of nutrients during preparation of food and their minimization.
(iv) Cooking :
(a) Principles of cooking
(b) Methods of cooking - boiling, steaming, pressure cooking, deep and shallow frying,
baking, sauteing, roasting, grilling, solar cooking and microwave cooking.
(c) Effect of cooking on the nutritive value of food.
(d) Methods of enhancing nutritive value-germination, fermentation, fortification and
food combination.
Unit IV: My Resources and Community (Periods 36)
(i) Resources: Meaning, characteristics and types:
(a) Human / Personal Resources : knowledge, skills, time, energy, attitudes;
(b) Non-human / material resources : money, goods, property;
(c) Community facilities / shared resources : Schools, parks, hospitals, roads, transport, water,
electricity, library, fuel and fodder.
(d) Need to manage the resources and methods of conservation of shared resources.
(ii) Management:
(a) Meaning and need for management.
(b) Steps in management: planning, organizing, controlling, implementing and evaluation.
(c) Decision making and its role in management.
(iii) Time and energy management:
(a) Need and procedure for managing time for occupation and leisure.
(b) Work simplifications : meaning and methods.
(c) Need and ways to organize space in a house.
(d) Use of colours and accessories to make house attractive - prang colour wheel dimensions
of colours, classes and colour schemes.
(iv) Work ethics:
(a) Meaning and importance; discipline at work place; reaching on time, staying in seat, knowing
the job, using polite language.
Unit V: My Apparel (Periods 34)
(i) Introduction to Fibre Science:
(a) Characteristics of fibre
(b) Classifications of fibre
- Natural-cotton, silk and wool
- Man-made (Regenerated & Synthetic), (rayon nylon and polyester)
- Blends - Characteristics (terrycot, terrysilk, terrywool).
(ii) Fabric Construction:
(a) Yarn making : Basic procedure of making yarn (cotton, wool, silk and nylon).
(b) Weaving: Basic mechanism, types of weaves : plain (basket and rib), twill, sateem & satin
weave. A brief mention of special weaves (pile and jacquard weaves)
(c) Other methods of fabric constructions : knitting and nonwoven fabrics. (felting and bonding).
(d) Effect of weaves on appearance, durability and maintenance of garment.
(iii) Fabric Finishes:
(a) Meaning and importance.
(b) Classification of finishes.
- Basic finishes : (cleaning scouring), singeing, bleaching, stiffening, calendering and
- Special finshes : (Mercerisation, shrinkage control (sanforizing), water proofing)
Time: 3 Hours 30 Marks
I. Concept of Home Science -
II. Know myself -
III. Nutrition for Self & Family 8
IV. My Resources and Community 8
V. My Apparel 7
Record 5
Viva 2
Total 30
Unit I : Concept of Home Science (Periods 2)
Unit II : Know myself : issues related to adolescents (Periods 8)
Activity: Observe and test your own strengths and weaknesses; Discuss about them in class with
your teacher and fellow students; take decision about maximum utilization of strength, overcoming
weaknesses, stress management.
Activity: Report situations from your life to indicate your interaction within the family, with peers and
with members of the community.
Unit III : Nutrition for Self and Family (Periods 28)
Activity: Look for signs of good poor health within your family.
Activity: Make a list of foods available in the local market according to food groups.
Activity: Observe how different food stuffs are stored at home and evaluate the effectiveness of the
method; practise skills to preserve and optimise nutrients by preparing meals and snacks.
Practical: Preparing nutritions snacks, canteen meal/mid-day meal.
Practical: Household methods of food preservation - Jam, Squash / Pickles / Chutney.
Unit IV : My Resources and Community (Periods 30)
Activity (Observation): Observe and list resources available at home and in neighbourhood. Make
a detailed study on available community resource and its management, suggest improvements.
Activity: Critically evaluate anyone activity centre of your house. Suggest improvements.
Activity: Suggest a work plan for yourself for a day and state where and why will you take help from
Practicals: Make flower and foliage arrangements, floor decorations, clean and polish copper or
brass, glass and iron.
Unit V : My Apparel (Periods 24)
Activity: Collect samples of fabrics and study characteristics for identification.
Activity: Collect samples of weaves and identify them.
Practicals: Carry out burning test, slippage test, tearing test and test for colour fastness.
Practical: Dyeing: tie and dye, block printing on small sample.
One Paper (Theory) Time: 3 Hours 70 Marks
Unit Marks
I. Know Little Children 17
II. Nutrition for Self, Family and Community 17
III. Money Management and Consumer Education 17
IV. My Apparel 17
V. Things I can do with my Home Science Training 2
Total 70
Unit I: Know Little Children (0-3 years) (Periods 34)
Some specific characteristics: physical - height, weight and body proportions; motor development
during 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months and 1-3 years (milestones only); social and
emotional developments; expression of emotions, socialization; cognitive development and language
Protection from preventable diseases: immunization - concept and types (natural and acquired),
breast feeding (one of the ways to develop natural immunity); immunization chart; symptoms
prevention, after care and incubation period of childhood diseases - tuber culosis, Diptheria, pertussis,
tetanus, polio, measles, cholera, diarrhoea, chicken pox.
Special needs of disadvantaged and disabled children: socially disadvantaged, physically
handicapped (Blind, partially blind & deaf, affected/missing limb): characteristics & needs.
Substitute care at home and outside: siblings, grand parents, neighbour/creche, day care centres
etc: Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) - objectives and functions.
Unit II : Nutrition for Self, Family and Community (Periods 36)
Planning meals for the family: meaning and importance of meal planning, principles and factors
affecting meal planning, planning meals for the family; keeping in mind the needs of individual members,
infants, schoolgoing children adolecents, pregnant women, lactating mother.