Gascon Vs Arroyo
Gascon Vs Arroyo
Gascon Vs Arroyo
ons, %hanne" $ & %hanne" ', #h!ch they have operate( thro)*h the A+,-%+. +roa(cast!n* %orporat!on $. /hen 0art!a" La# #as (ec"are( T1 %hanne" ' #as c"ose( by the !"!tary2 thereafter, !ts fac!"!t!es #ere ta3en over by the 4an"aon +roa(cast!n* ,yste #h!ch operate( !t as a co erc!a" T1 stat!on. 5n 1968, the T1 stat!on an( !ts fac!"!t!es #ere ta3en over by the .at!ona" 0e(!a 7ro()ct!on %enter, #h!ch operate( !t as the 0ahar"!3a +roa(cast!n* ,yste T1 '. After the 89,A :evo")t!on, the 7res!(ent!a" %o !ss!on on Goo( Govern ent (7%GG) se!ze( the afore ent!one( T1 ,tat!ons, an( thereafter, the Off!ce of e(!a Affa!rs too3 over the operat!on of T1 %hanne" '. ;. On Apr!" 16, 1986, the Lopez fa !"y, thro)*h the!r co)nse" re<)este( 7res!(ent A<)!no to or(er the ret)rn of T1 %hanne" $ & ' to the Lopez fa !"y. '. On =)ne 1;, 1986 the Lopez fa !"y a(e a #r!tten re<)est to 7%GG for the ret)rn of T1 %hanne" $. On =)ne 18, 1986, the 7%GG approve( the ret)rn of T1 stat!on %hanne" $ to the Lopez fa !"y. The ret)rn #as a(e on October 18, 1986. >. Thereafter the Lopez fa !"y re<)este( for the ret)rn of T1 %hanne" '. Act!n* )pon the re<)est, respon(ent 8?ec)t!ve ,ecretary, by the a)thor!ty of the 7res!(ent, entere( !nto #!th the A+,-%+. +roa(cast!n* %orporat!on an @A*ree ent to arb!trateA, p)rs)ant to #h!ch an Arb!trat!on %o !ttee #as create(. An( beca)se of the A*ree ent to arb!trate, pet!t!oners f!"e( the !nstant pet!t!on. The pet!t!oners #ante( to ann)" an( set as!(e the A*ree ent to Arb!trate. 5ss)es: 1. /hether or not the pet!t!oners have "e*a" stan(!n* to f!"e an !nstant caseB $. /hether or not the 8?ec)t!ve ,ecretary ha( the po#er an( a)thor!ty to enter !nto an A*ree ent to Arb!trateB ;. /hether or not ! )n!ty of the ,tate fro s)!t be !nvo3e( !n th!s caseB
'. %an the conven!n* of %on*ress an( the (ec"arat!on of the 7res!(ent that 7T1-' sha"" re a!n as the !nfor at!on ar of the *overn ent ren(er !neffect!ve an( )nenforceab"e the A*ree ent to Arb!trate. :)"!n*: 1. The pet!t!oners have no "e*a" stan(!n* $. The e?ec)t!ve ,ecretary ha( the po#er an( a)thor!ty to enter !nto an A*ree ent to Arb!trateB ;. .o, ! )n!ty of the ,tate canCt be !nvo3e( !n th!s case '. .o, the conven!n* of %on*ress an( the (ec"arat!on of the 7res!(ent that 7T1-' sha"" re a!n as the !nfor at!on ar of the *overn ent canCt ren(er !neffect!ve an( )nenforceab"e the A*ree ent to Arb!trate. :at!o: 1. The pet!t!oners have not sho#n that they have "e*a" !nterest !n T1 %hanne" ' an( that they #!"" be a(verse"y affecte( !f an( #hen the sa!( te"ev!s!on stat!on !s ret)rne( to the Lopez fa !"y s!nce the pet!t!on #as not an act!on to <)est!on the const!t)t!ona"!ty or va"!(!ty of a stat)te or "a#. +eca)se the %o)rt on"y reco*n!ze the r!*ht of a ta?payer to f!"e an act!on <)est!on!n* the va"!(!ty or const!t)t!ona"!ty of a stat)te or "a# on the theory that the e?pen(!t)re of p)b"!c f)n(s by an off!cer of the *overn ent for the p)rpose of a( !n!ster!n* or ! p"e ent!n* an )nconst!t)t!ona" or !nva"!( "a#, const!t)tes a !sapp"!cat!on of s)ch f)n(s. A"so )n(er :A 866 part!es ay a"so resort to arb!trat!on #h!ch !s a )ch faster #ay of sett"!n* the!r controversy, co pare( to ho# "on* !t #o)"( ta3e !f they #ere to *o to co)rt. $. Dn(er the 7rov!s!ona" %onst!t)t!on (Free(o %onst!t)t!on), #h!ch #as !n force an( effect #hen the A*ree ent to Arb!trate #as s!*ne( by the part!es, the 7res!(ent e?erc!se( both the "e*!s"at!ve an( e?ec)t!ve po#ers of the Govern ent. As %h!ef 8?ec)t!ve, the 7res!(ent #as ass!ste( by a %ab!net co pose( of ,ecretar!es. The 0e bers of the cab!net as hea(s of the var!o)s (epart ents, are ass!stants an( a*ents of the %h!ef 8?ec)t!ve, an(, e?cept !n cases #here the %h!ef 8?ec)t!ve !s re<)!re( by the %onst!t)t!on or the "a# to act !n person, or #here the e?!*enc!es of the s!t)at!on (e an( that he act persona""y, the )"t!far!o)s e?ec)t!ve an( a( !n!strat!ve
f)nct!ons of the %h!ef 8?ec)t!ve are perfor e( by an( thro)*h the e?ec)t!ve (epart ents. ,o the acts of the hea(s of s)ch (epart ents, perfor e( !n re*)"ar co)rse of b)s!ness, are, )n"ess (!sapprove( or reprobate( by the %h!ef 8?ec)t!ve, pres) pt!ve"y the acts of the %h!ef 8?ec)t!ve. 8?ec)t!ve ,ecretary ha(, therefore, the po#er an( a)thor!ty to enter !nto the A*ree ent to Arb!trate as he acte( !n beha"f of the 7res!(ent #hen she s!*ne( !t. Eence the a*ree ent !s va"!( an( b!n(!n* )pon the :ep)b"!c of the 7h!"!pp!nes as a party thereto. ;. 5 )n!ty of the ,tate fro s)!t canCt be !nvo3e( !n th!s case beca)se !t !s once he"( by the co)rt !n a prev!o)s case that @#here the *overn ent ta3es property fro a pr!vate "an(o#ner fro p)b"!c )se #!tho)t *o!n* thro)*h the "e*a" process of e?propr!at!on or ne*ot!ate( sa"e, the a**r!eve( party ay proper"y a!nta!n a s)!t a*a!nst the *overn ent #!tho)t thereby v!o"at!n* the (octr!ne of *overn enta" ! )n!ty fro s)!t #!tho)t !ts consent. Th!s !s beca)se the (octr!ne of *overn enta" ! )n!ty fro s)!t cannot serve as an !nstr) ent for perpetrat!n* an !nF)st!ce to a c!t!zen. '. At the t! e of the s!*n!n* of the sa!( a*ree ent, the 7res!(ent #as e?erc!s!n* both the "e*!s"at!ve an( e?ec)t!ve po#ers of the *overn ent, an( s!nce the a*ree ent !s va"!(, !t !s enforceab"e an( !rrevocab"e, save )pon the *ro)n(s as e?!st at "a# for the revocat!on of any contract. .ote: :ea( conc)rr!n* op!n!on