UFC 3-230-03A Water Supply (01-16-2004)
UFC 3-230-03A Water Supply (01-16-2004)
UFC 3-230-03A Water Supply (01-16-2004)
16 January 2004
Any copyrighted material included in this UFC is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this UFC must have the permission of the
copyright holder.
This UFC supersedes TI 814-01, dated 3 August 1998. The format of this UFC does not conform to
UFC 1-300-01; however, the format will be adjusted to conform at the next revision. The body of
this UFC is the previous TI 814-01, dated 3 August 1998.
UFC 3-230-03A
16 January 2004
The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL-STD 3007 and provides
planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and applies
to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in accordance
with USD(AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. UFC will be used for all DoD projects and
work for other customers where appropriate. All construction outside of the United States is
also governed by Status of forces Agreements (SOFA), Host Nation Funded Construction
Agreements (HNFA), and in some instances, Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements (BIA.)
Therefore, the acquisition team must ensure compliance with the more stringent of the UFC, the
SOFA, the HNFA, and the BIA, as applicable.
UFC are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available to
users as part of the Services’ responsibility for providing technical criteria for military
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UFC are effective upon issuance and are distributed only in electronic media from the following
Hard copies of UFC printed from electronic media should be checked against the current
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______________________________________ ______________________________________
Chief, Engineering and Construction Chief Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Naval Facilities Engineering Command
______________________________________ ______________________________________
The Deputy Civil Engineer Director, Installations Requirements and
DCS/Installations & Logistics Management
Department of the Air Force Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Installations and Environment)
TI 814-01
3 August 1998
Technical Instructions
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineering Division
Directorate of Military Programs
Washington, DC 20314-1000
CEMP-E TI 814-01
3 August 1998
Water Supply
Any copyrighted material included in this document is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this document must have the permission of the copyright holder.
These technical instructions (TI) provide design and construction criteria and apply to
all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) commands having military construction
responsibilities. TI will be used for all Army projects and for projects executed for other
military services or work for other customers where appropriate.
Tl are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available
to users as part of the HQUSACE responsibility for technical criteria and policy for new
military construction. CEMP-ET is responsible for administration of the TI system;
technical content of TI is the responsibility of the HQUSACE element of the discipline
involved. Recommended changes to TI, with rationale for the changes, should be sent
to HQUSACE, ATTN: CEMP-ET, 20 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20314-
TI are effective upon issuance. TI are distributed only in electronic media, primarily
through TECHINFO Internet site http://www.hnd.usace.army.mil/techinfo/index.htm and
the Construction Criteria Base (CCB) system maintained by the National Institute of
Building Sciences at Internet site http://www.nibs.org/ccb/. Hard copies of these
instructions produced by the user from the electronic media should be checked against
the current electronic version prior to use to assure that the latest instructions are used.
Table of Contents
CEMP-E TI 814-01
3 August 1998
CEMP-E TI 814-01
3 August 1998
Table Title
2-1 Domestic Water Allowances for Army and Air Force Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
3-1 Capacity Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
4-1 Water Hardness Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
5-1 Types and methods of well installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5-2 Minimum distances from pollution sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5-3 Well diameter vs. anticipated yield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5-4 Change in yield for variation in well diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5-5 Characteristics of pumps used in water supply systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
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1-1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. This document provides guidance for selecting water sources,
determining water requirements for Army and Air Force installations including special projects,
and developing suitable sources of supply from ground or surface sources.
1-2. APPLICABILITY. These instructions are applicable to all USACE elements engaged in
the selection of water sources and planning and designing supply systems.
(1) Water works. All construction (structures, pipe, equipment) required for the
collection, transportation, pumping, treatment, storage and distribution of water.
(2) Supply works. Dams, impounding reservoirs, intake structures, pumping stations,
wells and all other construction required for the development of a water supply source.
(3) Supply line. The pipeline from the supply source to the treatment works or
distribution system.
(4) Treatment works. All basins, filters, buildings and equipment for the conditioning of
water to render it acceptable for a specific use.
(7) Distribution mains. The pipelines that constitute the distribution system.
(8) Service line. The pipeline extending from the distribution main to building served.
(9) Effective population. This includes resident military and civilian personnel and
dependents plus an allowance for nonresident personnel, derived as follows: The design
allowance for nonresidents is 190 L (50 gal)/person/day whereas that for residents is 570 L
(150 gal)/person/day. Therefore, an "effective-population" value can be obtained by adding
one-third of the population figure for nonresidents to the figure for residents.
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Nonresident Population
Effective Population = + Resident Population
(10) Capacity factor. The multiplier which is applied to the effective population figure
to provide an allowance for reasonable population increase, variations in water demand,
uncertainties as to actual water requirements, and for unusual peak demands whose
magnitude cannot be accurately estimated in advance. The Capacity Factor varies inversely
with the magnitude of the population in the water service area.
(12) Required daily demand. The total daily water requirement. Its value is obtained
by multiplying the design population by the appropriate per capita domestic water allowance
and adding to this quantity any special industrial, aircraft-wash, irrigation, air-conditioning, or
other demands. Other demands include the amount necessary to replenish in 48 hours the
storage required for fire protection and normal operation. Where the supply is from wells, the
quantity available in 48 hours of ,continuous operation of the wells will be used in calculating
the total supply available for replenishing storage and maintaining fire and domestic demands
and industrial requirements that cannot be curtailed.
(13) Peak domestic demand. For system design purposes, the peak domestic
demand is considered to be the greater of--
(a) Maximum day demand, i.e., 2.5 times the required daily demand.
(b) The fire flow plus fifty percent of the required daily demand.
(14) Fire flow. The required number of L/min (gal/min) at a specified pressure at the
site of the fire for a specified period of time.
(15) Fire demand. The required rate of flow of water in L/min (gal/min) during a
specified fire period. Fire demand includes fire flow plus 50 percent of the required daily
demand and, in addition, any industrial or other demand that cannot be reduced during a fire
period. The residual pressure is specified for either the fire flow or essential industrial demand,
whichever is higher. Fire demand must include flow required for automatic sprinkler and
standpipe operation, as well as direct hydrant flow demand, when the sprinklers are served
directly by the water supply system.
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(16) Rated capacity. The rated capacity of a supply line, intake structure, treatment
plant or pumping unit is the amount of water which can be passed through the unit when it is
operating under design conditions.
b. Ground water supply definitions. The meanings of several terms used in relation to
wells and ground waters are as follows:
(1) Specific capacity. The specific capacity of a well is its yield per foot of drawdown
and is commonly expressed as liters per minute per meter (Lpm/m) of drawdown (gpm/ft).
(2) Vertical line shaft turbine pump. A vertical line shaft turbine pump is a centrifugal
pump, usually having from 1 to 20 stages, used in wells. The pump is located at or near the
pumping level of water in the well, but is driven by an electric motor or internal combustion
engine on the ground surface. Power is transmitted from the motor to the pump by a vertical
drive shaft.
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3 August 1998
2-1. DOMESTIC REQUIREMENTS. The per-capita allowances, given in table 2-1, will be
used in determining domestic water requirements. These allowances do NOT include special
purpose water uses, such as industrial, aircraft-wash, air-conditioning, irrigation, or extra water
demands at desert stations.
2-2. FIRE-FLOW REQUIREMENTS. The system must be capable of supplying the fire flow
specified plus any other demand that cannot be reduced during the fire period at the required
residual pressure and for the required duration. The requirements of each system must be
analyzed to determine whether the capacity of the system is fixed by the domestic
requirements, by the fire demands, or by a combination of both. Where fire-flow demands are
relatively high, or required for long duration, and population and/or industrial use is relatively
low, the total required capacity will be determined by the prevailing fire demand. In some
exceptional cases, this may warrant consideration of a special water system for fire purposes,
separate, in part or in whole, from the domestic system. However, such separate systems will
be appropriate only under exceptional circumstances and, in general, are to be avoided.
2-3. IRRIGATION. The allowances indicated in table 2-1 include water for limited watering or
planted and grassed areas. However, these allowances do not include major lawn or other
irrigation uses. Lawn irrigation provisions for facilities, such as family quarters and temporary
structures, in all regions will be limited to hose bibs on the outside of buildings and risers for
hose connections. Where substantial irrigation is deemed necessary and water is available,
underground sprinkler systems may be considered. In general, such systems should receive
consideration only in arid or semiarid areas where rainfall is less than about 635 mm (25 in)
annually. For Army Projects, all proposed installations require specific authorization from
HQDA (DAEN- ECE-G), WASH, DC 20314. For Air Force projects, refer to AFM 88-15 . Each
project proposed must include thorough justification, detailed plans of connection to water
source, estimated cost and a statement as to the adequacy of the water supply to support the
irrigation system. The use of underground sprinkler systems will be limited as follows:
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prevention devices and will not be used. Direct cross connections between potable and
nonpotable water systems will not be permitted under any circumstances.
Table 2-1. Domestic Water Allowances for Army and Air Force Projects.1
Liters/Capita/Day2 (gpc/d)
For Aircraft Control and Warning Stations, National Guard Stations, Guided Missile Stations, and similar
projects, use TM 5-813-7/AFM 88-10, Volume 7 for water supply for special projects.
The allowances given in this table include water used for laundries to serve resident personnel, washing vehicles,
limited watering of planted and grassed areas, and similar uses. The allowances tabulated do NOT include special
industrial or irrigation uses. The per capita allowance for nonresidents will be one-third that allowed for residents.
An allowance of 570 L (150 gal)/capita/day will also be used for USAF semi-permanent construction.
For populations under 300, 190 L (50 gal)/ capita/day will be used for base camps and 95 L
(25 gal)/capita/day for branch camps.
Includes hotels and similar facilities converted to hospital use.
Includes similar facilities converted for troop housing.
b. Use of treated wastewater. Effluent from wastewater treatment plants can be used for
irrigation when authorized. Only treated effluent having a detectable chlorine residual at the
most remote discharge point will be used. Where state or local regulations require additional
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treatment for irrigation, such requirement will be complied with. The effluent irrigation system
must be physically separated from any distribution systems carrying potable water. A detailed
plan will be provided showing the location of the effluent irrigation system in relation to the
potable water distribution system and buildings. Provision will be made either for locking the
sprinkler irrigation control valves or removing the valve handles so that only authorized
personnel can operate the system. In addition, readily identifiable "nonpotable" or
"contaminated" notices, markings or codings for wastewater conveyance facilities and
appurtenances will be provided. Another possibility for reuse of treated effluent is for industrial
operations where substantial volumes of water for washing or cooling purposes are required.
For any re use situation, great care must be exercised to avoid direct cross connections
between the reclaimed water system and the potable water system.
c. Review of effluent irrigation projects. Concept plans for proposed irrigation projects
using wastewater treatment plant effluent will be reviewed by the engineer and surgeon at
Installation Command level and the Air Force Major Command, as appropriate. EM
1110-1-501 will serve as the basic criteria for such projects, as amended by requirements
herein. This publication is available through HQ USACE publications channels. Such projects
will only be authorized after approval by HQDA (DAEN-ECE-G), WASH DC 20314 and HQDA
(DASG-PSP-E), WASH DC 20310 for Army projects and by HQUSAF (HQ USAF/LEEEU),
WASH DC 20332 and The Surgeon General, (HQ AFMSC/SGPA), Brooks AFB, TX 78235 for
Air Force projects.
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3-2. USE OF CAPACITY FACTOR. The "Capacity Factor" will be used in planning water
supplies for all projects, including general hospitals. The proper "Capacity Factor" as given in
table 3-1 is multiplied by the "Effective Population" to obtain the "Design Population."
Arithmetic interpolation should be used to determine the appropriate Capacity Factor for
intermediate project population. (For example, for an "Effective Population" of 7,200 in
interpolation, obtain a "Capacity Factor" of 1.39.) Capacity factors will be applied in
determining the required capacity of the supply works, supply lines, treatment works, principal
feeder mains and storage reservoirs. Capacity factors will NOT be used for hotels and similar
structures that are acquired or rented for hospital and troop housing. Capacity factors will NOT
be applied to fire flows, irrigation requirements, or industrial demands.
3-3. SYSTEM DESIGN CAPACITY. The design of elements of the water supply system,
except as noted in paragraph 3-2, should be based on the "Design Population."
3-4. SPECIAL DESIGN CAPACITY. Where special demands for water exist, such as those
resulting from unusual fire fighting requirements, irrigation, industrial processes and cooling
water usage, consideration must be given to these special demands in determining the design
capacity of the water supply system.
3-5. EXPANSION OF EXISTING SYSTEMS. Few, if any, entirely new water supply systems
will be constructed. Generally, the project will involve upgrading and/or expansion of existing
systems. Where existing systems are adequate to supply existing demands, plus the
expansion proposed without inclusion of the Capacity Factor, no additional facilities will be
provided except necessary extension of water mains. In designing main extensions,
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consideration will be given to planned future development in adjoining areas so that mains will
be properly sized to serve the planned developments. Where existing facilities are inadequate
for current requirements and new construction is necessary, the Capacity Factor will be applied
to the proposed total Effective Population and the expanded facilities planned accordingly.
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4-1. GENERAL. Water supplies may be obtained from surface or ground sources, by
expansion of existing systems, or by purchase from other systems. The selection of a source
of supply will be based on water availability, adequacy, quality, cost of development and
operation and the expected life of the project to be served. In general, all alternative sources
of supply should be evaluated to the extent necessary to provide a valid assessment of their
value for a specific installation. Alternative sources of supply include purchase of water from
U.S. Government owned or other public or private systems, as well as consideration of
development or expansion of independent ground and surface sources. A combination of
surface and ground water, while not generally employed, may be advantageous under some
circumstances and should receive consideration. Economic, as well as physical, factor must
be evaluated. The final selection of the water source will be determined by feasibility studies,
considering all engineering, economic, energy and environmental factors.
4-2. USE OF EXISTING SYSTEMS. Most water supply projects for military installations
involve expansion or upgrading of existing supply works rather than development of new
sources. If there is an existing water supply under the jurisdiction of the Department of the
Army, Air Force, or other U.S. Government agency, thorough investigation will be made to
determine its capacity and reliability and the possible arrangements that might be made for its
use with or without enlargement. The economics of utilizing the existing supply should be
compared with the economics of reasonable alternatives. If the amount of water taken from an
existing source is to be increased, the ability of the existing source to supply estimated water
requirements during drought periods must be fully addressed. Also, potential changes in the
quality of the raw water due to the increased rate of withdrawal must receive consideration.
4-3. OTHER WATER SYSTEMS. If the installation is located near a municipality or other
public or private agency operating a water supply system, this system should be investigated
to determine its ability to provide reliable water service to the installation at reasonable cost.
The investigation must consider future as well as current needs of the existing system and, in
addition, the impact of the military project on the water supply requirements in the existing
water service area. Among the important matters that must be considered are: quality of the
supply; adequacy of the supply during severe droughts; reliability and adequacy of raw water
pumping and transmission facilities; treatment plant and equipment; high service pumping;
storage and distribution facilities; facilities for transmission from the existing supply system to
the military project; and costs. In situations where a long supply line is required between the
existing supply and the installation, a study will be made of the economic size of the pipeline,
taking into consideration cost of construction, useful life, cost of operation, and minimum use
of materials. With a single supply line, the on-site water storage must be adequate to support
the mission requirement of the installation for its emergency period. A further requirement is
an assessment of the adequacy of management, operation, and maintenance of the public
water supply system.
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Softening is generally considered when the hardness exceeds about 200 to 250 mg/L. While
hardness can be reduced by softening treatment, this may significantly increase the sodium
content of the water, where zeolite softening is employed, as well as the cost of treatment.
b. Total dissolved solids (TDS). In addition to hardness, the quality of ground water may
be judged on the basis of dissolved mineral solids. In general, dissolved solids should not
exceed 500 mg/L, with 1,000 mg/L as the approximate upper limit.
d. Other constituents. The presence of certain toxic heavy metals, fluoride, pesticides,
and radioactivity in concentrations exceeding U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
standards, as interpreted by the Surgeon General of the Army/ Air Force, will make rejection of
the supply mandatory unless unusually sophisticated treatment is provided. (For detailed
discussion of EPA water standards, see 40 CFR 141, AR 420-46 and TB MED 229 for Army
Projects and AFR 161-44 for Air Force Projects.)
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e. Water quality data. Base water quality investigations or analysis of available data at or
near the proposed point of diversion should include biological, bacteriological, physical,
chemical, and radiological parameters covering several years and reflecting seasonal
variations. Sources of water quality data are installation records, U.S. Geological Survey
District or Regional offices and Water Quality Laboratories, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency regional offices, state geological surveys, state water resources agencies, state and
local health departments, and nearby water utilities, including those serving power and
industrial plants, which utilize the proposed source. Careful study of historical water quality
data is usually more productive than attempting to assess quality from analysis of a few
samples, especially on streams. Only if a thorough search fails to locate existing, reliable
water quality data should a sampling program be initiated. If such a program is required, the
advice and assistance of an appropriate state water agency will be obtained. Special
precautions are required to obtain representative samples and reliable analytical results. Great
caution must be exercised in interpreting any results obtained from analysis of relatively few
4-6. CHECKLIST FOR EXISTING SOURCES OF SUPPLY. The following items, as well as
others, if circumstances warrant, will be covered in the investigation of existing sources of
supply from Government-owned or other sources.
c. Description of source.
d. Water rights.
e. Reliability of supply.
j. Treatment works.
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o. Current and estimated future cost per 1,000 gallons of water from alternative sources.
v. Modifications required to meet additional water demands resulting from supplying water
to military installation.
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5-1. GENERAL. Ground water is subsurface water occupying the zone of saturation. A water
bearing geologic formation which is composed of permeable rock, gravel, sand, earth, etc.,
and yields water in sufficient quantity to be economical is called an aquifer. Unconfined water
is found in aquifers above the first impervious layer of soil or rock. This zone is often referred
to as the water table. Water infiltrates by downward percolation through the air-filled pore
spaces of the overlying soil material. The water table is subjected to atmospheric and climatic
conditions, falling during periods of drought or rising in response to precipitation and infiltration.
A confined aquifer is defined as the aquifer underlying an impervious bed. Areas of infiltration
and recharge are often some distance away from the point of discharge. This water is often
referred to as being under artesian conditions. When a well is installed into an artesian
aquifer, the water in the well will rise in response to atmospheric pressure in the well. The
level to which water rises above the top of the aquifer represents the confining pressure
exerted on the aquifer. Materials with interconnecting pore spaces such as unconsolidated
formations of loose sand and gravel may yield large quantities of water and, therefore, are the
primary target for location of wells. Dense rocks such as granite from poor aquifers and wells
constructed in them do not yield large quantities of water. However, wells placed in fractured
rock formations may yield sufficient water for many purposes.
a. Economy. The economy of ground water versus surface water supplies needs to be
carefully examined. The study should include an appraisal of operating and maintenance
costs as well as capital costs. No absolute rules can be given for choosing between ground
and surface water sources. Where water requirements are within the capacity of an aquifer,
ground water is nearly always more economical than surface water. The available yield of an
aquifer dictates the number of wells required and thus the capital costs of well construction.
System operating and maintenance costs will depend upon the number of wells. In general,
groundwater capital costs include the wells, disinfection, pumping, and storage with a minimum
of other treatment. Surface water supply costs include intake structures, sedimentation,
filtration, disinfection, pumping, and storage. Annual operating costs include the costs of
chemicals for treatment, power supply, utilities, and maintenance. Each situation must be
examined on its merits with due consideration for all factors involved.
b. Coordination with State and Local Authorities. Some States require that a
representative of the state witness the grouting of the casing and collect an uncontaminated
biological sample before the well is used as a public water supply. Some States require a
permit to withdraw water from the well and limit the amount of water that can be withdrawn. All
wells and well fields must be located and designed in accordance with State Well Head
Protection Programs and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
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5-2. WATER AVAILABILITY EVALUATION. After the projected water demand and proposed
usage use have been determined, the next step is to evaluate the quality of available water
resources. The quality of the groundwater will be influenced by its ph or corrosivity; and the
presence of constituents such as iron, lead, calcium, zinc, and gasses such as carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur dioxide. Recommended quality standards for domestic and
municipal water are published by the US Environmental protection Agency. Step-by-step
procedures are illustrated in figure 5.1.
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b. Special Considerations. In some geologic environments, the aquifer may be too thin or
for some other reason is unable to provide the required quantity of water to a standard vertical
well. In such instances, it may be economical to install collector wells. A collector well is
typically constructed with a large caisson having one or more horizontal screens extending into
the saturated zone (figure 5-2). The caisson can be used as a storage tank. The
disadvantage of this system is that collector wells are more expensive than standard vertical
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5-4. WATER QUALITY EVALUATION. Both well location and method of construction are of
major importance in protecting the quality of water derived from a well. Groundwater may
become contaminated as a result of leakage from sources as diverse as improperly sealed
wells, septic tanks, garbage dumps, industrial and animal wastes.
a. Selection of a Well Site. Prior to selecting the well location, a thorough survey of the
area should be undertaken. The following information should be obtained and analyzed:
(1) Local hydro geology such as terrain, soil type, depth, and thickness of water bearing
(2) Location, construction, and disposal practices of nearby sewage and industrial
(3) Locations of sewers, septic tanks, cesspools, animal farms, pastures, and feed lots.
(4) Chemical and bacteriological quality of ground water, especially the quality of water
from nearby wells.
(5) Histories of water, oil, and gas well exploration and development in area.
(6) Location and operating practices of nearby industrial and municipal landfills and
Recommended minimum distances for well sites from commonly encountered potential
sources of pollution are shown in table 5-2. It is emphasized that these are minimum distances
which can serve as rough guides for locating a well from a potential source of groundwater
contamination. The distance may be greater, depending on the geology of the area. In
general, very fine sand and silt filter contaminants in ground water better than limestone,
fractured rock, coarse sand and gravel. Chemical contaminants may persist indefinitely in
untreated groundwater. If at all possible, a well should be located up gradient of any known
nearby or potential sources of contamination. It is a good practice to consult local authorities
for aid in establishing safe distances consistent with the subsurface geology of the area. Dry
wells should be abandoned and plugged in conformance to local regulations.
Note: The above minimum horizontal distances apply to wells at all depths. Greater distances are recommended
when feasible.
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- Static Water Level. The distance from the ground surface to the water level in a well
when no water is being pumped.
- Pumping Level. The distance from the ground surface to the water level in a well when
water is being pumped. Also called dynamic water level.
- Drawdown. The difference between static water level and pumping water level.
- Cone of Depression. The funnel shape of the water surface or piezometric level which is
formed as water is withdrawn from the well.
- Radius of Influence. The distance from the well to the edge of the cone of depression.
- Permeability. The ease of which water moves through the rock or sediment.
- Hydraulic Conductivity. Also called coefficient of permeability. The rate at which water
moves through the formation (gallons per day per square foot. It is governed by the size and
shape of the pore spaces.
b. Well Discharge Formulas. The following formulas assume certain simplifying conditions.
However, these assumptions do not severely limit the use of the formulas. The aquifer is of
constant thickness, is not stratified and is of uniform permeability. The piezometric surface is
level, laminar flow exists and the cone of depression has reached equilibrium. The pumping
well reaches the bottom of the aquifer and is 100 percent efficient. There are two basic
formulas (Ground Water and Wells) one for water table wells and one for artesian wells.
Figure 5-3 shows the relationship of the terms used in the following formula for available yield
from a water table well.
K (H2-h2)
Q = ________________
1055 log (R/r) (eq. 5-1)
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In an artesian aquifer, the water-bearing formation is confined between the two impervious
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Figure 5-4 shows the relationship of the terms used in the following formula for available yield
from an artesian well:
c. Determination of Values. The well driller's log provides the dimensions of H, h, and b.
The value of R usually lies between 100 and 10,000 feet. It may be determined from
observation wells or estimated. K may be determined from laboratory tests or field tests. A
pumping test and observation wells may provide the values for all of these equations. Figure
5-3 shows the values for calculating K in water table aquifer:
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For artesian conditions, again, as shown in figure 5-4, the formula becomes:
d. Aquifer Testing. Where existing wells or other data are insufficient to determine aquifer
characteristics, a pumping test may be necessary to establish values used for design. Testing
consists of pumping from one well and noting the change in water table at other wells as
indicated in figures 5-3 and 5-4. Observation wells are generally set at 15 to 150 m (50-500 ft)
from a pumped well, although for artesian aquifers they may be placed at distances up to 300
m (1000 ft). A greater number of wells allows the slope of the drawdown curve to be more
accurately determined. The most common methods of aquifer testing are:
- Step Drawdown Method. Involves pumping one well and observing what happens in
observation wells. The well is pumped at slow constant rate until the water level stabilizes. It
is then pumped at a higher rate until the water level again stabilizes. At least three steps are
normally performed.
- Recovery Method. Involves shutting down the pumping well and noting the recovery
water levels in the pumping well and its observation wells.
- Slug Test. Involves the introduction or removal of a “slug” or volume of water into the
well then measuring the rise or fall in water level. The test can also be performed by inserting
and removing a solid cylinder into the water.
- Bailer Test. Water is removed from the well using a bailer of known volume, as rapidly
as possibly until the well is empty or the water level stabilizes. The volume and unit of time are
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5-6. WELL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Well design methods and construction
techniques are basically the same for wells constructed in consolidated or unconsolidated
formations and only one aquifer is being penetrated. Typically, wells constructed in an
unconsolidated formation require a screen to line the lower portion of the borehole. An
artificial gravel pack may or may not be required. A diagrammatic section of a gravel packed
well is shown on figure 5-5. Wells constructed in sandstone, limestone or other creviced rock
formations can utilize an uncased borehole in the aquifer. Screens and the gravel pack are
not usually required. A well in rock formation is shown in figure 5-6. Additional well designs for
consolidated and unconsolidated formations are shown in AWWA A100.
a. Diameter. The diameter of a well has a significant effect on the well's construction
cost. The diameter need not be uniform from top to bottom. Construction may be initiated with
a certain size casing, but drilling conditions may make it desirable to reduce the casing size at
some depth. However, the diameter must be large enough to accommodate the pump and the
diameter of the intake section must be consistent with hydraulic efficiency. The well shall be
designed to be straight and plumb. The factors that control diameter are (1) yield of the well,
(2) intake entrance velocity, (3) pump size, and (4) construction method. The pump size,
which is related to yield, usually dominates. Approximate well diameters for various yields are
shown in table 5-3. Well diameter affects well yield but not to a major degree. Doubling the
diameter of the well will produce only about 10-15 percent more water. Table 5-4 gives the
theoretical change in yield that results from changing from one well diameter to a new well
diameter. For artesian wells, the yield increase resulting from diameter doubling is generally
less than 10 percent. Consideration should be given to future expansion and installation of a
larger pump. This may be likely in cases where the capacity of the aquifer is greater than the
yield required.
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<100 4 6 ID 5 ID
75-175 5 8 ID 6 ID
150-400 6 10 ID 8 ID
350-650 8 12 ID 10 ID
600-900 10 14 OD 12 ID
850-1300 12 16 OD 14 OD
1200-1800 14 20 OD 16 OD
1600-3000 16 24 OD 20 OD
3000-6000 20 30 OD 24 OD
Note: The above gives the theoretical increase or decrease in yield that results from changing the
original well diameter to the new well diameter. For example, if a 300 mm well is enlarged to a 900mm
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well, the yield will be increased by 19 percent. The values in the above table are valid only for wells in
unconfined aquifers (water table wells) and are based on the following equation:
b. Depth. Depth of a well is usually determined from the logs of test holes or from logs of
other nearby wells that utilize the same aquifer. A well that is screened the full length of the
water bearing stratum has a potential for greater discharge than a unit that is not fully
screened. Where the water bearing formations are thick, cost may be the deciding factor in
how deep the wells are installed. Cost, however, usually is balanced by the savings from a
potentially long-term source of water.
c. Casing. In a well developed in a sand and gravel formation, the casing should extend
to a minimum of 1,500 mm (5 ft) below the lowest estimated pumping level. In consolidated
formations, the casing should be driven 1,500 mm (5 ft) into bedrock and cemented in place
for its full depth. The minimum wall thickness for steel pipe used for casing is 8 mm (1/4-inch).
For various diameters, the EPA recommends the following wall thicknesses:
In the percussion method of drilling, and where sloughing is a problem, it is customary to drill
and drive the casing to the lower extremity of the aquifer to be screened and then install the
appropriate size screen inside the casing before pulling the casing back and exposing the
screen to the water bearing formation.
d. Screens. Wells completed in sand and gravel with open-end casings, not equipped
with a screen on the bottom, usually have limited capacity due to the small intake area (open
end of casing pipe) and tend to pump large amounts of sand. A well designed screen permits
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utilizing the permeability of the water bearing materials around the screen. For a well
completed in a sand-gravel formation, use of a well screen will usually provide much more
water than if the installation is left open-ended. The screen functions to restrain sand and
gravel from entering the well, which would diminish yield, damage pumping equipment, and
deteriorate the quality of the water produced. Wells developed in hard rock areas do not need
screens if the wall is sufficiently stable and sand pumping is not a problem.
(1) Aperture size. The well screen aperture opening, called slot size, is selected
based on sieve analysis data of the aquifer material for a naturally developed well. For a
homogeneous formation, the slot size is selected as one that will retain 40 to 50 percent of the
sand. Use 40 percent where the water is not particularly corrosive and a reliable sample is
obtained. Use 50 percent where water is very corrosive and/or the sample may be
questionable. Where a formation to be screened has layers of differing grain sizes and
graduations, multiple screen slot sizes may be used. Where fine sand overlies a coarser
material, extend the fine slot size at least 3 feet into the coarser material. This reduces the
possibility that slumping of the lower material will allow finer sand to enter the coarse screen.
The coarse aperture size should not be greater than twice the fine size. For a filter packed
well, the screen should retain 85 to 100 percent of the filter material. Screen aperture size
should be determined by a laboratory experienced in this work, based on a sieve analysis of
the material to be screened. Consult manufacturer's literature for current data on screens.
(2) Length. Screen length depends on aquifer characteristics, aquifer thickness, and
available drawdown. For a homogeneous, confined, artesian aquifer, 70 to 80 percent of the
aquifer should be screened and the maximum drawdown should not exceed the distance from
the static water level to the top of the aquifer. For a nonhomogeneous, artesian aquifer, it is
usually best to screen the most permeable strata. Determinations of permeability are
conducted in the laboratory on representative samples of the various strata. Homogeneous,
unconfined (water-table) aquifers are commonly equipped with screen covering the lower
one-third to one-half of the aquifer. A water-table well is usually operated so that the pumping
water level is slightly above the top of the screen. For a screen length of one-third the aquifer
depth, the permissible drawdown will be nearly two-thirds of the maximum possible drawdown.
This draw-down corresponds to nearly 90 percent of the maximum yield. Screens for
nonhomogeneous watertable aquifers are positioned in the lower portions of the most
permeable strata in order to permit maximum available drawdown. The following equation is
used to determine screen length:
L = __________
AV (7.48) (eq. 5-5)
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P (gpd/ft2) V (ft/min)
5000 10 (Max)
4000 9
3000 8
2500 7
2000 6
1500 5
1000 4
500 3
0-500 2 (Min)
(3) Diameter. The screen diameter shall be selected so that the entrance velocity
through the screen openings will not exceed 0.1 foot per second. The entrance velocity is
calculated by dividing the well yield in cubic feet per second by the total area of the screen
openings in square feet. This will ensure the following:
(4) Installation. Various procedures may be used for installation of well screens.
(a) For cable-tool percussion and rotary drilled wells, the pull-back method may be
used. A telescope screen, that is one of such a diameter that it will pass through a standard
pipe of the same size, is used. The casing is installed to the full depth of the well, the screen
is lowered inside the casing, and then the casing is pulled back to expose the screen to the
(b) In the bail down method, the well and casing are completed to the finished
grade of the casing; and the screen, fitted with a bail-down shoe is let down through the casing
in telescope fashion. The sand is removed from below the screen and the screen settles down
into the final position.
(c) For the wash-down method, the screen is set as on the bail-down method. The
screen is lowered to the bottom and a high velocity jet of fluid is directed through a self closing
bottom fitting on the screen, loosens the sand and allowing the screen to sink to it final
position. If filter packing is used, it is placed around the screen after being set by one of the
above methods. A seal, called a packer, is provided at the top of the screen. Lead packers
are expanded with a swedge block. Neoprene packers are self sealing.
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(d) In the hydraulic rotary method of drilling, the screen may be attached directly to
the bottom of the casing before lowering the whole assembly into the well.
(1) Size. Grain size of the filter pack is selected on the basis of information obtained
from sieve analyses of the material in the aquifer. The well screen aperture size will be
selected so that between 85 and 100 percent of the filter pack is larger than the screen
openings. Criteria for sizing the filter pack are as follows:
(a) Perform sieve analyses on all strata within the aquifer. The sieve sizes to be
used in performing these analyses are:
80 mm (3 in) No. 4
50 mm (2 in) No. 10
40 mm (1-1/2 in) No. 20
25 mm (1 in) No. 40
20 mm (3/4 in) No. 60
No. 140
The results of the analysis of any particular sample should be recorded as the percent (by
weight) of the sample retained on each sieve and the cumulative percent retained on each
sieve (i.e., the total of the percentages for that sieve and all larger sieve sizes). Based on
these sieve analyses, determine the aquifer stratum which is composed of the finest material.
(b) Using the results of the sieve analysis for the finest aquifer material, plot the
cumulative percent of the aquifer material retained versus the size of the mesh for each sieve.
Fit a smooth curve to these points. Find the size corresponding to a 70 percent cumulative
retention of aquifer material. This size should be multiplied by a factor between 4 and 6, 4 if
the formation is fine and uniform and 6 if the formation is coarse and nonuniform. Use 9 if the
formation includes silt. The product is the 70 percent retained size (i.e., the sieve size on
which a cumulative 70 percent of the sample would be retained) of the material to be used in
the packing.
(c) A uniformity coefficient of 2.5 for the filter pack is desirable. The uniformity
coefficient is defined 40 percent of the retained grain size divided by 90 percent retained size.
Lower size represents a more uniform material and is more meaningful for values less than 5.
(d) The plot of cumulative percent retention versus grain size for the filter pack
should be approximately parallel to same plot for the aquifer material, should pass through the
70 percent retention value and should have 40 and 90 percent retention values such that the
uniformity coefficient is less than 2.5. Filter pack material will be specified by determining the
sieve sizes that cover the range of the curve and then defining an allowable range for the
percent retention on each sieve.
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(2) Thickness. The thickness of the filter pack will range from a minimum of 80 mm (3
in) to approximately 200 mm (8 in). A filter envelope thicker than about 200 mm (8 in) will not
greatly improve yield and can adversely affect removal of fines, at the aquifer-filter pack
interface, during well development.
(3) Pack length. Filter pack should extend full length of the screen but not above the
top of the aquifer. A tremie pipe may be used to evenly distribute the filter material around the
screen and also to prevent bridging of the sand grains. A filter -pack well has been shown
schematically in figure 5-5.
(4) Disinfection. It is important that the filter used for packing be clean and that it also
be disinfected by immersion in strong chlorine solution (200 mg/L or greater available chlorine
concentration, prepared by dissolving fresh chlorinated lime or other chlorine compound in
water) just prior to placement. Dirty filter must be thoroughly washed with clean water prior to
disinfection and then handled in a manner that will maintain it in as clean a state as possible.
f. Grouting and Sealing. The well should be constructed to prevent water that is polluted
or of otherwise unsuitable quality from entering the well. Grout should extend from the surface
to the top of the bentonite seal overlying filter pack of the well. Grouting and sealing of wells
are necessary to protect the water supply from pollution, to seal out water of unsatisfactory
chemical quality, to protect the casing from exterior corrosion and to stabilize soil, sand or rock
formations which tend to cave. When a well is constructed there is normally produced an
annular space between the drill hole and the casing, which, unless sealed by grouting,
provides a potential pollution channel. A bentonite seal with a minimum thickness of two feet
should be placed directly above the filter pack to prevent vertical infiltration of contaminants
through filter material into the well. The wellhead must be grouted and sealed at the surface to
prevent contaminants from migrating along the casing into the aquifer.
(1) Prevention of contamination from surface. The well casing and the grout seal
should extend from the surface to the depth necessary to prevent surface contamination via
channels through soil and rock strata. The depth required is dependent on the character of
the formations involved and the proximity of sources of pollution, such as sink holes and
sewage disposal systems. The grout around the casing should extend from the top of the
bentonite seal to the surface of the well. Local regulations may govern the composition and
placement of the grout. Materials for sealing and grouting should be durable and readily
placed. Normally, Portland cement grout will meet these requirements. Grout is customarily
specified as a neat cement mixture having a water-cement ration of not over 23 L (6 gal) per
43 kg (94-pound) sack of cement. Small amounts of bentonite clay may be used to improve
fluidity and reduce shrinkage. Grout can be placed by various methods, but to ensure a
satisfactory seal, it is essential that grouting be:
Establishment of good circulation of water through the annular space to be grouted is a highly
desirable initial step toward a good grouting job. This assures that the space is open and
provides for the removal of foreign material.
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g. Accessibility. The well location shall be readily accessible for pump repair, cleaning,
disinfection, testing and inspection. The top of the well shall never be below surface grade. At
least 600 mm (2 ft) of clearance beyond any building projection shall be provided.
h. Details relating to water quality. In addition to grouting and sealing, features that are
related to water quality protection are:
(1) Surface grading. The well or wells should be located on the highest ground
practicable, certainly on ground higher than nearby potential sources of surface pollution. The
surface near the site should be built up, by fill if necessary, so that surface drainage will be
away from the well in all directions. Where flooding is a problem, special design will be
necessary to insure protection of wells and pumping equipment from contamination and
damage during flood periods and to facilitate operation during a flood.
(2) Surface slab. The well casing should be surrounded at the surface by a concrete
slab having a minimum thickness of 100 mm (4 in) and extending outward from the casing a
minimum of 600 mm (2 ft) in all directions. The slab should be finished a little above ground
level and slope slightly to provide drainage away from the casing in all directions.
(3) Casing. The well casing should extend at least 300 mm (12 in) above the level of
the concrete surface slab in order to provide ample space for a tight surface seal at the top of
the casing. The type of seal to be employed depends on the pumping equipment specified.
(4) Well house. While not universally required, it is usually advisable to construct a
permanent well house, the floor of which can be an enlarged version of the surface slab. The
floor of the well house should slope away from the casing toward a floor drain at the rate of
about 1 mm per 50 mm (1/8 inch per foot). Floor drains should discharge through carefully
jointed 100 mm (4 in) or larger pipe of durable water-tight material to the ground surface 6 m
(20 ft) or more from the well. The end of the drain should be fitted with a coarse screen. Well
house floor drains ordinarily should not be connected to storm or sanitary sewers to prevent
contamination from backup. The well house should have a large entry door that opens out-
ward and extends to the floor. The door should be equipped with a good quality lock. The well
house design should be such that the well pumps motor, and drop-pipe can be removed
readily. The well house protects valves and pumping equipment and also provides some
freeze protection for the pump discharge piping beyond the check valve. Where freezing is a
problem, the well house should be insulated and a heating unit installed. The well house
should be of fireproof construction. The well house also protects other essential items. These
- Flow Meter
- Depth Gage
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- Pressure Gage
- Screened Casing Vent
- Sampling Tap
- Water Treatment Equipment (if required)
- Well Operating Records
If climatic or other conditions are such that a well house is not necessary, then the well should
be protected from vandals or unauthorized use by a security fence having a lockable gate.
(5) Pit construction. Pit construction is only acceptable under limited conditions such as
temporary or intermittent use installations where the well pump must be protected from the
elements when not in use. The design must allow for cleaning and disinfection. Underground
pitless construction for piping and wiring may be adequate for submersible pump installations.
These designs may be used only when approved by the responsible installation medical
i. Spacing and Location. The grouping of wells must be carefully considered because of
mutual interference between wells when their cones of depression overlap. Minimum well
spacing shall be 75 m (250 ft).
(1) Drawdown interference. The drawdown at a well or any other location on the water
table is a function of the following:
For simple systems of 2 or 3 wells, the method of super position may be used. The procedure
is to calculate the drawdown at the point (well) of consideration and then to add the drawdown
for each well in the field. For multiple wells, the discharge must be recalculated for each
combination of wells, since multiple wells have the effect of changing the depth of water in
equations 5-1 and 5-2. For large systems the following conditions should be noted:
It is seldom practicable to eliminate interference entirely because of pipeline and other costs,
but it can be reduced to manageable proportions by careful well field design. When an aquifer
is recharged in roughly equal amounts from all directions, the cone of depression is nearly
symmetrical about the well and "R" is about the same in all directions. If, however,
substantially more recharge is obtained from one direction; e.g., a stream, then the surface
elevation of the water table is distorted, being considerable higher in the direction of the
stream. The surface of the cone of depression will be depressed in the direction of an
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impermeable boundary because little or no recharge is obtained from the direction of the
impermeable boundary.
(2) Location. Where a source of recharge such as a stream, exists near the proposed
well field, the best location for the wells is spaced out along a line as close as practicable to
and roughly parallel to the stream. On the other hand, multiple water supply wells should be
located parallel to and as far as possible from an impermeable boundary. Where the field is
located over a buried valley, the wells should be located along and as close to the valley's
center as possible. In hard rock country, wells are best located along fault zones and
lineaments in the landscape where recharge is greatest. These are often visible using aerial
photographs. Special care should be exercised to avoid contamination in these terrains since
natural filtration is limited.
j. Pumps. Many types of well pumps are on the market to suit the wide variety of capacity
requirements, depth to water and power source. Electric power is used for the majority of
pumping installations. Where power failure would be serious, the design should permit at least
one pump to be driven by an auxiliary engine, usually gasoline, diesel or propane. The most
appropriate type is dictated by many factors for each specific well. Factors that should be
considered for installation are:
(1) Type. There are several types of well pumps. The most common are line shaft
turbine, submersible turbine, or jet pumps. The first two operate on exactly the same principal.
The difference being where the motor is located. Line shaft turbine pumps have the motor
mounted above the waterline of the wel and submersible turbine pumps have the motor
mounted below the water line of the well. Jet pumps operate on the principal of suction lift. A
vacuum is created sufficient to "pull" water from the well. This type of pump is limited to wells
where the water line is generally no more than 8 m (25 ft) below the pump suction. It also has
small capacity capability.
(2) Choice. Domestic systems commonly employ jet pumps or small submersible
turbine pumps for lifts under 8 m (25 ft). For deeper wells with high capacity requirements,
submersible or line shaft turbine pumps are usually used and are driven by electric motors. A
number of pump bowls may be mounted in series, one above the other to provide the
necessary discharge pressure. Characteristics for various types of pumps used in wells are
listed in table 5-5.
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(3) Capacity selection. The design capacity of the pump must exceed the system
requirements. However, the capacity of the pump must not exceed the capacity of the well.
Pump manufacturers publish charts giving the pump discharge capacity for their particular
pumps at various operating pressures. The total dynamic head (TDH) of the system must be
calculated accurately from the physical arrangement and is represented by the following
TDH = HS + HD + HF + ____ (eq. 5-6)
HS = suction lift; vertical distance from the waterline at drawdown under full
capacity, to the pump centerline
HD = discharge head; vertical distance from the pump centerline to the pressure
level of the discharge pipe system
HF = friction head; loss of head on pipe lines and fittings
The brake horsepower of the motor used to drive the pump may be calculated from the
following equation:
P = (eq. 5-7)
3960 x e
5-7. DEVELOPMENT AND DISINFECTION. After the structure of the well is installed, there
remain two very important operations to be performed before the well can be put into service.
Well development is the process of removing the finer material from the aquifer around the
well screen, thereby cleaning out and opening up passages in the formation so that water can
enter the well more freely. Disinfection is the process of cleaning and decontaminating the
well of bacteria that may be present due to the drilling action
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(1) A naturally developed well relies on the development process to generate a highly
permeable zone around the well screen or open rock face. This process depends upon pulling
out the finer materials from the formation, bringing them into the well, and pumping them out of
the well. Development work should continue until the movement of fine material from the
aquifer ceases and the formation is stabilized.
(2) Artificial filter packing provides a second method of providing a highly porous
material around the screen. This involves placement of a specially graded filter in the annular
space between the screen and the wall of the excavation. Development work is required if
maximum capacity is to be attained.
(3) Development is necessary because many drilling methods cause increase in the
density of the formation around the hole. Methods utilizing drilling fluids tend to form a mud
cake. Good development will eliminate this "skin effect" and loosen up the sand around a
screen. Removal of fines leaves a zone of high porosity and high permeability around the well.
Water can then move through this zone with negligible head loss.
(a) Mechanical surging is the vigorous operation of a plunger up and down in the
well, like a piston in a cylinder. This causes rapid movement of water which loosen the fines
around the well and they can be removed by pumping. This may be unsatisfactory where the
aquifer contains clay streaks or balls. The plunger should only be operated when a free flow
of water has been established so that the tool runs freely.
(b) Air surging involves injecting air into a well under high pressure. Air is pumped
into a well below the water level causing water to flow out. The flow is continued until it is free
of sand. The air flow is stopped and pressure in an air tank builds to 700 to 1,000 kilopascals
(100 to 150 psi). Then the air is released into the well causing water to surge outward through
the screen openings.
(c) Over pumping is simply pumping at a higher rate than design. This seldom
brings best results when used alone. It may leave sand grains bridged in the formation and
requires high capacity equipment.
(d) Back washing involves reversal of flow. Water is pumped up in the well and
then is allowed to flow back into the aquifer. This usually does not supply the vigorous action
which can be obtained through mechanical surging.
(e) High velocity jetting utilizes nozzles to direct a stream of high pressure water
outward through the screen openings to rearrange the sand and gravel surrounding the
screen. The jetting tool is slowly rotated and raised and lowered to get the action to all parts of
the screen. This method works better on continuous slot well screens better than perforated
types of screens.
(5) Development in rock wells can be accomplished by one of the surging methods
listed above or by one of the following methods.
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(a) Explosives can be used to break rock formations. However it may be difficult to
tell in advance if the shooting operation will produce the required result.
(b) Acidizing can be used in wells in limestone formations. Fractures and crevices
are opened up in the aquifer surrounding the well hole by the action of the acid dissolving the
(c) Sand fracking is the action of forcing high pressure water containing sand or
plastic beads in to the fractures surround a well. This serves to force the crevices open.
b. Disinfection of Completed Well. The disinfection of the completed well shall conform to
AWWA A100. Bacteriological samples must be collected and examined in accordance with
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
5-8. RENOVATION OF EXISTING WELLS. Well yield can be maintained by proper operating
procedures. The most common cause of declining capacity in a well is incrustation which
results from material being deposited on the well screen and thereby clogging the openings. A
second cause is corrosion of the screen which is a chemical reaction of the metal. This action
results in the screen being dissolved and enlarging the openings, allowing caving to occur.
Records of pump performance and pumping levels are very important in a good maintenance
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b. Corrosion. The best method to prevent corrosion is to use a metal which is resistant to
the attack. Once a screen has deteriorated, the only method of rehabilitation may be to
remove it and install a new screen. The design of the initial installation should allow for
removal of the screen in the future. Corrosion is also a problem in pumps. The use of pumps
constructed of special non-corrosive materials will help. Care should be taken to use pumps
with single metal types. Chemical inhibitors can be injected into wells to prevent corrosion, but
this is costly.
c. Down Hole Inspections. Special television equipment has been developed to permit a
visual inspection of a well. Special lighting will permit high resolution pictures even under
water. Wells as deep as 900 m (3000 ft), in casings as small as 100 mm (4 in) diameter can
be inspected. The entire inspection can be videotaped for later review.
d. Well Cleaning. Where incrustation is a problem, periodic well cleaning (also called "well
stimulation" or "well rehabilitation") may be practiced. An effective cleaning procedure should
be developed and applied annually or more often if necessary. Maintenance procedures are
given in "Ground Water and Wells" by Driscoll, Fletcher G.
5-9. ABANDONMENT OF WELLS AND TEST HOLES . It is essential that wells, test wells,
and test holes that have served their purpose and are abandoned, be effectively sealed for
safety and to prevent pollution of the ground water resources in the area. The abandonment
of wells shall follow the guidance of AWWA A100 and state/local regulations. Figure 5-5
illustrates the configuration of a filter-packed well in operational condition and figure 5-7
illustrates a well after sealing.
b. Reports on area geology and ground water resources from U.S. Geological Survey,
State Geological Survey, and other state and local agencies that have an interest in or have
conducted ground water investigations. Records obtained from drilling contractors familiar with
the area. Reports of test drilling and pumping.
c. Copies of logs of existing water supply wells, drawdown data, pumpage, water table
elevations. Estimates of safe yield of aquifers.
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g. Probable location, number, type, depth, diameter and spacing of proposed water supply
wells. Significant problems associated with well operation.
i. Summary of applicable State water laws, rules, regulations, and procedures necessary
to establish water use rights. Impact of proposed use on established rights of others.
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a. Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water. According to 40 CFR 141,
"groundwater under the direct influence of surface water means any water beneath the surface
of the ground with (1) significant occurrence of insects or other macro-organisms, algae, or
large-diameter pathogens such as Giardia lamblia, or (2) significant and relatively rapid shifts
in water characteristics such as turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or pH which closely
correlate to climatological or surface water conditions." Direct influence is determined by the
State or should be determined by the installation's environmental office based on criteria
established by the State. Per Subpart H of 40 CFR 141, groundwater determined to be under
the direct influence of surface water must meet the same source water quality requirements as
surface water and will in most cases require filtration. Disinfection must be provided in all
(1) In most of the United States, upper aquifers are directly influenced by surface water
but groundwater from lower aquifers has been filtered by the formation through which it
passes. Water from lower aquifers does not have to meet the specific treatment requirements
of 40 CFR 141 (filtration and disinfection) but must still comply with standards which establish
maximum contamination levels. Other treatment such as softening, iron removal, or pH
adjustment may also be necessary. It should be noted that the natural filtering system can be
short-circuited by sink holes, fractured rocks or shallow soils that provide paths for animal
wastes and other contaminants to enter the groundwater from the surface. This is most likely
to occur after heavy storms or snow melts. If the State determines that a groundwater source
is under the direct influence of surface water, the installation must provide treatment within 18
months of written notice from the State.
(2) Guidance from the Office of the Surgeon General is provided to Department of the
Army personnel in TB MED 576. The Office of the Surgeon General advises that all water
used for drinking be disinfected (paragraph 6-1 of TB MED 576). The designer of a well and
treatment system should contact the proper office at the installation to determine if disinfection
is required for a given site. Chlorination is needed to provide residual chloride in the
distribution system. The extent of treatment must be based upon the results of the sampling
program. For a detailed discussion of treatment methods, see TM 5-813-3/AFM 88-10, Vol. 3.
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6-1. SURFACE WATER SOURCES. Surface water supply sources include streams, lakes,
and impounding reservoirs. Large supplies of surface water are generally available throughout
much of the eastern half of the United States where rainfall averages about 900 mm (35 in) or
more annually and is reasonably well distributed through the year. On the other hand, good
surface water sources are much more limited in many western regions with the exception of
the Pacific Northwest, where surface water is plentiful.
6-2. WATER LAWS. Any investigation directed toward development of new or additional
sources of supply must include consideration of applicable State water laws. Most of the
States in roughly the eastern half of the United States follow the riparian law of water rights,
and only a few have permit systems. Under this doctrine, the right to use water is associated
with ownership of the land through which the stream flows. The riparian rights doctrine is
essentially a legal principle which may be used, in some form, to settle disputes. It does not
automatically provide for State water management and record keeping. Planning for water
supply systems under the riparian doctrine is not absolutely certain for present and future
water availability and security. In contrast, western law is based largely on the doctrine of
"prior appropriation." In the 17 Western States where this doctrine prevails, sophisticated
legal, administrative and management machinery exists. In these States, water rights and land
ownership are separable and most Western States authorize a water-right owner to sell the
right to another. The new owner is permitted to transfer the water to another point of use or
put it to a different use, provided the transfer conforms to the State's administrative
6-3. QUALITY OF SURFACE WATERS. The quality of stream and lake waters varies
geographically and seasonally. Streams, in particular, often exhibit fairly wide seasonal
fluctuations in mineral quality, principally as a result of variations in stream flow. In general,
streams and lakes east of the 95th meridian, which includes most of Minnesota, Iowa,
Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, and states east thereof, exhibit dis- solved mineral solids in the
range of 100 or less to about 700 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The water from these sources,
after conventional treatment in a well-designed filtration plant, will meet standards prescribed
for potable water (see appendix A of TM 5-813-3/AFM 88-10, Vol. 3, for these standards).
Unusual local conditions; e.g., pollution may render some eastern waters unsuitable as a
source of supply; but in general, eastern streams and lakes are a satisfactory raw water
source. Similar comments are applicable to surface waters of the Pacific Northwest area.
Streams in many other areas west of the 95th meridian are much less satisfactory, often
showing dissolved mineral solids in the range of 700 to 1,800 mg/L. High concentrations of
hardness- producing and other minerals such as sulfate and chloride are found in some
western surface waters.
6-4. WATERSHED CONTROL AND SURVEILLANCE. Raw water supplies should be of the
best practicable quality even though extensive treatment, including filtration, is provided. Strict
watershed control is usually impractical in the case of water supplies obtained from streams.
However, some measure of control can be exercised over adverse influences, such as waste
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water discharges, in the vicinity of the water supply intake. For supplies derived from
impounding reservoirs, it is generally feasible to establish and maintain a control and
surveillance program whose objective is protection of the quality of raw water obtained from
the reservoir. At reservoirs whose sole purpose is to provide a source of water supply,
recreational use of the reservoir and shoreline areas should be rigorously controlled to protect
the water supply quality.
6-5. CHECKLIST FOR SURFACE WATER INVESTIGATIONS. The investigations will cover
the following items, as well as others, as circumstances warrant.
d. Intake location.
i. Pertinent geological data that may affect dam foundation or ability of reservoir to hold
l. State water laws, rules and regulations, procedure for obtaining right to use water,
impact of proposed use on rights of other users.
6-6. TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS. Surface water sources must meet specific contaminant
level requirements given in 40 CFR 141, Subpart H for fecal coliform and turbidity, or provide
filtration. In most case, filtration should be anticipated. Disinfection must be provided for all
surface water sources of potable water. Additional treatment may be required to remove other
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7-1. GENERAL. The intake is an important feature of surface-water collection works. For
fairly deep streams, whose flow always exceeds water demands, the raw water collection
facilities generally consist of an intake structure located in or near the stream, an intake
conduit and a raw water pumping station. Often the intake and pumping station are combined
in a single structure. On smaller, shallow streams, a channel dam may be required to provide
adequate intake submergence and ice protection. Inlet cribs of heavy-timber construction,
surrounding multiple-inlet conduits, are frequently employed in large natural lakes. For
impounding reservoirs, multiple-inlet towers, which permit varying the depth of withdrawal, are
commonly used. Hydraulically or mechanically- cleaned coarse screens are usually provided
to protect pumping equipment from debris. Debris removed from screens must be hauled to a
landfill or other satisfactory disposal site. It may be necessary to obtain a permit for
construction of an intake from both State and Federal agencies. If the stream is used for
navigation, the intake design should include consideration of navigation use and of impact
from boats or barges out of control. A permit from the U.S. Army District Engineer is required
for any construction on navigable waterways.
7-2. CAPACITY AND RELIABILITY. The intake system must have sufficient capacity to meet
the maximum anticipated demand for water under all conditions during the period of its useful
life. Also, it should be capable of supplying water of the best quality economically available
from the source. Reliability is of major importance in intake design because functional failure
of the intake means failure of the water system. Intakes are subject to numerous hazards such
as navigation or flood damage, clogging with fish, sand, gravel, silt, ice, debris, extreme low
water not contemplated during design, and structural failure of major components. Many
streams carry heavy suspended silt loads. In addition to suspended silt, there is also a
movement of heavier material along the bed of the stream. The intake must be designed so
that openings and conduits will not be clogged by bed-load deposits. An additional problem,
caused by suspended silt and sand, is serious abrasion of pumps and other mechanical
equipment. Excessive silt and sand may also cause severe problems at treatment plants.
Liberal margins of safety must be provided against flood hazards and also against low-water
conditions. A depression dredged in the stream bed to provide submergence is not a solution
to he low-water problem because it will be filled by bedload movement. A self-scouring
channel dam may be the only means of assuring adequate water depth. As an alternative to
unusually difficult intake construction, gravel-packed wells and horizontal collector infiltration
systems located in the alluvium near the river are often worthy of investigation. Water
obtained from such systems will usually be a mixture of ground water and induced flow from
the stream.
7-3. ICE PROBLEMS. In northern lakes, frazil ice (a slushy accumulation of ice crystals in
moving water) and anchor ice (ice formed beneath the water surface and attached to
submerged objects) are significant hazards, while on large rivers, floating ice has caused
damage. Intake design must include ample allowances for avoiding or coping with these
hazards. The intake location and inlet size are important aspects of design. Excessive inlet
water velocities have been responsible for major clogging problems caused by both sand and
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ice. Inlet velocities in the range of 75 mm to 150 mm (0.25 to 0.5 ft) per second are desirable
for avoiding ice clogging of intakes. Where ice is a problem, river intakes must have the
structural stability to resist the thrust of ice jams and the openings must be deep enough to
avoid slush ice which has been reported as deep as 2 to 2.5 m (6 to 8 ft). Frazil and anchor
ice can also cause difficulties, but on rivers, floating ice is usually the greater hazard. Steam
heating has been employed to cope with ice problems at some northern lake intakes.
Nonferrous materials are preferred for cold-climate inlet construction because their lower heat
conductivity discourages ice formation.
7-4. INTAKE LOCATION. Meandering streams in deep alluviums pose especially difficult
intake problems. Here, expensive dikes, jetties and channel protection may be required to
prevent the river channel from moving away from the intake or cutting behind it. On such
streams, careful consideration must be given to intake location. Generally, the intake site
should be on the outside bank of a well established bend where the flow is usually swiftest and
deepest. If the outside bend site includes a rock bank, a reliable intake probably can be
placed there. Inside bends are to be avoided because of shallow water and sand bars.
Sufficient depth at extreme low stage must also be a consideration. In addition to structural
and hydraulic considerations, water quality is of major importance in connection with intake
design and location, and the water quality aspects of a proposed location should be carefully
examined. The location study should include a sanitary survey whose objective is evaluation
of the effects of existing and potential sources of pollution on water quality at the intake site.
The survey should include a summary of historical water quality data at the site plus an
assessment of the probable impact of all wastewater discharges likely to influence present or
future quality.
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a. Pumping Station Arrangement. The location and arrangement of raw water pumping
stations will depend upon the requirements of the local situation and only general comments
can be given. Raw water pumping stations and intakes are often combined in a single
structure, but this is not mandatory. The depth of the structure is a function of the type and
arrangement of the pumps used. Horizontal centrifugal pumps are often employed and will
give satisfactory performance and good operating economy. However, if the supply is from a
variable stream and the pump suctions are to be under positive pressure under all operating
conditions, a station of considerable depth probably will be required. Deep stations of the
dry-pit type commonly used for horizontal centrifugal pumps should be compartmented so that
rupture of pump discharge piping within the station will not flood all other pumps and motors.
The depth may be reduced, with some loss in reliability, by installing the pumps at an elevation
such that suction lift prevails under some operating conditions. Equipment for priming is a
requirement when suction lift is employed. Use of vertical type wet-pit pumps, which requires
less space in plan, permits a somewhat shallower station and does not require priming, may
prove an economical alternative. Among other pumping arrangements that could be used are:
vertical-type pumps or end- or side-suction centrifugals, with their shafts in a vertical position,
located on a submerged suction header. The latter permits location of the pump drive units at
an elevation where they are protected from flooding and readily accessible.
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d. Ventilation. Where a gravity ventilation system is deemed inadequate to supply fresh air
and remove fumes and heated air from the pump station, a forced ventilation system should be
provided. The ventilation system should be capable of removing waste heat from the motors
without allowing more than a 6o K (10o F) rise in the temperature of the air in the pump station.
For occupied areas, the ventilation system will have a capacity of about six air changes per
hour. If dust-producing chemicals are to be handled at the station, special dust exhaust
systems will also be provided. Where chemicals are used in the pump station, precautions
should be taken to ensure that the exhaust from the ventilation system complies with air
pollution prevention requirements.
8-2. GROUND WATER SOURCES. For most applications, either vertical line shaft turbine
pumps or submersible turbine pumps will be used. For small capacity or low-head
applications, rotary or reciprocating (piston) pumps may be more appropriate. Factors
influencing the selection of pumping equipment include well size, maximum pumping rate,
range in pumping rate, maximum total head requirements, range in total head requirements,
and type of power available. Final selection of pumping equipment will be based on life cycle
cost considerations. If all pumps use electric power as the primary energy source, a sufficient
number of the pumps must be equipped for emergency operation when normal electric power
is not available. Emergency power can be provided by gas-turbine or diesel engine generators
or by engines arranged to provide for pump operation by direct engine drives during the
emergency. These standby-powered pumps will be capable of supplying at least 50 percent of
the required daily demand, except where greater capacity is essential.
8-3. ELECTRIC POWER. If dual electric power feeders, breakers, transformers and
switchgear can be provided, they will increase the station's reliability but may add appreciably
to its cost. If a high degree of reliability is deemed necessary, the station should be served by
independent transmission lines that are connected to independent power sources or have
automatic switch over to direct drive engines.
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9-1. GENERAL.. Water supply is an essential feature of any large project and water system
planning should be coordinated with the design of the project elements, in order to insure
orderly progress toward project completion, and with an installation's comprehensive water
resource management plan, required in AR 420-46. Major elements of the water system, such
as supply works, usually can be located and designed in advance of detailed project site
planning. On the other hand, the design of the distribution system must be deferred until
completion of topographic surveys and the development of the final site plan. The preparation
of plans and specifications for water supply works, pumping stations, treatment works, supply
lines, storage facilities and distribution systems requires the services of professional engineers
thoroughly versed in water works practice. Cross-connections between potable and
nonpotable water systems are prohibited.
b. Restrictions. Materials, such as lead, copper, and asbestos, have in the past been
commonly used in pipes and other components of water supply facilities but have been
determined by the Environmental Protection Agency to be detrimental to public health. Any
pipe and fittings used in a system providing water for human consumption shall contain no
more than 8.0 percent lead and any solder or flux used shall contain no more than 0.2 percent
lead. Copper contamination is a byproduct of the corrosion of copper pipe and fittings. Acidic
groundwater is a common cause of corrosion of copper pipe - therefore copper materials
should not come into contact with acidic water until after it has been neutralized. Since copper
piping is common in plumbing systems, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations require
that optimum corrosion control procedures be used for potable water systems. Asbestos and
asbestos-cement products shall not be used.
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9-3. ENERGY CONSERVATION. For each water supply alternative considered, energy
requirements will be clearly identified and the design analysis will include consideration of all
energy conservation measures consistent with system adequacy and reliability.
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Driscoll, Fletcher G., Groundwater and Wells, Johnson Division, 2nd. ed., 1987
American Water Works Association (AWWA), 666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235
American Society of Civil Engineers, Ground Water Management, (ASCE Manual 40), New
York, NY
Bennison, E. W., Ground Water, Its Development, Uses and Conservation, Edward E.
Johnson, Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota (1947)
Beskid, N. J., Hydrological Engineering Considerations for Ranney Collector Well Intake
Systems, Division of Environmental Impact Studies of the Argonne National Laboratory
Campbell, M. D. and Lehr. J. H., Water Well Technology, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
N.Y. 1973
Fair, Gordon; Geyer, John C.; and Okun, Daniel A. Water Supply and Wastewater Removal,
Vol. 1
Fair, Gordon M.; Geyer, John C.; Okun, Daniel A., Elements of Water Supply and Wastewater
Disposal, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1971
Gibson, Ulric P. and Singer, Rexford D., Water Well Manual, Premier Press, Berkeley, CA,
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3 August 1998
Hardenbergh, W. A. and Rodie, E. B., Water Supply and Waste Disposal, International
Textbook Co., 1963
Lacina, W. V., A Case History in Ground Water Collection, Public Works, July 1972
Spiridonoff, S. V. Design and Use of Radial Collector Wells, Journal, AWWA, Vol. 56, No. 6
(June 1964)
Walker, W. R. Managing Our Limited Water Resources: The Ogallala Aquifer. Civil
Engineering, ASCE (Oct. 1982)
Water Systems Handbook. Sixth Edition. Water Systems Council, Chicago, Illinois.
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B-1. THE SITUATION. The Government has purchased approximately 100 acres for use as a
site for a light manufacturing plant in the midwest. The site is generally situated between two
small towns on the western bank at a large river. Existing roads from the boundaries of the
north and west sides, a railroad is on the east and undeveloped land on the south. A creek
crosses from west to east along the northern portion and a large flat area exists for the facility.
The site is generally overgrown with hardwoods and pines. The northern portion, at the base
of the slope, is relatively flat and was once farmland. The small commercial area on the east
and both towns are served by wells located in the plains between the river and the hilly area.
A search of records, review of aerial photos and discussions with local residents indicates that
no dumps or other potential sources of pollution exist in the watershed. A plan of the site is
shown on figure B-1.
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B-2. SITE SELECTION. Figure B-1 has been prepared from a U.S.G.S. topographic map.
Contours, drainage and land use have been shown but vegetation has been omitted for clarity.
The well must be located within the site boundary for security and to minimize the length of
pipelines. Since the existing towns use the river plains area as a source of ground water, the
flatland in the northeast has been chosen as a site for test drilling. It has good potential for
recharge from the surface drainage and from the river. Available records indicate the 100 year
flood level to be approximately at elevation 675 feet; therefore, the site is not subject to
flooding. Three test wells were driven in the locations shown on figure B-1 and indicated by
PW (pumping well), W1 and W2 (observation wells). A cross section of these three wells is
represented by figure 5-3. The depth to the bottom of the aquifer is found to be 150 feet.
Depth to static water level is 100 ft. A pumping test gives the following data.
Q = 200 gpm
r1 = 50.0 ft
h1 = 47.5 ft
r2 = 300.0 ft
h2 = 49.0 ft
P = 1134 gpd/sf
B-3. SIZE THE WELL.. A yield of 350 gpm is required. Table 5-3 indicates that a pump of 6-
inch diameter will be required and the smallest well casing (and screen size) should be 8
inches. (Current pump manufacturers and screen manufacturers literature should be reviewed
to confirm this.) Assuming R = 1000 ft. and a maximum drawdown of 15 ft. as depicted in
figure 5-4, calculate the available yield:
P (H2 - h2)
Q =
1055 log (R/r)
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The well should be designed to be drilled to the bottom of the aquifer. Screen manufacturer's
literature shows that an 8" diameter telescoping screen has an intake area of 113 sq. in. per ft.
of length; calculate length of screen required using equation 5-5:
L =
A V (7.48)
L =
(113/2/144) (4) (7.48)
L = 30 ft.
Note that the pumping water level will be above the top of the screen. Check screen entrance
B-4. LOCATION. The well should be installed near the test pumping well (PW) and
observation well (Wl) as shown on figure B-1. The exact location may be influenced by
location of access roads, fences and other details. This leaves room for construction of an
additional well for future expansion of the facility, north of the observation well (W2) which
would be beyond the 250 ft. minimum spacing required.
B-5. WATER QUALITY. Samples are taken and analyzed in accordance with Standard
Methods. Although the water quality is such that no treatment is required, chlorine will be
added as a disinfectant in accordance with standard practice.
B-6. PUMP SELECTION. An elevated storage tank will be installed in the area of the facility
to maintain a 40 psi minimum distribution system pressure at the maximum ground elevation of
820 ft. Approximately 1500 lin. ft. of 6-inch pipe will be required from the well to the tank.
Calculate the TDH using equation 5-6.
a. Suction head is the distance from the ground (pump level) to the lowest elevation of
water in the well. Assume this would be at the top of the screen. Add the distance to the
water table plus depth of top of screen.
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b. Discharge head is the difference in elevation from the pump to the water level in the
storage tank. Calculate the difference in ground elevation and add the required pressure.
Assume the well is at El. 695.
c. Friction head is calculated by methods presented in TM 5-813-5. Add head loss in pipe
plus loss in fittings.
V2 (4)2
= = 0.25 ft.
2g (2) (32.2)
Calculate the pump horsepower using equation 5-7. Efficiency can be found in manufacturer's
(303) (350)
P =
(3960) (0.65)
P = 41.2 hp.
B-7. SPECIFICATION PREPARATION. Given the above information, the designer can review
manufacturer's literature and consult with their representatives to determine types of pumps
and motor drives which are available to meet the operating conditions. The calculations can
then be refined to account for actual pump and well characteristics. Although not a function of
well design, the engineer may want to oversize the transmission main from the well to the
storage tank to allow for future expansion or make other modifications in the design. The
calculations should be reviewed when all systems are finally sized. The well diameter may be
oversized to allow for future installation of a larger pump, but the pump installed should not
exceed the capacity of the well. This procedure gives sufficient information to specify a water
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B-8. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. Since this area is subject to freezing temperatures and
other climatic conditions which would be detrimental to an exposed pump and motor, a small
building should be erected for protection. The floor of the building should be raised above
grade and the foundation extended below frost depth. A separate room with access only from
the outside should be provided for the chlorination equipment. The well casing should be
extended above the floor approximately 12 inches and concrete placed to this level for the
pump base. Electric power can be provided from the main facility. Some small parts storage
may be provided.
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C-1. METHODS. Drilled wells are normally constructed by one of the following methods:
- Hydraulic Rotary
- Cable Tool Percussion
- Reverse Circulation Rotary
- Hydraulic-Percussion
- Air Rotary
These methods are suitable for drilling in a variety of formations. Diameters may be as large
as 60 inches for wells constructed by the reverse circulation method. Smaller diameter wells
may be constructed by drilling to depths of 3000 or 4000 feet. For a detailed discussion of
these methods, see Ground Water and Wells by Johnson Division, UOP Inc. The first two
methods listed are the most common in well construction and a brief description of each
a. In the hydraulic-rotary method of drilling, the hole is formed by rotating suitable tools
that cut, chip, and abrade the rock formations into small particles. The equipment consists of a
derrick, a hoist to handle the tools and lower the casing into the hole, a rotary table to rotate
the drill pipe and bit, pumps to handle mud-laden fluid, and a suitable source of power. As the
drill pipe and bit are rotated, drilling mud is pumped through the drill pipe, through openings in
the bit, and up to the surface in the space between the drill pipe and the wall of the hole,
washing the drill cuttings out of the hole at the same time. The borehole is kept full of a
relatively heavy mud fluid. Due to its viscosity, this fluid exerts a greater pressure against the
walls of the hold than the water flowing in from the water-bearing bed. Therefore, the mud
tends to penetrate and seal the pore spaces in the walls, and prevents caving. Water under
low hydrostatic pressure (pressure exerted by the weight of the water in the water zone)
cannot force its way into the hole.
b. In the cable tool percussion method of drilling, the hole is formed by the pounding and
cutting action of a drilling bit that is alternately raised and dropped. This operation is known as
spudding. The drill bit is a club-like, chisel-type tool, suspended from a cable. As the bit is
raised and lowered, the cable unwinds and rewinds, which gives the bit a grinding motion as
well as a chisel-type action. It breaks hard formations into small fragments and loosens soft
formations. The reciprocating motion of the drilling tools mixes the loosened material into a
slurry that is removed from the hole at intervals by a bailer or sand pump.