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Applications Note 3.0: Creating Parts in Eagle

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Eagle PCB Technical Applications Note R.

L Pauly Electronic Design

Applications Note 3.0

%. L. Pa#l"

Creating Parts in Eagle

Before I enter into details of how to create parts with EAGLE, let me begin with explaining an overall idea of it. hen creating components with EAGLE, it consist of ! steps. If "o# are not incl#ding a schematic, onl" follow the steps in defining a pac$age. The 3 steps we are Package, Symbol and Device. The whole idea is to initially create your package or the physical footprint of your component, then create a schematic symbol representation of it, then create a Device, which is the union of the symbol and the package. This may sound a little confusing at the time, but it will make a lot of sense in a little. Currently !"# consist of appro$imately %&' libraries. There will be occasions that the entire component you need is not included in our library but maybe one of its components is. (or e$ample we may have the Package or a Symbol for a particular )C. !"# has the ability of Cutting and Pasting Symbols and Packages between libraries. Devices may not be transferred between libraries.

!"# Control Panel

Cutting and Pasting et!een li raries

"irst egin !ith teaching you ho! to open a li rary #or editing purpose. "ro$ the control panel clic% on "&LE'(PEN'L&BRAR) . This !ill open a dialog o* sho!ing a path and all o# the li raries in that particular path. By de#ault EA+LE !ill install all o# the li raries in the directory C,-PR(+RA. "&LE/-EA+LE-LBR. /elect the li rary that contains the Pac%age or /y$ ol you !ant trans#erred to your o!n li rary. )ou !ill notice a lan% screen !ith certain tool ars acti0e. "ro$ here you $ay select i# you !ant to edit a sy$ ol or a pac%age. "or this e*ercise !e !ill select to edit a pac%age. Clic% on the Edit a Pac%age &con. A dialog o* !ill appear !ith all the Pac%ages in the present li rary. /elect the pac%age you !ant to trans#er and clic% (1. )ou !ill no! e located in the pac%age editor section !ith the pac%age located in the center o# your screen. To select the current pac%age use the group icon. Ta%e your $ouse cursor and clic% !ith your le#t $ouse %ey and drag a rectangle to co0er your entire pac%age. 2hen you release your $ouse cursor you !ill notice all the ite$s in your pac%age !ill highlight. This $eans the pac%age has een selected. No! clic% on the cut icon3 place your $ouse cursor any!here in the dra!ing area and press your right $ouse utton. This !ill place this current pac%age in the EA+LE clip oard. No! you $ay close the li rary and open another li rary or create your o!n. 2hen you close the li rary you !ill located at the EA+LE Control panel. "ro$ here you $ay clic% on "&LE'(PEN'Li rary or clic% on "&LE'NE2'Li rary. A#ter you ha0e opened another li rary clic% on the edit pac%age icon !hen the dialog o* appears you !ill notice a #ield on the otto$ that says ne!3 type in the

na$e o# the ne! pac%age you !ish to create. )ou could use the sa$e na$e o# the pac%age #ro$ the pre0ious li rary. Clic% on (13 EA+LE !ill pro$pt you i# you !ish to create a ne! pac%age3 select (1. This !ill ring you to a editor screen !ith a grid. Clic% on the paste icon and you !ill notice as you $o0e your $ouse cursor that the pac%age is no! attached to it. Place the pac%age any!here on the screen. 2e pre#er to place the co$ponent !ith the origin o# the page in the center o# the pac%age. This $a%es it easier to select on the oard layout le0el.
&ollow the same steps for a schematic s"mbol. /u$$ary '( )pen the librar" that contains the pac$age or s"mbol "o# want to transfer. *+ dit the package or symbol you wish to select. 3+ Create a group around the item you selected. ,+ Click on the cut icon and place your mouse cursor anywhere in the drawing area and click with your right mouse key. &+ -pen your new library. .+ Create a new package or symbol by selecting the appropriate edit icon. /+ "ive you component a name on the bottom of the dialog bo$. 0+ Click on the paste command. dit a package dit a symbol Pac%age De#inition As I mentioned before a Pac$age is the ph"sical footprint of "o#r component. It is ver" important "o# gather the proper data for the pac$age in regards of pads spacing, diameter of pad and the si*e of the drill for the pad as well. After gathering, all of this information lets proceed to create the pac$age. &rom the control panel clic$ on &ILE+,E +Librar" if "o# are creating a new librar" or clic$ on &ILE+)PE,+Librar" to add to an existing librar". "roup Cut Paste

!fter opening the library, you will be at the initial component library editor screen. Click on the D)T P!C1!" icon to create a package. 2hen the dialog bo$ appears towards the bottom you will notice a field with the word 3 2 to the right of it. Type in the name of the package you wish to create in the empty field, Click -1. !"# will prompt you to create a new package, simply acknowledge by pressing the -1 button. !t this time you will be located at a blank screen with a grid turned on. The default grid setting are .'& inches. 4efore you proceed to drop your pads set the grid to match a factor of your pad spacing. (or e$ample, if my pad spacing is .'& inches ) will set my grid to .'*& that way ) know that ) place a component at every other grid intersection.

3ow to set the pad si5e. )f you are going to work with through hole pads you should first set the pad diameter and the drill si5e. Click on the change icon and select the diameter option. 3ow select the appropriate diameter. Click on the change icon again and this time select the drill option and select the proper drill diameter. #ast, select change again and select the option shape and select the appropriate pad shape you wish to use. 3ow proceed to use the pad icon to place pads on your package. 2hen placing your pads they will automatically get numbered for you. )f you want your pads to be numbered differently simply type the number in between single 6uotes and !"# will continue this se6uence. (or e$ample, the first pad that gets placed will be numbered P7% the second will be P7* and so on. To change this se6uence type the number in single 6uotes 8%9. 3ow the first pad will be % and the second one will be * and so on. :ou can also use the name icon to name your pads. !fter placing your pads you may want to create a silk screen for your component. The silk screen is done by drawing a wire around your component on the Tplace layer. Click on the change icon and select the option layer and select the Tplace layer. 3ow select the wire icon and proceed to draw your silkscreen. :ou may also want to use other drawing shapes for your silk screen such as !rc, Circle, ;ectangle or circle. 3ow that you are done with the component outline lets proceed to place fields for the name and the value of the component. Click on the change icon and select the option layer and select the Tname layer. Press the te$t icon and in the dialog bo$ type <3!= and click -1. Place the s6uare bo$ that appears on you mouse cursor wherever you want the name of the component to appear. :ou place the te$t by pressing the left mouse cursor. T o place the value, click on the change icon and select the option layer and click on the Tvalue layer. Press the te$t icon and type <>!#? and place this te$t bo$ wherever you want the value te$t to appear. @@@noteA !s you can notice the silkscreen actually consist of 3 layersA Tplace, Tname and Tvalue. The reason behind this is that it gives the user the option of turning on or off certain layers for viewing or printing purposes. :our package is finished. )f you don9t have the !"# schematic editor you will not be able to proceed with the ne$t steps.

/u$$ary '( &rom the control panel- &ILE+,E +Librar" or &ILE+)PE,+Librar" and select an existing librar". *+ Click on the dit package icon and in the 3 2 field give your package a name. 3+ 2hen in the package editor mode, set the following parameter using the change iconA a. "rid b. Pad Si5e c. Pad Diameter d. Pad numbering. ,+ ?se the P!D icon to drop pads for your package. &+ Draw your component outline on the Tplace layer. Place te$t field for your name and value. The <3!= should be located on the Tname layer and <>!#? should be located on the Tvalue layer. )cons used for package definitionA dit a Package "rid /y$ ol De#inition At the schematic s"mbol section is where "o# will create a schematic representation of "o#r pac$age. hen creating a s"mbol, spacing nor si*e is not reall" a concern b#t, the name of "o#r pins is. If "o# are in the librar" editor mode "o# sho#ld simpl" clic$ on the Edit ."mbol icon. If "o# are in the control panel clic$ on &ILE+)PE,+LIB%A%/ and select the librar" "o# want to edit then clic$ on the Edit ."mbol Icon. A dialog box will appear with a list of s"mbols in the c#rrent librar". 0owards the bottom "o# will notice a field with the word ,E , in this field t"pe in the name "o# wish to give "o#r s"mbol. 0he s"mbol doesn1t have to have the same name as the pac$age. Change Pad 3ame 2ire Te$t

222,ote- /o# ma" Gro#p, C#t and Paste s"mbols between libraries as explained in the first sheet.

3se the pin icon to place "o#r pins on the c#rrent screen. After placing "o#r pins "o# ma" want to name "o#r pins appropriatel" b" #sing the ,A4E icon. After clic$ing on the ,A4E icon clic$ on the pin and change its name. ,otice that the defa#lt names are P5', P56 and so on. /o# ma" change them to meet "o#r component spec sheet. After naming "o#r pins "o# ma" want to assign them the appropriate direction. 0he direction is #sed for "o#r schematic Electrical %#le Chec$er 7E%C(. 0his chec$s for proper electrical connectivit" on "o#r schematic. &or example if two o#tp#t pins are on the same net or there are mixed power pins with reg#lar signal pins.

,ow is to create the s"mbol sil$screen. 0his sil$screen is #sed to easil" identif" the component on the schematic. /o# ma" #se the wire command on the s"mbol la"er or an" other shape "o# ma" need on this la"er. /o# might want to change grid si*es if necessar", b#t ma$e s#re to p#t "o#r grid to the defa#lt settings before saving the component. e are on o#r final step for the s"mbol. ,ow its time to provides fields for the ,ame and the 8al#e of the component. 0his is ver" similar to the Pac$age 9efinition section. Clic$ on the Change Icon and select the option LA/E%, select the ,A4E. la"er. 0hen clic$ on the 0ext Icon and t"pe the word :,A4E and clic$ );. 0his text will appear on "o#r mo#se c#rsor in the form of a rectang#lar box. Place this box where "o# want the name of the component to appear on the schematic. Clic$ on the left mo#se b#tton to place "o#r text. %emember "o# ma" rotate "o#r text while attached to "o#r c#rsor b" pressing the right mo#se $e". Clic$ on the Change Icon and select the La"er option and select the 8AL3E la"er. ,ow select the 0ext Icon and t"pe :8AL3E, place this text wherever "o# want the val#e of the component to appear.

.#mmar" '( )pen the librar" that contains the s"mbol "o# wish to edit or the librar" where "o# want to create a new s"mbol. 6( Clic$ on the Edit ."mbol Icon. )n the dialog box that appears, select the s"mbol "o#r are going to edit or in the ,E field provide a name for a new s"mbol. !( Place pins. 7Pin Icon( <( ,ame Pins. 7,ame Icon( =( Give "o# pins the proper direction. 7Change Icon + La"er( >( Create a s"mbol sil$screen on the s"mbol la"er. 7Change Icon + La"er+."mbol( ?( Create the :,A4E field on the name and the :8AL3E on the val#e la"er.

Icons to be #sed-

Edit a ."mbol





9evice 9efinition 0he 9evice is the final level when creating components with EAGLE. At this stage "o# will create a relation between the pac$age and the s"mbol. hen editing the device "o# will not do an" drawing s#ch as wires or an"thing of the sort. If "o# are in the librar" editor mode alread" clic$ on the Edit 9evice Icon and select the device to edit or the new device "o# wish to create. If "o# are at the EAGLE control panel clic$ on &ILE+)PE,+LIB%A%/ and select the librar" to edit. After entering the device editing mode "o# will notice a blan$ screen. Clic$ on the Add Icon to add a the schematic s"mbol on the device. Place as man" s"mbols that are contained in this pac$age. After placing all of the s"mbols needed clic$ on the .top sign. ,ow the "o# have place the s"mbol "o# wish to #se we need to let EAGLE $now what pac$age is going to #se with that s"mbol. Clic$ on the Pac$age Icon. ,ow "o# will be able the see a list of pac$ages in this librar". .elect the appropriate pac$age and clic$ );. /o# will not notice an" change. Clic$ on connect Icon to begin ma$ing or assigning the Pin to Pad relation. /o# will notice a pop #p box with ! col#mns. 0he first col#mn has the names of "o#r pins, the col#mn in the middle has the pad n#mbers and the third col#mn will be blan$. In bottom of the dialog will appear a large b#tton that sa"s connect. 0o create a relation between a pin and a pad simpl" highlight the pin on the first col#mn then highlight the pad "o# wish to assign it to in the middle col#mn and press the connect b#tton. ,ow that pin+pad assignment will appear in the third col#mn. If "o# notice in the first col#mn where the name of the pin is located "o# will see a G5' parameter. 0his refers to the gate which is being refer to. If "o# had a m#lti@gate s"stem "o# wo#ld notice a G56, G5! and so on b#t the pin names wo#ld $eep repeating it self.

After "o# have completed "o#r pin + pad connections "o#r device is now created. If "o# find that "o# ma" have made a mista$e in "o#r connections, "o# can select 9isconnect to brea$ the connection and start over again. hen "o# are done with "o# connections clic$ on the save tool b#tton or select file and save to store the device in "o#r librar". 0his device is now available to #se in "o#r design. I wo#ld s#ggest creating a librar"name.log file to add additional entries or corrections to "o# librar". A sample 2.log template was s#pplied with this applications note.

In Concl#sionThis applications note has been created in order to help fellow Eagle users with their design efforts. Although great care was taken to make this document as accurate as possible, it should be verified. R.L. Pauly Electronic esign is not responsible for e!tra design or manuafacturing costs as a result of this document. This document has been created free of charge for Eagle users. Any comment concerning this document is greatly appreciated and can be sent to" Bob Pa#l" %.L. Pa#l" Electronic 9esign Emial- rpa#l"ApdB.net If "o# wo#ld li$e to learn more abo#t services for EaglePCB offered b" %.L. Pa#l" Electronic 9esign please #se the Email address above or cons#lt the 9) ,L)A9 section of the Cad.oft website. /o# can also send the form below for information. C#t here

Please send more more information abo#t EaglePCB services and prod#cts ,ame CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Address- CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC send to%.L. Pa#l" Electronic 9esign '6D> Eagle La$es, &riendswood, 0E ??=<> Phone CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Email-CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


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