Tank Jet Mixers

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A Tank Jet Mixer is a mass momentum exchange device that uses pressurised liquid energy to entrain, mix and

pump a secondary fluid. Transvac designs and manufactures a comprehensive range of Tank Jet Mixers and complete Tank Jet Mixing systems for the process industries. A Tank Jet Mixer is aMixer mass momentum exchange device that uses that pressurised liquid energy to energy entrain,to mix and pump A Tank Jet ATank Tank Jet is mass momentum exchange device usespressurised pressurised liquid entrain, mixand andpump pump Mixer isJet a mass A Mixermomen is aamass exchange device that uses liquid energy to entrain, mix tummomentum exchan ge device that uses pressur ised liquid energy to entrain, a secondary fluid. Transvac designs and manufactures a comprehensive range of Tank Jet Mixers and complete Tank Tank mix and pump a secondary fluid. Transvac designs and manufactures a comprehensive range of Tank Jet Mixers and complete a secondary secondary fluid. Transvac designs andmanufactures manufactures a comprehensive range of Tank Jet Mixers and complete Tank fluid. Transva aa secondary fluid. Transvac designs and a comprehensive range of Tank Jet Mixers and complete Tank c designs and manufa ctures a comprehensive range of Tank Jet Mixers and complete Tank Jet Mixing systems for the process industries. Jet Mixing Jet Mixing systems forthe the process industries. systems Jet Mixing systems for the process industries. forsystems Jet Mixing for process the process industri es. industries.

Tank Jet Mixers Tank Jet Mixing Systems Tank Jet Mixing Systems Ta Tank Jet Mixing Systems nk Je t Mi xin g Sy ste ms A Tank Jet Mixer is a mass momentum exchange device that uses pressurised liquid energy to entrain, mix and pump

Tank Jet Mixing Systems

Carbon Steel Tank Jet Mixer

Hygienic Stainless Steel Tank Jet Mixer

Carbon Steel Tank Jet Mixer Carbon Steel Tank Jet Mixer

ADVANTAGES ADVAN ADVANTAGES TAGES ADVANTAGES Whether the application is for mixing food products or trade effluent, Transvac Tank Jet Tank Mixers offer a simple Whethe Whether the application is for mixing products or tradeSimple effluent, Transvac Jet Mixers offeraand asimple simpleand and r the applicat ion Whether the application for mixing food products or trade effluent, Transvac Tank Jet Mixers offer is for mixingis food product No maintenance & Robust No maintenance sfood effluent Even of mixing or trade , distribution Transva c Tank Jet Mixers offer reliable method of blending / mixing liquids and keeping solids in suspension. a simple and reliable method reliable method ofblending blending mixing liquidsand andkeeping keeping solids in suspension. of blendin reliable method / /mixing liquids solids in suspension. g / of mixing liquids and keeping solids Simple Robust in suspen Operation at support varying levels & No moving parts sion. No bridges or bottom bearings No maintenance Simple & Robust No Nomaintenance maintenance Simple &no Robust Nomainte moving parts nance No baffles required, vortexing Materials No Simple & Robust to suit the process liquor Simple Even distribution of mixing & Robust No moving parts No support bridges or bottom bearings Nomoving support bridges or bottom bearings No Operates at low levels No moving parts No support bridges or bottombearings bearings parts No moving parts levels No support bridges or bottom Operate at varying No baffles required, no vortexing No suppor t bridges or bottom bearing s Materials to suit the process liquor Even distribution of mixing Materials to suit the process liquor Controllable performance Materia Materials tosuit suit the processliquor liquor Even Even distribution ofmixing mixing ls to suit Materials to the process Controllable Even of the proces s liquor Operate close to tank base distribu performance tion distribution of mixing Operate at varying levels No baffles required, no vortexing at varying Operate atvarying varyinglevels levels Nobaffles bafflesrequired, required,no novortexing vortexing Operat e Operate at require No No baffles d, no vortexing PRINCIPLE OF levels OPERATION Operate close to tank base Controllable performance Principle Of Operation close Operate close to tank base Controllableperformance performance Operat In operation, liquid is discharged through e topressurised Operate close tank base tank baseto Contro llableControllable performance the jet nozzle into the suction chamber.through The change In operation, pressurised liquid is discharged the PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION OF OPERA PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION TION from pressure energy to kinetic energy (velocity) In operation, pressurised liquid is discharged through jet nozzle into the suction chamber. The change from In operatio In operation, pressurised liquid isdischarged discharged through n, pressur ised In operation, pressurised liquid is through liquid is dischar ged through creates an area of low pressure that entrains liquid thenozzle jet nozzle into the suction chamber. The change the pressure jet the jet nozzle into the suction chamber. The change into energy tosuction kinetic energy (velocity) creates an area the the jet nozzle into the suction chamber. The change chambe r. The change from within the process vessel via the open suction pressure energy to kinetictoenergy (velocity) fromfrom from pressure energy kinetic energy (velocity) pressur e energy from pressure energy to kinetic energy (velocity) to kinetic energy (velocity ) ports. The motive and suction liquid streams of low pressure that entrains liquid from within the process creates an area of low pressure that entrains liquid creates creates an area of low pressure that entrains entrains liquid liquid an combine area of low creates an area of pressure that pressur e low that entrains liquid and mix within the diffuser throat. from within the process vessel via the open suction vessel the open suction ports. The motive and suction from withinvia from within theprocess process vessel viathe the open suction the process from within the vessel open suction vessel via the open via suction ports. The motive and suction liquid streams ports. D suction ports. The motive and suction liquidthroat. streams The motive and motive ports. The and liquid streams liquid streams combine and mix within the diffuser suction liquid streams combine and mix within the diffuser throat. 2 combin / D to combine and mix within the diffuser throat. e and combine mix within 3 and within the diffuser throat. themix diffuser throat.

Neutralisation Heat Transfer Solids Suspension Anoxic Tank Mixing Sludge Mixing Rubber Lined Tank Balance Tank Mixing Jet Mixer Polypropylene Tank Jet Mixer Blending Chemical Mixing APPLICATIONS Polypropylene Tank Jet Mixer Rubber Lined Tank Jet Tank Mixer Polypropylene Tank Jet Tank MixerJet Mixer Flash Mixing Rubber Lined Jet Mixer Polypropylene Lime Mixing Rubber Lined Rubber Lined Tank Jet Mixer Polypropylene Tank Jet Mixer Tank Jet Mixer Neutralisation Polypro Solids pylene Suspension Tank Jet Mixer APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS Sludge Mixing Blendings Neutral Neutralisation Solids Suspension Advantages Neutralisation Solids Suspension isation Neutralisation Solids Suspension Flash Mixing Suspen Heat Transfer Solids sion Sludge Mixing Blendings Whether Mixing Sludge Mixing Blendings Sludge Sludge Mixing Blendings the application is for mixing food products trade Anoxic Tank Mixing gsBalance Tank Mixing or Blendin Flash Mixing Heat Transfer effluent, Flash Mixing Heat Transfer Flash Mixing Flash Mixing Heat Transfer Transvac Tank Jet Mixers offer a simple and reliable Stainless Steel Tank Jet Mixer Chemical Mixing Transfe Lime Heat r Mixing Anoxic Anoxic Tank Mixing Balance Tank Mixing method Anoxic Tank Mixing Balance TankMixing Mixing of blending / mixing liquids and keeping solids in Tank Mixing Anoxic Tank Mixing Balance Tank ADVANTAGES Balance Tank Mixing Chemical Mixing Lime Mixing Whether the application is for mixing food products or trade effluent, Transvac Tank Jet Mixers offer a simple suspension. ChemicalMixing Mixing LimeMixing Mixing Chemic al Mixing Chemical Lime Lime Mixing reliable method of blending / mixing liquids and keeping solids in suspension.


Carbon Steel TankJet JetMixer Mixer Carbon Steel Carbon Tank Tank Steel Jet Mixer

Hygienic Stainless Steel Hygienic Hygienic Stainless Steel Tank Jet Tank Mixer Stainless Steel JetMixer Mixer Hygienic Stainless Steel Tank Jet Hygienic Stainle ss Steel Tank Jet Mixer Tank Jet Mixer




Ps = Tank Static Head, Pm = Head, Motive Pressure, D Pressure, = Tank Diameter complete mixing of the process tank comple te mixing Ps = Tank Ps Tank Static Pm Motive D Tank Diameter of the process Static Head, Pm tank = Motive Ps == Tank Static Head, Pm = Motive Pressure, D == Tank Diameter contents. Pressure ,= D = Tank Diameter

As the mixture throughthe the diverging As resulting the resulting mixturepasses passes through diverging conecone its velocity partiallyreduced reduced to to regain regain sufficient its velocity is is partially sufficient pressure pressuretoto the static head through of liquid the within the process As the overcome resulting mixture passes diverging cone tank. itstank. As the resulting mixture passes through the diverging coneAt its overcome the static head of passes liquid within the process As the resulting mixture through the diverging cone its At the discharge a high energy; turbulent jet is to emitted resultin g Ps As the mixture passes through the divergin velocity is partially reduced to regain sufficient pressure g cone its Ps Ps velocity is partially reduced to regain sufficient pressure to Ps velocity is partially reduced to regain sufficient pressure to velocity entraining and absorbing surrounding liquid at its boundary the discharge a high energy; turbulent jet is emitted entraining is partially reduced to sufficien overcomeovercome the static head of regain liquid within thetwithin process tank. pressur e to Pm the static head of liquid the process tank. overcome the static head of liquid within the process tank. overcom thus creating additional currents and turbulence to ensure the static head liquidenergy; within the process At the discharge aof high turbulent jet is emitted tank. ande absorbing surrounding liquid at its boundary, thus creating At the the mixing discharge high energy; turbulent jet is is emitted LEGEND At discharge aa high energy; turbulent jet emitted At the complete of the process tank contents. dischar ge a high energy; turbulen t jet entraining and absorbing surrounding liquid at its boundary is emitted Ps = Tank Static Head, Pm = Motive Pressure, D = Tank Diameter entraining and absorbing surrounding liquid at its boundary additional currents and turbulence to ensure complete mixing of entraining and absorbing surrounding liquid at its boundary entraini ng creating and absorbi ng surroun Pm ding liquid at its thus additional currents and turbulence to ry ensure Pm bounda TJM01/06 thus creating additional currents and turbulence to ensure thus creating additional currents and turbulence to ensure LEGEND LEGEND thus creating addition the process tank contents. al currents and turbulen ce contents. complete mixing of the process tank contents. to ensure LEGEND LEGEND complete mixing of the process tank

D D to 2/ D to 2 D to 2/3 D 3 D to 2/3/3


Telephone: +44 (0) 1773 831100 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1773 831123 Registered in England No. 1526398 Email: [email protected] Web: www.transvac.co.uk

Transvac Systems Ltd., Monsal House, 1 Bramble Way, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 4RH, England

contents. TJM01/06TJM01/06 TJM01/06 TJM01/06

Tank Jet Mixers

Jet Mixing System in Effluent Balance

1000 1000

Jet Mixing System in Effluent Balance Jet Mixing System in Effluent Balance

Sizing Chart Sizing Chart

Hastelloy Jet Mixer on Tank support Hastelloy Jet Mixer on Tank support Hastelloy Jet Mixer on Tank support

Size 8 Size 6 8 Size Size Size 5 6

3 Discharge Flow -3 (m /hr) Discharge Flow - (m /hr)

100 100

Size 4 5 Size Size 4 Size 3 Size Size 2 3 Size 2 Size 2 Size 1 2 Size Size 1 Size 1 Size 1 1 Size Size 1 Size Size Size

10 10

1 1 0 0


1 1

A Transvac Tank Tank Jet Mixer can normally be employed on any in which the process liquid is capable of being A Transvac Jet Mixer can normally be employed on application any application in which the process liquid is capable of handled by abeing centrifugal pump. Factors considered in selection include tank volume, viscosity, specific gravity, size and percentage of handled by a centrifugal pump. Factors considered selection include tank volume, viscosity, gravity, A Transvac Tank Jet Mixer can normally be employed on in any application in which the process liquid specific is capable of solids as well as tank geometry. size and percentage of solids as well as tank geometry. being handled by a centrifugal pump. Factors considered in selection include tank volume, viscosity, specific gravity,
For every one part motive flow, a Tank Jet Mixer entrains 3 parts suction flow and discharges parts flow intothe thetank. Thus For every one part motive flow, a Tank Jet Mixer entrains 3 parts suction flow and discharges 44 parts flow into tank. Thus the the time to rotate thea entire contents isentrains simply V (4Qm), V is the tank working volume and is liquid For every one part motive flow, Tank Jet Mixer 3 parts suction and discharges 4 and parts flow into the the time to rotate entire contents is simply V (4Qm), where V is where the flow tank working volume Qm is theQm motive the motive liquid flow (when operating at pump differential pressures between 1 and 6bar). tank. Thus the time to rotate the entire contents is simply V (4Qm), where V is the tank working volume and Qm is flow (when operating at pump differential pressures between 1 and 6 bar). the motive liquid flow (when operating at pump differential pressures between 1 and 6bar). 3 3 3 3 capacity deep tanks and 5 to 100 capacity shallow tanks. In general a single Tank Jet Mixer can effectively mix 100 400 capacity deep tanks and 5 to m 100m capacity In general a single Tank Jet Mixer can effectively mixto 100 tom 400m 3 3 For every 1 bar pressure drop across the jet mixer turbulence will be experienced for up to 5 metres from the Tank Jet Mixer shallow tanks. For every bar pressure drop across turbulence will be experienced for up to 5 from the Tank capacity deep tanks and 5 metres to 100m capacity In general a single Tank 1 Jet Mixer can effectively mix 100 to 400m Jet Mixer discharge port within the mixing tank. discharge port within the mixing tank. The standard operating characteristics outlined above to Newtonian shallow tanks. For every 1 bar pressure drop across turbulence will be experienced for up apply to 5 metres from theliquids. Tank The standard operating outlined Jet Mixer discharge portcharacteristics within the mixing tank. above apply to Newtonian liquids. The standard operating characteristics outlined above apply to Newtonian liquids. CONSTRUCTION Construction Standard materials of construction include, stainless and carbon steel, PVCu, PP, PTFE, PVDF, hastelloy and CONSTRUCTION Standard materials of construction include, stainless and carbon steel, PVCu, PP, PTFE, PVDF, hastelloy and titanium. materials are also available. StandardOther materials of construction include, stainless and carbon steel, PVCu, PP, PTFE, PVDF, hastelloy and titanium. Other materials are also available. titanium. Other materials are also available. Connections included flanged, female screwed or quick-release hygienic. Connections included flanged, female screwedor orquick-release quick-release hygienic. Connections included flanged, female screwed hygienic. All Transvacs design and manufacturing processes are quality assured and certified to BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and units are CE marked applicable. Transvac is also accredited module H of the All Transvacs designwhere manufacturing processes are fully quality assured to and BS PED. EN ISO 9001:2000 and All Transvacs design andand manufacturing processes are quality assured and certified certifiedto to BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and units are CE marked where applicable. Transvac is also fully accredited to module H of the PED. size and percentage of solids as well as tank geometry.

2 3 4 5 - ( Bar ) 5 2Pressure Drop 3 Across Mixer 4 ( ie Mixer Inlet Pressure - Tank Head at Mixer ) Pressure Drop Across Mixer - ( Bar ) ( ie Mixer Inlet Pressure - Tank Head at Mixer )

6 6

7 7

are CE marked where applicable. Transvac is also fully accredited to module H of the PED.


Transvac Systems Limited Transvac Systems Limited England, DE55 4RH Monsal House, Bramble Way, Alfreton, Derbyshire, Transvac Systems Ltd., Monsal House, 1 831100, Bramble Way, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 4RH, England Monsal House, Bramble Way, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 4RH Telephone : +44 (0) 1773 Facsimile : + 44England, (0) 1773 831123 Telephone: +44 (0) 1773 831100 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1773 831123 Registered in England No. 1526398 Telephone +44 (0) 1773 831100, Facsimile : + 44 (0) 1773 831123 E-mail : : [email protected], WEB : www.transvac.co.uk Email: [email protected] Web: www.transvac.co.uk E-mail : [email protected], WEB : www.transvac.co.uk TJM01/06

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