1298 - Practice Tests For English 10

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Bien soan: Tap !e" G# Tie$n% An! &a& '()*n% TH+T T,n! Be$n T'e

Nam: 2011 Tai lieu lu hanh noi bo


Pick out the words underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. message B. begin C. repeat D. repair 2. A. dinner B. drink C. child D. children 3. A. ready B. meat C. defeat D. beat 4. A. kitchen B. history C. time D. finish 5. A. arrive B. fit C. fine D. drive Pick out the words that have the stress different from that of the others. . A. !s!ally B. contin!e C. family D. b!ffalo ". A. tobacco B. breakfast C. children D. several #. A. biology B. alarm C. transplant D. sometimes $. A. airport B. passenger C. technology D. chemistry 1%. A. ro!tine B. tobacco C. neighbor D. e&perience Choose the best answer. 11. ' kno( )))))) ho( she felt. A. e&act B. e&actly C. e&actness D. e&acting 12. ' felt *!ite ))))))) (ith my day+s (ork. A. satisfy B. satisfactory C. satisfied D. satisfaction 13. ' (as late for school this morning beca!se my alarm did not )))). A. go a(ay B. go !p C. go on D. go off 14. ' have not met him since he )))))) school. A. left B. (as leaving C. had left D. has left 15. ,y ho!se isn+t very far ))))) school- so ' !s!ally go to school ))))) bike. A. from. on B. a(ay . in C. of . by D. from . by 1 . ))))) films sho!ld be made for school. A. /d!cational B. /d!cating C. /d!cated D. /d!cation 1". ,r. 0am goes to (ork on foot once a (eek. 't means he )))) (alks to (ork. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. !s!ally 1#. 1hen ' (as a child- ' !s!ally )))))) fishing (ith my brother. A. go B. (ent C. gone D. !sed to go 1$. 1e ))))) dinner at home on 2at!rdays. A. haven+t had B. didn+t had C. doesn+t have D. don+t have 2%. ))))))) class allo(s st!dents to ac*!ire kno(ledge abo!t living things. A. 3eography B. Chemistry C. Biology D. 4istory 21. 5he contented smile on her face sho(s that she finally passed the e&am. A. bored B. boring C. happy D. disappointed 22. 6o( ' don+t take the b!s to school as ' )))). A. !sed to B. did C. took D. (as 23. 't ))) me 15 min!tes to get to school every morning. A. takes B. took C. spends D. spent 24. . 7))))))) do yo! often go to school89 . 7At .3% every morning.9 A. 4o( B. 1hat time C. 1ho D. 1ith (hom 25. 4e+s not really interested in )))) on the farm. A. to (ork B. being (orked C. (orking D. (orked Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting . 2 . ,r. :y leaves the ho!se at a *!arter past five and arrive in the field at e&actly 5.3%. A B C D 2". 1e haven+t seen ;im since he has ret!rned the co!ntryside. A B C D

2#. ' spend 2% min!tes to read books every day. A B C D 2$. ' en<oy to talk (ith my classmates abo!t their f!t!re plans. A B C D 3%. David immediate comes home after finishing school. A B C D Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. 31. 5he milk (as too so!r to drink. A. 5he milk (as so!r in order to drink. B. 5he milk (as very so!r to be dr!nk. C. 5he milk (asn+t fresh eno!gh to drink. D. 5he milk (asn+t eno!gh fresh to drink. 32. 1e started to (rite to each other t(o years ago. A. 1e !sed to (rite to each other for t(o years. B. 1e !sed to (rite to each other since t(o years. C. 1e+ve (ritten to each other for t(o years. D. 1e+ve (ritten to each other since t(o years. 33. 4e last had his eyes tested a year ago. A. 4e has not had his eyes tested for a year. B. 4e had not had his eyes tested for a year. C. 4e had not tested his eyes for a year. D. 4e did not have any tests on his eyes in a year 34. ,ary is contented (ith (hat she does. A. 1hat she does doesn+t make her pleased. B. ,ary is satisfied (ith (hat she does. C. 1hatever ,ary does- she makes nobody pleased. D. 2he feels happy (hen she does something. 35. ,y brother al(ays drives to (ork. A. ,y brother al(ays goes to (ork on the car. B. ,y brother al(ays gets to (ork by car. C. ,y brother al(ays repairs cars at (ork. D. ,y brother+s driver is al(ays off (ork. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each uestion. ,y name is 2e!mas ,c2porran and ' am a very b!sy man. ' am % years old and ' have thirteen <obs. ' am a postman- a politician- a fireman- a ta&i driver- a school. b!s driver- a boatman- an amb!lance man- an acco!ntant- a petrol attendant- and an !ndertaker. Also- ' and my (ife- ,argaret- have a shop and a small hotel. ' live and (ork on the island of 3igha in the (est of 2cotland. =nly 2% people live there b!t in s!mmer- 15% to!rists come by boat every day. /very (eekday ' get !p at >%% and make breakfast for the hotel g!ests. At #.%% ' drive the island+s children to school. At $>%% ' collect the post from the boat and deliver it to all ho!ses on the island. ' also deliver beer to the island+s only p!b. 5hen ' help ,argaret in the shop. ,y (ife likes being b!sy- too. 1e never have holidays and (e don+t (atch television. 'n the evenings ,argaret makes s!pper and ' do the acco!nts. At 1%>%% (e have a glass of (ine and then (e go to bed. ?erhaps o!r life isn+t very e&citing- b!t (e like it. 3 . ,r. ,c2porron does all the follo(ing <obs EXCEPT )))))) A. a firefighter B. a driver C. a farmer D. a mailman 3". 3igha is the name of ))))))).

A. his (ife B. his hotel C. the shop (here they (ork D. the island (here they live 3#. 5o!rists )))))))) to the island. A. sail B. fly C. s(im D. drive 3$. 5he (ord 7it9 in paragraph 3 refers to the )))))). A. beer B. post C. boat D. p!b 4%. According to the passage (hich is TRUE abo!t 2e!mas ,c2porran8 A. 4e likes the <ob as a postman most. B. 4e and his (ife go on holiday every year. C. 4e does the acco!nts in the evenings. D. 4e goes to bed very late. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank. 5he 2$th of A!g!st in 2%% is a day ' shall never forget. =n that day- ' stared ))) 41)) in the face. =!r flight (as )))42)) to leave at 1%>3% a.m.- and arrived at the airport (ith plenty of time to spare. 1e started boarding 1%>%% a.m. ,ost of !s (ere holiday makers and there )))43)) a lot of la!ghing and <oking going on. 't (as raining slightly- b!t visibility (as good and the plane )))44)) on time. 5he cabin staff (ere <!st beginning to bring ro!nd the d!ty. free goods (hen the plane began )))45)) . At first- (e tho!ght (e had <!st hit bad (eather. 1e (ere told to sit do(n and to fasten o!r seat belts. 5hen s!ddenly- the front of the plane seemed to )))46)) and (e reali@ed (e (ere speeding to(ards the gro!nd. ?eople screamed in )))47)). 2trangers <oined hands and prayed. 1e tho!ght (e had only min!tes to live. 5hen<!st (hen (e had ))48)) all hope- (e felt the plane level o!t- and slo(ly (e began to gain height. A fe( min!tes later- the pilot anno!nced that everything (as no( ))) 49)) control- and (e all began to clap and cheer hysterically. 5(enty min!tes )))50)) (e landed safely. 41. A. die B. dead C. death D. deaden 42. A. d!e B. tho!ght C. plan D. bo!nd 43. A. (as B. had C. (ere D. has been 44. A. (ent off B. got on C. got in D. took off 45. A. to shake B. shaking C. shake D. for shaking 4 . A. chop B. dip C. do(n D. red!ce 4". A. danger B. risk C. afraid D. panic 4#. A. given !p B. given back C. bro!ght !p D. bro!ght back 4$. A. of B. (ith C. !nder D. belo( 5%. A. after B. later C. behind D. then


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1> A. son B. above C. convenience D. (onderf!l 2> A. !mbrella B. c!p C. b!t D. p!t 3> A. marvel B. package C. father D. g!itar 4> A. garage B. married C. father D. target 5> A. addition B. important C. master D. embarrass Choose the best option !A, B, C, or D" to complete the following passage# /very year- st!dents in many A B )))))learn /nglish. A"B )))))of these st!dents are yo!ng children. =thers are teenagers. ,any are ad!lts. 2ome learn at school- others st!dy A#B ))))) themselves. A fe( learn /nglish <!st by A$B ))))) the lang!age in films- A1%B ))))) television- in the office- or among their friends. B!t not many are l!cky to do that. ,ost people m!st (ork hard to learn another lang!age. > A. co!ntries B. homes C. ho!se D. families "> A. 6one B. 2ome C. Any D. All #> A. for B. (ith C. by D. on $> A. hear B. heard C. to hear D. hearing 1%> A. on B. at C. in D. to Choose the best option !A, B, C, or D" to complete the following sentences# 11> A> 7))))) (ill she spend her s!mmer holidays89 B> 7'n 4anoi.9 A. 1hen B. 1here C. 4o( D. 1ith (hom 12> A> 71hat+s yo!r favo!rite )))))) at school89 B> 7/nglish- of co!rse.9 A. s!b<ect B. topic C. lesson D. theme 13> 4is pron!nciation ca!ses me many ))))). A. diffic!lt B. diffic!lty C. diffic!ltly D. diffic!lties 14> A> 7 )))))novel are yo! reading89 B> 75amCs.9 A. 1ho B. 1hich C. 1hose D. that 15> 1e look for(ard )))))))) the =lympics. A. at (atching B. to (atching C. (ith (atch D. (atching 1 > ' am interested )))))) yo!r class. A. to take B. to taking C. in taking D. in took 1"> 5hey en<oy))))))) movies. A. (atching B. (atch C. to (atch D. to (atching 1#> ' need )))))). A. st!dying B. to st!dy C. in st!dy D. to st!dying 1$> 1e agreed ))))) together. A. (orking B. to (ork C. (orked D. to (orking 2%> 2he ref!ses))))) to her mother A. listen B. to listening C. to listen D. listening 21> ' (as delighted ))))) my old friends again. A. to see B. seeing C. sa( D. be seen 22> A> 74o( long (ill the seminar last89 B> 7)))))).9 A. for 4 ho!rs B. for 4 ho!r. C. abo!t 4 o+clock D. since 4 ho!rs. 23> ' remember))) him said that he (o!ld come b!t he is absent no(.

A hear B to hear C hearing D heard 24> 5he criminal admits )))))) the money. A. on taking B. take C. to take D. taking 25> ,ost girls have a very narro( vie( of the (orld- don+t yo! think8 A. limited B. tiny C. small D. poor 2 > 4!ng> 75hank yo! very m!ch for a lovely party.9 4oa> 7))))).9 A. Cheers B. 4ave a good day C. Do!+re (elcome D. 5hanks 2"> A> 74o( )))))do yo! go to the co!ntryside89 B> 7=nce a year9 A. often B. long C. far D. fast 2#> 't+s no !se ))))to him abo!t o!r problem beca!se he is never (illing ))))!s. A to talk- help B talk- helping C talking- help D talking- to help 2$> A sportsman needs ))))calm !nder press!re. A remain B to remain C remaining D remained 3%> A> 74o())))) is it from yo!r ho!se to the market89 B> 7Abo!t 2 kms9 A. fast B. far C. long D. m!ch 31> 5he st!dents in this class (ere made ))))) very hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. having learnt 32> A> 71hat are they la!ghing at89 B> 7 )))))9 A. 2orry- ' am fine. B. =h- ' don+t like them C. 1ell- not at all. D. =h- 't is abo!t 4enry+s <okes 33> A> 7Co!ld yo! help me move this television- please89 B> 7 ))))))9 A. 6o- thanks. B. Des- of co!rse. C. 6o- '+m rather b!sy. D. Des- ' am. 34> 4o( )))))(ere yo! in the mo!ntains8 A. long B. far C. old D. fast 35> ' regret ))))) yo! that yo!r application has been denied. A. inform B. to have informed C. informing D. to inform $rror identification 3 > ' decided changing <obs beca!se my boss makes me (ork overtime A B C D 3"> 'n order to not forget things- ' p!t a string aro!nd my finger A B C D 3#> ' s!cceeded in to find a <ob- so my parents didn+t make me go to college. A B C D 3$> 3et more e&ercise appears to be the best (ay to lose (eight. A B C D 4%> 0etCs stop to (atch so m!ch 5: so that (e can read or go o!t instead. A B C D Read the passage bellow, and then choose the best option 5he relationship bet(een a teacher and a st!dent can be good or bad- helpf!l or harmf!l. /ither (ay- the relationship can affect the st!dents for the rest of his life. 'n order to have a good teacher.st!dent relationship- it is important that the teacher and the st!dent respect each other. 'f the teacher is too strict- he frightens the st!dent. 5he st!dent (ill not learn (ell. =n the other hand- if the teacher is too friendly and permissive- the st!dent may become la@y and stop (orking hard. 5he teacher+s attit!de and approach sho!ld be bet(een these t(o e&tremes. 4e sho!ld enco!rage the st!dents (itho!t forcing or p!nishing

him to learn. 4e needs patience and !nderstanding. 't is part of the teacher+s <ob to help develop a good positive attit!de in his st!dents. As for the st!dent- in order to have a good relationship (ith his teacher- he m!st al(ays sho( his proper respect. 4e sho!ld be eager to learn and (illing to (ork hard. 'f he learns from the teacher modestly- he (ill be able to profit f!lly from his teacher+s kno(ledge and assistance. 41> 5he relationship bet(een a teacher and a st!dent is considered very important beca!se it ))))). A. can be either good or bad B. it+s very harmf!l to the st!dent C. makes the st!dent !nsafe D. has great infl!ence on the st!dent+s life 42> =ne of the most important factors for a good teacher.st!dent relationship is the m!t!al ))))). A. responsibility B. respect C. s!pport D. !nderstanding 43> 'n order to have a good teacher.st!dent relationship- the teacher ))))). A. sho!ld force the st!dent to learn B. needs patience and !nderstanding C. sho!ld be too friendly and permissive D. o!ght to strict 44> 'n order to have a good teacher.st!dent relationship- the st!dent ))))). A. m!st be a hard.(orking person B. m!st al(ays s!pport the teacher C. m!st al(ays be a gifted person D. m!st al(ays be an e&cellent person 45> According to the passage it+s tr!e that ))))). A. the st!dent al(ays profit f!lly from his teacher B. the st!dent m!st thank for his teacher+s kno(ledge and assistance C. the st!dent m!st al(ays sho( his proper respect to his teacher D. the teacher himself needs to develop a good positive attit!de Choose the best option that has the same meaning as the original sentence. 4 > 1e hope to receive a message from o!r m!t!al friend- 2!san. A. 1e (ish (e received a message from o!r m!t!al friend- 2!san. B. 1e+re looking for(ard to receiving a message from o!r m!t!al friend- 2!san. C. =!r m!t!al friend- 2!san- (hom (e hope to receive a message. D. 2!san- (ho+s o!r m!t!al friend- is hoped to receive a message from. 4"> Do! sho!ld have read the instr!ction caref!lly. A. 1hat did yo! read the instr!ction caref!lly for8 B. 1hy sho!ld yo! read the instr!ction caref!lly8 C. 4o( sho!ld yo! read the instr!ction8 D. 1hy didn+t yo! read the instr!ction caref!lly8 4#> 1e really do not (ant to hear yo!r e&planation again. A. Do!r e&planation really makes !s feel sorry. B. 1e (o!ld rather not ask yo! to give any e&planation again. C. 1e are fed !p (ith hearing yo!r e&planation again. D. 1e are e&tremely sorry for hearing yo!r e&planation again. 4$> 't+s a (aste of time to pers!ade ;ohnny to change his mind. A. 1e spend m!sh time pers!ading ;ohnny to change his mind. B. 't takes !s a lot of time to pers!ade ;ohnny to change his mind. C. ?ers!ading ;ohnny to change his mind is !sef!l. D. 't+s (orthless trying to pers!ade ;ohnny to change his mind. 5%> ,inh (ishes he had taken part in the /nglish competition last (eek. A. ,inh really en<oyed attending the /nglish competition last (eek. B. ,inh (o!ld never mind not attending the /nglish competition last (eek. C. ,inh no( regrets not having attended the /nglish competition last (eek. D. 6ot attending the /nglish competition last (eek (as ,inh+s big mistake.



Choose the one word that best completes each sentence 1. 6o(adays more and more yo!ng people (ant to have a !niversityEEEEE A. ed!cational B. ed!cation C. ed!cated D. ed!cator 2. .,arie C!rie (as a brilliant st!dent A. brave B. hard(orking C. intelligent D. satisfied 3. 1hen she (as yo!ng- she received someEEEE.training from her father. A. science B. scientist C. scientifically D. scientific 4. 5he p!rpose of this test is toEEEE..the (eight of the chemical element. A. find o!t B. meas!re C. ease D. interr!pt 5. ,arie C!rie (as a FanEEEE(oman. 4er real <oy (as easing h!man s!ffering. A. *!iet B. h!mane C. genero!s D. tragic EEEE.aids m!st be sent to the 0ybian ref!gees at once. A. 4!man B. 4!manity C. 4!manism D. 4!manitarian ". ;ane grad!ated from ?aris medical school with flying colours A. (ith diffic!lty B. (ith very high grades C. (itho!t s!ccess D. d!e to her hard (ork #. 2!e isEEEE.for her age. 2he behaves like an ad!lt. A. romantic B. contented C. interested D. mat!re $.,arie C!rie (asEEEE.a 6obel pri@e in Chemistry in 1$11. A. received B. obtained C. gained D. a(arded 1%. David Bro(n (orked EEEa to!rist g!ide from ;!ne 1$$$ to December 2%%2. 4e really liked his <ob. A. for B. on C. as D. (ith 11. 1e EE..the lesson thoro!ghly beca!se o!r teacher EEEE.. it t(ice. A. (ill !nderstand F (as e&plaining B. had !nderstood F e&plained C. !nderstood F had e&plained D. (ere !nderstanding F has e&plained 12. Before ?eter EEEE.. to 0ondon last (eek- he EEE in ?aris for more than ten years. A. has moved F (as living B. (as moving F lived C. (o!ld move F has lived D. moved F had lived 13. 5om EEE. the match altho!gh he EEEEbefore. A. (on F didn+t practise B. (on F not practised C. (on F didn+t practise D. (on F hadn+t practised 14. ' EEE as a hotel telephonist from ,ay 2%%1 to ,ay 2%11. A. had (orked B. (o!ld (ork C. (orked D. get !sed to (orking 15. 2he (as disappointed (ith the e&am res!lt. 2he EEE a bad mark before. A. ever had got B. had ever got C. never had got D. had never got 1 . After he EEE. his holiday in 0ondon- he E.. to learn /nglish. A. had spent F (anted B. spent F (anted C. had spent F had (anted C. has spent F (anted 1". 1hen she EEEE.- the match EEEEEE A. had arrived F had already started B. had arrived F already started C. arrived F had already started D. arrived F already started 1#. 5he sky EE.. black for some times before the rain EE.. to fall. A. had been F began B. had been F had began C. (as F began D. (as F had began 1$. ' EEEE yo! the (ork to do again beca!se EE. it badly. A. gave F did B. gave F have done C. gave F done D. gave F had done

2%. By the age of 34- my brother EEEE his o(n b!siness. A. started B. has started C. had started D. (o!ld start Choose the word that has the underlined letter!s" pronounced differently from the others. 21. A. sea B. disease C. instead D. team 22. A. Africa B. famo!s C. place D. vacation 23. A. brilliant B. tragic C. a(ard D. mat!re 24. A. death B. sea C . receive D. teacher
25. A. prevent B. e&pensive C. determine D. /nglish

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. 2 . A. backgro!nd B. chemistry C. harbor D. scientific 2". A. a(ard B. begin C. marry D. determine 2#. A. ambitio!s B. h!mane C. intelligent D. private 2$. A. champion B. romantic C. professor D. e&tremely 3%. A. interr!pt B. condition C. ed!cation D. mathematics %ill in the blank with appropriate word or phrase. Ale&ander 3ramham Bell (as born A31B))) /dinb!rgh- 2cotland- in the A32B)))) cent!ry- and later came to A33B)))) Gnited 2tates. 2everal members did a great deal to enco!rage him in the field of A34B)))) . 'n American- he (orked (ith deaf.m!te at Boston Gniversity. 2oon- he started A35B)))) (ith (ays of transmitting speech over a long distance. 5his led to the invention of the telephone. 31. A. in B. at C. on D . !p 32. A. nineteen B. nineteenth C. nineteen D .nineteenth 33. A. a B. an C. the D . no article 34. A. scientist B. scientific C. scientists D . science 35. A. e&periment B. e&perimental C. e&perimented D . e&periments &hich underlined part must be changed in order to make the sentence correct' 3 . 2he has lived in 0ondon for five years before she moved to 6e( Dork. A B C D 3". 5he members of the cl!b en<oyed to attend the meetings. A B C D 3#. ,arie C!ries (as born in 1arsa(- so her date of birth is 1arsa(. A B C D 3$. 4ang comes al(ays home after she finishes school A B C D 4%. ,y parents al(ays ask me prepared the lessons caref!lly before coming to class. A B C D


Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others# 1. A. talk B. (arn C. shot D. short 2. A. hot B. both C. cloth D. spot 3. A. (arm B. farther C. card D. star 4. A. (ord B. shop C. modern D. doctor 5. A. love B. come C. some D. <og . A. home(ork B. opposite C. possible D. comic ". A. more B. score C. (ord D. store #. A. biology B. morning C. historical D. ecology $. A. sho( B. belo( C. stone D. important 1%. A. (orry B. cottage C. love D. some Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank or that best e(plains the underlined part in each sentence 11. =!r flight (as delayed- .................. meant (e had to (ait for ho!rs at the airport. A. that is B. this is C. (hich D. (hich is 12. 2he ta!ght in a school for the deaf and d!mp. A. people (ho are !nable to see B. people (ho are mentally ill C. people (ho have a bad memory D. people (ho are !nable to hear and speak 13. 5he rich ..................... to help the poor. A. are e&pected B. is e&pected C. is e&pecting D. e&pects 14. 2he (as given an a(ard for her services to .................. A. disabled B. disable C. the disable D. the disabled 15. .................. eat a lot of ice.cream (hen yo! (ere a child8 A. Did yo! !sed to B. 1ere yo! !sed to C. 1ere yo! !sing to D. Did yo! !se to 1 . ' fo!nd it diffic!lt at first- b!t no( ' ................ (orking on the comp!ter. A. !se to B. !sed to C. am !se to D. am !sed to 1". 4e can+t ..................... to her any more. A. talk B. tell C. say D. !tter 1#. ,ost of the children come from large and poor families- (hich .................... them from having proper schooling. A. makes B. prevents C. leads D. gets 1$. =!r teacher is very pro!d ................. her (ork. A. in B. at C. of D. (ith 2%. ;ane ..............for the telephone company- b!t no( she has a <ob at the post office. A. (orks B. !sed to (ork C. having (orked D. (orking 21. 1itho!t the Braille Alphabet- it (o!ld be very diffic!lt for .......................... A. the disabled B. the deaf C. the m!te D. the blind 22. 5hey gave a clear .................... of their intentions. A. demonstrate B. demonstrative C. demonstration D. demonstrating 23. 4er <ob is ..................... of mentally retarded children in the area. A. looking B. taking care C. taking notice D. (atching 24. 5h!y+s class is different ................... other classes beca!se the children are disabled. A. on B. from C. in D. at 25. ;ohn is al(ays late for class- ....................... annoys the teacher. A. (hich B. this C. (hat D. that Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting# 2 . ;ane co!ldn+t come to my birthday party- this made me feel sad. A B C D


2". Dennis !sed to smoking a lot a year ago. A B C D 2#. Check cards are !sed for replace money. A B C D 2$. ,s 5h!y doesn+t mind taking care for disabled children. A B C D 3%. 't took him a long time to get !sed to drive on the left. A B C D Choose the correct sentence !A, B, C, or D" which has the same meaning as the given one# 31. 1e are interested in American films. A. American films make !s interested. B. 1e en<oy (atching American films. C. 1e find it interesting to (atch American films. D. All are correct 32. '+m not !sed to getting !p early on 2!ndays. A. ' have to get !p early on 2!ndays B. ' don+t (ant to get !p early on 2!ndays. C. ' feel strange to get !p early on 2!ndays. D. ' al(ays get !p early on 2!ndays. 33. 1e last (ent to the cinema 2 months ago. A. 1e haven+t gone to the cinema for 2 months. B. 1e didn+t go to the cinema for 2 months. C. 1e didn+t (ant to the cinema any more. D. 1e stopped going to the cinema. 34. 5he ho!se needs painting. A. 5he ho!se hasn+t been painted for a long time. B. 6obody painted the ho!se. C. 5he ho!se is going to be painted. D. 5he ho!se needs to be painted. 35. 4e !sed to visit ,ary once a (eek. A. 4e en<oys visiting ,ary every (eek. B. 4e doesn+t no( visit ,ary once a (eek. C. 4e never fails to visit ,ary. D. 4e (o!ld like to visit ,ary every (eek. 3 . ;ane finds it diffic!lt to drive on the left. A. ;ane is not !sed to driving on the left. B. ;ane is not !sed to drive on the left. C. 't+s diffic!lt for ;ane to drive on the left. D. Both A H C are correct 3". ,rs. 5h!y en<oys teaching children. A. ,rs. 5h!y chooses teaching beca!se she loves children B. ,rs. 5h!y loves teaching children. C. 5eaching is interesting for ,rs. 5h!y. D. 't+s interesting for ,rs. 5h!y to teach children. 3#. 5om regrets selling his ho!se. A. 5om regrets beca!se he didn+t sell his ho!se. B. 5om (ants to sell his ho!se. C. 5om sold his ho!se beca!se he regrets. D. 5om sold his ho!se and no( he feels sorry. 3$. ' like to play tennis in the s!mmer. A. '+m interested in playing tennis in the s!mmer. B. ' like playing tennis in the s!mmer very m!ch. C. ?laying tennis is my hobby. D. ?laying tennis is (hat ' like. 4%. 1e started to (rite to each other t(o years ago. A. 1e !sed to (rite to each other for t(o years.


B. 1e !sed to (rite to each other in t(o years. C. 1e+ve (ritten to each other for t(o years. D. 1e+ve (ritten to each other since t(o years. Read the te(t below and choose the best option for each sentence# 0o!is Braille (as born in the nineteenth cent!ry. 1hen he (as three years old- a tragic accident at his father+s (orkshop left him blind permanently. As a yo!ng boy- 0o!is (as hard(orking and intelligent. 4is teachers s!ggested that he sho!ld be enrolled in the 6ational 'nstit!te for Blind Do!ths. At that time- this (as the only school for the blind in Irance. At the 'nstit!te- 0o!is (as eager to learn to read and (rite. 5o his great disappointment- the fe( books he fo!nd at the instit!te !sed raised letter. 5his method of reading (as diffic!lt for the blind- (ho had to slo(ly feel each letter. By the time they reached the end a sentence- they had forgotten (hat the beginning (as abo!tJ 0o!is (anted to develop an easier reading system for the blind. 4is idea of s!ch a system came from Charles Barbier- a Irench army officer. Barbie had invented a system called 76ight 1riting9- (hich (as made of dots and dashes. 2oldiers !sed this system to comm!nicate (ith one another d!ring the night. 0o!is adapted this system for his o(n !se- he got rid of the dashes and prod!ced a simple system based on dots. Ior e&ample- 7A9 is presented by a single dot- many st!dent fo!nd this system m!ch easier to !se. 5his came to be kno(n as the 7Braille9 system. 5oday- millions of blind people are able to read- thanks to the (ork of a dedicated- yo!ng blind man. 41. Blindness did not prevent 0o!is from ............................. A. st!dying hard B. being creative C. helping people D. all of these 42. 5he 6ational 'nstit!te- (here 0o!is took ed!cation- provided the blind (ith .............. A. books (ith raised letters B. only some books that cannot be read easily C. the ne( books on some s!b<ects D. no books teaching the blind ho( to read. 43. 5he old method of reading (as not satisfactory as.......................... A. it re*!ired m!ch time and memory from the blind readers. B. it made the blind read and !nderstand each letter slo(ly. C. it !sed only raised letters (hich many blind st!dent co!ld not !nderstand. D. it did not help the blind readers to !nderstand the reading material. 44. 0o!is invented the 7Braille9 system after ................................. A. being a soldier in the army B. making friends (ith Charles Barbier C. kno(ing Barbier+s 76ight 1riting9 system D. getting rid of the dashes in Barbier+s system 45. 'n the 7Braille9 system- 0o!is !sed only dots so that ................................. A. the reading and (riting speed co!ld be improved B. he co!ld open classes to teach the blind to !se it easily C. the system co!ld be assessable to other blind people D. he co!ld prove he (as a really intelligent man. Read the te(t below and choose the correct word or phrase for each space by circling A, B, C, or D# ?eople speak body lang!age by the A4 B ................... they sit- stand- look- and (alkA4"B ............ saying a (ord. 2ome body lang!age is the A4#B ............... all over the (orld. All people smile (hen they+re happy and A4$B .................. their eyes (ide (hen they are s!rprised. A5%B ...................... body lang!age is different in different co!ntries. 4 . A. (ay B. action C. mode D. style 4". A. not B. (itho!t C. no D. b!t not 4#. A. similar B. familiar C. e*!al D. same 4$. A. (iden B. broaden C. hold D. open 5%. A. =thers B. =ther C. 5he other D. 5he others



Choose the correct answer to each of the uestions ' (asn+t (orried (hen my son bo!ght a comp!ter. After all lots of children have parents (ho don+t !nderstand comp!ters. B!t (hen my secretary asked me for a comp!ter in the office- ' really became (orried. 2o ' decided to take some lessons in comp!ting and my son became my teacher. 4e (as very helpf!l. 4e invited me to sit do(n in front of the comp!ter screen. ' did not kno( (hat it (as called. 1hen ' asked him (hat it (as- he said that it (as a :DG. ' still didn+t kno( (hat a :DG (as- b!t ' (as too shy to ask him any more. Irom that moment my memory ref!sed to learn beca!se he told me a lot of things that ' really didn+t !nderstand at all. After a fe( lessons ' began to feel tired. ' made an e&c!se- saying that ' had a headache. ' s!ggested (e sho!ld leave the lesson for another day. 2ince then ' haven+t said anything abo!t the comp!ter to my son and my secretary. 1. 1hat did the (riter decide to do (hen his secretary asked him to b!y a comp!ter in the office8 A. 5o take some lessons in comp!ting B. 5o ref!se to learn C. 5o b!y a ne( comp!ter D. 5o sit do(n 2. 1ho bo!ght a comp!ter8 A. 5he (riter+s son B. 5he teacher C. 5he (riter D. 5he secretary 3. 1hat did the (riter say (hen he began to feel tired8 A . 7 ' still didn+t kno(9 B.7 ' had a headache9 C. 7 ' haven+t said anything9 D 7 ' didn+t !nderstand9 4. 1hy the (riter didn+t !nderstand the lessons8 A. Beca!se he (as too shy to ask. B Beca!se he had a headache. C. Beca!se he (as la@y. D Beca!se he (as (orried. 5. :DG is )))))). A . a floppy disk B. a comp!ter screen. C . a keyboard D. a printer Choose the correct word!s" for each of the blanks A comp!ter is an electronic )))A B)))- (hich e&ec!tes soft(are programs. 't consists ))A"B)) 2 parts hard(are and ))A#B)) . 5he comp!ter processes inp!t thro!gh inp!t devices like mo!se and keyboard. 5he comp!ter displays o!tp!t thro!gh o!tp!t devices like color monitor and printer. 5he si@e of a comp!ter varies considerably from very ))A$B)) to very big. 5he speed of comp!ters also has a very large range. Comp!ters have become indispensable in today+s (orld. ))A1%B))) of people !se comp!ters all over the (orld. . A. device B. comp!ter C. monitor D. form ". A. for B. (ith C. of D. abo!t #. A. mo!se B. keyboard C. screen D. soft(are $. A. slim B. small C. large D. heavy 1%. A. ,illions B. 5ho!sands C. 4!ndreds D. 6one Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following uestions. 11. A. printer B. dial C. vis!al D. insert 12. A. camcorder B. comp!ter C. insert D. printer 13. A. (anted B. helped C. la!ghed D. liked 14. A. kitchen B. children C. chemistry D. p!rchase 15. A. chooses B. ho!ses C. horses D. likes Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1 . A. camcorder B. keyboard C. hard(are D. comp!ter


1". A. passion 1#. A. entertainment 1$. A. scenic 2%. A. invention discovery

B. re*!ire B. appropriate B. receive B. electronic

C. insert C. mirac!lo!s C. prepare C. performance

D. invent D. e&actly D. prod!ce D.

Choose the correct answer to each of the following uestions. 21. 5he comp!ter can process the ))))))) *!ickly. A. lang!age B. information C. entertainment D. invention 22. 5he comp!ter can))))))) ho!ses- bridges gardens and b!ilding. A. store B. transmit C. hold D. design 23. Do! can contact (ith the others by sending )))))))) from yo!r comp!ter to theirs. A. programmes B. participants C. calc!lations D. messages 24. ' t!rn on the )))))))) beca!se it is very hot today. A. radio B. electric cooker C. air conditioner D. fa& machine 25. 7magical9 means 7)))))))))))9 A. link or act together B. in a strange or mysterio!s (ay C. programmes performed by the comp!ter D. the physical part of the comp!ter system. 2 . 5he comp!ter is ))))))) of doing almost anything yo! ask it to. A. capable B. magical C. perfect D. mirac!lo!s 2". 1ith a comp!ter- yo! can visit many places of scenic )))))))) in the (orld. A. bea!tif!l B. bea!tify C. bea!ty D. bea!tif!lly 2#. 4e comes from a very remote area in the 6orth. ' am s!re that he is ))))))) of !sing comp!ters. A. incapable B. capable C. capability D. incapability 2$. David can make an airplane appear and disappear )))))))). A. magic B. magically C. magical D. magic+s 3%. ' don+t like to be asked s!ch ))))))) *!estions in the <ob intervie(. A. person B. personal C. personality D. personalities 31. 2he is very ))))))) in playing comp!ter games online. 't is not a good habit. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests 32. 'nstead of b!ying ne(spapers as !s!al- my father reads them )))))) comp!ters everyday. A. at B. on C. in D. from 33. Comp!ters can store very large amo!nts )))))))) information. A. of B. abo!t C. (ith D. off 34. Can yo! tell me (hat a cell phone is !sed ))))))))8 A. abo!t B. in C. to D. for 35. 5he man- ))))))) is sitting in front of the comp!ter- is my former teacher. A. (ho B. (hom C. (hich D. that 3 . ))))))) a phone (ith the p!blic telephone- yo! (ill need a phone card. A. ,ake B. 5o make C. ,aking D. ,ade 3". Do! sho!ld dial 113 )))))) the police (hen yo! have tro!ble. A. call B. calling C. to call D. called 3#. 5he lifeg!ard says> 7))))))) far from the shore. 't is very dangero!s- boysJ9


A. 2(im B. 6ot s(im C. Doesn+t s(im D. Don+t s(im 3$. 'n the instr!ctions on ho( to !se a p!blic telephone- yo! can read the sentence> 7 ))))) the receiver and listen to the dial tone9 A. lift B. to lift C. lifted D. lifting 4%. 5he ne( bridge ))))))))) for 2 years. A. b!ilds B. has b!ilt C. is b!ilt D. has been b!ilt 41. 5he p!pil ))))))))the assignment. A. has completed <!st B. has <!st completed C. <!st has completed D. has <!st complete 42. 6am has not )))))))phoned me since he moved to 0ondon last year. A. be B. being C. been D. K 43. ,any trees in this forest have been ))))))) do(n for (ood and farming. A. c!t B. to c!t C. c!tting D. c!tted 44. 2he al(ays t!rns )))))) all the lights before going o!t (ith her friends. A. off B. of .C. on D. (ith 45. ,y family F live F Ben 5re F t(enty years. A. ,y family have lived in Ben5re for t(enty years. B. ,y family have live in Ben 5re t(enty years. C. ,y family have been lived in Ben 5re for t(enty years. D. ,y family have lived Ben 5re for t(enty years. 4 . 5om hasn+t ret!rned my books yet. A. ,y books hasn+t been ret!rned by 5om yet. B. ,y books haven+t been ret!rned yet by 5om. C. ,y books haven+t been ret!rned by 5om yet. D. ,y books haven+t been ret!rned 5om yet. 4". 5heir hands F (ash and dry F on a to(el. A. 5heir hands have (ashed and dry on a to(el. B. 5heir hands have been (ashed and dry on a to(el. C. 5heir hands have been (ash and dried on a to(el. D. 5heir hands have been (ashed and dried on a to(el. 4#. 0an tells me abo!t the man. 2he hit him on the (ay home yesterday. A. 0an- (ho hit him on the (ay home yesterday- tells me abo!t the man. B. 0an tells me abo!t the man (hom she hit on the (ay home yesterday. C. 0an tells me abo!t the man (hom she hit him on the (ay home yesterday. D. 0an tells me abo!t the man (ho hit him on the (ay home yesterday. 4$. 2he has done her assignment in the room since t(o o+clock. A. 4er assignment in the room has been done since t(o o+clock. B. 4er assignment has been done in the room by she since t(o o+clock. C. 4er assignment has been done in the room since t(o o+clock by her. D. 4er assignment has been done in the room since t(o o+clock. 5%. A fridge F be F machine F !se F keeping food fresh. A. A fridge is a machine (hich is !sed for keeping food fresh. B. A fridge is a machine (hich is !sed keeping food fresh. C. A fridge is a machine (hich !sed for keeping food fresh. D. A fridge is a machine (hich is !se for keeping food fresh.



Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group# 1. A. an&io!s B. convenient C. e&c!rsion D. formation 2. A. lot!s B. g!itar C. peacef!l D. glorio!s 3. A. spacio!s B. visit C. campfire D. so!ndly 4. A. pers!ade B. permit C. delicio!s D. s!nb!rn 5. A. occasional B. geography C. information D. participant . A. resort B. re*!est C. progressive D. fort!nate Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group# ". A. banana B. classmate C. pagoda D. camera #. A. (orse B. (orld C. s(ord D. (orm $. A. h!sband B. b!tton C. circ!s D. f!nny 1%. A. e&c!rsion B. s!nb!rn C. n!rse D. pict!re 11. A. caves B. marks C. e&ams D. days Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence# 12. ' kno( that he )))))))))) in the library at this moment. A. (orks B. has (orked C. is (orking D. (as (orking 13. 5here are a lot of black clo!ds in the sky. 't )))))))))) soon. A. is raining B. (ill have rained C. is going to rain D. (ill rain 14. By the time he arrived- all his classmates )))))))))) A. (o!ld leave B. (ere leaving C. left D. had left 15. ' (ork from 5!esday to 2at!rday- and 2!nday and ,onday are my )))))))))). A. (orking days B. days o!t C. breaks D. days off 1 . 5he cottage is s!rro!nded by the most glorio!s co!ntryside. A. ordinary B. honorable C. bea!tif!l D. gloomy 1". Do!r to!r incl!des a one.day )))))))))) to the 3rand Canyon by air. A. camping B. travel C. e&c!rsion D. visit 1#. 5he cheese is soft and (hite and absol!tely )))))))))). A. tastef!l B. glorio!s C. delicio!s D. interesting 1$. 4e did finally come (ith !s- altho!gh it took a long time to )))))))))) him. A. believe B. permit C. pers!ade D. take 2%. 5his to(n is a pop!lar )))))))))) for art lovers. A. destination B. arrival C. department D. visitation 21. DonCt thro( a(ay the )))))))))) . 1e can have them for s!pper. A. s!ndeck B. photos C. food D. leftovers 22. 5om and ' )))))))))) to ,ary+s birthday party together. A. am going B. are going C. (ill go D. go 23. 't (ill )))))))))) rain later so (e sho!ld go and have o!r picnic no(. A. preferable B. probably C. likely D. !s!ally 24. 5he school prepares st!dents for a (ide range of )))))))))) *!alifications. A. profess B. professional C. profession D. professionally 25. 2he )))))))))) si&teen years old ne&t 2at!rday. A. is B. is going to C. (ill be D. has 2 . ' )))))))))) o!r teacher tomorro(- so ' shall give him yo!r note. A. have seen B. going to see C. shall have seen D. am seeing 2". =!r class )))))))))) a picnic at 5hay ?agoda this 2!nday. A. am having B. (ill has C. is going to have D. go to have 2#. 0ookJ 5he b!s )))))))))))))))))))).

A. (ill come
A. %!" )(+i&,. C. 4%+" 89*t )(+"'

B. is coming

C. (ill be coming

D. is going to come

29. A!" A#i$" %&' T() *ti## #i+i&, i& N"- .(!/01 2 N(3 t4"5 6666666666 t( D%##%*.7
B. 4%' %#!"%'5 )(+"' D. -i## )(+"'

Choose the underlined part that needs correction. 3%. 'Cll fly to ,ars ne&t (eek. 'Cve already gotten a ticket. A B C D 31. 5he rock formations in the :alley of Iire in 6evada has been (orn into many *t!%&," A B C shapes :5 the action (; -i&' %&' -%t"!. D 32. 4ave yo! heard the ne(s8 5he ?resident has been shootingJ A B C D 33. 5he girl (hom yo! met last night (as !sed to be a singer. A B C D 34. 5hey are going to have to leave soon- and so do (e. A B C D 35.Don+t forget posting the letter ' gave yo! A B C D Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it# 4i everyone. 'Cve been in ?aris for over a (eek no( and 'Cm having a great A3 B ........... 'n the first fe( days ' did *!ite a lot of A3"BEEE.. the /iffel 5o(er. 6otre Dame. and all the !s!al to!rist attractions. ,ost places are absol!tely A3#B .......... (ith to!rists- so yesterday ' decided to have a A3$B ..........ro!nd the shops. 5oday 'Cve been to a co!ple of interesting art A4%B ........... ' got A41B..............on my (ay back to the hotel- b!t it didnCt matter beca!se ' discovered a really fascinating A42B ..........(ith lots of little stalls- selling <!st abo!t everything from apples to anti*!es. ' ate in the hotel the first night b!t !s!ally ' A43B................for dinner . the resta!rants are great and ' can get a set meal for less than 25 e!ros. '+m afraid 'Cve A44B .......... a lot of moneyb!t itCs a great place. Do!Cll be able to see for yo!rself A45B .......... ' get back . 'Cve taken lots of photos.
' hope yo!Cre all (ell. 'Cll (rite again ne&t (eek. 0ove.-

3 . A. visit 3". A. vie(ing 3#. A. took 3$. A. look 4%. A. e&hibits 41. A. left 42. A. temple 43. A. go o!t 44. A. paid
45 A. !ntil

B. holiday B. sightseeing B. stayed B. visit B. castles B. loss B. palace B. leave B. spent B. (hile

C. trip C. looking C. packed C. day.off C. concerts C. lost C. cathedral C. call

C. lost C. after

D. e&c!rsion D. landscape D. f!ll D. (alking D. galleries D. disappeared D. market D. stay in

D. gotten D. (hen

Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer A, B, C or D. Ior the last fe( months ' have spent every 2at!rday in my flat and have done nothing more e&citing than (ork at home- read the ne(spapers and (atch television. ' had beg!n feeling- bored (ith this and so- last (eekend ' tho!gh ' (o!ld do something different. ' rang !p several of my friends and (e decided to go to 0ondon for the day. ' (as really e&cited as ' hadnCt been to 0ondon since ' (as ten. 1e decided to go by coach as this (as by far the cheapest means of transport that (as available even tho!gh it meant that (e needed to get !p


very early. =nce in 0ondon (e decided to take a sightseeing to!r as (e (anted to see some of the famo!s b!ildings. After the to!r (e bo!ght some sand(iches and ate them in a small park. 'n the afternoon t(o of !s (ent shopping and the others (ent to the theater. 1e met !p again at >3% p.m. and (ent to a small resta!rant in 2oho. 5he meal (as really good b!t- !nfort!natelyit took m!ch longer than (e had e&pected. 1e had to get a ta&i back to the coach station. 0!ckily- (e got there <!st t(o min!tes before o!r coach left. 4 . According to the passage the (riter )))))))))). A. !s!ally spends his (eekend at home. B. (ent to 0ondon (ith some of his friends. C. has lived in 0ondon for ten years. D. feels bored (ith his life.
4". 4e felt so e&cited abo!t going to 0ondon beca!se )))))))))).

A. he hadnCt been there before. B. he hadnCt been there for ten years. C. he (ent there ten years ago. D. he hadnCt been there for a long time. 4#. 1hy did they decide to go by coach8 A. Beca!se it (as available. B. Beca!se they (anted to start early. C. Beca!se other means of transport (ere more e&pensive. D. Beca!se it (as one of the most efficient means of transport. 4$. 1hich of the follo(ing is tr!e8 A. 5hey all (ent shopping before going to theater. B. 5hey made a sightseeing to!r of 0ondon and then had l!nch. C. 5hey had l!nch in a small resta!rant. D. 5hey left the city at >3% p.m. 5%. 't can be inferred from the te&t that )))))))))). A. they nearly missed the coach beca!se of the meal. B. they didnCt en<oy the meal in the resta!rant very m!ch. C. the coach had already left (hen they got to the station. D. they missed the coach and had to take a ta&i back.


Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A. key A. time A. voice A. famo!s A. family

B. they B. fit B. coin B. face B. sky

C. today C. fine C. coincide C. take C. type

D. s!rvey D. Iriday D. noise D. catch D. clarify

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others . . A. channel B. media C cartoon D. comment ". A. doc!mentary B. advantage C. maga@ine D. pop!larity #. A. ne(spaper B. enco!rage C. responsible D. effective $. A. bea!tif!l B. television C. 'nternet D. interfere 1%. A. en<oy B. rela& C. recommend D. intend Choose the one word or phrase ) A, B, C or D ) that best completes the sentence. 11. Do! can hear BBC ne(s)))))))) all over the (orld. A. sho(s B. anno!ncements C. receipts D. programs 12. 5elevision can make things)))))))) beca!se it presents information in an effective (ay. A. memory B. memorial C. memorable D. memorably 13. Do yo! !nderstand this ))))))))8 L2%% 1=,/6 3':/6 1M=63 D'A36=2'2+ A. report B. headline C. ne(s D. advert 14. Children often prefer looking at ))))))))to reading books. A. ne(spapers B. comics C. articles D. commercials 15. 'n Britain- there are some Ct"!!"*t!i%#C ))))))))on 5: s!ch as BBC'- BBC2- '5:1 A. programs B. series C. channels D. cables 1 . C's the paper p!blished every day8C C6o- it ))))))))o!t once a (eek.C A. t!rns B. goes C. prod!ces D. comes 1". /ditorial ))))))))in C5he 3!ardianC tended to s!pport the government in this matter. A. comments B. complaints C. commands D. comedies 1#. A ))))))))is a film (ith fact!al information- often abo!t a problem in society. A. series B. soap opera C. doc!mentary D. drama 1$. 5here (as a report )))))))) 5he 'ndependent )))))))) this ne( la(.
A. onF for B. inF to C. inF abo!t D. onF in 2%. )))))))))) is a system connecting millions of comp!ter (orld(ide. A. 5he television B. 5he 'nternet C. 5he media D. 5he phone

Choose the one word or phrase ) A, B, C or D ) that best completes the sentence. 21. 5he scheme allo(s st!dents from many co!ntries)))))))) (ith each other. A. comm!nicate B. to comm!nicate C. comm!nicating D. comm!nicates 22. )))))))) the storm (arnings- (e did not go o!t last night.
A. 2ince B. 'n spite of C. Beca!se of D. 5he res!lt

23. 5his is the fifth time yo! )))))))) me the same *!estion. A. ask B. asked C. are asking 24. 1hen ' arrived at the party- 0!cy)))))))) home. A. has already gone B. had already gone C. already (ent D. already (as going 25. /nglish people spent 1# ho!rs per (eek )))))))) 5:.
A. (atching B. to (atch C. (atch D. for (atching

D. have asked

2 . 'Cve lived in a small ho!se near the coast ))))))))1$$%. A. from B. since C. in D. for 2". 2he left home in 1$$3 and )))))))) since. A. hasnCt seen B. didnCt see C. hasnCt been seen D. (asnCt seen 2#. 'tCs time (e)))))))) this old car and bo!ght a ne( one. A. (ill sell B. have sold C. had sold D. sold


2$. 2ince ,r 4assan )))))))) president- both ta&es and !nemployment )))))))). A. has becomeF increased B. becameF increased C. becameF have increased D. has becomeF have increased 3%. )))))))) all my (arnings- he tried to fi& the comp!ter himself. A. Altho!gh B. 'n spite of C. Beca!se D. 'nstead of 31. 2ome television programs )))))))) A. may make children to be violent. B. make children be violent. C. may make children violent. D. make children being violent. 32. ' )))))))) a(ay most of my old books (hen ' moved ho!se. A. thre( B. have thro(n C. had thro(n D. (as thro(ing 33. Do! )))))))) (hisper. 6obody can hear !s.
A. neednCt to 34. 5he children. B. donCt have to C. m!stnCt D. need to

)))))))) to the Botanical 3arden. A. (ere en<oyed taken B. (ere en<oyed taking C. en<oyed taking D. en<oyed being taken 35. 2o far this (eek there)))))))) three b!rglaries in o!r street.
A. are B. (ere C. have been D. had been

*dentify the one underlined word or phrase ) A, B, C or D ) that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 3 . 5he investigation into the presidentCs past (as covered thro!gh the media (orld(ide. A B C D 3". An advantage of 'nternet ne(s reports is that they can be constant !pdated. A B C D 3#. 5he maga@ine (ent o!t of b!siness beca!se it did not have s!bscribers eno!gh. A B C D 3$. 5he editor (as famo!s for being choosy abo!t (ho she (anted on her staff A B C D 4%. 't is convenient to s!bscribe to the ne(spaper altho!gh it is delivered to yo!r ho!se daily. A B C D Choose the one option ) A, B, C or D ) that best completes the passage. 5he 1orld 1ide 1eb is A41B ))))))))millions of sites A42B )))))))) by anybody from m!ltimedia corporations to A43B )))))))) people like yo! and me. =n the (eb yo! can read online ne(spapers or maga@inesN yo! can (atch videos-A44B )))))))) m!sic or b!y anything A45B ))))))))a CD to a holiday. Do! can go into a A4 B )))))))) and A4"B ))))))))to other people all over the (orld or A4#B ))))))))a ne(sgro!p for more serio!s debate. 'f yo! are really ambitio!s yo! might even like to try creating yo!r o(n A4$B )))))))).5hen yo! can A5%))))))))yo!r holiday pict!res to the (hole (orldJ
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 4 . 4". 4#. 4$. 5%. A. made !p A. taken A. !s!al A. do(nload A . like . A. talk room A. talk A. attend A. chat room A. see B. made !p of C. made from D. made of B. discovered C. invented D. created B. normal C. ordinary D. typical B. listen C. (atch D. !nload B. on C. from D. (ith B. CD.M=, C. chat room D. speaking room B. speak C. say D. converse B. take C. access D. <oin B. (eb page C. pict!res D. internet B. send C. indicate D. sho(

Choose the correct answer ) A, B, C, or D. Chen likes to get his ne(s from the paper. 0emma t!rns on the television to find o!t (hatCs going on in the (orld. /ve s!bscribes to more maga@ines than she can keep track of(hereas Oobi chooses to listen to radio talk sho(s that cover iss!es thoro!ghly to tap into (hatCs going on in the (orld. All these people are to!ched by the media. 1hat is the media8 1hat constit!tes the media8 5he media consists of all the (ays that ne(s and information is distrib!ted to a mass a!dience. 5he media covers everything from hard


ne(s- (hich is investigative reporting to stories that are p!rely entertaining- s!ch as (hether yo!r favorite movie star (as on the PBest DressedF 1orst Dresser list. 1hether in print or broadcast on 5:- the stories are the prod!ct of the reporting of many <o!rnalists (ho (rite the stories- and editors (ho give o!t the assignments- assess the *!ality of the (riting and researchand make the decisions abo!t (here and (hen the stories r!n. 5he ne(s has immediate impact. 5he 'nternet p!ts global ne(s onto the personal comp!ter on yo!r desk. Almost all browsers have links to !p.to.the.min!te ne(s stories from vario!s ne(s services. Do! can get constant ne(s !pdates from a variety of so!rces via yo!r personal comp!ter- providing yo! (ith the most !p.to.date and in.depth coverage. 51. According to the (riter- )))))))))))))))))) A. peopleCs life can be changed by the media. B. ne(spapers- maga@ines- televisions- radios are all the mass media. C. people can only get ne(s from the paper. D. radio talk sho(s cover thoro!gh iss!es. 52. According to the passage- the media )))))))))))))))))))))))))) A. spreads not only ne(s b!t also entertainment to a!diences. B. investigates ne(s reports that (ill be covered. C. only distrib!tes hard ne(s to people. D. consists of ne(s and information all over the (orld.
53. 1hich one of the follo(ing is not a responsibility of editors8 A. ;!dge the (ritings and researches. B. Assign tasks.

C. 1rite reports on the stories. D. Decide (hen and (here tile stories r!n. 54. 5he (ord 'browsers" in line 15 refers to )))))))))))))))))))))))))) A. programs !sed by comp!ters for doing partic!lar <obs. B. people (ho look for information on the 'nternet. C. people (ho design the 1eb. D. comp!ter programs that allo( !sers to look at and search thro!gh information on the 'nternet. 55. An advantage of 'nternet ne(s reports is that ))))))))))))))))))))))) A. they can be constantly !pdated. B. they link ne(s from vario!s ne(s services. C. they provide a variety of information. D. they can be p!t onto the personal comp!ter. Choose the best option !a, b, c, or d" to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. 5 . 'tCs nearly t(enty years since my father sa( his brother. ,y father )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) A. sa( his brother for nearly t(enty years. B. has seen his brother for nearly t(enty years. C. didnCt see his brother nearly t(enty years ago. D. hasnCt seen his.brother for nearly t(enty years. 5". Altho!gh he (as serio!sly ill- he (as determined to finish his (ork. 'n spite of )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) A. the serio!s ill- he (as determined to finish his (ork. B. be ill serio!sly- he (as determined to finish his (ork. C. his serio!s illness- he (as determined to finish his (ork. D. he (as ill serio!sly- he (as determined to finish his (ork. 5#. 1hen did yo! last ride a bike8 4o( long ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) A. have yo! ridden a bike8 B. is it since yo! rode a bike8 C. is it since yo! have got a bike.ride8 D. have yo! been riding a bike8


5$. 2eeing 6elson ,andela (ill al(ays stay in my memory. ' ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) A. (ill never forget to see 6elson ,andela. B. never (ill forget seeing 6elson ,andela. C. (ill never forget seeing 6elson ,andela. D. never forget (hen ' sa( 6elson ,andela. %. 'Cve still got the camera beca!se no one has claimed it. 'Cve still got the camera )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) A. beca!se it hasnCt been claimed. B. beca!se of not claiming on it. C. beca!se of no claim has been made on it. D. beca!se it has been claimed by no one


Choose the word that has the underlined !letters" pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. famo!s B. nervo!s C. dangero!s D. mo!ntain 2. A. to(n B. co( C. sno( D. bro(n 3. A. spread B. disease C. health D. pleas!re 4. A. flood B. good C. foot D. look
5. A. crop B. e&port C. shortage D. resort

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. 1. A. comm!nity B. villagers C. diseases D. important 2. A. electricity B. instead C. decided D. enclose 3. A. shortage B. prod!ct C. technology D. manage 4. A. res!rface B. kno(ledge C. technical D. e&port 5. A. s!b!rb B. entertainment C. medical D. atmosphere


Choose the one word or phrase ) A,B, C or D ) that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 1. 5he recent heavy rains have helped to ease the (ater )))))))))). A. s!pply B. poverty C. plenty D. shortage 2. ' (anted to (ork some(here (here ' co!ld serve the )))))))))). A. village B. comm!nity C. to(n D. co!ntry 3. 5hey tried to find a (ay of bettering their lives. A. moving B. changing C. achieving D. improving 4. 4e came in tired and h!ngry and badly )))))))))) need of a bath. A. for B. to C. on D. in 5. 0ast year (e had a b!mper crop of stra(berries. A. large crop B. poor crop C. early crop D. record crop . ' donCt like *!i@@es beca!se my general )))))))))) is so poor. A. appearance B. memory C. kno(ledge D. thinking ". 5he ho!se had been )))))))))) three apartments. A. t!rned in B. p!t in C. p!lled do(n D. t!rned into #. 'Cll speak to her as soon as she comes o!t of the meeting.
A. goes to B. appears C. leaves $. ,ost of the roads in the city have been )))))))))) recently. A. replaced B. res!rfaced C. removed 1%. 's all this technology making o!r )))))))))) simpler8 A. life B. life+s C. livings D. attends D. ret!rned D. lives

Choose the one word or phrase ) A, B, C or D ) that best completes the sentence. 1. ,y mother and ' are really looking for(ard )))))))))) yo! again. A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. if (e can see 2. 'Cll look after the children (hile yo! )))))))))) dinner. A. make B. are making C. (ill be making D. made 3. C'tCs really raining.C QDes. 'f the (eather )))))))))) (eCll have to camp some(here else.C A. (o!ld get (orse B. might get (orse C. get (orse D. sho!ld get (orse 4. 'Cm going a(ay for a fe( days. )))))))))) back '+ll phone yo!. A. (hen ' get B. (hile 'Cm getting C. if ' get D. since .' get
5. )))))))))) soon- 'Cm not going to (ait. A. 1hen they donCt come B. 'f they donCt come C. 'f they (onCt come D. 1hen theyCll come

. C?lease donCt leave yo!r boots in the hall.C ,y mother is al(ays telling me )))))))))) A. not to leave my boots in the hall. B. donCt leave my boots in the hall. C. not to leave yo!r boots in the hall. D. not leave my boots in the hall ". Abo!t 12% people ))))))))) (ith the vir!s of bird fl! since it ))))))))) in Asia in 2%%3.
A. have infectedF spread B. (ere infectedF has spread C. have been infectedF spread D. have been infectedF (as spread . #. CDid yo! meet Ann here at the !niversity8C C6o- (e )))))))))) (hen ' started college.C A. have already met B. had already met C. had already been met D. had already meet $. 'f it )))))))))) very hard- the streets flood. A. rains B. (ill rain C. is raining 1%. ' notified the bank that ' )))))))))) my address. A. (as changing B. have changed C. had changed

D. (o!ld rain D. change

11. 1eCll be late !nless (e )))))))))) no(. A. leave B. donCt leave C. had left D. have left 12. CDid yo! tell Carol (here )))))))))) !s this evening8C CDes- ' did.C A. sho!ld she meet B. she to meet C. she meets D. to meet 13. 1hen (e. (ere children (e )))))))))) skating every (inter. A. had gone B. are !sed to going C. (o!ld go D. (ere going


14. 5his technology is !seless if yo! )))))))))) to operate it. A. donCt train B. (onCt train C. havenCt trained 15. C4o( many people are there in yo!r family8C 5he intervie(er asked me )))))))))) A. ho( many people there (ere in yo!r family.
B. ho( many people (ere there in my family. C. ho( many people (ere there in yo!r family.

D. arenCt trained

D. ho( many people there (ere in my family. *dentify the one underlined word or phrase ) A, B, C or D ) that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 1. 'f ' have to fly- ' (o!ld get very nervo!s- so ' !s!ally drive. A B C D 2. 5(o days ago- the (eather forecaster (arned !s that a tornado is coming. A B C D 3. ' asked 2ean ho( to prono!nce his name8 A B C D 4. 5hey !sed to live in Chester for three years- didnCt they8 A B C D 5. At the intervie( they asked me (hen can yo! start (ork. A B C D . 'f ' (ill have to make a diffic!lt decision- ' al(ays disc!ss it (ith my friends.

". Gnless (e (ork harder- (e (ill finish on time. A B C D #. 2andy called from ,iami d!ring the storm and said she (as s(imming here A B C D $. 2he (anted to kno( (hether ' have seen ?a!l recently. A B C D 1%. 5he ho!se (as eno!gh comfortable b!t not l!&!rio!s. A B C D Choose the correct answer ) A, B, C, or D. 0ast (eek ' made the mistake of visiting the village (here ' gre( !p. 't (as a smallfriendly comm!nity (ith t(o farms and a n!mber of old cottages ro!nd the village green. ' reali@ed very *!ickly that altho!gh in many (ays it appears !nchanged- in reality hardly anything is the same. All the pretty cottages are there- of co!rse- and both the pict!res*!e farmho!ses. B!t none of the inhabitants are co!ntry people. All of them are comm!ters- (ho leave early every morning for the nearby to(n. 6either of the farmho!ses is attached to a farm these daysN the land has been sold and is managed by somebody in an office some(here (ho has little interest in the village itself 5here are a fe( ne( ho!ses- b!t they have no local characterN yo! can see the same style any(here in the co!ntry. 5he (hole of the village- in facthas been tidied !p so m!ch that it has become nothing more than <!st another s!b!rb. 1. 5he (riter)))))))))))))))
A. like living in a farmho!se. B. !sed to live in a cottage.

C. gre( !p in a small r!ral comm!nity. D. came back from the village. 2. 1hen he revisited his village- he *!ickly reali@ed that )))))))))). A. the village changed a lot in appearance. B. everything has almost changed C. all the pretty cottages as (ell as the farmho!ses have been reb!ilt. D. the residents of the village are all comm!ters. 3. 6either of the farmho!ses)))))))))))))))))))


A. has a connection (ith a farm. B. has been sold. C. is attached to the farmers. D. is managed by the comm!ters. 4. According to the (riter-)))))))))))))) A. the village no( has no local character. B. all the ne( ho!ses are the same style. C. the village is more tidy than it !sed to. D. the village has become nothing b!t a s!b!rb.
5. 1hich of the follo(ing is not mentioned in the passage8 A. 5he (riter has visited the village several times before. B. 5he (riter revisited his village last (eek. C. 5he village has !ndergone significant changes. D. 5he village no(adays has become another s!b!rb.

Choose the one option ) A, B, C or D ) that best completes the passage. 5he (orld is divided A1B) EE. t(o main parts> one part is poor and the A2B.......... is rich. 5he poor co!ntries A3B.......... Cthe developing co!ntriesC. 5he big problem that they have to A4B............. is lack of food and medical care. A lot of people do not have A5B .......... food to eat and medicine to c!re illnesses. 'n some parts- children are A B.............. starving. 5he land of those co!ntries is A"B) ............ c!ltivate anything on. 5hey do not kno( A#B ....................... ne( farming ,ethods as (ell as inventions and discoveries of science and technology.A$B ...............they do not have eno!gh money to do it. 5hey certainly need help from A1%B............co!ntries.
1 . A. into 2. A. another 3. A. call 4. A. meet 5. A. very . A. even #. A. applying $. A. 4o(ever 1%. A. rich B. to B. other B. have called B. disc!ss B. too B. also B. to apply B. ,oreover B. the rich C. in C. others C. called C. enco!nter C. many C. s!ch C. ho( to apply C. 5herefore C. another rich D. from D. one D. are called D. do D. eno!gh D. all

". A. poor eno!gh to

B. so poor as to

C. eno!gh poor to
D. ho( applying D. As a res!lt D. a rich

D. too poor to


Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 1. A. backgro!nd B. career C. private 2. A. intend B. channel C. deliver D. brilliant D. presenting

Choose a best option for these sentences# 3. 'Cve been in this city for a long time. ' )))))))))) here si&teen years ago. A. have come B. (as coming C. came D. had come 4. A film (hich is made by photographing a series of changing dra(ings is called a )))))))))). A. comedy B. drama C. cartoon D. doc!mentary 5. 't (as *!ite a cold day )))))))))) it (as s!nny. A. beca!se B. in spite of C. beca!se of D. altho!gh 6. 2he often )))))))))) to (ork at 5> 3% in the morning. A. is B. get C. goes D. go 7. 5hey are living in the ho!se )))))))))) they bo!ght last month. A. (hen B. (hich C. (hy D. (ho 8. 5hey are e&cellent st!dents )))))))))) have complete confidence. A. that B. (hich C. (hose D. (hom 9. 1hen ' (as yo!ng- ' received some )))))))))) training from my father A. scientific B. scientist C. science D. scientifically 10. 4e )))))))))) 0ondon 2 years ago and ' )))))))))) him since then. A. (as living.havenCt seen B. left.havenCt seen C. left. hadnCt seen D. left.didnCt see 11. )))))))))) is !sed to copy the information from a comp!ter onto paper. A. 2peaker B. ?hotocopier C. ,o!se D. ?rinter


12. 1o!ld yo! )))))))))) looking after my children for a (hile8 A. care B. stand C. agree D. mind 13. After it )))))))))) dry for t(o months- it rained heavily last night A. (as B. (o!ld be C. had been D. has been 14. ,y father didnCt )))))))))) coffee for the breakfast. A. !se to have B. !se be having C. !se to having D. !sed to have 15. Mobert is going to be famo!s someday. 4e )))))))))) in three movies already A. appeared B. has appeared C. has been appeared D. had appeared 16. ' think the )))))))))) sho!ld help the poor. A. elderly B. rich C. sick D. in<!red 17. 't )))))))))) me 15 min!tes to get to school every morning. A. take B. took C. takes D. has taken 18. 5om> . 4ello- ,aryJ 4o( are yo!8 . ,ary > )))))))))) A. 4i- 5omJ Iine. 5hanks B. Des- ' am fine. C. Bye. 2ee yo! later D. And yo!8 %ind a word that has a different sound with the rest. 19 A. advantage B. mistake C. ne(spaper 20. A. eighty B. life C. height D. radio D. sky

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting# 21. 1e had to cancel the match beca!se the bad (eather. A B C D 22. ' decided changing my <ob beca!se the boss made me (ork overtime A B C D 23. 4e avoids to travel d!ring r!sh ho!rs. A B C D 24. 5he yo!ng has the f!t!re in their hands. A B C D 25. Abo!t one h!ndred b!ildings and ho!ses have destroyed in the earth*!ake. A B C D Read the passage carefully then choose the correct answers# ,arie C!rie- the ?olish . born chemist- (as a co!rageo!s and determined (oman. 2he (as born on 6ovember "th- 1# ". 2he left her home for ?aris to p!rs!e her interest in science. 0iving in poverty- she still managed to grad!ate at the top of the class. 2he met ?ierre C!rie shortly after grad!ation and married him a year later. 5ogether- ?ierre and ,arie formed the most famo!s h!sband.and.(ife partnership in science history. 5hey discovered the radioactive elements- ?oloni!m and Madi!m. 5hey (ere a(arded the 6obel pri@e for ?hysics in 1$%3. 26. 1hat did ,arie C!rie go to Irance for8 . )))))))))) A. 5o find a <ob B. 5o st!dy C. 5o earn her living D. 5o take !p a ne( hobby. 27. 4o( old (as ,arie C!rie (hen she (on the first 6obel ?ri@e8 A. 3 years old B. " years old C. 3% years old D. 44 years old 28. ?oloni!m is a))))))). A. science history B. pri@e C. co!ntry D. radioactive elements 29. 4o( (as ,arie C!rie (hen she first lived in ?aris8 A. rich B. lively C. poor D. bored 30. 5he (ord 1'"t"!)i&"'1 in line 1 means most nearly )))))))))). A. honest B. resol!te C. fo!nd o!t D. brave

Rewrite the sentences with the words given# 1. 6o one has kno(n these roads before. T4"*" !(%'* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2. Beca!se the room (as small- (e co!ldn+t live in it B"$%9*" (; ..................................................................................................................... 3. ' get to school by bike. <(-........................................................................................................................ 8 4. ' (as late for class yesterday beca!se ' missed the b!s. >45........................................................................................................................8 5. 4oa visited the m!se!m a fe( days ago. >4"& EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE8 . 4e still passed the e&am altho!gh he made many mistakes in his (riting. I& *?it" (; EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. ". 4ave the boys finished the (ork 8 <%* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. . . . E E . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . E. E E 8 #. ,r. Bro(n began to (ork for that company forty years ago. =!. B!(-& 4%*EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. . . . .. . E . . .. . .. .


Choose the word that has the underlined !letters" pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. g9lf B. s9rface C. s9bmarine D. c9rrent 2. A. oc"%n B. !nders"% C. ben"%th D. d""p 3. A. p((r B. t(9r C. act9%l D. gr(9p 4. A. tiny B. device C. krill D. migrate
A. t4ink B. dept4 C. f!rt4er D. breat4

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. . A. maintain B. marine C. challenge D. device ". A. investigate B. information C. s!bmarine D. independent #. A. organism B. environment C. temperat!re D. satellite $. A. carnivore B. entrapment C. technology D. Atlantic 1%. A. secret B. ocean C. migrate D. herbicide Choose the word or phrase that could best e(plain the underlined word or phrase. 11. 'f modern technology did not e&ist- (e (o!ld never have s!ch ?!"$i(9* information. A. val!able B. precise C. confidential D. detailed 12. 2ome )%!i&" animals are dangero!s to h!mans. A. living in the mo!ntain B. living in the ocean C. living in the forest D. living in the ho!se 13. 5he floor (as covered in ti&5 pieces of paper.
A. !nimportant B. many 14. 2perm (hales and sharks are $%!&i+(!"*. C. very large D. e&tremely small

A. animals that live in the sea B. animals that only eat plants C. fish that arenCt born from eggs D. animals that eat meat 15. 1e en<oyed the (arm (ater of the @9#; of 5hailand.


A. a small sea B. a large area of sea that is partly s!rro!nded by land C. a part of the sea enclosed by a (ide c!rve of the shore D. a large area of (ater s!rro!nded by land 1 . 1e had an %$$i'"&t%# meeting (ith an old friend at the party last night.
A. !npleasant 1". 1hales feed on /!i##. B. !ne&pected C. !nl!cky D. !nacceptable

A. tiny shellfish B. small fish C. sea plants D. small animals 1#. ))))))))))) is the variety of different types of plant and animal life in a partic!lar region.
A. 'nteraction B. 4erbicide C. /nvironment D. Bio.diversity

1$. 5here is a large ))))))))))) of animals that live in 6airobi 6ational ?ark. A. vary B. vario!s C. varied D. variety 2%. 2perm (hale pop!lation is %t !i*/ d!e to h!nting. A. in e&tinction B. in danger C. on the decrease D. in fe(ness Choose the best option 21. Do!Cve been co!ghing a lot lately. Do!))))))))))) smoke so m!ch. A. sho!ldnCt B. canCt C. sho!ld D. can 22. 1hat (o!ld 5om do if he ))))))))))) the tr!th8
A. (o!ld kno( B. has kno( C. kno(s D. kne(

23. 'f ' ))))))))))) yo!- ' (o!ldn+t b!y that coat. A. am B. (as C. (ere 24. Do!))))))))))) ,ark. Do! kno( it+s a secret.
A. sho!ld tell B. sho!ldn+t tell C. co!ldn+t tell

D. (o!ld be
D. might tell

25. 'f 0ien ))))))))))) a raincoat- she (o!ldn+t get a cold. A. (ears B. (ore C. has (orn D. had (orn 2 . 'Cm not an astrona!t. 'f '))))))))))) an astrona!t- ' ))))))))))) my camera (ith me on the
rocket ship. A. amF (ill take C. (ereF had taken B. (ereF (o!ld take D. (ereF (o!ld have taken

2". 'f ' ))))))))))) in yo!r position- ' (o!ld not accept her offer. A. am B. (ere C. (o!ld be D. had been 2#. 5om really))))))))))) go o!t. 4e has too m!ch home(ork to do. A. canCt B. sho!ldnCt C. (o!ld D. sho!ld 2$. 1hat (o!ld yo! do if yo!))))))))))) a million dollars8 A. (in B. (on C. had (on d. (ill (in 3%. 'f yo! e&ercised more- yo! ))))))))))) feel better. A. don+t B. didn+t C. (ill D. (o!ld Choose the underlined part that needs correction. 31. Dennis !sed to smoking a lot a year ago. A B C D 32. 5he ho!ses have been decorate very bea!tif!lly. A B C D 33. Both yo! or ' have to help (eak st!dents of o!r class. A B C D 34. 'f ' pass this e&am- ' (o!ld go to the !niversity ne&t 2eptember. A B C D 35. ,y car- that ' have o(ned for five years- is a Iord. A B C D 3 . 4e left her ho!se in a h!rry (itho!t to say goodbye to !s. A B C D 3". 'f ' had money- ' (ill b!y a car. A B C D 3#. 1o!ld yo! mind lend me yo!r bike !ntil ne&t (eek8 A B C D 3$. 5he match (as cancelled d!e to the (eather (as bad.


A B C D 4%. Gnless (e (orked harder- (e (o!ld finish on time.


Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete this passage. D(#?4i&* %!" /&(-& %* )%!i&" A41B 666666t4"5 :!"%t4" %i!3 t4"5 %!" -%!)C:#(('3 %&' t4"5 :"%! #i+" 5(9&, (&"* $%##"' A42B 666666
T4" *iD" (; '(#?4i& i* +"!5 ,!"%t#5. A43B666666 *)%##"*t '(#?4i&* %!" 89*t %:(9t 50 /, i& -"i,4t %&' 1.2 )"t"!* i& #"&,t4 A44B

666666t4" #%!,"*t (&" $%& -"i,4 9? t( 8.200 /, %&' i* 10 )"t"!* #(&,. Dolphins are sociable creat!res. 5hey s(im together in gro!p kno(n as A45B ))))))5hey sho( great ability in the (ater. Dolphins are interested A4 B ))))))h!mans and often resc!e people in the sea A4"B ))))))are in danger. 5hey are intelligent creat!res and make so!nds to A4#B))))) (ith each other. 2cientists have st!died dolphins A4$B )))))many years and are no( looking into the possibility of dolphins that are able to carry A5%B ))))) tasks !nder the sea. 41. A. fish B. creat!res C. mammals D. life 42. A. babies B. calves C. yo!ng D. diets 43. A. A B. An C. 5he D. And 44. A. (hen B. as C. (hile D. since 45. A. c!rrents B. flocks C. herds D. teams 4 . A. in B. at C. on D. of 4". A. (hich B. (hose C. (hen D. (ho 4#. A. talk B. comm!nicate C. contact D. connect 4$. A. in B. since C. for D. d!ring 5%. A. o!t B. in C. of D. (ith


Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. probably B. val!able C. bomb D. baby 2. A. campfire B. part C. animal D. nat!ral 3. A. species B. destr!ction C. constant D. sickness Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others. 4. A. endanger B. disappear C. prohibit D. destr!ction 5. A. ind!strial B. environment C. agric!lt!re D. responsible . A. introd!ce B. peacef!lly C. conse*!ence D. infl!ence Choose A,B,C,or D that best completes each unfinished sentence or substitutes the underlined part # ". ,any organi@ations have been *"t 9? and f!nds have been raised. A. established B. collapsed C. delayed D. decreased #. 0a(s have been introd!ced to ?!(4i:it the killing of endangered animals. A. advised B. decreased C. ban D. enco!raged $. 5heEE..is the air- (ater land in or on (hich people animals and plants live. A . conse*!ence B. environment C. planet D. reso!rce 1%. ,any national parks have been establishedEEEEEendangered animals. A. to save B. to kill C. to protect D. to ban 11. ,any rareEE.. of animals are in danger of e&tinction. A. species B. classes C. being D. pairs 12. ?eople are destroying the air by addingEE.to it A. poll!ted B. poll!tions C. poll!ters D. poll!tants 13.Main forest are placesEE people harvest (ood- delicio!s fr!its- and po(erf!l medicine. A. in (hich B. in that C. in (here D. (hich 14. 5he heavy rain has ca!sed EEE.. in many parts of the co!ntry. A. crops B. floods C. (ater D. soil


15.5he a!thority gathered those villagersEEEE.they e&plained the importance of forests A. (ho B. (hom C. to (hom D. to that 1 . 4e EE.. the details of his !ncle+s (ill. A. (as given B. gave C. gives D. being given 1". Ior a long time- the earth EEE. to be flat. A. had believed B. had been believing C. (as believed D. (as been believed 1#. . 2perm (hale pop!lations are at risk d!e to h!nting. A. in e&tinction B. in danger C. on the decrease D. in fe(ness 1$. 5hey advised that part.time (orkers sho!ld EEEE. A. be employing B. have been employ C. employ D. be employed 2%. 4e e&pected !s EEE.. him a <ob. A. offering B. to offer C. offer D. to be offered 21. ,ore and more rare animals are..................danger of e&tinction. A. for B. on C. at D. in 22. Deforestation is '"*t!(5i&, large areas of tropical rain forest. A. changing B. raising C. becoming D. damaging 23. Do yo! kno( e&actly....................n!mber of 2iberian tigers in China 8 A. a B. an C .the D. no article needed 24. 0inda> /&c!se me. 1here+s the post office8 ,aria> EEEEEE. A. 't+s over there. B. '+m afraid not. C. Don+t (orry. D. Des- ' think so. 25. ?eter> 4o( often do yo! go to school8 4arry> EEEEEE.. A. ' go there early. B. /very day e&cept 2!nday. C. ' don+t think so. D. ' go there by b!s. 2 . A> 7 1o!ld yo! like to go to the movies tonight 89 . B> 7EEEEEEE..9 A. 6o ' don+t like B. Des '+d like C. =f co!rse D. '+d love to 2". 4!man beings are changing the environment ............. all respects. A. at B. for C. in D. !pon 2#. 5he sick man EEEEEE to the hospital. A. took B. has taken C. being taken D. (as taken 2$. A> 1hy do yo! ask me abo!t the party 8 B> ' EEEEE. to it. A. (as not invited B. didn+t invite C. not invited D. (as not been inviting 3%. 5he people in o!r village are leading a EEEE..life. A. peace B. peacef!l C. peacef!lly D. peacef!lness

Choose the correct sentences which has the same meaning as the given one 31. help / saving / recycling / mainly / by / energy / the environment /. A. 5he environment helps saving energy mainly by recycling. B. /nergy helps recycling mainly by the environment saving. C. Mecycling helps the environment mainly by saving energy. D. 2aving energy helps mainly by recycling the environment. 32.The park/ one/ America s greatest/ wildness areas A. 't is that the park one of America+s greatest (ildness areas B. 5he park (hich is one of America+s greatest (ildness areas C. 't is the park one of America+s greatest (ildness areas D. 5he park is one of America+s greatest (ildness areas


33. at least !"",""" visitors/ come/ visit/ the park/ every year A. 5here are at least %%-%%% visitors come to visit the ?ark every year B. At least %%-%%% visitors (ho come to visit the ?ark every year C. At least %%-%%% visitors come to visit the ?ark every year D. 5here (ere at least %%-%%% visitors come to visit the ?ark every year 34. The prices of the services/ reasonable/ every pockets A. 5he prices of the services (hich are reasonable for every pockets B. As the prices of the services are reasonable for every pockets C. 5he prices of the services are reasonable for every pockets D. 5he prices of the services that are reasonable for every pockets 35. The #oyal $ational %ark/ $ew &outh 'ales, Australia A. 5he Moyal 6ational ?ark it is in 6e( 2o!th 1ales- A!stralia B. 5he Moyal 6ational ?ark- (hich is in 6e( 2o!th 1ales- A!stralia C. 5he Moyal 6ational ?ark is in that 6e( 2o!th 1ales- A!stralia D. 5he Moyal 6ational ?ark is in 6e( 2o!th 1ales- A!stralia Choose the underlined part A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. 3 . 't+s diffic!lt for me decide (hether ' sho!ld accept the <ob or not . A B C D 3".9 4o( many rice do yo! (ant 89 7 A kilo - please.9 A B C D 3#. 'n s!mmer - ?eter !s!ally plays the tennis every day. A B C D 3$. ?eople can !se to m!sic to e&press their emotions. A B C D 4%. ,!sic plays an importance part in o!r life. A B C D Choose the word among A, B, C, D that best fits the blank in the following passage# 1ild animals play an important part in the balance of nat!re- and A41B E.. !s (ith many important prod!cts. Birds and other small animals help control A42B EE. 1ild animals provide f!r- food- and recreation. 5hey A43B EE make o!r s!rro!nding more interesting. Gncontrolled h!nting A44B EE destroyed m!ch (ildlife. ?eople have also harmed animals by destroying their habitats. ,any animals- s!ch as the passenger pigeon- have disappeared completely. =thers- incl!ding the (hopping crane- the bl!e (hale- and the American alligator- are in danger of dying A45B EE. 41. A. s!pply 42. A. insects 43. A. too 44. A. (as 45. A. a(ay B. provide B. snakes B. either B. had B. off C. help C. b!tterflies C. as (ell C. has C. do(n D. give D. (orms D. even D. have D. o!t

Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. 1ild animals Aand (ild plantsB and the (ild places (here they live are serio!sly t4!"%t"&"' almost every(here. =ne species has become e&tinct in each year of this cent!ry. B!t many h!ndreds are no( in danger. 0ack of attention (o!ld lead to the rapid advance of the process of e&tinction.


Already many kinds of (ild animals has been so red!ced in n!mber that their role in the ecosystem is forgotten. Animals like the great apes- the (hales- seals etc. tho!ght to be in danger of e&tinction. B!t even more important- perhaps than individ!al kinds of animals and plants- (hole habitats are in danger of vanishing> marshes are being drained- and the (orld forests- especially tropical forests are being c!t do(n to satisfy man+s needs of timber and paper. 1hat (o!ld o!r (orld be like if all the (ild animals and (ild plants vanished8 . 1o!ld o!r life still e&ist then8 4 . 1hat (o!ld happen to the h!man beings if the (ild life vanished8 A. ,any species (o!ld *!ickly become e&tinct. B. 5ropical forests (o!ld be c!t do(n. C. 5he h!man life (o!ld be serio!sly threatened. D. 2pecies (o!ld go on dying o!t. 4". 1hat is more important than individ!al kinds of animals and plants8 A. 5he vanishing of (hole habitats. B. 5he e&tinction of many species. C. 5he rapid advance of the process of e&tinction. D. ,an+s need of timber and paper 4#. 1hat does the (riter ca!tion !s against8 A. c!tting do(n the tropical forests. B. h!nting (ild animals. C. draining marshes. D. destroying o!r environment. 4$. 1hat (o!ld happen if (e c!t do(n forests8 ..R C!tting do(n forests (o!ld ca!se EEEEE.. A. the changes of temperat!re. B. the flood C. both A and B are correct. D. none are correct. 5%. 75o threaten9 in the passage means EEEE.. A. to poll!te C. to vanish B. to give fear to D. to poison


Choose the word that has the underlined syllable pronounced different from the others. 1. A. (orked B. hoped C. (atched D. lived 2 A. invader B. destroy C. spend D. soldier 3. A. nat!re B. to&ic C. plant D. contain 4 A. played B. missed C. called D. moved 5 A. nation B. to!rist C. st!dy D. ret!rn Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others. . A. ethnic B. e&plore C. orphan ". A. dependent B. s!rvival C. minority #. A. temperat!re B. chemical C. habit $. A. abandon B. national C. (ilderness 1% .A. establish B. disaster C. tropical D. fa!na D. recogni@e D. location D. b!tterfly D. dependent

Choose the best answer !A, B, C or D" that best completes each sentence. 11. C!c ?h!ong 6ational ?ark )))))))))) over 2%% s*!are kilometers of rainforest. A. contains B. gets C. hold D. covers 12. An interesting ))))))of this park is =rphanage- (here orphaned animals are taken care of. A.advantage B.feat!re C.area D.@one 13. A child (ho has lost one or both of his parents by death is called )))))))) child. A. an abandoned B. an orphan C. a homeless D.orphanage 14.5he ))))))))) has threatened many of animals in this park. A.rainforest B. pop!lation C. increase D.contamination 15. 5hey (ent camping in the bea!tif!l ))))))))) of the rainforest. A.(ildlife B. (ildness C.(ild D.(ilderness


1 . 5his park (as ))))))))) before 1orld 1ar '' A. set B. located C. established D. stationed 1". 1e (ere very )))))))))at his s!ccess. A. s!rprised B.interested C.keen D.fond 1#. =ne species is dependent )))))))))) another of s!rvival. A. on B. to C. of D.at 1$. ,y home village is )))))))))))) 4% kilometers north of the capital.. A. located B. held C. laid D. s!rro!nded 2%. 5he cattle drank from a river poll!ted (ith to&ic chemicals.. A.(aste B. colorless C. odorless D. poisono!s 21. 1e ))))))))) to the beach yesterday if the s!n had been shining. A.(ill go B.(o!ld go C.(o!ld have gone D. had gone 22. 'f he ))))))))) !p earlier- he )))))))) to (ork on time. A. got F (o!ld get B. had got F (o!ld get C. (o!ld get F got D. (o!ld have got F had got 23. 1e (o!ldn+t have been to the cinema)))))))))(e hadn+t had ticket. A. if B. !nless C. beca!se of D. in spite of 24. 1hat )))))))) if yo! had met him yesterday8 A. did yo! do B. (o!ld yo! do C. (o!ld yo! have done D. (ill yo! do 25. 5hey ))))))))) the farm if they ))))))))) eno!gh money. A. had enlarged F (o!ld have had B. (o!ld enlarge F had had C. enlarged F (o!ld have D. (o!ld have enlarged Fhad had Choose the underlined part !A,B,C or D" that needs correcting. 2 . 4e (o!ldn+t have kno(n the ne(s if yo! had told him. A B C D 2". ' had gone to see yo! if '+d kno(n (hat yo! (ere ill. A B C D 2#. ,y brother (o!ld b!y a sports car if he don+t have the money. A B C D 2$. 'f ' have free time ne&t 2!nday- ' (o!ld visit my grandmother. A B C D 3%. 'f ' (ere yo!- ' (o!ld have forgotten abo!t b!ying a ne( car. A B C D Choose one sentence that best rewrites the root one. 31. 4e didn+t (ork hard- so he failed the e&am. A. 'f he (orked hard- he (o!ldn+t fail the e&am. B. 'f he hadn+t (orked hard- he (o!ld have failed the e&am. C. 4e (o!ld have passed the e&am if he had (orked hard. D. 4e had passed the e&am if he (o!ld have (orked hard. 32. ' (as tired beca!se ' stayed !p late last night. A. 'f ' hadn+t stayed !p late at night- ' (o!ldn+t have been tired. B. ' hadn+t been tired if ' (o!ldn+t have stayed !p lat. C. 'f ' had stayed !p late at night- ' (o!ld have been tired. D. ' (o!ldn+t be tired 'f ' didn+t stay !p late at night. 33. 5he shirt didn+t fit me so ' didn+t b!y it. A. 'f the shirt fit me- ' (ill b!y it. B. 'f the shirt fitted me- ' (o!ld b!y it. C. 'f the shirt had fitted me- ' (o!ld have bo!ght it. D. ' didn+t b!y the shirt d!e to it didn+t fit me. 34. 4e didn+t kno( Irench so he didn+t go to ?aris for his holiday.


A. Gnless he kne( Irench- he (o!ldn+t go to ?aris for his holiday. B. 'f he kne( Irench- he (o!ld have gone to ?aris for his holiday. C. 'f he had gone to ?aris- he (o!ld have kno(n Irench. D. 4ad he kno(n Irench- he (o!ld have gone to ?aris for his holiday. 35. 4e (orked la@ily so he (as sacked. A. 'f he hadn+t (orked la@ily- he (o!ldn+t have been sacked. B. 'f he (orked la@ily- he (o!ld be sacked. C. Gnless he had (orked la@ily- he (o!ld have been sacked. D. 'f he hadn+t (orked la@ily- he (o!ld have been sacked. 3 . 4e didn+t take any medicine so he feels (orse no(. A. 'f he had taken the medicine- he (o!ld have felt better no(. B. 'f he had taken the medicine- he (o!ld feel better no(. C. 'f he took the medicine- he (o!ld feel better no(. D. Gnless he took the medicine- he (o!ldn+t feel better no( 3". 1e (ant to b!y that ho!se b!t (e don+t have eno!gh money. A. Gnless (e have eno!gh money- (e (on+t b!y that ho!se. B. 1e (o!ld have bo!ght that ho!se if (e had had eno!gh money. C. 'f (e had eno!gh money- (e (o!ld have bo!ght that ho!se. D. 'f (e had eno!gh money- (e (o!ld b!y that ho!se. 3#. 5hey co!ldn+t go home beca!se it stormed terribly. A. 'f it hadn+t stormed terribly- they co!ld have gone home. B. 'f it didn+t storm terribly- they (o!ld go home. C. 't stormed terribly so that they co!ldn+t go home D. 5hey co!ldn+t go home d!e to terribly storm. 3$. 1itho!t ;ack+s help- ' (o!ldn+t have been able to move the table. A. ;ack hadn+t helped- b!t ' co!ld move the table. B. ;ack didn+t help- so ' hadn+t been able to move the table. C. 'f ;ack hadn+t helped- ' (o!ldn+t have been able to move the table. D. 4ad ;ack helped- ' (o!ldn+t have been able to move the table. 4%. Do! (o!ldn+t have made many mistakes if yo! had been caref!l. A. Do! didn+t make many mistakes beca!se yo! (eren+t caref!l. B. Do! made many mistakes beca!se yo! (ere caref!l. C. Do! (ere caref!l- so yo! didn+t make many mistakes. D.Do! (eren+t caref!l- so yo! made many mistakes.

Read the following passage and choose best answer ! A,B,C or D " for each blank. 5he ostrich is the A41B ))))))) bird in the (orld- and an ad!lt can be more than ninety kilos. ,ost (ild ostriches live in so!thern Africa- b!t there are only a A42B)))))))))of them left. 0ike all birdsostriches have (ings- A43B)))))))) they cannot fly. 5hey !se their (ings to help them A44B))))))))) (hen they are r!nning. =striches can r!n very fast - from si&ty.five to ninety kilometers an ho!r- so it is very diffic!lt for A45B))))))))) animals to catch them. 41. A. large B. larger C. largest D. most largest 42. A.fe( B. little C. lot D. many 43. A. or B. and C. b!t D. e&cept 44. A. direct B. change C. alter D. t!rn 45. A. another B. other C. others D. one other Read the passage below and choose one best answer for each uestion.


?arks in o!r co!ntry are (onderf!l playgro!nds and millions of people visit them every year. 5here are places (here yo! can camp (itho!t charge or yo! can rent rooms in a hotel. Do! can take a long (alk in the forests- take boat trips- or climb mo!ntains. Do! are not allo(ed to h!nt in the park- so there are many (ild animals. Do! can fish in the streams of most of the parks. 5he park keepers sometimes go (ith the visitors on (alks to tell them abo!t the animals- plantsand mo!ntains. 5hey also have programmes and talks at the campgro!nds and in the hotels so that people can learn all abo!t the park and the things that are in it. 4 . 1e can camp in the parks ))))))))))))). A. (itho!t having to pay anything B. (ith a small fee C. if (e rent a room in a hotel D. if (e visit them every year 4". 1hich of the follo(ing activities is not mentioned in the passage8 A. go for a (alk B. go climbing C. go skiing D. go by boat 4#. 5he (ord 7 streams 9 in line 4 is closest in meaning to )))))))))))))). A. small rivers B. ponds C. lakes D. big sea 4$. 5he (ord 7 them 9 in line 5 refers to )))))))))))))). A. parks B. visitors C. park keepers D. animals 5%. 1hich of the follo(ing statements is 6=5 tr!e8 A. 5here are many animals in the parks. B. 1e can (alk and have talks (ith the park keepers. C. 1e are allo(ed to fish in most of the parks. D. 1e can h!nt in the parks.


Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. NOT FOR JAEE 1e have an old A1B )))))))))) instr!ment. 't is called a clavichord. 't (as made in 3ermany in 1 #1. =!r clavichord is A2B )))))))))) in the living. room .'t has belonged to o!r family for a long time. 5he instr!ment (as bo!ght by my grandfather A3B )))))))))) years ago. Mecently it (as damaged by a visitor .2he tried A4B ))))))))) <a@@ on itJ 2he str!ck the keys too hard and t(o of the strings A5B )))))))))))).,y father (as shocked. 6o( (e are not allo(ed to to!ch it. 't is being repaired by a friend of my father+s. 1. A. m!sic B. m!sic+s C. m!sical D. m!sician 2. A. placed B. set C. kept D. held 3. A. m!ch B. many C. n!mber D. lots 4. A. play B. played C. to play D. to playing 5. A. broken B. breaking C. (ere breaking D. (ere broken Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each uestion. FOFG =USIC ?op m!sic has al(ays been infl!enced by other forms of m!sic. An important form is folk m!sic. Iolk songs are the songs composed and s!ng by co!ntry people .5he songs may be h!ndreds of years old- so nobody kno(s (ho originally composed them. ,odern m!sic is often m!sic for dancing. 'n Britain it (as traditionally played (ith instr!ments like fl!teaccordion- etc. 'n the 1$5%s and 1$ %s the people (ho (rote songs and played them (ith aco!stic g!itars (ere also called folk singers. 5he songs (ere often 7protest songs9- complaining of bad things happening in society. . 1hich form of m!sic is pop m!sic mainly infl!enced by8


A. classical m!sic B. folk m!sic C. <a@@ D. rock Ln+ roll ". 1ho (ere folk songs composed by8 A. co!ntryside people B. city people C. modern m!sicians D. old singers #. According to the passage- (hat is modern m!sic often !sed for8 A. 2inging only B. playing (ith g!itars C. dancing D. forming pop m!sic $. 'n the 1$5 s- (hat did people play folk songs (ith8 A. pianos B. fl!tes C. dr!ms D. g!itars 1%. 1hy are folk songs called 7protect songs98 A. Beca!se they are s!ng by co!ntry people. B. Beca!se they are h!ndreds of years old. C. Beca!se nobody kno(s (ho originally composed them. D. Beca!se they complain abo!t bad things happening in society. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 11. A. an*(er B. li*ten C. m!*ic D. *olemn 12. A. b!*iness B. serio!* C. compo*e D. ea*ily 13. A. ne(* B. song* C. feeling* D. delight* 14. A. de*ign B. cla**ical C. m!*ic D. m!*e!m 15. A. *!mmer B. *!itable C. *!gar D. S!nday Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others. 1 . A. lang!age B. solemn C. event 1". A. African B. 1esterner C. ,e&ican 1#. A. lyrical B. favorite C. emotion 1$. A. composer B. f!neral C. m!sician 2%. A. entertain B. <oyf!lness C. serio!s D. ro!sing D. :ietnamese D. classical D. tradition C. atmosphere

Choose the best answer to complete these sentences. 21. ;oe> 1ho are yo!8 . 2!e> ))))))))) A. 4o( do yo! do8 B. 5hank yo!- ;oe C. Iine- thanks D. ,y name is 2!e. 22. ?eter> 5here is no instr!ment in the ho!se. . Anne> 't doesn+t )))))))))) A. case B. (orry C. make anything D. matter 23. Diana> Do! are going to fail yo!r singing test. . ;ess> ))))))))))) A. 't+s the same. B. ' don+t care. C. '+m not mind at all. D. 't makes nothing. 24. ' don+t like this CD. Can ' have)))))))))8 A. something else B. something other C. something either D. other thing 25. Chris> 1here do yo! (ork8 . /van> 'n a st!dio. . Chris> )))))))))))) A. 5hat m!st be interesting B. 1hat for8 C. 't is so E D. 1hen8 2 . 7Did yo! go to the concert last night89 .7)))))))))))))).9 A. Des- ' like. B. Des- ' did. C. 6o- ' don+t D. 6o- '+m afraid that ' have no time 2". 6am> Do yo! think that song can reach the top chart this (eek8 .,inh> ))))))))))))) A. Des- ' think too. B. Des- ' think so. C. ' like it. D. Meally8 2#. 4!ong> 4ey- '+ve got a poster of that film. . :an> ))))))))))))))) A. 1here8 B. 4ere it is. C. =h- ' love it. D. '+ve got to go.

2$. Bill> 1o!ld yo! like to come to my party8 . ;eff> 's yo!r brother going too8 . Bill> ))))))) A> Des- certainly. B. Do yo! think so8 C. Des- (e are. 3%. 0an> '+ve got a cold. . Ba> )))))))) A. =h dearJ B. ,y dearJ C. ' regret itJ

D. '+m thinking of it. D. Bless yo!.

Choose the best answer 31. ,!sic in general and pop m!sic in partic!lar makes people )))))). A. e&cite B. e&citing C. e&cited D. e&citement 32. As a n!rse- ' learned to control my )))))). A. hopes B. emotions C. abilities D. tho!ght 33. Iolk m!sic )))))) babies to sleep. A. makes B. (akes C. l!lls D. lets 34. ,!sic adds )))))) to the atmosphere of a festival. A. sadness B. <oyf!lness C. disappointment D. happy 35. :an Cao is one of the most (ell.kno(n )))))) in :ietnam. A. actors B. a!thors C. m!sicians D. singers 3 . '+ll post the card today )))))) there on my mother+s birthday. A. to get it B. in order to get it C. so as it gets D. so that it gets 3". Did the teacher e&plain ho( )))))) this problem. A. do (e solve B. can (e solve C. to solve D. solve 3#. )))))) is it from here to the theatre8 A. 4o( B. 4o( far C. 4o( long D. 4o( often 3$. 1o!ld yo! like to go o!t )))))) a meal tonight- ;oan8 A. to B. (ith C. of D. for 4%. 1e started early in order )))))) miss the first part of the concert. A. to not B. not for C. not to D. for no *dentify the one underlined word or phrase !A, B, C, or D" that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 41. ' often s(itch off the heating for saving money. A B C D 42. 2cott ;oplin- a (ell.kno(n African American piano player- (as born in 1# # and had died in 1$1". A B C D 43. 1e gave 6ick a map so that he (ill be able to find the (ay all right. A B C D 44. Do yo! kno( (hat kind of m!sic does ,inh like8 A B C D 45. ?erhaps mankind+s first importance m!sic infl!ence (as the songs of birds. A B C D Choose the one correct sentence which is built from the words provided. 4 . apologi@e F coming F he F me F for F late F telephoned F to. A. 4e telephoned me for apologi@e to coming late. B. 4e telephoned me to apologi@e for coming late. C. 4e apologi@e me for coming late to telephoned. D. 4e coming to apologi@e me for telephoned late. 4". (ill F do F it F this F (hat F yo! F if F rain F afternoon 8 A. 'f it rains this afternoon (hat yo! (ill do8 B. 1hat (ill it do if yo! rains this afternoon8 C. 1hat (ill yo! do if it rains this afternoon8


D. 'f yo! do this afternoon (hat (ill it rains8 4#. <ob F to F going F the F to F a F are F capital F yo! F find F it8 A. Are yo! going to the capital to find a <ob8 B. Are yo! to find a <ob to the capital going8 C. Are yo! a <ob to find going to the capital8 D. Are yo! to the capital going to find a <ob8 4$. (hy F do F 5am F listening F <a@@ F yo! F en<oys F to F kno( 8 A.Do! kno( (hy do 5am en<oys listening to <a@@8 B. 1hy do 5am kno( yo! en<oys listening to <a@@8 C. Do yo! kno( (hy 5am en<oys listening to <a@@8 D. 1hy 5am kno( do yo! en<oys listening to <a@@8 5%. often F go F concert F ho( F yo!r F to F do F the F family8 A. 4o( do yo!r family go to the concert often8 B. 4o( yo!r often family do go to the concert8 C. 4o( go to the concert often yo!r family do8 D. 4o( often do yo!r family go to the concert8


Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1. a. cinema b. se*!ence c. character 2. a. degree b. e&istence c. a!dience 3. a. cartoon b. detective c. tragic 4. a. engage b. rapid c. disaster 5. a. discover b. horror c. science d. event d. appear d. 5itanic d. instead d. movement

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. . a. form b. first c. eno!gh d. 2tephen ". a. e&cite b. decide c. horrify d. mind #. a. photograph b. la!gh c. plo!gh d. eno!gh $. a. (eigh b. high c. plo!gh d. co!gh 1%. a. disaster b. discover c. liner d. cinema Choose one best option to fill in each sentence 11. 5here+s a love story in it- and it+s very f!nny. ' s!ppose yo!+d call it a )))))))))))) a. horror film b. detective film c. romantic comedy d. thriller 12. 2teven 2pielberg is one of the famo!s )))))))))).4e has made lots of films incl!ding (aw, (urassic %ark, &chindler s )ist- etc. a. stars b. directors c. actors d. script (riters 13. 5he film contains of e&plicit ))))))))))of violence. a. scenes b. scents c. sceneries d. screens 14. 5he main )))))))))))is played by 6icole Oidman. a. actress b. character c. director d. film maker 15. &ilence of The )ambs is aFan )))))))))))film. 't makes the a!dience scared. a. disaster b. science fiction c. action d. horror 1 . 5he film is )))))))))))the 1$4%s- d!ring the 2econd 1orld 1ar. a. made for b. based on c. set in d. occ!rred in


1". 5he movie &chindler s )ist (as )))))))))))on the novel &chindler s Ark (ritten by the A!stralian (riter 5homas Oeneally. a. based b. depended c. played d. performed 1#. Charlie Chaplin is considered as the greatest comic actor of the ))))))))))). a. m!sical cinema b. commercial film c. romantic comedy d. silent cinema 1$. 1hen did the cinema come into ))))))))))))8 a. e&ist b. e&isting c. e&istence d. e&istences 2%. /ngland is an ))))))))))))co!ntry. a. ind!striali@e b. ind!stry c. ind!strial d. ind!striali@ation Choose the best answer. 21. 70ook o!tsideJ )))))))))))) sky is getting very dark9. . 7' hope it isn+t going to be a storm9. A. A B. 5he C. & D. 2ome 22. '+d like to invite him to )))))))))))) dinner ne&t (eek if that+s =O (ith yo!. A. a B. the C. & D. an 23. 7'+m going o!t for a (alk. 4ave yo! seen my shoes89 . 7Des- they+re on ))))))))) floor in )))))))))))) kitchen.9 A. a F the B. the F the C. a F a D. the F a 24. 7Do yo! see the video store8 ' (as s!re it (as on )))))))))))),ain 2treet.9 7' think it+s on )))))))))))side street- b!t '+m not s!re (hich one9 A. the Fthe B. the F a C. a F K D. K F a 25. 7Do yo! think ,argaret (ill take the <ob yo! offered her89 . 7' don+t kno(. 2he seemed )))))))))))in it- ho(ever.9 A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly 2 . 5he st!dents all (ent to the circ!s yesterday. ' heard it (as really ))))))))))))). A. am!sed B. am!sing C. am!se D. am!singly 2". ' (as ))))))))that ;ane co!ldn+t come to the party. 4er boss made her (ork overtime. A. disappointing B. disappointedly C. disappoint D. disappointed 2#. 1hat a terrible football gameJ ' tho!ght it (as )))))))))))))). A. delightf!l B. delightingQ C. delight D. delighted 2$. 't (as not !ntil 2>3% that everyone )))))))))))) leave the stadi!m. A. can B. co!ld C. (ill D. m!st 3%. 't )))))))))))) not !ntil last s!mmer (e had a holiday. A. is B. has been C. had been D. (as Choose the sentence which has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before. 31. 5he clo(n am!sed the children. a. 5he clo(n had the children am!sing. b. 5he children fo!nd the clo(n am!sing. c. 5he clo(n made the children am!se. d. 5he children (ere am!sing the clo(n. 32. 5he film e&cited !s all a lot. a. 5he film had a lot e&citement. b. 1e (ere e&cited abo!t all of the film. c. 5he film made all of !s feel a lot of e&cited. d. All of !s (ere e&cited abo!t the film. 33. 4e didn+t come !ntil p.m. a. 't (as not !ntil p.m. that he came. b. 4e stayed !ntil p.m. c. 't (as p.m.- b!t he didn+t come.


d. 4e came before p.m. 34. 4orror films terrify my little sister. a. ,y little sister is terrifying of horror films. b. ,y little sister is terrified of horror films. c. ,y little sister thinks horror films are terrified. d. 4orror films are terrified to my little sister. 35. ' delight in reading /nglish books. a. ' hate reading /nglish books. b. ' am interested in reading /nglish books. c. ' am tired of reading /nglish books. d. ' am not e&cited at reading /nglish books. 3 . 1e didn+t meet them !ntil 2%%". a. 't (as not !ntil 2%%" that (e meet them. b. 't (as not !ntil 2%%" that (e met them. c. 't (as 2%%" that (e didn+t meet them. d. 6ot !ntil 2%%" (e met them. Choose the best option. 3" ))))))) men are often paid more than ))))))))) (omen for ))))))) the same <ob. a. S T the Tthe b. S . S . the c. 5he.the.the d. S . S . S 3#. At first she (as train to be ))))))))) script(riter- b!t later she (orked as )))))))) director assistant in a st!dio. a. a. a b. the.the c. a.the d. the.a 3$. )))))))) s!n gives off )))))))))))) heat and ))))))))))) light. a. S . S . S b. 5he.the.a c. 5he .. S . S d. A.a.a 4%. Are yo! going to ))))))))))) co!ntryside for )))))))))) (eek8 a. A.a b. the.a c. the.an d. the . S %ill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. ,odern cinema a!diences e&pect A41B ))))))))) plenty of thrilling scenes in action films. 5hese scenes A42B )))))))))))) are kno(n as st!nts are !s!ally A43B )))))))))) by st!ntmen (ho are specially trained to dangero!s things A44B ))))))))))). Anyone can crash a car- b!t if yo! are A45B )))))))))))) a film- yo! have to be e&tremely precise- sometimes yo! drive and stop right in front of the camera and film cre(. At A4 B ))))))))))) early stage in the A4"B )))))))))))- an e&pert st!ntman is A4#B))))))))))))) to (ork o!t the action scenes and form a team. 4e is the only person (ho can against the (ords of the director- A4$B )))))))))))) he (ill !s!ally only A5%B )))))))))))) this in the regards of safe. 41. a. see b. to see c. seeing d. seen 42. a. (hich b. (hom c. of that d. those 43. a. prod!ced b. performed c. cancelled d. interfered 44. a. safe b. safety c. safely d. safeness 45. a. firing b. (orking c. doing d. acting 4 . a. a b. an c. the d. no article 4". a. prod!ce b. prod!ct c. prod!ction d. prod!ctive 4#. a. called in b. came in c. checked in d. taken in 4$. a. despite b. in spite of c. d!e to d. beca!se 5%. a. to do b. does c. do d. done



+ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following uestions. U!estion 1> A. gro!p B. danger C. together D. dog U!estion 2> A. cl!b B. compete C. school D. bicycle U!estion 3> A. circle B. center C. cocon!t D. cent!ry +ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following uestions. U!estion 4> $ancy> 7't+s so hot.9 . $ick> 7'+ll open the (indo(.9 A. 6ick predicts he (ill open the (indo(. B. 6ick offers to open the (indo(. C. 6ick promises to open the (indo(. D. 6ick is going to open the (indo(. U!estion 5> Do! don+t need yo!r !mbrella today. ' don+t think it (ill rain. A. 't (on+t rain beca!se yo! don+t need yo!r !mbrella. B. Do! don+t need yo!r !mbrella altho!gh it (ill rain. C. Do! don+t need yo!r !mbrella so it (on+t rain. D. 't (on+t rain so yo! don+t need yo!r !mbrella. U!estion > ' am s!re yo! (on+t like that resta!rant. A. ' kno( yo! are going to like that resta!rant. B. ' kno( yo! (ill not like that resta!rant. C. ' recommend yo! to like that resta!rant. D. Do! are likely to like that resta!rant. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word!s" for each of the blanks from , to -=ver the A7B past 25 years- football has not only taken A8B place as the (orld+s ma<or game in an ephemeral (orld b!t has also blossomed in other sides of society- commerce and


politics. Iootball- more than A9B any other factor- has developed thro!gh regions- people and nations. 1ith A10B appro&imately t(o h!ndred million active players it no( A11B attracts a s!bstantial ch!nk of the leis!re ind!stry- having opened !p ne( markets for itself and for the rest of the b!siness affairs. U!estion "> A. past B. pass C. late D. recent U!estion #> A. origin B. place C. root D. ca!se U!estion $> A. the B. any C. some D. several U!estion 1%> A. appro&imately B. totally C. acc!rately D. completely U!estion 11> A. attracts B. comprises C. constit!tes D. contacts +ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following uestions. U!estion 12> ,y sister is really mean. ' try borro(ing her some money b!t ' kno( ))))))). A. she (ill lend me. B. she is going to lend me. C. she is certain to lend me. D. she (on+t lend me. U!estion 13> 1hich is the best (ay to offer your visitor a cup of tea8 A. 1hy don+t yo! have a c!p of tea8 B. 1o!ld yo! mind having a c!p of tea8 C. Co!ld yo! have a c!p of tea8 D. 1ill yo! have a c!p of tea8 +ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction. U!estion 14> An e&tra.time penalty gave Barcelona a last gasp (inner over Chelsea. A B C D U!estion 15> 5he sky is getting really dark and it+ll storm. A B C D U!estion 1 > 1e are going to st!dy tonight !ntil (e (ill finish this chapter. A B C D U!estion 1"> Carlos Doming!e@ placed the ball caref!l in front of the goal mo!th and A B C s!ddenly t!rned- ran and kicked. D U!estion 1#> 5he government is trying to tackle violent on the football terraces. A B C D +ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following uestions. U!estion 1$> 1here (as the 2%% 1orld C!p held8 A. s!pported B. maintained C. possessed D. organi@ed U!estion 2%> Io!nded in 1$3% (ith <!st 13 teams- the to!rnament no( attracts more than 14% co!ntries. A. /stablished B. ?rod!ced C. 2tarted D. /rected U!estion 21> A ))))))) is a person or gro!p competing in a final. A. final B. finally C. finali@e D. finalist U!estion 22> 5he loser (ill be o!t of the )))))))) . A. ro!nd B. to!rnament C. meeting D. to!r U!estion 23> 5hey (ere the first 5!rkish team to (in a ma<or c!p )))))) . A. contest B. challenge C. champion D. competition U!estion 24> 5he match (as event!ally (on on ))))) A. penalties B. goals C. dra( D. score U!estion 25> 2he bro!ght ))))) to her co!ntry as an =lympic medal.(inner . A. victory B. champion C. promotion D. hono!r


U!estion 2 > 4o( many co!ntries took part in the first 1orld C!p8 A. interested B. participated C. completed D. co.operated U!estion 2"> :isconti ))))))) one goal himself and made t(o for 0!po. A. made B. kicked C. scored D. played U!estion 2#> Britain has not lifted the ))))) since it last hosted the event. A. pri@e B. a(ard C. trophy D. victory U!estion 2$> 5he train leaves at #.5#- so (e ))))))) be in 2cotland by l!nchtime. A. can B. may C. (ill D. are going to U!estion 3%> ' think 3ermany )))) the gold c!p in the ne&t 1orld C!p. A. (ill (in B. is (inning C. is going to (in D. (ins U!estion 31> 5he team ))))) ready for the ne&t year+s 1orld C!p clash (ith 'taly. A. (ill soon B. are being C. (ill being D. are going to be U!estion 32> Apparently- they ))))) a stadi!m that )))) over 5%-%%% spectators in the to(n. A. (ill b!ild F (ill seat B. are going to b!ild F (ill seat C. are b!ilding F seats D. (ill b!ild F is seating U!estion 33> Tom* 7'+d love to (atch the final- b!t ' haven+t got a ticket.9 %eter* 71ell- '+ve got t(o free tickets to the match. ' )))yo! one.9 A. am going to give B. give C. am giving D. (ill give U!estion 34> ,anchester Gnited )))) a home game this (eek. A. (ill play B. are playing C. are to play D. play U!estion 35> 5hat bag looks heavy. ' ))))) help yo! (ith it. A. (ill B. can C. m!st D. sho!ld U!estion 3 > 0ook o!tJ 5he tree )))))). A. (ill fall B. (ill be falling C. is going to fall D. falls U!estion 3"> Gnless it stops raining- ))))) the tennis to!rnament. A. they+ll cancel B. they cancel C. they+d cancel D. they+d have cancelled U!estion 3#> Don+t (orry abo!t the letter. '+m s!re yo! )))) it soon. A. are finding B. (on+t find C. (ill find D. are going to find U!estion 3$> Do! said that yo! ))))) leave (ork early today. A. (ill B. are going to C. (ere going to D. go to U!estion 4%> Ann* 7Are yo! going to visit Britain ne&t month89 +im* 7Des-))))))))))))9 A. ' am B. ' do C. ' like D. ' can U!estion 41> ,aria* 7'+m taking my end term e&amination tomorro(9 &arah* 7))))))))))))))9 A. 3ood l!ck B. 3ood day C. 3ood time D. 3ood chance U!estion 42> Ann* 7Do yo! think yo!+ll get the <ob89 T ,ary* 7)))))9 A. ' kno( so B. 1ell- ' hope so C. ' think not D. Des- that+s right +ark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following uestions. U!estion 43> A. champion B. attraction C. billion D. a!dience U!estion 44> A. r!nner B. co!ntry C. aro!nd D. sporting U!estion 45> A. final B. event C. trophy D. (inner Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the uestions from ./ to 01. Cricket 1orld C!p is the most a(aited event in the (orld of Cricket. *t is by far the biggest event for every cricketer and all cricket fans. 5he 'CC Cricket 1orld C!p is the premier Championship of =D' A=ne Day 'nternationalB cricket. 5he to!rnament is held every


fo!r years. 't is the fo!rth largest and fo!rth most vie(ed sport event. 5en test.cricket.playing and =D'.playing nations and other (ho *!alify thro!gh 1orld c!p U!alifiers contest the to!rnament. 'n all the to!rnaments held till date- A!stralia is the most s!ccessf!l of the five teams (ho have claimed 'CC (orld c!p trophy. A!stralia (on the championship 4 times(hereas 1est 'ndies and 'ndia (on t(ice- (hile ?akistan and 2ri 0anka claimed once each. U!estion 4 > 4o( often is the Cricket 1orld C!p held8 A. /very t(o years. B. /very fo!r years. C. /very five years. D. /very year. U!estion 4"> 1hich is 6=5 tr!e abo!t Cricket 1orld C!p8 A. 't is held every fo!r years B. 't is the fo!rth largest sport event. C. 't is the fo!rth most vie(ed sport event. D. 2ri 0anka (on t(ice U!estion 4#> 'n line 1- the (ord 7it9 refers to A. Cricket 1orld C!p B. event C. the (orld D. Cricket U!estion 4$> According to the passage- (ho contest the to!rnament8 A. Anyone (ho is cricketer or cricket fan. B. A!stralian. C. 5en test.cricket.playing and =D'.playing nations. D. 5en test.cricket.playing and =D'.playing nations and other (ho *!alify thro!gh 1orld c!p U!alifiers


+ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following uestions 1. A. pleas!re B. meas!re C. leis!re D. ens!re 2. A. special B. ocean C. Conf!cian D. cent!ry 3. A. machine B. merchant C. Chinese D. chamber +ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is differently stressed from that of the rest in each of the following uestions 4. A. legend B. flo!rish C. engrave D. scholar 5. A. categori@e B. heritage C. c!lt!ral D. bombardment +ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following uestions . ,y ho!se is ))))))) yo!rs. 5hey have the same si@e A. as big as B. so big as C. bigger than D. the biggest ". 't+s EEEto go by b!s than by car A. cheaper B. cheapest C. more cheap D. more cheaper #. 0et me kno( if yo! have anyEEE.ne(s8 A. farer B. farthest C. f!rther D. father $. U!oc 5! 3iam (asEEEE.on the gro!nds of :an ,ie! in 1%" . A. formed B. established C. p!shed D. developed 1%. 5his b!ilding is a historicalEEEin o!r to(n. A. relic B. period C. conte&t D. vie( 11. 4istorical places in 4oi AnEEEEEgreat interests from visitors. A. hold B. appeal C. like D. attract 12.?eter ranEEE.his sister- ,ary. A. slo(lier B. as slo( as C. more slo(ly than D. so slo(ly as 13. 5he b!ildings in o!r city areEE..than mine.


A. (ider B. deeper C. taller D. longer 14. Abo!t 1%% tho!sand A!stralian visitors EEE.in :iet 6am in 2%%3 A. (ent B. arrived C. reached D. came 15. 5his isEEEEhotel (e have ever stayed at. A. the most modern B. modernist C. the more modern D. most modernist 1 . 4oi An EEEEan important trading center in 2o!theast Asia. A. !sed to be B. !sed to being C. (as !sed to be D. !se to be 1". 5his architect!re is a EEEEEE.of o!r city. A. (ant B. thank C. pride D. pro!d 1#.5heEEEE.of ?resident 4o Chi ,inh+s ,a!sole!m took place from 1$"3 to 1$"5. A. constr!ction B. constr!ct C. contract!al D. constr!cted 1$. 5he names of many famo!s EEEEEEE are on the stelae in :an ,ie!. A. scholars B. doctor la!reates C. st!dents D. (orkers 2%. 6o ne( b!siness can flo!rish in the present economic conditions A. contin!e B. engrave C. gro( (ell D. (itness 21 Irom no( on- (e (on+t be able to go o!t as m!ch as (e EEEEEEE A. (ere B. had C. !sed to D. (ill 22.1e+re never o(ned EEEEEEE independent cat as this one. A. a more than B. s!ch an C. a so D. as m!ch an 23.Brian has been (orking EEEEEEE since he (as promoted. A. m!ch harder B. as harder C. <!st as hardly D. more hardly 24.'+ve been feeling EEEEEEE tired lately- doctor. A. s!ch a B. the most C. more and more D. m!ch 25.5his e&ercise (ill give yo! EEEEEEE practice. A. farther B. m!ch more C. as better D. a lot +ark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentences which is closest in meaning to the given one 2 .' havenCt tasted s!ch good coffee for ages. A. 5his is the best coffee 'Cve tasted for ages. B. 5his coffee is the best ' tasted for ages. C. ' didnCt taste any s!ch good coffee for ages. D. ' never tasted s!ch good coffee for ages. 2". 6one of the other books is as interesting as this one A. 5his book is more interesting one. B. 5his book is the m!ch interesting one. C. 5his book is the less interesting one. D. 5his book is the most interesting one. 2#. ?eter is the most genero!s person ' kno(. A. ' kno( a most genero!s person than ?eter. B. ' kno( a more genero!s person than ?eter. C. ' donCt kno( a more genero!s person than ?eter. D. ' donCt kno( any most genero!s person than ?eter. 2$. 5hatCs the cheapest dish on the men!. A. 6one of the other dishes is as cheap as that one. B. 5hat dish is cheap than this one on the men!. C. 5hat dish is cheaper on the men!. D. 5his dish is cheaper than that one on the men!. 3%. 5am is better at /nglish than ?h!ong. A. ?h!ong is (orse at /nglish than 5am B. ?h!ong isn+t as good at /nglish as 5am C. 5am isn+t as bad at /nglish as ?h!ong D. 5am isn+t as good at /nglish as ?h!ong +ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction


31. =!r hotel is the cheapest than all the others in the to(n A B C D 32. 5his is one of the baddest films '+ve ever seen A B C D 33. ?eter didn+t do as better in the e&ams as he had hoped A B C D 34. Are those the best bea!tif!l pict!res yo!+ve got8 A B C D 35. ?ace of living in the city is more fastly than that in the co!ntryside. A B C D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks Oevin teaches mathematics at a high school .4e en<oys his teaching very m!ch - and he al(ays feels very A3 BEEE and pro!d (hen he is standing on the teaching A3"BEEE 2ome of his e&.classmates have <!st offered him a chance to <oin them in a ne( company A3#BEEE. comp!ter soft(are for b!sinesses ./veryone thinks that it (ill do very (ell.Oevin (ill probably earn more money than he A3$BEEEE. at the high school. 5he ne( company is A4%BEEE..- and the money may be very good in deed.4o(everOevin can hardly *!it his teaching <obJ 4e loves it. 3 . A. self.confident B. embarrassed C. shy D. !nhappy 3". A. class B. career C. profession D. platform. 3#. A. to get B. to prod!ce C. to prepare D. to (ork. 3$. A. do B. does C. did D. doing. 4%. A. e&cited B. e&citedly C. e&citement D. e&citing. R"%' t4" ;(##(-i&, ?%**%," %&' $4((*" t4" $(!!"$t %&*-"! %;t"! "%$4 H9"*ti(&. 0ondon is the place (here the historic past and the present come alive. A blend of historyarchitect!re and c!lt!re has created an ama@ingly and constantly developing city. 6ot s!rprisingly the capital has become a (onderf!l place for visitors and a great place to live (ith co!ntless m!se!ms- galleries and entertainment places thro!gho!t the city. 1hatever yo! (ant to b!y- yo! can s!rely find o!t in 0ondon. 0ondon has a pop!lation of ".2 million people and it is one of /!ropeCs most densely pop!lated areas. 5hro!gho!t history- a lot of immigrants and ref!gees have been arriving in 0ondon. 0ondon has more (omen than men and its pop!lation is yo!nger (hen compared to the rest of the co!ntry. 5he capital is ho!sing over 3% -%%% st!dents in higher ed!cation. 41. 1hich sentence is tr!e8 A. 5here are not any (orks of architect!re in 0ondon. B. 0ondon is a constantly developing city. C. 6o to!rists visit 0ondon. D. 5here are not many m!se!ms in 0ondon. 42. 5o many visitors- 0ondon is))))))). A. the most pop!lo!s city in the (orld. B. not (ell.developed C. an ama@ing architect!re D. a (onderf!l place 43. 0ondon attracts visitors beca!se of its)))))). A. blend of history B. co!ntless m!s!ems and art galleries C. entertainment places D. all A- B- C 44. 5he pop!lation of 0ondon is)))))))). A. seven million people B. over seven million people C. less than seven million people D. si& million people 45. 0ondon is one of the most))))))city in /!rope. A. historic B. s!rprising

C. !ndeveloped D. pop!lo!s 4 . 'n 0ondon- there are)))))))). A. no !niversities B. more men than (omen C. many st!dents coming for higher ed!cation D. no immigrants 4". 5he pop!lation of 0ondon is)))))(hen compared to the rest of the co!ntry. A. older B. yo!nger C. smaller D. bigger 4#.)))))of the pop!lation of 0ondon is female. A. 4alf B. 0ess than half C. ,ore than half D. =ne third 4$. 3% -%%% is the n!mber of))))))))in 0ondon. A. pop!lation B. higher ed!cation st!dents C. immigrants and ref!gees D. (orkers 5%. 5he main idea of the passage is A. to introd!ce a ne( ind!strial city in Britain B. to advertise a ne( city in Britain C. to advertise a ne( shopping centre in Britain D. to introd!ce a historical city in Britain


Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. CV! 1. ,y friend lives in a old ho!se in a small village. A B C D CV! 2. 'n spite of the car (as cheap- it (as in good condition. A B C D CV! 3. 4e (o!ldnCt have beg!n to learn M!ssian if he kno(s the diffic!lties. A B C D CV! 4. 1hat do yo! think of cartoon films8 ' find them interested. A B C D %ind a word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. CV! 5. A. (atched B. kicked C. stopped D. loved CV! . A. photograph B. physics C. 2tephen D. phone Read the passage carefully then choose the correct answers. 1e are all slo(ly destroying the earth. 5he seas and rivers are too dirty to s(im in. 5here is so m!ch smoke in the air that it is !nhealthy to live in many of the (orldCs cities. 'n one (ell. kno(n city- for e&ample- poisono!s gases from cars poll!te the air so m!ch that traffic policemen have to (ear o&ygen masks. 1e have c!t do(n so many trees that there are no( vast areas of (asteland all over the (orld. As a res!lt- farmers in parts of Africa cannot gro( eno!gh to eat. 'n certain co!ntries in Asia there is too little rice. ,oreover- (e do not take eno!gh care of the co!ntryside. 1ild animals are *!ickly disappearing. Ior instance- tigers are rare in 'ndia no( beca!se (e have killed too many for them to s!rvive. 4o(ever- it isnCt eno!gh simply to talk abo!t the problem. 1e m!st act no( before it is too late to do anything abo!t it. ;oin !s no(. 2ave the /arth. 5his is too important to ignore. CV! ". -ow are the seas and rivers nowadays.


A. are contaminated B. cannot be s(!m in C. are dirty eno!gh to s(im in D. are less dirty than they !sed to be CV! #. 'hat do traffic policemen have to do, in one well/known city. A. 5hey have to c!t do(n many trees. B. 5hey don+t take eno!gh care of the co!ntryside C. 5hey have to poll!te the air D. 5hey have to (ear o&ygen masks. CV! $. 'hy do farmers in parts of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat. A. Beca!se people c!t do(n many trees B. Beca!se there are large areas of land that canCt be !sed C. Beca!se there is too little rice D. Beca!se many trees have been poll!ted CV! 1%. 'ild animals are0000... A. being protected from nat!ral environment B. 2o rare that they canCt s!rvive C. killed so many that they canCt live in the forests D. in danger from e&tinction CV! 11. 'hat's the best title for the passage. A. 5he /nvironment B. Conservation C. 2ave the /arth D. ?rotect the nat!re Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. CV! 12. A. history B. cinema C. cent!ry CV! 13. A. destroy B. poll!te C. threaten D. discover D. defense

Choose a best option for these sentences# CV! 14. 1ildlife all over the (orld is EEEEEEE danger. A. to B. for C. (ith D. in CV! 15. 5he cinema changed completely at EEEEEEE end of EEEEEE. 1$2%s. A. the F S B. the F the C. an F the D. S F the CV! 1 . 5om and ;erry is aAnB ............................ film. A. science fiction B. cartoon C. love story D. action CV! 1". ..................... going to the cinema tonight- 0an8 A. 1o!ld yo! like B. 4o( abo!t C. 1hy donCt (e D. 0etCs CV! 1#. ;ane likes living in a city. 2he (o!ldnCt be happy if she .................. in the co!ntry A. lived B. (o!ld live C. had lived D. lives CV! 1$. ' prefer cartoon film .................... love story film. A. in B. to C. of D. at CV! 2%. 1hen ' (as a little child- my mother often told me a fairy tale to .............. me to sleep A. rela& B. make C. delight D. l!ll CV! 21. A ne( bridge EEEEEEEEE. across this river since 2%1%. A. has b!ilt B. have b!ilt C. has been b!ilt D. have been b!ilt CV! 22. ...................... come to dinner on 2at!rday8 A. 0etCs B. 1o!ld yo! mind C. Do yo! feel like D. 4o( abo!t CV! 23. ' (ent to the library ..................... last night. A. st!dy B. st!dying C. to st!dying D. to st!dy CV! 24. :an Cao is one of the most (ell.kno(n EEEEEEEEin :iet 6am. A. actors B. m!sicians C. singers D. a!thors CV! 25. 2he is very bea!tif!l (ith ...................... smile. A. fascinates B. fascinating C. fascinated D. fascinate CV! 2 . ,!sic in general and pop m!sic in partic!lar makes people EEEEEE A. e&citement B. e&cited C. e&cite D. e&citing CV! 2". 1e kno( a lot of people ...................... live in 0ondon. A. (hich B. (hose C. (hom D. (ho CV! 2#. 3ermany (as the EEEEEEE.. of the 2%% 1orld C!p. 5he 1#th 1orld C!p (as held there. A. to!rnament B. trophy C. continent D. host nation


CV! 2$. P0etCs play some m!sic.P . P............................P. A. 5hank yo!. B. 3ood idea C. Des- please. D. Certainly. CV! 3%. 5hese are the pict!res EEEEEEEEE my son dre( (hen he (as yo!ng. A. (ho B. (hom C. (hose D. (hich Rewrite the sentences with the words given. 1. 4e took the children to the park 3 days ago. )2 3he children ................................................................................................................... 2. ;ack ans(ered (ell in the intervie(- so he got the <ob. )2 *f ..................................................................................................................................... 3. ' (ent to 6am+s birthday party #%*t -""/. A+ake uestion for the underlined wordsB CI ......................................................................................................................................... 4. 1e took many pict!res altho!gh the sky (as clo!dy. )2 *n spite of ....................................................................................................................... 5. 1e didn+t finish it !ntil the end of last s!mmer. )2 *t was not until ................................................................................................................ . 6ick is la@y so he is p!nished. )2 *f ..................................................................................................................................... ". 6obody has met them since last month. .R T4"5 ................................................................................................................................ #. ,y brother goes to school :5 :i/". A+ake uestion for the underlined wordsB .R .........................................................................................................................................


&rite the sound for the underlined letters in the following words. 1. ro!tine EE.. 2. beach EE.. 3. tea EE.. 4. little EE.. 5. typical EE.. 6. bridge EE.. 7. sheep EE.. 8. scream EE.. 9. please EE.. 10. green EE.. Read the passage, then give the correct word form. ROUTINES 5hink abo!t yo!r daily life. Do yo! follo( the same road to (ork every day8 Do yo! sit in the same place in class8 1hen yo! get A1. '!"**B ))))))))- do yo! al(ays p!t the same leg or arm in first8 Do! probably do- beca!se (e all have ro!tines in o!r lives. A2. !(9ti&"#5B ))))))))))))))))) save time and energy beca!se yo! do them (itho!t A3. t4i&/B )))))))))))))- thatCs (hy they are so important in the morning (hen yo!r brain isnCt A4. %$ti(&B ))))))))))). 4ereCs ;o talking abo!t her morning ro!tine. C=h yes. ' al(ays do A5. "J%$tB ))))))))))) the same things. ' (ake !p at seven oCclock every morning- b!t ' donCt get !p !ntil *!arter past seven. ' s(itch on the radio and listen to the ne(s. 5hen ' go to the loo and ' br!sh my. teeth. ' have a sho(er and dry my hair. 5hen ' choose my clothes to (ear. ' donCt eat A6. t4i&,B ))))))))))) for breakfast. ' <!st have a c!p of coffee. 5hen ' go to (ork. Des- itCs al(ays the same.C Mo!tines are very A7. 9*"B )))))))))))b!t they also make yo! A8. $!"%t"B))))))))))) 2o sometimes itCs a good idea to break yo!r ro!tines. 3et o!t of bed on the opposite side. 0isten to a different radio station. A9. t%/"B )))))))))))) a different ro!te to (ork. /at something A10. 'i;;"!"&$"B ))))))))))) for breakfast. Change yo!r ro!tines. Do! never kno(- it co!ld change yo!r life. 4se the verbs from the bo( to fill in the blanks. +ake any changes to the verb tenses when necessary. 3here are 3&5 verbs that are used 3&*C$.


do have play

drink live go

arrive A2B be

(ear like

loveA2B AnotB listen to

4i everybodyJ 'Cm T4" P!"*"&t Si)?#" @i!#. ' like habits and ro!tines. ' al(ays A1B 6666666666 the same things at the same time. Ior e&ample- ' al(ays A2B 6666666666 t(o glasses of milk in the morning and ' !s!ally A3B6666666666 at school at t(enty.five past eight. ' often A4B6666666666 <eans and 5.shirts. ' A5B66666666666 pop m!sic. ' also A6B666666666666 animals and plants. ' A7B666666666666 a bea!tif!l garden. ' A8B666666666666 (ith my parents and my brother. 4e A9B66666666666 very different from me. 4e never A10B666666666666on time for l!nch. 4e A11B666666666666 ne( clothes and fashion- b!t he A12B666666666666 pop m!sic. 4e A13B666666666666 hard rock in a gro!p called P,etal BananasP. 1e are in an /nglish cl!b called 5he 4appy :erby 3ang. 1e A14B666666666666 to the cl!b on 2at!rdays. $RR5R *D$63*%*CA3*56. 3here are -0 lines in the following passage. Put a tick !7" beside the line that has no mistake. *f a line contains a mistake, underline it and write the correction in the space provided. 8ine 1 is given as an e(ample. % 'n my co!ntry- more than #%W of the pop!lation are farmers. Ior that 1 reason- farming is the most important occ!pations. ,ost of the farmers plant rice and raise cattle. 3ro(ing rice involves a lot of (ork s!ch as p!mping (ater- fertili@ing- harro( and repairing the banks of the land. D!ring the harvesting time- peasant have to go to 5 the field from early morning to late afternoon. 5hey do not have many time to rest. 6ormally- each ho!sehold has more than one plots of land. 't !s!ally takes them a (eek to gather the rice. Iarming depends greatly on the (eather. 5(o main crops are in s!mmer and spring. 'n spring the (eather sometime t!rns bad 1% (ith contin!al rain. 3etting early and going to the field on rainy days (ill be hard (ork. 5herefore- peasants al(ays prefers s!nny days. 6o(adays- some peasants are also plant fr!it trees and vegetables to earn more money. 2ome men even go to the city to be cyclo driver 15 or (ork in factories to s!pport his children in the co!ntryside. % 1 2 3 4 5 " # $ 1% 11 12 13 14 15 )K) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) )))

Rewrite the following sentences using the word given so that the rewritten sentence has the same meaning as the original one. 1. ,y !ncle decided to stop smoking local tobacco t(o years ago. A@IVEB ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2. 5he teacher is satisfied (ith o!r res!lts in Civic /d!cation. ACONTENTEDB ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3. ' have the habit of getting !p late on (eekends. AAF>A.SB ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4. 2ome of my classmates cycle to school every morning. ARIDEB ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5. 6o one in the class got a higher mark in /nglish than 5om. A<I@<ESTB ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . D!ring the break- the school canteen is f!ll of st!dents. ACRO>DEDB )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


". 5hey have to pay X5% for traveling every month. ASPENDB ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) #. ,artina loves st!dying 'nformation 5echnology the most of all s!b<ects. AFAVOURITEB ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) $. After getting off the plane- ' took a ta&i to 2!nrise 4otel at once. AI==EDIATEF.B ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1%. ' think fishing for long ho!rs is a (aste of time. AINTERESTEDB )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Pick out four words whose letters in bold to be pronounced 9 9. f%mily h%rmf!l s9b<ect s(mething l%ng!age hands(me b9tter ((nderf!l 1. .................. 2. .................. 3. .................. 4. .................. Complete the sentences with the correct words in the bo(. international safety narro(
en<oy (orry cro(ded


4. DonCt ................... abo!t me. 'Cll be all right. 5. /nglish is spoken by many people in the (orld- so it is considered as aAnB ................... lang!age. . Do!ng children ...................helping (ith ho!sehold tasks. ". 5he street is ................... (ith many people in the morning. #. 1e (ere st!ck in heavy ................... for more than an ho!r. Complete the sentences with to)infinitive or gerund. $. 4ave yo! ever considered AgoB ...................to live in another co!ntry8 1%. 1here have yo! been8 '+ve been trying AphoneB ...................yo! for nearly an ho!r. 11. 5om regrets AspendB ................... too m!ch time playing comp!ter games . 12. 5hey don+t allo( me AtalkB ...................here. 13. 4e (ent on AspeakB ...................for t(o ho!rs.


14. 5he doctor advised him to give !p AsmokeB .................... 15. 4e decided Ap!tB ................... the book on the shelf. 1 . 0an planned AstayB ................... at 6ha 5rang for a (eek. 1". ,y father permits me AgoB ................... to the party. U&'"!#i&" ONE -(!' -4i$4 &""'* $(!!"$ti&, i& t4" *"&t"&$"* :"#(- %&' $(!!"$t it. 1#. ,any players are e&pecting taking part in the soccer match tomorro(. 1$.......................... 1$. 't+s no !se telephone 0an. 2he+s o!t no(. 2%.......................... 2%. '+m looking for(ard to see yo! at :alentine. 21.......................... 21. 2ome people are !sed to stand in cro(ded b!ses. 22.......................... 22. 1o!ld yo! mind telling me ho( get to the post office8 23.......................... 24.......................... 23. ' (anted to b!ying some presents. =%/" H9"*ti(&* -it4 t4" 9&'"!#i&"' ?%!t. 24. 4e is living in Bac 6inh. Y ............................................................................................................. 25. 5he 2miths have got three cars. Y.................................................................................................. 2 . 5essa s(itched off the comp!ter. Y ................................................................................................ 2". 5he meeting (ill take place ne&t 5!esday. Y ................................................................................. 2#. Anna is learning /nglish beca!se she (ill need it in her <ob. Y .................................................................................................. C()?#"t" t4" *"$(&' *"&t"&$" *( t4%t it 4%* % *i)i#%! )"%&i&, t( t4" ;i!*t (&". 2$. ,y father said ' co!ld !se his car. Y ,y father allo(ed)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 3%. 't+s not a good idea to travel d!ring the r!sh ho!r. Y 't+s better to avoid ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 31. ' am pleased to meet yo! again. Y ' look for(ard)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 32. 1hy don+t (e visit o!r teacher8 Y ' s!ggest ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 33. 't is really *!ite easy to learn /nglish. Y 0earning )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 34. ' e&pect that he (ill get there by l!nchtime. Y ' e&pect him))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 35. Co!ld yo! t!rn the radio do(n- please8 Y 1o!ld yo! mind ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 3 . ' don+t (ant to go to the movie tonight. Y ' don+t feel like ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 3". 2hall (e go for a (alk8 Y 1hat abo!t )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8


3#. Do! o!ght to take a rest. Y Do! had better ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 3$. 1hy don+t yo! p!t yo!r l!ggage !nder the seat8 Y 4e s!ggested


Complete each blank with a right word. 1.A> 1hat is yo!r date ofEEEEE.. B> ' (as born on the first of A!g!st 1$$ . 2.,artin practises s(imming every day to become an =lympicEEEEEE 3.1e sho!ld travel to (ork by b!s instead of driving there toEEEEmoney. 4.2he hasn+t got a <ob yet. 2he lives mainlyEEE..the money her parents send to her every month.. 5.Do! are fat. Do! sho!ld do more e&ercise to loseEEEEEE. :ive the correct form of the word in brackets .5he A fo!nd B ...............of the 'nstit!te of Madi!m in 1$14 made her h!manitarian (ish come tr!e. ".After the tragic A die B...................... of ?ierre C!rie- she became the first (oman in Irance to be a !niversity professor. #./li@aberth Black(ell (as an A ambition B .................girl. 2he (as determined to be a doctor at any cost. $.5hey (ere late. 5he plane A takeB ................off 15 min!tes before. 1%.'f 4elen is concerned abo!t her A appear B...........................- she (ill look pretty. Pick out the word that has the underlined letter pronounced 9 9 or 9 e 9. prefer- marry- man- (oman- e&treme- e&actly- complete- ed!cation- together- have- tragic3eneral- death- professor - village 3ick !v" the correct column according to the stress pattern of the word. 3he first one has been done as an e(ample# >(!' St!"** ?%tt"!&


%&(t4"! :!i##i%&t "Jt!")"#5 i&t"!!9?t *$i"&ti;i$ 'i;;i$9#t

:ive the correct simple past tense or past perfect tense. 1. ' arrived home and A find B EEEE. that a thief A break BEEEEE in. 2. 1e had <!st gone to bed (hen (e A hear B EEEE a knock at the door. 3. 5hey told me that they A never F meet BEEEE.. me. 4. ,y friends didn+t (ant to come to the cinema (ith me beca!se they A already F see BEEE.. E. the film. 5. 5om (as very angry and A say B EEEE. that he A eat B EEEE t(o flies in his salad. . 1hat did yo! think as soon as yo! A read B EEE. the passage8 ". 2he A not F ride B EEEEEEEE a horse before that day. #. 71as 5om there (hen yo! arrived89. 76o- he AgoBEEE.. home9. $. 1here yo! A (ork BEEE.. before yo! A come B EE. here last month8 1%. By the time yo! A get B EEEE..her letter- she A arrive BEEEE.. in 0ondon. ;entence transformation 1. ;!st (hen he arrived at the station- the train started to move. 4ardly .............................................................................................. 2. 2he (atched 5:- then she prepared her lessons. After EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3. Before he ret!rned his home to(n. 4e had spent his childhood in =slo for ten years. 4aving .......................................................................... 4. . ;ohn (orked very hard for the e&am- then he passed it. Before ............................................................................. 5. C'f ' (ere yo!- 'Cd read the e&am *!estions very caref!lly.C said the teacher to !s . 5he teacher advisedEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. . 7Memember to (ash yo!r feet before going to bed9 . 5he mother reminded EEEEEEEEEEEEE.. ". 4e spent 2% min!tes (alking to the cinema. . 't took EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #. 1hen (ere yo! born8 . 1hat is .................................................8 $. ,y father is a doctor . ,y father (orks ............................................. 1%. 'Cll try my best to look for that book for yo! P .;im said to me . ;im promised....................................................


SUBJECTIVE PRACTICE TEST OF UNIT 4 &rite the words whose underlined letter is pronounced LL in column A and L:F in column
B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. sorro( talk (arm bo& <ob (rong modern important more tho!ght sport fo!r co!rse (alk boss photography congress top monitor co!gh C(#9)& B L:F ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))

C(#9)& A LL ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))

&rite the words that stress on the first syllable in column A and the second syllable in column B . mentally disabled passion stim!late ". s!btract time.cons!ming photography proper #. grad!ally enclose retarded effort


$. different 1%. s!rro!nding

schooling sorro( C(#9)& A AFi!*t S5##%:#"B ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))

admiring employ

labo!rer re*!ire

C(#9)& B AS"$(&' S5##%:#"B ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))

%ill in the blanks with appropriate words in the bo(. blind disabled grad!ally deafness mentally retarded

11. 'n spite of her - she played the violin very (ell. 12. ))))))))))))) more children (ere sent to the class as their parents reali@ed that the yo!ng teacher (as trying her best to help their poor kids. 13. 1itho!t the Braille Alphabet it (o!ld be very diffic!lt for the ))))))))))))). 14. 5he government sho!ld have special policies to help the ))))))))))))). 15. 4e has not developed mentally as m!ch as others at the same age. 4e+s a child. &rite the suitable preposition in each blank 1 . 5h!y+s class is different )))))))))))))) other classes beca!se the children are disabled. 1". 0an is very shy beca!se of her deafness. 5herefore- ' calm her ))))))))))))). 1#. 5hanks ))))))))))))the Braille Alphabet- the blind can literate. :ive the synonyms of the underlined words

1$. 1hy did the parents oppose to the idea of sending their children to the special class at first8 2%. 'n 5ra Bong District- U!ang 6gai ?rovince- the class began seven years ago (ith a mi& of children- some d!mb- deaf or s!ffering a lisp and others mentally retarded. 21. 1hat (o!ld happen to the disabled children in 5ra K!an Comm!ne if a special class (as not organi@ed for them8 22. D!ring a small lesson- she raised both arms and opened !p her fingers one by one !ntil all ten stood !p. 23. 5heir parents (ere forced to (ork on farms all day to make money for their family(hich robbed them of a chance to give their children an ed!cation. 1$. )))))))))))))) 2%. )))))))))))))) 21. )))))))))))))))) 22. )))))))))))))) 23. )))))))))))))) :ive the correct form of the verbs in the brackets 24. 1hen ' (as a child- ' A!seB ))))))))))))))to fly a kite in the afternoon. 25. ,ai didnCt come to class yesterday- (hich As!rpriseB )))))))))))) all of !s. 2 . 5he blind AbeB ))))))))))))!nable to see anything. 2". 2!san !sed to get !p early (hen she AstayB )))))))))) (ith !s. 2#. ,rs. U!yen ta!ght the m!te- b!t no( she Anot- doB )))))))) it any more. Rewrite the following sentences as directed 2$. ' (ent to the ch!rch (hen ' (as a child. A9*"' t(B )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3%. ;ohn is al(ays late for class. 5his annoys the teacher. A -4i$47 %* $(&&"$t(!B 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 31. ?eople (ho are in<!red (ere taken to the hospital in the accident yesterday At4" M%'8B 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 32. ;ohn smoked a lot a year ago- b!t no( he doesn+t smoke any more. A9*"' t(B 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 33. 5he government is trying to establish more shelters to care for people (ho are homeless in the earth*!ake. At4" M%'8B 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 34. ,rs. U!yen ta!ght the m!te b!t she doesnCt do it any more. A9*"' t(B 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 35. =anh (orks very hard and al(ays gets good marks. 5his pleases her parents a lot. A -4i$47 %* $(&&"$t(!B )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3 . 5here is a special television program for people (ho are !nable to hear anything every 2!nday morning At4" M %'8B 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 3". ?eople (ho are poor need helping by the government. At4" M %'8B 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666


3#. 1e have lost her phone n!mber. 5his makes it diffic!lt to contact her. A -4i$47 %* $(&&"$t(!B )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) %ind one mistake in the following sentences, underline it and then correct it 3$. Desterday D!ong got 1% marks in ,aths- that made him very happy. )))))))))) 4%. 1e sho!ld raise money to help the poverty in o!r city.))))))))))))))


3ick the sound in its correct column ! !> 'mprovemen t Concl!de M!in Mevol!tion (oman ! (rongdoing 'np!t 6oon B!ilding ;!ne !>

%ill in the blanks with the correct words given from the bo(

photocopier electric floppy internet transmission magical send interact

vir!s do(nloaded

1. A

machine (hich makes copies of doc!ments is EEEEE.


2. 3. 4. 5. . ".

2t!dents sho!ld be enco!raged to !se the EEEEE..as a reso!rce. '+ve lost a lot of data. ' (onder if my comp!ter has a EEEEE ' have EEE..a good program from the internet the other day. 1o!ld yo! like a copy8 '+m looking for an EE..can opener (hich also can sharpen knives. 6e( telephone lines allo( faster dataEEEE..by fa& or modem. 1ith the development of information technology (e can EEE..messages from one comp!ter to another. #. 5hose EEE.disks don+t store nearly eno!gh information yo! need. $. A comp!ter is a EEE.type(riter (hich allo(s yo! to type and print any kind of doc!ment. 1%. 't+s diffic!lt for st!dents to EEEE.(ith their teacher in large classes. %ill in the blank with a suitable pronoun. !who, whom, which" 1. 5he story EEEE.the teacher told !s (as very interesting. 2. 5he secretary EEE. ' talked to didn+t kno( (here the meeting (as. 3. ?eter told me abo!t st!dents EE..have got the school scholarship three times. 4. 5he person from EEE.yo! got the information is my older brother. 5. 5his is 6acy-EEE..is talking over the <ob (hen ' have. :ive the correct forms of the words in the brackets 1. ,y father AbelongBEEEEto the 3olf Cl!b for the past 25 years. 2. ,y clothes are not in the room. 5hey AtakeBEEEE..them a(ay. 3. 2ince last s!mmer- ' Anot- keepBEEEE..contact (ith Daisy. 4. 5his comp!ter Anot- repairBEEEEEEEyet. 5. 5hat film Asho(BEEEEEEon 5: several times in this year. R"-!it" t4" *"&t"&$"* -it4 t4" -(!'* ?!(+i'"' 1. 4e has <!st (ritten a letter to his girl friend. A letterEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. 2. 5hey have not !sed these machines at least five years. 5hese machines EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. 3. 5he local government have b!ilt a ne( stadi!m in my village. A ne( EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4. 4is father has p!nished him beca!se of his la@iness. 4e EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. 5. 4e has talked abo!t these problems five times. 5hese EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Combine sentences using relative pronouns. 1. ' bo!ght a cell phone. ' can !se it to send and receive e.mail. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2. ,y stereo doesn+t (ork today. ' bo!ght it yesterday. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. 3. ' apologi@ed to the (oman. ' spilled her coffee. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. 4. ,y nephe( is na!ghty. Do!r son is playing (ith him. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5. 2ome doc!ments have been fo!nd. 5hey (ere stolen from a car. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.



&rite the words which contain the sound 91/ and those which contain the sound9 *9 her curtain other dirty overtime turn birthday consider yesterday alone L/ L >L

Put some words into the correct column for the stress pattern increasing e&pression preparing previo!s an&io!s

Complete each of the following blanks in the te(t with the word or phrase given comfortable decision traveling take off feel Ior any people-EA1BEE.by plane is an e&perience. =thers- ho(ever- find the (hole idea *!ite terrifying- altho!gh flying is no more dangero!s than any other form of travel and some e&perts say it is considerably safer. 't is no(- ho(ever- that most accidents occ!r d!ringEE A2BE.and landing (hen pilot+sEEA3BE.are vitally important. 5he people (hose <ob is to look after the passengers.the ste(ards and ste(ardesses. play an important part in helping passengers toEEA4BE..safe andEEA5BE.'ndeed for many passengers being taken s!ch care of is all part of the total e&perience. All other form of travel involves (aiting on people in *!ite the same (ay (ith food- drink- ne(spapers- maga@inesm!sic and even video films. Put the verbs in brackets into one of these two forms# the present progressive with a future meaning (! be going to 1.' AtakeB..........a Irench co!rse this semester. 2.1e Ab!yBEEE.a ne( ho!se. 3.Do!+ve bo!ght a lot of paint. Do! AredecorateBEEEyo!r kitchen8. 4.=!r class AstartBEEE/nglish ne&t term. 5.5his resta!rant AcloseBEEE.do(n ne&t month. .1hat yo! AdoBEEE.(ith the money8 ".' AgiveBEEE.her a ne( dress for her ne&t birthday. #.5hey AtakeBEEE.their children to the seaside this s!mmer $.Do! AgoBEEE.to the cinema tomorro(8 1%.5he little boy A(ashBEEE.the car8 11.5he 2!ltan AspeakBEEEon 5: tonight. 12.1hy are yo! taking that big basket8) ' Ab!yBEEE.a lot of vegetables. 13.1hy did yo! b!y all these eggs8 Do! AmakeBEEE.an enormo!s omelet8 14.' AhaveBEEE.my hair c!t this afternoon. 15.;ohn AringBEEE.me !p tonight. &rite complete sentences using the prompts 1. 1eF travelF DalatF this s!mmer. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. 2. 'F flyF 0ondonF this Iriday. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. 3. 5heyF goF helpF poor children8 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. 4. 'F playF tennisF after school



&rite the vowed sound 9e*9 , 9a*9 , or 9*9 for each of the words below. 1. rain 2. mind 3. height 4. neighbor 5. en<oy 6. buy 7. stay 8. decide )))))))))) )))))))))) )))))))))) )))))))))) )))))))))) )))))))))) 2222222222 )))))))))) 11. die 12. boy 13. afraid 14. obey 15. play 16. kite 17. (eight 18. spoil ))))))))))) ))))))))))) ))))))))))) ))))))))))) ))))))))))) ))))))))))) ))))))))))) )))))))))))

9. choice 10. destroy

)))))))))) ))))))))))

19. train 20.try

))))))))))) )))))))))))

+atch the halves of each sentences# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . A ;ane came to class late 2he left him 2he+s been sick ;ack+s never been to /ngland 5he b!ilding of the bridge (ill go ahead 1atching 5: can be a (aste of time %. :. $. '. ". ;. B for five days no( before beca!se of the traffic on the road in spite of the bad (eather beca!se people don+t (ant to do other things. beca!se he (as r!de to her

Complete the sentences with the appropriate from of the words in parentheses# 1. 5elevision helps !s to increase the )))))))) of sports and games. Apop!larB 2. 'n Britain- there is a )))))))) television programme (hich attempts to sho( vario!s devices (hich people have recently invented. A(eekB 3. ' don+t like television )))))))). 5hey enco!rage people to b!y things that they don+t need. AcommerciallyB 4. 5elevision make things )))))))) beca!se it presents information in an effective (ay. AmemoryB 5. 2ome people think that the most )))))))) problem (ith digital camera is making copies of the pict!res. Aserio!slyB . 5he )))))))) camera is changing the (ay people take pict!res. AdigitB ". 5he media (as acc!sed of infl!encing the final )))))))) .AdecideB #. =n his ))))))))- colleag!es presented him (ith a set of golf cl!bs. AretireB $. 1e need to increase )))))))) .Aprod!ctB 1%. 5he company m!st red!ce costs to complete )))))))) .AeffectB

Complete the following sentences with <for= or <since=, and the correct from of the verb in brackets# 1. ' Anot haveB )))))))))) time to finish my (ork )))))))) 2!nday. 2. 6obody A(riteB )))))))))) to 6orma )))))))) she left !niversity.

3. 2he AeatB )))))))))) the same food )))))))) three days. 4. ' Anot playB )))))))))) tennis )))))))) a year no(. 5. ' don+t think ' AseeB yo! )))))))) 2%%3. . 't Anot rainB here )))))))) last ;!ne ". 1e AliveB in this ho!se )))))))) it (as finished #. ,y father Anot listenB )))))))) to me )))))))) ' failed the entrance e&am to !niversity. $. 5hey Anot st!dyB )))))))))) )))))))) 5et holidays. 1%. ,!m AbeB )))))))))) to America )))))))) three (eeks.

Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means e(actly the same as the one printed# 1. 4e had been prevented from st!dying by his illness- b!t he passed the final e&amination last year. Altho!gh )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 2. Altho!gh it (as cold- (e (ent s(imming 'n spite of ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 3. 1e stopped playing tennis beca!se it started to rain Beca!se of )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 4. Altho!gh he felt tired- he still (ent on (orking Despite ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 5. 4e got bad marks beca!se of his carelessness in (riting Beca!se )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). . Altho!gh Ann (as ill- she insisted on going to (ork 'n spite of )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). ". ' tried to pers!ade her. ' didn+t s!cceed- ho(ever /ven tho!gh )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). #. 5his boy is la@y- so he is ignorant Beca!se )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). $. Beca!se her mother advised her- she accepted the <ob

Beca!se of )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 1%. ' started to st!dy /nglish 5 years ago ' have ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).


:roup the words that contain the same diphthong sounds into 9> 9 and 9a 9 columns . co(- coat- to(n- ho(- phone- bone- note- mo!se- co!ch- flo(er- bo(l- close- road- dro!ghtnarro(- mo!ntain- over- told- cro(ded- sho!lder- cro(ed. FZF FaF 1 2 3 4 5 " # $ 1% 3urn each direct speech statement into indirect speech with tense changes. 1. 4e said to them- 7 Don+t !se bent coins in a slot machine.9 4e told ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2. 2he said to him- 7Memember to send this message to my father.9 2he ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3. 7 ' (ill come to see yo! as soon as possible9 4e told me ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4. CCaref!lJ Do!Cll fall thro!gh the ice.C ' (arned him )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5. CDo! m!st be home by $ oCclock.C 2he said ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . C;ohn left here an ho!r ago.C 2he told me ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ". C' easily beat everyone else in the race.C 4e boasted )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) #. C'Cve been spending a lot more time (ith my children.C

))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) $. L' love yo!.+ said ,ary. ,ary said that))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1%. CDo! can stay in my ho!se (hen ' am on holiday.C ;im told !s )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
4e mentioned

&rite conditional sentences from these statements. 1.,y brother (ill have eno!gh money. 4e (ill b!y an /nglish. :ietnamese dictionary. 'f)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2. ' (ill b!y a ne( hat. '+ll give yo! this one. 'f)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3. 5he (eather (ill be fine. ' (ill go for a s(im. 'f ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4. Do! (ill (ork hard. Do! (ill pass yo!r e&amination. 'f )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5. 4e (ill b!y that big ho!se. 4e (ill need several servants. 'f )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rewrite the following sentences, using < 468$;;= 1. Do! (ill spoil it if yo! aren+t caref!l. Do! (ill ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2. 'f yo! don+t eat anything- yo! (ill be ill. Do! (ill ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3. Do! (on+t pass yo!r e&amination if yo! don+t (ork hard. Do! (on+t )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4. 4e (on+t speak Irench if he doesn+t go to Irance. 4e (on+t ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5. 'f yo! don+t ring the bell- the servant (on+t come. 5he servant )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :ive the correct form of the verbs in brackets# 1. 4e is a man of ))))))))))) e&perience.A (idenB 2. 1e are ))))))))))) of milk. AshortageB 3. 1hen it rains- the roads get very ))))))))))). Am!dB 4. ,any ho!ses (ere destroyed in the ))))))))))). A floodedB 5. Iarmer 0!m raises a lot of ))))))))))) animals. AfarmingB . =n 2at!rday (e (atched football and on the ))))))))))) day (e (ent to ch!rch.Afollo(B ". A cage is an ))))))))))) for birds. A encloseB #. A ))))))))))) is smaller than a to(n. AvillageB $. ' (as ill yesterday- b!t ' feel ))))))))))) no(. AgoodB 1%. 4er Irench is bad b!t her /nglish is ))))))))))) AbadB


PRONUNCIATION> &rite the words which contain the sound 9 e 9 in column A and those which contain the sound 9 u 9 in column B and the others which contain the sound 9 i 9 in column C. i u e 1. bear 2. here 3. air 4. to!r 5. s!re . (here ". po!r #. idea $. care 1%. ear Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. 1. 2cientists have made many important ne( )))))) of the depth by !sing modern devices. AdiscoverB 2. Comm!nity police have made a very positive )))))) to crime prevention. Acontrib!teB 3. 5hey are investigating the )))))) disappearance of a yo!ng (oman. AmysteryB 4. By the age of eighteen he (as completely )))))) of his parents. AdependB 5. 5he )))))) of the seabed is being carried o!t. AinvestigateB Choose appropriate words from the bo( and use them to complete the definitions below. ?ou may use some words more than once.

($"%& -4%#"*





1. An )))))) is a very large area of salt (ater. 5he ?acific and the Atlantic are )))))). 2. An )))))) is an area of land (ith (ater all aro!nd it. 3. 5he )))))) is a large body of salt (ater. A sea is smaller than an )))))). 4. A )))))) is an animal that lives in the ocean. ;ellyfish have soft bodies.


5. )))))) are carnivores- (hich means they eat meats. Complete these sentences with should9 shouldn@t A infinitive using one of these verbs# play, stay, take, break, tell. 1. 5hose boys )))))) football on the street. 't+s very dangero!s. 2. 2he )))))) in bed all day !nless she+s ill. 3. Do!+ll catch cold if yo! go o!t like that. ' think yo! )))))) a hat. 4. ?eople )))))) their promises. 5. Do! )))))) him abo!t this. 't+s a secret. :ive the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 1. 'f my grandmother ))))))AbeB still alive- he (o!ld be h!ndred today. 2. ' )))))) AofferB yo! to give yo! a lift if ' had my car here. 3. ' )))))) Anot mindB living in /ngland if the (eather )))))) AbeB better. 4. 'f ,r. ,organ )))))) AbeB still head teacher- he )))))) Anot permitB s!ch bad behavio!r. 5. 1here )))))) Ayo!F chooseB if yo! co!ld live any(here in the (orld8 Rewrite the following sentences using conditional sentence type B. 1. Alan al(ays overeats at l!nch beca!se he never eats breakfast. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2. ' don+t kno( eno!gh abo!t the machine- so ' can+t mend it myself. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3. 6ick can+t find the (ay beca!se he hasn+t got a map. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4. 5he (ind is blo(ing hard- so ' (on+t take the boat o!t for a ride. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5. 1e don+t visit o!r parents very often beca!se they live so far a(ay. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :ive advice to the following people. 4se * think C should or * don@t think C should and one of these phrase in the bo(.

(ork so hard go to the dentist take them back to the shop

go to (ork tell them to b!y fr!it

1. ?eter+s got a very bad cold. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2. =ne of my teeth is lost. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3. ,y shoes have got a hole in them. ' only bo!ght them yesterdayJ ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4. ,y children spend all their pocket money on s(eets. ) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5. '+m al(ays tired beca!se '+ve been (orking very hard. ) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Practise reading the words which contain the sounds 9sl9, 9sm9, 9sn9, and 9 sw9 and then write them in the right columns below sno( smell slo(ly smith slim smoke sleep s(im sno(y smile s(itch s(allo( snore snee@e snack

1. L *# L N 2. F *)L N
3. L*&L N 4. L *-L N 4se words in the bo( to fill the blanks in the sentences

*!ickly e&ist established

destroy provided save

5. ,any organi@ations have beenEEEEE.. and f!nds have been raised . 5he n!mber of rare animals is decreasingEEE ".5ropical forests haveEEEE..!s (ith many sorts of plants for food- medicine and ind!stry. #. 0a(s have been introd!ced toEEE.. the killing of endangered animals. $. 4!nting for meat and b!rning forests for soilsEEE.. (ildlife. 1%. 4!man beings canEEE. (itho!t (ater and air. 11. D!ring a long dro!ght- farmers had to find (ays toEEEE. their crops. 3urn these sentenses into the passive voice 12. 5he teacher corrects o!r e&ercises at home. 13. Ali+s absence (orried his mother.

14. 5hey are b!ilding several ne( schools in o!r to(n. 15. 1e have made great progress in ind!stry- science and medicine. 1 . 2am killed a lion last (eek. 1". Do! m!st hand in yo!r report before the end of this month. 1#. 6o one has opened that bo& for the past h!ndred years. 1$. Are yo! going to mail these letters soon8 2%. 4e sho!ld have finished the report yesterday. 21. 5hey say that he is the richest man in o!r to(n. 22. 2he fell into (ater beca!se somebody p!shed her. 23. 't is time they bring the co(s in. 24. 1hat *!estions did the e&aminer set8 25. 2omebody m!st do something for these poor men. 2 . 6obody has ans(ered my *!estion properly. 2" 2omebody has bro!ght this child !p badly. 2#. 5he teacher promised ;ane a pri@e if she (orked (ell. 2$. 5eachers sho!ld make lessons more interesting for school children. 3%. 1e shall lock the ho!se !p for s!mmer and the old gardener (ill look after it. 31. ?eople say tortoises live longer than elephants. 32. =ne cannot eat an orange if nobody has peeled it. 33. Don+t let the others see yo!. 34. Did anybody ever teach yo! ho( to behave8 35. 't s!rprised me to hear someone had robbed yo!. +ake sentences with the words given 3 . 5he prices of the servicesF reasonableF every pockets .REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3". 5he Moyal 6ational ?arkF 6e( 2o!th 1ales- A!stralia .REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. 3#. 2ir ;ohn MobertsonF findF the ?arkF 1#"$


.REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. 3$. 5he parkF oneF America+s greatestF (ildness areas .REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4%. yesterdayF 'F goF 5hanh Ba ?ost =fficeF send some moneyF brother .REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the bo(. locate establish orphan abandon contaminate e&plore release defeat contain endanger 1. 5here is a danger of serio!s EEE..... from radioactive (aste. 2. 5he giant panda is in danger of becoming e&tinct. 't is anEEEE species. 3.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))C!c ?h!ong 6ational ?ark is EEEE.. % km 2o!th 1est of 4a 6oi. 4.)))))))))))))))))))4e (ants to EEEEE. ho( the h!man brain (ill f!nction !nder these circ!mstances. 5.)))))))))))))))))4e has been EEEEEEE since he (as five. .))))))))))))))))))))))))))5he enemy (as EEEEEEE. in a decisive battle. ".))))))))))))))))))))))4e (as EEEEE (hen he (as five days old. #.)))))))))))))))))))))5he board agreed toEEEEE..t(o committees to e&amine the proposals. $.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5o&ic gases from ind!strial factories are EEEEEinto the atmosphere. 1%. Bro(n riceEEEEEEE. a lot of vitamins and minerals. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. ' didnCt go into b!siness (ith 2am. 'f ' EEE.. AgoB into b!siness (ith him- ' EEE AbecomeB a s!ccess. 2. 1e got to the station in time to catch the train. 'f (e EEE AmissB it- (e EE.. AbeB late for the meeting. 3. ,ary and ' (erenCt able to go on a honeymoon. 1e EEEEAcanF goB a(ay if my fatherEEEEE.Anot getB sick. 4. ' took a ta&i to the hotel b!t the traffic (as very bad. 't co!ld have been *!icker if ' EE.. A(alkB. 5. 'tCs good that yo! reminded me abo!t AnnCs birthday. ' EEEE.AforgetB if yo! hadn+t reminded me. . 5he vie( (as (onderf!l. 'f 'EEEEAhaveB a camera- ' EEEAtakeB some photographs. ". Gnfort!nately- ' didnCt have my address book (ith me (hen ' (as in 6e( Dork. ' had had yo!r address- 'EEEEAsendB yo! a postcard. #. 1e EEEE.. AbeB at the airport for ho!rs- if (e EE. Anot kno(B that the flight (as delayed. $.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5he accident (as yo!r fa!lt. 'f yo! had driven more caref!lly- it EEAnot happenB. 1%. 'f yo! EEEEE.AtellB me yo! needed money- ' co!ld have lent yo! some.


11. 'f he EE. AbeB (ith !s no(- he EE. Aen<oyB the bea!ty of nat!re of the 6ational ?ark. 12. Can yo! imagine (hat EE..AhappenB if everyone EEE. AflyB8 13. 'f ?eter AleaveB EEE. for (ork early- he co!ld have ca!ght the b!s. 14. 'f ' AcheckB EE. my car before the drive- ' Anot getB ..EE.. the problem of o!t of petrol. 15. 5hey (o!ld have enlarged the farm if they AhaveB EE.. eno!gh money. Rewrite these following sentences, using Conditional sentence type D. 1. 4e didnCt prepare for the intervie(- so he didnCt get the <ob. 2. 1e came home from o!r holiday early beca!se (e ran o!t of money. 3. ' canCt take m!ch e&ercise beca!se ' donCt have eno!gh free time. 4. 5he ho!se didnCt b!rn do(n beca!se the fire brigade came immediately. 5. 5he men (ere (earing protective clothing- so they (ere all *!ite safe. . 5om didn+t come- so (e cancelled the meeting. ". ' took the <ob beca!se ' didnCt kno( ho( diffic!lt it (as. #. ,y father didnCt earn m!ch money- so life (asnCt easy for !s. $. Daniel really (anted to b!y the book- b!t he didnCt have eno!gh money. 1%. Andre( (anted to ask Irank 2inatra for his a!tograph- b!t he (asnCt brave eno!gh. 11. 2he didn+t say sorry- so he (as angry. 12. 5hey didn+t pass the e&amination - their parents (ere very sad. 13. 't rained last night - so ' didn+t go to the cinema. 14. 5he (eather (as not very nice- so (e didn+t go camping. 15. 5he comp!ter broke do(n and ' had to stop my (ork.


Complete these sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses. 1. 1orld C!p- the )))))))))))))))) football to!rnament is held every fo!r years. AnationB 2. Iootball is considered the most ))))))))))))))) sporting event in the (orld. Apop!larityB 3. 5here are 22 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) in each football team. AplayB 4. 0ong (as selected to play in the )))))))))))))))))) football team last (eek. AprofessionB 5. 5he 1orld C!p is follo(ed (ith great ))))))))))))))))) aro!nd the globe. AinterestingB . 4e (as in ))))))))))))))))) (ith ten others- so he did (ell to (in the race. AcompeteB ". ,anchester players have been trying to score another goal b!t their efforts are)))))))))))). As!cceedB #. All competitors take part in the =lympic 3ames in the spirit of)))))))))))))). AsportsmanB $. ,y brother is fond of doing )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) research. AscienceB 1%. 2he hits the ball (ith great )))))))))))))))))))))))))))). Aacc!rateB &rite the sound for the underlined letters in the following words. 1. c!p EE.. #. kick EE.. 15. record 2. city EE.. $. goal EE.. 1 . (orld 3. victory EE.. 1%. gene EE.. 1". to!rnament 4. cancer EE.. 11. champion EE.. 1#. fo!nded 5. region EE.. 12. character EE.. 1$. defeat . governing EE.. 13. r!nner EE.. 2%. great ". knock EE.. 14. stadi!m EE.. +ake uestions for the underlined parts of the following statements.

EE.. EE.. EE.. EE.. EE.. EE..


1. /very day ' go to school by bicycle. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 2. =!r teacher lives in a small house in this town. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 3. 5he police (ill come here in ten minutes. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 4. The farmers are (orking in the field no(. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 5. 2he (ent to market to buy some bread. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 . 5he boy (as glad because he was given presents. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 ". 5his hand bag belongs to my friend. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 #. 1e have 3 /nglish classes every week. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 $. 5here are 3 members in my family. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 1%. 't often takes him 43 minutes to go to his office. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. 1. ,ary listens to classical m!sic. 2he (ants to feel rela&ed. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2. ?eter practices speaking /nglish. 4e (ants to pass the oral test. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3. ,y mother goes to the grocery. 2he needs some meat. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 4. ' took my !mbrella. ' didnCt (ant to get (et. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 5. ,y parents save a lot of money. 5hey intend to b!y a ne( ho!se. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . ;ohn telephoned me . 4e invited me to his birthday party. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ". ,y grandfather does the morning e&ercises. 5his makes him stronger. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) #. 4e didnCt have eno!gh money. 4e co!ldnCt b!y a ne( motorbike. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) $. ' try to do my best. ' donCt (ant to make any mistake. O )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1%. ' closed the door beca!se ' didnCt (ant to be dist!rbed. O ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



%ill in each blank with a suitable form of the words given in the bo(. interest entertain a!dience cartoon doc!mentary act prefer silence scene characteristic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . ". #. $. A person (ho performs in films is aFan ))))))))))))))). 5he people (ho (atch a film are called )))))))))))). A movie in (hich voices and other so!nds are not heard is aF an )))))))))))film. )))))))))))))is a person in a film. ))))))))))))))))is a part of a film. Cinema is one of the most pop!lar forms of))))))))))))))))). 2he ))))))))))))))action films to cartoons beca!se they are thrilling and e&citing. 1hat))))))))))) do yo! like best8 Do yo! like Tom and (erry8 A )))))))))))))presents fact!al events or circ!mstances of a social- political or historical nat!re. 1%. Do! are not ))))))))))))))in action films- aren+t yo!8 Rewrite the following sentences# 1. 4e didn+t come home !ntil 1% p.m. . 't (as not !ntil )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 2. 2he didn+t begin to (ork !ntil she (as 2%. . 't (as not !ntil))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 3. ' didn+t st!dy Irench !ntil ' (as in grade . . 't (as not !ntil))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 4. 5he child co!ldn+t (alk !ntil he (as 2 years old. . 't (as not !ntil))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). 5. 0an (asn+t free !ntil 3.%% p.m. in the afternoon. . 't (as not !ntil))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).


. 5he movie (as interesting. . 1e (ere)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). ". 5he story (as boring. . ' (as ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). #. Astronomy is one of 5an+s main interests. . 5an finds))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) $. 5he (eather is depressing. . 5he (eather makes)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1%. 5he novel (as disappointing. . 5hey (ere)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Put the words into the right column of pronunciation of the underlined part L;L L+L 1. comfortable 2. village 3. eno!gh 4. la!gh 5. 6ovember 6. football 7. leaving 8. 2tephen 9. office 10. lovely :ive the correct forms of participles of verbs in parentheses# 1. 't+s *!ite an Ae&citeB ))))))))))))))))))))) game. 2. 4e is very AinterestB ))))))))))))))))))))))) in my story. 3. 4is face looks very ApleaseB )))))))))))))))))))))) 4. Do! can easily find his ho!se beca!se of its Adisting!ishB )))))))))))))constr!ction. 5. 4er party (as pretty AboreB ))))))))))))))))). . ' (ent home early beca!se ' felt AboreB ))))))))))))))))). ". 4e seems *!ite AsatisfyB )))))))))))))))))))(ith his ne( <ob. #. 4e had a ApleaseB ))))))))))))))))))))look on his face. $. 1hen ' read it- ' felt Ae&citeB )))))))))))))))))))). 1%. 4is vie(s on politics (ere rather As!rpriseB )))))))))))))))))).



Arrange these words into two rows of sounds 9g9 and 9k9 according character cake vag!e game glass scholar school scar ghost gain leg organi@e chor!s gro!p cook mechanic gnat bag L,L L/L Arrange these words into three rows of stress# first stress !-", second stress !B", or third stress !D" vol!nteer involve promote event hero series postpone compete defeat attract football hono!r bet(een :ietnamese captain final friendly nation


introd!ce A1B A2B A3B Complete these sentences with the appropriate words in the bo( (itness r!les to!rnament victory competition trophy scored professional res!lt defeated hosted participated

spectator stadi!m

1. 1ith the victory over 3ermany in the final match- Bra@il became the first team to (in the five times. 2. 5he loser (ill be o!t of the . 3. 4o( many co!ntries in the first 1orld C!p8 4. ' think the final (as 3 T 1. 5. =ver 25-%%% fans appla!ded both teams off the . . 5he 2%% 1orld C!p (as by 3ermany. ". :isconti one goal himself and made t(o for 0!po. #. 2he bro!ght to her co!ntry as an =lympic medal (inner. $. Bra@il Gr!g!ay 2 T 1- so they are in the semi T final. 1%. ,aradona is aFan football player. 11. Beca!se both teams came from the same to(n- the stadi!m (as packed (ith . 12. 5he children did not kno( the by (hich the game (as played. 13. 5hree firms are in for the same contract. Complete the sentences with <will= or <be going to= 1. Don+t (orry abo!t yo!r e&am. '+m s!re yo! 5passB . 2. 5here are a lot of dark clo!ds in the sky. 't 5rain6 . 3. '+ve bo!ght ,ary a present. Do yo! think she 5like6 it. 4. 3oodbye. ' e&pect (e 5meet6 again before long. 5. ;ohn+s !niversity co!rse begins in =ctober. 4e 5study6 engineering. . '+ve invited 2!e to the party b!t ' don+t think she 5come6 . ". 0ook o!tJ 5he tree 5fall6. #. '+m h!ngry. ' 5eat6 this sand(ich $. 't+s my sister+s birthday ne&t (eek. 1e 5give6 her a present. 1%. 1hy don+t yo! try on this <acket8 't 5look6 nice on yo!. 4se the verbs in brackets with <will= or <be going to= A&it%> 1hat abo!t yo!r plans- Carlo8 A4. you returnB home after the e&am8 C%!#(N ' e&pect ' A7. goB back home at some time in the f!t!re- b!t first ' A8. spendB si& months in the G2A A&it%N =h- that A9. beB interesting C%!#(N '+ve got a <ob. ' A3. workB for a chemical company in Boston. '+m looking for(ard to it. '+m s!re it A!. beB good e&perience. A&it%N ' don+t kno( (hat ' A:. doB. At the moment '+m trying to revise for the e&ams. B!t ' don+t kno( eno!gh. ' A;. failB. C%!#(N '+m s!re yo! A<. not failB.



Put 9z 9 or 99 before the words pronounced as 9z 9 or 99 . 1. ))) television- clos!re- !s!al. 2. ))) machine- m!sician- special. 3. ))) ill!stration- shop- match. 4. ))) Asia- decision- leis!re. 5. ))) pleas!re- garage- vision. . ))) information- finish- essential. ". ))) meas!re- message- occasion. #. ))) s!re- ocean- (ashing. $. ))) admission- /nglish- 2(edish. 1%.))) seiE!re- siEe- massage. 4se the superlative or comparative form of the words in brackets. 11. 5he factory !ses))))))) prod!ction methods. AmodernB 12. 5hat film (as))))))) film 'Cve ever seen. AboringB 13. 's yo!r ho!se m!ch )))))) 8 AfarB 14. 5he telephone is one of))))))) inventions ever. A!sef!lB 15. Do!r driving is ))))) than mine. AbadB 1 . 5heyCve got a lot of money. 5heyCre))))))) cl!b in the co!ntry. ArichB 1". 1ho is))))))) st!dent in the class8 AcleverB 1#. 5revor spends )))))) on clothes than 0a!ra does. AlessB 1$. 4is /nglish is )))))) than mine. AgoodB 2%. A car is ))))) than a bicycle. Ae&pensiveB Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses. 21. 1hat makes yo! (ant to become a........................in the f!t!re 8 !science" 22. Mesearchers have recently made some important ne(........................ !discover" 23. 4e (ants to........................his kno(ledge of the s!b<ect. !wide"


24. 5he color red is commonly a EEEEE.of danger. !represent" 25. U!oc 5! 3iam (as EEEE... in 1%" . !establish" 2 . ,ost of the b!ildings are in an e&cellent state of EEEE !preserve" 2". 1e sho!ld protect the giant panda- (hich is an ........................ species. !danger" 2#. 1hat do yo! kno( abo!t 4!e ........................songs8 !tradition" 2$. ;ohn 0ennon is one of my favorite ........................ 5music" 3%. ,!sic adds ........................to the atmosphere of festivals. !Foy" Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 31. 5his cellphone is not as e&pensive as that cellphone. 5hat cellphone is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...... 32. 6o ho!ses in 4oi An are as old as the 5an Oy 4o!se. 5he EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... 33. 5he table and the desk are the same si@e. 5he table EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. 34. 'Cve never read a more romantic story. 't+s EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 35. ;eanny is the tallest girl in her class. 6o oneEEEEEEEEEEE..EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3 . 5he s(ord is not so mighty as the pen. 5he penEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..... 3". 5he orange b!ilding is not as high as the bl!e one. 5he bl!eEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3#. 5he dress is cheaper than the skirt. 5he skirtEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3$. 'Cm not as fit as yo!. Do!+reEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4%. 5his train is more convenient than all the others. 5his trainEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...



1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B .B ".A #.D $.C 1%.C 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D 1 .A 1".B 1#.B 1$.D 2%.C 21. C 22.A 23.A 24.B 25.C 2 .C 2".C 2#.C 2$.A 3%.A 31.C 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.B 3 .C 3".D 3#.A 3$.B 4%.C 41.C 42.A 43.A 44.D 45.A 4 .B 4".D 4#.A 4$.C 5%.B


1C 11B 21A 31B 41D 2D 12A 22A 32D 42B 3B 13D 23C 33B 43B 4B 14C 24D 34A 44A 5C 15B 25A 35D 45C A 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 B "B 1"A 2"A 3"B 4"D #C 1#B 2#D 3#B 4#C $D 1$B 2$B 3%A 4$D 1%A 2%C 3%B 4%B 5%C


1.B 11.C 21.C 2.C 12. D 22. A 3.D 13.D 23. B 4.A 14.C 24. A 5.C 15.D 25. A .D 1 .A 2 .D ".B 1".C 2".C #.D 1#.A 2#.D $.D 1$.D 2$.A 1%.C 2%. C 3%. B


31. A

32. B


34. D


3 .A






1 C 11 C 21 D 31 D 41 D 2 B 12 D 22 C 32 C 42 A 3 A 13 A 23 B 33 A 43 A 4 A 14 D 24 B 34 D 44 C 5 D 15 D 25 A 35 B 45 A 6 A 16 D 26 B 36 D 46 A 7 C 17 A 27 B 37 B 47 B 8 B 18 B 28 D 38 D 48 D 9 D 19 C 29 C 39 A 49 D 10 B 20 B 30 D 40 C 50 B


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B . A ". C #. D $. B 1%. A 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D 1 .D 1". A 1#. A 1$. A 2%. B 21. B 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. B 2 .A 2". C 2#. A 2$. B 3%. B 31. B 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. A 3 .B 3". C 3#. D 3$. A 4%. D 41. B 42. D 43. A 44. A 45. A 4 .C 4". D 4#. B 4$. D 5%. A


1.A 15.D 29.C 43.A 2.B 16.C 30.A 44.B 3.C 17.C 31.A 45.D 4.D 18.C 32.D 46.B 5.C 19.C 33.C 47.D 6.D 20.A 34.C 48.C 7.B 21.D 35.B 49.B 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.D 22.B 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.D 27.C 28.B 36.B 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.D 41.C 42.D 50.A


'. ''. A. B. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A . C ".B #.A $.D 1%.C 11. D 12. C 13. B 14.B 15.C 1 .D 1".A 1#.C 1$.C 2%.B



A. B.

21. B 22. C 23. D 24. B 25.A 2 .B 2".C 2#. D 2$.C 3%.B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C 3 . C AbyB 3". D AconstantlyB 3#. D Aeno!gh s!bscribersB 3$. C A(homB 4%. B Abeca!seB 41. B 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.C 4 .C 4".A 4#.D 4$.B 5%.D 51. B 52.A 53.C 54.D 55.A 5 .D 5".C 5#.B 5$.C %.A

':. A. B. :.


P<AN CAU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . ". #. $. 1%. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . ". #. $. 1%. DAP AN D C B A A B A C A B D B D D A C D C B D C A D A B A C B A C

I. A

I. B






V. A

V. B

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . ". #. $. 1%. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . ". #. $. 1%. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A D C C D C (ill get D (as coming D A.B A lived C ' co!ld B have C (on+t D there C had seen B comfortable eno!gh B D B C A A B D C D A D C B B C B A D A


1. B 2. B 11. D 12. D 21. C 22. B


3. C 4. C 5. D .C ". B #. A $. A 1%. B

13. C 14. A 15. B 1 .B 1". C 1#. A 1$. A 2%. A

23. B 24. B 25. C 2 .B 2". A 2#. D 2$. C 3%. B

Rewrite the sentences with the words given# 1. 6o one has kno(n these roads before. T4"*" !(%'* haven+t been kno(n before . 2. Beca!se the room (as small- (e co!ldn+t live in it Beca!se of the small room- (e co!ldn+t live in it. 3. ' get to school by bike. <(- do yo! get to school8 4. ' (as late for class yesterday beca!se ' missed the b!s. >45 (ere yo! late for class yesterday8 5. 4oa visited the m!se!m a fe( days ago. >4"& did 4oa visit the m!se!m8 . 4e still passed the e&am altho!gh he made many mistakes in his (riting. I& *?it" (; making many mistakes in his (riting- he still passed the e&am #. 4ave the boys finished the (ork 8 <%* the (ork been finished by the boys 8 #. ,r. Bro(n began to (ork for that company forty years ago. =!. B!(-& 4%* (orked for that company for forty years.


1. B 11.A 21. A 31. C 41. C 2.A 12.B 22.D 32.C 42.B 3.D 13.D 23.C 33.A 43.C 4.C 14.D 24.B 34.C 44.C 5.C 15.B 25.B 35.A 45.C 6.C 16.B 26.B 36.C 46.A 7.A 17.A 27.B 37.C 47.D 8.B 18.D 28.B 38.B 48.B 9.A 19.D 29.B 39.B 49.C 10. C 20. B 30. D 40. C 50. A



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50



1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A .B ". D #. D $. A 1%. C 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. D 1 .C 1". A 1#. A 1$. A 2%. D 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. C 25. D 2 .C 2". A 2#. C 2$. C 3%. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. A 3 .B 3". D 3#. A 3$. C 4%. D 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. B 4 .A 4". C 4#. A 4$. B 5%. D


1.C 11. C 21. D 31. C 41. D 2. C 12. B 22. D 32. B 42. D 3. B 13. D 23. B 33. C 43. C 4. C 14. B 24. A 34. B 44. D 5. D 15. C 25. A 35. C 45. B .B 1 .C 2 .B 3 .D 4 .B ". A #. C 1". D 1#. C 2". B 2#. C 3". C 3#. B 4". C 4#.A $. D 1$. B 2$. A 3$. D 4$. C 1%. D 2%. A 3%. A 4%. C 5%. D


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. C 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. B 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. D


.D ". C #. C $. D 1%. C

1 .C 1". A 1#. D 1$. C 2%. C

2 .B 2". D 2#. A 2$. B 3%. D

3 .B 3". B 3#. A 3$. C 4%. B

4 .C 4". C 4#. A 4$. D 5%. C


1. B 11. A 21. D 31. D 41. A 2. D 12. D 22. B 32. B 42. B 3. C 13. D 23. C 33. D 43. B 4. B 14. C 24. A 34. B 44. C 5. D 15. D 25. D 35. A 45. B 1 2 3 4 .B .D .B .C .B ". A 1". B 2". C 3". A 4". D #. B 1#. C 2#. C 3#. C 4#. A $. B 1$. D 2$. C 3$. C 4$. D 1%. A 2%. A 3%. A 4%. A


1 2 3 4 5 " # $ 1% 11 12 13 14 15 1 1" 1# 1$ 2% 21 22 23 24 25 D D A C D A A C B A D C C B A A D A A C C B A C B 2 2" 2# 2$ 3% 31 32 33 34 35 3 3" 3# 3$ 4% 41 42 43 44 45 4 4" 4# 4$ 5% A D C A D A B B B C A D B B D B D D B D C B C B D


1.B 2. A 3. C 11. B 12. D 13. C 21. C 22. A 23. D

4. D 5. D .C ". A #. D $. B 1%. D

14. D 15. B 1 .B 1". B 1#. A 1$. B 2%. D

24. B 25. B 2 .C 2". D 2#. D 2$. B 3%. D

Rewrite the sentences with the words given# 1. 4e took the children to the park 3 days ago. )2 3he children (ere taken to the park 3 days ago. 2. ;ack ans(ered (ell in the intervie(- so he got the <ob. )2 *f ;ack hadn+t ans(ered (ell in the intervie(- he (o!ldn+t have got the <ob. 3. ' (ent to 6am+s birthday party #%*t -""/. A+ake uestion for the underlined wordsB CI 1hen did yo! go to 6am+s birthday party8 4. 1e took many pict!res altho!gh the sky (as clo!dy. )2 *n spite of the clo!dy sky- (e took many pict!res. 5. 1e didn+t finish it !ntil the end of last s!mmer. )2 *t was not until the end of last s!mmer that (e finished it. . 6ick is la@y so he is p!nished. )2 *f 6ick (eren+t la@y- he (o!ldn+t be p!nished. ". 6obody has met them since last month. .R T4"5 haven+t been met since last month. #. ,y brother goes to school :5 :i/". A+ake uestion for the underlined wordsB .R 4o( does yo!r brother go to school8


&rite the sound for the underlined letters in the following words. 1. Fi>F 2. Fi>F 3. FiF 4. FiF 5. FiF . Fi>F ". Fi>F #. Fi>F $. Fi>F 1%. Fi>F Read the passage, then give the correct word form. 1. dressed 2. Mo!tines 3. thinking 4. active 5. e&actly . anything ". !sef!l #. !ncreative $. 5ake 1%. different 4se the verbs from the bo( to fill in the blanks. +ake any changes to the verb tenses when necessary. 3here are 3&5 verbs that are used 3&*C$. 1. do 2. drink 3. arrive 4. (ear 5. love . love ". have #. live $. is 1%. arrives 11. likes 12. doesn+t listen to 13. plays 14. go


$rror identification 1. occ!pations occ!pation $. sometime sometimes 2. P 1%. P 3. harro( harro(ing 11. prefers prefer 4. peasant peasants 12. P 5. P 13. are K . many m!ch 14. cyclo driver cyclo drivers ". plots plot 15. his their #. P &riting 1. ,y !ncle decided to give !p smoking local tobacco t(o years ago. 2. 5he teacher is contented (ith o!r res!lts in Civic /d!cation. 3. ' al(ays get !p late on (eekends. 4. 2ome of my classmates ride bicycles to school every morning. 5. 5om has the highest mark in /nglish in the class. . D!ring the break- the school canteen is cro(ded (ith st!dents. ". 5hey have to spend X5% on traveling every month. #. ,artina+s most favo!rite s!b<ect is 'nformation 5echnology. $. After getting off the plane- ' immediately took a ta&i to 2!nrise 4otel. 1%. ' am not interested in fishing.


1. b!tter 2. (onderf!l 3. s!b<ect 4. something 5. (orry . international ". en<oy #. cro(ded $. traffic 1%. going 11. to phone 12. spending 13. to talk 14. speaking 15. smoking 1 . to p!t 1". to stay 1#. to go 1$. to take 2%. telephoning 21. seeing. 22. standing 23. to get 24. to b!y 25. 1here is he living8 2 . 4o( many cars have the 2miths got8 2". 1ho s(itched off the comp!ter. 2#. 1hen (ill the meeting take place8 2$. 1hy is Anna learning /nglish8 3%.,y father allo(ed me to !se his car. 31. 't+s better to avoid traveling d!ring the r!sh ho!r. 32. ' look for(ard to meeting yo! again. 33. ' s!ggest visiting o!r teacher. 34. 0earning /nglish is *!ite easy. 35. ' e&pect him to get there by l!nchtime. 3 . 1o!ld yo! mind t!rning the radio do(n8 3". ' don+t feel like going to the movie tonight. 3#. 1hat abo!t going for a (ork8 3$. Do! had better take a rest. 4%. 4e s!ggested p!tting my l!ggage !nder the seat



'. 1. birth 2. athleteFchampion 3.save 4. on 5.(eight ''. . fo!ndation ". death #. ambitio!s $. had taken 1%. appearance '''. =%!!53 )%&3 "J%$t#53 4%+"3 t!%,i$3 E'9$%ti(&3 t(,"t4"!3 ,"&"!%#3 '"%t43 ?!(;"**(! IV. >(!' St!"** ?%tt"!& %&(t4"!

%&(t4"! :!i##i%&t :!i##i%&t "Jt!")"#5 "Jt!")"#5 i&t"!!9?t i&t"!!9?t *$i"&ti;i$ *$i"&ti;i$ 'i;;i$9#t 'i;;i$9#t V. 1. fo!ndF had broken 2. heard 3. had never met 4. had already 5. saidF had eaten . had read ". had not ridden #. had gone $. had.... (orkedF came 1%. gotF had arrived :'. 2entence 5ransformation 1 4ardly had he arrived at the station (hen the train started to move. 2. After she had (atched 5: she prepared her lessons. 3 4aving spent his childhood in =slo for ten years he ret!rned his home to(n. 4. Before ;ohn he passed the e&am he had (orked very hard for it. 5. 5he teacher advised !s to readFhave read the e&am *!estions very caref!lly . 5he mother reminded me to (ashFof (ashing my feet before going to bed. ". 't took him 2% min!tes to (alk to the cinema #. 1hat is yo!r date of birth8 $. ,y father (orks as a doctor 1%. ;im promised to look for that book for me



C(#9)& A LL 1. sorro(- (rong. photography 2. modern- congress 3. top 4. bo&- monitor 5. <ob- boss

C(#9)& B L>F 1. sport 2. talk- fo!r 3. (arm- importantco!rse 4. more- (alk 5. tho!ght- co!gh

C(#9)& A AFi!*t S5##%:#"B . mentally- passionstim!late ". time.cons!mingproper #. grad!ally- effort $. different- schoolinglabo!rer 1%. sorro(

C(#9)& B AS"$(&' S5##%:#"B . disabled ". s!btract- photography #. enclose- retarded $. admiring 1%. s!rro!nding- employre*!ire

11. deafness

12. 3rad!ally

13. blind

14. disabled

15.mentally retarded


1 . from 1". do(n 1#. to 1$. specific 2%. started 21. occ!r 22. lifted 23. opport!nity 24. !sed 25. s!rprised 2 . are 2". stayed 2#. doesn+t do 2$. ' !sed to go to the ch!rch (hen ' (as a child. 3%. ;ohn is al(ays late for class- (hich annoys his teacher. 31. 5he in<!red (ere taken to the hospital in the accident yesterday. 32. ;ohn !sed to smoke a lot a year ago. 33. 5he government is trying to establish more shelters to care for the homeless in the earth*!ake. 34. ,rs. U!yen !sed to teach the m!te. 35. =anh (orks very hard and al(ays gets good marks- (hich pleases her parents a lot. 3 . 5here is a special television program for the deaf every 2!nday morning. 3". 5he poor need helping by the government. 3#. 1e have lost her phone n!mber- (hich makes it diffic!lt to contact her. 3$. Desterday D!ong got mark 1% in maths- that made him very happy. -4i$4 4%. 1e sho!ld raise money to help the poverty in o!r city. ?((!


3ick the sound in its correct column ! 'mprovemen t Concl!de M!in & Mevol!tion (oman & !> & & & ! (rongdoing 'np!t 6oon s!gar ;!ne & & & & !> &

%ill in the blanks with the correct words given from the bo( 1. photocopier . transmission 2.internet ". send 3. vir!s #. floppy 4. do(nloaded 5. electric $. magical 1%. interact

%ill in the blank with a suitable pronoun. !who, whom, which" 1. (hich 2. (homF (ho 3. (ho 4. (hom 5. (ho :ive the correct forms of the words in the brackets 1. has belonged 2. have taken 4. has not been repaired 5. has been sho(n 3. have not kept

R"-!it" t4" *"&t"&$"* -it4 t4" -(!'* ?!(+i'"' 1. A letter has <!st been (ritten to his girl friend. 2. 5hese machines have not been !sed at least five years. 3. A ne( stadi!m has been b!ilt in my village by the local. 4. 4e has been p!nished beca!se of his la@iness by his father 5. 5hese problems have been talked abo!t five times.


Combine sentences using relative pronouns. 1. ' bo!ght the cell phone (hich ' can !se to send and receive e.mail. 2. ,y stereo- (hich ' bo!ght yesterday- doesn+t (ork today. 3. ' apologi@ed to the (oman (hose coffee ' spilled. 4. ,y nephe( - (hom yo!r son is playing (ith- is na!ghty. 5. 2ome doc!ments (hich (ere stolen from a car have been fo!nd.


'. FZF other- consider- yesterdayovertime- alone ''. 'ncreasing- previo!san&io!s e&pression- prepare L3NL c!rtain- her- dirty- t!rnbirthday

'''. 1. traveling 2.take.off 3.decisions 4.feel 5.comfortable ':. 1. am taking 2.are going to b!y 3.Are yo! going to redecorate 4.is starting 5.is closing .Are yo! going to do ".am giving #.are taking $.Are yo! going 1%.'s he going to (ash 11.'s speaking 12.am going to b!y 13.Are yo! going to make 14.am having 15.is ringing :. 1. 1e are going to travel to Dalat this s!mmer. 2. '+m flying to 0ondon this Iriday. 3. Are they going to help the poor children8 4. '+m playing tennis after school 5. 4e is going to b!y a ne( motorbike.



1. rain 2. mind 3. height 5. en<oy . b!y ". stay


#. decide $. choise 1%. destroy 11. die 12. boy 13. afraid 14. obey 3. A

L%IL LIL LIL L%IL LIL L"IL L"IL 4. B . digital ". decision

15. play 1 . kite 1". (eight 1#. spoil 1$. train 2%. try 5. D


4. neighbor L"IL


1. C 2. (eekly

III. 1. pop!larity


3. commercials 4. memorable 5. serio!s ':. 1. 4aven+t had F since 2. 4as (ritten F since 3. 4as eaten F for 4. 4aven+t played F for 5. 4ave seen F since

#. retirement $. prod!ctivity 1%. effectively . 4asn+t rained F since ". 4ave lived F since #. 4asn+t listened F since $. 4aven+t st!died F since 1%. 4as been F for

:. 1. Altho!gh he had been prevented from st!dying by his illness- he passed the final e&am last year. 2. 'n spite of the cold (eather- (e (ent s(imming 3. Beca!se of the rain- (e stopped playing tennis 4. Despite being tired- he still (ent on (orking 5. Beca!se he (as careless in (riting- he got bad marks . 'n spite of being ill F her illness. Ann insisted on going to (ork ". /ven tho!gh ' tried to pers!ade her- ' didn+t s!cceed. #. Beca!se this boy is la@y- he is ignorant $. Beca!se of her mother+s advice- she accepted the <ob 1%. ' have st!died /nglish for five years.


:roup the words that contain the same diphthong sounds into 9> 9 and 9a 9 columns FZF FaF 1 2 3 4 5 " # $ 1% phone bone note bo(l close road narro( over told sho!lder Co( to(n ho( mo!se co!ch flo(er dro!ght mo!ntain cro(ded cro(ed

3urn each direct speech statement into indirect speech with tense changes. 1. 4e said to them- 7 Don+t !se bent coins in a slot machine.9 4e told them not to !se bent coins in a slot machine. 2. 2he said to him- 7Memember to send this message to my father.9 2he told him to remember to send that message to her father.


3. 7 ' (ill come to see yo! as soon as possible9 4e told me he (o!ld come to see me as soon as possible. 4. CCaref!lJ Do!Cll fall thro!gh the ice.C ' (arned him he (o!ld fall thro!gh the ice. 5. CDo! m!st be home by $ oCclock.C 2he said that ' had to be home by $ o+clock. . C;ohn left here an ho!r ago.C 2he told me ;ohn had left there an ho!r before. ". C' easily beat everyone else in the race.C 4e boasted he had easily beaten everyone else in the race #. C'Cve been spending a lot more time (ith my children.C 4e mentioned he had been spending a lot more time (ith his children $. L' love yo!.+ said ,ary. ,ary said that she loved me. 1%. CDo! can stay in my ho!se (hen ' am on holiday.C ;im told !s that (e co!ld stay in his ho!se (hen he (as on holiday. &rite conditional sentences from these statements. 1.'f my brother has eno!gh money- 4e (ill b!y an /nglish. :ietnamese dictionary. 2.'f ' b!y a ne( hat- '+ll give yo! this one. 3. 'f the (eather is fine- ' (ill go for a s(im. 4. 'f yo! (ork hard- yo! (ill pass yo!r e&amination. 5. 'f he b!ys that big ho!se- he (ill need several servants. Rewrite the following sentences, using < 468$;;= 1. Do! (ill spoil it if yo! aren+t caref!l. Do! (ill spoil it !nless yo! are caref!l. 2. 'f yo! don+t eat anything- yo! (ill be ill. Do! (ill be ill !nless yo! eat something. 3. Do! (on+t pass yo!r e&amination if yo! don+t (ork hard. Do! (on+t pass yo!r e&amination !nless yo! (ork hard. 4. 4e (on+t speak Irench if he doesn+t go to Irance. 4e (on+t speak Irench !nless he goes to Irance 5. 'f yo! don+t ring the bell- the servant (on+t come. 5he servant (on+t come !nless yo! ring the bell. :ive the correct form of the verbs in brackets# 1. (ide 2. short 3. m!ddy 5. farm . follo(ing ". enclos!re $. better 1%. (orse 4. flood #.village


PR5646C*A3*56 iZ 1. bear 2. here 3. air !Z eZ


4. to!r 5. s!re . (here ". po!r #. idea $. care 1%. ear


G5CAB4AR? A 1. discovery 2. contrib!tion 3. mysterio!s 4. independent 5. investigation :RA++AR A 1. sho!ldn+t play 2. sho!ldn+t stay 3. sho!ld take 4. sho!ldn+t break 5. sho!ldn+t tell

B 1. oceanF oceans 2. island 3. seaF ocean 4. <ellyfish 5. (hale

B 1. (ere 2. (o!ld offer 3. (o!ldn+t mindF (ere 4. (ereF (o!ldn+t permit 5. (o!ld yo! choose

&R*3*6: A 1. Alan (o!ldn+t al(ays overeat at l!nch if he ate breakfast. 2. 'f ' kne( eno!gh abo!t the machine- ' co!ldF (o!ld mend it myself. 3. 6ick co!ldF (o!ld find the (ay if he had got a map. 4. 'f the (ind (eren+t blo(ing hard- ' (o!ld take the boat o!t for a ride. 5. 1e (o!ld visit o!r parents very often if they didn+t live so far a(ay. B 1. ' don+t think he sho!ld go to (ork. 2. ' think yo! sho!ld go to the dentist. 3. ' think yo! sho!ld take them back to the shop. 4. ' think yo! sho!ld tell them to b!y fr!it. 5. ' don+t think yo! sho!ld (ork so hard.

SUBJECTIVE PRACTICE TEST OF UNIT 10 . 1. L *# L N sleep- slim- slo(ly 2. F *)L N smith- smile- smell- smoke
3. L*&L N sno(- snore- snack- sno(y- snee@e 4. L *-L N s(im- s(itch- s(allo( 5. established ". provided . *!ickly #. ban

$. destroy 11. save 1%. e&ist 12. =!r e&ercises are corrected at home by the teacher. 13. Ali+s mother (as (orried abo!t his absence. 14. 2everal ne( schools are being b!ilt in o!r to(n. 15. 3reat progress in ind!stry- science and medicine has been made by !s. 1 . A lion (as killed last (eek. 1". Do!r report m!st be handed in before the end of this month.

1#. 5hat bo& hasn+t been opened for the past h!ndred years. 1$. Are these letters going to be mailed soon 8

2%. 5he report sho!ld have been finished yesterday. 21. 't is said that he is the richest man in o!r to(n. 22. 2he fell into (ater beca!se she (as p!shed by someone. . 23. 't+s the time the co(s are bro!ght in. 24. 1hat *!estions (ere set by the e&aminer 8 25. 2omething m!st be done for these poor men. 2 . ,y *!estion hasn+t been ans(ered properly. 2". 5his child has been bro!ght !p badly. 2#. ;ane (as promised a pri@e by her teacher if she (orked (ell. 2$. 0essons sho!ld be made more interesting for school children A by the teachersB. 3%. 5he ho!se (ill be locked !p for s!mmer and (ill be looked after by the old gardener. 31. 't is said that tortoises live longer than elephants. 32. An orange can not be eaten if it hasn+t been peeled. 33. Don+t let be seen by the others. 34. 1as yo! ta!ght ho( to behave 8 35. ' (as s!rprised to hear yo! had been robbed. 3 . 5he prices of the services are reasonable for every pocket 3". 5he Moyal 6ational ?ark is in 6e( 2o!th 1ales- A!stralia 3#. 2ir ;ohn Mobertson fo!nd the ?ark in 1#"$ 3$. 5he park is one of America+s greatest (ildness areas 4%. Desterday ' (ent to 5hanh Ba ?ost =ffice to send some money to my brother


C()?#"t" t4" *"&t"&$"* -it4 t4" $(!!"$t ;(!) (; t4" +"!:* i& t4" :(J. 1. contamination 5. abandoned $. released 2. endangered . defeated 1%. contains 3. located ". (as orphaned 4. e&plore #. establish

C()?#"t" t4" *"&t"&$"* -it4 t4" $(!!"$t ;(!) (; t4" -(!'* i& :!%$/"t*. 1. had goneF (o!ld have become 3. co!ld have goneF hadn+t got 5. (o!ld have forgotten 2. had missedF (o!ld have been late 4. had (alked . had hadF(o!ld have taken ". (o!ld have sent 1%. had told

#. (o!ld have beenF hadn+t kno(n 11. had beenF(o!ld have en<oyed 13. had left

$. (o!ldn+t have happened 12. (o!ld happenF fle(

14. had checkedF (o!ldn+t have got

15. had had

R"-!it" t4"*" ;(##(-i&, *"&t"&$"*3 9*i&, Conditional sentence type D 1. 'f he had prepared for the intervie(- he co!ld have got the <ob. 2. 1e (o!ldn+t have come home from o!r holiday early if (e hadn+t r!n o!t of money. 3. 'f ' had had eno!gh free time- ' co!ld have taken m!ch e&ercise. 4. 5he ho!se (o!ldn+t have b!rned do(n if the fire brigade had come immediately. 5. 'f the men hadn+t (orn protective clothing- they (o!ldn+t have been all *!ite safe. 6. 'f 5om had come- (e (o!ldn+t have cancelled the meeting.


7. 'f ' had kno(n ho( diffic!lt it (as - ' (o!ldn+t have taken the <ob. 8. 'f my father had earned m!ch money- life co!ld have been easy for !s. 9. Daniel (o!ld have bo!ght the book if he had had eno!gh money.

10. Andre( (o!ld have asked Irank 2inatra for his a!tograph if he had been brave eno!gh. 11. 'f she had said sorry- he (o!ldn+t have been angry. 12. 'f they had passed the e&amination - their parents (o!ld have been happy. 13. 'f 't hadn+t rained last night -' (o!ld have gone to the cinema. 14. 'f the (eather had been very nice- (e (o!ld have gone camping. 15. 'f the comp!ter hadn+t broken do(n- ' (o!ldn+t have stopped my (ork.


C()?#"t" t4"*" *"&t"&$"* -it4 t4" %??!(?!i%t" ;(!) (; t4" -(!'* i& ?%!"&t4"*"*. 1. 1orld C!p- the international football to!rnament is held every fo!r years. AnationB 2. Iootball is considered the most pop!lar sporting event in the (orld. Apop!larityB 3. 5here are 22 players in each football team. AplayB 4. 0ong (as selected to play in the professional football team last (eek. AprofessionB 5. 5he 1orld C!p is follo(ed (ith great interest aro!nd the globe. AinterestingB . 4e (as in competing (ith ten others- so he did (ell to (in the race. AcompeteB ". ,anchester players have been trying to score another goal b!t their efforts are !ns!ccessf!l. #. All competitors take part in the =lympic 3ames in the spirit of sportsmanship. AsportsmanB $. ,y brother is fond of doing scientific research AscienceB 1%. 2he hits the ball (ith great acc!racy Aacc!rateB >!it" t4" *(9&' ;(! t4" 9&'"!#i&"' #"tt"!* i& t4" ;(##(-i&, -(!'* 1. c!p FkF $. goal FgF 1". to!rnament FZF 2. city FsF 1%. gene FdF 1#. fo!nded FaF 3. victory FkF 11. champion FtF 1$. defeat FiF 4. cancer FsF 12. character FkF 2%. great FeF 5. region F dF 13. r!nner FF . governing FgF 14. stadi!m FZF ". knock FkF 15. record FF #. kick FkF 1 . (orld FF =%/" H9"*ti(&* ;(! t4" 9&'"!#i&"' ?%!t* (; t4" ;(##(-i&, *t%t")"&t* 1F 4o( do yo! go to school every day8 2F 1here does yo!rF o!r teacher live8 3F 1hen (ill the police come here8 4F 1ho is (orking in the field no(8 5F 1hat did she go to market for8F 1hy did she go to market8 F 1hy (as the boy glad8 "F 1hoAmB does this hand bag belong to8 #F 4o( often do yo! F (e have 3 /nglish classes8 $F 4o( many members are there in yo!r family8 1%F 4o( long does it take him to go to his office8


R"-!it" t4" *"$(&' *"&t"&$" *( t4%t it 4%* % *i)i#%! )"%&i&, t( t4" ;i!*t (&" 1. ,ary listens to classical m!sic to feel rela&ed 2. ?eter practices speaking /nglish to pass the oral test. 3. ,y mother goes to the grocery for some meat. 4. ' took my !mbrella in order not to get (et. 5. ,y parents save a lot of money to b!y a ne( ho!se. . ;ohn telephoned to invite me to his birthday party. ". Doing the morning e&ercises makes my grandfather stronger. #. 4e didnCt have eno!gh money to b!y a ne( motorbike. $. ' try to do my best in order not to make any mistakes. 1%. ' closed the door in order not to be dist!rbed.


%ill in each blank with a suitable form of the words given in the bo(. 1. actor 2. a!dience 3. silent 5. scene . entertainment ". prefers $. doc!mentary 1%. interested Rewrite the following sentences# 1. 't (as not !ntil 1% p.m. that he came home. 2. 't (as not !ntil she (as 2% that she began to (ork. 3. 't (as not !ntil ' (as in grade si& that ' st!died Irench. 4 't (as not !ntil the child (as 2 years old that he co!ld (alk. 5 't (as not !ntil 3.%% p.m. in the afternoon that 0an (as free. 1e (ere interested in the movie. " ' (as bored (ith the story. # 5an finds astronomy interesting. $ 5he (eather makes me depressed. 1%. 5hey (ere disappointed (ith the novel. Put the words into the right column of pronunciation of the underlined part L;L comfortable eno!gh la!gh football office L+L village 6ovember leaving 2tephen lovely 4. character #. cartoon

:ive the correct forms of participles of verbs in parentheses# 1. e&citing 2. interested 3. pleasing 4. boring . bored ". satisfied $. e&cited 1%. s!rprising

4. disting!ishing #. pleasing


Arrange these words into two rows of sounds 9g9 and 9k9 L,L game- gnat- gain- organi@e- gro!p- bag- vag!e- glass- ghost- leg L/L chor!s- scholar- character- scar- cook- cake- according- mechanic- school

Arrange these words into three rows of stress# first stress !-", second stress !B", or third stress !D" A1B A2B A3B hono!r- final- nation- series- captain- friendly- hero- postpone- football attract- compete- involve- event- bet(een- promote- defeat introd!ce- :ietnamese- vol!nteer

Complete these sentences with the appropriate words in the bo( 1. trophy #. victory 2. to!rnament $. defeated 3. participated 1%. professional 4. res!lt 11. spectators 5. stadi!m 12. r!les . hosted 13. competition ". scored Complete the sentences with <will= or <be going to= 1. (ill pass 2. is going to rain 3. (ill like 4. (ill meet 5. is going to st!dy . (ill come ". is going to fall #. am going to eat $. are going to give 1%. (ill look 4se the verbs in brackets with <will= or <be going to= 1. Are yo! going to ret!rn 2. (ill go 3. am going to spend 4. (ill be 5. am going to (ork . (ill beF is going to be ". am going to do #. am going to fail $. (ill not fail


Put 9z 9 or 99 before the words pronounced as 9z 9 or 99 . 1. 9z 9 . 99 2. 99 ". 9z 9 3. 99 #. 99 4. 9z 9 $. 99 5. 9z 9 1%. 9z 9 4se the superlative or comparative form of the words in brackets. 11. the most modern 12. the most boring 13. fartherF f!rther 14. the most !sef!l 15. (orse 1 . the richest 1". the cleverest 1#. lesser 1$. better 2%. more e&pensive Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses. 21. scientist 22. discoveries 23. (iden 24. representative 25. established 2 . preservation 2". endangered 2#. traditional 2$. m!sician 3%. <oyf!lness Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. 31. 5hat cell phone is more e&pensive than this cell phone. 32. 5he 5an Oy 4o!se is the oldest ho!se in 4oi An. 33. 5he table is as big as the desk. 34. 't+s the most romantic story '+ve ever read. 35. 6o one in ;eanny+s class is as tall as herF she is. 3 . 5he pen is mightier than the s(ord. 3". 5he bl!e b!ilding is higher than the orange one. 3#. 5he skirt is more e&pensive than the dress. 3$. Do! are fitter than ' am. 4%. 5his train is the most convenient.


1. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 2 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 3 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 4 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 5 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE . =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ". =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 " EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 # EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2 5 # 1% 13 1 1$ 23

54/ I'M25 5/M, ?MAC5'C/ 5/25


2# 3% 33 3 3$ 42 45

$. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 $ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1%. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 1% EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 11. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 11 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 12. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 12 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 13. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 13 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 14. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 14 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 15. =B;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

54/ 2/C=6D 5/M, ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 SUBJECTIVE TESTS


5% 52 54 5 5$ 1 3 5 " $ "1 "2 "4 " "#

1. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 2 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 3 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 4 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 5 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE . 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ". 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 " EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE #. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 # EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE $. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 $ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1%. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 1% EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 11. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 11 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 12. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 12 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 13. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 13 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 14. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 14 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 15. 2GB;/C5':/ ?MAC5'C/ 5/25 =I G6'5 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE



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