The Mufon Ufo Journal

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Founded 1967 SI.00


Humanoid in Puerto Rico

(See story, p. 3)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
To say that some humanoid and close encounter UFO cases
Seguin, Texas 78155 contain elements of "high strangeness" is to understate the matter.
RICHARD HALL Some of the reports can only be described as "bizarre" and
Editor "incredible." We serve notice here that their inclusion in the Journal
does not necessarily imply "belief" or acceptance, only a conviction
ANN DRUFFEL that such reports — when carefully investigated— deserve serious
Associate Edilor consideration in the attempt to unravel the baffling UFO mystery.
Some may prove to be hoaxes, or hallucinations, but some may also
LEN STRINGFIELD be true and, therefore, the most important data of all. The whole
Associate Editor
point is that we won't know what to think without investigation, and
writing off such reports as "impossible" would substitute
Director of MUFON
preconception for scientific study. We do not intend to ignore close
encounters of the first and second kind, examples of which appear in
this issue, since they constitute the basis for even considering the
Promotion/Publicity possible validity of CE-III cases. Even if we make the unlikely
assumption that all humanoid reports are false, there still remains a
REV. BARRY DOWNING large body of data establishing UFOs as a serious and important
Religion and UFOs problem. We intend to explore al! facets of the UFO mystery in a
continuing search for the truth.

In this issue
Extraterrestrial Life


By Sebastian Robiou Lamarche
By Cynthia Hind
By Bruce S. Maccabee
By Slava Mach & Ross Redeker
St. Louis/Mass Media NEW ZEALAND REPORTS 17
By Ann Druffel
By Walt Andrus

Editor/Publishers Emeritus


published by the Mutual UFO
Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas.
Subscription rates: $8.00 per year
in the U.S.A.; $9.00 per year
foreign. Copyright 1978 by the
Mutual UFO Network. Second
class postage paid at Seguin,
Texas. Publication identification
number is 2970. POSTMASTER:
The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue
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JOURNAL, 103 Oldtowne Rd., contributors are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the statement "Copyright 1978 by the MUFON UFO
Seguin, Texas 78155. those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON. Articles may be JOURNAL, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas'" is
forwarded directly to MUFON. included.
By Sebastian Robiou Lamarchc
(Submitted to MUFON Humanoid Study Group and translated by Lex Mebane)

On Tuesday, July 12, 1977, "animal" was almost up to the lamp- and it strongly reflected the light of the
Senor Adrian de Olmos Ordonez, 42, post, but on seeing the light he was street lamp, making it impossible to see
was the witness of the strange frightened. He looked up toward the the creature's face.
appearance of a humanoid 3.5 feet tall, light, and I think that he was coming as if The humanoid walked
from the gallery of his house where he looking for something — an energy or cautiously toward the lamp post,
was resting between 8:30 and 9:00 at current — because he was making reaching within about 10 feet of it, and
night, in the town of Quebradillas, directly for the lamp post. In his right about 30 feet from where the witness
Puerto Rico. hand he had a small object that was was. At this moment the witness was
This event was made widely shiny. The light fell on the crystal able to note that the strange being hejd
known the next day by the principal helmet that he wore, and showed that it something "the size of a matchbox,
radio stations and in the newspaper El was a tremendous thing. Then, when shiny, ending in a point" in his right
Vocero. On Saturday the 16th, we my light came on, he started running hand. Meanwhile he was looking fixedly
succeeded in having a long interview toward the fence. He passed under the toward the lamp post. This action made
with the witness, and with the barbed wire and then he stopped. He the witness think that the humanoid
neighbors who were witnesses of the put his hands on his belt, in front, and wanted in some manner to test, or take,
final part of the appearance, as well as there lighted up a box that he had on his electrical energy.
making an excursion to the spot where back, like a knapsack, producing a It was then that by a mistake, the
it happened. In our investigation we sound like that of an electric drill, and witness's daughter, Irasema de Olmos
were accompanied by our friend Jorge then he rose up and went away toward Padin, 16, lighted the bulb on the
Martin, who, with his skill in drawing, the trees. The neighbors and my family balcony. Then the humanoid "started
was able to illustrate graphically the by this time had come out, and saw the running back to where he had come
statements of the principal witness. We lights going from one tree to another for from," passed underneath the fence
will now put down the main statements about ten minutes, after which they wires, ard stopped, turning his back to
of Sr. de Olmos as to how the were lost from sight. the witness. He was able to note that on
appearance occurred: his back, like a knapsack, the humanoid
Details Of the Humanoid wore "a little box fastened on with two
On Tuesday the 12th, around The strange being was 3.5 feet. straps," and that he had a tail which did
8:30 or 9 at night, I was on the balcony tall. According to the witness, he saw not reach the ground. (See the
of my house, resting and taking the him when he came out of the darkness drawing.)
fresh air. Suddenly, something came up of the farm directly opposite his Immediately the strange being
from the finca (farm) which is opposite residence. The humanoid bent over "raised his hands to the belt — a wide,
the house. There emerged from the and passed under a barbed-wire fence, heavy belt — that he was wearing" and
darkness of the place a very small "walking normally, like a child." His immediately there lighted up, in the box
figure, passing underneath the barbed- proportions were normal except that on his back, "two red lights and two
wire fence. At first I thought it was a his arms were short. His whole body blue ones," giving the impression that
child who was playing...but then I was covered with a green garment that they were turning. Between the two
noticed that he was a very strange being seemed to be "inflated by air," because pairs of lights the box had "an opening
because of his equipment...and I it was not fastened to the body of the or something." When the lights went
realized that he was someone I would creature. His head was covered by a on, from the lower part of the object
have to treat cautiously. He came on, helmet of metallic appearance, which there emerged two downward-directed
walking normally, up to the light — up on its upper part changed into a sort of jets of light, which the witness says were
to a street-light post which was antenna, on the point of which "there of the color of "welding-machine
opposite the house. I then called to my was a little light or flame." From the sparks." At the same time he heard a
daughter Irasema, while he was moving helmet itself, of a lighter green than the humming noise like that of a small
cautiously to the post, which bore a garment, there came out on each side electric drill.
mercury light. I asked her to get me a "something that looked like pointed Next, the humanoid rose up in
pencil and paper, to see if I could sketch ears." The helmet was joined to the the direction of the trees nearest the
the figure. I told her to put on the light in garment by a dark fringe at neck level. farmhouse, to a height estimated as 10-
the room, but she made a mistake and He had some kind of crystal (glass) 12 feet. At this time the daughter of the
turned on the outside light. Now the from his forehead to his neck in front, (Continued on next page) 3
(Humanoid Continued) children," for which reason the police of a broken-off branch, in process of
witness came out on the balcony arid stayed on guard until dawn. drying up, on the mango tree toward
was able to see the lights coming out which, according to the witness, the
from the supposed propulsive The next day, the news spread humanoid had made his way on his
apparatus. Then the wife, Dominga like wildfire, and the place was invaded incredible flight. This detai, had not
Padin de Olmos, and the son, Rafael by a hundred curiosity-seekers, made been observed by the witness, who
Edgardo, of the witness also came up in great part of the pupils of the does not reject the possibility of its
outside. town's public school. The same day, the having been produced by the creature.
news was given out by several radio
What Happened Next stations, and was published in the daily A neighbor woman, who doesn't
According to our inquiry, the paper El Vocero on Friday the 15th. want to identify herself because of her
humanoid moved off horizontally, In spite of extended investiga- advanced age, remarked that on
"lifting up his tail," and "like tion, the local police have given no Sunday the 10th, two days before the
Superman," about 420 feet, the explanation of the matter. incident, she had seen a luminous
distance at which are found the first object fall in the same place, to which
trees on the farm. By this time a group Observations she did not give due attention. The
of neighbors had gathered, listening to According to Sr. de Olmos, the same night as the humanoid, a farmer in
what Sr. de Olmos was saying. Among nearby presence of the humanoid the region reported that all his cattle
the neighbors there were: Marvel, lasted only about a minute. Details such were frightened by some unexplained
Daniela and Josefina Gonzalez, Luis, as that the strange being "had only four - happening, jumping at the fences and
Carlos, and Iris Cortes, Mercedes fingers" and that his feet "looked like producing many injuries.
Medina de Leon, Minerva, Betsaida and those of a duck" are of interest among
Ivi Mena Lugo. All of them were able to the strange factors of the case, and may Conclusions
see, during the 10 minutes following, be explained by the witness's faculty of Although in this case the
that the lights emitted by the box on the observation, because he had a hobby of presence of an unidentified flying object
creature's back "were jumping from drawing. was not reported, the case certainly
tree to tree," at times coming down to Our investigation brought out comes within the limits of UFO
the level of the ground. According to the fact that the witness is a reliable phenomenology. It seems that it could
the principal witness, they were able to person and is considered very be a new aspect, such as occurred
observe that there was another "similar industrious by all his neighbors. His principally in the U.S. during the 1973
light, doing the same." This makes him business consists of the distribution of wave (see Webb, 1973-Year of the
think that there was another "animal products for cattle, throughout the Humanoids.) The case occurs
like the one I saw" which, according to entire northeastern zone of the island. unconnected with a UFO case in our
his impression, was "helping the other," He had never been interested in UFO country, with the exception of two
because he had had the impression that phenomena and similar subjects. separate cases reported in Caguas and
"the little dingus on his back wasn't "Now," he said to us, "I believe in those Rincon in April and May respectively.
working well" when it was lighted up, things, and I intend to read up about
about 40 feet away from the witness. them." The reporting of sporadic cases
As a consequence of his both in time and in space seems to be
Finally, the phenomenon sighting, the witness had intestinal the predominant characteristic
disappeared, but not before all the trouble for two days, eating hardly throughout the whole world during
neighbors had noted that the cattle of anything and easily irritated, especially 1976 and 1977. Even so, many of the
the farm had "gone crazy," running by his wife, as she confirms. cases reported, such as the one
from one place to another and lowing. presented here, contain the same
Several dogs in the neighborhood, The witness's son, Rafael puzzling aspects.
including the witness's bitch, "Luly," Edgardo, 15, found next day tracks
were barking frantically at the dark which he thought had been left by the
farm. humanoid. Another track left on the
After a while, the police ground near the street was destroyed
patrolmen Jotinny Ramos and William by curious people and by rain before it
Castro arrived. They were the first of a could be photographed. Our
series of state police who arrived later. investigation of the site 4 days after the
The excitement in the neighborhood event found no physical traces, nor did
was such that many mothers were we find in the area any abnormal
afraid that "they were carrying off reading of magnetism or radioactivity.
4 However, we must mention the finding
By Cynthia Hind
(MUFON Representative for Rhodesia)

Although the following incident and moved swiftly in both an horizontal longer; so now I think I have seen the
occurred as far back as 18th May, 1958, plane and a vertical plane, all the time lot. Next time, if there is a next time, I
I only recently came to hear about it, making this rustling noise together with hope we will be more prepared and
and after advertising in the local a high-pitched vibrating sound. We have a powerful spotlight together with
newspaper, was lucky enough to be put watched it for a few moments and then I cameras, etc. Unfortunately, although
in touch with the people concerned. ran inside to fetch my torch, [flashlight- the night was a very bright one, there
Ed.]. When I came out again, the object was moon at the time and this thing
Ray Burl was in the Royal Air had disappeared. However, the six of merged easily with the darkness. There
Force during the war and is a well us waited and not long after, we heard was not a breath of wind or the
respected member of the community. this 'swish-swish' again and sure suggestion of a breeze to keep any
Besides, there were several witnesses, enough, down came this strange thing other object such as a kite airborne and
so one can hardly think that he pulled in a spiral movement and once more, anyway, it's movements were too fast
this incident 'out of his thumb.' The hovered over the house, not more than and sure and varied for it to have been
Burl's were living at the time at 5, 50-60 ft. up, if that. When it had come as anything remotely resembling or
Kirkaldy Road, Famona, which is one of low as it seemed it would, 1 put the beam approaching a common or garden
the better suburbs of Bulawayo, in of the torch on it and lit it up slightly. It's kite!"
Rhodesia. Mr. Burl tells his own story: belly was a dull metallic grey color, very Subsequent to this "happening,"
faintly luminous. On the torch-light the Burl's baby daughter Gillian (Ginny
"I arrived back from Selukwe at striking it, it shot off in an horizontal for short) became ill. They could not
about seven in the evening and in due plane but I kept the beam on it. It then understand what was wrong, but the
course my wife Yvonne and I went to rose vertically until the torch could no child kept on vomiting — everything
bed. At about 10:30, Yvonne, who had longer hold it and finally shot off, that she ate came back as quickly as it
been reading in bed whilst I was dozing, climbing into the heavens and went down. They called in the family
suddenly sat up and asked me what that disappeared in a southerly direction. doctor and he could not understand
noise was. I had not heard anything, but why the child was so thoroughly
she described it as a 'rustling' noise, "It was an eerie experience and dehydrated. Mr. Burl, rather
similar to paper being swished about. I left me ice cold. One of the ladies was reluctantly, then told the doctor of the
was too sleepy to pay much attention sick to the stomach and heaved her family's experience on the Sunday
and rolled over and slept again. dinner up and spent the rest of the night night, and the doctor became
being ill on and off —• nerves, I guess. I somewhat alarmed as he thought the
"At 1:15 AM we were awakened am positive that it was nothing man- symptoms could have arisen from
by one of our neighbors at the window. I made and nothing that we know on this radiation from the mysterious object.
was a bit alarmed because these Earth. It showed no lights and left no The reason for the sickness was never
neighbors are three women with no trail and except for the faint luminous pinpointed, but the child did recover
man in the house and I immediately belly, was difficult to judge as to depth. and has grown up into an attractive
thought that they were being disturbed It looked something like a book which young woman.
by intruders hanging about. Anyway, had been opened in the middle and as it An interesting sidelight to this
that was not the case! They had been hovered, so the extreme edges of what event is that in 1975,1 sent in a report to
up late entertaining one of the girl's might have been described as it's wings, MUFON about a Dr. and Mrs. Charles
fiancee's and on coming out to see him fluttered in a manner similar to a hawk Morris who had an experience with a
away, they saw a peculiar object in the poised before swooping. That is, there UFO on the Sinoia-Salisbury Road near
sky, low down over our house. was very little movement at all except the Dyke. The Dyke is a ridge of uneven
for the oscillating at the edges. height running across a section of
"We got up and from the Rhodesia and known to contain several
bedroom window could see the 'thing*. "We have, as is I suppose minerals which are being mined. At 8:30
We put on our gowns and nipped natural, had our legs pulled about it all, on Thursday, October 30th, the
outside for a better look at it. It was but when six adults see the same thing Morris' noted a light in the sky, which
difficult to establish an exact size and at the same time and are all of the same at that time was stationary. They
shape but it was roughly rectangular opinion, my previous skepticism stopped the car to watch it and after a
and about five by three feet in regarding space-craft, flying saucers,
dimension. It hovered over the house call them 'what you will* - exists no (Continued on next page)
Australia MYSTERY
Adelaide, Australia
(From the Melbourne Herald. April 8, 1978. Submitted by Paul Jackson,
News-Dec. 15, 1977
MUFON Representative for Tasmania)
ECHUCA: Tests on
•ample* of soil and grass
taken from Leitchvllle's
UFO tauter circle early
Two UFOs acting in concert the distance, Geoffrey arrived, too late last week have revealed
that the barn marks were
were observed March 30 in the hills to use the camera. caused by electrical dis-
near Albury, Australia, by Christopher "As I was riding back to where charge.
Kloppenborg, 25, and his brother Chris was," Geoffrey related, "I could Mrs, Yvonne Church,
wife of the farmer who
Geoffrey, 22. The brothers were see a second smaller object coming discovered the rings saya
mustering the sheep about 7:30 AM on over the hills toward the big one. It there are no power lines
"Old Toonallook," their parents' seemed to turn in front of the bigger or electricity poles any-
property, when the sighting occurred. where near the paddock
object and they both disappeared over where the rings were dis-
the hills to the east." covered.
"I was on the motorbike going Mr. Paul Norman, of the
Australian UFO Society,
along the top of the hill when I looked The boys' parents said the tests on the soil
across the valley and saw a large followed Geoffrey to the valley in a and grass taken from the
ring were being conducted
object," Geoffrey said. "My first truck, but arrived too late to see the by a team of professional
thought was that it was a plane but then objects. Mrs. Kloppenborg said, "When laboratory technicians in
Melbourne, who wanted to
I realized it was too close to the hills and we got to the boys Christopher was remain anonymous,
it was stationary....It was very bright--a standing there as white as a sheet. All
chrome or mercury color and hovering the blood had drained from his face. I Mark R. Herbstritt
in the sky above a tree-lined hill. I left
the sheep and rode down the hill to get
They told us what they had seen, but
when we discussed it later they asked stronomy
my brother Chris and told him to bring us not to say anything as they were
the binoculars."
Christopher joined his brother
embarrassed by what they had seen
and didn't think anyone would believe
at the top of the rise, and could see the them." Mercury — On May 9th, Mercury is at
object across the valley, casting a Reporter Richard Willis greatest elongation west (26 degrees)
shadow on the hillside. They took turns interviewed the boys separately and but because of the unfavorable
observing it through binoculars for confirmed that they were extremely orientation of the ecliptic, the planet is
about 5-8 minutes, then Geoffrey reluctant to talk about the experience. only 11 degrees above the horizon at
headed back to the homestead to get a His story lead refers to an "eerie sunrise at this time.
camera. silence" that prevailed during the
"1 realized with rather a shock sighting, but this point is not elaborated Venus — At sunset it is about 26
that it was an unidentified object," on in the story. The fact that the large degrees above the western horizon and
Christopher said. "It appeared to have UFO cast a shadow on the hillside sets about 2l/2 hours later. On the 5th it
black shapes along its side but I'm not established its distance to be about one is 6 degrees north of Aldebaran and on
saying whether they were windows or mile at that point. the 28th it is 1.6 degrees north of
not. We were looking at it from what Jupiter.
appeared to be the side and it seemed
to be shaped like a short cigar." (African Sightings Continued) Mars - Moving from Cancer into Leo, it
is past the meridian at sunset and sets
As he heard Geoffrey returning while it moved around a small hill and about 5% hours later.
on the motorbike, Christopher saw a took off parallel to the road. The object
second object, smaller and shaped like was quite brilliant, and appeared Jupiter — In Gemini, it is about 35
a stingray, come over the top of the elongated rather than round. It was in degrees above the Western horizon at
hiOs. "It swept in a slow arc, then turned two sections: a small front and a larger sunset and sets about 3 hours later. On
beside the bigger craft. They both took rear. There was a droning noise May 28th it is 1.6 degrees south of
off and headed east over bush associated with it. It eventually Venus.
country." As the objects moved off in disappeared in the distance. Mrs.
Charles Morris is Mr. Burl's eldest Saturn — In Leo, it is past the meridian
daughter! at sunset and sets at about midnight.
By Bruce S. Maccabce
MUFON State Director for Maryland
(Copyright Bruce S. Maccabee, 1977)

NOTE: The preceding installment southwestern United States. Reports of 'flying saucers'. The first such reported
(issue No. 123, February) was these fireballs were made by many from Sweden, and it was thought that
accidentally labelled "Part 3" instead of credible individuals, so by the end of the objects, the nature of which was
"Part 4." December, it was clear that a real unknown, might have originated in
phenomenon was being observed. The Russia.
Green Fireballs, from sources intelligence group that had been "In July 1948 an unidentified
other than the FBI file we know that by investigating flying discs was now given aircraft was 'seen' by an Eastern
the fall of 1947 the Air Force Intelligence another job: to find out what the green Airlines Pilot and Co-Pilot and one or
had decided that "flying discs" were real fireballs were and why they seemed to more passengers of the Eastern Airlines
objects.10*52 Later, in the summer of be concentrated over certain areas. plane over Montogomery, Alabama
1948 a dominant feeling of the Moreover, the FBI was brought back (Note: Chiles-Whitted case, July 24,
intelligence group working on the UFO into the picture because of their interest 1948). This aircraft was reported to be
reports was that they were in the protection of vital installations. of unconventional type without wings
extraterrestrial. This caused them to The story of the fireball investigations and resembled generally a 'rocket ship'
write the "legendary" estimate of the (Project Grudge and Project Twinkle) of the type depicted in comic strips. It
situation mentioned by Ruppelt10*21 in can be found in detail else- was reported to have had windows: to
which they argued that the discs were where.53' M> 55> M I will present here have been larger than the Eastern
extraterrestrial. When this "estimate" information received by the FBI which Airlines plane, and to have been
met with disfavor at the hands of Gen. indicates how the AF "felt" about these traveling at an estimated speed of 2700
Vandenburg, the intelligence group phenomena. miles an hour. It appeared out of a
began to tend toward explaining things The first document relating to thunderhead ahead of the Eastern
away in any manner possible. Also, as a the green fireballs is dated January 31, Airlines plane and immediately
result of the standard military 1947, and it was filed under the heading disappeared in another cloud narrowly
procedure of transferring officers from "Protection of Vital Installations, missing a collision with the Eastern
place to place, and because of natural Bureau File #65-58300." Because it Airlines plane. No sound or air
attrition involving tours of duty, the provides a good overview of the green disturbance was noted in connection
personnel in the intelligence group fireball-disc situation through January with this appearance.
began to change considerably. 1947, I will reproduce it in full:
"During the past two months
The new personnel were "At recent Weekly Intelligence various sightings of unexplained
apparently not as impressed with the Conferences of G-2, ONI, OSI, and phenomena have been reported in the
reports obtained in 1947 and 1948, and F.B.I., in the Fourth Army Area, vicinity of the A.E.C. Installation at Los
so were not as likely to accept new Officers of G-2, Fourth Army have Alamos, New Mexico, where these
reports as accurate descriptions of real discussed the matter of 'Unidentified phenomena now appear to be
phenomena. Thus they found it easier Aircraft' or 'Unidentified Aerial concentrated. During December 1948
to explain reports by ignoring certain Phenomena' otherwise known as on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, llth, 13th,
aspects of them and by stretching 'Flying Discs', 'Flying Saucers' and 14th, 20th and 28th sightings of
mundane explanations (e.g., balloons, 'Balls of Fire'. This matter is considered unexplained phenomena were made
birds, etc.) to the limit of their top secret by Intelligence Officers of near Los Alamos by Special Agents of
credibility. Consequently, by the end of both the Army and the Air Forces. the Office of Special Investigation:
1948 the idea that disc reports might be (Note: This sentence was underlined in Airline Pilots; Military Pilots; Los
a manifestation of a truly new the original copy by the FBI agent who Alamos Security Inspectors, and
phenomenon was in disfavor, and wrote it.) private citizens. On January 6, 1949,
investigations of such reports were "It is well known that there have another similar object was sighted in
handled in a very low-key manner. been during the past two years reports the same area.
from the various parts of the country of "Dr. Lincoln La Paz, a
However, in December of 1948 the sighting of unidentified aerial Meteorologist (sic) of some note, has
green fireballs began "threatening" objects which have been called in
certain highly restricted areas in the newspaper parlance 'flying discs' and (continued on nexf page)
(FBI Files, continued) been known to have been sighted, been confined to the Los Alamos, Las
been generally in charge of the however, at any intermediate point Vegas, and West Texas Triangle."
observations near Los Alamos, between Russia and Los Alamos, but
attempting to learn characteristics of only at the end of the flight toward the The report stated that on
the unexplained phenomena. Up to this apparent 'target', namely, Los Alamos. November 1, 1948, higher Military
time little concrete information has authorities claimed that the Air Force
been obtained. There have been day "In every case but one the shape advised that sightings occurred
time sightings which are tentatively of the objects has been reported as periodically and that "another period of
considered to possibly resemble the round in a point of light with a definite sitings (sic) was then imminent." On
exhaust of some type of jet propelled area to the light's source. One report February 14, 1949, "higher military
object. Night-time sightings have taken gives a diamond shape; another authorities advised that it was believed
the form of lights usually described as indicated that trailing lights are that ultimately it would be found that
brilliant green, similar to a green traffic elongated. The size is usually compared the phenomena in question have a
signal or green neon light. Some reports to one-fourth the diameter of the full natural explanation." The report also
indicated that the light began and ended moon, and they have also been mentioned some sightings around
with a red or orange flash. Other compared in size to a basketball with Camp Hood, Texas, in early March and
reports have given the color as red, trailing lights the size of a baseball. On stated "There appears to be reason to
white, blu-white (sic), and yellowish no occasion has sound been associated believe that the above-mentioned
green. Trailing lights sometimes directly with the phenomena, but phenomena (i.e., "flares" near Camp
observed are said to be red. The unexplained sounds have been Hood) may be connected with secret
spectrum analysis of one light indicates reported from Los Alamos. On two experiments being conducted by some
that it may be a copper compound of occasions reports have been received U.S. Government Agency as it is
the type known to be used in rocket of the sighting of multiple units. Some believed that the United States is
experiments and which completely nine scientific reasons are stated to farther advanced in guided missile
disintegrates upon explosion, leaving . exist which indicated that the development than any foreign power."
no debris. It is noted that no debris has phenomena observed are not due to It is interesting to note the
ever been known to be located meteorites (sic). The only conclusions reappearance of the "secret U.S.
anywhere resulting from the reached thus far are that they are either device" as an explanation that might
unexplained phenomena. hitherto unobserved natural appeal to the intelligence community.
phenomena or that they are man made. This suggests that there was no doubt
"Recent observations have No scientific experiments are known to that the phenomena were real, and
indicated that the unidentified exist in this country which could give therefore the intelligence community,
phenomena travel at a rate of speed rise to such phenomena." or at least part of it, felt the objects must
estimated at a minimum of three miles be man-made.
per second and a maximum of twelve About two months later, the FBI
miles per second, or a mean calculated headquarters received further FBI Policy Restated. The
speed of seven and one-half miles a information about the status of the upsurge in AF interest in unidentified
second, or 27,000 miles an hour. Their fireball investigation.58 In this report the aerial phenomena in late 1948 and early
reported course indicates that they FBI agent reemphasized the secret 1949 resulted in a re-statement of the
travel on an East-West line with classification and pointed out that "G-2, earlier policy by the FBI. The policy
probability that they approach from the 4th. Army, has now advised that the after October 1, 1947, was set by
Northern quadrant, which would be the above matter is now termed bulletin #57 of that year: "All future
last stage of the great circle route if they 'Unconventional Aircraft' and reports connected with flying discs
originated in Russia. (Note: compare investigations concerning such matters should be referred to the Air Forces
this with the information supplied to the have been given the name 'Project and no investigative action should be
Stamford, Conn., office about the Grudge'." The report mentioned that taken by Bureau agents." The lack of
possibility of orbiting atomic bombs in the USAF Air Materiel Command had UFO reports during late 1947 and
1947 presented earlier.) When the primary responsibility for throughout 1948 (there was one good
observed they seem to be in level flight investigating the "Green fireball report in 1948 in the section of the file
at a height of six to ten miles and thus phenomena" and that "since December that I have) indicates that the FBI
traveling on a tangent to the earth's 5,1948 there have been more than ten agents were following instructions very
surface. They occasionally dip at the incidents analogous to the 'green well.
end of the path and on two occasions a fireballs' described above and some Early in 1949 it became clear to
definite vertical change in path was twenty others with miner (sic) the FBI that the Air Force was taking
indicated. These phenomena have not deviations, from the above. It is also reports of anomalous phenomena
8 pointed out that the only sitings (sic) seriously, as was indicated by the.
which had occurred seemed to have publication of a document dated
February 15, 1949 and entitled "Air Ladd converning "FLYING DISCS" Bureau, it is believed that the captioned
Intelligence Requirements Memoran- (March 14, 1949):5' matter is of sufficient importance to the
dum Number 4" which was signed by internal security of the country that our
General C.P. Cabell, Major General, "The approval of the Executives field offices should secure as much
USAF, Director of Intelligence, Office Conference is requested for the information as possible from
of the Deputy Chief of Staff, attached SAC letter furnishing to the complainants in order to assist the
Operations. This document was a field the type of information desired by Department of the Air Force."
prototype sighting form which had a the Intelligence Division of the Air
twofold purpose: (a) to enunciate Force in connection with the captioned The attached letter to Special
continuing Air Force requirements for matter (flying discs). You will recall that Agents in Charge (SAC) was accepted
information pertaining to sightings of by Bulletin #57, Series 1947, dated and published as SAC Letter #38 on
unconventional aircraft and October 1,1947, the field was advised March 25, 2959. The letter read as
unidentified flying objects, including the that effective as of that date the Bureau follows:"
so-called "flying discs" and (b) to had discontinued its investigative
establish procedures for reporting such activities in connection with flying discs. "Your attention is directed to
information. Any information obtained The field was advised that all future Bureau Bulletin #57, Series 1947, dated
was to be submitted on AF form 112 (a reports concerning this matter received October 1, 1947, relating to the
sighting form) which could be filled out in the field should be referred to the Air discontinuance of investigation by this
by the observer. Forces. Bureau in matters concerning flying
The Requirements Memoran- "Mr. E., (name crossed off) discs. For your confidential
dum, which was marked restricted, was Resident Engineer, Air Materiel information, a reliable and confidential
apparently to be filled out by the person Command, Nuclear Energy for the source has advised the Bureau that
interviewing the witness (i.e., by an Propulsion of Aircraft Research (Note: flying discs are believed to be man-
agent of the Air Force, FBI, CIA, or Project NEPA), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, made missiles rather than natural
whatever) and, along with the usual has recently and confidentially advised phenomenon. It has also been
questions about time, location, the Bureau thatflyingdiscs are believed determined that for approximately the
directions and duration of sighting, by the Air Force to be man-made past four years the USSR has been
appearance, etc., it included questions missiles rather than some natural engages in experimentation on an
that would pertain to details about phenomenon and that as much as four unknown type of flying disc. The
aircraft (wings, aerodynamic list of years ago it was learned that some type Department of the Air Force has
fuselage, type of propulsion, visible of flying discs were being experimented furnished to the Bureau the attached
exhaust, existence and location of upon by the Russians. It was further memorandum classified "restricted"
stabilizers, air ducts, slots, etc.) and determined from Mr. E. that most all of dated February 15, 1949, entitled
questions that pertained to the the flying discs seen by persons in the "Unconventional Aircraft". This
observer (hobbies; ability to determine United States approached this country memorandum is being furnished to you
speed, color, angular size; reliability as from a northerly direction and returned in order that all agents assigned to your
determined by acquaintances, police in the same direction, indicating the office can be informed of the type of
and FBI records, and the employer). strong possibility that they are coming information desired by the Air Force in
from Russia. this matter.
This m e m o r a n d u m was "The Department of the Air "As set forth in Bureau Bulletin
circulated to the Commanding Force has furnished to the Bureau a #57, referred to above, no investigation
Generals of the Major Air Commands sufficient number of copies of a should be conducted by your office
throughout the world, all U.S. Air memorandum dated February 15,1949 relative to flying discs, however, the
Attaches, the Director of the CIA, captioned "Unconventional Aircraft" attached memorandum should be
Special Assistant for Research and which can be furnished to our field referred to in securing data from
Intelligence of the Department of State, offices. At the present time this Bureau persons who desire to voluntarily
Director of Intelligence of GSUSA, the is conducting no investigation of furnish information to your office
Chief of Naval Intelligence, the information received in the field relating relating to flying discs, (signed, John
Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, to the captioned matter. It is Edgar Hoover, Director)."
and the Director of the FBI. The receipt recommended that the attached SAC
of this memorandum, plus the letter and enclosure be forwarded to This letter, which was referred
confidential information from the the field to advise them of the type of to several times in later years, forms the
Resident Engineer at Oak Ridge questions to be asked of persons who basic core of FBI policy: don't go out
referred to in a previous section of voluntarily (underlining by present and try to obtain UFO information, but
these papers, plus the green fireball author) submit information relative to if someone volunteers it, here are the
flap, resulted in the following 'flying discs'. Although no active 9
memorandum from Mr. Fletcher to Mr. investigation will be conducted by the (continued on next page)
(FBI Files Continued) action you desire and no investigation is clicking to be in the sky in an area about
questions you should ask. It is being conducted relative thereto by this 40 degrees from the surface of the earth
interesting that the information Bureau. "Although the SAC did not in an easterly direction. The sky
furnished by the Resident Engineer (the investigate this case he apparently took condition was 20000 thin broken (i.e.,
confidential source) was used as the more than just a passing interest in the thin clouds at about 20,000 feet) with 12
justification for this letter. The Resident next case in the FBI file, for he wrote miles visibility and surface winds were
engineer had himself admitted that he about it to headquarters on May 13, reported as north nine M.P.H. at Castle
was not directly involved with the A.F. 1949. This letter also indicates that the Air Force Weather Station. My home is
UFO investigation, yet he was FBI was "plugged into" the news media. approximately seven miles south of
considered to be an authority. The letter follows:62 Castle AFB and in an area somewhat
sheltered from surface winds, and no
1949 UFO Cases in the FBI "On May 5, 1949, Mr a appreciable surface wind was apparent
file. The next interoffice memorandum .eporter for the Sun-Star newspaper, at the time the aural observation was
of interest in the portion I obtained was Merced, Cal., advised Special Agent.... made. After about ten seconds of
written in March 1950. Therefore, to (call him SA) that his paper had been looking into the area described
maintain the historical order of contacted by Lt. Col Intelligence previously as being the source of this
presentation, I will turn from the Officer, Castle Air Force Base, Merced, sound, an object was observed
collection of memoranda to the Calif., relative to any reports that the blanking out stars in describing a flight
collection of good UFO cases once newspaper might have received path in a west or northwesterly
again. As pointed out before, 1948 was concerning "flying discs" in the Merced direction. Only one object was
a dry year for UFO cases as far as the vicinity. Mr stated a close friend of apparent, its shape can be described as
FBI was concerned. (According to his, one 12-A Langdon Villa, only a solid mass. Its size can be
Project Blue Book Special Report #14 Merced, had advised him that he had estimated as four or five feet in diameter
the Air Force received 205 reports observed a strange object, and as he is in keeping with an estimated altitude of
caused by an estimated 143 objects; in the Air Corps Reserve, he reported considerably less than 1000 feet. Color
some were foreign reports. This same to the Intelligence Officer at was shown by the reflection of ground
number of reports can be compared Castle Field. lights on only two occasions, and it
with 117 in 1947, 395 in 1949 and 306 in "On the same date Mr appeared to be dull surfaced, light
1950, some of which were from foreign Detachment Commander, Office of colored metal. The only ground lights of
sources.) However, in 1949 things Special Investigations, Castle Air Force intensity were a row of street lights
picked up again. Perhaps the FBI Base, Merced, Cal. advised SA that he behind me one half block which leads
agents forgot they were supposed to had heard that an individual had me to believe the under surface of this
keep out of the UFO business. reported seeing a "flying disc" to the object to be curved in shape.
Intelligence Officer at the Base but that
In January and in March the FBI the Intelligence Officer had not 'This object when first sighted,
received brief reports of bright objects furnished the information to him. was moving very slowly in a west or
over Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque, Mr later on the same date northwesterly direction. I would
N.M., and at the Killeen Base near contacted SA and exhibited a letter estimate that I had it in my range of
Camp Hood, Texas. These reports written by Lt. Col., USAF, vision for 35 seconds, after having
were not investigated by the FBI. A Adjutant (Intelligence Officer) to heard it about ten seconds before
report which was investigated will now Commanding General, Air Material locating it. It passed on beyond the
be presented. On May 3, 1949, J.E. (sic) Command, Wright-Patterson house and maneuvered through an arc
Hoover received a letter from the AFB, Wright Field, Ohio. This letter of turn to the left of about ninety
Special Agent in Charge (SAC) at Los contained a statement given by Mr degrees. The clicking sound was
Angeles which stated:61 "A reliable and (the witness who was a friend of the continuous throughout this rum,
confidential source has recently newspaper reporter and who was in the however, it became louder as it
advised this Bureau that during the first Air Corps Reserve)...which read as returned on its new heading of south or
part of April, 1949 (name blanked follows: southwest. On its return the clicking
out) Hollywood 27, California, had 'I had occasion to step from my sound became louder, but I was unable
informed him that three employees of home, located approximately one mile to see at this time. The clicking stopped
the Department of Recreation in Parks west of the town of Merced, on the when it was at its greatest intensity and
in the city of Los Angeles had noticed night of April 4, 1949, at approximately appeared to come from a position
objects in the sky which appeared to be 2220 (i.e., 10:20 P.M.). My attention was directly over head. I was unable to see
flying discs. The above information is diverted to a clicking noise of the object after the sound stopped.
being furnished to you for whatever considerable intensity. I stopped on the
sidewalk about 20 feet from the front 'This clicking sound retained the
10 steps and recognized the source of this same pitch and speed throughout the
entire course observed, but intensity Special Investigations (OSI) as document contains a letter to the OSI
varied. There was no whistle or roar, practice bombing missions. with a summary of this case, but, since
but only the clicking noise which might it is not listed in the "table of contents"
be compared to beaters of a home • Letter from SAC, Little Rock, of the Project Blue Book microfilm
mixer that were not properly meshed. which shows that the FBI agent record, it may never have reached the
No lights or flame were observed during interviewed a Ft. Smith, appropriate Air Force authorities.
the entire course with exception of the Arkansas, resident about a Since, therefore, it may not be available
previous described reflections twice. sighting made while the in any collection of cases, I am
No exhaust trail was distinguishable. observer was stopped at an presenting it here in full.
My dog was with me and directed her intersection on April 16, 1949.
attention in the general direction of this The SAC letter to the FBI According to the cover letter
object's flight throughout its course. headquarters stated that "the from the FBI agent who received the •
She had been romping with me on offices of OSI and MID have information, Mr. ...(name crossed off)
coming out of the house but without been notified....". gave a letter to the resident agent at
spoken word stopped and directed her Charleston, West Virginia. "Mr
attention on to (sic) the previously • A letter with newspaper stated that after writing the letter, he
described area. The clicking sound clippings enclosed concerning did not know whether it would be of any
might not have been unusual to the dog, "what has been described as a interest to the FBI and decided that
but there is a possibility of sounds on flying disc sighted at Radford, instead of mailing it directly to the
wave lengths discernable only to the Virginia, on May 12,1949." The Bureau at Washington, he would
dog being emitted.' (Note: this ends the FBI agent made it clear in his contact the local agent and turn it over
report of the sighting.) letter that he had not talked to to him if it were thought it would be of
any of the witnesses. interest to the Bureau. Mr stated
"It is to be noted that (the that he has set out the complete details
witness) is a member of the Active • A letter from SAC, New of this incident in his letter and that
USAF Reserve with the rank of Major. Orleans, which informed the there is nothing further that he can add.
He had attained rating of pilot in August Bureau that the Office of Naval He further stated that he is certain this
1941 and has approximately 2200 hours Intelligence had received was not a mirage and that it actually
flying time. During his active duty reports of "single discs" which occurred. No further action is being
period in WW2 he stated that he had had been seen travelling over taken by this office unless specified to
considerable night flying experience in New Orleans on May 18,19, and do so by the Bureau." The letter from
connection with his m i l i t a r y 23. The Navy informed the Mr is as follows:
assignment. The Intelligence Officer in Bureau that Army Intelligence
the above mentioned letter made the had investigated these cases "An incident happened this
foDowing statement. 'An attempt to (which, however, are in the Air afternoon (9/25/49) which after
locate other witnesses in the area or Force file). consideration I felt I should report. I
through the local newspaper proved most certainly do not want this incident
unsuccessful.' • A copy of the official Navy disclosed, as I do not want any publicity
"The above is being furnished report made by Lt. Shell of a concerning it. If you regard it of no
for the information of the Bureau." sighting of several "discs" while special interest to the F.B.I, please
flying in an airplane in southern disregard this correspondence. I was
The preceding report, which is Oregon on May 27. For part of flying from Clark Field to Parkersburg,
listed as unidentified in the Air Force the time the objects were at a W.Va. this afternoon and about four
file, has been presented in full because lower altitude than he and he miles airline, southwest of Parkersburg
of the interesting details (clicking, could see them "outlined against I suddenly noticed a bright yellow
animal reaction) and also because it the bluffs" which were about 10 object coming directly toward me. It
indicates that FBI agents were miles away. The Air Force left came at me with such speed, added to
interested in UFO reports and obtained this case unidentified. my 100 nxp.h. forward speed that it
information for the FBI in spite of startled me and had passed by in a
Hoover's order to avoid UFO • A teletype referring to a sighting matter of a couple of seconds. But it
investigations. Other 1949 cases are as made in Canada which was passed by about 100 feet under my ship
follows: reported to the Air Force in and about 50 feet to my right, and
Nebraska. because of the dark green background
• Teletype report of sightings of the forests below I was able to get a
from Ogden, Logan, and The last 1949 case in the portion very clear outline of the object, and
Trenton, Utah; April 5, 1949; of the FBI file that I have concerns a
initially identified by the Office of pilot sighting in West Virginia. The FBI (Continued on page 15)
I" but as I have said before, in the Los
Angeles Basin area we take what we
can get. Kriese seemed to be a reliable,
balanced individual. He was 18 years
By Ann Druffcl
old and had been a security guard for
about three months. He had a high-
At 1:22 AM on'the morning of displays a maddening penchant for school education, was well-spoken, and
March 6, 1977, Douglas Kriese, a leaving no traces whatsoever. it did not seem that the incident was a
security guard in Sylmar, called Therefore, on the strength of Kriese's hoax or a mistaken identification of any
SKYNET. He had been referred by the statements and his seeming reliability, I kind.
Van Nuys Police Emergency Board. contacted Morrey Allen, another When the object was first seen,
MUFON investigator. We met at the Kriese stated, it was 1:05 AM. The
Mr. Kriese was wide awake site of the reported landing at apparent size was that of a full moon,
(which I was hot). As his excited voice approximately 3:00 AM. and it glowed red-orange as it dropped
described an apple-red UFO which had steeply down out of the sky over the low
landed in a field near his security booth, By the light of flashlights and a hill to the southeast. He lost sight of it
I managed to pull myself awake and pay westerly moon, we poked among the temporarily as it disappeared behind
attention. The object had come down ankle-high mustard weeds which grew one of the plant's large buildings. Since
out of the west over some low hills, lushly in the large, flat field east of the it seemed to be on a landing trajectory,
Kriese stated. He had watched it for glass manufacturing plant which Kriese Kriese walked south through the plant
several minutes. Awed by the sight, he was guarding. His buddy was not property. Through an opening between
had managed to come back to his booth available for interviews, having been buildings, he saw the object sitting on,
and phone the police, in the hope of called away on his regular guard-duty or hovering close to, the field, about 300
getting additional witnesses before the rounds. We made a careful survey of feet from his vantage point. He did not
object decided to leave. Since a UFO the "landing site" and at the same time approach it closer. He felt frightened.
landing does not fall within a an hour-long interview with the witness He could discern a low-pitched hum
policeman's notion of "safeguarding the was recorded. with an accompanying sensation of
public safety," he had been referred to The site was about 200 feet warmth. He stared at it for about 5
SKYNET. north of a low, sloping hill, part of a minutes.
As Kriese talked, he explained system of hills which climb up into the In this aspect, the object was
he could not see the object from his Little Tujunga Canyon area. The "apple-colored" or dark reddish-
booth, since large buildings were affected patch was roughly 15 feet in orange. It was dimly lit by a dull glow,
between him and the adjacent field diameter, and within its irregular which wavered in a peculiar manner
where the object had perched. I asked perimeter were crushed mustard weed. which Kriese had trouble describing.
him to check and see if it was still there. There were no marks of landing gear, The bottom, colored portion was
He returned within a couple of minutes no residue traces, burned patches, etc. roughly the proportions of a "tuna can,"
and told me excitedly the object was no and reflected its dark glow over the
longer there. He couldn't figure out how On the southern portion of the adjacent landscape. On top of the "tuna
it had left without his seeing it. Also, "landing spot" were footprints which can" was a high, transparent dome,
another guard, employed by the same matched the distinctive sole of Kriese's made visible by the light of the bright
private security patrol was with him boots. He stated that he had, indeed, moon. Through the glass-like dome, the
having stopped by for a regular check- stepped over the perimeter at that landscape showed clearly.
in. I suggested he go with his buddy to point. Other partial footprints of the
see if the object had left imprints or same type were found on the eastern Investigator Allen returned to
other traces. Shortly afterward, Kriese section of the site, but Kriese denied the site of the alleged landing the next
called back, rather breathlessly. He and having walked in that area, since I had morning and photographed the circular
his buddy had found a circular place in warned him over the phone not to patch, the battered weeds, and the
the field where the weeds were sparse disturb the spot in any way. There was footprints. In the meantime I had, with
and mashed down. some evidence that a rock and clumps great difficulty, located a geiger counter
It is necessary to interject there of dried, surface soil had been scuffed at a local university, and Ron Olch and
that landing reports are uncommon in around, but there was nothing which Allen checked for radiation at the site.
the Los Angeles area, and even in those would suggest that a blast of air, Readings were background level,
rare cases where a UFO deigns to sit propulsion gases, or anything had normal.
upon our local earth, it almost always disturbed the earth. We gradually became convinced
The landing site did not fall into that the "landing spot" was nothing
12 the category of a first-rate trace case, more than a natural, bare place in the
(California Report, Continued)


r cj&y wii^'-*'i

Sketch by Douglas Kriese

field and that Kriese and his buddy had university. (Readers will wonder at this radiation a noticeable amount of
somehow mashed the sparse weed in point wny such action was taken. The C14 might be produced. So, for
that area in their search for the place presence of abnormal counts of the love of the unknown, let's
where Kriese had seen the object land. Carbon-14 has never before, to my give it a go!"
We felt it was possible that the young knowledge, come up in any Would to God all scientists were
guard had, indeed, witnessed the near investigation of UFO landing sites. as open-minded and helpful!)
approach of an apple-red UFO, as Shortly before the Kriese sighting
described, but failing to find definite occurred, a qualified Carbon-14 dating While the researcher's
marks or imprints which could prove researcher had offered help in any UFO "counters" were clicking away in the
his story, might have manufactured his landing case which might use these carbon-dating lab, we continued
own "traces". services. This researcher had exploring the alleged landing location:
However, Allen did find an L- suggested the following, seemingly The entire area including hill and
shaped swath of wilted vegetation, original, idea. blighted swath were photographed and
mainly mustard weed, which seemed to "What I propose to do is sketched, and the results were
cut afifty-footpath northward from the compare the activity of the C-14 compared with a topographical map
bottom of the low hill over which the found in a standard to a sample obtained from the U.S. Geological
UFO had reportedly flown in its exposed to a UFO. The Survey.
approach toward the field. The swath underlying purpose of this is to About 3 miles due north of the
was in line with the location where detect the presence of a large place where the object reportedly
Kriese saw the object stationary in the thermal neutron discharge, that landed is Lopez dam, an irregularly-
field. Most important, Kriese was not could possibly reflect the energy shaped water reservoir about % mile in
aware of this blighted section, and its source of the craft. As in some length. About 2% miles to the southeast
presence seemed to indicate the . common nuclear energy lies the giant Hansen Dam flood control
possibility that an object, emitting generating modes, thermal basin. About 1/3 mile to the southwest
something which would wilt vegetation, neutrons...are given off in is San Fernando Airport. The incident
had indeed swooped down the hill very varying degrees. C14 is the had occurred at the edge of the
low to the ground. result of the following reaction: populated section of Sylmar. The only
Samples were taken of the [Chemical formula deleted here. residences within a mile on any side
blighted vegetation within the swath. Ed.] Unfortunately, N14 is not a (except for the manufacturing plant) is
The weeds were brown and showed terribly good receptor of a trailer park, but this does not
evidence of bad damage. I sent them to thermal neutrons, but if there 13
a Carbon-14 dating lab at a major are large amounts of this type of (continued on next page)
(California Report, Continued)
overlook the place where Kriese saw
the object land.
Main power lines run parallel to
FoothUl Blvd. (Grant Blvd.) midway
between the airport and the
manufacturing plant. If, indeed, the
object reported by Kriese was a UFO, it
had chosen a place perfectly suited for
privacy, adjacent to the two earth
resources seemingly sought by its
kind — electricity and water.
Sketch by Joe C.
The area was thoroughly
checked for additional witnesses to the Almost a week after the landing which could possibly give some clue to
sighting, but none could be located. report, it was noticed that the the energy source of that particular
However, a young boy who lived in the vegetation in the wilted swath was UFO.
adjacent isolated hills remembered reviving and, indeed, was fresher, In the field of UFO research,
seeing a white object with a glowing red bigger, and more lush than surrounding where nothing is certain, and almost
bottom traveling through daytime skies vegetation. Also at this point, Allen nothing is known, we need all the help
over the area a few days before Kriese's noticed that adjacent areas of we can get.
sighting, and from the same field where vegetation now were becoming
the young guard had seen his object blighted. What this meant was
land. Significantly, this young witness unknown. Was it all a set of
made his report and sketch without circumstances? Was the "blight" and
ever knowing the shape of the object regrowth merely part of the natural life A CLOSE
Kriese had described. (See two cycle of mustard weed? ENCOUNTER
sketches accompanying this article.)
As in so many other UFO cases, OF THE FIRST KIND
Many dozens of hours were put we are left with a dilemma. Was the
in by the three investigators on this object Doug Kriese reported a true By Slava Mach & Ross Redeker
case. Several other researchers in the UFO, making a landing for its own (MUFON Field Investigators)
area contributed advice and unknown purposes in an isolated
consultation. In view of the section on the edge of Sylmar? Or was
contradictory evidence pro and con, the entire incident a hoax or a mistake It was a warm spring evening of
was it merely an exercise in frustration? on his part? April 15,1975, when at exactly 9:23 PM
Was it all for nothing? It is my measured opinion that Ed Handley looked up from his car
something possibly was seen as which he was washing in his front yard
The eagerly-awaited results reported, and that the object hovered driveway in San Jose, California. He
from the carbon-dating lab finally or landed without leaving measurable was attracted by a light in the southwest
arrived. The results of the carbon-14 traces. It is worth putting into the sky, toward Los Gatos, that seemed
counting process showed no distinctive literature because the Kriese case familiar to him, so he thought at first the
numerical value, as compared to points up an entirely new idea and object was moving slowly across the
comparison samples tested. The scientific process which might add to darkening sky between himself and the
results indicated there was no nuclear our knowledge of UFOs in the future. Santa Clara Valley foothills,
activity, especially in the form of perpendicular to his line of sight. He
neutrons in the immediate area of the Some landing traces involve thought it was a Navy P2 Orion from its
blighted swath of vegetation. However, material containing carbon — such as slow speed and bright light.
as our Carbon-14 researcher pointed vegetation, tree limbs, and carcasses of
out, this analysts does not in any way animals. Carbonaceous material Suddenly, it turned at a right
deny the fact that there was a true showing evidence of having been angle and headed straight towards him.
landing or close approach. It was affected by a UFO could be tested for He was really scared by its protruding
merely an attempt to prove one of the abnormal C-14 content according to beam of light pointed toward him, as
many effects that might happen at a the method described above. An well as the ever growing realization that
landing site. abnormal C-14 count found in such this was really not an airplane at all!
materials could indicate the presence of Finally, after 10 to 11 minutes of
14 a large thermal neutron discharge, continuous slow motion it stopped
(Close Encounter, Continued) ask why he did not take a picture, but police first, but with little success. Both
directly over the street in front of his he simply stated his camera was out of of these stalwart community agencies
house. He was so excited by then that film and was normally outfitted for laughed at him, would not take him
he dashed into his house to grab his daylight shots anyway.) In addition to seriously, and even refused to take the
binoculars, while at the same time the glowing disc, red spark-like material information which he offered to give
yelling to his mother to come outside could be seen dropping off the them. So, he went elsewhere, to the
quickly. (Ed works as a science teacher underside of the craft, disappearing Alameda Naval Air Station, in the San
in the San Jose Unified School District about 6 feet down, much like the dying Francisco Bay Area, but they claimed
and previously did not believe in embers of a July fourth skyrocket. But their radar was broken during the time
UFOs.) By the time he got outside this particular brand of fireworks was of his sighting. After calling several
again, the large object had moved absolutely silent! The perfectly white other locations, such as Vandenburg
slightly closer, now directly over his light beam, poking out from the UFO, AFB, Ed just gave up. Finally, there
front lawn. By then a neighbor family of moved up and down forming an arc on a were no physical or emotional effects
five were also outside gaping skyward. circle with a small subtended angle. on either himself or the 6 other
witnesses and no evidence, left at the
The object itself was estimated Finally, a little over 5 minutes site — truly a close encounter of the
by Ed as about 90 feet in diameter, with after the close encounter began, the first kind.
a protruding cabin-like structure rising UFO started to oscillate: Then, within a
no more than 10 feet above the disc very short time, it shot straight up — (Editor's note: This story would still be
shape. Besides the one beam of light disappearing within a matter of buried in Ed's mind but for Dr. J. Allen
pointing out into the night, an orange seconds, last seen as a tiny starlike spot Hynek's guest lecture on UFOs at the
glow was seen around the edges of the in the heavens. University of Santa Clara, January 11,
strange craft. Ed was by then passing After catching his breath, Ed 1978. During the question and answer
his binoculars around to the excited wanted to share his "discovery" with period, Ed came forward and
group. What they saw is depicted in the more than just his neighbors, so he tried
accompanying illustration. (You might to communicate with the press and the (Continued on page 19) :

(FBI Files, Continued)

what I believe is a very accurate I was flying a compass course of The next report in the FBI files is
description. 60 degrees, and the rocket was an official Navy document concerning
Color - bright canary yellow traveling almost west at 240 degrees. several sightings in Kodiak, Alaska in
Length - about 15 to 18 inches January 1950. One of these was a radar-
Diameter - about 4" in the It happened at 2:45 P.M. on the visual sighting. Since it is not found in
largest part above date. the Air Force file I will present it in the
It resembled a rocket, in fact was The visibility was exceptionally next installment, along with the
about the same shape and proportions good, about 30 miles. complete answer to Hoover's March
as the fuselage of a Lockheed Air Force 1950 question "Just what are the facts
X-90. The yellow object looked very re 'flying saucers? A short memo as to
No 'wings but vertical and sharp and clearly outlined because of whether it is true or just what the Air
horizontal fins on rear 1/3 of the rocket. the dark green background. Force etc. think of them."
(To be continued) .
No visible means of propulsion If you will refer to the ^^MMMH^^BBMI^MHHBMHi^BHHI^^I
such as propellor, vapor trail, smoke or Huntington sectional aerial map this
exhaust. object was sighted over a very small REFERENCES
The front of the rocket was very town named Lubeck, which is about 4 52. The Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying
Objects, E.U. Condon, Director. (Bantam Books,
sharp with a needle nose, the needle miles direct (sic) west of South 1969), pg. 894
looked about 6" long and was the size of Parkersburg. 53. National Archives and Records Service,
a lead pencil. It appeared to have spent its Modern Military Branch; Roll 85 of file T1206
(Project Blue Book). 8th and Pennsylvania Ave.,
The rear end was blunt similar to force and seemed to be dropping N.W., Washington. DC. 20408
the rear end of a jet fuselage. slightly as it passed by, or had been fired 54. E.J. Ruppelt, op cit
or launched from a higher altitude than 55. D. Jacobs, op cit
56. Flying Saucers from Outer Space, D.E.
I was flying my ship, a Luscombe the altitude I was flying. Keyhoe, (Holt and Co.. 1953)
8A, NC 144OK, and was traveling 57. FBI document written 1/31/49
about 100 m.p.h. at the time. My wife was with me but she did 58. FBI document written 3/22/49
not see the object, and I did not tell her 59. FBI document written 3/14/49
60. SAC letter #38, series 1949. 3/25/49
I was flying at 3450 ft. above sea of the incident until we landed at 61. Letter dated May 2, 1949 •. »
level at the time. Parkersburg." 63. Letter dated May 13, 1949 1D



Morning Session

8:00 - 9:00 AM Registration and Exhibits

9:00 - 9:10 AM "Welcome to the 9th Annual MUFON UFO Symposium", Richard L. Hoffman, Dayton, Ohio,
MUFON State Section Director and OUFOIL, Ohio UFO Investigators League
9:10 - 9:20 AM "Greetings from the Mutual UFO Network, Inc.", Walter H. Andrus, Jr., Seguin, Texas,
International Director of MUFON
9:20 - 10:20 AM " 1967: The Overlooked UFO Wave and the Colorado Project". Richard H. Hall, Brentwood,
Maryland, Editor, The MUFON UFO JOURNAL and International Coordinator
10:20 - 10:40 AM Coffee Break
10:40 AM - 12:30 PM "Retrievals of the Third Kind" -- A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military
Custody. Leonard H. Stringfield, Cincinnati, Ohio, MUFON Director of Public Relations
12:30 - 2:00 PM Lunch (place of your choice) Private Amateur Radio Luncheon, Joseph Santangelo, N1JS,
Waltham, Mass., Moderator. Private MUFON Consultants Luncheon, Willard P. Armstrong,
Ph.D., St. Louis, Mo., Moderator

Afternoon Session
2:00 - 3:00 PM "A Survey of CEIII Reports for 1977". Ted Bloecher, New York, NY, Co-Chairman of
MUFON Humanoid Study Group and State Section Director for NY
3:00 - 4:00 PM "Behind the UFO Secrecy". Major Donald E. Keyhoe (USMC, Ret.) Luray, Virginia, Former
Director of NICAP and author of numerous UFO books.
4:00-4:15PM Coffee Break
4:15 - 5:15 PM SPECIALIZATION WORKSHOPS, and Moderators, Rooms to be announced:
1. "Field Investigative Techniques" - Joe Santangelo, Waltham, MA, MUFON State
Director for Massachusetts
2. "The Humanoid Catalog" - Ted Bloecher, New York
3. "UFO Reports from Africa" - Mrs. Cynthia Hind, Salisbury, Rhodesia, MUFON
Representative for Rhodesia
4. "UFO Photographic Analysis" - Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., Silver Spring, Maryland,
MUFON State Director for Maryland
5:15 - 6:00 PM Free time for visiting
6:00 - 8:00 PM Dinner (place of your choice)
6:00 - 7:30 PM Private Dinner for the Speakers, Moderators and Host Committee (By invitation only)
Stouffer's Plaza Hotel
Evening Session
8:00 - 9:30 PM "UFOs As a Space-Time Singularity". Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Evanston, IL, Director of Center
for UFO Studies and former Scientific Consultant to USAF on UFOs.
9:30 - 10:30 PM CRITIQUE -- With Questions and Answer Session Featuring Symposium Speakers and
Specialization Workshop Moderators.
Moderator: Larry Moyers, Akron, Ohio, MUFON State Director for Ohio
By Ann Druffel

(Material edited from MUFON reports The object was a double triangle driving, meanwhile trying to determine
submitted by Harold Fulton, Fulton's with curved apexes intersecting each what it was. "I thought of some
addendums, and article from Evening other (see witness* sketch).1 The electrical fault in the car somewhere or
Standard, Monday, Sept. 19, 1977) interiors of the triangles were dark, but maybe a reflection, but the car was still
the edges were glowing bright orange. running normally, the dash gauges were
Reports received from Harold "It would move slowly from left and operating as normal , and so no
Fulton, New Zealand Director for then to the right. The frames of the reflection was produced from the car. I
MUFON, indicate considerable recent triangles would sparkle like something slowed down the get a good
UFO activity in the Rongotea, does when it gets an electric shock," look at it because the object was so
Palmerston North, Havelock North stated Miss Lovejoy. It disappeared simple, clear, bright and close," she
and Foxton Beach Areas. from view after 2 minutes as she wrote on her MUFON sighting form.
approached Rongotea township. She She estimated the UFO was only about
A sighting of special interest did not see the manner of its 20 feet from the rear of her car at its
occurred on September 17-18, 1977 at disappearance. She returned her eyes closest point.2
12:15 AM when an 18-year-old woman, to the road momentarily, and when she Upon arriving at Rongotea, she
Wendy Lovejoy, watched a UFO of glanced back again for the fourth time it examined the car carefully, but could
unusual configuration following her car was gone. see no effects from the close encounter.
for about 2 minutes. Miss Lovejoy was Harold Fulton, who conducted However, she herself felt "unwell" for
driving northeast along Rongotea Road an intense investigation into the case, two days afterward, possibly a result of
toward the township of the same name was impressed with the good sense and shock and excitement.
when she noticed the object shining in coolness displayed by the witness.
her rear view mirror and continued Although she was somewhat frightened (Continued on next page)
driving, afraid to stop. by the odd object, she continued

SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1978

9:00 - 12:00 Noon MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, INC. Annual Cooperate Meeting. MUFON members only -
Walter Andrus, International Director Presiding ..
12:00 - 2:00 PM Lunch (place of your choice)
Afternoon Session
2:00 - 4:30 PM "Revisiting the Major Close Encounter Cases for 1972 through 1976". Walter H. Andrus, Jr.,
MUFON International Director and Mrs. Jennie Zeidman, Columbus, Ohio, MUFON Field
Investigator. (The public is invited to all sessions)


Individual price of each of the four sessions is $3.50. A package price of $12.00 is offered for advanced registration for all
four sessions.
Hotel reservations may be secured from Stouffer's Dayton Plaza Hotel by calling 1-513/224-0800. Please advise them that you
are attending the MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM. .
P.O. Box 544, Forest Park Branch
Dayton, Ohio, 45405 17
Make checks payable to OUFOIL
(New Zealand, Continued)

"/<KI iTiiu 11iTTTI*,iit ii\tiiill"* September 7, 1977 UFO

UFO Paced Car

No apparent size was given for investigation by authorities the incident witnesses' sketch)
the object, but it was seen against the was never satisfactorily explained. Fhe object was traveling the
background of an overcast sky. The same direction as the car, on the right-
clearcut shape and clouded sky Fulton pointed out that 11,000 hand side. It was viewed for 5 to 8
preclude any astronomical interpre- volt power feeder lines have a T- minutes. At one point the driver of the
tation. Also, in Mr. Fulton's opinion, no Junction at the Hammonds-Rongotea car stopped the vehicle and turned the
other ordinary explanation seems Road intersection. motor off, but no noise could be
tenable. Earlier on September 17, at 7:56 detected from the object. No
Although this is a one-witness AM, a 50-year-old man and a neighbor interference with headlights, etc., was
sighting, possible corroboration exists woman viewed a red object which noticed.
in an earlier sighting on September seemed to be about a mile away, over The object continued its
17th, when a Palmerston North the dune country north of the southerly flight at a constant speed, and
motorcyclist, Mark Kennard, spotted Manawatu river-mouth. It "poised" for the driver restarted the car and
an orange-colored object above 7 full minutes, stationary and silent. The continued driving. At all times the
Manawatu at 10:00 PM. He watched it witnesses thought at first it might be a object was viewed at about 35 degree
for about 10 seconds before losing sight h e l i c o p t e r , but discarded the elevation. No apparent size or
of it as he traveled on his cycle. He explanation due to a lack of engine estimated distance was given for the
could not determine if the object was noise and also because helicopters do object, but it burned brightly and
moving or stationary. It was apparently not normally fly in that area after dark. clearly. One of the family stated, "It
too far away from the witness for him to reminded me of a magnesium strip
notice any definite shape, but he Fulton also reports on a brilliant burning closeup."
described it as definitely ususual. "hot-blue" glowing object seen by five
members of a family traveling by car on
September 7,1977. The witnesses were 1. Fulton writes, "I seem to recall a sighting in the
A possibly important aspect of
past of somewhat similar configuration, but
the Lovejoy sighting is pointed up by driving south of Havelock North at cannot place it at present."
Fulton. Miss Lovejoy had sighted the about 9:40 PM when they viewed an 2. Since the object paced the car so closely, we
UFO only 4 miles from unusual power elongated, solid-appearing object might wonder why no interference with the
engine, headlights, etc. occurred. James
like breaks on Kellows Line in January moving in the sky parallel to the road. A McCampbell has cited recent research which
1977. Three copper unsheathed power brilliant concentration of hot-bluish indicates that electrical interference with motor
lines had apparently been stretch- light from the leading edge seemed to vehicles seems to occur only when the UFO is
reflect off the rest of the body. The directly in front of or very near the engine. Was
broken simultaneously, and despite Miss Lovejoy driving a front-engine car? (AD)
definite cigar-like shape could be seen
18 at times through the glow. (See
Lucius Parish

In Others' Words

An Italian case involving seven One of the n e w s s t a n d FLYING OBJECTS by Jim Collins
witnesses to a landed UFO and publications on UFOs, ARGOSY (Raintree Publishers Ltd./205 West
occupant is featured in the February 21 UFO, is now defunct. The publishing Highland Avenue/Milwaukee, WI
issue of NATIONAL ENQUIRER. schedule had recently been changed to 53202; $6.60). Both books present
According to the witnesses' testimony, bi-annually, due to poor sales figures. summaries of the UFO subject and
the being seemed to be attempting ARGOSY UFO carried some good both are well illustrated with photos and
communication with them via a code- material in some of its issues, so it is drawings.
like rhythm of its orange-flashing u n f o r t u n a t e that it is ceasing Recent paperbacks include:
"eyes." An extremely interesting claim. publication. As a contributor to the UFOs AND ANTI-GRAVITY by Bruce
The February 28 ENQUIRER reported magazine on a couple of occasions, I L. Cathie and Peter N. Temm
on UFO sightings along a beach in could say nothing favorable about their (Stackpole Books/Cameron & Kelker
Puerto Rico, where objects allegedly payment policies, but on comparing the Streets/Harrisburg, PA 17105; $6.95);
entered and left the water several times. contents of their issues with the THE WALTON EXPERIENCE by
Despite the Air Force's "Official garbage being published by some of the Travis Walton (Berkley Publishing
position" on UFOs, the Air Force other magazines, their demise Corp./200 Madison Ave./New York,
Academy library has one of the largest represents a loss to UFO literature in NY 10016; $1.95); THE SPACE-GODS
collections of UFO books, according to general. REVEALED by Ronald Story (Harper
an article in the March 14 ENQUIRER. While it is usually not my & Row/10 East 53rd st./New York, NY
function to review films or TV 10022; $1.75); ALIEN MEETINGS by
UFO research groups are vying programs, I think perhaps a few words Brad Stei^er (Ace Books/1120 Avenue
for federal funds for continued (and about the new TV series, "Project of the Americas/New York, NY 10036;
improved) investigations, according to U.F.O.," are in order. I was not very $1.95). The Cathie and Temm book is
the February 14 issue of THE STAR. impressed with the first episode, as the the American edition of HARMONIC
With NASA bowing out of the UFO Air Force "explanations" were too 695, presenting Cathie's theories of a
p i c t u r e and w i t h no public much in evidence. Also, the elements of world-wide "power grid" being used by
governmental investigations being various cases are so thoroughly mixed UFOs.
conducted, the UFO organizations feel together that no single UFO incident is
they should be given government funds recognizable. But, perhaps the most
if they are to make any headway. unacceptable aspect of the series is the
Perhaps, but this is another of those totally false impression that the Blue
"don't hold your breath until..." Book personnel performed their jobs in
situations! Melinda Dillon, co-star of a thorough and competent manner. (Close Encounter, from p. 16)
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind," That suggestion alone would place
tells of her own UFO sighting at her "Project U.F.O." in the science-fiction recounted the brief version of his
home in Malibu, California, in the category! Even so, despite my sighting. Following the meeting
February 21 issue of THE STAR. The complaints, the program is not all bad. MUFON immediately made contact,
March 7 issue presents the predictions The second episode showed promise, resulting in this story, derived from a 2
of ten psychics, all of whom predict a so perhaps some good will come from hour taped interview.)
new wave of UFO events in 1978. Ho the concept of having UFO cases (even
hum! dramatized ones) on prime-time TV.
The April issue of FATE
contains Part 1 of Ann Druffel's very Two recent hardcover books for
interesting article on a UFO witness j u v e n i l e readers are THOSE
who suffered a strange disease MYSTERIOUS UFOs by David C.
following his "close encounters" with Knight (Parents' Magazine Press/52
UFOs and their occupants. Part 2 will Vanderbilt Ave./New York, NY 10017;
be in the May issue. price not given) and UNIDENTIFIED 19
Walt Andrus
"If you have a close encounter Gary Graber, Co-State Directors for these exciting events. On Sunday
call the KONO *UFO hotline Iowa, have selected Donald A. Curtis, afternoon from 2:00 to 4:30 PM, Walt
226-UFOs. 24 hours a day, strictly 3039 Mahaska Avenue, Des Moines, Andrus will present a slide illustrated
confidential, all calls handed over to the Iowa 50317 to cover Polk and Warren lecture titled "Revisiting the Major
Mutual UFO Network. Listen to counties to replace Dr. Desmond H. Close Encounter Cases for 1972
KONO 860 (AM) for more details! *In Bragg, whose added duties as a through 1976" in which each participant
cooperation with MUFON, Worldwide Department Head at Drake University will have the opportunity of being at the
Mutual UFO Network" This is the have prevented him from devoting the scene of the close encounter and being
wording of a 6 x 10 inch illustrated ad in time to UFO research which he felt it exposed to facts not readily available to
the April 11, 1978, issue of the San needed. UFO researchers. It will have its
Antonio, Texas, News. This is in Edwin E. Bailey, formerly State maximum appeal to the general public.
addition to five per day 3-minute Section Director for Wayne and Pike Mrs. Jennie Zeidman of Columbus,
commercials done in very good taste c o u n t i e s has r e v i t a l i z e d his Ohio, may narrate the Lawrence
explaining close encounters of the first, investigative unit in northeast Coyne helicopter case which is a part of
second, third, and fourth kinds. It is Pennsylvania and has assumed the res- this presentation. It will span the period
t r e a t e d as a p u b l i c service ponsibility for the additional counties of starting with the Delphos, Kansas,
announcement by the radio station, but Lackawana, Susquehanna, and landing trace case and concluding with
in reality is a fantastic public relations Monroe. Ed resides at 187 Grandview the abduction of the three women in
and membership promotion for Avenue, Honesdale, PA 18431; Stanford, Kentucky.
MUFON. Every hour a short telephone (717) 253-5933. He is to be
announcement about the UFO Hotline highly commended for his personal UFO NEWSCLIPPING
is presented "live" by the announcer on vitality in providing the essential SERVICE
duty. leadership in this area. As an example,
This type of enthusiasm has at his first reorganization meeting, he The UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
been generated by Bill Dante, processed twenty-two new applicants will keep you informed of all the latest
Operations Manager for radio station and renewed two former members. United States and World-Wide UFO
KONO and MUFON's State Section Robert M. Hipp, State Director for activity, as it happens! Our service was
started in 1969, at which time we
Director for Bexar County. As the calls Pennsylvania and your director are c o n t r a c t e d with a reputable
are recorded daily, they are transmitted very proud of Ed's accomplishments. international newspaper-clipping
to MUFON by Lee Woods for This is a challenge to other State bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
immediate investigation. Robert Section Directors by Ed Bailey to find UFO reports (i.e., little known
photographic cases, close encounter
Morgan, Field Investigator in San duplicate his performance. MUFON's and landing reports, occupant cases)
Antonio, investigates the calls within unique organization structure not only and all other UFO reports, many of
Bexar County while the remainder in encourages local groups to set up which are carried only in small town or
south Texas are checked out by investigative teams, but is a foreign newspapers.
"Our UFO Newsclipping Service
MUFON from Seguin. As new State motivational factor that other UFO
issues are 20-page monthly reports,
Section Directors for other south organizations have not recognized for reproduced by photo-offset,
Texas counties are secured, they will strong and healthy growth. containing the latest United States and
share in these investigations. Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
The upcoming MUFON UFO our foreign section carrying the latest
British, Australian, New Zealand and
New State Section Directors SYMPOSIUM in Dayton, Ohio, on July other foreign press reports, Also
appointed throughout the U.S.A. this 29 and 30, 1978 should be our finest, included is a 3-5 page section of
past month are Daniel F. Palmieri, 58 based upon the high caliber of speakers "Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfoot and
Elm Street, Milford, NH 03055 for and their subjects. Leonard other "monster" reports). Let us keep
you informed of the latest happenings
Hillsborough County, replacing "Chip" Stringficld's talk titled "Retrievals of in the UFO and Fortean fields,"
Hawyard. David R. Gwartney, P.O. The Third Kind"-A case Study of For subscription information and
Box 1613, Cody, Wyoming 82414 has alleged UFOs and Occupants in sample pages from our service, write
volunteered to serve as State Section Military Custody may be the most today to:
Director for Park County. David has significant disclosure ever made, as he UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
been an amateur astronomer for presents substantial facts that eliminate Route 1 — Box 220
twenty years. Forrest R. Lundberg and the many rumors, which have cloaked Plumerville, Arkansas 72127

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