Software Requirements Specification

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To be prepared and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of MCA VIth Semester

Submitted To LNMCBM



Submitted b" S&AISTA &A'(E NA)IA

#ro$e%t I*V*LAL


1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Reference

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Product Function 2.3 User Characteristics 2.4 eneral Constraints

3. Specific Re!uire"ents
3.1 #$ternal Interface Re!uire"ents 3.1.2 #$ternal Interfaces 3.2 Functional Re!uire"ents 3.3 %on Functional Re!uire"ents 3.3.1 Securit& 3.3.2 Porta'ilit& 3.4 Perfor"ance Re!uire"ents 3.( )o*ical Data'ase Re!uire"ents

4. Docu"ent +pproval


The current system that is working is manual one. So it is cumbersome, slow, and sometime unreliable as well .It cannot be easily manipulated and can be easily tempered. Also the software which is available is hard to operate by individual who have no knowledge of computer. So the software which we are developing can be easily understood. So it is user friendly and can run easily on cheap hardware which is easily available on software Platform. It increases accuracy and dependability of the system. It is assumed software that we are developing would be widely appreciated by various organizations. hich are thinking of computerizing their operation. Its simplicity and dependability is the greatest advantage. Another advantage of the software is that it can be modified further according to the increasing need of the user.

,*, #(R#+SE
The purpose of this pro!ect is """ . One of the most important uses of computers is an aid to users and administrators. This DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM helps scholars to do all information flows and communicate immediately, which saves a lot of time in doing paperwork. This report covers all information about working of the project and their benefits. In the information chapter all the information about the project is given. This chapter also inform about the platform on which the project has been developed. System analysis describes existing system, proposed system according to the needs and the feasibility. System testing informs about the testing module of the system, by which system has been tested after testing implementation describes how the user will interact with the system. In the input output screen layout input and the output are given, which is important to ensure that the results obtained from this project are correct and reliable. The next chapter about the scope of development indicates the benefits of the project.

,*- SC+#E
As the scope of the pro!ect is much large, It is very important in case of this organization where internet connection is not available. The future scope of this pro!ect is large# this pro!ect can be developed with oracle back ground and implementing nested table also.It can also be added to this engine in the form of a $uiz. The $uiz can be designed in a effective manner which can assess the knowledge gained by the student much accurately and the result can be further be used to enhance the contents of the website.


%. Internet &. An Integrated Approach to Software 'ngineering " ()*IT +*,(A-A .. Software 'ngineering " Pressman


/istance 0earning system will give an e1tra spin to train the employee2s through networking and communication technology. This innovation will give many benefited to organization in training the employees. It is user" friendly pro!ects were user could work in there own place and in convenient time. This system mainly consists three different roles. )rganizer3 4onitors the whole system. Administrator3 Send response to the employee and maintains repository. Thus the pro!ect category is Internet and RDBMS.

-*, #rodu%t #erspe%ti0e

This product can be used as an engine to computerize any of the sub!ects of any organization. The basic model supports 4acromedia 5lash 46 movie clips which can be used to animate any sort of educational contents in a interactive manner. The movie clips developed using this software can be delivered at much speed on internet. The assessment of the knowledge delivered can also be added to this engine in the form of a $uiz. The $uiz can be designed in a effective manner which can assess the knowledge gained by the student much accurately and the result can be further be used to enhance the contents of the website.

-*-#rodu%t /un%tions Functions

%. 0ogin 4odule &. Administration 4odule Lo1in Module2 0ogin module deals with the user re$uests from web browser and processes these re$uests to produce the account in the server end. . This module is responsible for searching the database to collect the multimedia of the selected topic and send it to the browser. This module would take care of the layout in which the information is to be presented to the user. The user can re$uest for login, re$uest for books,re$uest for e1aml.

+d"inistrator "odule
This actor is a second and final authority of the system. The role of this actor is to monitor the re$uest from the employee. This actor also has the responsibility to follow the orders of the organizer. This actor is responsible to update the repository.


To use this product the user must have following knowledge and $ualification. Edu%ational 'ualifi%ation2 There are different kinds of user which has different educational

$ualification according to their level. 5or ,ser 3 ,ser must have knowledge of computer and Internet. 5or Administration Staff3 Admin staff also must have knowledge of computers and Internet. Therefore there is no need of technical /egree but as the level of accessing the product ,ser must have few idea in computer and Internet.



-*3*, &ard4are Limitation2 The hardware 0imitation for the end user are 3 There should be internet connection (A4 should be atleast &78 49

-*3*- Soft4are Limitation2 The hardware 0imitation for the end user are 3 There should be any software compatible web browser such as Intenet '1plorer : netscape navigator to use this product

";There should be an operating System which must be capable to run this product< indows 6P: indows =ista etc> -*3*. Safet" and Se%urit" Consideration2 It will provide security features, such as provision of passwords and access permissions. System must provide the facility for secure login of the administrator into the system. Administrator is the person who manages the website and adds ? updates multimedia information about topics and other details to the website.

And Many Mo e!!"

.* Spe%ifi% Requirements
3.1 #$ternal Interface Re!uire"ents, This section contains all the software requirements at the level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design a system to satisfy those requirements and the tester to that the system satisfies those requirements. 3.1.1 #$ternal Intefaces, It contains a detailed description of all inputs into and output from the software system.It contents following:

(ser #ro%ess2 ,ser process interacts with student as follows3 Request for lo1in 3 ,nder this re$uest the process takes login@I/ and password as input checks if it is valid and also checks the validity period. If the password is valid is not e1pired yet then student is allowed to access the contents of the sub!ect re$uested . Request for 4eb pa1e 3 ,nder this re$uest the process checks whether the web page is access protected or not if the re$uested page is protected then process would check whether the student is logged in or not, if he:she is logged in then the level of access is checked whether the page is for student or not, if all these checks allow the access then the page is send to the student. Request for topi% 3 The topic is searched in the database and send to the student if the student has logged in. The topics are self interactive and most of the interaction is handled by the swf file of the topic. If the there is a need of interaction handling from server side then it is handled by this process itself.

Administrator #ro%ess2 Administrator processes interacts with administrator as follows3 Site map 3 Site map contains complete structure of the website, it is received from the administrator and is stored in the site@details database table. (ser Membership details2 These details are received from administrator and are stored in the student@details database table, which is used by the student process for validation of login purpose. Confirmation /or Membership Re1istration2 membership registration confirmation is send administrator from web server by this process. Student to the

/eedba%5 /rom (ser2 5eedback from student is very important issue, these feedbacks are stored in student@messages database table, and are used by the administrator to find out areas of improvements for the website and its content.

Content Desi1ner #ro%ess2 Aontent /esigner process interacts with content designer as follows3 Sub$e%t details2 Sub!ect information of the sub!ects covered is received from content designer, and it is stored in sub!ect@details database table. Topi% details2 Topic information of the topics covered is received from content designer, and it is stored in topic@details database table.

Se%tion details2 Section information of the sections covered is received from content designer, and it is stored in section@details database table. Mo0ie %lips2 4ovie clips of topics are received from content designer, and they are stored in movie@clips database table. Te6t files2 Te1t files of topics e1planation are received from content designer, and they are stored in te1t@files database table.

Re#o ts $ene ation%

The reports generated by the system are described below3 ,* (ser Membership report These reports are to be used by the administrators for the purpose of analyzing the current student membership status. The validity periods of the login@Id and passwords can be checked by this report. -* (pdation Details Reports These reports are to be used by the administrators for the purpose of tracking the changes in the website contents. These reports can be used in future to check the updation errors. .* (ser Reports These reports are to be used by the administrators for analyzing the feedback from the students , and also the $ueries of the ,sers about the contents of the website. 5urther these messages can be used to solve the students problem online. 3* Administrator Reports These reports are to be used by the administrators to check which messages are send to the students for solving a problem in many steps.

.*- /un%tional Requirements

5unctional re$uirements define the fundamental access that must take place in the software in accepting and processing the inputs and in processing and generating the outputs.

Student #ro%ess2 Student process interacts with student as follows3 Request for lo1in 3 ,nder this re$uest the process takes login@I/ and password as input checks if it is valid and also checks the validity period. If the password is valid is not e1pired yet then student is allowed to access the contents of the sub!ect re$uested . Request for 4eb pa1e 3 ,nder this re$uest the process checks whether the web page is access protected or not if the re$uested page is protected then process would check whether the student is logged in or not, if he:she is logged in then the level of access is checked whether the page is for student or not, if all these checks allow the access then the page is send to the student. Request for topi% 3 The topic is searched in the database and send to the student if the student has logged in. The topics are self interactive and most of the interaction is handled by the swf file of the topic. If the there is a need of interaction handling from server side then it is handled by this process itself.

Administrator #ro%ess2 Administrator processes interacts with administrator as follows3 Site map 3 Site map contains complete structure of the website, it is received from the administrator and is stored in the site@details database table. Student Membership details2 These details are received from administrator and are stored in the student@details database table, which is used by the student process for validation of login purpose.

Confirmation /or Membership Re1istration2 membership registration confirmation is send administrator from web server by this process

Student to the

/eedba%5 /rom Student2 5eedback from student is very important issue, these feedbacks are stored in student@messages database table, and are used by the administrator to find out areas of improvements for the website and its content.

Content Desi1ner #ro%ess2 Aontent /esigner process interacts with content designer as follows3 Sub$e%t details2 Sub!ect information of the sub!ects covered is received from content designer, and it is stored in sub!ect@details database table. Topi% details2 Topic information of the topics covered is received from content designer, and it is stored in topic@details database table.

Se%tion details2 Section information of the sections covered is received from content designer, and it is stored in section@details database table. Mo0ie %lips2 4ovie clips of topics are received from content designer, and they are stored in movie@clips database table. Te6t files2 Te1t files of topics e1planation are received from content designer, and they are stored in te1t@files database table.

Re#o ts $ene ation%

The reports generated by the system are described below3 (sers Membership report These reports are to be used by the administrators for the purpose of analyzing the current student membership status. The validity periods of the login@Id and passwords can be checked by this report. (pdation Details Reports These reports are to be used by the administrators for the purpose of tracking the changes in the website contents. These reports can be used in future to check the updation errors.

Students Mail Reports

These reports are to be used by the administrators for analyzing the feedback from the students , and also the $ueries of the students about the contents of the website. 5urther these messages can be used to solve the students problem online. Administrator Mail Reports These reports are to be used by the administrators to check which messages are send to the students for solving a problem in many steps.

3.3 %on Functional Re!uire"ents

3.3.1 Securit&
It will provide security features, such as provision of passwords and access permissions. System must provide the facility for secure login of the administrator into the system. Administrator is the person who manages the website and adds ? updates multimedia information about topics and other details to the website.

3.3.2 Porta'ilit&
It will provide portability feature ,such we can run this software on any kind of plate form because it is totally designed in !ava script and !ava 0anguage.

.*3#erforman%e Requirements
It Specifies both dynamic and static numerical requirements. Static mumerical requirement includes: 1. %u"'er of ter"inals it support
9asically this system is designed for internet user who have valid account to access this site. It can support large number of system simultaneous.

2. %u"'er of Si"ultaneous user to 'e supported Actually this system is a web site so it can supported hundreds of user simultaneously.

4. Docu"ent +pproval
Approver2s -ame Signature /ate

Too&s'P&at(o )s* +a d,a e - So(t,a e Re.ui e)ents

+peratin1 S"stem2 Lan1ua1es2 Tools2 Database2 7eb Ser0er2 7eb Bro4ser2 #ro%essor2 Speed2 RAM2 7indo4s 8# 9AVA Ma%romedia /lash M8: Animation shop +RACLE LASS/IS& SERVER MS Internet E6plorer #entium IV or ;;< M&= or abo0e -;> MB or abo0e for Ser0er: >3 MB for %lient

Data Flow Diagram:

Topic "ontents

Admin sg Info

Administrator! essages
sg Data
ovie "lips Info

Student Student essages

ovie "lips

&eb 'age

Student Process ovie!"lips


Student Details Info

%equest For Topic

Site Details Info

%equest for &eb 'age

Student!details Static!Images

$ogin %equest


Deliverable "ontents

"ontents Info

"onfirmation For embership %egistration



Student Details Data

Feedbac) From Student embers


Te#t Files Info

(pdation Details Site Details Data

Te#t Files Data

Administrator! essages Student essages Te#t files

Site ap Data Student assage Input


+d"inistrator Process Admin sg

Student embership Details

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